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Fabian Brinkmann edited this page Jul 16, 2022 · 4 revisions

Functions for processing input for Mesh2HRTF and output from Mesh2HRTF are contained in the Mesh2HRTF API. It is currently available for Python and Matlab/Octave. The functions have identical names in both cases.

The Python functions are documented here. They currently contain more functionality and offer a better modularization. The Matlab functions are documented through their headers. Here is a brief overview of the API (x: not available)

Function Purpose Python Matlab Comment
output2hrtf compute HRTFs/HRIRs from NumCalc output x x
reference_hrtf Reference HRTF to sound pressure at center of head x part of output2hrtf in Matlab API
compute_hrir Compute HRIRs from HRTFs x part of output2hrtf in Matlab API
outputs2hrtfs as output2hrtf, but can handle multiple projects x x
outputs2trash Delete NumCalc output (can be large) x Part of outputs2hrtfs in the Matlab API
write_output_report Check and report computation time and errors in the NumCalc output x x
inspect_sofa_files Plot final HRTFs/HRIRs x Can be done with SOFA API in Matlab
merge_sofa_files Merge SOFA files from multiple projects x x
num_alc_manager Automatic close to optimal parallelization of NumCalc calculations x
run_numcalc_manager Script version of numcalc_manager that can be run from the command line x
read_evaluation_grid Read evaluation grid x x
write_evaluation_grid Write evaluation grid x x
write_material Write acoustic boundary condition to material file x x
output2vtk Export pressure on 3D mesh for visualization in ParaView x x
ncdata2vtk Export pressure on the evaluation grid for visualization in ParaView x Can partly be done with inspect_sofa_files in Python