diff --git a/.github/labeler.yml b/.github/labeler.yml
index e4f7b604184..356ec09747f 100644
--- a/.github/labeler.yml
+++ b/.github/labeler.yml
@@ -13,9 +13,13 @@
 - changed-files:
   - any-glob-to-any-file: '**/*.xaml*'
+"Changes: Shaders":
+- changed-files:
+  - any-glob-to-any-file: '**/*.swsl'
 "Changes: Localization":
 - changed-files:
-  - any-glob-to-any-file: 'Resources/Locale/**/*.ftl'
+  - any-glob-to-any-file: '**/*.ftl'
 "No C#":
 - changed-files:
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Language/LanguageMenuUIController.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Language/LanguageMenuUIController.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 791b616bb3d..00000000000
--- a/Content.Client/ADT/Language/LanguageMenuUIController.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Client.ADT.Language;
-using Content.Client.Gameplay;
-using Content.Shared.Language;
-using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controllers;
-using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
-using static Content.Shared.Language.Systems.SharedLanguageSystem;
-namespace Content.Client.ADT.Language;
-public sealed class LanguageMenuUIController : UIController, IOnStateEntered<GameplayState>, IOnStateExited<GameplayState>
-    public LanguageMenuWindow? _languageWindow;
-    public override void Initialize()
-    {
-        EntityManager.EventBus.SubscribeLocalEvent<LanguageSpeakerComponent, LanguageMenuActionEvent>(OnActionMenu);
-        EntityManager.EventBus.SubscribeEvent<LanguageMenuStateMessage>(EventSource.Network, this, OnStateUpdate);
-    }
-    private void OnStateUpdate(LanguageMenuStateMessage ev)
-    {
-        if (_languageWindow == null)
-            return;
-        _languageWindow.UpdateState(ev);
-    }
-    private void OnActionMenu(EntityUid uid, LanguageSpeakerComponent component, LanguageMenuActionEvent args)
-    {
-        if (_languageWindow == null)
-            return;
-        if (!_languageWindow.IsOpen)
-        {
-            _languageWindow.Open();
-            EntityManager.EntityNetManager?.SendSystemNetworkMessage(new RequestLanguageMenuStateMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    public void OnStateEntered(GameplayState state)
-    {
-        _languageWindow = UIManager.CreateWindow<LanguageMenuWindow>();
-        LayoutContainer.SetAnchorPreset(_languageWindow, LayoutContainer.LayoutPreset.Center);
-    }
-    public void OnStateExited(GameplayState state)
-    {
-        _languageWindow?.Dispose();
-        _languageWindow = null;
-    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Language/LanguageMenuWindow.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Language/LanguageMenuWindow.xaml.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a795aebbd1..00000000000
--- a/Content.Client/ADT/Language/LanguageMenuWindow.xaml.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Client.Language.Systems;
-using Content.Shared.Language;
-using Content.Shared.Language.Systems;
-using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
-using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
-using Robust.Client.UserInterface.CustomControls;
-using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
-using Robust.Shared.Console;
-using Robust.Shared.Utility;
-using static Content.Shared.Language.Systems.SharedLanguageSystem;
-namespace Content.Client.ADT.Language; // This EXACT class must have the _NF part because of xaml linking
-public sealed partial class LanguageMenuWindow : DefaultWindow
-    [Dependency] private readonly IConsoleHost _consoleHost = default!;
-    private readonly LanguageSystem _language;
-    private readonly List<EntryState> _entries = new();
-    public LanguageMenuWindow()
-    {
-        RobustXamlLoader.Load(this);
-        IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this);
-        _language = IoCManager.Resolve<IEntitySystemManager>().GetEntitySystem<LanguageSystem>();
-        Title = Loc.GetString("language-menu-window-title");
-    }
-    public void UpdateState(LanguageMenuStateMessage state)
-    {
-        var clanguage = _language.GetLanguage(state.CurrentLanguage);
-        CurrentLanguageLabel.Text = Loc.GetString("language-menu-current-language", ("language", clanguage?.LocalizedName ?? "<error>"));
-        OptionsList.RemoveAllChildren();
-        _entries.Clear();
-        foreach (var language in state.Options)
-        {
-            AddLanguageEntry(language);
-        }
-        // Disable the button for the currently chosen language
-        foreach (var entry in _entries)
-        {
-            if (entry.button != null)
-                entry.button.Disabled = entry.language == state.CurrentLanguage;
-        }
-    }
-    private void AddLanguageEntry(string language)
-    {
-        var proto = _language.GetLanguage(language);
-        var state = new EntryState { language = language };
-        var container = new BoxContainer();
-        container.Orientation = BoxContainer.LayoutOrientation.Vertical;
-        // Create and add a header with the name and the button to select the language
-        {
-            var header = new BoxContainer();
-            header.Orientation = BoxContainer.LayoutOrientation.Horizontal;
-            header.Orientation = BoxContainer.LayoutOrientation.Horizontal;
-            header.HorizontalExpand = true;
-            header.SeparationOverride = 2;
-            var name = new Label();
-            name.Text = proto?.LocalizedName ?? "<error>";
-            name.MinWidth = 50;
-            name.HorizontalExpand = true;
-            var button = new Button();
-            button.Text = "Выбрать";
-            button.OnPressed += _ => OnLanguageChosen(language);
-            state.button = button;
-            header.AddChild(name);
-            header.AddChild(button);
-            container.AddChild(header);
-        }
-        // Create and add a collapsible description
-        {
-            var body = new CollapsibleBody();
-            body.HorizontalExpand = true;
-            body.Margin = new Thickness(4f, 4f);
-            var description = new RichTextLabel();
-            description.SetMessage(proto?.LocalizedDescription ?? "<error>");
-            description.HorizontalExpand = true;
-            body.AddChild(description);
-            var collapser = new Collapsible(Loc.GetString("language-menu-description-header"), body);
-            collapser.Orientation = BoxContainer.LayoutOrientation.Vertical;
-            collapser.HorizontalExpand = true;
-            container.AddChild(collapser);
-        }
-        // Before adding, wrap the new container in a PanelContainer to give it a distinct look
-        var wrapper = new PanelContainer();
-        wrapper.StyleClasses.Add("PdaBorderRect");
-        wrapper.AddChild(container);
-        OptionsList.AddChild(wrapper);
-        _entries.Add(state);
-    }
-    private void OnLanguageChosen(string id)
-    {
-        _consoleHost.ExecuteCommand("lsselectlang " + id);
-    }
-    private struct EntryState
-    {
-        public string language;
-        public Button? button;
-    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Language/LanguageSystem.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Language/LanguageSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a56216ecfbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/ADT/Language/LanguageSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;
+namespace Content.Client.ADT.Language;
+public sealed partial class LanguageSystem : SharedLanguageSystem
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Language/Systems/LanguageSystem.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Language/Systems/LanguageSystem.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d603a700a9..00000000000
--- a/Content.Client/ADT/Language/Systems/LanguageSystem.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Shared.Language.Systems;
-namespace Content.Client.Language.Systems;
-public sealed class LanguageSystem : SharedLanguageSystem
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Language/Systems/TranslatorImplanterSystem.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Language/Systems/TranslatorImplanterSystem.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index bbe28d24f5d..00000000000
--- a/Content.Client/ADT/Language/Systems/TranslatorImplanterSystem.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Shared.Language.Systems;
-namespace Content.Client.Language.Systems;
-public sealed class TranslatorImplanterSystem : SharedTranslatorImplanterSystem
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Language/TranslatorImplantSystem.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Language/TranslatorImplantSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..83067d0669e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/ADT/Language/TranslatorImplantSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+using Content.Shared.Implants;
+namespace Content.Client.ADT.Implants;
+public sealed class TranslatorImplantSystem : SharedTranslatorImplantSystem
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Language/LanguageMenuWindow.xaml b/Content.Client/ADT/Language/UI/LanguageMenuWindow.xaml
similarity index 83%
rename from Content.Client/ADT/Language/LanguageMenuWindow.xaml
rename to Content.Client/ADT/Language/UI/LanguageMenuWindow.xaml
index 188b3bc3b54..bb8ec706658 100644
--- a/Content.Client/ADT/Language/LanguageMenuWindow.xaml
+++ b/Content.Client/ADT/Language/UI/LanguageMenuWindow.xaml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-<DefaultWindow xmlns="https://spacestation14.io"
+<!--Original window taken from https://github.com/new-frontiers-14/frontier-station-14/pull/671-->
+<DefaultWindow xmlns="https://spacestation14.io"
-               SetSize="300 200">
+               SetSize="400 450">
     <BoxContainer Orientation="Vertical" SeparationOverride="4" MinWidth="150">
         <PanelContainer Name="CurrentLanguageContainer" Access="Public" StyleClasses="PdaBorderRect">
             <Label Name="CurrentLanguageLabel" Access="Public" Text="Current Language:" HorizontalExpand="True"></Label>
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Language/UI/LanguageMenuWindow.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Language/UI/LanguageMenuWindow.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..095e5148ff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/ADT/Language/UI/LanguageMenuWindow.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;
+using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.CustomControls;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
+using Robust.Shared.Player;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace Content.Client.ADT.Language.UI;
+public sealed partial class LanguageMenuWindow : DefaultWindow
+    [Dependency] private readonly EntityManager _entManager = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly ISharedPlayerManager _playerManager = default!;
+    private readonly SharedLanguageSystem _language;
+    private readonly List<EntryState> _entries = new();
+    private readonly List<Option> _optionLists = new();
+    public LanguageMenuWindow()
+    {
+        RobustXamlLoader.Load(this);
+        IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this);
+        _language = IoCManager.Resolve<IEntitySystemManager>().GetEntitySystem<LanguageSystem>();
+        Title = Loc.GetString("language-menu-window-title");
+        var player = _playerManager.LocalSession?.AttachedEntity;
+        if (_language.GetLanguages(player, out var understood, out _, out var translatorUnderstood, out _, out var current) && player.HasValue)
+        {
+            var ev = new LanguageMenuStateMessage(_entManager.GetNetEntity(player.Value), current, understood, translatorUnderstood);
+            UpdateState(ev);
+        }
+    }
+    public void UpdateState(LanguageMenuStateMessage state)
+    {
+        CurrentLanguageLabel.Text = Loc.GetString("language-menu-current-language", ("language", _language.GetLanguage(state.CurrentLanguage).LocalizedName));
+        List<string> options = new();
+        List<Option> optionList = _optionLists;
+        options.AddRange(state.Options);
+        List<string> translatorOptions = state.TranslatorOptions;
+        List<EntryState> entries = _entries.ToList();
+        foreach (var lng in state.Options)
+        {
+            translatorOptions.Remove(lng);
+        }
+        foreach (var entry in entries)
+        {
+            if (state.Options.Contains(entry.Language))
+            {
+                options.Remove(entry.Language);
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if (state.TranslatorOptions.Contains(entry.Language))
+            {
+                translatorOptions.Remove(entry.Language);
+                continue;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                _entries.Remove(entry);
+                foreach (var item in optionList.ToList())
+                {
+                    if (item.LanguageId == entry.Language)
+                    {
+                        _optionLists.Remove(item);
+                        OptionsList.RemoveChild(item.PanelContainer);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (options.Count > 0)
+        {
+            foreach (var language in options)
+            {
+                AddLanguageEntry(language);
+            }
+        }
+        if (translatorOptions.Count > 0)
+        {
+            foreach (var language in translatorOptions)
+            {
+                AddLanguageEntry(language, true);
+            }
+        }
+        // Disable the button for the currently chosen language
+        foreach (var entry in _entries)
+        {
+            if (entry.Button != null)
+            {
+                entry.Button.Disabled = entry.Language == state.CurrentLanguage || !_language.CanSpeak(_entManager.GetEntity(state.ComponentOwner), _language.GetLanguage(entry.Language));
+                if (entry.Language == state.CurrentLanguage)
+                    entry.Button.Text = Loc.GetString("language-choose-button-chosen");
+                if (!_language.CanSpeak(_entManager.GetEntity(state.ComponentOwner), _language.GetLanguage(entry.Language)))
+                    entry.Button.Text = Loc.GetString("language-choose-button-cannot");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void AddLanguageEntry(string language, bool translator = false)
+    {
+        var state = new EntryState { Language = language };
+        var prototype = _language.GetLanguage(language);
+        var container = new BoxContainer();
+        container.Orientation = BoxContainer.LayoutOrientation.Vertical;
+        // Create and add a header with the name and the button to select the language
+        {
+            var header = new BoxContainer();
+            header.Orientation = BoxContainer.LayoutOrientation.Horizontal;
+            header.Orientation = BoxContainer.LayoutOrientation.Horizontal;
+            header.HorizontalExpand = true;
+            header.SeparationOverride = 2;
+            var name = new Label();
+            name.Text = prototype.LocalizedName;
+            if (prototype.Color != null)
+                name.FontColorOverride = prototype.Color.Value;
+            name.MinWidth = 50;
+            name.HorizontalExpand = true;
+            var button = new Button();
+            button.Text = Loc.GetString("language-choose-button");
+            button.OnPressed += _ => OnLanguageChosen(language);
+            button.ToolTip =
+                translator ?
+                Loc.GetString("language-choose-button-tooltip-translator") :
+                Loc.GetString("language-choose-button-tooltip-known");
+            state.Button = button;
+            header.AddChild(name);
+            header.AddChild(button);
+            container.AddChild(header);
+        }
+        // Create and add a collapsible description
+        {
+            var body = new CollapsibleBody();
+            body.HorizontalExpand = true;
+            body.Margin = new Thickness(4f, 4f);
+            var description = new RichTextLabel();
+            description.SetMessage(prototype.LocalizedDescription);
+            description.HorizontalExpand = true;
+            body.AddChild(description);
+            var collapser = new Collapsible(Loc.GetString("language-menu-description-header"), body);
+            collapser.Orientation = BoxContainer.LayoutOrientation.Vertical;
+            collapser.HorizontalExpand = true;
+            container.AddChild(collapser);
+        }
+        // Before adding, wrap the new container in a PanelContainer to give it a distinct look
+        var wrapper = new PanelContainer();
+        wrapper.StyleClasses.Add("PdaBorderRect");
+        wrapper.AddChild(container);
+        OptionsList.AddChild(wrapper);
+        _entries.Add(state);
+        var option = new Option();
+        option.LanguageId = state.Language;
+        option.PanelContainer = wrapper;
+        _optionLists.Add(option);
+    }
+    private void OnLanguageChosen(string id)
+    {
+        var player = _entManager.GetNetEntity(_playerManager.LocalSession?.AttachedEntity);
+        if (player == null)
+            return;
+        _language.SelectLanguage(player.Value, id);
+    }
+    private struct EntryState
+    {
+        public string Language;
+        public Button? Button;
+    }
+    private struct Option
+    {
+        public string LanguageId;
+        public PanelContainer PanelContainer;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Novakid/NovakidSystem.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Novakid/NovakidSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ba14c05037e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/ADT/Novakid/NovakidSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Novakid;
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+namespace Content.Client.ADT.Novakid;
+public sealed partial class NovakidSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entityManager = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly PointLightSystem _lights = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<NovakidGlowingComponent, ComponentInit>(OnEntityInit);
+    }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Makes Novakid to glow with color of his skin — layer number 0 of SpriteComponent.
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <param name="uid">Novakid</param>
+    /// <param name="component">Компонент отвечающий за свечение новакида. Вообще-то говоря он нужен пока только для того, чтобы не пришлось перебирать сущности в поисках новакида.</param>
+    /// <param name="args"></param>
+    private void OnEntityInit(EntityUid uid, NovakidGlowingComponent component, ComponentInit args)
+    {
+        _entityManager.GetComponent<SpriteComponent>(uid).TryGetLayer(0, out var layer);
+        component.GlowingColor = _entityManager.GetComponent<SpriteComponent>(uid).Color;
+        if (layer == null) return;
+        _lights.SetColor(uid, layer.Color);
+        //_lights.SetEnergy(uid, 0.6f);
+        DirtyEntity(uid);
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Overlays/Shaders/MonochromacyOverlay.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Overlays/Shaders/MonochromacyOverlay.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d4cc8a443bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/ADT/Overlays/Shaders/MonochromacyOverlay.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Simple Station
+using Robust.Client.Graphics;
+using Robust.Client.Player;
+using Robust.Shared.Enums;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Traits;
+using Matrix3x2 = System.Numerics.Matrix3x2;
+namespace Content.Client.ADT.Overlays
+    public sealed partial class MonochromacyOverlay : Overlay
+    {
+        [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototypeManager = default!;
+        [Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _playerManager = default!;
+        [Dependency] IEntityManager _entityManager = default!;
+        public override bool RequestScreenTexture => true;
+        public override OverlaySpace Space => OverlaySpace.WorldSpace;
+        private readonly ShaderInstance _greyscaleShader;
+        public MonochromacyOverlay()
+        {
+            IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this);
+            _greyscaleShader = _prototypeManager.Index<ShaderPrototype>("GreyscaleFullscreen").InstanceUnique();
+        }
+        protected override void Draw(in OverlayDrawArgs args)
+        {
+            if (ScreenTexture == null) return;
+            if (_playerManager.LocalPlayer?.ControlledEntity is not { Valid: true } player) return;
+            if (!_entityManager.HasComponent<MonochromacyComponent>(player)) return;
+            _greyscaleShader?.SetParameter("SCREEN_TEXTURE", ScreenTexture);
+            var worldHandle = args.WorldHandle;
+            var viewport = args.WorldBounds;
+            worldHandle.SetTransform(Matrix3x2.Identity);
+            worldHandle.UseShader(_greyscaleShader);
+            worldHandle.DrawRect(viewport, Color.White);
+            worldHandle.UseShader(null);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Overlays/Shaders/StaticOverlay.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Overlays/Shaders/StaticOverlay.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d95707e810b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/ADT/Overlays/Shaders/StaticOverlay.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Components;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.StatusEffect;
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Client.Graphics;
+using Robust.Client.Player;
+using Robust.Shared.Enums;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+namespace Content.Client.ADT.Overlays.Shaders;
+public sealed class StaticOverlay : Overlay
+    [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entityManager = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototypeManager = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _playerManager = default!;
+    public override OverlaySpace Space => OverlaySpace.WorldSpace;
+    public override bool RequestScreenTexture => true;
+    private readonly ShaderInstance _staticShader;
+    private (TimeSpan, TimeSpan)? _time;
+    private float? _fullTimeLeft;
+    private float? _curTimeLeft;
+    public float MixAmount = 0;
+    public StaticOverlay()
+    {
+        IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this);
+        _staticShader = _prototypeManager.Index<ShaderPrototype>("SeeingStatic").InstanceUnique();
+    }
+    protected override void FrameUpdate(FrameEventArgs args)
+    {
+        var playerEntity = _playerManager.LocalPlayer?.ControlledEntity;
+        if (playerEntity == null)
+            return;
+        if (!_entityManager.TryGetComponent<SeeingStaticComponent>(playerEntity, out var staticComp)
+            || !_entityManager.TryGetComponent<StatusEffectsComponent>(playerEntity, out var statusComp))
+            return;
+        var status = _entityManager.EntitySysManager.GetEntitySystem<StatusEffectsSystem>();
+        if (playerEntity == null || statusComp == null)
+            return;
+        if (!status.TryGetTime(playerEntity.Value, SharedSeeingStaticSystem.StaticKey, out var timeTemp, statusComp))
+            return;
+        if (_time != timeTemp) // Resets the shader if the times change. This should factor in wheather it's a reset, or a increase, but I have a lot of cough syrup in me, so TODO.
+        {
+            _time = timeTemp;
+            _fullTimeLeft = null;
+            _curTimeLeft = null;
+        }
+        _fullTimeLeft ??= (float) (timeTemp.Value.Item2 - timeTemp.Value.Item1).TotalSeconds;
+        _curTimeLeft ??= _fullTimeLeft;
+        _curTimeLeft -= args.DeltaSeconds;
+        MixAmount = Math.Clamp(_curTimeLeft.Value / _fullTimeLeft.Value * staticComp.Multiplier, 0, 1);
+    }
+    protected override bool BeforeDraw(in OverlayDrawArgs args)
+    {
+        if (!_entityManager.TryGetComponent(_playerManager.LocalPlayer?.ControlledEntity, out EyeComponent? eyeComp))
+            return false;
+        if (args.Viewport.Eye != eyeComp.Eye)
+            return false;
+        return MixAmount > 0;
+    }
+    protected override void Draw(in OverlayDrawArgs args)
+    {
+        if (ScreenTexture == null)
+            return;
+        var handle = args.WorldHandle;
+        _staticShader.SetParameter("SCREEN_TEXTURE", ScreenTexture);
+        _staticShader.SetParameter("mixAmount", MixAmount);
+        handle.UseShader(_staticShader);
+        handle.DrawRect(args.WorldBounds, Color.White);
+        handle.UseShader(null);
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Overlays/Systems/MonochromacySystem.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Overlays/Systems/MonochromacySystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2b6a57389f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/ADT/Overlays/Systems/MonochromacySystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Simple Station
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Client.Graphics;
+using Robust.Client.Player;
+using Robust.Shared.Network;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Traits;
+using Robust.Shared.Player;
+namespace Content.Client.ADT.Overlays;
+public sealed class MonochromacySystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _player = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IOverlayManager _overlayMan = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly INetManager _net = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entityManager = default!;
+    private MonochromacyOverlay _overlay = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<MonochromacyComponent, ComponentStartup>(OnMonochromacyStartup);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<MonochromacyComponent, ComponentShutdown>(OnMonochromacyShutdown);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<MonochromacyComponent, PlayerAttachedEvent>(OnPlayerAttached);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<MonochromacyComponent, PlayerDetachedEvent>(OnPlayerDetached);
+        _overlay = new();
+    }
+    private void OnMonochromacyStartup(EntityUid uid, MonochromacyComponent component, ComponentStartup args)
+    {
+        if (_player.LocalPlayer?.ControlledEntity == uid)
+            _overlayMan.AddOverlay(_overlay);
+    }
+    private void OnMonochromacyShutdown(EntityUid uid, MonochromacyComponent component, ComponentShutdown args)
+    {
+        if (_player.LocalPlayer?.ControlledEntity == uid)
+        {
+            _overlayMan.RemoveOverlay(_overlay);
+        }
+    }
+    private void OnPlayerAttached(EntityUid uid, MonochromacyComponent component, PlayerAttachedEvent args)
+    {
+        _overlayMan.AddOverlay(_overlay);
+    }
+    private void OnPlayerDetached(EntityUid uid, MonochromacyComponent component, PlayerDetachedEvent args)
+    {
+        _overlayMan.RemoveOverlay(_overlay);
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Overlays/Systems/SeeingStaticSystem.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Overlays/Systems/SeeingStaticSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b6744f3dff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/ADT/Overlays/Systems/SeeingStaticSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+using Content.Client.ADT.Overlays.Shaders;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Components;
+using Robust.Client.Graphics;
+using Robust.Client.Player;
+using Robust.Shared.Player;
+namespace Content.Client.ADT.Overlays;
+/// <summary>
+///     System to handle the SeeingStatic overlay.
+/// </summary>
+public sealed class SeeingStaticSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _player = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IOverlayManager _overlayMan = default!;
+    private StaticOverlay _overlay = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SeeingStaticComponent, ComponentInit>(OnInit);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SeeingStaticComponent, ComponentShutdown>(OnShutdown);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SeeingStaticComponent, LocalPlayerAttachedEvent>(OnPlayerAttached);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SeeingStaticComponent, LocalPlayerDetachedEvent>(OnPlayerDetached);
+        _overlay = new();
+    }
+    private void OnPlayerAttached(EntityUid uid, SeeingStaticComponent component, LocalPlayerAttachedEvent args)
+    {
+        _overlayMan.AddOverlay(_overlay);
+    }
+    private void OnPlayerDetached(EntityUid uid, SeeingStaticComponent component, LocalPlayerDetachedEvent args)
+    {
+        _overlay.MixAmount = 0;
+        _overlayMan.RemoveOverlay(_overlay);
+    }
+    private void OnInit(EntityUid uid, SeeingStaticComponent component, ComponentInit args)
+    {
+        if (_player.LocalPlayer?.ControlledEntity == uid)
+            _overlayMan.AddOverlay(_overlay);
+    }
+    private void OnShutdown(EntityUid uid, SeeingStaticComponent component, ComponentShutdown args)
+    {
+        if (_player.LocalPlayer?.ControlledEntity == uid)
+        {
+            _overlay.MixAmount = 0;
+            _overlayMan.RemoveOverlay(_overlay);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Shadekin/Systems/ShadekinSystem.Tint.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Shadekin/Systems/ShadekinSystem.Tint.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ed4b6cb1a79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/ADT/Shadekin/Systems/ShadekinSystem.Tint.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+using Robust.Client.Graphics;
+using Robust.Client.Player;
+using Content.Client.ADT.Overlays;
+using Content.Client.ADT.Overlays.Shaders;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Shadekin.Components;
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+using Content.Shared.GameTicking;
+using Content.Shared.Humanoid;
+using Robust.Shared.Player;
+namespace Content.Client.ADT.Shadekin.Systems;
+public sealed class ShadekinTintSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _player = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IOverlayManager _overlay = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entity = default!;
+    private ColorTintOverlay _tintOverlay = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        _tintOverlay = new ColorTintOverlay
+        {
+            TintColor = new Vector3(0.5f, 0f, 0.5f),
+            TintAmount = 0.25f,
+            Comp = new ShadekinComponent()
+        };
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<ShadekinComponent, ComponentStartup>(OnStartup);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<ShadekinComponent, ComponentShutdown>(OnShutdown);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<ShadekinComponent, PlayerAttachedEvent>(OnPlayerAttached);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<ShadekinComponent, PlayerDetachedEvent>(OnPlayerDetached);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<RoundRestartCleanupEvent>(OnRoundRestart);
+    }
+    private void OnStartup(EntityUid uid, ShadekinComponent component, ComponentStartup args)
+    {
+        if (_player.LocalPlayer?.ControlledEntity != uid)
+            return;
+        _overlay.AddOverlay(_tintOverlay);
+    }
+    private void OnShutdown(EntityUid uid, ShadekinComponent component, ComponentShutdown args)
+    {
+        if (_player.LocalPlayer?.ControlledEntity != uid)
+            return;
+        _overlay.RemoveOverlay(_tintOverlay);
+    }
+    private void OnPlayerAttached(EntityUid uid, ShadekinComponent component, PlayerAttachedEvent args)
+    {
+        _overlay.AddOverlay(_tintOverlay);
+    }
+    private void OnPlayerDetached(EntityUid uid, ShadekinComponent component, PlayerDetachedEvent args)
+    {
+        _overlay.RemoveOverlay(_tintOverlay);
+    }
+    private void OnRoundRestart(RoundRestartCleanupEvent args)
+    {
+        _overlay.RemoveOverlay(_tintOverlay);
+    }
+    public override void Update(float frameTime)
+    {
+        base.Update(frameTime);
+        var uid = _player.LocalPlayer?.ControlledEntity;
+        if (uid == null ||
+            !_entity.TryGetComponent(uid, out ShadekinComponent? comp) ||
+            !_entity.TryGetComponent(uid, out SpriteComponent? sprite) ||
+            !sprite.LayerMapTryGet(HumanoidVisualLayers.Eyes, out var index) ||
+            !sprite.TryGetLayer(index, out var layer))
+            return;
+        // Eye color
+        comp.TintColor = new Vector3(layer.Color.R, layer.Color.G, layer.Color.B);
+        // 1/3 = 0.333...
+        // intensity = min + (power / max)
+        // intensity = intensity / 0.333
+        // intensity = clamp intensity min, max
+        const float min = 0.45f;
+        const float max = 0.75f;
+        comp.TintIntensity = Math.Clamp(min + (comp.PowerLevel / comp.PowerLevelMax) * 0.333f, min, max);
+        UpdateShader(comp.TintColor, comp.TintIntensity);
+    }
+    private void UpdateShader(Vector3? color, float? intensity)
+    {
+        while (_overlay.HasOverlay<ColorTintOverlay>())
+        {
+            _overlay.RemoveOverlay(_tintOverlay);
+        }
+        if (color != null)
+            _tintOverlay.TintColor = color;
+        if (intensity != null)
+            _tintOverlay.TintAmount = intensity;
+        _overlay.AddOverlay(_tintOverlay);
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/ADT/Shaders/ColorTintOverlay.cs b/Content.Client/ADT/Shaders/ColorTintOverlay.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e08d0ee020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/ADT/Shaders/ColorTintOverlay.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+using System.Numerics;
+using Robust.Client.Graphics;
+using Robust.Client.Player;
+using Robust.Shared.Enums;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Matrix3x2 = System.Numerics.Matrix3x2;
+using Vector3 = Robust.Shared.Maths.Vector3;
+namespace Content.Client.ADT.Overlays.Shaders;
+/// <summary>
+///     A simple overlay that applies a colored tint to the screen.
+/// </summary>
+public sealed class ColorTintOverlay : Overlay
+    [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototype = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _player = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entity = default!;
+    public override bool RequestScreenTexture => true;
+    public override OverlaySpace Space => OverlaySpace.WorldSpace;
+    private readonly ShaderInstance _shader;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The color to tint the screen to as RGB on a scale of 0-1.
+    /// </summary>
+    public Vector3? TintColor = null;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The percent to tint the screen by on a scale of 0-1.
+    /// </summary>
+    public float? TintAmount = null;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Component required to be on the entity to tint the screen.
+    /// </summary>
+    public Component? Comp = null;
+    public ColorTintOverlay()
+    {
+        IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this);
+        _shader = _prototype.Index<ShaderPrototype>("ColorTint").InstanceUnique();
+    }
+    protected override void Draw(in OverlayDrawArgs args)
+    {
+        if (ScreenTexture == null ||
+            _player.LocalPlayer?.ControlledEntity is not { Valid: true } player ||
+            Comp != null && !_entity.HasComponent(player, Comp.GetType()))
+            return;
+        _shader.SetParameter("SCREEN_TEXTURE", ScreenTexture);
+        if (TintColor != null)
+            _shader.SetParameter("tint_color", TintColor.Value);
+        if (TintAmount != null)
+            _shader.SetParameter("tint_amount", TintAmount.Value);
+        var worldHandle = args.WorldHandle;
+        var viewport = args.WorldBounds;
+        worldHandle.SetTransform(Matrix3x2.Identity);
+        worldHandle.UseShader(_shader);
+        worldHandle.DrawRect(viewport, Color.White);
+        worldHandle.UseShader(null);
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Bwoink/BwoinkControl.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Bwoink/BwoinkControl.xaml.cs
index ddd66623bd4..18aa02e9d67 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Bwoink/BwoinkControl.xaml.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Bwoink/BwoinkControl.xaml.cs
@@ -88,6 +88,10 @@ public BwoinkControl()
                 var ach = AHelpHelper.EnsurePanel(a.SessionId);
                 var bch = AHelpHelper.EnsurePanel(b.SessionId);
+                // Pinned players first
+                if (a.IsPinned != b.IsPinned)
+                    return a.IsPinned ? -1 : 1;
                 // First, sort by unread. Any chat with unread messages appears first. We just sort based on unread
                 // status, not number of unread messages, so that more recent unread messages take priority.
                 var aUnread = ach.Unread > 0;
@@ -99,15 +103,31 @@ public BwoinkControl()
                 if (a.Connected != b.Connected)
                     return a.Connected ? -1 : 1;
-                // Next, group by whether or not the players have participated in this round.
-                // The ahelp window shows all players that have connected since server restart, this groups them all towards the bottom.
-                if (a.ActiveThisRound != b.ActiveThisRound)
-                    return a.ActiveThisRound ? -1 : 1;
+                // Sort connected players by New Player status, then by Antag status
+                if (a.Connected && b.Connected)
+                {
+                    var aNewPlayer = a.OverallPlaytime <= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(_cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.NewPlayerThreshold));
+                    var bNewPlayer = b.OverallPlaytime <= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(_cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.NewPlayerThreshold));
+                    if (aNewPlayer != bNewPlayer)
+                        return aNewPlayer ? -1 : 1;
+                    if (a.Antag != b.Antag)
+                        return a.Antag ? -1 : 1;
+                }
+                // Sort disconnected players by participation in the round
+                if (!a.Connected && !b.Connected)
+                {
+                    if (a.ActiveThisRound != b.ActiveThisRound)
+                        return a.ActiveThisRound ? -1 : 1;
+                }
                 // Finally, sort by the most recent message.
                 return bch.LastMessage.CompareTo(ach.LastMessage);
             Bans.OnPressed += _ =>
                 if (_currentPlayer is not null)
@@ -253,7 +273,20 @@ private void SwitchToChannel(NetUserId? ch)
         public void PopulateList()
+            // Maintain existing pin statuses
+            var pinnedPlayers = ChannelSelector.PlayerInfo.Where(p => p.IsPinned).ToDictionary(p => p.SessionId);
+            // Restore pin statuses
+            foreach (var player in ChannelSelector.PlayerInfo)
+            {
+                if (pinnedPlayers.TryGetValue(player.SessionId, out var pinnedPlayer))
+                {
+                    player.IsPinned = pinnedPlayer.IsPinned;
+                }
+            }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Bwoink/BwoinkWindow.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Bwoink/BwoinkWindow.xaml.cs
index 30f9d24df1d..e8653843c74 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Bwoink/BwoinkWindow.xaml.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Bwoink/BwoinkWindow.xaml.cs
@@ -30,7 +30,11 @@ public BwoinkWindow()
-            OnOpen += () => Bwoink.PopulateList();
+            OnOpen += () =>
+            {
+                Bwoink.ChannelSelector.StopFiltering();
+                Bwoink.PopulateList();
+            };
diff --git a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/CustomControls/PlayerListControl.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/CustomControls/PlayerListControl.xaml.cs
index 12522d552d7..c7fbf6c2dc0 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/CustomControls/PlayerListControl.xaml.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/CustomControls/PlayerListControl.xaml.cs
@@ -4,154 +4,166 @@
 using Content.Client.Verbs.UI;
 using Content.Shared.Administration;
 using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
 using Robust.Client.Graphics;
 using Robust.Client.UserInterface;
 using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
 using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
 using Robust.Shared.Input;
+using Robust.Shared.Utility;
-namespace Content.Client.Administration.UI.CustomControls
+namespace Content.Client.Administration.UI.CustomControls;
+public sealed partial class PlayerListControl : BoxContainer
-    [GenerateTypedNameReferences]
-    public sealed partial class PlayerListControl : BoxContainer
-    {
-        private readonly AdminSystem _adminSystem;
+    private readonly AdminSystem _adminSystem;
-        private List<PlayerInfo> _playerList = new();
-        private readonly List<PlayerInfo> _sortedPlayerList = new();
+    private readonly IEntityManager _entManager;
+    private readonly IUserInterfaceManager _uiManager;
-        public event Action<PlayerInfo?>? OnSelectionChanged;
-        public IReadOnlyList<PlayerInfo> PlayerInfo => _playerList;
+    private PlayerInfo? _selectedPlayer;
-        public Func<PlayerInfo, string, string>? OverrideText;
-        public Comparison<PlayerInfo>? Comparison;
+    private List<PlayerInfo> _playerList = new();
+    private List<PlayerInfo> _sortedPlayerList = new();
-        private IEntityManager _entManager;
-        private IUserInterfaceManager _uiManager;
+    public Comparison<PlayerInfo>? Comparison;
+    public Func<PlayerInfo, string, string>? OverrideText;
-        private PlayerInfo? _selectedPlayer;
+    public PlayerListControl()
+    {
+        _entManager = IoCManager.Resolve<IEntityManager>();
+        _uiManager = IoCManager.Resolve<IUserInterfaceManager>();
+        _adminSystem = _entManager.System<AdminSystem>();
+        RobustXamlLoader.Load(this);
+        // Fill the Option data
+        PlayerListContainer.ItemPressed += PlayerListItemPressed;
+        PlayerListContainer.ItemKeyBindDown += PlayerListItemKeyBindDown;
+        PlayerListContainer.GenerateItem += GenerateButton;
+        PlayerListContainer.NoItemSelected += PlayerListNoItemSelected;
+        PopulateList(_adminSystem.PlayerList);
+        FilterLineEdit.OnTextChanged += _ => FilterList();
+        _adminSystem.PlayerListChanged += PopulateList;
+        BackgroundPanel.PanelOverride = new StyleBoxFlat { BackgroundColor = new Color(32, 32, 40) };
+    }
-        public PlayerListControl()
-        {
-            _entManager = IoCManager.Resolve<IEntityManager>();
-            _uiManager = IoCManager.Resolve<IUserInterfaceManager>();
-            _adminSystem = _entManager.System<AdminSystem>();
-            RobustXamlLoader.Load(this);
-            // Fill the Option data
-            PlayerListContainer.ItemPressed += PlayerListItemPressed;
-            PlayerListContainer.ItemKeyBindDown += PlayerListItemKeyBindDown;
-            PlayerListContainer.GenerateItem += GenerateButton;
-            PlayerListContainer.NoItemSelected += PlayerListNoItemSelected;
-            PopulateList(_adminSystem.PlayerList);
-            FilterLineEdit.OnTextChanged += _ => FilterList();
-            _adminSystem.PlayerListChanged += PopulateList;
-            BackgroundPanel.PanelOverride = new StyleBoxFlat {BackgroundColor = new Color(32, 32, 40)};
-        }
+    public IReadOnlyList<PlayerInfo> PlayerInfo => _playerList;
-        private void PlayerListNoItemSelected()
-        {
-            _selectedPlayer = null;
-            OnSelectionChanged?.Invoke(null);
-        }
+    public event Action<PlayerInfo?>? OnSelectionChanged;
-        private void PlayerListItemPressed(BaseButton.ButtonEventArgs? args, ListData? data)
-        {
-            if (args == null || data is not PlayerListData {Info: var selectedPlayer})
-                return;
+    private void PlayerListNoItemSelected()
+    {
+        _selectedPlayer = null;
+        OnSelectionChanged?.Invoke(null);
+    }
-            if (selectedPlayer == _selectedPlayer)
-                return;
+    private void PlayerListItemPressed(BaseButton.ButtonEventArgs? args, ListData? data)
+    {
+        if (args == null || data is not PlayerListData { Info: var selectedPlayer })
+            return;
-            if (args.Event.Function != EngineKeyFunctions.UIClick)
-                return;
+        if (selectedPlayer == _selectedPlayer)
+            return;
-            OnSelectionChanged?.Invoke(selectedPlayer);
-            _selectedPlayer = selectedPlayer;
+        if (args.Event.Function != EngineKeyFunctions.UIClick)
+            return;
-            // update label text. Only required if there is some override (e.g. unread bwoink count).
-            if (OverrideText != null && args.Button.Children.FirstOrDefault()?.Children?.FirstOrDefault() is Label label)
-                label.Text = GetText(selectedPlayer);
-        }
+        OnSelectionChanged?.Invoke(selectedPlayer);
+        _selectedPlayer = selectedPlayer;
-        private void PlayerListItemKeyBindDown(GUIBoundKeyEventArgs? args, ListData? data)
-        {
-            if (args == null || data is not PlayerListData { Info: var selectedPlayer })
-                return;
+        // update label text. Only required if there is some override (e.g. unread bwoink count).
+        if (OverrideText != null && args.Button.Children.FirstOrDefault()?.Children?.FirstOrDefault() is Label label)
+            label.Text = GetText(selectedPlayer);
+    }
-            if (args.Function != EngineKeyFunctions.UIRightClick || selectedPlayer.NetEntity == null)
-                return;
+    private void PlayerListItemKeyBindDown(GUIBoundKeyEventArgs? args, ListData? data)
+    {
+        if (args == null || data is not PlayerListData { Info: var selectedPlayer })
+            return;
-            _uiManager.GetUIController<VerbMenuUIController>().OpenVerbMenu(selectedPlayer.NetEntity.Value, true);
-            args.Handle();
-        }
+        if (args.Function != EngineKeyFunctions.UIRightClick || selectedPlayer.NetEntity == null)
+            return;
+        _uiManager.GetUIController<VerbMenuUIController>().OpenVerbMenu(selectedPlayer.NetEntity.Value, true);
+        args.Handle();
+    }
+    public void StopFiltering()
+    {
+        FilterLineEdit.Text = string.Empty;
+    }
-        public void StopFiltering()
+    private void FilterList()
+    {
+        _sortedPlayerList.Clear();
+        foreach (var info in _playerList)
-            FilterLineEdit.Text = string.Empty;
+            var displayName = $"{info.CharacterName} ({info.Username})";
+            if (info.IdentityName != info.CharacterName)
+                displayName += $" [{info.IdentityName}]";
+            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterLineEdit.Text)
+                && !displayName.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(FilterLineEdit.Text.Trim().ToLowerInvariant()))
+                continue;
+            _sortedPlayerList.Add(info);
-        private void FilterList()
-        {
-            _sortedPlayerList.Clear();
-            foreach (var info in _playerList)
-            {
-                var displayName = $"{info.CharacterName} ({info.Username})";
-                if (info.IdentityName != info.CharacterName)
-                    displayName += $" [{info.IdentityName}]";
-                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterLineEdit.Text)
-                    && !displayName.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(FilterLineEdit.Text.Trim().ToLowerInvariant()))
-                    continue;
-                _sortedPlayerList.Add(info);
-            }
+        if (Comparison != null)
+            _sortedPlayerList.Sort((a, b) => Comparison(a, b));
-            if (Comparison != null)
-                _sortedPlayerList.Sort((a, b) => Comparison(a, b));
+        PlayerListContainer.PopulateList(_sortedPlayerList.Select(info => new PlayerListData(info)).ToList());
+        if (_selectedPlayer != null)
+            PlayerListContainer.Select(new PlayerListData(_selectedPlayer));
+    }
-            PlayerListContainer.PopulateList(_sortedPlayerList.Select(info => new PlayerListData(info)).ToList());
-            if (_selectedPlayer != null)
-                PlayerListContainer.Select(new PlayerListData(_selectedPlayer));
-        }
-        public void PopulateList(IReadOnlyList<PlayerInfo>? players = null)
-        {
-            players ??= _adminSystem.PlayerList;
+    public void PopulateList(IReadOnlyList<PlayerInfo>? players = null)
+    {
+        // Maintain existing pin statuses
+        var pinnedPlayers = _playerList.Where(p => p.IsPinned).ToDictionary(p => p.SessionId);
-            _playerList = players.ToList();
-            if (_selectedPlayer != null && !_playerList.Contains(_selectedPlayer))
-                _selectedPlayer = null;
+        players ??= _adminSystem.PlayerList;
-            FilterList();
-        }
+        _playerList = players.ToList();
-        private string GetText(PlayerInfo info)
+        // Restore pin statuses
+        foreach (var player in _playerList)
-            var text = $"{info.CharacterName} ({info.Username})";
-            if (OverrideText != null)
-                text = OverrideText.Invoke(info, text);
-            return text;
+            if (pinnedPlayers.TryGetValue(player.SessionId, out var pinnedPlayer))
+            {
+                player.IsPinned = pinnedPlayer.IsPinned;
+            }
-        private void GenerateButton(ListData data, ListContainerButton button)
-        {
-            if (data is not PlayerListData { Info: var info })
-                return;
+        if (_selectedPlayer != null && !_playerList.Contains(_selectedPlayer))
+            _selectedPlayer = null;
-            button.AddChild(new BoxContainer
-            {
-                Orientation = LayoutOrientation.Vertical,
-                Children =
-                {
-                    new Label
-                    {
-                        ClipText = true,
-                        Text = GetText(info)
-                    }
-                }
-            });
-            button.AddStyleClass(ListContainer.StyleClassListContainerButton);
-        }
+        FilterList();
+    }
+    private string GetText(PlayerInfo info)
+    {
+        var text = $"{info.CharacterName} ({info.Username})";
+        if (OverrideText != null)
+            text = OverrideText.Invoke(info, text);
+        return text;
-    public record PlayerListData(PlayerInfo Info) : ListData;
+    private void GenerateButton(ListData data, ListContainerButton button)
+    {
+        if (data is not PlayerListData { Info: var info })
+            return;
+        var entry = new PlayerListEntry();
+        entry.Setup(info, OverrideText);
+        entry.OnPinStatusChanged += _ =>
+        {
+            FilterList();
+        };
+        button.AddChild(entry);
+        button.AddStyleClass(ListContainer.StyleClassListContainerButton);
+    }
+public record PlayerListData(PlayerInfo Info) : ListData;
diff --git a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/CustomControls/PlayerListEntry.xaml b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/CustomControls/PlayerListEntry.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af13ccc0e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/CustomControls/PlayerListEntry.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<BoxContainer xmlns="https://spacestation14.io"
+              Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalExpand="true">
+    <Label Name="PlayerEntryLabel" Text="" ClipText="True" HorizontalExpand="True" />
+    <TextureButton Name="PlayerEntryPinButton"
+                   HorizontalAlignment="Right" />
diff --git a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/CustomControls/PlayerListEntry.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/CustomControls/PlayerListEntry.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cd6a56ea71e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/CustomControls/PlayerListEntry.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+using Content.Client.Stylesheets;
+using Content.Shared.Administration;
+using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
+using Robust.Shared.Utility;
+namespace Content.Client.Administration.UI.CustomControls;
+public sealed partial class PlayerListEntry : BoxContainer
+    public PlayerListEntry()
+    {
+        RobustXamlLoader.Load(this);
+    }
+    public event Action<PlayerInfo>? OnPinStatusChanged;
+    public void Setup(PlayerInfo info, Func<PlayerInfo, string, string>? overrideText)
+    {
+        Update(info, overrideText);
+        PlayerEntryPinButton.OnPressed += HandlePinButtonPressed(info);
+    }
+    private Action<BaseButton.ButtonEventArgs> HandlePinButtonPressed(PlayerInfo info)
+    {
+        return args =>
+        {
+            info.IsPinned = !info.IsPinned;
+            UpdatePinButtonTexture(info.IsPinned);
+            OnPinStatusChanged?.Invoke(info);
+        };
+    }
+    private void Update(PlayerInfo info, Func<PlayerInfo, string, string>? overrideText)
+    {
+        PlayerEntryLabel.Text = overrideText?.Invoke(info, $"{info.CharacterName} ({info.Username})") ??
+                                $"{info.CharacterName} ({info.Username})";
+        UpdatePinButtonTexture(info.IsPinned);
+    }
+    private void UpdatePinButtonTexture(bool isPinned)
+    {
+        if (isPinned)
+        {
+            PlayerEntryPinButton?.RemoveStyleClass(StyleNano.StyleClassPinButtonUnpinned);
+            PlayerEntryPinButton?.AddStyleClass(StyleNano.StyleClassPinButtonPinned);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            PlayerEntryPinButton?.RemoveStyleClass(StyleNano.StyleClassPinButtonPinned);
+            PlayerEntryPinButton?.AddStyleClass(StyleNano.StyleClassPinButtonUnpinned);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Arcade/BlockGameMenu.cs b/Content.Client/Arcade/BlockGameMenu.cs
index 4a579fc4bf4..ad360c54394 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Arcade/BlockGameMenu.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Arcade/BlockGameMenu.cs
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ private Control SetupGameGrid(Texture panelTex)
                 PanelOverride = back,
                 HorizontalExpand = true,
-                SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 60
+                SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 34.25f
             var backgroundPanel = new PanelContainer
diff --git a/Content.Client/Arcade/UI/BlockGameBoundUserInterface.cs b/Content.Client/Arcade/UI/BlockGameBoundUserInterface.cs
index 8fa8035afd6..4f08e6bd0ac 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Arcade/UI/BlockGameBoundUserInterface.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Arcade/UI/BlockGameBoundUserInterface.cs
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ protected override void Open()
         _menu = this.CreateWindow<BlockGameMenu>();
+        _menu.OnAction += SendAction;
     protected override void ReceiveMessage(BoundUserInterfaceMessage message)
diff --git a/Content.Client/Arcade/UI/SpaceVillainArcadeBoundUserInterface.cs b/Content.Client/Arcade/UI/SpaceVillainArcadeBoundUserInterface.cs
index c0704530de2..8fff406e86c 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Arcade/UI/SpaceVillainArcadeBoundUserInterface.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Arcade/UI/SpaceVillainArcadeBoundUserInterface.cs
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ protected override void Open()
         _menu = this.CreateWindow<SpaceVillainArcadeMenu>();
+        _menu.OnPlayerAction += SendAction;
     protected override void ReceiveMessage(BoundUserInterfaceMessage message)
diff --git a/Content.Client/Chemistry/UI/TransferAmountBoundUserInterface.cs b/Content.Client/Chemistry/UI/TransferAmountBoundUserInterface.cs
index f1cb27a62a4..1bc1c0dba9a 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Chemistry/UI/TransferAmountBoundUserInterface.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Chemistry/UI/TransferAmountBoundUserInterface.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 using Content.Shared.Chemistry;
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Components;
 using Content.Shared.FixedPoint;
 using JetBrains.Annotations;
 using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
@@ -9,11 +10,15 @@ namespace Content.Client.Chemistry.UI
     public sealed class TransferAmountBoundUserInterface : BoundUserInterface
+        private IEntityManager _entManager;
+        private EntityUid _owner;
         private TransferAmountWindow? _window;
         public TransferAmountBoundUserInterface(EntityUid owner, Enum uiKey) : base(owner, uiKey)
+          _owner = owner;
+          _entManager = IoCManager.Resolve<IEntityManager>();
         protected override void Open()
@@ -21,6 +26,9 @@ protected override void Open()
             _window = this.CreateWindow<TransferAmountWindow>();
+            if (_entManager.TryGetComponent<SolutionTransferComponent>(_owner, out var comp))
+                _window.SetBounds(comp.MinimumTransferAmount.Int(), comp.MaximumTransferAmount.Int());
             _window.ApplyButton.OnPressed += _ =>
                 if (int.TryParse(_window.AmountLineEdit.Text, out var i))
diff --git a/Content.Client/Chemistry/UI/TransferAmountWindow.xaml b/Content.Client/Chemistry/UI/TransferAmountWindow.xaml
index 3d787c69c10..c73d86b10f1 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Chemistry/UI/TransferAmountWindow.xaml
+++ b/Content.Client/Chemistry/UI/TransferAmountWindow.xaml
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
         <BoxContainer Orientation="Horizontal">
             <LineEdit Name="AmountLineEdit" Access="Public" HorizontalExpand="True" PlaceHolder="{Loc 'ui-transfer-amount-line-edit-placeholder'}"/>
+        <BoxContainer Orientation="Horizontal">
+          <Label Name="MinimumAmount" Access="Public" HorizontalExpand="True" />
+          <Label Name="MaximumAmount" Access="Public" />
+        </BoxContainer>
         <Button Name="ApplyButton" Access="Public" Text="{Loc 'ui-transfer-amount-apply'}"/>
diff --git a/Content.Client/Chemistry/UI/TransferAmountWindow.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Chemistry/UI/TransferAmountWindow.xaml.cs
index 767e5cc8230..6bae0444415 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Chemistry/UI/TransferAmountWindow.xaml.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Chemistry/UI/TransferAmountWindow.xaml.cs
@@ -8,9 +8,29 @@ namespace Content.Client.Chemistry.UI
     public sealed partial class TransferAmountWindow : DefaultWindow
+        private int _max = Int32.MaxValue;
+        private int _min = 1;
         public TransferAmountWindow()
+            AmountLineEdit.OnTextChanged += OnValueChanged;
+        }
+        public void SetBounds(int min, int max)
+        {
+          _min = min;
+          _max = max;
+          MinimumAmount.Text = Loc.GetString("comp-solution-transfer-set-amount-min", ("amount", _min));
+          MaximumAmount.Text = Loc.GetString("comp-solution-transfer-set-amount-max", ("amount", _max));
+        }
+        private void OnValueChanged(LineEdit.LineEditEventArgs args)
+        {
+            if (!int.TryParse(AmountLineEdit.Text, out var amount)  || amount > _max || amount < _min)
+                ApplyButton.Disabled = true;
+            else 
+                ApplyButton.Disabled = false; 
diff --git a/Content.Client/Chemistry/Visualizers/SolutionContainerVisualsSystem.cs b/Content.Client/Chemistry/Visualizers/SolutionContainerVisualsSystem.cs
index 17b88fb5a8f..010bfb31845 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Chemistry/Visualizers/SolutionContainerVisualsSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Chemistry/Visualizers/SolutionContainerVisualsSystem.cs
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 using Content.Shared.Chemistry;
 using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Reagent;
+using Content.Shared.Clothing;
+using Content.Shared.Clothing.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Hands;
 using Content.Shared.Item;
 using Content.Shared.Rounding;
@@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ public override void Initialize()
         SubscribeLocalEvent<SolutionContainerVisualsComponent, MapInitEvent>(OnMapInit);
         SubscribeLocalEvent<SolutionContainerVisualsComponent, GetInhandVisualsEvent>(OnGetHeldVisuals);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SolutionContainerVisualsComponent, GetEquipmentVisualsEvent>(OnGetClothingVisuals);
     private void OnMapInit(EntityUid uid, SolutionContainerVisualsComponent component, MapInitEvent args)
@@ -174,4 +177,41 @@ private void OnGetHeldVisuals(EntityUid uid, SolutionContainerVisualsComponent c
             args.Layers.Add((key, layer));
+    private void OnGetClothingVisuals(Entity<SolutionContainerVisualsComponent> ent, ref GetEquipmentVisualsEvent args)
+    {
+        if (ent.Comp.EquippedFillBaseName == null)
+            return;
+        if (!TryComp<AppearanceComponent>(ent, out var appearance))
+            return;
+        if (!TryComp<ClothingComponent>(ent, out var clothing))
+            return;
+        if (!AppearanceSystem.TryGetData<float>(ent, SolutionContainerVisuals.FillFraction, out var fraction, appearance))
+            return;
+        var closestFillSprite = ContentHelpers.RoundToLevels(fraction, 1, ent.Comp.EquippedMaxFillLevels + 1);
+        if (closestFillSprite > 0)
+        {
+            var layer = new PrototypeLayerData();
+            var equippedPrefix = clothing.EquippedPrefix == null ? $"equipped-{args.Slot}" : $" {clothing.EquippedPrefix}-equipped-{args.Slot}";
+            var key = equippedPrefix + ent.Comp.EquippedFillBaseName + closestFillSprite;
+            // Make sure the sprite state is valid so we don't show a big red error message
+            // This saves us from having to make fill level sprites for every possible slot the item could be in (including pockets).
+            if (!TryComp<SpriteComponent>(ent, out var sprite) || sprite.BaseRSI == null || !sprite.BaseRSI.TryGetState(key, out _))
+                return;
+            layer.State = key;
+            if (ent.Comp.ChangeColor && AppearanceSystem.TryGetData<Color>(ent, SolutionContainerVisuals.Color, out var color, appearance))
+                layer.Color = color;
+            args.Layers.Add((key, layer));
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Clothing/ClientClothingSystem.cs b/Content.Client/Clothing/ClientClothingSystem.cs
index 1c0d831226d..96bbcc54f2a 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Clothing/ClientClothingSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Clothing/ClientClothingSystem.cs
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
 using System.Linq;
 using System.Numerics;
+using Content.Client.DisplacementMap;
 using Content.Client.Inventory;
 using Content.Shared.Clothing;
 using Content.Shared.Clothing.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Clothing.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.DisplacementMap;
 using Content.Shared.Humanoid;
 using Content.Shared.Inventory;
 using Content.Shared.Inventory.Events;
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ public sealed class ClientClothingSystem : ClothingSystem
     [Dependency] private readonly IResourceCache _cache = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly ISerializationManager _serialization = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly InventorySystem _inventorySystem = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly DisplacementMapSystem _displacement = default!;
     public override void Initialize()
@@ -64,15 +67,14 @@ public override void Initialize()
     private void OnAppearanceUpdate(EntityUid uid, InventoryComponent component, ref AppearanceChangeEvent args)
-        // May need to update jumpsuit stencils if the sex changed. Also required to properly set the stencil on init
+        // May need to update displacement maps if the sex changed. Also required to properly set the stencil on init
         if (args.Sprite == null)
-        if (_inventorySystem.TryGetSlotEntity(uid, Jumpsuit, out var suit, component)
-            && TryComp(suit, out ClothingComponent? clothing))
+        var enumerator = _inventorySystem.GetSlotEnumerator((uid, component));
+        while (enumerator.NextItem(out var item, out var slot))
-            SetGenderedMask(uid, args.Sprite, clothing);
-            return;
+            RenderEquipment(uid, item, slot.Name, component);
         // No clothing equipped -> make sure the layer is hidden, though this should already be handled by on-unequip.
@@ -179,14 +181,6 @@ private void OnVisualsChanged(EntityUid uid, InventoryComponent component, Visua
     private void OnDidUnequip(EntityUid uid, SpriteComponent component, DidUnequipEvent args)
-        // Hide jumpsuit mask layer.
-        if (args.Slot == Jumpsuit
-            && TryComp(uid, out SpriteComponent? sprite)
-            && sprite.LayerMapTryGet(HumanoidVisualLayers.StencilMask, out var maskLayer))
-        {
-                sprite.LayerSetVisible(maskLayer, false);
-        }
         if (!TryComp(uid, out InventorySlotsComponent? inventorySlots))
@@ -231,9 +225,6 @@ private void RenderEquipment(EntityUid equipee, EntityUid equipment, string slot
-        if (slot == Jumpsuit)
-            SetGenderedMask(equipee, sprite, clothingComponent);
         if (!_inventorySystem.TryGetSlot(equipee, slot, out var slotDef, inventory))
@@ -265,7 +256,25 @@ private void RenderEquipment(EntityUid equipee, EntityUid equipment, string slot
         // temporary, until layer draw depths get added. Basically: a layer with the key "slot" is being used as a
         // bookmark to determine where in the list of layers we should insert the clothing layers.
         bool slotLayerExists = sprite.LayerMapTryGet(slot, out var index);
-        var displacementData = inventory.Displacements.GetValueOrDefault(slot);
+        // Select displacement maps
+        var displacementData = inventory.Displacements.GetValueOrDefault(slot); //Default unsexed map
+        var equipeeSex = CompOrNull<HumanoidAppearanceComponent>(equipee)?.Sex;
+        if (equipeeSex != null)
+        {
+            switch (equipeeSex)
+            {
+                case Sex.Male:
+                    if (inventory.MaleDisplacements.Count > 0)
+                        displacementData = inventory.MaleDisplacements.GetValueOrDefault(slot);
+                    break;
+                case Sex.Female:
+                    if (inventory.FemaleDisplacements.Count > 0)
+                        displacementData = inventory.FemaleDisplacements.GetValueOrDefault(slot);
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
         // add the new layers
         foreach (var (key, layerData) in ev.Layers)
@@ -292,7 +301,7 @@ private void RenderEquipment(EntityUid equipee, EntityUid equipment, string slot
                 index = sprite.LayerMapReserveBlank(key);
             if (sprite[index] is not Layer layer)
-                return;
+                continue;
             // In case no RSI is given, use the item's base RSI as a default. This cuts down on a lot of unnecessary yaml entries.
             if (layerData.RsiPath == null
@@ -303,78 +312,19 @@ private void RenderEquipment(EntityUid equipee, EntityUid equipment, string slot
-            // Another "temporary" fix for clothing stencil masks.
-            // Sprite layer redactor when
-            // Sprite "redactor" just a week away.
-            if (slot == Jumpsuit)
-                layerData.Shader ??= "StencilDraw";
             sprite.LayerSetData(index, layerData);
             layer.Offset += slotDef.Offset;
-            if (displacementData != null)
+            if (displacementData is not null)
-                if (displacementData.ShaderOverride != null)
-                    sprite.LayerSetShader(index, displacementData.ShaderOverride);
-                var displacementKey = $"{key}-displacement";
-                if (!revealedLayers.Add(displacementKey))
-                {
-                    Log.Warning($"Duplicate key for clothing visuals DISPLACEMENT: {displacementKey}.");
+                //Checking that the state is not tied to the current race. In this case we don't need to use the displacement maps.
+                if (layerData.State is not null && inventory.SpeciesId is not null && layerData.State.EndsWith(inventory.SpeciesId))
-                }
-                var displacementLayer = _serialization.CreateCopy(displacementData.Layer, notNullableOverride: true);
-                displacementLayer.CopyToShaderParameters!.LayerKey = key;
-                // Add before main layer for this item.
-                sprite.AddLayer(displacementLayer, index);
-                sprite.LayerMapSet(displacementKey, index);
-                revealedLayers.Add(displacementKey);
+                _displacement.TryAddDisplacement(displacementData, sprite, index, key, revealedLayers);
         RaiseLocalEvent(equipment, new EquipmentVisualsUpdatedEvent(equipee, slot, revealedLayers), true);
-    /// <summary>
-    ///     Sets a sprite's gendered mask based on gender (obviously).
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="sprite">Sprite to modify</param>
-    /// <param name="humanoid">Humanoid, to get gender from</param>
-    /// <param name="clothing">Clothing component, to get mask sprite type</param>
-    private void SetGenderedMask(EntityUid uid, SpriteComponent sprite, ClothingComponent clothing)
-    {
-        if (!sprite.LayerMapTryGet(HumanoidVisualLayers.StencilMask, out var layer))
-            return;
-        ClothingMask mask;
-        string prefix;
-        switch (CompOrNull<HumanoidAppearanceComponent>(uid)?.Sex)
-        {
-            case Sex.Male:
-                mask = clothing.MaleMask;
-                prefix = "male_";
-                break;
-            case Sex.Female:
-                mask = clothing.FemaleMask;
-                prefix = "female_";
-                break;
-            default:
-                mask = clothing.UnisexMask;
-                prefix = "unisex_";
-                break;
-        }
-        sprite.LayerSetState(layer, mask switch
-        {
-            ClothingMask.NoMask => $"{prefix}none",
-            ClothingMask.UniformTop => $"{prefix}top",
-            _ => $"{prefix}full",
-        });
-        sprite.LayerSetVisible(layer, true);
-    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Corvax/TTS/TTSSystem.cs b/Content.Client/Corvax/TTS/TTSSystem.cs
index b31ba16d621..fc843fc873a 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Corvax/TTS/TTSSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Corvax/TTS/TTSSystem.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-using Content.Shared.Chat;
+using Content.Shared.Chat;
 using Content.Shared.Corvax.CCCVars;
 using Content.Shared.Corvax.TTS;
 using Robust.Client.Audio;
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 using Robust.Shared.Configuration;
 using Robust.Shared.ContentPack;
 using Robust.Shared.Utility;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;  // ADT Languages
+using Robust.Shared.Player;
 namespace Content.Client.Corvax.TTS;
@@ -20,6 +22,8 @@ public sealed class TTSSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private readonly IConfigurationManager _cfg = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly IResourceManager _res = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly AudioSystem _audio = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly ISharedPlayerManager _playerManager = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedLanguageSystem _language = default!;    // ADT Languages
     private ISawmill _sawmill = default!;
     private readonly MemoryContentRoot _contentRoot = new();
@@ -68,7 +72,19 @@ private void OnPlayTTS(PlayTTSEvent ev)
         _sawmill.Verbose($"Play TTS audio {ev.Data.Length} bytes from {ev.SourceUid} entity");
         var filePath = new ResPath($"{_fileIdx++}.ogg");
-        _contentRoot.AddOrUpdateFile(filePath, ev.Data);
+        // Languages TTS support start
+        var player = _playerManager.LocalSession?.AttachedEntity;
+        if (player != null)
+        {
+            if (_language.CanUnderstand(player.Value, ev.LanguageProtoId))
+                _contentRoot.AddOrUpdateFile(filePath, ev.Data);
+            else
+                _contentRoot.AddOrUpdateFile(filePath, ev.LanguageData);
+        }
+        else
+            _contentRoot.AddOrUpdateFile(filePath, ev.Data);
+        // Languages TTS support end
         var audioResource = new AudioResource();
         audioResource.Load(IoCManager.Instance!, Prefix / filePath);
diff --git a/Content.Client/Crayon/UI/CrayonWindow.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Crayon/UI/CrayonWindow.xaml.cs
index b97786cd41a..6ef282d219a 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Crayon/UI/CrayonWindow.xaml.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Crayon/UI/CrayonWindow.xaml.cs
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ private void ButtonOnPressed(ButtonEventArgs obj)
             if (obj.Button.Name == null) return;
             _selected = obj.Button.Name;
+            OnSelected?.Invoke(_selected);
diff --git a/Content.Client/DisplacementMap/DisplacementMapSystem.cs b/Content.Client/DisplacementMap/DisplacementMapSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6db164a09f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/DisplacementMap/DisplacementMapSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+using Content.Shared.DisplacementMap;
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Client.Graphics;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization.Manager;
+namespace Content.Client.DisplacementMap;
+public sealed class DisplacementMapSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly ISerializationManager _serialization = default!;
+    public bool TryAddDisplacement(DisplacementData data, SpriteComponent sprite, int index, string key, HashSet<string> revealedLayers)
+    {
+        if (data.ShaderOverride != null)
+            sprite.LayerSetShader(index, data.ShaderOverride);
+        var displacementKey = $"{key}-displacement";
+        if (!revealedLayers.Add(displacementKey))
+        {
+            Log.Warning($"Duplicate key for DISPLACEMENT: {displacementKey}.");
+            return false;
+        }
+        //allows you not to write it every time in the YML
+        foreach (var pair in data.SizeMaps)
+        {
+            pair.Value.CopyToShaderParameters??= new()
+            {
+                LayerKey = "dummy",
+                ParameterTexture = "displacementMap",
+                ParameterUV = "displacementUV",
+            };
+        }
+        if (!data.SizeMaps.ContainsKey(32))
+        {
+            Log.Error($"DISPLACEMENT: {displacementKey} don't have 32x32 default displacement map");
+            return false;
+        }
+        // We choose a displacement map from the possible ones, matching the size with the original layer size.
+        // If there is no such a map, we use a standard 32 by 32 one
+        var displacementDataLayer = data.SizeMaps[EyeManager.PixelsPerMeter];
+        var actualRSI = sprite.LayerGetActualRSI(index);
+        if (actualRSI is not null)
+        {
+            if (actualRSI.Size.X != actualRSI.Size.Y)
+                Log.Warning($"DISPLACEMENT: {displacementKey} has a resolution that is not 1:1, things can look crooked");
+            var layerSize = actualRSI.Size.X;
+            if (data.SizeMaps.ContainsKey(layerSize))
+                displacementDataLayer = data.SizeMaps[layerSize];
+        }
+        var displacementLayer = _serialization.CreateCopy(displacementDataLayer, notNullableOverride: true);
+        displacementLayer.CopyToShaderParameters!.LayerKey = key;
+        sprite.AddLayer(displacementLayer, index);
+        sprite.LayerMapSet(displacementKey, index);
+        revealedLayers.Add(displacementKey);
+        return true;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Explosion/ExplosionOverlay.cs b/Content.Client/Explosion/ExplosionOverlay.cs
index 8cf7447a5d8..653f63e0f90 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Explosion/ExplosionOverlay.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Explosion/ExplosionOverlay.cs
@@ -16,15 +16,17 @@ public sealed class ExplosionOverlay : Overlay
     [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _robustRandom = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entMan = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _proto = default!;
+    private SharedAppearanceSystem _appearance;
     public override OverlaySpace Space => OverlaySpace.WorldSpaceBelowFOV;
     private ShaderInstance _shader;
-    public ExplosionOverlay()
+    public ExplosionOverlay(SharedAppearanceSystem appearanceSystem)
         _shader = _proto.Index<ShaderPrototype>("unshaded").Instance();
+        _appearance = appearanceSystem;
     protected override void Draw(in OverlayDrawArgs args)
@@ -33,15 +35,14 @@ protected override void Draw(in OverlayDrawArgs args)
         var xforms = _entMan.GetEntityQuery<TransformComponent>();
-        var query = _entMan
-            .EntityQuery<ExplosionVisualsComponent, ExplosionVisualsTexturesComponent, AppearanceComponent>(true);
+        var query = _entMan.EntityQueryEnumerator<ExplosionVisualsComponent, ExplosionVisualsTexturesComponent>();
-        foreach (var (visuals, textures, appearance) in query)
+        while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var visuals, out var textures))
             if (visuals.Epicenter.MapId != args.MapId)
-            if (!appearance.TryGetData(ExplosionAppearanceData.Progress, out int index))
+            if (!_appearance.TryGetData(uid, ExplosionAppearanceData.Progress, out int index))
             index = Math.Min(index, visuals.Intensity.Count - 1);
diff --git a/Content.Client/Explosion/ExplosionOverlaySystem.cs b/Content.Client/Explosion/ExplosionOverlaySystem.cs
index fe552af0e79..7e43bbdc38c 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Explosion/ExplosionOverlaySystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Explosion/ExplosionOverlaySystem.cs
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ public sealed class ExplosionOverlaySystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private readonly IOverlayManager _overlayMan = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedPointLightSystem _lights = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly IMapManager _mapMan = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedAppearanceSystem _appearance = default!;
     public override void Initialize()
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ public override void Initialize()
         SubscribeLocalEvent<ExplosionVisualsComponent, ComponentInit>(OnExplosionInit);
         SubscribeLocalEvent<ExplosionVisualsComponent, ComponentRemove>(OnCompRemove);
         SubscribeLocalEvent<ExplosionVisualsComponent, ComponentHandleState>(OnExplosionHandleState);
-        _overlayMan.AddOverlay(new ExplosionOverlay());
+        _overlayMan.AddOverlay(new ExplosionOverlay(_appearance));
     private void OnExplosionHandleState(EntityUid uid, ExplosionVisualsComponent component, ref ComponentHandleState args)
diff --git a/Content.Client/Ghost/GhostRoleRadioBoundUserInterface.cs b/Content.Client/Ghost/GhostRoleRadioBoundUserInterface.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33944973b51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Ghost/GhostRoleRadioBoundUserInterface.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+using Content.Shared.Ghost.Roles;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+namespace Content.Client.Ghost;
+public sealed class GhostRoleRadioBoundUserInterface : BoundUserInterface
+    private GhostRoleRadioMenu? _ghostRoleRadioMenu;
+    public GhostRoleRadioBoundUserInterface(EntityUid owner, Enum uiKey) : base(owner, uiKey)
+    {
+        IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this);
+    }
+    protected override void Open()
+    {
+        base.Open();
+        _ghostRoleRadioMenu = this.CreateWindow<GhostRoleRadioMenu>();
+        _ghostRoleRadioMenu.SetEntity(Owner);
+        _ghostRoleRadioMenu.SendGhostRoleRadioMessageAction += SendGhostRoleRadioMessage;
+    }
+    public void SendGhostRoleRadioMessage(ProtoId<GhostRolePrototype> protoId)
+    {
+        SendMessage(new GhostRoleRadioMessage(protoId));
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Ghost/GhostRoleRadioMenu.xaml b/Content.Client/Ghost/GhostRoleRadioMenu.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c35ee128c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Ghost/GhostRoleRadioMenu.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+    xmlns:ui="clr-namespace:Content.Client.UserInterface.Controls"
+    CloseButtonStyleClass="RadialMenuCloseButton"
+    VerticalExpand="True"
+    HorizontalExpand="True">
+    <ui:RadialContainer Name="Main">
+    </ui:RadialContainer>
diff --git a/Content.Client/Ghost/GhostRoleRadioMenu.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Ghost/GhostRoleRadioMenu.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b05ac3fbddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Ghost/GhostRoleRadioMenu.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+using Content.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
+using Content.Shared.Ghost.Roles;
+using Content.Shared.Ghost.Roles.Components;
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using System.Numerics;
+namespace Content.Client.Ghost;
+public sealed partial class GhostRoleRadioMenu : RadialMenu
+    [Dependency] private readonly EntityManager _entityManager = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototypeManager = default!;
+    public event Action<ProtoId<GhostRolePrototype>>? SendGhostRoleRadioMessageAction;
+    public EntityUid Entity { get; set; }
+    public GhostRoleRadioMenu()
+    {
+        IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this);
+        RobustXamlLoader.Load(this);
+    }
+    public void SetEntity(EntityUid uid)
+    {
+        Entity = uid;
+        RefreshUI();
+    }
+    private void RefreshUI()
+    {
+        // The main control that will contain all of the clickable options
+        var main = FindControl<RadialContainer>("Main");
+        // The purpose of this radial UI is for ghost role radios that allow you to select
+        // more than one potential option, such as with kobolds/lizards.
+        // This means that it won't show anything if SelectablePrototypes is empty.
+        if (!_entityManager.TryGetComponent<GhostRoleMobSpawnerComponent>(Entity, out var comp))
+            return;
+        foreach (var ghostRoleProtoString in comp.SelectablePrototypes)
+        {
+            // For each prototype we find we want to create a button that uses the name of the ghost role
+            // as the hover tooltip, and the icon is taken from either the ghost role entityprototype
+            // or the indicated icon entityprototype.
+            if (!_prototypeManager.TryIndex<GhostRolePrototype>(ghostRoleProtoString, out var ghostRoleProto))
+                continue;
+            var button = new GhostRoleRadioMenuButton()
+            {
+                StyleClasses = { "RadialMenuButton" },
+                SetSize = new Vector2(64, 64),
+                ToolTip = Loc.GetString(ghostRoleProto.Name),
+                ProtoId = ghostRoleProto.ID,
+            };
+            var entProtoView = new EntityPrototypeView()
+            {
+                SetSize = new Vector2(48, 48),
+                VerticalAlignment = VAlignment.Center,
+                HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Center,
+                Stretch = SpriteView.StretchMode.Fill
+            };
+            // pick the icon if it exists, otherwise fallback to the ghost role's entity
+            if (_prototypeManager.TryIndex(ghostRoleProto.IconPrototype, out var iconProto))
+                entProtoView.SetPrototype(iconProto);
+            else
+                entProtoView.SetPrototype(comp.Prototype);
+            button.AddChild(entProtoView);
+            main.AddChild(button);
+            AddGhostRoleRadioMenuButtonOnClickActions(main);
+        }
+    }
+    private void AddGhostRoleRadioMenuButtonOnClickActions(Control control)
+    {
+        var mainControl = control as RadialContainer;
+        if (mainControl == null)
+            return;
+        foreach (var child in mainControl.Children)
+        {
+            var castChild = child as GhostRoleRadioMenuButton;
+            if (castChild == null)
+                continue;
+            castChild.OnButtonUp += _ =>
+            {
+                SendGhostRoleRadioMessageAction?.Invoke(castChild.ProtoId);
+                Close();
+            };
+        }
+    }
+public sealed class GhostRoleRadioMenuButton : RadialMenuTextureButton
+    public ProtoId<GhostRolePrototype> ProtoId { get; set; }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Hands/Systems/HandsSystem.cs b/Content.Client/Hands/Systems/HandsSystem.cs
index 7319b97b42b..ffa6dfd29d6 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Hands/Systems/HandsSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Hands/Systems/HandsSystem.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
 using System.Linq;
+using Content.Client.DisplacementMap;
 using Content.Client.Examine;
 using Content.Client.Strip;
 using Content.Client.Verbs.UI;
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ public sealed class HandsSystem : SharedHandsSystem
         [Dependency] private readonly SharedContainerSystem _containerSystem = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly StrippableSystem _stripSys = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly ExamineSystem _examine = default!;
+        [Dependency] private readonly DisplacementMapSystem _displacement = default!;
         public event Action<string, HandLocation>? OnPlayerAddHand;
         public event Action<string>? OnPlayerRemoveHand;
@@ -345,6 +347,10 @@ private void UpdateHandVisuals(EntityUid uid, EntityUid held, Hand hand, HandsCo
                 sprite.LayerSetData(index, layerData);
+                //Add displacement maps
+                if (handComp.HandDisplacement is not null)
+                    _displacement.TryAddDisplacement(handComp.HandDisplacement, sprite, index, key, revealedLayers);
             RaiseLocalEvent(held, new HeldVisualsUpdatedEvent(uid, revealedLayers), true);
diff --git a/Content.Client/Input/ContentContexts.cs b/Content.Client/Input/ContentContexts.cs
index 7a8a9938545..191bf7a2541 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Input/ContentContexts.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Input/ContentContexts.cs
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ public static void SetupContexts(IInputContextContainer contexts)
+            human.AddFunction(ContentKeyFunctions.OpenLanguagesMenu);   // ADT Languages
diff --git a/Content.Client/Lathe/LatheSystem.cs b/Content.Client/Lathe/LatheSystem.cs
index c72f01b39b1..386520c198f 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Lathe/LatheSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Lathe/LatheSystem.cs
@@ -22,21 +22,29 @@ private void OnAppearanceChange(EntityUid uid, LatheComponent component, ref App
         if (args.Sprite == null)
+        // Lathe specific stuff
+        if (_appearance.TryGetData<bool>(uid, LatheVisuals.IsRunning, out var isRunning, args.Component))
+        {
+            if (args.Sprite.LayerMapTryGet(LatheVisualLayers.IsRunning, out var runningLayer) &&
+                component.RunningState != null &&
+                component.IdleState != null)
+            {
+                var state = isRunning ? component.RunningState : component.IdleState;
+                args.Sprite.LayerSetState(runningLayer, state);
+            }
+        }
         if (_appearance.TryGetData<bool>(uid, PowerDeviceVisuals.Powered, out var powered, args.Component) &&
             args.Sprite.LayerMapTryGet(PowerDeviceVisualLayers.Powered, out var powerLayer))
             args.Sprite.LayerSetVisible(powerLayer, powered);
-        }
-        // Lathe specific stuff
-        if (_appearance.TryGetData<bool>(uid, LatheVisuals.IsRunning, out var isRunning, args.Component) &&
-            args.Sprite.LayerMapTryGet(LatheVisualLayers.IsRunning, out var runningLayer) &&
-            component.RunningState != null &&
-            component.IdleState != null)
-        {
-            var state = isRunning ? component.RunningState : component.IdleState;
-            args.Sprite.LayerSetAnimationTime(runningLayer, 0f);
-            args.Sprite.LayerSetState(runningLayer, state);
+            if (component.UnlitIdleState != null &&
+                component.UnlitRunningState != null)
+            {
+                var state = isRunning ? component.UnlitRunningState : component.UnlitIdleState;
+                args.Sprite.LayerSetState(powerLayer, state);
+            }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/LatheMenu.xaml b/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/LatheMenu.xaml
index e3247fe7037..5b21f0bae66 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/LatheMenu.xaml
+++ b/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/LatheMenu.xaml
@@ -100,11 +100,9 @@
                             Margin="5 0 0 0"
                             Text="{Loc 'lathe-menu-fabricating-message'}">
-                        <EntityPrototypeView
-                            Name="FabricatingEntityProto"
-                            HorizontalAlignment="Left"
-                            Margin="100 0 0 0"
-                             />
+                        <BoxContainer Name="FabricatingDisplayContainer"
+                                      HorizontalAlignment="Left"
+                                      Margin="100 0 0 0"/>
diff --git a/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/LatheMenu.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/LatheMenu.xaml.cs
index 6f530b76c75..630ef41e9fb 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/LatheMenu.xaml.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/LatheMenu.xaml.cs
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
-using System.Buffers;
 using System.Linq;
 using System.Text;
 using Content.Client.Materials;
 using Content.Shared.Lathe;
 using Content.Shared.Lathe.Prototypes;
-using Content.Shared.Materials;
 using Content.Shared.Research.Prototypes;
 using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
 using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface;
 using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
 using Robust.Client.UserInterface.CustomControls;
 using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
-using Robust.Client.ResourceManagement;
-using Robust.Client.Graphics;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
 namespace Content.Client.Lathe.UI;
@@ -92,7 +89,7 @@ public void PopulateRecipes()
             if (SearchBar.Text.Trim().Length != 0)
-                if (proto.Name.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(SearchBar.Text.Trim().ToLowerInvariant()))
+                if (_lathe.GetRecipeName(recipe).ToLowerInvariant().Contains(SearchBar.Text.Trim().ToLowerInvariant()))
@@ -104,19 +101,15 @@ public void PopulateRecipes()
         if (!int.TryParse(AmountLineEdit.Text, out var quantity) || quantity <= 0)
             quantity = 1;
-        var sortedRecipesToShow = recipesToShow.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
+        var sortedRecipesToShow = recipesToShow.OrderBy(_lathe.GetRecipeName);
         _entityManager.TryGetComponent(Entity, out LatheComponent? lathe);
         foreach (var prototype in sortedRecipesToShow)
-            EntityPrototype? recipeProto = null;
-            if (_prototypeManager.TryIndex(prototype.Result, out EntityPrototype? entityProto))
-                recipeProto = entityProto;
             var canProduce = _lathe.CanProduce(Entity, prototype, quantity, component: lathe);
-            var control = new RecipeControl(prototype, () => GenerateTooltipText(prototype), canProduce, recipeProto);
+            var control = new RecipeControl(_lathe, prototype, () => GenerateTooltipText(prototype), canProduce, GetRecipeDisplayControl(prototype));
             control.OnButtonPressed += s =>
                 if (!int.TryParse(AmountLineEdit.Text, out var amount) || amount <= 0)
@@ -132,9 +125,9 @@ private string GenerateTooltipText(LatheRecipePrototype prototype)
         StringBuilder sb = new();
         var multiplier = _entityManager.GetComponent<LatheComponent>(Entity).MaterialUseMultiplier;
-        foreach (var (id, amount) in prototype.RequiredMaterials)
+        foreach (var (id, amount) in prototype.Materials)
-            if (!_prototypeManager.TryIndex<MaterialPrototype>(id, out var proto))
+            if (!_prototypeManager.TryIndex(id, out var proto))
             var adjustedAmount = SharedLatheSystem.AdjustMaterial(amount, prototype.ApplyMaterialDiscount, multiplier);
@@ -163,8 +156,9 @@ private string GenerateTooltipText(LatheRecipePrototype prototype)
-        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prototype.Description))
-            sb.AppendLine(Loc.GetString("lathe-menu-description-display", ("description", prototype.Description)));
+        var desc = _lathe.GetRecipeDescription(prototype);
+        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(desc))
+            sb.AppendLine(Loc.GetString("lathe-menu-description-display", ("description", desc)));
         // Remove last newline
         if (sb.Length > 0)
@@ -222,13 +216,10 @@ public void PopulateQueueList(List<LatheRecipePrototype> queue)
             var queuedRecipeBox = new BoxContainer();
             queuedRecipeBox.Orientation = BoxContainer.LayoutOrientation.Horizontal;
-            var queuedRecipeProto = new EntityPrototypeView();
-            queuedRecipeBox.AddChild(queuedRecipeProto);
-            if (_prototypeManager.TryIndex(recipe.Result, out EntityPrototype? entityProto) && entityProto != null)
-                queuedRecipeProto.SetPrototype(entityProto);
+            queuedRecipeBox.AddChild(GetRecipeDisplayControl(recipe));
             var queuedRecipeLabel = new Label();
-            queuedRecipeLabel.Text = $"{idx}. {recipe.Name}";
+            queuedRecipeLabel.Text = $"{idx}. {_lathe.GetRecipeName(recipe)}";
@@ -241,10 +232,29 @@ public void SetQueueInfo(LatheRecipePrototype? recipe)
         if (recipe == null)
-        if (_prototypeManager.TryIndex(recipe.Result, out EntityPrototype? entityProto) && entityProto != null)
-            FabricatingEntityProto.SetPrototype(entityProto);
+        FabricatingDisplayContainer.Children.Clear();
+        FabricatingDisplayContainer.AddChild(GetRecipeDisplayControl(recipe));
+        NameLabel.Text = _lathe.GetRecipeName(recipe);
+    }
+    public Control GetRecipeDisplayControl(LatheRecipePrototype recipe)
+    {
+        if (recipe.Icon != null)
+        {
+            var textRect = new TextureRect();
+            textRect.Texture = _spriteSystem.Frame0(recipe.Icon);
+            return textRect;
+        }
+        if (recipe.Result is { } result)
+        {
+            var entProtoView = new EntityPrototypeView();
+            entProtoView.SetPrototype(result);
+            return entProtoView;
+        }
-        NameLabel.Text = $"{recipe.Name}";
+        return new Control();
     private void OnItemSelected(OptionButton.ItemSelectedEventArgs obj)
diff --git a/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/RecipeControl.xaml b/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/RecipeControl.xaml
index 19e20c7c06d..1105ab478ff 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/RecipeControl.xaml
+++ b/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/RecipeControl.xaml
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
         <BoxContainer Orientation="Horizontal">
-            <EntityPrototypeView
-                Name="RecipePrototype"
+            <BoxContainer
+                Name="RecipeDisplayContainer"
                 Margin="0 0 4 0"
diff --git a/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/RecipeControl.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/RecipeControl.xaml.cs
index db428d3cf0e..4f438c8a8e5 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/RecipeControl.xaml.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Lathe/UI/RecipeControl.xaml.cs
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.Research.Prototypes;
 using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
-using Robust.Client.Graphics;
 using Robust.Client.UserInterface;
-using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
 using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
-using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
 namespace Content.Client.Lathe.UI;
@@ -14,13 +11,12 @@ public sealed partial class RecipeControl : Control
     public Action<string>? OnButtonPressed;
     public Func<string> TooltipTextSupplier;
-    public RecipeControl(LatheRecipePrototype recipe, Func<string> tooltipTextSupplier, bool canProduce, EntityPrototype? entityPrototype = null)
+    public RecipeControl(LatheSystem latheSystem, LatheRecipePrototype recipe, Func<string> tooltipTextSupplier, bool canProduce, Control displayControl)
-        RecipeName.Text = recipe.Name;
-        if (entityPrototype != null)
-            RecipePrototype.SetPrototype(entityPrototype);
+        RecipeName.Text = latheSystem.GetRecipeName(recipe);
+        RecipeDisplayContainer.AddChild(displayControl);
         Button.Disabled = !canProduce;
         TooltipTextSupplier = tooltipTextSupplier;
         Button.TooltipSupplier = SupplyTooltip;
diff --git a/Content.Client/Lobby/LobbyUIController.cs b/Content.Client/Lobby/LobbyUIController.cs
index fbd7ee8521e..976c820fec3 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Lobby/LobbyUIController.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Lobby/LobbyUIController.cs
@@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ private void OpenSavePanel()
+            _resourceCache,
diff --git a/Content.Client/Lobby/UI/HumanoidProfileEditor.xaml b/Content.Client/Lobby/UI/HumanoidProfileEditor.xaml
index 534f084ea58..7cafca751db 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Lobby/UI/HumanoidProfileEditor.xaml
+++ b/Content.Client/Lobby/UI/HumanoidProfileEditor.xaml
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
                             <Button Name="ResetButton" Disabled="True" Text="{Loc 'humanoid-profile-editor-reset-button'}"/>
                             <Button Name="ImportButton" Text="{Loc 'humanoid-profile-editor-import-button'}"/>
                             <Button Name="ExportButton" Text="{Loc 'humanoid-profile-editor-export-button'}"/>
+                            <Button Name="ExportImageButton" Text="{Loc 'humanoid-profile-editor-export-image-button'}"/>
+                            <Button Name="OpenImagesButton" Text="{Loc 'humanoid-profile-editor-open-image-button'}"/>
diff --git a/Content.Client/Lobby/UI/HumanoidProfileEditor.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Lobby/UI/HumanoidProfileEditor.xaml.cs
index cca4c1d0667..00a3173e36e 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Lobby/UI/HumanoidProfileEditor.xaml.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Lobby/UI/HumanoidProfileEditor.xaml.cs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 using Content.Client.Lobby.UI.Roles;
 using Content.Client.Message;
 using Content.Client.Players.PlayTimeTracking;
+using Content.Client.Sprite;
 using Content.Client.Stylesheets;
 using Content.Client.UserInterface.Systems.Guidebook;
 using Content.Shared.CCVar;
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
 using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
 using Robust.Client.Utility;
 using Robust.Shared.Configuration;
+using Robust.Shared.ContentPack;
 using Robust.Shared.Enums;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
 using Robust.Shared.Utility;
@@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ public sealed partial class HumanoidProfileEditor : BoxContainer
         private readonly IFileDialogManager _dialogManager;
         private readonly IPlayerManager _playerManager;
         private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototypeManager;
+        private readonly IResourceManager _resManager;
         private readonly MarkingManager _markingManager;
         private readonly JobRequirementsManager _requirements;
         private readonly LobbyUIController _controller;
@@ -55,6 +58,7 @@ public sealed partial class HumanoidProfileEditor : BoxContainer
         private LoadoutWindow? _loadoutWindow;
         private bool _exporting;
+        private bool _imaging;
         /// <summary>
         /// If we're attempting to save.
@@ -108,6 +112,7 @@ public HumanoidProfileEditor(
             ILogManager logManager,
             IPlayerManager playerManager,
             IPrototypeManager prototypeManager,
+            IResourceManager resManager,
             JobRequirementsManager requirements,
             MarkingManager markings)
@@ -120,6 +125,7 @@ public HumanoidProfileEditor(
             _prototypeManager = prototypeManager;
             _markingManager = markings;
             _preferencesManager = preferencesManager;
+            _resManager = resManager;
             _requirements = requirements;
             _controller = UserInterfaceManager.GetUIController<LobbyUIController>();
@@ -133,6 +139,16 @@ public HumanoidProfileEditor(
+            ExportImageButton.OnPressed += args =>
+            {
+                ExportImage();
+            };
+            OpenImagesButton.OnPressed += args =>
+            {
+                _resManager.UserData.OpenOsWindow(ContentSpriteSystem.Exports);
+            };
             ResetButton.OnPressed += args =>
                 SetProfile((HumanoidCharacterProfile?) _preferencesManager.Preferences?.SelectedCharacter, _preferencesManager.Preferences?.SelectedCharacterIndex);
@@ -437,7 +453,6 @@ public HumanoidProfileEditor(
             SpeciesInfoButton.OnPressed += OnSpeciesInfoButtonPressed;
-            ReloadPreview();
             IsDirty = false;
@@ -710,11 +725,12 @@ private void ReloadPreview()
             PreviewDummy = EntityUid.Invalid;
-            if (Profile == null || !_prototypeManager.HasIndex<SpeciesPrototype>(Profile.Species))
+            if (Profile == null || !_prototypeManager.HasIndex(Profile.Species))
             PreviewDummy = _controller.LoadProfileEntity(Profile, JobOverride, ShowClothes.Pressed);
+            _entManager.System<MetaDataSystem>().SetEntityName(PreviewDummy, Profile.Name);
         /// <summary>
@@ -1136,6 +1152,17 @@ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
             _loadoutWindow = null;
+        }
+        protected override void EnteredTree()
+        {
+            base.EnteredTree();
+            ReloadPreview();
+        }
+        protected override void ExitedTree()
+        {
+            base.ExitedTree();
             PreviewDummy = EntityUid.Invalid;
@@ -1205,6 +1232,11 @@ private void SetName(string newName)
             Profile = Profile?.WithName(newName);
+            if (!IsDirty)
+                return;
+            _entManager.System<MetaDataSystem>().SetEntityName(PreviewDummy, newName);
         private void SetSpawnPriority(SpawnPriorityPreference newSpawnPriority)
@@ -1536,6 +1568,19 @@ private void RandomizeName()
+        private async void ExportImage()
+        {
+            if (_imaging)
+                return;
+            var dir = SpriteView.OverrideDirection ?? Direction.South;
+            // I tried disabling the button but it looks sorta goofy as it only takes a frame or two to save
+            _imaging = true;
+            await _entManager.System<ContentSpriteSystem>().Export(PreviewDummy, dir, includeId: false);
+            _imaging = false;
+        }
         private async void ImportProfile()
             if (_exporting || CharacterSlot == null || Profile == null)
diff --git a/Content.Client/Mech/Ui/MechMenu.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Mech/Ui/MechMenu.xaml.cs
index 6f39bc386ee..7ce863b7cd7 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Mech/Ui/MechMenu.xaml.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Mech/Ui/MechMenu.xaml.cs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ public sealed partial class MechMenu : FancyWindow
     [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _ent = default!;
-    private readonly EntityUid _mech;
+    private EntityUid _mech;
     public event Action<EntityUid>? OnRemoveButtonPressed;
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ public MechMenu()
     public void SetEntity(EntityUid uid)
+        _mech = uid;
     public void UpdateMechStats()
diff --git a/Content.Client/Movement/Systems/SpriteMovementSystem.cs b/Content.Client/Movement/Systems/SpriteMovementSystem.cs
index 313683855d0..b6203536896 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Movement/Systems/SpriteMovementSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Movement/Systems/SpriteMovementSystem.cs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ private void OnSpriteMoveInput(EntityUid uid, SpriteMovementComponent component,
         var oldMoving = (SharedMoverController.GetNormalizedMovement(args.OldMovement) & MoveButtons.AnyDirection) != MoveButtons.None;
-        var moving = (SharedMoverController.GetNormalizedMovement(args.Component.HeldMoveButtons) & MoveButtons.AnyDirection) != MoveButtons.None;
+        var moving = (SharedMoverController.GetNormalizedMovement(args.Entity.Comp.HeldMoveButtons) & MoveButtons.AnyDirection) != MoveButtons.None;
         if (oldMoving == moving || !_spriteQuery.TryGetComponent(uid, out var sprite))
diff --git a/Content.Client/Options/UI/Tabs/KeyRebindTab.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Options/UI/Tabs/KeyRebindTab.xaml.cs
index 6fa416ed59c..6f51b954917 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Options/UI/Tabs/KeyRebindTab.xaml.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Options/UI/Tabs/KeyRebindTab.xaml.cs
@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ void AddCheckBox(string checkBoxName, bool currentState, Action<BaseButton.Butto
+            AddButton(ContentKeyFunctions.OpenLanguagesMenu);   // ADT Languages
diff --git a/Content.Client/Paper/EnvelopeSystem.cs b/Content.Client/Paper/EnvelopeSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f405ed15188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Paper/EnvelopeSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+using Content.Shared.Paper;
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+namespace Content.Client.Paper;
+public sealed class EnvelopeSystem : VisualizerSystem<EnvelopeComponent>
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<EnvelopeComponent, AfterAutoHandleStateEvent>(OnAfterAutoHandleState);
+    }
+    private void OnAfterAutoHandleState(Entity<EnvelopeComponent> ent, ref AfterAutoHandleStateEvent args)
+    {
+        UpdateAppearance(ent);
+    }
+    private void UpdateAppearance(Entity<EnvelopeComponent> ent, SpriteComponent? sprite = null)
+    {
+        if (!Resolve(ent.Owner, ref sprite))
+            return;
+        sprite.LayerSetVisible(EnvelopeVisualLayers.Open, ent.Comp.State == EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Open);
+        sprite.LayerSetVisible(EnvelopeVisualLayers.Sealed, ent.Comp.State == EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Sealed);
+        sprite.LayerSetVisible(EnvelopeVisualLayers.Torn, ent.Comp.State == EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Torn);
+    }
+    public enum EnvelopeVisualLayers : byte
+    {
+        Open,
+        Sealed,
+        Torn
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/ParticleAccelerator/UI/ParticleAcceleratorControlMenu.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/ParticleAccelerator/UI/ParticleAcceleratorControlMenu.xaml.cs
index 9c2b51dcaed..8b21e7d94bd 100644
--- a/Content.Client/ParticleAccelerator/UI/ParticleAcceleratorControlMenu.xaml.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/ParticleAccelerator/UI/ParticleAcceleratorControlMenu.xaml.cs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 using Content.Client.Resources;
 using Content.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
 using Content.Shared.Singularity.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Access.Systems;
 using Robust.Client.Animations;
 using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
 using Robust.Client.Graphics;
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
 using Robust.Shared.Noise;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
 using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+using Robust.Client.Player;
 namespace Content.Client.ParticleAccelerator.UI;
@@ -21,6 +23,11 @@ public sealed partial class ParticleAcceleratorControlMenu : FancyWindow
     [Dependency] private readonly IResourceCache _cache = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entityManager = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _player = default!;
+    private readonly AccessReaderSystem _accessReader;
     private readonly FastNoiseLite _drawNoiseGenerator;
     private readonly Animation _alarmControlAnimation;
@@ -44,6 +51,7 @@ public ParticleAcceleratorControlMenu()
+        _accessReader = _entityManager.System<AccessReaderSystem>();
         _drawNoiseGenerator = new();
@@ -150,7 +158,7 @@ private void PowerStateChanged(ValueChangedEventArgs e)
     private bool StrengthSpinBoxValid(int n)
-        return n >= 0 && n <= _maxStrength ;
+        return n >= 0 && n <= _maxStrength;
     protected override DragMode GetDragModeFor(Vector2 relativeMousePos)
@@ -201,13 +209,16 @@ private void UpdatePowerState(ParticleAcceleratorPowerState state, bool enabled,
     private void UpdateUI(bool assembled, bool blocked, bool enabled, bool powerBlock)
+        bool hasAccess = _player.LocalSession?.AttachedEntity is {} player
+            && _accessReader.IsAllowed(player, _entity);
         OnButton.Pressed = enabled;
         OffButton.Pressed = !enabled;
-        var cantUse = !assembled || blocked || powerBlock;
+        var cantUse = !assembled || blocked || powerBlock || !hasAccess;
         OnButton.Disabled = cantUse;
         OffButton.Disabled = cantUse;
-        ScanButton.Disabled = blocked;
+        ScanButton.Disabled = blocked || !hasAccess;
         var cantChangeLevel = !assembled || blocked || !enabled || cantUse;
diff --git a/Content.Client/Physics/Controllers/MoverController.cs b/Content.Client/Physics/Controllers/MoverController.cs
index 31042854d4a..74a5e7afdcd 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Physics/Controllers/MoverController.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Physics/Controllers/MoverController.cs
@@ -28,57 +28,57 @@ public override void Initialize()
             SubscribeLocalEvent<PullableComponent, UpdateIsPredictedEvent>(OnUpdatePullablePredicted);
-        private void OnUpdatePredicted(EntityUid uid, InputMoverComponent component, ref UpdateIsPredictedEvent args)
+        private void OnUpdatePredicted(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, ref UpdateIsPredictedEvent args)
             // Enable prediction if an entity is controlled by the player
-            if (uid == _playerManager.LocalEntity)
+            if (entity.Owner == _playerManager.LocalEntity)
                 args.IsPredicted = true;
-        private void OnUpdateRelayTargetPredicted(EntityUid uid, MovementRelayTargetComponent component, ref UpdateIsPredictedEvent args)
+        private void OnUpdateRelayTargetPredicted(Entity<MovementRelayTargetComponent> entity, ref UpdateIsPredictedEvent args)
-            if (component.Source == _playerManager.LocalEntity)
+            if (entity.Comp.Source == _playerManager.LocalEntity)
                 args.IsPredicted = true;
-        private void OnUpdatePullablePredicted(EntityUid uid, PullableComponent component, ref UpdateIsPredictedEvent args)
+        private void OnUpdatePullablePredicted(Entity<PullableComponent> entity, ref UpdateIsPredictedEvent args)
             // Enable prediction if an entity is being pulled by the player.
             // Disable prediction if an entity is being pulled by some non-player entity.
-            if (component.Puller == _playerManager.LocalEntity)
+            if (entity.Comp.Puller == _playerManager.LocalEntity)
                 args.IsPredicted = true;
-            else if (component.Puller != null)
+            else if (entity.Comp.Puller != null)
                 args.BlockPrediction = true;
             // TODO recursive pulling checks?
             // What if the entity is being pulled by a vehicle controlled by the player?
-        private void OnRelayPlayerAttached(EntityUid uid, RelayInputMoverComponent component, LocalPlayerAttachedEvent args)
+        private void OnRelayPlayerAttached(Entity<RelayInputMoverComponent> entity, ref LocalPlayerAttachedEvent args)
-            Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(uid);
-            Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(component.RelayEntity);
-            if (MoverQuery.TryGetComponent(component.RelayEntity, out var inputMover))
-                SetMoveInput(inputMover, MoveButtons.None);
+            Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(entity.Owner);
+            Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(entity.Comp.RelayEntity);
+            if (MoverQuery.TryGetComponent(entity.Comp.RelayEntity, out var inputMover))
+                SetMoveInput((entity.Owner, inputMover), MoveButtons.None);
-        private void OnRelayPlayerDetached(EntityUid uid, RelayInputMoverComponent component, LocalPlayerDetachedEvent args)
+        private void OnRelayPlayerDetached(Entity<RelayInputMoverComponent> entity, ref LocalPlayerDetachedEvent args)
-            Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(uid);
-            Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(component.RelayEntity);
-            if (MoverQuery.TryGetComponent(component.RelayEntity, out var inputMover))
-                SetMoveInput(inputMover, MoveButtons.None);
+            Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(entity.Owner);
+            Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(entity.Comp.RelayEntity);
+            if (MoverQuery.TryGetComponent(entity.Comp.RelayEntity, out var inputMover))
+                SetMoveInput((entity.Owner, inputMover), MoveButtons.None);
-        private void OnPlayerAttached(EntityUid uid, InputMoverComponent component, LocalPlayerAttachedEvent args)
+        private void OnPlayerAttached(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, ref LocalPlayerAttachedEvent args)
-            SetMoveInput(component, MoveButtons.None);
+            SetMoveInput(entity, MoveButtons.None);
-        private void OnPlayerDetached(EntityUid uid, InputMoverComponent component, LocalPlayerDetachedEvent args)
+        private void OnPlayerDetached(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, ref LocalPlayerDetachedEvent args)
-            SetMoveInput(component, MoveButtons.None);
+            SetMoveInput(entity, MoveButtons.None);
         public override void UpdateBeforeSolve(bool prediction, float frameTime)
diff --git a/Content.Client/Power/EntitySystems/PowerReceiverSystem.cs b/Content.Client/Power/EntitySystems/PowerReceiverSystem.cs
index 4d56592c232..61e20f751ca 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Power/EntitySystems/PowerReceiverSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Power/EntitySystems/PowerReceiverSystem.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-using Content.Client.Power.Components;
+using Content.Client.Power.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Power.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Power.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.Examine;
 using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
 namespace Content.Client.Power.EntitySystems;
@@ -10,9 +11,15 @@ public sealed class PowerReceiverSystem : SharedPowerReceiverSystem
     public override void Initialize()
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<ApcPowerReceiverComponent, ExaminedEvent>(OnExamined);
         SubscribeLocalEvent<ApcPowerReceiverComponent, ComponentHandleState>(OnHandleState);
+    private void OnExamined(Entity<ApcPowerReceiverComponent> ent, ref ExaminedEvent args)
+    {
+        args.PushMarkup(GetExamineText(ent.Comp.Powered));
+    }
     private void OnHandleState(EntityUid uid, ApcPowerReceiverComponent component, ref ComponentHandleState args)
         if (args.Current is not ApcPowerReceiverComponentState state)
diff --git a/Content.Client/Replay/Spectator/ReplaySpectatorSystem.Position.cs b/Content.Client/Replay/Spectator/ReplaySpectatorSystem.Position.cs
index d00e319eed9..71561703d64 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Replay/Spectator/ReplaySpectatorSystem.Position.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Replay/Spectator/ReplaySpectatorSystem.Position.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 using Content.Shared.Movement.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
 using Robust.Shared.Map;
 using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
@@ -164,14 +165,25 @@ private bool TryFindFallbackSpawn(out EntityCoordinates coords)
         float? maxSize = null;
         var gridQuery = EntityQueryEnumerator<MapGridComponent>();
+        var stationFound = false;
         while (gridQuery.MoveNext(out var uid, out var grid))
             var size = grid.LocalAABB.Size.LengthSquared();
-            if (maxSize == null || size > maxSize)
-            {
-                maxUid = (uid, grid);
-                maxSize = size;
-            }
+            var station = HasComp<StationMemberComponent>(uid);
+            //We want the first station grid to overwrite any previous non-station grids no matter the size, in case the vgroid was found first
+            if (maxSize is not null && size < maxSize && !(!stationFound && station))
+                continue;
+            if (!station && stationFound)
+               continue;
+            maxUid = (uid, grid);
+            maxSize = size;
+            if (station)
+                stationFound = true;
         coords = new EntityCoordinates(maxUid ?? default, default);
diff --git a/Content.Client/Salvage/UI/SalvageExpeditionConsoleBoundUserInterface.cs b/Content.Client/Salvage/UI/SalvageExpeditionConsoleBoundUserInterface.cs
index 663bde15b0d..fe48b042f3e 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Salvage/UI/SalvageExpeditionConsoleBoundUserInterface.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Salvage/UI/SalvageExpeditionConsoleBoundUserInterface.cs
@@ -102,12 +102,21 @@ protected override void UpdateState(BoundUserInterfaceState state)
             offering.AddContent(new Label
-                Text = faction,
+                Text = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Loc.GetString(_protoManager.Index<SalvageFactionPrototype>(faction).Description))
+                        ? LogAndReturnDefaultFactionDescription(faction)
+                        : Loc.GetString(_protoManager.Index<SalvageFactionPrototype>(faction).Description),
                 FontColorOverride = StyleNano.NanoGold,
                 HorizontalAlignment = Control.HAlignment.Left,
                 Margin = new Thickness(0f, 0f, 0f, 5f),
+            string LogAndReturnDefaultFactionDescription(string faction)
+            {
+                Logger.Error($"Description is null or white space for SalvageFactionPrototype: {faction}");
+                return Loc.GetString(_protoManager.Index<SalvageFactionPrototype>(faction).ID);
+            }
             // Duration
             offering.AddContent(new Label
@@ -132,12 +141,20 @@ protected override void UpdateState(BoundUserInterfaceState state)
             offering.AddContent(new Label
-                Text = Loc.GetString(_protoManager.Index<SalvageBiomeModPrototype>(biome).ID),
+                Text = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Loc.GetString(_protoManager.Index<SalvageBiomeModPrototype>(biome).Description))
+                        ? LogAndReturnDefaultBiomDescription(biome)
+                        : Loc.GetString(_protoManager.Index<SalvageBiomeModPrototype>(biome).Description),
                 FontColorOverride = StyleNano.NanoGold,
                 HorizontalAlignment = Control.HAlignment.Left,
                 Margin = new Thickness(0f, 0f, 0f, 5f),
+            string LogAndReturnDefaultBiomDescription(string biome)
+            {
+                Logger.Error($"Description is null or white space for SalvageBiomeModPrototype: {biome}");
+                return Loc.GetString(_protoManager.Index<SalvageBiomeModPrototype>(biome).ID);
+            }
             // Modifiers
             offering.AddContent(new Label
diff --git a/Content.Client/Singularity/SingularityOverlay.cs b/Content.Client/Singularity/SingularityOverlay.cs
index c7c6aa2b5b4..e71b6e96b85 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Singularity/SingularityOverlay.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Singularity/SingularityOverlay.cs
@@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ protected override void Draw(in OverlayDrawArgs args)
         /// </summary>
         private void OnProjectFromScreenToMap(ref PixelToMapEvent args)
         {   // Mostly copypasta from the singularity shader.
+            if (args.Viewport.Eye == null)
+                return;
             var maxDistance = MaxDistance * EyeManager.PixelsPerMeter;
             var finalCoords = args.VisiblePosition;
@@ -112,10 +114,11 @@ private void OnProjectFromScreenToMap(ref PixelToMapEvent args)
                 // and in local space 'Y' is measured in pixels from the top of the viewport.
                 // As a minor optimization the locations of the singularities are transformed into fragment space in BeforeDraw so the shader doesn't need to.
                 // We need to undo that here or this will transform the cursor position as if the singularities were mirrored vertically relative to the center of the viewport.
                 var localPosition = _positions[i];
                 localPosition.Y = args.Viewport.Size.Y - localPosition.Y;
                 var delta = args.VisiblePosition - localPosition;
-                var distance = (delta / args.Viewport.RenderScale).Length();
+                var distance = (delta / (args.Viewport.RenderScale * args.Viewport.Eye.Scale)).Length();
                 var deformation = _intensities[i] / MathF.Pow(distance, _falloffPowers[i]);
diff --git a/Content.Client/Sprite/ContentSpriteSystem.cs b/Content.Client/Sprite/ContentSpriteSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..da0547666b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Sprite/ContentSpriteSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+using System.IO;
+using System.Numerics;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Content.Client.Administration.Managers;
+using Content.Shared.Database;
+using Content.Shared.Verbs;
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Client.Graphics;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface;
+using Robust.Shared.ContentPack;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+using Robust.Shared.Utility;
+using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
+using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats;
+using Color = Robust.Shared.Maths.Color;
+namespace Content.Client.Sprite;
+public sealed class ContentSpriteSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly IClientAdminManager _adminManager = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IClyde _clyde = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _timing = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IResourceManager _resManager = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IUserInterfaceManager _ui = default!;
+    private ContentSpriteControl _control = new();
+    public static readonly ResPath Exports = new ResPath("/Exports");
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        _resManager.UserData.CreateDir(Exports);
+        _ui.RootControl.AddChild(_control);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<GetVerbsEvent<Verb>>(GetVerbs);
+    }
+    public override void Shutdown()
+    {
+        base.Shutdown();
+        foreach (var queued in _control._queuedTextures)
+        {
+            queued.Tcs.SetCanceled();
+        }
+        _control._queuedTextures.Clear();
+        _ui.RootControl.RemoveChild(_control);
+    }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Exports sprites for all directions
+    /// </summary>
+    public async Task Export(EntityUid entity, bool includeId = true, CancellationToken cancelToken = default)
+    {
+        var tasks = new Task[4];
+        var i = 0;
+        foreach (var dir in new Direction[]
+                 {
+                     Direction.South,
+                     Direction.East,
+                     Direction.North,
+                     Direction.West,
+                 })
+        {
+            tasks[i++] = Export(entity, dir, includeId: includeId, cancelToken);
+        }
+        await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
+    }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Exports the sprite for a particular direction.
