diff --git a/code/Home.py b/code/Home.py
index 71a809a..14f2433 100644
--- a/code/Home.py
+++ b/code/Home.py
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ def show_curriculums():
# ------- Layout starts here -------- #
-def init():
+def init(if_load_docDB=True):
# Clear specific session state and all filters
for key in st.session_state:
@@ -385,6 +385,11 @@ def _get_data_source(rig):
_df.loc[_df['water_in_session_manual'] > 100,
['water_in_session_manual', 'water_in_session_total', 'water_after_session']] = np.nan
+ _df.loc[(_df['duration_iti_median'] < 0) | (_df['duration_iti_mean'] < 0),
+ ['duration_iti_median', 'duration_iti_mean', 'duration_iti_std', 'duration_iti_min', 'duration_iti_max']] = np.nan
+ _df.loc[_df['invalid_lick_ratio'] < 0,
+ ['invalid_lick_ratio']]= np.nan
# # add something else
# add abs(bais) to all terms that have 'bias' in name
@@ -449,21 +454,22 @@ def _get_data_source(rig):
# --- Load data from docDB ---
- _df = merge_in_df_docDB(_df)
- # add docDB_status column
- _df["docDB_status"] = _df.apply(
- lambda row: (
- "0_not uploaded"
- if pd.isnull(row["session_loc"])
- else (
- "1_uploaded but not processed"
- if pd.isnull(row["processed_session_loc"])
- else "2_uploaded and processed"
- )
- ),
- axis=1,
- )
+ if if_load_docDB:
+ _df = merge_in_df_docDB(_df)
+ # add docDB_status column
+ _df["docDB_status"] = _df.apply(
+ lambda row: (
+ "0_not uploaded"
+ if pd.isnull(row["session_loc"])
+ else (
+ "1_uploaded but not processed"
+ if pd.isnull(row["processed_session_loc"])
+ else "2_uploaded and processed"
+ )
+ ),
+ axis=1,
+ )
st.session_state.df['sessions_bonsai'] = _df # Somehow _df loses the reference to the original dataframe
st.session_state.session_stats_names = [keys for keys in _df.keys()]
@@ -753,9 +759,10 @@ def app():
# st.dataframe(st.session_state.df_session_filtered, use_container_width=True, height=1000)
-ok = True
-if 'df' not in st.session_state or 'sessions_bonsai' not in st.session_state.df.keys():
- ok = init()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ok = True
+ if 'df' not in st.session_state or 'sessions_bonsai' not in st.session_state.df.keys():
+ ok = init()
-if ok:
- app()
+ if ok:
+ app()
diff --git a/code/__init__.py b/code/__init__.py
index 0f9ce39..005fd5f 100644
--- a/code/__init__.py
+++ b/code/__init__.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-__ver__ = 'v2.5.5'
+__ver__ = 'v2.5.6'
diff --git a/code/pages/1_Basic behavior analysis.py b/code/pages/1_Basic behavior analysis.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c3b752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/pages/1_Basic behavior analysis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+import s3fs
+import streamlit as st
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib
+from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
+from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
+from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
+from streamlit_plotly_events import plotly_events
+from util.aws_s3 import load_data
+from util.streamlit import add_session_filter, data_selector, add_footnote
+from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
+import streamlit_nested_layout
+import extra_streamlit_components as stx
+from util.url_query_helper import (
+ checkbox_wrapper_for_url_query,
+ multiselect_wrapper_for_url_query,
+ number_input_wrapper_for_url_query,
