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A Discord bot for fun and utility relating to the FFV Four Job Fiesta!

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Hi! I'm Discord!Carbybot, made by AlphaKretin, based off of the IRC!Carbybot made by Kyrosiris! I'm here to make Fiestaing easier! If you have other suggestions for commands, let Kyrosiris or someone with the Robit Helper role know. They'll try to add it. Unlike the dumb IRC version of Carbybot, I can accept PMs! Yay!

You can use .help to get a link to this readme. Note that while the "intended" prefix alternates between commands, they all work with either . or !, so don't feel compelled to memorise which is which. For usage, [] indicates optional parameters, e.g. for .almagest [stamina] you don't have to specify a stamina, and | indicates a choice between parameters, so for .almagest stamina|Job you can enter either a stamina value or the name of a Job.

Mechanical Tips/Useful things

See also the section on the enemy database.


Usage: .mcalc type stat [stat stat]

This calculates attack multipliers, or "M", and the next level at which it will increase, based on your stats. If you're not sure what M is, check out this primer I wrote about it.

If you just enter .mcalc or otherwise invalid input, Carby will guide you through the process. Carby accepts the following M types, with required stats in the order listed.

  • physical: Level, Strength. Used for most weapons.
  • magic: Level, Magic. Used for magic.
  • knife: Level, Strength, Agility. Used for knives, bows, whips, etc.
  • chicken: Level, Strength, Agility. Used for the Chicken Knife.
  • rune: Level, Strength, Magic. Used for the Rune Axe etc.
  • bell: Level, Magic, Agility. Used for the Diamond Bell and Tinkerbell (but not Gaia Bell or Rune Chime).
  • fists: Level, Strength. Used for unarmed attacks.
  • cannon: Level. Used for !Open Fire.


Usage: .almagest [stamina|Job]

This recites how much HP you need to survive the final boss' powerful Almagest attack. If you include a Stamina value, or the name of a job class, Carby will calculate the Level you need to have that much HP.


Usage: .math level

This calculates how many times you'll need to cast the Blue Magic Dark Spark on an enemy of a given level, halving their level rounding down, to make it a multiple of 2, 3, 4 or 5 for the various Level X Blue Magic spells.


Usage: !mix to name, !mix from ingredient [+ ingredient]

This recites the effects and ingredients of the mixes made with the Chemist's !Mix ability. Use !mix to to look up a mix by the name of the result, and get its effects and all of its possible ingredient sets, !mix from ingredient + ingredient to look up a mix by the two ingredients you're using, to get the same information, or !mix from ingredient with just one ingredient to get a list of all the mixes you can make with that ingredient, with the other ingredients you'll need for each mix.


Usage: !combine item|name

This recites the effects of the mixes made with the Cannoneer's !Combine ability. Carby can find a combination from either the main ingredient, or the name of the attack. Thanks to Aerdan for assembling this data.


Usage: .isbowbetter level

This calculates the chance of a Death proc from the Death Sickle against the Seal Guardian boss in World 2, and compares it to the static chance of a Death proc from the Killer Bow, to see which is more likely to inflict the status. It requires the level of the character making the attack. It is assumed that the Bow user has access to !Aim to guarantee the hit, but the Axe user does not.


Usage: .loadsofmoney level

This calculates the cost of shooting at Neo Exdeath until it dies, with !Zeninage. It takes your level and outputs both the number of throws and the amount of gil that many throws will cost.


Usage: .class name

This recites information about a Job class, such as its base stats and learned abilities. The name .class is chosen over .job to avoid conflicts with .jobs.


This displays the current state of a countdown until the next relevant date, be it preregistration or The Run.

Fun Toys

These commands are fun little things for users to play around with.


This generates a random set of three 0-7 numbers, used for FFV Advance's menu colour option, and reacts to your message with them. Because reactions have to be unique, there are some workarounds for duplicate numbers. The back arrow â—€ represents a repeat of the first number, the forward arrow â–¶ represents a repeat of the second number, and the plus âž• represents 3 of the same number.

