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GCP CLI Commands


command-line tool for Google Cloud Platform. It comes pre-installed on Cloud Shell.

Command Description
gcloud auth list list the active account name
gcloud auth login [ACCOUNT] authorize gcloud to access the Cloud Platform with Google user credentials
gcloud components update update all the installed Google Cloud SDK components.
gcloud info --format="value(installation.sdk_root)" Find out where Google Cloud SDK is installed
exit log out of the interactive shell


Command Description
gcloud config set account [ACCOUNT] set account
gcloud config set project [PROJECT] set project
gcloud config set compute/zone [ZONE-NAME] set your default compute zone
gcloud config list project list the project ID


Command Description
gcloud compute zones list | grep $MY_REGION list all the zones in a given region. Set Environment Variable to your region. Ex: MY_REGION=us-central1
gcloud compute instances list List the virtual machine instances in your project.
gcloud compute instances create second-vm --machine-type "e2-standard-2" --image-project "debian-cloud" --image-family "debian-9" --subnet "default" --zone "us-central1-c" Create a VM
gcloud iam service-accounts create test-service-account2 --display-name "test-service-account2" create a new service account


Command Description
gcloud compute disks create --size=100GB --zone=us-central1-a demo-disk Create a compute engine persistent disk.

Kubernetes Engine

Command Description
gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER-NAME] Create a Kubernetes Engine cluster (Kubernetes Engine will provision a few Virtual Machines)
gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER-NAME] --num-nodes 2 --machine-type n1-standard-2 Create a kubernetes cluster with parameters (number of nodes, machine type).
gcloud container clusters get-credentials [CLUSTER-NAME] --zone [ZONE_NAME] to interact with the cluster.After creating your cluster, you need to get authentication credentials
gcloud container clusters delete [CLUSTER-NAME] delete a cluster


Command Description
gsutil mb gs://$MY_BUCKET_NAME_1 create a bucket. Set Environment Variable to your bucket name. Ex: MY_BUCKET_NAME_1=abcd
gsutil cp gs://[BUCKET-NAME]/path/to/file.extension file.extension Copy a file from one Cloud Storage bucket to your Cloud Shell. Ex: gsutil cp gs://cloud-training/ak8s/cat.jpg cat.jpg

Download and install the helm binary
