I'm in my senior year currently pursuing bachelors in software engineering @ Usman Institute of Technology, Pakistan. Being a trainee @ Micro Electronics Research Lab (MERL), I've designed a parameterized, RISC-V, 32-bit, Single Cycle Core(supporting I Type) using Functional Programming in Scala and Chisel(a framework of Scala).
First of all, get started by Cloning this repository in your machine using the command below:
Navigate to Aghaas-Core directory as mentioned in the command below:
cd Aghaas-Core
And enter:
The result will look like this:
The terminal will change to this type as shown in the image above.
Navigate to Datapath Directory via:
Open "instrFile.txt" file and place the instruction(Hexa-Decimal) code simulated on Venus (RISC-V Simulator) Each instruction's hexadecimal code must be on seperate line as below. The following is a sample program containing 9 instructions.
After pasting your own set of instructions (or the above ones), Open Config.scala manually by following the above path and open the file in your favorite text editor. Find the following line:
val initFile = "Some Path to txt file"
Update the .txt file path to match your "instrFile.txt" that you updated above to store your own program instructions. After setting up the Config.scala file, Enter this command
sbt:Aghaas-Core> testOnly Datapath.TopFileTest -- -DwriteVcd=1
The result will look like this:
After success, you'll get a folder naming test_run_dir on root of your folder. Navigate to the Top_File_Test folder inside.
There, you will find a file named TopFile.vcd, double click it and visualise on GTKwave to see your program running.
P.S: The Datapath directory also contains a file named VenusInstr.txt which contains Assembly Instructions that can be utilized as a demo or for unit testing of each instruction type. The directory also contains InstrDetails.txt file having the equivalent machine code of the instructions in Venus File, obtained by dumping them on Venus Simulator.