Prism 2 Illustrator Plugin
- Download the zip file of the repository.
- Unzip the Illustrator folder (the one next to readme, gitignore, etc.) to %programdata%\Prism2\Plugins.
- Restart Prism.
- Go to settings>DCC apps>Illustrator.
- Click add.
- Done!, now you can connect using the options menu on on the project browser>Illustrator>Connect.
- You can connect to an oppened illustrator instance or it will open one for you.
- Illustrator files are recognized in the Project Browser.
- Files can be added to the pipeline by using "create new version from current from the app's projec browser.
- Versioning files with or without comments.
- Drag and drop images from the media browser.
- Export and version images to media products.
- Export and version vector files and psd files to products, to switch between the two just tick the "product" checkbox on the Export dialog.
- In rare occasions it can lose the active document, in which case you can close the document and open it again from the project browser.
- There is an installation bug in which the scripts are not copyed to the correct folder in all installations, I'll look into it.