diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/food.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/food.ftl index ccf6f689a9a..81d079065d9 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/food.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/food.ftl @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ ent-ADTCrateFoodOktoberfestSnack = ящик закусок к пиву .desc = Ящик с набором колбасок и кренделей, чтобы закусывать пиво на Октоберфесте. Ну или в техах под карго. .suffix = { "Октоберфест" } + +ent-ADTCrateHalloweenFood = ящик сладостей для Хеллоуина + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Ящик с кучей конфеток, леденцов, мармеладок и прочих сладостей. diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Belt/belts.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Belt/belts.ftl index 75e269fc2ae..cb5233f4e8c 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Belt/belts.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Belt/belts.ftl @@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ ent-ADTClothingBeltMedTSF = подсумок для медицины .desc = Подсумок, применяемый в экипировке пехотинца ТСФ для хранения медицинских принадлежностей. Можно прикрепить в слот кармана. .suffix = { "ТСФ" } + +ent-ADTClothingBeltKilla = РПС "Тритон" + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Боевой нагрудник Тритон М43–А - Создан для размещёния и переноски элементов амуниции и снаряжения, для использования в умеренном и жарком климате. + ent-ADTClothingBeltMedicalBag = медицинская поясная сумка .desc = Небольшая, но вместительная сумка для хранения медикаментов. Тут даже поместится планшет для бумаги! .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/glasses.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/glasses.ftl index 56d7c5c5e39..e01547f8e08 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/glasses.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/glasses.ftl @@ -7,3 +7,11 @@ ent-ADTClothingEyesGlassesMed = медицинские солнцезащитн ent-ADTClothingEyesGlassesPink = розовые очки .desc = Не замечай недостатков этого мира. + +ent-ADTNeonTacticalGlasses = неоновые тактические очки + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Обычные тактические очки, сделанные из поликарбоната кислотно-зелёного цвета. + +ent-ADTServantOfEvilGlasses = сварочные очки прислужника зла + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = К сожалению, вместо защитных линз, здесь теперь обычное стекло, так что они утратили свои свойства. diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Hands/gloves.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Hands/gloves.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..508d84aae93 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Hands/gloves.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +ent-ADTBioMercGloves = беспалые перчатки из биоткани + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Если вы подумали, что эти перчатки экологически чистые, то вы сильно ошибаетесь. Они сделаны из ткани с примесью биомассы, которая очень сильно напоминает кожу. Причем эта "кожа" неестественно теплая... + +ent-ADTClothingHandsRabbitGloves = кроличьи перчатки + .desc = Ох. Фурри. + +ent-ADTRedMartialArtsGloves = красные перчатки для смешанных единоборств + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Беспалые перчатки, специально сделанные для смешанных единоборств. + +ent-ADTVyazovGloves = перчатки из измерения кошмаров + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = У правой перчатки есть лезвия, кажется, которыми её бывший владелец расправлялся со своими жертвами. + +ent-ADTClothingHandsFingerlessCombat = беспалые боевые перчатки + .desc = Эти тактические перчатки огнеупорные и ударопрочные, и стали намного круче. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.ftl index 162cf310f6e..3927a2cf6f1 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.ftl @@ -63,3 +63,24 @@ ent-ADTClothingHeadHatsBavarianHatRed = красная егерская шляп ent-ADTClothingHeadHatTrader = кепка торговца .desc = Бейсболка, окрашенная в цвета ТСФ .suffix = { "ТСФ" } + +ent-ADTClothingHeadVyasovHat = потертая федора + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = С виду очень потрепанная шляпа коричневого цвета, от неё веет кошмаром прямиком с улицы Вязова + +ent-ADTClothingHeadKillaHelmet = бронешлем ТШ-6 "Килла" + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Это просто реплика ТШ-6, но с тремя белыми полосками... В принципе, всё равно выглядит очень круто и стильно. + +ent-ADTClothingHeadXenomorph = шапка ксеноморфа + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Не пытайтесь в ней замаскироваться среди ксено на экспедиции. + +ent-ADTClothingHeadZombie = маска зомби + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Маска ужасного, зеленого, разлагающегося ожившего кошмара. Только не пытайтесь показаться в такой перед РХБЗЗ. + +ent-ADTClothingHeadHatChainSaw = голова демона-бензопилы + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Весь ад содрогается от его рева, даже демоны помнят его после перерождения! + diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/helmets.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/helmets.ftl index 8b116a1c1d4..7792e228d00 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/helmets.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/helmets.ftl @@ -5,3 +5,7 @@ ent-ADTClothingHeadHelmetSoliderIlisium = шлем скафандра ent-ADTClothingHeadHelmetTSF = шлем армии ТСФ .desc = Стандартная каска пехотинца Транс-Солнечной Федерации. .suffix = { "ТСФ" } + +ent-ADTClothingHeadUSSPjuggernautHelmetArmored = бронешлем "ТШ-6" + .desc = Тяжелый защитный с Шестого уровнем защиты "Вулкан" предназначен для использования в комплекте боевого снаряжения с целью круговой защиты головы человека шестого класса от пуль стрелкового оружия. Прошел реальные боевые испытания в "Лямбде-14" и "Шерхане" и до сих пор остается на вооружении органов КГБ СССП и армейского спецназа. + .suffix = { "" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/misc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/misc.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Mask/mask.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Mask/mask.ftl index 6e5dd11ed75..583fe6b80a2 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Mask/mask.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Mask/mask.ftl @@ -32,3 +32,36 @@ ent-ADTClothingMaskSquidGameSoldier = маска солдата Игр Каль ent-ADTClothingMaskSquidGameManager = маска организатра Игр Кальмара .suffix = Игры Кальмара .desc = Маска злобного гения. Или его подручного. Или скучного бюрократа, вынужденного считать сколько жадных до денег погибнет сегодня. + + +ent-ADTJasonHockeyMask = хоккейная маска маньяка + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Эта маска не только защитит вас от шайб, но и может скрыть ваше изуродованное лицо! + +ent-ADTClothingHeadHatTagilla = сварочная маска "УБЕЙ" + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Реплика сварочнай маски из бронестали, выполненная в спецраскраске "УБЕЙ". От реального прототипа унаследовала в основном только защиту от сварки. + +ent-ADTClothingHeadHatClownArmor = баллистическая маска клоуна-психопата + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = OMFG YOU DO NOT KILL CLOWN! CLOWN KILLS YOU! + +ent-ADTMichaelMyersMask = маска Майкла Майерса + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Резиновая маска главного героя "Хеллоуина". + +ent-ADTPayDayChainsMask = маска клоуна грабителя + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = А ведь люди говорили, что клоуны только в цирке. Оказывается еще и в денежных хранилищах. + +ent-ADTPayDayDallasMask = маска клоуна Патриот + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Надев эту маску, вы начинаете чувствовать себя настоящим патриотом! Но не в рамках закона. + +ent-ADTPayDayHoustonMask = маска умного клоуна + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = С этими розовыми деталями на лбу люди точно поймут, что вы умный, в отличии от других! + +ent-ADTPayDayWolfMask = маска клоуна Волка с Уолл-стрит + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Одевая эту маску, вы почему то начинаете чувствовать разделение надвое и желание переворачивать маску совсем пропадает.. diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Neck/cloaks.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Neck/cloaks.ftl index b5f03a0e4f7..33a48c532c6 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Neck/cloaks.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Neck/cloaks.ftl @@ -30,3 +30,8 @@ ent-ADTClothingNeckCloakNukeOps = плащ Ядерных Оперативник ent-ADTClothingNeckCloakKnight = плащ рыцаря .desc = Шёлковый и внушительный рыцарский плащ. За честь короны! .suffix = { "" } + + +ent-ADTVergileCloak = плащ темного убийцы + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Длинный тёмно-синий плащ с серебряными пуговицами и белым вышитым узором, похожим на змею. diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Neck/misc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Neck/misc.ftl index 916a7123f5f..11d14e1ed5a 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Neck/misc.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Neck/misc.ftl @@ -6,5 +6,14 @@ ent-ADTSpaceSecToken = жетон сотрудника SPACE SEC ent-SirenaChokerWithSpike = Чокер с шипами .desc = Если его вывернуть задом-наперед, то это будет оружие пыток. + ent-SirenaChokerWithHeart = Чокер с сердцем .desc = Для послушных членов экипажа. + +ent-ADTClownCollarCaterpillar = клоунский воротник-гусеница + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Некогда вымерший аттрибут Шута и Клоуна. + +ent-ADTVampireCloak = вампирский плащ с воротником + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Чёрный плащ с красной тканью во внутренней части плаща, сшитый из плотной, но при этом легкой ткани. Прекрасно защищает от солнечных лучей! diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/armor.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/armor.ftl index d4fd37a5af3..9b38169d245 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/armor.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/armor.ftl @@ -18,3 +18,17 @@ ent-ADTClothingGigaMuscles = мускулы ent-ADTClothingOuterArmorTSF = бронежилет армии ТСФ .desc = Стандартный бронежилет пехотинца Транс-Солнечной Федерации. .suffix = { "ТСФ" } + + +ent-ADTCSIJArmor = бронежилет CSIJ + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Никто не знает, из чего сделан этот бронежилет, и лучше не знать... На спине есть инициалы CS - 'Cruelty Squad'. + +ent-ADTKillaArmor = бронежилет СОБ-12 "Килла" + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Реплика бронежилета "СОБ-12" под костюм "Киллы". Очень сильно похож по внешнему виду на 6Б13, хотя он им не является. + +ent-ADTTagillaArmor = разгрузочный жилет с бронепластинами + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Реплика бывалого плитника на основе модульной системы AVS. Установлена фронтальная панель на три подсумка. Да и, собственно, все. Ничего лишнего. + diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.ftl index d9a74fc8cf1..bdc81150a8d 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.ftl @@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ ent-ADTClothingOuterCoatTrader = бомбер торговца .desc = Куртка-бомбер торговцев ТСФ .suffix = { "ТСФ" } +ent-ADTJasonBomber = куртка маньяка-убийцы + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Ходят слухи, что эта куртка принадлежит маньяку в хоккейной маске! + +ent-ADTStudentBomber = университетская куртка-бомбер + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Удобная студенческая куртка-бомбер с нашитой на ней большой английской буквой В. Довольно популярна среди студентов различных учебных заведений ТСФ. + ent-ADTClothingOuterCoatLabcoatCMOHike = походный халат главного врача .desc = Частично открытый халат. Не сковывает движения. diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/misc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/misc.ftl index 52a6f5a0ffb..4c6a6006740 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/misc.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/misc.ftl @@ -6,3 +6,12 @@ ent-ADTClothingFootWhiteSandals = белые сандали ent-ADTClothingFootBlackBoots = чёрные сапоги .desc = В них удобно бегать хулиганам! + + +ent-ADTClownNightmareShoes = кошмарные туфли клоуна + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Нет смысла бежать! Ты обречен! + +ent-ADTGreyClownPsyhoShoes = серые ботинки клоуна-психопата + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = SUP? n_n. I do what I want! You can't stop me! diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpskirts.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpskirts.ftl index 80b0b6c8b3f..677e3dae3c1 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpskirts.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpskirts.ftl @@ -155,6 +155,10 @@ ent-ADTClothingUniformOktoberfestDirndlRed = дирндль с красной ю .desc = Стилизованное под традиционный наряд платье с красной юбкой. .suffix = { "Октоберфест" } +ent-ADTClothingUniformRabbitDress = кроличий купальник + .desc = А куда здесь крепить КПК? + .suffix = { "" } + ent-ADTClothingUniformJumpskirtCMOHike = походная юбка-костюм главного врача .desc = Рубашка и мешковитая юбка, отлично подходящие для активной работы как вне, так и внутри своего отдела. .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpsuits.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpsuits.ftl index 8d41c36d1d8..f0bb57af1cd 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpsuits.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpsuits.ftl @@ -266,6 +266,76 @@ ent-ADTClothingUniformJumpsuitTrader = комбинезон торговца .desc = Это комбинезон, который носят торговцы ТСФ .suffix = { "ТСФ" } + +ent-ADTOtherworldClownCostume = костюм потустороннего клоуна + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Костюм древнего существа, прибывшего из другого измерения, чтобы пугать людей и питаться их страхами... звучит как работа клоуна! + +ent-ADTBioMercUniform = униформа био-наёмника "Cruelty Squad" + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Поздравляю, ты родился в этом мире, где ценность жизни равна нулю. В этом мире всё уже сгнило, и всё стоит в вечной стагнации, и нет необходимости торопиться и делать мир лучше или хуже. Ты способен лишь существовать в этом мире, пропитанный ненавистью ко всему. Ты всего лишь биомасса среди других биомасс. + +ent-ADTJasonCostume = костюм маньяка + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Носи маску хоккеиста и убивай своих жертв при помощи мачете. + +ent-ADTVyasovCostume = костюм Вязова + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Кошмар на станции Вязова! + +ent-ADTHotlineMiamiUniform = студенческая форма + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Ходят легенды, что именно эту форму носил известный несколько сотен лет назад потрошитель из Майами. + +ent-ADTServantOfEvilUniform = униформа прислужника зла + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Удобный желтый комбинезон идеально подойдет для слуги зла! Ты обязан служить NT! слава NT!!! + +ent-ADTDudeShirt = майка Чувака + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Футболка с принтом стереотипного зелёного инопланетянина. К сожалению, наши предки не знали, что "инопланетяне" выглядят как антропоморфные животные... + +ent-ADTSquidGameOrganizerSuit = комбинезон организатора Игр Кальмара + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Комбинезон для того, кто прячется за маской и испытывает худшее и лучшее в других. + +ent-ADTSquidGamePlayerSuit = комбинезон игрока Игр Кальмара + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Комбинезон для того, кто проверяет себя на прочность и готовность на все. + +ent-ADTTagillaSuit = потрепанные тактические брюки + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Обычные тактические брюки с набедренным подсумком и наколенниками. Выглядит брутально и потрепанно. + +ent-ADTDJClownSuit = костюм клоуна DJ + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Странный с виду серый комбинезон, перепачканный кровью и пятнами от горчицы и кетчупа. Это основная одежда клоуна-психопата DJTricky. + +ent-ADTVampireSuit = вампирский костюм + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Обычная белая рубашка с красным жилетом и черные брюки. + +ent-ADTVergileSuit = чёрная водолазка с тёмно-синим жилетом + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Отвергни человечность и прими демоническое наследие отца. + +ent-ADTXenomorphSuit = костюм ксеноморфа + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Этот потрясающий хэллоуинский костюм вдохновлен страшным Ксеноморфом из культового фильма "Чужой". Он идеально подходит для любителей настоящей научной фантастики и желающих создать незабываемый облик на Хэллоуине. + +ent-ADTHalloweenMichaelMyersSuit = костюм Майкла Майерса + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Комбинезон героя фильма "Хеллоуин". + +ent-ADTJumpsuitHunterDemon = костюм охотника на демонов + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Служебный костюм "Охотники на Демонов Общественной Безопасности" или же "Охотник на Демонов". Выглядит потрепанно. + + +ent-ADTClothingUniformAbibasBlackSuit = черный спортивный костюм + .desc = Спортивка для четких пацанов + .suffix = { "" } + ent-ADTClothingUniformJumpsuitCMOHike = походный костюм главного врача .desc = Рубашка и мешковитые штаны, отлично подходящие для активной работы как вне, так и внутри своего отдела. .suffix = { "" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/misc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/misc.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..cbe63997328 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/misc.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +ent-ADTHelloweenPlantRandom = спавнер декора к Хеллоуину + .desc = { ent-MarkerBase.desc } + .suffix = Хеллоуин + +ent-ADTHalloweenPosterRandom = спавнер настенного декора к Хеллоуину + .desc = { ent-MarkerBase.desc } + .suffix = Хеллоуин \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/slimes.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/slimes.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8e8565c2805 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/slimes.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +ent-ADTMobAdultSlimesGreenHalloween = зеленый слайм + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Эта зеленая жижа явно не выглядит дружелюбно. Большая, склизкая пасть так и норовит вас поглотить, чтобы ваша плоть растворилась внутри. + +ent-ADTMobAdultSlimesGreenHalloweenAngry = ужасный зеленый слайм + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Эта злая зеленая жижа явно не выглядит дружелюбно. Большая, склизкая пасть так и норовит вас поглотить, чтобы ваша плоть растворилась внутри. diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pie.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pie.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..35f7039aa6e --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pie.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +ent-ADTFoodPiePumpkin = тыквенный пирог + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Теплый, мягкий, вкусный и приготовленный с любовью к низкосортным ужастикам. + +ent-ADTFoodPiePumpkinSlice = кусочек тыквенного пирога + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Небольшая часть большой вкуснятины. diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.ftl index 3f5e24bce35..c8de266e3b2 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.ftl @@ -110,3 +110,88 @@ ent-ADTFoodSnackChocolateTrashPink = обертка от Розовый шоко ent-ADTFoodSnackChocolateTrashTwo = обертка от Двойного батончика .desc = Мусор + + +ent-ADTFoodSnackBlackCandies = черные конфетки + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Это точно сладость. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackGreenCandies = зеленые конфетки + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Это точно сладость. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackRedCandies = красные конфетки + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Это точно сладость. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackVioletCandies = фиолетовые конфетки + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Это точно сладость. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackYellowCandies = желтые конфетки + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Это точно сладость. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread = пряник в виде летучей мыши + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Абсолютно безопасен и не разносит вирусов. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackScullGingerBread = черепной пряник + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Если вы давно желали отгрызть кому-то голову. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackPumpkinGingerBread = хеллоуинский пряник + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Вкусный пряник с нарисованной на глазури тыквой. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackBunnyCandies = шоколадный заяц + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Вкусен, шоколаден, ласков и возможно даже мерзавец. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackCoinCandies = шоколадная монетка + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Оказывается, что деньги тоже можно съесть? Можно. Является узаконенным платежным средством во всех детских садах NanoTrasen. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackBrains = желейные мозги + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Груол..мазгиииии. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackHeart = мармеладное сердце + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Это не атомное сердце, но, по крайней мере, лучше...чем ничего. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackWorms = горсть мармеладных червячков + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Куча из мармеладных червей с разными вкусами - от яблока до ананаса. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackHLCaramel = хеллоуинская карамельная трость + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Твёрдая карамельная палочка в форме трости. Жутко выглядит и успешно конкурирует с битой бармена за выбитые зубы! + +ent-ADTFoodSnackMintCaramel = мятная карамельная трость + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Твёрдая карамельная палочка в форме трости. На вкус напоминает мяту. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackEyes = мармеладные глаза + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Вкусные и сладкие, с красной начинкой внутри. Их едят - а они глядят. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackCandyBlue = синий леденец + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Обычный кусочек остывшей карамели, воткнутый в деревянную палочку. На вкус напоминает мяту. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackCandyGoW = леденец убийцы богов + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = После того, как боги убили его семью, этот леденец поклялся убить всех богов Олимпа до единого. Говорят, он уже застревал в глотке одного из них. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackCandyGreen = зеленый леденец + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Обычный кусочек остывшей карамели, воткнутый в деревянную палочку. На вкус напоминает яблоко. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackCandyMine = леденец зеленого существа + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Он кого-то очень сильно напоми...что это за шипение у меня за спиной? + +ent-ADTFoodSnackCandyRed = красный леденец + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Обычный кусочек остывшей карамели, воткнутый в деревянную палочку. На вкус напоминает вишню. diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/soup.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/soup.ftl index 8300327ae9d..336a8a0d8b7 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/soup.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/soup.ftl @@ -1,2 +1,5 @@ ent-ADTFoodSoupSawdust = суп с опилками .desc = Ешьте, ведь потом вам нужно будет топить генератор... + +ent-ADTFoodSoupPumpkin = тыквенный суп + .desc = Сытный и кремоподобный суп из тыквы и других овощей. diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/misc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/misc.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e9ac07394f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/misc.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +ent-ADTHalloweenBroom = ведьмина метла + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Время полетать, ихихихиа! diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/bowl.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/bowl.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d9588404e2e --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/bowl.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +ent-ADTHalloweenCandyBowl = корзинка для хеллоуинских сладостей + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Сладость или гадость! + +ent-ADTHalloweenSmileCandyBowl = корзинка для хеллоуинских сладостей + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Сладость или гадость! + +ent-ADTHalloweenNTCandyBowl = корзинка NT для хеллоуинских сладостей + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Цель ЦК или ревизор! + +ent-ADTHalloweenSyndieCandyBowl = корзинка Синдиката для хеллоуинских сладостей + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Гадость или гадость! + +ent-ADTHalloweenZombieCandyBowl = зомби-корзинка для хеллоуинских сладостей + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Мазгиии или гадость! + +ent-ADTHalloweenSealCandyBowl = тюленья корзинка для хеллоуинских сладостей + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Сладость или гадость! Для настоящих космических котиков. diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/candles.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/candles.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..75eb9beaf99 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/candles.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +ent-ADTGoldenCandleStick = золотой подсвечник + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Лампа, которая выглядит так, будто только что взята из древнего замка. + +ent-ADTSilverCandleStick = серебрянный подсвечник + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Лампа, которая выглядит так, будто только что взята из древнего замка. + +ent-ADTScullLamp = лампа-череп + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Лампа в виде черепа. Или это настоящий череп с лампочкой внутри? Или это светится неупокоенная душа? Никто не знает. + diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Storage/boxes.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Storage/boxes.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ae41fae78df --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Storage/boxes.