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File metadata and controls

118 lines (100 loc) · 6.02 KB


Reporting Issues

  • When reporting issues, please include the output of atlantis version.
  • Also include the steps required to reproduce the problem if possible and applicable. This information will help us review and fix your issue faster.
  • When sending lengthy log-files, consider posting them as a gist ( Don't forget to remove sensitive data from your logfiles before posting (you can replace those parts with "REDACTED").

Reporting Security Issues

We take security issues seriously. Please email us directly at security [at] instead of opening an issue.

Updating The Website

  • To view the generated website locally, run yarn website:dev and then open your browser to http://localhost:8080.
  • The website will be regenerated when your pull request is merged to master.


Running Atlantis Locally

Get the source code:

go get

This will clone Atlantis into $GOPATH/src/ (where $GOPATH defaults to ~/go).

Go to that directory:

cd $GOPATH/src/

Compile Atlantis:

go install

Run Atlantis:

atlantis server --gh-user <your username> --gh-token <your token> --repo-whitelist <your repo> --gh-webhook-secret <your webhook secret> --log-level debug

If you get an error like command not found: atlantis, ensure that $GOPATH/bin is in your $PATH.

Running Tests Locally:

make test. If you want to run the integration tests that actually run real terraform commands, run make test-all.

Running Tests In Docker:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/go/src/ -w /go/src/ runatlantis/testing-env make test

Calling Your Local Atlantis From GitHub

  • Create a test terraform repository in your GitHub.
  • Create a personal access token for Atlantis. See Create a GitHub token.
  • Start Atlantis in server mode using that token:
atlantis server --gh-user <your username> --gh-token <your token> --repo-whitelist <your repo> --gh-webhook-secret <your webhook secret> --log-level debug
  • Download ngrok from This will enable you to expose Atlantis running on your laptop to the internet so GitHub can call it.
  • When you've downloaded and extracted ngrok, run it on port 4141:
ngrok http 4141
  • Create a Webhook in your repo and use the https url that ngrok printed out after running ngrok http 4141. Be sure to append /events so your webhook url looks something like See Add GitHub Webhook.
  • Create a pull request and type atlantis help. You should see the request in the ngrok and Atlantis logs and you should also see Atlantis comment back.

Code Style


  • ctx.Log should be available in most methods. If not, pass it down.
  • levels:
    • debug is for developers of atlantis
    • info is for users (expected that people run on info level)
    • warn is for something that might be a problem but we're not sure
    • error is for something that's definitely a problem
  • ALWAYS logs should be all lowercase (when printed, the first letter of each line will be automatically capitalized)
  • ALWAYS quote any string variables using %q in the fmt string, ex. ctx.Log.Info("cleaning clone dir %q", dir) => Cleaning clone directory "/tmp/atlantis/lkysow/atlantis-terraform-test/3"
  • NEVER use colons ":" in a log since that's used to separate error descriptions and causes
    • if you need to have a break in your log, either use - or , ex. failed to clean directory, continuing regardless


  • ALWAYS use lowercase unless the word requires it
  • ALWAYS use errors.Wrap(err, "additional context...")" instead of fmt.Errorf("additional context: %s", err) because it is less likely to result in mistakes and gives us the ability to trace call stacks
  • NEVER use the words "error occurred when...", or "failed to..." or "unable to...", etc. Instead, describe what was occurring at time of the error, ex. "cloning repository", "creating AWS session". This will prevent errors from looking like
Error setting up workspace: failed to run git clone: could find git

and will instead look like

Error: setting up workspace: running git clone: no executable "git"

This is easier to read and more consistent


  • place tests under {package under test}_test to enforce testing the external interfaces
  • if you need to test internally i.e. access non-exported stuff, call the file {file under test}_internal_test.go
  • use our testing utility for easier-to-read assertions: import . "" and then use Assert(), Equals() and Ok()

Creating a New Release

  1. Update version number in main.go.
  2. Update image tag version in the kustomize/bundle.yaml.
  3. Update with latest release number and information (this URL might be useful:
  4. Create a pull request and merge to master
  5. Check out master and fetch latest
  6. Run make release
  7. Go to and click "Draft a new release"
    1. Prefix version with v
    2. The title of the release is the same as the tag (ex. v0.2.2)
    3. Fill in description by copying from the CHANGELOG just without the Downloads section
    4. Drag in binaries made with make release
  8. Re-run master branch build to ensure tag gets pushed to Docker hub:
  9. Update the default version in Chart.yaml in the official Helm chart.