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130 lines (105 loc) · 11.7 KB

Change log since first stable release (v1.0)

v1.3.1 - 2024-10-24


  • GenomeDataset
    • There was a bug with fragmenting single-scaffold genomes. If the fragment size created a sub-scaffold fragment that only contained 1 protein, this will lead to an error when creating the edge index since this genome was not originally multi-scaffold.
    • The dataset now keeps track of if fragmentation occurred to allow either multi-scaffold genomes or fragmented genomes to have a scaffold or fragment with 1 protein.

v1.3.0 - 2024-10-23


  • pst graphify now adds information about a multi-scaffold genomes to the graph-formatted h5 file.
    • Datasets where there are multi-scaffold genomes will have the genome_label field in the h5 file.
    • This also can take in a tsv file of FASTA/ESM file pairs to individually convert each pair to a dataset before merging them all into a single h5 file. This is probably most useful for a directory of MAGs embed individually.
  • GenomeDataset
    • To keep track of multi-scaffold genomes more explicitly, there are 2 new attributes called genome_is_multiscaffold and scaffold_part_of_multiscaffold.
      • These adhere to the new feature-level explicit attributes names, so genome_is_multiscaffold is a boolean tensor of shape [num_genomes] where True means the genome contains multiple scaffolds. scaffold_part_of_multiscaffold is an expanded version that labels each scaffold as belonging to a multi-scaffold genome or not.
    • Added properties that compute the number of proteins, scaffolds, and genomes. They are all named .num_X where X is either "proteins", "scaffolds", or "genomes".
      • Further, .num_proteins_per_genome returns a tensor of shape [num_genomes] that totals all proteins from all scaffolds for each genome


  • GenomeDataset
    • All major attributes of this class were renamed to be prefixed with either protein, scaffold, or genome to indicate what biological level the internal tensors referred to.
      • For example, previously the protein embedings were stored in the data field and are now stored in the protein_data field.
      • Further, these prefixes indicate the expected shape of each tensor.
      • Properties were added to point old names to these new fields for backwards compatibility. These are all deprecated, which will be indicated in an IDE and at runtime if these are used.
      • Likewise, registered features must be labeled as either "protein", "scaffold", or "genome" and be the correct shape.
    • Modified reading data from the source graph-formatted h5 file
      • The only required fields are data, sizes, and strand, which refer to the stacked protein embeddings, number of proteins per scaffold, and the strand of each protein, respectively.
      • Other "top-level" attributes in the h5 file are ptr, scaffold_label, and genome_label, which refer to the CSR index pointer for random access of all protein embeddings from a source scaffold, the per-scaffold IDs (not generally useful for users to set this), and the per-scaffold genome IDs (for multi-scaffold genomes), respectively.
        • These will be loaded into direct attributes on the dataset object if present. Otherwise, they will be computed (ptr) or set to default values (genome_label and scaffold_label). For example, the ptr field will be stored in the .scaffold_ptr attribute.
      • All other arrays in the h5 file will be treated as registered features. There are now 2 options to set this up in the h5 file:
        • Prepend the name of the attribute with "protein", "scaffold", or "genome".
        • Create groups (basically like subdirectories) in the file called "protein", "scaffold", "genome". All arrays under each group will be appropriately registered.
        • NOTE: Registered features are registered without overwriting, so all names must be unique in the same feature level. Ie, there cannot be 2 featureAs under the "scaffold" level, but there can be a scaffold-level featureA and a genome-level featureA.
    • class_id and weights are no longer default fields since these are training/objective specific and should not be automatically part of a general-purpose dataset class.
      • If present in the h5 file, these become registered features. There is special handling of class_id to interpret this as a scaffold-level feature.
      • There are deprecated helper properties to try to grab these features if they were registered. If they were not, None will be returned.
    • Changed .any_genomes_have_multiple_scaffolds method to any_multi_scaffold_genomes for simplicity without sacrificing descriptiveness.
  • GenomeDataModule
    • Change references to GenomeDataset attributes to be consistent with new name changes
    • Currently requires class_id in the h5 file if training/finetuning since this was required by the PST trained in the manuscript. Should either decouple this or indicate to users that this GenomeDataModule should be modified/subclassed for other objectives. TODO: Could create a base datamodule.
      • For inference, class_id is not required.
      • Registers weights on the GenomeDataset if class_id is present


  • GenomeDataset
    • There was an error creating the edge index for multi-scaffold genomes that encode more than 1 protein where a single scaffold only contains 1 protein. This is a rare case (less than 0.5% of test vMAGs from IMG/VR v4), but we allow scaffolds containing 1 protein ONLY if they are part of multi-scaffold genomes.
    • Note: For the underlying GenomeGraph, this will raise a ValueError, so it is up to the caller to handle this.

