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Commands List

Agustín San Román edited this page Dec 15, 2024 · 50 revisions

This guide is an index with all static commands present in Showdown Chatbot. A static command is a command present by default in the bot and also cannot be removed without edditing the source files or disabling the modules. These commands give Pokemon Showdown users the capacity to interact with the bot and administrators to control it without accesing the control panel (note that there are a lot of configuration options only avaliable using the control pannel).

For each command, this guide gives the usage (or different usage modes), the description of what the command does, the permission required to use the command (* means that the command can be used by anyone via private message, but requires certain permission to make the bot reply in a chat room) and the command type (A means Action Command, C means Configuration command, I means Information Command and D means development command)

Note: Arguments with <> means they are obligatory. Arguments with [] means they are optional.

Core Module

Usage Description Permission
version Gets the bot version info* I
time Gets the bot current time info* I
uptime Gets the uptime (the time since the bot was started) info* I
contime Gets the connection time (the time since the bot connected to the server) info* I
seen <user> Gets the last time an user was seen by the bot - I
alts <user> Gets the alts of an user. Note: There alts are known via renames. Full alts (Ip base) are only available via the /alts server command only for the staff members alts I
dyncmdlist Gets the dynamic commands list. info* I
joinrooms <room>, [...] Command to make the bot joins rooms joinroom A
leaverooms <room>, [...] Command to make the bot leaves rooms joinroom A
reconnect Forces the bot to reconnect to the server reconnect A
custom <text> Replies with a custom message, no restrictions send A
send <room>, <message> Sends a custom message send A
sendpm <user>, <message> Sends a custom private message send A
say <text> Replies with a custom message, but commands are not allowed say A
exec <cmd> Executes a command - A
execdyn <cmd> Executes a dynamic command - A
wall <cmd> Executes a command and replies with an /announce message wall* A
setalias <alias>, <command> Creates an alias for an existing command commands C
rmalias <alias> Removes an alias commands C
setcmd <cmd>, <message> Creates a text dynamic command commands C
setindexcmd <cmd> Creates an empty index dynamic command commands C
setsubcmd <index command>, <subcommand>, <message> Creates a subcommand for an existing index command commands C
rmcmd <cmd> Removes a dynamic command commands C
rmsubcmd <index command>, <subcommand> Removes a subcommand commands C
grant <permission>, <rank> Configures a permission grant C
set <permission>, <rank> Configures a permission in a room set C
lang <language> Changes the language of a chat room set C
eval <javascript> Executes arbitrary javascript. Note: Only available on debug mode (Only excepted users) D
hotpatch Reloads the commands source files (Only excepted users) D
parserignore <user> Locks an user from using the bot commands (Only excepted users) D
parserunignore <user> Unlocks an user from using the bot commands (Only excepted users) D
setcontrolroom <room>, <target room> Sets a control room (Only excepted users) C
rmcontrolroom <room> Removes a control room (Only excepted users) C
null Does nothing. Only for development purposes - D

Pokemon Module

Usage Description Permission
hazards <pokemon> Gets the hazards moves a pokemon can learn pokemon* I
translate <pokemon / item / ability / move / nature>, [origin language], [target language] Translates pokemon stuff translate* I
usagelink Gets the smogon usage stats link usage* I
usagetop <tier>, [top/high/mid/low] Gets the top usage of a tier (via Smogon) usage* I
usage <pokemon>, [tier], [top/high/mid/low] Gets the usage stats of a pokemon (via Smogon) usage* I
usagedata <pokemon>, [tier], [top/high/mid/low] Shows usage data of a Pokemon (via Smogon) usagedata* I

Misc Module

Usage Description Permission
regdate [user] Gets the register date of an user regdate* I
regtime [user] Gets the old of an user accoount regdate* I
autoconfirmedhelp [user] Provides help of the autoconfirmed status of an account - I
pick <option1>, <option2>, [...] Randomly picks between 2 or more options random* A
poke Gets a random pokemon randpoke* A
hashpoke <text> Gets a pseudo-random pokemon using a text random* A
randomanswer Gets a random anwer (helix, 8ball command) randomanswer* A
randomformat [filter], [...] Gets a random format. You can filter so the result contain certain words in the name. Example: .randformat doubles random* A
randomrandomformat [filter], [...] Gets a random format with randomly generated teams. You can filter so the result contain certain words in the name. Example: .randomrandomformat doubles random* A
randomdata Shows a random !dt (Pokemon, moves, items, abilities) random* A