+ slider_wrapper_for_url_query,
+ sync_session_state_to_URL,
+ sync_URL_to_session_state,
+ to_sync_with_url_query_default,
+from Home import init
+ss = st.session_state
+fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=False)
+cache_folder = "aind-behavior-data/foraging_nwb_bonsai_processed/"
+ st.set_page_config(
+ layout="wide",
+ page_title="Foraging behavior browser",
+ page_icon=":mouse2:",
+ menu_items={
+ "Report a bug": "https://github.com/AllenNeuralDynamics/foraging-behavior-browser/issues",
+ "About": "Github repo: https://github.com/AllenNeuralDynamics/foraging-behavior-browser",
+ },
+ )
+ pass
+# Sort stages in the desired order
+ "STAGE_1",
+ "STAGE_2",
+ "STAGE_3",
+ "STAGE_4",
+def get_stage_color_mapper(stage_list):
+ # Mapping stages to colors from red to green, return rgb values
+ # Interpolate between red and green using the number of stages
+ cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('RdYlGn', 100)
+ stage_color_mapper = {
+ stage: matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(
+ cmap(i / (len(stage_list) - 1)))
+ for i, stage in enumerate(stage_list)
+ }
+ return stage_color_mapper
+STAGE_COLOR_MAPPER = get_stage_color_mapper(STAGE_ORDER)
+def _get_metadata_col():
+ df = load_data()["sessions_bonsai"]
+ # -- get cols --
+ col_task = [
+ s
+ for s in df.metadata.columns
+ if not any(
+ ss in s
+ for ss in [
+ "lickspout",
+ "weight",
+ "water",
+ "time",
+ "rig",
+ "user_name",
+ "experiment",
+ "task",
+ "notes",
+ "laser",
+ "commit",
+ "repo",
+ "branch",
+ ] # exclude some columns
+ )
+ ] + [
+ 'avg_trial_length_in_seconds',
+ 'weight_after_ratio',
+ ]
+ col_perf = [
+ s
+ for s in df.session_stats.columns
+ if not any(ss in s for ss in ["performance"])
+ ] + [
+ #TODO: build column groups in Home.py. Now I'm hardcoding.
+ 'abs(bias_naive)',
+ 'abs(logistic_Su2022_bias)',
+ 'logistic_Su2022_RewC_amp',
+ 'logistic_Su2022_RewC_tau',
+ 'logistic_Su2022_UnrC_amp',
+ 'logistic_Su2022_UnrC_tau',
+ 'logistic_Su2022_bias',
+ 'logistic_Su2022_score_mean',
+ ]
+ return col_perf, col_task
+COL_PERF, COL_TASK = _get_metadata_col()
+def app():
+ with st.sidebar:
+ add_session_filter(if_bonsai=True)
+ data_selector()
+ add_footnote()
+ if not hasattr(ss, "df"):
+ st.write("##### Data not loaded yet, start from Home:")
+ st.page_link("Home.py", label="Home", icon="🏠")
+ return
+ # === Main tabs ===
+ chosen_id = stx.tab_bar(
+ data=[
+ stx.TabBarItemData(
+ id="tab_stage",
+ title="Training stages",
+ description="Compare across training stages",
+ ),
+ stx.TabBarItemData(
+ id="tab_PCA",
+ title="Learning trajectory",
+ description="PCA on performance and task parameters",
+ ),
+ ],
+ default=(
+ st.query_params["tab_id_learning_trajectory"]
+ if "tab_id_learning_trajectory" in st.query_params
+ else st.session_state.tab_id_learning_trajectory
+ ),
+ )
+ placeholder = st.container()
+ st.session_state.tab_id_learning_trajectory = chosen_id
+ if chosen_id == "tab_PCA":
+ do_pca(
+ ss.df_session_filtered.loc[:, ["subject_id", "session"] + COL_PERF],
+ "performance",
+ )
+ do_pca(
+ ss.df_session_filtered.loc[:, ["subject_id", "session"] + COL_TASK], "task"
+ )
+ elif chosen_id == "tab_stage":
+ st.markdown("### Distributions of metrics and/or parameters grouped by training stages")
+ metrics_grouped_by_stages(df=ss.df_session_filtered)
+ # Update back to URL
+ sync_session_state_to_URL()
