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Code Challenge: Class 26

Insertion Sort


 InsertionSort(int[] arr)

    FOR i = 1 to arr.length

      int j <-- i - 1
      int temp <-- arr[i]

      WHILE j >= 0 AND temp < arr[j]
        arr[j + 1] <-- arr[j]
        j <-- j - 1

      arr[j + 1] <-- temp

step-by-step output after each iteration

a function called 'InsertionSort' that takes an array as an argument and iterate over all elements

  • in each iterate a variable 'temp' will take the next element and store it and variable 'j && i ' will take the current and next index
  • a wihle loop will check wheater the index 'j' is more than zero and the variable 'temp' which indicate the next value is less than the current value or not
  • if the condition is pass it will make a swap between the next and current value
  • this while loop will iterate until the value 'j' reach the zero or the condition faild which means that we arrived the best index to the element
  • after that, a new for-loop iteration will be generated to repeat all procedures

-> From the step-by-step output we consider that this function will sort the array 'insertion sort'

insertion sort

-> Visual of given array

Visual of given array