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402 lines (273 loc) · 12.7 KB

File metadata and controls

402 lines (273 loc) · 12.7 KB


Installation #

First depend on the library by adding this to your packages pubspec.yaml:

  flutter_unity_widget: ^2020.3.25

Now inside your Dart code you can import it.

import 'package:flutter_unity_widget/flutter_unity_widget.dart';

Setup #

1. Prerequisites #

  • An existing Flutter project (if there is none, you can create a new one)

  • An existing Unity project (if there is none, you can create a new one).

  • A FlutterUnityPackage.unitypackage file (you can download the Unity packages here)

2. NDK

If your project requires Android NDK, you have to setup following:

Your android project needs to know the path of the NDK Unity uses. You can find the path to the NDK under Preferences -> External Tools:

NDK Path

Copy the path by right click and paste the path here in your android/


That's it! You don't need to tell your Android App in your app/build.gradle the NDK version or other NDK settings. It's all connected to Unity now.

3. Steps #

  1. Create a folder named unity and move the Unity project into there.

The expected path is unity/project-name/...

  1. Copy the FlutterUnityPackage.unitypackage file into the Unity project folder.

The expected path is unity/project-name/FlutterUnityPackage.unitypackage

  1. Using Unity, open the Unity project, go to File > Build Settings > Player Settings and change the following under the Configuration section:
  • In Scripting Backend, change to IL2CPP

  • In Target Architectures, select ARMv7 and ARM64

Be sure you have at least one scene added to your build.

  1. Go to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package and select the FlutterUnityPackage.unitypackage file. Click on Import.

  2. After importing, click on Flutter and select the Export Android option (will export to android/unityLibrary) or the Export iOS option (will export to ios/UnityLibrary).

Do not use Flutter > Export Platform plugin as it was specially added to work with flutter_unity_cli for larger projects.

3 (a). Android (OPTIONAL)

The export script automatically sets things up for you, so you don't have to do anything for Android. But if you want to manually set it up, continue.
  • Open the android/settings.gradle file and change the following:

    • include ":unityLibrary"
    • project(":unityLibrary").projectDir = file("./unityLibrary")
  • Open the android/app/build.gradle file and change the following:

     dependencies {
+        implementation project(':unityLibrary')
  • If you need to build a release package, open the android/app/build.gradle file and change the following:
     buildTypes {
         release {
             signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
+        debug {
+            signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
+        }
+        profile {
+            signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
+        }
+        innerTest {
+            matchingFallbacks = ['debug', 'release']
+        }
+   }

The code above use the debug signConfig for all buildTypes, which can be changed as you well if you need specify signConfig.

  • If you use minifyEnabled true in your android/app/build.gradle file, open the android/unityLibrary/proguard-unity.txt and change the following:

    • -keep class com.xraph.plugin.** {*;}
  • If you want Unity in it's own activity as an alternative, open the android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and change the following:

      <meta-data android:name="com.xraph.plugin.flutter_unity_widget.OverrideUnityActivity" android:value="true" />

3 (b) iOS

  • Open the ios/Runner.xcworkspace (workspace, not the project) file in Xcode, right-click on the Navigator (not on an item), go to Add Files to "Runner" and add the ios/UnityLibrary/Unity-Iphone.xcodeproj file.

  • (Optional) Select the Unity-iPhone/Data folder and change the Target Membership for Data folder to UnityFramework.

  • If you're using Swift, open the ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift file and change the following:
     import UIKit
     import Flutter
+    import flutter_unity_widget

     @objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
         override func application(
             _ application: UIApplication,
             didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
         ) -> Bool {
+            InitUnityIntegrationWithOptions(argc: CommandLine.argc, argv: CommandLine.unsafeArgv, launchOptions)

             GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self)
             return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
  • If you're using Objective-C, open the ios/Runner/main.m file and change the following:

    • #import "flutter_unity_widget.swift.h"

      int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool {

    •         InitUnityIntegration(argc, argv);
              return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));


  • Open the ios/Runner/Info.plist and change the following:

+        <key>io.flutter.embedded_views_preview</key>
+        <string>YES</string>
  • Add the UnityFramework.framework file as a library to the Runner project.

