Releases: Analogy-LogViewer/Analogy.LogViewer
V4.9.0 Json Inline improvements and SQL raw filtering
Bug fixes:
- N/A
- [DevExpress] Upgrade to V21.2.9 #1382
- [SQL filter] Allow export/copy the final query of the filters #1396
- [Advanced Mode] Seperate settings and UI #1397
- [Advance Mode] show one time popup about feature in advanced mode #1398
- [Json Viewer] Show inner json as separate nodes #1409
- Add support for specifying a custom SQL filter #1388
- [UI] Add 'go to' message to specific time #903
- [json Viewer] allow setting which column is used to the inline json viewer #1410
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
Bug fixes:
- N/A
- [DevExpress] Update version to V21.2.8 #1322
- Disable PowerToys data provider default on #1378
- Redesign the first time window #1379
- Warn users that net3.1 end of support will reached on December 8, 2022 #1348
- Warn users that net5 end of support has reached #1347
- [Version history] Fetch History From Github #1311
- Add download statistics #1323
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.8.6 - Common Control DLL and plotting fixes
Bug fixes:
- [BUG] pre defined popup menu is opened at incorrect position. #1308
- [Common Controls] Create Stand Alone Plotting Control #1274
- [Common Controls] switch to use the common control DLL for plotting #1310
- [Common Controls] switch to use the common control DLL for plotting #1310
- [Common Controls] Add Example project #1275
- [Plotting] Add toggle point marker #1267
- [Plotting] Add show/hide legend and series #1266
- [UI] Improve pre-defined queries tooltip #1307
- [User Settings] Enable autocomplete of last 20 searches by defaults. #1306
- [DevExpress] Update version to V21.2.7 #1259
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.8.5 - Update version to V21.2.7
Bug fixes:
- None
- Update DevExpress version to V21.2.6 #1259
- Bump Markdig from 0.28.1 to 0.30.2 #1262
- [UI] Add counter callback for messages read (User Settings) #1219
- Add counter callback for messages read #1218
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.8.4 - Update DevExpress version to V21.2.6
Bug fixes:
- None
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.8.3 - Inline Json Viewer in the message log grid
Bug fixes:
- None
- Inline Json Viewer in the message log grid #1208
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.8.2 - Upgrade DevExpress Version to 21.2.5
Bug fixes:
- None
- [DevExpress] Update version to V21.2.5 #1201
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.8.1 - Small fixes and UI cleanup
Bug fixes:
- [.NET 3.1/5/6] missing DevExpress Assembly #1180
- NullReferenceException when opening List of Providers #1183
- [UI] move tools to last place/collapsed in order to simplify UI #1181
- [UI] Move Data Visualizer to the more button #118
- [DevExpress] Update DevExpress version to 21.2.4 Post NET6 Release #1152
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.8.0 - Add NET6 Version
- Adding NET6 (LTS) Version.
- You can also the the Fluent UI (still work in progress) in the Application UI Settings and choose fluent mode instead of Ribbon Form)
Bug fixes:
- Making File pooling more usable by adding minimum file pooling period (#1150)
- Add NET6 compilation (#1142)
- V5 - Fluent design form (#1149)
- [User Settings] Set default for "remember last saved search" to off (#1148)
- Keep panel size when switching between float and dock modes (#1136)
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.7.6 - smallrelease to address gRPC fix
In this release is addressing bug in gRPC self hosting extension.
Bug fixes:
- [Analogy.LogViewer.Serilog.Sinks] Sink is using port 6000 without ability to change address (Analogy-LogViewer/Analogy.LogViewer.Serilog#309)
- Self Hosted gRPC server uses Hardcoded port 7000 (Analogy-LogViewer/Analogy.LogViewer.gRPC#137)
- none
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
4 versions exists:
- NET5
- .net core 3.1
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- .net framework 4.8.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.