+    /// </summary>
+    public async Task Export(EntityUid entity, Direction direction, bool includeId = true, CancellationToken cancelToken = default)
+    {
+        if (!_timing.IsFirstTimePredicted)
+            return;
+        if (!TryComp(entity, out SpriteComponent? spriteComp))
+            return;
+        // Don't want to wait for engine pr
+        var size = Vector2i.Zero;
+        foreach (var layer in spriteComp.AllLayers)
+        {
+            if (!layer.Visible)
+                continue;
+            size = Vector2i.ComponentMax(size, layer.PixelSize);
+        }
+        // Stop asserts
+        if (size.Equals(Vector2i.Zero))
+            return;
+        var texture = _clyde.CreateRenderTarget(new Vector2i(size.X, size.Y), new RenderTargetFormatParameters(RenderTargetColorFormat.Rgba8Srgb), name: "export");
+        var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(cancelToken);
+        _control._queuedTextures.Enqueue((texture, direction, entity, includeId, tcs));
+        await tcs.Task;
+    }
+    private void GetVerbs(GetVerbsEvent<Verb> ev)
+    {
+        if (!_adminManager.IsAdmin())
+            return;
+        Verb verb = new()
+        {
+            Text = Loc.GetString("export-entity-verb-get-data-text"),
+            Category = VerbCategory.Debug,
+            Act = () =>
+            {
+                Export(ev.Target);
+            },
+        };
+        ev.Verbs.Add(verb);
+    }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// This is horrible. I asked PJB if there's an easy way to render straight to a texture outside of the render loop
+    /// and she also mentioned this as a bad possibility.
+    /// </summary>
+    private sealed class ContentSpriteControl : Control
+    {
+        [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entManager = default!;
+        [Dependency] private readonly ILogManager _logMan = default!;
+        [Dependency] private readonly IResourceManager _resManager = default!;
+        internal Queue<(
+            IRenderTexture Texture,
+            Direction Direction,
+            EntityUid Entity,
+            bool IncludeId,
+            TaskCompletionSource Tcs)> _queuedTextures = new();
+        private ISawmill _sawmill;
+        public ContentSpriteControl()
+        {
+            IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this);
+            _sawmill = _logMan.GetSawmill("sprite.export");
+        }
+        protected override void Draw(DrawingHandleScreen handle)
+        {
+            base.Draw(handle);
+            while (_queuedTextures.TryDequeue(out var queued))
+            {
+                if (queued.Tcs.Task.IsCanceled)
+                    continue;
+                try
+                {
+                    if (!_entManager.TryGetComponent(queued.Entity, out MetaDataComponent? metadata))
+                        continue;
+                    var filename = metadata.EntityName;
+                    var result = queued;
+                    handle.RenderInRenderTarget(queued.Texture, () =>
+                    {
+                        handle.DrawEntity(result.Entity, result.Texture.Size / 2, Vector2.One, Angle.Zero,
+                            overrideDirection: result.Direction);
+                    }, Color.Transparent);
+                    ResPath fullFileName;
+                    if (queued.IncludeId)
+                    {
+                        fullFileName = Exports / $"{filename}-{queued.Direction}-{queued.Entity}.png";
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        fullFileName = Exports / $"{filename}-{queued.Direction}.png";
+                    }
+                    queued.Texture.CopyPixelsToMemory<Rgba32>(image =>
+                    {
+                        if (_resManager.UserData.Exists(fullFileName))
+                        {
+                            _sawmill.Info($"Found existing file {fullFileName} to replace.");
+                            _resManager.UserData.Delete(fullFileName);
+                        }
+                        using var file =
+                            _resManager.UserData.Open(fullFileName, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write,
+                                FileShare.None);
+                        image.SaveAsPng(file);
+                    });
+                    _sawmill.Info($"Saved screenshot to {fullFileName}");
+                    queued.Tcs.SetResult();
+                }
+                catch (Exception exc)
+                {
+                    queued.Texture.Dispose();
+                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exc.StackTrace))
+                        _sawmill.Fatal(exc.StackTrace);
+                    queued.Tcs.SetException(exc);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Stylesheets/StyleNano.cs b/Content.Client/Stylesheets/StyleNano.cs
index dba48a119da..0c04a550597 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Stylesheets/StyleNano.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Stylesheets/StyleNano.cs
@@ -151,6 +151,11 @@ public sealed class StyleNano : StyleBase
         public static readonly Color ChatBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#25252ADD");
+        //Bwoink
+        public const string StyleClassPinButtonPinned = "pinButtonPinned";
+        public const string StyleClassPinButtonUnpinned = "pinButtonUnpinned";
         public override Stylesheet Stylesheet { get; }
         public StyleNano(IResourceCache resCache) : base(resCache)
@@ -1608,6 +1613,21 @@ public StyleNano(IResourceCache resCache) : base(resCache)
                         BackgroundColor = FancyTreeSelectedRowColor,
+                // Pinned button style
+                new StyleRule(
+                    new SelectorElement(typeof(TextureButton), new[] { StyleClassPinButtonPinned }, null, null),
+                    new[]
+                    {
+                        new StyleProperty(TextureButton.StylePropertyTexture, resCache.GetTexture("/Textures/Interface/Bwoink/pinned.png"))
+                    }),
+                // Unpinned button style
+                new StyleRule(
+                    new SelectorElement(typeof(TextureButton), new[] { StyleClassPinButtonUnpinned }, null, null),
+                    new[]
+                    {
+                        new StyleProperty(TextureButton.StylePropertyTexture, resCache.GetTexture("/Textures/Interface/Bwoink/un_pinned.png"))
+                    })
diff --git a/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/Languages/LanguageMenuUIController.cs b/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/Languages/LanguageMenuUIController.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b50648d72a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/Languages/LanguageMenuUIController.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+using Content.Client.Gameplay;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controllers;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
+using Content.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
+using Content.Shared.Input;
+using Content.Client.ADT.Language.UI;
+using Robust.Shared.Input.Binding;
+namespace Content.Client.UserInterface.Systems.Language;    // ADT Languages
+public sealed class LanguageMenuUIController : UIController, IOnStateEntered<GameplayState>, IOnStateExited<GameplayState>
+    public LanguageMenuWindow? _menu;
+    private MenuButton? LanguagesButton => UIManager.GetActiveUIWidgetOrNull<MenuBar.Widgets.GameTopMenuBar>()?.LanguagesButton;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        EntityManager.EventBus.SubscribeEvent<LanguageMenuStateMessage>(EventSource.All, this, OnStateUpdate);
+    }
+    private void OnStateUpdate(LanguageMenuStateMessage ev)
+    {
+        if (_menu == null)
+            return;
+        _menu.UpdateState(ev);
+    }
+    public void OnStateEntered(GameplayState state)
+    {
+        CommandBinds.Builder
+            .Bind(ContentKeyFunctions.OpenLanguagesMenu,
+                InputCmdHandler.FromDelegate(_ => ToggleLanguagesMenu()))
+            .Register<LanguageMenuUIController>();
+    }
+    public void OnStateExited(GameplayState state)
+    {
+        CommandBinds.Unregister<LanguageMenuUIController>();
+    }
+    private void ToggleLanguagesMenu()
+    {
+        if (_menu == null)
+        {
+            // setup window
+            _menu = UIManager.CreateWindow<LanguageMenuWindow>();
+            _menu.OnClose += OnWindowClosed;
+            _menu.OnOpen += OnWindowOpen;
+            if (LanguagesButton != null)
+                LanguagesButton.SetClickPressed(true);
+            _menu.OpenCentered();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            _menu.OnClose -= OnWindowClosed;
+            _menu.OnOpen -= OnWindowOpen;
+            //_menu.OnPlayEmote -= OnPlayEmote;
+            if (LanguagesButton != null)
+                LanguagesButton.SetClickPressed(false);
+            CloseMenu();
+        }
+    }
+    public void UnloadButton()
+    {
+        if (LanguagesButton == null)
+            return;
+        LanguagesButton.OnPressed -= ActionButtonPressed;
+    }
+    public void LoadButton()
+    {
+        if (LanguagesButton == null)
+            return;
+        LanguagesButton.OnPressed += ActionButtonPressed;
+    }
+    private void ActionButtonPressed(BaseButton.ButtonEventArgs args)
+    {
+        ToggleLanguagesMenu();
+    }
+    private void OnWindowClosed()
+    {
+        if (LanguagesButton != null)
+            LanguagesButton.Pressed = false;
+        CloseMenu();
+    }
+    private void OnWindowOpen()
+    {
+        if (LanguagesButton != null)
+            LanguagesButton.Pressed = true;
+    }
+    private void CloseMenu()
+    {
+        if (_menu == null)
+            return;
+        _menu.Dispose();
+        _menu = null;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/MenuBar/GameTopMenuBarUIController.cs b/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/MenuBar/GameTopMenuBarUIController.cs
index e314310bc0c..1c3b03483b9 100644
--- a/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/MenuBar/GameTopMenuBarUIController.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/MenuBar/GameTopMenuBarUIController.cs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 using Content.Client.UserInterface.Systems.Guidebook;
 using Content.Client.UserInterface.Systems.MenuBar.Widgets;
 using Content.Client.UserInterface.Systems.Sandbox;
+using Content.Client.UserInterface.Systems.Language;    // ADT Languages
 using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controllers;
 namespace Content.Client.UserInterface.Systems.MenuBar;
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ public sealed class GameTopMenuBarUIController : UIController
     [Dependency] private readonly SandboxUIController _sandbox = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly GuidebookUIController _guidebook = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly EmotesUIController _emotes = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly LanguageMenuUIController _language = default!;    // ADT Languages
     private GameTopMenuBar? GameTopMenuBar => UIManager.GetActiveUIWidgetOrNull<GameTopMenuBar>();
@@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ public void UnloadButtons()
+        _language.UnloadButton();   // ADT Languages
     public void LoadButtons()
@@ -60,5 +63,6 @@ public void LoadButtons()
+        _language.LoadButton(); // ADT Languages
diff --git a/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/MenuBar/Widgets/GameTopMenuBar.xaml b/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/MenuBar/Widgets/GameTopMenuBar.xaml
index dc8972970ac..59640586174 100644
--- a/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/MenuBar/Widgets/GameTopMenuBar.xaml
+++ b/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/MenuBar/Widgets/GameTopMenuBar.xaml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<widgets:GameTopMenuBar xmlns="https://spacestation14.io"
+<widgets:GameTopMenuBar xmlns="https://spacestation14.io"
@@ -53,6 +53,18 @@
         AppendStyleClass="{x:Static style:StyleBase.ButtonSquare}"
+    <!--ADT Languages start-->
+    <ui:MenuButton
+        Name="LanguagesButton"
+        Access="Internal"
+        Icon="{xe:Tex '/Textures/Interface/languages-menu.svg.192dpi.png'}"
+        ToolTip="{Loc 'game-hud-open-languages-menu-button-tooltip'}"
+        BoundKey = "{x:Static is:ContentKeyFunctions.OpenLanguagesMenu}"
+        MinSize="42 64"
+        HorizontalExpand="True"
+        AppendStyleClass="{x:Static style:StyleBase.ButtonSquare}"
+        />
+    <!--ADT Languages end-->
diff --git a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/GameRules/FailAndStartPresetTest.cs b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/GameRules/FailAndStartPresetTest.cs
index 518166ed864..3109df890a7 100644
--- a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/GameRules/FailAndStartPresetTest.cs
+++ b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/GameRules/FailAndStartPresetTest.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#nullable enable
+#nullable enable
 using Content.Server.GameTicking;
 using Content.Server.GameTicking.Presets;
 using Content.Shared.CCVar;
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public sealed class FailAndStartPresetTest
 - type: entity
   id: TestRule
   parent: BaseGameRule
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ GameRules ]
   - type: GameRule
     minPlayers: 0
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public sealed class FailAndStartPresetTest
 - type: entity
   id: TestRuleTenPlayers
   parent: BaseGameRule
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ GameRules ]
   - type: GameRule
     minPlayers: 10
diff --git a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/GameRules/NukeOpsTest.cs b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/GameRules/NukeOpsTest.cs
index cc5d99e8b2f..0ccb5e314b9 100644
--- a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/GameRules/NukeOpsTest.cs
+++ b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/GameRules/NukeOpsTest.cs
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.Inventory;
 using Content.Shared.NPC.Systems;
 using Content.Shared.NukeOps;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
 using Robust.Shared.GameObjects;
 using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
diff --git a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/MaterialArbitrageTest.cs b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/MaterialArbitrageTest.cs
index f64b7c79dfe..c48afd819be 100644
--- a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/MaterialArbitrageTest.cs
+++ b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/MaterialArbitrageTest.cs
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ public async Task NoMaterialArbitrage()
                     foreach (var recipe in recipes)
-                        foreach (var (matId, amount) in recipe.RequiredMaterials)
+                        foreach (var (matId, amount) in recipe.Materials)
                             var actualAmount = SharedLatheSystem.AdjustMaterial(amount, recipe.ApplyMaterialDiscount, multiplier);
                             if (spawnedMats.TryGetValue(matId, out var numSpawned))
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ public async Task NoMaterialArbitrage()
                     foreach (var recipe in recipes)
-                        foreach (var (matId, amount) in recipe.RequiredMaterials)
+                        foreach (var (matId, amount) in recipe.Materials)
                             var actualAmount = SharedLatheSystem.AdjustMaterial(amount, recipe.ApplyMaterialDiscount, multiplier);
                             if (deconstructedMats.TryGetValue(matId, out var numSpawned))
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ public async Task NoMaterialArbitrage()
                     foreach (var recipe in recipes)
-                        foreach (var (matId, amount) in recipe.RequiredMaterials)
+                        foreach (var (matId, amount) in recipe.Materials)
                             var actualAmount = SharedLatheSystem.AdjustMaterial(amount, recipe.ApplyMaterialDiscount, multiplier);
                             if (compositionComponent.MaterialComposition.TryGetValue(matId, out var numSpawned))
diff --git a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/NPC/NPCTest.cs b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/NPC/NPCTest.cs
index 83321fe6138..064fd6c5bf0 100644
--- a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/NPC/NPCTest.cs
+++ b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/NPC/NPCTest.cs
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ private static void Count(HTNCompoundPrototype compound, Dictionary<string, int>
                     var count = counts.GetOrNew(compound.ID);
+                    // Compound tasks marked with AllowRecursion are only evaluated once
+                    if (counts.ContainsKey(compound.ID) && compound.AllowRecursion)
+                        continue;
                     Assert.That(count, Is.LessThan(50));
                     counts[compound.ID] = count;
                     Count(protoManager.Index<HTNCompoundPrototype>(compoundTask.Task), counts, htnSystem, protoManager);
diff --git a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/Physics/AnchorPrototypeTest.cs b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/Physics/AnchorPrototypeTest.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a65e7d1fd67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/Physics/AnchorPrototypeTest.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+using Robust.Shared.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Shared.Physics;
+using Robust.Shared.Physics.Components;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+namespace Content.IntegrationTests.Tests.Physics;
+public sealed class AnchorPrototypeTest
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Asserts that entityprototypes marked as anchored are also static physics bodies.
+    /// </summary>
+    [Test]
+    public async Task TestStaticAnchorPrototypes()
+    {
+        await using var pair = await PoolManager.GetServerClient();
+        var protoManager = pair.Server.ResolveDependency<IPrototypeManager>();
+        await pair.Server.WaitAssertion(() =>
+        {
+            foreach (var ent in protoManager.EnumeratePrototypes<EntityPrototype>())
+            {
+                if (!ent.Components.TryGetComponent("Transform", out var xformComp) ||
+                   !ent.Components.TryGetComponent("Physics", out var physicsComp))
+                {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                var xform = (TransformComponent)xformComp;
+                var physics = (PhysicsComponent)physicsComp;
+                if (!xform.Anchored)
+                    continue;
+                Assert.That(physics.BodyType, Is.EqualTo(BodyType.Static), $"Found entity prototype {ent} marked as anchored but not static for physics.");
+            }
+        });
+        await pair.CleanReturnAsync();
+    }
diff --git a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/PostMapInitTest.cs b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/PostMapInitTest.cs
index ab0788e47fd..dce84846e97 100644
--- a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/PostMapInitTest.cs
+++ b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/PostMapInitTest.cs
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 using Robust.Shared.Map;
 using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using Robust.Shared.Utility;
 using YamlDotNet.RepresentationModel;
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Damage/Components/DamageOnTriggerComponent.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Damage/Components/DamageOnTriggerComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f5cef74457e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Damage/Components/DamageOnTriggerComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+using Content.Shared.Damage;
+namespace Content.Server.Damage.Components;
+public sealed partial class DamageOnTriggerComponent : Component
+    [DataField("ignoreResistances")] public bool IgnoreResistances;
+    [DataField("damage", required: true)]
+    public DamageSpecifier Damage = default!;
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Damage/Systems/DamageOnTriggerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Damage/Systems/DamageOnTriggerSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5f2fd141926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Damage/Systems/DamageOnTriggerSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Simple  Station
+using Content.Server.Damage.Components;
+using Content.Server.Explosion.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.Damage;
+using Content.Shared.StepTrigger.Systems;
+namespace Content.Server.Damage.Systems
+    // System for damage that occurs on specific trigger, towards the entity..
+    public sealed class DamageOnTriggerSystem : EntitySystem
+    {
+        [Dependency] private readonly DamageableSystem _damageableSystem = default!;
+        public override void Initialize()
+        {
+            base.Initialize();
+            SubscribeLocalEvent<DamageOnTriggerComponent, TriggerEvent>(DamageOnTrigger);
+        }
+        private void DamageOnTrigger(EntityUid uid, DamageOnTriggerComponent component, TriggerEvent args)
+        {
+            _damageableSystem.TryChangeDamage(uid, component.Damage, component.IgnoreResistances);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Hemophilia/HemophiliaSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Hemophilia/HemophiliaSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9092cc66a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Hemophilia/HemophiliaSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+using Content.Server.Body.Components;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Traits;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Hemophilia;
+public sealed partial class HemophiliaSystem : EntitySystem
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<HemophiliaComponent, MapInitEvent>(OnInitHemophilia);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<HemophiliaComponent, ComponentShutdown>(OnShutdown);
+    }
+    private void OnInitHemophilia(EntityUid uid, HemophiliaComponent component, MapInitEvent args)
+    {
+        if (TryComp<BloodstreamComponent>(uid, out var bldcomp))
+        {
+            bldcomp.BleedReductionAmount *= component.Modifier;
+        }
+    }
+    private void OnShutdown(EntityUid uid, HemophiliaComponent component, ComponentShutdown args)
+    {
+        if (TryComp<BloodstreamComponent>(uid, out var bldcomp))
+        {
+            bldcomp.BleedReductionAmount /= component.Modifier;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/Commands/ListLanguagesCommand.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Language/Commands/ListLanguagesCommand.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index eda7030b9b7..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/Commands/ListLanguagesCommand.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-using System.Linq;
-using Content.Shared.Administration;
-using Robust.Shared.Console;
-using Robust.Shared.Enums;
-namespace Content.Server.Language.Commands;
-public sealed class ListLanguagesCommand : IConsoleCommand
-    public string Command => "lslangs";
-    public string Description => "List languages your current entity can speak at the current moment.";
-    public string Help => "lslangs";
-    public void Execute(IConsoleShell shell, string argStr, string[] args)
-    {
-        if (shell.Player is not { } player)
-        {
-            shell.WriteError("This command cannot be run from the server.");
-            return;
-        }
-        if (player.Status != SessionStatus.InGame)
-            return;
-        if (player.AttachedEntity is not { } playerEntity)
-        {
-            shell.WriteError("You don't have an entity!");
-            return;
-        }
-        var languages = IoCManager.Resolve<IEntitySystemManager>().GetEntitySystem<LanguageSystem>();
-        var (spokenLangs, knownLangs) = languages.GetAllLanguages(playerEntity);
-        shell.WriteLine("Spoken: " + string.Join(", ", spokenLangs));
-        shell.WriteLine("Understood: " + string.Join(", ", knownLangs));
-    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/Commands/SayLanguageCommand.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Language/Commands/SayLanguageCommand.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 711c2c5fbfb..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/Commands/SayLanguageCommand.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Server.Chat.Systems;
-using Content.Shared.Administration;
-using Robust.Shared.Console;
-using Robust.Shared.Enums;
-namespace Content.Server.Language.Commands;
-public sealed class SayLanguageCommand : IConsoleCommand
-    public string Command => "lsay";
-    public string Description => "Send chat languages to the local channel or a specific chat channel, in a specific language.";
-    public string Help => "lsay <language id> <text>";
-    public void Execute(IConsoleShell shell, string argStr, string[] args)
-    {
-        if (shell.Player is not { } player)
-        {
-            shell.WriteError("This command cannot be run from the server.");
-            return;
-        }
-        if (player.Status != SessionStatus.InGame)
-            return;
-        if (player.AttachedEntity is not { } playerEntity)
-        {
-            shell.WriteError("You don't have an entity!");
-            return;
-        }
-        if (args.Length < 2)
-            return;
-        var languageId = args[0];
-        var message = string.Join(" ", args, startIndex: 1, count: args.Length - 1).Trim();
-        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
-            return;
-        var languages = IoCManager.Resolve<IEntitySystemManager>().GetEntitySystem<LanguageSystem>();
-        var chats = IoCManager.Resolve<IEntitySystemManager>().GetEntitySystem<ChatSystem>();
-        var language = languages.GetLanguage(languageId);
-        if (language == null || !languages.CanSpeak(playerEntity, language.ID))
-        {
-            shell.WriteError($"Language {languageId} is invalid or you cannot speak it!");
-            return;
-        }
-        chats.TrySendInGameICMessage(playerEntity, message, InGameICChatType.Speak, ChatTransmitRange.Normal, false, shell, player, languageOverride: language);
-    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/Commands/SelectLanguageCommand.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Language/Commands/SelectLanguageCommand.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 72336747fab..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/Commands/SelectLanguageCommand.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-using System.Linq;
-using Content.Shared.Administration;
-using Robust.Shared.Console;
-using Robust.Shared.Enums;
-namespace Content.Server.Language.Commands;
-public sealed class SelectLanguageCommand : IConsoleCommand
-    public string Command => "lsselectlang";
-    public string Description => "Open a menu to select a langauge to speak.";
-    public string Help => "lsselectlang";
-    public void Execute(IConsoleShell shell, string argStr, string[] args)
-    {
-        if (shell.Player is not { } player)
-        {
-            shell.WriteError("This command cannot be run from the server.");
-            return;
-        }
-        if (player.Status != SessionStatus.InGame)
-            return;
-        if (player.AttachedEntity is not { } playerEntity)
-        {
-            shell.WriteError("You don't have an entity!");
-            return;
-        }
-        if (args.Length < 1)
-            return;
-        var languageId = args[0];
-        var languages = IoCManager.Resolve<IEntitySystemManager>().GetEntitySystem<LanguageSystem>();
-        var language = languages.GetLanguage(languageId);
-        if (language == null || !languages.CanSpeak(playerEntity, language.ID))
-        {
-            shell.WriteError($"Language {languageId} is invalid or you cannot speak it!");
-            return;
-        }
-        languages.SetLanguage(playerEntity, language.ID);
-    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/LanguageSystem.Windows.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Language/LanguageSystem.Windows.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 52b5e7cbf46..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/LanguageSystem.Windows.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Shared.Language;
-using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
-using Robust.Shared.Player;
-namespace Content.Server.Language;
-public sealed partial class LanguageSystem
-    [Dependency] private readonly UserInterfaceSystem _uiSystem = default!;
-    public void InitializeWindows()
-    {
-        SubscribeNetworkEvent<RequestLanguageMenuStateMessage>(OnLanguagesRequest);
-        SubscribeLocalEvent<LanguageSpeakerComponent, LanguagesUpdateEvent>(OnLanguageSwitch);
-    }
-    private void OnLanguagesRequest(RequestLanguageMenuStateMessage args, EntitySessionEventArgs session)
-    {
-        var uid = session.SenderSession.AttachedEntity;
-        if (uid == null)
-            return;
-        var langs = GetLanguages(uid.Value);
-        if (langs == null)
-            return;
-        var state = new LanguageMenuStateMessage(langs.CurrentLanguage, langs.SpokenLanguages);
-        RaiseNetworkEvent(state, uid.Value);
-    }
-    private void OnLanguageSwitch(EntityUid uid, LanguageSpeakerComponent component, LanguagesUpdateEvent args)
-    {
-        var langs = GetLanguages(uid);
-        if (langs == null)
-            return;
-        var state = new LanguageMenuStateMessage(langs.CurrentLanguage, langs.SpokenLanguages);
-        RaiseNetworkEvent(state, uid);
-    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/LanguageSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Language/LanguageSystem.cs
index e76ce23cd36..89b375fc416 100644
--- a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/LanguageSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Language/LanguageSystem.cs
@@ -1,87 +1,82 @@
 using System.Linq;
 using System.Text;
-using Content.Shared.GameTicking;
-using Content.Shared.Language;
-using Content.Shared.Language.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;
 using Robust.Shared.Random;
-using Robust.Shared.Player;
-using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
-using UniversalLanguageSpeakerComponent = Content.Shared.Language.Components.UniversalLanguageSpeakerComponent;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Content.Server.GameTicking.Events;
+using Content.Server.Chat.Systems;
-namespace Content.Server.Language;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Language;
 public sealed partial class LanguageSystem : SharedLanguageSystem
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   A random number added to each pseudo-random number's seed. Changes every round.
-    /// </summary>
-    public int RandomRoundSeed { get; private set; }
+    [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _proto = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly ChatSystem _chat = default!;
+    public int Seed { get; private set; }
     public override void Initialize()
-        SubscribeLocalEvent<LanguageSpeakerComponent, ComponentInit>(OnInitLanguageSpeaker);
-        SubscribeAllEvent<RoundStartedEvent>(it => RandomRoundSeed = _random.Next());
-        SubscribeLocalEvent<UnknowLanguageComponent, MapInitEvent>(OnUnknow);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<LanguageSpeakerComponent, MapInitEvent>(OnMapInit);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<RoundStartingEvent>(OnRoundStart);
-        InitializeWindows();
+        SubscribeNetworkEvent<LanguageChosenMessage>(OnLanguageSwitch);
-    private void OnInitLanguageSpeaker(EntityUid uid, LanguageSpeakerComponent component, ComponentInit args)
+    private void OnMapInit(EntityUid uid, LanguageSpeakerComponent component, MapInitEvent args)
-        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(component.CurrentLanguage))
-        {
-            component.CurrentLanguage = component.SpokenLanguages.FirstOrDefault(UniversalPrototype);
-        }
+        if (component.CurrentLanguage == null)
+            component.CurrentLanguage = component.SpokenLanguages.FirstOrDefault("Universal");
+        Dirty(uid, component);
-    private void OnUnknow(EntityUid uid, UnknowLanguageComponent unknow, MapInitEvent args)
+    private void OnRoundStart(RoundStartingEvent args)
-        TryComp<LanguageSpeakerComponent>(uid, out var component);
+        Seed = _random.Next();
+    }
-        if (component != null)
-        {
-            component.SpokenLanguages.Remove(unknow.LanguageToForgot);
-            component.UnderstoodLanguages.Remove(unknow.LanguageToForgot);
-            component.CurrentLanguage = component.SpokenLanguages.FirstOrDefault(UniversalPrototype);
-        }
-        else
+    private void OnLanguageSwitch(LanguageChosenMessage args)
+    {
+        var uid = GetEntity(args.Uid);
+        if (!TryComp<LanguageSpeakerComponent>(uid, out var component) || component.CurrentLanguage == null)
+            return;
+        //if (langs == null || component.CurrentLanguage == null)
+        //    return;
+        component.CurrentLanguage = args.SelectedLanguage;
+        Dirty(uid, component);
+        if (!GetLanguages(uid, out var understood, out _, out var translatorUnderstood, out _, out var current))
+        var state = new LanguageMenuStateMessage(args.Uid, current, understood, translatorUnderstood);
+        RaiseNetworkEvent(state, uid);
-    /// <summary>
-    ///     Obfuscate speech of the given entity, or using the given language.
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="source">The speaker whose message needs to be obfuscated. Must not be null if "language" is not set.</param>
-    /// <param name="language">The language for obfuscation. Must not be null if "source" is null.</param>
-    public string ObfuscateSpeech(EntityUid? source, string message, LanguagePrototype? language = null)
+    public string ObfuscateMessage(EntityUid uid, string originalMessage, LanguagePrototype? proto = null)
-        if (language == null)
+        if (proto == null)
-            if (source is not { Valid: true })
-            {
-                throw new NullReferenceException("Either source or language must be set.");
-            }
-            language = GetLanguage(source.Value);
+            proto = GetCurrentLanguage(uid);
         var builder = new StringBuilder();
-        if (language.ObfuscateSyllables)
-        {
-            ObfuscateSyllables(builder, message, language);
-        }
+        if (proto.ObfuscateSyllables)
+            ObfuscateSyllables(builder, originalMessage, proto);
-        {
-            ObfuscatePhrases(builder, message, language);
-        }
+            ObfuscatePhrases(builder, originalMessage, proto);
-        //_sawmill.Info($"Got {message}, obfuscated to {builder}. Language: {language.ID}");
+        var result = builder.ToString();
+        result = _chat.SanitizeInGameICMessage(uid, result, out _);
-        return builder.ToString();
+        return result;
+    // Message obfuscation and seed system taken from https://github.com/new-frontiers-14/frontier-station-14/pull/671
     private void ObfuscateSyllables(StringBuilder builder, string message, LanguagePrototype language)
         // Go through each word. Calculate its hash sum and count the number of letters.
@@ -93,9 +88,9 @@ private void ObfuscateSyllables(StringBuilder builder, string message, LanguageP
             var ch = char.ToLower(message[i]);
             // A word ends when one of the following is found: a space, a sentence end, or EOM
-            if (char.IsWhiteSpace(ch) || IsSentenceEnd(ch) || i == message.Length - 1)
+            if (char.IsWhiteSpace(ch) || (ch is '.' or '!' or '?' or '~' or '-' or ',') || i == message.Length - 1)
-                var wordLength = i - wordBeginIndex;
+                var wordLength = i + 1 - wordBeginIndex;
                 if (wordLength > 0)
                     var newWordLength = PseudoRandomNumber(hashCode, 1, 4);
@@ -126,9 +121,9 @@ private void ObfuscatePhrases(StringBuilder builder, string message, LanguagePro
         for (var i = 0; i < message.Length; i++)
             var ch = char.ToLower(message[i]);
-            if (IsSentenceEnd(ch) || i == message.Length - 1)
+            if ((ch is '.' or '!' or '?' or '~' or '-' or ',') || i == message.Length - 1)
-                var length = i - sentenceBeginIndex;
+                var length = i + 1 - sentenceBeginIndex;
                 if (length > 0)
                     var newLength = (int) Math.Clamp(Math.Cbrt(length) - 1, 1, 4); // 27+ chars for 2 phrases, 64+ for 3, 125+ for 4.
@@ -141,179 +136,18 @@ private void ObfuscatePhrases(StringBuilder builder, string message, LanguagePro
                 sentenceBeginIndex = i + 1;
-                if (IsSentenceEnd(ch))
+                if ((ch is '.' or '!' or '?'))
                     builder.Append(ch).Append(" ");
-    public bool CanUnderstand(EntityUid listener,
-        LanguagePrototype language,
-        LanguageSpeakerComponent? listenerLanguageComp = null)
-    {
-        if (language.ID == UniversalPrototype || HasComp<UniversalLanguageSpeakerComponent>(listener))
-            return true;
-        var listenerLanguages = GetLanguages(listener, listenerLanguageComp)?.UnderstoodLanguages;
-        return listenerLanguages?.Contains(language.ID, StringComparer.Ordinal) ?? false;
-    }
-    public bool CanSpeak(EntityUid speaker, string language, LanguageSpeakerComponent? speakerComp = null)
-    {
-        if (HasComp<UniversalLanguageSpeakerComponent>(speaker))
-            return true;
-        var langs = GetLanguages(speaker, speakerComp)?.UnderstoodLanguages;
-        return langs?.Contains(language, StringComparer.Ordinal) ?? false;
-    }
-    // <summary>
-    //     Returns the current language of the given entity. Assumes Universal if not specified.
-    // </summary>
-    public LanguagePrototype GetLanguage(EntityUid speaker, LanguageSpeakerComponent? languageComp = null)
-    {
-        var id = GetLanguages(speaker, languageComp)?.CurrentLanguage;
-        if (id == null)
-            return Universal; // Fallback
-        _prototype.TryIndex(id, out LanguagePrototype? proto);
-        return proto ?? Universal;
-    }
-    // <summary>
-    //     Set the CurrentLanguage of the given entity.
-    // </summary>
-    public void SetLanguage(EntityUid speaker, string language, LanguageSpeakerComponent? languageComp = null)
-    {
-        if (!CanSpeak(speaker, language))
-            return;
-        if (languageComp == null && !TryComp(speaker, out languageComp))
-            return;
-        if (languageComp.CurrentLanguage == language)
-            return;
-        languageComp.CurrentLanguage = language;
-        RaiseLocalEvent(speaker, new LanguagesUpdateEvent(), true);
-    }
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   Adds a new language to the lists of understood and/or spoken languages of the given component.
-    /// </summary>
-    public void AddLanguage(LanguageSpeakerComponent comp, string language, bool addSpoken = true, bool addUnderstood = true)
-    {
-        if (addSpoken && !comp.SpokenLanguages.Contains(language, StringComparer.Ordinal))
-            comp.SpokenLanguages.Add(language);
-        if (addUnderstood && !comp.UnderstoodLanguages.Contains(language, StringComparer.Ordinal))
-            comp.UnderstoodLanguages.Add(language);
-        RaiseLocalEvent(comp.Owner, new LanguagesUpdateEvent(), true);
-    }
-    private static bool IsSentenceEnd(char ch)
-    {
-        return ch is '.' or '!' or '?';
-    }
-    // This event is reused because re-allocating it each time is way too costly.
-    private readonly DetermineEntityLanguagesEvent _determineLanguagesEvent = new(string.Empty, new(), new());
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   Returns a pair of (spoken, understood) languages of the given entity.
-    /// </summary>
-    public (List<string>, List<string>) GetAllLanguages(EntityUid speaker)
-    {
-        var languages = GetLanguages(speaker);
-        if (languages == null)
-            return (new(), new());
-        // The lists need to be copied because the internal ones are re-used for performance reasons.
-        return (new List<string>(languages.SpokenLanguages), new List<string>(languages.UnderstoodLanguages));
-    }
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   Dynamically resolves the current language of the entity and the list of all languages it speaks.
-    ///   The returned event is reused and thus must not be held as a reference anywhere but inside the caller function.
-    /// </summary>
-    private DetermineEntityLanguagesEvent? GetLanguages(EntityUid speaker, LanguageSpeakerComponent? comp = null)
-    {
-        if (comp == null && !TryComp(speaker, out comp))
-            return null;
-        var ev = _determineLanguagesEvent;
-        ev.SpokenLanguages.Clear();
-        ev.UnderstoodLanguages.Clear();
-        ev.CurrentLanguage = comp.CurrentLanguage;
-        ev.SpokenLanguages.AddRange(comp.SpokenLanguages);
-        ev.UnderstoodLanguages.AddRange(comp.UnderstoodLanguages);
-        RaiseLocalEvent(speaker, ev, true);
-        if (ev.CurrentLanguage.Length == 0)
-            ev.CurrentLanguage = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(comp.CurrentLanguage) ? comp.CurrentLanguage : UniversalPrototype; // Fall back to account for admemes like admins possessing a bread
-        return ev;
-    }
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   Generates a stable pseudo-random number in the range [min, max) for the given seed. Each input seed corresponds to exactly one random number.
-    /// </summary>
     private int PseudoRandomNumber(int seed, int min, int max)
         // This is not a uniform distribution, but it shouldn't matter: given there's 2^31 possible random numbers,
         // The bias of this function should be so tiny it will never be noticed.
-        seed += RandomRoundSeed;
+        seed += Seed;
         var random = ((seed * 1103515245) + 12345) & 0x7fffffff; // Source: http://cs.uccs.edu/~cs591/bufferOverflow/glibc-2.2.4/stdlib/random_r.c
         return random % (max - min) + min;
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   Ensures the given entity has a valid language as its current language.
-    ///   If not, sets it to the first entry of its SpokenLanguages list, or universal if it's empty.
-    /// </summary>
-    public void EnsureValidLanguage(EntityUid entity, LanguageSpeakerComponent? comp = null)
-    {
-        if (comp == null && !TryComp(entity, out comp))
-            return;
-        var langs = GetLanguages(entity, comp);
-        if (langs != null && !langs.SpokenLanguages.Contains(comp!.CurrentLanguage, StringComparer.Ordinal))
-        {
-            comp.CurrentLanguage = langs.SpokenLanguages.FirstOrDefault(UniversalPrototype);
-        }
-    }
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   Raised in order to determine the language an entity speaks at the current moment,
-    ///   as well as the list of all languages the entity may speak and understand.
-    /// </summary>
-    public sealed class DetermineEntityLanguagesEvent : EntityEventArgs
-    {
-        /// <summary>
-        ///   The default language of this entity. If empty, remain unchanged.
-        ///   This field has no effect if the entity decides to speak in a concrete language.
-        /// </summary>
-        public string CurrentLanguage;
-        /// <summary>
-        ///   The list of all languages the entity may speak. Must NOT be held as a reference!
-        /// </summary>
-        public List<string> SpokenLanguages;
-        /// <summary>
-        ///   The list of all languages the entity may understand. Must NOT be held as a reference!
-        /// </summary>
-        public List<string> UnderstoodLanguages;
-        public DetermineEntityLanguagesEvent(string currentLanguage, List<string> spokenLanguages, List<string> understoodLanguages)
-        {
-            CurrentLanguage = currentLanguage;
-            SpokenLanguages = spokenLanguages;
-            UnderstoodLanguages = understoodLanguages;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/TranslatorImplantSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Language/TranslatorImplantSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2c4b97672ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Language/TranslatorImplantSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+using Content.Shared.Implants;
+namespace Content.Server.Implants;
+public sealed class TranslatorImplantSystem : SharedTranslatorImplantSystem
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/TranslatorImplanterSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Language/TranslatorImplanterSystem.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index f24a013cc26..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/TranslatorImplanterSystem.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-using System.Linq;
-using Content.Server.Administration.Logs;
-using Content.Server.Popups;
-using Content.Shared.Database;
-using Content.Shared.Interaction;
-using Content.Shared.Language;
-using Content.Shared.Language.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Language.Systems;
-using Content.Shared.Mobs.Components;
-namespace Content.Server.Language;
-public sealed class TranslatorImplanterSystem : SharedTranslatorImplanterSystem
-    [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popup = default!;
-    [Dependency] private readonly IAdminLogManager _adminLogger = default!;
-    [Dependency] private readonly LanguageSystem _language = default!;
-    public override void Initialize()
-    {
-        base.Initialize();
-        SubscribeLocalEvent<TranslatorImplanterComponent, AfterInteractEvent>(OnImplant);
-    }
-    private void OnImplant(EntityUid implanter, TranslatorImplanterComponent component, AfterInteractEvent args)
-    {
-        if (component.Used || !args.CanReach || args.Target is not { Valid: true } target)
-            return;
-        if (!TryComp<LanguageSpeakerComponent>(target, out var speaker))
-            return;
-        if (component.MobsOnly && !HasComp<MobStateComponent>(target))
-        {
-            _popup.PopupEntity("translator-implanter-refuse", component.Owner);
-            return;
-        }
-        var (_, understood) = _language.GetAllLanguages(target);
-        if (component.RequiredLanguages.Count > 0 && !component.RequiredLanguages.Any(lang => understood.Contains(lang)))
-        {
-            RefusesPopup(implanter, target);
-            return;
-        }
-        var intrinsic = EnsureComp<ImplantedTranslatorComponent>(target);
-        intrinsic.Enabled = true;
-        foreach (var lang in component.SpokenLanguages.Where(lang => !intrinsic.SpokenLanguages.Contains(lang)))
-            intrinsic.SpokenLanguages.Add(lang);
-        foreach (var lang in component.UnderstoodLanguages.Where(lang => !intrinsic.UnderstoodLanguages.Contains(lang)))
-            intrinsic.UnderstoodLanguages.Add(lang);
-        component.Used = true;
-        SuccessPopup(implanter, target);
-        _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Action, LogImpact.Medium,
-            $"{ToPrettyString(args.User):player} used {ToPrettyString(implanter):implanter} to give {ToPrettyString(target):target} the following languages:"
-            + $"\nSpoken: {string.Join(", ", component.SpokenLanguages)}; Understood: {string.Join(", ", component.UnderstoodLanguages)}");
-        OnAppearanceChange(implanter, component);
-        RaiseLocalEvent(target, new SharedLanguageSystem.LanguagesUpdateEvent(), true);
-    }
-    private void RefusesPopup(EntityUid implanter, EntityUid target)
-    {
-        _popup.PopupEntity(
-            Loc.GetString("translator-implanter-refuse", ("implanter", implanter), ("target", target)),
-            implanter);
-    }
-    private void SuccessPopup(EntityUid implanter, EntityUid target)
-    {
-        _popup.PopupEntity(
-            Loc.GetString("translator-implanter-success", ("implanter", implanter), ("target", target)),
-            implanter);
-    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/TranslatorSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Language/TranslatorSystem.cs
index 7e3b8cfd0a7..4eb8708b1d3 100644
--- a/Content.Server/ADT/Language/TranslatorSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Language/TranslatorSystem.cs
@@ -1,243 +1,118 @@
-using System.Linq;
 using Content.Server.Popups;
 using Content.Server.PowerCell;
-using Content.Shared.Hands;
 using Content.Shared.Interaction;
-using Content.Shared.Interaction.Events;
-using Content.Shared.Inventory;
-using Content.Shared.Inventory.Events;
-using Content.Shared.Language;
-using Content.Shared.Language.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Language.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;
 using Content.Shared.PowerCell;
-using static Content.Server.Language.LanguageSystem;
-using HandheldTranslatorComponent = Content.Shared.Language.Components.HandheldTranslatorComponent;
-using HoldsTranslatorComponent = Content.Shared.Language.Components.HoldsTranslatorComponent;
-using IntrinsicTranslatorComponent = Content.Shared.Language.Components.IntrinsicTranslatorComponent;
+using Content.Shared.Interaction.Events;
+using Content.Shared.Item;
+using Content.Shared.Hands;
-namespace Content.Server.Language;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Language;
-// this does not support holding multiple translators at once yet.
-// that should not be an issue for now, but it better get fixed later.
 public sealed class TranslatorSystem : SharedTranslatorSystem
     [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popup = default!;
-    [Dependency] private readonly LanguageSystem _language = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly PowerCellSystem _powerCell = default!;
-    private ISawmill _sawmill = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly LanguageSystem _language = default!;
     public override void Initialize()
-        _sawmill = Logger.GetSawmill("translator");
-        // I wanna die. But my death won't help us discover polymorphism.
-        SubscribeLocalEvent<IntrinsicTranslatorComponent, DetermineEntityLanguagesEvent>(ApplyTranslation);
-        SubscribeLocalEvent<HoldsTranslatorComponent, DetermineEntityLanguagesEvent>(ApplyTranslation);
-        SubscribeLocalEvent<ImplantedTranslatorComponent, DetermineEntityLanguagesEvent>(ApplyTranslation);
-        // TODO: make this thing draw power
-        // SubscribeLocalEvent<HoldsTranslatorComponent, ListenEvent>(...);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<HandheldTranslatorComponent, ActivateInWorldEvent>(OnTranslatorActivateInWorld);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<HandheldTranslatorComponent, UseInHandEvent>(OnTranslatorUseInHand);
-        SubscribeLocalEvent<HandheldTranslatorComponent, ActivateInWorldEvent>(OnTranslatorToggle);
-        SubscribeLocalEvent<HandheldTranslatorComponent, PowerCellSlotEmptyEvent>(OnPowerCellSlotEmpty);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<HandheldTranslatorComponent, GotEquippedHandEvent>(OnPickUp);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<HandheldTranslatorComponent, GotUnequippedHandEvent>(OnDrop);
-        SubscribeLocalEvent<HandheldTranslatorComponent, InteractHandEvent>(
-            (uid, component, args) => TranslatorEquipped(args.User, uid, component));
-        SubscribeLocalEvent<HandheldTranslatorComponent, DroppedEvent>(
-            (uid, component, args) => TranslatorUnequipped(args.User, uid, component));
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<HandheldTranslatorComponent, PowerCellSlotEmptyEvent>(OnPowerCellSlotEmpty);
-    private void ApplyTranslation(EntityUid uid, IntrinsicTranslatorComponent component,
-        DetermineEntityLanguagesEvent ev)
+    private void OnTranslatorActivateInWorld(EntityUid translator, HandheldTranslatorComponent component, ActivateInWorldEvent args)
-        if (!component.Enabled)
-            return;
-        if (!_powerCell.HasActivatableCharge(uid))
+        if (!component.ToggleOnInteract)
+        Dirty(translator, component);
-        var addUnderstood = true;
-        var addSpoken = true;
-        if (component.RequiredLanguages.Count > 0)
-        {
-            if (component.RequiresAllLanguages)
-            {
-                // Add langs when the wielder has all of the required languages
-                foreach (var language in component.RequiredLanguages)
-                {
-                    if (!ev.SpokenLanguages.Contains(language, StringComparer.Ordinal))
-                        addSpoken = false;
-                    if (!ev.UnderstoodLanguages.Contains(language, StringComparer.Ordinal))
-                        addUnderstood = false;
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                // Add langs when the wielder has at least one of the required languages
-                addUnderstood = false;
-                addSpoken = false;
-                foreach (var language in component.RequiredLanguages)
-                {
-                    if (ev.SpokenLanguages.Contains(language, StringComparer.Ordinal))
-                        addSpoken = true;
-                    if (ev.UnderstoodLanguages.Contains(language, StringComparer.Ordinal))
-                        addUnderstood = true;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (addSpoken)
-        {
-            foreach (var language in component.SpokenLanguages)
-            {
-                AddIfNotExists(ev.SpokenLanguages, language);
-            }
-            if (component.CurrentSpeechLanguage != null && ev.CurrentLanguage.Length == 0)
-            {
-                ev.CurrentLanguage = component.CurrentSpeechLanguage;
-            }
-        }
-        if (addUnderstood)
+        ToggleTranslator(translator);
+        if (_language.GetLanguages(args.User, out var understood, out _, out var translatorUnderstood, out _, out var current))
-            foreach (var language in component.UnderstoodLanguages)
-            {
-                AddIfNotExists(ev.UnderstoodLanguages, language);
-            }
+            var ev = new LanguageMenuStateMessage(GetNetEntity(args.User), current, understood, translatorUnderstood);
+            RaiseNetworkEvent(ev, args.User);
-    private void TranslatorEquipped(EntityUid holder, EntityUid translator, HandheldTranslatorComponent component)
+    private void OnTranslatorUseInHand(EntityUid translator, HandheldTranslatorComponent component, UseInHandEvent args)
-        if (!EntityManager.HasComponent<LanguageSpeakerComponent>(holder))
+        if (!component.ToggleOnInteract)
+        Dirty(translator, component);
-        var intrinsic = EntityManager.EnsureComponent<HoldsTranslatorComponent>(holder);
-        UpdateBoundIntrinsicComp(component, intrinsic, component.Enabled);
-        UpdatedLanguages(holder);
-    }
-    private void TranslatorUnequipped(EntityUid holder, EntityUid translator, HandheldTranslatorComponent component)
-    {
-        if (!EntityManager.TryGetComponent<HoldsTranslatorComponent>(holder, out var intrinsic))
-            return;
+        ToggleTranslator(translator);
+        component.User = component.Enabled ? args.User : null;
-        if (intrinsic.Issuer == component)
+        if (_language.GetLanguages(args.User, out var understood, out _, out var translatorUnderstood, out _, out var current))
-            intrinsic.Enabled = false;
-            EntityManager.RemoveComponent(holder, intrinsic);
+            var ev = new LanguageMenuStateMessage(GetNetEntity(args.User), current, understood, translatorUnderstood);
+            RaiseNetworkEvent(ev, args.User);
-        _language.EnsureValidLanguage(holder);
-        UpdatedLanguages(holder);
-    private void OnTranslatorToggle(EntityUid translator, HandheldTranslatorComponent component, ActivateInWorldEvent args)
+    private void OnPickUp(EntityUid translator, HandheldTranslatorComponent component, GotEquippedHandEvent args)
-        if (!component.ToggleOnInteract)
-            return;
-        var hasPower = _powerCell.HasDrawCharge(translator);
-        if (Transform(args.Target).ParentUid is { Valid: true } holder && EntityManager.HasComponent<LanguageSpeakerComponent>(holder))
-        {
-            // This translator is held by a language speaker and thus has an intrinsic counterpart bound to it. Make sure it's up-to-date.
-            var intrinsic = EntityManager.EnsureComponent<HoldsTranslatorComponent>(holder);
-            var isEnabled = !component.Enabled;
-            if (intrinsic.Issuer != component)
-            {
-                // The intrinsic comp wasn't owned by this handheld component, so this comp wasn't the active translator.
-                // Thus it needs to be turned on regardless of its previous state.
-                intrinsic.Issuer = component;
-                isEnabled = true;
-            }
-            isEnabled &= hasPower;
-            UpdateBoundIntrinsicComp(component, intrinsic, isEnabled);
-            component.Enabled = isEnabled;
-            _powerCell.SetDrawEnabled(translator, isEnabled);  
-            _language.EnsureValidLanguage(holder);
-            UpdatedLanguages(holder);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // This is a standalone translator (e.g. lying on the ground). Simply toggle its state.
-            component.Enabled = !component.Enabled && hasPower;
-            _powerCell.SetDrawEnabled(translator, !component.Enabled && hasPower);
-        }
+        Dirty(translator, component);
-        OnAppearanceChange(translator, component);
+        component.User = args.User;
-        // HasPower shows a popup when there's no power, so we do not proceed in that case
-        if (hasPower)
+        if (_language.GetLanguages(args.User, out var understood, out _, out var translatorUnderstood, out _, out var current))
-            var message =
-                Loc.GetString(component.Enabled ? "translator-component-turnon" : "translator-component-shutoff", ("translator", component.Owner));
-            _popup.PopupEntity(message, component.Owner, args.User);
+            var ev = new LanguageMenuStateMessage(GetNetEntity(args.User), current, understood, translatorUnderstood);
+            RaiseNetworkEvent(ev, args.User);
-    private void OnPowerCellSlotEmpty(EntityUid translator, HandheldTranslatorComponent component, PowerCellSlotEmptyEvent args)
+    private void OnDrop(EntityUid translator, HandheldTranslatorComponent component, GotUnequippedHandEvent args)
-        component.Enabled = false;
-        _powerCell.SetDrawEnabled(translator, false);
-        OnAppearanceChange(translator, component);
+        Dirty(translator, component);
-        if (Transform(translator).ParentUid is { Valid: true } holder && EntityManager.HasComponent<LanguageSpeakerComponent>(holder))
-        {
-            if (!EntityManager.TryGetComponent<HoldsTranslatorComponent>(holder, out var intrinsic))
-                return;
+        if (component.User.HasValue)
+            _language.SelectDefaultLanguage(component.User.Value);
-            if (intrinsic.Issuer == component)
-            {
-                intrinsic.Enabled = false;
-                EntityManager.RemoveComponent(holder, intrinsic);
-            }
+        component.User = null;
-            _language.EnsureValidLanguage(holder);
-            UpdatedLanguages(holder);
+        if (_language.GetLanguages(args.User, out var understood, out _, out var translatorUnderstood, out _, out var current))
+        {
+            var ev = new LanguageMenuStateMessage(GetNetEntity(args.User), current, understood, translatorUnderstood);
+            RaiseNetworkEvent(ev, args.User);
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   Copies the state from the handheld [comp] to the [intrinsic] comp, using [isEnabled] as the enabled state.
-    /// </summary>
-    private void UpdateBoundIntrinsicComp(HandheldTranslatorComponent comp, HoldsTranslatorComponent intrinsic, bool isEnabled)
+    private void ToggleTranslator(EntityUid uid, HandheldTranslatorComponent? component = null)
-        if (isEnabled)
-        {
-            intrinsic.SpokenLanguages = new List<string>(comp.SpokenLanguages);
-            intrinsic.UnderstoodLanguages = new List<string>(comp.UnderstoodLanguages);
-            intrinsic.CurrentSpeechLanguage = comp.CurrentSpeechLanguage;
-        }
-        else
+        if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
+            return;
+        var hasPower = _powerCell.HasDrawCharge(uid);
+        if (hasPower)
-            intrinsic.SpokenLanguages.Clear();
-            intrinsic.UnderstoodLanguages.Clear();
-            intrinsic.CurrentSpeechLanguage = null;
+            component.Enabled = !component.Enabled;
+            var popupMessage = Loc.GetString(component.Enabled ? "translator-component-turnon" : "translator-component-shutoff", ("translator", component.Owner));
+            _popup.PopupEntity(popupMessage, component.Owner);
+            if (!component.Enabled && component.User.HasValue)
+                _language.SelectDefaultLanguage(component.User.Value);
-        intrinsic.Enabled = isEnabled;
-        intrinsic.Issuer = comp;
+        Dirty(uid, component);
+        OnAppearanceChange(uid, component);
-    private static void AddIfNotExists(List<string> list, string item)
+    private void OnPowerCellSlotEmpty(EntityUid translator, HandheldTranslatorComponent component, PowerCellSlotEmptyEvent args)
-        if (list.Contains(item))
-            return;
-        list.Add(item);
-    }
+        component.Enabled = false;
-    private void UpdatedLanguages(EntityUid uid)
-    {
-        RaiseLocalEvent(uid, new SharedLanguageSystem.LanguagesUpdateEvent(), true);
+        component.User = null;
+        Dirty(translator, component);
+        OnAppearanceChange(translator, component);
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Components/BatteryDrinkerComponent.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Components/BatteryDrinkerComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3d8e5c0eec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Components/BatteryDrinkerComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Simple Station
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Power;
+public sealed partial class BatteryDrinkerComponent : Component
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Is this drinker allowed to drink batteries not tagged as <see cref="BatteryDrinkSource"/>?
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("drinkAll"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public bool DrinkAll = false;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     How long it takes to drink from a battery, in seconds.
+    ///     Is multiplied by the source.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("drinkSpeed"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float DrinkSpeed = 1.5f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The multiplier for the amount of power to attempt to drink.
+    ///     Default amount is 1000
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("drinkMultiplier"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float DrinkMultiplier = 5f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The multiplier for how long it takes to drink a non-source battery, if <see cref="DrinkAll"/> is true.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("drinkAllMultiplier"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float DrinkAllMultiplier = 2.5f;
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Components/SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedComponent.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Components/SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..326d9ff29a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Components/SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Simple Station
+using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
+using Robust.Shared.Audio;
+using Content.Server.Sound.Components;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Silicon;
+/// <summary>
+///     Applies a <see cref="SpamEmitSoundComponent"/> to a Silicon when its battery is drained, and removes it when it's not.
+/// </summary>
+public sealed partial class SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedComponent : Component
+    [DataField("sound"), Required]
+    public SoundSpecifier Sound = default!;
+    [DataField("interval")]
+    public float Interval = 8f;
+    [DataField("playChance")]
+    public float PlayChance = 1f;
+    [DataField("popUp")]
+    public string? PopUp;
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Systems/BatteryDrinkerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Systems/BatteryDrinkerSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d00cad93cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Systems/BatteryDrinkerSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// Simple Station
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using Content.Server.Power.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Containers.ItemSlots;
+using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
+using Content.Shared.PowerCell.Components;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon;
+using Content.Shared.Verbs;
+using Robust.Shared.Utility;
+using Content.Server.ADT.Silicon.Charge;
+using Content.Server.Power.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Popups;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Power;
+public sealed class BatteryDrinkerSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entityManager = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly ItemSlotsSystem _slots = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedDoAfterSystem _doAfter = default!;
+    //[Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audio = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly BatterySystem _battery = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SiliconChargeSystem _silicon = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popup = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<BatteryComponent, GetVerbsEvent<AlternativeVerb>>(AddAltVerb);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<BatteryDrinkerComponent, BatteryDrinkerDoAfterEvent>(OnDoAfter);
+    }
+    private void AddAltVerb(EntityUid uid, BatteryComponent batteryComponent, GetVerbsEvent<AlternativeVerb> args)
+    {
+        if (!args.CanAccess || !args.CanInteract)
+            return;
+        if (!TryComp<BatteryDrinkerComponent>(args.User, out var drinkerComp) ||
+            !TestDrinkableBattery(uid, drinkerComp) ||
+            !TryGetFillableBattery(args.User, out var drinkerBattery, out _))
+            return;
+        AlternativeVerb verb = new()
+        {
+            Act = () => DrinkBattery(uid, args.User, drinkerComp),
+            Text = Loc.GetString("battery-drinker-verb-drink"),
+            Icon = new SpriteSpecifier.Texture(new ResPath("/Textures/Interface/VerbIcons/smite.svg.192dpi.png")),
+        };
+        args.Verbs.Add(verb);
+    }
+    private bool TestDrinkableBattery(EntityUid target, BatteryDrinkerComponent drinkerComp)
+    {
+        if (!drinkerComp.DrinkAll && !HasComp<BatteryDrinkerSourceComponent>(target))
+            return false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    private bool TryGetFillableBattery(EntityUid uid, [NotNullWhen(true)] out BatteryComponent? battery, [NotNullWhen(true)] out EntityUid batteryUid)
+    {
+        if (_silicon.TryGetSiliconBattery(uid, out battery, out batteryUid))
+            return true;
+        if (TryComp(uid, out battery))
+            return true;
+        if (TryComp<PowerCellSlotComponent>(uid, out var powerCellSlot) &&
+            _slots.TryGetSlot(uid, powerCellSlot.CellSlotId, out var slot) &&
+            slot.Item != null &&
+            TryComp(slot.Item.Value, out battery))
+        {
+            batteryUid = slot.Item.Value;
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    private void DrinkBattery(EntityUid target, EntityUid user, BatteryDrinkerComponent drinkerComp)
+    {
+        var doAfterTime = drinkerComp.DrinkSpeed;
+        if (TryComp<BatteryDrinkerSourceComponent>(target, out var sourceComp))
+            doAfterTime *= sourceComp.DrinkSpeedMulti;
+        else
+            doAfterTime *= drinkerComp.DrinkAllMultiplier;
+        var args = new DoAfterArgs(_entityManager, user, doAfterTime, new BatteryDrinkerDoAfterEvent(), user, target) //modern.df
+        //var args = new DoAfterArgs(user, doAfterTime, new BatteryDrinkerDoAfterEvent(), user, target) // TODO: Make this doafter loop, once we merge Upstream.
+        {
+            BreakOnDamage = true,
+            BreakOnMove = true,
+            Broadcast = false,
+            DistanceThreshold = 1.35f,
+            RequireCanInteract = true,
+            CancelDuplicate = false
+        };
+        _doAfter.TryStartDoAfter(args);
+    }
+    private void OnDoAfter(EntityUid uid, BatteryDrinkerComponent drinkerComp, DoAfterEvent args)
+    {
+        if (args.Cancelled || args.Target == null)
+            return;
+        var source = args.Target.Value;
+        var drinker = uid;
+        var sourceBattery = Comp<BatteryComponent>(source);
+        TryGetFillableBattery(drinker, out var drinkerBattery, out var drinkerBatteryUid);
+        TryComp<BatteryDrinkerSourceComponent>(source, out var sourceComp);
+        DebugTools.AssertNotNull(drinkerBattery);
+        if (drinkerBattery == null)
+            return;
+        var amountToDrink = drinkerComp.DrinkMultiplier * 1000;
+        amountToDrink = MathF.Min(amountToDrink, sourceBattery.CurrentCharge);
+        amountToDrink = MathF.Min(amountToDrink, drinkerBattery.MaxCharge - drinkerBattery.CurrentCharge);
+        if (sourceComp != null && sourceComp.MaxAmount > 0)
+            amountToDrink = MathF.Min(amountToDrink, (float) sourceComp.MaxAmount);
+        if (amountToDrink <= 0)
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("battery-drinker-empty", ("target", source)), drinker, drinker);
+            return;
+        }
+        if (_battery.TryUseCharge(source, amountToDrink, sourceBattery))
+            _battery.SetCharge(drinkerBatteryUid, drinkerBattery.CurrentCharge + amountToDrink, drinkerBattery);
+        else
+        {
+            _battery.SetCharge(drinker, sourceBattery.CurrentCharge + drinkerBattery.CurrentCharge, drinkerBattery);
+            _battery.SetCharge(source, 0, sourceBattery);
+        }
+        //if (sourceComp != null && sourceComp.DrinkSound != null)
+        //    _audio.PlayPvs(sourceComp.DrinkSound, source);
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Systems/BatteryElectrocuteChargeSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Systems/BatteryElectrocuteChargeSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..57b285d8478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Systems/BatteryElectrocuteChargeSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// Simple Station
+using Content.Server.Electrocution;
+using Content.Server.Popups;
+using Content.Server.Power.Components;
+using Content.Server.Power.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.Electrocution;
+using Robust.Shared.Random;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Power.Systems;
+public sealed class BatteryElectrocuteChargeSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popup = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly BatterySystem _battery = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<BatteryComponent, ElectrocutedEvent>(OnElectrocuted);
+    }
+    private void OnElectrocuted(EntityUid uid, BatteryComponent battery, ElectrocutedEvent args)
+    {
+        if (args.ShockDamage == null || args.ShockDamage <= 0)
+            return;
+        var damagePerWatt = ElectrocutionSystem.ElectrifiedDamagePerWatt * 2;
+        var damage = args.ShockDamage.Value * args.SiemensCoefficient;
+        var charge = Math.Min(damage / damagePerWatt, battery.MaxCharge * 0.25f) * _random.NextFloat(0.75f, 1.25f);
+        _battery.SetCharge(uid, battery.CurrentCharge + charge);
+        _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("battery-electrocute-charge"), uid, uid);
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Systems/SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Systems/SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6be0a089cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Power/Systems/SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// Simple Station
+using Content.Server.ADT.Silicon.Death;
+using Content.Shared.Sound.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Mobs;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+//using Content.Shared.SimpleStation14.Silicon.Systems;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Silicon;
+public sealed class EmitSoundOnCritSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _gameTiming = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedComponent, SiliconChargeDeathEvent>(OnDeath);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedComponent, SiliconChargeAliveEvent>(OnAlive);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedComponent, MobStateChangedEvent>(OnStateChange);
+    }
+    private void OnDeath(EntityUid uid, SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedComponent component, SiliconChargeDeathEvent args)
+    {
+        var spamComp = EnsureComp<SpamEmitSoundComponent>(uid);
+        // spamComp.Accumulator = 0f;
+        spamComp.MinInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(component.Interval);
+        spamComp.MaxInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(component.Interval);
+        spamComp.PopUp = component.PopUp;
+        spamComp.Enabled = true;
+        spamComp.Sound = component.Sound;
+    }
+    private void OnAlive(EntityUid uid, SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedComponent component, SiliconChargeAliveEvent args)
+    {
+        RemComp<SpamEmitSoundComponent>(uid); // This component is bad and I don't feel like making a janky work around because of it.
+        // If you give something the SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedComponent, know that it can't have the SpamEmitSoundComponent, and any other systems that play with it will just be broken.
+    }
+    public void OnStateChange(EntityUid uid, SiliconEmitSoundOnDrainedComponent component, MobStateChangedEvent args)
+    {
+        if (args.NewMobState == MobState.Dead)
+            RemComp<SpamEmitSoundComponent>(uid);
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Radio/IntrinsicRadioKeySystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Radio/IntrinsicRadioKeySystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eaaa3610237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Radio/IntrinsicRadioKeySystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Simple Station
+using Content.Server.Radio.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Radio;
+using Content.Shared.Radio.Components;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Radio;
+public sealed class IntrinsicRadioKeySystem : EntitySystem
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<IntrinsicRadioTransmitterComponent, EncryptionChannelsChangedEvent>(OnTransmitterChannelsChanged);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<ActiveRadioComponent, EncryptionChannelsChangedEvent>(OnReceiverChannelsChanged);
+    }
+    private void OnTransmitterChannelsChanged(EntityUid uid, IntrinsicRadioTransmitterComponent component, EncryptionChannelsChangedEvent args)
+    {
+        UpdateChannels(uid, args.Component, ref component.Channels);
+    }
+    private void OnReceiverChannelsChanged(EntityUid uid, ActiveRadioComponent component, EncryptionChannelsChangedEvent args)
+    {
+        UpdateChannels(uid, args.Component, ref component.Channels);
+    }
+    private void UpdateChannels(EntityUid _, EncryptionKeyHolderComponent keyHolderComp, ref HashSet<string> channels)
+    {
+        channels.Clear();
+        channels.UnionWith(keyHolderComp.Channels);
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Components/BatteryDrinkerSourceComponent.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Components/BatteryDrinkerSourceComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9b9234d4913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Components/BatteryDrinkerSourceComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Simple Station
+using Robust.Shared.Audio;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Silicon.Charge;
+public sealed partial class BatteryDrinkerSourceComponent : Component
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The max amount of power this source can provide in one sip.
+    ///     No limit if null.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("maxAmount"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public int? MaxAmount = null;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The multiplier for the drink speed.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("drinkSpeedMulti"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float DrinkSpeedMulti = 1f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The sound to play when the battery gets drunk from.
+    ///     Can be null.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("drinkSound")]
+    public SoundSpecifier? DrinkSound = null;
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Components/SiliconDownOnDeadComponent.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Components/SiliconDownOnDeadComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..352cbb36ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Components/SiliconDownOnDeadComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Simple Station
+using System.Threading;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Silicon.Death;
+/// <summary>
+///     Marks a Silicon as becoming incapacitated when they run out of battery charge.
+/// </summary>
+/// <remarks>
+///     Uses the Silicon System's charge states to do so, so make sure they're a battery powered Silicon.
+/// </remarks>
+public sealed partial class SiliconDownOnDeadComponent : Component
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Cancellation token for the silicon's wake timer.
+    /// </summary>
+    public CancellationTokenSource? WakeToken { get; set; }
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The time it will take for a Silicon to "wake up" after leaving the Dead state, in seconds.
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <remarks>
+    ///     If not zero, the Silicon will not actually come back to life until after this much time has passed.
+    ///     This can prevent 'flickering' between the two states.
+    /// </remarks>
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    [DataField("deadBuffer")]
+    public float DeadBuffer { get; set; } = 2.5f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Is this Silicon currently dead?
+    /// </summary>
+    public bool Dead { get; set; } = false;
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Systems/SiliconChargeDeathSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Systems/SiliconChargeDeathSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..119ff3e96d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Systems/SiliconChargeDeathSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+// Simple Station
+using Content.Server.Power.Components;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Systems;
+// using Content.Server.Bed.Sleep; - nixsilvam: ну предположим это не нужно вообще теперь
+using Content.Shared.Bed.Sleep;
+// using Content.Server.Sound.Components; - nixsilvam: это в целом не используется тут, хз зачем оно было
+using Content.Server.ADT.Silicon.Charge;
+using System.Threading;
+using Timer = Robust.Shared.Timing.Timer;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Silicon.Death;
+public sealed class SiliconDeathSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly SleepingSystem _sleep = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SiliconChargeSystem _silicon = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconDownOnDeadComponent, SiliconChargeStateUpdateEvent>(OnSiliconChargeStateUpdate);
+    }
+    private void OnSiliconChargeStateUpdate(EntityUid uid, SiliconDownOnDeadComponent siliconDeadComp, SiliconChargeStateUpdateEvent args)
+    {
+        _silicon.TryGetSiliconBattery(uid, out var batteryComp, out var batteryUid);
+        if (args.ChargeState == ChargeState.Dead && siliconDeadComp.Dead)
+        {
+            siliconDeadComp.WakeToken?.Cancel();
+            return;
+        }
+        if (args.ChargeState == ChargeState.Dead && !siliconDeadComp.Dead)
+            SiliconDead(uid, siliconDeadComp, batteryComp, batteryUid);
+        else if (args.ChargeState != ChargeState.Dead && siliconDeadComp.Dead)
+        {
+            if (siliconDeadComp.DeadBuffer > 0)
+            {
+                siliconDeadComp.WakeToken?.Cancel(); // This should never matter, but better safe than loose timers.
+                var wakeToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
+                siliconDeadComp.WakeToken = wakeToken;
+                // If battery is dead, wait the dead buffer time and then wake it up.
+                Timer.Spawn(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(siliconDeadComp.DeadBuffer), () =>
+                {
+                    if (wakeToken.IsCancellationRequested)
+                        return;
+                    SiliconUnDead(uid, siliconDeadComp, batteryComp, batteryUid);
+                }, wakeToken.Token);
+            }
+            else
+                SiliconUnDead(uid, siliconDeadComp, batteryComp, batteryUid);
+        }
+    }
+    private void SiliconDead(EntityUid uid, SiliconDownOnDeadComponent siliconDeadComp, BatteryComponent? batteryComp, EntityUid batteryUid)
+    {
+        var deadEvent = new SiliconChargeDyingEvent(uid, batteryComp, batteryUid);
+        RaiseLocalEvent(uid, deadEvent);
+        if (deadEvent.Cancelled)
+            return;
+        EntityManager.EnsureComponent<SleepingComponent>(uid);
+        EntityManager.EnsureComponent<ForcedSleepingComponent>(uid);
+        siliconDeadComp.Dead = true;
+        RaiseLocalEvent(uid, new SiliconChargeDeathEvent(uid, batteryComp, batteryUid));
+    }
+    private void SiliconUnDead(EntityUid uid, SiliconDownOnDeadComponent siliconDeadComp, BatteryComponent? batteryComp, EntityUid batteryUid)
+    {
+        _sleep.TryWaking(uid, true, null);
+        siliconDeadComp.Dead = false;
+        RaiseLocalEvent(uid, new SiliconChargeAliveEvent(uid, batteryComp, batteryUid));
+    }
+/// <summary>
+///     A cancellable event raised when a Silicon is about to go down due to charge.
+/// </summary>
+/// <remarks>
+///     This probably shouldn't be modified unless you intend to fill the Silicon's battery,
+///     as otherwise it'll just be triggered again next frame.
+/// </remarks>
+public sealed class SiliconChargeDyingEvent : CancellableEntityEventArgs
+    public EntityUid SiliconUid { get; }
+    public BatteryComponent? BatteryComp { get; }
+    public EntityUid BatteryUid { get; }
+    public SiliconChargeDyingEvent(EntityUid siliconUid, BatteryComponent? batteryComp, EntityUid batteryUid)
+    {
+        SiliconUid = siliconUid;
+        BatteryComp = batteryComp;
+        BatteryUid = batteryUid;
+    }
+/// <summary>
+///     An event raised after a Silicon has gone down due to charge.
+/// </summary>
+public sealed class SiliconChargeDeathEvent : EntityEventArgs
+    public EntityUid SiliconUid { get; }
+    public BatteryComponent? BatteryComp { get; }
+    public EntityUid BatteryUid { get; }
+    public SiliconChargeDeathEvent(EntityUid siliconUid, BatteryComponent? batteryComp, EntityUid batteryUid)
+    {
+        SiliconUid = siliconUid;
+        BatteryComp = batteryComp;
+        BatteryUid = batteryUid;
+    }
+/// <summary>
+///     An event raised after a Silicon has reawoken due to an increase in charge.
+/// </summary>
+public sealed class SiliconChargeAliveEvent : EntityEventArgs
+    public EntityUid SiliconUid { get; }
+    public BatteryComponent? BatteryComp { get; }
+    public EntityUid BatteryUid { get; }
+    public SiliconChargeAliveEvent(EntityUid siliconUid, BatteryComponent? batteryComp, EntityUid batteryUid)
+    {
+        SiliconUid = siliconUid;
+        BatteryComp = batteryComp;
+        BatteryUid = batteryUid;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Systems/SiliconChargeSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Systems/SiliconChargeSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e607618e0ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Systems/SiliconChargeSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+// Simple Station
+using Robust.Shared.Random;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Components;
+using Content.Server.Power.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Mobs.Systems;
+using Content.Server.Temperature.Components;
+using Content.Server.Atmos.Components;
+using Content.Server.Atmos.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Popups;
+using Content.Shared.Popups;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Movement.Systems;
+using Content.Server.Body.Components;
+using Content.Server.Power.EntitySystems;
+using Robust.Shared.Containers;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.CCVar;
+using Robust.Shared.Configuration;
+using Robust.Shared.Utility;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Silicon.Charge;
+public sealed class SiliconChargeSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly MobStateSystem _mobState = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly FlammableSystem _flammable = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popup = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly MovementSpeedModifierSystem _moveMod = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly BatterySystem _battery = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedContainerSystem _container = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _timing = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IConfigurationManager _config = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconComponent, ComponentStartup>(OnSiliconStartup);
+    }
+    public bool TryGetSiliconBattery(EntityUid silicon, [NotNullWhen(true)] out BatteryComponent? batteryComp, out EntityUid batteryUid)
+    {
+        batteryComp = null;
+        batteryUid = silicon;
+        if (!EntityManager.TryGetComponent(silicon, out SiliconComponent? siliconComp))
+            return false;
+        /// этот блок по идее можно пропустить ибо у нас визардовские борги
+        // if (siliconComp.BatteryContainer != null &&
+        //     siliconComp.BatteryContainer.ContainedEntities.Count > 0 &&
+        //     TryComp(siliconComp.BatteryContainer.ContainedEntities[0], out batteryComp))
+        // {
+        //     batteryUid = siliconComp.BatteryContainer.ContainedEntities[0];
+        //     return true;
+        // }
+        if (TryComp(silicon, out batteryComp))
+            return true;
+        return false;
+    }
+    private void OnSiliconStartup(EntityUid uid, SiliconComponent component, ComponentStartup args)
+    {
+        if (component.BatterySlot == null)
+            return;
+    /// этот блок по идее можно пропустить ибо у нас визардовские борги
+        // var container = _container.GetContainer(uid, component.BatterySlot);
+        // component.BatteryContainer = container;
+        if (component.EntityType.GetType() != typeof(SiliconType))
+            DebugTools.Assert("SiliconComponent.EntityType is not a SiliconType enum.");
+    }
+    public override void Update(float frameTime)
+    {
+        base.Update(frameTime);
+        // For each siliconComp entity with a battery component, drain their charge.
+        var query = EntityQueryEnumerator<SiliconComponent>();
+        while (query.MoveNext(out var silicon, out var siliconComp))
+        {
+            if (!siliconComp.BatteryPowered)
+                continue;
+            // Check if the Silicon is an NPC, and if so, follow the delay as specified in the CVAR.
+            if (siliconComp.EntityType.Equals(SiliconType.Npc))
+            {
+                var updateTime = _config.GetCVar(SimpleStationCCVars.SiliconNpcUpdateTime);
+                if (_timing.CurTime - siliconComp.LastDrainTime < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(updateTime))
+                    continue;
+                siliconComp.LastDrainTime = _timing.CurTime;
+            }
+            // If you can't find a battery, set the indicator and skip it.
+            if (!TryGetSiliconBattery(silicon, out var batteryComp, out var battery))
+            {
+                UpdateChargeState(battery, ChargeState.Invalid, siliconComp);
+                continue;
+            }
+            // If the silicon is dead, skip it.
+            if (_mobState.IsDead(silicon))
+                continue;
+            var drainRate = siliconComp.DrainPerSecond;
+            // All multipliers will be subtracted by 1, and then added together, and then multiplied by the drain rate. This is then added to the base drain rate.
+            // This is to stop exponential increases, while still allowing for less-than-one multipliers.
+            var drainRateFinalAddi = 0f;
+            // TODO: Devise a method of adding multis where other systems can alter the drain rate.
+            // Maybe use something similar to refreshmovespeedmodifiers, where it's stored in the component.
+            // Maybe it doesn't matter, and stuff should just use static drain?
+            if (!siliconComp.EntityType.Equals(SiliconType.Npc)) // Don't bother checking heat if it's an NPC. It's a waste of time, and it'd be delayed due to the update time.
+                drainRateFinalAddi += SiliconHeatEffects(silicon, frameTime) - 1; // This will need to be changed at some point if we allow external batteries, since the heat of the Silicon might not be applicable.
+            // Ensures that the drain rate is at least 10% of normal,
+            // and would allow at least 4 minutes of life with a max charge, to prevent cheese.
+            drainRate += Math.Clamp(drainRateFinalAddi, drainRate * -0.9f, batteryComp.MaxCharge / 240);
+            // Drain the battery.
+            _battery.UseCharge(battery, frameTime * drainRate, batteryComp);
+            // Figure out the current state of the Silicon.
+            var chargePercent = batteryComp.CurrentCharge / batteryComp.MaxCharge;
+            var currentState = chargePercent switch
+            {
+                var x when x > siliconComp.ChargeThresholdMid => ChargeState.Full,
+                var x when x > siliconComp.ChargeThresholdLow => ChargeState.Mid,
+                var x when x > siliconComp.ChargeThresholdCritical => ChargeState.Low,
+                var x when x > 0 || siliconComp.ChargeThresholdCritical == 0 => ChargeState.Critical,
+                _ => ChargeState.Dead,
+            };
+            UpdateChargeState(silicon, currentState, siliconComp);
+        }
+    }
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Checks if anything needs to be updated, and updates it.
+    /// </summary>
+    public void UpdateChargeState(EntityUid uid, ChargeState state, SiliconComponent component)
+    {
+        if (component.ChargeState == state)
+            return;
+        component.ChargeState = state;
+        RaiseLocalEvent(uid, new SiliconChargeStateUpdateEvent(state));
+        _moveMod.RefreshMovementSpeedModifiers(uid);
+    }
+    private float SiliconHeatEffects(EntityUid silicon, float frameTime)
+    {
+        if (!EntityManager.TryGetComponent<TemperatureComponent>(silicon, out var temperComp) ||
+            !EntityManager.TryGetComponent<ThermalRegulatorComponent>(silicon, out var thermalComp))
+        {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        var siliconComp = EntityManager.GetComponent<SiliconComponent>(silicon);
+        // If the Silicon is hot, drain the battery faster, if it's cold, drain it slower, capped.
+        var upperThresh = thermalComp.NormalBodyTemperature + thermalComp.ThermalRegulationTemperatureThreshold;
+        var upperThreshHalf = thermalComp.NormalBodyTemperature + thermalComp.ThermalRegulationTemperatureThreshold * 0.5f;
+        // Check if the silicon is in a hot environment.
+        if (temperComp.CurrentTemperature > upperThreshHalf)
+        {
+            // Divide the current temp by the max comfortable temp capped to 4, then add that to the multiplier.
+            var hotTempMulti = Math.Min(temperComp.CurrentTemperature / upperThreshHalf, 4);
+            // If the silicon is hot enough, it has a chance to catch fire.
+            siliconComp.OverheatAccumulator += frameTime;
+            if (siliconComp.OverheatAccumulator >= 5)
+            {
+                siliconComp.OverheatAccumulator -= 5;
+                if (EntityManager.TryGetComponent<FlammableComponent>(silicon, out var flamComp) &&
+                    temperComp.CurrentTemperature > temperComp.HeatDamageThreshold &&
+                    !flamComp.OnFire &&
+                    _random.Prob(Math.Clamp(temperComp.CurrentTemperature / (upperThresh * 5), 0.001f, 0.9f)))
+                {
+                    //_flammable.Ignite(silicon, flamComp); // починить Ignite
+                }
+                else if ((flamComp == null || !flamComp.OnFire) &&
+                        _random.Prob(Math.Clamp(temperComp.CurrentTemperature / upperThresh, 0.001f, 0.75f)))
+                {
+                    _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("silicon-overheating"), silicon, silicon, PopupType.SmallCaution);
+                }
+            }
+            return hotTempMulti;
+        }
+        // Check if the silicon is in a cold environment.
+        if (temperComp.CurrentTemperature < thermalComp.NormalBodyTemperature)
+        {
+            var coldTempMulti = 0.5f + temperComp.CurrentTemperature / thermalComp.NormalBodyTemperature * 0.5f;
+            return coldTempMulti;
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Systems/SiliconChargerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Systems/SiliconChargerSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c15efebabc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Charge/Systems/SiliconChargerSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+// Simple Station
+using System.Linq;
+using Content.Server.Construction;
+using Content.Server.Explosion.Components;
+using Content.Server.Explosion.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Hands.Systems;
+using Content.Server.Popups;
+using Content.Server.Power.Components;
+using Content.Server.Power.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Storage.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Containers.ItemSlots;
+using Content.Shared.Damage;
+using Content.Shared.Damage.Prototypes;
+using Content.Shared.Hands.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Interaction.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Inventory;
+using Content.Shared.Popups;
+using Content.Shared.Power;
+using Content.Shared.PowerCell.Components;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon;
+using Content.Shared.StepTrigger.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Storage.Components;
+using Robust.Shared.Physics.Events;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Random;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Silicon.Charge;
+public sealed class SiliconChargerSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedAppearanceSystem _appearance = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly ItemSlotsSystem _itemSlots = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly DamageableSystem _damageable = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototypes = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popup = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly HandsSystem _hands = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly InventorySystem _inventory = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly ExplosionSystem _explosion = default!;
+    //[Dependency] private readonly SharedSiliconChargerSystem _sharedCharger = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly BatterySystem _battery = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _timing = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SiliconChargeSystem _silicon = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        // SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconChargerComponent, RefreshPartsEvent>(OnRefreshParts);
+        // SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconChargerComponent, UpgradeExamineEvent>(OnExamineParts);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconChargerComponent, StartCollideEvent>(OnStartCollide);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconChargerComponent, EndCollideEvent>(OnEndCollide);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconChargerComponent, ComponentShutdown>(OnChargerShutdown);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconChargerComponent, StorageAfterOpenEvent>(HandleStateOpen);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconChargerComponent, StorageAfterCloseEvent>(HandleStateClose);
+    }
+    // TODO: Potentially refactor this so it chaches all found entities upon the storage being closed, or stepped on, etc.
+    // Perhaps a variable for it? Open chargers like the pad wouldn't update to things picked up, but it seems silly to redo it each frame for closed ones.
+    private void HandleStateOpen(EntityUid uid, SiliconChargerComponent component, ref StorageAfterOpenEvent _)
+    {
+        UpdateState(uid, component);
+    }
+    /// <inheritdoc cref="HandleStateOpen"/>
+    private void HandleStateClose(EntityUid uid, SiliconChargerComponent component, ref StorageAfterCloseEvent _)
+    {
+        UpdateState(uid, component);
+    }
+    public override void Update(float frameTime)
+    {
+        base.Update(frameTime);
+        #region Entity Storage Chargers
+        // Check for any chargers with the EntityStorageComponent.
+        var entityStorageQuery = EntityQueryEnumerator<SiliconChargerComponent, EntityStorageComponent>();
+        while (entityStorageQuery.MoveNext(out var uid, out var chargerComp, out var entStorage))
+        {
+            var wasActive = chargerComp.Active;
+            chargerComp.Active = false;
+            if (TryComp<ApcPowerReceiverComponent>(uid, out var powerComp) && !powerComp.Powered)
+            {
+                if (chargerComp.Active != wasActive)
+                    UpdateState(uid, chargerComp);
+                continue;
+            }
+            foreach (var entity in entStorage.Contents.ContainedEntities)
+            {
+                chargerComp.Active = true;
+                var chargeRate = chargerComp.ChargeMulti * frameTime * 10;
+                HandleChargingEntity(entity, chargeRate, chargerComp, uid, frameTime);
+                // Heat up the air in the charger.
+                if (entStorage.Airtight)
+                {
+                    var curTemp = entStorage.Air.Temperature;
+                    entStorage.Air.Temperature += curTemp < chargerComp.TargetTemp ? frameTime * chargerComp.ChargeMulti / 100 : 0;
+                }
+            }
+            if (chargerComp.Active != wasActive)
+                UpdateState(uid, chargerComp);
+        }
+        #endregion Entity Storage Chargers
+        #region Step Trigger Chargers
+        // Check for any chargers with the StepTriggerComponent.
+        var stepQuery = EntityQueryEnumerator<SiliconChargerComponent, StepTriggerComponent>();
+        while (stepQuery.MoveNext(out var uid, out var chargerComp, out _))
+        {
+            if (chargerComp.PresentEntities.Count == 0 ||
+                TryComp<ApcPowerReceiverComponent>(uid, out var powerComp) && !powerComp.Powered)
+            {
+                if (chargerComp.Active)
+                {
+                    chargerComp.Active = false;
+                    UpdateState(uid, chargerComp);
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (!chargerComp.Active)
+            {
+                chargerComp.Active = true;
+                UpdateState(uid, chargerComp);
+            }
+            var chargeRate = frameTime * chargerComp.ChargeMulti / chargerComp.PresentEntities.Count;
+            foreach (var entity in chargerComp.PresentEntities.ToList())
+            {
+                HandleChargingEntity(entity, chargeRate, chargerComp, uid, frameTime);
+            }
+        }
+        #endregion Step Trigger Chargers
+    }
+    // Cleanup the sound stream when the charger is destroyed.
+    private void OnChargerShutdown(EntityUid uid, SiliconChargerComponent component, ComponentShutdown args)
+    {
+        //component.SoundStream?.Stop(); /// modern.df ipc-locale
+    }
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Handles working out what entities need to have their batteries charged, or be burnt.
+    /// </summary>
+    private void HandleChargingEntity(EntityUid entity, float chargeRate, SiliconChargerComponent chargerComp, EntityUid chargerUid, float frameTime, bool burn = true)
+    {
+        var entitiesToCharge = SearchThroughEntities(entity, burn);
+        if (entitiesToCharge.Count == 0)
+            return;
+        chargeRate *= chargerComp.PartsChargeMulti;
+        var entitiesToChargeCount = entitiesToCharge.Count;
+        foreach (var (entityToCharge, batteryComp) in entitiesToCharge.ToList())
+        {
+            if (batteryComp != null && batteryComp.CurrentCharge >= batteryComp.MaxCharge)
+                entitiesToChargeCount--; // Remove any full batteries from the count, so they don't impact charge rate.
+        }
+        // Now we charge the entities we found.
+        chargeRate /= entitiesToChargeCount;
+        foreach (var (entityToCharge, batteryComp) in entitiesToCharge.ToList())
+        {
+            if (batteryComp != null)
+                ChargeBattery(entityToCharge, batteryComp, chargeRate, chargerComp, chargerUid);
+            else if (TryComp<DamageableComponent>(entityToCharge, out var damageComp))
+                BurnEntity(entityToCharge, damageComp, frameTime, chargerComp, chargerUid);
+        }
+    }
+    private List<(EntityUid, BatteryComponent?)> SearchThroughEntities(EntityUid entity, bool burn = true)
+    {
+        var entitiesToCharge = new List<(EntityUid, BatteryComponent?)>();
+        // If the given entity is a silicon, charge their respective battery.
+        if (_silicon.TryGetSiliconBattery(entity, out var siliconBatteryComp, out var siliconBatteryUid))
+        {
+            entitiesToCharge.Add((siliconBatteryUid, siliconBatteryComp));
+        }
+        // Or if the given entity has a battery, charge it.
+        else if (!HasComp<UnremoveableComponent>(entity) && // Should probably be charged by the entity holding it. Might be too small to be safe.
+            TryComp<BatteryComponent>(entity, out var batteryComp))
+        {
+            entitiesToCharge.Add((entity, batteryComp));
+        }
+        // Or if the given entity contains a battery, charge it.
+        else if (!HasComp<UnremoveableComponent>(entity) && // Should probably be charged by the entity holding it. Might be too small to be safe.
+                TryComp<PowerCellSlotComponent>(entity, out var cellSlotComp) &&
+                _itemSlots.TryGetSlot(entity, cellSlotComp.CellSlotId, out var slot) &&
+                TryComp<BatteryComponent>(slot.Item, out var cellBattComp))
+        {
+            entitiesToCharge.Add((slot.Item.Value, cellBattComp));
+        }
+        // Or if the given entity is fleshy, burn the fucker.
+        else if (burn &&
+                TryComp<DamageableComponent>(entity, out var damageComp) &&
+                damageComp.DamageContainerID == "Biological")
+        {
+            entitiesToCharge.Add((entity, null));
+        }
+        // Now the weird part, we check for any inventories the entities contained may have, and run this function on any entities contained, for a recursive charging effect.
+        if (TryComp<HandsComponent>(entity, out var handsComp))
+        {
+            foreach (var heldEntity in _hands.EnumerateHeld(entity, handsComp))
+            {
+                entitiesToCharge.AddRange(SearchThroughEntities(heldEntity));
+            }
+        }
+        if (TryComp<InventoryComponent>(entity, out var inventoryComp))
+        {
+            if (_inventory.TryGetSlots(entity, out var slots))
+            {
+                foreach (var slot in slots)
+                {
+                    if (_inventory.TryGetSlotEntity(entity, slot.Name, out var slotItem))
+                        entitiesToCharge.AddRange(SearchThroughEntities(slotItem.Value));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /// modern.df ipc-locale
+        /*
+        if (TryComp<ServerStorageComponent>(entity, out var storageComp))
+        {
+            foreach (var containedEntity in storageComp.StoredEntities!)
+            {
+                entitiesToCharge.AddRange(SearchThroughEntities(containedEntity));
+            }
+        }
+        */
+        if (TryComp<EntityStorageComponent>(entity, out var entStorage))
+        {
+            foreach (var containedEntity in entStorage.Contents.ContainedEntities)
+            {
+                entitiesToCharge.AddRange(SearchThroughEntities(containedEntity));
+            }
+        }
+        return entitiesToCharge;
+    }
+    private void ChargeBattery(EntityUid entity, BatteryComponent batteryComp, float chargeRate, SiliconChargerComponent chargerComp, EntityUid chargerUid)
+    {
+        // Do some math so a charger never charges a battery from zero to full in less than the minimum time, just for the effect of it.
+        if (chargerComp.ChargeMulti * 10 > batteryComp.MaxCharge / chargerComp.MinChargeTime)
+            chargeRate /= chargerComp.ChargeMulti * 10 / (batteryComp.MaxCharge / chargerComp.MinChargeTime);
+        if (batteryComp.CurrentCharge + chargeRate < batteryComp.MaxCharge)
+            _battery.SetCharge(entity, batteryComp.CurrentCharge + chargeRate, batteryComp);
+        else
+            _battery.SetCharge(entity, batteryComp.MaxCharge, batteryComp);
+        // If the battery is too small, explode it.
+        if ((batteryComp.MaxCharge - batteryComp.CurrentCharge) * 1.2 + batteryComp.MaxCharge < chargerComp.MinChargeSize)
+        {
+            if (TryComp<ExplosiveComponent>(entity, out var explosiveComp))
+                _explosion.TriggerExplosive(entity, explosiveComp);
+            else
+                _explosion.QueueExplosion(entity, "Default", batteryComp.MaxCharge / 50, 1.5f, 200, user: chargerUid);
+        }
+    }
+    private void BurnEntity(EntityUid entity, DamageableComponent damageComp, float frameTime, SiliconChargerComponent chargerComp, EntityUid chargerUid)
+    {
+        var damage = new DamageSpecifier(_prototypes.Index<DamageTypePrototype>(chargerComp.DamageType), frameTime * chargerComp.ChargeMulti / 100);
+        var damageDealt = _damageable.TryChangeDamage(entity, damage, false, true, damageComp, chargerUid);
+        if (damageDealt != null && chargerComp.WarningTime < _timing.CurTime)
+        {
+            var popupBurn = Loc.GetString(chargerComp.OverheatString);
+            _popup.PopupEntity(popupBurn, entity, entity, PopupType.MediumCaution);
+            chargerComp.WarningTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_random.Next(3, 7)) + _timing.CurTime;
+        }
+    }
+    // private void OnRefreshParts(EntityUid uid, SiliconChargerComponent component, RefreshPartsEvent args)
+    // {
+    //     var chargeMod = args.PartRatings[component.ChargeSpeedPart];
+    //     var efficiencyMod = args.PartRatings[component.ChargeEfficiencyPart];
+    //     component.PartsChargeMulti = chargeMod * component.UpgradePartsMulti;
+    //     // TODO: Variable power draw, with efficiency.
+    // }
+    // private void OnExamineParts(EntityUid uid, SiliconChargerComponent component, UpgradeExamineEvent args)
+    // {
+    //     args.AddPercentageUpgrade("silicon-charger-chargerate-string", component.PartsChargeMulti);
+    //     // TODO: Variable power draw, with efficiency.
+    // }
+    #region Charger specific
+    #region Step Trigger Chargers
+    // When an entity starts colliding with the charger, add it to the list of entities present on the charger if it has the StepTriggerComponent.
+    private void OnStartCollide(EntityUid uid, SiliconChargerComponent component, ref StartCollideEvent args)
+    {
+        if (!HasComp<StepTriggerComponent>(uid))
+            return;
+        var target = args.OtherEntity;
+        if (component.PresentEntities.Contains(target))
+            return;
+        if (component.PresentEntities.Count >= component.MaxEntities)
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("silicon-charger-list-full", ("charger", args.OurEntity)), target, target);
+            return;
+        }
+        component.PresentEntities.Add(target);
+    }
+    // When an entity stops colliding with the charger, remove it from the list of entities present on the charger.
+    private void OnEndCollide(EntityUid uid, SiliconChargerComponent component, ref EndCollideEvent args)
+    {
+        if (!HasComp<StepTriggerComponent>(uid))
+            return;
+        var target = args.OtherEntity;
+        if (component.PresentEntities.Contains(target))
+        {
+            component.PresentEntities.Remove(target);
+        }
+    }
+    #endregion Step Trigger Chargers
+    #endregion Charger specific
+    public void UpdateState(EntityUid uid, SiliconChargerComponent? component = null)
+    {
+        if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
+            return;
+        if (component.Active)
+        {
+            _appearance.SetData(uid, PowerDeviceVisuals.VisualState, SiliconChargerVisualState.Charging);
+            // If we're in prediction, return since Client doesn't have the information needed to handle this.
+            // Didn't seem to matter in practice, but probably for the best.
+            if (_timing.InPrediction)
+                return;
+            //if (component.SoundLoop != null && component.SoundStream == null)
+            //    component.SoundStream =
+            //        _audio.PlayPvs(component.SoundLoop, uid, AudioParams.Default.WithLoop(true).WithMaxDistance(5));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            var state = SiliconChargerVisualState.Normal;
+            if (EntityManager.TryGetComponent<EntityStorageComponent>(uid, out var storageComp) && storageComp.Open)
+                state = SiliconChargerVisualState.NormalOpen;
+            _appearance.SetData(uid, PowerDeviceVisuals.VisualState, state);
+            // If we're in prediction, return since Client doesn't have the information needed to handle this.
+            // Didn't seem to matter in practice, but probably for the best.
+            if (_timing.InPrediction)
+                return;
+            //component.SoundStream?.Stop();
+            //component.SoundStream = null;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Systems/SiliconEmpSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Systems/SiliconEmpSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9c76895e91b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Systems/SiliconEmpSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// Simple Station
+using Content.Server.Emp;
+using Content.Server.Speech.Muting;
+using Content.Server.Stunnable;
+using Content.Shared.CombatMode.Pacification;
+using Content.Shared.Eye.Blinding.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Eye.Blinding.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Components;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Speech.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.Speech.Muting;
+using Content.Shared.StatusEffect;
+using Robust.Shared.Random;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Silicon.Systems;
+public sealed class SiliconEmpSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly StatusEffectsSystem _status = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly StunSystem _stun = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedStutteringSystem _stuttering = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedSlurredSystem _slurredSystem = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconComponent, EmpPulseEvent>(OnEmpPulse);
+    }
+    private void OnEmpPulse(EntityUid uid, SiliconComponent component, ref EmpPulseEvent args)
+    {
+        args.EnergyConsumption *= 0.25f; // EMPs drain a lot of freakin power.
+        if (!TryComp<StatusEffectsComponent>(uid, out var statusComp))
+            return;
+        args.Affected = true;
+        args.Disabled = true;
+        var duration = args.Duration / 1.5; // We divide the duration since EMPs are balanced for structures, not people.
+        if (duration.TotalSeconds * 0.25 >= 3) // If the EMP blast is strong enough, we stun them.
+        // This is mostly to prevent flickering in/out of being stunned. We also cap how long they can be stunned for.
+        {
+            _stun.TryParalyze(uid, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Min(duration.TotalSeconds * 0.25f, 15f)), true, statusComp);
+        }
+        _stun.TrySlowdown(uid, duration, true, _random.NextFloat(0.50f, 0.70f), _random.NextFloat(0.35f, 0.70f), statusComp);
+        _status.TryAddStatusEffect<SeeingStaticComponent>(uid, SharedSeeingStaticSystem.StaticKey, duration, true, statusComp);
+        if (_random.Prob(0.60f))
+            _stuttering.DoStutter(uid, duration * 2, false, statusComp);
+        else if (_random.Prob(0.80f))
+            _slurredSystem.DoSlur(uid, duration * 2, statusComp);
+        if (_random.Prob(0.02f))
+            _status.TryAddStatusEffect<MutedComponent>(uid, "Muted", duration * 0.5, true, statusComp);
+        if (_random.Prob(0.02f))
+            _status.TryAddStatusEffect<TemporaryBlindnessComponent>(uid, TemporaryBlindnessSystem.BlindingStatusEffect, duration * 0.5, true, statusComp);
+        if (_random.Prob(0.08f))
+            _status.TryAddStatusEffect<PacifiedComponent>(uid, "Pacified", duration * 0.5, true, statusComp);
+        args.EnergyConsumption = 0;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Systems/SiliconMiscSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Systems/SiliconMiscSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f4b37888149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/ADT/Silicon/Systems/SiliconMiscSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Bed.Sleep;
+using static Content.Shared.Repairable.SharedRepairableSystem;
+using Content.Server.Body.Components;
+using Content.Server.Body.Systems;
+namespace Content.Server.ADT.Silicon.Sytstems;
+public sealed class SiliconMiscSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly BloodstreamSystem _blood = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconComponent, TryingToSleepEvent>(OnTryingToSleep);
+        //SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconComponent, RepairFinishedEvent>(OnRepairFinished);
+    }
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Stops Silicons from being capable of sleeping.
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <remarks>
+    ///     This is stupid.
+    /// </remarks>
+    private void OnTryingToSleep(EntityUid uid, SiliconComponent component, ref TryingToSleepEvent args)
+    {
+        args.Cancelled = true;
+    }
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Ensure Silicons stop bleeding when repaired, if they can bleed.
+    /// </summary>
+    //private void OnRepairFinished(EntityUid uid, SiliconComponent component, RepairFinishedEvent args)
+    //{
+    //    if (TryComp<BloodstreamComponent>(uid, out var bloodComp))
+    //    {
+    //        _blood.TryModifyBleedAmount(uid, -bloodComp.BleedAmount, bloodComp);
+    //    }
+    //}
diff --git a/Content.Server/Access/LogWireAction.cs b/Content.Server/Access/LogWireAction.cs
index 1e97d5c9d67..837cf420d5e 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Access/LogWireAction.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Access/LogWireAction.cs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public sealed partial class LogWireAction : ComponentWireAction<AccessReaderComp
         return comp.LoggingDisabled ? StatusLightState.Off : StatusLightState.On;
-    public override object StatusKey => AccessWireActionKey.Status;
+    public override object StatusKey => LogWireActionKey.Status;
     public override void Initialize()
diff --git a/Content.Server/Administration/Commands/JobWhitelistCommands.cs b/Content.Server/Administration/Commands/JobWhitelistCommands.cs
index a84a11ef848..e604417f920 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Administration/Commands/JobWhitelistCommands.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Administration/Commands/JobWhitelistCommands.cs
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public override async void Execute(IConsoleShell shell, string argStr, string[]
             var isWhitelisted = await _db.IsJobWhitelisted(guid, job);
             if (isWhitelisted)
-                shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("cmd-jobwhitelist-already-whitelisted",
+                shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("cmd-jobwhitelistadd-already-whitelisted",
                     ("player", player),
                     ("jobId", job.Id),
                     ("jobName", jobPrototype.LocalizedName)));
diff --git a/Content.Server/Administration/Commands/SetOutfitCommand.cs b/Content.Server/Administration/Commands/SetOutfitCommand.cs
index 15d8d4afb7b..bf3cc79c4ad 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Administration/Commands/SetOutfitCommand.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Administration/Commands/SetOutfitCommand.cs
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
 using Robust.Shared.Console;
 using Robust.Shared.Player;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Content.Shared.Radio.Components; // Parkstation-IPC
+using Content.Shared.Containers; // Parkstation-IPC
+using Robust.Shared.Containers; // Parkstation-IPC
 namespace Content.Server.Administration.Commands
@@ -127,6 +130,36 @@ public static bool SetOutfit(EntityUid target, string gear, IEntityManager entit
+            // Parkstation-Ipc-Start
+            // Pretty much copied from StationSpawningSystem.SpawnStartingGear
+            if (entityManager.TryGetComponent<EncryptionKeyHolderComponent>(target, out var keyHolderComp))
+            {
+                var earEquipString = startingGear.GetGear("ears");
+                var containerMan = entityManager.System<SharedContainerSystem>();
+                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(earEquipString))
+                {
+                    var earEntity = entityManager.SpawnEntity(earEquipString, entityManager.GetComponent<TransformComponent>(target).Coordinates);
+                    if (entityManager.TryGetComponent<EncryptionKeyHolderComponent>(earEntity, out _) && // I had initially wanted this to spawn the headset, and simply move all the keys over, but the headset didn't seem to have any keys in it when spawned...
+                        entityManager.TryGetComponent<ContainerFillComponent>(earEntity, out var fillComp) &&
+                        fillComp.Containers.TryGetValue(EncryptionKeyHolderComponent.KeyContainerName, out var defaultKeys))
+                    {
+                        containerMan.CleanContainer(keyHolderComp.KeyContainer);
+                        foreach (var key in defaultKeys)
+                        {
+                            var keyEntity = entityManager.SpawnEntity(key, entityManager.GetComponent<TransformComponent>(target).Coordinates);
+                            containerMan.Insert(keyEntity, keyHolderComp.KeyContainer);
+                            //keyHolderComp.KeyContainer.Insert(keyEntity, force: true);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    entityManager.QueueDeleteEntity(earEntity);
+                }
+            }
+            // Parkstation-Ipc-End
             return true;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Administration/Logs/Converters/EntityCoordinatesConverter.cs b/Content.Server/Administration/Logs/Converters/EntityCoordinatesConverter.cs
index 0384e069561..3de5d98a81a 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Administration/Logs/Converters/EntityCoordinatesConverter.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Administration/Logs/Converters/EntityCoordinatesConverter.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 using System.Text.Json;
-using Content.Server.Station.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using Robust.Shared.Map;
 using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/AdminVerbSystem.Smites.cs b/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/AdminVerbSystem.Smites.cs
index eb21662719e..1f5abf6726b 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/AdminVerbSystem.Smites.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/AdminVerbSystem.Smites.cs
@@ -285,18 +285,18 @@ private void AddSmiteVerbs(GetVerbsEvent<Verb> args)
                 Text = "admin-smite-remove-hands-name",
                 Category = VerbCategory.Smite,
-                Icon = new SpriteSpecifier.Rsi(new ("/Textures/Fluids/vomit_toxin.rsi"), "vomit_toxin-1"),
+                Icon = new SpriteSpecifier.Rsi(new("/Textures/Fluids/vomit_toxin.rsi"), "vomit_toxin-1"),
                 Act = () =>
                     _vomitSystem.Vomit(args.Target, -1000, -1000); // You feel hollow!
-                    var organs = _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganComponents<TransformComponent>(args.Target, body);
+                    var organs = _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganEntityComps<TransformComponent>((args.Target, body));
                     var baseXform = Transform(args.Target);
-                    foreach (var (xform, organ) in organs)
+                    foreach (var organ in organs)
-                        if (HasComp<BrainComponent>(xform.Owner) || HasComp<EyeComponent>(xform.Owner))
+                        if (HasComp<BrainComponent>(organ.Owner) || HasComp<EyeComponent>(organ.Owner))
-                        _transformSystem.AttachToGridOrMap(organ.Owner);
+                        _transformSystem.PlaceNextTo((organ.Owner, organ.Comp1), (args.Target, baseXform));
                     _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("admin-smite-vomit-organs-self"), args.Target,
@@ -361,9 +361,9 @@ private void AddSmiteVerbs(GetVerbsEvent<Verb> args)
                 Icon = new SpriteSpecifier.Rsi(new ("/Textures/Mobs/Species/Human/organs.rsi"), "stomach"),
                 Act = () =>
-                    foreach (var (component, _) in _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganComponents<StomachComponent>(args.Target, body))
+                    foreach (var entity in _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganEntityComps<StomachComponent>((args.Target, body)))
-                        QueueDel(component.Owner);
+                        QueueDel(entity.Owner);
                     _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("admin-smite-stomach-removal-self"), args.Target,
@@ -381,9 +381,9 @@ private void AddSmiteVerbs(GetVerbsEvent<Verb> args)
                 Icon = new SpriteSpecifier.Rsi(new ("/Textures/Mobs/Species/Human/organs.rsi"), "lung-r"),
                 Act = () =>
-                    foreach (var (component, _) in _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganComponents<LungComponent>(args.Target, body))
+                    foreach (var entity in _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganEntityComps<LungComponent>((args.Target, body)))
-                        QueueDel(component.Owner);
+                        QueueDel(entity.Owner);
                     _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("admin-smite-lung-removal-self"), args.Target,
diff --git a/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/AdminVerbSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/AdminVerbSystem.cs
index d7888b491c3..3c8f7cd553c 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/AdminVerbSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/AdminVerbSystem.cs
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ private void AddAdminVerbs(GetVerbsEvent<Verb> args)
                             if (targetMind != null)
-                                _mindSystem.TransferTo(targetMind.Value, mobUid);
+                                _mindSystem.TransferTo(targetMind.Value, mobUid, true);
                         ConfirmationPopup = true,
diff --git a/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/BwoinkSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/BwoinkSystem.cs
index 827a9944752..a9a994d716f 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/BwoinkSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/BwoinkSystem.cs
@@ -7,11 +7,13 @@
 using System.Threading.Tasks;
 using Content.Server.Administration.Managers;
 using Content.Server.Afk;
+using Content.Server.Database;
 using Content.Server.Discord;
 using Content.Server.GameTicking;
 using Content.Server.Players.RateLimiting;
 using Content.Shared.Administration;
 using Content.Shared.CCVar;
+using Content.Shared.GameTicking;
 using Content.Shared.Mind;
 using JetBrains.Annotations;
 using Robust.Server.Player;
@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ public sealed partial class BwoinkSystem : SharedBwoinkSystem
         [Dependency] private readonly GameTicker _gameTicker = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly SharedMindSystem _minds = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly IAfkManager _afkManager = default!;
+        [Dependency] private readonly IServerDbManager _dbManager = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly PlayerRateLimitManager _rateLimit = default!;
@@ -50,7 +53,11 @@ public sealed partial class BwoinkSystem : SharedBwoinkSystem
         private string _footerIconUrl = string.Empty;
         private string _avatarUrl = string.Empty;
         private string _serverName = string.Empty;
-        private readonly Dictionary<NetUserId, (string? id, string username, string description, string? characterName, GameRunLevel lastRunLevel)> _relayMessages = new();
+        private readonly
+            Dictionary<NetUserId, (string? id, string username, string description, string? characterName, GameRunLevel
+                lastRunLevel)> _relayMessages = new();
         private Dictionary<NetUserId, string> _oldMessageIds = new();
         private readonly Dictionary<NetUserId, Queue<string>> _messageQueues = new();
         private readonly HashSet<NetUserId> _processingChannels = new();
@@ -69,6 +76,7 @@ public sealed partial class BwoinkSystem : SharedBwoinkSystem
         private const string TooLongText = "... **(too long)**";
         private int _maxAdditionalChars;
+        private readonly Dictionary<NetUserId, DateTime> _activeConversations = new();
         public override void Initialize()
@@ -79,13 +87,22 @@ public override void Initialize()
             Subs.CVar(_config, CVars.GameHostName, OnServerNameChanged, true);
             Subs.CVar(_config, CCVars.AdminAhelpOverrideClientName, OnOverrideChanged, true);
             _sawmill = IoCManager.Resolve<ILogManager>().GetSawmill("AHELP");
-            _maxAdditionalChars = GenerateAHelpMessage("", "", true, _gameTicker.RoundDuration().ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss"), _gameTicker.RunLevel, playedSound: false).Length;
+            var defaultParams = new AHelpMessageParams(
+                string.Empty,
+                string.Empty,
+                true,
+                _gameTicker.RoundDuration().ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss"),
+                _gameTicker.RunLevel,
+                playedSound: false
+            );
+            _maxAdditionalChars = GenerateAHelpMessage(defaultParams).Length;
             _playerManager.PlayerStatusChanged += OnPlayerStatusChanged;
+            SubscribeLocalEvent<RoundRestartCleanupEvent>(_ => _activeConversations.Clear());
-            _rateLimit.Register(
+        	_rateLimit.Register(
                 new RateLimitRegistration
@@ -107,14 +124,129 @@ private void OnOverrideChanged(string obj)
             _overrideClientName = obj;
-        private void OnPlayerStatusChanged(object? sender, SessionStatusEventArgs e)
+        private async void OnPlayerStatusChanged(object? sender, SessionStatusEventArgs e)
+            if (e.NewStatus == SessionStatus.Disconnected)
+            {
+                if (_activeConversations.TryGetValue(e.Session.UserId, out var lastMessageTime))
+                {
+                    var timeSinceLastMessage = DateTime.Now - lastMessageTime;
+                    if (timeSinceLastMessage > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))
+                    {
+                        _activeConversations.Remove(e.Session.UserId);
+                        return; // Do not send disconnect message if timeout exceeded
+                    }
+                }
+                // Check if the user has been banned
+                var ban = await _dbManager.GetServerBanAsync(null, e.Session.UserId, null);
+                if (ban != null)
+                {
+                    var banMessage = Loc.GetString("bwoink-system-player-banned", ("banReason", ban.Reason));
+                    NotifyAdmins(e.Session, banMessage, PlayerStatusType.Banned);
+                    _activeConversations.Remove(e.Session.UserId);
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+            // Notify all admins if a player disconnects or reconnects
+            var message = e.NewStatus switch
+            {
+                SessionStatus.Connected => Loc.GetString("bwoink-system-player-reconnecting"),
+                SessionStatus.Disconnected => Loc.GetString("bwoink-system-player-disconnecting"),
+                _ => null
+            };
+            if (message != null)
+            {
+                var statusType = e.NewStatus == SessionStatus.Connected
+                    ? PlayerStatusType.Connected
+                    : PlayerStatusType.Disconnected;
+                NotifyAdmins(e.Session, message, statusType);
+            }
             if (e.NewStatus != SessionStatus.InGame)
             RaiseNetworkEvent(new BwoinkDiscordRelayUpdated(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_webhookUrl)), e.Session);
+        private void NotifyAdmins(ICommonSession session, string message, PlayerStatusType statusType)
+        {
+            if (!_activeConversations.ContainsKey(session.UserId))
+            {
+                // If the user is not part of an active conversation, do not notify admins.