3 (c) Setup AR Foundation (OPTIONAL)


ℹ️ Android

  1. Open the lib/architecture/ folder and check if there are both and files. There seems to be a bug where a Unity export does not include all lib files. If they are missing, use Unity to build a standalone .apk of your AR project, unzip the resulting apk, and copy over the missing .lib files to the unityLibrary module.

  2. Repeat steps 6.1 and 6.2 for Android, replacing unityLibrary with arcore_client, unityandroidpermissions and UnityARCore.

  3. When using UnityWidget in Flutter, set fullscreen: false to disable fullscreen.

ℹ️ iOS

  1. Open the ios/Runner/Info.plist and change the following:
+        <key>Privacy - Camera Usage Description</key>
+        <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses Cameras</string>

Communicating #

Flutter-Unity #

  1. On a UnityWidget widget, get the UnityWidgetController received by the onUnityCreated callback.

  2. Use the method postMessage to send a string, using the GameObject name and the name of a behaviour method that should be called.

Unity-Flutter #

  1. Select the GameObject that should execute the communication and go to Inspector > Add Component > Unity Message Manager.

  1. Create a new MonoBehaviour subclass and add to the same GameObject as a script.

  2. On this new behaviour, call GetComponent<UnityMessageManager>() to get a UnityMessageManager.

  3. Use the method SendMessageToFlutter to send a string. Receive this message using the onUnityMessage callback of a UnityWidget.

Props #

  • fullscreen (Enable or disable fullscreen mode on Android)


  • pause() (Use this to pause unity player)
  • resume() (Use this to resume unity player)
  • unload() (Use this to unload unity player) *Requires Unity 2019.4.3 or later
  • quit() (Use this to quit unity player)
  • postMessage(String gameObject, methodName, message) (Allows you invoke commands in Unity from flutter)
  • onUnityMessage(data) (Unity to flutter binding and listener)
  • onUnityUnloaded() (Unity to flutter listener when unity is unloaded)
  • onUnitySceneLoaded(String name, int buildIndex, bool isLoaded, bool isValid,) (Unity to flutter binding and listener when new scene is loaded)

Troubleshooting #

Location: Unity


InvalidOperationException: The build target does not support build appending.


  1. Open the unity/project-name/Assets/FlutterUnityIntegration/Editor/Build.cs file.

1.1. On line 48, change the following:

-    var options = BuildOptions.AcceptExternalModificationsToPlayer;
+    var options = BuildOptions.AllowDebugging;
+    EditorUserBuildSettings.exportAsGoogleAndroidProject = true;

1.2. On line 115, change the following:

-    var options = BuildOptions.AcceptExternalModificationsToPlayer;
+    var options = BuildOptions.AllowDebugging;

Location: Android Studio


minSdkVersion XX cannot be smaller than version 19 declared in library 
    \ [:flutter_unity_widget] .../AndroidManifest.xml as the library might be using 
    \ APIs not available in XX


  1. Open the android/app/build.gradle file and change the following:

    • minSdkVersion XX
    • minSdkVersion 19

Location: Android Studio


e: .../FlutterUnityWidgetBuilder.kt: (15, 42): Expecting a parameter declaration
e: .../FlutterUnityWidgetBuilder.kt: (23, 25): Expecting an argument
e: .../FlutterUnityWidgetController.kt: (22, 44): Expecting a parameter declaration
e: .../FlutterUnityWidgetFactory.kt: (13, 58): Expecting a parameter declaration


  1. Open the android/build.gradle file and change the following:

    • ext.kotlin_version = '1.3.50'
    • ext.kotlin_version = '1.4.31'

Location: Android Studio


Unable to find a matching variant of project :unityLibrary:


  1. Open the android/app/build.gradle file and change the following:
     lintOptions {
         disable 'InvalidPackage'
+        checkReleaseBuilds false

Location: Android Studio


Gradle Build Error In Unity with error Could not get unknown property 'unityStreamingAssets'


Paste the following in your android/

unityStreamingAssets=.unity3d, google-services-desktop.json, google-services.json, GoogleService-Info.plist

Known issues #

  • Remember to disabled fullscreen in unity player settings to disable unity fullscreen.

  • Unity freezes and crashes on Android, please use OpenGL3 as Graphics API.

  • Project fails to build due to some native dependencies in your unity project, please integrate the native libraries for those dependencies on Android or iOS

  • App crashes on screen exit and re-entry do this

    Build Setting - iOS - Other Settings - Configuration - Enable Custom Background Behaviors