diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@DataJointLabUserTable/DataJointLabUserTable.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@DataJointLabUserTable/DataJointLabUserTable.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b272c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@DataJointLabUserTable/DataJointLabUserTable.m
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+classdef DataJointLabUserTable
+ % DataJointLabUserTable Summary of DataJointLabUserTable
+ % Define a simple interface to define records to be added for specific
+ % tables
+ %
+ % DataJointLabUserTable main Properties:
+ % GUI_info - structure with information for each field of the tables
+ % that will update for defining the GUI
+ % tables_info - reference for all the tables that will be updated
+ %
+ % DataJointLabUserTable Methods:
+ % get_GUI_table_info(obj,parent) - Function that defines two structures with information about tables that
+ % will be updated
+ % insert_user(obj, all_values_insert) - Function that calls database to insert record in tables referenced in
+ % table_info structure
+ % get_values_table_field(~, table, field, sort_limit) -Function to get specific fields from table
+ properties (Constant)
+ %dj_conn = getdjconnection('u19_', 'datajoint00.pni.princeton.edu');
+ end
+ %_________________________________________________________________________________________________
+ properties (SetAccess = protected)
+ GUI_info
+ tables_info
+ end
+ %_________________________________________________________________________________________________
+ methods
+ [GUI_info, tables_update] = get_GUI_table_info(obj);
+ example_value = get_values_table_field(obj, table, field, sort_limit);
+ insert_user(obj, all_values_insert);
+ function obj = DataJointLabUserTable()
+ %----- Class constructor, defining structures
+ [obj.GUI_info, obj.tables_info] = obj.get_GUI_table_info();
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@DataJointLabUserTable/get_GUI_table_info.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@DataJointLabUserTable/get_GUI_table_info.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd451b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@DataJointLabUserTable/get_GUI_table_info.m
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+function [GUI_info, tables_update] = get_GUI_table_info(obj)
+% Function that defines two structures with information about tables that
+% will be updated
+% correct
+% Inputs:
+% obj = DataJointLabUserTable object
+% Outputs
+% GUI_info = structure with information for each field of the tables
+% that will update for defining the GUI
+% tables_update = reference for all the tables that will be updated
+%Create GUI_info structure with information for all fields
+GUI_info(1).name = 'user_id';
+GUI_info(1).gui_type = 'edit';
+GUI_info(1).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(1).default = '';
+GUI_info(1).list_values = {};
+GUI_info(1).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(1).tooltip = 'username';
+GUI_info(2).name = 'user_nickname';
+GUI_info(2).gui_type = 'edit';
+GUI_info(2).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(2).default = '';
+GUI_info(2).list_values = {};
+GUI_info(2).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(2).tooltip = 'same as netID for new users, for old users, this is used in the folder name etc';
+GUI_info(3).name = 'full_name';
+GUI_info(3).gui_type = 'edit';
+GUI_info(3).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(3).default = '';
+GUI_info(3).list_values = {};
+GUI_info(3).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(3).tooltip = 'first name';
+GUI_info(4).name = 'email';
+GUI_info(4).gui_type = 'edit';
+GUI_info(4).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(4).default = '';
+GUI_info(4).list_values = {};
+GUI_info(4).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(4).tooltip = 'email address';
+GUI_info(5).name = 'phone';
+GUI_info(5).gui_type = 'edit';
+GUI_info(5).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(5).default = '';
+GUI_info(5).list_values = {};
+GUI_info(5).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(5).tooltip = 'phone number';
+GUI_info(6).name = 'mobile_carrier';
+GUI_info(6).gui_type = 'popupmenu';
+GUI_info(6).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(6).default = '';
+GUI_info(6).list_values = obj.get_values_table_field(lab.MobileCarrier(), 'mobile_carrier');
+GUI_info(6).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(6).tooltip = 'allowed mobile carrier';
+GUI_info(7).name = 'slack';
+GUI_info(7).gui_type = 'edit';
+GUI_info(7).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(7).default = '';
+GUI_info(7).list_values = {};
+GUI_info(7).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(7).tooltip = 'slack username';
+GUI_info(8).name = 'contact_via';
+GUI_info(8).gui_type = 'popupmenu';
+GUI_info(8).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(8).default = '';
+GUI_info(8).list_values = {'Slack','text','Email'};
+GUI_info(8).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(8).tooltip = 'Preferred method of contact';
+GUI_info(9).name = 'presence';
+GUI_info(9).gui_type = 'popupmenu';
+GUI_info(9).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(9).default = '';
+GUI_info(9).list_values = {'Available','Away'};
+GUI_info(9).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(9).tooltip = '';
+GUI_info(10).name = 'primary_tech';
+GUI_info(10).gui_type = 'popupmenu';
+GUI_info(10).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(10).default = 'N/A';
+GUI_info(10).list_values = {'yes','no','N/A'};
+GUI_info(10).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(10).tooltip = '';
+GUI_info(11).name = 'tech_responsibility';
+GUI_info(11).gui_type = 'popupmenu';
+GUI_info(11).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(11).default = 'N/A';
+GUI_info(11).list_values = {'yes','no','N/A'};
+GUI_info(11).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(11).tooltip = '';
+GUI_info(12).name = 'day_cutoff_time';
+GUI_info(12).gui_type = 'blob';
+GUI_info(12).datatype = 'numeric array';
+GUI_info(12).default = '';
+GUI_info(12).list_values = {};
+GUI_info(12).example_value = obj.get_values_table_field(lab.User(), 'day_cutoff_time', 'LIMIT 1');