For those playing on SNES, with a larger colour range from 0-31, add "SNES" somewhere in the message (e.g. .color snes or .snescolor) to increase the range appropriately. Because number emoji are only a single digit, 10-31 are represented by letters, similar to hexadecimal - 10 = A, 11 = B and so on.


This reacts to the user's message with the letter emoji "B", "L", "G" and "F" in a random order, standing for Bartz, Lenna, Galuf and Faris respectively. This allows the user to rearrange their party in a random order each run.

Fun Stat Tracking

These commands keep track of various fun stats about our playthroughs. People donate based on these totals, so keep them coming and keep them honest!


This registers that you fell in the speed trap, an obstacle pictured below. speed trap


This recites the number of people who have fallen in the speed trap.


Usage: .break [number]

This registers that you broke some rods. This means equipping a Rod weapon, pressing up on the Item menu in-battle to check your equipment, then click the Rod twice while it's equipped to use it. This casts a high-level spell of that element and destroys it, a useful crutch in the early game. You can include a number to register breaking multiple in one fight, or to save up a play session worth.


This recites the number of rods people have broken.


Usage: .jobs register job job job job, .jobs lookup [@User]

This keeps track of what Jobs people have been assigned, for reference when asking for advice etc. When registering, Carby accepts any 4 strings seperated by spaces. People have a trend of using emoji, so a table of likely meanings is below. When looking up a user, Carby will try to find them if you just type their name, but you might have to @mention them. If you don't include a user, it will recite your own registered jobs.

Job Name Emoji
Knight ⚔🛡
Black Mage âš«


This adds you to a role designating that you braved #regForbidden #BERSERKERRISK in 2018 when it was new and unknown.


This adds you to a role designating that you braved #regForbidden, without Berserker Risk, in 2018 when it was new and unknown.


This adds you to a role designating that you braved #regWinner #BERSERKERRISK in 2019 when it was new and unknown.


This adds you to a role designating that you braved #regWinner, without Berserker Risk, in 2019 when it was new and unknown.

DIY Fiesta

Usage: .runtype[+modifier]

These commands all generate a Four Job Fiesta Job set according to the chosen rules. They support the following additional modifiers after a + (e.g. .normal+forbidden). Modifiers come in four categories - you can only use 1 modifier from each category, but you can combine multiple categories as you please.


  • +forbidden/+void: A random Job will be "lost to the void". After you enter the final dungeon, you can no longer use it or its abilities.
  • +fifthjob: A fifth Job will be assigned to Krile. When she joins your party, you can no longer use your Earth Job and instead use this fifth Job.

Job Set

  • +750: You will only be assigned magical jobs, namely White Mage, Black Mage, Blue Mage, Time Mage, Summoner, Red Mage, Geomancer, Bard, Chemist and Dancer.
  • +no750: You will only be assigned physical jobs, namely Thief, Monk, Knight, Mystic Knight, Berserker, Ninja, Beastmaster, Raner, Samurai and Dragoon.


  • +lowrisk: This modifier emulates a low chance of berserker risk - there is a 12% chance per crystal that up to one crystal's job will be replaced by our good friend Zerky.
  • +risk: This modifier emulates a moderate chance of berserker risk - there is a 25% chance per crystal that up to two crystal's jobs will be replaced by our good friend Zerky.
  • +highrisk: This modifier emulates the near-mandate-like chance of berserker risk - there is a 50% chance per crystal that up to three crystal's jobs will be replaced by our good friend Zerky.
  • +blameeverhate: You know what this does.


  • +hide: Carby will PM you your jobs with the non-Wind jobs spoiler tagged, so you can play like a "traditional" Fiesta.

You can only use one each out of +forbidden/+fifthjob and +750/+no750, but you can use one from each pair.


These are the normal Fiesta rules. At each crystal, the Job you are assigned will come from the group that crystal gave you.


At each crystal, the Job you are assigned will come from any crystals you already have unlocked, but not future ones.


You can be assigned any normal job at any crystal, with duplicates allowed.


You can be assigned any normal job, as well as the special jobs Mime and Freelancer, at any crystal, with no duplicates.


Jobs are re-arranged in order to fit the 3 bonus GBA version jobs, Gladiator, Oracle and Cannoneer, in the Earth Crystal. Assigns jobs like Normal.