+                return;
+            }
+            // Get the current timestamp
+            var timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
+            var roundTime = _gameTicker.RoundDuration().ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss");
+            // Determine the icon based on the status type
+            string icon = statusType switch
+            {
+                PlayerStatusType.Connected => ":green_circle:",
+                PlayerStatusType.Disconnected => ":red_circle:",
+                PlayerStatusType.Banned => ":no_entry:",
+                _ => ":question:"
+            };
+            // Create the message parameters for Discord
+            var messageParams = new AHelpMessageParams(
+                session.Name,
+                message,
+                true,
+                roundTime,
+                _gameTicker.RunLevel,
+                playedSound: true,
+                icon: icon
+            );
+            // Create the message for in-game with username
+            var color = statusType switch
+            {
+                PlayerStatusType.Connected => Color.Green.ToHex(),
+                PlayerStatusType.Disconnected => Color.Yellow.ToHex(),
+                PlayerStatusType.Banned => Color.Orange.ToHex(),
+                _ => Color.Gray.ToHex(),
+            };
+            var inGameMessage = $"[color={color}]{session.Name} {message}[/color]";
+            var bwoinkMessage = new BwoinkTextMessage(
+                userId: session.UserId,
+                trueSender: SystemUserId,
+                text: inGameMessage,
+                sentAt: DateTime.Now,
+                playSound: false
+            );
+            var admins = GetTargetAdmins();
+            foreach (var admin in admins)
+            {
+                RaiseNetworkEvent(bwoinkMessage, admin);
+            }
+            // Enqueue the message for Discord relay
+            if (_webhookUrl != string.Empty)
+            {
+                // if (!_messageQueues.ContainsKey(session.UserId))
+                //     _messageQueues[session.UserId] = new Queue<string>();
+                //
+                // var escapedText = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message);
+                // messageParams.Message = escapedText;
+                //
+                // var discordMessage = GenerateAHelpMessage(messageParams);
+                // _messageQueues[session.UserId].Enqueue(discordMessage);
+                var queue = _messageQueues.GetOrNew(session.UserId);
+                var escapedText = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message);
+                messageParams.Message = escapedText;
+                var discordMessage = GenerateAHelpMessage(messageParams);
+                queue.Enqueue(discordMessage);
+            }
+        }
         private void OnGameRunLevelChanged(GameRunLevelChangedEvent args)
             // Don't make a new embed if we
@@ -209,7 +341,8 @@ private async Task SetWebhookData(string id, string token)
             var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
             if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
-                _sawmill.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Discord returned bad status code when trying to get webhook data (perhaps the webhook URL is invalid?): {response.StatusCode}\nResponse: {content}");
+                _sawmill.Log(LogLevel.Error,
+                    $"Discord returned bad status code when trying to get webhook data (perhaps the webhook URL is invalid?): {response.StatusCode}\nResponse: {content}");
@@ -233,7 +366,7 @@ private async void ProcessQueue(NetUserId userId, Queue<string> messages)
             // Whether the message will become too long after adding these new messages
             var tooLong = exists && messages.Sum(msg => Math.Min(msg.Length, MessageLengthCap) + "\n".Length)
-                    + existingEmbed.description.Length > DescriptionMax;
+                + existingEmbed.description.Length > DescriptionMax;
             // If there is no existing embed, or it is getting too long, we create a new embed
             if (!exists || tooLong)
@@ -242,7 +375,8 @@ private async void ProcessQueue(NetUserId userId, Queue<string> messages)
                 if (lookup == null)
-                    _sawmill.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Unable to find player for NetUserId {userId} when sending discord webhook.");
+                    _sawmill.Log(LogLevel.Error,
+                        $"Unable to find player for NetUserId {userId} when sending discord webhook.");
@@ -254,11 +388,13 @@ private async void ProcessQueue(NetUserId userId, Queue<string> messages)
                     if (tooLong && existingEmbed.id != null)
-                        linkToPrevious = $"**[Go to previous embed of this round](https://discord.com/channels/{guildId}/{channelId}/{existingEmbed.id})**\n";
+                        linkToPrevious =
+                            $"**[Go to previous embed of this round](https://discord.com/channels/{guildId}/{channelId}/{existingEmbed.id})**\n";
                     else if (_oldMessageIds.TryGetValue(userId, out var id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
-                        linkToPrevious = $"**[Go to last round's conversation with this player](https://discord.com/channels/{guildId}/{channelId}/{id})**\n";
+                        linkToPrevious =
+                            $"**[Go to last round's conversation with this player](https://discord.com/channels/{guildId}/{channelId}/{id})**\n";
@@ -274,7 +410,8 @@ private async void ProcessQueue(NetUserId userId, Queue<string> messages)
                     GameRunLevel.PreRoundLobby => "\n\n:arrow_forward: _**Pre-round lobby started**_\n",
                     GameRunLevel.InRound => "\n\n:arrow_forward: _**Round started**_\n",
                     GameRunLevel.PostRound => "\n\n:stop_button: _**Post-round started**_\n",
-                    _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_gameTicker.RunLevel), $"{_gameTicker.RunLevel} was not matched."),
+                    _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_gameTicker.RunLevel),
+                        $"{_gameTicker.RunLevel} was not matched."),
                 existingEmbed.lastRunLevel = _gameTicker.RunLevel;
@@ -290,7 +427,9 @@ private async void ProcessQueue(NetUserId userId, Queue<string> messages)
                 existingEmbed.description += $"\n{message}";
-            var payload = GeneratePayload(existingEmbed.description, existingEmbed.username, existingEmbed.characterName);
+            var payload = GeneratePayload(existingEmbed.description,
+                existingEmbed.username,
+                existingEmbed.characterName);
             // If there is no existing embed, create a new one
             // Otherwise patch (edit) it
@@ -302,7 +441,8 @@ private async void ProcessQueue(NetUserId userId, Queue<string> messages)
                 var content = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                 if (!request.IsSuccessStatusCode)
-                    _sawmill.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Discord returned bad status code when posting message (perhaps the message is too long?): {request.StatusCode}\nResponse: {content}");
+                    _sawmill.Log(LogLevel.Error,
+                        $"Discord returned bad status code when posting message (perhaps the message is too long?): {request.StatusCode}\nResponse: {content}");
@@ -310,7 +450,8 @@ private async void ProcessQueue(NetUserId userId, Queue<string> messages)
                 var id = JsonNode.Parse(content)?["id"];
                 if (id == null)
-                    _sawmill.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Could not find id in json-content returned from discord webhook: {content}");
+                    _sawmill.Log(LogLevel.Error,
+                        $"Could not find id in json-content returned from discord webhook: {content}");
@@ -325,7 +466,8 @@ private async void ProcessQueue(NetUserId userId, Queue<string> messages)
                 if (!request.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                     var content = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
-                    _sawmill.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Discord returned bad status code when patching message (perhaps the message is too long?): {request.StatusCode}\nResponse: {content}");
+                    _sawmill.Log(LogLevel.Error,
+                        $"Discord returned bad status code when patching message (perhaps the message is too long?): {request.StatusCode}\nResponse: {content}");
@@ -355,7 +497,8 @@ private WebhookPayload GeneratePayload(string messages, string username, string?
                     : $"pre-round lobby for round {_gameTicker.RoundId + 1}",
                 GameRunLevel.InRound => $"round {_gameTicker.RoundId}",
                 GameRunLevel.PostRound => $"post-round {_gameTicker.RoundId}",
-                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_gameTicker.RunLevel), $"{_gameTicker.RunLevel} was not matched."),
+                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_gameTicker.RunLevel),
+                    $"{_gameTicker.RunLevel} was not matched."),
             return new WebhookPayload
@@ -401,6 +544,7 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime)
         protected override void OnBwoinkTextMessage(BwoinkTextMessage message, EntitySessionEventArgs eventArgs)
             base.OnBwoinkTextMessage(message, eventArgs);
+            _activeConversations[message.UserId] = DateTime.Now;
             var senderSession = eventArgs.SenderSession;
             // TODO: Sanitize text?
@@ -422,7 +566,9 @@ protected override void OnBwoinkTextMessage(BwoinkTextMessage message, EntitySes
             string bwoinkText;
-            if (senderAdmin is not null && senderAdmin.Flags == AdminFlags.Adminhelp) // Mentor. Not full admin. That's why it's colored differently.
+            if (senderAdmin is not null &&
+                senderAdmin.Flags ==
+                AdminFlags.Adminhelp) // Mentor. Not full admin. That's why it's colored differently.
                 bwoinkText = $"[color=purple]{senderSession.Name}[/color]";
@@ -461,7 +607,9 @@ protected override void OnBwoinkTextMessage(BwoinkTextMessage message, EntitySes
                         string overrideMsgText;
                         // Doing the same thing as above, but with the override name. Theres probably a better way to do this.
-                        if (senderAdmin is not null && senderAdmin.Flags == AdminFlags.Adminhelp) // Mentor. Not full admin. That's why it's colored differently.
+                        if (senderAdmin is not null &&
+                            senderAdmin.Flags ==
+                            AdminFlags.Adminhelp) // Mentor. Not full admin. That's why it's colored differently.
                             overrideMsgText = $"[color=purple]{_overrideClientName}[/color]";
@@ -476,7 +624,11 @@ protected override void OnBwoinkTextMessage(BwoinkTextMessage message, EntitySes
                         overrideMsgText = $"{(message.PlaySound ? "" : "(S) ")}{overrideMsgText}: {escapedText}";
-                        RaiseNetworkEvent(new BwoinkTextMessage(message.UserId, senderSession.UserId, overrideMsgText, playSound: playSound), session.Channel);
+                        RaiseNetworkEvent(new BwoinkTextMessage(message.UserId,
+                                senderSession.UserId,
+                                overrideMsgText,
+                                playSound: playSound),
+                            session.Channel);
                         RaiseNetworkEvent(msg, session.Channel);
@@ -496,8 +648,18 @@ protected override void OnBwoinkTextMessage(BwoinkTextMessage message, EntitySes
                     str = str[..(DescriptionMax - _maxAdditionalChars - unameLength)];
                 var nonAfkAdmins = GetNonAfkAdmins();
-                _messageQueues[msg.UserId].Enqueue(GenerateAHelpMessage(senderSession.Name, str, !personalChannel, _gameTicker.RoundDuration().ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss"), _gameTicker.RunLevel, playedSound: playSound, noReceivers: nonAfkAdmins.Count == 0));
+                var messageParams = new AHelpMessageParams(
+                    senderSession.Name,
+                    str,
+                    !personalChannel,
+                    _gameTicker.RoundDuration().ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss"),
+                    _gameTicker.RunLevel,
+                    playedSound: playSound,
+                    noReceivers: nonAfkAdmins.Count == 0
+                );
+                _messageQueues[msg.UserId].Enqueue(GenerateAHelpMessage(messageParams));
             if (admins.Count != 0 || sendsWebhook)
@@ -512,7 +674,8 @@ protected override void OnBwoinkTextMessage(BwoinkTextMessage message, EntitySes
         private IList<INetChannel> GetNonAfkAdmins()
             return _adminManager.ActiveAdmins
-                .Where(p => (_adminManager.GetAdminData(p)?.HasFlag(AdminFlags.Adminhelp) ?? false) && !_afkManager.IsAfk(p))
+                .Where(p => (_adminManager.GetAdminData(p)?.HasFlag(AdminFlags.Adminhelp) ?? false) &&
+                            !_afkManager.IsAfk(p))
                 .Select(p => p.Channel)
@@ -525,25 +688,69 @@ private IList<INetChannel> GetTargetAdmins()
-        private static string GenerateAHelpMessage(string username, string message, bool admin, string roundTime, GameRunLevel roundState, bool playedSound, bool noReceivers = false)
+        private static string GenerateAHelpMessage(AHelpMessageParams parameters)
             var stringbuilder = new StringBuilder();
-            if (admin)
+            if (parameters.Icon != null)
+                stringbuilder.Append(parameters.Icon);
+            else if (parameters.IsAdmin)
-            else if (noReceivers)
+            else if (parameters.NoReceivers)
-            if(roundTime != string.Empty && roundState == GameRunLevel.InRound)
-                stringbuilder.Append($" **{roundTime}**");
-            if (!playedSound)
+            if (parameters.RoundTime != string.Empty && parameters.RoundState == GameRunLevel.InRound)
+                stringbuilder.Append($" **{parameters.RoundTime}**");
+            if (!parameters.PlayedSound)
                 stringbuilder.Append(" **(S)**");
-            stringbuilder.Append($" **{username}:** ");
-            stringbuilder.Append(message);
+            if (parameters.Icon == null)
+                stringbuilder.Append($" **{parameters.Username}:** ");
+            else
+                stringbuilder.Append($" **{parameters.Username}** ");
+            stringbuilder.Append(parameters.Message);
             return stringbuilder.ToString();
+    public sealed class AHelpMessageParams
+    {
+        public string Username { get; set; }
+        public string Message { get; set; }
+        public bool IsAdmin { get; set; }
+        public string RoundTime { get; set; }
+        public GameRunLevel RoundState { get; set; }
+        public bool PlayedSound { get; set; }
+        public bool NoReceivers { get; set; }
+        public string? Icon { get; set; }
+        public AHelpMessageParams(
+            string username,
+            string message,
+            bool isAdmin,
+            string roundTime,
+            GameRunLevel roundState,
+            bool playedSound,
+            bool noReceivers = false,
+            string? icon = null)
+        {
+            Username = username;
+            Message = message;
+            IsAdmin = isAdmin;
+            RoundTime = roundTime;
+            RoundState = roundState;
+            PlayedSound = playedSound;
+            NoReceivers = noReceivers;
+            Icon = icon;
+        }
+    }
+    public enum PlayerStatusType
+    {
+        Connected,
+        Disconnected,
+        Banned,
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Anomaly/AnomalySynchronizerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Anomaly/AnomalySynchronizerSystem.cs
index 434a3fef66b..9f18a412925 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Anomaly/AnomalySynchronizerSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Anomaly/AnomalySynchronizerSystem.cs
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ private void ConnectToAnomaly(Entity<AnomalySynchronizerComponent> ent, Entity<A
         _audio.PlayPvs(ent.Comp.ConnectedSound, ent);
-    //TO DO: disconnection from the anomaly should also be triggered if the anomaly is far away from the synchronizer.
+    //TODO: disconnection from the anomaly should also be triggered if the anomaly is far away from the synchronizer.
     //Currently only bluespace anomaly can do this, but for some reason it is the only one that cannot be connected to the synchronizer.
     private void DisconneсtFromAnomaly(Entity<AnomalySynchronizerComponent> ent, AnomalyComponent anomaly)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Anomaly/Effects/ReagentProducerAnomalySystem.cs b/Content.Server/Anomaly/Effects/ReagentProducerAnomalySystem.cs
index 0e49c5ee56b..d289fdabff8 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Anomaly/Effects/ReagentProducerAnomalySystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Anomaly/Effects/ReagentProducerAnomalySystem.cs
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime)
             if (anomaly.Severity >= 0.97) reagentProducingAmount *= component.SupercriticalReagentProducingModifier;
             newSol.AddReagent(component.ProducingReagent, reagentProducingAmount);
-            _solutionContainer.TryAddSolution(component.Solution.Value, newSol); //TO DO - the container is not fully filled. 
+            _solutionContainer.TryAddSolution(component.Solution.Value, newSol); // TODO - the container is not fully filled.
             component.AccumulatedFrametime = 0;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Antag/AntagSelectionSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Antag/AntagSelectionSystem.cs
index d2bc26f20d3..c9ef2374740 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Antag/AntagSelectionSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Antag/AntagSelectionSystem.cs
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ public void MakeAntag(Entity<AntagSelectionComponent> ent, ICommonSession? sessi
             _mind.TransferTo(curMind.Value, antagEnt, ghostCheckOverride: true);
-            _role.MindAddRoles(curMind.Value, def.MindComponents);
+            _role.MindAddRoles(curMind.Value, def.MindComponents, null, true);
             ent.Comp.SelectedMinds.Add((curMind.Value, Name(player)));
             SendBriefing(session, def.Briefing);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.Ui.cs b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.Ui.cs
index cd22f1f6d31..943fb75525c 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.Ui.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.Ui.cs
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ private void InputTick(float frameTime)
     /// <param name="message">The message to broadcase to all players/spectators.</param>
     private void SendMessage(BoundUserInterfaceMessage message)
-        _uiSystem.ServerSendUiMessage(_entityManager.GetEntity(message.Entity), BlockGameUiKey.Key, message);
+        _uiSystem.ServerSendUiMessage(_owner, BlockGameUiKey.Key, message);
     /// <summary>
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ private void SendMessage(BoundUserInterfaceMessage message)
     /// <param name="actor">The target recipient.</param>
     private void SendMessage(BoundUserInterfaceMessage message, EntityUid actor)
-        _uiSystem.ServerSendUiMessage(_entityManager.GetEntity(message.Entity), BlockGameUiKey.Key, message, actor);
+        _uiSystem.ServerSendUiMessage(_owner, BlockGameUiKey.Key, message, actor);
     /// <summary>
diff --git a/Content.Server/Bed/BedSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Bed/BedSystem.cs
index a6b61da591f..710b0678a59 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Bed/BedSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Bed/BedSystem.cs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.Mobs.Systems;
 using Robust.Shared.Timing;
 using Robust.Shared.Utility;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Components; // Parkstation-IPCs // I shouldn't have to modify this.
 namespace Content.Server.Bed
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime)
                 foreach (var healedEntity in strapComponent.BuckledEntities)
-                    if (_mobStateSystem.IsDead(healedEntity))
+                    if (_mobStateSystem.IsDead(healedEntity) || HasComp<SiliconComponent>(healedEntity)) // Parkstation-IPCs // I shouldn't have to modify this.
                     var damage = bedComponent.Damage;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Bible/BibleSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Bible/BibleSystem.cs
index 2cb0ac1dd76..76efe3290bf 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Bible/BibleSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Bible/BibleSystem.cs
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 using Content.Server.Bible.Components;
-using Content.Server.Ghost.Roles.Components;
 using Content.Server.Ghost.Roles.Events;
 using Content.Server.Popups;
 using Content.Shared.ActionBlocker;
 using Content.Shared.Actions;
 using Content.Shared.Bible;
 using Content.Shared.Damage;
+using Content.Shared.Ghost.Roles.Components;
 using Content.Shared.IdentityManagement;
 using Content.Shared.Interaction;
 using Content.Shared.Inventory;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Body/Components/BloodstreamComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Body/Components/BloodstreamComponent.cs
index a6d2afab219..2eb356dc0e9 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Body/Components/BloodstreamComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Body/Components/BloodstreamComponent.cs
@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@
 using Robust.Shared.Audio;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
 using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom;
+using Content.Server.ADT.Hemophilia;
 namespace Content.Server.Body.Components
-    [RegisterComponent, Access(typeof(BloodstreamSystem), typeof(ReactionMixerSystem))]
+    [RegisterComponent, Access(typeof(BloodstreamSystem), typeof(ReactionMixerSystem), (typeof(HemophiliaSystem)))]  // ADT Hemophilia 
     public sealed partial class BloodstreamComponent : Component
         public static string DefaultChemicalsSolutionName = "chemicals";
diff --git a/Content.Server/Body/Systems/BodySystem.cs b/Content.Server/Body/Systems/BodySystem.cs
index e10158cf357..bd5edb0ea50 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Body/Systems/BodySystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Body/Systems/BodySystem.cs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public override void Initialize()
     private void OnRelayMoveInput(Entity<BodyComponent> ent, ref MoveInputEvent args)
         // If they haven't actually moved then ignore it.
-        if ((args.Component.HeldMoveButtons &
+        if ((args.Entity.Comp.HeldMoveButtons &
              (MoveButtons.Down | MoveButtons.Left | MoveButtons.Up | MoveButtons.Right)) == 0x0)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Body/Systems/RespiratorSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Body/Systems/RespiratorSystem.cs
index 5fbd0c48147..45074dc8260 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Body/Systems/RespiratorSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Body/Systems/RespiratorSystem.cs
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public void Inhale(EntityUid uid, BodyComponent? body = null)
         if (!Resolve(uid, ref body, logMissing: false))
-        var organs = _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganComponents<LungComponent>(uid, body);
+        var organs = _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganEntityComps<LungComponent>((uid, body));
         // Inhale gas
         var ev = new InhaleLocationEvent();
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ public void Inhale(EntityUid uid, BodyComponent? body = null)
         var lungRatio = 1.0f / organs.Count;
         var gas = organs.Count == 1 ? actualGas : actualGas.RemoveRatio(lungRatio);
-        foreach (var (lung, _) in organs)
+        foreach (var (organUid, lung, _) in organs)
             // Merge doesn't remove gas from the giver.
             _atmosSys.Merge(lung.Air, gas);
-            _lungSystem.GasToReagent(lung.Owner, lung);
+            _lungSystem.GasToReagent(organUid, lung);
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ public void Exhale(EntityUid uid, BodyComponent? body = null)
         if (!Resolve(uid, ref body, logMissing: false))
-        var organs = _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganComponents<LungComponent>(uid, body);
+        var organs = _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganEntityComps<LungComponent>((uid, body));
         // exhale gas
@@ -161,12 +161,12 @@ public void Exhale(EntityUid uid, BodyComponent? body = null)
         var outGas = new GasMixture(ev.Gas.Volume);
-        foreach (var (lung, _) in organs)
+        foreach (var (organUid, lung, _) in organs)
             _atmosSys.Merge(outGas, lung.Air);
-            if (_solutionContainerSystem.ResolveSolution(lung.Owner, lung.SolutionName, ref lung.Solution))
+            if (_solutionContainerSystem.ResolveSolution(organUid, lung.SolutionName, ref lung.Solution))
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ public bool CanMetabolizeGas(Entity<RespiratorComponent?> ent, GasMixture gas)
         if (!Resolve(ent, ref ent.Comp))
             return false;
-        var organs = _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganComponents<LungComponent>(ent);
+        var organs = _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganEntityComps<LungComponent>((ent, null));
         if (organs.Count == 0)
             return false;
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ public bool CanMetabolizeGas(Entity<RespiratorComponent?> ent, GasMixture gas)
         float saturation = 0;
         foreach (var organ in organs)
-            saturation += GetSaturation(solution, organ.Comp.Owner, out var toxic);
+            saturation += GetSaturation(solution, organ.Owner, out var toxic);
             if (toxic)
                 return false;
@@ -287,10 +287,10 @@ private void TakeSuffocationDamage(Entity<RespiratorComponent> ent)
         if (ent.Comp.SuffocationCycles >= ent.Comp.SuffocationCycleThreshold)
             // TODO: This is not going work with multiple different lungs, if that ever becomes a possibility
-            var organs = _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganComponents<LungComponent>(ent);
-            foreach (var (comp, _) in organs)
+            var organs = _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganEntityComps<LungComponent>((ent, null));
+            foreach (var entity in organs)
-                _alertsSystem.ShowAlert(ent, comp.Alert);
+                _alertsSystem.ShowAlert(entity.Owner, entity.Comp1.Alert);
@@ -303,10 +303,10 @@ private void StopSuffocation(Entity<RespiratorComponent> ent)
             _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Asphyxiation, $"{ToPrettyString(ent):entity} stopped suffocating");
         // TODO: This is not going work with multiple different lungs, if that ever becomes a possibility
-        var organs = _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganComponents<LungComponent>(ent);
-        foreach (var (comp, _) in organs)
+        var organs = _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganEntityComps<LungComponent>((ent, null));
+        foreach (var entity in organs)
-            _alertsSystem.ClearAlert(ent, comp.Alert);
+            _alertsSystem.ClearAlert(entity.Owner, entity.Comp1.Alert);
         _damageableSys.TryChangeDamage(ent, ent.Comp.DamageRecovery);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/CargoSystem.Orders.cs b/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/CargoSystem.Orders.cs
index dd408755e67..7a2a3d474aa 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/CargoSystem.Orders.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/CargoSystem.Orders.cs
@@ -177,6 +177,10 @@ private void OnApproveOrderMessage(EntityUid uid, CargoOrderConsoleComponent com
             RaiseLocalEvent(ref ev);
             ev.FulfillmentEntity ??= station.Value;
+            _idCardSystem.TryFindIdCard(player, out var idCard);
+            // ReSharper disable once ConditionalAccessQualifierIsNonNullableAccordingToAPIContract
+            order.SetApproverData(idCard.Comp?.FullName, idCard.Comp?.JobTitle);
             if (!ev.Handled)
                 ev.FulfillmentEntity = TryFulfillOrder((station.Value, stationData), order, orderDatabase);
@@ -189,18 +193,13 @@ private void OnApproveOrderMessage(EntityUid uid, CargoOrderConsoleComponent com
-            _idCardSystem.TryFindIdCard(player, out var idCard);
-            // ReSharper disable once ConditionalAccessQualifierIsNonNullableAccordingToAPIContract
-            order.SetApproverData(idCard.Comp?.FullName, idCard.Comp?.JobTitle);
+            order.Approved = true;
             _audio.PlayPvs(component.ConfirmSound, uid);
-            var approverName = idCard.Comp?.FullName ?? Loc.GetString("access-reader-unknown-id");
-            var approverJob = idCard.Comp?.JobTitle ?? Loc.GetString("access-reader-unknown-id");
             var message = Loc.GetString("cargo-console-unlock-approved-order-broadcast",
                 ("productName", Loc.GetString(order.ProductName)),
                 ("orderAmount", order.OrderQuantity),
-                ("approverName", approverName),
-                ("approverJob", approverJob),
+                ("approver", order.Approver ?? string.Empty),
                 ("cost", cost));
             _radio.SendRadioMessage(uid, message, component.AnnouncementChannel, uid, escapeMarkup: false);
             ConsolePopup(args.Actor, Loc.GetString("cargo-console-trade-station", ("destination", MetaData(ev.FulfillmentEntity.Value).EntityName)));
@@ -421,6 +420,7 @@ Entity<StationDataComponent> stationData
             // Approve it now
             order.SetApproverData(dest, sender);
+            order.Approved = true;
             // Log order addition
             _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Action, LogImpact.Low,
diff --git a/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/PricingSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/PricingSystem.cs
index f878eeee75c..d936451d524 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/PricingSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/PricingSystem.cs
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
 using Robust.Shared.Utility;
 using System.Linq;
+using Content.Shared.Research.Prototypes;
 namespace Content.Server.Cargo.Systems;
@@ -158,6 +159,26 @@ private double GetMaterialPrice(PhysicalCompositionComponent component)
         return price;
+    public double GetLatheRecipePrice(LatheRecipePrototype recipe)
+    {
+        var price = 0.0;
+        if (recipe.Result is { } result)
+        {
+            price += GetEstimatedPrice(_prototypeManager.Index(result));
+        }
+        if (recipe.ResultReagents is { } resultReagents)
+        {
+            foreach (var (reagent, amount) in resultReagents)
+            {
+                price += (_prototypeManager.Index(reagent).PricePerUnit * amount).Double();
+            }
+        }
+        return price;
+    }
     /// <summary>
     /// Get a rough price for an entityprototype. Does not consider contained entities.
     /// </summary>
diff --git a/Content.Server/CharacterInfo/CharacterInfoSystem.cs b/Content.Server/CharacterInfo/CharacterInfoSystem.cs
index 3099b2f90fc..3d83a667057 100644
--- a/Content.Server/CharacterInfo/CharacterInfoSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/CharacterInfo/CharacterInfoSystem.cs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ private void OnRequestCharacterInfoEvent(RequestCharacterInfoEvent msg, EntitySe
         var entity = args.SenderSession.AttachedEntity.Value;
         var objectives = new Dictionary<string, List<ObjectiveInfo>>();
-        var jobTitle = "No Profession";
+        var jobTitle = Loc.GetString("character-info-no-profession");
         string? briefing = null;
         if (_minds.TryGetMind(entity, out var mindId, out var mind))
diff --git a/Content.Server/Chat/Systems/ChatSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Chat/Systems/ChatSystem.cs
index 45706a6d754..fec3abe4287 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Chat/Systems/ChatSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Chat/Systems/ChatSystem.cs
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
 using Content.Server.Speech.EntitySystems;
 using Content.Server.Station.Components;
 using Content.Server.Station.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Language;
 using Content.Shared.ActionBlocker;
 using Content.Shared.Administration;
 using Content.Shared.CCVar;
@@ -27,7 +26,6 @@
 using Content.Shared.Radio;
 using Content.Shared.Speech;
 using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
-using Content.Shared.Language;
 using Robust.Server.Player;
 using Robust.Shared.Audio;
 using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
@@ -39,6 +37,8 @@
 using Robust.Shared.Random;
 using Robust.Shared.Replays;
 using Robust.Shared.Utility;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;  // ADT Languages
+using Content.Server.ADT.Language;  // ADT Languages
 namespace Content.Server.Chat.Systems;
@@ -62,18 +62,17 @@ public sealed partial class ChatSystem : SharedChatSystem
     [Dependency] private readonly StationSystem _stationSystem = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly MobStateSystem _mobStateSystem = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audio = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedInteractionSystem _interactionSystem = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly ReplacementAccentSystem _wordreplacement = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly EntityWhitelistSystem _whitelistSystem = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly ExamineSystemShared _examineSystem = default!;
-    [Dependency] private readonly LanguageSystem _language = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly LanguageSystem _language = default!;  // ADT Languages
-    // Corvax-TTS-Start: Moved from Server to Shared
-    // public const int VoiceRange = 10; // how far voice goes in world units
-    // public const int WhisperClearRange = 2; // how far whisper goes while still being understandable, in world units
-    // public const int WhisperMuffledRange = 5; // how far whisper goes at all, in world units
-    // Corvax-TTS-End
-    public const string DefaultAnnouncementSound = "/Audio/Corvax/Announcements/announce.ogg"; // Corvax-Announcements
-    public const string CentComAnnouncementSound = "/Audio/Corvax/Announcements/centcomm.ogg"; // Corvax-Announcements
+    public const int VoiceRange = 10; // how far voice goes in world units
+    public const int WhisperClearRange = 2; // how far whisper goes while still being understandable, in world units
+    public const int WhisperMuffledRange = 5; // how far whisper goes at all, in world units
+    public const string DefaultAnnouncementSound = "/Audio/Announcements/announce.ogg";
     private bool _loocEnabled = true;
     private bool _deadLoocEnabled;
@@ -153,9 +152,10 @@ public void TrySendInGameICMessage(
         IConsoleShell? shell = null,
         ICommonSession? player = null, string? nameOverride = null,
         bool checkRadioPrefix = true,
-        bool ignoreActionBlocker = false)
+        bool ignoreActionBlocker = false,
+        LanguagePrototype? language = null) // ADT Languages
-        TrySendInGameICMessage(source, message, desiredType, hideChat ? ChatTransmitRange.HideChat : ChatTransmitRange.Normal, hideLog, shell, player, nameOverride, checkRadioPrefix, ignoreActionBlocker);
+        TrySendInGameICMessage(source, message, desiredType, hideChat ? ChatTransmitRange.HideChat : ChatTransmitRange.Normal, hideLog, shell, player, nameOverride, checkRadioPrefix, ignoreActionBlocker, language);  // ADT Languages
     /// <summary>
@@ -180,7 +180,8 @@ public void TrySendInGameICMessage(
         string? nameOverride = null,
         bool checkRadioPrefix = true,
         bool ignoreActionBlocker = false,
-        LanguagePrototype? languageOverride = null) // Frontier - languages mechanic
+        LanguagePrototype? language = null  // ADT Languages
+        )
         if (HasComp<GhostComponent>(source))
@@ -223,13 +224,17 @@ public void TrySendInGameICMessage(
             message = message[1..];
+        // ADT Languages start
         bool shouldCapitalize = (desiredType != InGameICChatType.Emote);
         bool shouldPunctuate = _configurationManager.GetCVar(CCVars.ChatPunctuation);
         // Capitalizing the word I only happens in English, so we check language here
         bool shouldCapitalizeTheWordI = (!CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.IsNeutralCulture && CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Parent.Name == "en")
             || (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.IsNeutralCulture && CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name == "en");
-        message = SanitizeInGameICMessage(source, message, out var emoteStr, shouldCapitalize, shouldPunctuate, shouldCapitalizeTheWordI);
+        string sanitizedMessage = SanitizeInGameICMessage(source, message, out var emoteStr, shouldCapitalize, shouldPunctuate, shouldCapitalizeTheWordI);
+        // ADT Languages end
         // Was there an emote in the message? If so, send it.
         if (player != null && emoteStr != message && emoteStr != null)
@@ -244,7 +249,7 @@ public void TrySendInGameICMessage(
         // This message may have a radio prefix, and should then be whispered to the resolved radio channel
         if (checkRadioPrefix)
-            if (TryProccessRadioMessage(source, message, out var modMessage, out var channel))
+            if (TryProccessRadioMessage(source, sanitizedMessage, out var modMessage, out var channel)) // Accent fix
                 SendEntityWhisper(source, modMessage, range, channel, nameOverride, hideLog, ignoreActionBlocker);
@@ -255,13 +260,13 @@ public void TrySendInGameICMessage(
         switch (desiredType)
             case InGameICChatType.Speak:
-                SendEntitySpeak(source, message, range, nameOverride, hideLog, ignoreActionBlocker, languageOverride: languageOverride);
+                SendEntitySpeak(source, message, range, nameOverride, hideLog, ignoreActionBlocker, language);  // ADT Languages
             case InGameICChatType.Whisper:
-                SendEntityWhisper(source, message, range, null, nameOverride, hideLog, ignoreActionBlocker, languageOverride: languageOverride);
+                SendEntityWhisper(source, message, range, null, nameOverride, hideLog, ignoreActionBlocker, language);  // ADT Languages
             case InGameICChatType.Emote:
-                SendEntityEmote(source, message, range, nameOverride, hideLog: hideLog, ignoreActionBlocker: ignoreActionBlocker);
+                SendEntityEmote(source, sanitizedMessage, range, nameOverride, hideLog: hideLog, ignoreActionBlocker: ignoreActionBlocker);     // ADT Languages
@@ -324,20 +329,17 @@ public void TrySendInGameOOCMessage(
     /// <param name="colorOverride">Optional color for the announcement message</param>
     public void DispatchGlobalAnnouncement(
         string message,
-        string? sender = null,
+        string sender = "Central Command",
         bool playSound = true,
         SoundSpecifier? announcementSound = null,
         Color? colorOverride = null
-        sender ??= Loc.GetString("chat-manager-sender-announcement");
         var wrappedMessage = Loc.GetString("chat-manager-sender-announcement-wrap-message", ("sender", sender), ("message", FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message)));
         _chatManager.ChatMessageToAll(ChatChannel.Radio, message, wrappedMessage, default, false, true, colorOverride);
         if (playSound)
-            if (sender == Loc.GetString("admin-announce-announcer-default")) announcementSound = new SoundPathSpecifier(CentComAnnouncementSound); // Corvax-Announcements: Support custom alert sound from admin panel
-            _audio.PlayGlobal(announcementSound?.GetSound() ?? DefaultAnnouncementSound, Filter.Broadcast(), true, announcementSound?.Params ?? AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(-2f));
+            _audio.PlayGlobal(announcementSound?.GetSound() ?? DefaultAnnouncementSound, Filter.Broadcast(), true, AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(-2f));
         _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Chat, LogImpact.Low, $"Global station announcement from {sender}: {message}");
@@ -353,13 +355,11 @@ public void DispatchGlobalAnnouncement(
     public void DispatchStationAnnouncement(
         EntityUid source,
         string message,
-        string? sender = null,
+        string sender = "Central Command",
         bool playDefaultSound = true,
         SoundSpecifier? announcementSound = null,
         Color? colorOverride = null)
-        sender ??= Loc.GetString("chat-manager-sender-announcement");
         var wrappedMessage = Loc.GetString("chat-manager-sender-announcement-wrap-message", ("sender", sender), ("message", FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message)));
         var station = _stationSystem.GetOwningStation(source);
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ public void DispatchStationAnnouncement(
     #region Private API
     private void SendEntitySpeak(
         EntityUid source,
         string originalMessage,
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ private void SendEntitySpeak(
         string? nameOverride,
         bool hideLog = false,
         bool ignoreActionBlocker = false,
-        LanguagePrototype? languageOverride = null // Frontier: languages mechanic
+        LanguagePrototype? language = null  // ADT Languages
         if (!_actionBlocker.CanSpeak(source) && !ignoreActionBlocker)
@@ -405,6 +405,11 @@ private void SendEntitySpeak(
         if (message.Length == 0)
+        // ADT Languages start
+        if (language == null)
+            language = _language.GetCurrentLanguage(source);
+        // ADT Languages end
         var speech = GetSpeechVerb(source, message);
         // get the entity's apparent name (if no override provided).
@@ -423,30 +428,46 @@ private void SendEntitySpeak(
                 speech = proto;
-        // Frontier - languages mechanic
-        var language = languageOverride ?? _language.GetLanguage(source);
+        // ADT Languages start
+        bool shouldPunctuate = _configurationManager.GetCVar(CCVars.ChatPunctuation);
+        // Capitalizing the word I only happens in English, so we check language here
+        bool shouldCapitalizeTheWordI = (!CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.IsNeutralCulture && CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Parent.Name == "en")
+            || (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.IsNeutralCulture && CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name == "en");
+        string coloredMessage = SanitizeInGameICMessage(source, FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message), out _, true, shouldPunctuate, shouldCapitalizeTheWordI);
-        name = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(name);
+        string coloredLanguageMessage = SanitizeInGameICMessage(source, _language.ObfuscateMessage(source, FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message), language), out _);
-        // Frontier: languages mechanic ADT Upd start
-        if (TryComp<LanguageSpeakerComponent>(source, out var lang) && lang.CurrentLanguage != "GalacticCommon" && lang.CurrentLanguage != "Universal")
-            name = $"{lang.LocalizedID}|{name}";
-        // Frontier: languages mechanic ADT Upd end
+        coloredMessage = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(coloredMessage);
+        coloredLanguageMessage = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(coloredLanguageMessage);
+        if (language.Color != null)
+        {
+            coloredMessage = "[color=" + language.Color.Value.ToHex().ToString() + "]" + coloredMessage + "[/color]";
+            coloredLanguageMessage = "[color=" + language.Color.Value.ToHex().ToString() + "]" + coloredLanguageMessage + "[/color]";
+        }
+        // ADT Languages end
+        name = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(name);
         var wrappedMessage = Loc.GetString(speech.Bold ? "chat-manager-entity-say-bold-wrap-message" : "chat-manager-entity-say-wrap-message",
             ("entityName", name),
             ("verb", Loc.GetString(_random.Pick(speech.SpeechVerbStrings))),
             ("fontType", speech.FontId),
             ("fontSize", speech.FontSize),
-            ("message", FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message)));
-        var encodedMessage = _language.ObfuscateSpeech(source, message, language);
-        var wrappedEncodedMessage = WrapPublicMessage(source, name, encodedMessage);
+            ("message", coloredMessage));   // ADT Language colored msg
-        // Frontier: languages mechanic
-        SendInVoiceRange(ChatChannel.Local, message, wrappedMessage, encodedMessage, wrappedEncodedMessage, source, range, languageOverride: language);
+        // ADT Languages start
+        var wrappedLanguageMessage = Loc.GetString(speech.Bold ? "chat-manager-entity-say-bold-wrap-message" : "chat-manager-entity-say-wrap-message",
+            ("entityName", name),
+            ("verb", Loc.GetString(_random.Pick(speech.SpeechVerbStrings))),
+            ("fontType", speech.FontId),
+            ("fontSize", speech.FontSize),
+            ("message", coloredLanguageMessage));
+        // ADT Languages end
+        SendInVoiceRange(ChatChannel.Local, message, wrappedMessage, wrappedLanguageMessage, source, range, language: language);    // ADT Languages
-        var ev = new EntitySpokeEvent(source, message, originalMessage, encodedMessage, null, language, null);
+        var ev = new EntitySpokeEvent(source, message, language, null, null);
         RaiseLocalEvent(source, ev, true);
         // To avoid logging any messages sent by entities that are not players, like vendors, cloning, etc.
@@ -480,7 +501,7 @@ private void SendEntityWhisper(
         string? nameOverride,
         bool hideLog = false,
         bool ignoreActionBlocker = false,
-        LanguagePrototype? languageOverride = null // Frontier: languages mechanic
+        LanguagePrototype? language = null  // ADT Languages
         if (!_actionBlocker.CanSpeak(source) && !ignoreActionBlocker)
@@ -492,6 +513,14 @@ private void SendEntityWhisper(
         var obfuscatedMessage = ObfuscateMessageReadability(message, 0.2f);
+        // ADT Languages start
+        if (language == null)
+            language = _language.GetCurrentLanguage(source);
+        var languageMessage = SanitizeInGameICMessage(source, _language.ObfuscateMessage(source, message, language), out _);
+        var obfuscatedLanguageMessage = ObfuscateMessageReadability(SanitizeInGameICMessage(source, _language.ObfuscateMessage(source, message, language), out _), 0.2f);
+        // ADT Languages end
         // get the entity's name by visual identity (if no override provided).
         string nameIdentity = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(nameOverride ?? Identity.Name(source, EntityManager));
         // get the entity's name by voice (if no override provided).
@@ -506,16 +535,55 @@ private void SendEntityWhisper(
             RaiseLocalEvent(source, nameEv);
             name = nameEv.Name;
+        // ADT Languages start
+        bool shouldPunctuate = _configurationManager.GetCVar(CCVars.ChatPunctuation);
+        // Capitalizing the word I only happens in English, so we check language here
+        bool shouldCapitalizeTheWordI = (!CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.IsNeutralCulture && CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Parent.Name == "en")
+            || (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.IsNeutralCulture && CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name == "en");
+        string coloredMessage = SanitizeInGameICMessage(source, FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message), out _, true, shouldPunctuate, shouldCapitalizeTheWordI);
+        string coloredObfuscatedMessage = SanitizeInGameICMessage(source, FormattedMessage.EscapeText(obfuscatedMessage), out _, true, shouldPunctuate, shouldCapitalizeTheWordI);
+        string coloredObfuscatedLanguageMessage = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(obfuscatedLanguageMessage);
+        string coloredLanguageMessage = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(languageMessage);
+        coloredMessage = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(coloredMessage);
+        coloredObfuscatedMessage = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(coloredObfuscatedMessage);
+        coloredObfuscatedLanguageMessage = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(coloredObfuscatedLanguageMessage);
+        coloredLanguageMessage = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(coloredLanguageMessage);
+        if (language.WhisperColor != null)
+        {
+            coloredMessage = "[color=" + language.WhisperColor.Value.ToHex().ToString() + "]" + coloredMessage + "[/color]";
+            coloredObfuscatedMessage = "[color=" + language.WhisperColor.Value.ToHex().ToString() + "]" + coloredObfuscatedMessage + "[/color]";
+            coloredObfuscatedLanguageMessage = "[color=" + language.WhisperColor.Value.ToHex().ToString() + "]" + coloredObfuscatedLanguageMessage + "[/color]";
+            coloredLanguageMessage = "[color=" + language.WhisperColor.Value.ToHex().ToString() + "]" + coloredLanguageMessage + "[/color]";
+        }
         name = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(name);
-        // Frontier: languages mechanic ADT Upd start
-        if (TryComp<LanguageSpeakerComponent>(source, out var lang) && lang.CurrentLanguage != "GalacticCommon" && lang.CurrentLanguage != "Universal")
-            name = $"{lang.LocalizedID}|{name}";
-        // Frontier: languages mechanic ADT Upd end
-        // Frontier - languages mechanic (+ everything in the foreach loop)
-        var language = languageOverride ?? _language.GetLanguage(source);
-        var languageEncodedMessage = _language.ObfuscateSpeech(source, message, language);
+        var wrappedMessage = Loc.GetString("chat-manager-entity-whisper-wrap-message",
+            ("entityName", name), ("message", coloredMessage));
+        var wrappedobfuscatedMessage = Loc.GetString("chat-manager-entity-whisper-wrap-message",
+            ("entityName", nameIdentity), ("message", coloredObfuscatedMessage));
+        var wrappedUnknownMessage = Loc.GetString("chat-manager-entity-whisper-unknown-wrap-message",
+            ("message", coloredObfuscatedMessage));
+        var wrappedLanguageMessage = Loc.GetString("chat-manager-entity-whisper-wrap-message",
+            ("entityName", name), ("message", coloredLanguageMessage));
+        var wrappedobfuscatedLanguageMessage = Loc.GetString("chat-manager-entity-whisper-wrap-message",
+            ("entityName", nameIdentity), ("message", coloredObfuscatedLanguageMessage));
+        var wrappedUnknownLanguageMessage = Loc.GetString("chat-manager-entity-whisper-unknown-wrap-message",
+            ("message", coloredObfuscatedLanguageMessage));
+        if (language == null)
+            language = _language.GetCurrentLanguage(source);
+        // ADT Languages end
         foreach (var (session, data) in GetRecipients(source, WhisperMuffledRange))
@@ -528,42 +596,35 @@ private void SendEntityWhisper(
             if (MessageRangeCheck(session, data, range) != MessageRangeCheckResult.Full)
                 continue; // Won't get logged to chat, and ghosts are too far away to see the pop-up, so we just won't send it to them.
-            var canUnderstand = _language.CanUnderstand(listener, language);
-            var _message = canUnderstand ? message : languageEncodedMessage;  
-            if (data.Range <= WhisperClearRange)
+            // ADT Languages start
+            if (!_language.CanUnderstand(listener, language))
-                var wrappedMessage = Loc.GetString("chat-manager-entity-whisper-wrap-message",
-                    ("entityName", name), ("message", FormattedMessage.EscapeText(_message)));
-                _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(ChatChannel.Whisper, _message, wrappedMessage, source, false, session.Channel);
-            }
-            //If listener is too far, they only hear fragments of the message
-            else if (_examineSystem.InRangeUnOccluded(source, listener, WhisperMuffledRange))
-            {
-                var _obfuscatedMessage = ObfuscateMessageReadability(_message, 0.2f);
-                var wrappedobfuscatedMessage = Loc.GetString("chat-manager-entity-whisper-wrap-message",
-                    ("entityName", nameIdentity), ("message", FormattedMessage.EscapeText(_obfuscatedMessage)));
-                _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(ChatChannel.Whisper, _obfuscatedMessage, wrappedobfuscatedMessage, source, false, session.Channel);
+                if (data.Range <= WhisperClearRange)
+                    _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(ChatChannel.Whisper, message, wrappedLanguageMessage, source, false, session.Channel);
+                //If listener is too far, they only hear fragments of the message
+                else if (_examineSystem.InRangeUnOccluded(source, listener, WhisperMuffledRange))
+                    _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(ChatChannel.Whisper, obfuscatedMessage, wrappedobfuscatedLanguageMessage, source, false, session.Channel);
+                //If listener is too far and has no line of sight, they can't identify the whisperer's identity
+                else
+                    _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(ChatChannel.Whisper, obfuscatedMessage, wrappedUnknownLanguageMessage, source, false, session.Channel);
-            //If listener is too far and has no line of sight, they can't identify the whisperer's identity
-                var _obfuscatedMessage = ObfuscateMessageReadability(_message, 0.2f);
-                var wrappedUnknownMessage = Loc.GetString("chat-manager-entity-whisper-unknown-wrap-message",
-                    ("message", FormattedMessage.EscapeText(_obfuscatedMessage)));
-                _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(ChatChannel.Whisper, _obfuscatedMessage, wrappedUnknownMessage, source, false, session.Channel);
+                if (data.Range <= WhisperClearRange)
+                    _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(ChatChannel.Whisper, message, wrappedMessage, source, false, session.Channel);
+                //If listener is too far, they only hear fragments of the message
+                else if (_examineSystem.InRangeUnOccluded(source, listener, WhisperMuffledRange))
+                    _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(ChatChannel.Whisper, obfuscatedMessage, wrappedobfuscatedMessage, source, false, session.Channel);
+                //If listener is too far and has no line of sight, they can't identify the whisperer's identity
+                else
+                    _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(ChatChannel.Whisper, obfuscatedMessage, wrappedUnknownMessage, source, false, session.Channel);
+            // ADT Languages end
-        var replayWrap = Loc.GetString("chat-manager-entity-whisper-wrap-message",
-            ("entityName", name),
-            ("message", FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message)));
-        _replay.RecordServerMessage(new ChatMessage(ChatChannel.Whisper, message, replayWrap, GetNetEntity(source), null, MessageRangeHideChatForReplay(range)));
+        _replay.RecordServerMessage(new ChatMessage(ChatChannel.Whisper, message, wrappedMessage, GetNetEntity(source), null, MessageRangeHideChatForReplay(range)));
-        var ev = new EntitySpokeEvent(source, message, originalMessage, languageEncodedMessage, channel, language, obfuscatedMessage);
+        var ev = new EntitySpokeEvent(source, message, language, channel, obfuscatedMessage);
         RaiseLocalEvent(source, ev, true);
         if (!hideLog)
             if (originalMessage == message)
@@ -610,7 +671,7 @@ private void SendEntityEmote(
         if (checkEmote)
             TryEmoteChatInput(source, action);
-        SendInVoiceRange(ChatChannel.Emotes, action, wrappedMessage,encodedMessage: string.Empty, wrappedEncodedMessage: string.Empty, source, range, author);
+        SendInVoiceRange(ChatChannel.Emotes, action, wrappedMessage, wrappedMessage, source, range, author, ignoreLanguage: true);  // ADT Languages
         if (!hideLog)
             if (name != Name(source))
                 _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Chat, LogImpact.Low, $"Emote from {ToPrettyString(source):user} as {name}: {action}");
@@ -637,12 +698,7 @@ private void SendLOOC(EntityUid source, ICommonSession player, string message, b
             ("entityName", name),
             ("message", FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message)));
-        SendInVoiceRange(ChatChannel.LOOC, message, wrappedMessage,
-        encodedMessage: string.Empty,
-        wrappedEncodedMessage: string.Empty,
-        source, hideChat ? ChatTransmitRange.HideChat : ChatTransmitRange.Normal,
-        player.UserId,
-        languageOverride: LanguageSystem.Universal);
+        SendInVoiceRange(ChatChannel.LOOC, message, wrappedMessage, wrappedMessage, source, hideChat ? ChatTransmitRange.HideChat : ChatTransmitRange.Normal, player.UserId, ignoreLanguage: true); // ADT Languages
         _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Chat, LogImpact.Low, $"LOOC from {player:Player}: {message}");
@@ -723,32 +779,36 @@ private MessageRangeCheckResult MessageRangeCheck(ICommonSession session, ICChat
     /// <summary>
     ///     Sends a chat message to the given players in range of the source entity.
     /// </summary>
-    private void SendInVoiceRange(ChatChannel channel, string message, string wrappedMessage, string encodedMessage, string wrappedEncodedMessage, EntityUid source, ChatTransmitRange range, NetUserId? author = null, LanguagePrototype? languageOverride = null)
+    private void SendInVoiceRange(ChatChannel channel, string message, string wrappedMessage, string wrappedLanguageMessage, EntityUid source, ChatTransmitRange range, NetUserId? author = null, LanguagePrototype? language = null, bool ignoreLanguage = false)  // ADT Languages
-        var language = languageOverride ?? _language.GetLanguage(source); // frontier
+        // ADT Languages start
+        if (language == null)
+            language = _language.GetCurrentLanguage(source);
         foreach (var (session, data) in GetRecipients(source, VoiceRange))
+            EntityUid listener;
+            if (session.AttachedEntity is not { Valid: true } playerEntity)
+                continue;
+            listener = session.AttachedEntity.Value;
             var entRange = MessageRangeCheck(session, data, range);
             if (entRange == MessageRangeCheckResult.Disallowed)
             var entHideChat = entRange == MessageRangeCheckResult.HideChat;
-            // Frontier - languages mechanic
-            if (session.AttachedEntity is not { Valid: true } playerEntity)
+            if (ignoreLanguage)
+            {
+                _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(channel, message, wrappedMessage, source, entHideChat, session.Channel, author: author);
-            EntityUid listener = session.AttachedEntity.Value;
+            }
-            if (channel == ChatChannel.LOOC || channel == ChatChannel.Emotes || _language.CanUnderstand(listener, language))
-            {
-                _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(channel, message, wrappedMessage, source, entHideChat, session.ConnectedClient, author: author);
-            }   
+            if (!_language.CanUnderstand(listener, language))
+                _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(channel, message, wrappedLanguageMessage, source, entHideChat, session.Channel, author: author);
-            {
-                _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(channel, encodedMessage, wrappedEncodedMessage, source, entHideChat, session.ConnectedClient, author: author);
-            }
+                _chatManager.ChatMessageToOne(channel, message, wrappedMessage, source, entHideChat, session.Channel, author: author);
+        // ADT Languages end
         _replay.RecordServerMessage(new ChatMessage(channel, message, wrappedMessage, GetNetEntity(source), null, MessageRangeHideChatForReplay(range)));
@@ -780,7 +840,7 @@ private bool CanSendInGame(string message, IConsoleShell? shell = null, ICommonS
     // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
-    private string SanitizeInGameICMessage(EntityUid source, string message, out string? emoteStr, bool capitalize = true, bool punctuate = false, bool capitalizeTheWordI = true)
+    public string SanitizeInGameICMessage(EntityUid source, string message, out string? emoteStr, bool capitalize = true, bool punctuate = false, bool capitalizeTheWordI = true)
         var newMessage = message.Trim();
         newMessage = SanitizeMessageReplaceWords(newMessage);
@@ -857,19 +917,6 @@ public string SanitizeMessageReplaceWords(string message)
         return msg;
-    // Frontier - languages mechanic
-    public string WrapPublicMessage(EntityUid source, string name, string message)
-    {
-        var speech = GetSpeechVerb(source, message);
-        var verbName = Loc.GetString(_random.Pick(speech.SpeechVerbStrings));
-        return Loc.GetString(speech.Bold ? "chat-manager-entity-say-bold-wrap-message" : "chat-manager-entity-say-wrap-message",
-            ("entityName", name),
-            ("verb", verbName),
-            ("fontType", speech.FontId),
-            ("fontSize", speech.FontSize),
-            ("message", FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message)));
-    }
     /// <summary>
     ///     Returns list of players and ranges for all players withing some range. Also returns observers with a range of -1.
     /// </summary>
@@ -1005,23 +1052,18 @@ public sealed class EntitySpokeEvent : EntityEventArgs
     public readonly EntityUid Source;
     public readonly string Message;
-    public readonly string OriginalMessage;
-    public readonly string LanguageEncodedMessage;
-    public readonly string? ObfuscatedMessage; // not null if this was a 
-    public readonly LanguagePrototype Language;
+    public readonly string? ObfuscatedMessage; // not null if this was a whisper
     /// <summary>
     ///     If the entity was trying to speak into a radio, this was the channel they were trying to access. If a radio
     ///     message gets sent on this channel, this should be set to null to prevent duplicate messages.
     /// </summary>
     public RadioChannelPrototype? Channel;
+    public readonly LanguagePrototype Language;
-    public EntitySpokeEvent(EntityUid source, string message, string originalMessage, string languageEncodedMessage, RadioChannelPrototype? channel, LanguagePrototype language, string? obfuscatedMessage)
+    public EntitySpokeEvent(EntityUid source, string message, LanguagePrototype language, RadioChannelPrototype? channel, string? obfuscatedMessage)
         Source = source;
         Message = message;
-        OriginalMessage = originalMessage; // Corvax-TTS: Spec symbol sanitize
-        LanguageEncodedMessage = languageEncodedMessage;
         Channel = channel;
         ObfuscatedMessage = obfuscatedMessage;
         Language = language;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Chemistry/EntitySystems/InjectorSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Chemistry/EntitySystems/InjectorSystem.cs
index aac171371fb..d94faa81232 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Chemistry/EntitySystems/InjectorSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Chemistry/EntitySystems/InjectorSystem.cs
@@ -118,21 +118,25 @@ private void InjectDoAfter(Entity<InjectorComponent> injector, EntityUid target,
         if (!SolutionContainers.TryGetSolution(injector.Owner, injector.Comp.SolutionName, out _, out var solution))
-        var actualDelay = MathHelper.Max(injector.Comp.Delay, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
-        float amountToInject;
+        var actualDelay = injector.Comp.Delay;
+        FixedPoint2 amountToInject;
         if (injector.Comp.ToggleState == InjectorToggleMode.Draw)
             // additional delay is based on actual volume left to draw in syringe when smaller than transfer amount
-            amountToInject = Math.Min(injector.Comp.TransferAmount.Float(), (solution.MaxVolume - solution.Volume).Float());
+            amountToInject = FixedPoint2.Min(injector.Comp.TransferAmount, (solution.MaxVolume - solution.Volume));
             // additional delay is based on actual volume left to inject in syringe when smaller than transfer amount
-            amountToInject = Math.Min(injector.Comp.TransferAmount.Float(), solution.Volume.Float());
+            amountToInject = FixedPoint2.Min(injector.Comp.TransferAmount, solution.Volume);
         // Injections take 0.5 seconds longer per 5u of possible space/content
-        actualDelay += TimeSpan.FromSeconds(amountToInject / 10);
+        // First 5u(MinimumTransferAmount) doesn't incur delay
+        actualDelay += injector.Comp.DelayPerVolume * FixedPoint2.Max(0, amountToInject - injector.Comp.MinimumTransferAmount).Double();
+        // Ensure that minimum delay before incapacitation checks is 1 seconds
+        actualDelay = MathHelper.Max(actualDelay, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
         var isTarget = user != target;
@@ -199,9 +203,9 @@ private void InjectDoAfter(Entity<InjectorComponent> injector, EntityUid target,
             BreakOnMove = true,
             BreakOnWeightlessMove = false,
             BreakOnDamage = true,
-            NeedHand = true,
-            BreakOnHandChange = true,
-            MovementThreshold = 0.1f,
+            NeedHand = injector.Comp.NeedHand,
+            BreakOnHandChange = injector.Comp.BreakOnHandChange,
+            MovementThreshold = injector.Comp.MovementThreshold,
diff --git a/Content.Server/Corvax/TTS/TTSSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Corvax/TTS/TTSSystem.cs
index 81caf95b099..c8046212577 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Corvax/TTS/TTSSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Corvax/TTS/TTSSystem.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
 using Content.Server.Chat.Systems;
 using Content.Shared.Corvax.CCCVars;
 using Content.Shared.Corvax.TTS;
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 using Robust.Shared.Player;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
 using Robust.Shared.Random;
+using Content.Server.ADT.Language;  // ADT Languages
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;  // ADT Languages
 namespace Content.Server.Corvax.TTS;
@@ -18,6 +20,7 @@ public sealed partial class TTSSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private readonly TTSManager _ttsManager = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedTransformSystem _xforms = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _rng = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly LanguageSystem _language = default!;  // ADT Languages
     private readonly List<string> _sampleText =
@@ -33,7 +36,8 @@ public sealed partial class TTSSystem : EntitySystem
             "Здесь есть доктор? Человек умирает от отравленного пончика! Нужна помощь!",
             "Вам нужно согласие и печать квартирмейстера, если вы хотите сделать заказ на партию дробовиков.",
             "Возле эвакуационного шаттла разгерметизация! Инженеры, нам срочно нужна ваша помощь!",
-            "Бармен, налей мне самого крепкого вина, которое есть в твоих запасах!"
+            "Бармен, налей мне самого крепкого вина, которое есть в твоих запасах!",
+            "Здесь был котя."
     private const int MaxMessageChars = 100 * 2; // same as SingleBubbleCharLimit * 2
@@ -66,7 +70,7 @@ private async void OnRequestPreviewTTS(RequestPreviewTTSEvent ev, EntitySessionE
         if (soundData is null)
-        RaiseNetworkEvent(new PlayTTSEvent(soundData), Filter.SinglePlayer(args.SenderSession));
+        RaiseNetworkEvent(new PlayTTSEvent(soundData, soundData, _prototypeManager.Index<LanguagePrototype>("Universal")), Filter.SinglePlayer(args.SenderSession));
     private async void OnEntitySpoke(EntityUid uid, TTSComponent component, EntitySpokeEvent args)
@@ -86,21 +90,27 @@ private async void OnEntitySpoke(EntityUid uid, TTSComponent component, EntitySp
         if (args.ObfuscatedMessage != null)
-            HandleWhisper(uid, args.Message, args.ObfuscatedMessage, protoVoice.Speaker);
+            HandleWhisper(uid, args.Message, args.ObfuscatedMessage, protoVoice.Speaker, args.Language);    // ADT Languages
-        HandleSay(uid, args.Message, protoVoice.Speaker);
+        HandleSay(uid, args.Message, protoVoice.Speaker, args.Language);    // ADT Languages
-    private async void HandleSay(EntityUid uid, string message, string speaker)
+    private async void HandleSay(EntityUid uid, string message, string speaker, LanguagePrototype language)
         var soundData = await GenerateTTS(message, speaker);
         if (soundData is null) return;
-        RaiseNetworkEvent(new PlayTTSEvent(soundData, GetNetEntity(uid)), Filter.Pvs(uid));
+        // ADT Languages start
+        var languageSoundData = await GenerateTTS(_language.ObfuscateMessage(uid, message, language), speaker);
+        if (languageSoundData is null) return;
+        // ADT Languages end
+        RaiseNetworkEvent(new PlayTTSEvent(soundData, languageSoundData, language, GetNetEntity(uid)), Filter.Pvs(uid));
-    private async void HandleWhisper(EntityUid uid, string message, string obfMessage, string speaker)
+    private async void HandleWhisper(EntityUid uid, string message, string obfMessage, string speaker, LanguagePrototype language)
         var fullSoundData = await GenerateTTS(message, speaker, true);
         if (fullSoundData is null) return;
@@ -108,8 +118,16 @@ private async void HandleWhisper(EntityUid uid, string message, string obfMessag
         var obfSoundData = await GenerateTTS(obfMessage, speaker, true);
         if (obfSoundData is null) return;
-        var fullTtsEvent = new PlayTTSEvent(fullSoundData, GetNetEntity(uid), true);
-        var obfTtsEvent = new PlayTTSEvent(obfSoundData, GetNetEntity(uid), true);
+        // ADT Languages start
+        var fullLangSoundData = await GenerateTTS(_language.ObfuscateMessage(uid, message, language), speaker, true);
+        if (fullLangSoundData is null) return;
+        var obfLangSoundData = await GenerateTTS(_language.ObfuscateMessage(uid, obfMessage, language), speaker, true);
+        if (obfLangSoundData is null) return;
+        // ADT Languages end
+        var fullTtsEvent = new PlayTTSEvent(fullSoundData, fullLangSoundData, language, GetNetEntity(uid), true);   // ADT Languages
+        var obfTtsEvent = new PlayTTSEvent(obfSoundData, obfLangSoundData, language, GetNetEntity(uid), true);  // ADT Languages
         // TODO: Check obstacles
         var xformQuery = GetEntityQuery<TransformComponent>();
diff --git a/Content.Server/Destructible/Thresholds/Behaviors/WeightedSpawnEntityBehavior.cs b/Content.Server/Destructible/Thresholds/Behaviors/WeightedSpawnEntityBehavior.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e02ed873223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Destructible/Thresholds/Behaviors/WeightedSpawnEntityBehavior.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+using System.Numerics;
+using Content.Server.Spawners.Components;
+using Content.Server.Spawners.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.Random;
+using Content.Shared.Random.Helpers;
+using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype;
+using Robust.Shared.Spawners;
+namespace Content.Server.Destructible.Thresholds.Behaviors;
+/// <summary>
+/// Behavior that can be assigned to a trigger that that takes a <see cref="WeightedRandomEntityPrototype"/>
+/// and spawns a number of the same entity between a given min and max
+/// at a random offset from the final position of the entity.
+/// </summary>
+public sealed partial class WeightedSpawnEntityBehavior : IThresholdBehavior
+    /// <summary>
+    /// A table of entities with assigned weights to randomly pick from
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField(required: true)]
+    public ProtoId<WeightedRandomEntityPrototype> WeightedEntityTable;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// How far away to spawn the entity from the parent position
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField]
+    public float SpawnOffset = 1;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// The mininum number of entities to spawn randomly
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField]
+    public int MinSpawn = 1;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// The max number of entities to spawn randomly
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField]
+    public int MaxSpawn = 1;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Time in seconds to wait before spawning entities
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField]
+    public float SpawnAfter;
+    public void Execute(EntityUid uid, DestructibleSystem system, EntityUid? cause = null)
+    {
+        // Get the position at which to start initially spawning entities
+        var transform = system.EntityManager.System<TransformSystem>();
+        var position = transform.GetMapCoordinates(uid);
+        // Helper function used to randomly get an offset to apply to the original position
+        Vector2 GetRandomVector() => new (system.Random.NextFloat(-SpawnOffset, SpawnOffset), system.Random.NextFloat(-SpawnOffset, SpawnOffset));
+        // Randomly pick the entity to spawn and randomly pick how many to spawn
+        var entity = system.PrototypeManager.Index(WeightedEntityTable).Pick(system.Random);
+        var amountToSpawn = system.Random.NextFloat(MinSpawn, MaxSpawn);
+        // Different behaviors for delayed spawning and immediate spawning
+        if (SpawnAfter != 0)
+        {
+            // if it fails to get the spawner, this won't ever work so just return
+            if (!system.PrototypeManager.TryIndex("TemporaryEntityForTimedDespawnSpawners", out var tempSpawnerProto))
+                return;
+            // spawn the spawner, assign it a lifetime, and assign the entity that it will spawn when despawned
+            for (var i = 0; i < amountToSpawn; i++)
+            {
+                var spawner = system.EntityManager.SpawnEntity(tempSpawnerProto.ID, position.Offset(GetRandomVector()));
+                system.EntityManager.EnsureComponent<TimedDespawnComponent>(spawner, out var timedDespawnComponent);
+                timedDespawnComponent.Lifetime = SpawnAfter;
+                system.EntityManager.EnsureComponent<SpawnOnDespawnComponent>(spawner, out var spawnOnDespawnComponent);
+                system.EntityManager.System<SpawnOnDespawnSystem>().SetPrototype((spawner, spawnOnDespawnComponent), entity);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // directly spawn the desired entities
+            for (var i = 0; i < amountToSpawn; i++)
+            {
+                system.EntityManager.SpawnEntity(entity, position.Offset(GetRandomVector()));
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Disposal/Unit/EntitySystems/DisposalUnitSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Disposal/Unit/EntitySystems/DisposalUnitSystem.cs
index aa1ab3daccd..37a5ba2ef8e 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Disposal/Unit/EntitySystems/DisposalUnitSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Disposal/Unit/EntitySystems/DisposalUnitSystem.cs
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 using Content.Shared.Item;
 using Content.Shared.Movement.Events;
 using Content.Shared.Popups;
-using Content.Shared.Throwing;
 using Content.Shared.Verbs;
 using Robust.Server.Audio;
 using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@
 using Robust.Shared.Physics.Components;
 using Robust.Shared.Physics.Events;
 using Robust.Shared.Player;
-using Robust.Shared.Random;
 using Robust.Shared.Utility;
 namespace Content.Server.Disposal.Unit.EntitySystems;
@@ -331,12 +329,13 @@ private void OnMovement(EntityUid uid, SharedDisposalUnitComponent component, re
         var currentTime = GameTiming.CurTime;
+        if (!_actionBlockerSystem.CanMove(args.Entity))
+            return;
         if (!TryComp(args.Entity, out HandsComponent? hands) ||
             hands.Count == 0 ||
             currentTime < component.LastExitAttempt + ExitAttemptDelay)
-        {
-        }
         component.LastExitAttempt = currentTime;
         Remove(uid, component, args.Entity);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Dragon/DragonSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Dragon/DragonSystem.cs
index 1f15def5ce5..29875c60ca7 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Dragon/DragonSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Dragon/DragonSystem.cs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.Mind;
 using Content.Shared.Mind.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Mobs;
+using Content.Shared.Mobs.Systems;
 using Content.Shared.Movement.Systems;
 using Content.Shared.NPC.Systems;
 using Content.Shared.Zombies;
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ public sealed partial class DragonSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedActionsSystem _actions = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audio = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedTransformSystem _transform = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly MobStateSystem _mobState = default!;
     private EntityQuery<CarpRiftsConditionComponent> _objQuery;
@@ -91,7 +93,8 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime)
-            comp.RiftAccumulator += frameTime;
+            if (!_mobState.IsDead(uid))
+                comp.RiftAccumulator += frameTime;
             // Delete it, naughty dragon!
             if (comp.RiftAccumulator >= comp.RiftMaxAccumulator)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Electrocution/ElectrocutionSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Electrocution/ElectrocutionSystem.cs
index 67e60c9de46..921166f826e 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Electrocution/ElectrocutionSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Electrocution/ElectrocutionSystem.cs
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ public sealed class ElectrocutionSystem : SharedElectrocutionSystem
     private const string DamageType = "Shock";
+    // Yes, this is absurdly small for a reason.
+    public const float ElectrifiedDamagePerWatt = 0.0015f; // Parkstation-IPC // This information is allowed to be public, and was needed in BatteryElectrocuteChargeSystem.cs
+    private const float ElectrifiedScalePerWatt = 1E-6f;
     // Multiply and shift the log scale for shock damage.
     private const float RecursiveDamageMultiplier = 0.75f;
     private const float RecursiveTimeMultiplier = 0.8f;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Emp/EmpSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Emp/EmpSystem.cs
index d2ac2caaa96..fa510d6f972 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Emp/EmpSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Emp/EmpSystem.cs
@@ -40,11 +40,31 @@ public override void Initialize()
     /// <param name="duration">The duration of the EMP effects.</param>
     public void EmpPulse(MapCoordinates coordinates, float range, float energyConsumption, float duration)
+        /*
         foreach (var uid in _lookup.GetEntitiesInRange(coordinates, range))
             TryEmpEffects(uid, energyConsumption, duration);
         Spawn(EmpPulseEffectPrototype, coordinates);
+        */
+        ///ADT-Tweak IPC start
+        foreach (var uid in _lookup.GetEntitiesInRange(coordinates, range))
+        {
+            var ev = new EmpPulseEvent(energyConsumption, false, false, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration)); // Parkstation-IPCs
+            RaiseLocalEvent(uid, ref ev);
+            if (ev.Affected)
+            {
+                Spawn(EmpDisabledEffectPrototype, Transform(uid).Coordinates);
+            }
+            if (ev.Disabled)
+            {
+                var disabled = EnsureComp<EmpDisabledComponent>(uid);
+                disabled.DisabledUntil = Timing.CurTime + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration);
+            }
+        }
+        Spawn(EmpPulseEffectPrototype, coordinates);
+        ///ADT-Tweak IPC end
     /// <summary>
@@ -131,13 +151,12 @@ private void OnCameraSetActive(EntityUid uid, EmpDisabledComponent component, re
         args.Cancelled = true;
-///ADT ion start
+    ///ADT ion start
     private void OnProjectileHit(EntityUid uid, EmpOnCollideComponent component, ref ProjectileHitEvent args)
         TryEmpEffects(args.Target, component.EnergyConsumption, component.DisableDuration);
-///ADT ion end
+    ///ADT ion end
 /// <summary>
@@ -148,7 +167,7 @@ public sealed partial class EmpAttemptEvent : CancellableEntityEventArgs
-public record struct EmpPulseEvent(float EnergyConsumption, bool Affected, bool Disabled, TimeSpan Duration);
+public record struct EmpPulseEvent(float EnergyConsumption, bool Affected, bool Disabled, TimeSpan Duration); // Parkstation-IPCs
 public record struct EmpDisabledRemoved();
diff --git a/Content.Server/EntityEffects/Effects/MakeSentient.cs b/Content.Server/EntityEffects/Effects/MakeSentient.cs
index c4870438486..72ef30578d9 100644
--- a/Content.Server/EntityEffects/Effects/MakeSentient.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/EntityEffects/Effects/MakeSentient.cs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.EntityEffects;
 using Content.Shared.Mind.Components;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;
 namespace Content.Server.EntityEffects.Effects;
@@ -22,6 +23,18 @@ public override void Effect(EntityEffectBaseArgs args)
+        // Lang start
+        var lang = entityManager.EnsureComponent<LanguageSpeakerComponent>(uid);
+        if (!lang.SpokenLanguages.Contains("GalacticCommon"))
+        {
+            lang.SpokenLanguages.Add("GalacticCommon");
+        }
+        if (!lang.UnderstoodLanguages.Contains("GalacticCommon"))
+        {
+            lang.UnderstoodLanguages.Add("GalacticCommon");
+        }
+        // Lang end
         // Stops from adding a ghost role to things like people who already have a mind
         if (entityManager.TryGetComponent<MindContainerComponent>(uid, out var mindContainer) && mindContainer.HasMind)
@@ -34,6 +47,7 @@ public override void Effect(EntityEffectBaseArgs args)
         ghostRole = entityManager.AddComponent<GhostRoleComponent>(uid);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Flash/DamagedByFlashingSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Flash/DamagedByFlashingSystem.cs
index cf0368ca42a..5b4c19b8e54 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Flash/DamagedByFlashingSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Flash/DamagedByFlashingSystem.cs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ private void OnFlashAttempt(Entity<DamagedByFlashingComponent> ent, ref FlashAtt
         _damageable.TryChangeDamage(ent, ent.Comp.FlashDamage);
-        //To Do: It would be more logical if different flashes had different power,
+        //TODO: It would be more logical if different flashes had different power,
         //and the damage would be inflicted depending on the strength of the flash.
diff --git a/Content.Server/Ghost/GhostSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Ghost/GhostSystem.cs
index dce80a450fd..b68c279b3e5 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Ghost/GhostSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Ghost/GhostSystem.cs
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ private void OnActionPerform(EntityUid uid, GhostComponent component, BooActionE
         private void OnRelayMoveInput(EntityUid uid, GhostOnMoveComponent component, ref MoveInputEvent args)
             // If they haven't actually moved then ignore it.
-            if ((args.Component.HeldMoveButtons &
+            if ((args.Entity.Comp.HeldMoveButtons &
                  (MoveButtons.Down | MoveButtons.Left | MoveButtons.Up | MoveButtons.Right)) == 0x0)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Ghost/Roles/GhostRoleSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Ghost/Roles/GhostRoleSystem.cs
index b6627f11540..8b8aa7b8c8f 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Ghost/Roles/GhostRoleSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Ghost/Roles/GhostRoleSystem.cs
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 using Content.Server.EUI;
 using Content.Server.Ghost.Roles.Components;
 using Content.Server.Ghost.Roles.Events;
-using Content.Server.Ghost.Roles.Raffles;
 using Content.Shared.Ghost.Roles.Raffles;
 using Content.Server.Ghost.Roles.UI;
 using Content.Server.Mind.Commands;
@@ -31,6 +30,7 @@
 using Content.Server.Popups;
 using Content.Shared.Verbs;
 using Robust.Shared.Collections;
+using Content.Shared.Ghost.Roles.Components;
 namespace Content.Server.Ghost.Roles
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ public override void Initialize()
             SubscribeLocalEvent<GhostRoleMobSpawnerComponent, TakeGhostRoleEvent>(OnSpawnerTakeRole);
             SubscribeLocalEvent<GhostTakeoverAvailableComponent, TakeGhostRoleEvent>(OnTakeoverTakeRole);
             SubscribeLocalEvent<GhostRoleMobSpawnerComponent, GetVerbsEvent<Verb>>(OnVerb);
+            SubscribeLocalEvent<GhostRoleMobSpawnerComponent, GhostRoleRadioMessage>(OnGhostRoleRadioMessage);
             _playerManager.PlayerStatusChanged += PlayerStatusChanged;
@@ -786,6 +787,21 @@ public void SetMode(EntityUid uid, GhostRolePrototype prototype, string verbText
                 _popupSystem.PopupEntity(msg, uid, userUid.Value);
+        public void OnGhostRoleRadioMessage(Entity<GhostRoleMobSpawnerComponent> entity, ref GhostRoleRadioMessage args)
+        {
+            if (!_prototype.TryIndex(args.ProtoId, out var ghostRoleProto))
+                return;
+            // if the prototype chosen isn't actually part of the selectable options, ignore it
+            foreach (var selectableProto in entity.Comp.SelectablePrototypes)
+            {
+                if (selectableProto == ghostRoleProto.EntityPrototype.Id)
+                    return;
+            }
+            SetMode(entity.Owner, ghostRoleProto, ghostRoleProto.Name, entity.Comp);
+        }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Ghost/Roles/ToggleableGhostRoleSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Ghost/Roles/ToggleableGhostRoleSystem.cs
index 8354a24f90d..64e46bb608a 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Ghost/Roles/ToggleableGhostRoleSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Ghost/Roles/ToggleableGhostRoleSystem.cs
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ private void UpdateAppearance(EntityUid uid, ToggleableGhostRoleStatus status)
     private void AddWipeVerb(EntityUid uid, ToggleableGhostRoleComponent component, GetVerbsEvent<ActivationVerb> args)
-        if (!args.CanAccess || !args.CanInteract)
+        if (args.Hands == null || !args.CanAccess || !args.CanInteract)
         if (TryComp<MindContainerComponent>(uid, out var mind) && mind.HasMind)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Kitchen/Components/MicrowaveComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Kitchen/Components/MicrowaveComponent.cs
index 1d26f68cae8..5337d80fd17 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Kitchen/Components/MicrowaveComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Kitchen/Components/MicrowaveComponent.cs
@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ public sealed partial class MicrowaveComponent : Component
         public Container Storage = default!;
+        [DataField]
+        public string ContainerId = "microwave_entity_container";
         [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
         public int Capacity = 10;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Kitchen/EntitySystems/MicrowaveSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Kitchen/EntitySystems/MicrowaveSystem.cs
index 71986ae859e..98c875e7735 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Kitchen/EntitySystems/MicrowaveSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Kitchen/EntitySystems/MicrowaveSystem.cs
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ private void SubtractContents(MicrowaveComponent component, FoodRecipePrototype
         private void OnInit(Entity<MicrowaveComponent> ent, ref ComponentInit args)
             // this really does have to be in ComponentInit
-            ent.Comp.Storage = _container.EnsureContainer<Container>(ent, "microwave_entity_container");
+            ent.Comp.Storage = _container.EnsureContainer<Container>(ent, ent.Comp.ContainerId);
         private void OnMapInit(Entity<MicrowaveComponent> ent, ref MapInitEvent args)
@@ -312,6 +312,9 @@ private void OnContentUpdate(EntityUid uid, MicrowaveComponent component, Contai
         private void OnInsertAttempt(Entity<MicrowaveComponent> ent, ref ContainerIsInsertingAttemptEvent args)
+            if (args.Container.ID != ent.Comp.ContainerId)
+                return;
             if (ent.Comp.Broken)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Kitchen/EntitySystems/ReagentGrinderSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Kitchen/EntitySystems/ReagentGrinderSystem.cs
index 81001f0932e..b4023bbdb9f 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Kitchen/EntitySystems/ReagentGrinderSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Kitchen/EntitySystems/ReagentGrinderSystem.cs
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ private void OnContainerModified(EntityUid uid, ReagentGrinderComponent reagentG
             var outputContainer = _itemSlotsSystem.GetItemOrNull(uid, SharedReagentGrinder.BeakerSlotId);
             _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, ReagentGrinderVisualState.BeakerAttached, outputContainer.HasValue);
-            if (reagentGrinder.AutoMode != GrinderAutoMode.Off && !HasComp<ActiveReagentGrinderComponent>(uid))
+            if (reagentGrinder.AutoMode != GrinderAutoMode.Off && !HasComp<ActiveReagentGrinderComponent>(uid) && this.IsPowered(uid, EntityManager))
                 var program = reagentGrinder.AutoMode == GrinderAutoMode.Grind ? GrinderProgram.Grind : GrinderProgram.Juice;
                 DoWork(uid, reagentGrinder, program);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Lathe/LatheSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Lathe/LatheSystem.cs
index 7448a9b84dd..f6e5903bbe2 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Lathe/LatheSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Lathe/LatheSystem.cs
@@ -1,23 +1,29 @@
 using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
 using System.Linq;
 using Content.Server.Administration.Logs;
-using Content.Server.Atmos;
 using Content.Server.Atmos.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Fluids.EntitySystems;
 using Content.Server.Lathe.Components;
 using Content.Server.Materials;
+using Content.Server.Popups;
 using Content.Server.Power.Components;
 using Content.Server.Power.EntitySystems;
 using Content.Server.Stack;
 using Content.Shared.Atmos;
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Reagent;
 using Content.Shared.UserInterface;
 using Content.Shared.Database;
 using Content.Shared.Emag.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Examine;
 using Content.Shared.Lathe;
 using Content.Shared.Materials;
 using Content.Shared.ReagentSpeed;
 using Content.Shared.Research.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Research.Prototypes;
 using JetBrains.Annotations;
+using Robust.Server.Containers;
 using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
 using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
@@ -34,9 +40,13 @@ public sealed class LatheSystem : SharedLatheSystem
         [Dependency] private readonly AtmosphereSystem _atmosphere = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly SharedAppearanceSystem _appearance = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audio = default!;
+        [Dependency] private readonly ContainerSystem _container = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly UserInterfaceSystem _uiSys = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly MaterialStorageSystem _materialStorage = default!;
+        [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popup = default!;
+        [Dependency] private readonly PuddleSystem _puddle = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly ReagentSpeedSystem _reagentSpeed = default!;
+        [Dependency] private readonly SharedSolutionContainerSystem _solution = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly StackSystem _stack = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly TransformSystem _transform = default!;
@@ -63,7 +73,6 @@ public override void Initialize()
             SubscribeLocalEvent<EmagLatheRecipesComponent, LatheGetRecipesEvent>(GetEmagLatheRecipes);
             SubscribeLocalEvent<LatheHeatProducingComponent, LatheStartPrintingEvent>(OnHeatStartPrinting);
         public override void Update(float frameTime)
             var query = EntityQueryEnumerator<LatheProducingComponent, LatheComponent>();
@@ -119,7 +128,7 @@ private void OnGetWhitelist(EntityUid uid, LatheComponent component, ref GetMate
                 if (!_proto.TryIndex(id, out var proto))
-                foreach (var (mat, _) in proto.RequiredMaterials)
+                foreach (var (mat, _) in proto.Materials)
                     if (!materialWhitelist.Contains(mat))
@@ -165,7 +174,7 @@ public bool TryAddToQueue(EntityUid uid, LatheRecipePrototype recipe, LatheCompo
             if (!CanProduce(uid, recipe, 1, component))
                 return false;
-            foreach (var (mat, amount) in recipe.RequiredMaterials)
+            foreach (var (mat, amount) in recipe.Materials)
                 var adjustedAmount = recipe.ApplyMaterialDiscount
                     ? (int) (-amount * component.MaterialUseMultiplier)
@@ -211,8 +220,31 @@ public void FinishProducing(EntityUid uid, LatheComponent? comp = null, LathePro
             if (comp.CurrentRecipe != null)
-                var result = Spawn(comp.CurrentRecipe.Result, Transform(uid).Coordinates);
-                _stack.TryMergeToContacts(result);
+                if (comp.CurrentRecipe.Result is { } resultProto)
+                {
+                    var result = Spawn(resultProto, Transform(uid).Coordinates);
+                    _stack.TryMergeToContacts(result);
+                }
+                if (comp.CurrentRecipe.ResultReagents is { } resultReagents &&
+                    comp.ReagentOutputSlotId is { } slotId)
+                {
+                    var toAdd = new Solution(
+                        resultReagents.Select(p => new ReagentQuantity(p.Key.Id, p.Value, null)));
+                    // dispense it in the container if we have it and dump it if we don't
+                    if (_container.TryGetContainer(uid, slotId, out var container) &&
+                        container.ContainedEntities.Count == 1 &&
+                        _solution.TryGetFitsInDispenser(container.ContainedEntities.First(), out var solution, out _))
+                    {
+                        _solution.AddSolution(solution.Value, toAdd);
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("lathe-reagent-dispense-no-container", ("name", uid)), uid);
+                        _puddle.TrySpillAt(uid, toAdd, out _);
+                    }
+                }
             comp.CurrentRecipe = null;
@@ -327,6 +359,7 @@ protected override bool HasRecipe(EntityUid uid, LatheRecipePrototype recipe, La
             return GetAvailableRecipes(uid, component).Contains(recipe.ID);
         #region UI Messages
         private void OnLatheQueueRecipeMessage(EntityUid uid, LatheComponent component, LatheQueueRecipeMessage args)
@@ -343,8 +376,9 @@ private void OnLatheQueueRecipeMessage(EntityUid uid, LatheComponent component,
                 if (count > 0)
-                    _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Action, LogImpact.Low,
-                        $"{ToPrettyString(args.Actor):player} queued {count} {recipe.Name} at {ToPrettyString(uid):lathe}");
+                    _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Action,
+                        LogImpact.Low,
+                        $"{ToPrettyString(args.Actor):player} queued {count} {GetRecipeName(recipe)} at {ToPrettyString(uid):lathe}");
             TryStartProducing(uid, component);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Light/EntitySystems/EmergencyLightSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Light/EntitySystems/EmergencyLightSystem.cs
index 156088ea072..b6810aa33be 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Light/EntitySystems/EmergencyLightSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Light/EntitySystems/EmergencyLightSystem.cs
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
 using Content.Server.Light.Components;
 using Content.Server.Power.Components;
 using Content.Server.Power.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Server.Station.Components;
 using Content.Server.Station.Systems;
 using Content.Shared.Examine;
 using Content.Shared.Light;
 using Content.Shared.Light.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
 using Color = Robust.Shared.Maths.Color;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Lightning/LightningSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Lightning/LightningSystem.cs
index 2147ac80f2e..8b0a18afb35 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Lightning/LightningSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Lightning/LightningSystem.cs
@@ -71,14 +71,14 @@ public void ShootLightning(EntityUid user, EntityUid target, string lightningPro
     /// <param name="triggerLightningEvents">if the lightnings being fired should trigger lightning events.</param>
     public void ShootRandomLightnings(EntityUid user, float range, int boltCount, string lightningPrototype = "Lightning", int arcDepth = 0, bool triggerLightningEvents = true)
-        //To Do: add support to different priority target tablem for different lightning types
-        //To Do: Remove Hardcode LightningTargetComponent (this should be a parameter of the SharedLightningComponent)
-        //To Do: This is still pretty bad for perf but better than before and at least it doesn't re-allocate
+        //TODO: add support to different priority target tablem for different lightning types
+        //TODO: Remove Hardcode LightningTargetComponent (this should be a parameter of the SharedLightningComponent)
+        //TODO: This is still pretty bad for perf but better than before and at least it doesn't re-allocate
         // several hashsets every time
-        var targets = _lookup.GetComponentsInRange<LightningTargetComponent>(_transform.GetMapCoordinates(user), range).ToList();
+        var targets = _lookup.GetEntitiesInRange<LightningTargetComponent>(_transform.GetMapCoordinates(user), range).ToList();
-        targets.Sort((x, y) => y.Priority.CompareTo(x.Priority));
+        targets.Sort((x, y) => y.Comp.Priority.CompareTo(x.Comp.Priority));
         int shootedCount = 0;
         int count = -1;
@@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ public void ShootRandomLightnings(EntityUid user, float range, int boltCount, st
             if (count >= targets.Count) { break; }
             var curTarget = targets[count];
-            if (!_random.Prob(curTarget.HitProbability)) //Chance to ignore target
+            if (!_random.Prob(curTarget.Comp.HitProbability)) //Chance to ignore target
             ShootLightning(user, targets[count].Owner, lightningPrototype, triggerLightningEvents);
-            if (arcDepth - targets[count].LightningResistance > 0)
+            if (arcDepth - targets[count].Comp.LightningResistance > 0)
-                ShootRandomLightnings(targets[count].Owner, range, 1, lightningPrototype, arcDepth - targets[count].LightningResistance, triggerLightningEvents);
+                ShootRandomLightnings(targets[count].Owner, range, 1, lightningPrototype, arcDepth - targets[count].Comp.LightningResistance, triggerLightningEvents);
diff --git a/Content.Server/MagicMirror/MagicMirrorSystem.cs b/Content.Server/MagicMirror/MagicMirrorSystem.cs
index 8d8a6bfa3b4..f4f889e5497 100644
--- a/Content.Server/MagicMirror/MagicMirrorSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/MagicMirror/MagicMirrorSystem.cs
@@ -4,8 +4,12 @@
 using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
 using Content.Shared.Humanoid;
 using Content.Shared.Humanoid.Markings;
+using Content.Shared.IdentityManagement;
 using Content.Shared.Interaction;
+using Content.Shared.Inventory;
 using Content.Shared.MagicMirror;
+using Content.Shared.Popups;
+using Content.Shared.Tag;
 using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
 namespace Content.Server.MagicMirror;
@@ -19,6 +23,9 @@ public sealed class MagicMirrorSystem : SharedMagicMirrorSystem
     [Dependency] private readonly DoAfterSystem _doAfterSystem = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly MarkingManager _markings = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly HumanoidAppearanceSystem _humanoid = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedPopupSystem _popup = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly InventorySystem _inventory = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly TagSystem _tagSystem = default!;
     public override void Initialize()
@@ -46,9 +53,26 @@ private void OnMagicMirrorSelect(EntityUid uid, MagicMirrorComponent component,
         if (component.Target is not { } target)
+        // Check if the target getting their hair altered has any clothes that hides their hair
+        if (CheckHeadSlotOrClothes(message.Actor, component.Target.Value))
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(
+                component.Target == message.Actor
+                    ? Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-blocked-by-hat-self")
+                    : Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-blocked-by-hat-self-target"),
+                message.Actor,
+                message.Actor,
+                PopupType.Medium);
+            return;
+        }
         component.DoAfter = null;
+        var doafterTime = component.SelectSlotTime;
+        if (component.Target == message.Actor)
+            doafterTime /= 3;
         var doAfter = new MagicMirrorSelectDoAfterEvent()
             Category = message.Category,
@@ -56,7 +80,7 @@ private void OnMagicMirrorSelect(EntityUid uid, MagicMirrorComponent component,
             Marking = message.Marking,
-        _doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, message.Actor, component.SelectSlotTime, doAfter, uid, target: target, used: uid)
+        _doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, message.Actor, doafterTime, doAfter, uid, target: target, used: uid)
             DistanceThreshold = SharedInteractionSystem.InteractionRange,
             BreakOnDamage = true,
@@ -66,6 +90,15 @@ private void OnMagicMirrorSelect(EntityUid uid, MagicMirrorComponent component,
             out var doAfterId);
+        if (component.Target == message.Actor)
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-change-slot-self"), component.Target.Value, component.Target.Value, PopupType.Medium);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-change-slot-target", ("user", Identity.Name(message.Actor, EntityManager))), component.Target.Value, component.Target.Value, PopupType.Medium);
+        }
         component.DoAfter = doAfterId;
         _audio.PlayPvs(component.ChangeHairSound, uid);
@@ -102,9 +135,26 @@ private void OnTryMagicMirrorChangeColor(EntityUid uid, MagicMirrorComponent com
         if (component.Target is not { } target)
+                // Check if the target getting their hair altered has any clothes that hides their hair
+        if (CheckHeadSlotOrClothes(message.Actor, component.Target.Value))
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(
+                component.Target == message.Actor
+                    ? Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-blocked-by-hat-self")
+                    : Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-blocked-by-hat-self-target"),
+                message.Actor,
+                message.Actor,
+                PopupType.Medium);
+            return;
+        }
         component.DoAfter = null;
+        var doafterTime = component.ChangeSlotTime;
+        if (component.Target == message.Actor)
+            doafterTime /= 3;
         var doAfter = new MagicMirrorChangeColorDoAfterEvent()
             Category = message.Category,
@@ -112,7 +162,7 @@ private void OnTryMagicMirrorChangeColor(EntityUid uid, MagicMirrorComponent com
             Colors = message.Colors,
-        _doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, message.Actor, component.ChangeSlotTime, doAfter, uid, target: target, used: uid)
+        _doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, message.Actor, doafterTime, doAfter, uid, target: target, used: uid)
             BreakOnDamage = true,
             BreakOnMove = true,
@@ -121,6 +171,15 @@ private void OnTryMagicMirrorChangeColor(EntityUid uid, MagicMirrorComponent com
             out var doAfterId);
+        if (component.Target == message.Actor)
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-change-color-self"), component.Target.Value, component.Target.Value, PopupType.Medium);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-change-color-target", ("user", Identity.Name(message.Actor, EntityManager))), component.Target.Value, component.Target.Value, PopupType.Medium);
+        }
         component.DoAfter = doAfterId;
     private void OnChangeColorDoAfter(EntityUid uid, MagicMirrorComponent component, MagicMirrorChangeColorDoAfterEvent args)
@@ -156,16 +215,33 @@ private void OnTryMagicMirrorRemoveSlot(EntityUid uid, MagicMirrorComponent comp
         if (component.Target is not { } target)
+        // Check if the target getting their hair altered has any clothes that hides their hair
+        if (CheckHeadSlotOrClothes(message.Actor, component.Target.Value))
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(
+                component.Target == message.Actor
+                    ? Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-blocked-by-hat-self")
+                    : Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-blocked-by-hat-self-target"),
+                message.Actor,
+                message.Actor,
+                PopupType.Medium);
+            return;
+        }
         component.DoAfter = null;
+        var doafterTime = component.RemoveSlotTime;
+        if (component.Target == message.Actor)
+            doafterTime /= 3;
         var doAfter = new MagicMirrorRemoveSlotDoAfterEvent()
             Category = message.Category,
             Slot = message.Slot,
-        _doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, message.Actor, component.RemoveSlotTime, doAfter, uid, target: target, used: uid)
+        _doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, message.Actor, doafterTime, doAfter, uid, target: target, used: uid)
             DistanceThreshold = SharedInteractionSystem.InteractionRange,
             BreakOnDamage = true,
@@ -174,6 +250,15 @@ private void OnTryMagicMirrorRemoveSlot(EntityUid uid, MagicMirrorComponent comp
             out var doAfterId);
+        if (component.Target == message.Actor)
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-remove-slot-self"), component.Target.Value, component.Target.Value, PopupType.Medium);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-remove-slot-target", ("user", Identity.Name(message.Actor, EntityManager))), component.Target.Value, component.Target.Value, PopupType.Medium);
+        }
         component.DoAfter = doAfterId;
         _audio.PlayPvs(component.ChangeHairSound, uid);
@@ -210,15 +295,32 @@ private void OnTryMagicMirrorAddSlot(EntityUid uid, MagicMirrorComponent compone
         if (component.Target == null)
+        // Check if the target getting their hair altered has any clothes that hides their hair
+        if (CheckHeadSlotOrClothes(message.Actor, component.Target.Value))
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(
+                component.Target == message.Actor
+                    ? Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-blocked-by-hat-self")
+                    : Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-blocked-by-hat-self-target"),
+                message.Actor,
+                message.Actor,
+                PopupType.Medium);
+            return;
+        }
         component.DoAfter = null;
+        var doafterTime = component.AddSlotTime;
+        if (component.Target == message.Actor)
+            doafterTime /= 3;
         var doAfter = new MagicMirrorAddSlotDoAfterEvent()
             Category = message.Category,
-        _doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, message.Actor, component.AddSlotTime, doAfter, uid, target: component.Target.Value, used: uid)
+        _doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, message.Actor, doafterTime, doAfter, uid, target: component.Target.Value, used: uid)
             BreakOnDamage = true,
             BreakOnMove = true,
@@ -227,6 +329,15 @@ private void OnTryMagicMirrorAddSlot(EntityUid uid, MagicMirrorComponent compone
             out var doAfterId);
+        if (component.Target == message.Actor)
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-add-slot-self"), component.Target.Value, component.Target.Value, PopupType.Medium);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("magic-mirror-add-slot-target", ("user", Identity.Name(message.Actor, EntityManager))), component.Target.Value, component.Target.Value, PopupType.Medium);
+        }
         component.DoAfter = doAfterId;
         _audio.PlayPvs(component.ChangeHairSound, uid);
@@ -265,4 +376,32 @@ private void OnUiClosed(Entity<MagicMirrorComponent> ent, ref BoundUIClosedEvent
         ent.Comp.Target = null;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Helper function that checks if the wearer has anything on their head
+    /// Or if they have any clothes that hides their hair
+    /// </summary>
+    private bool CheckHeadSlotOrClothes(EntityUid user, EntityUid target)
+    {
+        if (TryComp<InventoryComponent>(target, out var inventoryComp))
+        {
+            // any hat whatsoever will block haircutting
+            if (_inventory.TryGetSlotEntity(target, "head", out var hat, inventoryComp))
+            {
+                return true;
+            }
+            // maybe there's some kind of armor that has the HidesHair tag as well, so check every slot for it
+            var slots = _inventory.GetSlotEnumerator((target, inventoryComp), SlotFlags.WITHOUT_POCKET);
+            while (slots.MoveNext(out var slot))
+            {
+                if (slot.ContainedEntity != null && _tagSystem.HasTag(slot.ContainedEntity.Value, "HidesHair"))
+                {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Medical/VomitSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Medical/VomitSystem.cs
index 8c3b15aed33..ec04a27db63 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Medical/VomitSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Medical/VomitSystem.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 using Content.Server.Body.Components;
 using Content.Server.Body.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Chemistry.Containers.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.EntitySystems;
 using Content.Server.Fluids.EntitySystems;
 using Content.Server.Forensics;
 using Content.Server.Popups;
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public sealed class VomitSystem : EntitySystem
         [Dependency] private readonly HungerSystem _hunger = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popup = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly PuddleSystem _puddle = default!;
-        [Dependency] private readonly SolutionContainerSystem _solutionContainer = default!;
+        [Dependency] private readonly SharedSolutionContainerSystem _solutionContainer = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly StunSystem _stun = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly ThirstSystem _thirst = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly ForensicsSystem _forensics = default!;
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public sealed class VomitSystem : EntitySystem
         public void Vomit(EntityUid uid, float thirstAdded = -40f, float hungerAdded = -40f)
             // Main requirement: You have a stomach
-            var stomachList = _body.GetBodyOrganComponents<StomachComponent>(uid);
+            var stomachList = _body.GetBodyOrganEntityComps<StomachComponent>(uid);
             if (stomachList.Count == 0)
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ public void Vomit(EntityUid uid, float thirstAdded = -40f, float hungerAdded = -
             // Empty the stomach out into it
             foreach (var stomach in stomachList)
-                if (_solutionContainer.ResolveSolution(stomach.Comp.Owner, StomachSystem.DefaultSolutionName, ref stomach.Comp.Solution, out var sol))
+                if (_solutionContainer.ResolveSolution(stomach.Owner, StomachSystem.DefaultSolutionName, ref stomach.Comp1.Solution, out var sol))
                     solution.AddSolution(sol, _proto);
-                    _solutionContainer.UpdateChemicals(stomach.Comp.Solution.Value);
+                    _solutionContainer.UpdateChemicals(stomach.Comp1.Solution.Value);
             // Adds a tiny amount of the chem stream from earlier along with vomit
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public void Vomit(EntityUid uid, float thirstAdded = -40f, float hungerAdded = -
                     solution.AddSolution(vomitChemstreamAmount, _proto);
-                    vomitAmount -= (float) vomitChemstreamAmount.Volume;
+                    vomitAmount -= (float)vomitChemstreamAmount.Volume;
                 // Makes a vomit solution the size of 90% of the chemicals removed from the chemstream
diff --git a/Content.Server/Mind/Commands/MakeSentientCommand.cs b/Content.Server/Mind/Commands/MakeSentientCommand.cs
index 5e19d135b6f..35244850406 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Mind/Commands/MakeSentientCommand.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Mind/Commands/MakeSentientCommand.cs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.Movement.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Speech;
 using Robust.Shared.Console;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;
 namespace Content.Server.Mind.Commands
@@ -55,6 +56,18 @@ public static void MakeSentient(EntityUid uid, IEntityManager entityManager, boo
+                // Lang start
+                var lang = entityManager.EnsureComponent<LanguageSpeakerComponent>(uid);
+                if (!lang.SpokenLanguages.Contains("GalacticCommon"))
+                {
+                    lang.SpokenLanguages.Add("GalacticCommon");
+                }
+                if (!lang.UnderstoodLanguages.Contains("GalacticCommon"))
+                {
+                    lang.UnderstoodLanguages.Add("GalacticCommon");
+                }
+                // Lang end
diff --git a/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/HTNCompoundPrototype.cs b/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/HTNCompoundPrototype.cs
index 29cfb96f977..69f84419736 100644
--- a/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/HTNCompoundPrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/HTNCompoundPrototype.cs
@@ -12,4 +12,10 @@ public sealed partial class HTNCompoundPrototype : IPrototype
     [DataField("branches", required: true)]
     public List<HTNBranch> Branches = new();
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Exclude this compound task from the CompoundRecursion integration test.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField]
+    public bool AllowRecursion = false;
diff --git a/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/HTNPlanJob.cs b/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/HTNPlanJob.cs
index 8158303524a..9c62f5840a7 100644
--- a/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/HTNPlanJob.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/HTNPlanJob.cs
@@ -63,8 +63,13 @@ public HTNPlanJob(
         // How many primitive tasks we've added since last record.
         var primitiveCount = 0;
+        int tasksProcessed = 0;
         while (tasksToProcess.TryDequeue(out var currentTask))
+            if (tasksProcessed++ > _rootTask.MaximumTasks)
+                throw new Exception("HTN Planner exceeded maximum tasks");
             switch (currentTask)
                 case HTNCompoundTask compound:
diff --git a/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/HTNTask.cs b/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/HTNTask.cs
index 0f7c0a377ea..c09849d079f 100644
--- a/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/HTNTask.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/HTNTask.cs
@@ -3,4 +3,10 @@ namespace Content.Server.NPC.HTN;
 public abstract partial class HTNTask
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Limit the amount of tasks the planner considers. Exceeding this value sleeps the NPC and throws an exception.
+    /// The expected way to hit this limit is with badly written recursive tasks.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField]
+    public int MaximumTasks = 1000;
diff --git a/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/Preconditions/HandcuffedPrecondition.cs b/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/Preconditions/HandcuffedPrecondition.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4a56eeb9539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/Preconditions/HandcuffedPrecondition.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+using Content.Server.Cuffs;
+using Content.Shared.Cuffs.Components;
+namespace Content.Server.NPC.HTN.Preconditions;
+public sealed partial class HandcuffedPrecondition : HTNPrecondition
+    [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entManager = default!;
+    [DataField]
+    public bool ReactOnlyWhenFullyCuffed = true;
+    public override bool IsMet(NPCBlackboard blackboard)
+    {
+        var cuffable = _entManager.System<CuffableSystem>();
+        var owner = blackboard.GetValue<EntityUid>(NPCBlackboard.Owner);
+        if (!_entManager.TryGetComponent<CuffableComponent>(owner, out var cuffComp))
+            return false;
+        var target = (owner, cuffComp);
+        return cuffable.IsCuffed(target, ReactOnlyWhenFullyCuffed);
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/PrimitiveTasks/Operators/Interactions/InteractWithOperator.cs b/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/PrimitiveTasks/Operators/Interactions/InteractWithOperator.cs
index 8e3ab5238a3..7d6f0005730 100644
--- a/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/PrimitiveTasks/Operators/Interactions/InteractWithOperator.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/NPC/HTN/PrimitiveTasks/Operators/Interactions/InteractWithOperator.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 using Content.Server.Interaction;
 using Content.Shared.CombatMode;
+using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
 using Content.Shared.Timing;
 namespace Content.Server.NPC.HTN.PrimitiveTasks.Operators.Interactions;
@@ -7,6 +8,13 @@ namespace Content.Server.NPC.HTN.PrimitiveTasks.Operators.Interactions;
 public sealed partial class InteractWithOperator : HTNOperator
     [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entManager = default!;
+    private SharedDoAfterSystem _doAfterSystem = default!;
+    public override void Initialize(IEntitySystemManager sysManager)
+    {
+        base.Initialize(sysManager);
+        _doAfterSystem = sysManager.GetEntitySystem<SharedDoAfterSystem>();
+    }
     /// <summary>
     /// Key that contains the target entity.