+GUI_info(12).tooltip = '';
+GUI_info(13).name = 'slack_webhook';
+GUI_info(13).gui_type = 'edit';
+GUI_info(13).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(13).default = '';
+GUI_info(13).list_values = {};
+GUI_info(13).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(13).tooltip = '';
+GUI_info(14).name = 'watering_logs';
+GUI_info(14).gui_type = 'edit';
+GUI_info(14).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(14).default = '';
+GUI_info(14).list_values = {};
+GUI_info(14).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(14).tooltip = '';
+GUI_info(15).name = 'lab';
+GUI_info(15).gui_type = 'popupmenu';
+GUI_info(15).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(15).default = '';
+GUI_info(15).list_values = obj.get_values_table_field(lab.Lab(), 'lab');
+GUI_info(15).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(15).tooltip = '';
+GUI_info(16).name = 'secondary_contact';
+GUI_info(16).gui_type = 'popupmenu';
+GUI_info(16).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(16).default = '';
+GUI_info(16).list_values = obj.get_values_table_field(lab.User(), 'user_id');
+GUI_info(16).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(16).tooltip = '';
+GUI_info(17).name = 'project';
+GUI_info(17).gui_type = 'popupmenu';
+GUI_info(17).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(17).default = '';
+GUI_info(17).list_values = obj.get_values_table_field(lab.Project(), 'project');
+GUI_info(17).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(17).tooltip = '';
+GUI_info(18).name = 'protocol';
+GUI_info(18).gui_type = 'popupmenu';
+GUI_info(18).datatype = 'string';
+GUI_info(18).default = '';
+GUI_info(18).list_values = obj.get_values_table_field(lab.Protocol(), 'protocol');
+GUI_info(18).example_value = '';
+GUI_info(18).tooltip = '';
+%Create tables_update structure with references for all tables
+tables_update(1).table = lab.User();
+tables_update(2).table = lab.UserLab();
+tables_update(3).table = lab.UserSecondaryContact();
+tables_update(4).table = lab.ProjectUser();
+tables_update(5).table = lab.UserProtocol();
+for i=1:length(tables_update)
+ tables_update(i).fields = tables_update(i).table.header.names;
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@DataJointLabUserTable/get_values_table_field.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@DataJointLabUserTable/get_values_table_field.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..638458a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@DataJointLabUserTable/get_values_table_field.m
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+function example_value = get_values_table_field(~, table, field, sort_limit)
+% Function to get specific fields from table
+% Inputs:
+% obj = DataJointLabUserTable object
+% table = Reference to table in the database
+% field = Name of the field to read
+% sort_limit = Optional argument for sorting or limiting query
+% Outputs
+% example_value = Result from the query
+%If sort_limit argument is not present, will be defined as empty string
+if nargin <= 3
+ sort_limit = '';
+if ~isempty(sort_limit)
+ example_value = fetchn(table, field, sort_limit);
+ %If only one record needed for the query extract cell value
+ if strcmp(sort_limit,'LIMIT 1')
+ example_value = example_value{:};
+ end
+ example_value = fetchn(table, field);
+ example_value = example_value(:);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@DataJointLabUserTable/insert_user.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@DataJointLabUserTable/insert_user.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..826e898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@DataJointLabUserTable/insert_user.m
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+function insert_user(obj, all_values_insert)
+% Function that calls database to insert record in tables referenced in
+% table_info structure
+% Inputs:
+% obj = DataJointLabUserTable object
+% all_values_insert = structure with values to insert in table
+% for each table of the tables_info structure
+for table_info = obj.tables_info
+ table = table_info.table;
+ values_insert_table = struct;
+ %Select the fields to be written
+ for field = table_info.fields
+ field_str = field{:};
+ values_insert_table.(field_str) = all_values_insert.(field_str);
+ end
+ %Call datajoint database and insert data
+ insert(table, values_insert_table);
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/GUI_add_user.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/GUI_add_user.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c70d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/GUI_add_user.m
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+function GUI_add_user(obj, hobject, event)
+% Function called when add user button is pressed
+% Reads and check input by the user and insert record if everything is
+% correct
+% Inputs:
+% obj = AddRecordsGUI object
+% Outputs
+% title = GUI object for the title
+% Disable buttons while processing data
+for i=1:length(obj.button)
+ set(obj.button, 'Enable', 'off');
+% Initialize status and error message
+status = true;
+error_msg = {'Error: Data could not be inserted'};
+error_msg(end+1) = {''};
+struct_insert = struct;
+% For each input
+for i = 1:length(obj.GUI_inputs)
+ GUI_input = obj.GUI_inputs{i};
+ %Read value written by user
+ struct_insert.(GUI_input.name) = GUI_input.get_value();
+ %Check if value is something accepted for the database
+ [ac_status, ac_error] = GUI_input.check_input(struct_insert.(GUI_input.name));
+ %Update status and possible error messages
+ status = and(status, ac_status);
+ if ~ac_status
+ error_msg(end+1) = {ac_error};
+ end
+% If there is at least one mistake in inputs
+if ~status
+ %Show error message for each mistaken input
+ msgbox(error_msg, 'Error','error');
+% If there is no error in input
+ try
+ %Try to insert record to database
+ obj.DatabaseTable.insert_user(struct_insert);
+ msgbox({'Record added succesfully'});
+ %And close GUI
+ obj.close_figure();
+ catch e
+ %If there is a problem adding the record it shows corresponding error
+ error_msg = {sprintf('The identifier was:\n%s',e.identifier)};
+ error_msg(end+1) = {sprintf('There was an error! The message was:\n%s',e.message)};
+ msgbox(error_msg, 'Error','error');
+ end