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +ent-ADTBoxNightmareClown = набор ужасающего костюма клоуна + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Если вы увидишь красный шарик... "Оно" тут, и он сзади тебя. + +ent-ADTBoxCrueltySquad = набор био-наемника Cruelty Squad + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Набор вещей, необходимых для работы в сфере заказных убийств. + +ent-ADTBoxJason = набор маньяка из Пятницы 13-е + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Набор вещей маньяка в хоккейной маске, который очень жестоко расправляется над своими жертвами. + +ent-ADTBoxVyazov = набор Фредди Крюгера + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Набор вещей маньяка, приходящего в кошмарных снах. + +ent-ADTBoxHotlineMiami = набор потрошителя из Майами + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Набор вещей любителя разговоров по телефону и психопата, известного как Майамский Потрошитель. + +ent-ADTBoxKilla = набор костюма Киллы + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Набор вещей для костюма босса бандитов с тремя полосками. С ним вы сможете навести суету и защитить свой торговый центр. + +ent-ADTBoxServantOfEvil = набор прислужника Зла + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Набор вещей для маленького и желтого прислужника Зла. Банана! + +ent-ADTBoxDude = набор вещей Чувака + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Набор вещей для костюма того самого Чувака! Избивай мужика в костюме хрена, и не забывай заставлять людей подписывать твою петицию! + +ent-ADTBoxSquidPlayers = набор игроков для Игр Кальмара + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Коробка с пятью наборами одежды для игроков. + +ent-ADTBoxSquidOrganizer = набор организатора Игр Кальмара + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Коробка с набором для люборго из организаторов Игр. + +ent-ADTBoxTagilla = набор одежды дикого начальника Завода + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Набор вещей для костюма обезумевшего работника "Полихима"", у которого двинулась крыша на почве попыток превзойти своего старшего брата. + +ent-ADTBoxNevadaClown = набор невадского клоуна-психопата + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Набор вещей, для костюма клоун-психопата, проживавшего в Неваде и наводившего суету. + +ent-ADTBoxTransilvania = набор Трансильванского Кровопийцы + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Набор вещей для костюма монстра-аристократа, прямиком из Трансильвании. + +ent-ADTBoxVergile = набор Верджила + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Коробка вещей человека, который после гибели матери разошелся со своим братом-близнецом, отверг свою человечность и принял демоническое наследие своего отца. + +ent-ADTXenoBox = набор ксеноморфа + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Коробка с набором нескольких костюмов ксеноморфа. + +ent-ADTSuperstarPoliceBox = набор полицейского-суперзвезды + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Костюм полицейского суперзвезды прямиком из Ревашоль. Только для ценителей саморазрушения! + +ent-ADTSuperstarPoliceWingmanBox = набор напарника полицейского-суперзвезды + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Костюм лейтенанта из 51-го участка, прибывшего помочь суперзвезде в деле с повешенным трупом возле бара. + +ent-ADTBunnyDancerBox = набор кроличьей танцовщицы + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Торт и шест в наборе не представлены. + +ent-ADTBoxHalloweenCandy = коробка хеллоуинских сладостей + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Их тут и правда очень много. + +ent-ADTPayDayBox = набор весёлых масок "4 костюма в один набор!" + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Набор из четырёх абсолютно непримечательных масок, которые помогут вам в быстрых выплатах от банка. + +ent-ADTChainSawManBox = набор Человека-бензопила + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Набор вещей для костюма человек, полного амбиций и желаний, а именно: вкусно поесть, поспать на кровать, а также полапать женскую грудь! + +ent-ADTMichaelMyersBox = набор Майкла Майерса + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Коробка с костюмом главного героя старого, даже архаичного фильма "Хеллоуин". diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/melee.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/melee.ftl index be7320e05fb..bae7ed331b0 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/melee.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/melee.ftl @@ -21,4 +21,9 @@ ent-HereticBladeFlesh = кровавый клинок .desc = То, что нужно, когда вокруг тебя летают призраки. ent-HereticBladeVoid = пустотный клинок - .desc = То, что нужно, когда вокруг тебя летают призраки. \ No newline at end of file + .desc = То, что нужно, когда вокруг тебя летают призраки. + +ent-ADTJasonMachette = мачете Джейсона + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Мачете одного из самых ужасающих маньяков. Сбоку маленькая надпись "полиуретан". + diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/swords.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/swords.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..51b12c17755 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/swords.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +ent-ADTTagillaSledgehammerReal = кувалда Тагиллы + .suffix = Хеллоуин. Настоящая + .desc = Реплика той самой кувалды, наводившей страх на посетителей Завода. Она тяжелее, чем должна быть игрушка. + +ent-ADTTagillaSledgehammerToy = кувалда Тагиллы + .suffix = Хеллоуин. Игрушечная + .desc = Реплика той самой кувалды, наводившей страх на посетителей Завода. diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Decorations/plants.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Decorations/plants.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..820dc4cd706 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Decorations/plants.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +ent-ADTHalloweenPottedPlant1 = черепоцветочек + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Вам не кажется, что от него издается скрежет зубов. + +ent-ADTHalloweenPottedPlant2 = зомбицветочек + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Пахнет умиротворением и разложением. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/chairs.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/chairs.ftl index 039528cf776..6eac4696eb3 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/chairs.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/chairs.ftl @@ -40,3 +40,7 @@ ent-ADTArmchairBlue = синее кресло ent-ADTArmchairBlue2 = { ent-ADTArmchairBlue } .desc = { ent-ADTArmchairWhite.desc } + +ent-ADTSpiderStool = паучий стул + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Выглядит страшноватенько. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/misc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/misc.ftl index 02342558ea7..3b4df29949a 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/misc.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/misc.ftl @@ -1,2 +1,22 @@ ent-ADTDiscoBall = диско-шар .desc = Ярко светящаяся сфера из которой так и разбегается свет. + +ent-ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight1 = тыквенный светильник + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Фонарь, сделанный из тыквы. + +ent-ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight2 = тыквенный светильник + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Фонарь, сделанный из тыквы. + +ent-ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight3 = тыквенный светильник + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Фонарь, сделанный из тыквы. + +ent-ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight4 = тыквенный светильник + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Фонарь, сделанный из тыквы. + +ent-ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight5 = тыквенный светильник + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Фонарь, сделанный из тыквы. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.ftl index 81f10a4b863..90a965c7036 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.ftl @@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ ent-ADTVendingMachineTSFArmoury = оружейная ТСФ .desc = Связанный с удаленным хранилищем шкаф, используемый для выдачи оружия и экипировки бойцов ТСФ. .suffix = { "ТСФ" } +ent-ADTVendingMachineHalloween = Хеллоуиномат + .suffix = Хеллоуин + .desc = Торговый автомат со всем, что нужно для Хеллоуина. + ent-ADTVendingMachinePill = ТаблеткоМат .desc = (Почти) практическое решение всех ваших болячек. ent-ADTVendingMachineParaDrobe = ПараШкаф diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_food.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_food.yml index 398205640af..a8836a6e9ac 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_food.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_food.yml @@ -87,3 +87,13 @@ cost: 1500 category: cargoproduct-category-name-food group: market + +- type: cargoProduct + id: ADTCargoHalloweenSnack + icon: + sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/halloween_smilecandy_bowl.rsi + state: icon-0 + product: ADTCrateHalloweenFood + cost: 1200 + category: cargoproduct-category-name-food + group: market diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_fun.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_fun.yml index 427cc030ff8..bdd4c2ff342 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_fun.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_fun.yml @@ -35,3 +35,13 @@ product: ADTRingBox category: cargoproduct-category-name-fun cost: 8000 + +- type: cargoProduct + id: ADTFunHalloweenCloth + icon: + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: pennywise + product: ADTCrateHalloweenCloth + cost: 4250 + category: cargoproduct-category-name-fun + group: market diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Boxes/boxes.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Boxes/boxes.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..109f533e603 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Boxes/boxes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,588 @@ +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxNightmareClown + parent: BaseStorageItem + name: clown Nightmare Suit + description: clown Nightmare Suit + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: pennywise + #layers: + #- state: pennywise + - type: Item + size: Ginormous + - type: ClothingSpeedModifier + walkModifier: 0.8 + sprintModifier: 0.8 + - type: Storage + maxItemSize: Huge + grid: + - 0,0,8,6 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + storagebase: !type:Container + - type: PhysicalComposition + materialComposition: + Cardboard: 100 + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTOtherworldClownCostume + amount: 1 + - id: ADTClownCollarCaterpillar + amount: 1 + - id: ADTClownNightmareShoes + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingHandsGlovesColorWhite + amount: 1 + - id: BikeHorn + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingMaskClown + amount: 1 + - id: BalloonSyn + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxCrueltySquad + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: bio-merc of cruelty squad suit + description: bio-merc of cruelty squad suit + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: сrueltysquad + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: сrueltysquad + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTCSIJArmor + amount: 1 + - id: ADTNeonTacticalGlasses + amount: 1 + - id: ADTBioMercGloves + amount: 1 + - id: ADTBioMercUniform + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingShoesBootsCombat + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxJason + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: Friday 13 suit + description: Friday 13 suit + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: jasonvoorhees + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: jasonvoorhees + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTJasonBomber + amount: 1 + - id: ADTJasonHockeyMask + amount: 1 + - id: ADTJasonMachette + amount: 1 + - id: ADTJasonCostume + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingShoesBootsCombat + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingHandsGlovesColorBlack + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxVyazov + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: Freddy Krueger suit + description: Freddy Krueger suit + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: freddy + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: freddy + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTVyasovCostume + amount: 1 + - id: ADTClothingHeadVyasovHat + amount: 1 + - id: ADTVyazovGloves + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxHotlineMiami + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: Hotline Miami suit + description: Hotline Miami suit + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: jecket + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: jecket + - type: Item + size: Ginormous + - type: Storage + maxItemSize: Ginormous + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: BaseBallBat + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingHeadHatRichard + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingShoesBootsLaceup + amount: 1 + - id: ADTHotlineMiamiUniform + amount: 1 + - id: ADTStudentBomber + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxKilla + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: Killa suit + description: Killa suit + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: killa + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: killa + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTClothingHeadKillaHelmet + amount: 1 + - id: ADTKillaArmor + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingShoesBootsCombat + amount: 1 + - id: ADTClothingUniformAbibasBlackSuit + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxServantOfEvil + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: servant of evil suit + description: servant of evil suit + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: minion + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: minion + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTServantOfEvilUniform + amount: 1 + - id: ADTServantOfEvilGlasses + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingHandsGlovesColorBlack + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingShoesBootsCombat + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxDude + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: Dude suit + description: Dude suit + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: postal2 + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: postal2 + - type: Item + size: Ginormous + - type: Storage + maxItemSize: Ginormous + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTDudeShirt + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingShoesBootsCombat + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingOuterCoatJensen + amount: 1 + - id: Shovel + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingEyesGlassesSunglasses + amount: 1 + - id: BoxFolderClipboard + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxSquidPlayers + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: Squid Game players uniforms + description: Squid Game players uniforms + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: base + #layers: + #- state: base + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTSquidGamePlayerSuit + amount: 5 + - id: ClothingShoesColorWhite + amount: 5 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxSquidOrganizer + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: Squid Game organizer uniform + description: Squid Game organizer uniform + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: base + #layers: + #- state: base + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTSquidGameOrganizerSuit + amount: 1 + - id: ADTClothingHeadSquidGameHood + amount: 1 + - id: ADTClothingMaskSquidGameWorker + amount: 1 + - id: ADTClothingMaskSquidGameSoldier + amount: 1 + - id: ADTClothingMaskSquidGameManager + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingHandsGlovesColorBlack + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingShoesBootsLaceup + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxTagilla + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: Tagilla box + description: Tagilla box + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: tagilla + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: tagilla + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTTagillaSuit + amount: 1 + - id: ADTClothingHeadHatTagilla + amount: 1 + - id: ADTRedMartialArtsGloves + amount: 1 + - id: ADTTagillaArmor + amount: 1 + - id: ADTTagillaSledgehammerToy + orGroup: ToyOrRealSledge + - id: ADTTagillaSledgehammerReal + prob: 0.1 + orGroup: ToyOrRealSledge + - id: ClothingShoesBootsCombat + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxNevadaClown + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: the costume of the Nevada psychopathic clown + description: the costume of the Nevada psychopathic clown + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: tricky + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: tricky + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTDJClownSuit + amount: 1 + - id: ADTClothingHeadHatClownArmor + amount: 1 + - id: ADTGreyClownPsyhoShoes + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxTransilvania + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: the costume vampire + description: the costume vampire + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: vampire + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: vampire + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTVampireSuit + amount: 1 + - id: ADTVampireCloak + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingShoesBootsLaceup + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingHandsGlovesColorWhite + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxVergile + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: Vergile box + description: Vergile box + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: vergil + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: vergil + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTVergileSuit + amount: 1 + - id: ADTVergileCloak + amount: 1 + - id: ADTClothingHandsFingerlessCombat + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingShoesBootsLaceup + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTXenoBox + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: Xeno box + description: Xeno box + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: xeno + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: xeno + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTXenomorphSuit + amount: 3 + - id: ADTClothingHeadXenomorph + amount: 3 + +- type: entity + id: ADTSuperstarPoliceBox + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: police-superstar box + description: police-superstar box + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: harry + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: harry + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ClothingUniformJumpsuitSuperstarCop + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingOuterDiscoAssBlazer + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingNeckHorrific + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingShoesGreenLizardskin + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTSuperstarPoliceWingmanBox + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: police-superstar wingman box + description: police-superstar wingman box + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: kim + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: kim + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ClothingEyesBinoclardLenses + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingHandsGlovesAerostatic + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingShoesAerostatic + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingOuterAerostaticBomberJacket + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingUniformJumpsuitAerostatic + amount: 1 + - id: BoxFolderClipboard + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBunnyDancerBox + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: bunny dancer box + description: bunny dancer box + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: rabbit + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: rabbit + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTClothingUniformRabbitDress + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingHeadHatBunny + amount: 1 + - id: ADTClothingHandsRabbitGloves + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxHalloweenCandy + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: halloween candy box + description: halloween candy box + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: base + - type: Storage + maxItemSize: Normal + grid: + - 0,0,20,0 + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTFoodSnackBlackCandies + - id: ADTFoodSnackGreenCandies + - id: ADTFoodSnackRedCandies + - id: ADTFoodSnackVioletCandies + - id: ADTFoodSnackYellowCandies + - id: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + - id: ADTFoodSnackScullGingerBread + - id: ADTFoodSnackPumpkinGingerBread + - id: ADTFoodSnackBunnyCandies + - id: ADTFoodSnackCoinCandies + - id: ADTFoodSnackBrains + - id: ADTFoodSnackHeart + - id: ADTFoodSnackWorms + - id: ADTFoodSnackHLCaramel + - id: ADTFoodSnackMintCaramel + - id: ADTFoodSnackEyes + - id: ADTFoodSnackCandyBlue + - id: ADTFoodSnackCandyGoW + - id: ADTFoodSnackCandyGreen + - id: ADTFoodSnackCandyMine + - id: ADTFoodSnackCandyRed + +- type: entity + id: ADTPayDayBox + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: police-superstar box + description: police-superstar box + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: payday + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: harry + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTPayDayChainsMask + amount: 1 + - id: ADTPayDayDallasMask + amount: 1 + - id: ADTPayDayHoustonMask + amount: 1 + - id: ADTPayDayWolfMask + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingShoesBootsLaceup + amount: 4 + - id: ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerGood + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerBlue + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerRed + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerBlack + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingHandsGlovesNitrile + amount: 4 + +- type: entity + id: ADTChainSawManBox + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: police-superstar box + description: police-superstar box + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: chainsaw + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: harry + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTClothingHeadHatChainSaw + amount: 1 + - id: ADTJumpsuitHunterDemon + amount: 1 + - id: ClothingShoesColorRed + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTMichaelMyersBox + parent: ADTBoxNightmareClown + name: michael myers box + description: michael myers box + suffix: Halloweeen + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/Boxes/halloween_box.rsi + state: michael + #layers: + #- state: base + #- state: harry + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTMichaelMyersMask + amount: 1 + - id: ADTHalloweenMichaelMyersSuit + amount: 1 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Crates/food.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Crates/food.yml index af458010096..c97e8641d6e 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Crates/food.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Crates/food.yml @@ -21,3 +21,23 @@ amount: 3 - id: ADTFoodBakedBrezelVanilla amount: 3 + +# halloween + +- type: entity + id: ADTCrateHalloweenFood + parent: CratePlastic + name: halloween candy crate + description: halloween candy crate + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTBoxHalloweenCandy + amount: 4 + - id: ADTHalloweenCandyBowl + - id: ADTHalloweenSmileCandyBowl + - id: ADTHalloweenNTCandyBowl + - id: ADTHalloweenSyndieCandyBowl + - id: ADTHalloweenZombieCandyBowl + - id: ADTHalloweenSealCandyBowl diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Crates/fun.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Crates/fun.yml index 6fec5255939..52db0bb56f2 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Crates/fun.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Crates/fun.yml @@ -105,3 +105,37 @@ amount: 1 - id: ADTVehicleKeySyndicateSegway amount: 1 + +# halloween + +- type: entity + id: ADTCrateHalloweenCloth + parent: CratePlastic + name: halloween clothing crate + description: halloween clothing crate + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTBoxHalloweenCandy + amount: 4 + - id: ADTBoxNightmareClown + - id: ADTBoxCrueltySquad + - id: ADTBoxJason + - id: ADTBoxVyazov + - id: ADTBoxHotlineMiami + - id: ADTBoxKilla + - id: ADTBoxServantOfEvil + - id: ADTBoxDude + - id: ADTBoxSquidPlayers + - id: ADTBoxSquidOrganizer + - id: ADTBoxTagilla + - id: ADTBoxNevadaClown + - id: ADTBoxTransilvania + - id: ADTBoxVergile + - id: ADTXenoBox + - id: ADTSuperstarPoliceBox + - id: ADTSuperstarPoliceWingmanBox + - id: ADTBunnyDancerBox + - id: ADTPayDayBox + - id: ADTChainSawManBox diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/vendingMachine.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/vendingMachine.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2b63d2cead3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/vendingMachine.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +- type: vendingMachineInventory + id: ADTHalloweenMateInventory + startingInventory: + ADTBoxHalloweenCandy: 6 + ADTHalloweenCandyBowl: 3 + ADTHalloweenSmileCandyBowl: 3 + ADTHalloweenNTCandyBowl: 3 + ADTHalloweenSyndieCandyBowl: 2 + ADTHalloweenZombieCandyBowl: 2 + ADTHalloweenSealCandyBowl: 2 + ADTHalloweenBroom: 4 + ADTGoldenCandleStick: 3 + ADTSilverCandleStick: 3 + ADTScullLamp: 3 + ADTBoxNightmareClown: 3 + ADTBoxCrueltySquad: 3 + ADTBoxJason: 3 + ADTBoxVyazov: 3 + ADTBoxHotlineMiami: 3 + ADTBoxKilla: 3 + ADTBoxServantOfEvil: 3 + ADTBoxDude: 3 + ADTBoxSquidPlayers: 3 + ADTBoxSquidOrganizer: 3 + ADTBoxTagilla: 3 + ADTBoxNevadaClown: 3 + ADTBoxTransilvania: 3 + ADTBoxVergile: 3 + ADTXenoBox: 3 + ADTSuperstarPoliceBox: 3 + ADTSuperstarPoliceWingmanBox: 3 + ADTBunnyDancerBox: 3 + ADTPayDayBox: 3 + ADTChainSawManBox: 3 + ADTMichaelMyersBox: 2 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Belt/belts.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Belt/belts.yml index 13494912a53..c12fffd7270 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Belt/belts.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Belt/belts.yml @@ -212,6 +212,22 @@ - type: Item size: Small +#РПС Киллы + +- type: entity + id: ADTClothingBeltKilla + parent: ClothingBeltMilitaryWebbing + name: Triton belt + description: Triton belt + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Storage + maxItemSize: Normal + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi + - type: entity parent: ClothingBeltStorageBase id: ADTClothingBeltMedicalBag diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/glasses.