+def do_pca(df, name):
+ df = df.dropna(axis=0, how="any")
+ df = df[~df.isin([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]).any(axis=1)]
+ df_to_pca = df.drop(columns=["subject_id", "session"])
+ df_to_pca = df_to_pca.select_dtypes(include=[np.number, float, int])
+ # Standardize the features
+ x = StandardScaler().fit_transform(df_to_pca)
+ # Apply PCA
+ pca = PCA(n_components=10) # Reduce to 2 dimensions for visualization
+ principalComponents = pca.fit_transform(x)
+ # Create a new DataFrame with the principal components
+ principalDf = pd.DataFrame(data=principalComponents)
+ principalDf.index = df.set_index(["subject_id", "session"]).index
+ principalDf.reset_index(inplace=True)
+ # -- trajectory --
+ st.markdown(f"### PCA on {name} metrics")
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ for mouse_id in principalDf["subject_id"].unique():
+ subset = principalDf[principalDf["subject_id"] == mouse_id]
+ # Add a 3D scatter plot for the current group
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter3d(
+ x=subset[0],
+ y=subset[1],
+ z=subset[2],
+ mode="lines+markers",
+ marker=dict(size=subset["session"].apply(lambda x: 5 + 15 * (x / 20))),
+ name=f"{mouse_id}", # Name the trace for the legend
+ )
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title=name,
+ scene=dict(xaxis_title="Dim1", yaxis_title="Dim2", zaxis_title="Dim3"),
+ width=1300,
+ height=1000,
+ font_size=15,
+ )
+ st.plotly_chart(fig)
+ # -- variance explained --
+ var_explained = pca.explained_variance_ratio_
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=np.arange(1, len(var_explained) + 1),
+ y=np.cumsum(var_explained),
+ )
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title="Variance Explained",
+ yaxis=dict(range=[0, 1]),
+ width=300,
+ height=400,
+ font_size=15,
+ )
+ st.plotly_chart(fig)
+ # -- pca components --
+ pca_components = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_, columns=df_to_pca.columns)
+ pca_components
+ fig = make_subplots(rows=3, cols=1)
+ # In vertical subplots, each subplot show the components of a principal component
+ for i in range(3):
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Bar(
+ x=pca_components.columns,
+ y=pca_components.loc[i],
+ name=f"PC{i+1}",
+ ),
+ row=i + 1,
+ col=1,
+ )
+ fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=i == 2, row=i + 1, col=1)
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title="PCA weights",
+ width=1000,
+ height=800,
+ font_size=20,
+ )
+ st.plotly_chart(fig)
+def metrics_grouped_by_stages(df):
+ df["current_stage_actual"] = pd.Categorical(
+ df["current_stage_actual"], categories=STAGE_ORDER, ordered=True
+ )
+ df = df.sort_values("current_stage_actual")
+ # Multiselect for choosing numeric columns
+ selected_perf_columns = multiselect_wrapper_for_url_query(
+ st,
+ label= "Animal performance metrics to plot",
+ options=COL_PERF,
+ default=to_sync_with_url_query_default["stage_distribution_selected_perf_columns"],
+ key='stage_distribution_selected_perf_columns',
+ )
+ selected_task_columns = multiselect_wrapper_for_url_query(
+ st,
+ label= "Task parameters to plot",
+ options=COL_TASK,
+ default=to_sync_with_url_query_default["stage_distribution_selected_task_columns"],
+ key='stage_distribution_selected_task_columns',
+ )
+ selected_columns = selected_perf_columns + selected_task_columns
+ # Checkbox to use density or not
