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0x01. Shell, Permissions - DevOps Project

This project is part of the DevOps curriculum and focuses on gaining proficiency in working with shell basics and permissions in a Linux environment. The project consists of a series of tasks that cover various aspects of shell scripting, user permissions, and file ownership.

Learning Objectives

By completing this project, you will:

  • Gain a deep understanding of Linux file permissions.
  • Familiarize yourself with essential shell commands like chmod, sudo, and chown.
  • Learn to represent and manipulate file permissions.
  • Understand how to change file ownership and group.
  • Master the execution of commands with root privileges.

Project Structure

The project contains a series of scripts, each addressing specific tasks related to shell basics and permissions. Here's a brief overview of the tasks:

  1. My name is Betty

  2. Who am I

    • 1-who_am_i: Print the effective username of the current user.
  3. Groups

    • 2-groups: Print all the groups the current user is part of.
  4. New owner

    • 3-new_owner: Change the owner of the file hello to the user betty.
  5. Empty!

    • 4-empty: Create an empty file called hello.
  6. Execute

    • 5-execute: Add execute permission to the owner of the file hello.
  7. Multiple permissions

    • 6-multiple_permissions: Add execute permission to the owner and the group owner and read permission to other users to the file hello.
  8. Everybody!

    • 7-everybody: Add execution permission to the owner, the group owner, and the other users to the file hello.
  9. James Bond

    • 8-James_Bond: Set the permission to the file hello as follows: Owner: no permission at all, Group: no permission at all, Other users: all the permissions.
  10. John Doe

    • 9-John_Doe: Set the mode of the file hello to this: -rwxr-x-wx 1 julien julien 23 Sep 20 14:25 hello.
  11. Look in the mirror

  12. Directories

    • 11-directories_permissions: Add execute permission to all subdirectories of the current directory for the owner, the group owner, and all other users.
  13. More directories

  14. Change group

  15. Owner and group (Advanced)

    • 100-change_owner_and_group: Change the owner to vincent and the group owner to staff for all the files and directories in the working directory.
  16. Symbolic links (Advanced)

  17. If only (Advanced)

    • 102-if_only: Change the owner of the file hello to betty only if it is owned by the user guillaume.
  18. Star Wars (Advanced)

    • 103-Star_Wars: Write a script that will play the Star Wars IV episode in the terminal.


Read or watch:

man or help:

chmod sudo su chown chgrp id groups whoami adduser useradd addgroup

For detailed instructions and examples, refer to the respective script files in this repository.

Special Thanks for Project Guidance to

  • Julien Barbier

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This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.

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