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Alba Yerro edited this page Sep 2, 2024 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the Anura3D_Workshop wiki!


General Information

This short course is an introduction to the Material Point Method (MPM) through the use of Anura3D Software, geared towards new users of MPM software. The course instructors are from the Anura3D Research Community: Abdel Alsardi and Jonathan Moore.

You can register here or using the same link as the MPM workshop registration ( The short course is limited to a maximum of 20 participants, on a first-come first-served basis. Registering for the MPM worskshop does NOT automatically register you for the Anura3D Short Course.

When & Where

The Anura3D workshop will be held on September 6th 2024 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm (PT) in Room #539 Davis Hall at UC Berkeley, CA, the main building for the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. It takes about a 20-minute walk from the MPM workshop venue.


Participants must provide their own laptop with Windows 10 (or newer) and have the ability to install software on the laptop. Detailed installation requirements will be sent to the registered participants before the short course. Additional information about the installation requirements can be found in the tutorial manual in the documents section of the Anura3D Github page:

See more information and register for the workshop here:

Workshop Links

This section of the page is still in progress. Check back later for more updates. Below are works in progress...

Powerpoint link


Colab notebook link

We will be using "Colab" to run and plot an oedometer problem vs. Terzaghi's analytical solution
Colab link

Requirements for following along with the examples

GiD and Paraview will be required for the workshop. The instructions to download and set up both can be found in the Anura3D tutorial manual. The The tutorial manual is available here for download. The instructions for GiD can be found in the first part of Chapter 2. The instructions for downloading paraview can be found in chapter 2.5.


GiD will be used to generate the structure of the models and to generate the input files for Anura3D. For convenience, some of the links that are needed to get started with GiD are duplicated from the tutorial manual here:

  • GiD Simulation Download page: link
  • GiD Simulation Temp. license: link


Paraview will be used to view some of the output of the Anura3D simulation.

  • Paraview Download page: link

Requirements for compiling Anura3D

To participate in compiling Anura3D on your own computer, the following are required:

NOTE: The tutorial manual suggests to install the entire Intel OneApi toolbox this isn't necessary. The Intel Fortran Compiler alone is sufficient.