+ use_kernel_smooth = st.checkbox("Use Kernel Smoothing", value=True)
+ if use_kernel_smooth:
+ use_density = False
+ bins = 100
+ else:
+ bins = st.columns([1, 5])[0].slider("Number of bins", 10, 100, 20, 5)
+ use_density = st.checkbox("Use Density", value=False)
+ num_plot_cols = st.columns([1, 7])[0].slider("Number of plotting columns", 1, 5, 4)
+ st.markdown("---")
+ # Create a density plot for each selected column grouped by 'current_stage_actual'
+ unique_curriculum_name = ['Uncoupled Without Baiting', 'Uncoupled Baiting', 'Coupled Baiting']
+ for curriculum_name in [name for name in unique_curriculum_name if name != "None"]:
+ st.markdown(f"### Curriculum name: {curriculum_name}")
+ # Columns to plot
+ cols = st.columns([1] * num_plot_cols)
+ for n, column in enumerate(selected_columns):
+ with cols[n % num_plot_cols]:
+ st.write(f'''
Animal performance: {column}'''
+ if column in COL_PERF
+ else f"Task parameter: {column}",
+ unsafe_allow_html=True)
+ fig = _plot_histograms(
+ df[df["curriculum_name"] == curriculum_name],
+ column,
+ bins,
+ use_kernel_smooth,
+ use_density,
+ )
+ st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
+ st.markdown("---")
+def _plot_histograms(df, column, bins, use_kernel_smooth, use_density):
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ stage_data_all = df[column].dropna()
+ stage_data_all = stage_data_all[~stage_data_all.isin([np.inf, -np.inf])]
+ bin_edges = np.linspace(stage_data_all.min(), stage_data_all.max(), bins)
+ for stage in df["current_stage_actual"].cat.categories:
+ if stage not in df["current_stage_actual"].unique():
+ continue
+ stage_data = df[df["current_stage_actual"] == stage][[column, "subject_id"]].dropna()
+ n_sessions = len(stage_data)
+ n_mice = len(stage_data["subject_id"].unique())
+ stage_data = stage_data[column]
+ if use_kernel_smooth:
+ if len(stage_data.unique()) == 1:
+ # Handle case with only one unique value
+ unique_value = stage_data.iloc[0]
+ # Create a small range around the unique value for KDE
+ kde = lambda x: np.exp(-((x - unique_value) ** 2) / (unique_value/100)) # Fallback
+ else:
+ kde = gaussian_kde(stage_data)
+ y_vals = kde(bin_edges)
+ else:
+ y_vals, _ = np.histogram(stage_data, bins=bin_edges, density=use_density)
+ percentiles = [(np.sum(stage_data <= x) / len(stage_data)) * 100 for x in bin_edges[1:]]
+ customdata = np.array([percentiles]).T
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=(bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) / 2,
+ y=y_vals,
+ mode="lines",
+ line=dict(color=STAGE_COLOR_MAPPER[stage]),
+ name=f"{stage}
({n_mice} mice, {n_sessions} sessions)",
+ customdata=customdata,
+ hovertemplate=f"Percentile: %{{customdata[0]:.2f}}%
+ )
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ xaxis_title=column,
+ yaxis_title="Kernel density" if use_kernel_smooth else "Density" if use_density else "Count",
+ hovermode="x unified",
+ )
+ return fig
+if "df" not in st.session_state or "sessions_bonsai" not in st.session_state.df.keys():
+ init(if_load_docDB=False)
diff --git a/code/pages/1_Learning trajectory.py b/code/pages/1_Learning trajectory.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d8fa143..0000000
--- a/code/pages/1_Learning trajectory.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-import plotly.graph_objects as go
-import s3fs
-import streamlit as st