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/NewRecordsGUI.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/NewRecordsGUI.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1cad8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/NewRecordsGUI.m
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+classdef NewRecordsGUI < handle
+ % NewRecordsGUI Summary of NewRecordsGUI
+ % Define a simple GUI for adding records to a table
+ % Table and fields info is defined and a GUI is created with
+ % correspondent inputs
+ % (Edits, Popupmenu and HBox inputs depending of fields in database)
+ %
+ % NewRecordsGUI main Properties:
+ % DatabaseTable - Reference to the tables to add records
+ % GUI_inputs_info - Information of each input of the GUI
+ % figGUI - main figure of the GUI
+ % panel - main panel of the GUI
+ % vbox - box to separate in three the GUI
+ % (title/input grid/button box)
+ % title - title part of the GUI
+ % grid - Grid input part of the GUI
+ % GUI_inputs - Individual inputs for the GUI
+ % hbox - Box in the lower part to insert the buttons
+ % button - Buttons for actions of the GUI
+ %
+ % NewRecordsGUI Methods:
+ % set_uicontrol(obj,parent) - define GUI object for the input
+ % set_default(obj, default) - write default value ("if applicable")
+ % get_value(obj) - read value written by user
+ % check_input(obj, input) - check if input is correct
+ %_________________________________________________________________________________________________
+ properties (Constant)
+ %Images for buttons in GUI
+ DIR_IMAGE = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')), 'Images')
+ % General GUI Properties
+ GUI_NAME = 'Add user to lab'
+ GUI_IS_SMALLSCREEN = ScreenProperties.checkMonitorSize()
+ GUI_POSITION = [0 45 -1 -45]
+ GUI_POSITION_MODE = 'OuterPosition'
+ GUI_FONT = conditional(AnimalDatabase.GUI_IS_SMALLSCREEN, 9, 14)
+ % Title part Properties
+ TITLE_MESSAGE = 'Add new users to the database: '
+ TITLE_BKG_CLR = [1 1 1]*0.97;
+ TITLE_CLR = [0 0 0];
+ % Grid Properties
+ % Labels Properties
+ LABEL_FONTSIZE = conditional(ScreenProperties.IS_SMALL_SCREEN, 10, 14)
+ LABEL_BKG_CLR = [1 1 1]*0.97;
+ LABEL_CLR = [0 0 0];
+ % Vbox Properties
+ VBOX_HEIGHTS = [30 -1 60]
+ % Hbox Properties
+ HBOX_WIDTHS = [-1 60]
+ % Buttons Properties
+ BUTTON_SIZE = [50 50]
+ BUTTON_IMAGE = fullfile(NewRecordsGUI.DIR_IMAGE, 'add_button_image.png')
+ end
+ %_________________________________________________________________________________________________
+ properties (Access = protected, Transient)
+ figGUI
+ panel
+ vbox
+ title
+ grid
+ GUI_inputs
+ GUI_inputs_info
+ hbox
+ button
+ end
+ %_________________________________________________________________________________________________
+ properties (SetAccess = protected)
+ DatabaseTable
+ GUI_info
+ end
+ methods
+ function delete_previous(~)
+ % Close opened GUI if we have to open it again
+ %Get all open figures
+ figHandles = findobj('Type', 'figure');
+ % If we find a figure with the same name we close it
+ for i=1:length(figHandles)
+ if strcmp(figHandles(i).Name,NewRecordsGUI.GUI_NAME)
+ delete(figHandles(i))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function obj = NewRecordsGUI()
+ % Class constructor, define initial object properties
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % obj = NewRecordsGUI object
+ %Delete previous opened figures
+ obj.delete_previous();
+ %Get reference from tables to update
+ obj.DatabaseTable = DataJointLabUserTable();
+ %Set useful information for the GUI inputs in order to create
+ %the GUI
+ obj.GUI_inputs_info = obj.DatabaseTable.GUI_info;
+ %Actually create the GUI
+ obj.create_gui();
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/close_figure.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/close_figure.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5275dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/close_figure.m
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+function close_figure(obj, handle, event)
+%Simple function to handle close event
+% Inputs:
+% obj = AddRecordsGUI object
+% Delete object if needed
+if ishghandle(obj.figGUI)
+ delete(obj.figGUI);
+obj.figGUI = gobjects(0);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_GUI_input.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_GUI_input.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8882368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_GUI_input.m
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+function GUI_input = create_GUI_input(obj, parent, field_info)
+% Create a corresponding GUI input object for each field input
+% Inputs:
+% obj = AddRecordsGUI object
+% parent = Parent GUI object for the GUI_input object
+% field_info = structure with information about each field
+% tooltip = string tooltip for the field
+% Outputs
+% GUI_input = GUI_input object for the field
+%Create correspondin GUI_input depending of gui_type
+if strcmp(field_info.gui_type, 'blob')
+ %Blob is normally an array of entries
+ %So the corresponding GUI_input is a hbox with multiple edits
+ GUI_input = GUI_Input_HBox(parent, ...
+ field_info.name, ...
+ field_info.example_value, ...
+ field_info.datatype);
+elseif strcmp(field_info.gui_type, 'popupmenu')
+ %Popumenu is normally for inserting foreign keys inputs
+ GUI_input = GUI_Input_Popup(parent, ...
+ field_info.name, ...
+ field_info.list_values, ...
+ field_info.default, ...
+ field_info.datatype);
+ %With other inputs a simple edit would be enough
+ GUI_input = GUI_Input_Edit(parent, ...
+ field_info.name, ...
+ field_info.default, ...
+ field_info.datatype);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_buttons.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_buttons.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbb2c19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_buttons.m
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+function button = create_buttons(obj, parent)
+% Create a simple add record button for the GUI
+% Inputs:
+% obj = AddRecordsGUI object
+% parent = Parent GUI object for the button
+% Outputs
+% button = GUI object for the button
+%Read and resize image for the button
+img = imread(obj.BUTTON_IMAGE);
+img = imresize(img, obj.BUTTON_SIZE);
+img = image(img);
+img = img.CData;
+%Create button
+button = uicontrol ( ...