@@ -14,10 +22,53 @@ public sealed partial class InteractWithOperator : HTNOperator
     [DataField(required: true)]
     public string TargetKey = default!;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Exit with failure if doafter wasn't raised
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField]
+    public bool ExpectDoAfter = false;
+    public string CurrentDoAfter = "CurrentInteractWithDoAfter";
+    // Ensure that CurrentDoAfter doesn't exist as we enter this operator,
+    // the code currently relies on the result of a TryGetValue
+    public override void Startup(NPCBlackboard blackboard)
+    {
+        blackboard.Remove<ushort>(CurrentDoAfter);
+    }
+    // Not really sure if we should clean it up, I guess some operator could use it
+    public override void TaskShutdown(NPCBlackboard blackboard, HTNOperatorStatus status)
+    {
+        blackboard.Remove<ushort>(CurrentDoAfter);
+    }
     public override HTNOperatorStatus Update(NPCBlackboard blackboard, float frameTime)
         var owner = blackboard.GetValue<EntityUid>(NPCBlackboard.Owner);
+        // Handle ongoing doAfter, and store the doAfter.nextId so we can detect if we started one
+        ushort nextId = 0;
+        if (_entManager.TryGetComponent<DoAfterComponent>(owner, out var doAfter))
+        {
+            // if CurrentDoAfter contains something, we have an active doAfter
+            if (blackboard.TryGetValue<ushort>(CurrentDoAfter, out var doAfterId, _entManager))
+            {
+                var status = _doAfterSystem.GetStatus(owner, doAfterId, null);
+                return status switch
+                {
+                    DoAfterStatus.Running => HTNOperatorStatus.Continuing,
+                    DoAfterStatus.Finished => HTNOperatorStatus.Finished,
+                    _ => HTNOperatorStatus.Failed
+                };
+            }
+            nextId = doAfter.NextId;
+        }
         if (_entManager.TryGetComponent<UseDelayComponent>(owner, out var useDelay) && _entManager.System<UseDelaySystem>().IsDelayed((owner, useDelay)) ||
             !blackboard.TryGetValue<EntityUid>(TargetKey, out var moveTarget, _entManager) ||
             !_entManager.TryGetComponent<TransformComponent>(moveTarget, out var targetXform))
@@ -31,6 +82,18 @@ public override HTNOperatorStatus Update(NPCBlackboard blackboard, float frameTi
         _entManager.System<InteractionSystem>().UserInteraction(owner, targetXform.Coordinates, moveTarget);
+        // Detect doAfter, save it, and don't exit from this operator
+        if (doAfter != null && nextId != doAfter.NextId)
+        {
+            blackboard.SetValue(CurrentDoAfter, nextId);
+            return HTNOperatorStatus.Continuing;
+        }
+        // We shouldn't arrive here if we start a doafter, so fail if we expected a doafter
+        if(ExpectDoAfter)
+            return HTNOperatorStatus.Failed;
         return HTNOperatorStatus.Finished;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nutrition/EntitySystems/DrinkSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Nutrition/EntitySystems/DrinkSystem.cs
index d9122ff278c..ab4ce450d88 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Nutrition/EntitySystems/DrinkSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Nutrition/EntitySystems/DrinkSystem.cs
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ private bool TryDrink(EntityUid user, EntityUid target, DrinkComponent drink, En
             target: target,
             used: item)
+            BreakOnHandChange = false,
             BreakOnMove = forceDrink,
             BreakOnDamage = true,
             MovementThreshold = 0.01f,
@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ private void OnDoAfter(Entity<DrinkComponent> entity, ref ConsumeDoAfterEvent ar
         if (transferAmount <= 0)
-        if (!_body.TryGetBodyOrganComponents<StomachComponent>(args.Target.Value, out var stomachs, body))
+        if (!_body.TryGetBodyOrganEntityComps<StomachComponent>((args.Target.Value, body), out var stomachs))
             _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString(forceDrink ? "drink-component-try-use-drink-cannot-drink-other" : "drink-component-try-use-drink-had-enough"), args.Target.Value, args.User);
@@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ private void OnDoAfter(Entity<DrinkComponent> entity, ref ConsumeDoAfterEvent ar
-        var firstStomach = stomachs.FirstOrNull(stomach => _stomach.CanTransferSolution(stomach.Comp.Owner, drained, stomach.Comp));
+        var firstStomach = stomachs.FirstOrNull(stomach => _stomach.CanTransferSolution(stomach.Owner, drained, stomach.Comp1));
         //All stomachs are full or can't handle whatever solution we have.
         if (firstStomach == null)
@@ -320,8 +321,7 @@ private void OnDoAfter(Entity<DrinkComponent> entity, ref ConsumeDoAfterEvent ar
         _audio.PlayPvs(entity.Comp.UseSound, args.Target.Value, AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(-2f));
         _reaction.DoEntityReaction(args.Target.Value, solution, ReactionMethod.Ingestion);
-        //TODO: Grab the stomach UIDs somehow without using Owner
-        _stomach.TryTransferSolution(firstStomach.Value.Comp.Owner, drained, firstStomach.Value.Comp);
+        _stomach.TryTransferSolution(firstStomach.Value.Owner, drained, firstStomach.Value.Comp1);
         _forensics.TransferDna(entity, args.Target.Value);
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ private void AddDrinkVerb(Entity<DrinkComponent> entity, ref GetVerbsEvent<Alter
             !ev.CanInteract ||
             !ev.CanAccess ||
             !TryComp<BodyComponent>(ev.User, out var body) ||
-            !_body.TryGetBodyOrganComponents<StomachComponent>(ev.User, out var stomachs, body))
+            !_body.TryGetBodyOrganEntityComps<StomachComponent>((ev.User, body), out var stomachs))
         // Make sure the solution exists
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nutrition/EntitySystems/FoodSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Nutrition/EntitySystems/FoodSystem.cs
index d609f737e72..53c1b399821 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Nutrition/EntitySystems/FoodSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Nutrition/EntitySystems/FoodSystem.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 using Content.Server.Body.Components;
 using Content.Server.Body.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Chemistry.Containers.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.EntitySystems;
 using Content.Server.Inventory;
 using Content.Server.Nutrition.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Nutrition.Components;
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public sealed class FoodSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedDoAfterSystem _doAfter = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedHandsSystem _hands = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedInteractionSystem _interaction = default!;
-    [Dependency] private readonly SolutionContainerSystem _solutionContainer = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedSolutionContainerSystem _solutionContainer = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly TransformSystem _transform = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly StackSystem _stack = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly StomachSystem _stomach = default!;
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ private void OnFeedFood(Entity<FoodComponent> entity, ref AfterInteractEvent arg
         if (!_solutionContainer.TryGetSolution(food, foodComp.Solution, out _, out var foodSolution))
             return (false, false);
-        if (!_body.TryGetBodyOrganComponents<StomachComponent>(target, out var stomachs, body))
+        if (!_body.TryGetBodyOrganEntityComps<StomachComponent>((target, body), out var stomachs))
             return (false, false);
         // Check for special digestibles
@@ -182,12 +182,12 @@ private void OnFeedFood(Entity<FoodComponent> entity, ref AfterInteractEvent arg
                 user, target);
             // logging
-            _adminLogger.Add(LogType.ForceFeed, LogImpact.Medium, $"{ToPrettyString(user):user} is forcing {ToPrettyString(target):target} to eat {ToPrettyString(food):food} {SolutionContainerSystem.ToPrettyString(foodSolution)}");
+            _adminLogger.Add(LogType.ForceFeed, LogImpact.Medium, $"{ToPrettyString(user):user} is forcing {ToPrettyString(target):target} to eat {ToPrettyString(food):food} {SharedSolutionContainerSystem.ToPrettyString(foodSolution)}");
             // log voluntary eating
-            _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Ingestion, LogImpact.Low, $"{ToPrettyString(target):target} is eating {ToPrettyString(food):food} {SolutionContainerSystem.ToPrettyString(foodSolution)}");
+            _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Ingestion, LogImpact.Low, $"{ToPrettyString(target):target} is eating {ToPrettyString(food):food} {SharedSolutionContainerSystem.ToPrettyString(foodSolution)}");
         var doAfterArgs = new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager,
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ private void OnFeedFood(Entity<FoodComponent> entity, ref AfterInteractEvent arg
             target: target,
             used: food)
+            BreakOnHandChange = false,
             BreakOnMove = forceFeed,
             BreakOnDamage = true,
             MovementThreshold = 0.01f,
@@ -219,7 +220,7 @@ private void OnDoAfter(Entity<FoodComponent> entity, ref ConsumeDoAfterEvent arg
         if (!TryComp<BodyComponent>(args.Target.Value, out var body))
-        if (!_body.TryGetBodyOrganComponents<StomachComponent>(args.Target.Value, out var stomachs, body))
+        if (!_body.TryGetBodyOrganEntityComps<StomachComponent>((args.Target.Value, body), out var stomachs))
         if (args.Used is null || !_solutionContainer.TryGetSolution(args.Used.Value, args.Solution, out var soln, out var solution))
@@ -243,23 +244,22 @@ private void OnDoAfter(Entity<FoodComponent> entity, ref ConsumeDoAfterEvent arg
         var split = _solutionContainer.SplitSolution(soln.Value, transferAmount);
-        //TODO: Get the stomach UID somehow without nabbing owner
         // Get the stomach with the highest available solution volume
         var highestAvailable = FixedPoint2.Zero;
-        StomachComponent? stomachToUse = null;
-        foreach (var (stomach, _) in stomachs)
+        Entity<StomachComponent>? stomachToUse = null;
+        foreach (var ent in stomachs)
-            var owner = stomach.Owner;
-            if (!_stomach.CanTransferSolution(owner, split, stomach))
+            var owner = ent.Owner;
+            if (!_stomach.CanTransferSolution(owner, split, ent.Comp1))
-            if (!_solutionContainer.ResolveSolution(owner, StomachSystem.DefaultSolutionName, ref stomach.Solution, out var stomachSol))
+            if (!_solutionContainer.ResolveSolution(owner, StomachSystem.DefaultSolutionName, ref ent.Comp1.Solution, out var stomachSol))
             if (stomachSol.AvailableVolume <= highestAvailable)
-            stomachToUse = stomach;
+            stomachToUse = ent;
             highestAvailable = stomachSol.AvailableVolume;
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ private void OnDoAfter(Entity<FoodComponent> entity, ref ConsumeDoAfterEvent arg
         _reaction.DoEntityReaction(args.Target.Value, solution, ReactionMethod.Ingestion);
-        _stomach.TryTransferSolution(stomachToUse.Owner, split, stomachToUse);
+        _stomach.TryTransferSolution(stomachToUse!.Value.Owner, split, stomachToUse);
         var flavors = args.FlavorMessage;
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ private void AddEatVerb(Entity<FoodComponent> entity, ref GetVerbsEvent<Alternat
             !ev.CanInteract ||
             !ev.CanAccess ||
             !TryComp<BodyComponent>(ev.User, out var body) ||
-            !_body.TryGetBodyOrganComponents<StomachComponent>(ev.User, out var stomachs, body))
+            !_body.TryGetBodyOrganEntityComps<StomachComponent>((ev.User, body), out var stomachs))
         // have to kill mouse before eating it
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ public bool IsDigestibleBy(EntityUid uid, EntityUid food, FoodComponent? foodCom
         if (!Resolve(food, ref foodComp, false))
             return false;
-        if (!_body.TryGetBodyOrganComponents<StomachComponent>(uid, out var stomachs))
+        if (!_body.TryGetBodyOrganEntityComps<StomachComponent>(uid, out var stomachs))
             return false;
         return IsDigestibleBy(food, foodComp, stomachs);
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ public bool IsDigestibleBy(EntityUid uid, EntityUid food, FoodComponent? foodCom
     ///     Returns true if <paramref name="stomachs"/> has a <see cref="StomachComponent.SpecialDigestible"/> that whitelists
     ///     this <paramref name="food"/> (or if they even have enough stomachs in the first place).
     /// </summary>
-    private bool IsDigestibleBy(EntityUid food, FoodComponent component, List<(StomachComponent, OrganComponent)> stomachs)
+    private bool IsDigestibleBy(EntityUid food, FoodComponent component, List<Entity<StomachComponent, OrganComponent>> stomachs)
         var digestible = true;
@@ -417,13 +417,13 @@ private bool IsDigestibleBy(EntityUid food, FoodComponent component, List<(Stoma
             return false;
         // Run through the mobs' stomachs
-        foreach (var (comp, _) in stomachs)
+        foreach (var ent in stomachs)
             // Find a stomach with a SpecialDigestible
-            if (comp.SpecialDigestible == null)
+            if (ent.Comp1.SpecialDigestible == null)
             // Check if the food is in the whitelist
-            if (_whitelistSystem.IsWhitelistPass(comp.SpecialDigestible, food))
+            if (_whitelistSystem.IsWhitelistPass(ent.Comp1.SpecialDigestible, food))
                 return true;
             // They can only eat whitelist food and the food isn't in the whitelist. It's not edible.
             return false;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Physics/Components/ChasingWalkComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Physics/Components/ChasingWalkComponent.cs
index 222c9d64db8..819fd809399 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Physics/Components/ChasingWalkComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Physics/Components/ChasingWalkComponent.cs
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public sealed partial class ChasingWalkComponent : Component
     /// The component that the entity is chasing
     /// </summary>
     [DataField(required: true)]
-    public ComponentRegistry ChasingComponent = default!;
+    public ComponentRegistry ChasingComponent = [];
     /// <summary>
     /// The maximum radius in which the entity chooses the target component to follow
diff --git a/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/ChasingWalkSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/ChasingWalkSystem.cs
index 618dd4156fc..fa55ce024e4 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/ChasingWalkSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/ChasingWalkSystem.cs
@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ public override void UpdateBeforeSolve(bool prediction, float frameTime)
     private void ChangeTarget(EntityUid uid, ChasingWalkComponent component)
+        if (component.ChasingComponent.Count <= 0)
+            return;
         //We find our coordinates and calculate the radius of the target search.
         var xform = Transform(uid);
         var range = component.MaxChaseRadius;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/MoverController.cs b/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/MoverController.cs
index 6edc202d153..8b6839ddd0e 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/MoverController.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Physics/Controllers/MoverController.cs
@@ -30,26 +30,26 @@ public override void Initialize()
             SubscribeLocalEvent<InputMoverComponent, PlayerDetachedEvent>(OnPlayerDetached);
-        private void OnRelayPlayerAttached(EntityUid uid, RelayInputMoverComponent component, PlayerAttachedEvent args)
+        private void OnRelayPlayerAttached(Entity<RelayInputMoverComponent> entity, ref PlayerAttachedEvent args)
-            if (MoverQuery.TryGetComponent(component.RelayEntity, out var inputMover))
-                SetMoveInput(inputMover, MoveButtons.None);
+            if (MoverQuery.TryGetComponent(entity.Comp.RelayEntity, out var inputMover))
+                SetMoveInput((entity.Owner, inputMover), MoveButtons.None);
-        private void OnRelayPlayerDetached(EntityUid uid, RelayInputMoverComponent component, PlayerDetachedEvent args)
+        private void OnRelayPlayerDetached(Entity<RelayInputMoverComponent> entity, ref PlayerDetachedEvent args)
-            if (MoverQuery.TryGetComponent(component.RelayEntity, out var inputMover))
-                SetMoveInput(inputMover, MoveButtons.None);
+            if (MoverQuery.TryGetComponent(entity.Comp.RelayEntity, out var inputMover))
+                SetMoveInput((entity.Owner, inputMover), MoveButtons.None);
-        private void OnPlayerAttached(EntityUid uid, InputMoverComponent component, PlayerAttachedEvent args)
+        private void OnPlayerAttached(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, ref PlayerAttachedEvent args)
-            SetMoveInput(component, MoveButtons.None);
+            SetMoveInput(entity, MoveButtons.None);
-        private void OnPlayerDetached(EntityUid uid, InputMoverComponent component, PlayerDetachedEvent args)
+        private void OnPlayerDetached(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, ref PlayerDetachedEvent args)
-            SetMoveInput(component, MoveButtons.None);
+            SetMoveInput(entity, MoveButtons.None);
         protected override bool CanSound()
diff --git a/Content.Server/Power/EntitySystems/ChargerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Power/EntitySystems/ChargerSystem.cs
index 038295eac11..d4997f62a28 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Power/EntitySystems/ChargerSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Power/EntitySystems/ChargerSystem.cs
@@ -43,7 +43,34 @@ private void OnStartup(EntityUid uid, ChargerComponent component, ComponentStart
     private void OnChargerExamine(EntityUid uid, ChargerComponent component, ExaminedEvent args)
-        args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("charger-examine", ("color", "yellow"), ("chargeRate", (int) component.ChargeRate)));
+        using (args.PushGroup(nameof(ChargerComponent)))
+        {
+            // rate at which the charger charges
+            args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("charger-examine", ("color", "yellow"), ("chargeRate", (int) component.ChargeRate)));
+            // try to get contents of the charger
+            if (!_container.TryGetContainer(uid, component.SlotId, out var container))
+                return;
+            // if charger is empty and not a power cell type charger, add empty message
+            // power cells have their own empty message by default, for things like flash lights
+            if (container.ContainedEntities.Count == 0 && !HasComp<PowerCellSlotComponent>(uid))
+            {
+                args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("charger-empty"));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // add how much each item is charged it 
+                foreach (var contained in container.ContainedEntities)
+                {
+                    if (!TryComp<BatteryComponent>(contained, out var battery))
+                        continue;
+                    var chargePercentage = (battery.CurrentCharge / battery.MaxCharge) * 100;
+                    args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("charger-content", ("chargePercentage", (int) chargePercentage)));
+                }
+            }
+        }
     public override void Update(float frameTime)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Power/EntitySystems/PowerMonitoringConsoleSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Power/EntitySystems/PowerMonitoringConsoleSystem.cs
index 35b17dc9584..a07d590461e 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Power/EntitySystems/PowerMonitoringConsoleSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Power/EntitySystems/PowerMonitoringConsoleSystem.cs
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
 using Content.Server.Power.Components;
 using Content.Server.Power.Nodes;
 using Content.Server.Power.NodeGroups;
-using Content.Server.Station.Components;
 using Content.Server.StationEvents.Components;
 using Content.Shared.GameTicking.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Pinpointer;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Power;
 using JetBrains.Annotations;
 using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Power/EntitySystems/PowerReceiverSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Power/EntitySystems/PowerReceiverSystem.cs
index 191d3fc4bdb..9b15bdfd287 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Power/EntitySystems/PowerReceiverSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Power/EntitySystems/PowerReceiverSystem.cs
@@ -46,6 +46,11 @@ public override void Initialize()
             _provQuery = GetEntityQuery<ApcPowerProviderComponent>();
+        private void OnExamined(Entity<ApcPowerReceiverComponent> ent, ref ExaminedEvent args)
+        {
+            args.PushMarkup(GetExamineText(ent.Comp.Powered));
+        }
         private void OnGetVerbs(EntityUid uid, ApcPowerReceiverComponent component, GetVerbsEvent<Verb> args)
             if (!_adminManager.HasAdminFlag(args.User, AdminFlags.Admin))
@@ -61,17 +66,6 @@ private void OnGetVerbs(EntityUid uid, ApcPowerReceiverComponent component, GetV
-        ///<summary>
-        ///Adds some markup to the examine text of whatever object is using this component to tell you if it's powered or not, even if it doesn't have an icon state to do this for you.
-        ///</summary>
-        private void OnExamined(EntityUid uid, ApcPowerReceiverComponent component, ExaminedEvent args)
-        {
-            args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("power-receiver-component-on-examine-main",
-                                            ("stateText", Loc.GetString( component.Powered
-                                                ? "power-receiver-component-on-examine-powered"
-                                                : "power-receiver-component-on-examine-unpowered"))));
-        }
         private void OnProviderShutdown(EntityUid uid, ApcPowerProviderComponent component, ComponentShutdown args)
             foreach (var receiver in component.LinkedReceivers)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Preferences/Managers/ServerPreferencesManager.cs b/Content.Server/Preferences/Managers/ServerPreferencesManager.cs
index 88e0a48f4aa..db6b1e3d13d 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Preferences/Managers/ServerPreferencesManager.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Preferences/Managers/ServerPreferencesManager.cs
@@ -276,7 +276,6 @@ public bool TryGetCachedPreferences(NetUserId userId,
         /// <summary>
         /// Retrieves preferences for the given username from storage.
-        /// Creates and saves default preferences if they are not found, then returns them.
         /// </summary>
         public PlayerPreferences GetPreferences(NetUserId userId)
@@ -291,7 +290,6 @@ public PlayerPreferences GetPreferences(NetUserId userId)
         /// <summary>
         /// Retrieves preferences for the given username from storage or returns null.
-        /// Creates and saves default preferences if they are not found, then returns them.
         /// </summary>
         public PlayerPreferences? GetPreferencesOrNull(NetUserId? userId)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/HeadsetSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/HeadsetSystem.cs
index d18b044205c..f62ae1f5b3d 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/HeadsetSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/HeadsetSystem.cs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.Radio.EntitySystems;
 using Robust.Shared.Network;
 using Robust.Shared.Player;
+using Content.Server.ADT.Language;  // ADT Languages
 namespace Content.Server.Radio.EntitySystems;
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ public sealed class HeadsetSystem : SharedHeadsetSystem
     [Dependency] private readonly INetManager _netMan = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly RadioSystem _radio = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly LanguageSystem _language = default!;  // ADT Languages
     public override void Initialize()
@@ -100,7 +102,14 @@ public void SetEnabled(EntityUid uid, bool value, HeadsetComponent? component =
     private void OnHeadsetReceive(EntityUid uid, HeadsetComponent component, ref RadioReceiveEvent args)
         if (TryComp(Transform(uid).ParentUid, out ActorComponent? actor))
-            _netMan.ServerSendMessage(args.ChatMsg, actor.PlayerSession.Channel);
+        {
+            // ADT Languages start
+            if (_language.CanUnderstand(Transform(uid).ParentUid, args.Language))
+                _netMan.ServerSendMessage(args.ChatMsg, actor.PlayerSession.Channel);
+            else
+                _netMan.ServerSendMessage(args.UnknownLanguageChatMsg, actor.PlayerSession.Channel);
+            // ADT Languages end
+        }
     private void OnEmpPulse(EntityUid uid, HeadsetComponent component, ref EmpPulseEvent args)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/RadioDeviceSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/RadioDeviceSystem.cs
index 1258e0b8c7e..05db1e21e36 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/RadioDeviceSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/RadioDeviceSystem.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 using System.Linq;
 using Content.Server.Chat.Systems;
 using Content.Server.Interaction;
+using Content.Server.ADT.Language;  // ADT Languages
 using Content.Server.Popups;
 using Content.Server.Power.Components;
 using Content.Server.Power.EntitySystems;
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ public sealed class RadioDeviceSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private readonly RadioSystem _radio = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly InteractionSystem _interaction = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedAppearanceSystem _appearance = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly LanguageSystem _language = default!;  // ADT Languages
     // Used to prevent a shitter from using a bunch of radios to spam chat.
     private HashSet<(string, EntityUid)> _recentlySent = new();
@@ -215,7 +217,7 @@ private void OnReceiveRadio(EntityUid uid, RadioSpeakerComponent component, ref
             ("originalName", nameEv.Name));
         // log to chat so people can identity the speaker/source, but avoid clogging ghost chat if there are many radios
-        _chat.TrySendInGameICMessage(uid, args.Message, InGameICChatType.Whisper, ChatTransmitRange.GhostRangeLimit, nameOverride: name, checkRadioPrefix: false);
+        _chat.TrySendInGameICMessage(uid, args.Message, InGameICChatType.Whisper, ChatTransmitRange.GhostRangeLimit, nameOverride: name, checkRadioPrefix: false, language: args.Language);     // ADT Languages
     private void OnIntercomEncryptionChannelsChanged(Entity<IntercomComponent> ent, ref EncryptionChannelsChangedEvent args)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/RadioSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/RadioSystem.cs
index 3ad101e62db..68bcc859489 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/RadioSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/RadioSystem.cs
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 using Robust.Shared.Random;
 using Robust.Shared.Replays;
 using Robust.Shared.Utility;
+using Content.Server.ADT.Language;  // ADT Languages
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;  // ADT Languages
 namespace Content.Server.Radio.EntitySystems;
@@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ public sealed class RadioSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototype = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly ChatSystem _chat = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly LanguageSystem _language = default!;  // ADT Languages
     // set used to prevent radio feedback loops.
     private readonly HashSet<string> _messages = new();
@@ -56,7 +59,14 @@ private void OnIntrinsicSpeak(EntityUid uid, IntrinsicRadioTransmitterComponent
     private void OnIntrinsicReceive(EntityUid uid, IntrinsicRadioReceiverComponent component, ref RadioReceiveEvent args)
         if (TryComp(uid, out ActorComponent? actor))
-            _netMan.ServerSendMessage(args.ChatMsg, actor.PlayerSession.Channel);
+        {
+            // ADT Languages start
+            if (_language.CanUnderstand(uid, args.Language))
+                _netMan.ServerSendMessage(args.ChatMsg, actor.PlayerSession.Channel);
+            else
+                _netMan.ServerSendMessage(args.UnknownLanguageChatMsg, actor.PlayerSession.Channel);
+            // ADT Languages end
+        }
     /// <summary>
@@ -72,12 +82,14 @@ public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, ProtoId<Ra
     /// </summary>
     /// <param name="messageSource">Entity that spoke the message</param>
     /// <param name="radioSource">Entity that picked up the message and will send it, e.g. headset</param>
-    public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, RadioChannelPrototype channel, EntityUid radioSource, bool escapeMarkup = true)
+    public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, RadioChannelPrototype channel, EntityUid radioSource, bool escapeMarkup = true, LanguagePrototype? languageOverride = null)
         // TODO if radios ever garble / modify messages, feedback-prevention needs to be handled better than this.
         if (!_messages.Add(message))
+        var language = languageOverride ?? _language.GetCurrentLanguage(messageSource);
         var name = TryComp(messageSource, out VoiceMaskComponent? mask) && mask.Enabled
             ? mask.VoiceName
             : MetaData(messageSource).EntityName;
@@ -99,6 +111,16 @@ public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, RadioChann
             ? FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message)
             : message;
+        // ADT Languages start
+        var languageEncodedContent = _language.ObfuscateMessage(messageSource, content, language);
+        if (language.Color != null)
+        {
+            content = "[color=" + language.Color.Value.ToHex().ToString() + "]" + FormattedMessage.EscapeText(content) + "[/color]";
+            languageEncodedContent = "[color=" + language.Color.Value.ToHex().ToString() + "]" + FormattedMessage.EscapeText(languageEncodedContent) + "[/color]";
+        }
+        // ADT Languages end
         var wrappedMessage = Loc.GetString(speech.Bold ? "chat-radio-message-wrap-bold" : "chat-radio-message-wrap",
             ("color", channel.Color),
             ("fontType", speech.FontId),
@@ -108,6 +130,17 @@ public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, RadioChann
             ("name", name),
             ("message", content));
+        // ADT Languages start
+        var wrappedEncodedMessage = Loc.GetString(speech.Bold ? "chat-radio-message-wrap-bold" : "chat-radio-message-wrap",
+            ("color", channel.Color),
+            ("fontType", speech.FontId),
+            ("fontSize", speech.FontSize),
+            ("verb", Loc.GetString(_random.Pick(speech.SpeechVerbStrings))),
+            ("channel", $"\\[{channel.LocalizedName}\\]"),
+            ("name", name),
+            ("message", languageEncodedContent));
+        // ADT Languages end
         // most radios are relayed to chat, so lets parse the chat message beforehand
         var chat = new ChatMessage(
@@ -115,8 +148,20 @@ public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, RadioChann
+        // ADT Languages start
+        var encodedChat = new ChatMessage(
+            ChatChannel.Radio,
+            message,
+            wrappedEncodedMessage,
+            NetEntity.Invalid,
+            null);
+        // ADT Languages end
         var chatMsg = new MsgChatMessage { Message = chat };
-        var ev = new RadioReceiveEvent(message, messageSource, channel, radioSource, chatMsg);
+        var encodedChatMsg = new MsgChatMessage { Message = encodedChat };  // ADT Languages
+        var ev = new RadioReceiveEvent(message, messageSource, channel, radioSource, chatMsg, encodedChatMsg, language);    // ADT Languages
         var sendAttemptEv = new RadioSendAttemptEvent(channel, radioSource);
         RaiseLocalEvent(ref sendAttemptEv);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Radio/RadioEvent.cs b/Content.Server/Radio/RadioEvent.cs
index fafa66674e3..4cdc4213e2f 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Radio/RadioEvent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Radio/RadioEvent.cs
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 using Content.Shared.Chat;
 using Content.Shared.Radio;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;  // ADT Languages
 namespace Content.Server.Radio;
-public readonly record struct RadioReceiveEvent(string Message, EntityUid MessageSource, RadioChannelPrototype Channel, EntityUid RadioSource, MsgChatMessage ChatMsg);
+public readonly record struct RadioReceiveEvent(string Message, EntityUid MessageSource, RadioChannelPrototype Channel, EntityUid RadioSource, MsgChatMessage ChatMsg, MsgChatMessage UnknownLanguageChatMsg, LanguagePrototype Language);  // ADT Languages
 /// <summary>
 /// Use this event to cancel sending message per receiver
diff --git a/Content.Server/Resist/ResistLockerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Resist/ResistLockerSystem.cs
index 2ab277d0f1a..8294ecc5f9d 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Resist/ResistLockerSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Resist/ResistLockerSystem.cs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.Resist;
 using Content.Shared.Tools.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Tools.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.ActionBlocker;
 namespace Content.Server.Resist;
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ public sealed class ResistLockerSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popupSystem = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedDoAfterSystem _doAfterSystem = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly WeldableSystem _weldable = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly ActionBlockerSystem _actionBlocker = default!;
     public override void Initialize()
@@ -34,6 +36,9 @@ private void OnRelayMovement(EntityUid uid, ResistLockerComponent component, ref
         if (!TryComp(uid, out EntityStorageComponent? storageComponent))
+        if (!_actionBlocker.CanMove(args.Entity))
+            return;
         if (TryComp<LockComponent>(uid, out var lockComponent) && lockComponent.Locked || _weldable.IsWelded(uid))
             AttemptResist(args.Entity, uid, storageComponent, component);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Respawn/SpecialRespawnSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Respawn/SpecialRespawnSystem.cs
index 6c7bb5c9234..bdaa4a40bc1 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Respawn/SpecialRespawnSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Respawn/SpecialRespawnSystem.cs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 using Content.Server.Atmos.EntitySystems;
 using Content.Server.Chat.Managers;
 using Content.Server.GameTicking;
-using Content.Server.Station.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using Content.Server.Station.Systems;
 using Content.Shared.Database;
 using Content.Shared.Maps;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Components/GridSpawnComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Components/GridSpawnComponent.cs
index d8144354b8e..430c9c8df28 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Components/GridSpawnComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Components/GridSpawnComponent.cs
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ public interface IGridSpawnGroup
     /// </summary>
     public float MinimumDistance { get; }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Maximum distance to spawn away from the station.
+    /// </summary>
+    public float MaximumDistance { get;  }
     /// <inheritdoc />
     public ProtoId<DatasetPrototype>? NameDataset { get; }
@@ -67,6 +72,8 @@ public sealed class DungeonSpawnGroup : IGridSpawnGroup
     /// <inheritdoc />
     public float MinimumDistance { get; }
+    public float MaximumDistance { get; }
     /// <inheritdoc />
     public ProtoId<DatasetPrototype>? NameDataset { get; }
@@ -94,7 +101,11 @@ public sealed class GridSpawnGroup : IGridSpawnGroup
     public List<ResPath> Paths = new();
+    /// <inheritdoc />
     public float MinimumDistance { get; }
+    /// <inheritdoc />
+    public float MaximumDistance { get; }
     public ProtoId<DatasetPrototype>? NameDataset { get; }
     public int MinCount { get; set; } = 1;
     public int MaxCount { get; set; } = 1;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ArrivalsSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ArrivalsSystem.cs
index 47ccc3c3c41..0cbbc46a4fd 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ArrivalsSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ArrivalsSystem.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 using System.Linq;
 using System.Numerics;
 using Content.Server.Administration;
+using Content.Server.Chat.Managers;
 using Content.Server.DeviceNetwork.Components;
 using Content.Server.DeviceNetwork.Systems;
 using Content.Server.GameTicking;
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
 using Robust.Shared.Configuration;
 using Robust.Shared.Console;
 using Robust.Shared.Map;
+using Robust.Shared.Player;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
 using Robust.Shared.Random;
 using Robust.Shared.Timing;
@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ public sealed class ArrivalsSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private readonly IMapManager _mapManager = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _protoManager = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IChatManager _chat = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly BiomeSystem _biomes = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly GameTicker _ticker = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly MapLoaderSystem _loader = default!;
@@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ public sealed class ArrivalsSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private readonly ShuttleSystem _shuttles = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly StationSpawningSystem _stationSpawning = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly StationSystem _station = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly ActorSystem _actor = default!;
     private EntityQuery<PendingClockInComponent> _pendingQuery;
     private EntityQuery<ArrivalsBlacklistComponent> _blacklistQuery;
@@ -293,16 +297,20 @@ private void OnArrivalsDocked(EntityUid uid, ArrivalsShuttleComponent component,
     private void DumpChildren(EntityUid uid, ref FTLStartedEvent args)
         var toDump = new List<Entity<TransformComponent>>();
-        DumpChildren(uid, ref args, toDump);
+        FindDumpChildren(uid, toDump);
         foreach (var (ent, xform) in toDump)
             var rotation = xform.LocalRotation;
             _transform.SetCoordinates(ent, new EntityCoordinates(args.FromMapUid!.Value, Vector2.Transform(xform.LocalPosition, args.FTLFrom)));
             _transform.SetWorldRotation(ent, args.FromRotation + rotation);
+            if (_actor.TryGetSession(ent, out var session))
+            {
+                _chat.DispatchServerMessage(session!, Loc.GetString("latejoin-arrivals-dumped-from-shuttle"));
+            }
-    private void DumpChildren(EntityUid uid, ref FTLStartedEvent args, List<Entity<TransformComponent>> toDump)
+    private void FindDumpChildren(EntityUid uid, List<Entity<TransformComponent>> toDump)
         if (_pendingQuery.HasComponent(uid))
@@ -318,7 +326,7 @@ private void DumpChildren(EntityUid uid, ref FTLStartedEvent args, List<Entity<T
         var children = xform.ChildEnumerator;
         while (children.MoveNext(out var child))
-            DumpChildren(child, ref args, toDump);
+            FindDumpChildren(child, toDump);
@@ -392,6 +400,10 @@ private bool TryTeleportToMapSpawn(EntityUid player, EntityUid stationId, Transf
             // Move the player to a random late-join spawnpoint.
             _transform.SetCoordinates(player, transform, _random.Pick(possiblePositions));
+            if (_actor.TryGetSession(player, out var session))
+            {
+                _chat.DispatchServerMessage(session!, Loc.GetString("latejoin-arrivals-teleport-to-spawn"));
+            }
             return true;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/DockingSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/DockingSystem.cs
index 59a030e83c9..f46c3980e58 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/DockingSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/DockingSystem.cs
@@ -281,24 +281,24 @@ public void Dock(Entity<DockingComponent> dockA, Entity<DockingComponent> dockB)
                 if (_doorSystem.TryOpen(dockAUid, doorA))
-                    doorA.ChangeAirtight = false;
                     if (TryComp<DoorBoltComponent>(dockAUid, out var airlockA))
                         _doorSystem.SetBoltsDown((dockAUid, airlockA), true);
+                doorA.ChangeAirtight = false;
             if (TryComp(dockBUid, out DoorComponent? doorB))
                 if (_doorSystem.TryOpen(dockBUid, doorB))
-                    doorB.ChangeAirtight = false;
                     if (TryComp<DoorBoltComponent>(dockBUid, out var airlockB))
                         _doorSystem.SetBoltsDown((dockBUid, airlockB), true);
+                doorB.ChangeAirtight = false;
             if (_pathfinding.TryCreatePortal(dockAXform.Coordinates, dockBXform.Coordinates, out var handle))
diff --git a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleConsoleSystem.Drone.cs b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleConsoleSystem.Drone.cs
index 3af461bedac..eb5e11b8ebe 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleConsoleSystem.Drone.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleConsoleSystem.Drone.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 using Content.Server.Shuttles.Components;
 using Content.Server.Shuttles.Events;
-using Content.Server.Station.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using Content.Shared.UserInterface;
 namespace Content.Server.Shuttles.Systems;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleSystem.GridFill.cs b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleSystem.GridFill.cs
index b4fcccd8055..a31fda074f3 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleSystem.GridFill.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleSystem.GridFill.cs
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
 using Content.Shared.Procedural;
 using Content.Shared.Salvage;
 using Content.Shared.Shuttles.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using Robust.Shared.Collections;
 using Robust.Shared.Map;
+using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
 using Robust.Shared.Random;
 using Robust.Shared.Utility;
@@ -85,9 +87,15 @@ private void CargoSpawn(EntityUid uid, StationCargoShuttleComponent component)
-    private bool TryDungeonSpawn(EntityUid targetGrid, EntityUid stationUid, MapId mapId, DungeonSpawnGroup group, out EntityUid spawned)
+    private bool TryDungeonSpawn(Entity<MapGridComponent?> targetGrid, EntityUid stationUid, MapId mapId, DungeonSpawnGroup group, out EntityUid spawned)
         spawned = EntityUid.Invalid;
+        if (!_gridQuery.Resolve(targetGrid.Owner, ref targetGrid.Comp))
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
         var dungeonProtoId = _random.Pick(group.Protos);
         if (!_protoManager.TryIndex(dungeonProtoId, out var dungeonProto))
@@ -95,11 +103,13 @@ private bool TryDungeonSpawn(EntityUid targetGrid, EntityUid stationUid, MapId m
             return false;
-        var spawnCoords = new EntityCoordinates(targetGrid, Vector2.Zero);
+        var targetPhysics = _physicsQuery.Comp(targetGrid);
+        var spawnCoords = new EntityCoordinates(targetGrid, targetPhysics.LocalCenter);
         if (group.MinimumDistance > 0f)
-            spawnCoords = spawnCoords.Offset(_random.NextVector2(group.MinimumDistance, group.MinimumDistance * 1.5f));
+            var distancePadding = MathF.Max(targetGrid.Comp.LocalAABB.Width, targetGrid.Comp.LocalAABB.Height);
+            spawnCoords = spawnCoords.Offset(_random.NextVector2(distancePadding + group.MinimumDistance, distancePadding + group.MaximumDistance));
         var spawnMapCoords = _transform.ToMapCoordinates(spawnCoords);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleSystem.IFF.cs b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleSystem.IFF.cs
index ed5d109e852..5e746fd4953 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleSystem.IFF.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleSystem.IFF.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 using Content.Server.Shuttles.Components;
+using Content.Shared.CCVar;
 using Content.Shared.Shuttles.BUIStates;
 using Content.Shared.Shuttles.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Shuttles.Events;
@@ -12,6 +13,26 @@ private void InitializeIFF()
         SubscribeLocalEvent<IFFConsoleComponent, AnchorStateChangedEvent>(OnIFFConsoleAnchor);
         SubscribeLocalEvent<IFFConsoleComponent, IFFShowIFFMessage>(OnIFFShow);
         SubscribeLocalEvent<IFFConsoleComponent, IFFShowVesselMessage>(OnIFFShowVessel);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<GridSplitEvent>(OnGridSplit);
+    }
+    private void OnGridSplit(ref GridSplitEvent ev)
+    {
+        var splitMass = _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.HideSplitGridsUnder);
+        if (splitMass < 0)
+            return;
+        foreach (var grid in ev.NewGrids)
+        {
+            if (!_physicsQuery.TryGetComponent(grid, out var physics) ||
+                physics.Mass > splitMass)
+            {
+                continue;
+            }
+            AddIFFFlag(grid, IFFFlags.HideLabel);
+        }
     private void OnIFFShow(EntityUid uid, IFFConsoleComponent component, IFFShowIFFMessage args)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleSystem.cs
index 85703389e9d..aae466ba0dc 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ShuttleSystem.cs
@@ -58,12 +58,16 @@ public sealed partial class ShuttleSystem : SharedShuttleSystem
     [Dependency] private readonly ThrusterSystem _thruster = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly UserInterfaceSystem _uiSystem = default!;
+    private EntityQuery<MapGridComponent> _gridQuery;
     public const float TileMassMultiplier = 0.5f;
     public override void Initialize()
+        _gridQuery = GetEntityQuery<MapGridComponent>();
diff --git a/Content.Server/Spawners/Components/ConditionalSpawnerComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Spawners/Components/ConditionalSpawnerComponent.cs
index 1b06367b0d8..c6f4871b7e6 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Spawners/Components/ConditionalSpawnerComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Spawners/Components/ConditionalSpawnerComponent.cs
@@ -6,14 +6,25 @@ namespace Content.Server.Spawners.Components
     public partial class ConditionalSpawnerComponent : Component
+        /// <summary>
+        /// A list of entities, one of which can spawn in after calling Spawn()
+        /// </summary>
         public List<EntProtoId> Prototypes { get; set; } = new();
+        /// <summary>
+        /// A list of game rules.
+        /// If at least one of them was launched in the game,
+        /// an attempt will occur to spawn one of the objects in the Prototypes list
+        /// </summary>
         public List<EntProtoId> GameRules = new();
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Chance of spawning an entity
+        /// </summary>
         public float Chance { get; set; } = 1.0f;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Spawners/Components/RandomSpawnerComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Spawners/Components/RandomSpawnerComponent.cs
index e6a597f3658..ec1b3249a90 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Spawners/Components/RandomSpawnerComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Spawners/Components/RandomSpawnerComponent.cs
@@ -5,18 +5,33 @@ namespace Content.Server.Spawners.Components
     [RegisterComponent, EntityCategory("Spawner")]
     public sealed partial class RandomSpawnerComponent : ConditionalSpawnerComponent
+        /// <summary>
+        /// A list of rarer entities that can spawn with the RareChance
+        /// instead of one of the entities in the Prototypes list.
+        /// </summary>
         public List<EntProtoId> RarePrototypes { get; set; } = new();
+        /// <summary>
+        /// The chance that a rare prototype may spawn instead of a common prototype
+        /// </summary>
         public float RareChance { get; set; } = 0.05f;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Scatter of entity spawn coordinates
+        /// </summary>
         public float Offset { get; set; } = 0.2f;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// A variable meaning whether the spawn will
+        /// be able to be used again or whether
+        /// it will be destroyed after the first use
+        /// </summary>
         public bool DeleteSpawnerAfterSpawn = true;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Spawners/EntitySystems/SpawnOnDespawnSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Spawners/EntitySystems/SpawnOnDespawnSystem.cs
index f5a34728dc8..2f850faab13 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Spawners/EntitySystems/SpawnOnDespawnSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Spawners/EntitySystems/SpawnOnDespawnSystem.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 using Content.Server.Spawners.Components;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
 using Robust.Shared.Spawners;
 namespace Content.Server.Spawners.EntitySystems;
@@ -19,4 +20,9 @@ private void OnDespawn(EntityUid uid, SpawnOnDespawnComponent comp, ref TimedDes
         Spawn(comp.Prototype, xform.Coordinates);
+    public void SetPrototype(Entity<SpawnOnDespawnComponent> entity, EntProtoId prototype)
+    {
+        entity.Comp.Prototype = prototype;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Station/Systems/StationSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Station/Systems/StationSystem.cs
index 5930eef39bd..5ddb0e7746b 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Station/Systems/StationSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Station/Systems/StationSystem.cs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 using Content.Server.Station.Events;
 using Content.Shared.CCVar;
 using Content.Shared.Station;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using JetBrains.Annotations;
 using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
 using Robust.Server.Player;
diff --git a/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/BluespaceLockerRule.cs b/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/BluespaceLockerRule.cs
index b19485bc31e..0dd4e924770 100644
--- a/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/BluespaceLockerRule.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/BluespaceLockerRule.cs
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-using Content.Server.GameTicking.Rules.Components;
 using Content.Server.Resist;
-using Content.Server.Station.Components;
 using Content.Server.StationEvents.Components;
 using Content.Server.Storage.Components;
 using Content.Server.Storage.EntitySystems;
 using Content.Shared.Access.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using Content.Shared.GameTicking.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Coordinates;
diff --git a/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/BreakerFlipRule.cs b/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/BreakerFlipRule.cs
index 0cfe87051d5..8a25d40abbc 100644
--- a/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/BreakerFlipRule.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/BreakerFlipRule.cs
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 using Content.Server.Power.Components;
 using Content.Server.Power.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Server.Station.Components;
 using Content.Server.StationEvents.Components;
-using Content.Shared.GameTicking.Components;
+using Content.Shared.GameTicking.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using JetBrains.Annotations;
 namespace Content.Server.StationEvents.Events;
diff --git a/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/IonStormRule.cs b/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/IonStormRule.cs
index 926ecc2db92..b20b81822f3 100644
--- a/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/IonStormRule.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/IonStormRule.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 using System.Linq;
 using Content.Server.Silicons.Laws;
-using Content.Server.Station.Components;
 using Content.Server.StationEvents.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Administration.Logs;
 using Content.Shared.Database;
@@ -11,6 +10,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.Random.Helpers;
 using Content.Shared.Silicons.Laws;
 using Content.Shared.Silicons.Laws.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
 using Robust.Shared.Random;
diff --git a/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/PowerGridCheckRule.cs b/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/PowerGridCheckRule.cs
index e00369a321c..a4594e13879 100644
--- a/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/PowerGridCheckRule.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/PowerGridCheckRule.cs
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 using System.Threading;
-using Content.Server.GameTicking.Rules.Components;
 using Content.Server.Power.Components;
 using Content.Server.Power.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Server.Station.Components;
 using Content.Server.StationEvents.Components;
 using Content.Shared.GameTicking.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using JetBrains.Annotations;
 using Robust.Shared.Audio;
 using Robust.Shared.Player;
diff --git a/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/VentClogRule.cs b/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/VentClogRule.cs
index 043ea0375aa..f14958631d1 100644
--- a/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/VentClogRule.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/VentClogRule.cs
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
 using Content.Server.Atmos.Piping.Unary.Components;
-using Content.Server.Station.Components;
+using Content.Server.Fluids.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.StationEvents.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Reagent;
+using Content.Shared.GameTicking.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using JetBrains.Annotations;
 using Robust.Shared.Random;
 using System.Linq;
-using Content.Server.Fluids.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Server.GameTicking.Rules.Components;
-using Content.Server.StationEvents.Components;
-using Content.Shared.GameTicking.Components;
 namespace Content.Server.StationEvents.Events;
diff --git a/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/VentCrittersRule.cs b/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/VentCrittersRule.cs
index fba9cfa6a60..5ca5a9d215c 100644
--- a/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/VentCrittersRule.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/StationEvents/Events/VentCrittersRule.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 using Content.Server.StationEvents.Components;
-using Content.Server.GameTicking.Rules.Components;
-using Content.Server.Station.Components;
 using Content.Shared.GameTicking.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Storage;
 using Robust.Shared.Map;
 using Robust.Shared.Random;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Storage/EntitySystems/BluespaceLockerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Storage/EntitySystems/BluespaceLockerSystem.cs
index 9da7606bcc5..3754919c689 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Storage/EntitySystems/BluespaceLockerSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Storage/EntitySystems/BluespaceLockerSystem.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 using System.Linq;
 using Content.Server.Explosion.EntitySystems;
 using Content.Server.Resist;
-using Content.Server.Station.Components;
 using Content.Server.Storage.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Access;
 using Content.Shared.Access.Components;
@@ -9,6 +8,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
 using Content.Shared.Lock;
 using Content.Shared.Mind.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Storage.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Storage.EntitySystems;
 using Content.Shared.Tools.Systems;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Atmos/Components/TemperatureProtectionComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Temperature/Components/TemperatureProtectionComponent.cs
similarity index 92%
rename from Content.Server/Atmos/Components/TemperatureProtectionComponent.cs
rename to Content.Server/Temperature/Components/TemperatureProtectionComponent.cs
index bdee5ff5140..437f0f89405 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Atmos/Components/TemperatureProtectionComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Temperature/Components/TemperatureProtectionComponent.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 using Content.Server.Temperature.Systems;
-namespace Content.Server.Atmos.Components;
+namespace Content.Server.Temperature.Components;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Temperature/Systems/TemperatureSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Temperature/Systems/TemperatureSystem.cs
index 23c8cb6783f..d33bf6e0256 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Temperature/Systems/TemperatureSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Temperature/Systems/TemperatureSystem.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 using System.Linq;
 using Content.Server.Administration.Logs;
-using Content.Server.Atmos.Components;
 using Content.Server.Atmos.EntitySystems;
 using Content.Server.Body.Components;
 using Content.Server.Temperature.Components;
diff --git a/Content.Server/UserInterface/StatValuesCommand.cs b/Content.Server/UserInterface/StatValuesCommand.cs
index cb599f7b09f..85b979f83a7 100644
--- a/Content.Server/UserInterface/StatValuesCommand.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/UserInterface/StatValuesCommand.cs
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 using Content.Server.Power.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Administration;
 using Content.Shared.Item;
-using Content.Shared.Materials;
 using Content.Shared.Research.Prototypes;
 using Content.Shared.UserInterface;
 using Content.Shared.Weapons.Melee;
@@ -224,13 +223,13 @@ private StatValuesEuiMessage GetLatheMessage()
             var cost = 0.0;
-            foreach (var (material, count) in proto.RequiredMaterials)
+            foreach (var (material, count) in proto.Materials)
-                var materialPrice = _proto.Index<MaterialPrototype>(material).Price;
+                var materialPrice = _proto.Index(material).Price;
                 cost += materialPrice * count;
-            var sell = priceSystem.GetEstimatedPrice(_proto.Index<EntityPrototype>(proto.Result));
+            var sell = priceSystem.GetLatheRecipePrice(proto);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Weapons/Melee/Balloon/BalloonPopperSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Weapons/Melee/Balloon/BalloonPopperSystem.cs
index 45c6a3d9d55..a8460a8c660 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Weapons/Melee/Balloon/BalloonPopperSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Weapons/Melee/Balloon/BalloonPopperSystem.cs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.Popups;
 using Content.Shared.Tag;
 using Content.Shared.Weapons.Melee.Events;
-using Robust.Shared.Audio;
+using Content.Shared.Throwing;
 using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
 namespace Content.Server.Weapons.Melee.Balloon;
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ public sealed class BalloonPopperSystem : EntitySystem
     public override void Initialize()
         SubscribeLocalEvent<BalloonPopperComponent, MeleeHitEvent>(OnMeleeHit);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<BalloonPopperComponent, ThrowDoHitEvent>(OnThrowHit);
     private void OnMeleeHit(EntityUid uid, BalloonPopperComponent component, MeleeHitEvent args)
@@ -40,6 +41,15 @@ private void OnMeleeHit(EntityUid uid, BalloonPopperComponent component, MeleeHi
+    private void OnThrowHit(EntityUid uid, BalloonPopperComponent component, ThrowDoHitEvent args)
+    {
+        foreach (var held in _hands.EnumerateHeld(args.Target))
+        {
+            if (_tag.HasTag(held, component.BalloonTag))
+                PopBallooon(uid, held, component);
+        }
+    }
     /// <summary>
     /// Pops a target balloon, making a popup and playing a sound.
     /// </summary>
diff --git a/Content.Server/Zombies/ZombieSystem.Transform.cs b/Content.Server/Zombies/ZombieSystem.Transform.cs
index 14a8123beb3..d45110b8287 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Zombies/ZombieSystem.Transform.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Zombies/ZombieSystem.Transform.cs
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 using Content.Server.Mind;
 using Content.Server.Mind.Commands;
 using Content.Server.NPC;
-using Content.Server.NPC.Components;
 using Content.Server.NPC.HTN;
 using Content.Server.NPC.Systems;
 using Content.Server.Roles;
@@ -25,10 +24,8 @@
 using Content.Shared.Interaction.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Mobs;
 using Content.Shared.Mobs.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Mobs.Systems;
 using Content.Shared.Movement.Pulling.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Movement.Systems;
-using Content.Shared.NPC.Components;
 using Content.Shared.NPC.Systems;
 using Content.Shared.Nutrition.AnimalHusbandry;
 using Content.Shared.Nutrition.Components;
@@ -39,6 +36,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.Prying.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Traits.Assorted;
 using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Ghost.Roles.Components;
 namespace Content.Server.Zombies
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/CCVar/CCVars.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/CCVar/CCVars.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..02879447e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/CCVar/CCVars.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Simple Station
+using Robust.Shared.Configuration;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.CCVar;
+public sealed class SimpleStationCCVars
+    /*
+     * Silicons
+     */
+    #region Silicons
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The amount of time between NPC Silicons draining their battery in seconds.
+    /// </summary>
+    public static readonly CVarDef<float> SiliconNpcUpdateTime =
+        CVarDef.Create("silicon.npcupdatetime", 1.5f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
+    #endregion Silicons
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/CommonLangUnknown.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/CommonLangUnknown.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index bac1230704f..00000000000
--- a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/CommonLangUnknown.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Shared.Actions;
-using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype.List;
-namespace Content.Shared.Language;
-public sealed partial class UnknowLanguageComponent : Component
-    [DataField("language")]
-    public string LanguageToForgot = "GalacticCommon";
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/HandheldTranslatorComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/HandheldTranslatorComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..354f924692a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/HandheldTranslatorComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+using Content.Shared.Actions;
+using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Language;
+/// <summary>
+/// This component allows holding entity to understand given languages if it can understand any of "toSpeak" languages
+/// </summary>
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent]
+public sealed partial class HandheldTranslatorComponent : Component
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    [DataField("toUnderstand", required: true), AutoNetworkedField]
+    public List<string> ToUnderstand;
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    [DataField("toSpeak", required: true), AutoNetworkedField]
+    public List<string> ToSpeak;
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    [DataField("required", required: true), AutoNetworkedField]
+    public List<string> Required;
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    [DataField("toggle")]
+    public bool ToggleOnInteract = true;
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), AutoNetworkedField]
+    [DataField]
+    public bool Enabled = false;
+    public EntityUid? User;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/LanguageSpeakerComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/LanguageSpeakerComponent.cs
index 2d3953f78ca..80559fb4c6f 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/LanguageSpeakerComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/LanguageSpeakerComponent.cs
@@ -1,53 +1,23 @@
-using Content.Shared.Actions;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype.List;
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
-namespace Content.Shared.Language;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Language;
-[RegisterComponent, AutoGenerateComponentState]
+/// <summary>
+/// This component allows entity to speak and understand languages.
+/// </summary>
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, AutoGenerateComponentState]
 public sealed partial class LanguageSpeakerComponent : Component
-    /// <summary>
-    ///  The current language the entity may use to speak.
-    ///  Other listeners will hear the entity speak in this language.
-    /// </summary>
-    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    public string CurrentLanguage = default!;
+    public string? CurrentLanguage = default!;
-    /// <summary>
-    /// чтоб в чате видно было не айди, а название.
-    /// </summary>
-    public string LocalizedID => Loc.GetString("language-" + CurrentLanguage);
-    /// <summary>
-    ///     List of languages this entity can speak.
-    /// </summary>
-    [ViewVariables]
-    [DataField("speaks", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdListSerializer<LanguagePrototype>), required: true)]
+    [DataField("speaks"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    [AutoNetworkedField]
     public List<string> SpokenLanguages = new();
-    /// <summary>
-    ///     List of languages this entity can understand.
-    /// </summary>
-    [ViewVariables]
-    [DataField("understands", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdListSerializer<LanguagePrototype>), required: true)]
+    [DataField("understands"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    [AutoNetworkedField]
     public List<string> UnderstoodLanguages = new();
-    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    [DataField("languageMenuAction", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdSerializer<EntityPrototype>))]
-    public string LanguageMenuAction = "ActionLanguageMenu";
-    [DataField] public EntityUid? Action;
-[Serializable, NetSerializable]
-public enum LanguageMenuUiKey : byte
-    Key
-public sealed partial class LanguageMenuActionEvent : InstantActionEvent { }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/TranslatorComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/TranslatorComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index a5fac7d2ff5..00000000000
--- a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/TranslatorComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype.List;
-namespace Content.Shared.Language.Components;
-public abstract partial class BaseTranslatorComponent : Component
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   The language this translator changes the speaker's language to when they don't specify one.
-    ///   If null, does not modify the default language.
-    /// </summary>
-    [DataField("default-language")]
-    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    public string? CurrentSpeechLanguage = null;
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   The list of additional languages this translator allows the wielder to speak.
-    /// </summary>
-    [DataField("spoken", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdListSerializer<LanguagePrototype>))]
-    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    public List<string> SpokenLanguages = new();
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   The list of additional languages this translator allows the wielder to understand.
-    /// </summary>
-    [DataField("understood", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdListSerializer<LanguagePrototype>))]
-    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    public List<string> UnderstoodLanguages = new();
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   The languages the wielding MUST know in order for this translator to have effect.
-    ///   The field [RequiresAllLanguages] indicates whether all of them are required, or just one.
-    /// </summary>
-    [DataField("requires", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdListSerializer<LanguagePrototype>))]
-    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    public List<string> RequiredLanguages = new();
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   If true, the wielder must understand all languages in [RequiredLanguages] to speak [SpokenLanguages],
-    ///   and understand all languages in [RequiredLanguages] to understand [UnderstoodLanguages].
-    ///
-    ///   Otherwise, at least one language must be known (or the list must be empty).
-    /// </summary>
-    [DataField("requires-all")]
-    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    public bool RequiresAllLanguages = false;
-    [DataField("enabled")]
-    public bool Enabled = true;
-/// <summary>
-///   A translator that must be held in a hand or a pocket of an entity in order ot have effect.
-/// </summary>
-public sealed partial class HandheldTranslatorComponent : BaseTranslatorComponent
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   Whether or not interacting with this translator
-    ///   toggles it on or off.
-    /// </summary>
-    [DataField("toggleOnInteract")]
-    public bool ToggleOnInteract = true;
-/// <summary>
-///   A translator attached to an entity that translates its speech.
-///   An example is a translator implant that allows the speaker to speak another language.
-/// </summary>
-[RegisterComponent, Virtual]
-public partial class IntrinsicTranslatorComponent : BaseTranslatorComponent
-/// <summary>
-///   Applied internally to the holder of [HandheldTranslatorComponent].
-///   Do not use directly. Use [HandheldTranslatorComponent] instead.
-/// </summary>
-public sealed partial class HoldsTranslatorComponent : IntrinsicTranslatorComponent
-    public Component? Issuer = null;
-/// <summary>
-///   Applied to entities who were injected with a translator implant.
-/// </summary>
-public sealed partial class ImplantedTranslatorComponent : IntrinsicTranslatorComponent
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/TranslatorImplantComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/TranslatorImplantComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..057e05ec40f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/TranslatorImplantComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+using Content.Shared.Actions;
+using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+namespace Content.Shared.Implants.Components;
+/// <summary>
+/// This component grants language knowledge when implanted.
+/// </summary>
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, AutoGenerateComponentState]
+public sealed partial class TranslatorImplantComponent : Component
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    [DataField("toUnderstand")]
+    public List<string> ToUnderstand = new();
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    [DataField("toSpeak")]
+    public List<string> ToSpeak = new();
+    /// <summary>
+    /// The entity this implant is inside
+    /// </summary>
+    [ViewVariables, AutoNetworkedField]
+    public EntityUid? ImplantedEntity;
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public List<string> ImplantedToUnderstand = new();
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public List<string> ImplantedToSpeak = new();
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Should this implant be removeable?
+    /// </summary>
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    [DataField("permanent"), AutoNetworkedField]
+    public bool Permanent = false;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/TranslatorImplanterComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/TranslatorImplanterComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 28ed4cce185..00000000000
--- a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/TranslatorImplanterComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype.List;
-namespace Content.Shared.Language.Components;
-/// <summary>
-///   An item that, when used on a mob, adds an intrinsic translator to it.
-/// </summary>
-public sealed partial class TranslatorImplanterComponent : Component
-    [DataField("spoken", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdListSerializer<LanguagePrototype>)), ViewVariables]
-    public List<string> SpokenLanguages = new();
-    [DataField("understood", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdListSerializer<LanguagePrototype>)), ViewVariables]
-    public List<string> UnderstoodLanguages = new();
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   The list of languages the mob must understand in order for this translator to have effect.
-    ///   Knowing one language is enough.
-    /// </summary>
-    [DataField("requires", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdListSerializer<LanguagePrototype>)), ViewVariables]
-    public List<string> RequiredLanguages = new();
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   If true, only allows to use this implanter on mobs.
-    /// </summary>
-    [DataField("mobs-only")]
-    public bool MobsOnly = true;
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   Whether this implant has been used already.
-    /// </summary>
-    public bool Used = false;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/UniversalLanguageSpeacerComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/UniversalLanguageSpeacerComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ef609e6ba0..00000000000
--- a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Components/UniversalLanguageSpeacerComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-namespace Content.Shared.Language.Components;
-// <summary>
-// Signifies that this entity can speak and understand any language.
-// Applies to such entities as ghosts.
-// </summary>
-public sealed partial class UniversalLanguageSpeakerComponent : Component
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/LanguagePrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/LanguagePrototype.cs
index c160187bf62..f84da2e8adf 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/LanguagePrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/LanguagePrototype.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
-namespace Content.Shared.Language;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Language;
 public sealed class LanguagePrototype : IPrototype
@@ -8,17 +8,15 @@ public sealed class LanguagePrototype : IPrototype
     public string ID { get; private set; } = default!;
-    // <summary>
-    // If true, obfuscated phrases of creatures speaking this language will have their syllables replaced with "replacement" syllables.
-    // Otherwise entire sentences will be replaced.
-    // </summary>
-    [DataField("obfuscateSyllables", required: true)]
+    [DataField("obfuscateSyllables")]
     public bool ObfuscateSyllables { get; private set; } = false;
-    // <summary>
-    // Lists all syllables that are used to obfuscate a message a listener cannot understand if obfuscateSyllables is true,
-    // Otherwise uses all possible phrases the creature can make when trying to say anything.
-    // </summary>
+    [DataField]
+    public Color? Color;
+    [DataField]
+    public Color? WhisperColor;
     [DataField("replacement", required: true)]
     public List<string> Replacement = new();
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedLanguageSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedLanguageSystem.cs
index 54c33fc1859..7e5748008d2 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedLanguageSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedLanguageSystem.cs
@@ -1,73 +1,262 @@
-using Content.Shared.Actions;
+using Content.Shared.Actions;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
 using Robust.Shared.Random;
 using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+using Robust.Shared.Containers;
+using Content.Shared.Ghost;
+using Robust.Shared.Network;
+using Content.Shared.Hands.EntitySystems;
+using System.Linq;
-namespace Content.Shared.Language.Systems;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Language;
 public abstract class SharedLanguageSystem : EntitySystem
-    [ValidatePrototypeId<LanguagePrototype>]
-    public static readonly string GalacticCommonPrototype = "GalacticCommon";
-    [ValidatePrototypeId<LanguagePrototype>]
-    public static readonly string UniversalPrototype = "Universal";
-    public static LanguagePrototype GalacticCommon { get; private set; } = default!;
-    public static LanguagePrototype Universal { get; private set; } = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedActionsSystem _action = default!;
-    [Dependency] protected readonly IPrototypeManager _prototype = default!;
     [Dependency] protected readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
-    protected ISawmill _sawmill = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _proto = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly INetManager _netMan = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedHandsSystem _hands = default!;
     public override void Initialize()
-        GalacticCommon = _prototype.Index<LanguagePrototype>("GalacticCommon");
-        Universal = _prototype.Index<LanguagePrototype>("Universal");
-        _sawmill = Logger.GetSawmill("language");
+    }
+    public bool CanSpeak(EntityUid uid, LanguagePrototype proto, LanguageSpeakerComponent? component = null)
+    {
+        if (HasComp<GhostComponent>(uid))
+            return false;
+        if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
+            return false;
+        if (proto.ID == "Universal")
+            return true;
-        SubscribeLocalEvent<LanguageSpeakerComponent, MapInitEvent>(OnInit);
+        if (GetLanguages(uid, out _, out _, out _, out var translator, out _) && translator.Contains(proto.ID))
+            return true;
+        foreach (var lang in component.SpokenLanguages)
+            if (lang == proto.ID)
+                return true;
+        return false;
-    public LanguagePrototype? GetLanguage(string id)
+    public bool CanUnderstand(EntityUid uid, LanguagePrototype proto, LanguageSpeakerComponent? component = null)
-        _prototype.TryIndex<LanguagePrototype>(id, out var proto);
-        return proto;
+        if (HasComp<GhostComponent>(uid))
+            return true;
+        if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
+            return false;
+        if (proto.ID == "Universal")
+            return true;
+        if (GetLanguages(uid, out _, out _, out var translator, out _, out _) && translator.Contains(proto.ID))
+            return true;
+        foreach (var lang in component.UnderstoodLanguages)
+            if (lang == proto.ID)
+                return true;
+        return false;
-    private void OnInit(EntityUid uid, LanguageSpeakerComponent component, MapInitEvent args)
+    public bool CanSpeak(EntityUid uid, string protoId, LanguageSpeakerComponent? component = null)
-        _action.AddAction(uid, ref component.Action, component.LanguageMenuAction, uid);
+        if (!_proto.TryIndex<LanguagePrototype>(protoId, out var proto))
+            return false;
+        if (HasComp<GhostComponent>(uid))
+            return false;
+        if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
+            return false;
+        if (proto.ID == "Universal")
+            return true;
+        if (GetLanguages(uid, out _, out _, out _, out var translator, out _) && translator.Contains(protoId))
+            return true;
+        foreach (var lang in component.SpokenLanguages)
+            if (lang == proto.ID)
+                return true;
+        return false;
+    }
+    public bool CanUnderstand(EntityUid uid, string protoId, LanguageSpeakerComponent? component = null)
+    {
+        if (!_proto.TryIndex<LanguagePrototype>(protoId, out var proto))
+            return false;
+        if (HasComp<GhostComponent>(uid))
+            return true;
+        if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
+            return false;
+        if (proto.ID == "Universal")
+            return true;
+        if (GetLanguages(uid, out _, out _, out var translator, out _, out _) && translator.Contains(protoId))
+            return true;
+        foreach (var lang in component.UnderstoodLanguages)
+            if (lang == proto.ID)
+                return true;
+        return false;
+    }
+    public LanguagePrototype GetCurrentLanguage(EntityUid uid)
+    {
+        var universalProto = _proto.Index<LanguagePrototype>("Universal");
+        if (!TryComp<LanguageSpeakerComponent>(uid, out var comp) || comp.CurrentLanguage == null)
+            return universalProto;
+        if (_proto.TryIndex<LanguagePrototype>(comp.CurrentLanguage, out var proto))
+            return proto;
+        return universalProto;
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   Raised on an entity when its list of languages changes.
-    /// </summary>
-    public sealed class LanguagesUpdateEvent : EntityEventArgs
+    public void SelectLanguage(NetEntity ent, string language, LanguageSpeakerComponent? component = null)
+        var speaker = GetEntity(ent);
+        if (!CanSpeak(speaker, GetLanguage(language)))
+            return;
+        if (component == null && !TryComp(speaker, out component))
+            return;
+        if (component.CurrentLanguage == language)
+            return;
+        if (_netMan.IsClient)
+        {
+            GetLanguages(speaker, out _, out _, out var translator, out _, out _);
+            component.CurrentLanguage = language;
+            RaiseLocalEvent(new LanguageMenuStateMessage(ent, language, component.UnderstoodLanguages, translator));
+        }
+        RaiseNetworkEvent(new LanguageChosenMessage(ent, language));
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   Sent when a client wants to update its language menu.
-    /// </summary>
-    [Serializable, NetSerializable]
-    public sealed class RequestLanguageMenuStateMessage : EntityEventArgs
+    public void SelectDefaultLanguage(EntityUid uid, LanguageSpeakerComponent? component = null)
+        if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
+            return;
+        var language = component.SpokenLanguages.FirstOrDefault("Universal");
+        GetLanguages(uid, out _, out _, out var translator, out _, out _);
+        component.CurrentLanguage = language;
+        Dirty(uid, component);
+        RaiseNetworkEvent(new LanguageMenuStateMessage(GetNetEntity(uid), language, component.UnderstoodLanguages, translator));
+        RaiseNetworkEvent(new LanguageChosenMessage(GetNetEntity(uid), language));
-    /// <summary>
-    ///   Sent by the server when the client needs to update its language menu,
-    ///   or directly after [RequestLanguageMenuStateMessage].
-    /// </summary>
-    [Serializable, NetSerializable]
-    public sealed class LanguageMenuStateMessage : EntityEventArgs
+    public bool GetLanguages(
+        EntityUid? player,
+        out List<string> understood,
+        out List<string> spoken,
+        out List<string> translatorUnderstood,
+        out List<string> translatorSpoken,
+        out string current,
+        LanguageSpeakerComponent? comp = null)
-        public string CurrentLanguage;
-        public List<string> Options;
+        understood = new();
+        spoken = new();
+        translatorUnderstood = new();
+        translatorSpoken = new();
+        current = String.Empty;
+        if (player == null)
+            return false;
+        var uid = player.Value;
+        if (!Resolve(uid, ref comp))
+            return false;
-        public LanguageMenuStateMessage(string currentLanguage, List<string> options)
+        understood.AddRange(comp.UnderstoodLanguages);
+        spoken.AddRange(comp.SpokenLanguages);
+        current = GetCurrentLanguage(uid).ID;
+        foreach (var item in _hands.EnumerateHeld(uid))
-            CurrentLanguage = currentLanguage;
-            Options = options;
+            if (TryComp<HandheldTranslatorComponent>(item, out var translator) && translator.Enabled)
+            {
+                foreach (var lang in translator.Required)
+                {
+                    if (understood.Contains(lang))
+                    {
+                        translatorUnderstood.AddRange(translator.ToUnderstand);
+                        translatorSpoken.AddRange(translator.ToSpeak);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        if (understood.Count <= 0 || spoken.Count <= 0 || current == String.Empty)
+            return false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    public LanguagePrototype GetLanguage(string id)
+    {
+        if (!_proto.TryIndex<LanguagePrototype>(id, out var result))
+            return _proto.Index<LanguagePrototype>("Universal");
+        return result;
+    }
+/// <summary>
+///   Sent when a client wants to change its selected language.
+/// </summary>
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed class LanguageChosenMessage : EntityEventArgs
+    public NetEntity Uid;
+    public string SelectedLanguage;
+    public LanguageChosenMessage(NetEntity uid, string selectedLanguage)
+    {
+        Uid = uid;
+        SelectedLanguage = selectedLanguage;
+    }
+/// <summary>
+///   Sent by the server when the client needs to update its language menu,
+///   or directly after [RequestLanguageMenuStateMessage].
+/// </summary>
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed class LanguageMenuStateMessage : EntityEventArgs
+    public NetEntity ComponentOwner;
+    public string CurrentLanguage;
+    public List<string> Options;
+    public List<string> TranslatorOptions;
+    public LanguageMenuStateMessage(NetEntity componentOwner, string currentLanguage, List<string> options, List<string> translatorOptions)
+    {
+        ComponentOwner = componentOwner;
+        CurrentLanguage = currentLanguage;
+        Options = options;
+        TranslatorOptions = translatorOptions;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedTranslatorImplantSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedTranslatorImplantSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7f31a8e5dfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedTranslatorImplantSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+using System.Linq;
+using Content.Shared.Actions;
+using Content.Shared.Implants.Components;
+using Robust.Shared.Containers;
+using Robust.Shared.Network;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;
+namespace Content.Shared.Implants;
+public abstract class SharedTranslatorImplantSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly INetManager _net = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedLanguageSystem _language = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<TranslatorImplantComponent, EntGotInsertedIntoContainerMessage>(OnInsert);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<TranslatorImplantComponent, ContainerGettingRemovedAttemptEvent>(OnRemoveAttempt);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<TranslatorImplantComponent, EntGotRemovedFromContainerMessage>(OnRemove);
+    }
+    private void OnInsert(EntityUid uid, TranslatorImplantComponent component, EntGotInsertedIntoContainerMessage args)
+    {
+        if (_net.IsClient)
+            return;
+        if (!TryComp<LanguageSpeakerComponent>(args.Container.Owner, out var languageSpeaker))
+            return;
+        if (component.ToUnderstand.Count > 0)
+        {
+            foreach (var item in component.ToUnderstand)
+            {
+                if (_language.CanUnderstand(args.Container.Owner, _language.GetLanguage(item)))
+                    continue;
+                languageSpeaker.UnderstoodLanguages.Add(item);
+                component.ImplantedToUnderstand.Add(item);
+            }
+        }
+        if (component.ToSpeak.Count > 0)
+        {
+            foreach (var item in component.ToSpeak)
+            {
+                if (_language.CanSpeak(args.Container.Owner, _language.GetLanguage(item)))
+                    continue;
+                languageSpeaker.SpokenLanguages.Add(item);
+                component.ImplantedToSpeak.Add(item);
+            }
+        }
+        component.ImplantedEntity = args.Container.Owner;
+        Dirty(component.ImplantedEntity.Value, languageSpeaker);
+        if (!_language.GetLanguages(component.ImplantedEntity.Value, out var understood, out _, out var translatorUnderstood, out _, out var current))
+            return;
+        var menuEv = new LanguageMenuStateMessage(GetNetEntity(component.ImplantedEntity.Value), current, understood, translatorUnderstood);
+        RaiseNetworkEvent(menuEv);
+        var ev = new ImplantImplantedEvent(uid, component.ImplantedEntity.Value);
+        RaiseLocalEvent(uid, ref ev);
+    }
+    private void OnRemoveAttempt(EntityUid uid, TranslatorImplantComponent component, ContainerGettingRemovedAttemptEvent args)
+    {
+        if (component.Permanent && component.ImplantedEntity != null)
+            args.Cancel();
+    }
+    private void OnRemove(EntityUid uid, TranslatorImplantComponent component, EntGotRemovedFromContainerMessage args)
+    {
+        if (component.ImplantedEntity == null || Terminating(component.ImplantedEntity.Value))
+            return;
+        if (!TryComp<LanguageSpeakerComponent>(component.ImplantedEntity.Value, out var languageSpeaker))
+            return;
+        if (component.ImplantedToUnderstand.Count > 0)
+        {
+            foreach (var item in component.ImplantedToUnderstand)
+            {
+                languageSpeaker.UnderstoodLanguages.Remove(item);
+            }
+        }
+        if (component.ImplantedToSpeak.Count > 0)
+        {
+            foreach (var item in component.ImplantedToSpeak)
+            {
+                languageSpeaker.SpokenLanguages.Remove(item);
+                if (languageSpeaker.CurrentLanguage == item)
+                    languageSpeaker.CurrentLanguage = languageSpeaker.SpokenLanguages.FirstOrDefault("Universal");
+            }
+        }
+        component.ImplantedToUnderstand.Clear();
+        component.ImplantedToSpeak.Clear();
+        Dirty(component.ImplantedEntity.Value, languageSpeaker);
+        if (!_language.GetLanguages(component.ImplantedEntity.Value, out var understood, out _, out var translatorUnderstood, out _, out var current))
+            return;
+        var menuEv = new LanguageMenuStateMessage(GetNetEntity(component.ImplantedEntity.Value), current, understood, translatorUnderstood);
+        RaiseNetworkEvent(menuEv);
+        component.ImplantedEntity = null;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedTranslatorImplanterSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedTranslatorImplanterSystem.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a602d03c54..00000000000
--- a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedTranslatorImplanterSystem.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Shared.Examine;
-using Content.Shared.Implants.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Language.Components;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
-namespace Content.Shared.Language.Systems;
-public abstract class SharedTranslatorImplanterSystem : EntitySystem
-    [Dependency] private readonly SharedAppearanceSystem _appearance = default!;
-    public override void Initialize()
-    {
-        base.Initialize();
-        SubscribeLocalEvent<TranslatorImplanterComponent, ExaminedEvent>(OnExamined);
-    }
-    private void OnExamined(EntityUid uid, TranslatorImplanterComponent component, ExaminedEvent args)
-    {
-        if (!args.IsInDetailsRange)
-            return;
-        var text = !component.Used
-            ? Loc.GetString("translator-implanter-ready")
-            : Loc.GetString("translator-implanter-used");
-        args.PushText(text);
-    }
-    protected void OnAppearanceChange(EntityUid implanter, TranslatorImplanterComponent component)
-    {
-        var used = component.Used;
-        _appearance.SetData(implanter, ImplanterVisuals.Full, !used);
-    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedTranslatorSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedTranslatorSystem.cs
index 540744139da..8e5353d3b4c 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedTranslatorSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Language/Systems/SharedTranslatorSystem.cs
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-using Content.Shared.Examine;
-using Content.Shared.Language.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Examine;
 using Content.Shared.Toggleable;
-namespace Content.Shared.Language.Systems;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Language;
 public abstract class SharedTranslatorSystem : EntitySystem
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Novakid/NovakidGlowingComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Novakid/NovakidGlowingComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..37fff23f6f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Novakid/NovakidGlowingComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Novakid;
+public sealed partial class NovakidGlowingComponent : Component
+    [DataField]
+    public Color GlowingColor;
+    NovakidGlowingComponent(Color color)
+    {
+        GlowingColor = color;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Shadekin/Components/ShadekinComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Shadekin/Components/ShadekinComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b6476353f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Shadekin/Components/ShadekinComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Shadekin.Components;
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, AutoGenerateComponentState]
+public sealed partial class ShadekinComponent : Component
+    #region Random occurrences
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float MaxedPowerAccumulator = 0f;
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float MaxedPowerRoof = 0f;
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float MaxedPowerRateMin = 45f;
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float MaxedPowerRateMax = 150f;
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float MinPowerAccumulator = 0f;
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float MinPowerRoof = 0f;
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float MinPowerMin = 15f;
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float MinPowerMax = 60f;
+    #endregion
+    #region Shader
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Automatically set to eye color.
+    /// </summary>
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadOnly)]
+    public Vector3 TintColor = new(0.5f, 0f, 0.5f);
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Based on PowerLevel.
+    /// </summary>
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float TintIntensity = 0.65f;
+    #endregion
+    #region Power level
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Current amount of energy.
+    /// </summary>
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), AutoNetworkedField]
+    public float PowerLevel
+    {
+        get => _powerLevel;
+        set => _powerLevel = Math.Clamp(value, PowerLevelMin, PowerLevelMax);
+    }
+    public float _powerLevel = 150f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Don't let PowerLevel go above this value.
+    /// </summary>
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadOnly), AutoNetworkedField]
+    public float PowerLevelMax = PowerThresholds[ShadekinPowerThreshold.Max];
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Blackeyes if PowerLevel is this value.
+    /// </summary>
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadOnly), AutoNetworkedField]
+    public float PowerLevelMin = PowerThresholds[ShadekinPowerThreshold.Min];
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     How much energy is gained per second.
+    /// </summary>
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), AutoNetworkedField]
+    public float PowerLevelGain = 0.75f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Power gain multiplier
+    /// </summary>
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), AutoNetworkedField]
+    public float PowerLevelGainMultiplier = 1f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Whether to gain power or not.
+    /// </summary>
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), AutoNetworkedField]
+    public bool PowerLevelGainEnabled = true;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Whether they are a blackeye.
+    /// </summary>
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), AutoNetworkedField]
+    public bool Blackeye = false;
+    public static readonly Dictionary<ShadekinPowerThreshold, float> PowerThresholds = new()
+    {
+        { ShadekinPowerThreshold.Max, 250.0f },
+        { ShadekinPowerThreshold.Great, 200.0f },
+        { ShadekinPowerThreshold.Good, 150.0f },
+        { ShadekinPowerThreshold.Okay, 100.0f },
+        { ShadekinPowerThreshold.Tired, 50.0f },
+        { ShadekinPowerThreshold.Min, 0.0f },
+    };
+    #endregion
+public enum ShadekinPowerThreshold : byte
+    Max = 1 << 4,
+    Great = 1 << 3,
+    Good = 1 << 2,
+    Okay = 1 << 1,
+    Tired = 1 << 0,
+    Min = 0,
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/BatteryDrinkerEvent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/BatteryDrinkerEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8007a8ca60d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/BatteryDrinkerEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Simple station
+using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon;
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed partial class BatteryDrinkerDoAfterEvent : SimpleDoAfterEvent
+    public BatteryDrinkerDoAfterEvent()
+    {
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Components/SeeingStaticComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Components/SeeingStaticComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac581ab437b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Components/SeeingStaticComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Simple station
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Components;
+/// <summary>
+///     Exists for use as a status effect. Adds a tv static shader to the client.
+/// </summary>
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, AutoGenerateComponentState]
+public sealed partial class SeeingStaticComponent : Component
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The multiplier applied to the effect.
+    ///     Setting this to 0.5 will halve the effect throughout its entire duration, meaning it will never be fully opaque.
+    ///     Setting this to 2 will double the effect throughout its entire duration, meaning it will be fully opaque for twice as long.
+    /// </summary>
+    [AutoNetworkedField]
+    public float Multiplier = 1f;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Components/SiliconChargerComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Components/SiliconChargerComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..90a238c4f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Components/SiliconChargerComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// Simple station
+using Content.Shared.Storage.Components;
+using Content.Shared.StepTrigger.Components;
+using Robust.Shared.Audio;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon;
+public sealed partial class SiliconChargerComponent : Component
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Is the charger currently active?
+    /// </summary>
+    public bool Active = false;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The currently playing audio stream.
+    /// </summary>
+    //public IPlayingAudioStream? SoundStream { get; set; } modern.df ipc. * Moved IPlayingAudioStream onto AudioComponent and entities instead of an abstract stream.
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Counter for handing out warnings to burning entities.
+    /// </summary>
+    public TimeSpan WarningTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The current parts multiplier.
+    /// </summary>
+    public float PartsChargeMulti = 1.2f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The sound to play when the charger is active.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("soundLoop")]
+    public SoundSpecifier SoundLoop = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Machines/microwave_loop.ogg");
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The multiplier for the charge rate.
+    ///     For reference, an IPC drains at 50.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("chargeMulti"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float ChargeMulti = 50f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The minimum size of a battery to be charged.
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <remarks>
+    ///     Charging a battery too small will detonate it, becoming more likely as it fills.
+    /// </remarks>
+    [DataField("minChargeSize"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public int MinChargeSize = 1000;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The minimum amount of time it will take to charge a battery, in seconds.
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <remarks>
+    ///     Note that this is from empty. A battery that is already half full will take half as long as this value to reach full, if it would've been faster from empty.
+    ///     This is for the sake of feeling cooler- It's lame to just charge instantly.
+    /// </remarks>
+    [DataField("minChargeTime"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float MinChargeTime = 10f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The temperature the charger will stop heating up at.
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <remarks>
+    ///     Used specifically for chargers with the <see cref="SharedEntityStorageComponent"/>.
+    /// </remarks>
+    [DataField("targetTemp"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float TargetTemp = 373.15f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The damage type to deal when a Biological entity is burned.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("damageType")]
+    public string DamageType = "Shock";
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The modifier to apply to a used parts rating.
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <remarks>
+    ///     0.6 is the default as it provides a nice range where 2 is about normal, and 4 is about two and a half.
+    /// </remarks>
+    [DataField("upgradePartsMulti"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float UpgradePartsMulti = 0.6f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The part to be used for the charge speed.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("chargeSpeedPart")]
+    public string ChargeSpeedPart = "Capacitor";
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The part to be used for the charge efficiency.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("chargeEfficiencyPart")]
+    public string ChargeEfficiencyPart = "Manipulator";
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Charger overheat string
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("overheatString")]
+    public string OverheatString = "silicon-charger-overheatwarning";
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The list of entities currently stood on a charger.
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <remarks>
+    ///     Used specifically for chargers with the <see cref="StepTriggerComponent"/>.
+    /// </remarks>
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadOnly)]
+    public List<EntityUid> PresentEntities = new List<EntityUid>();
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The number of entities that can be stood on a charger at once.
+    /// <summary>
+    /// <remarks>
+    ///     Used specifically for chargers with the <see cref="StepTriggerComponent"/>.
+    /// </remarks>
+    [DataField("maxEntities"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public int MaxEntities = 1;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Components/SiliconComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Components/SiliconComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4598086c37f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Components/SiliconComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Systems;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Content.Shared.Alert;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Components;
+/// <summary>
+///     Component for defining a mob as a robot.
+/// </summary>
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent]
+public sealed partial class SiliconComponent : Component
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadOnly)]
+    public ChargeState ChargeState = ChargeState.Full;
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadOnly)]
+    public float OverheatAccumulator = 0.0f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The last time the Silicon was drained.
+    ///     Used for NPC Silicons to avoid over updating.
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <remarks>
+    ///     Time between drains can be specified in
+    ///     <see cref="SimpleStationCcvars.SiliconNpc"/>
+    /// </remarks>
+    public TimeSpan LastDrainTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The Silicon's battery slot, if it has one.
+    /// </summary>
+    /// modern.df а нету его больше
+    //public IContainer? BatteryContainer = null;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Is the Silicon currently dead?
+    /// </summary>
+    public bool Dead = false;
+    // BatterySystem took issue with how this was used, so I'm coming back to it at a later date, when more foundational Silicon stuff is implemented.
+    // /// <summary>
+    // ///     The entity to get the battery from.
+    // /// </summary>
+    // public EntityUid BatteryOverride? = EntityUid.Invalid;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The type of silicon this is.
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <remarks>
+    ///     Any new types of Silicons should be added to the enum.
+    /// </remarks>
+    [DataField("entityType", customTypeSerializer: typeof(EnumSerializer))]
+    public Enum EntityType = SiliconType.Npc;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Is this silicon battery powered?
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <remarks>
+    ///     If true, should go along with a battery component. One will not be added automatically.
+    /// </remarks>
+    [DataField("batteryPowered"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public bool BatteryPowered = false;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Slot this entity's battery is contained in.
+    ///     Leave null if using a battery component.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("batterySlot")]
+    public string? BatterySlot = null;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     How much power is drained by this Silicon every second by default.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("drainPerSecond"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float DrainPerSecond = 50f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The percentages at which the silicon will enter each state.
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <remarks>
+    ///     The Silicon will always be Full at 100%.
+    ///     Setting a value to null will disable that state.
+    ///     Setting Critical to 0 will cause the Silicon to never enter the dead state.
+    /// </remarks>
+    [DataField("chargeThresholdMid"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float? ChargeThresholdMid = 0.5f;
+    /// <inheritdoc cref="ChargeThresholdMid"/>
+    [DataField("chargeThresholdLow"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float? ChargeThresholdLow = 0.25f;
+    /// <inheritdoc cref="ChargeThresholdMid"/>
+    [DataField("chargeThresholdCritical"), ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    public float? ChargeThresholdCritical = 0.0f;
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     The amount the Silicon will be slowed at each charge state.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField("speedModifierThresholds", required: true)]
+    public Dictionary<ChargeState, float> SpeedModifierThresholds = default!; // было readonly
+    public ProtoId<AlertPrototype> Alert = "Charge";
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/SiliconChargerVisuals.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/SiliconChargerVisuals.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1d968db60f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/SiliconChargerVisuals.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Simple station
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon;
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public enum SiliconChargerVisuals
+    Lights,
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public enum SiliconChargerVisualState
+    Normal,
+    NormalOpen,
+    Charging
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Systems/SeeingStaticSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Systems/SeeingStaticSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4852fb38986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Systems/SeeingStaticSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Simple station
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Systems;
+public sealed class SharedSeeingStaticSystem : EntitySystem
+    public const string StaticKey = "SeeingStatic";
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Systems/SharedSiliconSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Systems/SharedSiliconSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..26c384228fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Silicon/Systems/SharedSiliconSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// Simple station
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Alert;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+using Content.Shared.Movement.Systems;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Silicon.Systems;
+public sealed class SharedSiliconChargeSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly AlertsSystem _alertsSystem = default!;
+    // Dictionary of ChargeState to Alert severity.
+    private static readonly Dictionary<ChargeState, short> ChargeStateAlert = new()
+    {
+        {ChargeState.Full, 4},
+        {ChargeState.Mid, 3},
+        {ChargeState.Low, 2},
+        {ChargeState.Critical, 1},
+        {ChargeState.Dead, 0},
+        {ChargeState.Invalid, -1},
+    };
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconComponent, ComponentInit>(OnSiliconInit);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconComponent, SiliconChargeStateUpdateEvent>(OnSiliconChargeStateUpdate);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<SiliconComponent, RefreshMovementSpeedModifiersEvent>(OnRefreshMovespeed);
+    }
+    private void OnSiliconInit(EntityUid uid, SiliconComponent component, ComponentInit args)
+    {
+        if (component.BatteryPowered)
+            _alertsSystem.ShowAlert(uid, component.Alert, (short) component.ChargeState);
+    }
+    private void OnSiliconChargeStateUpdate(EntityUid uid, SiliconComponent component, SiliconChargeStateUpdateEvent ev)
+    {
+        _alertsSystem.ShowAlert(uid, component.Alert, (short) ev.ChargeState);
+    }
+    private void OnRefreshMovespeed(EntityUid uid, SiliconComponent component, RefreshMovementSpeedModifiersEvent args)
+    {
+        if (!component.BatteryPowered)
+            return;
+        var speedModThresholds = component.SpeedModifierThresholds;
+        var closest = 0f;
+        foreach (var state in speedModThresholds)
+        {
+            if (component.ChargeState >= state.Key && (float) state.Key > closest)
+                closest = (float) state.Key;
+        }
+        var speedMod = speedModThresholds[(ChargeState) closest];
+        args.ModifySpeed(speedMod, speedMod);
+    }
+public enum SiliconType
+    Player,
+    GhostRole,
+    Npc,
+public enum ChargeState
+    Invalid = -1,
+    Dead,
+    Critical,
+    Low,
+    Mid,
+    Full,
+/// <summary>
+///     Event raised when a Silicon's charge state needs to be updated.
+/// </summary>
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed class SiliconChargeStateUpdateEvent : EntityEventArgs
+    public ChargeState ChargeState { get; }
+    public SiliconChargeStateUpdateEvent(ChargeState chargeState)
+    {
+        ChargeState = chargeState;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/Traits/Components/MonochromacyComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/Traits/Components/MonochromacyComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3d3f71edfd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/Traits/Components/MonochromacyComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// Simple Station
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Traits
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Entity cannot see color.
+    /// </summary>
+    [RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent]
+    public sealed partial class MonochromacyComponent : Component
+    {
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/ADT/hemophilia/HemophiliaComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ADT/hemophilia/HemophiliaComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..30ed792e1b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/ADT/hemophilia/HemophiliaComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+namespace Content.Shared.ADT.Traits;
+public sealed partial class HemophiliaComponent : Component
+    [DataField]
+    public float Modifier = 0.3f;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Access/SharedAccessWire.cs b/Content.Shared/Access/SharedAccessWire.cs
index d5d1b48c708..a0bb316028f 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Access/SharedAccessWire.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Access/SharedAccessWire.cs
@@ -10,3 +10,12 @@ public enum AccessWireActionKey : byte
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public enum LogWireActionKey : byte
+    Key,
+    Status,
+    Pulsed,
+    PulseCancel
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Administration/PlayerInfo.cs b/Content.Shared/Administration/PlayerInfo.cs
index 93f1aa0b393..ed54d57bbef 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Administration/PlayerInfo.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Administration/PlayerInfo.cs
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ public sealed record PlayerInfo(
         private string? _playtimeString;
+        public bool IsPinned { get; set; }
         public string PlaytimeString => _playtimeString ??=
             OverallPlaytime?.ToString("%d':'hh':'mm") ?? Loc.GetString("generic-unknown-title");
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.Organs.cs b/Content.Shared/Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.Organs.cs
index efabebfc858..1c315869c85 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.Organs.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Body/Systems/SharedBodySystem.Organs.cs
@@ -158,26 +158,24 @@ public bool AddOrganToFirstValidSlot(
     /// <summary>
-    ///     Returns a list of ValueTuples of <see cref="T"/> and OrganComponent on each organ
-    ///     in the given body.
+    /// Returns a list of Entity<<see cref="T"/>, <see cref="OrganComponent"/>>
+    /// for each organ of the body
     /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="uid">The body entity id to check on.</param>
-    /// <param name="body">The body to check for organs on.</param>
-    /// <typeparam name="T">The component to check for.</typeparam>
-    public List<(T Comp, OrganComponent Organ)> GetBodyOrganComponents<T>(
-        EntityUid uid,
-        BodyComponent? body = null)
+    /// <typeparam name="T">The component that we want to return</typeparam>
+    /// <param name="entity">The body to check the organs of</param>
+    public List<Entity<T, OrganComponent>> GetBodyOrganEntityComps<T>(
+        Entity<BodyComponent?> entity)
         where T : IComponent
-        if (!Resolve(uid, ref body))
-            return new List<(T Comp, OrganComponent Organ)>();
+        if (!Resolve(entity, ref entity.Comp))
+            return new List<Entity<T, OrganComponent>>();
         var query = GetEntityQuery<T>();
-        var list = new List<(T Comp, OrganComponent Organ)>(3);
-        foreach (var organ in GetBodyOrgans(uid, body))
+        var list = new List<Entity<T, OrganComponent>>(3);
+        foreach (var organ in GetBodyOrgans(entity.Owner, entity.Comp))
             if (query.TryGetComponent(organ.Id, out var comp))
-                list.Add((comp, organ.Component));
+                list.Add((organ.Id, comp, organ.Component));
         return list;
@@ -192,19 +190,18 @@ public bool AddOrganToFirstValidSlot(
     /// <param name="body">The body to check for organs on.</param>
     /// <typeparam name="T">The component to check for.</typeparam>
     /// <returns>Whether any were found.</returns>
-    public bool TryGetBodyOrganComponents<T>(
-        EntityUid uid,
-        [NotNullWhen(true)] out List<(T Comp, OrganComponent Organ)>? comps,
-        BodyComponent? body = null)
+    public bool TryGetBodyOrganEntityComps<T>(
+        Entity<BodyComponent?> entity,
+        [NotNullWhen(true)] out List<Entity<T, OrganComponent>>? comps)
         where T : IComponent
-        if (!Resolve(uid, ref body))
+        if (!Resolve(entity.Owner, ref entity.Comp))
             comps = null;
             return false;
-        comps = GetBodyOrganComponents<T>(uid, body);
+        comps = GetBodyOrganEntityComps<T>(entity);
         if (comps.Count != 0)
             return true;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Burial/BurialSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Burial/BurialSystem.cs
index 45a89f3be97..c86b2ec0248 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Burial/BurialSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Burial/BurialSystem.cs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+using Content.Shared.ActionBlocker;
 using Content.Shared.Burial;
 using Content.Shared.Burial.Components;
 using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
@@ -8,7 +9,6 @@
 using Content.Shared.Storage.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Storage.EntitySystems;
 using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
-using Robust.Shared.Player;
 namespace Content.Server.Burial.Systems;
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ public sealed class BurialSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedEntityStorageSystem _storageSystem = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audioSystem = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedPopupSystem _popupSystem = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly ActionBlockerSystem _actionBlocker = default!;
     public override void Initialize()
@@ -159,7 +160,10 @@ private void OnRelayMovement(EntityUid uid, GraveComponent component, ref Contai
         // We track a separate doAfter here, as we want someone with a shovel to
         // be able to come along and help someone trying to claw their way out
-        if (component.HandDiggingDoAfter != null)
+        if (_doAfterSystem.IsRunning(component.HandDiggingDoAfter))
+            return;
+        if (!_actionBlocker.CanMove(args.Entity))
         var doAfterEventArgs = new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, args.Entity, component.DigDelay / component.DigOutByHandModifier, new GraveDiggingDoAfterEvent(), uid, target: uid)
@@ -174,7 +178,7 @@ private void OnRelayMovement(EntityUid uid, GraveComponent component, ref Contai
         if (component.Stream == null)
             component.Stream = _audioSystem.PlayPredicted(component.DigSound, uid, args.Entity)?.Entity;
-        if (!_doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(doAfterEventArgs))
+        if (!_doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(doAfterEventArgs, out component.HandDiggingDoAfter))
diff --git a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs
index df276a3e504..f5a72597dc0 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs
@@ -1495,6 +1495,13 @@ public static readonly CVarDef<int>
         public static readonly CVarDef<bool> GodmodeArrivals =
             CVarDef.Create("shuttle.godmode_arrivals", false, CVar.SERVERONLY);
+        /// <summary>
+        /// If a grid is split then hide any smaller ones under this mass (kg) from the map.
+        /// This is useful to avoid split grids spamming out labels.
+        /// </summary>
+        public static readonly CVarDef<int> HideSplitGridsUnder =
+            CVarDef.Create("shuttle.hide_split_grids_under", 30, CVar.SERVERONLY);
         /// <summary>
         /// Whether to automatically spawn escape shuttles.
         /// </summary>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Cargo/CargoOrderData.cs b/Content.Shared/Cargo/CargoOrderData.cs
index ce05d922362..5645cc454dd 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Cargo/CargoOrderData.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Cargo/CargoOrderData.cs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public sealed partial class CargoOrderData
         // public int RequesterId;
         public string Reason { get; private set; }
-        public  bool Approved => Approver is not null;
+        public  bool Approved;
         public string? Approver;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Chemistry/Components/InjectorComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Chemistry/Components/InjectorComponent.cs
index ee7f9bd5798..1f2716356c5 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Chemistry/Components/InjectorComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Chemistry/Components/InjectorComponent.cs
@@ -73,6 +73,12 @@ public sealed partial class InjectorComponent : Component
     public TimeSpan Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Each additional 1u after first 5u increases the delay by X seconds.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField]
+    public TimeSpan DelayPerVolume = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1);
     /// <summary>
     /// The state of the injector. Determines it's attack behavior. Containers must have the
     /// right SolutionCaps to support injection/drawing. For InjectOnly injectors this should
@@ -81,6 +87,22 @@ public sealed partial class InjectorComponent : Component
     public InjectorToggleMode ToggleState = InjectorToggleMode.Draw;
+    #region Arguments for injection doafter
+    /// <inheritdoc cref=DoAfterArgs.NeedHand>
+    [DataField]
+    public bool NeedHand = true;
+    /// <inheritdoc cref=DoAfterArgs.BreakOnHandChange>
+    [DataField]
+    public bool BreakOnHandChange = true;
+    /// <inheritdoc cref=DoAfterArgs.MovementThreshold>
+    [DataField]
+    public float MovementThreshold = 0.1f;
+    #endregion
 /// <summary>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Chemistry/Components/SolutionContainerVisualsComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Chemistry/Components/SolutionContainerVisualsComponent.cs
index 100ee3975f9..1e3c14bfd49 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Chemistry/Components/SolutionContainerVisualsComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Chemistry/Components/SolutionContainerVisualsComponent.cs
@@ -53,5 +53,17 @@ public sealed partial class SolutionContainerVisualsComponent : Component
         /// </summary>
         public int InHandsMaxFillLevels = 0;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Optional equipped visuals to show someone is wearing a something with a filled container.
+        /// </summary>
+        [DataField]
+        public string? EquippedFillBaseName = null;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// A separate max fill levels for equipped items (to reduce number of sprites needed)
+        /// </summary>
+        [DataField]
+        public int EquippedMaxFillLevels = 0;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Climbing/Systems/ClimbSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Climbing/Systems/ClimbSystem.cs
index 726cdc24687..635bf36049b 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Climbing/Systems/ClimbSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Climbing/Systems/ClimbSystem.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 using Content.Shared.ActionBlocker;
-using Content.Shared.Body.Systems;
 using Content.Shared.Buckle.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Climbing.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Climbing.Events;
@@ -44,6 +43,7 @@ public sealed partial class ClimbSystem : VirtualController
     private const string ClimbingFixtureName = "climb";
     private const int ClimbingCollisionGroup = (int) (CollisionGroup.TableLayer | CollisionGroup.LowImpassable);
+    private EntityQuery<ClimbableComponent> _climbableQuery;
     private EntityQuery<FixturesComponent> _fixturesQuery;
     private EntityQuery<TransformComponent> _xformQuery;
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ public override void Initialize()
+        _climbableQuery = GetEntityQuery<ClimbableComponent>();
         _fixturesQuery = GetEntityQuery<FixturesComponent>();
         _xformQuery = GetEntityQuery<TransformComponent>();
@@ -350,12 +351,39 @@ private void OnClimbEndCollide(EntityUid uid, ClimbingComponent component, ref E
         if (args.OurFixtureId != ClimbingFixtureName
             || !component.IsClimbing
-            || component.NextTransition != null
-            || args.OurFixture.Contacts.Count > 1)
+            || component.NextTransition != null)
+        if (args.OurFixture.Contacts.Count > 1)
+        {
+            foreach (var contact in args.OurFixture.Contacts.Values)
+            {
+                if (!contact.IsTouching)
+                    continue;
+                var otherEnt = contact.EntityA;
+                var otherFixture = contact.FixtureA;
+                var otherFixtureId = contact.FixtureAId;
+                if (uid == contact.EntityA)
+                {
+                    otherEnt = contact.EntityB;
+                    otherFixture = contact.FixtureB;
+                    otherFixtureId = contact.FixtureBId;
+                }
+                if (args.OtherEntity == otherEnt && args.OtherFixtureId == otherFixtureId)
+                    continue;
+                if (otherFixture is { Hard: true } &&
+                    _climbableQuery.HasComp(otherEnt))
+                {
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+        }
         foreach (var otherFixture in args.OurFixture.Contacts.Keys)
             // If it's the other fixture then ignore em
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Clothing/Components/ClothingComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Clothing/Components/ClothingComponent.cs
index 846a78b8680..581125d4fe3 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Clothing/Components/ClothingComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Clothing/Components/ClothingComponent.cs
@@ -59,18 +59,6 @@ public sealed partial class ClothingComponent : Component
     public string? RsiPath;
-    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    [DataField("maleMask")]
-    public ClothingMask MaleMask = ClothingMask.UniformFull;
-    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    [DataField("femaleMask")]
-    public ClothingMask FemaleMask = ClothingMask.UniformFull;
-    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    [DataField("unisexMask")]
-    public ClothingMask UnisexMask = ClothingMask.UniformFull;
     /// <summary>
     /// Name of the inventory slot the clothing is in.
     /// </summary>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Clothing/EntitySystems/ClothingSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Clothing/EntitySystems/ClothingSystem.cs
index 381edc68baa..14137b38365 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Clothing/EntitySystems/ClothingSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Clothing/EntitySystems/ClothingSystem.cs
@@ -233,7 +233,6 @@ public void CopyVisuals(EntityUid uid, ClothingComponent otherClothing, Clothing
         clothing.ClothingVisuals = otherClothing.ClothingVisuals;
         clothing.EquippedPrefix = otherClothing.EquippedPrefix;
         clothing.RsiPath = otherClothing.RsiPath;
-        clothing.FemaleMask = otherClothing.FemaleMask;
         Dirty(uid, clothing);
diff --git a/Content.Shared/CombatMode/SharedCombatModeSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/CombatMode/SharedCombatModeSystem.cs
index 60d1362bb0b..5eed8ee2423 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/CombatMode/SharedCombatModeSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/CombatMode/SharedCombatModeSystem.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 using Content.Shared.Actions;
+using Content.Shared.Mind;
 using Content.Shared.MouseRotator;
 using Content.Shared.Movement.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Popups;
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ public abstract class SharedCombatModeSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private   readonly INetManager _netMan = default!;
     [Dependency] private   readonly SharedActionsSystem _actionsSystem = default!;
     [Dependency] private   readonly SharedPopupSystem _popup = default!;
+    [Dependency] private   readonly SharedMindSystem  _mind = default!;
     public override void Initialize()
@@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ public virtual void SetInCombatMode(EntityUid entity, bool value, CombatModeComp
             _actionsSystem.SetToggled(component.CombatToggleActionEntity, component.IsInCombatMode);
         // Change mouse rotator comps if flag is set
-        if (!component.ToggleMouseRotator || IsNpc(entity))
+        if (!component.ToggleMouseRotator || IsNpc(entity) && !_mind.TryGetMind(entity, out _, out _))
         SetMouseRotatorComponents(entity, value);
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Construction/MachinePartSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Construction/MachinePartSystem.cs
index f357a395e64..f3314dfc11b 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Construction/MachinePartSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Construction/MachinePartSystem.cs
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ public Dictionary<string, int> GetMachineBoardMaterialCost(Entity<MachineBoardCo
                     var partRecipe = recipes[0];
                     if (recipes.Count > 1)
-                        partRecipe = recipes.MinBy(p => p.RequiredMaterials.Values.Sum());
+                        partRecipe = recipes.MinBy(p => p.Materials.Values.Sum());
-                    foreach (var (mat, matAmount) in partRecipe!.RequiredMaterials)
+                    foreach (var (mat, matAmount) in partRecipe!.Materials)
                         materials.TryAdd(mat, 0);
                         materials[mat] += matAmount * amount * coefficient;
@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ public Dictionary<string, int> GetMachineBoardMaterialCost(Entity<MachineBoardCo
                     var partRecipe = recipes[0];
                     if (recipes.Count > 1)
-                        partRecipe = recipes.MinBy(p => p.RequiredMaterials.Values.Sum());
+                        partRecipe = recipes.MinBy(p => p.Materials.Values.Sum());
-                    foreach (var (mat, matAmount) in partRecipe!.RequiredMaterials)
+                    foreach (var (mat, matAmount) in partRecipe!.Materials)
                         materials.TryAdd(mat, 0);
                         materials[mat] += matAmount * amount * coefficient;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Corvax/TTS/PlayTTSEvent.cs b/Content.Shared/Corvax/TTS/PlayTTSEvent.cs
index 5b4db477c56..144f32b71a4 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Corvax/TTS/PlayTTSEvent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Corvax/TTS/PlayTTSEvent.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+using Content.Shared.ADT.Language;  // ADT Languages
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
 namespace Content.Shared.Corvax.TTS;
@@ -7,13 +8,16 @@ namespace Content.Shared.Corvax.TTS;
 public sealed class PlayTTSEvent : EntityEventArgs
     public byte[] Data { get; }
+    public byte[] LanguageData { get; }
     public NetEntity? SourceUid { get; }
     public bool IsWhisper { get; }
-    public PlayTTSEvent(byte[] data, NetEntity? sourceUid = null, bool isWhisper = false)
+    public string LanguageProtoId { get; }  // ADT Languages
+    public PlayTTSEvent(byte[] data, byte[] languageData, LanguagePrototype language, NetEntity? sourceUid = null, bool isWhisper = false)  // ADT Languages
         Data = data;
         SourceUid = sourceUid;
         IsWhisper = isWhisper;
+        LanguageProtoId = language.ID;  // ADT Languages
+        LanguageData = languageData;    // ADT Languages
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Cuffs/SharedCuffableSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Cuffs/SharedCuffableSystem.cs
index b9f287f1ce4..8889e0c9710 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Cuffs/SharedCuffableSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Cuffs/SharedCuffableSystem.cs
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public override void Initialize()
-            SubscribeLocalEvent<HandCountChangedEvent>(OnHandCountChanged);
+            SubscribeLocalEvent<CuffableComponent, HandCountChangedEvent>(OnHandCountChanged);
             SubscribeLocalEvent<CuffableComponent, EntRemovedFromContainerMessage>(OnCuffsRemovedFromContainer);
@@ -380,33 +380,24 @@ private void OnCuffVirtualItemDeleted(EntityUid uid, HandcuffComponent component
         /// <summary>
         ///     Check the current amount of hands the owner has, and if there's less hands than active cuffs we remove some cuffs.
         /// </summary>
-        private void OnHandCountChanged(HandCountChangedEvent message)
+        private void OnHandCountChanged(Entity<CuffableComponent> ent, ref HandCountChangedEvent message)
-            var owner = message.Sender;
-            if (!TryComp(owner, out CuffableComponent? cuffable) ||
-                !cuffable.Initialized)
-            {
-                return;
-            }
             var dirty = false;
-            var handCount = CompOrNull<HandsComponent>(owner)?.Count ?? 0;
+            var handCount = CompOrNull<HandsComponent>(ent.Owner)?.Count ?? 0;
-            while (cuffable.CuffedHandCount > handCount && cuffable.CuffedHandCount > 0)
+            while (ent.Comp.CuffedHandCount > handCount && ent.Comp.CuffedHandCount > 0)
                 dirty = true;
-                var container = cuffable.Container;
-                var entity = container.ContainedEntities[^1];
+                var handcuffContainer = ent.Comp.Container;
+                var handcuffEntity = handcuffContainer.ContainedEntities[^1];
-                _container.Remove(entity, container);
-                _transform.SetWorldPosition(entity, _transform.GetWorldPosition(owner));
+                _transform.PlaceNextTo(handcuffEntity, ent.Owner);
             if (dirty)
-                UpdateCuffState(owner, cuffable);
+                UpdateCuffState(ent.Owner, ent.Comp);
@@ -530,6 +521,25 @@ public bool TryCuffing(EntityUid user, EntityUid target, EntityUid handcuff, Han
             return true;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Checks if the target is handcuffed.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="requireFullyCuffed">when true, return false if the target is only partially cuffed (for things with more than 2 hands)</param>
+        /// <returns></returns>
+        public bool IsCuffed(Entity<CuffableComponent> target, bool requireFullyCuffed = true)
+        {
+            if (!TryComp<HandsComponent>(target, out var hands))
+                return false;
+            if (target.Comp.CuffedHandCount <= 0)
+                return false;
+            if (requireFullyCuffed && hands.Count > target.Comp.CuffedHandCount)
+                return false;
+            return true;
+        }
         /// <summary>
         /// Attempt to uncuff a cuffed entity. Can be called by the cuffed entity, or another entity trying to help uncuff them.
         /// If the uncuffing succeeds, the cuffs will drop on the floor.
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DisplacementMap/DisplacementData.cs b/Content.Shared/DisplacementMap/DisplacementData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7bd5b580e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DisplacementMap/DisplacementData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+namespace Content.Shared.DisplacementMap;
+public sealed partial class DisplacementData
+    /// <summary>
+    /// allows you to attach different maps for layers of different sizes.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField(required: true)]
+    public Dictionary<int, PrototypeLayerData> SizeMaps = new();
+    [DataField]
+    public string? ShaderOverride = "DisplacedStencilDraw";
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DoAfter/SharedDoAfterSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/DoAfter/SharedDoAfterSystem.cs
index 77b47415333..feda662a7a8 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/DoAfter/SharedDoAfterSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/DoAfter/SharedDoAfterSystem.cs
@@ -393,5 +393,18 @@ public DoAfterStatus GetStatus(EntityUid entity, ushort id, DoAfterComponent? co
         // networking whether a do-after has raised its events or not.
         return DoAfterStatus.Finished;
+    public bool IsRunning(DoAfterId? id, DoAfterComponent? comp = null)
+    {
+        if (id == null)
+            return false;
+        return GetStatus(id.Value.Uid, id.Value.Index, comp) == DoAfterStatus.Running;
+    }
+    public bool IsRunning(EntityUid entity, ushort id, DoAfterComponent? comp = null)
+    {
+        return GetStatus(entity, id, comp) == DoAfterStatus.Running;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorSystem.cs
index ab2df72568e..2319d5e916b 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorSystem.cs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 using Robust.Shared.Timing;
 using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
 using Robust.Shared.Network;
+using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
 namespace Content.Shared.Doors.Systems;
@@ -40,6 +41,8 @@ public abstract partial class SharedDoorSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private readonly AccessReaderSystem _accessReaderSystem = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly PryingSystem _pryingSystem = default!;
     [Dependency] protected readonly SharedPopupSystem Popup = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedMapSystem _mapSystem = default!;
     public const string DoorBumpTag = "DoorBumpOpener";
@@ -546,29 +549,37 @@ public IEnumerable<EntityUid> GetColliding(EntityUid uid, PhysicsComponent? phys
         if (!Resolve(uid, ref physics))
             yield break;
+        var xform = Transform(uid);
+        // Getting the world bounds from the gridUid allows us to use the version of
+        // GetCollidingEntities that returns Entity<PhysicsComponent>
+        if (!TryComp<MapGridComponent>(xform.GridUid, out var mapGridComp))
+            yield break;
+        var tileRef = _mapSystem.GetTileRef(xform.GridUid.Value, mapGridComp, xform.Coordinates);
+        var doorWorldBounds = _entityLookup.GetWorldBounds(tileRef);
         // TODO SLOTH fix electro's code.
         // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
         var doorAABB = _entityLookup.GetWorldAABB(uid);
-        foreach (var otherPhysics in PhysicsSystem.GetCollidingEntities(Transform(uid).MapID, doorAABB))
+        foreach (var otherPhysics in PhysicsSystem.GetCollidingEntities(Transform(uid).MapID, doorWorldBounds))
-            if (otherPhysics == physics)
+            if (otherPhysics.Comp == physics)
             //TODO: Make only shutters ignore these objects upon colliding instead of all airlocks
             // Excludes Glasslayer for windows, GlassAirlockLayer for windoors, TableLayer for tables
-            if (!otherPhysics.CanCollide || otherPhysics.CollisionLayer == (int)CollisionGroup.GlassLayer || otherPhysics.CollisionLayer == (int)CollisionGroup.GlassAirlockLayer || otherPhysics.CollisionLayer == (int)CollisionGroup.TableLayer)
+            if (!otherPhysics.Comp.CanCollide || otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionLayer == (int) CollisionGroup.GlassLayer || otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionLayer == (int) CollisionGroup.GlassAirlockLayer || otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionLayer == (int) CollisionGroup.TableLayer)
             //If the colliding entity is a slippable item ignore it by the airlock
-            if (otherPhysics.CollisionLayer == (int)CollisionGroup.SlipLayer && otherPhysics.CollisionMask == (int)CollisionGroup.ItemMask)
+            if (otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionLayer == (int) CollisionGroup.SlipLayer && otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionMask == (int) CollisionGroup.ItemMask)
             //For when doors need to close over conveyor belts
-            if (otherPhysics.CollisionLayer == (int) CollisionGroup.ConveyorMask)
+            if (otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionLayer == (int) CollisionGroup.ConveyorMask)
-            if ((physics.CollisionMask & otherPhysics.CollisionLayer) == 0 && (otherPhysics.CollisionMask & physics.CollisionLayer) == 0)
+            if ((physics.CollisionMask & otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionLayer) == 0 && (otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionMask & physics.CollisionLayer) == 0)
             if (_entityLookup.GetWorldAABB(otherPhysics.Owner).IntersectPercentage(doorAABB) < IntersectPercentage)
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Electrocution/ElectrocutionEvents.cs b/Content.Shared/Electrocution/ElectrocutionEvents.cs
index fe5753c7fb3..403bea6ce1a 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Electrocution/ElectrocutionEvents.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Electrocution/ElectrocutionEvents.cs
@@ -24,12 +24,14 @@ public sealed class ElectrocutedEvent : EntityEventArgs
         public readonly EntityUid TargetUid;
         public readonly EntityUid? SourceUid;
         public readonly float SiemensCoefficient;
+        public readonly float? ShockDamage; // Parkstation-IPC
-        public ElectrocutedEvent(EntityUid targetUid, EntityUid? sourceUid, float siemensCoefficient)
+        public ElectrocutedEvent(EntityUid targetUid, EntityUid? sourceUid, float siemensCoefficient, float? shockDamage = null) // Parkstation-IPC
             TargetUid = targetUid;
             SourceUid = sourceUid;
             SiemensCoefficient = siemensCoefficient;
+            ShockDamage = shockDamage; // Parkstation-IPC
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Examine/ExamineSystemShared.cs b/Content.Shared/Examine/ExamineSystemShared.cs
index 4100b07483f..f0406c53989 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Examine/ExamineSystemShared.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Examine/ExamineSystemShared.cs
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ namespace Content.Shared.Examine
     public abstract partial class ExamineSystemShared : EntitySystem
+        [Dependency] private readonly OccluderSystem _occluder = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly SharedTransformSystem _transform = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly SharedContainerSystem _containerSystem = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly SharedInteractionSystem _interactionSystem = default!;
@@ -182,12 +183,9 @@ public bool InRangeUnOccluded<TState>(MapCoordinates origin, MapCoordinates othe
                 length = MaxRaycastRange;
-            var occluderSystem = Get<OccluderSystem>();
-            IoCManager.Resolve(ref entMan);
             var ray = new Ray(origin.Position, dir.Normalized());
-            var rayResults = occluderSystem
-                .IntersectRayWithPredicate(origin.MapId, ray, length, state, predicate, false).ToList();
+            var rayResults = _occluder
+                .IntersectRayWithPredicate(origin.MapId, ray, length, state, predicate, false);
             if (rayResults.Count == 0) return true;
@@ -195,13 +193,13 @@ public bool InRangeUnOccluded<TState>(MapCoordinates origin, MapCoordinates othe
             foreach (var result in rayResults)
-                if (!entMan.TryGetComponent(result.HitEntity, out OccluderComponent? o))
+                if (!TryComp(result.HitEntity, out OccluderComponent? o))
                 var bBox = o.BoundingBox;
-                bBox = bBox.Translated(entMan.GetComponent<TransformComponent>(result.HitEntity).WorldPosition);
+                bBox = bBox.Translated(_transform.GetWorldPosition(result.HitEntity));
                 if (bBox.Contains(origin.Position) || bBox.Contains(other.Position))
@@ -216,7 +214,6 @@ public bool InRangeUnOccluded<TState>(MapCoordinates origin, MapCoordinates othe
         public bool InRangeUnOccluded(EntityUid origin, EntityUid other, float range = ExamineRange, Ignored? predicate = null, bool ignoreInsideBlocker = true)
-            var entMan = IoCManager.Resolve<IEntityManager>();
             var originPos = _transform.GetMapCoordinates(origin);
             var otherPos = _transform.GetMapCoordinates(other);
@@ -225,16 +222,14 @@ public bool InRangeUnOccluded(EntityUid origin, EntityUid other, float range = E
         public bool InRangeUnOccluded(EntityUid origin, EntityCoordinates other, float range = ExamineRange, Ignored? predicate = null, bool ignoreInsideBlocker = true)
-            var entMan = IoCManager.Resolve<IEntityManager>();
             var originPos = _transform.GetMapCoordinates(origin);
-            var otherPos = other.ToMap(entMan, _transform);
+            var otherPos = _transform.ToMapCoordinates(other);
             return InRangeUnOccluded(originPos, otherPos, range, predicate, ignoreInsideBlocker);
         public bool InRangeUnOccluded(EntityUid origin, MapCoordinates other, float range = ExamineRange, Ignored? predicate = null, bool ignoreInsideBlocker = true)
-            var entMan = IoCManager.Resolve<IEntityManager>();
             var originPos = _transform.GetMapCoordinates(origin);
             return InRangeUnOccluded(originPos, other, range, predicate, ignoreInsideBlocker);
@@ -250,11 +245,12 @@ public FormattedMessage GetExamineText(EntityUid entity, EntityUid? examiner)
             var hasDescription = false;
+            var metadata = MetaData(entity);
             //Add an entity description if one is declared
-            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EntityManager.GetComponent<MetaDataComponent>(entity).EntityDescription))
+            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadata.EntityDescription))
-                message.AddText(EntityManager.GetComponent<MetaDataComponent>(entity).EntityDescription);
+                message.AddText(metadata.EntityDescription);
                 hasDescription = true;
@@ -356,7 +352,7 @@ int Comparison(ExamineMessagePart a, ExamineMessagePart b)
             var totalMessage = new FormattedMessage(Message);
-            if (_hasDescription)
+            if (_hasDescription && parts.Count > 0)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Eye/Blinding/ActivatableUIRequiresVisionComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Eye/Blinding/Components/ActivatableUIRequiresVisionComponent.cs
similarity index 58%
rename from Content.Server/Eye/Blinding/ActivatableUIRequiresVisionComponent.cs
rename to Content.Shared/Eye/Blinding/Components/ActivatableUIRequiresVisionComponent.cs
index 725b871b16d..afb270414f3 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Eye/Blinding/ActivatableUIRequiresVisionComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Eye/Blinding/Components/ActivatableUIRequiresVisionComponent.cs
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-namespace Content.Server.Eye.Blinding
+namespace Content.Shared.Eye.Blinding.Components
-    public sealed partial class ActivatableUIRequiresVisionComponent : Component
-    {
-    }
+    public sealed partial class ActivatableUIRequiresVisionComponent : Component;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Eye/Blinding/ActivatableUIRequiresVisionSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Eye/Blinding/Systems/ActivatableUIRequiresVisionSystem.cs
similarity index 77%
rename from Content.Server/Eye/Blinding/ActivatableUIRequiresVisionSystem.cs
rename to Content.Shared/Eye/Blinding/Systems/ActivatableUIRequiresVisionSystem.cs
index 7b937cf0d81..6ed0c4cd6db 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Eye/Blinding/ActivatableUIRequiresVisionSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Eye/Blinding/Systems/ActivatableUIRequiresVisionSystem.cs
@@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
-using Content.Shared.Eye.Blinding;
 using Content.Shared.UserInterface;
-using Content.Server.Popups;
 using Content.Shared.Eye.Blinding.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Eye.Blinding.Systems;
-using Robust.Shared.Player;
-using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
+using Content.Shared.Popups;
 using Robust.Shared.Collections;
-namespace Content.Server.Eye.Blinding;
+namespace Content.Shared.Eye.Blinding.Systems;
 public sealed class ActivatableUIRequiresVisionSystem : EntitySystem
-    [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popupSystem = default!;
-    [Dependency] private readonly UserInterfaceSystem _userInterfaceSystem = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedPopupSystem _popupSystem = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedUserInterfaceSystem _userInterfaceSystem = default!;
     public override void Initialize()
@@ -28,7 +24,7 @@ private void OnOpenAttempt(EntityUid uid, ActivatableUIRequiresVisionComponent c
         if (TryComp<BlindableComponent>(args.User, out var blindable) && blindable.IsBlind)
-            _popupSystem.PopupCursor(Loc.GetString("blindness-fail-attempt"), args.User, Shared.Popups.PopupType.MediumCaution);
+            _popupSystem.PopupClient(Loc.GetString("blindness-fail-attempt"), args.User, Shared.Popups.PopupType.MediumCaution);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Eye/Blinding/EyeProtection/EyeProtectionSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Eye/Blinding/Systems/EyeProtectionSystem.cs
similarity index 96%
rename from Content.Server/Eye/Blinding/EyeProtection/EyeProtectionSystem.cs
rename to Content.Shared/Eye/Blinding/Systems/EyeProtectionSystem.cs
index 2d54c03b51b..0fc01f1b4e5 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Eye/Blinding/EyeProtection/EyeProtectionSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Eye/Blinding/Systems/EyeProtectionSystem.cs
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
 using Content.Shared.StatusEffect;
 using Content.Shared.Inventory;
 using Content.Shared.Eye.Blinding.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Eye.Blinding.Systems;
 using Content.Shared.Tools.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Item.ItemToggle.Components;
-namespace Content.Server.Eye.Blinding.EyeProtection
+namespace Content.Shared.Eye.Blinding.Systems
     public sealed class EyeProtectionSystem : EntitySystem
         [Dependency] private readonly StatusEffectsSystem _statusEffectsSystem = default!;
         [Dependency] private readonly BlindableSystem _blindingSystem = default!;
         public override void Initialize()
@@ -58,6 +57,7 @@ private void OnUseAttempt(EntityUid uid, RequiresEyeProtectionComponent componen
         private void OnWelderToggled(EntityUid uid, RequiresEyeProtectionComponent component, ItemToggledEvent args)
             component.Toggled = args.Activated;
+            Dirty(uid, component);
diff --git a/Content.Shared/FixedPoint/FixedPoint2.cs b/Content.Shared/FixedPoint/FixedPoint2.cs
index 6439ee6c5e2..7316d22f113 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/FixedPoint/FixedPoint2.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/FixedPoint/FixedPoint2.cs
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ public static FixedPoint2 New(int value)
         public static FixedPoint2 FromCents(int value) => new(value);
+        public static FixedPoint2 FromHundredths(int value) => new(value);
         public static FixedPoint2 New(float value)
             return new((int) ApplyFloatEpsilon(value * ShiftConstant));
@@ -245,14 +247,14 @@ public static FixedPoint2 Dist(FixedPoint2 a, FixedPoint2 b)
             return FixedPoint2.Abs(a - b);
-        public static FixedPoint2 Clamp(FixedPoint2 reagent, FixedPoint2 min, FixedPoint2 max)
+        public static FixedPoint2 Clamp(FixedPoint2 number, FixedPoint2 min, FixedPoint2 max)
             if (min > max)
                 throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(min)} {min} cannot be larger than {nameof(max)} {max}");
-            return reagent < min ? min : reagent > max ? max : reagent;
+            return number < min ? min : number > max ? max : number;
         public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj)
@@ -274,7 +276,7 @@ public void Deserialize(string value)
             if (value == "MaxValue")
                 Value = int.MaxValue;
-                this = New(Parse.Float(value));
+                this = New(Parse.Double(value));
         public override readonly string ToString() => $"{ShiftDown().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}";
@@ -314,7 +316,7 @@ public readonly int CompareTo(FixedPoint2 other)
-    public static class FixedPointEnumerableExt
+    public static class FixedPoint2EnumerableExt
         public static FixedPoint2 Sum(this IEnumerable<FixedPoint2> source)
diff --git a/Content.Shared/FixedPoint/FixedPoint4.cs b/Content.Shared/FixedPoint/FixedPoint4.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b17587f684b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/FixedPoint/FixedPoint4.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.Linq;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+using Robust.Shared.Utility;
+namespace Content.Shared.FixedPoint
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Represents a quantity of something, to a precision of 0.01.
+    ///     To enforce this level of precision, floats are shifted by 2 decimal points, rounded, and converted to an int.
+    /// </summary>
+    [Serializable, CopyByRef]
+    public struct FixedPoint4 : ISelfSerialize, IComparable<FixedPoint4>, IEquatable<FixedPoint4>, IFormattable
+    {
+        public long Value { get; private set; }
+        private const long Shift = 4;
+        private const long ShiftConstant = 10000; // Must be equal to pow(10, Shift)
+        public static FixedPoint4 MaxValue { get; } = new(long.MaxValue);
+        public static FixedPoint4 Epsilon { get; } = new(1);
+        public static FixedPoint4 Zero { get; } = new(0);
+        // This value isn't picked by any proper testing, don't @ me.
+        private const float FloatEpsilon = 0.00001f;
+#if DEBUG
+        static FixedPoint4()
+        {
+            // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
+            DebugTools.Assert(Math.Pow(10, Shift) == ShiftConstant, "ShiftConstant must be equal to pow(10, Shift)");
+        }
+        private readonly double ShiftDown()
+        {
+            return Value / (double) ShiftConstant;
+        }
+        private FixedPoint4(long value)
+        {
+            Value = value;
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 New(long value)
+        {
+            return new(value * ShiftConstant);
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 FromTenThousandths(long value) => new(value);
+        public static FixedPoint4 New(float value)
+        {
+            return new((long) ApplyFloatEpsilon(value * ShiftConstant));
+        }
+        private static float ApplyFloatEpsilon(float value)
+        {
+            return value + FloatEpsilon * Math.Sign(value);
+        }
+        private static double ApplyFloatEpsilon(double value)
+        {
+            return value + FloatEpsilon * Math.Sign(value);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Create the closest <see cref="FixedPoint4"/> for a float value, always rounding up.
+        /// </summary>
+        public static FixedPoint4 NewCeiling(float value)
+        {
+            return new((long) MathF.Ceiling(value * ShiftConstant));
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 New(double value)
+        {
+            return new((long) ApplyFloatEpsilon(value * ShiftConstant));
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 New(string value)
+        {
+            return New(Parse.Float(value));
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 operator +(FixedPoint4 a) => a;
+        public static FixedPoint4 operator -(FixedPoint4 a) => new(-a.Value);
+        public static FixedPoint4 operator +(FixedPoint4 a, FixedPoint4 b)
+            => new(a.Value + b.Value);
+        public static FixedPoint4 operator -(FixedPoint4 a, FixedPoint4 b)
+            => new(a.Value - b.Value);
+        public static FixedPoint4 operator *(FixedPoint4 a, FixedPoint4 b)
+        {
+            return new(b.Value * a.Value / ShiftConstant);
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 operator *(FixedPoint4 a, float b)
+        {
+            return new((long) ApplyFloatEpsilon(a.Value * b));
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 operator *(FixedPoint4 a, double b)
+        {
+            return new((long) ApplyFloatEpsilon(a.Value * b));
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 operator *(FixedPoint4 a, long b)
+        {
+            return new(a.Value * b);
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 operator /(FixedPoint4 a, FixedPoint4 b)
+        {
+            return new((long) (ShiftConstant * (long) a.Value / b.Value));
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 operator /(FixedPoint4 a, float b)
+        {
+            return new((long) ApplyFloatEpsilon(a.Value / b));
+        }
+        public static bool operator <=(FixedPoint4 a, long b)
+        {
+            return a <= New(b);
+        }
+        public static bool operator >=(FixedPoint4 a, long b)
+        {
+            return a >= New(b);
+        }
+        public static bool operator <(FixedPoint4 a, long b)
+        {
+            return a < New(b);
+        }
+        public static bool operator >(FixedPoint4 a, long b)
+        {
+            return a > New(b);
+        }
+        public static bool operator ==(FixedPoint4 a, long b)
+        {
+            return a == New(b);
+        }
+        public static bool operator !=(FixedPoint4 a, long b)
+        {
+            return a != New(b);
+        }
+        public static bool operator ==(FixedPoint4 a, FixedPoint4 b)
+        {
+            return a.Equals(b);
+        }
+        public static bool operator !=(FixedPoint4 a, FixedPoint4 b)
+        {
+            return !a.Equals(b);
+        }
+        public static bool operator <=(FixedPoint4 a, FixedPoint4 b)
+        {
+            return a.Value <= b.Value;
+        }
+        public static bool operator >=(FixedPoint4 a, FixedPoint4 b)
+        {
+            return a.Value >= b.Value;
+        }
+        public static bool operator <(FixedPoint4 a, FixedPoint4 b)
+        {
+            return a.Value < b.Value;
+        }
+        public static bool operator >(FixedPoint4 a, FixedPoint4 b)
+        {
+            return a.Value > b.Value;
+        }
+        public readonly float Float()
+        {
+            return (float) ShiftDown();
+        }
+        public readonly double Double()
+        {
+            return ShiftDown();
+        }
+        public readonly long Long()
+        {
+            return Value / ShiftConstant;
+        }
+        public readonly int Int()
+        {
+            return (int)Long();
+        }
+        // Implicit operators ftw
+        public static implicit operator FixedPoint4(FixedPoint2 n) => New(n.Int());
+        public static implicit operator FixedPoint4(float n) => New(n);
+        public static implicit operator FixedPoint4(double n) => New(n);
+        public static implicit operator FixedPoint4(int n) => New(n);
+        public static implicit operator FixedPoint4(long n) => New(n);
+        public static explicit operator FixedPoint2(FixedPoint4 n) => n.Int();
+        public static explicit operator float(FixedPoint4 n) => n.Float();
+        public static explicit operator double(FixedPoint4 n) => n.Double();
+        public static explicit operator int(FixedPoint4 n) => n.Int();
+        public static explicit operator long(FixedPoint4 n) => n.Long();
+        public static FixedPoint4 Min(params FixedPoint4[] fixedPoints)
+        {
+            return fixedPoints.Min();
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 Min(FixedPoint4 a, FixedPoint4 b)
+        {
+            return a < b ? a : b;
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 Max(FixedPoint4 a, FixedPoint4 b)
+        {
+            return a > b ? a : b;
+        }
+        public static long Sign(FixedPoint4 value)
+        {
+            if (value < Zero)
+            {
+                return -1;
+            }
+            if (value > Zero)
+            {
+                return 1;
+            }
+            return 0;
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 Abs(FixedPoint4 a)
+        {
+            return FromTenThousandths(Math.Abs(a.Value));
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 Dist(FixedPoint4 a, FixedPoint4 b)
+        {
+            return FixedPoint4.Abs(a - b);
+        }
+        public static FixedPoint4 Clamp(FixedPoint4 number, FixedPoint4 min, FixedPoint4 max)
+        {
+            if (min > max)
+            {
+                throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(min)} {min} cannot be larger than {nameof(max)} {max}");
+            }
+            return number < min ? min : number > max ? max : number;
+        }
+        public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj)
+        {
+            return obj is FixedPoint4 unit &&
+                   Value == unit.Value;
+        }
+        public override readonly int GetHashCode()
+        {
+            // ReSharper disable once NonReadonlyMemberInGetHashCode
+            return HashCode.Combine(Value);
+        }
+        public void Deserialize(string value)
+        {
+            // TODO implement "lossless" serializer.
+            // I.e., dont use floats.
+            if (value == "MaxValue")
+                Value = int.MaxValue;
+            else
+                this = New(Parse.Double(value));
+        }
+        public override readonly string ToString() => $"{ShiftDown().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}";
+        public string ToString(string? format, IFormatProvider? formatProvider)
+        {
+            return ToString();
+        }
+        public readonly string Serialize()
+        {
+            // TODO implement "lossless" serializer.
+            // I.e., dont use floats.
+            if (Value == int.MaxValue)
+                return "MaxValue";
+            return ToString();
+        }
+        public readonly bool Equals(FixedPoint4 other)
+        {
+            return Value == other.Value;
+        }
+        public readonly int CompareTo(FixedPoint4 other)
+        {
+            if (other.Value > Value)
+            {
+                return -1;
+            }
+            if (other.Value < Value)
+            {
+                return 1;
+            }
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    public static class FixedPoint4EnumerableExt
+    {
+        public static FixedPoint4 Sum(this IEnumerable<FixedPoint4> source)
+        {
+            var acc = FixedPoint4.Zero;
+            foreach (var n in source)
+            {
+                acc += n;
+            }
+            return acc;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Foldable/DeployFoldableComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Foldable/DeployFoldableComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4ccca6b7427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Foldable/DeployFoldableComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+namespace Content.Shared.Foldable;
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent]
+public sealed partial class DeployFoldableComponent : Component;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Foldable/DeployFoldableSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Foldable/DeployFoldableSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fa2e3f87892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Foldable/DeployFoldableSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+using Content.Shared.Hands.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Hands.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.Interaction;
+namespace Content.Shared.Foldable;
+public sealed class DeployFoldableSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedHandsSystem _hands = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly FoldableSystem _foldable = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<DeployFoldableComponent, AfterInteractEvent>(OnAfterInteract);
+    }
+    private void OnAfterInteract(Entity<DeployFoldableComponent> ent, ref AfterInteractEvent args)
+    {
+        if (args.Handled || !args.CanReach)
+            return;
+        if (!TryComp<FoldableComponent>(ent, out var foldable))
+            return;
+        if (!TryComp(args.User, out HandsComponent? hands)
+            || !_hands.TryDrop(args.User, args.Used, targetDropLocation: args.ClickLocation, handsComp: hands))
+            return;
+        if (!_foldable.TrySetFolded(ent, foldable, false))
+        {
+            _hands.TryPickup(args.User, args.Used, handsComp: hands);
+            return;
+        }
+        args.Handled = true;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Ghost/GhostRoleRadioEvents.cs b/Content.Shared/Ghost/GhostRoleRadioEvents.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8bdd6e58375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Ghost/GhostRoleRadioEvents.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared.Ghost.Roles;
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed class GhostRoleRadioMessage : BoundUserInterfaceMessage
+    public ProtoId<GhostRolePrototype> ProtoId;
+    public GhostRoleRadioMessage(ProtoId<GhostRolePrototype> protoId)
+    {
+        ProtoId = protoId;
+    }
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public enum GhostRoleRadioUiKey : byte
+    Key
diff --git a/Content.Server/Ghost/Roles/Components/GhostRoleMobSpawnerComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Ghost/Roles/Components/GhostRoleMobSpawnerComponent.cs
similarity index 85%
rename from Content.Server/Ghost/Roles/Components/GhostRoleMobSpawnerComponent.cs
rename to Content.Shared/Ghost/Roles/Components/GhostRoleMobSpawnerComponent.cs
index 6116173f904..2e44effad96 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Ghost/Roles/Components/GhostRoleMobSpawnerComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Ghost/Roles/Components/GhostRoleMobSpawnerComponent.cs
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
-namespace Content.Server.Ghost.Roles.Components
+namespace Content.Shared.Ghost.Roles.Components
     /// <summary>
     ///     Allows a ghost to take this role, spawning a new entity.
     /// </summary>
     [RegisterComponent, EntityCategory("Spawner")]
-    [Access(typeof(GhostRoleSystem))]
     public sealed partial class GhostRoleMobSpawnerComponent : Component
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Ghost/Roles/GhostRolePrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/Ghost/Roles/GhostRolePrototype.cs
index bc36774ea8b..3e81b5e46e8 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Ghost/Roles/GhostRolePrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Ghost/Roles/GhostRolePrototype.cs
@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ public sealed partial class GhostRolePrototype : IPrototype
     [DataField(required: true)]
     public EntProtoId EntityPrototype;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// The entity prototype's sprite to use to represent the ghost role
+    /// Use this if you don't want to use the entity itself
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField]
+    public EntProtoId? IconPrototype = null;
     /// <summary>
     ///     Rules of the ghostrole
     /// </summary>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Hands/Components/HandsComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Hands/Components/HandsComponent.cs
index 01579cccdb7..f218455c0bb 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Hands/Components/HandsComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Hands/Components/HandsComponent.cs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+using Content.Shared.DisplacementMap;
 using Content.Shared.Hands.EntitySystems;
 using Robust.Shared.Containers;
 using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
@@ -76,6 +77,9 @@ public sealed partial class HandsComponent : Component
     /// </summary>
     [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
     public TimeSpan ThrowCooldown = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5f);
+    [DataField]
+    public DisplacementData? HandDisplacement;
 [Serializable, NetSerializable]
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Hands/EntitySystems/SharedHandsSystem.Drop.cs b/Content.Shared/Hands/EntitySystems/SharedHandsSystem.Drop.cs
index 2e3c6f62034..0579e997253 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Hands/EntitySystems/SharedHandsSystem.Drop.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Hands/EntitySystems/SharedHandsSystem.Drop.cs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.Interaction;
 using Content.Shared.Inventory.VirtualItem;
 using Content.Shared.Tag;
+using Content.Shared.Interaction.Events;
 using Robust.Shared.Containers;
 using Robust.Shared.Map;
@@ -125,15 +126,13 @@ public bool TryDrop(EntityUid uid, Hand hand, EntityCoordinates? targetDropLocat
         var userXform = Transform(uid);
         var isInContainer = ContainerSystem.IsEntityOrParentInContainer(uid, xform: userXform);
+        DoDrop(uid, hand, doDropInteraction: doDropInteraction, handsComp);
         // drop the item inside the container if the user is in a container
         if (targetDropLocation == null || isInContainer)
-        {
-            TransformSystem.DropNextTo((entity, itemXform), (uid, userXform));
             return true;
-        }
         // otherwise, remove the item from their hands and place it at the calculated interaction range position
-        DoDrop(uid, hand, doDropInteraction: doDropInteraction, handsComp);
         var (itemPos, itemRot) = TransformSystem.GetWorldPositionRotation(entity);
         var origin = new MapCoordinates(itemPos, itemXform.MapID);
         var target = TransformSystem.ToMapCoordinates(targetDropLocation.Value);
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Humanoid/NamingSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Humanoid/NamingSystem.cs
index a563d396398..1cf9487d087 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Humanoid/NamingSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Humanoid/NamingSystem.cs
@@ -35,11 +35,16 @@ public string GetName(string species, Gender? gender = null)
                 case SpeciesNaming.FirstDashFirst:
                     return Loc.GetString("namepreset-firstdashfirst",
                         ("first1", GetFirstName(speciesProto, gender)), ("first2", GetFirstName(speciesProto, gender)));
-            // Start ADT Tweak: Drask naming
+                // Start ADT Tweak: Drask naming
                 case SpeciesNaming.FirstDashFirstDashFirst:
                     return Loc.GetString("namepreset-firstdashfirstdashfirst",
                         ("first1", GetFirstName(speciesProto, gender)), ("first2", GetFirstName(speciesProto, gender)), ("first3", GetFirstName(speciesProto, gender)));
-            // End ADT Tweak
+                // End ADT Tweak
+                // Parkstation-Ipc-Start
+                case SpeciesNaming.FirstDashLast:
+                    return Loc.GetString("namepreset-firstdashlast",
+                        ("first", GetFirstName(speciesProto, gender)), ("last", GetLastName(speciesProto)));
+                // Parkstation-Ipc-End
                 case SpeciesNaming.FirstLast:
                     return Loc.GetString("namepreset-firstlast",
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Humanoid/Prototypes/SpeciesPrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/Humanoid/Prototypes/SpeciesPrototype.cs
index 1405c4b5a94..c1c9e21015d 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Humanoid/Prototypes/SpeciesPrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Humanoid/Prototypes/SpeciesPrototype.cs
@@ -144,4 +144,5 @@ public enum SpeciesNaming : byte
     // ADT End tweak
+    FirstDashLast, // Parkstation-IPC
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Input/ContentKeyFunctions.cs b/Content.Shared/Input/ContentKeyFunctions.cs
index 2dd671816fd..a9fa40de97f 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Input/ContentKeyFunctions.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Input/ContentKeyFunctions.cs
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ public static class ContentKeyFunctions
         public static readonly BoundKeyFunction EscapeContext = "EscapeContext";
         public static readonly BoundKeyFunction OpenCharacterMenu = "OpenCharacterMenu";
         public static readonly BoundKeyFunction OpenEmotesMenu = "OpenEmotesMenu";
+        public static readonly BoundKeyFunction OpenLanguagesMenu = "OpenLanguagesMenu";    // Languaжes
         public static readonly BoundKeyFunction OpenCraftingMenu = "OpenCraftingMenu";
         public static readonly BoundKeyFunction OpenGuidebook = "OpenGuidebook";
         public static readonly BoundKeyFunction OpenInventoryMenu = "OpenInventoryMenu";
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Interaction/InteractionPopupSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Interaction/InteractionPopupSystem.cs
index d956ff3d953..2a742d4211b 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Interaction/InteractionPopupSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Interaction/InteractionPopupSystem.cs
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ private void SharedInteract(
                 Spawn(component.InteractFailureSpawn, _transform.GetMapCoordinates(uid));
-        if (component.MessagePerceivedByOthers != null)
+        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(component.MessagePerceivedByOthers))
             var msgOthers = Loc.GetString(component.MessagePerceivedByOthers,
                 ("user", Identity.Entity(user, EntityManager)), ("target", Identity.Entity(uid, EntityManager)));
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ private void SharedInteract(
-        _popupSystem.PopupPredicted(msg, uid, user);
+        _popupSystem.PopupClient(msg, uid, user);
         if (sfx == null)
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Interaction/SharedInteractionSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Interaction/SharedInteractionSystem.cs
index c32b4bcf780..a57796d87c4 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Interaction/SharedInteractionSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Interaction/SharedInteractionSystem.cs
@@ -165,10 +165,7 @@ private void OnBoundInterfaceInteractAttempt(BoundUserInterfaceMessageAttempt ev
-            if (!uiComp.RequireHands)
-                return;
-            if (!_handsQuery.TryComp(ev.Actor, out var hands) || hands.Hands.Count == 0)
+            if (uiComp.RequireHands && !_handsQuery.HasComp(ev.Actor))
@@ -952,7 +949,7 @@ public void InteractUsing(
             RaiseLocalEvent(target, interactUsingEvent, true);
             DoContactInteraction(user, used, interactUsingEvent);
             DoContactInteraction(user, target, interactUsingEvent);
-            DoContactInteraction(used, target, interactUsingEvent);
+            // Contact interactions are currently only used for forensics, so we don't raise used -> target
             if (interactUsingEvent.Handled)
@@ -973,7 +970,7 @@ public void InteractDoAfter(EntityUid user, EntityUid used, EntityUid? target, E
             if (canReach)
                 DoContactInteraction(user, target, afterInteractEvent);
-                DoContactInteraction(used, target, afterInteractEvent);
+                // Contact interactions are currently only used for forensics, so we don't raise used -> target
             if (afterInteractEvent.Handled)
@@ -989,7 +986,7 @@ public void InteractDoAfter(EntityUid user, EntityUid used, EntityUid? target, E
             if (canReach)
                 DoContactInteraction(user, target, afterInteractUsingEvent);
-                DoContactInteraction(used, target, afterInteractUsingEvent);
+                // Contact interactions are currently only used for forensics, so we don't raise used -> target
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Inventory/InventoryComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Inventory/InventoryComponent.cs
index 02b3a5b2583..629cf1169c4 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Inventory/InventoryComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Inventory/InventoryComponent.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-using Robust.Shared.Containers;
+using Content.Shared.DisplacementMap;
+using Robust.Shared.Containers;
 using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
 using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype;
@@ -13,18 +14,21 @@ public sealed partial class InventoryComponent : Component
     [DataField("speciesId")] public string? SpeciesId { get; set; }
-    [DataField] public Dictionary<string, SlotDisplacementData> Displacements = [];
     public SlotDefinition[] Slots = Array.Empty<SlotDefinition>();
     public ContainerSlot[] Containers = Array.Empty<ContainerSlot>();
-    [DataDefinition]
-    public sealed partial class SlotDisplacementData
-    {
-        [DataField(required: true)]
-        public PrototypeLayerData Layer = default!;
+    [DataField]
+    public Dictionary<string, DisplacementData> Displacements = new();
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Alternate displacement maps, which if available, will be selected for the player of the appropriate gender.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField]
+    public Dictionary<string, DisplacementData> FemaleDisplacements = new();
-        [DataField]
-        public string? ShaderOverride = "DisplacedStencilDraw";
-    }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Alternate displacement maps, which if available, will be selected for the player of the appropriate gender.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField]
+    public Dictionary<string, DisplacementData> MaleDisplacements = new();
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Lathe/LatheComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Lathe/LatheComponent.cs
index 88ac8c05bfb..d776a65e233 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Lathe/LatheComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Lathe/LatheComponent.cs
@@ -33,12 +33,21 @@ public sealed partial class LatheComponent : Component
         public SoundSpecifier? ProducingSound;
+        [DataField]
+        public string? ReagentOutputSlotId;
         #region Visualizer info
         public string? IdleState;
         public string? RunningState;
+        [DataField]
+        public string? UnlitIdleState;
+        [DataField]
+        public string? UnlitRunningState;
         /// <summary>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Lathe/SharedLatheSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Lathe/SharedLatheSystem.cs
index b41a91f9c34..e240571f315 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Lathe/SharedLatheSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Lathe/SharedLatheSystem.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Linq;
 using Content.Shared.Emag.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Examine;
+using Content.Shared.Localizations;
 using Content.Shared.Materials;
 using Content.Shared.Research.Prototypes;
 using JetBrains.Annotations;
@@ -23,10 +26,21 @@ public override void Initialize()
         SubscribeLocalEvent<EmagLatheRecipesComponent, GotEmaggedEvent>(OnEmagged);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<LatheComponent, ExaminedEvent>(OnExamined);
+    private void OnExamined(Entity<LatheComponent> ent, ref ExaminedEvent args)
+    {
+        if (!args.IsInDetailsRange)
+            return;
+        if (ent.Comp.ReagentOutputSlotId != null)
+            args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("lathe-menu-reagent-slot-examine"));
+    }
     public bool CanProduce(EntityUid uid, string recipe, int amount = 1, LatheComponent? component = null)
@@ -40,7 +54,7 @@ public bool CanProduce(EntityUid uid, LatheRecipePrototype recipe, int amount =
         if (!HasRecipe(uid, recipe, component))
             return false;
-        foreach (var (material, needed) in recipe.RequiredMaterials)
+        foreach (var (material, needed) in recipe.Materials)
             var adjustedAmount = AdjustMaterial(needed, recipe.ApplyMaterialDiscount, component.MaterialUseMultiplier);
@@ -72,6 +86,9 @@ private void BuildInverseRecipeDictionary()
         foreach (var latheRecipe in _proto.EnumeratePrototypes<LatheRecipePrototype>())
+            if (latheRecipe.Result == null)
+                continue;
@@ -83,4 +100,55 @@ public bool TryGetRecipesFromEntity(string prototype, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Li
         return recipes.Count != 0;
+    public string GetRecipeName(ProtoId<LatheRecipePrototype> proto)
+    {
+        return GetRecipeName(_proto.Index(proto));
+    }
+    public string GetRecipeName(LatheRecipePrototype proto)
+    {
+        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(proto.Name))
+            return Loc.GetString(proto.Name);
+        if (proto.Result is { } result)
+        {
+            return _proto.Index(result).Name;
+        }
+        if (proto.ResultReagents is { } resultReagents)
+        {
+            return ContentLocalizationManager.FormatList(resultReagents
+                .Select(p => Loc.GetString("lathe-menu-result-reagent-display", ("reagent", _proto.Index(p.Key).LocalizedName), ("amount", p.Value)))
+                .ToList());
+        }
+        return string.Empty;
+    }
+    [PublicAPI]
+    public string GetRecipeDescription(ProtoId<LatheRecipePrototype> proto)
+    {
+        return GetRecipeDescription(_proto.Index(proto));
+    }
+    public string GetRecipeDescription(LatheRecipePrototype proto)
+    {
+        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(proto.Description))
+            return Loc.GetString(proto.Description);
+        if (proto.Result is { } result)
+        {
+            return _proto.Index(result).Description;
+        }
+        if (proto.ResultReagents is { } resultReagents)
+        {
+            // We only use the first one for the description since these descriptions don't combine very well.
+            var reagent = resultReagents.First().Key;
+            return _proto.Index(reagent).LocalizedDescription;
+        }
+        return string.Empty;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Lock/LockComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Lock/LockComponent.cs
index e3e2bc6df13..070d5801c1c 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Lock/LockComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Lock/LockComponent.cs
@@ -86,6 +86,13 @@ public sealed partial class LockComponent : Component
 public record struct LockToggleAttemptEvent(EntityUid User, bool Silent = false, bool Cancelled = false);
+/// <summary>
+/// Event raised on the user when a toggle is attempted.
+/// Can be cancelled to prevent it.
+/// </summary>
+public record struct UserLockToggleAttemptEvent(EntityUid Target, bool Silent = false, bool Cancelled = false);
 /// <summary>
 /// Event raised on a lock after it has been toggled.
 /// </summary>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Lock/LockSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Lock/LockSystem.cs
index 22a90aa0a62..8dde7672243 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Lock/LockSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Lock/LockSystem.cs
@@ -232,7 +232,12 @@ public bool CanToggleLock(EntityUid uid, EntityUid user, bool quiet = true)
         var ev = new LockToggleAttemptEvent(user, quiet);
         RaiseLocalEvent(uid, ref ev, true);
-        return !ev.Cancelled;
+        if (ev.Cancelled)
+            return false;
+        var userEv = new UserLockToggleAttemptEvent(uid, quiet);
+        RaiseLocalEvent(user, ref userEv, true);
+        return !userEv.Cancelled;
     // TODO: this should be a helper on AccessReaderSystem since so many systems copy paste it
@@ -377,4 +382,3 @@ private void LockToggled(EntityUid uid, ActivatableUIRequiresLockComponent compo
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Lock/LockingWhitelistComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Lock/LockingWhitelistComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4ac832e4384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Lock/LockingWhitelistComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+namespace Content.Shared.Lock;
+/// <summary>
+/// Adds whitelist and blacklist for this mob to lock things.
+/// The whitelist and blacklist are checked against the object being locked, not the mob.
+/// </summary>
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, Access(typeof(LockingWhitelistSystem))]
+public sealed partial class LockingWhitelistComponent : Component
+    [DataField]
+    public EntityWhitelist? Whitelist;
+    [DataField]
+    public EntityWhitelist? Blacklist;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Lock/LockingWhitelistSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Lock/LockingWhitelistSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ba495fba905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Lock/LockingWhitelistSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+using Content.Shared.Popups;
+using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
+namespace Content.Shared.Lock;
+public sealed class LockingWhitelistSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly EntityWhitelistSystem _whitelistSystem = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedPopupSystem _popupSystem = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<LockingWhitelistComponent, UserLockToggleAttemptEvent>(OnUserLockToggleAttempt);
+    }
+    private void OnUserLockToggleAttempt(Entity<LockingWhitelistComponent> ent, ref UserLockToggleAttemptEvent args)
+    {
+        if (_whitelistSystem.CheckBoth(args.Target, ent.Comp.Blacklist, ent.Comp.Whitelist))
+            return;
+        if (!args.Silent)
+            _popupSystem.PopupClient(Loc.GetString("locking-whitelist-component-lock-toggle-deny"), ent.Owner);
+        args.Cancelled = true;
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/MagicMirror/MagicMirrorComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/MagicMirror/MagicMirrorComponent.cs
index 95b17369795..97738be228a 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/MagicMirror/MagicMirrorComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/MagicMirror/MagicMirrorComponent.cs
@@ -20,28 +20,28 @@ public sealed partial class MagicMirrorComponent : Component
     public EntityUid? Target;
     /// <summary>
-    /// doafter time required to add a new slot
+    /// Do after time to add a new slot, adding hair to a person
     /// </summary>
     [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    public TimeSpan AddSlotTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
+    public TimeSpan AddSlotTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7);
     /// <summary>
-    /// doafter time required to remove a existing slot
+    /// Do after time to remove a slot, removing hair from a person
     /// </summary>
     [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    public TimeSpan RemoveSlotTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
+    public TimeSpan RemoveSlotTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7);
     /// <summary>
-    /// doafter time required to change slot
+    /// Do after time to change a person's hairstyle
     /// </summary>
     [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    public TimeSpan SelectSlotTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
+    public TimeSpan SelectSlotTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7);
     /// <summary>
-    /// doafter time required to recolor slot
+    /// Do after time to change a person's hair color
     /// </summary>
     [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
-    public TimeSpan ChangeSlotTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
+    public TimeSpan ChangeSlotTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7);
     /// <summary>
     /// Sound emitted when slots are changed
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Movement/Events/MoveInputEvent.cs b/Content.Shared/Movement/Events/MoveInputEvent.cs
index 1c677a42e87..9c49da722cb 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Movement/Events/MoveInputEvent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Movement/Events/MoveInputEvent.cs
@@ -9,16 +9,14 @@ namespace Content.Shared.Movement.Events;
 public readonly struct MoveInputEvent
-    public readonly EntityUid Entity;
-    public readonly InputMoverComponent Component;
+    public readonly Entity<InputMoverComponent> Entity;
     public readonly MoveButtons OldMovement;
-    public bool HasDirectionalMovement => (Component.HeldMoveButtons & MoveButtons.AnyDirection) != MoveButtons.None;
+    public bool HasDirectionalMovement => (Entity.Comp.HeldMoveButtons & MoveButtons.AnyDirection) != MoveButtons.None;
-    public MoveInputEvent(EntityUid entity, InputMoverComponent component, MoveButtons oldMovement)
+    public MoveInputEvent(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, MoveButtons oldMovement)
         Entity = entity;
-        Component = component;
         OldMovement = oldMovement;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Movement/Systems/SharedMoverController.Input.cs b/Content.Shared/Movement/Systems/SharedMoverController.Input.cs
index 1ccb7f0c3f1..9dda249423e 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Movement/Systems/SharedMoverController.Input.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Movement/Systems/SharedMoverController.Input.cs
@@ -83,53 +83,53 @@ public static MoveButtons GetNormalizedMovement(MoveButtons buttons)
             return oldMovement;
-        protected void SetMoveInput(InputMoverComponent component, MoveButtons buttons)
+        protected void SetMoveInput(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, MoveButtons buttons)
-            if (component.HeldMoveButtons == buttons)
+            if (entity.Comp.HeldMoveButtons == buttons)
             // Relay the fact we had any movement event.
             // TODO: Ideally we'd do these in a tick instead of out of sim.
-            var moveEvent = new MoveInputEvent(component.Owner, component, component.HeldMoveButtons);
-            component.HeldMoveButtons = buttons;
-            RaiseLocalEvent(component.Owner, ref moveEvent);
-            Dirty(component.Owner, component);
+            var moveEvent = new MoveInputEvent(entity, entity.Comp.HeldMoveButtons);
+            entity.Comp.HeldMoveButtons = buttons;
+            RaiseLocalEvent(entity, ref moveEvent);
+            Dirty(entity, entity.Comp);
-        private void OnMoverHandleState(EntityUid uid, InputMoverComponent component, ComponentHandleState args)
+        private void OnMoverHandleState(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, ref ComponentHandleState args)
             if (args.Current is not InputMoverComponentState state)
             // Handle state
-            component.LerpTarget = state.LerpTarget;
-            component.RelativeRotation = state.RelativeRotation;
-            component.TargetRelativeRotation = state.TargetRelativeRotation;
-            component.CanMove = state.CanMove;
-            component.RelativeEntity = EnsureEntity<InputMoverComponent>(state.RelativeEntity, uid);
+            entity.Comp.LerpTarget = state.LerpTarget;
+            entity.Comp.RelativeRotation = state.RelativeRotation;
+            entity.Comp.TargetRelativeRotation = state.TargetRelativeRotation;
+            entity.Comp.CanMove = state.CanMove;
+            entity.Comp.RelativeEntity = EnsureEntity<InputMoverComponent>(state.RelativeEntity, entity.Owner);
             // Reset
-            component.LastInputTick = GameTick.Zero;
-            component.LastInputSubTick = 0;
+            entity.Comp.LastInputTick = GameTick.Zero;
+            entity.Comp.LastInputSubTick = 0;
-            if (component.HeldMoveButtons != state.HeldMoveButtons)
+            if (entity.Comp.HeldMoveButtons != state.HeldMoveButtons)
-                var moveEvent = new MoveInputEvent(uid, component, component.HeldMoveButtons);
-                component.HeldMoveButtons = state.HeldMoveButtons;
-                RaiseLocalEvent(uid, ref moveEvent);
+                var moveEvent = new MoveInputEvent(entity, entity.Comp.HeldMoveButtons);
+                entity.Comp.HeldMoveButtons = state.HeldMoveButtons;
+                RaiseLocalEvent(entity.Owner, ref moveEvent);
-        private void OnMoverGetState(EntityUid uid, InputMoverComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
+        private void OnMoverGetState(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, ref ComponentGetState args)
             args.State = new InputMoverComponentState()
-                CanMove = component.CanMove,
-                RelativeEntity = GetNetEntity(component.RelativeEntity),
-                LerpTarget = component.LerpTarget,
-                HeldMoveButtons = component.HeldMoveButtons,
-                RelativeRotation = component.RelativeRotation,
-                TargetRelativeRotation = component.TargetRelativeRotation,
+                CanMove = entity.Comp.CanMove,
+                RelativeEntity = GetNetEntity(entity.Comp.RelativeEntity),
+                LerpTarget = entity.Comp.LerpTarget,
+                HeldMoveButtons = entity.Comp.HeldMoveButtons,
+                RelativeRotation = entity.Comp.RelativeRotation,
+                TargetRelativeRotation = entity.Comp.TargetRelativeRotation,
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ private void ShutdownInput()
         protected virtual void HandleShuttleInput(EntityUid uid, ShuttleButtons button, ushort subTick, bool state) {}
-        private void OnAutoParentChange(EntityUid uid, AutoOrientComponent component, ref EntParentChangedMessage args)
+        private void OnAutoParentChange(Entity<AutoOrientComponent> entity, ref EntParentChangedMessage args)
-            ResetCamera(uid);
+            ResetCamera(entity.Owner);
         public void RotateCamera(EntityUid uid, Angle angle)
@@ -233,28 +233,28 @@ public Angle GetParentGridAngle(InputMoverComponent mover)
             return rotation;
-        private void OnFollowedParentChange(EntityUid uid, FollowedComponent component, ref EntParentChangedMessage args)
+        private void OnFollowedParentChange(Entity<FollowedComponent> entity, ref EntParentChangedMessage args)
-            foreach (var foll in component.Following)
+            foreach (var foll in entity.Comp.Following)
                 if (!MoverQuery.TryGetComponent(foll, out var mover))
                 var ev = new EntParentChangedMessage(foll, null, args.OldMapId, XformQuery.GetComponent(foll));
-                OnInputParentChange(foll, mover, ref ev);
+                OnInputParentChange((foll, mover), ref ev);
-        private void OnInputParentChange(EntityUid uid, InputMoverComponent component, ref EntParentChangedMessage args)
+        private void OnInputParentChange(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, ref EntParentChangedMessage args)
             // If we change our grid / map then delay updating our LastGridAngle.
             var relative = args.Transform.GridUid;
             relative ??= args.Transform.MapUid;
-            if (component.LifeStage < ComponentLifeStage.Running)
+            if (entity.Comp.LifeStage < ComponentLifeStage.Running)
-                component.RelativeEntity = relative;
-                Dirty(uid, component);
+                entity.Comp.RelativeEntity = relative;
+                Dirty(entity.Owner, entity.Comp);
@@ -264,28 +264,28 @@ private void OnInputParentChange(EntityUid uid, InputMoverComponent component, r
             // If we change maps then reset eye rotation entirely.
             if (oldMapId != mapId)
-                component.RelativeEntity = relative;
-                component.TargetRelativeRotation = Angle.Zero;
-                component.RelativeRotation = Angle.Zero;
-                component.LerpTarget = TimeSpan.Zero;
-                Dirty(uid, component);
+                entity.Comp.RelativeEntity = relative;
+                entity.Comp.TargetRelativeRotation = Angle.Zero;
+                entity.Comp.RelativeRotation = Angle.Zero;
+                entity.Comp.LerpTarget = TimeSpan.Zero;
+                Dirty(entity.Owner, entity.Comp);
             // If we go on a grid and back off then just reset the accumulator.
-            if (relative == component.RelativeEntity)
+            if (relative == entity.Comp.RelativeEntity)
-                if (component.LerpTarget >= Timing.CurTime)
+                if (entity.Comp.LerpTarget >= Timing.CurTime)
-                    component.LerpTarget = TimeSpan.Zero;
-                    Dirty(uid, component);
+                    entity.Comp.LerpTarget = TimeSpan.Zero;
+                    Dirty(entity.Owner, entity.Comp);
-            component.LerpTarget = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(InputMoverComponent.LerpTime) + Timing.CurTime;
-            Dirty(uid, component);
+            entity.Comp.LerpTarget = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(InputMoverComponent.LerpTime) + Timing.CurTime;
+            Dirty(entity.Owner, entity.Comp);
         private void HandleDirChange(EntityUid entity, Direction dir, ushort subTick, bool state)
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ private void HandleDirChange(EntityUid entity, Direction dir, ushort subTick, bo
                 if (MoverQuery.TryGetComponent(entity, out var mover))
-                    SetMoveInput(mover, MoveButtons.None);
+                    SetMoveInput((entity, mover), MoveButtons.None);
                 if (!_mobState.IsIncapacitated(entity))
                     HandleDirChange(relayMover.RelayEntity, dir, subTick, state);
@@ -321,18 +321,18 @@ private void HandleDirChange(EntityUid entity, Direction dir, ushort subTick, bo
                 RaiseLocalEvent(xform.ParentUid, ref relayMoveEvent);
-            SetVelocityDirection(entity, moverComp, dir, subTick, state);
+            SetVelocityDirection((entity, moverComp), dir, subTick, state);
-        private void OnInputInit(EntityUid uid, InputMoverComponent component, ComponentInit args)
+        private void OnInputInit(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, ref ComponentInit args)
-            var xform = Transform(uid);
+            var xform = Transform(entity.Owner);
             if (!xform.ParentUid.IsValid())
-            component.RelativeEntity = xform.GridUid ?? xform.MapUid;
-            component.TargetRelativeRotation = Angle.Zero;
+            entity.Comp.RelativeEntity = xform.GridUid ?? xform.MapUid;
+            entity.Comp.TargetRelativeRotation = Angle.Zero;
         private void HandleRunChange(EntityUid uid, ushort subTick, bool walking)
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ private void HandleRunChange(EntityUid uid, ushort subTick, bool walking)
                 // if we swap to relay then stop our existing input if we ever change back.
                 if (moverComp != null)
-                    SetMoveInput(moverComp, MoveButtons.None);
+                    SetMoveInput((uid, moverComp), MoveButtons.None);
                 HandleRunChange(relayMover.RelayEntity, subTick, walking);
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ private void HandleRunChange(EntityUid uid, ushort subTick, bool walking)
             if (moverComp == null) return;
-            SetSprinting(uid, moverComp, subTick, walking);
+            SetSprinting((uid, moverComp), subTick, walking);
         public (Vector2 Walking, Vector2 Sprinting) GetVelocityInput(InputMoverComponent mover)
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ private void HandleRunChange(EntityUid uid, ushort subTick, bool walking)
         ///     composed into a single direction vector, <see cref="VelocityDir"/>. Enabling
         ///     opposite directions will cancel each other out, resulting in no direction.
         /// </summary>
-        public void SetVelocityDirection(EntityUid entity, InputMoverComponent component, Direction direction, ushort subTick, bool enabled)
+        public void SetVelocityDirection(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, Direction direction, ushort subTick, bool enabled)
             // Logger.Info($"[{_gameTiming.CurTick}/{subTick}] {direction}: {enabled}");
@@ -417,26 +417,26 @@ public void SetVelocityDirection(EntityUid entity, InputMoverComponent component
                 _ => throw new ArgumentException(nameof(direction))
-            SetMoveInput(entity, component, subTick, enabled, bit);
+            SetMoveInput(entity, subTick, enabled, bit);
-        private void SetMoveInput(EntityUid entity, InputMoverComponent component, ushort subTick, bool enabled, MoveButtons bit)
+        private void SetMoveInput(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, ushort subTick, bool enabled, MoveButtons bit)
             // Modifies held state of a movement button at a certain sub tick and updates current tick movement vectors.
-            ResetSubtick(component);
+            ResetSubtick(entity.Comp);
-            if (subTick >= component.LastInputSubTick)
+            if (subTick >= entity.Comp.LastInputSubTick)
-                var fraction = (subTick - component.LastInputSubTick) / (float) ushort.MaxValue;
+                var fraction = (subTick - entity.Comp.LastInputSubTick) / (float) ushort.MaxValue;
-                ref var lastMoveAmount = ref component.Sprinting ? ref component.CurTickSprintMovement : ref component.CurTickWalkMovement;
+                ref var lastMoveAmount = ref entity.Comp.Sprinting ? ref entity.Comp.CurTickSprintMovement : ref entity.Comp.CurTickWalkMovement;
-                lastMoveAmount += DirVecForButtons(component.HeldMoveButtons) * fraction;
+                lastMoveAmount += DirVecForButtons(entity.Comp.HeldMoveButtons) * fraction;
-                component.LastInputSubTick = subTick;
+                entity.Comp.LastInputSubTick = subTick;
-            var buttons = component.HeldMoveButtons;
+            var buttons = entity.Comp.HeldMoveButtons;
             if (enabled)
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ private void SetMoveInput(EntityUid entity, InputMoverComponent component, ushor
                 buttons &= ~bit;
-            SetMoveInput(component, buttons);
+            SetMoveInput(entity, buttons);
         private void ResetSubtick(InputMoverComponent component)
@@ -460,11 +460,11 @@ private void ResetSubtick(InputMoverComponent component)
             component.LastInputSubTick = 0;
-        public void SetSprinting(EntityUid entity, InputMoverComponent component, ushort subTick, bool walking)
+        public void SetSprinting(Entity<InputMoverComponent> entity, ushort subTick, bool walking)
             // Logger.Info($"[{_gameTiming.CurTick}/{subTick}] Sprint: {enabled}");
-            SetMoveInput(entity, component, subTick, walking, MoveButtons.Walk);
+            SetMoveInput(entity, subTick, walking, MoveButtons.Walk);
         /// <summary>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Movement/Systems/SharedMoverController.Relay.cs b/Content.Shared/Movement/Systems/SharedMoverController.Relay.cs
index 8568290bffb..81569553772 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Movement/Systems/SharedMoverController.Relay.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Movement/Systems/SharedMoverController.Relay.cs
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ private void InitializeRelay()
         SubscribeLocalEvent<RelayInputMoverComponent, AfterAutoHandleStateEvent>(OnAfterRelayState);
-    private void OnAfterRelayTargetState(EntityUid uid, MovementRelayTargetComponent component, ref AfterAutoHandleStateEvent args)
+    private void OnAfterRelayTargetState(Entity<MovementRelayTargetComponent> entity, ref AfterAutoHandleStateEvent args)
-        Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(uid);
+        Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(entity.Owner);
-    private void OnAfterRelayState(EntityUid uid, RelayInputMoverComponent component, ref AfterAutoHandleStateEvent args)
+    private void OnAfterRelayState(Entity<RelayInputMoverComponent> entity, ref AfterAutoHandleStateEvent args)
-        Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(uid);
+        Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(entity.Owner);
     /// <summary>
@@ -61,30 +61,30 @@ public void SetRelay(EntityUid uid, EntityUid relayEntity)
         Dirty(relayEntity, targetComp);
-    private void OnRelayShutdown(EntityUid uid, RelayInputMoverComponent component, ComponentShutdown args)
+    private void OnRelayShutdown(Entity<RelayInputMoverComponent> entity, ref ComponentShutdown args)
-        Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(uid);
-        Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(component.RelayEntity);
+        Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(entity.Owner);
+        Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(entity.Comp.RelayEntity);
-        if (TryComp<InputMoverComponent>(component.RelayEntity, out var inputMover))
-            SetMoveInput(inputMover, MoveButtons.None);
+        if (TryComp<InputMoverComponent>(entity.Comp.RelayEntity, out var inputMover))
+            SetMoveInput((entity.Comp.RelayEntity, inputMover), MoveButtons.None);
         if (Timing.ApplyingState)
-        if (TryComp(component.RelayEntity, out MovementRelayTargetComponent? target) && target.LifeStage <= ComponentLifeStage.Running)
-            RemComp(component.RelayEntity, target);
+        if (TryComp(entity.Comp.RelayEntity, out MovementRelayTargetComponent? target) && target.LifeStage <= ComponentLifeStage.Running)
+            RemComp(entity.Comp.RelayEntity, target);
-    private void OnTargetRelayShutdown(EntityUid uid, MovementRelayTargetComponent component, ComponentShutdown args)
+    private void OnTargetRelayShutdown(Entity<MovementRelayTargetComponent> entity, ref ComponentShutdown args)
-        Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(uid);
-        Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(component.Source);
+        Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(entity.Owner);
+        Physics.UpdateIsPredicted(entity.Comp.Source);
         if (Timing.ApplyingState)
-        if (TryComp(component.Source, out RelayInputMoverComponent? relay) && relay.LifeStage <= ComponentLifeStage.Running)
-            RemComp(component.Source, relay);
+        if (TryComp(entity.Comp.Source, out RelayInputMoverComponent? relay) && relay.LifeStage <= ComponentLifeStage.Running)
+            RemComp(entity.Comp.Source, relay);
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Paper/EnvelopeComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Paper/EnvelopeComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e56fbd85af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Paper/EnvelopeComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
+using Robust.Shared.Audio;
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared.Paper;
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, AutoGenerateComponentState(true)]
+public sealed partial class EnvelopeComponent : Component
+    /// <summary>
+    /// The current open/sealed/torn state of the envelope
+    /// </summary>
+    [ViewVariables, DataField, AutoNetworkedField]
+    public EnvelopeState State = EnvelopeState.Open;
+    [DataField, ViewVariables]
+    public string SlotId = "letter_slot";
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Stores the current sealing/tearing doafter of the envelope
+    /// to prevent doafter spam/prediction issues
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField, ViewVariables]
+    public DoAfterId? EnvelopeDoAfter;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// How long it takes to seal the envelope closed
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField, ViewVariables]
+    public TimeSpan SealDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
+    /// <summary>
+    /// How long it takes to tear open the envelope
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField, ViewVariables]
+    public TimeSpan TearDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
+    /// <summary>
+    /// The sound to play when the envelope is sealed closed
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField, ViewVariables]
+    public SoundPathSpecifier? SealSound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Effects/packetrip.ogg");
+    /// <summary>
+    /// The sound to play when the envelope is torn open
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField, ViewVariables]
+    public SoundPathSpecifier? TearSound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Effects/poster_broken.ogg");
+    [Serializable, NetSerializable]
+    public enum EnvelopeState : byte
+    {
+        Open,
+        Sealed,
+        Torn
+    }
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed partial class EnvelopeDoAfterEvent : SimpleDoAfterEvent
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Paper/EnvelopeSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Paper/EnvelopeSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..560c2c82f97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Paper/EnvelopeSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
+using Content.Shared.Containers.ItemSlots;
+using Content.Shared.Verbs;
+using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Examine;
+namespace Content.Shared.Paper;
+public sealed class EnvelopeSystem : EntitySystem
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedDoAfterSystem _doAfterSystem = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audioSystem = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly ItemSlotsSystem _itemSlotsSystem = default!;
+    public override void Initialize()
+    {
+        base.Initialize();
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<EnvelopeComponent, ItemSlotInsertAttemptEvent>(OnInsertAttempt);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<EnvelopeComponent, ItemSlotEjectAttemptEvent>(OnEjectAttempt);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<EnvelopeComponent, GetVerbsEvent<AlternativeVerb>>(OnGetAltVerbs);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<EnvelopeComponent, EnvelopeDoAfterEvent>(OnDoAfter);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<EnvelopeComponent, ExaminedEvent>(OnExamine);
+    }
+    private void OnExamine(Entity<EnvelopeComponent> ent, ref ExaminedEvent args)
+    {
+        if (ent.Comp.State == EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Sealed)
+        {
+            args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("envelope-sealed-examine", ("envelope", ent.Owner)));
+        }
+        else if (ent.Comp.State == EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Torn)
+        {
+            args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("envelope-torn-examine", ("envelope", ent.Owner)));
+        }
+    }
+    private void OnGetAltVerbs(Entity<EnvelopeComponent> ent, ref GetVerbsEvent<AlternativeVerb> args)
+    {
+        if (!args.CanAccess || !args.CanInteract || args.Hands == null)
+            return;
+        if (ent.Comp.State == EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Torn)
+            return;
+        var user = args.User;
+        args.Verbs.Add(new AlternativeVerb()
+        {
+            Text = Loc.GetString(ent.Comp.State == EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Open ? "envelope-verb-seal" : "envelope-verb-tear"),
+            IconEntity = GetNetEntity(ent.Owner),
+            Act = () =>
+            {
+                TryStartDoAfter(ent, user, ent.Comp.State == EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Open ? ent.Comp.SealDelay : ent.Comp.TearDelay);
+            },
+        });
+    }
+    private void OnInsertAttempt(Entity<EnvelopeComponent> ent, ref ItemSlotInsertAttemptEvent args)
+    {
+        args.Cancelled |= ent.Comp.State != EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Open;
+    }
+    private void OnEjectAttempt(Entity<EnvelopeComponent> ent, ref ItemSlotEjectAttemptEvent args)
+    {
+        args.Cancelled |= ent.Comp.State == EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Sealed;
+    }
+    private void TryStartDoAfter(Entity<EnvelopeComponent> ent, EntityUid user, TimeSpan delay)
+    {
+        if (ent.Comp.EnvelopeDoAfter.HasValue)
+            return;
+        var doAfterEventArgs = new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, user, delay, new EnvelopeDoAfterEvent(), ent.Owner, ent.Owner)
+        {
+            BreakOnDamage = true,
+            NeedHand = true,
+            BreakOnHandChange = true,
+            MovementThreshold = 0.01f,
+            DistanceThreshold = 1.0f,
+        };
+        if (_doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(doAfterEventArgs, out var doAfterId))
+            ent.Comp.EnvelopeDoAfter = doAfterId;
+    }
+    private void OnDoAfter(Entity<EnvelopeComponent> ent, ref EnvelopeDoAfterEvent args)
+    {
+        ent.Comp.EnvelopeDoAfter = null;
+        if (args.Cancelled)
+            return;
+        if (ent.Comp.State == EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Open)
+        {
+            _audioSystem.PlayPredicted(ent.Comp.SealSound, ent.Owner, args.User);
+            ent.Comp.State = EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Sealed;
+            Dirty(ent.Owner, ent.Comp);
+        }
+        else if (ent.Comp.State == EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Sealed)
+        {
+            _audioSystem.PlayPredicted(ent.Comp.TearSound, ent.Owner, args.User);
+            ent.Comp.State = EnvelopeComponent.EnvelopeState.Torn;
+            Dirty(ent.Owner, ent.Comp);
+            if (_itemSlotsSystem.TryGetSlot(ent.Owner, ent.Comp.SlotId, out var slotComp))
+                _itemSlotsSystem.TryEjectToHands(ent.Owner, slotComp, args.User);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Power/EntitySystems/SharedPowerReceiverSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Power/EntitySystems/SharedPowerReceiverSystem.cs
index be2a9dc3abc..37ac7518896 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Power/EntitySystems/SharedPowerReceiverSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Power/EntitySystems/SharedPowerReceiverSystem.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
-namespace Content.Shared.Power.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.Examine;
+using Content.Shared.Power.Components;
+namespace Content.Shared.Power.EntitySystems;
 public abstract class SharedPowerReceiverSystem : EntitySystem
+    protected string GetExamineText(bool powered)
+    {
+        return Loc.GetString("power-receiver-component-on-examine-main",
+                                ("stateText", Loc.GetString(powered
+                                    ? "power-receiver-component-on-examine-powered"
+                                    : "power-receiver-component-on-examine-unpowered")));
+    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Radio/Components/EncryptionKeyHolderComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Radio/Components/EncryptionKeyHolderComponent.cs
index bd49acf9090..b3f5f16db73 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Radio/Components/EncryptionKeyHolderComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Radio/Components/EncryptionKeyHolderComponent.cs
@@ -53,4 +53,13 @@ public sealed partial class EncryptionKeyHolderComponent : Component
     /// </summary>
     public string? DefaultChannel;
+    // Parkstation-Ipc-Start
+    /// <summary>
+    ///     Whether or not the headset can be examined to see the encryption keys while the keys aren't accessible.
+    /// </summary>
+    [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+    [DataField("examineWhileLocked")]
+    public bool ExamineWhileLocked = true;
+    // Parkstation-Ipc-End
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Radio/EntitySystems/EncryptionKeySystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Radio/EntitySystems/EncryptionKeySystem.cs
index 7b050273db6..2fabe5948e2 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Radio/EntitySystems/EncryptionKeySystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Radio/EntitySystems/EncryptionKeySystem.cs
@@ -177,12 +177,27 @@ private void OnHolderExamined(EntityUid uid, EncryptionKeyHolderComponent compon
         if (!args.IsInDetailsRange)
+        // Parkstation-Ipc-Start
+        if (!component.ExamineWhileLocked && !component.KeysUnlocked)
+            return;
+        if (!component.ExamineWhileLocked && TryComp<WiresPanelComponent>(uid, out var panel) && !panel.Open)
+            return;
+        // Parkstation-Ipc-End
         if (component.KeyContainer.ContainedEntities.Count == 0)
+        // хз чо эт, вроде не нужно
+        // if (component.Channels.Count > 0)
+        // {
+        //     args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("examine-encryption-channels-prefix"));
+        //     AddChannelsExamine(component.Channels, component.DefaultChannel, args, _protoManager, "examine-encryption-channel");
+        // }
         if (component.Channels.Count > 0)
             using (args.PushGroup(nameof(EncryptionKeyComponent)))
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Radio/RadioChannelPrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/Radio/RadioChannelPrototype.cs
index 166db0577ea..254d706490f 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Radio/RadioChannelPrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Radio/RadioChannelPrototype.cs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ public sealed partial class RadioChannelPrototype : IPrototype
     /// Human-readable name for the channel.
     /// </summary>
-    public LocId Name { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
+    public string Name { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
     public string LocalizedName => Loc.GetString(Name);
@@ -35,4 +35,9 @@ public sealed partial class RadioChannelPrototype : IPrototype
     /// </summary>
     [DataField("longRange"), ViewVariables]
     public bool LongRange = false;
+    // Lang start
+    [DataField("translate"), ViewVariables]
+    public bool TranslateSpeech = false;
+    // Lang end
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Research/Prototypes/LatheRecipePrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/Research/Prototypes/LatheRecipePrototype.cs
index 8b0c866cbe3..40c20df3437 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Research/Prototypes/LatheRecipePrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Research/Prototypes/LatheRecipePrototype.cs
@@ -1,101 +1,58 @@
+using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Reagent;
+using Content.Shared.FixedPoint;
 using Content.Shared.Lathe.Prototypes;
 using Content.Shared.Materials;
 using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
 using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype.Dictionary;
 using Robust.Shared.Utility;
 namespace Content.Shared.Research.Prototypes
-    [NetSerializable, Serializable, Prototype("latheRecipe")]
+    [NetSerializable, Serializable, Prototype]
     public sealed partial class LatheRecipePrototype : IPrototype
         public string ID { get; private set; } = default!;
-        [DataField("name")]
-        private string _name = string.Empty;
+        /// <summary>
+        ///     Name displayed in the lathe GUI.
+        /// </summary>
+        [DataField]
+        public LocId? Name;
-        [DataField("description")]
-        private string _description = string.Empty;
+        /// <summary>
+        ///     Short description displayed in the lathe GUI.
+        /// </summary>
+        [DataField]
+        public LocId? Description;
         /// <summary>
         ///     The prototype name of the resulting entity when the recipe is printed.
         /// </summary>
-        [DataField("result", required: true, customTypeSerializer:typeof(PrototypeIdSerializer<EntityPrototype>))]
-        public string Result = string.Empty;
+        [DataField]
+        public EntProtoId? Result;
+        [DataField]
+        public Dictionary<ProtoId<ReagentPrototype>, FixedPoint2>? ResultReagents;
         /// <summary>
         ///     An entity whose sprite is displayed in the ui in place of the actual recipe result.
         /// </summary>
-        [DataField("icon")]
+        [DataField]
         public SpriteSpecifier? Icon;
-        private TimeSpan _completeTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
-        [DataField("materials", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdDictionarySerializer<int, MaterialPrototype>))]
-        private Dictionary<string, int> _requiredMaterials = new();
-        //todo make these function calls because we're eating tons of resolves here.
-        /// <summary>
-        ///     Name displayed in the lathe GUI.
-        /// </summary>
-        [ViewVariables]
-        public string Name
-        {
-            get
-            {
-                if (_name.Trim().Length != 0)
-                    return _name;
-                var protoMan = IoCManager.Resolve<IPrototypeManager>();
-                protoMan.TryIndex(Result, out EntityPrototype? prototype);
-                if (prototype?.Name != null)
-                    _name = prototype.Name;
-                return _name;
-            }
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        ///     Short description displayed in the lathe GUI.
-        /// </summary>
-        [ViewVariables]
-        public string Description
-        {
-            get
-            {
-                if (_description.Trim().Length != 0)
-                    return _description;
-                var protoMan = IoCManager.Resolve<IPrototypeManager>();
-                protoMan.TryIndex(Result, out EntityPrototype? prototype);
-                if (prototype?.Description != null)
-                    _description = prototype.Description;
-                return _description;
-            }
-        }
+        public TimeSpan CompleteTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
         /// <summary>
         ///     The materials required to produce this recipe.
         ///     Takes a material ID as string.
         /// </summary>
-        [ViewVariables]
-        public Dictionary<string, int> RequiredMaterials
-        {
-            get => _requiredMaterials;
-            private set => _requiredMaterials = value;
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        ///     How many milliseconds it'll take for the lathe to finish this recipe.
-        ///     Might lower depending on the lathe's upgrade level.
-        /// </summary>
-        [ViewVariables]
-        public TimeSpan CompleteTime => _completeTime;
+        [DataField]
+        public Dictionary<ProtoId<MaterialPrototype>, int> Materials = new();
-        [DataField("applyMaterialDiscount")]
+        [DataField]
         public bool ApplyMaterialDiscount = true;
         /// <summary>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Research/Systems/SharedResearchSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Research/Systems/SharedResearchSystem.cs
index 81c6950f283..d8ce0634d3e 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Research/Systems/SharedResearchSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Research/Systems/SharedResearchSystem.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 using System.Linq;
+using Content.Shared.Lathe;
 using Content.Shared.Research.Components;
 using Content.Shared.Research.Prototypes;
 using JetBrains.Annotations;
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ public abstract class SharedResearchSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] protected readonly IPrototypeManager PrototypeManager = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedLatheSystem _lathe = default!;
     public override void Initialize()
@@ -185,7 +187,7 @@ public FormattedMessage GetTechnologyDescription(
             var recipeProto = PrototypeManager.Index(recipe);
-                ("name",recipeProto.Name)));
+                ("name", _lathe.GetRecipeName(recipeProto))));
         foreach (var generic in technology.GenericUnlocks)
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Research/TechnologyDisk/Systems/TechnologyDiskSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Research/TechnologyDisk/Systems/TechnologyDiskSystem.cs
index b0d615fcb3b..93c7c22471c 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Research/TechnologyDisk/Systems/TechnologyDiskSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Research/TechnologyDisk/Systems/TechnologyDiskSystem.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 using Content.Shared.Examine;
 using Content.Shared.Interaction;
+using Content.Shared.Lathe;
 using Content.Shared.Popups;
 using Content.Shared.Random.Helpers;
 using Content.Shared.Research.Components;
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ public sealed class TechnologyDiskSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedPopupSystem _popup = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly SharedResearchSystem _research = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly SharedLatheSystem _lathe = default!;
     public override void Initialize()
@@ -83,8 +85,7 @@ private void OnExamine(Entity<TechnologyDiskComponent> ent, ref ExaminedEvent ar
         if (ent.Comp.Recipes != null && ent.Comp.Recipes.Count > 0)
             var prototype = _protoMan.Index(ent.Comp.Recipes[0]);
-            var resultPrototype = _protoMan.Index<EntityPrototype>(prototype.Result);
-            message = Loc.GetString("tech-disk-examine", ("result", resultPrototype.Name));
+            message = Loc.GetString("tech-disk-examine", ("result", _lathe.GetRecipeName(prototype)));
             if (ent.Comp.Recipes.Count > 1) //idk how to do this well. sue me.
                 message += " " + Loc.GetString("tech-disk-examine-more");
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/ISalvageMod.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/ISalvageMod.cs
index aa27f83f03f..6233b179b3d 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/ISalvageMod.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/ISalvageMod.cs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ public interface ISalvageMod
     /// <summary>
     /// Player-friendly version describing this modifier.
     /// </summary>
-    string Description { get; }
+    LocId Description { get; }
     /// <summary>
     /// Cost for difficulty modifiers.
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageAirMod.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageAirMod.cs
index c9f038e38f2..fda08281b06 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageAirMod.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageAirMod.cs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public sealed partial class SalvageAirMod : IPrototype, IBiomeSpecificMod
     /// <inheritdoc/>
-    public string Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
+    public LocId Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
     /// <inheritdoc/>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageBiomeModPrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageBiomeModPrototype.cs
index 1d4efbd18d3..3235741f117 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageBiomeModPrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageBiomeModPrototype.cs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ public sealed partial class SalvageBiomeModPrototype : IPrototype, ISalvageMod
     [IdDataField] public string ID { get; } = default!;
-    [DataField("desc")] public string Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
+    [DataField("desc")] public LocId Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
     /// <summary>
     /// Cost for difficulty modifiers.
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageDungeonModPrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageDungeonModPrototype.cs
index ee3233c5512..713bdf08b31 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageDungeonModPrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageDungeonModPrototype.cs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ public sealed partial class SalvageDungeonModPrototype : IPrototype, IBiomeSpeci
     [IdDataField] public string ID { get; } = default!;
-    [DataField("desc")] public string Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
+    [DataField("desc")] public LocId Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
     /// <inheridoc/>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageLightMod.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageLightMod.cs
index a7c38b258dd..d744d5c308c 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageLightMod.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageLightMod.cs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ public sealed partial class SalvageLightMod : IPrototype, IBiomeSpecificMod
     [IdDataField] public string ID { get; } = default!;
-    [DataField("desc")] public string Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
+    [DataField("desc")] public LocId Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
     /// <inheritdoc/>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageMod.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageMod.cs
index 3cc4488684e..5226824ed52 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageMod.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageMod.cs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ public sealed partial class SalvageMod : IPrototype, ISalvageMod
     [IdDataField] public string ID { get; } = default!;
-    [DataField("desc")] public string Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
+    [DataField("desc")] public LocId Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
     /// <summary>
     /// Cost for difficulty modifiers.
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageTemperatureMod.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageTemperatureMod.cs
index 17e9af038f3..e8b7235511d 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageTemperatureMod.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageTemperatureMod.cs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ public sealed partial class SalvageTemperatureMod : IPrototype, IBiomeSpecificMo
     [IdDataField] public string ID { get; } = default!;
-    [DataField("desc")] public string Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
+    [DataField("desc")] public LocId Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
     /// <inheritdoc/>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageWeatherMod.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageWeatherMod.cs
index 1629d02b088..fc704d49e4b 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageWeatherMod.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/Modifiers/SalvageWeatherMod.cs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ public sealed partial class SalvageWeatherMod : IPrototype, IBiomeSpecificMod
     [IdDataField] public string ID { get; } = default!;
-    [DataField("desc")] public string Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
+    [DataField("desc")] public LocId Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
     /// <inheritdoc/>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/SalvageFactionPrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/SalvageFactionPrototype.cs
index 4c594945f0d..71be4f7bd08 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/SalvageFactionPrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Expeditions/SalvageFactionPrototype.cs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ public sealed partial class SalvageFactionPrototype : IPrototype
     [IdDataField] public string ID { get; } = default!;
-    [DataField("desc")] public string Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
+    [DataField("desc")] public LocId Description { get; private set; } = string.Empty;
     [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField("entries", required: true)]
     public List<SalvageMobEntry> MobGroups = new();
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/SharedSalvageSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/SharedSalvageSystem.cs
index 5f5fc875d62..0c56f4f556e 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/SharedSalvageSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/SharedSalvageSystem.cs
@@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ public SalvageMission GetMission(SalvageDifficultyPrototype difficulty, int seed
         if (air.Description != string.Empty)
-            mods.Add(air.Description);
+            mods.Add(Loc.GetString(air.Description));
         // only show the description if there is an atmosphere since wont matter otherwise
         if (temp.Description != string.Empty && !air.Space)
-            mods.Add(temp.Description);
+            mods.Add(Loc.GetString(temp.Description));
         if (light.Description != string.Empty)
-            mods.Add(light.Description);
+            mods.Add(Loc.GetString(light.Description));
         var duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(CfgManager.GetCVar(CCVars.SalvageExpeditionDuration));
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Silicons/Laws/SiliconLawPrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/Silicons/Laws/SiliconLawPrototype.cs
index d10b86c2417..5924c95cdc1 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Silicons/Laws/SiliconLawPrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Silicons/Laws/SiliconLawPrototype.cs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespace Content.Shared.Silicons.Laws;
 [Virtual, DataDefinition]
 [Serializable, NetSerializable]
-public partial class SiliconLaw : IComparable<SiliconLaw>
+public partial class SiliconLaw : IComparable<SiliconLaw>, IEquatable<SiliconLaw>
     /// <summary>
     /// A locale string which is the actual text of the law.
@@ -39,13 +39,27 @@ public int CompareTo(SiliconLaw? other)
         return Order.CompareTo(other.Order);
-    public bool Equals(SiliconLaw other)
+    public bool Equals(SiliconLaw? other)
+        if (other == null)
+            return false;
         return LawString == other.LawString
                && Order == other.Order
                && LawIdentifierOverride == other.LawIdentifierOverride;
+    public override bool Equals(object? obj)
+    {
+        if (obj == null)
+            return false;
+        return Equals(obj as SiliconLaw);
+    }
+    public override int GetHashCode()
+    {
+        return HashCode.Combine(LawString, Order, LawIdentifierOverride);
+    }
     /// <summary>
     /// Return a shallow clone of this law.
     /// </summary>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Slippery/NoSlipComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Slippery/NoSlipComponent.cs
index 186861a5a93..d9c3fe3f761 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Slippery/NoSlipComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Slippery/NoSlipComponent.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-namespace Content.Shared.Slippery
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+namespace Content.Shared.Slippery;
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent]
+public sealed partial class NoSlipComponent : Component
-    [RegisterComponent]
-    public sealed partial class NoSlipComponent : Component
-    {
-    }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Sound/Components/SpamEmitSoundComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Sound/Components/SpamEmitSoundComponent.cs
index 149728a5baa..861c5f95a23 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Sound/Components/SpamEmitSoundComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Sound/Components/SpamEmitSoundComponent.cs
@@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ public sealed partial class SpamEmitSoundComponent : BaseEmitSoundComponent
     /// Do not set this directly, use <see cref="EmitSoundSystem.SetEnabled"/>
     /// </summary>
     [DataField, AutoNetworkedField]
-    [Access(typeof(SharedEmitSoundSystem))]
+    // [Access(typeof(SharedEmitSoundSystem))] ADT: IPC (невозможно указать требуемый доступ)
     public bool Enabled = true;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Station/Components/StationMemberComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Station/Components/StationMemberComponent.cs
similarity index 69%
rename from Content.Server/Station/Components/StationMemberComponent.cs
rename to Content.Shared/Station/Components/StationMemberComponent.cs
index 2100c20c55d..ce5d95ad0d2 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Station/Components/StationMemberComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Station/Components/StationMemberComponent.cs
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-using Content.Server.Station.Systems;
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
-namespace Content.Server.Station.Components;
+namespace Content.Shared.Station.Components;
 /// <summary>
 /// Indicates that a grid is a member of the given station.
 /// </summary>
-[RegisterComponent, Access(typeof(StationSystem))]
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent]
 public sealed partial class StationMemberComponent : Component
     /// <summary>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Storage/EntitySystems/SharedEntityStorageSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Storage/EntitySystems/SharedEntityStorageSystem.cs
index bb49725e047..4932613d0e6 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Storage/EntitySystems/SharedEntityStorageSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Storage/EntitySystems/SharedEntityStorageSystem.cs
@@ -16,16 +16,14 @@
 using Content.Shared.Verbs;
 using Content.Shared.Wall;
 using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
-using Robust.Shared.Audio;
+using Content.Shared.ActionBlocker;
 using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
 using Robust.Shared.Containers;
 using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
 using Robust.Shared.Map;
 using Robust.Shared.Network;
 using Robust.Shared.Physics;
-using Robust.Shared.Physics.Components;
 using Robust.Shared.Physics.Systems;
-using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
 using Robust.Shared.Timing;
 using Robust.Shared.Utility;
@@ -47,6 +45,7 @@ public abstract class SharedEntityStorageSystem : EntitySystem
     [Dependency] protected readonly SharedTransformSystem TransformSystem = default!;
     [Dependency] private   readonly WeldableSystem _weldable = default!;
     [Dependency] private readonly EntityWhitelistSystem _whitelistSystem = default!;
+    [Dependency] private readonly ActionBlockerSystem _actionBlocker = default!;
     public const string ContainerName = "entity_storage";
@@ -132,6 +131,9 @@ protected void OnRelayMovement(EntityUid uid, SharedEntityStorageComponent compo
         if (!HasComp<HandsComponent>(args.Entity))
+        if (!_actionBlocker.CanMove(args.Entity))
+            return;
         if (_timing.CurTime < component.NextInternalOpenAttempt)
@@ -139,9 +141,7 @@ protected void OnRelayMovement(EntityUid uid, SharedEntityStorageComponent compo
         Dirty(uid, component);
         if (component.OpenOnMove)
-        {
             TryOpenStorage(args.Entity, uid);
-        }
     protected void OnFoldAttempt(EntityUid uid, SharedEntityStorageComponent component, ref FoldAttemptEvent args)
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Storage/EntitySystems/SharedStorageSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Storage/EntitySystems/SharedStorageSystem.cs
index 4bb4192fc45..7a207fb47cf 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Storage/EntitySystems/SharedStorageSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Storage/EntitySystems/SharedStorageSystem.cs
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 using Content.Shared.Timing;
 using Content.Shared.Verbs;
 using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
+using Robust.Shared.Audio;
 using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
 using Robust.Shared.Containers;
 using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
@@ -65,6 +66,9 @@ public abstract class SharedStorageSystem : EntitySystem
     public const string DefaultStorageMaxItemSize = "Normal";
     public const float AreaInsertDelayPerItem = 0.075f;
+    private static AudioParams _audioParams = AudioParams.Default
+        .WithMaxDistance(7f)
+        .WithVolume(-2f);
     private ItemSizePrototype _defaultStorageMaxItemSize = default!;
@@ -542,7 +546,7 @@ private void OnDoAfter(EntityUid uid, StorageComponent component, AreaPickupDoAf
         // If we picked up at least one thing, play a sound and do a cool animation!
         if (successfullyInserted.Count > 0)
-            Audio.PlayPredicted(component.StorageInsertSound, uid, args.User);
+            Audio.PlayPredicted(component.StorageInsertSound, uid, args.User, _audioParams);
             EntityManager.RaiseSharedEvent(new AnimateInsertingEntitiesEvent(
@@ -603,7 +607,7 @@ private void OnInteractWithItem(StorageInteractWithItemEvent msg, EntitySessionE
             if (_sharedHandsSystem.TryPickupAnyHand(player, entity, handsComp: hands)
                 && storageComp.StorageRemoveSound != null)
-                Audio.PlayPredicted(storageComp.StorageRemoveSound, uid, player);
+                Audio.PlayPredicted(storageComp.StorageRemoveSound, uid, player, _audioParams);
@@ -663,7 +667,7 @@ private void OnRemoveItem(StorageRemoveItemEvent msg, EntitySessionEventArgs arg
         TransformSystem.DropNextTo(itemEnt, player);
-        Audio.PlayPredicted(storageComp.StorageRemoveSound, storageEnt, player);
+        Audio.PlayPredicted(storageComp.StorageRemoveSound, storageEnt, player, _audioParams);
     private void OnInsertItemIntoLocation(StorageInsertItemIntoLocationEvent msg, EntitySessionEventArgs args)
@@ -836,7 +840,7 @@ public void TransferEntities(EntityUid source, EntityUid target, EntityUid? user
             Insert(target, entity, out _, user: user, targetComp, playSound: false);
-        Audio.PlayPredicted(sourceComp.StorageInsertSound, target, user);
+        Audio.PlayPredicted(sourceComp.StorageInsertSound, target, user, _audioParams);
     /// <summary>
@@ -1015,7 +1019,7 @@ public bool Insert(
                 return false;
             if (playSound)
-                Audio.PlayPredicted(storageComp.StorageInsertSound, uid, user);
+                Audio.PlayPredicted(storageComp.StorageInsertSound, uid, user, _audioParams);
             return true;
@@ -1045,7 +1049,7 @@ public bool Insert(
         if (playSound)
-            Audio.PlayPredicted(storageComp.StorageInsertSound, uid, user);
+            Audio.PlayPredicted(storageComp.StorageInsertSound, uid, user, _audioParams);
         return true;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Teleportation/Systems/SwapTeleporterSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Teleportation/Systems/SwapTeleporterSystem.cs
index a5ad77d43bf..0fbaefc31bf 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Teleportation/Systems/SwapTeleporterSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Teleportation/Systems/SwapTeleporterSystem.cs
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public override void Initialize()
     private void OnInteract(Entity<SwapTeleporterComponent> ent, ref AfterInteractEvent args)
         var (uid, comp) = ent;
-        if (args.Target == null)
+        if (args.Target == null || !args.CanReach)
         var target = args.Target.Value;
@@ -150,8 +150,11 @@ public void DoTeleport(Entity<SwapTeleporterComponent, TransformComponent> ent)
-        var (teleEnt, cont) = GetTeleportingEntity((uid, xform));
-        var (otherTeleEnt, otherCont) = GetTeleportingEntity((linkedEnt, Transform(linkedEnt)));
+        var teleEnt = GetTeleportingEntity((uid, xform));
+        var otherTeleEnt = GetTeleportingEntity((linkedEnt, Transform(linkedEnt)));
+        _container.TryGetOuterContainer(teleEnt, Transform(teleEnt), out var cont);
+        _container.TryGetOuterContainer(otherTeleEnt, Transform(otherTeleEnt), out var otherCont);
         if (otherCont != null && !_container.CanInsert(teleEnt, otherCont) ||
             cont != null && !_container.CanInsert(otherTeleEnt, cont))
@@ -164,9 +167,9 @@ public void DoTeleport(Entity<SwapTeleporterComponent, TransformComponent> ent)
-        _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("swap-teleporter-popup-teleport-other",
+        _popup.PopupClient(Loc.GetString("swap-teleporter-popup-teleport-other",
             ("entity", Identity.Entity(linkedEnt, EntityManager))),
-            otherTeleEnt,
+            teleEnt,
         _transform.SwapPositions(teleEnt, otherTeleEnt);
@@ -195,20 +198,18 @@ public void DestroyLink(Entity<SwapTeleporterComponent?> ent, EntityUid? user)
             DestroyLink(linked, user); // the linked one is shown globally
-    private (EntityUid, BaseContainer?) GetTeleportingEntity(Entity<TransformComponent> ent)
+    private EntityUid GetTeleportingEntity(Entity<TransformComponent> ent)
         var parent = ent.Comp.ParentUid;
-        if (_container.TryGetOuterContainer(ent, ent, out var container))
-            parent = container.Owner;
         if (HasComp<MapGridComponent>(parent) || HasComp<MapComponent>(parent))
-            return (ent, container);
+            return ent;
         if (!_xformQuery.TryGetComponent(parent, out var parentXform) || parentXform.Anchored)
-            return (ent, container);
+            return ent;
         if (!TryComp<PhysicsComponent>(parent, out var body) || body.BodyType == BodyType.Static)
-            return (ent, container);
+            return ent;
         return GetTeleportingEntity((parent, parentXform));
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Melee/SharedMeleeWeaponSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Melee/SharedMeleeWeaponSystem.cs
index 42b6a3c9c74..72cf4ec550a 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Melee/SharedMeleeWeaponSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Melee/SharedMeleeWeaponSystem.cs
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ protected virtual void DoLightAttack(EntityUid user, LightAttackEvent ev, Entity
         var weapon = GetEntity(ev.Weapon);
-        Interaction.DoContactInteraction(weapon, target);
+        // We skip weapon -> target interaction, as forensics system applies DNA on hit
         Interaction.DoContactInteraction(user, weapon);
         // If the user is using a long-range weapon, this probably shouldn't be happening? But I'll interpret melee as a
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ private bool DoHeavyAttack(EntityUid user, HeavyAttackEvent ev, EntityUid meleeU
         // For stuff that cares about it being attacked.
         foreach (var target in targets)
-            Interaction.DoContactInteraction(weapon, target);
+            // We skip weapon -> target interaction, as forensics system applies DNA on hit
             // If the user is using a long-range weapon, this probably shouldn't be happening? But I'll interpret melee as a
             // somewhat messy scuffle. See also, light attacks.
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Misc/SharedGrapplingGunSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Misc/SharedGrapplingGunSystem.cs
index 6feffffbe31..75d5300fdb1 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Misc/SharedGrapplingGunSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Misc/SharedGrapplingGunSystem.cs
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ public abstract class SharedGrapplingGunSystem : EntitySystem
     public const string GrapplingJoint = "grappling";
-    public const float ReelRate = 2.5f;
     public override void Initialize()
@@ -187,7 +185,7 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime)
             // TODO: This should be on engine.
-            distance.MaxLength = MathF.Max(distance.MinLength, distance.MaxLength - ReelRate * frameTime);
+            distance.MaxLength = MathF.Max(distance.MinLength, distance.MaxLength - grappling.ReelRate * frameTime);
             distance.Length = MathF.Min(distance.MaxLength, distance.Length);
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Components/GrapplingGunComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Components/GrapplingGunComponent.cs
index d0af3e8b36d..553f0c10f32 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Components/GrapplingGunComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Components/GrapplingGunComponent.cs
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ namespace Content.Shared.Weapons.Ranged.Components;
 [RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, AutoGenerateComponentState]
 public sealed partial class GrapplingGunComponent : Component
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Hook's reeling force and speed - the higher the number, the faster the hook rewinds.
+    /// </summary>
+    [DataField, AutoNetworkedField]
+    public float ReelRate = 2.5f;
     [DataField("jointId"), AutoNetworkedField]
     public string Joint = string.Empty;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Components/GunRequiresWieldComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Components/GunRequiresWieldComponent.cs
index fa3732209f5..2016459b9d5 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Components/GunRequiresWieldComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Components/GunRequiresWieldComponent.cs
@@ -15,4 +15,7 @@ public sealed partial class GunRequiresWieldComponent : Component
     [DataField, AutoNetworkedField]
     public TimeSpan PopupCooldown = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
+    [DataField]
+    public LocId? WieldRequiresExamineMessage  = "gunrequireswield-component-examine";
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/SharedGunSystem.Ballistic.cs b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/SharedGunSystem.Ballistic.cs
index 503459cefd9..20feb2c9522 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/SharedGunSystem.Ballistic.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/SharedGunSystem.Ballistic.cs
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ private void OnBallisticAfterInteract(EntityUid uid, BallisticAmmoProviderCompon
         args.Handled = true;
+        // Continuous loading
         _doAfter.TryStartDoAfter(new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, args.User, component.FillDelay, new AmmoFillDoAfterEvent(), used: uid, target: args.Target, eventTarget: uid)
             BreakOnMove = true,
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/SharedGunSystem.Revolver.cs b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/SharedGunSystem.Revolver.cs
index 14aaff5bf70..2c0204d9463 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/SharedGunSystem.Revolver.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/SharedGunSystem.Revolver.cs
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 using System;
 using System.Linq;
 using Content.Shared.Interaction.Events;
+using Content.Shared.Wieldable;
+using Content.Shared.Wieldable.Components;
 using JetBrains.Annotations;
 namespace Content.Shared.Weapons.Ranged.Systems;
@@ -31,9 +33,14 @@ protected virtual void InitializeRevolver()
     private void OnRevolverUse(EntityUid uid, RevolverAmmoProviderComponent component, UseInHandEvent args)
+        if (args.Handled)
+            return;
         if (!_useDelay.TryResetDelay(uid))
+        args.Handled = true;
         UpdateAmmoCount(uid, prediction: false);
         Dirty(uid, component);
@@ -393,10 +400,14 @@ private void OnRevolverTakeAmmo(EntityUid uid, RevolverAmmoProviderComponent com
                 args.Ammo.Add((spawned, EnsureComp<AmmoComponent>(spawned)));
                 if (cartridge.DeleteOnSpawn)
+                {
+                    component.AmmoSlots[index] = null;
                     component.Chambers[index] = null;
+                }
+                component.AmmoSlots[index] = null;
                 component.Chambers[index] = null;
                 args.Ammo.Add((ent.Value, EnsureComp<AmmoComponent>(ent.Value)));
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Whitelist/EntityWhitelistSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Whitelist/EntityWhitelistSystem.cs
index f311946cf98..57fdb523dd4 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Whitelist/EntityWhitelistSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Whitelist/EntityWhitelistSystem.cs
@@ -23,6 +23,23 @@ public bool IsValid(EntityWhitelist list, [NotNullWhen(true)] EntityUid? uid)
         return uid != null && IsValid(list, uid.Value);
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Checks whether a given entity is allowed by a whitelist and not blocked by a blacklist.
+    /// If a blacklist is provided and it matches then this returns false.
+    /// If a whitelist is provided and it does not match then this returns false.
+    /// If either list is null it does not get checked.
+    /// </summary>
+    public bool CheckBoth([NotNullWhen(true)] EntityUid? uid, EntityWhitelist? blacklist = null, EntityWhitelist? whitelist = null)
+    {
+        if (uid == null)
+            return false;
+        if (blacklist != null && IsValid(blacklist, uid))
+            return false;
+        return whitelist == null || IsValid(whitelist, uid);
+    }
     /// <summary>
     /// Checks whether a given entity satisfies a whitelist.
     /// </summary>
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Wieldable/WieldableSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Wieldable/WieldableSystem.cs
index a0c9d04ff7b..d76876c0cff 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Wieldable/WieldableSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Wieldable/WieldableSystem.cs
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ public override void Initialize()
         SubscribeLocalEvent<WieldableComponent, HandDeselectedEvent>(OnDeselectWieldable);
         SubscribeLocalEvent<MeleeRequiresWieldComponent, AttemptMeleeEvent>(OnMeleeAttempt);
+        SubscribeLocalEvent<GunRequiresWieldComponent, ExaminedEvent>(OnExamineRequires);
         SubscribeLocalEvent<GunRequiresWieldComponent, ShotAttemptedEvent>(OnShootAttempt);
         SubscribeLocalEvent<GunWieldBonusComponent, ItemWieldedEvent>(OnGunWielded);
         SubscribeLocalEvent<GunWieldBonusComponent, ItemUnwieldedEvent>(OnGunUnwielded);
@@ -116,8 +117,17 @@ private void OnGunRefreshModifiers(Entity<GunWieldBonusComponent> bonus, ref Gun
+    private void OnExamineRequires(Entity<GunRequiresWieldComponent> entity, ref ExaminedEvent args)
+    {
+        if(entity.Comp.WieldRequiresExamineMessage != null)
+            args.PushText(Loc.GetString(entity.Comp.WieldRequiresExamineMessage));
+    }
     private void OnExamine(EntityUid uid, GunWieldBonusComponent component, ref ExaminedEvent args)
+        if (HasComp<GunRequiresWieldComponent>(uid)) 
+            return;
         if (component.WieldBonusExamineMessage != null)
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/attributions.yml b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/attributions.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dffa3b941ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/attributions.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+- files: ["borg_deathsound.ogg", "buzz-sigh.ogg", "buzz-two.ogg", "ping.ogg", "signal.ogg", "synth_no.ogg", "synth_yes.ogg"]
+  license: "CC0-1.0"
+  copyright: "Original sound by https://github.com/ss220-space/Paradise"
+  source: "https://github.com/ss220-space/Paradise"
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/borg_deathsound.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/borg_deathsound.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..06e847165ff
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/borg_deathsound.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/buzz-sigh.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/buzz-sigh.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..109c196e2c4
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/buzz-sigh.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/buzz-two.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/buzz-two.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3f79e2a0e91
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/buzz-two.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/hyperspace_begin_new.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/hyperspace_begin_new.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee4e93846cf
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/hyperspace_begin_new.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/ping.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/ping.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3516d48d259
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/ping.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/signal.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/signal.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..824e1adb94c
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/signal.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_no.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_no.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f0d2c3bfb0c
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_no.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_scream.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_scream.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..78787d3db90
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_scream.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_yes.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_yes.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..300cad132ed
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_yes.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/attributions.yml b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/attributions.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9c7727aa51c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/attributions.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+- files: ["moth_scream.ogg"]
+  license: "CC-BY-SA-3.0"
+  copyright: "Taken from https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/commit/31c19654e0f641166ecd80c672ea05362fd19488"
+  source: "https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/commits/master/sound/voice/moth/scream_moth.ogg"
+- files: ["moth_laugh.ogg, moth_chitter.ogg, moth_squeak.ogg"]
+  license: "CC-BY-SA-3.0"
+  copyright: "Taken from https://github.com/BeeStation/BeeStation-Hornet/commit/11ba3fa04105c93dd96a63ad4afaef4b20c02d0d"
+  source: "https://github.com/BeeStation/BeeStation-Hornet/blob/11ba3fa04105c93dd96a63ad4afaef4b20c02d0d/sound/emotes/"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_buzz.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_buzz.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5b77d98e565
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_buzz.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_chitter.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_chitter.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b7240a56536
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_chitter.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_laugh.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_laugh.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d3c2865ab64
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_laugh.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_screm.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_screm.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..482086fb630
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_screm.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_squeak.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_squeak.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5b77d98e565
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_squeak.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/attributions.yml b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/attributions.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..18f03bd2c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/attributions.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+- files: ["novakid_laugh01, novakid_laugh02, novakid_laugh03, novakid_laugh04, novakid_laugh05, novakid_scream01, novakid_scream02, novakid_scream03, novakid_scream04"]
+  license: "CC-BY-SA-3.0"
+  copyright: "Taken from https://zvukogram.com/category/zvuki-ognya/"
+  source: "https://zvukogram.com/category/zvuki-ognya/"
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh01.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh01.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d22c7562403
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh01.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh02.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh02.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a422a69dedf
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh02.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh03.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh03.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac8bd9813f6
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh03.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh04.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh04.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6ce602275c9
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh04.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh05.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh05.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b2f158d03da
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh05.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream01.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream01.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5b981f83b6d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream01.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream02.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream02.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2b7a7152632
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream02.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream03.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream03.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..756148cfbb9
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream03.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream04.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream04.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..721eb09164c
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream04.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/attributions.yml b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/attributions.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3b182d59f6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/attributions.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+- files: ["cry1, cry2, laugh1, laugh2, scream1, scream2, scream3"]
+  license: "CC-BY-SA-3.0"
+  copyright: "https://zvukogram.com/category/zvuki-izdavaemyie-medvedyami/"
+  source: "https://zvukogram.com/category/zvuki-izdavaemyie-medvedyami/"
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/cry1.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/cry1.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7f9455f8acd
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/cry1.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/cry2.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/cry2.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f0a36e52030
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/cry2.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/laugh1.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/laugh1.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6b7fe68d81c
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/laugh1.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/laugh2.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/laugh2.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e6ced2ec537
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/laugh2.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream1.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream1.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..586b8e2d65e
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream1.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream2.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream2.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..80a2892302d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream2.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream3.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream3.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c1ea0ff30f3
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream3.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream4.ogg b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream4.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0bf6d622990
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream4.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/Items/attributions.yml b/Resources/Audio/Items/attributions.yml
index b3ae4f611f9..6a2d579b700 100644
--- a/Resources/Audio/Items/attributions.yml
+++ b/Resources/Audio/Items/attributions.yml
@@ -134,3 +134,8 @@
   license: "CC-BY-SA-3.0"
   copyright: "Taken from tgstation."
   source: "https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/blob/a7f525bce9a359ab5282fc754078cd4b5678a006/sound/items"
+- files: ["pen_click.ogg"]
+  license: "CC0-1.0"
+  copyright: "Created by dslrguide, converted to ogg and mono by Themias"
+  source: "https://freesound.org/people/dslrguide/sounds/321484"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/Items/pen_click.ogg b/Resources/Audio/Items/pen_click.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..621b88c4f84
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/Items/pen_click.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/Machines/attributions.yml b/Resources/Audio/Machines/attributions.yml
index 79d8009608b..9096766978a 100644
--- a/Resources/Audio/Machines/attributions.yml
+++ b/Resources/Audio/Machines/attributions.yml
@@ -166,3 +166,8 @@
   license: "CC-BY-SA-3.0"
   copyright: "Taken from TG station."
   source: "https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/tree/d4f678a1772007ff8d7eddd21cf7218c8e07bfc0"
+- files: ["cutter.ogg"]
+  license: "CC0-1.0"
+  copyright: "by Ko4erga"
+  source: "https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30431"
diff --git a/Resources/Audio/Machines/cutter.ogg b/Resources/Audio/Machines/cutter.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..60f6df04f32
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Audio/Machines/cutter.ogg differ
diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml
index 56b708a79e3..6788f631b7a 100644
--- a/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml
+++ b/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml
@@ -367,5 +367,23 @@ Entries:
   id: 45
   time: '2024-07-11T05:14:01.0000000+00:00'
   url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29896
+- author: Repo
+  changes:
+  - message: Added aHelp player pinning.
+    type: Add
+  - message: Added disconnection, reconnection, banning notice on relay and ahelp.
+    type: Add
+  - message: Fixed search clears on aHelp close.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 46
+  time: '2024-07-30T08:28:32.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/28639
+- author: Repo
+  changes:
+  - message: Fixed Ahelp Sorting
+    type: Fix
+  id: 47
+  time: '2024-07-31T01:58:31.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30518
 Name: Admin
 Order: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml
index 10e5e716559..eaf3ab61994 100644
--- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml
+++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml
@@ -1,602 +1,4 @@
-- author: ps3moira
-  changes:
-  - message: Added Canes to the CuraDrobe and Cane Blades for Syndicate Librarians
-    type: Add
-  id: 6456
-  time: '2024-04-27T10:22:10.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/25873
-- author: Lukasz825700516
-  changes:
-  - message: Fixed books containing localization keys.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6457
-  time: '2024-04-27T10:23:55.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27390
-- author: Errant
-  changes:
-  - message: Vox now take significant damage over time while inhaling oxygen.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6458
-  time: '2024-04-27T10:33:35.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/26705
-- author: TheShuEd
-  changes:
-  - message: Added tomato killers in floral anomaly berries
-    type: Add
-  - message: tweak size and damage of killer tomatoes
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6459
-  time: '2024-04-27T10:35:13.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27265
-- author: Plykiya
-  changes:
-  - message: You can no longer print singular bullets at the security techfab.
-    type: Remove
-  - message: The security techfab now has recipes for ammunition boxes and pre-filled
-      magazines of every type of ammo.
-    type: Add
-  - message: You can now print empty magazines at the security techfab.
-    type: Add
-  - message: Material costs for printing all ammo and mags were rebalanced.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6460
-  time: '2024-04-27T10:38:59.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/26178
-- author: Ramlik
-  changes:
-  - message: Added security walkie talkies to the vendor.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6461
-  time: '2024-04-27T13:27:18.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/25913
-- author: brainfood1183
-  changes:
-  - message: Centcom advises all crewmembers to please stop putting rodents in the
-      fax machines (rodents can now be inserted into fax machine).
-    type: Add
-  id: 6462
-  time: '2024-04-27T13:50:57.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/21461
-- author: MilenVolf
-  changes:
-  - message: Glass Box now can be constructed and deconstructed!
-    type: Add
-  - message: Glass Box now makes an alarm sound on destruction.
-    type: Tweak
-  - message: Now Antique Laser can be put back in the Glass Box.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6463
-  time: '2024-04-27T13:53:16.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/25365
-- author: metalgearsloth
-  changes:
-  - message: Fix a lot of UI bugs.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6464
-  time: '2024-04-27T16:32:57.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27401
-- author: RiceMar1244
-  changes:
-  - message: Resprited the captain's antique laser pistol.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6465
-  time: '2024-04-27T19:08:38.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27037
-- author: SlamBamActionman
-  changes:
-  - message: Hardsuits and other helmets/hoods should no longer make you bald after
-      toggling.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6466
-  time: '2024-04-27T19:10:47.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27404
-- author: Plykiya
-  changes:
-  - message: Max amount of traitors dropped from 12 to 8.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6467
-  time: '2024-04-28T02:25:19.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27415
-- author: Plykiya
-  changes:
-  - message: The emagged autolathe now has recipes for ammunition boxes and pre-filled
-      magazines of every type of ammo.
-    type: Add
-  - message: You can now print empty magazines at the emagged autolathe.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6468
-  time: '2024-04-28T03:02:56.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27396
-- author: icekot8
-  changes:
-  - message: T3 Portable Microfusion Weaponry research now have a portable charger
-    type: Add
-  id: 6469
-  time: '2024-04-28T03:19:33.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/26655
-- author: osjarw
-  changes:
-  - message: Putting a hand labeler in a belt is now predicted correctly.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6470
-  time: '2024-04-28T04:19:30.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/26660
-- author: Dezzzix
-  changes:
-  - message: Added bar spoon, jigger and ice bucket
-    type: Add
-  - message: Bartender tools added in boozeomat
-    type: Add
-  - message: Jigger added in Bartender guidebook
-    type: Add
-  id: 6471
-  time: '2024-04-28T04:40:07.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27406
-- author: KrasnoshchekovPavel
-  changes:
-  - message: Included damage type/group, metabolism type/group localization for weapon
-      damage examination and guidebook reagent effects
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6472
-  time: '2024-04-28T04:48:20.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27368
-- author: Keer-Sar
-  changes:
-  - message: Medal Cases now only hold medals
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6473
-  time: '2024-04-28T05:04:49.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27428
-- author: EmoGarbage404
-  changes:
-  - message: Lockers can now be deconstructed again.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6474
-  time: '2024-04-28T05:26:56.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27431
-- author: SlamBamActionman
-  changes:
-  - message: "Removed Exterminators pending redesign. \U0001F525\U0001F44D\U0001F525"
-    type: Remove
-  id: 6475
-  time: '2024-04-28T05:45:54.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/26978
-- author: Boaz1111
-  changes:
-  - message: Circuit imprinter recipes now cost less glass
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6476
-  time: '2024-04-28T05:46:53.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27310
-- author: Piksqu & Boaz1111
-  changes:
-  - message: Added the hyperconvection circuit imprinter
-    type: Add
-  id: 6477
-  time: '2024-04-28T05:49:03.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27283
-- author: exincore
-  changes:
-  - message: Fax machines now copy the labels attached to papers.