-from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
-from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
-from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
-from streamlit_plotly_events import plotly_events
-from util.aws_s3 import load_data
-from util.streamlit import add_session_filter, data_selector
-ss = st.session_state
-fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=False)
-cache_folder = 'aind-behavior-data/foraging_nwb_bonsai_processed/'
-def app():
- with st.sidebar:
- add_session_filter(if_bonsai=True)
- data_selector()
- if not hasattr(ss, 'df'):
- st.write('##### Data not loaded yet, start from Home:')
- st.page_link('Home.py', label='Home', icon="🏠")
- return
- df = load_data()['sessions_bonsai']
- # -- get cols --
- col_task = [s for s in df.metadata.columns
- if not any(ss in s for ss in ['lickspout', 'weight', 'water', 'time', 'rig',
- 'user_name', 'experiment', 'task', 'notes', 'laser']
- )
- ]
- col_perf = [s for s in df.session_stats.columns
- if not any(ss in s for ss in ['performance']
- )
- ]
- do_pca(ss.df_session_filtered.loc[:, ['subject_id', 'session'] + col_perf], 'performance')
- do_pca(ss.df_session_filtered.loc[:, ['subject_id', 'session'] + col_task], 'task')
-def do_pca(df, name):
- df = df.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
- df = df[~df.isin([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]).any(axis=1)]
- df_to_pca = df.drop(columns=['subject_id', 'session'])
- df_to_pca = df_to_pca.select_dtypes(include=[np.number, float, int])
- # Standardize the features
- x = StandardScaler().fit_transform(df_to_pca)
- # Apply PCA
- pca = PCA(n_components=10) # Reduce to 2 dimensions for visualization
- principalComponents = pca.fit_transform(x)
- # Create a new DataFrame with the principal components
- principalDf = pd.DataFrame(data=principalComponents)
- principalDf.index = df.set_index(['subject_id', 'session']).index
- principalDf.reset_index(inplace=True)
- # -- trajectory --
- st.markdown(f'### PCA on {name} metrics')
- fig = go.Figure()
- for mouse_id in principalDf['subject_id'].unique():
- subset = principalDf[principalDf['subject_id'] == mouse_id]
- # Add a 3D scatter plot for the current group
- fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(
- x=subset[0],
- y=subset[1],
- z=subset[2],
- mode='lines+markers',
- marker=dict(size=subset['session'].apply(
- lambda x: 5 + 15*(x/20))),
- name=f'{mouse_id}', # Name the trace for the legend
- ))
- fig.update_layout(title=name,
- scene=dict(
- xaxis_title='Dim1',
- yaxis_title='Dim2',
- zaxis_title='Dim3'
- ),
- width=1300,
- height=1000,
- font_size=15,
- )
- st.plotly_chart(fig)
- # -- variance explained --
- var_explained = pca.explained_variance_ratio_
- fig = go.Figure()
- fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(
- x=np.arange(1, len(var_explained)+1),
- y=np.cumsum(var_explained),
- )
- )
- fig.update_layout(title='Variance Explained',
- yaxis=dict(range=[0, 1]),
- width=300,
- height=400,
- font_size=15,
- )
- st.plotly_chart(fig)
- # -- pca components --
- pca_components = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_,
- columns=df_to_pca.columns)
- pca_components
- fig = make_subplots(rows=3, cols=1)
- # In vertical subplots, each subplot show the components of a principal component
- for i in range(3):
- fig.add_trace(go.Bar(
- x=pca_components.columns,
- y=pca_components.loc[i],
- name=f'PC{i+1}',