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/glasses.yml index d4f9c06134e..f8adb555b68 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/glasses.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/glasses.yml @@ -52,3 +52,32 @@ tags: - WhitelistChameleon - HudMedical + + + # halloween + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingEyesBase + id: ADTNeonTacticalGlasses + name: neon tactical glasses + description: Ordinary tactical glasses made of acid-green polycarbonate. + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/neontactical.rsi + state: icon + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/neontactical.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingEyesBase + id: ADTServantOfEvilGlasses + name: welding glasses + description: welding glasses + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/servant_of_evil.rsi + state: icon + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/servant_of_evil.rsi diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Hands/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Hands/fill.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b4954caf47d..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Hands/fill.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Hands/gloves.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Hands/gloves.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d758cd5f646 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Hands/gloves.yml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +- type: entity + parent: ClothingHandsBase + id: ADTClothingHandsRabbitGloves + name: Rabbit Gloves + description: Shhh. Furry. + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/rabbit_gloves.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/rabbit_gloves.rsi + - type: Fiber + fiberMaterial: fibers-synthetic + - type: FingerprintMask + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingHandsBase + id: ADTBioMercGloves + name: fingerless tactical bio-fabric gloves + description: If you thought that this glove is environmentally friendly, then you are very mistaken. This glove is made of a fabric with an admixture of biomass, which strongly resembles leather. Moreover, this "skin" is unnaturally warm... + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/biomerc_gloves.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/biomerc_gloves.rsi + - type: Fiber + fiberMaterial: fibers-synthetic + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingHandsBase + id: ADTVyazovGloves + name: gloves from the dimension of nightmares + description: The right glove has blades, it seems, with which its former owner dealt with his victims. + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/vyazov_gloves.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/vyazov_gloves.rsi + - type: Fiber + fiberMaterial: fibers-synthetic + - type: MeleeWeapon + damage: + types: + Slash: 8 + soundHit: + path: /Audio/Weapons/bladeslice.ogg + animation: WeaponArcFist + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingRed + id: ADTRedMartialArtsGloves + name: red gloves for martial arts + description: red gloves for martial arts + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/red_martial_gloves.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/red_martial_gloves.rsi + - type: Fiber + fiberMaterial: fibers-synthetic + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingHandsBase + id: ADTClothingHandsFingerlessCombat + name: fingerless combat gloves + description: These tactical gloves are fireproof and shockproof, and have become much cooler. + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi + - type: Fiber + fiberMaterial: fibers-insulative + fiberColor: fibers-black diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.yml index 4285c028513..8a7558be72e 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.yml @@ -284,3 +284,86 @@ sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/trader.rsi #спрайты от prazat911 - type: Clothing sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/trader.rsi + + + # halloween + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingHeadBase + id: ADTClothingHeadVyasovHat + name: shabby fedora + description: It looks very shabby brown in color, it smells like a nightmare straight from Vyazova Street + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Tag + tags: # ignore "WhitelistChameleon" tag + - WhitelistChameleon + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/vyazovhat.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/vyazovhat.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ADTClothingHeadUSSPjuggernautHelmetArmored + id: ADTClothingHeadKillaHelmet + name: Killa helmet + description: Killa helmet + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Tag + tags: # ignore "WhitelistChameleon" tag + - WhitelistChameleon + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/killahelmet.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/killahelmet.rsi + - type: Armor + modifiers: + coefficients: + Piercing: 0.95 + Heat: 0.95 + - type: ExplosionResistance + damageCoefficient: 0.95 + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingHeadBase + id: ADTClothingHeadXenomorph + name: Xenomorph head + description: Xenomorph head + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Tag + tags: # ignore "WhitelistChameleon" tag + - WhitelistChameleon + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/xeno_head.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/xeno_head.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingHeadBase + id: ADTClothingHeadZombie + name: zombie head + description: zombie head + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Tag + tags: # ignore "WhitelistChameleon" tag + - WhitelistChameleon + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/zombie_head.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/zombie_head.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingHeadBase + id: ADTClothingHeadHatChainSaw + name: fox head + description: "It's a fox head. Snort snort snort!" + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Misc/hatchainsaw.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Misc/hatchainsaw.rsi + - type: IngestionBlocker + diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/helmets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/helmets.yml index f73392d1fb7..153cc3a73cc 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/helmets.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/helmets.yml @@ -31,3 +31,28 @@ - type: Tag tags: - WhitelistChameleon + +#head hat armored +- type: entity + parent: ClothingHeadBase + id: ADTClothingHeadUSSPjuggernautHelmetArmored + name: USSP Armored jugger hard helmet + description: An armored hard hat. Provides the best of both worlds in both protection & utility - perfect for the engineer on the frontlines. + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/ussphelmet.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/ussphelmet.rsi + - type: FlashImmunity + - type: EyeProtection + protectionTime: 5 + - type: Armor #Copied from the sec helmet, as it's hard to give these sane values without locational damage existing. + modifiers: + coefficients: + Blunt: 0.6 + Slash: 0.6 + Piercing: 0.6 + Heat: 0.8 + - type: ExplosionResistance + damageCoefficient: 0.70 + - type: GroupExamine diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hoods.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hoods.yml index 71a8a4dba65..24a9191b715 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hoods.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hoods.yml @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ - WhitelistChameleon - type: Sprite sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/hoods/squidgame.rsi + state: icon - type: Clothing sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/hoods/squidgame.rsi - type: HideLayerClothing diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Masks/mask.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Masks/mask.yml index b118e742878..04d0f96baa2 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Masks/mask.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Masks/mask.yml @@ -323,3 +323,127 @@ - type: HideLayerClothing slots: - Snout + + + # halloween + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingMaskBase + id: ADTJasonHockeyMask + name: hockey mask of maniac + description: hockey mask of maniac + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/jason.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/jason.rsi + clothingVisuals: + mask: + - state: equipped-MASK + - type: BreathMask + +- type: entity + parent: WeldingMaskBase + id: ADTClothingHeadHatTagilla + name: Tagilla mask + description: Tagilla mask + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/tagilla_mask.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/tagilla_mask.rsi + - type: Armor + modifiers: + coefficients: + Piercing: 0.95 + Heat: 0.95 + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingMaskBase + id: ADTClothingHeadHatClownArmor + name: ballistic mask of a psychopathic clown + description: OMFG YOU DO NOT KILL CLOWN! CLOWN KILLS YOU! + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/clownballistic_mask.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/clownballistic_mask.rsi + clothingVisuals: + mask: + - state: equipped-MASK + - type: BreathMask + - type: Armor + modifiers: + coefficients: + Piercing: 0.95 + Heat: 0.95 + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingMaskBase + id: ADTMichaelMyersMask + name: Michael Myers mask + description: Michael Myers mask + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/michael_myersmask.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/michael_myersmask.rsi + clothingVisuals: + mask: + - state: equipped-MASK + - type: BreathMask + +# PayDay2 mask +- type: entity + parent: ClothingMaskBase + id: ADTPayDayChainsMask + name: squid game worker mask + description: squid game worker mask + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_chains.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_chains.rsi + - type: BreathMask + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingMaskBase + id: ADTPayDayDallasMask + name: squid game worker mask + description: squid game worker mask + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_dallas.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_dallas.rsi + - type: BreathMask + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingMaskBase + id: ADTPayDayHoustonMask + name: squid game worker mask + description: squid game worker mask + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_houston.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_houston.rsi + - type: BreathMask + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingMaskBase + id: ADTPayDayWolfMask + name: squid game worker mask + description: squid game worker mask + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_wolf.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_wolf.rsi + - type: BreathMask diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Neck/Cloaks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Neck/Cloaks.yml index 19c35732604..17c54284e35 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Neck/Cloaks.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Neck/Cloaks.yml @@ -84,3 +84,18 @@ components: - type: Sprite sprite: ADT/Clothing/Neck/Cloaks/nukeops_cloak.rsi #спрайты от floppo4ka + + + # halloween + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingOuterStorageBase + id: ADTVergileCloak + name: Vergile cloak + description: Vergile cloak + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Misc/vergile_cloak.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Misc/vergile_cloak.rsi diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Neck/misc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Neck/misc.yml index c3cd1c67613..a0966a995d3 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Neck/misc.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Neck/misc.yml @@ -42,3 +42,26 @@ sprite: ADT/Clothing/Neck/Misc/choker_with_heart.rsi - type: StaticPrice price: 300 + + + # halloween + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingNeckBase + id: ADTClownCollarCaterpillar + name: clown collar-caterpillar + description: A once-extinct attribute of a Buffoon and a Clown + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Neck/Misc/clowncollar.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingNeckBase + id: ADTVampireCloak + name: vampire cloak + description: vampire cloak + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Neck/Misc/vampire_cloak.rsi diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/armor.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/armor.yml index 070b3ce93f1..5d3b566c59f 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/armor.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/armor.yml @@ -104,3 +104,67 @@ damageCoefficient: 0.80 - type: Item size: Large + + + # halloween + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingOuterArmorBasic + id: ADTTagillaArmor + name: Tagilla bulletproof vest + description: Tagilla bulletproof vest + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Armor/tagilla_armor.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Armor/tagilla_armor.rsi + - type: Armor + modifiers: + coefficients: + Blunt: 0.9 + Slash: 0.9 + Piercing: 0.85 + Heat: 0.9 + - type: ExplosionResistance + damageCoefficient: 0.90 + #- type: Storage + # capacity: 12 + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingOuterArmorBasic + id: ADTKillaArmor + name: Killa armor vest + description: Killa armor vest + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Armor/killa_armor.