Quote-Joke Module

Usage Description Permission
quote Gets a random quote quote* A
searchquote <text> Gets a random quote previously filtered quote* A
listquotes Gets the link to the quotes list. Note: Requires to set the server url in the administration options in the control panel. quote* A
joke Gets a random joke joke* A
searchjoke <text> Gets a random joke previously filtered joke* A
listjokes Gets the link to the jokes list. Note: Requires to set the server url in the administration options in the control panel. joke* A
addquote <text> Adds a quote editquote C
rmquote <text> Removes a quote editquote C
addjoke <text> Adds a joke editjoke C
rmjoke <text> Removes a joke editjoke C

Games Module

Usage Description Permission
anagrams <games>, [answer time] Craetes a game of anagrams games A
hangman [max fails] Creates a game of hangman games A
texthangman Creates a game of hangman (text mode) games A
pokeanagrams <games>, [answer time] Craetes a game of poke-anagrams games A
pokehangman [max fails] Creates a game of poke-hangman games A
textpokehangman [max fails] Creates a game of poke-hangman (text mode) games A
trivia <games>, [answer time] Craetes a game of trivia games A
kunc <games>, [answer time] Creates a game of kunc games A
ambush <max players> Craetes a game of ambush games A
blackjack <max players> Creates a game of blackjack games A
passbomb <max players> Creates a game of pass-the-bomb games A
players Gets the players list of an active game games* I
end Terminates a game games A

Blacklist Module

Usage Description Permission
viewblacklist Returns the balcklist of the current chatroom. viewblacklist I
viewblacklisthastebin Returns the balcklist of the current chatroom via Hastebin. viewblacklist I
blacklist <user>, [...] Add users to the blacklist blacklist C
unblacklist <user>, [...] Removes users from the blacklist blacklist C

Moderation Module

Usage Description Permission
viewbannedwords Gets the banned words list viewbanwords I
viewbannedwordshastebin Gets the banned words list via Hastebin viewbanwords I
viewzerotolerance Gets the zero tolerance list viewzerotol I
viewzerotolerancehastebin Gets the zero tolerance list via Hastebin viewzerotol I
checkzerotolerance <room>, <user> Checks is an user is in the zero tolerance list checkzerotol I
banword <word>, [banned / inap / insult], [punishment], [std / strict], [std / ignorenicks] Adds a banned word banword C
unbanword <word> Removes a banned word banword C
addzerotolerance <user>, [min / low / normal / high / max] Adds an user to the zero tolerance list zerotolerance C
rmzerotolerance <user> Removes an user from the zero tolrance list zerotolerance C
setmoderation <moderation type>, <on / off> Configures the moderation filters moderation C
modexception <rank> Configures the moderation exception moderation C

Tour Command Module

Usage Description Permission
tour <format>, [elimination/rr] Creates a tournament with default parameters tour A
tour <format>, [type=elim/rr/double-elim/double-rr], [auto-start=Auto start time (mins)], [dq=Autodq (mins)], [users=Max users], [rounds=Rounds], [name=Name], [rules=Rules (Split by commas)] Creates a tournament custom parameters tour A
tour poll (format set), [type=elim/rr/double-elim/double-rr], [auto-start=Auto start time (mins)], [dq=Autodq (mins)], [users=Max users], [rounds=Rounds], [poll-options=Number of poll options], [poll-time=Poll trime (mins)] Creates a poll for users to choose a format. Then, creates a tornemment in the format with most votes. tour A
tour start Starts the tournament (if it does not do it automatically) tour A
tourlog [room] Lists the last 20 tournaments made in the room tourlog I
tourpollset list Lists format sets for tournament polls tourpollset I
tourpollset add <Name>, <Format>, <Format>, [...] Adds a format set for tournament polls tourpollset C
tourpollset delete <Name> Deletes a format set for tournament polls tourpollset C

