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haf edited this page Dec 8, 2014 · 15 revisions
nugets_pack :create_nugets do |p|
  p.configuration = 'Release'
  p.files   = FileList['src/**/*.{csproj,fsproj,nuspec}'].
  p.out     = 'build/pkg'
  p.exe     = 'buildsupport/NuGet.exe'
  p.with_metadata do |m|
    m.description = 'A cool nuget'
    m.authors = 'Henrik'
    m.version = ENV['NUGET_VERSION']
  p.with_package do |p|
    p.add_file 'file/relative/to/proj', 'lib/net40'

The available metadata properties are in the nuspec specification. Translate the camel case property to snake case. You can also browse the albacore code to a list.

nugets_pack Config##no_project_dependencies

Cancel following of references between projects that cause nugets_pack to find and add as nuget dependencies, linked projects.

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