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Armor/killa_armor.rsi + - type: Armor + modifiers: + coefficients: + Blunt: 0.9 + Slash: 0.9 + Piercing: 0.85 + Heat: 0.9 + - type: ExplosionResistance + damageCoefficient: 0.9 + - type: ClothingSpeedModifier + walkModifier: 0.90 + sprintModifier: 0.90 + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingOuterArmorBasic + id: ADTCSIJArmor + name: CSIJ bulletproof vest + description: No one knows what this bulletproof vest is made of, and it's better not to know... On the back there are the initials CS - 'Cruelty Squad'. + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Armor/CSIJ_armor.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Armor/CSIJ_armor.rsi + - type: ExplosionResistance + damageCoefficient: 0.9 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.yml index 70d1b11a827..5136fc8c1da 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.yml @@ -170,6 +170,32 @@ Slash: 0.95 Heat: 0.90 + + # halloween + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingOuterStorageBase + id: ADTJasonBomber + name: maniac bomber + description: maniac bomber + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Coats/jason.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Coats/jason.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingOuterStorageBase + id: ADTStudentBomber + name: student bomber + description: student bomber + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Coats/hotline_student.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Coats/hotline_student.rsi # Med - type: entity diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/misc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/misc.yml index d693e41897b..9c3122dde58 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/misc.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/misc.yml @@ -49,3 +49,30 @@ sprite: ADT/Clothing/Shoes/Boots/sandals.rsi - type: StaticPrice price: 10 + + + # halloween + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingShoesBaseButcherable + id: ADTClownNightmareShoes + name: clown nightmare shoes + description: No way. + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Shoes/Misc/clownnightmareshoes.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Shoes/Misc/clownnightmareshoes.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingShoesBaseButcherable + id: ADTGreyClownPsyhoShoes + name: grey clown psyho shoes + description: grey clown psyho shoes + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Shoes/Misc/greyclownshoes.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Shoes/Misc/greyclownshoes.rsi diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuits.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuits.yml index f9cd9a69498..b8a09410595 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuits.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuits.yml @@ -869,6 +869,214 @@ - type: Clothing sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/trader.rsi + +#halloween + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTOtherworldClownCostume + name: otherworldly clown costume + description: A costume of an ancient being who came from another dimension to frighten people and feed on their fears... sounds like the work of a clown! + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/otherworld_clown.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/otherworld_clown.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTBioMercUniform + name: bio-mercenary uniform + description: Congratulations, you were born in this world where the value of life is zero. In this world, everything is already rotten, and everything is in eternal stagnation, and there is no need to hurry and make the world better or worse. You can only exist in this world, saturated with hatred for everything. You are just a biomass among other biomass. + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/bio_merc.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/bio_merc.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTJasonCostume + name: maniac costume + description: Wear a hockey player mask and kill the victims with a machete. + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/jason.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/jason.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTVyasovCostume + name: Vyasov costume + description: A nightmate on the Vyasov station! + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/vyasov.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/vyasov.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTHotlineMiamiUniform + name: student uniform + description: A legend told, that this uniform wear a Miami killer + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/hotlinemiami.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/hotlinemiami.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTServantOfEvilUniform + name: suit of the servant of evil + description: suit of the servant of evil + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/servant_evil.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/servant_evil.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTDudeShirt + name: dude's t-shirt + description: dude's t-shirt + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/dude_shirt.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/dude_shirt.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTSquidGameOrganizerSuit + name: squid game organizer suit + description: squid game organizer suit + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/squid_org.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/squid_org.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTSquidGamePlayerSuit + name: squid game player suit + description: squid game player suit + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/squid_player.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/squid_player.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTTagillaSuit + name: Tagilla pants + description: Tagilla pants + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/tagilla_pants.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/tagilla_pants.rsi + #- type: Storage + # capacity: 5 + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTDJClownSuit + name: DJ clown suit + description: DJ clown suit + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/djclown.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/djclown.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTVampireSuit + name: vampire suit + description: vampire suit + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/vampire_suit.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/vampire_suit.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTVergileSuit + name: Vergile suit + description: Vergile suit + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/vergile_suit.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/vergile_suit.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTXenomorphSuit + name: xenomorph suit + description: xenomorph suit + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/xenomorph_suit.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/xenomorph_suit.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTHalloweenMichaelMyersSuit + name: Michael Myers suit + description: Michael Myers suit + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/michael_suit.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/michael_suit.rsi + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTJumpsuitHunterDemon + name: qm jumpsuit warm + description: A sharp turtleneck made for the hardy work environment of supply. + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/suit_hunterdemon.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/suit_hunterdemon.rsi + + +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTClothingUniformAbibasBlackSuit + name: black sport suit + description: Sportsuit for real buddies. + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/black_abibas.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/black_abibas.rsi # Med - type: entity diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpskirts.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpskirts.yml index 6f7d1355847..44d18dc275f 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpskirts.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpskirts.yml @@ -463,6 +463,16 @@ - type: Clothing sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpskirt/oktoberfest_dirndlgreen.rsi #спрайты от SHIONE +- type: entity + parent: ClothingUniformBase + id: ADTClothingUniformRabbitDress + name: rabbit black dress + description: soo...how pick a PDA in this? + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpskirt/rabbit_dress.rsi + - type: Clothing + sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpskirt/rabbit_dress.rsi # Med - type: entity diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/misc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/misc.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bd8f72a42d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/misc.yml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# halloween + +- type: entity + parent: MarkerBase + id: ADTHalloweenPosterRandom2 + name: random helloween wall decor spawner + #decription: random helloween wall decor spawner + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + layers: + - state: red + - sprite: ADT/Objects/Decoration/poster_helloween.rsi + state: spider + - type: RandomSpawner + offset: 0 + prototypes: + - ADTPosterHalloweenSpooky + - ADTPosterHalloweenYummy + - ADTPosterHalloweenSpider + - ADTPosterHalloweenSpiderWeb1 + - ADTPosterHalloweenSpiderWeb2 + - ADTPosterHappyHalloween + - ADTPosterTayarHalloween + chance: 1 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/plants.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/plants.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fe3ce2b7a2e --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/plants.yml @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +- type: entity + parent: MarkerBase + id: ADTHelloweenPlantRandom + name: random helloween decor spawner + #decription: random helloween decor spawner + suffix: Helloween + components: + - type: Sprite + layers: + - state: red + - sprite: ADT/Structures/Decoration/Plants/potted_plant_helloween.rsi + state: plant1 + - type: RandomSpawner + offset: 0 + prototypes: + - ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight1 + - ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight2 + - ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight3 + - ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight4 + - ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight5 + - ADTHalloweenPottedPlant1 + - ADTHalloweenPottedPlant2 + chance: 1 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/slimes.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/slimes.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0b626f01fae --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/slimes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +- type: entity + parent: MobAdultSlimes + id: ADTMobAdultSlimesGreenHalloween + name: green halloween slime + description: green halloween slime + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Mobs/halloween_slime.rsi + layers: + - map: [ "enum.DamageStateVisualLayers.Base" ] + state: green_adult_slime + - type: DamageStateVisuals + states: + Alive: + Base: green_adult_slime + Dead: + Base: green_adult_slime_dead + - type: MeleeWeapon + damage: + types: + Blunt: 6 + Structural: 4 + Caustic: 1 + Poison: 4 + # Frontier - languages mechanic + - type: LanguageSpeaker + speaks: + - Bubblish + understands: + - Bubblish + +- type: entity + parent: ADTMobAdultSlimesGreenHalloween + id: ADTMobAdultSlimesGreenHalloweenAngry + name: green halloween slime angry + suffix: Angry + components: + - type: NpcFactionMember + factions: + - SimpleHostile + - type: GhostRole + description: ghost-role-information-angry-slimes-description + # Frontier - languages mechanic + - type: LanguageSpeaker + speaks: + - Bubblish + understands: + - Bubblish diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/fill.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b4954caf47d..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/fill.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pie.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pie.