- Interestingly the book takes a moment to name a few other "types" of architecture while noting their similarities
- Hexagonal architecture - aka ports and adapters book
- DCI - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data,_context_and_interaction, https://dzone.com/articles/dci-architecture-is-visionary
- BCE - https://www.ivarjacobson.com/publications/books/object-oriented-software-engineering-1992
- each architecture has the following common themes (each theme has been discussed in an earlier chapter)
- independent of frameworks
- testable
- independent of the UI
- independent fo the database
- independent of any external agency - specifically business rules
source code dependencies must point only inward towards higher level policies
- nothing on an inner ring can know anything about an outer one.
- entities - encapsulate enterprise-wide business rules
- use cases - captures application specific business rules
- interface adapters - convert data for passing across the layers
- frameworks and drivers - glue code that communicates between layers (inward)
- use the dependency inversion principle
- no "name" on an outer ring should be mentioned by an inner ring
- when we pass data inward it shold always be in the form that is most convenient for the inner circle (reducing external dependency)
- by spearating the architecture into layers using DIP we greate a system that is instrinsically TESTABLE
- when external parts become obsolete we can replace them with a minimum of fuss. (think "new javascript framework" day)
separate behaviors that are hard to test from behaviors that are easy to test
it is difficult to write tests that need to be able to see the screen
with the Humble Object Pattern we can separate classes into presenter and view
external humble object references:
By making untestable objects humble, we reduce the chances that they harbor evil bugs.
a view is hard to test as such we keep all code out of these objects when possible and pass in ONLY pre-calcualted data
the calcualtions can be done elsewhere and as such, can be tested
the term VIEW MODEL could be uysed to make an onject that only returns strings to a view.
with no logic or calculation happening WITHIN the view itself, the calcualtions become testable.
- gateways contain the methods for create, read, update, delete (crud)
- we do not allow SQL in the use case layer
- gateways can be replaced with stubs in a unit testing situation
- gateways allow you to write tests without having an actual database
** ^^^ this is super important and cool**
- architectural boudaries can be used to effecitvely increase the testablity of the system.