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taohunza package : Alt text This package have 2 main package name teleop_twist_keyboard and turtlesim_plus.

The teleop_twist_keyboard package use for recieve input from you keyboard.

The turtlesim_plus package use for interface and spawn turtle.

This package have 4 Node :

    copy_turtle_node : This node for control copy turtle.

    pizza_memory_node : This node for collect position data of pizza from turtle. 

    turtle_teleop_node : This node for control turtle.

    Melodic_turtle_node : This node for control Melodic turtle.

1. Install Environment

  1. Install Ubuntu 22.04

  2. Install ROS2 (Humble)

2. Install Package

  1. Clone taohunza2 package
    git clone

3. Setup Environment

  1. Navigate to the project directory
     cd HW1_6531_6562
  2. Remove Build install and log Before build:
    rm -rf build/ install/ log/
  3. Install pynput :
    pip install pynput
  4. Build :
    colon build
  5. Source workspace :
    source install/setup.bash 

4. Run

  1. Run launch file :
    ros2 launch taohunza2 
  2. Run teleop_key :
    ros2 run taohunza2
  3. Run rqt :

alt text

How to Fix when Bug

  1. If it cannot run node or launch file:

    1.1. Restart your terminal

    2.2. Rebuild & source

    colon build
    source install/setup.bash
  2. Turtle can't eat pizza :

    1.1. Tune gain (Recomend kp : 1 , kp_angular : 10)

  3. Something else :

    2.1. Kill all node

    2.2. Restart your computer

    2.3. Ask chatGPT and let's fix it 2.4.