- อสมา_6561
- อิทธิกฤต_6562
To install, run the following command
Install sympy
pip install sympy
Install roboticstoolbox for python
pip install roboticstoolbox-python
Install numpy version 1.24.4
pip install numpy==1.24.4
To Clone, run the following command
Clone to you directory
git clone https://github.com/Aitthikit/FRA333_HW3_6561_6562.git
You will see the file name
- FRA333_HW3_6561_6562.py for Answer
- testScript.py for Test
- HW3_utils.py for Forward Kinematic function
python FRA333_HW3_6561_6562.py
you will see
- Jacobian matrix reference to end-effector frame (6x3 Matrix)
- Is it near singularity (1)
- tau value [joint 1,joint 2,joint 3]
you can edit configulation space in this code at Input zone
This code is Calculation Jacobian Matrix from this Equation
python testScript.py
you will see
- Focus at All True or False this testScript are check by use roboticstoolbox for python
This code is Calculation Jacobian Matrix from this DHparameter
you can edit configulation space in this code at Input zone same line as Run Answers
- q is array of joint include with [ joint1, joint2, joint3 ]
- w is wrench [ Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz ]
- ref is reference frame ( 0 is base, 1 is end-effector )
Code 1
- Receive the value q and ref to function
- Receive and Calculate Rotation Matrix and Translation Matrix from HW3_utils
- Create Rotation axis vector y specifying the direction of rotation of each joint ( z_1, z_2, z_3)
- Calculate Jacobian Matrix by look at reference frame
- Totol J_01, J_02, J_03 to Jacobian Matrix and return Matrix 6x3
Code 2
- Get Jacobian Matrix from endEffectorJacobianHW3 function
- Reduce Jacobian Matrix to Calculate determinant by using base.det
- Check singularity by absolute value is less than 0.01 and return value ( if value is 1 = singularity, 0 is not singularity)
Code 3
- Receive input value of q , w , ref
- Get Jacobian Matrix from endEffectorJacobianHW3 function and Transpose to Calculate Force and Torque and add Force and Torque in the end-effector frame
- Calculate Force
- Calculate Torque with Jacobian
- return joint Force and Torque as tau