-    type: Add
-  - message: Fax machine "Print File" functionality now applies the first line of
-      the file as a label when it begins with `#`.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6478
-  time: '2024-04-28T06:12:45.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/25979
-- author: Plykiya
-  changes:
-  - message: Hardsuits, EVA suits, firesuits and other things now protect your feet
-      from dangerous glass shards.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6479
-  time: '2024-04-28T07:11:46.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/26764
-- author: FungiFellow
-  changes:
-  - message: Bows now fit in Exosuit slot.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6480
-  time: '2024-04-28T08:23:28.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27433
-- author: osjarw
-  changes:
-  - message: Fixed some anomaly behaviours pulsing at wrong rates.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6481
-  time: '2024-04-28T09:28:16.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27435
-- author: Ubaser
-  changes:
-  - message: Pyrotton can now be mutated from cotton.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6482
-  time: '2024-04-28T11:07:37.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27200
-- author: Plykiya
-  changes:
-  - message: You can now pick up Smile and put them in your bag.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6483
-  time: '2024-04-29T02:44:54.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27458
-- author: Beck Thompson, CoffeePoweredPHD
-  changes:
-  - message: Fixed infinite reagent duplication glitch with toilets and drains.
-    type: Fix
-  - message: Dirty water toilets now function correctly as toilets.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6484
-  time: '2024-04-29T03:08:41.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27446
-- author: Nopey
-  changes:
-  - message: Many more items can now be recycled, including mops, medkits, and stun
-      batons.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6485
-  time: '2024-04-29T03:36:11.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/24435
-- author: Hanzdegloker
-  changes:
-  - message: '"Denied" and "Approved" stamps are now guaranteed to appear in the lockers
-      of the HoP and QM.'
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6486
-  time: '2024-04-29T03:38:45.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/25604
-- author: Potato1234_x
-  changes:
-  - message: Added rainbow weed. It is obtained by mutating regular weed.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6487
-  time: '2024-04-29T04:06:27.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/25759
-- author: Gotimanga
-  changes:
-  - message: Chemists can now create opporozidone, which reverses the effects of rotting
-      in deceased patients while in cryo.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6488
-  time: '2024-04-29T04:13:14.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/24074
-- author: Mangohydra
-  changes:
-  - message: Added a new syndicate cyborg module that contains a very dangerous explosive
-      as a 4tc purchase.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6489
-  time: '2024-04-29T04:16:04.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/25815
-- author: Morb0
-  changes:
-  - message: Added emote panel (by default Y)
-    type: Add
-  id: 6490
-  time: '2024-04-29T04:38:23.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/26702
-- author: MilenVolf
-  changes:
-  - message: Borgs now have brand new voice and walking sounds.
-    type: Add
-  - message: Syndicate assault borgs now have new feature to scare - manic laugher.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6491
-  time: '2024-04-29T04:38:31.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27205
-- author: KrasnoshchekovPavel
-  changes:
-  - message: Fixed formatting of floating point numbers during localization
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6492
-  time: '2024-04-29T04:52:35.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27441
-- author: mirrorcult
-  changes:
-  - message: Random events should now occur much more frequently
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6493
-  time: '2024-04-29T06:38:15.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27469
-- author: Plykiya
-  changes:
-  - message: Latejoin players now have a chance to roll thief.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6494
-  time: '2024-04-29T06:38:38.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27466
-- author: ElectroJr
-  changes:
-  - message: Fixed actions sometimes disappearing from the hotbar when double clicking
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6495
-  time: '2024-04-29T08:36:18.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27468
-- author: DrSmugleaf
-  changes:
-  - message: Fixed bullets not going exactly where you click when moving.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6496
-  time: '2024-04-29T13:12:30.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27484
-- author: FungiFellow
-  changes:
-  - message: Syndi-Cats now have a Wideswing, 80% Explosion Resist, 6/6/15 Pierce/Slash/Structural
-      and step over glass shards with trained feline agility.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6497
-  time: '2024-04-29T17:09:30.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27408
-- author: ShadowCommander
-  changes:
-  - message: Fixed microwave construction not creating a microwave on completion.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6498
-  time: '2024-04-30T00:19:08.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27500
-- author: lzk228
-  changes:
-  - message: Barozine is removed from hydroponics mutatuions.
-    type: Remove
-  id: 6499
-  time: '2024-04-30T03:01:38.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27512
-- author: DogZeroX
-  changes:
-  - message: Changed the announcement of the immovable rod event.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6500
-  time: '2024-04-30T04:05:14.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27515
-- author: DogZeroX
-  changes:
-  - message: Flares looped sound no longer have a massive range, and are much quieter.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6501
-  time: '2024-04-30T06:49:35.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27521
-- author: ERORR404V1
-  changes:
-  - message: Added chameleon projector in thief toolbox!
-    type: Add
-  id: 6502
-  time: '2024-04-30T12:14:06.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27491
-- author: DamnFeds
-  changes:
-  - message: honkbot now uses a happy honk meal instead of box of hugs and clown's
-      rubber stamp. Honk!
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6503
-  time: '2024-05-01T03:27:21.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27535
-- author: Plykiya
-  changes:
-  - message: Inserting telecrystals no longer announces to everyone around you that
-      you inserted it.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6504
-  time: '2024-05-01T15:17:47.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27585
-- author: Dezzzix
-  changes:
-  - message: Goldschlager empty bottle renamed to Gildlager empty bottle
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6505
-  time: '2024-05-01T15:24:05.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27581
-- author: FungiFellow
-  changes:
-  - message: Grilles now take Structural Damage
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6506
-  time: '2024-05-01T22:23:42.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27596
-- author: lzk228
-  changes:
-  - message: Immovable rod announce now happens at the end of event.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6507
-  time: '2024-05-01T22:26:22.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27587
-- author: metalgearsloth
-  changes:
-  - message: Fix server performance dropping significantly.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6508
-  time: '2024-05-02T00:18:38.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27528
-- author: metalgearsloth
-  changes:
-  - message: Fix muzzle flash rotations.
-    type: Fix
-  - message: Fix large client performance drop.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6509
-  time: '2024-05-02T02:40:07.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27533
-- author: ElectroJr
-  changes:
-  - message: Fix gas analyzers not opening their UI when used in-hand.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6510
-  time: '2024-05-02T06:00:01.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27610
-- author: Plykiya
-  changes:
-  - message: Disarming a player now causes them to throw the disarmed item away from
-      them.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6511
-  time: '2024-05-02T12:32:47.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27589
-- author: fujiwaranao
-  changes:
-  - message: Renault now has additional fox noises.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6512
-  time: '2024-05-02T12:35:11.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27578
-- author: Doc-Michael
-  changes:
-  - message: CMO's Lab coat is now more resistant to chemical spills and minor cuts
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6513
-  time: '2024-05-02T12:37:12.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27551
-- author: Vasilis
-  changes:
-  - message: Removed airtight flaps from the construction menu.
-    type: Remove
-  id: 6514
-  time: '2024-05-02T14:49:54.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27619
-- author: Lamrr
-  changes:
-  - message: Wine and beer bottles can now be inserted into the booze dispenser.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6515
-  time: '2024-05-02T16:17:36.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27626
-- author: deltanedas
-  changes:
-  - message: "Ducky slippers now make you waddle. \U0001F986\U0001F986"
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6516
-  time: '2024-05-02T17:09:38.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27628
-- author: ElectroJr
-  changes:
-  - message: Fixed various interactions not prioritizing opening a UI. No more trying
-      to eat mission critical faxes.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6517
-  time: '2024-05-02T23:37:21.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27631
-- author: Plykiya
-  changes:
-  - message: Blast grenades have had their manufacturing cost tripled.
-    type: Tweak
-  - message: Blast grenades are now part of the Basic Shuttle Armament research and
-      can be printed at the secfab.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6518
-  time: '2024-05-03T00:03:52.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27580
-- author: Vasilis, Dutch-VanDerLinde
-  changes:
-  - message: A new event has been added, syndicate sleeper agents, which raises the
-      alert level and selects 1-2 players to be traitors rarely throughout the round.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6519
-  time: '2024-05-03T00:13:35.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27501
-- author: Errant
-  changes:
-  - message: Space Ninjas now automatically turn their internals on when they spawn.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6520
-  time: '2024-05-03T01:24:22.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/25083
-- author: Hanzdegloker
-  changes:
-  - message: Added 6 new energy drink based mixed drinks.
-    type: Add
-  - message: Added Red Bool energy drink back to the soda dispenser and gave it a
-      new canned sprite.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6521
-  time: '2024-05-03T06:57:37.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27597
-- author: DuskyJay
-  changes:
-  - message: Allowed EMP implants to be used while stunned or cuffed.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6522
-  time: '2024-05-03T07:51:33.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27644
-- author: Just-a-Unity-Dev
-  changes:
-  - message: Fixed Geras not having their speed buff.
-    type: Fix
-  - message: Geras are no longer immune to other AI mobs.
-    type: Fix
-  - message: Slimes can no longer morph into a Geras when zombified.
-    type: Fix
-  - message: Lowered the Geras death threshold.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6523
-  time: '2024-05-03T17:26:09.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27308
-- author: nikthechampiongr
-  changes:
-  - message: Ninjas will no longer be pointed to random wreckage in space.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6524
-  time: '2024-05-03T20:23:43.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27552
-- author: Dutch-VanDerLinde
-  changes:
-  - message: Fixed nuclear operatives, zombies, and head revolutionary round end summaries
-      not showing.
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6525
-  time: '2024-05-04T00:03:52.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27654
-- author: TheShuEd
-  changes:
-  - message: Added Train station!
-    type: Add
-  id: 6526
-  time: '2024-05-04T11:10:08.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27534
-- author: TheShuEd
-  changes:
-  - message: "Added Pathological Liar trait accent. The accent has a 15% chance of\
-      \ inverting your message to the opposite. Replacing \u201CYes\u201D with \u201C\
-      No\u201D, \u201CCan\u201D with \u201Ccan't\u201D and so on."
-    type: Add
-  id: 6527
-  time: '2024-05-04T11:11:46.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27618
-- author: Tyzemol
-  changes:
-  - message: Fixed NPCs being able to see and attack you hiding in closed lockers
-      and crates
-    type: Fix
-  id: 6528
-  time: '2024-05-04T19:57:59.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27677
-- author: Blackern5000
-  changes:
-  - message: Security belts can now hold more items that security commonly uses.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6529
-  time: '2024-05-04T20:00:22.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27674
-- author: Blackern5000
-  changes:
-  - message: Floodlights now use medium power cells instead of small ones.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6530
-  time: '2024-05-04T20:06:16.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27672
-- author: lzk228
-  changes:
-  - message: Grey whistle added to arcade machine prizes.
-    type: Add
-  id: 6531
-  time: '2024-05-05T14:42:35.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27676
-- author: Killerqu00
-  changes:
-  - message: Welding masks can now be put on utility belts.
-    type: Tweak
-  id: 6532
-  time: '2024-05-05T23:30:06.0000000+00:00'
-  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27694
 - author: Dutch-VanDerLinde
   - message: Chemical analysis goggles now show the scanned solution's temperature.
@@ -3796,3 +3198,579 @@
   id: 6955
   time: '2024-07-21T07:44:18.0000000+00:00'
   url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30145
+- author: Plykiya
+  changes:
+  - message: Syndicate traitor reinforcements are now specialized to be medics, spies,
+      or thieves.
+    type: Add
+  - message: Reinforcement radios with options now have a radial menu, similar to
+      RCDs.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 6956
+  time: '2024-07-21T10:32:25.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29853
+- author: Cojoke-dot
+  changes:
+  - message: Dead Space Dragons no long despawn
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6957
+  time: '2024-07-21T10:46:33.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29842
+- author: slarticodefast
+  changes:
+  - message: Fixed microwave construction.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6958
+  time: '2024-07-21T16:20:09.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30232
+- author: Sphiral&Kezu
+  changes:
+  - message: 'Added a variety of new wall based storages: Shelfs! Build some today!'
+    type: Add
+  id: 6959
+  time: '2024-07-21T17:16:58.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27858
+- author: valquaint, slarticodefast
+  changes:
+  - message: Fixed borgs being unable to state laws with an activated flashlight.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6960
+  time: '2024-07-22T03:55:35.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30183
+- author: Lank
+  changes:
+  - message: Darts can now pop balloons. Keep them away from any monkeys.
+    type: Add
+  id: 6961
+  time: '2024-07-22T05:38:56.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30088
+- author: Plykiya
+  changes:
+  - message: You can now eat or drink and swap hands without it being interrupted.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 6962
+  time: '2024-07-22T09:17:57.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30060
+- author: IProduceWidgets
+  changes:
+  - message: Zookeepers can now possess Nonlethal shotguns according to spacelaw.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 6963
+  time: '2024-07-22T09:33:03.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30237
+- author: Plykiya
+  changes:
+  - message: Bag sounds can now only be heard from half the distance and is quieter
+      in general.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 6964
+  time: '2024-07-22T09:54:15.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30225
+- author: osjarw
+  changes:
+  - message: Syringes are now 0.5 seconds faster.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 6965
+  time: '2024-07-22T10:20:36.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29825
+- author: Errant
+  changes:
+  - message: Replay observers now always spawn on the station.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6966
+  time: '2024-07-22T19:32:30.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30252
+- author: Cojoke-dot
+  changes:
+  - message: You can now read the volume of a gas tank in its examine text
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 6967
+  time: '2024-07-22T21:41:42.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29771
+- author: Cojoke-dot
+  changes:
+  - message: Throwing a jetpack mid-flight will no longer freeze your character
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6968
+  time: '2024-07-22T22:24:26.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30223
+- author: Flareguy
+  changes:
+  - message: Added vox sprites for a few headwear items, including radiation suits
+      and the paramedic helmet.
+    type: Add
+  id: 6969
+  time: '2024-07-23T02:18:33.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30150
+- author: Cojoke-dot
+  changes:
+  - message: You can no longer use telescreens and televisions while blind or asleep.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6970
+  time: '2024-07-23T02:33:41.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30260
+- author: Cojoke-dot
+  changes:
+  - message: Fix one of the QSI popups
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6971
+  time: '2024-07-23T03:23:04.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30265
+- author: Errant
+  changes:
+  - message: Players are now notified when trying to insert an incompatible magazine
+      into a gun.
+    type: Add
+  id: 6972
+  time: '2024-07-23T06:36:06.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29046
+- author: TheKittehJesus
+  changes:
+  - message: The Syndicate Assault Borg can now wield their double esword
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6973
+  time: '2024-07-23T08:13:18.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30229
+- author: Scribbles0
+  changes:
+  - message: Handless mobs can no longer wipe devices like positronic brains or pAIs.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6974
+  time: '2024-07-23T17:47:08.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30149
+- author: Quantus
+  changes:
+  - message: Reagent grinders can no longer auto-grind when unpowered.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6975
+  time: '2024-07-23T21:02:07.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30267
+- author: BombasterDS
+  changes:
+  - message: Fixed items disappearing after shelfs and mannequin disassembling
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6976
+  time: '2024-07-24T08:57:03.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30313
+- author: Cojoke-dot
+  changes:
+  - message: Fix infinite QSI linking range
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6977
+  time: '2024-07-24T20:57:45.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30332
+- author: deltanedas
+  changes:
+  - message: Borgs can no longer unlock the robotics console or other borgs.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 6978
+  time: '2024-07-25T03:54:52.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/27888
+- author: themias
+  changes:
+  - message: Fixed the ripley control panel not loading
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6979
+  time: '2024-07-25T05:23:53.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30325
+- author: Timur2011
+  changes:
+  - message: Space adders are now butcherable.
+    type: Add
+  - message: Snakes now drop snake meat when butchered.
+    type: Fix
+  - message: Snakes now appear lying when in critical state.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 6980
+  time: '2024-07-25T10:52:18.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29629
+- author: Plykiya
+  changes:
+  - message: You can now build atmos gas pipes through things like walls.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 6981
+  time: '2024-07-25T23:26:06.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/28707
+- author: Ilya246
+  changes:
+  - message: Nuclear operative reinforcements now come with full nuclear operative
+      gear (and a toy carp) at no additional cost.
+    type: Tweak
+  - message: Nuclear operative reinforcements now get nuclear operative names.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 6982
+  time: '2024-07-25T23:37:54.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30173
+- author: Cojoke-dot
+  changes:
+  - message: Engineering goggles and other similar-looking eyewear now help block
+      identity.
+    type: Tweak
+  - message: Radiation suit's hood now blocks identity.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6983
+  time: '2024-07-26T05:26:05.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30305
+- author: Moomoobeef
+  changes:
+  - message: Some radio channel colors have been tweaked in order to be more easily
+      distinguishable.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 6984
+  time: '2024-07-26T06:47:20.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30133
+- author: Errant
+  changes:
+  - message: Replay ghosts now actually spawn on the proper station, take two.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6985
+  time: '2024-07-26T12:59:43.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30273
+- author: themias
+  changes:
+  - message: Arcade machines are functional again
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6986
+  time: '2024-07-26T17:30:50.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30376
+- author: themias
+  changes:
+  - message: Zombies now get uncuffed upon transformation
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6987
+  time: '2024-07-26T18:48:03.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30321
+- author: metalgearsloth
+  changes:
+  - message: Fix grid labels getting spammed from VGRoid.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6988
+  time: '2024-07-27T01:54:38.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29946
+- author: GoldenCan
+  changes:
+  - message: Added a Security Clown Mask which is obtainable by hacking a SecDrobe.
+    type: Add
+  id: 6989
+  time: '2024-07-27T04:09:24.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30249
+- author: Plykiya
+  changes:
+  - message: Thief game rule now properly selects more than one thief.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6990
+  time: '2024-07-27T07:27:21.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30393
+- author: BombasterDS
+  changes:
+  - message: Added new plant mutations for apple, sugarcane and galaxythistle
+    type: Add
+  id: 6991
+  time: '2024-07-27T15:08:49.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/28993
+- author: Spessmann
+  changes:
+  - message: Thief objectives for figurines and stamps now require less items
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 6992
+  time: '2024-07-27T23:11:27.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30390
+- author: metalgearsloth
+  changes:
+  - message: Moved VGRoid from 1,000m away to ~500m.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 6993
+  time: '2024-07-28T03:14:18.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29943
+- author: lzk228
+  changes:
+  - message: Fixed pancakes stacks. Before it, splitting not default pancakes stacks
+      would give you default pancakes.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6994
+  time: '2024-07-28T03:49:06.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30270
+- author: Plykiya
+  changes:
+  - message: Fixed the client mispredicting people slipping with their magboots turned
+      on
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6995
+  time: '2024-07-28T06:17:06.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30425
+- author: Katzenminer
+  changes:
+  - message: Pun and similar pets are no longer firemune
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6996
+  time: '2024-07-28T08:32:27.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30424
+- author: lzk228
+  changes:
+  - message: Fixed permanent absence of the approver string in cargo invoice.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6997
+  time: '2024-07-29T06:19:43.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29690
+- author: JIPDawg
+  changes:
+  - message: F9 is correctly bound to the Round End Summary window by default now.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 6998
+  time: '2024-07-29T06:49:28.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30438
+- author: githubuser508
+  changes:
+  - message: Candles crate and the ability for Cargo to order it.
+    type: Add
+  id: 6999
+  time: '2024-07-29T08:29:27.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29736
+- author: Blackern5000
+  changes:
+  - message: Emergency oxygen and fire lockers now generally contain more supplies
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 7000
+  time: '2024-07-29T09:57:04.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29230
+- author: Moomoobeef
+  changes:
+  - message: Added the ability to wear lizard plushies on your head!
+    type: Add
+  id: 7001
+  time: '2024-07-29T12:52:40.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30400
+- author: TurboTrackerss14
+  changes:
+  - message: Reduced Kobold ghostrole chance to mirror Monkey
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 7002
+  time: '2024-07-29T15:16:54.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30450
+- author: Ian321
+  changes:
+  - message: The Courser now comes with a defibrillator.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 7003
+  time: '2024-07-30T01:05:27.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30471
+- author: slarticodefast
+  changes:
+  - message: Fixed puppy Ian not counting as a thief steal target.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 7004
+  time: '2024-07-30T01:22:17.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30474
+- author: themias
+  changes:
+  - message: Added envelopes to the PTech and bureaucracy crate
+    type: Add
+  id: 7005
+  time: '2024-07-30T01:49:05.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30298
+- author: TheKittehJesus
+  changes:
+  - message: The recipe for chow mein, egg-fried rice, and both brownies now use liquid
+      egg instead of a whole egg.
+    type: Tweak
+  - message: Cake batter now also requires 5u of milk
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 7006
+  time: '2024-07-30T02:14:11.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30262
+- author: Plykiya
+  changes:
+  - message: Wearing something that covers your head will prevent your hair from being
+      cut.
+    type: Add
+  - message: You now see a popup when your hair is being altered.
+    type: Add
+  - message: The doafter for altering other people's hair now takes seven seconds.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 7007
+  time: '2024-07-30T02:17:28.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30366
+- author: Cojoke-dot
+  changes:
+  - message: Hamlet and other ghost rolls can now spin when they enter combat mode
+    type: Fix
+  id: 7008
+  time: '2024-07-30T02:48:28.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30478
+- author: themias
+  changes:
+  - message: Fixed the ACC wire not appearing in vending machine wire layouts
+    type: Fix
+  id: 7009
+  time: '2024-07-30T03:04:17.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30453
+- author: Blackern5000
+  changes:
+  - message: The defibrillator has been recolored slightly
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 7010
+  time: '2024-07-30T04:41:21.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29964
+- author: themias
+  changes:
+  - message: Fixed victim's fingerprints transferring onto an attacker's weapon
+    type: Fix
+  id: 7011
+  time: '2024-07-30T08:35:30.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30257
+- author: to4no_fix
+  changes:
+  - message: Now engineering access is needed to interact with the particle accelerator
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 7012
+  time: '2024-07-30T11:29:32.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30394
+- author: Cojoke-dot
+  changes:
+  - message: You can no longer get out of a disposal chute or container while knocked
+      over by trying to walk
+    type: Fix
+  id: 7013
+  time: '2024-07-30T13:53:44.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30391
+- author: Cojoke-dot
+  changes:
+  - message: QSI now swaps the top most valid container instead of QSI when placed
+      in an anchored container
+    type: Fix
+  id: 7014
+  time: '2024-07-30T14:07:35.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30241
+- author: TheShuEd
+  changes:
+  - message: industrial ore processor can now process diamonds
+    type: Fix
+  id: 7015
+  time: '2024-07-30T14:41:15.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30499
+- author: PJB3005
+  changes:
+  - message: CLF3 is now called "chlorine trifluoride"
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 7016
+  time: '2024-07-31T00:14:23.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30510
+- author: slarticodefast
+  changes:
+  - message: Fixed the mouse position when it is over a singularity distortion effect
+      while zoomed in or out.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 7017
+  time: '2024-07-31T00:14:49.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30509
+- author: metalgearsloth
+  changes:
+  - message: Add a button to the lobby so you can export a .png of your characters
+    type: Add
+  id: 7018
+  time: '2024-07-31T15:14:20.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29874
+- author: slarticodefast
+  changes:
+  - message: Skeletons no longer have fingerprints.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 7019
+  time: '2024-07-31T16:08:20.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30530
+- author: themias
+  changes:
+  - message: Pens can be clicked cathartically
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 7020
+  time: '2024-07-31T17:57:41.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30531
+- author: Plykiya
+  changes:
+  - message: Meteors now leave behind asteroid rocks on impact.
+    type: Add
+  id: 7021
+  time: '2024-08-01T02:55:02.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30419
+- author: PixelTheAertist
+  changes:
+  - message: The Social Anxiety trait is now renamed to "Stutter"
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 7022
+  time: '2024-08-01T02:58:16.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29898
+- author: Plykiya
+  changes:
+  - message: Adds hand labelers to the PTech, ChemDrobe, and LawDrobe.
+    type: Add
+  id: 7023
+  time: '2024-08-01T02:59:54.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29958
+- author: Ko4erga
+  changes:
+  - message: Added a cutter machine for crafting patterned steel tiles, concrete and
+      wooden tiles.
+    type: Add
+  - message: After rip off patterned tiles you get current pattern, not just steel
+      tile.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 7024
+  time: '2024-08-01T10:26:32.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30431
+- author: NakataRin
+  changes:
+  - message: Added paramedic to the train station.
+    type: Add
+  id: 7025
+  time: '2024-08-01T19:59:43.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30556
+- author: marbow
+  changes:
+  - message: Rejoice, detectives! Hand labeler has been added to your closet!
+    type: Add
+  id: 7026
+  time: '2024-08-01T20:01:05.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30501
+- author: metalgearsloth
+  changes:
+  - message: Fix some popups playing twice.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 7027
+  time: '2024-08-02T01:33:20.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30452
+- author: WarMechanic
+  changes:
+  - message: Adjusted meteors to have less lethal blast fragments.
+    type: Tweak
+  id: 7028
+  time: '2024-08-02T05:43:41.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/29199
+- author: slarticodefast
+  changes:
+  - message: Fixed borgs not being able to state laws or open other UIs without an
+      active module.
+    type: Fix
+  id: 7029
+  time: '2024-08-02T05:44:59.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30299
+- author: TropicalHibi
+  changes:
+  - message: Now fs (for sure) and wru (where are you) are changed to their full version
+      in text
+    type: Add
+  id: 7030
+  time: '2024-08-02T05:57:50.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30508
+- author: Plykiya
+  changes:
+  - message: Rechargers now show the percent charged of the item it is charging.
+    type: Add
+  id: 7031
+  time: '2024-08-02T06:05:38.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/28500
+- author: ShadowCommander
+  changes:
+  - message: Rollerbeds now deploy when holding them in hand and clicking on the ground.
+    type: Add
+  id: 7032
+  time: '2024-08-02T07:05:12.0000000+00:00'
+  url: https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/30000
diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/ChangelogADT.yml b/Resources/Changelog/ChangelogADT.yml
index b33040568ce..9cdbb356b83 100644
--- a/Resources/Changelog/ChangelogADT.yml
+++ b/Resources/Changelog/ChangelogADT.yml
@@ -2085,3 +2085,49 @@ Entries:
       - {message: 'Подтянуты коммиты с корвакса, 27.07.24', type: Tweak}
     time: '2024-07-27T16:15:51Z'
     id: 220
+  - author: Darki255
+    changes:
+      - {message: Перенесён патологоанатом., type: Add}
+    time: '2024-08-01T17:02:59Z'
+    id: 221
+  - author: KashRas2
+    changes:
+      - {message: Добавлен РРТ. Теперь атмосы стали намного лучше., type: Add}
+    time: '2024-08-02T08:03:42Z'
+    id: 222
+  - author: Schrodinger71
+    changes:
+      - {message: 'Подтянул коммиты Корвухов, 02.08.24.', type: Tweak}
+    time: '2024-08-03T12:00:54Z'
+    id: 223
+  - author: Darki255
+    changes:
+      - {message: Добавлены нианы, type: Add}
+    time: '2024-08-04T21:44:57Z'
+    id: 224
+  - author: FaDeOkno
+    changes:
+      - {message: Полный реворк системы языков., type: Tweak}
+      - {message: 'Языки теперь выделяются не названием, а цветом текста.', type: Tweak}
+      - {message: Упрощена система языков., type: Tweak}
+      - {message: Языковые импланты теперь можно извлечь., type: Tweak}
+      - {message: Меню языков теперь открывается при нажатии на кнопку L и имеет кнопку
+          в верхнем меню., type: Add}
+    time: '2024-08-06T17:55:45Z'
+    id: 225
+  - author: FaDeOkno
+    changes:
+      - {message: Добавлено иное отображение одежды на сумеречниках, type: Add}
+    time: '2024-08-06T20:18:47Z'
+    id: 226
+  - author: RipZoro1
+    changes:
+      - {message: Добавлена бола в СБтех, type: Add}
+      - {message: Добавлена шинель кадета в СБшкаф, type: Add}
+    time: '2024-08-07T00:49:59Z'
+    id: 227
+  - author: Шрёдька
+    changes:
+      - {message: 'Подтянуты коммиты с корвакса, 07.08.24', type: Tweak}
+    time: '2024-08-07T23:28:50Z'
+    id: 228
diff --git a/Resources/ConfigPresets/WizardsDen/wizardsDenGateway.toml b/Resources/ConfigPresets/WizardsDen/wizardsDenGateway.toml
index b0f955bddec..84288b8b85e 100644
--- a/Resources/ConfigPresets/WizardsDen/wizardsDenGateway.toml
+++ b/Resources/ConfigPresets/WizardsDen/wizardsDenGateway.toml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ baby_jail.enabled = true
 baby_jail.show_reason = true
 baby_jail.max_account_age = 5256000 # 10 years. Disabling this check specifically isn't currently supported
 baby_jail.max_overall_minutes = 3000 # 50 hours
-baby_jail.custom_reason = "Sorry! Only new players can join the servers, try joining another one instead!"
+baby_jail.custom_reason = "Sorry! Only new and whitelisted players can join this server. Apply to be whitelisted in our Discord server (discord.ss14.io) or try joining another server instead!"
 baby_jail.whitelisted_can_bypass = true
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/ipcAntenna.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/ipcAntenna.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec3efd9f553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/ipcAntenna.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+marking-RobotAntennaTv = Tv
+marking-RobotAntennaTesla = Tesla
+marking-RobotAntennaLightb = Light (alt)
+marking-RobotAntennaLight = Light
+marking-RobotAntennaCyberhead = Cyberhead
+marking-RobotAntennaSidelights = Sidelights
+marking-RobotAntennaAntlers = Antlers
+marking-RobotAntennaDroneeyes = Drone Eyes
+marking-RobotAntennaCrowned = Crowned
+marking-RobotAntennaTowers = Towers
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/ipcScreens.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/ipcScreens.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3f53f2d3f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/ipcScreens.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+marking-ScreenStatic = Static
+marking-ScreenBlue = Blue
+marking-ScreenBreakout = Breakout
+marking-ScreenEight = Eight
+marking-ScreenGoggles = Goggles
+marking-ScreenExclaim = Exclaim
+marking-ScreenHeart = Heart
+marking-ScreenMonoeye = Cyclops
+marking-ScreenNature = Naturalist
+marking-ScreenOrange = Orange
+marking-ScreenPink = Pink
+marking-ScreenQuestion = Question
+marking-ScreenShower = Shower
+marking-ScreenYellow = Yellow
+marking-ScreenScroll = Scroll
+marking-ScreenConsole = Console
+marking-ScreenRgb = RGB
+marking-ScreenGlider = Glider
+marking-ScreenRainbowhoriz = Horizontal Rainbow
+marking-ScreenBsod = BSOD
+marking-ScreenRedtext = Red Text
+marking-ScreenSinewave = Sinewave
+marking-ScreenSquarewave = Squarewave
+marking-ScreenEcgwave = ECG wave
+marking-ScreenEyes = Eyes
+marking-ScreenEyestall = Tall Eyes
+marking-ScreenEyesangry = Angry Eyes
+marking-ScreenLoading = Loading...
+marking-ScreenWindowsxp = Experience
+marking-ScreenTetris = NT Block Game
+marking-ScreenTv = Tv
+marking-ScreenTextdrop = Textdrop
+marking-ScreenStars = Stars
+marking-ScreenRainbowdiag = Diagonal Rainbow
+marking-ScreenBlank = Dead Pixel
+marking-ScreenSmile = Smiley
+marking-ScreenFrown = Frowny
+marking-ScreenRing = Ring
+marking-ScreenL = L
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ADT/traits/disabilities.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ADT/traits/disabilities.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..92289cb406e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ADT/traits/disabilities.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+trait-hemophilia-name = Hemophilia
+trait-hemophilia-desc = Your blood is clotting extremely badly.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/actions/actions/polymorph.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/actions/actions/polymorph.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4a65a60ecf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/actions/actions/polymorph.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+gera-transformation-popup = This action will transform you. Use it again to confirm.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/admin-verbs.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/admin-verbs.ftl
index 16715087ee4..24294f05298 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/admin-verbs.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/admin-verbs.ftl
@@ -14,3 +14,5 @@ admin-verbs-erase-description = Removes the player from the round and crew manif
     Players are shown a popup indicating them to play as if they never existed.
 toolshed-verb-mark = Mark
 toolshed-verb-mark-description = Places this entity into the $marked variable, a list of entities, replacing it's prior value.
+export-entity-verb-get-data-text = Export sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/bwoink.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/bwoink.ftl
index 3a92f58ad18..e43932dc1d3 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/bwoink.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/bwoink.ftl
@@ -16,3 +16,6 @@ admin-bwoink-play-sound = Bwoink?
 bwoink-title-none-selected = None selected
 bwoink-system-rate-limited = System: you are sending messages too quickly.
+bwoink-system-player-disconnecting = has disconnected.
+bwoink-system-player-reconnecting = has reconnected.
+bwoink-system-player-banned = has been banned for: {$banReason}
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/cargo/bounties.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/cargo/bounties.ftl
index 09424e49097..b5eeafb0b36 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/cargo/bounties.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/cargo/bounties.ftl
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ bounty-item-cardboard-box = Cardboard box
 bounty-item-wine = Wine bottle
 bounty-item-cotton-boll = Cotton boll
 bounty-item-microwave-machine-board = Microwave machine board
+bounty-item-flash = Flash
 bounty-description-artifact = NanoTrasen is in some hot water for stealing artifacts from non-spacefaring planets. Return one and we'll compensate you for it.
 bounty-description-baseball-bat = Baseball fever is going on at CentCom! Be a dear and ship them some baseball bats, so that management can live out their childhood dream.
@@ -132,3 +133,4 @@ bounty-description-cardobard-box = "The Cardborgs Cometh" is a new play premieri
 bounty-description-wine = The new librarian and the Quartermaster are falling head over heels for each other after she caught him disassembling the bookshelves for wood. Send a couple bottles of wine (Or cans, if you must) to help make the date go well.
 bounty-description-cotton-boll = A massive swarm of mothroaches ate all the paper and cloth on the station. Send us some cotton to help keep our winged crewmembers fed.
 bounty-description-microwave-machine-board = Mr. Giggles thought it'd be funny to stick forks in all the kitchen microwaves. Help us replace them before the chefs start making clown burgers.
+bounty-description-flashes = GREETINGS \[Station] WE REQUIRE 6 FLASHES DUE TO A NORMAL \[TrainingExercise] WITH SECURITY. EVERYTHING IS \[Normal].
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/cargo/cargo-console-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/cargo/cargo-console-component.ftl
index 3c032488b52..7114924c026 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/cargo/cargo-console-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/cargo/cargo-console-component.ftl
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ cargo-console-snip-snip = Order trimmed to capacity
 cargo-console-insufficient-funds = Insufficient funds (require {$cost})
 cargo-console-unfulfilled = No room to fulfill order
 cargo-console-trade-station = Sent to {$destination}
-cargo-console-unlock-approved-order-broadcast = [bold]{$productName} x{$orderAmount}[/bold], which cost [bold]{$cost}[/bold], was approved by [bold]{$approverName}, {$approverJob}[/bold]
+cargo-console-unlock-approved-order-broadcast = [bold]{$productName} x{$orderAmount}[/bold], which cost [bold]{$cost}[/bold], was approved by [bold]{$approver}[/bold]
 cargo-console-paper-print-name = Order #{$orderNumber}
 cargo-console-paper-print-text =
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/character-appearance/components/magic-mirror-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/character-appearance/components/magic-mirror-component.ftl
index e9018171a40..0906cccee50 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/character-appearance/components/magic-mirror-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/character-appearance/components/magic-mirror-component.ftl
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
 magic-mirror-component-activate-user-has-no-hair = You can't have any hair!
-magic-mirror-window-title = Magic Mirror
\ No newline at end of file
+magic-mirror-window-title = Magic Mirror
+magic-mirror-add-slot-self = You're giving yourself some hair.
+magic-mirror-remove-slot-self = You're removing some of your hair.
+magic-mirror-change-slot-self = You're changing your hairstyle.
+magic-mirror-change-color-self = You're changing your hair color.
+magic-mirror-add-slot-target = Hair is being added to you by {$user}.
+magic-mirror-remove-slot-target = Your hair is being cut off by {$user}.
+magic-mirror-change-slot-target = Your hairstyle is being changed by {$user}.
+magic-mirror-change-color-target = Your hair color is being changed by {$user}.
+magic-mirror-blocked-by-hat-self = You need to take off your hat before changing your hair.
+magic-mirror-blocked-by-hat-self-target = You try to change their hair but their clothes gets in the way.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/character-info/components/character-info-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/character-info/components/character-info-component.ftl
index 07a0dd696a3..b515c36c5a5 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/character-info/components/character-info-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/character-info/components/character-info-component.ftl
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 character-info-title = Character
 character-info-roles-antagonist-text = Antagonist Roles
 character-info-objectives-label = Objectives
+character-info-no-profession = No Profession
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/chemistry/components/solution-transfer-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/chemistry/components/solution-transfer-component.ftl
index 601392069b0..b966a9cc61d 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/chemistry/components/solution-transfer-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/chemistry/components/solution-transfer-component.ftl
@@ -15,3 +15,6 @@ comp-solution-transfer-verb-toggle = Toggle to {$amount}u
 ## Displayed after you successfully change a solution's amount using the BUI
 comp-solution-transfer-set-amount = Transfer amount set to {$amount}u.
+comp-solution-transfer-set-amount-max = Max: {$amount}u
+comp-solution-transfer-set-amount-min = Min: {$amount}u
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/examine/examine-system.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/examine/examine-system.ftl
index 243ba572576..fae6360e9b9 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/examine/examine-system.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/examine/examine-system.ftl
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ examine-system-cant-see-entity = You can't make out whatever that is.
 examine-verb-name = Basic
-examinable-anchored = It is [color=darkgreen]anchored[/color] to the floor
+examinable-anchored = It is [color=darkgreen]anchored[/color] to the floor.
-examinable-unanchored = It is [color=darkred]unanchored[/color] from the floor
+examinable-unanchored = It is [color=darkred]unanchored[/color] from the floor.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/game-ticking/game-ticker.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/game-ticking/game-ticker.ftl
index 9527ecb57d9..9c2d7bcf306 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/game-ticking/game-ticker.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/game-ticking/game-ticker.ftl
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ latejoin-arrival-announcement = {$character} ({$job}) has arrived at the station
 latejoin-arrival-sender = Station
 latejoin-arrivals-direction = A shuttle transferring you to your station will arrive shortly.
 latejoin-arrivals-direction-time = A shuttle transferring you to your station will arrive in {$time}.
+latejoin-arrivals-dumped-from-shuttle = A mysterious force prevents you from leaving with the arrivals shuttle.
+latejoin-arrivals-teleport-to-spawn = A mysterious force teleports you off the arrivals shuttle. Have a safe shift!
 preset-not-enough-ready-players = Can't start {$presetName}. Requires {$minimumPlayers} players but we have {$readyPlayersCount}.
 preset-no-one-ready = Can't start {$presetName}. No players are ready.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
index 98f31e0ab07..6dc214fc108 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
@@ -197,6 +197,19 @@ ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-name = Syndicate Agent
 ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-description = Someone needs reinforcements. You, the first person the syndicate could find, will help them.
 ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-rules = You are a [color=red][bold]Team Antagonist[/bold][/color] with the agent who summoned you.
+ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-medic-name = Syndicate Medic
+ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-medic-description = Someone needs reinforcements. Your task is to keep the agent who called you alive.
+ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-spy-name = Syndicate Spy
+ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-spy-description = Someone needs reinforcements. Your speciality lies in espionage, do not be discovered.
+ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-thief-name = Syndicate Thief
+ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-thief-description = Someone needs reinforcements. Your job is to break in and retrieve something valuable for your agent.
+ghost-role-information-nukeop-reinforcement-name = Nuclear Operative
+ghost-role-information-nukeop-reinforcement-description = The nuclear operatives need reinforcements. You, a reserve agent, will help them.
+ghost-role-information-nukeop-reinforcement-rules = You are a [color=red][bold]Team Antagonist[/bold][/color] with the nuclear operatives who summoned you.
 ghost-role-information-syndicate-monkey-reinforcement-name = Syndicate Monkey Agent
 ghost-role-information-syndicate-monkey-reinforcement-description = Someone needs reinforcements. You, a trained monkey, will help them.
 ghost-role-information-syndicate-monkey-reinforcement-rules = You are a [color=red][bold]Team Antagonist[/bold][/color] with the agent who summoned you.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/lathe/recipes.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/lathe/recipes.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..99186c5b659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/lathe/recipes.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+lathe-recipe-Medkit-name = first aid kit (empty)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitBurn-name = burn treatment kit (empty)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitToxin-name = toxin treatment kit (empty)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitO2-name = oxygen deprivation treatment kit (empty)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitBrute-name = brute trauma treatment kit (empty)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitAdvanced-name = advanced first aid kit (empty)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitRadiation-name = radiation treatment kit (empty)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitCombat-name = combat medical kit (empty)
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/lathe/ui/lathe-menu.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/lathe/ui/lathe-menu.ftl
index 71dd50d4091..16b67022ad5 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/lathe/ui/lathe-menu.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/lathe/ui/lathe-menu.ftl
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ lathe-menu-search-designs = Search designs
 lathe-menu-category-all = All
 lathe-menu-search-filter = Filter:
 lathe-menu-amount = Amount:
+lathe-menu-reagent-slot-examine = It has a slot for a beaker on the side.
+lathe-reagent-dispense-no-container = Liquid pours out of {THE($name)} onto the floor!
+lathe-menu-result-reagent-display = {$reagent} ({$amount}u)
 lathe-menu-material-display = {$material} ({$amount})
 lathe-menu-tooltip-display = {$amount} of {$material}
 lathe-menu-description-display = [italic]{$description}[/italic]
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/lock/locking-whitelist-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/lock/locking-whitelist-component.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..182814c2c56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/lock/locking-whitelist-component.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+locking-whitelist-component-lock-toggle-deny = You can't toggle the lock.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/mass-media/news-ui.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/mass-media/news-ui.ftl
index 1553a24b4af..678f20a81af 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/mass-media/news-ui.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/mass-media/news-ui.ftl
@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ news-write-ui-richtext-tooltip = News articles support rich text
 news-pda-notification-header = New news article
-news-publish-admin-announcement = {$actor} published news article {$title} by {$author}"
+news-publish-admin-announcement = {$actor} published news article {$title} by {$author}
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/paper/envelope.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/paper/envelope.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb7993d2840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/paper/envelope.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+envelope-verb-seal = Seal
+envelope-verb-tear = Tear
+envelope-letter-slot = Letter
+envelope-sealed-examine = [color=gray]{CAPITALIZE(THE($envelope))} is sealed.[/color]
+envelope-torn-examine = [color=yellow]{CAPITALIZE(THE($envelope))} is torn and unusable![/color]
+envelope-default-message = TO: 
+  FROM: 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/power/components/charger.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/power/components/charger.ftl
index 1a6e72f43e9..9ac16a2d46e 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/power/components/charger.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/power/components/charger.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
 charger-examine = Charges at [color={$color}]{$chargeRate}W[/color].
 charger-component-charge-rate = Charge rate
+charger-content = Current charge is at [color=#5E7C16]{$chargePercentage}[/color]%.
+charger-empty = There is nothing in the charger.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/preferences/ui/humanoid-profile-editor.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/preferences/ui/humanoid-profile-editor.ftl
index bfdbeb2f140..04ea0d9d51f 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/preferences/ui/humanoid-profile-editor.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/preferences/ui/humanoid-profile-editor.ftl
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ humanoid-profile-editor-pronouns-epicene-text = They / Them
 humanoid-profile-editor-pronouns-neuter-text = It / It
 humanoid-profile-editor-import-button = Import
 humanoid-profile-editor-export-button = Export
+humanoid-profile-editor-export-image-button = Export image
+humanoid-profile-editor-open-image-button = Open images
 humanoid-profile-editor-save-button = Save
 humanoid-profile-editor-reset-button = Reset
 humanoid-profile-editor-spawn-priority-label = Spawn priority:
@@ -58,4 +60,5 @@ humanoid-profile-editor-no-traits = No traits available
 humanoid-profile-editor-trait-count-hint = Points available: [{$current}/{$max}]
 trait-category-disabilities = Disabilities
-trait-category-speech = Speech traits
\ No newline at end of file
+trait-category-speech = Speech traits
+trait-category-quirks = Quirks
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/procedural/expeditions.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/procedural/expeditions.ftl
index b7bbdbce2f9..56776e351d2 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/procedural/expeditions.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/procedural/expeditions.ftl
@@ -32,3 +32,34 @@ salvage-expedition-announcement-countdown-seconds = {$duration} seconds remainin
 salvage-expedition-announcement-dungeon = Dungeon is located {$direction}.
 salvage-expedition-completed = Expedition is completed.
 salvage-expedition-reward-description = Mission completion reward
+# Salvage biome mod
+salvage-biome-mod-caves = Caves
+salvage-biome-mod-grasslands = Grasslands
+salvage-biome-mod-snow = Snow
+salvage-biome-mod-lava = Lava
+# Salvage mods
+salvage-light-mod-daylight = Daylight
+salvage-light-mod-evening = Evening
+salvage-light-mod-night = Night time
+salvage-temperature-mod-room-temperature = Room temperature
+salvage-temperature-mod-hot = Hot
+salvage-temperature-mod-high-temperature = High temperature
+salvage-temperature-mod-extreme-heat = Extreme heat
+salvage-temperature-mod-cold = Cold
+salvage-temperature-mod-low-temperature = Low temperature
+salvage-temperature-mod-extreme-cold = Extreme cold
+salvage-air-mod-no-atmosphere = No atmosphere
+salvage-air-mod-breathable-atmosphere = Breathable atmosphere
+salvage-air-mod-dangerous-atmosphere = Dangerous atmosphere
+salvage-air-mod-toxic-atmosphere = Toxic atmosphere
+salvage-air-mod-volatile-atmosphere = Volatile atmosphere
+salvage-dungeon-mod-lava-brig = Lava Brig
+salvage-dungeon-mod-snowy-labs = Snowy labs
+salvage-dungeon-mod-experiment = Experiment
+salvage-dungeon-mod-haunted = Haunted
+salvage-dungeon-mod-mineshaft = Mineshaft
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/procedural/salvage-faction.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/procedural/salvage-faction.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d3bed816f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/procedural/salvage-faction.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+salvage-faction-xenos = Xenos
+salvage-faction-carps = Carps
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/reagents/meta/pyrotechnic.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/reagents/meta/pyrotechnic.ftl
index 87ebe38e216..07bb47678fa 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/reagents/meta/pyrotechnic.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/reagents/meta/pyrotechnic.ftl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ reagent-desc-napalm = It's just a little flammable.
 reagent-name-phlogiston = phlogiston
 reagent-desc-phlogiston = Catches you on fire and makes you ignite.
-reagent-name-chlorine-trifluoride = CLF3
+reagent-name-chlorine-trifluoride = chlorine trifluoride
 reagent-desc-chlorine-trifluoride = You really, REALLY don't want to get this shit anywhere near you.
 reagent-name-foaming-agent = foaming agent
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/seeds/seeds.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/seeds/seeds.ftl
index 2dc0b88c747..f98118c23eb 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/seeds/seeds.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/seeds/seeds.ftl
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ seeds-potato-name = potato
 seeds-potato-display-name = potatoes
 seeds-sugarcane-name = sugarcane
 seeds-sugarcane-display-name = sugarcanes
+seeds-papercane-name = papercane
+seeds-papercane-display-name = papercanes
 seeds-towercap-name = tower cap
 seeds-towercap-display-name = tower caps
 seeds-steelcap-name = steel cap
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@ seeds-eggplant-name = eggplant
 seeds-eggplant-display-name = eggplants
 seeds-apple-name = apple
 seeds-apple-display-name = apple tree
+seeds-goldenapple-name = golden apple
+seeds-goldenapple-display-name = golden apple tree
 seeds-corn-name = corn
 seeds-corn-display-name = ears of corn
 seeds-onion-name = onion
@@ -88,6 +92,8 @@ seeds-ambrosiadeus-name = ambrosia deus
 seeds-ambrosiadeus-display-name = ambrosia deus
 seeds-galaxythistle-name = galaxythistle
 seeds-galaxythistle-display-name = galaxythistle
+seeds-glasstle-name = glasstle
+seeds-glasstle-display-name = glasstle
 seeds-flyamanita-name = fly amanita
 seeds-flyamanita-display-name = fly amanita
 seeds-gatfruit-name = gatfruit
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/speech/speech-chatsan.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/speech/speech-chatsan.ftl
index df6cde00a2c..3e1c3fedb68 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/speech/speech-chatsan.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/speech/speech-chatsan.ftl
@@ -135,3 +135,18 @@ chatsan-replacement-48 = right now
 chatsan-word-49 = atm
 chatsan-replacement-49 = at the moment
+chatsan-word-50 = istg
+chatsan-replacement-50 = I swear to god
+chatsan-word-51 = rq
+chatsan-replacement-51 = real quick
+chatsan-word-52 = dw
+chatsan-replacement-52 = don't worry
+chatsan-word-53 = wru
+chatsan-replacement-53 = where are you
+chatsan-word-54 = fs
+chatsan-replacement-54 = for sure
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/boxes/general.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/boxes/general.ftl
index 1e4b064985e..26345596856 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/boxes/general.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/boxes/general.ftl
@@ -58,3 +58,5 @@ ent-BoxCandleSmall = small candle box
     .desc = { ent-BoxCandle.desc }
 ent-BoxDarts = darts box
     .desc = A box filled with colorful darts.
+ent-BoxEnvelope = envelope box
+    .desc = A box filled with envelopes.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/permaescape.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/permaescape.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0d8a90d4c78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/permaescape.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ent-CratePermaEscapeSpawner = Perma Escape Crate Spawner
+    .desc = { ent-CrateEmptySpawner.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeDigging = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Digging
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeEVA = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = EVAs
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeGun = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Gun
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeBureaucracy = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Writing
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeLights = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Glowsticks
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeMats = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Mats
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeGiftsFromSyndicate = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Syndi Gifts
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeMerc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Merc
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeComs = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Coms
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeTowercap = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Towercap
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/service.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/service.ftl
index 7f8340df114..fd603593729 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/service.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/service.ftl
@@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ ent-CrateJanitorBiosuit = janitor bio suit crate
 ent-CrateTrashCartFilled = { ent-CrateTrashCart }
     .suffix = Filled
     .desc = { ent-CrateTrashCart.desc }
+ent-CrateCandles = candles crate
+    .desc = Contains 4 boxes of candles, 2 large and 2 small. For atmosphere or something.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/items/misc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/items/misc.ftl
index 500fda47a43..f75ab1d9c0b 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/items/misc.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/items/misc.ftl
@@ -11,3 +11,6 @@ ent-ClothingShoesHighheelBootsFilled = { ent-ClothingShoesHighheelBoots }
 ent-ClothingShoesBootsMercFilled = { ent-ClothingShoesBootsMerc }
     .suffix = Filled
     .desc = { ent-ClothingShoesBootsMerc.desc }
+ent-ClothingShoesBootsSyndieFilled = { ent-ClothingShoesBootsCombat }
+    .suffix = Filled, Throwing Knife
+    .desc = { ent-ClothingShoesBootsCombat.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/hats.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/hats.ftl
index 5f3d535df0c..b2896f84915 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/hats.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/hats.ftl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ent-ClothingHeadHatBeaverHat = beaver hat
     .desc = Gentlemen?
 ent-ClothingHeadHatBeret = beret
     .desc = A beret, an artists favorite headwear.
-ent-ClothingHeadHatBeretFrench = French beret
+ent-ClothingHeadHatBeretFrench = french beret
     .desc = A French beret, "vive la France".
 ent-ClothingHeadHatBeretSecurity = security beret
     .desc = A stylish clothing option for security officers.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/masks/masks.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/masks/masks.ftl
index 441cc2fab4a..241114af781 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/masks/masks.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/masks/masks.ftl
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ ent-ClothingMaskClown = { ent-ClothingMaskClownBase }
     .desc = { ent-ClothingMaskClownBase.desc }
 ent-ClothingMaskClownBanana = banana clown wig and mask
     .desc = { ent-ClothingMaskClown.desc }
+ent-ClothingMaskClownSecurity = security clown wig and mask
+    .desc = A debatably oxymoronic but protective mask and wig.
 ent-ClothingMaskJoy = joy mask
     .desc = Express your happiness or hide your sorrows with this laughing face with crying tears of joy cutout.
 ent-ClothingMaskMime = mime mask
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/shoes/magboots.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/shoes/magboots.ftl
index 1602c9b85aa..3cd4b66f5b6 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/shoes/magboots.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/shoes/magboots.ftl
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ ent-ClothingShoesBootsMagSci = { ent-ClothingShoesBootsMag }
 ent-ClothingShoesBootsMagBlinding = magboots of blinding speed
     .desc = These would look fetching on a fetcher like you.
 ent-ClothingShoesBootsMagSyndie = blood-red magboots
-    .desc = Reverse-engineered magnetic boots that have a heavy magnetic pull and integrated thrusters.
+    .desc = Reverse-engineered magnetic boots that have a heavy magnetic pull and integrated thrusters. It can hold 0.75 L of gas.
 ent-ActionToggleMagboots = Toggle Magboots
     .desc = Toggles the magboots on and off.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/foldable.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/foldable.ftl
index 5527068eeb7..a08a63b68e6 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/foldable.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/foldable.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
 ent-BaseFoldable = foldable
     .desc = { "" }
+ent-BaseDeployFoldable = deploy foldable
+    .desc = { ent-BaseFoldable.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/markers/spawners/temp.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/markers/spawners/temp.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0fddc4a73ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/markers/spawners/temp.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ent-TemporaryEntityForTimedDespawnSpawners = { "" }
+    .desc = { "" }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/elemental.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/elemental.ftl
index 9f848b2e731..52f9254698e 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/elemental.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/elemental.ftl
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ent-MobUraniumCrab = { ent-MobOreCrab }
     .desc = An ore crab made from uranium.
 ent-MobSilverCrab = ore crab
     .desc = An ore crab made from silver.
-ent-ReagentSlime = Reagent slime
+ent-ReagentSlime = reagent slime
     .desc = It consists of a liquid, and it wants to dissolve you in itself.
     .suffix = Water
 ent-ReagentSlimeSpawner = Reagent Slime Spawner
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/mimic.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/mimic.ftl
index 5d5dd3887f6..e53e6badbb7 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/mimic.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/mimic.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ent-MobMimic = Mimic
+ent-MobMimic = mimic
     .desc = Surprise.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/regalrat.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/regalrat.ftl
index e7de8e62c40..e5f34ba1311 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/regalrat.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/regalrat.ftl
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-ent-MobRatKing = Rat King
+ent-MobRatKing = rat king
     .desc = He's da rat. He make da roolz.
 ent-MobRatKingBuff = { ent-MobRatKing }
     .suffix = Buff
     .desc = { ent-MobRatKing.desc }
-ent-MobRatServant = Rat Servant
+ent-MobRatServant = rat servant
     .desc = He's da mini rat. He don't make da roolz.
 ent-ActionRatKingRaiseArmy = Raise Army
     .desc = Spend some hunger to summon an allied rat to help defend you.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/xeno.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/xeno.ftl
index d54c283ada4..0c01e06a6dc 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/xeno.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/npcs/xeno.ftl
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-ent-MobXeno = Burrower
+ent-MobXeno = burrower
     .desc = They mostly come at night. Mostly.
-ent-MobXenoPraetorian = Praetorian
+ent-MobXenoPraetorian = praetorian
     .desc = { ent-MobXeno.desc }
-ent-MobXenoDrone = Drone
+ent-MobXenoDrone = drone
     .desc = { ent-MobXeno.desc }
-ent-MobXenoQueen = Queen
+ent-MobXenoQueen = queen
     .desc = { ent-MobXeno.desc }
-ent-MobXenoRavager = Ravager
+ent-MobXenoRavager = ravager
     .desc = { ent-MobXeno.desc }
-ent-MobXenoRunner = Runner
+ent-MobXenoRunner = runner
     .desc = { ent-MobXeno.desc }
-ent-MobXenoRouny = Rouny
+ent-MobXenoRouny = rouny
     .desc = { ent-MobXenoRunner.desc }
-ent-MobXenoSpitter = Spitter
+ent-MobXenoSpitter = spitter
     .desc = { ent-MobXeno.desc }
 ent-MobPurpleSnake = space adder
     .desc = A menacing purple snake from Kepler-283c.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/human.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/human.ftl
index d3051c9ac44..e2f9129a769 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/human.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/human.ftl
@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentBase = syndicate agent
 ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgent = syndicate agent
     .suffix = Human, Traitor
     .desc = { ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentBase.desc }
+ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentMedic = syndicate medic
+    .desc = { ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgent.desc }
+ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentSpy = syndicate spy
+    .desc = { ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgent.desc }
+ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentThief = syndicate thief
+    .desc = { ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgent.desc }
 ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentNukeops = { ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentBase }
     .suffix = Human, NukeOps
     .desc = { ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentBase.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/moth.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/moth.ftl
index 21ab09dd517..ecff67f7422 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/moth.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/moth.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ent-MobMoth = Urist McFluff
-    .desc = { ent-BaseMobMoth.desc }
+#ent-MobMoth = Urist McFluff
+#    .desc = { ent-BaseMobMoth.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/species/moth.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/species/moth.ftl
index 835d8a2aea3..174979f062f 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/species/moth.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/species/moth.ftl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-ent-BaseMobMoth = Urist McFluff
-    .desc = { ent-BaseMobSpeciesOrganic.desc }
-ent-MobMothDummy = { ent-BaseSpeciesDummy }
-    .desc = { ent-BaseSpeciesDummy.desc }
+#ent-BaseMobMoth = Urist McFluff
+#    .desc = { ent-BaseMobSpeciesOrganic.desc }
+#ent-MobMothDummy = { ent-BaseSpeciesDummy }
+#    .desc = { ent-BaseSpeciesDummy.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/drinks/drinks_bottles.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/drinks/drinks_bottles.ftl
index f3fc14bce12..3c822e38f66 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/drinks/drinks_bottles.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/drinks/drinks_bottles.ftl
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ ent-DrinkJuiceLimeCartonXL = lime juice XL
     .desc = Sweet-sour goodness.
 ent-DrinkJuiceOrangeCartonXL = orange juice XL
     .desc = Full of vitamins and deliciousness!
-ent-DrinkCreamCartonXL = Milk Cream XL
+ent-DrinkCreamCartonXL = milk cream XL
     .desc = It's cream. Made from milk. What else did you think you'd find in there?
 ent-DrinkSugarJug = sugar jug
     .desc = some people put this in their coffee...
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/drinks/drinks_cups.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/drinks/drinks_cups.ftl
index 8ec8b8eb74a..b581dab89bb 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/drinks/drinks_cups.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/drinks/drinks_cups.ftl
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ ent-DrinkTeacup = teacup
     .desc = A plain white porcelain teacup.
 ent-DrinkGreenTea = green tea
     .desc = A plain white porcelain teacup.
-ent-DrinkLean = grape Juice
+ent-DrinkLean = grape juice
     .desc = Damn, no fun allowed.
 ent-DrinkWaterCup = water cup
     .desc = A paper water cup.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/baked/pizza.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/baked/pizza.ftl
index 87f0af7105d..7adda7453e2 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/baked/pizza.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/baked/pizza.ftl
@@ -40,3 +40,7 @@ ent-FoodPizzaArnoldSlice = slice of Arnold's pizza
     .desc = I come over, maybe I give you a pizza, maybe I break off your arm.
 ent-FoodPizzaMoldySlice = slice of moldy pizza
     .desc = Once a perfectly good slice of pizza pie, but now it lies here, rancid and bursting with spores.
+ent-FoodPizzaUranium = spicy rock pizza
+    .desc = Spicy pizza covered in peppers and uranium.
+ent-FoodPizzaUraniumSlice = slice of spicy rock pizza
+    .desc = A glowing slice of spicy rock pizza.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/produce.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/produce.ftl
index dcb46286634..b4e2e5f295c 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/produce.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/produce.ftl
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ ent-OatBushel = oat bushel
     .desc = Eat oats, do squats.
 ent-Sugarcane = sugarcane
     .desc = Sickly sweet.
+ent-Papercane = papercane roll
+    .desc = Why do we even need to grow paper?
 ent-FoodLaughinPeaPod = laughin' pea pod
     .desc = The clown's favorite plant.
 ent-Log = tower-cap log
@@ -58,6 +60,8 @@ ent-FoodEggplant = eggplant
     .desc = Maybe there's a chicken inside?
 ent-FoodApple = apple
     .desc = It's a little piece of Eden.
+ent-FoodGoldenApple = golden apple
+    .desc = It should be shaped like a cube, shouldn't it?
 ent-FoodCocoaPod = cocoa pod
     .desc = You can never have too much chocolate!
 ent-FoodCorn = ear of corn
@@ -96,6 +100,8 @@ ent-FoodAmbrosiaDeus = ambrosia deus
     .desc = An extremely sought-after medicinal plant. May have some funky side effects.
 ent-FoodGalaxythistle = galaxythistle
     .desc = A medicinal plant used for its antitoxin.
+ent-FoodGlasstle = glasstle
+    .desc = A fragile crystal plant with lot of spiky thorns.
 ent-FoodFlyAmanita = fly amanita
     .desc = A delicious-looking mushroom like you see in those cartoons.
 ent-FoodGatfruit = gatfruit
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/circuitboards/machine/production.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/circuitboards/machine/production.ftl
index 7048cfd0e23..c4e7432b640 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/circuitboards/machine/production.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/circuitboards/machine/production.ftl
@@ -154,3 +154,5 @@ ent-ReagentGrinderIndustrialMachineCircuitboard = industrial reagent grinder mac
     .desc = { ent-BaseMachineCircuitboard.desc }
 ent-JukeboxCircuitBoard = jukebox machine board
     .desc = A machine printed circuit board for a jukebox.
+ent-CutterMachineCircuitboard = cutter machine board
+    .desc = { ent-BaseMachineCircuitboard.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/syndicate_gadgets/reinforcement_teleporter.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/syndicate_gadgets/reinforcement_teleporter.ftl
index 860a2206828..75e99c1406a 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/syndicate_gadgets/reinforcement_teleporter.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/syndicate_gadgets/reinforcement_teleporter.ftl
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-ent-ReinforcementRadioSyndicate = syndicate reinforcement radio
+ent-ReinforcementRadio = syndicate reinforcement radio
     .desc = Call in a syndicate agent of questionable quality, instantly! Only basic equipment provided.
-ent-ReinforcementRadioSyndicateNukeops = { ent-ReinforcementRadioSyndicate }
+ent-ReinforcementRadioSyndicate = syndicate reinforcement radio
+    .desc = Call in a syndicate agent of questionable quality, instantly!
+ent-ReinforcementRadioSyndicateNukeops = nuclear operative radio
+    .desc = Call in a nuclear operative of questionable quality, instantly! Basic nukeop equipment provided.
     .suffix = NukeOps
-    .desc = { ent-ReinforcementRadioSyndicate.desc }
 ent-ReinforcementRadioSyndicateAncestor = syndicate genetic ancestor reinforcement radio
     .desc = Calls in a specially trained ancestor of your choosing to assist you.
 ent-ReinforcementRadioSyndicateAncestorNukeops = { ent-ReinforcementRadioSyndicateAncestor }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/books_author.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/books_author.ftl
index dbd557ac5be..83255d03cac 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/books_author.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/books_author.ftl
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ ent-BookIanRanch = the adventures of ian and renault - ranch expedition
     .desc = The book appears to be new, with crisp pages and an unblemished cover. The cover features a colorful illustration of Ian and Renault, surrounded by various animals they encountered on the ranch, including horses, cows, and chickens. The title, "The Adventures of Ian and Renault - Ranch Expedition," is written in bold letters above the image, with the subtitle, "Helping Animals in Need," written below.
 ent-BookIanOcean = the adventures of ian and renault - an ocean adventure
     .desc = The book is new and in excellent condition. The cover shows Ian and Renault running and playing on the beach, with the blue ocean and golden sand in the background. The title is written in bold, playful letters, and the subtitle reads "An Ocean Adventure."
-ent-BookIanMountain = the adventures of ian and renault - A mountain expedition
+ent-BookIanMountain = the adventures of ian and renault - a mountain expedition
     .desc = The book is in new condition. The cover is a stunning mountain landscape with Ian and Renault in the foreground, looking out over the vista of the surrounding peaks and valleys. The title is written in bold, block letters at the top, with the subtitle, "A Mountain Expedition," written underneath.
 ent-BookIanCity = the adventures of ian and renault - exploring the city
     .desc = The book is in new condition, with crisp pages and a glossy cover. The cover features a colorful illustration of Ian and Renault exploring the city, with tall buildings and bustling streets in the background. Ian is leading the way, with his tail wagging excitedly, while Renault follows close behind, her ears perked up and her eyes wide with wonder. The title, "The Adventures of Ian and Renault," is written in bold, playful letters, with the subtitle, "Exploring the City," written below in smaller font.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/paper.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/paper.ftl
index eee0e0bf5d9..16968f14313 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/paper.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/paper.ftl
@@ -53,3 +53,5 @@ ent-BoxFolderCentComClipboard = CentCom clipboard
     .desc = A luxurious clipboard upholstered with green velvet. Often seen carried by CentCom officials, seldom seen actually used.
 ent-BoxFolderQmClipboard = requisition digi-board
     .desc = A bulky electric clipboard, filled with shipping orders and financing details. With so many compromising documents, you ought to keep this safe.
+ent-Envelope = envelope
+    .desc = A small envelope for keeping prying eyes off of your sensitive documents.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/tiles.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/tiles.ftl
index 1872afee3ae..fcad61524c0 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/tiles.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/tiles.ftl
@@ -1,18 +1,66 @@
 ent-FloorTileItemBase = { ent-BaseItem }
     .desc = These could work as a pretty decent throwing weapon.
-ent-FloorTileItemSteel = steel tile
-    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemSteelCheckerDark = steel dark checker tile
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemSteelCheckerLight = steel light checker tile
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
-ent-FloorTileItemMetalDiamond = steel tile
+ent-FloorTileItemDark = dark tile
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
-ent-FloorTileItemWood = wood floor
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkDiagonalMini = dark steel diagonal mini tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkDiagonal = dark steel diagonal tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkHerringbone = dark steel herringbone
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkMini = dark steel mini tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkMono = dark steel mono tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkPavement = dark steel pavement
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkPavementVertical = dark steel vertical pavement
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkOffset = offset dark steel tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteel = steel tile
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelOffset = offset steel tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelDiagonalMini = steel diagonal mini tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelDiagonal = steel diagonal tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelHerringbone = steel herringbone
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelMini = steel mini tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelMono = steel mono tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelPavement = steel pavement
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelPavementVertical = steel vertical pavement
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemWhite = white tile
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
-ent-FloorTileItemDark = dark tile
+ent-FloorTileItemWhiteOffset = offset white steel tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonalMini = white steel diagonal mini tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonal = white steel diagonal tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhiteHerringbone = white steel herringbone
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhiteMini = white steel mini tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhiteMono = white steel mono tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhitePavement = white steel pavement
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhitePavementVertical = white steel vertical pavement
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemMetalDiamond = steel tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWood = wood floor
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemTechmaint = techmaint floor
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
@@ -58,10 +106,22 @@ ent-FloorTileItemLaundry = laundry tile
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemConcrete = concrete tile
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemConcreteMono = concrete mono tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemConcrete.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemConcreteSmooth = concrete smooth
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemConcrete.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemGrayConcrete = gray concrete tile
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemGrayConcreteMono = gray concrete mono tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemGrayConcrete.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemGrayConcreteSmooth = gray concrete smooth
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemGrayConcrete.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemOldConcrete = old concrete tile
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemOldConcreteMono = old concrete mono tile
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemOldConcrete.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemOldConcreteSmooth = old concrete smooth
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemOldConcrete.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemArcadeBlue = blue arcade floor
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemArcadeBlue2 = blue arcade floor
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/specific/hydroponics/seeds.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/specific/hydroponics/seeds.ftl
index 1cf9147ad36..f55d06c11f1 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/specific/hydroponics/seeds.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/specific/hydroponics/seeds.ftl
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ ent-PotatoSeeds = packet of potato seeds
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-SugarcaneSeeds = packet of sugarcane seeds
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
+ent-PapercaneSeeds = packet of papercane seeds
+    .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-TowercapSeeds = packet of tower cap spores
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-SteelcapSeeds = packet of steel cap spores
@@ -46,6 +48,8 @@ ent-EggplantSeeds = packet of eggplant seeds
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-AppleSeeds = packet of apple seeds
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
+ent-GoldenAppleSeeds = packet of golden apple seeds
+    .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-CornSeeds = packet of corn seeds
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-ChanterelleSeeds = packet of chanterelle spores
@@ -80,6 +84,8 @@ ent-AmbrosiaDeusSeeds = packet of ambrosia deus seeds
     .desc = A medicinal plant for the gods themselves.
 ent-GalaxythistleSeeds = packet of galaxythistle seeds
     .desc = Brushes of starry nights.
+ent-GlasstleSeeds = packet of glasstle seeds
+    .desc = Scars of gloomy nights.
 ent-FlyAmanitaSeeds = packet of fly amanita spores
     .desc = The iconic, extremely deadly mushroom to be used for purely ornamental purposes.
 ent-GatfruitSeeds = packet of gatfruit seeds
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/specific/kitchen/foodcarts.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/specific/kitchen/foodcarts.ftl
index 52a78d57613..17890cd9a83 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/specific/kitchen/foodcarts.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/specific/kitchen/foodcarts.ftl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-ent-FoodCartBase = Food Cart
+ent-FoodCartBase = food cart
     .desc = A cart for food.
 ent-FoodCartHot = hot food cart
     .desc = Get out there and slang some dogs.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/gas_tanks.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/gas_tanks.ftl
index eab846759ad..9fcd19d4792 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/gas_tanks.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/gas_tanks.ftl
@@ -3,26 +3,26 @@ ent-GasTankBase = { ent-BaseItem }
 ent-GasTankRoundBase = { ent-GasTankBase }
     .desc = { ent-GasTankBase.desc }
 ent-OxygenTank = oxygen tank
-    .desc = A standard cylindrical gas tank for oxygen.
+    .desc = A standard cylindrical gas tank for oxygen. It can hold 5 L of gas.
 ent-NitrogenTank = nitrogen tank
-    .desc = A standard cylindrical gas tank for nitrogen.
+    .desc = A standard cylindrical gas tank for nitrogen. It can hold 5 L of gas.
 ent-EmergencyOxygenTank = emergency oxygen tank
-    .desc = An easily portable tank for emergencies. Contains very little oxygen, rated for survival use only.
+    .desc = An easily portable tank for emergencies. Contains very little oxygen, rated for survival use only. It can hold 0.66 L of gas.
 ent-EmergencyNitrogenTank = emergency nitrogen tank
-    .desc = An easily portable tank for emergencies. Contains very little nitrogen, rated for survival use only.
+    .desc = An easily portable tank for emergencies. Contains very little nitrogen, rated for survival use only. It can hold 0.66 L of gas.
 ent-ExtendedEmergencyOxygenTank = extended-capacity emergency oxygen tank
-    .desc = An emergency tank with extended capacity. Technically rated for prolonged use.
+    .desc = An emergency tank with extended capacity. Technically rated for prolonged use. It can hold 1.5 L of gas.
 ent-ExtendedEmergencyNitrogenTank = extended-capacity emergency nitrogen tank
-    .desc = An emergency tank with extended capacity. Technically rated for prolonged use.
+    .desc = An emergency tank with extended capacity. Technically rated for prolonged use. It can hold 1.5 L of gas.
 ent-DoubleEmergencyOxygenTank = double emergency oxygen tank
-    .desc = A high-grade dual-tank emergency life support container. It holds a decent amount of oxygen for it's small size.
+    .desc = A high-grade dual-tank emergency life support container. It holds a decent amount of oxygen for it's small size. It can hold 2.5 L of gas.
 ent-DoubleEmergencyNitrogenTank = double emergency nitrogen tank
-    .desc = A high-grade dual-tank emergency life support container. It holds a decent amount of nitrogen for its small size.
+    .desc = A high-grade dual-tank emergency life support container. It holds a decent amount of nitrogen for its small size. It can hold 2.5 L of gas.
 ent-EmergencyFunnyOxygenTank = funny emergency oxygen tank
-    .desc = An easily portable tank for emergencies. Contains very little oxygen with an extra of funny gas, rated for survival use only.
+    .desc = An easily portable tank for emergencies. Contains very little oxygen with an extra of funny gas, rated for survival use only. It can hold 0.66 L of gas.
 ent-AirTank = air tank
-    .desc = Mixed anyone?
+    .desc = Mixed anyone? It can hold 5 L of gas.
 ent-NitrousOxideTank = nitrous oxide tank
-    .desc = Contains a mixture of air and nitrous oxide. Make sure you don't refill it with pure N2O.
+    .desc = Contains a mixture of air and nitrous oxide. Make sure you don't refill it with pure N2O. It can hold 5 L of gas.
 ent-PlasmaTank = plasma tank
-    .desc = Contains dangerous plasma. Do not inhale. Extremely flammable.
+    .desc = Contains dangerous plasma. Do not inhale. Extremely flammable. It can hold 5 L of gas.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/jetpacks.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/jetpacks.ftl
index 6aef938783e..08a15f721e6 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/jetpacks.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/jetpacks.ftl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ent-JetpackEffect = { "" }
     .desc = { "" }
-ent-BaseJetpack = Jetpack
-    .desc = It's a jetpack.
+ent-BaseJetpack = jetpack
+    .desc = It's a jetpack. It can hold 5 L of gas.
 ent-ActionToggleJetpack = Toggle jetpack
     .desc = Toggles the jetpack, giving you movement outside the station.
 ent-JetpackBlue = jetpack
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ ent-JetpackCaptainFilled = captain's jetpack
     .suffix = Filled
     .desc = { ent-JetpackCaptain.desc }
 ent-JetpackMini = mini jetpack
+    .desc = It's a jetpack. It can hold 1.5 L of gas.
     .suffix = Empty
-    .desc = { ent-BaseJetpack.desc }
 ent-JetpackMiniFilled = mini jetpack
     .suffix = Filled
     .desc = { ent-JetpackMini.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/guns/ammunition/projectiles/grenade.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/guns/ammunition/projectiles/grenade.ftl
index b8e0a127c16..b0d6fb42c69 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/guns/ammunition/projectiles/grenade.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/guns/ammunition/projectiles/grenade.ftl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-ent-PelletClusterRubber = pellet (ball, Rubber)
+ent-PelletClusterRubber = pellet (ball, rubber)
     .desc = { ent-BaseBullet.desc }
-ent-PelletClusterLethal = pellet (ball, Lethal)
+ent-PelletClusterLethal = pellet (ball, lethal)
     .desc = { ent-BaseBullet.desc }
 ent-PelletClusterIncendiary = pellet (ball, incendiary)
     .desc = { ent-BaseBulletIncendiary.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/guns/projectiles/magic.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/guns/projectiles/magic.ftl
index 655b5662ab6..0d44bb604dd 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/guns/projectiles/magic.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/guns/projectiles/magic.ftl
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ ent-BulletInstakillMagic = magical lead cylinder
     .desc = This looks familiar.
 ent-ProjectilePolyboltCluwne = cluwne polybolt
     .desc = knoH KnoH!
-ent-ProjectileIcicle = Icicle
+ent-ProjectileIcicle = icicle
     .desc = Brrrrr.
 ent-ProjectilePolyboltBread = bread polybolt
     .desc = Nooo, I don't wanna be bread!
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/guns/revolvers/revolvers.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/guns/revolvers/revolvers.ftl
index 607cc1a518b..8927803c389 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/guns/revolvers/revolvers.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/guns/revolvers/revolvers.ftl
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ ent-WeaponRevolverMateba = Mateba
     .desc = The iconic sidearm of the dreaded death squads. Uses .45 magnum ammo.
 ent-WeaponRevolverPython = Python
     .desc = A robust revolver favoured by Syndicate agents. Uses .45 magnum ammo.
-ent-WeaponRevolverPythonAP = Python
-    .desc = A robust revolver favoured by Syndicate agents. Uses .45 magnum ammo.
+ent-WeaponRevolverPythonAP = { ent-WeaponRevolverPython }
     .suffix = armor-piercing
+    .desc = { ent-WeaponRevolverPython.desc }
 ent-WeaponRevolverPirate = pirate revolver
     .desc = An odd, old-looking revolver, favoured by pirate crews. Uses .45 magnum ammo.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/melee/e_sword.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/melee/e_sword.ftl
index 7d258f4fd8e..c4dab3484cd 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/melee/e_sword.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/melee/e_sword.ftl
@@ -12,3 +12,6 @@ ent-EnergyCutlass = energy cutlass
     .desc = An exotic energy weapon.
 ent-EnergySwordDouble = double-bladed energy sword
     .desc = Syndicate Command Interns thought that having one blade on the energy sword was not enough. This can be stored in pockets.
+ent-CyborgEnergySwordDouble = { ent-EnergySwordDouble }
+    .desc = Syndicate Command Interns thought that having one blade on the energy sword was not enough. Specially designed for syndicate cyborgs.
+    .suffix = One-Handed, For Borgs
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/throwable/clusterbang.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/throwable/clusterbang.ftl
index f9960330e0f..ded186d52dd 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/throwable/clusterbang.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/throwable/clusterbang.ftl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ent-ClusterBang = clusterbang
     .desc = Can be used only with flashbangs. Explodes several times.
-ent-ClusterBangFull = ClusterBang
+ent-ClusterBangFull = clusterbang
     .desc = Launches three flashbangs after the timer runs out.
     .suffix = Full
 ent-ClusterGrenade = clustergrenade
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/throwable/grenades.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/throwable/grenades.ftl
index 1728d49c93b..2174175d21e 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/throwable/grenades.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/throwable/grenades.ftl
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ent-GrenadeFlashEffect = { "" }
     .desc = { "" }
 ent-SyndieMiniBomb = syndicate minibomb
     .desc = A syndicate-manufactured explosive used to stow destruction and cause chaos.
-ent-SelfDestructSeq = Self Destruct
+ent-SelfDestructSeq = self destruct
     .desc = Go out on your own terms!
 ent-SupermatterGrenade = supermatter grenade
     .desc = Grenade that simulates delamination of the supermatter engine, pulling things in a heap and exploding after some time.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/doors/windoors/assembly.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/doors/windoors/assembly.ftl
index 32688b7b8b0..f076dd0bae3 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/doors/windoors/assembly.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/doors/windoors/assembly.ftl
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ ent-WindoorAssemblySecure = secure windoor assembly
     .desc = It opens, it closes, and you can see through it! This one looks tough.
 ent-WindoorAssemblyClockwork = clockwork windoor assembly
     .desc = It opens, it closes, and you can see through it! This one looks tough.
-ent-WindoorAssemblyPlasma = Plasma windoor assembly
+ent-WindoorAssemblyPlasma = plasma windoor assembly
     .desc = It opens, it closes, and you can see through it! This one looks purp-, no, pink. Wait...
-ent-WindoorAssemblySecurePlasma = Secure Plasma windoor assembly
+ent-WindoorAssemblySecurePlasma = secure plasma windoor assembly
     .desc = It opens, it closes, and you can see through it! This one looks strong and pin-, no, purple. Hold on...
-ent-WindoorAssemblyUranium = Uranium windoor assembly
+ent-WindoorAssemblyUranium = uranium windoor assembly
     .desc = It opens, it closes, and you can see through it! This one looks sickly green...
-ent-WindoorAssemblySecureUranium = Secure Uranium windoor assembly
+ent-WindoorAssemblySecureUranium = secure uranium windoor assembly
     .desc = It opens, it closes, and you can see through it! This one looks strong and radioactive-lime-green!
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/doors/windoors/windoor.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/doors/windoors/windoor.ftl
index a16f26c8acb..0279e945710 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/doors/windoors/windoor.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/doors/windoors/windoor.ftl
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-ent-Windoor = Windoor
+ent-Windoor = windoor
     .desc = It's a window and a sliding door. Wow!
-ent-WindoorSecure = Secure Windoor
+ent-WindoorSecure = secure windoor
     .desc = It's a sturdy window and a sliding door. Wow!
 ent-WindoorClockwork = clockwork windoor
     .desc = It's a sturdy window and a sliding door. Wow!
-ent-WindoorPlasma = Plasma Windoor
+ent-WindoorPlasma = plasma windoor
     .desc = It's a pink window *and* a sliding door. Amazing!
-ent-WindoorSecurePlasma = Secure Plasma Windoor
+ent-WindoorSecurePlasma = secure plasma windoor
     .desc = It's a sturdy purple window *and* a sliding door. Spectacular!
-ent-WindoorUranium = Uranium Windoor
+ent-WindoorUranium = uranium windoor
     .desc = It's a window and a sliding door. Huh? Oh, and it's green!
-ent-WindoorSecureUranium = Secure Uranium Windoor
+ent-WindoorSecureUranium = secure uranium windoor
     .desc = It's a sturdy window and a sliding door. It's so neon green, it might even taste like limes!
 ent-WindoorBarLocked = { ent-Windoor }
     .suffix = Bar, Locked
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/furniture/memorial.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/furniture/memorial.ftl
index f477b6615b5..36a6f940d5c 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/furniture/memorial.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/furniture/memorial.ftl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ent-Memorial = memorial
     .desc = Commemorating something.
-ent-SS13Memorial = Tomb of the Unknown Employee
+ent-SS13Memorial = tomb of the unknown employee
     .desc =
         Here rests an unknown employee
         Unknown by name or rank
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/gates.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/gates.ftl
index 9d6c35846ed..5c19a39caeb 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/gates.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/gates.ftl
@@ -1,7 +1,23 @@
 ent-BaseLogicItem = { ent-BaseItem }
     .desc = { ent-BaseItem.desc }
-ent-LogicGate = logic gate
+ent-LogicGateOr = logic gate
     .desc = A logic gate with two inputs and one output. Technicians can change its mode of operation using a screwdriver.
+    .suffix = Or
+ent-LogicGateAnd = { ent-LogicGateOr }
+    .suffix = And
+    .desc = { ent-LogicGateOr.desc }
+ent-LogicGateXor = { ent-LogicGateOr }
+    .suffix = Xor
+    .desc = { ent-LogicGateOr.desc }
+ent-LogicGateNor = { ent-LogicGateOr }
+    .suffix = Nor
+    .desc = { ent-LogicGateOr.desc }
+ent-LogicGateNand = { ent-LogicGateOr }
+    .suffix = Nand
+    .desc = { ent-LogicGateOr.desc }
+ent-LogicGateXnor = { ent-LogicGateOr }
+    .suffix = Xnor
+    .desc = { ent-LogicGateOr.desc }
 ent-EdgeDetector = edge detector
     .desc = Splits rising and falling edges into unique pulses and detects how edgy you are.
 ent-PowerSensor = power sensor
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/specific/xeno.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/specific/xeno.ftl
index 4fda86c7202..02df8743c89 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/specific/xeno.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/specific/xeno.ftl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-ent-XenoWardingTower = Xeno warding tower
+ent-XenoWardingTower = xeno warding tower
     .desc = { "" }
 ent-CarpStatue = carp statue
     .desc = A statue of one of the brave carp that got us where we are today. Made with real teeth!
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/shelfs.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/shelfs.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1d91d3b4474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/shelfs.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ent-ShelfBase = shelf
+    .desc = a strange place to place, well, anything really. You feel like you shouldn't be seeing this.'
+ent-ShelfBaseReinforced = reinforced shelf
+    .desc = It looks as strong as reality itself.
+ent-ShelfWood = wooden shelf
+    .desc = A convenient place to place, well, anything really.
+ent-ShelfMetal = metal shelf
+    .desc = A sturdy place to place, well, anything really.
+ent-ShelfGlass = glass shelf
+    .desc = A fragile place to place, well, anything really.
+ent-ShelfRWood = sturdy wood shelf
+    .desc = A safe place to put your favorite bottle of whiskey
+ent-ShelfRMetal = sturdy metal shelf
+    .desc = A strong & shiny place to keep all your vials safe
+ent-ShelfRGlass = sturdy glass shelf
+    .desc = Crystal clear reinforced glass doors to show off all your fancy bottles you definitely didn't sell a co-worker's favorite mothroach for.
+ent-ShelfBar = bar shelf
+    .desc = Made out of the finest synthetic wood for all alcohol holding needs.
+ent-ShelfKitchen = cooking shelf
+    .desc = Holds knifes, spice, and everything nice!
+ent-ShelfChemistry = chemical shelf
+    .desc = Keeps all your chemicals safe and out of the clow- er, public hands!
+ent-ShelfChemistryChemistrySecure = { ent-ShelfChemistry }
+    .suffix = Chemistry, Secure
+    .desc = { ent-ShelfChemistry.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/signs/metamap.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/signs/metamap.ftl
index 3908f2f1652..269eff7a62b 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/signs/metamap.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/signs/metamap.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ent-PosterMapMetaRight = Meta Station Map
+ent-PosterMapMetaRight = Meta Station map
     .desc = A map of Meta Station. This looks really old.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/signs/signs.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/signs/signs.ftl
index 35c14a88174..f118af446b2 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/signs/signs.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/signs/signs.ftl
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ ent-SignMorgue = morgue sign
     .desc = A sign indicating the morgue.
 ent-SignNews = news sign
     .desc = A sign indicating where the Reporter works.
-ent-SignNosmoking = nosmoking sign
+ent-SignNosmoking = no smoking sign
     .desc = A sign indicating that smoking is not allowed in the vicinity.
 ent-SignPrison = prison sign
     .desc = A sign indicating the prison.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/walls/walls.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/walls/walls.ftl
index 03f3313a783..415d025325c 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/walls/walls.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/walls/walls.ftl
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ ent-WallVaultRock = rock vault wall
     .desc = { ent-WallVaultAlien.desc }
 ent-WallVaultSandstone = sandstone vault wall
     .desc = { ent-WallVaultAlien.desc }
-ent-WallInvisible = Invisible Wall
+ent-WallInvisible = invisible wall
     .desc = { "" }
 ent-WallForce = force wall
     .desc = { "" }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/virtual/stripping_hidden.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/virtual/stripping_hidden.ftl
index d0fbad3be3f..aa9f99269c5 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/virtual/stripping_hidden.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/virtual/stripping_hidden.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ent-StrippingHiddenEntity = Hidden Entity
+ent-StrippingHiddenEntity = hidden entity
     .desc = There is something in this pocket.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/world/chunk.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/world/chunk.ftl
index 0658ff7c8b4..04379c88a05 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/world/chunk.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/world/chunk.ftl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-ent-WorldChunk = World Chunk
+ent-WorldChunk = world chunk
     .desc =
         It's rude to stare.
         It's also a bit odd you're looking at the abstract representation of the grid of reality.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/world/debris/asteroids.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/world/debris/asteroids.ftl
index 220c81bb004..0d4df4ba402 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/world/debris/asteroids.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/world/debris/asteroids.ftl
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-ent-BaseAsteroidDebris = Asteroid Debris
+ent-BaseAsteroidDebris = asteroid debris
     .desc = { ent-BaseDebris.desc }
-ent-AsteroidDebrisSmall = Asteroid Debris Small
+ent-AsteroidDebrisSmall = asteroid debris small
     .desc = { ent-BaseAsteroidDebris.desc }
-ent-AsteroidDebrisMedium = Asteroid Debris Medium
+ent-AsteroidDebrisMedium = asteroid debris medium
     .desc = { ent-BaseAsteroidDebris.desc }
-ent-AsteroidDebrisLarge = Asteroid Debris Large
+ent-AsteroidDebrisLarge = asteroid debris large
     .desc = { ent-BaseAsteroidDebris.desc }
-ent-AsteroidDebrisLarger = Asteroid Debris Larger
+ent-AsteroidDebrisLarger = asteroid debris larger
     .desc = { ent-BaseAsteroidDebris.desc }
-ent-AsteroidSalvageSmall = Salvage Asteroid Small
+ent-AsteroidSalvageSmall = salvage asteroid small
     .desc = { ent-BaseAsteroidDebris.desc }
-ent-AsteroidSalvageMedium = Salvage Asteroid Medium
+ent-AsteroidSalvageMedium = salvage asteroid medium
     .desc = { ent-BaseAsteroidDebris.desc }
-ent-AsteroidSalvageLarge = Salvage Asteroid Large
+ent-AsteroidSalvageLarge = salvage asteroid large
     .desc = { ent-BaseAsteroidDebris.desc }
-ent-AsteroidSalvageHuge = Salvage Asteroid Huge
+ent-AsteroidSalvageHuge = salvage asteroid huge
     .desc = { ent-BaseAsteroidDebris.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/world/debris/wrecks.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/world/debris/wrecks.ftl
index 3350a6cf87b..3a03e73b5fa 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/world/debris/wrecks.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/world/debris/wrecks.ftl
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-ent-BaseScrapDebris = Scrap Debris
+ent-BaseScrapDebris = scrap debris
     .desc = { ent-BaseDebris.desc }
-ent-ScrapDebrisSmall = Scrap Debris Small
+ent-ScrapDebrisSmall = scrap debris small
     .desc = { ent-BaseScrapDebris.desc }
-ent-ScrapDebrisMedium = Scrap Debris Medium
+ent-ScrapDebrisMedium = scrap debris medium
     .desc = { ent-BaseScrapDebris.desc }
-ent-ScrapDebrisLarge = Scrap Debris Large
+ent-ScrapDebrisLarge = scrap debris large
     .desc = { ent-BaseScrapDebris.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/magic/forcewall_spells.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/magic/forcewall_spells.ftl
index 64e7a225011..c92d650f225 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/magic/forcewall_spells.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/magic/forcewall_spells.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ent-ActionForceWall = Forcewall
+ent-ActionForceWall = forcewall
     .desc = Creates a magical barrier.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/procedural/salvage_mods.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/procedural/salvage_mods.ftl
index 676094d0e52..405db525133 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/procedural/salvage_mods.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ss14-ru/prototypes/procedural/salvage_mods.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ent-SalvageShuttleMarker = Salvage shuttle marker
+ent-SalvageShuttleMarker = salvage shuttle marker
     .desc = { ent-FTLPoint.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/store/uplink-catalog.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/store/uplink-catalog.ftl
index 8edbde9bdc9..47eb6716193 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/store/uplink-catalog.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/store/uplink-catalog.ftl
@@ -125,7 +125,10 @@ uplink-reinforcement-radio-ancestor-name = Genetic Ancestor Reinforcement Telepo
 uplink-reinforcement-radio-ancestor-desc =  Call in a trained ancestor of your choosing to assist you. Comes with a single syndicate cigarette.
 uplink-reinforcement-radio-name = Reinforcement Teleporter
-uplink-reinforcement-radio-desc =  Radio in a reinforcement agent of extremely questionable quality. No off button, buy this if you're ready to party. They have a pistol with no reserve ammo, and a knife. That's it.
+uplink-reinforcement-radio-traitor-desc =  Radio in a reinforcement agent of extremely questionable quality. No off button, buy this if you're ready to party. Call in a medic or spy or thief to help you out. Good luck.
+uplink-reinforcement-radio-nukeops-name = Nuclear Operative Teleporter
+uplink-reinforcement-radio-nukeops-desc =  Radio in a nuclear operative of extremely questionable quality. No off button, buy this if you're ready to party. They have basic nuclear operative gear.
 uplink-reinforcement-radio-cyborg-assault-name = Syndicate Assault Cyborg Teleporter
 uplink-reinforcement-radio-cyborg-assault-desc =  A lean, mean killing machine with access to an Energy Sword, LMG, Cryptographic Sequencer, and a Pinpointer.
@@ -242,7 +245,7 @@ uplink-super-surplus-bundle-desc = Contains 125 telecrystals worth of completely
 # Tools
 uplink-toolbox-name = Toolbox
-uplink-toolbox-desc = A full compliment of tools for the mechanically inclined traitor. Includes a pair of insulated combat gloves, syndicate gas mask and a utility belt.
+uplink-toolbox-desc = A full compliment of tools for the mechanically inclined traitor. Includes a pair of insulated combat gloves and a syndicate gas mask as well.
 uplink-syndicate-jaws-of-life-name = Jaws Of Life
 uplink-syndicate-jaws-of-life-desc = A combined prying and cutting tool. Useful for entering the station or its departments.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/traits/traits.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/traits/traits.ftl
index e3aed1c8b24..d9f09cc68aa 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/traits/traits.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/traits/traits.ftl
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ trait-poor-vision-name = Short-sighted
 trait-poor-vision-desc = Your eyes are not what they once were, you have difficulty seeing things far away without corrective glasses.
 trait-narcolepsy-name = Narcolepsy
-trait-narcolepsy-desc = You fall asleep randomly
+trait-narcolepsy-desc = You fall asleep randomly.
 trait-pacifist-name = Pacifist
 trait-pacifist-desc = You cannot attack or hurt any living beings.
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ trait-pacifist-desc = You cannot attack or hurt any living beings.
 permanent-blindness-trait-examined = [color=lightblue]{CAPITALIZE(POSS-ADJ($target))} eyes are glassy and unfocused. It doesn't seem like {SUBJECT($target)} can see you well, if at all.[/color]
 trait-lightweight-name = Lightweight drunk
-trait-lightweight-desc = Alcohol has a stronger effect on you
+trait-lightweight-desc = Alcohol has a stronger effect on you.
 trait-muted-name = Muted
-trait-muted-desc = You can't speak
+trait-muted-desc = You can't speak.
 trait-paracusia-name = Paracusia
-trait-paracusia-desc = You hear sounds that aren't really there
+trait-paracusia-desc = You hear sounds that aren't really there.
 trait-unrevivable-name = Unrevivable
 trait-unrevivable-desc = You are unable to be revived by defibrillators.
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ trait-accentless-name = Accentless
 trait-accentless-desc = You don't have the accent that your species would usually have
 trait-frontal-lisp-name = Frontal lisp
-trait-frontal-lisp-desc = You thpeak with a lithp
+trait-frontal-lisp-desc = You thpeak with a lithp.
-trait-socialanxiety-name = Social anxiety
-trait-socialanxiety-desc = You are anxious when you speak and stutter.
+trait-socialanxiety-name = Stutter
+trait-socialanxiety-desc = You speak with a stutter.
 trait-southern-name = Southern drawl
 trait-southern-desc = You have a different way of speakin'.
@@ -49,4 +49,4 @@ trait-cowboy-name = Cowboy accent
 trait-cowboy-desc = You speak with a distinct cowboy accent!
 trait-italian-name = Italian accent
-trait-italian-desc = Mamma mia! You seem to have lived in space italy!
\ No newline at end of file
+trait-italian-desc = Mamma mia! You seem to have lived in space italy!
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/weapons/ranged/gun.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/weapons/ranged/gun.ftl
index fe60f3eed1d..31ac7d5bf23 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/weapons/ranged/gun.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/weapons/ranged/gun.ftl
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ gun-selected-mode = Selected {$mode}
 gun-disabled = You can't use guns!
 gun-clumsy = The gun blows up in your face!
 gun-set-fire-mode = Set to {$mode}
+gun-magazine-whitelist-fail = That won't fit into the gun!
 # SelectiveFire
 gun-SemiAuto = semi-auto
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/wieldable/wieldable-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/wieldable/wieldable-component.ftl
index 84b58224a77..585d6110164 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/wieldable/wieldable-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/wieldable/wieldable-component.ftl
@@ -18,3 +18,5 @@ wieldable-component-not-in-hands = { CAPITALIZE(THE($item)) } isn't in your hand
 wieldable-component-requires = { CAPITALIZE(THE($item))} must be wielded!
 gunwieldbonus-component-examine = This weapon has improved accuracy when wielded.
+gunrequireswield-component-examine = This weapon can only be fired when wielded.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Chat/emotes.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Chat/emotes.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..be548184067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Chat/emotes.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# IPC
+chat-emote-name-synth-yes = утвердительно пискнуть
+chat-emote-name-synth-no = отрицательно пискнуть
+chat-emote-name-sigh-buzz = раздражённо жужжать
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.ftl
deleted file mode 100644
index 61e7c94938b..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.ftl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-ent-ADTClothingOuterCoatLabPathologist = халат патологоанатома
-    .desc = { ent-ClothingOuterCoatLab.desc }
-ent-ADTClothingOuterApronPathologist = фартук патологоанатома
-    .desc = Фартук для работы с трупами.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/Uniform/jumpsuits.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/Uniform/jumpsuits.ftl
deleted file mode 100644
index 973fee8314a..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/Uniform/jumpsuits.ftl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-ent-ADTClothingUniformPathologistSuit = костюм патологоанатома
-    .desc = Лёгкий комбинезон для работника морга.
-ent-ADTClothingUniformPathologistSkirt = юбка-костюм патологоанатома
-    .desc = Лёгкая юбка-комбинезон для работницы морга.
-ent-ADTClothingUniformPathologistSuitAlt = чёрный костюм патологоанатома
-    .desc = Лёгкий комбинезон для работника морга. Более угрюмая версия.
-ent-ADTClothingUniformPathologistSkirtAlt = чёрная юбка-костюм патологоанатома
-    .desc = Лёгкая юбка-комбинезон для работницы морга. Более угрюмая версия.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.ftl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c149ba9471..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.ftl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-ent-ADTPathologistIDCard = ID карта патологоанатома
-    .desc = { ent-IDCardStandard.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Interaction/interaction-popup-component-ipc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Interaction/interaction-popup-component-ipc.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..48986fea2b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Interaction/interaction-popup-component-ipc.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+petting-success-ipc = Вы гладите { $target } по его металлической голове.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Roles/Jobs/departments.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Job/departments.ftl
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Roles/Jobs/departments.ftl
rename to Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Job/departments.ftl
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Job/job-description.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Job/job-description.ftl
index 7b705bba266..1d579e08d95 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Job/job-description.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Job/job-description.ftl
@@ -1 +1,5 @@
-job-description-ADTPathologist = Осматривайте тела мёртвого экипажа, выявляйте причины их смерти и не забывайте клонировать трупы.
\ No newline at end of file
+job-description-ADTPathologist = Осматривайте тела мёртвого экипажа, выявляйте причины их смерти и не забывайте клонировать трупы.
+job-description-roboticist = Собирайте боргов, мехов, обслуживайте синтетиков и поражайте (либо пугайте) экипаж своими новейшими разработками.
+job-description-magistrat = Самый грозный и богатый на станции.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Job/job-names.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Job/job-names.ftl
index d829ac1f4cd..abc0bf87119 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Job/job-names.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Job/job-names.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
 job-name-ADTPathologist = Патологоанатом
-JobADTPathologist = Патологоанатом
\ No newline at end of file
+JobADTPathologist = Патологоанатом
+job-name-roboticist = робототехник
+JobRoboticist = робототехник
+job-name-magistrat = Магистрат
+JobMagistrat = Магистрат
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Languages/languages.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Languages/languages.ftl
index f1cdbe6c926..2939f765e54 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Languages/languages.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Languages/languages.ftl
@@ -1,17 +1,24 @@
 language-Universal-name = Универсальный
-language-Universal-description = Что ты такое?
+language-Universal-description = ЧТО ТЫ ТАКОЕ.
 language-GalacticCommon-name = Общегалактический
 language-GalacticCommon-description = Обычно используется для межвидового общения и официальных целей.
 language-Bubblish-name = Пузырчатый
 language-Bubblish-description = Язык слаймолюдов. Это смесь булькающих звуков и хлюпов. Человеку очень трудно говорить без механической помощи.
 language-RootSpeak-name = Песнь корней
 language-RootSpeak-description = Странный шелестящий язык, на котором говорят дионы.
 language-CodeSpeak-name = Кодовый язык
 language-CodeSpeak-description = Оперативники синдиката могут использовать серию кодовых слов для передачи сложной информации, в то время как для любого слушателя они звучат как случайные понятия и напитки.
 language-Nekomimetic-name = Некоязык
 language-Nekomimetic-description = Для стороннего наблюдателя этот язык представляет собой непонятную смесь ломаного японского. Для фелинидов он каким-то образом понятен.
 language-Draconic-name = Синта'унати
 language-Draconic-description = Общий язык унатхов с преобладающими шипящими звуками.
 language-Canilunzt-name = Канилунц
 language-Canilunzt-description = Гортанный язык, на котором говорят и используют обитатели системы Ваззенда, состоящий из рычания, лая, тявканья и интенсивного использования движений ушей и хвоста, вулпканины говорят на этом языке с легкостью.
@@ -26,6 +33,7 @@ language-Fire-description = Звуки огня, что каким-то обра
 language-SolCommon-name = Солнечный язык
 language-SolCommon-description = Общий язык, на котором говорят обитатели солнечной системы.
 language-Cat-name = Кошачий
 language-Cat-description = Примитивные звуки, издаваемые кошками. Каким-то образом они передают смысл!
@@ -84,10 +92,10 @@ language-Urs-description = Басистый и рычащий язык, на к
 language-Arkane-name = Каукиттен
 language-Arkane-description = Протяжный, чем-то напоминающий Солнечный язык, на котором говорят арканы.
-language-Shadowkin-name = Миар
-language-Shadowkin-description = Загадочный язык, на котором говорят сумеречники.
+language-Shadekin-name = Миар
+language-Shadekin-description = Загадочный язык, на котором говорят сумеречники.
-language-Dwarf-name = Шахтёрский
+language-Dwarf-name = Шахт
 language-Dwarf-description = Rock and stone!
 language-Dev-name = Разработческий
@@ -127,7 +135,7 @@ language-Moffic = Паучий
 language-BorgTalk = Двоичный
 language-Urs = Рыкрур
 language-Arkane = Каукиттен
-language-Shadowkin = Миар
+language-Shadekin = Миар
 language-Dev = Разраб
 language-Dwarf = Шахт
 language-CintaTaj = Синта’тайр
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Preferences/loadout-groups.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Preferences/loadout-groups.ftl
index 3829b95bf22..79214fbfd1b 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Preferences/loadout-groups.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Preferences/loadout-groups.ftl
@@ -1,8 +1,26 @@
+# Errors
+# Miscellaneous
+# Command
 ent-MagistratNeck = Галстуки
 ent-MagistratJumpsuit = Костюмы
+# Civilian
+# Cargo
+# Engineering
+# Science
+loadout-group-roboticist-jumpsuit = Робототехник, комбинезон
+loadout-group-roboticist-outerclothing = Робототехник, верхняя одежда
+loadout-group-roboticist-gloves = Робототехник, перчатки
+# Security
+# Medical
 loadout-group-patholog-head = Патологоанатом, голова
 loadout-group-patholog-jumpsuit = Патологоанатом, комбинезон
 loadout-group-patholog-outerclothing = Патологоанатом, верхняя одежда
 loadout-group-patholog-shoes = Патологоанатом, обувь
 loadout-group-patholog-backpack = Патологоанатом, рюкзак
+# Wildcards
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/headset-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/headset/headset-component.ftl
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/headset-component.ftl
rename to Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/headset/headset-component.ftl
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Actions/language-menu.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Actions/language-menu.ftl
index 56833276de6..f6dd08b8c28 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Actions/language-menu.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Actions/language-menu.ftl
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 language-menu-window-title = Выбор языка
 language-menu-current-language = Выбранный язык: {$language}
 language-menu-description-header = Описание
-choose-lang-button = Выбрать
-language-menu-action = Меню языков
-language-menu-action-desc = Открыть меню выбора языка.
+language-choose-button = Выбрать
+language-choose-button-chosen = Выбрано
+language-choose-button-cannot = Только понимание
+language-choose-button-tooltip-translator = Вы используете переводчик для пользования данным языком.
+language-choose-button-tooltip-known = Вы полностью владеете данным языком.
+game-hud-open-languages-menu-button-tooltip = Открыть меню выбора языка
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Body/Organs/ipc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Body/Organs/ipc.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..555bd803654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Body/Organs/ipc.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ent-OrganIPCBrain = позитронный мозг КПБ
+    .desc = Источник такого же количества противоречий и споров, как и существование души.
+ent-OrganIPCEyes = модуль зрения КПБ
+    .desc = 11010000 10101111 100000 11010001 10000010 11010000 10110101 11010000 10110001 11010001 10001111 100000 11010000 10110010 11010000 10111000 11010000 10110110 11010001 10000011 100001
+ent-OrganIPCTongue = модуль речи КПБ
+    .desc = Модуль КПБ, используемый для их общения.
+ent-OrganIPCPump = микронасос КПБ
+    .desc = Микронасос КПБ, используемый для циркуляции охлаждающей жидкости.
+ent-OrganIPCEarts = звуковые рецепторы КПБ
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Body/Parts/ipc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Body/Parts/ipc.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a117a4f7697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Body/Parts/ipc.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ent-HeadIPC = голова КПБ
+ent-TorsoIPC = тело КПБ
+ent-LeftArmIPC = левая рука КПБ
+ent-RightArmIPC = правая рука КПБ
+ent-LeftHandIPC = левая кисть КПБ
+ent-RightHandIPC = правая кисть КПБ
+ent-LeftLegIPC = левая нога КПБ
+ent-RightLegIPC = правая нога КПБ
+ent-LeftFootIPC = левая ступня КПБ
+ent-RightFootIPC = правая ступня КПБ
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Body/Parts/moth.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Body/Parts/moth.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a7c4b197eee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Body/Parts/moth.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ent-PartMoth = часть тела нианы
+    .desc = { ent-BasePart.desc }
+ent-TorsoMoth = торс нианы
+    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+ent-HeadMoth = голова нианы
+    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+ent-LeftArmMoth = левая рука нианы
+    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+ent-RightArmMoth = правая рука нианы
+    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+ent-LeftHandMoth = левая кисть нианы
+    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+ent-RightHandMoth = правая кисть нианы
+    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+ent-LeftLegMoth = левая нога нианы
+    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+ent-RightLegMoth = правая нога нианы
+    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+ent-LeftFootMoth = левая стопа нианы
+    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+ent-RightFootMoth = правая стопа нианы
+    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/backpack.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/backpack.ftl
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/backpack.ftl
rename to Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/backpack.ftl
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/duffelbag.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/duffelbag.ftl
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/duffelbag.ftl
rename to Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/duffelbag.ftl
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/satchel.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/satchel.ftl
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/satchel.ftl
rename to Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/satchel.ftl
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/Back/backpack.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Back/backpack.ftl
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/Back/backpack.ftl
rename to Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Back/backpack.ftl
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Mask/mask.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Mask/mask.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8931f99ab5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Mask/mask.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+### TODO: Для переносимых масок оставил, нужно будет доделать при переносе
+###ent-ADTClothingMaskGasLapkeeSet = белый противогаз СБ
+###    .desc = Не стандартный, но тем не менее одобренный ЦентКоммом очень плотно прилегающий к лицу противогаз с повышенной защитой от жары, взамен не защищающий от ударов тупыми предметами по лицу.
+###    .suffix = { "Именное, Lapkee" }
+###ent-ADTClothingMaskBorodaDedMoroz = Борода и усы Дед Мороза
+###    .desc = Борода Деда Мороза с усами люкс качества, позволит создать вам полный образ Деда Мороза или Санта Клауса. Дети не узнают папу, соседа, или актера.
+###    .suffix = { "Новый Год" }
+###ent-ADTChronosMask = визор "Жертва Хроноса"
+###    .desc = Продвинутый визор, сделанный на заказ неким учёным. На боковой стороне визора видна роспись: Х.К.
+ent-ADTClothingMaskGasCE = противогаз старшего инженера
+    .desc = Это элитный противогаз Старшего Инженера, которому может позавидовать даже Центральное Командование. Защищает от сварки.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2c0e44ef84f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ent-ADTClothingOuterCoatLabPathologist = халат патологоанатома
+    .desc = { ent-ClothingOuterCoatLab.desc }
+ent-ADTClothingOuterApronPathologist = фартук патологоанатома
+    .desc = Фартук для работы с трупами.
+ent-ADTClothingKadet = шинель для Кадетов СБ
+    .desc = шинель, сшитая для новобранцев службы безопасности. Она очень похожа на шинели младших чинов РИА
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/furcoat.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/furcoat.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c0421da3d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/furcoat.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ent-ADTClothingOuterCoatUrs = костюм Урса
+    .desc = Очень тёплый пуховик, сделанный точно не из Урса..
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpsuits.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpsuits.ftl
index c17f23f08de..10e47136346 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpsuits.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpsuits.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,10 @@
 ent-ADTClothingUniformsJumpsuitWhiteDiplomatSuitL = Белый костюм дипломата
     .desc = Специально сделанный белый костюм дипломата NanoTrasen.
+ent-ADTClothingUniformPathologistSuit = костюм патологоанатома
+    .desc = Лёгкий комбинезон для работника морга.
+ent-ADTClothingUniformPathologistSkirt = юбка-костюм патологоанатома
+    .desc = Лёгкая юбка-комбинезон для работницы морга.