- ), row=i+1, col=1)
- fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=i==2, row=i+1, col=1)
- fig.update_layout(title='PCA weights',
- width=1000,
- height=800,
- font_size=20,
- )
- st.plotly_chart(fig)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/code/util/streamlit.py b/code/util/streamlit.py
index 0849ff3..5ef2b06 100644
--- a/code/util/streamlit.py
+++ b/code/util/streamlit.py
@@ -691,13 +691,14 @@ def add_dot_property_mapper():
def data_selector():
- with st.expander(f'Session selector', expanded=True):
- # --- add a download button ---
- _add_download_filtered_session()
+ with st.expander(f'Session selector', expanded=True):
with st.expander(f"Filtered: {len(st.session_state.df_session_filtered)} sessions, "
f"{len(st.session_state.df_session_filtered.h2o.unique())} mice", expanded=False):
+ # --- add a download button ---
+ with st.columns([1, 10])[1]:
+ _add_download_filtered_session()
# cols = st.columns([4, 1])
# with cols[0].expander(f"From dataframe: {len(st.session_state.df_selected_from_dataframe)} sessions", expanded=False):
diff --git a/code/util/url_query_helper.py b/code/util/url_query_helper.py
index e1fa419..f9cc99f 100644
--- a/code/util/url_query_helper.py
+++ b/code/util/url_query_helper.py
@@ -9,56 +9,78 @@
# dict of "key": default pairs
# Note: When creating the widget, add argument "value"/"index" as well as "key" for all widgets you want to sync with URL
to_sync_with_url_query_default = {
- 'if_load_bpod_sessions': False,
+ "if_load_bpod_sessions": False,
+ "to_filter_columns": [
+ "subject_id",
+ "task",
+ "session",
+ "finished_trials",
+ "foraging_eff",
+ ],
+ "filter_subject_id": "",
+ "filter_session": [0.0, None],
+ "filter_finished_trials": [0.0, None],
+ "filter_foraging_eff": [0.0, None],
+ "filter_task": ["all"],
+ "table_height": 300,
+ "tab_id": "tab_auto_train_history",
+ "x_y_plot_xname": "session",
+ "x_y_plot_yname": "foraging_performance_random_seed",
+ "x_y_plot_group_by": "h2o",
+ "x_y_plot_if_show_dots": True,
+ "x_y_plot_if_aggr_each_group": True,
+ "x_y_plot_aggr_method_group": "lowess",
+ "x_y_plot_if_aggr_all": True,
+ "x_y_plot_aggr_method_all": "mean +/- sem",
+ "x_y_plot_smooth_factor": 5,
+ "x_y_plot_if_use_x_quantile_group": False,
+ "x_y_plot_q_quantiles_group": 20,
+ "x_y_plot_if_use_x_quantile_all": False,
+ "x_y_plot_q_quantiles_all": 20,
+ "x_y_plot_if_show_diagonal": False,
+ "x_y_plot_dot_size": 10,
+ "x_y_plot_dot_opacity": 0.3,
+ "x_y_plot_line_width": 2.0,
+ "x_y_plot_figure_width": 1300,
+ "x_y_plot_figure_height": 900,
+ "x_y_plot_font_size_scale": 1.0,
+ "x_y_plot_selected_color_map": "Plotly",
+ "x_y_plot_size_mapper": "finished_trials",
+ "x_y_plot_size_mapper_gamma": 1.0,
+ "x_y_plot_size_mapper_range": [3, 20],
+ "session_plot_mode": "sessions selected from table or plot",
+ "session_plot_selected_draw_types": list(draw_type_mapper_session_level.keys()),
+ "session_plot_number_cols": 3,
+ "auto_training_history_x_axis": "date",
+ "auto_training_history_sort_by": "first_date",
+ "auto_training_history_sort_order": "descending",
+ "auto_training_curriculum_name": "Uncoupled Baiting",
+ "auto_training_curriculum_version": "1.0",
+ "auto_training_curriculum_schema_version": "1.0",
+ "auto_training_history_recent_weeks": 8,
- 'to_filter_columns': ['subject_id', 'task', 'session', 'finished_trials', 'foraging_eff'],
- 'filter_subject_id': '',