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..572d99ffaad --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pie.yml @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +- type: entity + name: pumpkin pie + parent: FoodPieBase + id: ADTFoodPiePumpkin + description: A pie containing sweet, sweet love... and pumpkin. + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - sweet + - adt_pumpkin + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pumpkin_pie.rsi + state: pumpkin_pie + - type: SliceableFood + slice: ADTFoodPiePumpkinSlice + - type: Tag + tags: + - Fruit + - Pie + +- type: entity + name: slice of pumpkin pie + parent: FoodPieSliceBase + id: ADTFoodPiePumpkinSlice + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - sweet + - adt_pumpkin + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pumpkin_pie.rsi + state: slice + - type: Tag + tags: + - Fruit + - Pie diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.yml index 03d295bfbe7..f600ec05ead 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.yml @@ -502,3 +502,254 @@ state: two-trash + # halloween + +- type: entity + name: black candies + parent: FoodSnackBase + id: ADTFoodSnackBlackCandies + description: black candies + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - chocolate + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/Snacks/Candies + state: black + - type: Item + - type: SolutionContainerManager + solutions: + food: + maxVol: 5 + reagents: + - ReagentId: Nutriment + Quantity: 3 + +- type: entity + name: green candies + parent: ADTFoodSnackBlackCandies + id: ADTFoodSnackGreenCandies + description: green candies + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - chocolate + - type: Sprite + state: green + +- type: entity + name: red candies + parent: ADTFoodSnackBlackCandies + id: ADTFoodSnackRedCandies + description: red candies + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - chocolate + - type: Sprite + state: red + +- type: entity + name: violet candies + parent: ADTFoodSnackBlackCandies + id: ADTFoodSnackVioletCandies + description: violet candies + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - chocolate + - type: Sprite + state: violet + +- type: entity + name: yellow candies + parent: ADTFoodSnackBlackCandies + id: ADTFoodSnackYellowCandies + description: yellow candies + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - chocolate + - type: Sprite + state: yellow + +- type: entity + name: bat gingerbread + parent: ADTFoodSnackBlackCandies + id: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + description: bat gingerbread + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - sweet + - type: Sprite + state: bat + - type: SolutionContainerManager + solutions: + food: + maxVol: 7 + reagents: + - ReagentId: Nutriment + Quantity: 5 + +- type: entity + name: scull gingerbread + parent: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + id: ADTFoodSnackScullGingerBread + description: scull gingerbread + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: scull + +- type: entity + name: pumpkin gingerbread + parent: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + id: ADTFoodSnackPumpkinGingerBread + description: pumpkin gingerbread + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: pumpkin + +- type: entity + name: chocolate bunny + parent: ADTFoodSnackBlackCandies + id: ADTFoodSnackBunnyCandies + description: chocolate bunny + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - chocolate + - type: Sprite + state: bunny + +- type: entity + name: chocolate coin + parent: ADTFoodSnackBlackCandies + id: ADTFoodSnackCoinCandies + description: chocolate coin + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - chocolate + - type: Sprite + state: coin + +- type: entity + name: jelly brains + parent: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + id: ADTFoodSnackBrains + description: jelly brains + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: brains + +- type: entity + name: jelly heart + parent: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + id: ADTFoodSnackHeart + description: jelly heart + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: heart + +- type: entity + name: jelly worms + parent: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + id: ADTFoodSnackWorms + description: jelly worms + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: worms + +- type: entity + name: caramel stick + parent: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + id: ADTFoodSnackHLCaramel + description: caramel stick + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: hl_caramel + +- type: entity + name: caramel stick + parent: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + id: ADTFoodSnackMintCaramel + description: caramel stick + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: mint_caramel + +- type: entity + name: jelly eyes + parent: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + id: ADTFoodSnackEyes + description: jelly eyes + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: eyes + +- type: entity + name: candy blue + parent: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + id: ADTFoodSnackCandyBlue + description: candy blue + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: candyblue + +- type: entity + name: candy gow + parent: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + id: ADTFoodSnackCandyGoW + description: candy gow + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: candygow + +- type: entity + name: candy green + parent: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + id: ADTFoodSnackCandyGreen + description: candy green + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: candygreen + +- type: entity + name: candy mine + parent: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + id: ADTFoodSnackCandyMine + description: candy mine + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: candymine + +- type: entity + name: candy red + parent: ADTFoodSnackBatGingerBread + id: ADTFoodSnackCandyRed + description: candy red + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: candyred diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/soup.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/soup.yml index 772de9ecd06..f5fc813b168 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/soup.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/soup.yml @@ -85,3 +85,26 @@ - ReagentId: Water Quantity: 15 + +- type: entity + name: pumpkin soup + parent: FoodBowlBase + id: ADTFoodSoupPumpkin + description: A humble split pumpkin soup. + components: + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - creamy + - adt_pumpkin + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pumpkin_soup.rsi + state: icon + - type: SolutionContainerManager + solutions: + food: + maxVol: 15 + reagents: + - ReagentId: Nutriment + Quantity: 8 + - ReagentId: Vitamin + Quantity: 5 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Fun/misc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Fun/misc.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..21944b57834 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Fun/misc.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# halloween +- type: entity + parent: [BaseBallBat, ClothingHandsBase] + id: ADTHalloweenBroom + name: witch broom + description: time to fly + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Fun/broom.rsi + - type: IncreaseDamageOnWield + damage: + types: + Blunt: 2 + Structural: 5 + #- type: ClothingSpeedModifier + # walkModifier: 0.9 + # sprintModifier: 1.2 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/bowl.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/bowl.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..680eb3cdb57 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/bowl.yml @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +- type: entity + name: halloween candy bowl + id: ADTHalloweenCandyBowl + parent: ADTBoxHalloweenCandy + description: Trick or treats! + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/halloween_candy_bowl.rsi + layers: + - state: icon-0 + map: ["enum.StorageFillLayers.Fill"] + - type: Storage + maxItemSize: Huge + whitelist: + components: + - Pill + tags: + - FoodSnack + - type: Appearance + - type: StorageFillVisualizer + maxFillLevels: 4 + fillBaseName: icon + - type: Item + size: Huge + +- type: entity + name: halloween candy bowl + id: ADTHalloweenSmileCandyBowl + parent: ADTHalloweenCandyBowl + description: Trick or treats! + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/halloween_smilecandy_bowl.rsi + +- type: entity + name: halloween NT candy bowl + id: ADTHalloweenNTCandyBowl + parent: ADTHalloweenCandyBowl + description: Trick or treats! + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/halloween_NTcandy_bowl.rsi + +- type: entity + name: halloween syndie candy bowl + id: ADTHalloweenSyndieCandyBowl + parent: ADTHalloweenCandyBowl + description: Trick or treats! + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/halloween_syndiecandy_bowl.rsi + +- type: entity + name: halloween zombie candy bowl + id: ADTHalloweenZombieCandyBowl + parent: ADTHalloweenCandyBowl + description: Trick or treats! + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/halloween_zombiecandy_bowl.rsi + +- type: entity + name: halloween seal candy bowl + id: ADTHalloweenSealCandyBowl + parent: ADTHalloweenCandyBowl + description: Trick or treats! + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/halloween_sealcandy_bowl.rsi diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Tools/tools.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Tools/tools.yml index 8dd3c6ebd68..1964c47c86d 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Tools/tools.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Tools/tools.yml @@ -114,3 +114,139 @@ charges: 20 - type: AutoRecharge rechargeDuration: 10 + + + # halloween + +- type: entity + name: golden candlestick + parent: BaseItem + id: ADTGoldenCandleStick + description: A light emitting device that would look like from ancient castle. + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Tag + tags: + - Flashlight + - WhitelistChameleon + - type: HandheldLight + addPrefix: false + blinkingBehaviourId: blinking + radiatingBehaviourId: radiating + - type: LightBehaviour + behaviours: + - !type:FadeBehaviour + id: radiating + maxDuration: 2.0 + startValue: 3.0 + endValue: 2.0 + isLooped: true + reverseWhenFinished: true + - !type:PulseBehaviour + id: blinking + interpolate: Nearest + maxDuration: 1.0 + minValue: 0.1 + maxValue: 2.0 + isLooped: true + - type: ToggleableLightVisuals + spriteLayer: light + inhandVisuals: + left: + - state: inhand-left-light + shader: unshaded + right: + - state: inhand-right-light + shader: unshaded + - type: PowerCellSlot + cellSlotId: cell_slot + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + cell_slot: !type:ContainerSlot + - type: ItemSlots + slots: + cell_slot: + name: power-cell-slot-component-slot-name-default + startingItem: PowerCellMedium + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/golden_candlestick.rsi + layers: + - state: lamp + - state: lamp-on + shader: unshaded + visible: false + map: [ "light" ] + - type: Item + sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/golden_candlestick.rsi + size: Normal + #- type: PointLight + # enabled: false + # mask: /Textures/Effects/LightMasks/cone.png + # autoRot: true + # radius: 6 + # netsync: false + - type: PointLight + netsync: false + enabled: false + radius: 3 + energy: 0.75 + color: "#f6d33b" + - type: Appearance + - type: StaticPrice + price: 40 + +- type: entity + name: silver candlestick + parent: ADTGoldenCandleStick + id: ADTSilverCandleStick + description: A light emitting device that would look like from ancient castle. + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/silver_candlestick.rsi + layers: + - state: lamp + - state: lamp-on + shader: unshaded + visible: false + map: [ "light" ] + - type: Item + sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/silver_candlestick.rsi + size: Normal + - type: PointLight + netsync: false + enabled: false + radius: 3 + energy: 0.75 + color: "#6fa5da" + - type: Appearance + - type: StaticPrice + price: 40 + +- type: entity + name: scull lamp + parent: ADTGoldenCandleStick + id: ADTScullLamp + description: A light emitting device that would look like scull. Or its a reall scull with the lamp inside? + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/scull_lamp.rsi + layers: + - state: lamp + - state: lamp-on + shader: unshaded + visible: false + map: [ "light" ] + - type: Item + sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/scull_lamp.rsi + size: Normal + - type: PointLight + netsync: false + enabled: false + radius: 3 + energy: 0.75 + color: "#56e1d8" + - type: Appearance + - type: StaticPrice + price: 40 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/swords.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/swords.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..172ed7b79d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/swords.yml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +# halloween + +- type: entity + name: Jason's machete + parent: Machete + id: ADTJasonMachette + description: The machete of one of the most terrifying maniacs. There is a small inscription "polyurethane" on the side. + components: + - type: MeleeWeapon + attackRate: 1.2 + angle: 75 + damage: + types: + Blunt: 0.5 + soundHit: + collection: BoxingHit + - type: StaminaDamageOnHit + damage: 8 + +- type: entity + name: Tagilla 's sledgehammer + parent: BaseItem + id: ADTTagillaSledgehammerReal + description: The hammer is coated with urethane, which provides a "thud" using steel balls to dampen the impact and reduce the vibration of the recoil in the handle. + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Weapons/Melee/tagilla_sledge.rsi + state: icon + - type: MeleeWeapon + attackRate: 0.4 + angle: 75 + damage: + types: + Blunt: 25 + Structural: 15 + - type: StaminaDamageOnHit + damage: 25 + - type: Wieldable + - type: IncreaseDamageOnWield + damage: + types: + Blunt: 10 + Structural: 35 + - type: Item + size: Huge + - type: DisarmMalus + - type: Clothing + quickEquip: false + slots: + - back + +- type: entity + name: Tagilla 's sledgehammer + parent: ADTTagillaSledgehammerReal + id: ADTTagillaSledgehammerToy + description: The hammer is coated with urethane, which provides a "thud" using steel balls to dampen the impact and reduce the vibration of the recoil in the handle. + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: StaminaDamageOnHit + damage: 5 + - type: Appearance + - type: DisarmMalus + malus: 0 + - type: MeleeWeapon + soundHit: + collection: RubberHammer + params: + variation: 0.03 + volume: 3 + soundNoDamage: + collection: RubberHammer + params: + variation: 0.03 + volume: 3 + damage: + types: + Blunt: 0.01 + - type: IncreaseDamageOnWield + damage: + types: + Blunt: 0.1 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Decorations/plants.