+ 'Parent' , parent, ...
+ 'Style' , 'pushbutton', ...
+ 'String' , '', ...
+ 'cdata' , img, ...
+ 'Callback', @obj.GUI_add_user ...
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_gui.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_gui.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50e6c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_gui.m
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+function create_gui(obj)
+%Define all graphic objects for the AddRecordsGUI
+% Inputs:
+% obj = AddRecordsGUI object
+%% Define a figure
+obj.figGUI = figure( ...
+ 'Name' , obj.GUI_NAME, ...
+ 'ToolBar' , 'none', ...
+ 'MenuBar' , 'none', ...
+ 'NumberTitle' , 'off', ...
+ 'Visible' , 'off', ...
+ 'Tag' , 'persist', ...
+ 'CloseRequestFcn' , @obj.close_figure ...
+ );
+% Define figure position and size
+figure_position = obj.define_figure_position(NewRecordsGUI.GUI_POSITION);
+set(obj.figGUI, NewRecordsGUI.GUI_POSITION_MODE, figure_position)
+%% Define a panel
+obj.panel = uix.Panel( ...
+ 'Parent', obj.figGUI, ...
+ 'Padding', 5 );
+%% Define the vbox to separate the GUI in three (title, inputs and buttons)
+obj.vbox = uix.VBox( ...
+ 'Parent', obj.panel, ...
+ 'Spacing', obj.VBOX_SPACING);
+%% Define the title
+obj.title = obj.create_title(obj.vbox, obj.TITLE_MESSAGE);
+%% Define the grid GUI input
+[obj.grid, obj.GUI_inputs] = obj.create_table_grid(obj.vbox);
+%% Define an hbox to insert the buttons of the GUI
+obj.hbox = uix.HBox( ...
+ 'Parent', obj.vbox, ...
+ 'Spacing', obj.HBOX_SPACING);
+%% All space not used by buttons will be occupied by an empty object
+uix.Empty( 'Parent', obj.hbox );
+%% Create all buttons for the GUI
+obj.button = obj.create_buttons(obj.hbox);
+%% Adjust width and height for hbox and vbox
+set(obj.hbox, 'Widths', obj.HBOX_WIDTHS);
+set(obj.vbox, 'Heights', obj.VBOX_HEIGHTS);
+set(obj.figGUI, 'Visible', 'on');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_label.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_label.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..124e2fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_label.m
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+function label = create_label(obj, parent, name, tooltip)
+% Create a simple label object for the GUI
+% Inputs:
+% obj = AddRecordsGUI object
+% parent = Parent GUI object for the label
+% name = string Label for the field
+% tooltip = string tooltip for the field
+% Outputs
+% title = GUI object for the label
+label = uicontrol ( ...
+ 'Parent', parent, ...
+ 'Style', 'text', ...
+ 'String', name, ...
+ 'FontSize', obj.LABEL_FONTSIZE, ... ...
+ 'BackgroundColor', obj.LABEL_BKG_CLR, ...
+ 'TooltipString', [obj.LABEL_TOOL_TIP_START tooltip obj.LABEL_TOOL_TIP_END], ...
+ 'ForegroundColor', obj.LABEL_CLR, ...
+ 'FontWeight', 'bold');
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_table_grid.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_table_grid.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c634583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_table_grid.m
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+function [grid, gui_input_objects] = create_table_grid(obj, parent)
+% Create a input Grid for the GUI
+% Inputs:
+% obj = AddRecordsGUI object
+% parent = Parent GUI object for the grid
+% Outputs
+% grid = GUI object for the grid
+% gui_input_objects = array of objects to recieve input from user
+% Get how many inputs the GUI would have
+num_inputs = length(obj.GUI_inputs_info);
+grid = uix.Grid( 'Parent', parent, 'Spacing', 5 );
+%Initialize labels and input objects
+field_labels = cell(num_inputs, 1);
+gui_input_objects = cell(num_inputs, 1);
+%Define labels with name for each field
+for i = 1:num_inputs
+ field_info = obj.GUI_inputs_info(i);
+ field_labels{i} = obj.create_label(grid, ...
+ field_info.name, field_info.tooltip);
+%Define GUI input objects
+for i = 1:num_inputs
+ field_info = obj.GUI_inputs_info(i);
+ gui_input_objects{i} = obj.create_GUI_input(grid, field_info);
+%Set widths and heights for the grid
+grid_widths = -1*ones(NewRecordsGUI.GRID_NUM_COLUMNS,1);
+grid_heights = -1*ones(num_inputs,1);
+set(grid, 'Widths', grid_widths, 'Heights', grid_heights);
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_title.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_title.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75eb2ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/create_title.m
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+function title = create_title(obj, parent, title_str)
+% Create a simple title object for the GUI
+% Inputs:
+% obj = AddRecordsGUI object
+% parent = Parent GUI object for the title
+% title_str = String for the title
+% Outputs
+% title = GUI object for the title
+title = uicontrol ( ...
+ 'Parent', parent, ...
+ 'Style', 'text', ...
+ 'String', title_str, ...
+ 'FontSize', obj.TITLE_FONTSIZE, ...
+ 'BackgroundColor', obj.TITLE_BKG_CLR, ...
+ 'ForegroundColor', obj.TITLE_CLR, ...