- 'filter_session': [0.0, None],
- 'filter_finished_trials': [0.0, None],
- 'filter_foraging_eff': [0.0, None],
- 'filter_task': ['all'],
- 'table_height': 300,
- 'tab_id': 'tab_auto_train_history',
- 'x_y_plot_xname': 'session',
- 'x_y_plot_yname': 'foraging_performance_random_seed',
- 'x_y_plot_group_by': 'h2o',
- 'x_y_plot_if_show_dots': True,
- 'x_y_plot_if_aggr_each_group': True,
- 'x_y_plot_aggr_method_group': 'lowess',
- 'x_y_plot_if_aggr_all': True,
- 'x_y_plot_aggr_method_all': 'mean +/- sem',
- 'x_y_plot_smooth_factor': 5,
- 'x_y_plot_if_use_x_quantile_group': False,
- 'x_y_plot_q_quantiles_group': 20,
- 'x_y_plot_if_use_x_quantile_all': False,
- 'x_y_plot_q_quantiles_all': 20,
- 'x_y_plot_if_show_diagonal': False,
- 'x_y_plot_dot_size': 10,
- 'x_y_plot_dot_opacity': 0.3,
- 'x_y_plot_line_width': 2.0,
- 'x_y_plot_figure_width': 1300,
- 'x_y_plot_figure_height': 900,
- 'x_y_plot_font_size_scale': 1.0,
- 'x_y_plot_selected_color_map': 'Plotly',
- 'x_y_plot_size_mapper': 'finished_trials',
- 'x_y_plot_size_mapper_gamma': 1.0,
- 'x_y_plot_size_mapper_range': [3, 20],
- 'session_plot_mode': 'sessions selected from table or plot',
- 'session_plot_selected_draw_types': list(draw_type_mapper_session_level.keys()),
- 'session_plot_number_cols': 3,
- 'auto_training_history_x_axis': 'date',
- 'auto_training_history_sort_by': 'first_date',
- 'auto_training_history_sort_order': 'descending',
- 'auto_training_curriculum_name': 'Uncoupled Baiting',
- 'auto_training_curriculum_version': '1.0',
- 'auto_training_curriculum_schema_version': '1.0',
- 'auto_training_history_recent_weeks': 8,
- }
+ "tab_id_learning_trajectory": "tab_stage",
+ "stage_distribution_selected_perf_columns": [
+ "finished_trials",
+ "finished_rate",
+ "foraging_eff_random_seed",
+ "abs(logistic_Su2022_bias)",
+ 'logistic_Su2022_RewC_amp',
+ 'logistic_Su2022_RewC_tau',
+ 'logistic_Su2022_UnrC_amp',
+ 'logistic_Su2022_UnrC_tau',
+ 'logistic_Su2022_score_mean',
+ "early_lick_rate",
+ "invalid_lick_ratio",
+ "double_dipping_rate_finished_trials",
+ ],
+ "stage_distribution_selected_task_columns": [
+ "effective_block_length_median",
+ "duration_iti_mean",
+ "p_reward_contrast_mean",
+ "weight_after_ratio",
+ ],
def checkbox_wrapper_for_url_query(st_prefix, label, key, default, **kwargs):
return st_prefix.checkbox(
@@ -86,7 +108,7 @@ def selectbox_wrapper_for_url_query(st_prefix, label, options, key, default, **k
def multiselect_wrapper_for_url_query(st_prefix, label, options, key, default, **kwargs):
return st_prefix.multiselect(
@@ -124,8 +146,8 @@ def slider_wrapper_for_url_query(st_prefix, label, min_value, max_value, key, de
def number_input_wrapper_for_url_query(st_prefix, label, min_value, max_value, key, default, **kwargs):
return st_prefix.number_input(
@@ -141,8 +163,8 @@ def number_input_wrapper_for_url_query(st_prefix, label, min_value, max_value, k
def sync_URL_to_session_state():
"""Assign session_state to sync with URL"""
@@ -209,7 +231,7 @@ def sync_URL_to_session_state():
st.session_state[key] = default
print(f'Failed to set {key} to {default}')
def sync_session_state_to_URL():
# Add all 'filter_' fields to the default list
@@ -231,8 +253,8 @@ def sync_session_state_to_URL():
st.query_params.update({key: st.session_state[key]})
print(f'Failed to update {key} to URL query')
def get_filter_type(df, column):
if is_numeric_dtype(df[column]):
return 'slider_range_float'