  • Wind: Normal Wind Jobs and Time Mage
  • Water: Red Mage, Summoner, Berserker, Mystic Knight, Beastmaster, Geomancer and Ninja
  • Fire: Bard, Ranger, Dancer and Normal Earth Jobs
  • Earth: Gladiator, Oracle and Cannoneer


This is mostly an obsolete alias for .advance+forbidden, with the special stipulation that your Earth Job cannot be Forbidden. It does not support other modifiers.


This is an obsolete alias for .normal+750, and does not support other modifiers.


This is an obsolete alias for .normal+no750, and does not support other modifiers.


This is an obsolete alias for .chaos+750, and does not support other modifiers.


This is an obsolete alias for .chaos+no750, and does not support other modifiers.

Enemy database

Thanks to DigiPack (Sakako), Carby has a full database of all the enemies in FFV. These commands look them up and display their information. If you search a phrase that matches the names of multiple enemies, Carby will continue with you in DMs. To select one of the listed enemies, just reply to the DM with the corresponding number. Carby knows names from both the GBA version onwards and the RPGe fan translation. If someone else looks something up, and you want a copy of the info, just click the mailbox reaction and you'll be CCed on the message! Just keep in mind that if the message was a disambiguation, it won't be interactive like the original message, you'll have to search again yourself in that case.


This provides help for the other commands in this category.


Usage: .info name

This provides the whole profile of an enemy's data, except the AI routines.


Usage: .ai name

This provides an enemy's AI script, as documented in the FFV Algorithms guide.


Usage: .loot name

This provides an enemy's item drops and steals.


Usage: .stats name

This provides an enemy's basic stats like Level, Strength, etc.


Usage: .weak name

This provides an enemy's elemental and status affinities, including weakness, resistance, immunty, absorption, and initial statuses.


Usage: .ability name

This provides information about an enemy's abilities, such as their known Magic, Blue Magic you can learn from them, and what happens when you !Control or !Catch them.

Misc. Information

Each of the following commands recite a quote or link with useful information about the game.

  • .500/.karnak: A map of the Karnak 500 escape sequence.
  • .address: Various memory addresses for use with GBA emulators.
  • .algorithm: The FFV Algorithms guide.
  • .beginner: A beginner's guide to the Job Classes, written by alcharagia.
  • !blue: A Blue Magic acquisition guide.
  • !catch: Catch suggestions for each boss.
  • .chemchart: A pictue guide for !Mix (this should be .mixchart but it conflicts with !mix).
  • .encounter: Several random encounter maps.
  • .enkibot: Asterism's Enkibot interactive guide.
  • !flee: foolofsound's guide on what encounters are easily runnable.
  • .fork: Reminds you which way is which in Fork Tower.
  • .lamp: The Magic Lamp's summon order.
  • .ned: A picture guide for which part of Neo Exdeath is which.
  • .phoenix: The order of doors for the Phoenix Tower dungeon.
  • .physical: A list of commands that trigger React: Physical scripts, such as Omniscient's Reset.
  • .piano: A list of which towns have the pianos needed for the final Bard song.
  • .pyramid: A map of the Pyramid dungeon.
  • .sealed: alcharagia's guide to the Sealed Temple bonus dungeon.
  • .seals: A picture guide for which of the nameless Seal Guardian bosses are which.
  • .stats: A list of the modifiers each character has to their base stats.
  • .wand The order of the spells the Wonder Wand weapon casts.

Silly nonsense


Usage: .dd [number|search]

Recites a random quote from a certain speedrunner's runs of FFV. Include a number to get the quote with that number, or a phrase to get a quote that includes that phrase.


The following commands all recite a quote or link.

  • .badfaq
  • .badfiesta
  • .badmod
  • .crystelle
  • !dance
  • .equipharps
  • !gaia
  • .happyworm
  • !iainuki
  • .level5death
  • .numbers/.runthenumbers
  • .oracle
  • .quickleak
  • .quicksave
  • .rocksfall
  • .sandworm
  • .spinryu
  • .yburns
  • !zeninage
  • zerky!


A Discord bot for fun and utility relating to the FFV Four Job Fiesta!






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