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Decorations/plants.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a3130e87cc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Decorations/plants.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + # halloween + +- type: entity + id: ADTHalloweenPottedPlant1 + parent: PottedPlantBase + name: halloween potted plant + description: halloween potted plant + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + drawdepth: Overdoors + offset: "0.0,0.3" + sprite: ADT/Structures/Decoration/Plants/potted_plant_helloween.rsi + state: plant1 + noRot: true + +- type: entity + id: ADTHalloweenPottedPlant2 + parent: ADTHalloweenPottedPlant1 + components: + - type: Sprite + state: plant2 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Furniture/chairs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Furniture/chairs.yml index 0405c598c07..8df95c8d897 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Furniture/chairs.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Furniture/chairs.yml @@ -198,3 +198,20 @@ - type: Construction graph: ADTSeat node: adtarmchairblue2 + +- type: entity + name: spider stool + id: ADTSpiderStool + parent: SeatBase + description: It looks spooky. + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: true + - type: Physics + bodyType: Static + - type: Anchorable + - type: Rotatable + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Structures/Furniture/Chairs/spider_stool.rsi #спрайт от Умы + state: icon diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Furniture/misc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Furniture/misc.yml index 80bc4c7c0f4..8279edef342 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Furniture/misc.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Furniture/misc.yml @@ -47,3 +47,79 @@ - type: Construction graph: ADTDiscoBallGraph node: adtdiscoball + + + # halloween + +- type: entity + id: ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight1 + parent: PottedPlantBase + name: pumpkin light + description: pumpkin light + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + drawdepth: Overdoors + offset: "0.0,0.3" + sprite: ADT/Structures/Furniture/pumpkin_light.rsi + state: pumpkin_light1 + noRot: true + scale: 0.7 , 0.7 + - type: PointLight + netsync: false + enabled: true + radius: 3 + energy: 0.5 + color: "#fbffb8" + #- type: Construction + # graph: pumpkin_light1 + # node: pumpkinlight1 + +- type: entity + id: ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight2 + parent: ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight1 + name: pumpkin light + description: pumpkin light + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: pumpkin_light2 + #- type: Construction + # graph: pumpkin_light2 + # node: pumpkinlight2 + +- type: entity + id: ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight3 + parent: ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight1 + name: pumpkin light + description: pumpkin light + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: pumpkin_light3 + #- type: Construction + # graph: pumpkin_light3 + # node: pumpkinlight3 + +- type: entity + id: ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight4 + parent: ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight1 + name: pumpkin light + description: pumpkin light + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: pumpkin_light4 + #- type: Construction + # graph: pumpkin_light4 + # node: pumpkinlight4 + +- type: entity + id: ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight5 + parent: ADTHalloweenPumpkinLight1 + name: pumpkin light + description: pumpkin light + suffix: Halloween + components: + - type: Sprite + state: pumpkin_light5 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml index b184599628e..0396250876e 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml @@ -88,6 +88,42 @@ - state: panel map: ["enum.WiresVisualLayers.MaintenancePanel"] + + # halloween + +- type: entity + parent: VendingMachine + id: ADTVendingMachineHalloween + name: HalloMate + description: A vending machine for Halloween things. + components: + - type: VendingMachine + pack: ADTHalloweenMateInventory + offState: off + brokenState: broken + normalState: normal-unshaded + denyState: deny-unshaded + #- type: Advertise + # pack: ClothesMateAds + - type: Speech + - type: Tag + tags: + - WhitelistChameleon + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/halloweenmat.rsi + layers: + - state: "off" + map: ["enum.VendingMachineVisualLayers.Base"] + - state: "off" + map: ["enum.VendingMachineVisualLayers.BaseUnshaded"] + shader: unshaded + - state: panel + map: ["enum.WiresVisualLayers.MaintenancePanel"] + - type: PointLight + radius: 1.8 + energy: 1.6 + color: "#c2adff" + # Таблеткомат - type: entity @@ -155,6 +191,9 @@ radius: 1.8 energy: 1.6 color: "#1ca9d4" + - type: StaticPrice + price: 2600 + # ГраждоМед diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/events.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/events.yml index 9e162213f6b..773646aa0c0 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/events.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/events.yml @@ -368,6 +368,10 @@ prob: 0.02 - id: MobAdultSlimesYellowAngry prob: 0.02 + # halloween + # ADT Tweak + - id: ADTMobAdultSlimesGreenHalloweenAngry + prob: 0.04 - type: entity id: SnakeSpawn diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/equipped-BELT.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/equipped-BELT.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bef52fc7712 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/equipped-BELT.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/icon.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/icon.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2e99b3afc20 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/icon.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/inhand-left.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/inhand-left.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..903adaf9240 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/inhand-left.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/inhand-right.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/inhand-right.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f6768b9e839 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/inhand-right.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/meta.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..421cfade03e --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Belt/killa_webbing.rsi/meta.json @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "version": 1, + "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", + "copyright": "Created by discord:prazat911", + "size": { + "x": 32, + "y": 32 + }, + "states": [ + { + "name": "icon" + }, + { + "name": "equipped-BELT", + "directions": 4 + }, + { + "name": "inhand-left", + "directions": 4 + }, + { + "name": "inhand-right", + "directions": 4 + } + ] +} diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/neontactical.rsi/equipped-EYES.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/neontactical.rsi/equipped-EYES.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8d981ab8628 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/neontactical.rsi/equipped-EYES.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/neontactical.rsi/icon.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/neontactical.rsi/icon.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b8ec190151f Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/neontactical.rsi/icon.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/neontactical.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/neontactical.rsi/meta.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a27d15fd037 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/neontactical.rsi/meta.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "version": 1, + "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", + "copyright": "Created by discord:prazat911", + "size": { + "x": 32, + "y": 32 + }, + "states": [ + { + "name": "icon" + }, + { + "name": "equipped-EYES", + "directions": 4 + } + ] +} diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/servant_of_evil.rsi/equipped-EYES.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/servant_of_evil.rsi/equipped-EYES.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ec59638c371 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/servant_of_evil.rsi/equipped-EYES.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/servant_of_evil.rsi/icon.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/servant_of_evil.rsi/icon.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..68132454df1 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/servant_of_evil.rsi/icon.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/servant_of_evil.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/servant_of_evil.rsi/meta.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a27d15fd037 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/servant_of_evil.rsi/meta.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "version": 1, + "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", + "copyright": "Created by discord:prazat911", + "size": { + "x": 32, + "y": 32 + }, + "states": [ + { + "name": "icon" + }, + { + "name": "equipped-EYES", + "directions": 4 + } + ] +} diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/biomerc_gloves.rsi/equipped-HAND.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/biomerc_gloves.rsi/equipped-HAND.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f180d7fae36 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/biomerc_gloves.rsi/equipped-HAND.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/biomerc_gloves.rsi/icon.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/biomerc_gloves.rsi/icon.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..630fa0c9bb1 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/biomerc_gloves.rsi/icon.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/biomerc_gloves.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/biomerc_gloves.rsi/meta.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ce83a40e6a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/biomerc_gloves.rsi/meta.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "version": 1, + "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", + "copyright": "Created by discord:prazat911", + "size": { + "x": 32, + "y": 32 + }, + "states": [ + { + "name": "icon" + }, + { + "name": "equipped-HAND", + "directions": 4 + } + ] +} diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/equipped-HAND.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/equipped-HAND.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..26bd662e58a Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/equipped-HAND.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/icon.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/icon.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..861e003d2f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/icon.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/inhand-left.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/inhand-left.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8f8953d6350 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/inhand-left.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/inhand-right.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/inhand-right.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..dec3a7db6d6 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/inhand-right.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/meta.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d210e9fa2df --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/fingerless_combat.rsi/meta.json @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "version": 1, + "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", + "copyright": "Created by discord:prazat911", + "size": { + "x": 32, + "y": 32 + }, + "states": [ + { + "name": "icon" + }, + { + "name": "equipped-HAND", + "directions": 4 + }, + { + "name": "inhand-left", + "directions": 4 + }, + { + "name": "inhand-right", + "directions": 4 + } + ] +} diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/rabbit_gloves.rsi/equipped-HAND.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/rabbit_gloves.rsi/equipped-HAND.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..feb7e6ae9c5 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/rabbit_gloves.rsi/equipped-HAND.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/rabbit_gloves.rsi/icon.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/rabbit_gloves.rsi/icon.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4a151012e40 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/rabbit_gloves.rsi/icon.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/rabbit_gloves.rsi/inhand-left.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/rabbit_gloves.rsi/inhand-left.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..015efe2bd37 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Hands/Gloves/rabbit_gloves.rsi/inhand-left.png differ diff 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