+ 'FontWeight', 'bold');
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/define_figure_position.m b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/define_figure_position.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09d3b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/@NewRecordsGUI/define_figure_position.m
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+function [position] = define_figure_position(~, position)
+%Define the figure position and make correspondant transformation
+% Inputs:
+% position = Initial position coordentates for GUI figure
+% Outputs:
+% position = Final position coordentates after doing transformations
+ % Get the screen coordinates to reference the figure position against
+ screenSize = get(0, 'MonitorPosition');
+ % Convert position to relative coordinate if necessary
+ position(1:2) = standardCoordinate(position(1:2), screenSize(3:4)) + screenSize(1:2);
+ position(3:4) = standardCoordinate(position(3:4), screenSize(3:4));
+function coordinate = standardCoordinate(coordinate, range)
+% Convert position to relative coordinate if necessary
+ for iCoord = 1:numel(coordinate)
+ if coordinate(iCoord) < 0
+ coordinate(iCoord) = range(iCoord) + coordinate(iCoord)+1;
+ elseif abs(coordinate(iCoord)) <= 1
+ coordinate(iCoord) = range(iCoord) * coordinate(iCoord);
+ end
+ end
+ coordinate(isnan(coordinate)) = min(coordinate, [], 'omitnan');
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/GUI_Inputs/GUI_Input.m b/database/AddLabUsers/GUI_Inputs/GUI_Input.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5225971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/GUI_Inputs/GUI_Input.m
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+classdef (Abstract) GUI_Input
+ % GUI_Input Summary of GUI_Input
+ % Abstract class that defines an interface for different types of
+ % inputs in a GUI. (Edits, Popupmenu and HBox or list of edits)
+ %
+ % GUI_Input Properties:
+ % GUI_INPUT_FONTSIZE - Fontsize of the input
+ % GUI_INPUT_BKG_CLR - Background color of the input
+ % GUI_INPUT_FOR_CLR - Foreground color of the input
+ % name - Field name that input is attached to
+ % uicontrolable - GUI object for the input
+ % datatype - Field datatype for database
+ %
+ % GUI_Input Methods:
+ % set_uicontrol(obj,parent) - define GUI object for the input
+ % set_default(obj, default) - write default value ("if applicable")
+ % get_value(obj) - read value written by user
+ % check_input(obj, input) - check if input is correct
+ properties
+ GUI_INPUT_FONTSIZE = conditional(ScreenProperties.IS_SMALL_SCREEN, 9, 14)
+ GUI_INPUT_BKG_CLR = [1 1 1];
+ GUI_INPUT_FOR_CLR = [0 0 0];
+ end
+ properties (Abstract)
+ name
+ uicontrolable
+ datatype
+ end
+ methods(Abstract)
+ set_uicontrol(obj,parent)
+ set_default(obj, default)
+ get_value(obj)
+ check_input(obj, input)
+ end
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/GUI_Inputs/GUI_Input_Edit.m b/database/AddLabUsers/GUI_Inputs/GUI_Input_Edit.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dede933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/GUI_Inputs/GUI_Input_Edit.m
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+classdef GUI_Input_Edit < GUI_Input
+ % GUI_Input_Edit Summary of GUI_Input_Edit
+ % GUI_Input implementarion with functions for a edit uicontrol
+ %
+ % GUI_Input_Edit Properties:
+ % GUI_INPUT_FONTSIZE - Fontsize of the input
+ % GUI_INPUT_BKG_CLR - Background color of the input
+ % GUI_INPUT_FOR_CLR - Foreground color of the input
+ % name - Field name that input is attached to
+ % uicontrolable - GUI object for the input
+ % datatype - Field datatype for database
+ %
+ % GUI_Input_Edit Methods:
+ % set_uicontrol(obj,parent) - define GUI object for the input
+ % set_default(obj, default) - write default value ("if applicable")
+ % get_value(obj) - read value written by user
+ % check_input(obj, input) - check if input is correct
+ properties (Constant)
+ end
+ properties
+ name
+ uicontrolable
+ datatype
+ end
+ methods
+ function uicontrolable = set_uicontrol(obj, parent)
+ %Define uicontrol (edit) for the input
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % obj = GUI_input_Edit object
+ % parent = uicontrol parent of the GUI_input
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % uicontrolable = uicontrol edit object for the input
+ uicontrolable = uicontrol ( ...
+ 'Parent', parent, ...
+ 'Style', 'edit', ...
+ 'FontSize', obj.GUI_INPUT_FONTSIZE, ... ...
+ 'BackgroundColor', obj.GUI_INPUT_BKG_CLR, ...