Tour Leaderboards Module

Usage Description Permission
toursrankh [user], [room] Gets the ranking of an user in the leaderboards system toursrank* I
toph5 [room] Gets the top 5 of a room in the leaderboards system toursrank* I
toph [room] Gets the top of a room in the leaderboards system toursrank* I
tourleaderboardsh [room] Gets the laederboards top 100 of a room. toursrank* I
official Sets a tournament official tourofficial C
unofficial Sets a tournament unofficial tourofficial C
toursrankconfigh [room] Gets the points configuration for a room toursrank* I
settoursrankconfig <room>, [win: N], [final: N], [semi_final: N], [battle_win: N], [use_ratio: yes/no], [only_official: yes/no] Sets the points configuration for a room tourldbconfig C
resettourleaderboards <room> Clears the tournaments leaderboard for a room. tourldbconfig C

Custom Leaderboards Module

Usage Description Permission
toursrank [user], [table] Gets the ranking of an user in the leaderboards system ldbcustomrank* I
top5 [table] Gets the top 5 of a table in the leaderboards system ldbcustomrank* I
top [table] Gets the top of a table in the leaderboards system ldbcustomrank* I
tourleaderboards [table] Gets the leaderboards top 100 of a table. ldbcustomrank* I
official [table] Sets a tournament official ldbcustomofficial C
unofficial [table] Sets a tournament unofficial ldbcustomofficial C
extrapoints <table>, <user:points>, [...] Adds or removes extra points from users in the leaderboards system ldbcustomofficial C
tourldbcustom create, <Name>, <Room> Creates a custom leaderboards table for a room. If the name of the table is the name of the room, it will override the default tournaments leaderboards table. ldbcustomconfig C
tourldbcustom set-room, <Table>, <Room> Changes the room of a leaderboards table. ldbcustomconfig C
tourldbcustom rename, <Table>, <New Name> Changes the name of a leaderboards table. ldbcustomconfig C
tourldbcustom config, <Table>, win: W, final: F, semi_final: S Changes the configuration on how the points are computed for a table. The formula is: Points = win_count * W + finals_count * F + semi_finals_count * S + extra_points ldbcustomconfig C
tourldbcustom title, <Table>, <Title> Sets a custom title for the leaderboards table. ldbcustomconfig C
tourldbcustom description, <Table>, <Title> Sets a custom description for the leaderboards table. ldbcustomconfig C
tourldbcustom add-alias, <Table>, <Alias> Adds an alias for the leaderboards table. ldbcustomconfig C
tourldbcustom rm-alias, <Table>, <Alias> Removes an alias for the leaderboards table. ldbcustomconfig C
tourldbcustom auto, <Table>, <on/off> Enables or disables the automatic mode for the leaderboards table. When the automatic mode is enabled, the bot will consider every tournament in the room as official, so it will count for the points. ldbcustomconfig C
tourldbcustom info, <Table> Sends the current configuration for a leaderboards table. ldbcustomconfig C
tourldbcustom list Lists all existing leaderboards tables. ldbcustomconfig C
tourldbcustom reset, <Table> Resets the leaderboards table. ldbcustomconfig C
tourldbcustom remove, <Table> Deletes the leaderboards table. ldbcustomconfig C

Battle Module

Usage Description Permission
chall <user>, <format> Challenges an user chall A
cancelchallenge Cancels current challenge request chall A
searchbattle <format> Search a battle in ladder and returns the link searchbattle A
evalbattle <javascript> Executes arbitrry javascript in a battle context. Note: Only available on debug mode (Only excepted users) D

HtmlBox Commands Module

Usage Description Permission
htmlcmdlist Gets html-box commands list. info* I
htmlcmd <command> Executes a html-box command if exists htmlboxcmd* A

GitHub Hook Module

Usage Description Permission
gitban <user> Adds an user to the github blacklist gitban C
gitunban <user> Removes an user from the github blacklist gitban C

