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Docker and Docker Hub

Docker Command Arguments

Argument Description
-ti Terminal Interactive. Example docker run -ti ubuntu:latest bash
-c Run bash commands preceding -c argument and exit. Example docker run -ti ubuntu bash -c "echo hello world; ls; echo bye;"
-p Publish a containers port to the host.
-d Detached Mode. Start a container and leave it running in the background. Example docker run -d -ti ubuntu bash
--name Give a name to the container instead of the system generated name. Example docker run --name my-ubuntu-container -ti ubuntu bash
--rm Remove a container when it exits. Example docker run --rm -ti ubuntu sleep 5

NOTE: To Jump away from a container started in a non-detached mode, use the following key sequence ctrl+p, ctrl+q

Docker Meta

Command Description
docker-machine ip default check your docker IP default, usually
docker-machine ip Find Docker Toolbox IP address, usually
docker version displays the docker version information
docker info Display system-wide information

Docker Network

Command Description
docker network create [network_name] Create Network
docker network ls List networks
docker network ls --no-trunc List networks with full network id
docker network prune Remove all unused networks
docker network prune Remove all unused networks
docker network rm [network_name] Remove a network

Docker Volumes

Command Description
docker volume ls list volumes
docker volume ls -f dangling=true list dangling volumes
docker volume rm [volume_name] remove volume
docker volume prune remove all dangling volumes

Docker Logging

Command Description
docker logs [container_id] list container logs
docker logs [container_id] --tail N list container logs, --tail flag will show the last N lines of logs
docker logs [container_id] --since YYYY-MM-DD list container logs since a particular date
docker logs [container_id] --since YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000000000Z list container logs since a particular timestamp
docker logs -f [container_id] look at the logs of a container

Docker Inspect

Command Description
docker inspect [container_id] examine a container's metadata in Docker
docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' [container_id] Use --format to inspect specific fields from the returned container's metadata JSON
docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' container_name_or_id

Docker Stats

Command Description
docker stats Show CPU and memory usage of all running containers
docker stats [container_name] Show CPU and memory usage of a particular running container
docker stats [container1_name] [container2_name] Show CPU and memory usage of container1, container2

Docker Queries

Command Description
docker top [container_name] Show running processes in a container
docker system df Show storage usage

Docker Basic Queries

Command Description
docker images take a look at the container images.
docker images -a shows every image, including intermediate image layers.
docker images -f dangling=true list dangling images
docker image ls take a look at the container images.
docker attach [container_name] connect to a detached container.
docker ps list all the running containers.
docker ps -l displays the last container to be exited
docker ps -a list all the containers, including the ones that have finished executing.

Docker Container State Change

Command Description
docker run [container_name] run a container.
docker run -p 8080:8080 [container_name] Run a container by mapping a port on docker to a port on localhost
docker stop [container_id] stop a container
docker kill [container_name] stop a container
docker commit [container_id] Create image from a stopped container
docker tag [image_id] [new_image_name] Tag an image with a human readable name
docker commit [container_name] [new_image_name] Create image from a stopped container with a human readable name
docker restart [container_name] restart a container.
docker exec -ti [container_name] [process] Add a process to a running container. Can't add ports, volumes, and so on. Example: docker exec -ti nostalgic_northcutt bash opens a new bash shell

Docker Management

Command Description
docker build -t [project name] . Build a Docker Image.
docker system prune Clean up any resources — images, containers, volumes, and networks — that are dangling (not associated with a container).
docker system prune -a Remove any stopped containers and all unused images (not just dangling images).
docker rm [container_id-or-name] Remove a container with a particular container name/id.
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) Stop and remove all containers.
docker rm -v container_name Remove a container and its volume.
docker image rm -f container_name Force remove a container a image.

MySQL Docker Container

Connecting to the MySQL docker image via CLI Description
docker exec mysql-docker mysql -usbat -psbat -e 'show databases;' connect to MySQL image without interactive CLI.
docker exec -it mysql-docker mysql -usbat -psbat -e 'show databases;' connect to MySQL image without interactive CLI.
docker exec -it mysql-docker mysql -usbat -psbat connect to MySQL image via interactive CLI.
Running multiple versions of MySQL docker images. Examples Description
docker run --name=mysql_legacy -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysql007 -d mysql:5.7
docker run --name=mysql_latest -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysql007 -d mysql:8.0

Docker Hub

Docker Hub Commands Description
docker pull [container_name] logout a Docker image from Docker Hub
docker logout logout of Docker Hub from the local machine.
docker login --username=YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USERNAME login to Docker Hub from your machine.
docker tag <existing-image> <hub-user>/<repo-name>[:<tag>] re-tagging an existing local image
docker commit <existing-container> <hub-user>/<repo-name>[:<tag>] commit changes
docker push <hub-user>/<repo-name>:<tag> push this repository to the registry designated by its name or tag