+ 'ForegroundColor', obj.GUI_INPUT_FOR_CLR);
+ end
+ function value = get_value(obj)
+ % Read value written by user
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % obj = GUI_input_Edit object
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % value = value written by user (transformed if needed by GUI)
+ value = get(obj.uicontrolable, 'String');
+ %If datatype for the object is numeric, try to convert it
+ if strcmp(obj.datatype,'numeric')
+ try
+ value = str2double(value);
+ catch
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function set_default(obj, default)
+ % Write default value for the input
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % obj = GUI_input_Edit object
+ % default = default value to write
+ if ~isempty(default)
+ set(obj.uicontrolable, 'String', default);
+ end
+ end
+ function [status, error] = check_input(obj, input)
+ % Check fot data compliance (w/datatype defined by object)
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % obj = GUI_input_Edit object
+ % input = Value written (and transformed)
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % status = true if input is correct, false otherwise
+ % error = error message to inform user why input is incorrect
+ status = true;
+ error = '';
+ %Check if value is numeric
+ if strcmp(obj.datatype,'numeric')
+ status = isnumeric(input);
+ error_msg = ': Input is not numeric';
+ %Check if value is string
+ elseif strcmp(obj.datatype,'string')
+ status = ischar(input);
+ error_msg = ': Input is not string';
+ end
+ %If value is incorrect append field name
+ % and correspondent error message
+ if ~status
+ error = strcat([obj.name error_msg]);
+ end
+ end
+ function obj = GUI_Input_Edit(parent, name, default, datatype)
+ % Class constructor, define initial object properties
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % parent = parent uiobject for the GUI_input_Edit object
+ % name = name of the input field (for database)
+ % default = default value for input
+ % datatype = intended datatype for input
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % obj = input object
+ obj.name = name;
+ obj.datatype = datatype;
+ obj.uicontrolable = obj.set_uicontrol(parent);
+ obj.set_default(default)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/GUI_Inputs/GUI_Input_HBox.m b/database/AddLabUsers/GUI_Inputs/GUI_Input_HBox.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5db138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/GUI_Inputs/GUI_Input_HBox.m
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+classdef GUI_Input_HBox < GUI_Input
+ % GUI_Input_HBox Summary of GUI_Input_Edit
+ % GUI_Input implementarion with functions for a hbox (edit array) uicontrol
+ % This object is intended for blob values in the database
+ %
+ % GUI_Input_HBox Properties:
+ % GUI_INPUT_FONTSIZE - Fontsize of the input
+ % GUI_INPUT_BKG_CLR - Background color of the input
+ % GUI_INPUT_FOR_CLR - Foreground color of the input
+ % GUI_INPUT_SPACING - Spacing between edits
+ % name - Field name that input is attached to
+ % uicontrolable - GUI object for the input
+ % uiedits - uiobject edits cell array
+ % datatype - Field datatype for database
+ %
+ % GUI_Input_HBox Methods:
+ % create_edit(obj, parent) - define 1 uiobject edit for the array
+ % set_uicontrol(obj,parent) - define GUI object for the input
+ % set_default(obj, default) - write default value ("if applicable")
+ % get_value(obj) - read value written by user
+ % check_input(obj, input) - check if input is correct
+ properties (Constant)
+ end
+ properties
+ name
+ uicontrolable
+ uiedits
+ datatype
+ size
+ end
+ methods
+ function uiedit = create_edit(obj, parent)
+ %Define uicontrol (edit) for the input array
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % obj = GUI_Input_HBox object
+ % parent = uicontrol parent of the GUI_input
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % uicontrolable = uicontrol edit object for the input
+ uiedit = uicontrol ( ...
+ 'Parent', parent, ...
+ 'Style', 'edit', ...
+ 'FontSize', obj.GUI_INPUT_FONTSIZE, ... ...
+ 'BackgroundColor', obj.GUI_INPUT_BKG_CLR, ...
+ 'ForegroundColor', obj.GUI_INPUT_FOR_CLR);
+ end
+ function [uicontrolable, uiedits] = set_uicontrol(obj, parent)
+ %Define uicontrol (hbox) for the input
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % obj = GUI_Input_HBox object
+ % parent = uicontrol parent of the GUI_input
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % uicontrolable = uicontrol edit object for the input
+ uicontrolable = uix.HBox ( ...
+ 'Parent', parent, ....
+ 'Spacing', obj.GUI_INPUT_SPACING, ......
+ 'BackgroundColor', obj.GUI_INPUT_BKG_CLR);
+ uiedits = cell(obj.size, 1);
+ for i = 1:obj.size
+ uiedits{i} = obj.create_edit(uicontrolable);
+ end
+ end
+ function values = get_value(obj)
+ % Read value written by user
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % obj = GUI_Input_HBox object
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % values = values written by user (transformed if needed by GUI)
+ %Create cell for writting all edit values
+ values = cell(1,obj.size);
+ for i=1:obj.size
+ %Read each one of the edits
+ values{i} = get(obj.uiedits{i}, 'String');
+ %Transform if applicable
+ if strcmp(obj.datatype,'numeric array')
+ transform = str2double(values{i});
+ if ~isnan(transform)
+ values{i} = transform;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ %Transform from cell to array if applicable
+ %Normally blob inputs in database are numeric arrays
+ if strcmp(obj.datatype,'numeric array')
+ if all(cellfun(@isnumeric,values,'UniformOutput',true))
+ values = cell2mat(values);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function [status, error] = check_input(obj, input)
+ % Check fot data compliance (w/datatype defined by object)
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % obj = GUI_Input_HBox object
+ % input = Value written (and transformed)
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % status = true if input is correct, false otherwise
+ % error = error message to inform user why input is incorrect
+ status = true;
+ error = '';
+ %Check if value is string cell
+ if strcmp(obj.datatype,'cell string')
+ status = iscellstr(input);
+ error_msg = ': Input is not conformed of only strings';
+ %Check if value is numeric array
+ elseif strcmp(obj.datatype,'numeric array')
+ status = isnumeric(input) & ~iscell(input);
+ error_msg = ': Input is not conformed of only numbers';
+ end
+ %If value is incorrect append field name
+ % and correspondent error message
+ if ~status
+ error = strcat([obj.name error_msg]);
+ end
+ end
+ function set_default(obj, default)
+ %Not defined
+ end
+ function obj = GUI_Input_HBox(parent, name, example_value, datatype)
+ % Class constructor, define initial object properties
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % parent = parent object for the GUI_Input_HBox object
+ % name = name of the input field (for database)
+ % example_value = example value for this input
+ % datatype = intended datatype for input
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % obj = input object
+ obj.name = name;
+ obj.datatype = datatype;
+ obj.size = length(example_value);
+ [obj.uicontrolable, obj.uiedits] = obj.set_uicontrol(parent);
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/GUI_Inputs/GUI_Input_Popup.m b/database/AddLabUsers/GUI_Inputs/GUI_Input_Popup.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f1ad43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/GUI_Inputs/GUI_Input_Popup.m
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+classdef GUI_Input_Popup < GUI_Input
+ % GUI_Input_Popup Summary of GUI_Input_Edit
+ % GUI_Input implementarion with functions for a popmenu uicontrol
+ %
+ % GUI_Input_Popup Properties:
+ % GUI_INPUT_FONTSIZE - Fontsize of the input
+ % GUI_INPUT_BKG_CLR - Background color of the input
+ % GUI_INPUT_FOR_CLR - Foreground color of the input
+ % name - Field name that input is attached to
+ % uicontrolable - GUI object for the input
+ % datatype - Field datatype for database
+ % value_list - List of possible values for input
+ %
+ % GUI_Input_Popup Methods:
+ % set_uicontrol(obj,parent) - define GUI object for the input
+ % set_default(obj, default) - write default value ("if applicable")
+ % get_value(obj) - read value written by user
+ % check_input(obj, input) - check if input is correct
+ % set_value_list(obj, value_list) -
+ properties
+ name
+ uicontrolable
+ datatype
+ value_list
+ end
+ methods
+ function uicontrolable = set_uicontrol(obj, parent)
+ %Define uicontrol (popupmenu) for the input
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % obj = GUI_input_Popup object
+ % parent = uicontrol parent of the GUI_input
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % uicontrolable = uicontrol edit object for the input
+ uicontrolable = uicontrol ( ...