Timers Module

Usage Description Permission
timer Displays all the active timers in the room timer* I
timer [name] Displays an active timer with the specified name in the room timer* I
timer <duration, e.g. 15m 30s> Starts a timer, specifying the duration timer A
timer <duration, e.g. 15m 30s>, [name] Starts a timer, specifying the duration, and a name. timer A
timer <minutes>, <seconds> Starts a timer, specifying the minutes and seconds timer A
stoptimer [name] Stops a timer before it reaches its natural end timer A
stopalltimers Stops all active timers in the room timer A
repeat <minutes>, <message> Starts repeating a message repeat A
clearrepeat <message> Clears the repeating message repeat A
clearrepeatroom <room>, <message> Clears the repeating message for the room clearrepeatroom A
showrepeats Shows list of repeating messages repeat I
clearallrepeats Clears all repeating messages repeat A

Join-Phrases Module

Usage Description Permission
joinphrase get, <user> Gets the join-phrase of an user joinphrases I
listjoinphrases Gets the list of join-phrase for the current room joinphrases I
listjoinphraseshastebin Gets the list of join-phrase for the current room via hastebin joinphrases I
joinphrase set, <user>, <phrase> Sets a join-phrase joinphrases C
joinphrase delete, <user> Removes a join-phrase joinphrases C

Players Auction Module

Usage Description Permission
auctionstaus Gets the auction status info* I
auctionteams Gets the teams list info* I
auctionplayers Gets the players list info* I
auctionfreeplayers Gets the list of players without team info* I
auctionteaminfo <team> Gets all the information about a team (money, captains and players) info* I
auctionreport Gets a report with all the information about the auction auction I
nominate Nominates a player - A
passturn Use it to pass the nomination turn - A
bid Use it to bid - A
endbid Forces the bid timer to end (for emergency times) auction A
makeauction Enables players-Auction in a chat room makeauction C
auction team add, <team name> Adds a team auction C
auction team remove, <team name> Removes a team auction C
auction players add, <player>, [...] Adds players auction C
auction players remove, <player>, [...] Removes players auction C
auction mincost, <money> Sets the nomination cost auction C
auction minplayers, <num. players> Sets the number of players to complete a team auction C
auction timer, <seconds> Sets the bid timer auction C
auction turn, <team> Sets the turn to a team auction C
auction stop Use it to stop the auction (for emergency times) auction C
auction setmoney, <team>, <money> Sets the money of a team auction C
auction assign player, <team>, <player>, <cost> Assigns a player to a team auction C
auction free player, <player> Undoes a player assignation auction C
auction captain, <team>, <user> Sets the team captain auction C
auction sub-captain, <team>, <user> Sets the team sub-captain auction C

Groupchats Module

Usage Description Permission
groupchatvoice <user> Promotes to voice in a groupchat groupchats A
groupchatdriver <user> Promotes to driver in a groupchat groupchats A
groupchatmod <user> Promotes to moderator in a groupchat groupchats A
groupchatdeauth <user> Removes the rank in a groupchat groupchats A

Randomized Commands Module

Usage Description Permission
randcmd <cmd> Runs random command. randcmd A
addrand <cmd>, <message> Adds an option to random command. Works with /addhtmlbox (for html) and !show (for images or videos) randadmin A
rmrand <cmd>, <message> Removes an option of a random command randadmin A
showrand <cmd> Shows all the options for a random command randadmin I
rmallrand <cmd> Removes all the options for a random command. randadmin A
listrand Lists all available random commands. randadmin I
setrandalias <alias>, <cmd> Adds an alias for a random command. randadmin A
rmrandalias <alias> Removes an alias of a random command. randadmin A

Shortcut Commands Module

Usage Description Permission
shortcutcmd <cmd> Runs a shortcut command. shortcut A
makeshortcut<cmd>, .command arg [&& .command2 arg2] [&& ...] Creates a shortcut command. You can separate the commands using the && separator. shortcutadmin A
showshortcut <cmd> Shows the configuration of a shortcut command. shortcutadmin I
rmshortcut <cmd> Removes a shortcut command. shortcutadmin A
listshortcut Lists all available shortcut commands. shortcutadmin I
setshortcutalias <alias>, <cmd> Adds an alias for a shortcut command. shortcutadmin A
rmshortcutalias <alias> Removes an alias of a shortcut command. shortcutadmin A