KULA-Mobile is a mobile application designed to help users locate and explore kebab points in Legnica city. Whether you're a local or a visitor, this app provides an easy way to find the best kebab spots around you.
- Requirements:
- flutter SDK - version 3.24.3 or newer
- android SDK - version 35.0.0 or newer
- android SDK cmdline-tools - version 11076708 or newer
- android SDK Build-Tools - verison 33.0.1 or newer
- android emulator
- Visual Studio Code or preffered IDE
- Android Studio (optional)
- Installation
- Reffering to docs: https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install
- Download android cmdline-tools and proceed with docs
- Download android SDK or use Android Studio installer to get both SDK and emulator
Useful commands:
- To check if your project is setup properly use:
flutter doctor
- In order to run project on android emulator use:
flutter run
- To get project's dependecies (packages) use:
flutter pub get