+ 'Parent', parent, ...
+ 'Style', 'popupmenu', ...
+ 'String', {''}, ...
+ 'Value', 1, ...
+ 'FontSize', obj.GUI_INPUT_FONTSIZE, ... ...
+ 'BackgroundColor', obj.GUI_INPUT_BKG_CLR, ...
+ 'ForegroundColor', obj.GUI_INPUT_FOR_CLR);
+ end
+ function value = get_value(obj)
+ % Read value written by user
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % obj = GUI_input_Popup object
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % value = value written by user
+ list = get(obj.uicontrolable, 'String');
+ idx = get(obj.uicontrolable, 'Value');
+ value = list{idx};
+ end
+ function values = set_value_list(obj, values)
+ % Write all possible values for input
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % obj = GUI_input_Popup object
+ % values = value list to write for the popupmenu
+ set (obj.uicontrolable, 'String', values);
+ end
+ function set_default(obj, default)
+ % Write default value for the input
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % obj = GUI_input_Popup object
+ % default = default value to write
+ if ~isempty(default)
+ index = find(strcmpi(get(obj.uicontrolable, 'String'), default), 1);
+ if isempty(index)
+ error('Default not found');
+ end
+ set( obj.uicontrolable, 'Value', index );
+ end
+ end
+ function [status, error] = check_input(obj, input)
+ % Check fot data compliance (w/datatype defined by object)
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % obj = GUI_input_Popup object
+ % input = Value written (and transformed)
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % status = true if input is correct, false otherwise
+ % error = error message to inform user why input is incorrect
+ status = true;
+ error = '';
+ %Check if numeric value is in cell of accepted values
+ if strcmp(obj.datatype,'numeric')
+ status = any(cellfun(@(x) x==input,obj.value_list));
+ error_msg = ': Input is not in accepted values';
+ %Check if string value is in cell of accepted values
+ elseif strcmp(obj.datatype,'string')
+ status = any(find(strcmp(obj.value_list, input),1));
+ error_msg = ': Input is not in accepted values';
+ end
+ %If value is incorrect append field name
+ % and correspondent error message
+ if ~status
+ error = strcat([obj.name error_msg]);
+ end
+ end
+ function obj = GUI_Input_Popup(parent, name, list_values, default, datatype)
+ % Class constructor, define initial object properties
+ %
+ % Inputs:
+ % parent = parent uiobject for the GUI_input_Popup object
+ % name = name of the input field (for database)
+ % list_values = value of accepted values for input
+ % default = default value for input
+ % datatype = intended datatype for input
+ %
+ % Outputs:
+ % obj = input object
+ obj.name = name;
+ obj.datatype = datatype;
+ obj.uicontrolable = obj.set_uicontrol(parent);
+ obj.value_list = obj.set_value_list(list_values);
+ obj.set_default(default);
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/database/AddLabUsers/ScreenProperties.m b/database/AddLabUsers/ScreenProperties.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c8a301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/AddLabUsers/ScreenProperties.m
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+classdef ScreenProperties
+ %ScreenProperties Summary of this class goes here
+ % Detailed explanation goes here
+ properties (Constant)
+ LARGE_WIDTH = 1920
+ IS_SMALL_SCREEN = ScreenProperties.checkMonitorSize()
+ end
+ methods (Static)
+ %----- Returns true if the screen size is smaller than a given area in pixels
+ function isSmall = checkMonitorSize()
+ monitors = get(0,'ScreenSize');
+ screenArea = prod(monitors(1,3:end));
+ isSmall = screenArea < ScreenProperties.LARGE_WIDTH*ScreenProperties.LARGE_HEIGHT;
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/database/AnimalDatabase.m b/database/AnimalDatabase.m
index 8af07f9..7e4f0b6 100644
--- a/database/AnimalDatabase.m
+++ b/database/AnimalDatabase.m
@@ -1570,9 +1570,14 @@ function layoutGUI(obj)
, 'XColor', [1 1 1]*0.7, 'YColor', [1 1 1]*0.7, 'XTick', [], 'YTick', [], 'Visible', 'off', 'Clipping', 'off' );
obj.btn.weighMode = uicontrol( 'Parent', obj.cnt.controls, 'FontSize', AnimalDatabase.GUI_FONT, 'Interruptible', 'off', 'BusyAction', 'cancel', 'UserData', 0 );
uix.Empty( 'Parent', obj.cnt.controls );
- obj.btn.checkInOut = uicontrol( 'Parent', obj.cnt.controls, 'Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Check In/Out' ...
