** huginn
(c) 2003-2018 by Marcin 'Amok' Konarski (amok at codestation.org) **
i. You may not make any changes to this Copyright/Licensing information.
ii. You must attach this Copyright/Licensing information to every part
of every copy of this software.
You are free to use this program as is, you can redistribute binary package freely but:
- You cannot use any part of sources of this software.
- You cannot redistribute any part of sources of this software.
- No reverse engineering is allowed.
- If you want redistribute binary package you cannot demand any fees for this software. You cannot even demand cost of the carrier (CD for example).
- You cannot include it in any commercial enterprise (for example as a free add-on to paid software or paid newspaper).
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Use it at your own risk.
In more formal terms the huginn
project is covered by either of:
Aladdin Free Public License (AFPL)
licenses for the general Public.
A separate commercial license can be obtained from CodeStation.org.