Welcome to ChatSphere! 🎉 This is a real-time chat application built using Sockets.io for live messaging, React for the frontend, and Node.js & Express for the backend. 🚀
🔥 Real-time Messaging: Instant communication with your friends and teams.
🧑💻 User Authentication: Includes Register and Login functionality to manage users.
🖼️ Set Avatar: Users can personalize their profile by setting a unique avatar during registration.
🔒 Logout Feature: Easily log out when you're done chatting, ensuring your account is secure.
🛠️ Scalable Backend: Powered by Node.js and Express for fast, scalable service.
📱 Responsive Design: Seamless chat experience across all devices.
- Frontend: React.js ⚛️
- Backend: Node.js with Express.js ⚙️
- Real-time Communication: Socket.io 🟢
- Styling: CSS / Styled Components 🎨
- Database: MongoDB🗄️
Here's a sneak peek of ChatSphere in action:
Figure 1: Chat Page of ChatSphere
Figure 2: Login Page of ChatSphere
Figure 3: Register Page of ChatSphere
Demo Video:
Check live:- https://chat-sphere-silk.vercel.app/
Follow these instructions to get a copy of ChatSphere up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/chatsphere.git cd chatsphere
Install dependencies for the backend:
cd server npm install
Install dependencies for the frontend:
cd public npm install
⚙️ Running the Application
Open 2 terminals for better accessibilityGo to the public folder and type yarn start to start the frontend
Go to the server folder and type nodemon index.js to start the backend
Ensure your socket server is running alongside the backend.
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables in a .env file in the server directory:
GitHub: Ananta2545
Email: [email protected]
Thanks for visiting chatsphere!!.. 🥰🥰