- , 'TooltipString', 'Selection screen to check in/out cages
' ...
- , 'FontSize', AnimalDatabase.GUI_FONT, 'Enable', 'off', 'Interruptible', 'off', 'BusyAction', 'cancel' );
+% obj.btn.checkInOut = uicontrol( 'Parent', obj.cnt.controls, 'Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Check In/Out' ...
+% , 'TooltipString', 'Selection screen to check in/out cages
' ...
+% , 'FontSize', AnimalDatabase.GUI_FONT, 'Enable', 'off', 'Interruptible', 'off', 'BusyAction', 'cancel' );
+ obj.btn.addUser = uicontrol( 'Parent', obj.cnt.controls, 'Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'AddUser' ...
+ , 'TooltipString', 'Screen to input information about new users
' ...
+ , 'FontSize', AnimalDatabase.GUI_FONT, 'Enable', 'off', 'Interruptible', 'off', 'BusyAction', 'cancel' );
obj.btn.finalize = uicontrol( 'Parent', obj.cnt.controls, 'Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'FINALIZE' ...
, 'TooltipString', 'Check that all animals you''re responsible for have been handled
' ...
, 'FontSize', AnimalDatabase.GUI_FONT, 'Interruptible', 'off', 'BusyAction', 'cancel' );
@@ -1605,7 +1610,7 @@ function layoutGUI(obj)
set(obj.cnt.main , 'Heights', [1.2*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE + 2*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BORDER, -1]);
set(obj.cnt.config , 'Widths' , [10*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, -1]);
set(obj.cnt.person , 'Widths' , [4*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, -1]);
- set(obj.cnt.controls , 'Widths' , [AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, -1, 7*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, 0, 9.5*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE]);
+ set(obj.cnt.controls , 'Widths' , [AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, -1, 7*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, 4*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, 9.5*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE]);
set(obj.cnt.data , 'Widths' , [3*(1 + AnimalDatabase.MAX_ANI_GROUP)*elemSize + 0.5*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, -1]);
set(obj.cnt.overview , 'Heights', [2*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, -1]);
@@ -1722,6 +1727,7 @@ function showResponsible(obj, hObject, event, showNextAni)
%% Restore non-busy cursor
%set(obj.btn.checkInOut, 'Enable', 'on', 'Callback', {@obj.checkoutGUI, personID});
+ set(obj.btn.addUser, 'Enable', 'on', 'Callback', {@obj.callAddUser});
set(obj.btn.finalize, 'Callback', {@obj.areWeThereYet, personID});
obj.checkUpdateTimer([], [], true);
@@ -3517,9 +3523,15 @@ function performanceGUI(obj)
, 'XColor', [1 1 1]*0.7, 'YColor', [1 1 1]*0.7, 'XTick', [], 'YTick', [], 'Visible', 'off', 'Clipping', 'off' );
obj.btn.weighMode = uicontrol( 'Parent', obj.cnt.controls, 'FontSize', AnimalDatabase.GUI_FONT, 'Interruptible', 'off', 'BusyAction', 'cancel', 'UserData', 0 );
uix.Empty( 'Parent', obj.cnt.controls );
- obj.btn.checkInOut = uicontrol( 'Parent', obj.cnt.controls, 'Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Check In/Out' ...
- , 'TooltipString', 'Selection screen to check in/out cages
' ...
- , 'FontSize', AnimalDatabase.GUI_FONT, 'Enable', 'off', 'Interruptible', 'off', 'BusyAction', 'cancel' );
+ %obj.btn.checkInOut = uicontrol( 'Parent', obj.cnt.controls, 'Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Check In/Out' ...
+ % , 'TooltipString', 'Selection screen to check in/out cages
' ...
+ % , 'FontSize', AnimalDatabase.GUI_FONT, 'Enable', 'off', 'Interruptible', 'off', 'BusyAction', 'cancel' );
+ obj.btn.addUser = uicontrol( 'Parent', obj.cnt.controls, 'Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'AddUser' ...
+ , 'TooltipString', 'Screen to input information about new users
' ...
+ , 'FontSize', AnimalDatabase.GUI_FONT, 'Enable', 'off', 'Interruptible', 'off', 'BusyAction', 'cancel' );
obj.btn.finalize = uicontrol( 'Parent', obj.cnt.controls, 'Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'FINALIZE' ...
, 'TooltipString', 'Check that all animals you''re responsible for have been handled
' ...
, 'FontSize', AnimalDatabase.GUI_FONT, 'Interruptible', 'off', 'BusyAction', 'cancel' );
@@ -3552,7 +3564,7 @@ function performanceGUI(obj)
set(obj.cnt.main , 'Heights', [1.2*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE + 2*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BORDER, -1]);
set(obj.cnt.config , 'Widths' , [10*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, -1]);
set(obj.cnt.person , 'Widths' , [4*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, -1]);
- set(obj.cnt.controls , 'Widths' , [AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, -1, 7*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, 0, 9.5*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE]);
+ set(obj.cnt.controls , 'Widths' , [AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, -1, 7*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, 4*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, 9.5*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE]);
set(obj.cnt.data , 'Widths' , [3*(1 + AnimalDatabase.MAX_ANI_GROUP)*elemSize + 0.5*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, -1]);
set(obj.cnt.overview , 'Heights', [2*AnimalDatabase.GUI_BTNSIZE, -1]);
@@ -6084,6 +6096,12 @@ function updateAnimalSummary(obj, handle, event, ignoreBusy)
+ function callAddUser(obj, hObject, event)
+ NewRecordsGUI();
+ end