taohunza package : This package have 2 main package name teleop_twist_keyboard and turtlesim_plus.
The teleop_twist_keyboard package use for recieve input from you keyboard.
The turtlesim_plus package use for interface and spawn turtle.
This package have 4 Node :
copy_turtle_node : This node for control copy turtle.
pizza_memory_node : This node for collect position data of pizza from turtle.
turtle_teleop_node : This node for control turtle.
Melodic_turtle_node : This node for control Melodic turtle.
Install Ubuntu 22.04
Install ROS2 (Humble)
- Clone taohunza2 package
git clone https://github.com/Aitthikit/HW1_6531_6562.git
- Navigate to the project directory
cd HW1_6531_6562
- Remove Build install and log Before build:
rm -rf build/ install/ log/
- Install pynput :
pip install pynput
- Build :
colon build
- Source workspace :
source install/setup.bash
- Run launch file :
ros2 launch taohunza2 turtle_launch.py
- Run teleop_key :
ros2 run taohunza2 teleop_key.py
- Run rqt :
If it cannot run node or launch file:
1.1. Restart your terminal
2.2. Rebuild & source
colon build source install/setup.bash
Turtle can't eat pizza :
1.1. Tune gain (Recomend kp : 1 , kp_angular : 10)
Something else :
2.1. Kill all node
2.2. Restart your computer
2.3. Ask chatGPT and let's fix it 2.4.