v1.2 - 2024-10-16


  • GenomeDataset
    • Add support for multi-scaffold genomes
      • The default view of genomes is that they are all a single contiguous segment (scaffold).
      • Thus, the dataloaders are all inherently scaffold loaders
      • Added scaffold_label and genome_label as major fields in the dataset object.
        • These can also be read from the h5 file, but if they are not present, the genomes will be considered as single scaffold.
        • The more important addition to the h5 file would be genome_label for multi-scaffold genomes, but scaffold_label could be added if data are pre-fragmented for some reason.
      • Can check if there are any multi-scaffold genomes with GenomeDataset.any_genomes_have_multiple_scaffolds()
      • Added a GenomeDataLoader to load all scaffolds or fragments of multi-scaffold genomes instead of individual scaffolds or fragments.
        • The default data loader is an individual scaffold loader, which may not be useful for certain tasks or datasets that involve multi-scaffold genomes.
    • Enable artificial genome fragmentation (GenomeDataset.fragment)
      • This is useful for reducing memory burdens further for very large genomes that encode thousands of proteins like bacteria, but also solves the challenge of embedding genomes that encode more proteins than the model was trained for.
      • The implementation involves a simple regrouping of the proteins into different sub-boundaries for each scaffold.
        • Each fragment is then viewed as a separate scaffold and embed individually by PSTs
          • The new scaffold_label and genome_label tensors can be used to reduce the fragment-level embeddings into scaffold or genome level embeddings AFTER all fragments are embed.
        • Protein-protein edges are only allowed between what are considered "contiguous" genomic segments, meaning that these are only created between these artificial fragments.
      • For callers, the dataset can either be pre-fragmented upon loading the dataset (--fragment-size at command line) or in response to being too large for a specific model.
        • Added fragment_size to the DataConfig for pre-fragmentation
  • Finetuning mode
    • This is exclusively for updating the model weights for pretrained PSTs with new genomes. (Currently only for the genomic PST)


  • Prediction/inference mode
    • Previously, the "scaffold" level embeddings (also called graph embeddings), were saved in the output h5 file under the data node.
    • These are now changed to fragment, scaffold, and genome to distinguish between artificial genomic fragments, individual scaffolds, and entire genomes (that may include multi-scaffold genomes).
      • Depending on the original data and if fragmenting will be used, one or multiple of these fields will be available. genome will always be present, and scaffold will only be present if multi-scaffold genomes are in the dataset. Similary, fragment is only present if genome fragmenting was enabled.
      • Lower level embeddings are always averaged to produce the embedding for the next level. For example, the embedding for single scaffold split into 3 fragments will be the average of those 3 scaffold fragments. Likewise, the genome embedding for multi-scaffold genome with 3 scaffolds will be the average of those 3 scaffolds.
        • For genomes without fragments or scaffolds, the higher level embedding may be the same as the lower level embedding since there is nothing to average.
  • Activated logger when using command line
  • Default accelerator is now auto resolved instead of being a GPU.
  • GenomeDataset can be sliced and indexed with multiple indices instead of just a single integer

v1.1 - 2024-10-09


  • GenomeDataModule and GenomeDataset
    • Can register new features that are not natively part of the genome graph formatting.
    • This enables changing objectives to, for example, a classification problem with known labels.
  • Command line:
    • pst -v or pst --version will now print the version of the pst module installed.


  • Base PST classes:
    • Loading from pretrained models has been correctly implemented. This allows for loading a pretrained genomic PST (ie a subclass of BaseProteinSetTransformer to use for a protein-only task, such as for a subclass of BaseProteinSetTransformerEncoder).
      • This also correctly handles the definition of new learnable layers when loading a pretrained checkpoint.
      • The from_pretrained class method works for regular checkpoints and loading a different pretrained model.
    • The public classes for subclassing PSTs are now BaseProteinSetTransformer and BaseProteinSetTransformerEncoder to be subclassed for genome- (or dual genome-protein) or protein-level objectives, respectively.

v1.0 - 2024-10-08


  • Introduced base classes to allow customizing the objective function:
    • BaseProteinSetTransformer is the primary entrypoint for the underling SetTransformer model
    • ProteinSetTransformer defines a forward pass with triplet sampling and point swap sampling for a triplet loss objective
      • This is the model that was pretrained in the manuscript
    • BaseProteinSetTransformerEncoder is used to create models focused only on the protein aspect without genome decoding
    • ProteinSetTransformerEncoder is a specific implementation of a BaseProteinSetTransformerEncoder taht also uses a triplet loss objective but without augmentation
    • These can all be loaded from pretrained checkpoints with the from_pretrained class method.
      • The GenomeDataModule can also be loaded from a pretrained checkpoint with a class method of the same name, since there are data-formatting-specific tunable hyperparameters.
    • These models all use a pydantic.BaseModel config called BaseModelConfig. This can be customized with a custom subclass of the BaseLossConfig to adjust model- and objective-specific stateful hyperparameters.
  • ModelConfig:
    • Added max_proteins to enable users to change the maximum allowed genome size for the positional embedding LUT. This can be controled at the command line.
  • Public API was finalized to enable simple imports for end users


  • Set model to eval mode during inference