+ent-ADTClothingUniformPathologistSuitAlt = чёрный костюм патологоанатома
+    .desc = Лёгкий комбинезон для работника морга. Более угрюмая версия.
+ent-ADTClothingUniformPathologistSkirtAlt = чёрная юбка-костюм патологоанатома
+    .desc = Лёгкая юбка-комбинезон для работницы морга. Более угрюмая версия.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/jobs.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/jobs.ftl
index 69090db7208..331c8aebb87 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/jobs.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/jobs.ftl
@@ -1 +1,5 @@
 ent-SpawnPointMagistrat = Точка спавна магистрата
+    .desc = { ent-SpawnPointJobBase.desc }
+ent-ADTSpawnPointRoboticist = робототехник
+    .desc = { ent-SpawnPointJobBase.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/Ursus.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/Ursus.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fe7533af34c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/Ursus.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+marking-ADTUrsusNeat = Аккуратная
+marking-ADTUrsusWarrior = Воин
+marking-ADTUrsusWarrior2 = Воин 2
+marking-ADTUrsusSurfaceRiver = Гладь реки
+marking-ADTUrsusGorgon = Горгона
+marking-ADTUrsusBreadwinner = Добытчик
+marking-ADTUrsusWhip = Кнут
+marking-ADTUrsusWhip2 = Кнут 2
+marking-ADTUrsusShorthedgehog = Короткий ежик
+marking-ADTUrsusShorthedgehog2 = Короткий ежик 2
+marking-ADTUrsusValkyriesscythe = Коса валькирии
+marking-ADTUrsusValkyriesscythe2 = Коса валькирии 2
+marking-ADTUrsusWarriorsscythe = Коса воина
+marking-ADTUrsusBraidsontheside = Косы на бок
+marking-ADTUrsusBraidsontheside2 = Косы на бок 2
+marking-ADTUrsusForeststyle = Лесной стиль
+marking-ADTUrsusForeststyle2 = Лесной стиль 2
+marking-ADTUrsusSoftwaves = Мягкие волны
+marking-ADTUrsusSoftwaves2 = Мягкие волны 2
+marking-ADTUrsusBraidedcone = Плетёная шишка
+marking-ADTUrsusBraidedside = Плетёный бок
+marking-ADTUrsusBraidedside2 = Плетёный бок 2
+marking-ADTUrsusCollector = Собиратель
+marking-ADTUrsusFallencone = Упавшая шишка
+marking-ADTUrsusTailbigdipper = Хвост большой медведицы
+marking-ADTUrsusCone = Шишка
+marking-ADTUrsusYoungboy = Юный молодец
+marking-ADTUrsusfluffiness = Покров 1
+marking-ADTUrsusfluffiness2 = Покров 2
+marking-ADTUrsusfluffiness3 = Покров 3
+marking-ADTUrsuspanda = Панда
+marking-ADTUrsusspace_bear = Космический медведь
+marking-ADTUrsustattoo_leader = Лидер
+marking-ADTUrsusbig_heart = Большое сердце
+marking-ADTUrsussoft_belly = Мягкое пузико 1
+marking-ADTUrsussoft_belly2 = Мягкое пузико 2
+marking-ADTUrsusgrizzly_necklace = Ожерелье гризли 1
+marking-ADTUrsusgrizzly_necklace2 = Ожерелье гризли 2
+marking-ADTUrsusgrizzly_necklace3 = Ожерелье гризли 3
+marking-ADTUrsusMuzzle = Морда 1
+marking-ADTUrsusMuzzle2 = Морда 2
+marking-ADTUrsusnose = Нос
+marking-ADTUrsusears = Уши 1
+marking-ADTUrsusears2 = Уши 2
+marking-ADTUrsusthird_eye = Третий глаз
+marking-ADTUrsusarrow = Стрела
+marking-ADTUrsusembarrassment = Стестняшки
+marking-ADTUrsusspots = Пятна
+marking-ADTUrsusspots_left = Пятно слева
+marking-ADTUrsusspots_right = Пятно справа
+marking-ADTUrsusrigth_eye = Правый глаз
+marking-ADTUrsusleft_eye = Левый глаз
+marking-ADTUrsusstar = Звезда
+marking-ADTUrsuskiss = Кисс
+marking-ADTUrsuseyeliner = Подводка
+marking-ADTUrsushand_left = Левая рука
+marking-ADTUrsusgradienthand_left = Левая рука градиент 1
+marking-ADTUrsusgradienthand_left2 = Левая рука градиент 2
+marking-ADTUrsushand_right = Правая рука
+marking-ADTUrsusgradienthand_right = Правая рука градиент 1
+marking-ADTUrsusgradienthand_right2 = Правая рука градиент 2
+marking-ADTUrsusfoot_left = Левая ступня
+marking-ADTUrsusgradientfoot_left = Левая ступня градиент 1
+marking-ADTUrsusgradientfoot_left2 = Левая ступня градиент 2
+marking-ADTUrsusfoot_right = Правая ступня
+marking-ADTUrsusgradientfoot_right = Правая ступня градиент 1
+marking-ADTUrsusgradientfoot_right2 = Правая ступня градиент 2
+marking-ADTUrsuscardigan = Кардиган1(Спина)
+marking-ADTUrsuscardigan2 = Кардиган2(Спина)
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/ipc.yml b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/ipc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..02c29e712d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/ipc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+marking-ScreenStatic = Белый шум
+marking-ScreenBlue = Синий
+marking-ScreenBreakout = Понг
+marking-ScreenEight = Восьмёрка
+marking-ScreenGoggles = Защитные очки
+marking-ScreenExclaim = Восклицательный знак
+marking-ScreenHeart = Сердце
+marking-ScreenMonoeye = Циклом
+marking-ScreenNature = Натуралист
+marking-ScreenOrange = Оранжевый
+marking-ScreenPink = Розовый
+marking-ScreenQuestion = Вопрос
+marking-ScreenShower = Душ
+marking-ScreenYellow = Жёлтый
+marking-ScreenScroll = Прокрутка
+marking-ScreenConsole = Консоль
+marking-ScreenRgb = RGB
+marking-ScreenGlider = Параплан
+marking-ScreenRainbowhoriz = Горизонтальная радуга
+marking-ScreenBsod = BSOD
+marking-ScreenRedtext = Красный текст
+marking-ScreenSinewave = Синусоида
+marking-ScreenSquarewave = Квадратная волна
+marking-ScreenEcgwave = Кардиограмма
+marking-ScreenEyes = Глаза
+marking-ScreenEyestall = Высокие глаза
+marking-ScreenEyesangry = Злые глаза
+marking-ScreenLoading = Загрузка...
+marking-ScreenWindowsxp = Многолетний опыт
+marking-ScreenTetris = Тетрис
+marking-ScreenTv = ТВ
+marking-ScreenTextdrop = Текст
+marking-ScreenStars = Звёзды
+marking-ScreenRainbowdiag = Диоганальная радуга
+marking-ScreenBlank = Мёртвый пиксель
+marking-ScreenSmile = Улыбка
+marking-ScreenFrown = Грусть
+marking-ScreenRing = Кольцо
+marking-ScreenL = L
+marking-RobotAntennaTv = ТВ
+marking-RobotAntennaTesla = Тесла
+marking-RobotAntennaLightb = Мигалка (альт.)
+marking-RobotAntennaLight = Мигалка
+marking-RobotAntennaCyberhead = Кибер
+marking-RobotAntennaSidelights = Боковые мигалки
+marking-RobotAntennaAntlers = Рога
+marking-RobotAntennaDroneeyes = Глаза дрона
+marking-RobotAntennaCrowned = Корона
+marking-RobotAntennaTowers = Башни
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c5812f4a955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+marking-MothAntennasDefault = Антенны (Обычные)
+marking-MothAntennasCharred = Антенны (Обугленные)
+marking-MothAntennasDbushy = Антенны (Кустистые)
+marking-MothAntennasDcurvy = Антенны (Закрученные)
+marking-MothAntennasDfan = Антенны (Вентилятор)
+marking-MothAntennasDpointy = Антенны (Заостренные)
+marking-MothAntennasFeathery = Антенны (Перистые)
+marking-MothAntennasFirewatch = Антенны (Файрвотч)
+marking-MothAntennasGray = Антенны (Серые)
+marking-MothAntennasJungle = Антенны (Джунгли)
+marking-MothAntennasMaple = Антенны (Клён)
+marking-MothAntennasMoffra = Антенны (Мотра)
+marking-MothAntennasOakworm = Антенны (Дубовый червь)
+marking-MothAntennasPlasmafire = Антенны (Пожар плазмы)
+marking-MothAntennasRoyal = Антенны (Королевские)
+marking-MothAntennasStriped = Антенны (Полосатые)
+marking-MothAntennasWhitefly = Антенны (Белая муха)
+marking-MothAntennasWitchwing = Антенны (Ведьмино крыло)
+marking-MothWingsDefault = Крылья (Обычные)
+marking-MothWingsCharred = Крылья (Обугленные)
+marking-MothWingsDbushy = Крылья (Тёмные и Кустистые)
+marking-MothWingsDeathhead = Крылья (Рука Смерти)
+marking-MothWingsFan = Крылья (Вентилятор)
+marking-MothWingsDfan = Крылья (Тёмные и Вентилятор)
+marking-MothWingsFeathery = Крылья (Перистые)
+marking-MothWingsFirewatch = Крылья (Файрвотч)
+marking-MothWingsGothic = Крылья (Готика)
+marking-MothWingsJungle = Крылья (Джунгли)
+marking-MothWingsLadybug = Крылья (Божья коровка)
+marking-MothWingsMaple = Крылья (Клён)
+marking-MothWingsMoffra = Крылья (Мотра)
+marking-MothWingsOakworm = Крылья (Дубовый червь)
+marking-MothWingsPlasmafire = Крылья (Пожар плазмы)
+marking-MothWingsPointy = Крылья (Заостренные)
+marking-MothWingsRoyal = Крылья (Королевские)
+marking-MothWingsStellar = Крылья (Звёздные)
+marking-MothWingsStriped = Крылья (Полосатые)
+marking-MothWingsSwirly = Крылья (Завихрение)
+marking-MothWingsWhitefly = Крылья (Белая муха)
+marking-MothWingsWitchwing = Крылья (Ведьмино крыло)
+marking-MothChestCharred = Ниан, Грудь (Обугленные)
+marking-MothHeadCharred = Ниан, Голова (Обугленные)
+marking-MothLLegCharred = Ниан, Левая нога (Обугленные)
+marking-MothRLegCharred = Ниан, Правая нога (Обугленные)
+marking-MothLArmCharred = Ниан, Левая рука (Обугленные)
+marking-MothRArmCharred = Ниан, Правая рука (Обугленные)
+marking-MothChestDeathhead = Ниан, Грудь (Рука Смерти)
+marking-MothHeadDeathhead = Ниан, Голова (Рука Смерти)
+marking-MothLLegDeathhead = Ниан, Левая нога (Рука Смерти)
+marking-MothRLegDeathhead = Ниан, Правая нога (Рука Смерти)
+marking-MothLArmDeathhead = Ниан, Левая рука (Рука Смерти)
+marking-MothRArmDeathhead = Ниан, Правая рука (Рука Смерти)
+marking-MothChestFan = Ниан, Грудь (Вентилятор)
+marking-MothHeadFan = Ниан, Голова (Вентилятор)
+marking-MothLLegFan = Ниан, Левая нога (Вентилятор)
+marking-MothRLegFan = Ниан, Правая нога (Вентилятор)
+marking-MothLArmFan = Ниан, Левая рука (Вентилятор)
+marking-MothRArmFan = Ниан, Правая рука (Вентилятор)
+marking-MothChestFirewatch = Ниан, Грудь (Файрвотч)
+marking-MothHeadFirewatch = Ниан, Голова (Файрвотч)
+marking-MothLLegFirewatch = Ниан, Левая нога (Файрвотч)
+marking-MothRLegFirewatch = Ниан, Правая нога (Файрвотч)
+marking-MothLArmFirewatch = Ниан, Левая рука (Файрвотч)
+marking-MothRArmFirewatch = Ниан, Правая рука (Файрвотч)
+marking-MothChestGothic = Ниан, Грудь (Готика)
+marking-MothHeadGothic = Ниан, Голова (Готика)
+marking-MothLLegGothic = Ниан, Левая нога (Готика)
+marking-MothRLegGothic = Ниан, Правая нога (Готика)
+marking-MothLArmGothic = Ниан, Левая рука (Готика)
+marking-MothRArmGothic = Ниан, Правая рука (Готика)
+marking-MothChestJungle = Ниан, Грудь (Джунгли)
+marking-MothHeadJungle = Ниан, Голова (Джунгли)
+marking-MothLLegJungle = Ниан, Левая нога (Джунгли)
+marking-MothRLegJungle = Ниан, Правая нога (Джунгли)
+marking-MothLArmJungle = Ниан, Левая рука (Джунгли)
+marking-MothRArmJungle = Ниан, Правая рука (Джунгли)
+marking-MothChestMoonfly = Ниан, Грудь (Мунфлай)
+marking-MothHeadMoonfly = Ниан, Голова (Мунфлай)
+marking-MothLLegMoonfly = Ниан, Левая нога (Мунфлай)
+marking-MothRLegMoonfly = Ниан, Правая нога (Мунфлай)
+marking-MothLArmMoonfly = Ниан, Левая рука (Мунфлай)
+marking-MothRArmMoonfly = Ниан, Правая рука (Мунфлай)
+marking-MothChestOakworm = Ниан, Грудь (Дубовый червь)
+marking-MothHeadOakworm = Ниан, Голова (Дубовый червь)
+marking-MothLLegOakworm = Ниан, Левая нога (Дубовый червь)
+marking-MothRLegOakworm = Ниан, Правая нога (Дубовый червь)
+marking-MothLArmOakworm = Ниан, Левая рука (Дубовый червь)
+marking-MothRArmOakworm = Ниан, Правая рука (Дубовый червь)
+marking-MothChestPointy = Ниан, Грудь (Заостренные)
+marking-MothHeadPointy = Ниан, Голова (Заостренные)
+marking-MothLLegPointy = Ниан, Левая нога (Заостренные)
+marking-MothRLegPointy = Ниан, Правая нога (Заостренные)
+marking-MothLArmPointy = Ниан, Левая рука (Заостренные)
+marking-MothRArmPointy = Ниан, Правая рука (Заостренные)
+marking-MothChestRagged = Ниан, Грудь (Потрёпанные)
+marking-MothHeadRagged = Ниан, Голова (Потрёпанные)
+marking-MothLLegRagged = Ниан, Левая нога (Потрёпанные)
+marking-MothRLegRagged = Ниан, Правая нога (Потрёпанные)
+marking-MothLArmRagged = Ниан, Левая рука (Потрёпанные)
+marking-MothRArmRagged = Ниан, Правая рука (Потрёпанные)
+marking-MothChestRoyal = Ниан, Грудь (Королевские)
+marking-MothHeadRoyal = Ниан, Голова (Королевские)
+marking-MothLLegRoyal = Ниан, Левая нога (Королевские)
+marking-MothRLegRoyal = Ниан, Правая нога (Королевские)
+marking-MothLArmRoyal = Ниан, Левая рука (Королевские)
+marking-MothRArmRoyal = Ниан, Правая рука (Королевские)
+marking-MothChestWhitefly = Ниан, Грудь (Белая муха)
+marking-MothHeadWhitefly = Ниан, Голова (Белая муха)
+marking-MothLLegWhitefly = Ниан, Левая нога (Белая муха)
+marking-MothRLegWhitefly = Ниан, Правая нога (Белая муха)
+marking-MothLArmWhitefly = Ниан, Левая рука (Белая муха)
+marking-MothRArmWhitefly = Ниан, Правая рука (Белая муха)
+marking-MothChestWitchwing = Ниан, Грудь (Ведьмино крыло)
+marking-MothHeadWitchwing = Ниан, Голова (Ведьмино крыло)
+marking-MothLLegWitchwing = Ниан, Левая нога (Ведьмино крыло)
+marking-MothRLegWitchwing = Ниан, Правая нога (Ведьмино крыло)
+marking-MothLArmWitchwing = Ниан, Левая рука (Ведьмино крыло)
+marking-MothRArmWitchwing = Ниан, Правая рука (Ведьмино крыло)
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/novakid_mark.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/novakid_mark.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1bdf996f062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/novakid_mark.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+marking-NovakidHair1 = сплетение
+marking-NovakidHair2 = комета
+marking-NovakidHair3 = дуализм
+marking-NovakidHair4 =  слава
+marking-NovakidHair5 = газовое облако
+marking-NovakidHair6 = газовая лавина
+marking-NovakidHair7 = сияние света
+marking-NovakidHair8 = огонек звездного блеска
+marking-NovakidHair9 = звездочка
+marking-NovakidHair10 = лунный день
+marking-NovakidHair11 = метеоритный дождь
+marking-NovakidHair12 = млечный путь
+marking-NovakidHair13 = туманность
+marking-NovakidHair14 = солнечная коронка
+marking-NovakidHair15 = звездный дождь
+marking-NovakidHair16 = звездопад
+marking-NovakidHair17 = пламя звезды
+marking-NovakidHair18 = солнечный свет
+marking-NovakidHair19 = сверхновая
+marking-NovakidHair20 = галактический стиль
+marking-NovakidHair21 = дева
+marking-NovakidHair22 = галактика
+marking-NovakidFace1 = раскол
+marking-NovakidFace2 = крест
+marking-NovakidFace3 = распятие
+marking-NovakidFace4 = двойственность
+marking-NovakidFace5 = око
+marking-NovakidFace6 = H
+marking-NovakidFace7 = сердце
+marking-NovakidFace8 = индикатор
+marking-NovakidFace9 = нота
+marking-NovakidFace10 = призма
+marking-NovakidFace11 = руна
+marking-NovakidFace12 = квадрат
+marking-NovakidFace13 = напряжение
+marking-NovakidFace14 = тройственность
+marking-NovakidFace15 = перевёрнутое распятие
+marking-NovakidFace16 = X
+marking-NovakidFace17 = Y
+marking-NovakidFace18 = зета
+marking-NovakidFace19 = конус
+marking-NovakidFace20 = cвязь
+marking-NovakidFace21 = окружность
+marking-NovakidFace22 = косательная
+marking-NovakidFace23 = очи
+marking-NovakidFace24 = G
+marking-NovakidFace25 = домик
+marking-NovakidFace26 = К
+marking-NovakidFace27 = лима
+marking-NovakidFace28 = обратная косательная
+marking-NovakidFace29 = омега
+marking-NovakidFace30 = плюс
+marking-NovakidFace31 = роза
+marking-NovakidFace32 = раскол
+marking-NovakidFace33 = звезда
+marking-NovakidFace34 = продовольные очки
+marking-TorsoNovakidDefolt = белое ядро
+marking-HeadNovakidDefolt = белое ядро
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Vulpkanin/vulpkanin.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Vulpkanin/vulpkanin.ftl
index aadd295a962..24d94c1612c 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Vulpkanin/vulpkanin.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Vulpkanin/vulpkanin.ftl
@@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ marking-ADTVulpkaninfoxbelly = Лисий живот
 marking-ADTVulpkaninfullbelly = Окрас живота
 marking-ADTVulpkaninpointsfade = Окрас лап
 marking-ADTVulpkaninpointsfadebelly = Пятнистый окрас лап, груди и живота
-marking-ADTVulpkaninsharppoints = Резкие пятна
\ No newline at end of file
+marking-ADTVulpkaninsharppoints = Резкие пятна
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/ipc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/ipc.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1cd41f8aa3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/ipc.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ent-MobIPC = Урист МакПозитроник
+ent-MobIPCDummy = Урист МакПозитроник
+    .desc = Манекен позитронного мозга в металлическом теле.
+ipc-board-name = системный блок КПБ
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/novakid.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/novakid.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..69b575ece4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/novakid.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ent-BaseMobNovakid = Урист МакНовакид
+    .desc = { ent-BaseMobSpeciesOrganic.desc }
+    .suffix = Новакид
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/moth.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/moth.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8287a7c9fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/moth.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ent-BaseMobMoth = Урист МакНиан
+    .desc = { ent-BaseMobSpeciesOrganic.desc }
+    .suffix = Ниан
+ent-MobMothDummy = { ent-BaseMobMoth }
+    .desc = { ent-BaseMobMoth.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/novakid.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/novakid.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1347c23a2bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/novakid.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+novakid-hurt-by-water-popup = Вода заставляет ваше пламя угасать
+species-name-novakid = Новакид
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Device/pda.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Device/pda.ftl
index 1167841880c..8e9a814064f 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Device/pda.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Device/pda.ftl
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 ent-MagistratPDA = КПК Магистрата
     .desc = В заметках данного КПК можно найти компромат на каждого из глав.
 ent-ADTPathologistPDA = КПК патологоанатома
     .desc = От него веет прохладой.
+ent-ADTRoboticistPDA = КПК робототехника
+    .desc = Почему это всё ещё не робот?!
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Device/translators.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Device/translators.ftl
index 5ae89edec38..933bc3d250c 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Device/translators.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Device/translators.ftl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-translator-component-shutoff = {$translator} выключается.
-translator-component-turnon = The {$translator} включается.
+translator-component-shutoff = {CAPITALIZE($translator)} выключается.
+translator-component-turnon = {CAPITALIZE($translator)} включается.
 translator-enabled = Оно включено.
 translator-disabled = Оно выключено.
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ ent-CintaTajTranslator = переводчик Синта’Тайр
 ent-ArkaneTranslator = переводчик языка Каукиттен
     .desc = Используется для взаимного перевода Общегалактического языка и Каукиттен.
-ent-ShadowkinTranslator = переводчик языка Миар
+ent-ShadekinTranslator = переводчик языка Миар
     .desc = Используется для взаимного перевода Общегалактического языка и Миар.
 ent-NianTranslator = переводчик Ткачьего языка
@@ -59,3 +59,13 @@ ent-NianTranslator = переводчик Ткачьего языка
 ent-FireTranslator = переводчик Огненного языка
     .desc = Используется для взаимного перевода Общегалактического и Огненного языков.
+ent-UrsTranslator = переводчик Рыкрур
+    .desc = Используется для взаимного перевода Общегалактического языка и Рыкрур.
+ent-IPCTranslator = переводчик троичного кода
+    .desc = Используется для взаимного перевода Общегалактического языка и троичного кода.
+ent-DwarfTranslator = переводчик языка Шахт
+    .desc = Используется для взаимного перевода Общегалактического языка и Шахт.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/toys.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/toys.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7fb9f767719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/toys.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ent-ADTPlushieUrs = плюшевый Урс
+    .desc = Милая плюшевая игрушка Урса.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.ftl
index 08cf8797b42..a87586d412d 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
 ent-MagistratIDCard = ID Магистрата
     .desc = Серебрянная карта с значком Юриста.
+ent-ADTPathologistIDCard = ID карта патологоанатома
+    .desc = { ent-IDCardStandard.desc }
+ent-ADTRoboticistIDCard = ID карта робототехника
+    .desc = { ent-IDCardStandard.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/implanters.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/implanters.ftl
index ae8e374fb57..8122fb5e0f8 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/implanters.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/implanters.ftl
@@ -3,10 +3,7 @@ translator-implanter-success = {$implanter} успешно имплантиро
 translator-implanter-ready = Имплантер готов к использованию.
 translator-implanter-used = Имплантер пуст.
-ent-BasicGalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter = базовый языковой имплант Общегалактического языка
-    .desc = Имплант, позволяющий понимать Общегалактический язык.
-ent-AdvancedGalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter = полноценный языковой имплант Общегалактического языка
+ent-GalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter = полноценный языковой имплант Общегалактического языка
     .desc = Имплант, позволяющий понимать и общаться на Общегалактическом языке.
 ent-BubblishTranslatorImplanter = полноценный языковой имплант Пузырчатого языка
@@ -54,12 +51,18 @@ ent-UrsTranslatorImplanter = полноценный языковой импла
 ent-ArkaneTranslatorImplanter = полноценный языковой имплант Каукиттен
     .desc = Имплант, позволяющий понимать и общаться на языке Каукиттен.
-ent-ShadowkinTranslatorImplanter = полноценный языковой имплант Миар
+ent-ShadekinTranslatorImplanter = полноценный языковой имплант Миар
     .desc = Имплант, позволяющий понимать и общаться на языке Миар.
 ent-BorgTranslatorImplanter = полноценный языковой имплант двоичного кода
     .desc = Имплант, позволяющий понимать и общаться на двоичном коде.
+ent-DwarfTranslatorImplanter = полноценный языковой имплант Шахт
+    .desc = Имплант, позволяющий понимать и общаться на языке Шахт.
+ent-ArachnidTranslatorImplanter = полноценный языковой имплант Паучьего языка
+    .desc = Имплант, позволяющий понимать и общаться на языке арахнидов.
 ent-SyndUniversalTranslatorImplanter = универсальный языковой имплант
     .desc = Имплант, позволяющий (только) понимать все расовые языки.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Roles/Jobs/jobs.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Roles/Jobs/jobs.ftl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c5ca3d3ff0..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Roles/Jobs/jobs.ftl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-job-name-magistrat = Магистрат
-job-description-magistrat = Самый грозный и богатый на станции.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/silicon_chargers.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/silicon_chargers.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..85b0bb7deb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/silicon_chargers.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ent-SiliconChargerIndustrial = промышленное зарядное устройство
+    .desc = Мощная машина для зарядки синнтетиков. Подходит для зарядки КПБ и боргов. Она очень сильно нагревается!
+ent-IndustrialChargerCircuitboard = плата промышленного зарядного устройства
+    .desc = Машинная печатная плата для промышленного зарядного устройства
+research-technology-ind-charger = Технология зарядки продвинутых синтетиков.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Entities/Structuries/Machines/vending_machines.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.ftl
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Entities/Structuries/Machines/vending_machines.ftl
rename to Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.ftl
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Species/Ursus.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Species/Ursus.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ce103bc3558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Species/Ursus.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+species-name-Ursus = Урс
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Species/ipc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Species/ipc.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..df5ed76b23c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Species/ipc.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+species-name-ipc = КПБ
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Species/moth.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Species/moth.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bac5483c43e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Species/moth.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+species-name-moth = Ниан
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Species/shadekin.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Species/shadekin.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b2e4f123c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/prototypes/Species/shadekin.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+species-name-shadekin = Сумеречник
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/reagents/meta/biological.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/reagents/meta/biological.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..289e4d89993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/reagents/meta/biological.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+reagent-name-shadekin-blood = фиолетовая кровь
+reagent-desc-shadekin-blood = Я надеюсь, что ботаники просто раздавили блюспейс помидор.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/traits/disabilities.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/traits/disabilities.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..79eeed1909c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/traits/disabilities.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+trait-hemophilia-name = Гемофилия
+trait-hemophilia-desc = Ваша кровь сворачивается крайне плохо.
+trait-monochromacy-name = Цветовая слепота
+trait-monochromacy-description = Ваши глаза получили необратимые повреждения, из-за чего вы видите только в оттенках серого.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/accessories/vox-hair.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/accessories/vox-hair.ftl
index bcc415b759c..042251e41ce 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/accessories/vox-hair.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/accessories/vox-hair.ftl
@@ -20,3 +20,4 @@ marking-VoxHairTielQuills = Вокс, Тилские перья
 marking-VoxHairYasu = Вокс, Ясухиро
 marking-VoxHairMange = Вокс, Лишай
 marking-VoxHairPony = Вокс, Пони
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/actions/actions/polymorph.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/actions/actions/polymorph.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..00ede96dcbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/actions/actions/polymorph.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+gera-transformation-popup = Это действие трансформирует вас. Для подтверждения выполните его ещё раз.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/administration/admin-verbs.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/administration/admin-verbs.ftl
index 6ecbbb4cc57..86994815c69 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/administration/admin-verbs.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/administration/admin-verbs.ftl
@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ admin-verbs-erase-description =
     Игроки увидят всплывающее окно, указывающее им играть как будто исчезнувшего никогда не существовало.
 toolshed-verb-mark = Отметить
 toolshed-verb-mark-description = Помещает данную сущность в переменную $marked, заменяя её предыдущее значение.
+export-entity-verb-get-data-text = Экспорт спрайта
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/administration/bwoink.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/administration/bwoink.ftl
index 81ce332ba9a..2dc06ddda0e 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/administration/bwoink.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/administration/bwoink.ftl
@@ -9,3 +9,6 @@ bwoink-system-typing-indicator =
 admin-bwoink-play-sound = Бвоинк?
 bwoink-title-none-selected = Ничего не выбрано
 bwoink-system-rate-limited = Система: вы отправляете сообщения слишком быстро.
+bwoink-system-player-disconnecting = отключился.
+bwoink-system-player-reconnecting = переподключился.
+bwoink-system-player-banned = был забанен за: { $banReason }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/bloodstream/bloodstream.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/bloodstream/bloodstream.ftl
index cd8f442bde9..af184c63d46 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/bloodstream/bloodstream.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/bloodstream/bloodstream.ftl
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-bloodstream-component-looks-pale = [color=bisque]{CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target))} {CONJUGATE-BASIC($target, "выглядят", "выглядит")} бледно.[/color]
-bloodstream-component-bleeding = [color=red]{CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target))} {CONJUGATE-BASIC($target, "истекают", "истекает")} кровью.[/color]
-bloodstream-component-profusely-bleeding = [color=crimson]{CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target))} обильно {CONJUGATE-BASIC($target, "истекают", "истекает")} кровью![/color]
+bloodstream-component-looks-pale = [color=bisque]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-BASIC($target, "выглядят", "выглядит") } бледно.[/color]
+bloodstream-component-bleeding = [color=red]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-BASIC($target, "истекают", "истекает") } кровью.[/color]
+bloodstream-component-profusely-bleeding = [color=crimson]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } обильно { CONJUGATE-BASIC($target, "истекают", "истекает") } кровью![/color]
 bloodstream-component-wounds-cauterized = С болью вы ощущаете, как ваши раны прижигаются!
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/cargo/bounties.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/cargo/bounties.ftl
index 0c9cba3eeaf..86c1c6ecfbf 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/cargo/bounties.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/cargo/bounties.ftl
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ bounty-item-cardboard-box = Картонная коробка
 bounty-item-wine = Бутылка вина
 bounty-item-cotton-boll = Хлопковый шарик
 bounty-item-microwave-machine-board = Машинная плата микроволновки
+bounty-item-flash = Вспышка
 bounty-description-artifact = Nanotrasen находится в затруднительном положении из-за кражи артефактов с некосмических планет. Верните один, и мы выплатим за него компенсацию.
 bounty-description-baseball-bat = В Центкоме началась бейсбольная лихорадка! Будьте добры отправить им несколько бейсбольных бит, чтобы руководство могло исполнить свою детскую мечту.
 bounty-description-box-hugs = Несколько главных чиновников получили серьёзные ушибы. Для их выздоровления срочно требуется коробка обнимашек
@@ -131,3 +132,4 @@ bounty-description-cotton-boll = Огромный рой таракамолей
 bounty-description-microwave-machine-board = Мистер Хихстер решил, что будет забавно позасовывать металлические вилки во все кухонные микроволновки. Помогите нам отремонтировать их, пока повара не принялись готовить клоунбургеры.
 bounty-description-lasergun = Караван утилизаторов запрашивает большую партию лазерного оружия для уничтожения улья ксеноморфов.
 bounty-description-food = После нашествия крысиного короля соседняя станция унатхов осталась без еды. Необходима большая партия мясных блюд.
+bounty-description-flashes = ПРИВЕТСТВИЕ \[Станция] НАМ НЕОБХОДИМЫ 6 ВСПЫШЕК ДЛЯ ОБЫЧНЫХ \[ТренировкаУпражнение] С СОТРУДНИКАМИ СЛУЖБЫ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ. ВСЁ \[Нормально].
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/cargo/cargo-console-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/cargo/cargo-console-component.ftl
index 6bbe207342e..1af2b655f86 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/cargo/cargo-console-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/cargo/cargo-console-component.ftl
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ cargo-console-snip-snip = Заказ урезан до вместимости
 cargo-console-insufficient-funds = Недостаточно средств (требуется { $cost })
 cargo-console-unfulfilled = Нет места для выполнения заказа
 cargo-console-trade-station = Отправить на { $destination }
-cargo-console-unlock-approved-order-broadcast = [bold]Заказ на { $productName } x{ $orderAmount }[/bold], стоимостью [bold]{ $cost }[/bold], был одобрен [bold]{ $approverName }, { $approverJob }[/bold]
+cargo-console-unlock-approved-order-broadcast = [bold]Заказ на { $productName } x{ $orderAmount }[/bold], стоимостью [bold]{ $cost }[/bold], был одобрен [bold]{ $approver }[/bold]
 cargo-console-paper-print-name = Заказ #{ $orderNumber }
 cargo-console-paper-print-text =
     Заказ #{ $orderNumber }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/character-appearance/components/magic-mirror-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/character-appearance/components/magic-mirror-component.ftl
index 2d7f74afe7b..9b756c15576 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/character-appearance/components/magic-mirror-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/character-appearance/components/magic-mirror-component.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,12 @@
 magic-mirror-component-activate-user-has-no-hair = У вас не может быть волос!
 magic-mirror-window-title = Волшебное зеркало
+magic-mirror-add-slot-self = Вы добавляете себе волосы.
+magic-mirror-remove-slot-self = Вы удаляете часть волос.
+magic-mirror-change-slot-self = Вы меняете свою причёску.
+magic-mirror-change-color-self = Вы меняете свой цвет волос.
+magic-mirror-add-slot-target = { $user } добавляет вам волос.
+magic-mirror-remove-slot-target = { $user } удаляет часть ваших волос.
+magic-mirror-change-slot-target = { $user } меняет вашу причёску.
+magic-mirror-change-color-target = { $user } меняет цвет ваших волос.
+magic-mirror-blocked-by-hat-self = Прежде чем менять причёску, вам необходимо снять шляпу.
+magic-mirror-blocked-by-hat-self-target = Вы пытаетесь изменить причёску, но одежда цели вам мешает.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/character-info/components/character-info-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/character-info/components/character-info-component.ftl
index 5c1f8e3b802..2ce99632871 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/character-info/components/character-info-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/character-info/components/character-info-component.ftl
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 character-info-title = Персонаж
 character-info-roles-antagonist-text = Роли антагонистов
 character-info-objectives-label = Цели
+character-info-no-profession = Нет должности
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/chemistry/components/solution-transfer-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/chemistry/components/solution-transfer-component.ftl
index be4963963d4..0d08a54a9fe 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/chemistry/components/solution-transfer-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/chemistry/components/solution-transfer-component.ftl
@@ -18,3 +18,5 @@ comp-solution-transfer-verb-toggle = Переключить на { $amount } е
 ## Displayed after you successfully change a solution's amount using the BUI
 comp-solution-transfer-set-amount = Перемещаемое количество установлено на { $amount } ед.
+comp-solution-transfer-set-amount-max = Макс.: { $amount } ед.
+comp-solution-transfer-set-amount-min = Мин.: { $amount } ед.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/corvax/station-goal/station-goal-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/corvax/station-goal/station-goal-component.ftl
index 48cd6b88953..d80168cb1f5 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/corvax/station-goal/station-goal-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/corvax/station-goal/station-goal-component.ftl
@@ -60,6 +60,6 @@ station-goal-frame-repair =
     Слава НТ!
 station-goal-delta-xeno-repair = Цель смены станции { $station } - восстановление заброшенного ксенобиологического сектора научного отдела. Вам необходимо полностью восстановить электропитание, атмос, привести внешний вид к изначальному состоянию, и поймать минимум трех слаймов любых форм в ксенобиологические клетки, для их изучения последующей сменой.
 station-goal-delta-ambusol = Цель смены станции { $station } - восстановление заброшенного вирусологического сектора медицинского отдела. Вам необходимо полностью восстановить электропитание, атмос, привести внешний вид к изначальному состоянию, и в стерильных условиях вирусологии провести синтезацию 500u Амбузола, из предоставленных трех пилюль Ромерола.
-station-goal-split-secure = Цель смены станции { $station } - обеспечить безопасность в секторе Split. 
-    Вам необходимо обеспечивать безопасность сектора Split на протяжении смены, чтобы станции Mayhen и Lumber могли успешно завершить свои задачи на смену. 
+station-goal-split-secure = Цель смены станции { $station } - обеспечить безопасность в секторе Split.
+    Вам необходимо обеспечивать безопасность сектора Split на протяжении смены, чтобы станции Mayhen и Lumber могли успешно завершить свои задачи на смену.
     По нашей информации в секторе находится база пиратов, охраняйте логистические маршруты в секторе и не допустите потерю имущества НТ в результате грабежей.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/examine/examine-system.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/examine/examine-system.ftl
index 40d5249272e..86e10ceadc8 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/examine/examine-system.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/examine/examine-system.ftl
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
 examine-system-entity-does-not-exist = Этой сущности не существует
 examine-system-cant-see-entity = Вам не удаётся это рассмотреть.
 examine-verb-name = Осмотреть
-examinable-anchored = Это [color=darkgreen]закреплено[/color] на полу
-examinable-unanchored = Это [color=darkred]не закреплено[/color] на полу
+examinable-anchored = Это [color=darkgreen]закреплено[/color] на полу.
+examinable-unanchored = Это [color=darkred]не закреплено[/color] на полу.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/game-ticking/game-presets/preset-revolutionary.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/game-ticking/game-presets/preset-revolutionary.ftl
index 216c9b0c376..14e00b4667d 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/game-ticking/game-presets/preset-revolutionary.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/game-ticking/game-presets/preset-revolutionary.ftl
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ head-rev-break-mindshield = Щит разума был уничтожен!
 roles-antag-rev-name = Революционер
 roles-antag-rev-objective = Ваша задача - защищать и выполнять приказы глав революции, а также избавиться от всего командного состава станции.
-rev-break-control = { $name } { $gender ->
+rev-break-control = { $name } { GENDER($name) ->
         [male] вспомнил, кому он верен
         [female] вспомнила, кому она верна
         [epicene] вспомнили, кому они верни
@@ -46,10 +46,12 @@ rev-lost = Члены командного состава станции выж
 rev-stalemate = Главы революции и командный состав станции погибли. Это ничья.
 rev-headrev-name-user = [color=#5e9cff]{ $name }[/color] ([color=gray]{ $username }[/color]) конвертировал { $count } { $count ->
         [one] члена
+        [few] члена
        *[other] членов
     } экипажа
 rev-headrev-name = [color=#5e9cff]{ $name }[/color] конвертировал { $count } { $count ->
         [one] члена
+        [few] члена
        *[other] членов
     } экипажа
 rev-reverse-stalemate = Главы революции и командный состав станции выжили.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/game-ticking/game-ticker.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/game-ticking/game-ticker.ftl
index f97e51e53cf..e7c6b78807a 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/game-ticking/game-ticker.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/game-ticking/game-ticker.ftl
@@ -42,5 +42,7 @@ latejoin-arrival-announcement =
 latejoin-arrival-sender = Станции
 latejoin-arrivals-direction = Вскоре прибудет шаттл, который доставит вас на станцию.
 latejoin-arrivals-direction-time = Шаттл, который доставит вас на станцию, прибудет через { $time }.
+latejoin-arrivals-dumped-from-shuttle = Таинственная сила не позволяет вам улететь на шаттле прибытия.
+latejoin-arrivals-teleport-to-spawn = Таинственная сила телепортирует вас с шаттла прибытия. Удачной смены!
 preset-not-enough-ready-players = Не удалось запустить пресет { $presetName }. Требуется { $minimumPlayers } игроков, но готовы только { $readyPlayersCount }.
 preset-no-one-ready = Не удалось запустить режим { $presetName }. Нет готовых игроков.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
index a8e378ec308..62e585f5d4e 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
@@ -146,6 +146,15 @@ ghost-role-information-space-ninja-description = Используйте хитр
 ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-name = Агент Синдиката
 ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-description = Кому-то нужно подкрепление. Вы первый, кого Синдикат смог найти и послать на помощь.
 ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-rules = Вы [color=red][bold]Командный антагонист[/bold][/color], в команде с агентом, который вас призвал.
+ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-medic-name = Медик Синдиката
+ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-medic-description = Кому-то нужно подкрепление. Ваша задача - сохранить жизнь вызвавшему вас агенту.
+ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-spy-name = Шпион Синдиката
+ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-spy-description = Кому-то нужно подкрепление. Ваша специализация - шпионаж, постарайтесь не быть обнаруженными.
+ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-thief-name = Вор Синдиката
+ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-thief-description = Кому-то нужно подкрепление. Ваша задача - проникнуть и забрать что-то ценное для своего агента.
+ghost-role-information-nukeop-reinforcement-name = Ядерный оперативник
+ghost-role-information-nukeop-reinforcement-description = Ядерному оперативнику нужно подкрепление. Вы, резервный агент, поможете им.
+ghost-role-information-nukeop-reinforcement-rules = Вы [color=red][bold]Командный антагонист[/bold][/color], в команде с ядерным оперативником, который вас призвал.
 ghost-role-information-syndicate-monkey-reinforcement-name = Агент Синдиката-обезьяна
 ghost-role-information-syndicate-monkey-reinforcement-description = Кому-то нужно подкрепление. Вы, специально обученная обезьяна, поможете им.
 ghost-role-information-syndicate-monkey-reinforcement-rules = Вы [color=red][bold]Командный антагонист[/bold][/color], в команде с агентом, который вас призвал.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/health-examinable/health-examinable-carbon.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/health-examinable/health-examinable-carbon.ftl
index 527d6cb3ab2..581615693e8 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/health-examinable/health-examinable-carbon.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/health-examinable/health-examinable-carbon.ftl
@@ -1,26 +1,19 @@
 health-examinable-carbon-none = Видимые повреждения тела отсутствуют.
 health-examinable-carbon-Blunt-25 = [color=red]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } небольшие ушибы на теле.[/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Blunt-50 = [color=crimson]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } серьёзные ушибы на теле![/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Blunt-75 = [color=crimson]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } сильные ушибы по всему телу![/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Slash-10 = [color=red]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } несколько лёгких порезов.[/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Slash-25 = [color=red]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } серьёзные порезы на теле.[/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Slash-50 = [color=crimson]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } множество сильных порезов![/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Slash-75 = [color=crimson]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } множество глубоких порезов на теле![/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Piercing-50 = [color=crimson]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } проникающие ранения на теле![/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Heat-25 = [color=orange]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } лёгкие ожоги на теле.[/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Heat-50 = [color=orange]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } сильные ожоги на теле.[/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Heat-75 = [color=orange]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } ожоги третьей степени на теле![/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Shock-50 = [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } следы поражения током по всему телу![/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Cold-25 = [color=lightblue]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } лёгкие обморожения на теле.[/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Cold-50 = [color=lightblue]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } сильные обморожения на теле.[/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Cold-75 = [color=lightblue]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } обморожения третьей степени на теле![/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Caustic-25 = [color=yellowgreen]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } лёгкие химические ожоги.[/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Caustic-50 = [color=yellowgreen]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } химические ожоги на теле.[/color]
 health-examinable-carbon-Caustic-75 = [color=yellowgreen]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } сильные химические ожоги по всей поверхности тела![/color]
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/health-examinable/health-examinable-silicon.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/health-examinable/health-examinable-silicon.ftl
index f21b28f2005..4fb19eef3f2 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/health-examinable/health-examinable-silicon.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/health-examinable/health-examinable-silicon.ftl
@@ -1,18 +1,13 @@
 health-examinable-silicon-none = Видимые повреждения корпуса отсутствуют.
 health-examinable-silicon-Blunt-25 = [color=red]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } небольшие вмятины на шасси.[/color]
 health-examinable-silicon-Blunt-50 = [color=crimson]{ CAPITALIZE(POSS-ADJ($target)) } шасси имеет серьёзные вмятины![/color]
 health-examinable-silicon-Blunt-75 = [color=crimson]{ CAPITALIZE(POSS-ADJ($target)) } шасси почти разваливается![/color]
 health-examinable-silicon-Slash-10 = [color=red]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } несколько царапин.[/color]
 health-examinable-silicon-Slash-25 = [color=red]{ CAPITALIZE(SUBJECT($target)) } { CONJUGATE-HAVE($target) } серьёзные царапины![/color]
 health-examinable-silicon-Slash-50 = [color=crimson]{ CAPITALIZE(POSS-ADJ($target)) } покрытие шасси усыпано глубокими цапапинами![/color]
 health-examinable-silicon-Slash-75 = [color=crimson]{ CAPITALIZE(POSS-ADJ($target)) } шасси полностю разодрано![/color]
 health-examinable-silicon-Piercing-50 = [color=crimson]{ CAPITALIZE(POSS-ADJ($target)) } шасси усеяно глубокими отверстиями![/color]
 health-examinable-silicon-Heat-25 = [color=orange]{ CAPITALIZE(POSS-ADJ($target)) } шасси слегка закоптилось.[/color]
 health-examinable-silicon-Heat-50 = [color=orange]{ CAPITALIZE(POSS-ADJ($target)) } шасси немного оплавилось.[/color]
 health-examinable-silicon-Heat-75 = [color=orange]{ CAPITALIZE(POSS-ADJ($target)) } шасси частично расплавилось![/color]
 health-examinable-silicon-Shock-50 = [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]{ CAPITALIZE(POSS-ADJ($target)) } микросхемы, похоже, неплохо поджарились![/color]
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/lathe/recipes.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/lathe/recipes.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..efd13329ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/lathe/recipes.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+lathe-recipe-Medkit-name = аптечка первой помощи (пусто)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitBurn-name = набор для лечения физических травм (пусто)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitToxin-name = набор для лечения токсинов (пусто)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitO2-name = набор для лечения кислородного голодания (пусто)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitBrute-name = набор для лечения механических травм (пусто)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitAdvanced-name = продвинутая аптечка первой помощи (пусто)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitRadiation-name = набор для выведения радиации (пусто)
+lathe-recipe-MedkitCombat-name = боевая аптечка (пусто)
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/lathe/ui/lathe-menu.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/lathe/ui/lathe-menu.ftl
index e9547c0b047..cd9d3cc7b04 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/lathe/ui/lathe-menu.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/lathe/ui/lathe-menu.ftl
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ lathe-menu-search-designs = Поиск проектов
 lathe-menu-category-all = Всё
 lathe-menu-search-filter = Фильтр
 lathe-menu-amount = Кол-во:
+lathe-menu-reagent-slot-examine = Сбоку имеется отверстие для мензурки.
+lathe-reagent-dispense-no-container = Жидкость выливается из { $name } на пол!
+lathe-menu-result-reagent-display = { $reagent } ({ $amount }ед.)
 lathe-menu-material-display = { $material } { $amount }
 lathe-menu-tooltip-display = { $amount } { $material }
 lathe-menu-description-display = [italic]{ $description }[/italic]
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/lock/locking-whitelist-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/lock/locking-whitelist-component.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e02e1c16fb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/lock/locking-whitelist-component.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+locking-whitelist-component-lock-toggle-deny = Вы не можете переключить замок.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/markings/moth.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/markings/moth.ftl
index a2012d22a40..b146c8acf7d 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/markings/moth.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/markings/moth.ftl
@@ -1,248 +1,247 @@
-marking-MothAntennasDefault-default = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasDefault = Антенны (Обычные)
-marking-MothAntennasCharred-charred = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasCharred = Антенны (Обугленные)
-marking-MothAntennasDbushy-dbushy = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasDbushy = Антенны (Кустистые)
-marking-MothAntennasDcurvy-dcurvy = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasDcurvy = Антенны (Закрученные)
-marking-MothAntennasDfan-dfan = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasDfan = Антенны (Вентилятор)
-marking-MothAntennasDpointy-dpointy = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasDpointy = Антенны (Заострённые)
-marking-MothAntennasFeathery-feathery = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasFeathery = Антенны (Перистые)
-marking-MothAntennasFirewatch-firewatch = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasFirewatch = Антенны (Файрвотч)
-marking-MothAntennasGray-gray = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasGray = Антенны (Серые)
-marking-MothAntennasJungle-jungle = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasJungle = Антенны (Джунгли)
-marking-MothAntennasMaple-maple = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasMaple = Антенны (Клён)
-marking-MothAntennasMoffra-moffra = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasMoffra = Антенны (Мотра)
-marking-MothAntennasOakworm-oakworm = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasOakworm = Антенны (Дубовый червь)
-marking-MothAntennasPlasmafire-plasmafire = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasPlasmafire = Антенны (Пожар плазмы)
-marking-MothAntennasRoyal-royal = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasRoyal = Антенны (Королевские)
-marking-MothAntennasStriped-striped = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasStriped = Антенны (Полосатые)
-marking-MothAntennasWhitefly-whitefly = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasWhitefly = Антенны (Белая муха)
-marking-MothAntennasWitchwing-witchwing = Антенна
-marking-MothAntennasWitchwing = Антенны (Ведьмино крыло)
-marking-MothAntennasUnderwing-underwing_primary = Основной
-marking-MothAntennasUnderwing-underwing_secondary = Вторичный
-marking-MothAntennasUnderwing = Антенны (Подкрылье)
-marking-MothWingsDefault-default = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsDefault = Крылья (Обычные)
-marking-MothWingsCharred-charred = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsCharred = Крылья (Обугленные)
-marking-MothWingsDbushy-dbushy_primary = Основной
-marking-MothWingsDbushy-dbushy_secondary = Вторичный
-marking-MothWingsDbushy = Крылья (Тёмные и Кустистые)
-marking-MothWingsDeathhead-deathhead_primary = Основной
-marking-MothWingsDeathhead-deathhead_secondary = Вторичный
-marking-MothWingsDeathhead = Крылья (Рука Смерти)
-marking-MothWingsFan-fan = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsFan = Крылья (Вентилятор)
-marking-MothWingsDfan-dfan = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsDfan = Крылья (Тёмные и Вентилятор)
-marking-MothWingsFeathery-feathery = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsFeathery = Крылья (Перистые)
-marking-MothWingsFirewatch-firewatch_primary = Основной
-marking-MothWingsFirewatch-firewatch_secondary = Вторичный
-marking-MothWingsFirewatch = Крылья (Файрвотч)
-marking-MothWingsGothic-gothic = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsGothic = Крылья (Готика)
-marking-MothWingsJungle-jungle = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsJungle = Крылья (Джунгли)
-marking-MothWingsLadybug-ladybug = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsLadybug = Крылья (Божья коровка)
-marking-MothWingsMaple-maple = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsMaple = Крылья (Клён)
-marking-MothWingsMoffra-moffra_primary = Основной
-marking-MothWingsMoffra-moffra_secondary = Вторичный
-marking-MothWingsMoffra = Крылья (Мотра)
-marking-MothWingsOakworm-oakworm = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsOakworm = Крылья (Дубовый червь)
-marking-MothWingsPlasmafire-plasmafire_primary = Основной
-marking-MothWingsPlasmafire-plasmafire_secondary = Вторичный
-marking-MothWingsPlasmafire = Крылья (Пожар плазмы)
-marking-MothWingsPointy-pointy = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsPointy = Крылья (Заострённые)
-marking-MothWingsRoyal-royal_primary = Основной
-marking-MothWingsRoyal-royal_secondary = Вторичный
-marking-MothWingsRoyal = Крылья (Королевские)
-marking-MothWingsStellar-stellar = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsStellar = Крылья (Звёздные)
-marking-MothWingsStriped-striped = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsStriped = Крылья (Полосатые)
-marking-MothWingsSwirly-swirly = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsSwirly = Крылья (Завихрение)
-marking-MothWingsWhitefly-whitefly = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsWhitefly = Крылья (Белая муха)
-marking-MothWingsWitchwing-witchwing = Крыло
-marking-MothWingsWitchwing = Крылья (Ведьмино крыло)
-marking-MothWingsUnderwing-underwing_primary = Основной
-marking-MothWingsUnderwing-underwing_secondary = Вторичный
-marking-MothWingsUnderwing = Крылья (Подкрылье)
-marking-MothChestCharred-charred_chest = Грудь
-marking-MothChestCharred = Ниан, Грудь (Обугленные)
-marking-MothHeadCharred-charred_head = Голова
-marking-MothHeadCharred = Ниан, Голова (Обугленные)
-marking-MothLLegCharred-charred_l_leg = Левая Нога
-marking-MothLLegCharred = Ниан, Левая нога (Обугленные)
-marking-MothRLegCharred-charred_r_leg = Правая Нога
-marking-MothRLegCharred = Ниан, Правая нога (Обугленные)
-marking-MothLArmCharred-charred_l_arm = Левая Рука
-marking-MothLArmCharred = Ниан, Левая рука (Обугленные)
-marking-MothRArmCharred-charred_r_arm = Правая Рука
-marking-MothRArmCharred = Ниан, Правая рука (Обугленные)
-marking-MothChestDeathhead-deathhead_chest = Грудь
-marking-MothChestDeathhead = Ниан, Грудь (Рука Смерти)
-marking-MothHeadDeathhead-deathhead_head = Голова
-marking-MothHeadDeathhead = Ниан, Голова (Рука Смерти)
-marking-MothLLegDeathhead-deathhead_l_leg = Левая Нога
-marking-MothLLegDeathhead = Ниан, Левая нога (Рука Смерти)
-marking-MothRLegDeathhead-deathhead_r_leg = Правая Нога
-marking-MothRLegDeathhead = Ниан, Правая нога (Рука Смерти)
-marking-MothLArmDeathhead-deathhead_l_arm = Левая Рука
-marking-MothLArmDeathhead = Ниан, Левая рука (Рука Смерти)
-marking-MothRArmDeathhead-deathhead_r_arm = Правая Рука
-marking-MothRArmDeathhead = Ниан, Правая рука (Рука Смерти)
-marking-MothChestFan-fan_chest = Грудь
-marking-MothChestFan = Ниан, Грудь (Вентилятор)
-marking-MothHeadFan-fan_head = Голова
-marking-MothHeadFan = Ниан, Голова (Вентилятор)
-marking-MothLLegFan-fan_l_leg = Левая Нога
-marking-MothLLegFan = Ниан, Левая нога (Вентилятор)
-marking-MothRLegFan-fan_r_leg = Правая Нога
-marking-MothRLegFan = Ниан, Правая нога (Вентилятор)
-marking-MothLArmFan-fan_l_arm = Левая Рука
-marking-MothLArmFan = Ниан, Левая рука (Вентилятор)
-marking-MothRArmFan-fan_r_arm = Правая Рука
-marking-MothRArmFan = Ниан, Правая рука (Вентилятор)
-marking-MothChestFirewatch-firewatch_chest = Грудь
-marking-MothChestFirewatch = Ниан, Грудь (Файрвотч)
-marking-MothHeadFirewatch-firewatch_head = Голова
-marking-MothHeadFirewatch = Ниан, Голова (Файрвотч)
-marking-MothLLegFirewatch-firewatch_l_leg = Левая Нога
-marking-MothLLegFirewatch = Ниан, Левая нога (Файрвотч)
-marking-MothRLegFirewatch-firewatch_r_leg = Правая Нога
-marking-MothRLegFirewatch = Ниан, Правая нога (Файрвотч)
-marking-MothLArmFirewatch-firewatch_l_arm = Левая Рука
-marking-MothLArmFirewatch = Ниан, Левая рука (Файрвотч)
-marking-MothRArmFirewatch-firewatch_r_arm = Правая Рука
-marking-MothRArmFirewatch = Ниан, Правая рука (Файрвотч)
-marking-MothChestGothic-gothic_chest = Грудь
-marking-MothChestGothic = Ниан, Грудь (Готика)
-marking-MothHeadGothic-gothic_head = Голова
-marking-MothHeadGothic = Ниан, Голова (Готика)
-marking-MothLLegGothic-gothic_l_leg = Левая Нога
-marking-MothLLegGothic = Ниан, Левая нога (Готика)
-marking-MothRLegGothic-gothic_r_leg = Правая Нога
-marking-MothRLegGothic = Ниан, Правая нога (Готика)
-marking-MothLArmGothic-gothic_l_arm = Левая Рука
-marking-MothLArmGothic = Ниан, Левая рука (Готика)
-marking-MothRArmGothic-gothic_r_arm = Правая Рука
-marking-MothRArmGothic = Ниан, Правая рука (Готика)
-marking-MothChestJungle-jungle_chest = Грудь
-marking-MothChestJungle = Ниан, Грудь (Джунгли)
-marking-MothHeadJungle-jungle_head = Голова
-marking-MothHeadJungle = Ниан, Голова (Джунгли)
-marking-MothLLegJungle-jungle_l_leg = Левая Нога
-marking-MothLLegJungle = Ниан, Левая нога (Джунгли)
-marking-MothRLegJungle-jungle_r_leg = Правая Нога
-marking-MothRLegJungle = Ниан, Правая нога (Джунгли)
-marking-MothLArmJungle-jungle_l_arm = Левая Рука
-marking-MothLArmJungle = Ниан, Левая рука (Джунгли)
-marking-MothRArmJungle-jungle_r_arm = Правая Рука
-marking-MothRArmJungle = Ниан, Правая рука (Джунгли)
-marking-MothChestMoonfly-moonfly_chest = Грудь
-marking-MothChestMoonfly = Ниан, Грудь (Мунфлай)
-marking-MothHeadMoonfly-moonfly_head = Голова
-marking-MothHeadMoonfly = Ниан, Голова (Мунфлай)
-marking-MothLLegMoonfly-moonfly_l_leg = Левая Нога
-marking-MothLLegMoonfly = Ниан, Левая нога (Мунфлай)
-marking-MothRLegMoonfly-moonfly_r_leg = Правая Нога
-marking-MothRLegMoonfly = Ниан, Правая нога (Мунфлай)
-marking-MothLArmMoonfly-moonfly_l_arm = Левая Рука
-marking-MothLArmMoonfly = Ниан, Левая рука (Мунфлай)
-marking-MothRArmMoonfly-moonfly_r_arm = Правая Рука
-marking-MothRArmMoonfly = Ниан, Правая рука (Мунфлай)
-marking-MothChestOakworm-oakworm_chest = Грудь
-marking-MothChestOakworm = Ниан, Грудь (Дубовый червь)
-marking-MothHeadOakworm-oakworm_head = Голова
-marking-MothHeadOakworm = Ниан, Голова (Дубовый червь)
-marking-MothLLegOakworm-oakworm_l_leg = Левая Нога
-marking-MothLLegOakworm = Ниан, Левая нога (Дубовый червь)
-marking-MothRLegOakworm-oakworm_r_leg = Правая Нога
-marking-MothRLegOakworm = Ниан, Правая нога (Дубовый червь)
-marking-MothLArmOakworm-oakworm_l_arm = Левая Рука
-marking-MothLArmOakworm = Ниан, Левая рука (Дубовый червь)
-marking-MothRArmOakworm-oakworm_r_arm = Правая Рука
-marking-MothRArmOakworm = Ниан, Правая рука (Дубовый червь)
-marking-MothChestPointy-pointy_chest = Грудь
-marking-MothChestPointy = Ниан, Грудь (Заострённые)
-marking-MothHeadPointy-pointy_head = Голова
-marking-MothHeadPointy = Ниан, Голова (Заострённые)
-marking-MothLLegPointy-pointy_l_leg = Левая Нога
-marking-MothLLegPointy = Ниан, Левая нога (Заострённые)
-marking-MothRLegPointy-pointy_r_leg = Правая Нога
-marking-MothRLegPointy = Ниан, Правая нога (Заострённые)
-marking-MothLArmPointy-pointy_l_arm = Левая Рука
-marking-MothLArmPointy = Ниан, Левая рука (Заострённые)
-marking-MothRArmPointy-pointy_r_arm = Правая Рука
-marking-MothRArmPointy = Ниан, Правая рука (Заострённые)
-marking-MothChestRagged-ragged_chest = Грудь
-marking-MothChestRagged = Ниан, Грудь (Потрёпанные)
-marking-MothHeadRagged-ragged_head = Голова
-marking-MothHeadRagged = Ниан, Голова (Потрёпанные)
-marking-MothLLegRagged-ragged_l_leg = Левая Нога
-marking-MothLLegRagged = Ниан, Левая нога (Потрёпанные)
-marking-MothRLegRagged-ragged_r_leg = Правая Нога
-marking-MothRLegRagged = Ниан, Правая нога (Потрёпанные)
-marking-MothLArmRagged-ragged_l_arm = Левая Рука
-marking-MothLArmRagged = Ниан, Левая рука (Потрёпанные)
-marking-MothRArmRagged-ragged_r_arm = Правая Рука
-marking-MothRArmRagged = Ниан, Правая рука (Потрёпанные)
-marking-MothChestRoyal-royal_chest = Грудь
-marking-MothChestRoyal = Ниан, Грудь (Королевские)
-marking-MothHeadRoyal-royal_head = Голова
-marking-MothHeadRoyal = Ниан, Голова (Королевские)
-marking-MothLLegRoyal-royal_l_leg = Левая Нога
-marking-MothLLegRoyal = Ниан, Левая нога (Королевские)
-marking-MothRLegRoyal-royal_r_leg = Правая Нога
-marking-MothRLegRoyal = Ниан, Правая нога (Королевские)
-marking-MothLArmRoyal-royal_l_arm = Левая Рука
-marking-MothLArmRoyal = Ниан, Левая рука (Королевские)
-marking-MothRArmRoyal-royal_r_arm = Правая Рука
-marking-MothRArmRoyal = Ниан, Правая рука (Королевские)
-marking-MothChestWhitefly-whitefly_chest = Грудь
-marking-MothChestWhitefly = Ниан, Грудь (Белая муха)
-marking-MothHeadWhitefly-whitefly_head = Голова
-marking-MothHeadWhitefly = Ниан, Голова (Белая муха)
-marking-MothLLegWhitefly-whitefly_l_leg = Левая Нога
-marking-MothLLegWhitefly = Ниан, Левая нога (Белая муха)
-marking-MothRLegWhitefly-whitefly_r_leg = Правая Нога
-marking-MothRLegWhitefly = Ниан, Правая нога (Белая муха)
-marking-MothLArmWhitefly-whitefly_l_arm = Левая Рука
-marking-MothLArmWhitefly = Ниан, Левая рука (Белая муха)
-marking-MothRArmWhitefly-whitefly_r_arm = Правая Рука
-marking-MothRArmWhitefly = Ниан, Правая рука (Белая муха)
-marking-MothChestWitchwing-witchwing_chest = Грудь
-marking-MothChestWitchwing = Ниан, Грудь (Ведьмино крыло)
-marking-MothHeadWitchwing-witchwing_head = Голова
-marking-MothHeadWitchwing = Ниан, Голова (Ведьмино крыло)
-marking-MothLLegWitchwing-witchwing_l_leg = Левая Нога
-marking-MothLLegWitchwing = Ниан, Левая нога (Ведьмино крыло)
-marking-MothRLegWitchwing-witchwing_r_leg = Правая Нога
-marking-MothRLegWitchwing = Ниан, Правая нога (Ведьмино крыло)
-marking-MothLArmWitchwing-witchwing_l_arm = Левая Рука
-marking-MothLArmWitchwing = Ниан, Левая рука (Ведьмино крыло)
-marking-MothRArmWitchwing-witchwing_r_arm = Правая Рука
-marking-MothRArmWitchwing = Ниан, Правая рука (Ведьмино крыло)
+#marking-MothAntennasDefault-default = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasDefault = Антенны (Обычные)
+#marking-MothAntennasCharred-charred = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasCharred = Антенны (Обугленные)
+#marking-MothAntennasDbushy-dbushy = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasDbushy = Антенны (Кустистые)
+#marking-MothAntennasDcurvy-dcurvy = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasDcurvy = Антенны (Закрученные)
+#marking-MothAntennasDfan-dfan = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasDfan = Антенны (Вентилятор)
+#marking-MothAntennasDpointy-dpointy = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasDpointy = Антенны (Заострённые)
+#marking-MothAntennasFeathery-feathery = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasFeathery = Антенны (Перистые)
+#marking-MothAntennasFirewatch-firewatch = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasFirewatch = Антенны (Файрвотч)
+#marking-MothAntennasGray-gray = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasGray = Антенны (Серые)
+#marking-MothAntennasJungle-jungle = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasJungle = Антенны (Джунгли)
+#marking-MothAntennasMaple-maple = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasMaple = Антенны (Клён)
+#marking-MothAntennasMoffra-moffra = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasMoffra = Антенны (Мотра)
+#marking-MothAntennasOakworm-oakworm = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasOakworm = Антенны (Дубовый червь)
+#marking-MothAntennasPlasmafire-plasmafire = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasPlasmafire = Антенны (Пожар плазмы)
+#marking-MothAntennasRoyal-royal = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasRoyal = Антенны (Королевские)
+#marking-MothAntennasStriped-striped = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasStriped = Антенны (Полосатые)
+#marking-MothAntennasWhitefly-whitefly = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasWhitefly = Антенны (Белая муха)
+#marking-MothAntennasWitchwing-witchwing = Антенна
+#marking-MothAntennasWitchwing = Антенны (Ведьмино крыло)
+#marking-MothAntennasUnderwing-underwing_primary = Основной
+#marking-MothAntennasUnderwing-underwing_secondary = Вторичный
+#marking-MothAntennasUnderwing = Антенны (Подкрылье)
+#marking-MothWingsDefault-default = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsDefault = Крылья (Обычные)
+#marking-MothWingsCharred-charred = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsCharred = Крылья (Обугленные)
+#marking-MothWingsDbushy-dbushy_primary = Основной
+#marking-MothWingsDbushy-dbushy_secondary = Вторичный
+#marking-MothWingsDbushy = Крылья (Тёмные и Кустистые)
+#marking-MothWingsDeathhead-deathhead_primary = Основной
+#marking-MothWingsDeathhead-deathhead_secondary = Вторичный
+#marking-MothWingsDeathhead = Крылья (Рука Смерти)
+#marking-MothWingsFan-fan = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsFan = Крылья (Вентилятор)
+#marking-MothWingsDfan-dfan = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsDfan = Крылья (Тёмные и Вентилятор)
+#marking-MothWingsFeathery-feathery = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsFeathery = Крылья (Перистые)
+#marking-MothWingsFirewatch-firewatch_primary = Основной
+#marking-MothWingsFirewatch-firewatch_secondary = Вторичный
+#marking-MothWingsFirewatch = Крылья (Файрвотч)
+#marking-MothWingsGothic-gothic = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsGothic = Крылья (Готика)
+#marking-MothWingsJungle-jungle = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsJungle = Крылья (Джунгли)
+#marking-MothWingsLadybug-ladybug = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsLadybug = Крылья (Божья коровка)
+#marking-MothWingsMaple-maple = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsMaple = Крылья (Клён)
+#marking-MothWingsMoffra-moffra_primary = Основной
+#marking-MothWingsMoffra-moffra_secondary = Вторичный
+#marking-MothWingsMoffra = Крылья (Мотра)
+#marking-MothWingsOakworm-oakworm = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsOakworm = Крылья (Дубовый червь)
+#marking-MothWingsPlasmafire-plasmafire_primary = Основной
+#marking-MothWingsPlasmafire-plasmafire_secondary = Вторичный
+#marking-MothWingsPlasmafire = Крылья (Пожар плазмы)
+#marking-MothWingsPointy-pointy = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsPointy = Крылья (Заострённые)
+#marking-MothWingsRoyal-royal_primary = Основной
+#marking-MothWingsRoyal-royal_secondary = Вторичный
+#marking-MothWingsRoyal = Крылья (Королевские)
+#marking-MothWingsStellar-stellar = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsStellar = Крылья (Звёздные)
+#marking-MothWingsStriped-striped = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsStriped = Крылья (Полосатые)
+#marking-MothWingsSwirly-swirly = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsSwirly = Крылья (Завихрение)
+#marking-MothWingsWhitefly-whitefly = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsWhitefly = Крылья (Белая муха)
+#marking-MothWingsWitchwing-witchwing = Крыло
+#marking-MothWingsWitchwing = Крылья (Ведьмино крыло)
+#marking-MothWingsUnderwing-underwing_primary = Основной
+#marking-MothWingsUnderwing-underwing_secondary = Вторичный
+#marking-MothWingsUnderwing = Крылья (Подкрылье)
+#marking-MothChestCharred-charred_chest = Грудь
+#marking-MothChestCharred = Ниан, Грудь (Обугленные)
+#marking-MothHeadCharred-charred_head = Голова
+#marking-MothHeadCharred = Ниан, Голова (Обугленные)
+#marking-MothLLegCharred-charred_l_leg = Левая Нога
+#marking-MothLLegCharred = Ниан, Левая нога (Обугленные)
+#marking-MothRLegCharred-charred_r_leg = Правая Нога
+#marking-MothRLegCharred = Ниан, Правая нога (Обугленные)
+#marking-MothLArmCharred-charred_l_arm = Левая Рука
+#marking-MothLArmCharred = Ниан, Левая рука (Обугленные)
+#marking-MothRArmCharred-charred_r_arm = Правая Рука
+#marking-MothRArmCharred = Ниан, Правая рука (Обугленные)
+#marking-MothChestDeathhead-deathhead_chest = Грудь
+#marking-MothChestDeathhead = Ниан, Грудь (Рука Смерти)
+#marking-MothHeadDeathhead-deathhead_head = Голова
+#marking-MothHeadDeathhead = Ниан, Голова (Рука Смерти)
+#marking-MothLLegDeathhead-deathhead_l_leg = Левая Нога
+#marking-MothLLegDeathhead = Ниан, Левая нога (Рука Смерти)
+#marking-MothRLegDeathhead-deathhead_r_leg = Правая Нога
+#marking-MothRLegDeathhead = Ниан, Правая нога (Рука Смерти)
+#marking-MothLArmDeathhead-deathhead_l_arm = Левая Рука
+#marking-MothLArmDeathhead = Ниан, Левая рука (Рука Смерти)
+#marking-MothRArmDeathhead-deathhead_r_arm = Правая Рука
+#marking-MothRArmDeathhead = Ниан, Правая рука (Рука Смерти)
+#marking-MothChestFan-fan_chest = Грудь
+#marking-MothChestFan = Ниан, Грудь (Вентилятор)
+#marking-MothHeadFan-fan_head = Голова
+#marking-MothHeadFan = Ниан, Голова (Вентилятор)
+#marking-MothLLegFan-fan_l_leg = Левая Нога
+#marking-MothLLegFan = Ниан, Левая нога (Вентилятор)
+#marking-MothRLegFan-fan_r_leg = Правая Нога
+#marking-MothRLegFan = Ниан, Правая нога (Вентилятор)
+#marking-MothLArmFan-fan_l_arm = Левая Рука
+#marking-MothLArmFan = Ниан, Левая рука (Вентилятор)
+#marking-MothRArmFan-fan_r_arm = Правая Рука
+#marking-MothRArmFan = Ниан, Правая рука (Вентилятор)
+#marking-MothChestFirewatch-firewatch_chest = Грудь
+#marking-MothChestFirewatch = Ниан, Грудь (Файрвотч)
+#marking-MothHeadFirewatch-firewatch_head = Голова
+#marking-MothHeadFirewatch = Ниан, Голова (Файрвотч)
+#marking-MothLLegFirewatch-firewatch_l_leg = Левая Нога
+#marking-MothLLegFirewatch = Ниан, Левая нога (Файрвотч)
+#marking-MothRLegFirewatch-firewatch_r_leg = Правая Нога
+#marking-MothRLegFirewatch = Ниан, Правая нога (Файрвотч)
+#marking-MothLArmFirewatch-firewatch_l_arm = Левая Рука
+#marking-MothLArmFirewatch = Ниан, Левая рука (Файрвотч)
+#marking-MothRArmFirewatch-firewatch_r_arm = Правая Рука
+#marking-MothRArmFirewatch = Ниан, Правая рука (Файрвотч)
+#marking-MothChestGothic-gothic_chest = Грудь
+#marking-MothChestGothic = Ниан, Грудь (Готика)
+#marking-MothHeadGothic-gothic_head = Голова
+#marking-MothHeadGothic = Ниан, Голова (Готика)
+#marking-MothLLegGothic-gothic_l_leg = Левая Нога
+#marking-MothLLegGothic = Ниан, Левая нога (Готика)
+#marking-MothRLegGothic-gothic_r_leg = Правая Нога
+#marking-MothRLegGothic = Ниан, Правая нога (Готика)
+#marking-MothLArmGothic-gothic_l_arm = Левая Рука
+#marking-MothLArmGothic = Ниан, Левая рука (Готика)
+#marking-MothRArmGothic-gothic_r_arm = Правая Рука
+#marking-MothRArmGothic = Ниан, Правая рука (Готика)
+#marking-MothChestJungle-jungle_chest = Грудь
+#marking-MothChestJungle = Ниан, Грудь (Джунгли)
+#marking-MothHeadJungle-jungle_head = Голова
+#marking-MothHeadJungle = Ниан, Голова (Джунгли)
+#marking-MothLLegJungle-jungle_l_leg = Левая Нога
+#marking-MothLLegJungle = Ниан, Левая нога (Джунгли)
+#marking-MothRLegJungle-jungle_r_leg = Правая Нога
+#marking-MothRLegJungle = Ниан, Правая нога (Джунгли)
+#marking-MothLArmJungle-jungle_l_arm = Левая Рука
+#marking-MothLArmJungle = Ниан, Левая рука (Джунгли)
+#marking-MothRArmJungle-jungle_r_arm = Правая Рука
+#marking-MothRArmJungle = Ниан, Правая рука (Джунгли)
+#marking-MothChestMoonfly-moonfly_chest = Грудь
+#marking-MothChestMoonfly = Ниан, Грудь (Мунфлай)
+#marking-MothHeadMoonfly-moonfly_head = Голова
+#marking-MothHeadMoonfly = Ниан, Голова (Мунфлай)
+#marking-MothLLegMoonfly-moonfly_l_leg = Левая Нога
+#marking-MothLLegMoonfly = Ниан, Левая нога (Мунфлай)
+#marking-MothRLegMoonfly-moonfly_r_leg = Правая Нога
+#marking-MothRLegMoonfly = Ниан, Правая нога (Мунфлай)
+#marking-MothLArmMoonfly-moonfly_l_arm = Левая Рука
+#marking-MothLArmMoonfly = Ниан, Левая рука (Мунфлай)
+#marking-MothRArmMoonfly-moonfly_r_arm = Правая Рука
+#marking-MothRArmMoonfly = Ниан, Правая рука (Мунфлай)
+#marking-MothChestOakworm-oakworm_chest = Грудь
+#marking-MothChestOakworm = Ниан, Грудь (Дубовый червь)
+#marking-MothHeadOakworm-oakworm_head = Голова
+#marking-MothHeadOakworm = Ниан, Голова (Дубовый червь)
+#marking-MothLLegOakworm-oakworm_l_leg = Левая Нога
+#marking-MothLLegOakworm = Ниан, Левая нога (Дубовый червь)
+#marking-MothRLegOakworm-oakworm_r_leg = Правая Нога
+#marking-MothRLegOakworm = Ниан, Правая нога (Дубовый червь)
+#marking-MothLArmOakworm-oakworm_l_arm = Левая Рука
+#marking-MothLArmOakworm = Ниан, Левая рука (Дубовый червь)
+#marking-MothRArmOakworm-oakworm_r_arm = Правая Рука
+#marking-MothRArmOakworm = Ниан, Правая рука (Дубовый червь)
+#marking-MothChestPointy-pointy_chest = Грудь
+#marking-MothChestPointy = Ниан, Грудь (Заострённые)
+#marking-MothHeadPointy = Ниан, Голова (Заострённые)
+#marking-MothLLegPointy-pointy_l_leg = Левая Нога
+#marking-MothLLegPointy = Ниан, Левая нога (Заострённые)
+#marking-MothRLegPointy-pointy_r_leg = Правая Нога
+#marking-MothRLegPointy = Ниан, Правая нога (Заострённые)
+#marking-MothLArmPointy-pointy_l_arm = Левая Рука
+#marking-MothLArmPointy = Ниан, Левая рука (Заострённые)
+#marking-MothRArmPointy-pointy_r_arm = Правая Рука
+#marking-MothRArmPointy = Ниан, Правая рука (Заострённые)
+#marking-MothChestRagged-ragged_chest = Грудь
+#marking-MothChestRagged = Ниан, Грудь (Потрёпанные)
+#marking-MothHeadRagged-ragged_head = Голова
+#marking-MothHeadRagged = Ниан, Голова (Потрёпанные)
+#marking-MothLLegRagged-ragged_l_leg = Левая Нога
+#marking-MothLLegRagged = Ниан, Левая нога (Потрёпанные)
+#marking-MothRLegRagged-ragged_r_leg = Правая Нога
+#marking-MothRLegRagged = Ниан, Правая нога (Потрёпанные)
+#marking-MothLArmRagged-ragged_l_arm = Левая Рука
+#marking-MothLArmRagged = Ниан, Левая рука (Потрёпанные)
+#marking-MothRArmRagged-ragged_r_arm = Правая Рука
+#marking-MothRArmRagged = Ниан, Правая рука (Потрёпанные)
+#marking-MothChestRoyal-royal_chest = Грудь
+#marking-MothChestRoyal = Ниан, Грудь (Королевские)
+#marking-MothHeadRoyal-royal_head = Голова
+#marking-MothHeadRoyal = Ниан, Голова (Королевские)
+#marking-MothLLegRoyal-royal_l_leg = Левая Нога
+#marking-MothLLegRoyal = Ниан, Левая нога (Королевские)
+#marking-MothRLegRoyal-royal_r_leg = Правая Нога
+#marking-MothRLegRoyal = Ниан, Правая нога (Королевские)
+#marking-MothLArmRoyal-royal_l_arm = Левая Рука
+#marking-MothLArmRoyal = Ниан, Левая рука (Королевские)
+#marking-MothRArmRoyal-royal_r_arm = Правая Рука
+#marking-MothRArmRoyal = Ниан, Правая рука (Королевские)
+#marking-MothChestWhitefly-whitefly_chest = Грудь
+#marking-MothChestWhitefly = Ниан, Грудь (Белая муха)
+#marking-MothHeadWhitefly-whitefly_head = Голова
+#marking-MothHeadWhitefly = Ниан, Голова (Белая муха)
+#marking-MothLLegWhitefly-whitefly_l_leg = Левая Нога
+#marking-MothLLegWhitefly = Ниан, Левая нога (Белая муха)
+#marking-MothRLegWhitefly-whitefly_r_leg = Правая Нога
+#marking-MothRLegWhitefly = Ниан, Правая нога (Белая муха)
+#marking-MothLArmWhitefly-whitefly_l_arm = Левая Рука
+#marking-MothLArmWhitefly = Ниан, Левая рука (Белая муха)
+#marking-MothRArmWhitefly-whitefly_r_arm = Правая Рука
+#marking-MothRArmWhitefly = Ниан, Правая рука (Белая муха)
+#marking-MothChestWitchwing-witchwing_chest = Грудь
+#marking-MothChestWitchwing = Ниан, Грудь (Ведьмино крыло)
+#marking-MothHeadWitchwing-witchwing_head = Голова
+#marking-MothHeadWitchwing = Ниан, Голова (Ведьмино крыло)
+#marking-MothLLegWitchwing-witchwing_l_leg = Левая Нога
+#marking-MothLLegWitchwing = Ниан, Левая нога (Ведьмино крыло)
+#marking-MothRLegWitchwing-witchwing_r_leg = Правая Нога
+#marking-MothRLegWitchwing = Ниан, Правая нога (Ведьмино крыло)
+#marking-MothLArmWitchwing-witchwing_l_arm = Левая Рука
+#marking-MothLArmWitchwing = Ниан, Левая рука (Ведьмино крыло)
+#marking-MothRArmWitchwing-witchwing_r_arm = Правая Рука
+#marking-MothRArmWitchwing = Ниан, Правая рука (Ведьмино крыло)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/mass-media/news-ui.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/mass-media/news-ui.ftl
index 3e86a3f4f42..b94b4540527 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/mass-media/news-ui.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/mass-media/news-ui.ftl
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ news-write-ui-richtext-tooltip =
     { "[bullet/]color" }
     { "[bullet/]bullet[/color]" }
 news-pda-notification-header = Новая новостная статья
-news-publish-admin-announcement = { $actor } опубликовал(а) новостную статью { $title } за авторством { $author }"
+news-publish-admin-announcement = { $actor } опубликовал(а) новостную статью { $title } за авторством { $author }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/paper/envelope.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/paper/envelope.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f5f9f266e25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/paper/envelope.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+envelope-verb-seal = Запечатать
+envelope-verb-tear = Вскрыть
+envelope-letter-slot = Письмо
+envelope-sealed-examine = [color=gray]{ CAPITALIZE($envelope) } запечатан[/color]
+envelope-torn-examine = [color=yellow]{ CAPITALIZE($envelope) } порван и непригоден для использования![/color]
+envelope-default-message =
+    ОТ: 
+    КОМУ:
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/particle-accelerator/components/ui/particle-accelerator-control-menu.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/particle-accelerator/components/ui/particle-accelerator-control-menu.ftl
index df5b925e496..750eb91749e 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/particle-accelerator/components/ui/particle-accelerator-control-menu.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/particle-accelerator/components/ui/particle-accelerator-control-menu.ftl
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ particle-accelerator-control-menu-alarm-control-2 = [bold][color=red]СБОЙ О
 particle-accelerator-control-menu-scan-parts-button = Сканировать части
 particle-accelerator-control-menu-check-containment-field-warning = Убедитесь, что сдерживающее поле активно!
 particle-accelerator-control-menu-foo-bar-baz = FOO-BAR-BAZ
+particle-accelerator-control-menu-status-label = [bold]Статус:[/bold]
 particle-accelerator-control-menu-status-unknown = [font="Monospace"][color=red]Нет данных[/color][/bold]
-particle-accelerator-control-menu-status-label = Статус: { $status }
-particle-accelerator-control-menu-status-operational = Работает
-particle-accelerator-control-menu-status-incomplete = Не завершено
+particle-accelerator-control-menu-status-operational = [font="Monospace"][color=green]Работоспособно[/color][/bold]
+particle-accelerator-control-menu-status-incomplete = [font="Monospace"][color=red]Не завершено[/color][/bold]
+particle-accelerator-control-menu-draw = [bold]Мощность:[/bold]
 particle-accelerator-control-menu-draw-value = [font="Monospace"]{ $watts }/{ $lastReceive }[/font]
-particle-accelerator-control-menu-draw-not-available = Мощность: Н/Д
+particle-accelerator-control-menu-draw-not-available = [font="Monospace"][color=gray]Н/Д[/color][/font]
 particle-accelerator-radio-message-on = Питание УЧ было включено.
 particle-accelerator-radio-message-off = Питание УЧ было выключено.
 particle-accelerator-radio-message-num = Мощность УЧ установлена на уровень { $level }.
-particle-accelerator-control-menu-draw = Мощность: { $watts }/{ $lastReceive }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/power/components/charger.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/power/components/charger.ftl
index eaff900edbc..182607356e1 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/power/components/charger.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/power/components/charger.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
 charger-examine = Заряжает [color={ $color }]{ $chargeRate }Вт[/color] в секунду.
 charger-component-charge-rate = скорость зарядки
+charger-content = Текущий заряд: [color=#5E7C16]{ $chargePercentage }[/color]%.
+charger-empty = В зарядном устройстве ничего нет.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/preferences/ui/humanoid-profile-editor.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/preferences/ui/humanoid-profile-editor.ftl
index 89c2f0373c6..77f2f665a1e 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/preferences/ui/humanoid-profile-editor.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/preferences/ui/humanoid-profile-editor.ftl
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ humanoid-profile-editor-pronouns-epicene-text = Они / Их
 humanoid-profile-editor-pronouns-neuter-text = Оно / Его
 humanoid-profile-editor-import-button = Импорт
 humanoid-profile-editor-export-button = Экспорт
+humanoid-profile-editor-export-image-button = Экспорт изображения
+humanoid-profile-editor-open-image-button = Открыть изображения
 humanoid-profile-editor-save-button = Сохранить
 humanoid-profile-editor-reset-button = Сбросить
 humanoid-profile-editor-spawn-priority-label = Приоритет спавна:
@@ -52,3 +54,4 @@ humanoid-profile-editor-no-traits = Нет доступных черт
 humanoid-profile-editor-trait-count-hint = Доступно очков: [{ $current }/{ $max }]
 trait-category-disabilities = Ограничения
 trait-category-speech = Черты речи
+trait-category-quirks = Причуды
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/procedural/expeditions.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/procedural/expeditions.ftl
index 4205731365c..2506ec2cde7 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/procedural/expeditions.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/procedural/expeditions.ftl
@@ -40,3 +40,29 @@ salvage-expedition-announcement-countdown-seconds =
 salvage-expedition-reward-description = Награда за завершение миссии
 salvage-expedition-announcement-dungeon = Подземелье расположено от вас на { $direction }.
 salvage-expedition-completed = Экспедиция окончена.
+# Salvage biome mod
+salvage-biome-mod-caves = Пещеры
+salvage-biome-mod-grasslands = Луга
+salvage-biome-mod-snow = Снега
+salvage-biome-mod-lava = Лава
+# Salvage mods
+salvage-light-mod-daylight = День
+salvage-light-mod-evening = Вечер
+salvage-light-mod-night = Ночь
+salvage-temperature-mod-room-temperature = Комнатная температура
+salvage-temperature-mod-hot = Жара
+salvage-temperature-mod-high-temperature = Высокая температура
+salvage-temperature-mod-extreme-heat = Экстремальная жара
+salvage-temperature-mod-cold = Холод
+salvage-temperature-mod-low-temperature = Низкая температура
+salvage-temperature-mod-extreme-cold = Экстремальный холод
+salvage-air-mod-no-atmosphere = Отсутствие атмосферы
+salvage-air-mod-breathable-atmosphere = Пригодная атмосфера
+salvage-air-mod-dangerous-atmosphere = Опасная атмосфера
+salvage-air-mod-toxic-atmosphere = Токсичная атмосфера
+salvage-air-mod-volatile-atmosphere = Изменчивая атмосфера
+salvage-dungeon-mod-lava-brig = Лавовый бриг
+salvage-dungeon-mod-snowy-labs = Снежная лаборатория
+salvage-dungeon-mod-experiment = Эксперимент
+salvage-dungeon-mod-haunted = Призраки
+salvage-dungeon-mod-mineshaft = Шахта
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/procedural/salvage-faction.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/procedural/salvage-faction.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..550e99a9729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/procedural/salvage-faction.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+salvage-faction-xenos = Ксено
+salvage-faction-carps = Карпы
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/reagents/meta/pyrotechnic.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/reagents/meta/pyrotechnic.ftl
index 5a4aa1a5985..2106f0ab833 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/reagents/meta/pyrotechnic.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/reagents/meta/pyrotechnic.ftl
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ reagent-name-napalm = напалм
 reagent-desc-napalm = Немножко огнеопасен.
 reagent-name-phlogiston = флогистон
 reagent-desc-phlogiston = Подожжёт и заставит вас гореть.
-reagent-name-chlorine-trifluoride = CLF3
-reagent-desc-chlorine-trifluoride = Он же трифторид хлора. Вы очень, ОЧЕНЬ не хотите, чтобы эта дрянь оказалась рядом с вами.
+reagent-name-chlorine-trifluoride = трифторид хлора
+reagent-desc-chlorine-trifluoride = Вы очень, ОЧЕНЬ не хотите, чтобы эта дрянь оказалась рядом с вами.
 reagent-name-foaming-agent = пенообразующий агент
 reagent-desc-foaming-agent = Делает пену, подобную той, что требуется для гранат с металлической пеной.
 reagent-name-welding-fuel = сварочное топливо
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/seeds/seeds.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/seeds/seeds.ftl
index d18d9fa1a78..c363fe194c1 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/seeds/seeds.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/seeds/seeds.ftl
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ seeds-potato-name = картофель
 seeds-potato-display-name = картофель
 seeds-sugarcane-name = сахарный тростник
 seeds-sugarcane-display-name = сахарный тростник
+seeds-papercane-name = бумажный тростник
+seeds-papercane-display-name = бумажный тростник
 seeds-towercap-name = грибошляпник
 seeds-towercap-display-name = грибошляпник
 seeds-steelcap-name = сталешляпник
@@ -46,6 +48,8 @@ seeds-eggplant-name = баклажан
 seeds-eggplant-display-name = баклажан
 seeds-apple-name = яблоко
 seeds-apple-display-name = яблоня
+seeds-goldenapple-name = золотое яблоко
+seeds-goldenapple-display-name = золотая яблоня
 seeds-corn-name = кукуруза
 seeds-corn-display-name = початок кукурузы
 seeds-onion-name = лук
@@ -86,6 +90,8 @@ seeds-ambrosiadeus-name = амброзия деус
 seeds-ambrosiadeus-display-name = амброзия деус
 seeds-galaxythistle-name = галакточертополох
 seeds-galaxythistle-display-name = галакточертополох
+seeds-glasstle-name = стеклополох
+seeds-glasstle-display-name = стеклополох
 seeds-flyamanita-name = мухоморы
 seeds-flyamanita-display-name = мухоморы
 seeds-gatfruit-name = гатфрукт
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/species/species.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/species/species.ftl
index 0f2b10ddf26..7a96db115b8 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/species/species.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/species/species.ftl
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ species-name-reptilian = Унатх
 species-name-slime = Слаймолюд
 species-name-diona = Диона
 species-name-arachnid = Арахнид
-species-name-moth = Ниан
+#species-name-moth = Ниан
 species-name-skeleton = Скелет
 species-name-vox = Вокс
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/speech/speech-chatsan.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/speech/speech-chatsan.ftl
index 3e043346ebb..2cbe7cfbfbd 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/speech/speech-chatsan.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/speech/speech-chatsan.ftl
@@ -91,3 +91,13 @@ chatsan-word-48 = rn
 chatsan-replacement-48 = right now
 chatsan-word-49 = atm
 chatsan-replacement-49 = at the moment
+chatsan-word-50 = istg
+chatsan-replacement-50 = I swear to god
+chatsan-word-51 = rq
+chatsan-replacement-51 = real quick
+chatsan-word-52 = dw
+chatsan-replacement-52 = don't worry
+chatsan-word-53 = wru
+chatsan-replacement-53 = where are you
+chatsan-word-54 = fs
+chatsan-replacement-54 = for sure
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/body/parts/moth.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/body/parts/moth.ftl
index a7c4b197eee..a9b55a2b1bc 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/body/parts/moth.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/body/parts/moth.ftl
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-ent-PartMoth = часть тела нианы
-    .desc = { ent-BasePart.desc }
-ent-TorsoMoth = торс нианы
-    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
-ent-HeadMoth = голова нианы
-    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
-ent-LeftArmMoth = левая рука нианы
-    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
-ent-RightArmMoth = правая рука нианы
-    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
-ent-LeftHandMoth = левая кисть нианы
-    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
-ent-RightHandMoth = правая кисть нианы
-    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
-ent-LeftLegMoth = левая нога нианы
-    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
-ent-RightLegMoth = правая нога нианы
-    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
-ent-LeftFootMoth = левая стопа нианы
-    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
-ent-RightFootMoth = правая стопа нианы
-    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+#ent-PartMoth = часть тела нианы
+#    .desc = { ent-BasePart.desc }
+#ent-TorsoMoth = торс нианы
+#    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+#ent-HeadMoth = голова нианы
+#    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+#ent-LeftArmMoth = левая рука нианы
+#    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+#ent-RightArmMoth = правая рука нианы
+#    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+#ent-LeftHandMoth = левая кисть нианы
+#    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+#ent-RightHandMoth = правая кисть нианы
+#    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+#ent-LeftLegMoth = левая нога нианы
+#    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+#ent-RightLegMoth = правая нога нианы
+#    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+#ent-LeftFootMoth = левая стопа нианы
+#    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
+#ent-RightFootMoth = правая стопа нианы
+#    .desc = { ent-PartMoth.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/boxes/general.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/boxes/general.ftl
index d26d795b5ef..0f8422f445b 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/boxes/general.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/boxes/general.ftl
@@ -61,3 +61,5 @@ ent-BoxCandleSmall = коробка маленьких свечей
     .desc = { ent-BoxCandle.desc }
 ent-BoxDarts = коробка дротиков
     .desc = Коробка, наполненная разноцветными дротиками.
+ent-BoxEnvelope = коробка конвертов
+    .desc = Коробка, наполненная конвертами.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/permaescape.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/permaescape.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..faf48d38e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/permaescape.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ent-CratePermaEscapeSpawner = Perma Escape Crate Spawner
+    .desc = { ent-CrateEmptySpawner.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeDigging = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Копание
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeEVA = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = EVA
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeGun = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Огнестрел
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeBureaucracy = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Написание
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeLights = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Химсвет
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeMats = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Материалы
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeGiftsFromSyndicate = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Подарки Синдиката
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeMerc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Наёмническое
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeComs = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Коммуникация
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CratePermaEscapeTowercap = { ent-CrateGenericSteel }
+    .suffix = Грибошляпник
+    .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/service.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/service.ftl
index fa619988bbc..653011aa32c 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/service.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/crates/service.ftl
@@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ ent-CrateJanitorBiosuit = ящик биозащитных костюмов уб
 ent-CrateTrashCartFilled = { ent-CrateTrashCart }
     .suffix = Заполнен
     .desc = { ent-CrateTrashCart.desc }
+ent-CrateCandles = ящик свечей
+    .desc = Содержит 4 коробки свечей, 2 больших и 2 маленьких. Для создания атмосферы или ещё чего-нибудь.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/items/misc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/items/misc.ftl
index 0623c216eec..e929a455ca9 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/items/misc.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/catalog/fills/items/misc.ftl
@@ -12,3 +12,6 @@ ent-ClothingShoesHighheelBootsFilled = { ent-ClothingShoesHighheelBoots }
 ent-ClothingShoesBootsMercFilled = { ent-ClothingShoesBootsMerc }
     .suffix = Заполненный
     .desc = { ent-ClothingShoesBootsMerc.desc }
+ent-ClothingShoesBootsSyndieFilled = { ent-ClothingShoesBootsCombat }
+    .suffix = Заполненный, Метательный нож
+    .desc = { ent-ClothingShoesBootsCombat.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/misc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/misc.ftl
index 293cf825e97..42987ea0c13 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/misc.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/head/misc.ftl
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ ent-ClothingHeadHatCatEars = кошачьи ушки
     .desc = НЯ!
     .suffix = НЕ МАППИТЬ!
 ent-ClothingHeadHatCatEarsValid = { ent-ClothingHeadHatCatEars }
-  .suffix = Valid, НЕ МАППИТЬ!
-  .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadHatCatEars.desc }
+    .suffix = Valid, НЕ МАППИТЬ!
+    .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadHatCatEars.desc }
 ent-ActionBecomeValid = Become Valid
     .desc = *замечает ваш знак смерти* owo whats this
 ent-ClothingHeadHatDogEars = собачьи ушки
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/masks/masks.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/masks/masks.ftl
index 30bac64d4f6..17a57d5b39a 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/masks/masks.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/masks/masks.ftl
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ ent-ClothingMaskClown = { ent-ClothingMaskClownBase }
     .desc = { ent-ClothingMaskClownBase.desc }
 ent-ClothingMaskClownBanana = банановые маска и парик клоуна
     .desc = { ent-ClothingMaskClown.desc }
+ent-ClothingMaskClownSecurity = маска и парик клоуна безопасности
+    .desc = Спорно оксюморонные защитная маска и парик.
 ent-ClothingMaskJoy = маска радости
     .desc = Выразите свою радость или спрячьте свою печаль с помощью этой хохочущей до слёз маски.
 ent-ClothingMaskMime = маска мима
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/shoes/magboots.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/shoes/magboots.ftl
index 1cba1671bff..bf7c19dc710 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/shoes/magboots.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/clothing/shoes/magboots.ftl
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ ent-ClothingShoesBootsMagSci = { ent-ClothingShoesBootsMag }
 ent-ClothingShoesBootsMagBlinding = магнитные сапоги ослепляющей скорости
     .desc = Они будут отлично смотреться на ловкаче вроде вас.
 ent-ClothingShoesBootsMagSyndie = кроваво-красные магнитные сапоги
-    .desc = Созданные по технологии реверс-инжиниринга магнитные ботинки с встроенными ускорителями.
+    .desc = Созданные по технологии реверс-инжиниринга магнитные ботинки с встроенными ускорителями. Вмещает 0,75 Л газа.
 ent-ActionToggleMagboots = Переключить магнитные ботинки
     .desc = Включает или выключает магнитные ботинки.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/foldable.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/foldable.ftl
index 01143b541c2..468f6b1ef36 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/foldable.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/foldable.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
 ent-BaseFoldable = складной
     .desc = { "" }
+ent-BaseDeployFoldable = deploy foldable
+    .desc = { ent-BaseFoldable.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/markers/spawners/temp.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/markers/spawners/temp.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0fddc4a73ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/markers/spawners/temp.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ent-TemporaryEntityForTimedDespawnSpawners = { "" }
+    .desc = { "" }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/human.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/human.ftl
index 15dc5928ff9..2c752342b63 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/human.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/human.ftl
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
 ent-MobHuman = Урист МакЧеловек
     .desc = { ent-BaseMobHuman.desc }
-ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentBase = Агент Синдиката
+ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentBase = агент Синдиката
     .suffix = Человек, Базовый
     .desc = { ent-MobHuman.desc }
-ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgent = Агент Синдиката
+ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgent = агент Синдиката
     .suffix = Человек, Предатель
     .desc = { ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentBase.desc }
+ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentMedic = медик Синдиката
+    .desc = { ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgent.desc }
+ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentSpy = шпион Синдиката
+    .desc = { ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgent.desc }
+ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentThief = вор Синдиката
+    .desc = { ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgent.desc }
 ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentNukeops = { ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentBase }
     .suffix = Человек, Ядерный оперативник
     .desc = { ent-MobHumanSyndicateAgentBase.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/moth.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/moth.ftl
index c01dd8a1de0..1d03f099943 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/moth.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/moth.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ent-MobMoth = Урист МакФлафф
-    .desc = { ent-BaseMobMoth.desc }
+#ent-MobMoth = Урист МакФлафф
+#    .desc = { ent-BaseMobMoth.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/novakid.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/novakid.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f794a3be716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/player/novakid.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ent-MobNovakid = { ent-BaseMobNovakid }
+    .desc = { ent-BaseMobNovakid.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/species/moth.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/species/moth.ftl
index 91487be12e1..6835b62338b 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/species/moth.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/mobs/species/moth.ftl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-ent-BaseMobMoth = Урист МакФлафф
-    .desc = { ent-BaseMobSpeciesOrganic.desc }
-    .suffix = Ниан
-ent-MobMothDummy = { ent-BaseSpeciesDummy }
-    .desc = { ent-BaseSpeciesDummy.desc }
+# ent-BaseMobMoth = Урист МакФлафф
+#    .desc = { ent-BaseMobSpeciesOrganic.desc }
+#    .suffix = Ниан
+# ent-MobMothDummy = { ent-BaseSpeciesDummy }
+#    .desc = { ent-BaseSpeciesDummy.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/baked/pizza.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/baked/pizza.ftl
index 1bc3a90a389..c1c5730ce45 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/baked/pizza.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/baked/pizza.ftl
@@ -40,3 +40,7 @@ ent-FoodPizzaArnoldSlice = кусок пиццы Арнольда
     .desc = Я приду и, может быть, угощу тебя пиццей, а может быть, отломаю тебе руку.
 ent-FoodPizzaMoldySlice = кусок заплесневелой пиццы
     .desc = Когда-то это был отличный кусок пиццы, но теперь он лежит здесь, прогорклый и пронизанный спорами.
+ent-FoodPizzaUranium = острокаменная пицца
+    .desc = Острая пицца с перчиками и ураном.
+ent-FoodPizzaUraniumSlice = ломтик острокаменной пиццы
+    .desc = Светящийся кусочек острокаменной пиццы.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/produce.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/produce.ftl
index 4748cd023d1..ce0ba45bdf4 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/produce.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/consumable/food/produce.ftl
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ ent-OatBushel = сноп овса
     .desc = Ешьте овсянку, делайте зарядку.
 ent-Sugarcane = сахарный тростник
     .desc = Болезненно-сладкий.
+ent-Papercane = бумажный тростник
+    .desc = Зачем мы вообще выращиваем бумагу?
 ent-FoodLaughinPeaPod = стручок смешного горошка
     .desc = Любимое растение клоуна.
 ent-Log = бревно
@@ -58,6 +60,8 @@ ent-FoodEggplant = баклажан
     .desc = Может, внутри сидит баклан?
 ent-FoodApple = яблоко
     .desc = Это маленький кусочек Эдема.
+ent-FoodGoldenApple = золотое яблоко
+    .desc = Разве оно не должно быть в форме куба?
 ent-FoodCocoaPod = стручок какао-боба
     .desc = Шоколада много не бывает!
 ent-FoodCorn = початок кукурузы
@@ -96,6 +100,8 @@ ent-FoodAmbrosiaDeus = амброзия деус
     .desc = Лекарственное растение, пользующееся огромным спросом. Может оказывать побочные эффекты.
 ent-FoodGalaxythistle = галакточертополох
     .desc = Лекарственное растение, используемое для получения антитоксина.
+ent-FoodGlasstle = стеклополох
+    .desc = Хрупкое кристаллическое растение с множеством острых шипов.
 ent-FoodFlyAmanita = мухомор
     .desc = Аппетитно выглядящий гриб, как в мультфильмах.
 ent-FoodGatfruit = гатфрукт
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/base_handheld.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/base_handheld.ftl
index 69c4dc5e28d..a90fc2e3436 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/base_handheld.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/base_handheld.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 ent-BaseHandheldComputer = { ent-BaseItem }
-  .desc = { ent-BaseItem.desc }
+    .desc = { ent-BaseItem.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/circuitboards/machine/production.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/circuitboards/machine/production.ftl
index ad68cb4849f..98ca2968c1a 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/circuitboards/machine/production.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/circuitboards/machine/production.ftl
@@ -154,3 +154,5 @@ ent-JukeboxCircuitBoard = музыкальный автомат (машинна
     .desc = Печатная плата для музыкального автомата.
 ent-ReagentGrinderIndustrialMachineCircuitboard = промышленный измельчитель реагентов (машинная плата)
     .desc = { ent-BaseMachineCircuitboard.desc }
+ent-CutterMachineCircuitboard = плиткорез (машинная плата)
+    .desc = { ent-BaseMachineCircuitboard.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/syndicate_gadgets/reinforcement_teleporter.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/syndicate_gadgets/reinforcement_teleporter.ftl
index 2f0b16674f0..755635dd946 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/syndicate_gadgets/reinforcement_teleporter.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/devices/syndicate_gadgets/reinforcement_teleporter.ftl
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+ent-ReinforcementRadio = радио подкрепления Синдиката
+    .desc = Призовите на помощь агента Синдиката сомнительного качества, мгновенно! Предоставляется только базовое снаряжение.
 # Corvax-HiddenDesc-Start
 ent-ReinforcementRadioSyndicate = старое радио
     .suffix = радио подкрепления Cиндиката
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/paper.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/paper.ftl
index 84755ea946f..ff1ef959754 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/paper.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/paper.ftl
@@ -53,3 +53,5 @@ ent-BoxFolderCentComClipboard = планшет Центком
     .desc = Роскошный планшет, обитый зелёным бархатом. Представители Центком часто носят его с собой, но редко используют.
 ent-BoxFolderQmClipboard = цифровой планшет заявок
     .desc = Громоздкий цифровой планшет, содержащий информацию о поставках и финансовых операциях. При таком количестве компрометирующих документов его следует беречь.
+ent-Envelope = конверт
+    .desc = Небольшой конверт для защиты от посторонних глаз ваших конфиденциальных документов.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/tiles.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/tiles.ftl
index 2db38a71bff..3535fe79872 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/tiles.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/misc/tiles.ftl
@@ -6,10 +6,58 @@ ent-FloorTileItemSteelCheckerDark = тёмная стальная плитка 
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemSteelCheckerLight = светлая стальная плитка шашечками
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkDiagonalMini = тёмная стальная диагональная мини плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkDiagonal = тёмная стальная диагональная плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkHerringbone = тёмная стальная плитка ёлочкой
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkMini = тёмная стальная мини плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkMono = тёмная стальная моно плита
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkPavement = тёмная стальная тротуарная плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkPavementVertical = тёмная стальная вертикальная тротуарная плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemDarkOffset = тёмная смещёная стальная плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemDark.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemMetalDiamond = стальная плитка
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelOffset = смещёная стальная плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelDiagonalMini = стальная диагональная мини плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelDiagonal = стальная диагональная плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelHerringbone = стальная плитка ёлочкой
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelMini = стальная мини плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelMono = стальная моно плита
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelPavement = стальная тротуарная плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemSteelPavementVertical = стальная вертикальная тротуарная плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemSteel.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemWood = деревянный пол
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhiteOffset = смещёная белая стальная плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonalMini = белая стальная диагональная мини плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonal = белая стальная диагональная плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhiteHerringbone = белая стальная плитка ёлочкой
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhiteMini = белая стальная мини плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhiteMono = белая стальная моно плита
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhitePavement = белая стальная тротуарная плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemWhitePavementVertical = белая стальная вертикальная тротуарная плитка
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemWhite.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemWhite = белая плитка
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemDark = тёмная плитка
@@ -58,10 +106,22 @@ ent-FloorTileItemLaundry = плитка прачечной
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemConcrete = бетонная плитка
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemConcreteMono = бетонная плита
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemConcrete.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemConcreteSmooth = бетонный пол
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemConcrete.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemGrayConcrete = серая бетонная плитка
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemGrayConcreteMono = серая бетонная плита
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemGrayConcrete.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemGrayConcreteSmooth = серый бетонный пол
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemGrayConcrete.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemOldConcrete = старая бетонная плитка
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemOldConcreteMono = старая бетонная плита
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemOldConcrete.desc }
+ent-FloorTileItemOldConcreteSmooth = старый бетонный пол
+    .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemOldConcrete.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemArcadeBlue = синий пол аркады
     .desc = { ent-FloorTileItemBase.desc }
 ent-FloorTileItemArcadeBlue2 = синий пол аркады
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/specific/hydroponics/seeds.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/specific/hydroponics/seeds.ftl
index aeda8e2e6a8..0c6b223e68e 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/specific/hydroponics/seeds.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/specific/hydroponics/seeds.ftl
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ ent-PotatoSeeds = пакет семян (картофель)
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-SugarcaneSeeds = пакет семян (сахарный тростник)
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
+ent-PapercaneSeeds = пакет семян (бумажный тростник)
+    .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-TowercapSeeds = пакет спор (грибошляпник)
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-SteelcapSeeds = пакет спор (сталешляпник)
@@ -40,12 +42,14 @@ ent-BlueTomatoSeeds = пакет семян (синий томат)
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-BloodTomatoSeeds = пакет семян (кровяной томат)
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
-ent-KillerTomatoSeeds = packet of killer tomato seeds
+ent-KillerTomatoSeeds = пакет семян (томат-убийца)
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-EggplantSeeds = пакет семян (баклажан)
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-AppleSeeds = пакет семян (яблоко)
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
+ent-GoldenAppleSeeds = пакет семян (золотое яблоко)
+    .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-CornSeeds = пакет семян (кукуруза)
     .desc = { ent-SeedBase.desc }
 ent-ChanterelleSeeds = пакет спор (лисички)
@@ -80,6 +84,8 @@ ent-AmbrosiaDeusSeeds = пакет семян (амброзия деус)
     .desc = Лекарственное растение самих богов.
 ent-GalaxythistleSeeds = пакет семян (галакточертополох)
     .desc = Кисточки ночных звёзд.
+ent-GlasstleSeeds = пакет семян (стеклополох)
+    .desc = Шрамы беспросветных ночей.
 ent-FlyAmanitaSeeds = пакет спор (мухомор)
     .desc = Знаковый, невероятно смертоносный гриб, выращиваемый исключительно в декоративных целях.
 ent-GatfruitSeeds = пакет семян (гатфрукт)
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/gas_tanks.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/gas_tanks.ftl
index 5e4a412d929..a735684e913 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/gas_tanks.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/gas_tanks.ftl
@@ -3,26 +3,26 @@ ent-GasTankBase = { ent-BaseItem }
 ent-GasTankRoundBase = { ent-GasTankBase }
     .desc = { ent-GasTankBase.desc }
 ent-OxygenTank = кислородный баллон
-    .desc = Стандартный цилиндрический газовый баллон для кислорода.
+    .desc = Стандартный цилиндрический газовый баллон для кислорода. Вмещает 5 Л газа.
 ent-NitrogenTank = азотный баллон
-    .desc = Стандартный цилиндрический газовый баллон для азота.
+    .desc = Стандартный цилиндрический газовый баллон для азота. Вмещает 5 Л газа.
 ent-EmergencyOxygenTank = аварийный кислородный баллон
-    .desc = Лёгкий переносной баллон для чрезвычайных ситуаций. Содержит очень мало кислорода, предназначен только для выживания.
+    .desc = Лёгкий переносной баллон для чрезвычайных ситуаций. Содержит очень мало кислорода, предназначен только для выживания. Вмещает 0,66 Л газа.
 ent-EmergencyNitrogenTank = аварийный азотный баллон
-    .desc = Лёгкий переносной баллон для чрезвычайных ситуаций. Содержит очень мало азота, предназначен только для выживания.
