- Unless our IT organizations work within a constant state of inprovement, we will fall behind our competitors
High performaing organizations will accelerate:
- delivery of goods and services
- engagement with the market
- anticipate reulatory and compliance issues
- response to security risks / economic changes
Software and tech are key differentiators for orgs in the delivery of value to customers and stakeholders
strategic use of technology explains revenue and producitvity gains MORE than mergers, acquisitions and entrepreneurship
link has been foud between use of technology and profitablity
devops has emerged as a key factor in differentiating orgs
- the answer to how do we build secure resiliant rapidly evolving sistributed systems at scale
the following are now considered necessary:
- continuous integration
- continuous delivery
- lean practices
- collaborative culture
devops is accelerating technology HOWEVER organizations often over-estimate their progress when compared to competitiors
the potential for value delivery within organizations is often MUCH greater than executive teams realize
- maturity models are flawed versus capability models
- maturity models are about "arriving at a final state" while capbablity is focussed on continuing improvement
- maturity models prescribe a one size fits all or central process while capbablity models allow autonomous teams
- maturity models tend to measure vanity metrics without tying them to outcomes (eg: install base of a certain tool) capablity models focus on key outcomes
- maturity models focus on a static level of technological progress while capablity models aim to remain competitive
- transformation is available to anyone, the following has been found to not predict performance
- age of technology
- ops teams vs. dev teams being responsible for deployments
- a change approval board (note this is later listed as negatively correlated with performance in a later chapter)
- last week's 24 key capablities have been foud to predict performance
the study's findings have foud DevOps to be more impactful than originally thought
46 times more frequent deployments
440 times faster from commit to deploy
170 times faster mean time to recovery
5 times lower change failure rate