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Background - Dridex Malware

The Members

  • Check Point (2020) wrote that their "Global Threat Index for March 2020 shows the well-known banking trojan Dridex, which first appeared in 2011, has entered the top ten malware list for the first time, as the third most prevalent malware in March."

  • Similar to ZBot and its many variants, Dridex has historically been a banking trojan. CrowdStrike associates Dridex primarily with Evil Corp, led by Maksim Yakubets (Максим Якубец), who is known for showing off his lavish lifestyle on social media (i.e. Instagram).

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  • As a 90's kid myself, I noticed that he bears a striking resemblance to the late and great Jimmy Neutron.

  • Here is picture that more people are familiar with depicting another member of Evil Corp, Andrey Plotniskiy holding a stack of cash earned from ransomware campaigns.

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  • The members are known for driving different expensive luxury vehicles like Lamborghinis, Audi R8s, Skyline GT-Rs, and Mercedes G-Wagons. Additionally, they are known to use custom vanity plates with the characters вор. In Russian, вор translates to thief.

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  • The above images are courtesy of Curtis from .

  • In my ZBot analysis, I mentioned Evgeniy Bogachev, the author of the Zeus banking trojan. As it turns out, he is close friends with Maksim's crew. Russians of a feather tend to flock together.

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  • Since at least 2017, Yakubets has been actively working in coordination with the Russian FSB and as of 2018, he was in the process of "obtaining a license [security clearance] to work with Russian classified information from the FSB." (source:

Technical Details

  • Unsurprisingly, Dridex is known to be delivered via phishing email containing a fake invoice with an attached .xlsm downloader which launches a macro that uses URLDownloadToFileA to download the stage 2 (primary) payload.

  • From there, the infection kicks off and the specimen initiates C2 and data exfil.

  • Interestingly, the primary payload is known to use a technique where it registers a VEH handler which gets called when the CPU raises an exception in response to int3 (noop or no operation) instructions. This VEH handler gets registered via AddVectoredExceptionHandler.

  • int3 is not expressly used to trigger an exception, but rather, the author(s) are known to intentionally use _debugbreak() (a built-in command) that works exactly the same as using an int3 instruction.

  • Authors Oleg Boyarchuk, Jason Zhang, and Giovanni Vigna did a fantastic write-up on this where they explained that you can make the debugging process much easier by changing exception settings to not pause on int3 instructions.

  • Dridex v4 emerged in February 2017 and it used a new technique for code injection ("AtomBombing") according to HHS: '

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Hands-On With a Dridex Dropper

  • This sample comes as a .doc in OLE2 format with 3 embedded macros.

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  • Let's start by extracting stream 9.

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  • We can immediately see some suspicious Powershell. Let's also check out streams 10 & 11.

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  • The embedded Powershell from stream 9 references UserForm1 and ControlTipText. From what we can see here, it kind of looks like it's referencing UserForm in the context of CheckBox1.
  • The term ControlTipText is a property that can be used in UserForms (custom dialogue boxes) and ActiveX controls to display a tooltip when a user hovers over something.

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  • Let's try to figure out where CheckBox1 appears.

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  • It appears right here under stream 7 and it looks like a big base64 encoded blob. Let's decode it with CyberChef.

  • First, we'll have to extract it with

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  • Just like I thought. Look at the "Decoded" column - there is some Powershell in there. Next, we can use to extract that specific string and analyze it further.

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  • The null terminators after every character probably indicates UTF-16 formatting. Unfortunately, this happens a lot when extracting Powershell scripts from specimens. However, it can easily be cleaned up.

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  • The base64-decoded Powershell script has its own base64 encoded blob which is also gzip compressed. The script decodes, decompresses it, and then executes it.

  • So, naturally, the next step will be to decode and decompress this next base64 blob.

  • Here's what it looks like after base64 decoding:

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  • And here's what it looks like after base64 decoding and gzip decompression:

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  • Let's output this new dump to its own separate file and analyze it.

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  • The script above is a typical example of how Powershell can be used to execute malicious payloads. It uses in-memory execution, obfuscation, and process compatibility handling.

  • It starts by setting strict mode to version 2, which enforces certain rules and restrictions on how the script should be run. In strict mode, any attempt to use a variable that has not been initialized will throw an error. The same will happen when attempting to access properties, non-existent members, etc.

  • The base64 payload assigned to $var_code in the middle is likely shellcode. It gets base64-decoded on line 24 and then XOR decrypted with the key 0x35 on lines 26-27.

  • On line 30, the script resolves the address of kernel32.dll -> VirtualAlloc and then injects and then the script injects and executes the shellcode on lines 34-35.

  • So, we next need to base64 decode the shellcode and then XOR decrypt it just like the Powershell script would.

  • The decoded & decrypted shellcode, as expected, is not in human-readable format.

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  • We can run Floss against it, however, to pull out some strings.

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  • Floss returns 19 static strings, 1 stack string, and 1 decoded string.
  • It managed to pull out an HTTP user-agent and an IP address. That's a great start.

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  • Doesn't look like a very friendly IP address. It's been spotted in relation to CobaltStrike and some other bad activity.

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  • There are also some nasty files associated with it.

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  • The next thing we can do is emulate the shellcode with a tool like scdbgc to assess its capabilities.

  • Here's a good find - we see an HTTPS request via InternetConnectA to 172.98.192[.]91 with a pre-specified user-agent.

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  • This sample is a malicious word doc that contains embedded VBA macros that use Powershell to execute shellcode on the system.

  • The shellcode appears to contain basic dropper functionality, presumably downloading one or more payloads.