+    .desc = Лёгкий переносной баллон для чрезвычайных ситуаций. Содержит очень мало азота, предназначен только для выживания. Вмещает 0,66 Л газа.
 ent-ExtendedEmergencyOxygenTank = аварийный кислородный баллон повышенной ёмкости
-    .desc = Аварийный баллон повышенной ёмкости. Технически рассчитан на длительное использование.
+    .desc = Аварийный баллон повышенной ёмкости. Технически рассчитан на длительное использование. Вмещает 1,5 Л газа.
 ent-ExtendedEmergencyNitrogenTank = аварийный азотный баллон повышенной ёмкости
-    .desc = Аварийный баллон повышенной ёмкости. Технически рассчитан на длительное использование.
+    .desc = Аварийный баллон повышенной ёмкости. Технически рассчитан на длительное использование. Вмещает 1,5 Л газа.
 ent-DoubleEmergencyOxygenTank = двойной аварийный кислородный баллон
-    .desc = Высококлассный двухбаллонный резервуар аварийного жизнеобеспечения. Вмещает приличное для своих небольших размеров количество кислорода.
+    .desc = Высококлассный двухбаллонный резервуар аварийного жизнеобеспечения. Вмещает приличное для своих небольших размеров количество кислорода. Вмещает 2,5 Л газа.
 ent-DoubleEmergencyNitrogenTank = двойной аварийный азотный баллон
-    .desc = Высококлассный двухбаллонный резервуар аварийного жизнеобеспечения. Вмещает приличное для своих небольших размеров количество азота.
+    .desc = Высококлассный двухбаллонный резервуар аварийного жизнеобеспечения. Вмещает приличное для своих небольших размеров количество азота. Вмещает 2,5 Л газа.
 ent-EmergencyFunnyOxygenTank = весёлый аварийный кислородный баллон
-    .desc = Лёгкий переносной баллон для чрезвычайных ситуаций. Содержит очень мало кислорода и чуточку веселящего газа, предназначен только для выживания.
+    .desc = Лёгкий переносной баллон для чрезвычайных ситуаций. Содержит очень мало кислорода и чуточку веселящего газа, предназначен только для выживания. Вмещает 0,66 Л газа.
 ent-AirTank = баллон воздуха
-    .desc = Какая-то смесь?
+    .desc = Какая-то смесь? Вмещает 5 Л газа.
 ent-NitrousOxideTank = баллон оксида азота
-    .desc = Содержит смесь воздуха и оксида азота. Убедитесь, что вы не заправляете его чистым N2O.
+    .desc = Содержит смесь воздуха и оксида азота. Убедитесь, что вы не заправляете его чистым N2O. Вмещает 5 Л газа.
 ent-PlasmaTank = баллон плазмы
-    .desc = Содержит опасную плазму. Не вдыхать. Чрезвычайно огнеопасен.
+    .desc = Содержит опасную плазму. Не вдыхать. Чрезвычайно огнеопасен. Вмещает 5 Л газа.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/jetpacks.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/jetpacks.ftl
index d1d11303193..d2c58b5182b 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/jetpacks.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/tools/jetpacks.ftl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ent-JetpackEffect = { "" }
     .desc = { "" }
 ent-BaseJetpack = джетпак
-    .desc = Это реактивный ранец - джетпак.
+    .desc = Это реактивный ранец - джетпак. Вмещает 5 Л газа.
 ent-ActionToggleJetpack = Переключить джетпак
     .desc = Переключить джетпак, позволяющий с лёгкостью передвигаться вне станции.
 ent-JetpackBlue = джетпак
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ ent-JetpackCaptainFilled = джетпак капитана
     .desc = { ent-JetpackCaptain.desc }
 ent-JetpackMini = мини джетпак
     .suffix = Пустой
-    .desc = { ent-BaseJetpack.desc }
+    .desc = Это реактивный ранец - джетпак. Вмещает 1,5 Л газа.
 ent-JetpackMiniFilled = мини джетпак
     .suffix = Полный
     .desc = { ent-JetpackMini.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/melee/e_sword.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/melee/e_sword.ftl
index 57e3b6dfcc2..8eb49dfe679 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/melee/e_sword.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/objects/weapons/melee/e_sword.ftl
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ ent-EnergyDaggerLoud = энергокинжал
     .desc = Не такой громкий и опасный кинжал с лучом из чистой, концентрированной плазмы. Совершенно лишён возможности маскироваться.
 # Corvax-HiddenDesc-End
 ent-EnergyDagger = ручка
     .desc = Ручка с чёрными чернилами.
     .suffix = Энергокинжал
@@ -17,9 +16,10 @@ ent-EnergyDaggerBox = футляр энергокинжала
 ent-EnergyCutlass = отломанная рукоять игрушечной абордажной сабли
     .suffix = абордажная энергосабля
     .desc = Тот кто сделал это, должно быть совсем не любит игрушки.
+ent-CyborgEnergySwordDouble = { ent-EnergySwordDouble }
+    .desc = Интерны Командования Синдиката решили, что одного лезвия на энергетическом мече недостаточно. Специальная разработка для киборгов Синдиката.
+    .suffix = Одноручное, Для боргов
 ent-EnergySwordDouble = игрушечный двухклинковый меч
     .suffix = двухклинковый энергетический меч
     .desc = Новый двойной пластиковый меч от Sandy-Cat! В два раза больше эпика и громких звуков!
 # Corvax-HiddenDesc-End
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/gates.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/gates.ftl
index a2e4d1f5079..39554bfb6ab 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/gates.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/gates.ftl
@@ -1,7 +1,23 @@
 ent-BaseLogicItem = { ent-BaseItem }
     .desc = { ent-BaseItem.desc }
-ent-LogicGate = логический элемент
-    .desc = Логический элемент с двумя портами на вход и одним на выход, можно изменить логическую операцию с помощью отвёртки.
+ent-LogicGateOr = логический элемент
+    .desc = Логический элемент с двумя портами на вход и одним на выход. Можно изменить логическую операцию с помощью отвёртки.
+    .suffix = Or, ИЛИ
+ent-LogicGateAnd = { ent-LogicGateOr }
+    .suffix = And, И
+    .desc = { ent-LogicGateOr.desc }
+ent-LogicGateXor = { ent-LogicGateOr }
+    .suffix = Xor, Исключающее ИЛИ
+    .desc = { ent-LogicGateOr.desc }
+ent-LogicGateNor = { ent-LogicGateOr }
+    .suffix = Nor, ИЛИ-НЕ
+    .desc = { ent-LogicGateOr.desc }
+ent-LogicGateNand = { ent-LogicGateOr }
+    .suffix = Nand, И-НЕ
+    .desc = { ent-LogicGateOr.desc }
+ent-LogicGateXnor = { ent-LogicGateOr }
+    .suffix = Xnor, Исключающее ИЛИ-НЕ
+    .desc = { ent-LogicGateOr.desc }
 ent-EdgeDetector = детектор сигнала
     .desc = Определяет уровень сигнала и разделяет его. Устройство игнорирует импульсные сигналы.
 ent-PowerSensor = датчик питания
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/machines/lathe.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/machines/lathe.ftl
index 727ef453720..e52f6dd4b22 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/machines/lathe.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/machines/lathe.ftl
@@ -34,3 +34,5 @@ ent-OreProcessorIndustrial = промышленный переработчик 
     .desc = Переработчик руды, разработанный специально для производства металлов в промышленных масштабах.
 ent-Sheetifier = лист-мастер 2000
     .desc = Довольно мяссивное устройство.
+ent-CutterMachine = плиткорез
+    .desc = Это плиткорез. Он режет. Придайте разнообразия полу вашей станции с помощью интересных узоров! Не засовывайте внутрь пальцы.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/shelfs.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/shelfs.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f6d494a3d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/wallmounts/shelfs.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ent-ShelfBase = shelf
+    .desc = a strange place to place, well, anything really. You feel like you shouldn't be seeing this.'
+ent-ShelfBaseReinforced = укреплённая полка
+    .desc = Она выглядит такой же прочной, как и наша реальность.
+ent-ShelfWood = деревянная полка
+    .desc = Удобное место для размещения, ээ, да чего угодно.
+ent-ShelfMetal = металлическая полка
+    .desc = Прочное место для размещения, ээ, да чего угодно.
+ent-ShelfGlass = стеклянная полка
+    .desc = Хрупкое место для размещения, ээ, да чего угодно.
+ent-ShelfRWood = прочная деревянная полка
+    .desc = Безопасное место, куда можно убрать любимую бутылку виски.
+ent-ShelfRMetal = прочная металлическая полка
+    .desc = Прочное и блестящее место для хранения всех ваших склянок.
+ent-ShelfRGlass = прочная стеклянная полка
+    .desc = Кристально чистые дверцы из армированного стекла позволят выставить напоказ все ваши модные бутылки, за которые вы точно не продали любимую таракамольку коллеги.
+ent-ShelfBar = барная полка
+    .desc = Изготовлена из отборной синтетической древесины для хранения алкоголя.
+ent-ShelfKitchen = кухонная полка
+    .desc = Для хранения ножей, специй и всего прочего!
+ent-ShelfChemistry = химическая полка
+    .desc = Держите все ваши химикаты в безопасности и подальше от клоу... эээ... публики!
+ent-ShelfChemistryChemistrySecure = { ent-ShelfChemistry }
+    .suffix = Химия, Защищённый
+    .desc = { ent-ShelfChemistry.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/walls/walls.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/walls/walls.ftl
index afdb66dc79f..1b15b401116 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/walls/walls.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/entities/structures/walls/walls.ftl
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ ent-WallCobblebrick = булыжниковая стена
     .desc = Идеально подогнанные друг к другу кирпичик за кирпичиком образовали стену.
 ent-WallBasaltCobblebrick = базальтовая стена
     .desc = { ent-WallCobblebrick.desc }
-ent-WallSnowCobblebrick = снежковая стена
-    .desc = A cold, not-so-impenetrable wall.
+ent-WallSnowCobblebrick = снежная стена
+    .desc = Холодная, не такая уж непроходимая стена.
 ent-WallAsteroidCobblebrick = астероидная булыжниковая стена
     .desc = { ent-WallCobblebrick.desc }
 ent-WallSandCobblebrick = песчаниковая булыжниковая стена
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/store/uplink-catalog.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/store/uplink-catalog.ftl
index db420f6ee84..3f78237937f 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/store/uplink-catalog.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/store/uplink-catalog.ftl
@@ -87,7 +87,9 @@ uplink-black-jetpack-desc = Чёрный джетпак. Позволяет ле
 uplink-reinforcement-radio-ancestor-name = Телепорт подкрепления генетическим предком
 uplink-reinforcement-radio-ancestor-desc = Призовите на помощь специально обученного предка по вашему выбору. Комплектуются одной сигаретой Синдиката.
 uplink-reinforcement-radio-name = Телепорт подкрепления
-uplink-reinforcement-radio-desc = Телепортирует агента крайне сомнительного качества. Не имеет кнопки отключения, покупайте его только если вы готовы к вечеринке. У агента есть пистолет без запасных патронов и нож. Это всё.
+uplink-reinforcement-radio-traitor-desc = Телепортирует в качестве подкрепления сомнительного качества агента. Не имеет кнопки отключения, покупайте его только если вы готовы к вечеринке. Вызовите медика, шпиона или вора, чтобы они помогли вам. Удачи.
+uplink-reinforcement-radio-nukeops-name = Телепорт Ядерного оперативника
+uplink-reinforcement-radio-nukeops-desc = Телепортирует в качестве подкрепления сомнительного качества ядерного оперативника. Не имеет кнопки отключения, покупайте его только если вы готовы к вечеринке. У них будет базовое снаряжение ядерного оперативника.
 uplink-reinforcement-radio-cyborg-assault-name = Телепорт штурмового киборга Синдиката
 uplink-reinforcement-radio-cyborg-assault-desc = Машина для убийств с доступом к энергомечу, пулемёту, криптографическому секвенсору и пинпоинтеру.
 uplink-stealth-box-name = Стелс-коробка
@@ -169,7 +171,7 @@ uplink-super-surplus-bundle-name = Ящик суперприпасов Синд
 uplink-super-surplus-bundle-desc = Содержит случайное снаряжение Синдиката, общей стоимостью в 125 телекристаллов.
 # Tools
 uplink-toolbox-name = Ящик инструментов
-uplink-toolbox-desc = Полный набор инструментов для предателя с тягой к механике. Включает пару изолированных боевых перчаток, противогаз Синдиката и плечевую кобуру.
+uplink-toolbox-desc = Полный набор инструментов для предателя с тягой к механике. Включает пару изолированных боевых перчаток и противогаз Синдиката.
 uplink-syndicate-jaws-of-life-name = Челюсти жизни
 uplink-syndicate-jaws-of-life-desc = Комбинация лома и кусачек. Используется для проникновения на станцию или в её отделы.
 uplink-duffel-surgery-name = Хирургический вещмешок
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/traits/traits.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/traits/traits.ftl
index ae4cc0d9186..59a5e95e6bd 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/traits/traits.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/traits/traits.ftl
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ trait-accentless-name = Отсутствие акцента
 trait-accentless-desc = У вас нет того акцента, который характерен для представителей вашего вида.
 trait-frontal-lisp-name = Сигматизм
 trait-frontal-lisp-desc = У ваф имеютшя проблемы ш произношением.
-trait-socialanxiety-name = Социофобия
-trait-socialanxiety-desc = Вы испытываете тревожность, когда говорите, что приводит к заиканию.
+trait-socialanxiety-name = Заикание
+trait-socialanxiety-desc = Вы заикаетесь.
 trait-southern-name = Диалект юга США
 trait-southern-desc = У вас другая манера речи. Работает только с английским.
 trait-snoring-name = Храп
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/weapons/ranged/gun.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/weapons/ranged/gun.ftl
index 4324029f149..91020607ebd 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/weapons/ranged/gun.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/weapons/ranged/gun.ftl
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ gun-selected-mode = Выбран { $mode }
 gun-disabled = Вы не можете использовать оружие!
 gun-clumsy = Оружие взрывается вам в лицо!
 gun-set-fire-mode = Выбран режим { $mode }
+gun-magazine-whitelist-fail = Это не помещается в оружие!
 # SelectiveFire
 gun-SemiAuto = полуавто
 gun-Burst = очередь
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/wieldable/wieldable-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/wieldable/wieldable-component.ftl
index e15d3e2a0f7..cb370a1d248 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/wieldable/wieldable-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/wieldable/wieldable-component.ftl
@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ wieldable-component-not-enough-free-hands =
 wieldable-component-not-in-hands = { CAPITALIZE($item) } не в ваших руках!
 wieldable-component-requires = { CAPITALIZE($item) } должно быть в двух руках!
 gunwieldbonus-component-examine = Это оружие обладает повышенной точностью, когда его держат в двух руках.
+gunrequireswield-component-examine = Из этого оружия можно стрелять только держа его в двух руках.
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Misc/corvax_terminal.yml b/Resources/Maps/Misc/corvax_terminal.yml
index e5717d12b5e..1ac5a52fea3 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/Misc/corvax_terminal.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/Misc/corvax_terminal.yml
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ tilemap:
 - proto: ""
-  - uid: 818
+  - uid: 2
     - type: MetaData
       name: NT-EM Terminal
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ entities:
           ind: -1,-1
           version: 6
           ind: 0,0
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ entities:
           version: 6
           ind: -1,-2
           version: 6
           ind: 1,0
@@ -116,1477 +116,1511 @@ entities:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: Arrows
-            958: 14,-9
-            959: 14,-2
-            960: 14,2
-            961: 14,-15
-            962: 14,-23
-            977: 3,4
-            978: 3,-11
-            979: 7,-11
-            980: 11,-11
-            981: 7,-4
-            982: 7,-3
-            983: 11,-3
-            984: 11,-4
-            985: 7,4
-            986: 11,4
-            991: -4,4
-            992: -4,-11
+            648: 14,-9
+            649: 14,-2
+            650: 14,2
+            651: 14,-15
+            652: 14,-23
+            667: 3,4
+            668: 3,-11
+            669: 7,-11
+            670: 11,-11
+            671: 7,-4
+            672: 7,-3
+            673: 11,-3
+            674: 11,-4
+            675: 7,4
+            676: 11,4
+            681: -4,4
+            682: -4,-11
         - node:
             angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: ArrowsGreyscale
-            987: -6,-4
-            988: -8,-4
-            989: 0,-4
-            990: 2,-4
+            677: -6,-4
+            678: -8,-4
+            679: 0,-4
+            680: 2,-4
         - node:
             color: '#9FED5895'
             id: Bot
-            994: 2,-19
+            684: 2,-19
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BotGreyscale
-            993: -6,-19
+            683: -6,-19
         - node:
             zIndex: 1
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BotGreyscale
-            944: 7,-13
-            945: 6,-13
-            947: 8,-13
+            636: 7,-13
+            637: 6,-13
+            639: 8,-13
         - node:
             color: '#3EB38896'
             id: BrickLineOverlayE
-            759: -9,-11
+            528: -9,-11
         - node:
             color: '#3EB38896'
             id: BrickLineOverlayN
-            756: -8,-12
-            757: -7,-12
+            525: -8,-12
+            526: -7,-12
         - node:
             color: '#3EB38896'
             id: BrickLineOverlayS
-            760: -8,-10
-            761: -7,-10
+            529: -8,-10
+            530: -7,-10
         - node:
             color: '#3EB38896'
             id: BrickLineOverlayW
-            758: -6,-11
+            527: -6,-11
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkBox
-            93: -1,0
-            652: -5,-11
-            715: -2,-13
-            892: -3,6
-            893: -3,2
-            949: -3,-9
-            963: 11,-31
-            964: 11,-27
-            1108: -5,0
+            47: -1,0
+            430: -5,-11
+            484: -2,-13
+            614: -3,6
+            615: -3,2
+            641: -3,-9
+            653: 11,-31
+            654: 11,-27
+            769: -5,0
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkCornerNe
-            150: 3,1
-            338: 13,3
-            339: 13,-5
-            340: 8,-5
-            341: 8,3
-            656: -6,-10
+            77: 3,1
+            224: 13,3
+            225: 13,-5
+            226: 8,-5
+            227: 8,3
+            432: -6,-10
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkCornerNw
-            145: 0,1
-            333: 6,-5
-            334: 11,-5
-            335: 6,3
-            336: 11,3
-            654: -9,-10
+            73: 0,1
+            220: 6,-5
+            221: 11,-5
+            222: 6,3
+            223: 11,3
+            431: -9,-10
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkCornerSe
-            343: 8,-10
-            344: 13,-10
-            345: 13,-2
-            346: 8,-2
-            658: -6,-12
+            229: 8,-10
+            230: 13,-10
+            231: 13,-2
+            232: 8,-2
+            433: -6,-12
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkCornerSw
-            328: 6,-2
-            329: 11,-2
-            330: 6,-10
-            331: 11,-10
-            660: -9,-12
+            216: 6,-2
+            217: 11,-2
+            218: 6,-10
+            219: 11,-10
+            434: -9,-12
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkEndE
-            102: 3,-1
+            56: 3,-1
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkEndN
-            837: 9,-17
-            838: 9,-21
+            604: 9,-17
+            605: 9,-21
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkEndS
-            835: 9,-23
-            836: 9,-19
+            602: 9,-23
+            603: 9,-19
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkEndW
-            97: 0,-1
+            51: 0,-1
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkInnerNe
-            350: 6,-10
-            351: 11,-10
-            352: 6,-2
-            353: 11,-2
-            668: -6,-11
-            712: 1,4
-            753: 1,-11
-            829: 11,-21
-            830: 11,-16
+            235: 6,-10
+            236: 11,-10
+            237: 6,-2
+            238: 11,-2
+            439: -6,-11
+            481: 1,4
+            522: 1,-11
+            596: 11,-21
+            597: 11,-16
         - node:
             zIndex: 1
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkInnerNe
-            606: 8,-5
-            607: 13,-5
-            608: 13,3
-            609: 8,3
+            389: 8,-5
+            390: 13,-5
+            391: 13,3
+            392: 8,3
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkInnerNw
-            158: 0,0
-            348: 8,-2
-            349: 13,-2
-            364: 8,-10
-            365: 13,-10
-            711: -2,4
-            752: -2,-11
-            827: 11,-16
-            828: 11,-21
+            84: 0,0
+            233: 8,-2
+            234: 13,-2
+            248: 8,-10
+            249: 13,-10
+            480: -2,4
+            521: -2,-11
+            594: 11,-16
+            595: 11,-21
         - node:
             zIndex: 1
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkInnerNw
-            602: 6,-5
-            603: 11,-5
-            604: 6,3
-            605: 11,3
+            385: 6,-5
+            386: 11,-5
+            387: 6,3
+            388: 11,3
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkInnerSe
-            354: 6,3
-            355: 11,3
-            356: 11,-5
-            357: 6,-5
-            666: -6,-11
-            710: 1,4
-            754: 1,-11
-            833: 11,-19
-            834: 11,-24
+            239: 6,3
+            240: 11,3
+            241: 11,-5
+            242: 6,-5
+            438: -6,-11
+            479: 1,4
+            523: 1,-11
+            600: 11,-19
+            601: 11,-24
         - node:
             zIndex: 1
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkInnerSe
-            610: 8,-2
-            611: 13,-2
-            612: 13,-10
-            613: 8,-10
+            393: 8,-2
+            394: 13,-2
+            395: 13,-10
+            396: 8,-10
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkInnerSw
-            161: 0,0
-            358: 8,-5
-            359: 13,-5
-            360: 8,3
-            361: 13,3
-            713: -2,4
-            755: -2,-11
-            831: 11,-24
-            832: 11,-19
+            86: 0,0
+            243: 8,-5
+            244: 13,-5
+            245: 8,3
+            246: 13,3
+            482: -2,4
+            524: -2,-11
+            598: 11,-24
+            599: 11,-19
         - node:
             zIndex: 1
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkInnerSw
-            614: 6,-10
-            615: 11,-10
-            616: 11,-2
-            617: 6,-2
+            397: 6,-10
+            398: 11,-10
+            399: 11,-2
+            400: 6,-2
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkLineE
-            156: 3,0
-            164: -1,0
-            245: 6,-6
-            246: 6,-7
-            247: 6,-8
-            248: 6,-9
-            249: 8,-9
-            250: 8,-8
-            251: 8,-7
-            254: 8,-6
-            255: 13,-9
-            256: 13,-8
-            257: 13,-7
-            258: 13,-6
-            261: 13,-1
-            262: 13,0
-            263: 13,1
-            265: 13,2
-            266: 8,-1
-            267: 8,0
-            268: 8,1
-            269: 8,2
-            271: 6,2
-            272: 6,1
-            273: 6,0
-            274: 6,-1
-            275: 11,-1
-            276: 11,0
-            277: 11,2
-            280: 11,-6
-            281: 11,-7
-            282: 11,-8
-            283: 11,-9
-            304: 11,1
-            702: -3,4
-            746: -3,-11
-            811: 10,-24
-            812: 10,-23
-            813: 10,-22
-            814: 10,-21
-            815: 10,-19
-            816: 10,-19
-            817: 10,-18
-            818: 10,-17
-            819: 10,-17
-            820: 10,-16
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+            161: 13,-8
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+            165: 13,0
+            166: 13,1
+            167: 13,2
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+            169: 8,0
+            170: 8,1
+            171: 8,2
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+            174: 6,1
+            175: 6,0
+            176: 6,-1
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+            178: 11,0
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-            386: 10,-10
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+            256: 9,-10
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-            223: 13,-7
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-            226: 6,0
-            228: 6,1
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-            238: 13,0
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-            289: 8,-8
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+            694: -2,-22
+            695: -1,-22
+            696: 0,-22
+            700: -4,-19
+            701: -3,-19
+            702: -2,-19
+            703: -1,-19
+            704: 0,-19
         - node:
             color: '#DE3A3A41'
             id: WoodTrimThinLineSWhite
-            544: 5,-13
-            545: 6,-13
-            546: 7,-13
-            547: 8,-13
-            580: 6,-17
+            327: 5,-13
+            328: 6,-13
+            329: 7,-13
+            330: 8,-13
+            363: 6,-17
         - node:
             color: '#281E18FF'
             id: WoodTrimThinLineWWhite
-            317: -9,-6
-            318: -9,-7
+            205: -9,-6
+            206: -9,-7
         - node:
             color: '#422E23FF'
             id: WoodTrimThinLineWWhite
-            33: -4,-2
-            41: 0,-2
-            73: -4,-1
-            146: -4,-6
-            148: -4,-7
-            149: -4,-8
-            170: -1,0
-            181: 0,-6
-            183: 0,-7
-            184: 0,-8
-            190: -4,-8
-            363: 0,-8
-            406: 0,-2
-            442: -1,-4
+            12: -4,-2
+            18: 0,-2
+            31: -4,-1
+            74: -4,-6
+            75: -4,-7
+            76: -4,-8
+            93: -1,0
+            101: 0,-6
+            103: 0,-7
+            104: 0,-8
+            110: -4,-8
+            247: 0,-8
+            270: 0,-2
+            288: -1,-4
         - node:
             color: '#4B362BFF'
             id: WoodTrimThinLineWWhite
-            493: 6,8
-            494: 11,8
-            1025: 1,-21
-            1026: 1,-20
-            1028: -5,-21
-            1029: -5,-20
+            312: 6,8
+            313: 11,8
+            715: 1,-21
+            716: 1,-20
+            718: -5,-21
+            719: -5,-20
         - node:
             color: '#DE3A3A41'
             id: WoodTrimThinLineWWhite
-            573: 5,-16
-            577: 6,-14
+            356: 5,-16
+            360: 6,-14
+        - node:
+            cleanable: True
+            color: '#57121292'
+            id: splatter
+          decals:
+            800: -9.013203,-16.087303
+            801: -9.060078,-16.212303
+        - node:
+            cleanable: True
+            color: '#9B000066'
+            id: splatter
+          decals:
+            798: -9.075703,-16.024803
+            799: -8.825703,-16.196678
     - type: GridAtmosphere
       version: 2
@@ -1885,6103 +1919,6150 @@ entities:
       range: 48
 - proto: AirAlarm
-  - uid: 86
+  - uid: 3
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 3.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceList
-      - 1089
-      - 761
-      - 138
-      - 971
-      - 844
-      - 954
-  - uid: 289
+      - 890
+      - 872
+      - 588
+      - 593
+      - 585
+      - 586
+  - uid: 4
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1009
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 5
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceList
-      - 1721
-      - 1712
-      - 1718
-      - 1711
-      - 1710
-      - 1511
-      - 138
-  - uid: 1038
+      - 878
+      - 895
+      - 877
+      - 876
+      - 894
+      - 893
+      - 588
+  - uid: 6
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceList
-      - 969
-      - 652
-      - 970
-      - 788
-      - 642
-      - 17
-      - 797
-      - 1732
-      - 622
-      - 596
-      - 1868
-      - 1876
-  - uid: 1040
+      - 587
+      - 579
+      - 592
+      - 888
+      - 871
+      - 881
+      - 873
+      - 896
+      - 869
+      - 577
+      - 879
+      - 897
+  - uid: 7
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 14.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceList
-      - 108
-      - 109
-      - 1174
-      - 1177
-      - 1176
-      - 1173
-      - 298
-      - 970
-      - 777
-      - 841
-      - 971
+      - 863
+      - 882
+      - 875
+      - 892
+      - 891
+      - 874
+      - 589
       - 592
-      - 583
-  - uid: 1072
+      - 590
+      - 591
+      - 593
+      - 886
+      - 866
+  - uid: 8
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -6.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceList
-      - 519
-      - 13
-      - 954
-  - uid: 1105
+      - 885
+      - 862
+      - 586
+  - uid: 9
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceList
-      - 931
-      - 636
-      - 601
-      - 602
-      - 603
-      - 474
-      - 461
-      - 8
-      - 652
-      - 777
-      - 841
-      - 844
-      - 837
-      - 755
-      - 766
-      - 757
-      - 568
+      - 889
+      - 870
+      - 887
+      - 867
+      - 868
+      - 884
+      - 865
+      - 880
+      - 579
+      - 590
+      - 591
+      - 585
+      - 584
+      - 581
+      - 583
+      - 582
+      - 41
 - proto: Airlock
-  - uid: 14
+  - uid: 10
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 15
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 11
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 20
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 12
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 21
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 13
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 42
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 14
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 473
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 15
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - AccessReader
-  - uid: 549
+  - uid: 16
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - AccessReader
-  - uid: 595
+  - uid: 17
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - AccessReader
-  - uid: 791
+  - uid: 18
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - AccessReader
-  - uid: 1344
+  - uid: 19
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: AirlockAtmosphericsLocked
-  - uid: 764
+  - uid: 20
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: AirlockBarGlassLocked
-  - uid: 940
+  - uid: 21
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -0.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: AirlockEngineeringLocked
-  - uid: 1632
+  - uid: 22
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassAtmosphericsLocked
-  - uid: 28
+  - uid: 23
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
+    - type: ContainerFill
+      containers:
+        board: [ DoorElectronicsCentralCommand ]
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 462
+  - uid: 24
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 15.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
+    - type: ContainerFill
+      containers:
+        board: [ DoorElectronicsCentralCommand ]    
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 550
+  - uid: 25
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
+    - type: ContainerFill
+      containers:
+        board: [ DoorElectronicsCentralCommand ]
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 561
+  - uid: 26
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
+    - type: ContainerFill
+      containers:
+        board: [ DoorElectronicsCentralCommand ]
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 1221
+  - uid: 27
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
+    - type: ContainerFill
+      containers:
+        board: [ DoorElectronicsCentralCommand ]
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 1363
+  - uid: 28
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
+    - type: ContainerFill
+      containers:
+        board: [ DoorElectronicsCentralCommand ]
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
 - proto: AirlockExternalShuttleLocked
-  - uid: 101
+  - uid: 29
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 16.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        1363:
+        28:
         - DockStatus: AutoClose
-        1960:
+        1050:
         - DoorStatus: Trigger
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 103
+  - uid: 30
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 16.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        28:
+        23:
         - DockStatus: AutoClose
-        1959:
+        1049:
         - DoorStatus: Trigger
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 130
+  - uid: 31
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 16.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        561:
+        26:
         - DockStatus: AutoClose
-        1957:
+        1047:
         - DoorStatus: Trigger
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 144
+  - uid: 32
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 16.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        550:
+        25:
         - DockStatus: AutoClose
-        1958:
+        1048:
         - DoorStatus: Trigger
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 695
+  - uid: 33
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 16.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        462:
+        24:
         - DockStatus: AutoClose
-        1911:
+        1046:
         - DoorStatus: Trigger
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 1373
+  - uid: 34
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-30.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
 - proto: AirlockGlass
-  - uid: 1142
+  - uid: 35
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1337
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 36
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 11.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1342
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 37
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1455
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 38
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: AirlockMaint
-  - uid: 1704
+  - uid: 39
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: AirlockSecurityGlassLocked
-  - uid: 730
+  - uid: 40
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: AirSensor
-  - uid: 568
+  - uid: 41
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
+      - 9
+- proto: AlwaysPoweredlightRed
+  entities:
+  - uid: 1570
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-16.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: APCBasic
-  - uid: 127
+  - uid: 42
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 572
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 43
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 966
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 44
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 967
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 45
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1138
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 46
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 14.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ArrivalsShuttleTimer
-  - uid: 318
+  - uid: 47
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 486
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 48
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 487
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 49
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 802
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 50
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 803
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 51
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Ash
-  - uid: 1660
+  - uid: 52
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.54991,12.886424
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Ashtray
-  - uid: 1661
+  - uid: 53
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.596785,12.459861
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
-  - uid: 34
+  - uid: 54
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 322
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 463
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 56
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 484
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 57
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 635
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 58
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1209
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 59
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-30.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: BarSign
-  - uid: 648
+  - uid: 60
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: BaseComputer
-  - uid: 1648
+  - uid: 61
     - type: MetaData
       name: касса
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: BenchRedComfy
-  - uid: 48
+  - uid: 62
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 88
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 63
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 277
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 64
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 280
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 65
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 281
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 66
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 282
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 67
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 359
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 68
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 360
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 69
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 361
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 70
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 362
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 71
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 363
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 72
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 372
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 73
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 373
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 74
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 375
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 75
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 423
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 76
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 443
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 77
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 494
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 78
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 495
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 79
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 496
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 80
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 517
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 81
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 520
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 82
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 660
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 83
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 860
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 84
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 899
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 85
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: BlockGameArcade
-  - uid: 61
+  - uid: 86
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: BookRandomStory
-  - uid: 332
+  - uid: 87
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.68713,-1.3668416
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: BoozeDispenser
-  - uid: 513
+  - uid: 88
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: BowImprovised
-  - uid: 157
+  - uid: 90
     - type: Transform
-      parent: 151
+      parent: 89
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: CableApcExtension
-  - uid: 142
+  - uid: 96
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-27.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 143
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 97
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 472
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 98
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 477
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 99
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 512
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 100
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 604
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 101
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 665
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 102
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 806
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 103
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1010
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 104
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1238
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 105
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1384
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 106
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1394
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 107
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1395
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 108
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1396
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 109
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1397
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 110
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1398
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 111
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1399
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 112
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1401
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 113
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1402
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 114
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1403
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 115
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1404
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 116
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1405
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 117
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1406
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 118
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1407
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 119
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1408
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 120
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1409
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 121
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1410
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 122
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1411
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 123
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1415
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 124
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1416
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 125
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1417
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 126
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1418
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 127
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1419
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 128
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1420
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 129
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1421
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 130
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1424
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 131
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1426
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 132
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1443
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 133
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1444
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 134
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1445
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 135
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1446
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 136
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1449
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 137
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1450
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 138
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1451
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 139
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1452
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 140
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1453
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 141
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1454
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 142
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1456
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 143
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1457
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 144
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1458
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 145
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1459
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 146
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1460
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 147
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1461
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 148
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1462
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 149
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1463
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 150
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1464
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 151
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1465
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 152
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1466
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 153
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1467
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 154
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1468
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 155
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1469
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 156
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1470
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 157
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1471
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 158
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1472
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 159
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1473
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 160
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1474
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 161
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1475
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 162
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1476
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 163
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1477
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 164
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1478
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 165
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1479
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 166
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1480
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 167
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1481
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 168
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1482
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 169
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1483
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 170
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1484
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 171
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1485
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 172
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1486
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 173
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1487
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 174
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1488
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 175
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1489
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 176
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1490
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 177
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1491
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 178
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1492
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 179
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1493
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 180
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1494
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 181
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1495
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 182
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1496
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 183
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1497
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 184
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1498
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 185
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1499
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 186
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1500
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 187
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1501
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 188
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1502
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 189
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1503
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 190
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1504
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 191
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1505
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 192
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1506
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 193
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1507
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 194
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1508
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 195
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1509
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 196
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1510
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 197
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1519
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 198
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1520
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 199
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1521
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 200
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1522
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 201
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1523
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 202
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1524
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 203
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1525
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 204
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1526
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 205
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1527
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 206
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1528
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 207
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1529
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 208
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1530
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 209
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1531
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 210
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1532
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 211
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1533
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 212
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1534
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 213
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1535
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 214
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1536
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 215
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1538
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 216
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1539
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 217
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1540
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 218
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1542
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 219
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1543
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 220
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1544
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 221
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1546
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 222
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1547
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 223
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1548
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 224
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1549
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 225
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1550
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 226
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1551
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 227
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1553
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 228
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1554
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 229
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1555
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 230
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1556
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 231
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1557
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 232
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1558
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 233
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1559
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 234
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1560
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 235
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1561
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 236
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1562
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 237
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1563
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 238
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1564
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 239
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1565
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 240
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1579
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 241
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1591
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 242
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1592
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 243
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1593
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 244
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1594
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 245
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1595
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 246
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1597
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 247
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1598
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 248
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1599
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 249
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1600
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 250
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1601
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 251
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1602
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 252
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1603
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 253
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1604
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 254
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1605
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 255
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1606
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 256
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1607
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 257
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1608
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 258
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1609
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 259
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1610
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 260
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1611
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 261
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1612
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 262
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1613
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 263
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1615
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 264
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1616
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 265
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1617
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 266
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1822
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 267
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1824
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 268
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1825
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 269
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1826
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 270
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1871
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 271
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1901
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 272
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CableHV
-  - uid: 946
+  - uid: 273
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 947
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 274
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 948
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 275
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 949
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 276
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 951
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 277
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 952
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 278
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CableMV
-  - uid: 57
+  - uid: 279
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 207
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 280
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 227
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 281
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 291
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 282
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 293
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 283
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 294
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 284
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 297
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 285
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 699
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 286
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 974
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 287
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 984
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 288
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 985
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 289
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 986
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 290
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 987
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 291
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 988
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 292
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 989
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 293
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1000
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 294
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1001
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 295
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1002
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 296
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1003
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 297
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1004
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 298
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1005
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 299
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1006
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 300
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1007
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 301
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1008
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 302
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1012
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 303
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1023
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 304
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1024
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 305
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1025
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 306
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1026
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 307
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1027
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 308
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1028
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 309
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1029
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 310
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1033
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 311
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1034
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 312
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1039
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 313
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1041
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 314
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1042
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 315
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1043
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 316
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1044
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 317
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1045
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 318
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1046
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 319
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1047
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 320
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1048
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 321
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1049
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 322
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1050
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 323
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1051
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 324
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1052
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 325
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1053
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 326
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1054
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 327
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1055
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 328
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1056
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 329
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1057
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 330
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1058
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 331
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1059
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 332
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1060
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 333
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1061
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 334
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1062
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 335
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1063
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 336
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1064
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 337
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1065
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 338
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1066
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 339
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1067
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 340
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1068
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 341
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1069
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 342
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1094
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 343
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1125
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 344
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1126
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 345
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1127
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 346
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1128
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 347
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1129
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 348
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1130
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 349
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1131
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 350
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1132
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 351
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1133
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 352
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1134
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 353
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1135
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 354
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CableTerminal
-  - uid: 945
+  - uid: 355
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CandleBlackInfinite
-  - uid: 540
+  - uid: 356
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.2142973,-7.1859117
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CandleGreenSmallInfinite
-  - uid: 842
+  - uid: 357
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.7767973,-7.3265367
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CandlePurpleSmallInfinite
-  - uid: 772
+  - uid: 358
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.2544527,-7.1859117
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CandleRedInfinite
-  - uid: 441
+  - uid: 359
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.7544527,-7.2327867
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Carpet
-  - uid: 114
+  - uid: 360
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 6.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 115
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 361
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 6.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 116
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 362
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 7.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 257
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 363
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 541
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 364
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 7.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 554
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 365
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 990
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 366
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 996
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 367
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1183
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 368
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1186
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 369
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1207
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 370
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1215
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 371
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1217
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 372
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1218
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 373
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1219
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 374
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CarpetBlack
-  - uid: 617
+  - uid: 375
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1145
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 376
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1184
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 377
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1362
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 378
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CarpetGreen
-  - uid: 1167
+  - uid: 379
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1168
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 380
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1169
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 381
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1170
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 382
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1171
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 383
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1172
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 384
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CarpetWhite
-  - uid: 1157
+  - uid: 385
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1158
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 386
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1159
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 387
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1160
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 388
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1161
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 389
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1162
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 390
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Catwalk
-  - uid: 599
+  - uid: 391
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 609
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 392
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 792
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 393
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 853
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 394
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Chair
-  - uid: 140
+  - uid: 395
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 12.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 214
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 396
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 12.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 215
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 397
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 12.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 430
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 398
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 12.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 432
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 399
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 457
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 400
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1114
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 401
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 12.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1121
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 402
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 12.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1146
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 403
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 9.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1562
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -8.5,-15.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ChairGreyscale
-  - uid: 851
+  - uid: 404
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -5.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ChairOfficeDark
-  - uid: 124
+  - uid: 405
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 6.5282974,-14.420438
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ChairWood
-  - uid: 31
+  - uid: 406
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 2.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 709
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 407
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1392
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 408
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1625
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 409
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1626
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 410
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CigaretteMold
-  - uid: 1763
+  - uid: 411
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -1.691752,12.017473
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CigaretteSpent
-  - uid: 1671
+  - uid: 412
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.70616,12.589549
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1674
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 413
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.378035,12.433299
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1675
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 414
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -1.315535,12.433299
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingBeltQuiver
-  - uid: 156
+  - uid: 91
     - type: Transform
-      parent: 151
+      parent: 89
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: ClothingHeadHatBeretFrench
-  - uid: 1518
+  - uid: 416
     - type: Transform
-      parent: 1516
+      parent: 415
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
 - proto: ClothingHeadHatBunny
-  - uid: 1744
+  - uid: 418
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.321607,-25.619549
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingHeadHatTacticalMaidHeadband
-  - uid: 154
+  - uid: 92
     - type: MetaData
       name: повязка службы безопасности
     - type: Transform
-      parent: 151
+      parent: 89
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: ClothingHeadHatUshanka
-  - uid: 1514
+  - uid: 420
     - type: Transform
-      parent: 1512
+      parent: 419
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
 - proto: ClothingNeckScarfStripedRed
-  - uid: 153
+  - uid: 93
     - type: Transform
-      parent: 151
+      parent: 89
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: ClothingOuterWinterCoat
-  - uid: 1079
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -6.765032,-16.31055
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1513
+  - uid: 421
     - type: Transform
-      parent: 1512
+      parent: 419
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
+  - uid: 423
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -6.765032,-16.31055
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingOuterWinterEngi
-  - uid: 1731
+  - uid: 424
     - type: MetaData
       name: коричневая зимняя куртка
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.793171,-17.483648
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingOuterWinterGen
-  - uid: 1087
+  - uid: 425
     - type: MetaData
       name: бело-синяя зимняя куртка
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.786134,-16.921467
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingShoesBootsLaceup
-  - uid: 1733
+  - uid: 426
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.352745,-13.342463
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingShoesBootsWinter
-  - uid: 1338
+  - uid: 427
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.3679223,-13.595501
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingShoesBootsWinterCargo
-  - uid: 1187
+  - uid: 428
     - type: MetaData
       name: коричневые зимние ботинки
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.6020138,-13.568881
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingShoesBootsWinterMed
-  - uid: 1254
+  - uid: 429
     - type: MetaData
       name: синие зимние ботинки
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5038624,-13.212091
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingShoesBootsWork
-  - uid: 1634
+  - uid: 430
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.3232573,-13.656497
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingShoesColorBlack
-  - uid: 1588
+  - uid: 431
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.50740063,-13.279211
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingShoesColorBlue
-  - uid: 37
+  - uid: 432
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.4818722,-13.819506
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingShoesColorRed
-  - uid: 1011
+  - uid: 433
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.2520154,-13.7933235
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingShoesDameDane
-  - uid: 1766
+  - uid: 434
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.990286,-16.449436
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingShoesLeather
-  - uid: 1319
+  - uid: 435
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5809284,-13.332744
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingShoesSlippers
-  - uid: 1745
+  - uid: 436
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.727857,-25.275799
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingShoesTourist
-  - uid: 152
+  - uid: 94
     - type: Transform
-      parent: 151
+      parent: 89
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtBlackElegantDress
-  - uid: 1382
+  - uid: 417
     - type: MetaData
       desc: Элегантное платье с красивым бантом.
-      name: чёрное элегантное платье.
+      name: чёрное элегантное платье
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 3.8379946,-16.860613
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1517
+      parent: 415
+    - type: Physics
+      canCollide: False
+  - uid: 437
     - type: MetaData
       desc: Элегантное платье с красивым бантом.
-      name: чёрное элегантное платье
+      name: чёрное элегантное платье.
     - type: Transform
-      parent: 1516
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
+      pos: 3.8379946,-16.860613
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtGreenTurtleneckDress
-  - uid: 1191
+  - uid: 438
     - type: MetaData
       desc: Платье с водолазкой и уникальным дизайном.
       name: зелёное платье с водолазкой
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.8496308,-17.384262
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtPurpleElegantDress
-  - uid: 1233
+  - uid: 439
     - type: MetaData
       desc: Элегантное платье с красивым бантом.
       name: фиолетовое элегантное платье
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.8296533,-16.31055
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitCasualRed
-  - uid: 155
+  - uid: 95
     - type: Transform
-      parent: 151
+      parent: 89
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorGrey
-  - uid: 1515
+  - uid: 422
     - type: Transform
-      parent: 1512
+      parent: 419
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
+- proto: Cobweb1
+  entities:
+  - uid: 1568
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-16.5
+      parent: 2
+- proto: Cobweb2
+  entities:
+  - uid: 1567
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-15.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ComfyChair
-  - uid: 341
+  - uid: 440
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 466
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 441
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 481
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 442
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 499
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 443
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 515
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 444
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 620
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 445
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 12.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 621
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 446
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 624
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 447
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 625
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 448
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 626
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 449
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 644
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 450
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 650
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 451
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 651
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 452
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 771
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 453
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 827
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 454
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 828
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 455
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 7.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 829
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 456
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 6.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 835
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 457
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 836
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 458
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 839
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 459
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1644
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 460
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -1.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1752
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 461
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ComputerCriminalRecords
-  - uid: 731
+  - uid: 462
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor
-  - uid: 720
+  - uid: 463
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ConveyorBelt
-  - uid: 1689
+  - uid: 464
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1690
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 465
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1691
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 466
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1692
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 467
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1693
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 468
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1694
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 469
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CowToolboxFilled
-  - uid: 1645
+  - uid: 470
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.457727,-11.454361
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CrateTrashCartFilled
-  - uid: 1682
+  - uid: 471
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CurtainsWhite
-  - uid: 916
+  - uid: 472
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CurtainsWhiteOpen
-  - uid: 19
+  - uid: 473
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 917
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 474
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 938
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 475
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DisposalBend
-  - uid: 135
+  - uid: 476
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 11.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1253
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 477
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1259
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 478
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1313
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 479
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1335
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 480
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1755
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 481
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DisposalJunction
-  - uid: 137
+  - uid: 482
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1251
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 483
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1314
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 484
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1666
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 485
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1668
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 486
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DisposalJunctionFlipped
-  - uid: 311
+  - uid: 487
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1662
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 488
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1663
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 489
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1667
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 490
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1724
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 491
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DisposalPipe
-  - uid: 78
+  - uid: 492
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 218
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 493
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 304
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 494
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 305
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 495
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 796
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 496
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 824
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 497
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 924
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 498
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1151
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 499
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1152
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 500
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1153
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 501
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1154
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 502
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1155
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 503
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1156
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 504
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1250
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 505
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1255
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 506
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1256
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 507
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1257
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 508
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1258
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 509
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1264
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 510
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1265
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 511
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1267
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 512
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1268
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 513
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1269
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 514
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1270
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 515
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1271
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 516
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1272
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 517
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1273
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 518
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1274
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 519
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1278
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 520
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1279
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 521
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1280
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 522
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 8.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1281
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 523
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 7.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1295
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 524
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1296
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 525
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1297
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 526
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1299
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 527
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 6.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1303
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 528
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1304
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 529
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1305
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 530
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1306
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 531
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1307
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 532
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1308
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 533
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1309
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 534
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1310
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 535
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1311
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 536
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1330
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 537
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1664
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 538
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1665
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 539
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1670
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 540
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1672
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 541
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1673
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 542
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1751
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 543
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DisposalTrunk
-  - uid: 306
+  - uid: 544
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 312
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 545
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 323
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 546
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1260
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 547
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1275
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 548
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1652
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 549
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1653
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 550
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1654
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 551
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1655
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 552
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1681
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 553
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 5.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1789
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 554
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DisposalUnit
-  - uid: 309
+  - uid: 555
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 325
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 556
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 468
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 557
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 503
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 558
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 783
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 559
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1327
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 560
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DrinkBadTouchGlass
-  - uid: 1912
+  - uid: 561
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.7226288,-0.3183478
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DrinkColaCan
-  - uid: 111
+  - uid: 562
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.311922,-0.20970154
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 171
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 563
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.4770956,-0.40791774
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 235
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 564
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.6800737,-0.25959373
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DrinkGlass
-  - uid: 659
+  - uid: 565
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.1884108,1.6255958
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 877
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 566
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.2977858,1.7662208
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 880
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 567
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.4696608,1.6099708
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1412
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 568
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.3673034,-20.542006
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1422
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 569
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.49748,-21.225851
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1725
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 570
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.6521113,-20.442896
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1727
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 571
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.555601,-21.315048
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DrinkHotCoffee
-  - uid: 1695
+  - uid: 572
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.602686,8.518019
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1696
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 573
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.524561,8.736769
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
-  - uid: 351
+  - uid: 574
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1676
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 575
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1765
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 576
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Firelock
-  - uid: 596
+  - uid: 577
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1038
-  - uid: 643
+      - 6
+  - uid: 578
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -0.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 652
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 579
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
-      - 1038
-  - uid: 653
+      - 9
+      - 6
+  - uid: 580
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -4.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 755
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 581
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 1.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
-  - uid: 757
+      - 9
+  - uid: 582
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 3.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
-  - uid: 766
+      - 9
+  - uid: 583
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 2.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
-  - uid: 837
+      - 9
+  - uid: 584
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 0.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
-  - uid: 844
+      - 9
+  - uid: 585
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
-      - 86
-  - uid: 954
+      - 9
+      - 3
+  - uid: 586
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1072
-      - 86
-  - uid: 969
+      - 8
+      - 3
+  - uid: 587
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1038
+      - 6
 - proto: FirelockGlass
-  - uid: 138
+  - uid: 588
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 86
-      - 1009
-  - uid: 298
+      - 3
+      - 5
+  - uid: 589
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1040
-  - uid: 777
+      - 7
+  - uid: 590
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 4.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
-      - 1040
-  - uid: 841
+      - 9
+      - 7
+  - uid: 591
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 4.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
-      - 1040
-  - uid: 970
+      - 9
+      - 7
+  - uid: 592
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1040
-      - 1038
-  - uid: 971
+      - 7
+      - 6
+  - uid: 593
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 86
-      - 1040
+      - 3
+      - 7
 - proto: FoodBoxDonut
-  - uid: 1698
+  - uid: 594
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.368311,8.596144
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: FoodBoxPizzaFilled
-  - uid: 240
+  - uid: 595
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.4837027,1.7526376
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: GasMinerNitrogenStationLarge
-  - uid: 1966
+  - uid: 596
     - type: MetaData
       name: газодобытчик воздуха
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: GasMinerOxygenStationLarge
-  - uid: 673
+  - uid: 597
     - type: MetaData
       name: газодобытчик воздуха
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: GasPassiveVent
-  - uid: 514
+  - uid: 598
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -10.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 773
+  - uid: 599
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -8.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
 - proto: GasPipeBend
-  - uid: 9
+  - uid: 600
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 16
+  - uid: 601
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 30
+  - uid: 602
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 64
+  - uid: 603
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 110
+  - uid: 604
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 167
+  - uid: 605
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 170
+  - uid: 606
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 303
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 607
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 334
+  - uid: 608
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 339
+  - uid: 609
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 507
+  - uid: 610
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 509
+  - uid: 611
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 538
+  - uid: 612
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 632
+  - uid: 613
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 691
+  - uid: 614
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 732
+  - uid: 615
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 774
+  - uid: 616
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 817
+  - uid: 617
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 823
+  - uid: 618
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 1.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 856
+  - uid: 619
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 939
+  - uid: 620
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1720
+  - uid: 621
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1723
+  - uid: 622
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1809
+  - uid: 623
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1813
+  - uid: 624
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1821
+  - uid: 625
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
 - proto: GasPipeFourway
-  - uid: 795
+  - uid: 626
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 933
+  - uid: 627
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 991
+  - uid: 628
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1719
+  - uid: 629
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
 - proto: GasPipeStraight
-  - uid: 5
+  - uid: 630
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 6
+  - uid: 631
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 7
+  - uid: 632
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 18
+  - uid: 633
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 23
+  - uid: 634
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 36
+  - uid: 635
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 38
+  - uid: 636
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 40
+  - uid: 637
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 47
+  - uid: 638
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 49
+  - uid: 639
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 50
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 640
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 100
+  - uid: 641
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 104
+  - uid: 642
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 113
+  - uid: 643
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 7.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 117
+  - uid: 644
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 118
+  - uid: 645
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 119
+  - uid: 646
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 120
+  - uid: 647
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 121
+  - uid: 648
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 122
+  - uid: 649
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 125
+  - uid: 650
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 128
+  - uid: 651
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 134
+  - uid: 652
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 136
+  - uid: 653
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 139
+  - uid: 654
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 147
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 655
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 149
+  - uid: 656
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 150
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 657
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 158
+  - uid: 658
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 7.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 159
+  - uid: 659
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 6.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 160
+  - uid: 660
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 161
+  - uid: 661
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 162
+  - uid: 662
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 165
+  - uid: 663
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 166
+  - uid: 664
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 180
+  - uid: 665
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 184
+  - uid: 666
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 192
+  - uid: 667
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 213
+  - uid: 668
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 216
+  - uid: 669
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 217
+  - uid: 670
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 219
+  - uid: 671
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 251
+  - uid: 672
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 252
+  - uid: 673
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 255
+  - uid: 674
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 256
+  - uid: 675
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 284
+  - uid: 676
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 285
+  - uid: 677
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 286
+  - uid: 678
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 287
+  - uid: 679
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 288
+  - uid: 680
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 314
+  - uid: 681
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -0.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 316
+  - uid: 682
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -1.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 317
+  - uid: 683
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -1.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 319
+  - uid: 684
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 320
+  - uid: 685
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 321
+  - uid: 686
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 333
+  - uid: 687
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 335
+  - uid: 688
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 342
+  - uid: 689
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 345
+  - uid: 690
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 348
+  - uid: 691
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 350
+  - uid: 692
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 352
+  - uid: 693
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 353
+  - uid: 694
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 429
+  - uid: 695
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 8.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 431
+  - uid: 696
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 433
+  - uid: 697
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 434
+  - uid: 698
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 435
+  - uid: 699
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 436
+  - uid: 700
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 449
+  - uid: 701
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 467
+  - uid: 702
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 480
+  - uid: 703
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 482
+  - uid: 704
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 485
+  - uid: 705
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 501
+  - uid: 706
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 7.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 502
+  - uid: 707
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 504
+  - uid: 708
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 8.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 505
+  - uid: 709
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 7.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 527
+  - uid: 710
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 528
+  - uid: 711
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 529
+  - uid: 712
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 530
+  - uid: 713
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 536
+  - uid: 714
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 537
+  - uid: 715
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 548
+  - uid: 716
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 6.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 556
+  - uid: 717
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 7.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 559
+  - uid: 718
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 560
+  - uid: 719
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 8.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 565
+  - uid: 720
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 605
+  - uid: 721
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 606
+  - uid: 722
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 6.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 607
+  - uid: 723
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 612
+  - uid: 724
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 6.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 613
+  - uid: 725
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 615
+  - uid: 726
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 616
+  - uid: 727
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 623
+  - uid: 728
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 639
+  - uid: 729
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 640
+  - uid: 730
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 641
+  - uid: 731
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 646
+  - uid: 732
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 662
+  - uid: 733
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 668
+  - uid: 734
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 671
+  - uid: 735
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 692
+  - uid: 736
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 694
+  - uid: 737
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 6.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 696
+  - uid: 738
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 698
+  - uid: 739
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 702
+  - uid: 740
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 703
+  - uid: 741
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 716
+  - uid: 742
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 718
+  - uid: 743
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 721
+  - uid: 744
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 722
+  - uid: 745
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 7.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 723
+  - uid: 746
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 7.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 724
+  - uid: 747
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 7.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 725
+  - uid: 748
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 7.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 726
+  - uid: 749
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 6.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 727
+  - uid: 750
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 6.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 728
+  - uid: 751
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 6.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 729
+  - uid: 752
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 6.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 736
+  - uid: 753
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 737
+  - uid: 754
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 746
+  - uid: 755
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
   - uid: 756
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 760
+  - uid: 757
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 763
+  - uid: 758
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 765
+  - uid: 759
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 768
+  - uid: 760
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 784
+  - uid: 761
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 786
+  - uid: 762
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 787
+  - uid: 763
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 793
+  - uid: 764
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 798
+  - uid: 765
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 800
+  - uid: 766
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 801
+  - uid: 767
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 807
+  - uid: 768
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 814
+  - uid: 769
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 820
+  - uid: 770
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 832
+  - uid: 771
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 847
+  - uid: 772
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -8.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 849
+  - uid: 773
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 863
+  - uid: 774
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 864
+  - uid: 775
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 865
+  - uid: 776
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 867
+  - uid: 777
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 872
+  - uid: 778
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 881
+  - uid: 779
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 883
+  - uid: 780
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 891
+  - uid: 781
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 892
+  - uid: 782
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 900
+  - uid: 783
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 903
+  - uid: 784
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 907
+  - uid: 785
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 909
+  - uid: 786
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 912
+  - uid: 787
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 913
+  - uid: 788
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 914
+  - uid: 789
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 915
+  - uid: 790
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 919
+  - uid: 791
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 920
+  - uid: 792
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 921
+  - uid: 793
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 922
+  - uid: 794
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 923
+  - uid: 795
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 926
+  - uid: 796
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 927
+  - uid: 797
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 928
+  - uid: 798
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 929
+  - uid: 799
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 930
+  - uid: 800
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 934
+  - uid: 801
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 937
+  - uid: 802
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 942
+  - uid: 803
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 943
+  - uid: 804
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 992
+  - uid: 805
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1147
+  - uid: 806
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1148
+  - uid: 807
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1149
+  - uid: 808
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1185
+  - uid: 809
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1211
+  - uid: 810
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1212
+  - uid: 811
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1213
+  - uid: 812
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1214
+  - uid: 813
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1326
+  - uid: 814
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1389
+  - uid: 815
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1683
+  - uid: 816
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1707
+  - uid: 817
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1708
+  - uid: 2000
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1715
+  - uid: 819
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1716
+  - uid: 820
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1717
+  - uid: 821
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1722
+  - uid: 822
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -0.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1773
+  - uid: 823
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -1.5,14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1776
+  - uid: 824
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -1.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1793
+  - uid: 825
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -1.5,12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1800
+  - uid: 826
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -1.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1827
+  - uid: 827
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1836
+  - uid: 828
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1845
+  - uid: 829
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1856
+  - uid: 830
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1864
+  - uid: 831
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1895
+  - uid: 832
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
 - proto: GasPipeTJunction
-  - uid: 4
+  - uid: 833
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 97
+  - uid: 834
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 11.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 112
+  - uid: 835
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 129
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 836
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 145
+  - uid: 837
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 146
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 838
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 11.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 220
+  - uid: 839
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 8.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 344
+  - uid: 840
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 349
+  - uid: 841
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -6.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 354
+  - uid: 842
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 387
+  - uid: 843
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 465
+  - uid: 844
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 483
+  - uid: 845
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 570
+  - uid: 846
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 661
+  - uid: 847
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 682
+  - uid: 848
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 754
+  - uid: 849
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 776
+  - uid: 850
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 821
+  - uid: 851
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 831
+  - uid: 852
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 8.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 840
+  - uid: 853
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 908
+  - uid: 854
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 918
+  - uid: 855
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -1.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1163
+  - uid: 856
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 8.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1164
+  - uid: 857
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 8.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1165
+  - uid: 858
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 11.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1166
+  - uid: 859
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 11.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1205
+  - uid: 860
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1726
+  - uid: 861
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
 - proto: GasVentPump
-  - uid: 13
+  - uid: 862
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1072
+      - 8
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 108
+  - uid: 863
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 11.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1040
+      - 7
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 254
+  - uid: 864
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 11.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 461
+  - uid: 865
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
+      - 9
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 583
+  - uid: 866
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 6.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1040
+      - 7
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 602
+  - uid: 867
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -6.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
+      - 9
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 603
+  - uid: 868
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 1.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
+      - 9
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 622
+  - uid: 869
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1038
+      - 6
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 636
+  - uid: 870
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
+      - 9
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 642
+  - uid: 871
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1038
+      - 6
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 761
+  - uid: 872
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 86
+      - 3
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 797
+  - uid: 873
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1038
+      - 6
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1173
+  - uid: 874
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1040
+      - 7
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1174
+  - uid: 875
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1040
+      - 7
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1711
+  - uid: 876
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1009
+      - 5
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1718
+  - uid: 877
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1009
+      - 5
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1721
+  - uid: 878
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1009
+      - 5
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
-  - uid: 1868
+  - uid: 879
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1038
+      - 6
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
 - proto: GasVentScrubber
-  - uid: 8
+  - uid: 880
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
+      - 9
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 17
+  - uid: 881
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -7.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1038
+      - 6
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 109
+  - uid: 882
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 7.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1040
+      - 7
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 253
+  - uid: 883
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 11.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 474
+  - uid: 884
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 2.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
+      - 9
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 519
+  - uid: 885
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -7.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1072
+      - 8
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 592
+  - uid: 886
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 7.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1040
+      - 7
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 601
+  - uid: 887
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -7.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
+      - 9
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 788
+  - uid: 888
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1038
+      - 6
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 931
+  - uid: 889
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1105
+      - 9
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1089
+  - uid: 890
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 2.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 86
+      - 3
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1176
+  - uid: 891
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1040
+      - 7
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1177
+  - uid: 892
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1040
+      - 7
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1511
+  - uid: 893
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1009
+      - 5
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1710
+  - uid: 894
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1009
+      - 5
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1712
+  - uid: 895
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -0.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1009
+      - 5
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1732
+  - uid: 896
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1038
+      - 6
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 1876
+  - uid: 897
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceNetwork
-      - 1038
+      - 6
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
 - proto: GeneratorRTG
-  - uid: 747
+  - uid: 898
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: PowerSupplier
       supplyRate: 30000
-  - uid: 748
+  - uid: 899
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: PowerSupplier
       supplyRate: 30000
 - proto: GravityGeneratorMini
-  - uid: 950
+  - uid: 900
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Grille
-  - uid: 243
+  - uid: 901
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 260
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 902
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 392
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 903
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 418
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 904
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 456
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 905
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 893
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 906
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -8.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1136
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 907
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1179
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 908
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1180
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 909
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: LockerAtmospherics
-  - uid: 957
+  - uid: 910
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: LockerSecurity
-  - uid: 151
+  - uid: 89
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: EntityStorage
         volume: 200
@@ -8006,33 +8087,33 @@ entities:
           showEnts: False
           occludes: True
-          - 157
-          - 156
-          - 155
-          - 154
-          - 153
-          - 152
+          - 90
+          - 91
+          - 95
+          - 92
+          - 93
+          - 94
         paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
           showEnts: False
           occludes: True
           ent: null
 - proto: Mannequin
-  - uid: 1512
+  - uid: 415
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -2.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      pos: -0.5,-13.5
+      parent: 2
     - type: ContainerContainer
         jumpsuit: !type:ContainerSlot
           showEnts: False
           occludes: False
-          ent: 1515
+          ent: 417
         outerClothing: !type:ContainerSlot
           showEnts: False
           occludes: False
-          ent: 1513
+          ent: null
         neck: !type:ContainerSlot
           showEnts: False
           occludes: False
@@ -8048,7 +8129,7 @@ entities:
         head: !type:ContainerSlot
           showEnts: False
           occludes: False
-          ent: 1514
+          ent: 416
         suitstorage: !type:ContainerSlot
           showEnts: False
           occludes: False
@@ -8057,22 +8138,22 @@ entities:
           showEnts: False
           occludes: False
           ent: null
-    - type: RussianAccent
-  - uid: 1516
+    - type: FrenchAccent
+  - uid: 419
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -0.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      pos: -2.5,-13.5
+      parent: 2
     - type: ContainerContainer
         jumpsuit: !type:ContainerSlot
           showEnts: False
           occludes: False
-          ent: 1517
+          ent: 422
         outerClothing: !type:ContainerSlot
           showEnts: False
           occludes: False
-          ent: null
+          ent: 421
         neck: !type:ContainerSlot
           showEnts: False
           occludes: False
@@ -8088,7 +8169,7 @@ entities:
         head: !type:ContainerSlot
           showEnts: False
           occludes: False
-          ent: 1518
+          ent: 420
         suitstorage: !type:ContainerSlot
           showEnts: False
           occludes: False
@@ -8097,638 +8178,648 @@ entities:
           showEnts: False
           occludes: False
           ent: null
-    - type: FrenchAccent
+    - type: RussianAccent
 - proto: Mirror
-  - uid: 1736
+  - uid: 911
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -4.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1737
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 912
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1738
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 913
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -0.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1739
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 914
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 1.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Paper
-  - uid: 22
+  - uid: 915
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 9.765255,-4.4293413
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 830
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 916
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 9.921505,-4.4762163
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1639
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 917
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.11029482,-19.458694
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1646
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 918
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.35465497,-19.342327
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1647
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 919
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5408342,-19.505241
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Pen
-  - uid: 1649
+  - uid: 920
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.18060982,-19.551788
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PlasticFlapsAirtightClear
-  - uid: 1315
+  - uid: 921
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PlushieAtmosian
-  - uid: 1753
+  - uid: 922
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.480301,-11.51842
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
+- proto: PlushieLizard
+  entities:
+  - uid: 1563
+    components:
+    - type: MetaData
+      desc: Доревьювился. 
+      name: неизвестный мейнтейнер
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -8.528828,-15.495922
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PlushieLizardMirrored
-  - uid: 163
+  - uid: 923
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5931134,-0.44783163
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PlushiePenguin
-  - uid: 355
+  - uid: 924
     - type: MetaData
       desc: Надо было ставить Линукс.
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.50761,2.5900903
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PlushieSlime
-  - uid: 965
+  - uid: 926
     - type: MetaData
       desc: Уверяю вас. Мне можно доверить огнестрельное оружие...
       name: плюшевый Керн
     - type: Transform
-      parent: 964
+      parent: 925
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
-  - uid: 1381
+  - uid: 927
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.412727,-6.492947
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PosterContrabandAtmosiaDeclarationIndependence
-  - uid: 1754
+  - uid: 928
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PottedPlant11
-  - uid: 770
+  - uid: 929
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.0200777,-7.4046617
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PottedPlant13
-  - uid: 1747
+  - uid: 930
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PottedPlant17
-  - uid: 738
+  - uid: 931
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.010267,-7.4168715
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PottedPlant7
-  - uid: 964
+  - uid: 925
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: ContainerContainer
         stash: !type:ContainerSlot
           showEnts: False
           occludes: True
-          ent: 965
+          ent: 926
 - proto: PottedPlantAlt2
-  - uid: 2
+  - uid: 932
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.25,10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 41
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 933
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.75,10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PottedPlantAlt8
-  - uid: 1746
+  - uid: 934
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PottedPlantRandom
-  - uid: 24
+  - uid: 935
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 179
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 936
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 506
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 937
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 693
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 938
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 790
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 939
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 813
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 940
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 972
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 941
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1073
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 942
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1103
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 943
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1104
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 944
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Poweredlight
-  - uid: 12
+  - uid: 945
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 46
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 946
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 106
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 947
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 7.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 526
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 948
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 631
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 949
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 654
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 950
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 656
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 951
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 848
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 952
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -1.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 850
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 953
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 999
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 954
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 6.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1084
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 955
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 12.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1085
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 956
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1091
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 957
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 9.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1216
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 958
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 12.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1227
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 959
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1228
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 960
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 12.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1230
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 961
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1232
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 962
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1236
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 963
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1237
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 964
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1239
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 965
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1240
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 966
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1243
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 967
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1244
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 968
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1245
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 969
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1247
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 970
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1248
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 971
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1249
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 972
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1262
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 973
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1263
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 974
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1276
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 975
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 12.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1294
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 976
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1302
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 977
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1320
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 978
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1324
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 979
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1357
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 980
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1366
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 981
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1374
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 982
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1633
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 983
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1635
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 984
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1636
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 985
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1759
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 986
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1760
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 987
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1761
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 988
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1762
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 989
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 0.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PoweredlightPink
-  - uid: 93
+  - uid: 990
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: PoweredSmallLight
-  - uid: 141
+  - uid: 991
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 11.5,-28.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 315
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 992
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 459
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 993
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 471
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 994
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 782
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 995
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 15.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 805
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 996
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 810
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 997
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1202
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 998
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 15.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1206
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 999
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 15.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1234
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1000
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 15.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1345
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1001
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1346
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1002
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1354
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1003
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 15.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1393
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1004
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1705
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1005
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1735
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1006
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -8.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1740
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1007
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1741
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1008
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Rack
-  - uid: 704
+  - uid: 1009
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 962
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1010
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Railing
-  - uid: 888
+  - uid: 1011
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 6.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 889
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1012
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 7.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1019
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1013
     - type: MetaData
       desc: Вешалка для одежды.
@@ -8736,8 +8827,8 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1021
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1014
     - type: MetaData
       desc: Вешалка для одежды.
@@ -8745,8 +8836,8 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1086
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1015
     - type: MetaData
       desc: Вешалка для одежды.
@@ -8754,8 +8845,8 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1101
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1016
     - type: MetaData
       desc: Вешалка для одежды.
@@ -8763,53 +8854,53 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1351
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1017
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1353
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1018
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1364
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1019
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1365
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1020
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: RailingCornerSmall
-  - uid: 649
+  - uid: 1021
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 712
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1022
     - type: MetaData
       desc: Вешалка для одежды.
       name: вешалка
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 713
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1023
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1196
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1024
     - type: MetaData
       desc: Вешалка для одежды.
@@ -8817,14 +8908,14 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1242
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1025
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 3.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1246
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1026
     - type: MetaData
       desc: Вешалка для одежды.
@@ -8832,155 +8923,168 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: RandomDrinkBottle
-  - uid: 29
+  - uid: 1027
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: RandomDrinkGlass
-  - uid: 611
+  - uid: 1028
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1750
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1029
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: RandomFoodBakedSingle
-  - uid: 742
+  - uid: 1030
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: RandomFoodBakedWhole
-  - uid: 591
+  - uid: 1031
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: RandomFoodMeal
-  - uid: 569
+  - uid: 1032
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1080
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1033
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: RandomPosterLegit
-  - uid: 178
+  - uid: 1034
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: RandomVendingDrinks
-  - uid: 175
+  - uid: 1035
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 338
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1036
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1442
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1037
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: RandomVendingSnacks
-  - uid: 164
+  - uid: 1038
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 226
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1039
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Recycler
-  - uid: 1697
+  - uid: 1040
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ReinforcedPlasmaWindow
-  - uid: 600
+  - uid: 1041
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -8.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
+- proto: ShardGlass
+  entities:
+  - uid: 1565
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -8.872578,-16.071678
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1566
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -8.169453,-15.165428
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SignalButton
-  - uid: 597
+  - uid: 1042
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        549:
+        16:
         - Pressed: DoorBolt
-  - uid: 598
+  - uid: 1043
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        791:
+        18:
         - Pressed: DoorBolt
-  - uid: 749
+  - uid: 1044
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        473:
+        15:
         - Pressed: DoorBolt
-  - uid: 932
+  - uid: 1045
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        595:
+        17:
         - Pressed: DoorBolt
 - proto: SignalTimer
-  - uid: 1911
+  - uid: 1046
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 16.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SignalTimer
       delay: 1
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        462:
+        24:
         - Timer: Toggle
     - type: DeviceLinkSink
       invokeCounter: 1
@@ -8989,17 +9093,17 @@ entities:
     - type: Stealth
     - type: StealthOnMove
     - type: ActiveSignalTimer
-  - uid: 1957
+  - uid: 1047
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 16.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SignalTimer
       delay: 1
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        561:
+        26:
         - Timer: Toggle
     - type: DeviceLinkSink
       invokeCounter: 1
@@ -9008,17 +9112,17 @@ entities:
     - type: Stealth
     - type: StealthOnMove
     - type: ActiveSignalTimer
-  - uid: 1958
+  - uid: 1048
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 16.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SignalTimer
       delay: 1
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        550:
+        25:
         - Timer: Toggle
     - type: DeviceLinkSink
       invokeCounter: 1
@@ -9027,17 +9131,17 @@ entities:
     - type: Stealth
     - type: StealthOnMove
     - type: ActiveSignalTimer
-  - uid: 1959
+  - uid: 1049
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 16.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SignalTimer
       delay: 1
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        28:
+        23:
         - Timer: Toggle
     - type: DeviceLinkSink
       invokeCounter: 1
@@ -9046,17 +9150,17 @@ entities:
     - type: Stealth
     - type: StealthOnMove
     - type: ActiveSignalTimer
-  - uid: 1960
+  - uid: 1050
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 16.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SignalTimer
       delay: 1
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        1363:
+        28:
         - Timer: Toggle
     - type: DeviceLinkSink
       invokeCounter: 1
@@ -9067,506 +9171,506 @@ entities:
     - type: ActiveSignalTimer
 - proto: SignArcade
-  - uid: 94
+  - uid: 1051
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SignAtmos
-  - uid: 1030
+  - uid: 1052
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SignBar
-  - uid: 148
+  - uid: 1053
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SignDisposalSpace
-  - uid: 1703
+  - uid: 1054
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SignEngineering
-  - uid: 1657
+  - uid: 1055
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SignJanitor
-  - uid: 1702
+  - uid: 1056
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SignShipDock
-  - uid: 1656
+  - uid: 1057
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1686
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1058
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SignSmoking
-  - uid: 1669
+  - uid: 1059
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Sink
-  - uid: 859
+  - uid: 1060
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SinkStemlessWater
-  - uid: 169
+  - uid: 1061
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 794
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1062
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.8169644,11.372251
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 811
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1063
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.8013394,9.356626
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SMESBasic
-  - uid: 944
+  - uid: 1064
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SodaDispenser
-  - uid: 634
+  - uid: 1065
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SpaceVillainArcadeFilled
-  - uid: 98
+  - uid: 1066
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 177
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1067
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SpawnPointLatejoin
-  - uid: 707
+  - uid: 1068
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 708
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1069
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1081
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1070
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1204
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1071
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1252
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1072
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1288
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1073
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1289
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1074
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1870
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1075
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1902
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1076
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1903
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1077
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1904
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1078
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1905
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1079
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1906
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1080
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1907
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1081
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1908
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1082
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1909
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1083
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1961
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1084
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1962
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1085
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1963
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1086
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1964
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1087
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1965
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1088
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Spoon
-  - uid: 1734
+  - uid: 1089
     - type: MetaData
       name: ложка для обуви
     - type: Transform
       rot: -0.5235987755982988 rad
       pos: 1.7093852,-16.486588
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1764
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1090
     - type: MetaData
       name: ложка для обуви
     - type: Transform
       rot: -0.8726646259971648 rad
       pos: -4.697705,-16.59065
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: StairDark
-  - uid: 759
+  - uid: 1091
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 762
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1092
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 769
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1093
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Stairs
-  - uid: 1348
+  - uid: 1094
     - type: MetaData
       name: полки для обуви
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1349
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1095
     - type: MetaData
       name: полки для обуви
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1350
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1096
     - type: MetaData
       name: полки для обуви
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1358
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1097
     - type: MetaData
       name: полки для обуви
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1359
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1098
     - type: MetaData
       name: полки для обуви
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1360
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1099
     - type: MetaData
       name: полки для обуви
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SteelBench
-  - uid: 1628
+  - uid: 1100
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -4.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1629
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1101
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1630
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1102
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -0.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1631
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1103
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 1.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: StoolBar
-  - uid: 27
+  - uid: 1104
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 43
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1105
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 173
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1106
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 376
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1107
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 0.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 525
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1108
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 3.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 539
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1109
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 1.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 670
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1110
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 2.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SubstationBasic
-  - uid: 469
+  - uid: 1111
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SuitStorageBase
-  - uid: 959
+  - uid: 1112
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraGeneral
-  - uid: 99
+  - uid: 1113
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -0.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SurveillanceCamera
       - SurveillanceCameraGeneral
       nameSet: True
       id: Южный коридор
-  - uid: 234
+  - uid: 1114
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SurveillanceCamera
       - SurveillanceCameraGeneral
       nameSet: True
       id: Инженерия
-  - uid: 479
+  - uid: 1115
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SurveillanceCamera
       - SurveillanceCameraGeneral
       nameSet: True
       id: Северный коридор
-  - uid: 1400
+  - uid: 1116
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -7.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SurveillanceCamera
       - SurveillanceCameraGeneral
       nameSet: True
       id: Атмос
-  - uid: 1587
+  - uid: 1117
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SurveillanceCamera
       - SurveillanceCameraGeneral
       nameSet: True
       id: Бар
-  - uid: 1589
+  - uid: 1118
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SurveillanceCamera
       - SurveillanceCameraGeneral
       nameSet: True
       id: Ресторан
-  - uid: 1596
+  - uid: 1119
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 12.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SurveillanceCamera
       - SurveillanceCameraGeneral
       nameSet: True
       id: Рекреация
-  - uid: 1614
+  - uid: 1120
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SurveillanceCamera
       - SurveillanceCameraGeneral
       nameSet: True
       id: Одежда
-  - uid: 1620
+  - uid: 1121
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SurveillanceCamera
       - SurveillanceCameraGeneral
       nameSet: True
       id: Терминал 1
-  - uid: 1621
+  - uid: 1122
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SurveillanceCamera
       - SurveillanceCameraGeneral
       nameSet: True
       id: Терминал 2
-  - uid: 1622
+  - uid: 1123
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: SurveillanceCamera
       - SurveillanceCameraGeneral
@@ -9574,428 +9678,436 @@ entities:
       id: Терминал 3
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterGeneral
-  - uid: 1581
+  - uid: 1124
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraWirelessRouterEntertainment
-  - uid: 1956
+  - uid: 1125
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
+- proto: SurveillanceWirelessCameraAnchoredEntertainment
+  entities:
+  - uid: 1557
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-16.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TableCarpet
-  - uid: 11
+  - uid: 1126
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 516
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1127
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 647
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1128
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1414
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1129
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1425
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1130
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TableCounterWood
-  - uid: 346
+  - uid: 1131
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 491
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1132
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 524
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1133
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 630
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1134
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1137
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1135
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1140
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1136
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1640
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1137
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1641
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1138
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1642
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1139
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1643
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1140
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1650
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1141
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1651
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1142
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TableFancyBlack
-  - uid: 358
+  - uid: 1143
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 497
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1144
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 498
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1145
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 522
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1146
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 627
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1147
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 628
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1148
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 629
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1149
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 657
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1150
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 658
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1151
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 781
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1152
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 843
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1153
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 845
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1154
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TableGlass
-  - uid: 283
+  - uid: 1155
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TableReinforced
-  - uid: 181
+  - uid: 1156
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 224
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1157
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 706
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1158
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 743
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1159
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 861
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1160
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TableReinforcedGlass
-  - uid: 107
+  - uid: 1161
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 126
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1162
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 330
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1163
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 336
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1164
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 7.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 337
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1165
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 6.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 340
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1166
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 12.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 697
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1167
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 11.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 963
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1168
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1198
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1169
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1199
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1170
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1200
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1171
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1201
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1172
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TableStone
-  - uid: 324
+  - uid: 1173
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 508
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1174
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 638
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1175
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 925
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1176
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 935
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1177
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TableWood
-  - uid: 1413
+  - uid: 1178
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1423
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1179
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TelecomServerFilled
-  - uid: 953
+  - uid: 1180
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TintedWindow
-  - uid: 76
+  - uid: 1181
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Occluder
     - Damageable
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 172
+  - uid: 1182
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Occluder
     - Damageable
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 232
+  - uid: 1183
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Occluder
     - Damageable
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 445
+  - uid: 1184
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Occluder
     - Damageable
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 961
+  - uid: 1185
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Occluder
     - Damageable
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 993
+  - uid: 1186
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Occluder
     - Damageable
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 994
+  - uid: 1187
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Occluder
     - Damageable
     - RCDDeconstructable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 995
+  - uid: 1188
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Occluder
     - Damageable
@@ -10003,2425 +10115,2462 @@ entities:
     - Destructible
 - proto: ToiletEmpty
-  - uid: 758
+  - uid: 1189
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 809
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1190
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 812
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1191
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 852
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1192
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ToolboxElectrical
-  - uid: 1637
+  - uid: 1193
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.395227,-11.313736
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ToolboxMechanical
-  - uid: 1638
+  - uid: 1194
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.582727,-11.532486
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ToyFigurineBartender
-  - uid: 614
+  - uid: 1195
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.45116568,-0.33467317
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TrashBag
-  - uid: 1678
+  - uid: 1196
     - type: MetaData
       name: пакет для покупок
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.547278,-20.178963
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1701
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1197
     - type: MetaData
       name: пакет для покупок
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.0217736,-20.58265
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TrashBagBlue
-  - uid: 1680
+  - uid: 1198
     - type: MetaData
       name: пакет для покупок
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.9506664,-20.171206
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TwoWayLever
-  - uid: 1700
+  - uid: 1199
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        1689:
+        464:
         - Left: Forward
         - Right: Reverse
         - Middle: Off
-        1690:
+        465:
         - Left: Forward
         - Right: Reverse
         - Middle: Off
-        1691:
+        466:
         - Left: Forward
         - Right: Reverse
         - Middle: Off
-        1697:
+        1040:
         - Left: Forward
         - Right: Reverse
         - Middle: Off
-        1692:
+        467:
         - Left: Forward
         - Right: Reverse
         - Middle: Off
-        1693:
+        468:
         - Left: Forward
         - Right: Reverse
         - Middle: Off
-        1694:
+        469:
         - Left: Forward
         - Right: Reverse
         - Middle: Off
 - proto: VendingMachineBooze
-  - uid: 511
+  - uid: 1200
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - AccessReader
 - proto: VendingMachineChang
-  - uid: 1441
+  - uid: 1201
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: VendingMachineCigs
-  - uid: 3
+  - uid: 1202
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 62
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1203
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1175
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1204
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: VendingMachineClothing
-  - uid: 1143
+  - uid: 1205
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1144
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1206
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: VendingMachineCoffee
-  - uid: 174
+  - uid: 1207
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 906
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1208
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1178
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1209
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: VendingMachineSecDrobe
-  - uid: 719
+  - uid: 1210
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA
-  - uid: 750
+  - uid: 1211
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: VendingMachineWinter
-  - uid: 1118
+  - uid: 1212
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1119
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1213
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WallmountTelevision
-  - uid: 518
+  - uid: 1214
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WallPlastitaniumIndestructible
-  - uid: 10
+  - uid: 1215
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 25
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1216
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 26
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1217
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 32
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1218
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 33
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1219
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 39
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1220
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 44
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1221
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 51
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1222
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 52
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1223
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 54
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1224
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 56
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1225
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 58
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1226
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 59
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1227
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 60
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1228
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 67
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1229
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 8.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 70
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1230
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 75
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1231
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 80
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1232
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 7.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 81
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1233
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 11.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 83
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1234
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 85
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1235
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 10.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 87
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1236
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 102
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1237
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 105
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1238
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 123
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1239
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 131
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1240
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 133
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1241
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 176
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1242
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 185
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1243
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 186
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1244
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 193
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1245
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 199
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1246
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 201
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1247
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 202
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1248
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 203
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1249
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 206
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1250
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 208
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1251
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 209
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1252
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 211
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1253
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 212
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1254
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 221
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1255
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 222
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1256
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 225
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1257
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 228
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1258
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 237
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1259
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 238
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1260
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 239
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1261
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 241
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1262
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-22.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 244
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1263
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 245
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1264
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 246
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1265
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 247
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1266
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 248
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1267
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 249
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1268
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 250
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1269
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 262
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1270
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 263
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1271
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 264
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1272
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 265
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1273
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 266
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1274
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 267
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1275
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 268
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1276
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 269
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1277
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 275
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1278
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 292
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1279
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 326
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1280
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 327
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1281
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 328
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1282
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 329
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1283
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 356
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1284
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 357
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1285
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 364
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1286
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 366
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1287
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 367
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1288
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 368
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1289
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 369
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1290
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 374
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1291
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 377
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1292
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 378
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1293
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 379
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1294
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 380
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1295
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 381
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1296
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 382
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1297
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 383
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1298
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 384
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1299
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 388
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1300
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 400
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1301
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 402
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1302
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 403
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1303
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 404
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1304
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 405
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1305
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 406
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1306
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 407
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1307
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 408
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1308
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 409
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1309
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 410
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1310
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 411
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1311
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 412
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1312
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 413
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1313
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 414
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1314
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 415
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1315
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 416
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1316
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 417
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1317
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 421
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1318
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 427
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1319
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 428
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1320
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 437
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1321
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 438
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1322
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 439
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1323
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 440
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1324
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 442
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1325
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 450
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1326
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 451
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1327
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 452
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1328
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 453
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1329
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 455
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1330
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 460
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1331
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 523
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1332
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 532
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1333
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 533
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1334
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 534
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1335
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -3.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 535
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1336
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 542
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1337
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 543
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1338
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 544
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1339
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 545
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1340
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 551
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1341
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 552
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1342
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 553
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1343
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 557
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1344
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 558
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1345
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 562
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1346
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 563
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1347
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 566
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1348
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 575
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1349
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 576
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1350
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 577
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1351
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 578
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1352
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 579
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1353
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 585
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1354
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 586
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1355
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 589
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1356
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 590
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1357
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 593
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1358
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 594
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1359
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 663
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1360
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 664
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1361
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 666
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1362
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 669
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1363
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 672
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1364
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 674
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1365
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 677
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1366
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 678
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1367
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 683
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1368
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 684
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1369
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 685
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1370
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 6.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 686
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1371
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 687
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1372
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 12.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 688
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1373
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 689
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1374
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 711
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1375
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 775
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1376
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 846
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1377
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 854
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1378
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 855
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1379
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 870
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1380
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 871
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1381
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 873
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1382
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 874
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1383
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 876
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1384
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 879
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1385
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 885
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1386
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 886
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1387
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 887
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1388
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 894
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1389
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 897
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1390
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 898
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1391
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 904
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1392
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,12.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 905
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1393
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 910
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1394
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 911
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1395
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1623
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1396
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1658
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1397
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1659
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1398
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1677
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1399
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1679
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1400
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1684
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1401
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1685
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1402
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1558
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -9.5,-15.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1559
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -9.5,-17.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1560
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -9.5,-16.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1561
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -8.5,-17.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WallRiveted
-  - uid: 45
+  - uid: 1403
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 53
+  - uid: 1404
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 65
+  - uid: 1405
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 66
+  - uid: 1406
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 68
+  - uid: 1407
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 69
+  - uid: 1408
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 71
+  - uid: 1409
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 72
+  - uid: 1410
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 73
+  - uid: 1411
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 74
+  - uid: 1412
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 89
+  - uid: 1413
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 90
+  - uid: 1414
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 91
+  - uid: 1415
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 92
+  - uid: 1416
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 95
+  - uid: 1417
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 96
+  - uid: 1418
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 168
+  - uid: 1419
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 182
+  - uid: 1420
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 183
+  - uid: 1421
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 187
+  - uid: 1422
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 188
+  - uid: 1423
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 189
+  - uid: 1424
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 190
+  - uid: 1425
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 191
+  - uid: 1426
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 194
+  - uid: 1427
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 195
+  - uid: 1428
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 9.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 196
+  - uid: 1429
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 197
+  - uid: 1430
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 198
+  - uid: 1431
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 9.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 200
+  - uid: 1432
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 204
+  - uid: 1433
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 205
+  - uid: 1434
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 210
+  - uid: 1435
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 223
+  - uid: 1436
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 229
+  - uid: 1437
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 230
+  - uid: 1438
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 231
+  - uid: 1439
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 233
+  - uid: 1440
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 236
+  - uid: 1441
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 242
+  - uid: 1442
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-30.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 258
+  - uid: 1443
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 259
+  - uid: 1444
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 261
+  - uid: 1445
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,-20.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 270
+  - uid: 1446
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 271
+  - uid: 1447
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 272
+  - uid: 1448
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 273
+  - uid: 1449
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 274
+  - uid: 1450
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 290
+  - uid: 1451
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 300
+  - uid: 1452
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 301
+  - uid: 1453
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 370
+  - uid: 1454
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 371
+  - uid: 1455
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 385
+  - uid: 1456
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 13.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 390
+  - uid: 1457
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-26.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 391
+  - uid: 1458
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 393
+  - uid: 1459
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 419
+  - uid: 1460
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-11.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 420
+  - uid: 1461
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 424
+  - uid: 1462
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-2.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 425
+  - uid: 1463
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 8.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 426
+  - uid: 1464
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 446
+  - uid: 1465
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 454
+  - uid: 1466
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-30.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 458
+  - uid: 1467
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 464
+  - uid: 1468
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 13.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 531
+  - uid: 1469
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 546
+  - uid: 1470
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 555
+  - uid: 1471
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 567
+  - uid: 1472
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 571
+  - uid: 1473
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 574
+  - uid: 1474
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 580
+  - uid: 1475
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 618
+  - uid: 1476
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 9.5,-24.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 637
+  - uid: 1477
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 9.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 667
+  - uid: 1478
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 675
+  - uid: 1479
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 676
+  - uid: 1480
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,5.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 679
+  - uid: 1481
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-4.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 681
+  - uid: 1482
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 734
+  - uid: 1483
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-23.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 751
+  - uid: 1484
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 752
+  - uid: 1485
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 753
+  - uid: 1486
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,3.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 767
+  - uid: 1487
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-21.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 804
+  - uid: 1488
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 13.5,-25.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 878
+  - uid: 1489
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 882
+  - uid: 1490
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 884
+  - uid: 1491
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 901
+  - uid: 1492
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-8.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 902
+  - uid: 1493
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 1352
+  - uid: 1494
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 12.5,-29.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 1369
+  - uid: 1495
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 12.5,-27.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 1706
+  - uid: 1496
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,-28.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 1709
+  - uid: 1497
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,-27.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 1713
+  - uid: 1498
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 12.5,-28.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
-  - uid: 1714
+  - uid: 1499
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 10.5,-29.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - Damageable
     - Destructible
 - proto: WardrobeAtmospherics
-  - uid: 956
+  - uid: 1500
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WardrobeMixedFilled
-  - uid: 308
+  - uid: 1501
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WardrobeWhiteFilled
-  - uid: 1182
+  - uid: 1502
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-18.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WarningAir
-  - uid: 276
+  - uid: 1503
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-12.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
+- proto: WarpPoint
+  entities:
+  - uid: 1569
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -2.5,-3.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: WarpPoint
+      location: Терминал
 - proto: WaterCooler
-  - uid: 1624
+  - uid: 1504
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1627
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1505
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-19.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Windoor
-  - uid: 739
+  - uid: 1506
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 7.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 741
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1507
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 6.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1390
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1508
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1391
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1509
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WindoorSecure
-  - uid: 1699
+  - uid: 1510
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -1.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WindoorSecureSecurityLocked
-  - uid: 735
+  - uid: 1511
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 740
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1512
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Window
-  - uid: 55
+  - uid: 1513
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 63
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1514
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 77
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1515
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 79
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1516
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: PointLight
       energy: 3
       color: '#AF60FCFF'
       radius: 2
       offset: 0.5,0
-  - uid: 82
+  - uid: 1517
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: PointLight
       energy: 3
       color: '#AF60FCFF'
       radius: 2
       offset: 0.5,0
-  - uid: 84
+  - uid: 1518
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: PointLight
       energy: 3
       color: '#AF60FCFF'
       radius: 2
       offset: 0.5,0
-  - uid: 132
+  - uid: 1519
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 278
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1520
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,10.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: PointLight
       energy: 3
       color: '#AF60FCFF'
       radius: 2
       offset: 0.5,0
-  - uid: 279
+  - uid: 1521
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -0.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: PointLight
       energy: 3
       color: '#AF60FCFF'
       radius: 2
-  - uid: 447
+  - uid: 1522
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -4.5,-1.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: PointLight
       energy: 3
       color: '#AF60FCFF'
       radius: 2
-  - uid: 510
+  - uid: 1523
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -4.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 838
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1524
     - type: Transform
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       pos: -0.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
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       energy: 3
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       radius: 3
-  - uid: 862
+  - uid: 1525
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-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 868
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1526
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-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 869
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1527
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       pos: -0.5,-7.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 875
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1528
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -4.5,-6.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
     - type: PointLight
       energy: 3
       color: '#AF60FCFF'
       radius: 3
 - proto: WindowDirectional
-  - uid: 422
+  - uid: 1529
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,-0.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 633
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1530
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-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 785
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1531
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-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1340
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1532
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-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1343
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1533
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-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1370
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1534
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       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1372
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1535
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       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-14.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1375
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1536
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1376
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1537
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-16.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1377
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1538
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1378
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1539
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1379
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1540
     - type: Transform
       pos: -3.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1380
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1541
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1383
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1542
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1385
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1543
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1386
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1544
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1387
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1545
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1388
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1546
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1447
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1547
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1448
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1548
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-17.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1742
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1549
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       name: зеркало
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,11.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1743
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1550
     - type: MetaData
       name: зеркало
     - type: Transform
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       pos: -0.5,9.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
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-  - uid: 35
+  - uid: 1551
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 7.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 745
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1552
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 6.5,-13.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WindowReinforcedDirectional
-  - uid: 1317
+  - uid: 1553
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -4.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1321
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1554
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -5.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1687
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1555
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
-  - uid: 1688
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 1556
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       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -2.5,15.5
-      parent: 818
+      parent: 2
+- proto: ZiptiesBroken
+  entities:
+  - uid: 1564
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -8.450703,-15.806053
+      parent: 2
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Nonstations/nukieplanet.yml b/Resources/Maps/Nonstations/nukieplanet.yml
index 2e7f60c91df..2063451a0ee 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/Nonstations/nukieplanet.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/Nonstations/nukieplanet.yml
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-- proto: VariantCubeBox
-  entities:
-  - uid: 1826
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 14.485744,-16.427467
-      parent: 104
 - proto: VendingMachineBooze
   - uid: 1380
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_accordia.yml b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_accordia.yml
index 8b5dac4d927..65959a909d7 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_accordia.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_accordia.yml
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@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ entities:
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           version: 6
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           version: 6
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@@ -81,403 +81,403 @@ entities:
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-            132: 3,-10
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+            22: 4,12
+            30: 3,13
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+            75: 3,7
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+            106: -3,-19
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+            110: -3,-24
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-            239: -5,-1
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+            101: -5,-18
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+            114: -5,-24
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@@ -634,6 +634,145 @@ entities:
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+- proto: AirAlarm
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 4.5,7.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 961
+      - 962
+      - 956
+      - 490
+      - 452
+      - 454
+      - 489
+  - uid: 973
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 5.5,-22.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 951
+      - 463
+      - 661
+      - 969
+  - uid: 974
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 5.5,-18.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 461
+      - 536
+      - 948
+      - 968
 - proto: Airlock
   - uid: 377
@@ -769,6 +908,98 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-4.5
       parent: 1
+- proto: AirSensor
+  entities:
+  - uid: 948
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 3.5,-17.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 974
+  - uid: 949
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -2.5,-19.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 950
+  - uid: 951
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 3.5,-23.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 973
+  - uid: 952
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 0.5,-21.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 269
+  - uid: 953
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 0.5,-4.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 886
+  - uid: 954
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 4.5,-0.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 947
+  - uid: 955
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 4.5,-8.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 145
+  - uid: 956
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 0.5,7.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 972
+  - uid: 957
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 1.5,13.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 959
+  - uid: 958
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -2.5,10.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 960
 - proto: AltarNanotrasen
   - uid: 253
@@ -797,61 +1028,60 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,11.5
       parent: 1
-- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
+- proto: AtmosDeviceFanDirectional
-  - uid: 269
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -1.5,-12.5
-      parent: 1
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     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 2.5,-12.5
+      pos: 1.5,3.5
       parent: 1
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     - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -1.5,3.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -0.5,3.5
       parent: 1
   - uid: 272
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 2.5,3.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -5.5,0.5
       parent: 1
   - uid: 273
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -5.5,0.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -5.5,-1.5
       parent: 1
   - uid: 274
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -5.5,-1.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -5.5,-7.5
       parent: 1
   - uid: 275
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -5.5,-7.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -5.5,-9.5
       parent: 1
   - uid: 276
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -5.5,-9.5
+      pos: 0.5,-24.5
       parent: 1
-  - uid: 389
+  - uid: 945
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -0.5,-12.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 946
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 0.5,-24.5
+      pos: 1.5,-12.5
       parent: 1
 - proto: BaseComputer
@@ -956,6 +1186,11 @@ entities:
     - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: CableApcExtension
+  - uid: 389
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -0.5,6.5
+      parent: 1
   - uid: 534
     - type: Transform
@@ -1414,17 +1649,17 @@ entities:
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     - type: Transform
-      pos: 0.5,7.5
+      pos: -2.5,7.5
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-      pos: 1.5,7.5
+      pos: -1.5,6.5
       parent: 1
   - uid: 748
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 2.5,7.5
+      pos: 1.5,6.5
       parent: 1
   - uid: 749
@@ -1459,7 +1694,7 @@ entities:
   - uid: 755
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -0.5,7.5
+      pos: 4.5,11.5
       parent: 1
   - uid: 756
@@ -1571,11 +1806,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,12.5
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-  - uid: 778
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 5.5,11.5
-      parent: 1
   - uid: 779
     - type: Transform
@@ -1591,6 +1821,136 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,10.5
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+  - uid: 985
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 0.5,17.5
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+  - uid: 986
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -2.5,18.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 987
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -1.5,18.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 988
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -0.5,18.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 989
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 0.5,18.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 990
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 1.5,18.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 991
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 2.5,18.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 992
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 3.5,18.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 993
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 3.5,17.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 994
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -2.5,17.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 995
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -1.5,15.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 996
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -2.5,15.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 997
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -3.5,15.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 998
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 6.5,12.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 999
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 6.5,11.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 1000
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 6.5,10.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 1001
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 6.5,10.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 1002
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 3.5,8.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 1003
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 1.5,8.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 1004
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 2.5,6.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 1005
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 2.5,7.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 1006
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 3.5,7.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 1007
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -4.5,11.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 1008
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -5.5,11.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 1009
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -5.5,12.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 1010
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -5.5,10.5
+      parent: 1
 - proto: CableHV
   - uid: 376
@@ -2459,17 +2819,241 @@ entities:
       parent: 1
 - proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
-  - uid: 886
+  - uid: 983
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -3.5,1.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 984
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -3.5,-10.5
+      parent: 1
+- proto: FireAlarm
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+  - uid: 778
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,0.5
       parent: 1
-  - uid: 887
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+      devices:
+      - 963
+      - 964
+      - 966
+      - 965
+  - uid: 975
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-18.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 969
+      - 968
+      - 971
+      - 970
+  - uid: 976
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -1.5,-9.5
+      pos: 3.5,-18.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 968
+  - uid: 977
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 3.5,-22.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 969
+  - uid: 978
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 3.5,-10.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 965
+      - 966
+      - 967
+  - uid: 979
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 6.5,0.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 963
+      - 964
+      - 967
+  - uid: 980
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 3.5,5.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 961
+      - 962
+  - uid: 981
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 0.5,10.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 961
+  - uid: 982
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 0.5,9.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 962
+- proto: FirelockGlass
+  entities:
+  - uid: 961
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 2.5,8.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 959
+      - 972
+      - 980
+      - 981
+  - uid: 962
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -1.5,8.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 972
+      - 960
+      - 980
+      - 982
+  - uid: 963
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-2.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 886
+      - 947
+      - 979
+      - 778
+  - uid: 964
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-1.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 886
+      - 947
+      - 979
+      - 778
+  - uid: 965
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-7.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 886
+      - 145
+      - 978
+      - 778
+  - uid: 966
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-6.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 886
+      - 145
+      - 978
+      - 778
+  - uid: 967
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 4.5,-4.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 145
+      - 947
+      - 979
+      - 978
+  - uid: 968
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-17.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 269
+      - 974
+      - 975
+      - 976
+  - uid: 969
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-23.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 269
+      - 973
+      - 977
+      - 975
+  - uid: 970
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -1.5,-21.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 269
+      - 950
+      - 975
+  - uid: 971
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -1.5,-20.5
+      parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 269
+      - 950
+      - 975
 - proto: FloorDrain
   - uid: 806
@@ -3688,6 +4272,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,7.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 972
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
   - uid: 454
@@ -3696,6 +4283,9 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,7.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
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+      - 972
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       color: '#0335FCFF'
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@@ -3704,6 +4294,9 @@ entities:
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+    - type: DeviceNetwork
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+      - 950
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       color: '#0335FCFF'
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@@ -3711,6 +4304,9 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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+    - type: DeviceNetwork
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+      - 974
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
   - uid: 462
@@ -3727,6 +4323,9 @@ entities:
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       pos: 4.5,-23.5
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+      - 973
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       color: '#0335FCFF'
   - uid: 475
@@ -3734,6 +4333,9 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,10.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 960
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
   - uid: 476
@@ -3742,6 +4344,9 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,11.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 959
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       color: '#0335FCFF'
   - uid: 483
@@ -3750,6 +4355,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,14.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
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+      - 959
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   - uid: 519
@@ -3758,6 +4366,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-2.5
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+    - type: DeviceNetwork
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+      - 886
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       color: '#0335FCFF'
   - uid: 520
@@ -3766,6 +4377,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-6.5
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+    - type: DeviceNetwork
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+      - 886
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
   - uid: 521
@@ -3774,6 +4388,9 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-6.5
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+    - type: DeviceNetwork
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+      - 145
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
   - uid: 522
@@ -3782,6 +4399,9 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-2.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 947
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
   - uid: 533
@@ -3790,6 +4410,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-20.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
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+      - 269
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
 - proto: GasVentScrubber
@@ -3799,6 +4422,9 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,11.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 960
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 487
@@ -3806,6 +4432,9 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,14.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 959
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 488
@@ -3814,6 +4443,9 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,12.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
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+      - 959
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 489
@@ -3822,6 +4454,9 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,6.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 972
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 490
@@ -3830,6 +4465,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,6.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 972
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 535
@@ -3845,6 +4483,9 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-15.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 974
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 537
@@ -3853,6 +4494,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-21.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 950
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 538
@@ -3860,6 +4504,9 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-20.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 269
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 572
@@ -3868,6 +4515,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-7.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 886
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 573
@@ -3876,6 +4526,9 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-7.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 145
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 574
@@ -3884,6 +4537,9 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-1.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 947
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 575
@@ -3892,6 +4548,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,-1.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 886
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 661
@@ -3900,6 +4559,9 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-24.5
       parent: 1
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 973
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
 - proto: GeneratorBasic15kW
@@ -6172,6 +6834,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-15.5
       parent: 1
+  - uid: 887
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 5.5,-22.5
+      parent: 1
 - proto: WallShuttleDiagonal
   - uid: 6
@@ -6263,12 +6930,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 1
 - proto: WallShuttleInterior
-  - uid: 145
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 5.5,-22.5
-      parent: 1
   - uid: 202
     - type: Transform
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_courser.yml b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_courser.yml
index 135c95e247d..f9ff40b8fa7 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_courser.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_courser.yml
@@ -362,90 +362,86 @@ entities:
       version: 2
-          -2,-1:
-            0: 61166
-          -1,-1:
-            0: 65535
-          0,-1:
-            0: 65535
-            0: 60620
+            0: 8192
+            1: 34944
-            0: 61102
-            1: 64
+            1: 52936
+          -2,-1:
+            1: 52430
-            0: 51328
+            0: 16512
+          -2,0:
+            1: 52940
-            0: 57343
-            1: 8192
+            1: 65260
-            0: 65535
+            1: 65372
-            0: 49151
-            1: 16384
+            1: 57297
+          -1,-1:
+            1: 65489
+          -1,-5:
+            0: 4096
+          -1,0:
+            1: 8191
-            0: 65535
+            1: 63347
-            0: 65535
+            1: 65443
-            0: 65535
+            1: 49080
+          0,-1:
+            1: 65464
+          0,0:
+            1: 36863
+          0,-5:
+            0: 32768
-            0: 12560
+            0: 8208
-            0: 29491
+            1: 4368
+            0: 16384
-            0: 30551
-            1: 32
+            1: 14129
-            0: 30583
-          -2,0:
-            0: 61166
+            1: 13111
+          1,0:
+            1: 14131
-            0: 61102
-            1: 64
+            1: 35022
+            0: 8192
-            0: 52300
-            1: 128
-          -2,3:
-            0: 136
-          -1,0:
-            0: 65535
+            1: 136
+            0: 16384
-            0: 49151
-            1: 16384
+            1: 56829
-            0: 65535
+            1: 62705
+          -2,3:
+            0: 128
-            0: 61439
-          0,0:
-            0: 65535
+            1: 3310
-            0: 57343
-            1: 8192
+            1: 48123
-            0: 65535
+            1: 62200
-            0: 32767
-          1,0:
-            0: 30583
+            1: 887
-            0: 30551
-            1: 32
+            1: 4407
+            0: 16384
-            0: 13091
-            1: 16
+            1: 17
+            0: 8192
-            0: 17
-          -1,-5:
-            0: 61440
-          0,-5:
-            0: 61440
+            0: 16
         - volume: 2500
-          temperature: 293.15
+          immutable: True
-          - 21.824879
-          - 82.10312
+          - 0
+          - 0
           - 0
           - 0
           - 0
@@ -459,8 +455,8 @@ entities:
         - volume: 2500
           temperature: 293.15
-          - 19.481253
-          - 73.28662
+          - 21.824879
+          - 82.10312
           - 0
           - 0
           - 0
@@ -485,8 +481,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-12.5
       parent: 656
-    - type: AtmosDevice
-      joinedGrid: 656
 - proto: AirlockCommandGlassLocked
   - uid: 601
@@ -2023,6 +2017,14 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,14.5
       parent: 656
+- proto: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled
+  entities:
+  - uid: 657
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -2.5,-6.5
+      parent: 656
 - proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
   - uid: 517
@@ -2176,8 +2178,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-11.5
       parent: 656
-    - type: AtmosDevice
-      joinedGrid: 656
 - proto: GasPassiveVent
   - uid: 521
@@ -2186,8 +2186,6 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-11.5
       parent: 656
-    - type: AtmosDevice
-      joinedGrid: 656
 - proto: GasPipeBend
   - uid: 523
@@ -2536,8 +2534,6 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 0.5,-12.5
       parent: 656
-    - type: AtmosDevice
-      joinedGrid: 656
 - proto: GasVentPump
   - uid: 524
@@ -2546,72 +2542,54 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,-12.5
       parent: 656
-    - type: AtmosDevice
-      joinedGrid: 656
   - uid: 550
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 3.5,-10.5
       parent: 656
-    - type: AtmosDevice
-      joinedGrid: 656
   - uid: 551
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -3.5,-10.5
       parent: 656
-    - type: AtmosDevice
-      joinedGrid: 656
   - uid: 552
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,-0.5
       parent: 656
-    - type: AtmosDevice
-      joinedGrid: 656
   - uid: 553
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,-0.5
       parent: 656
-    - type: AtmosDevice
-      joinedGrid: 656
   - uid: 573
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,11.5
       parent: 656
-    - type: AtmosDevice
-      joinedGrid: 656
   - uid: 574
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -2.5,11.5
       parent: 656
-    - type: AtmosDevice
-      joinedGrid: 656
   - uid: 580
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,8.5
       parent: 656
-    - type: AtmosDevice
-      joinedGrid: 656
   - uid: 589
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -4.5,8.5
       parent: 656
-    - type: AtmosDevice
-      joinedGrid: 656
 - proto: GeneratorBasic15kW
   - uid: 66
@@ -3424,7 +3402,7 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-15.5
       parent: 656
-- proto: soda_dispenser
+- proto: SodaDispenser
   - uid: 166
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/atlas.yml b/Resources/Maps/atlas.yml
index e376a1a91ee..7bb91cde061 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/atlas.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/atlas.yml
@@ -2921,6 +2921,9 @@ entities:
     - type: DeviceList
       - 5914
+      - 1087
+      - 6891
+      - 6173
   - uid: 1948
     - type: Transform
@@ -2930,6 +2933,7 @@ entities:
     - type: DeviceList
       - 6719
+      - 7056
   - uid: 1949
     - type: Transform
@@ -3031,6 +3035,9 @@ entities:
       - 6799
       - 7235
+      - 7798
+      - 8673
+      - 8508
   - uid: 6648
     - type: Transform
@@ -3045,6 +3052,7 @@ entities:
       - 3817
       - 3815
       - 7599
+      - 929
   - uid: 7372
     - type: Transform
@@ -3060,6 +3068,11 @@ entities:
       - 3771
       - 2164
       - 2131
+      - 4537
+      - 8468
+      - 2085
+      - 819
+      - 820
   - uid: 7532
     - type: Transform
@@ -3342,6 +3355,15 @@ entities:
     - type: DeviceList
       - 8623
+  - uid: 8680
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 1.5,8.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 8668
+      - 8669
 - proto: AirCanister
   - uid: 5877
@@ -4717,6 +4739,11 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 22.5,34.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 2442
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -15.5,4.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 6874
     - type: Transform
@@ -4767,13 +4794,6 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 7.5,30.5
       parent: 30
-- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
-  entities:
-  - uid: 2442
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.5,4.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
   - uid: 4894
@@ -24027,12 +24047,18 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -40.5,-0.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 1947
   - uid: 6891
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -40.5,0.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 1947
   - uid: 7205
     - type: Transform
@@ -34907,6 +34933,9 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 15.5,5.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 7372
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0055CCFF'
   - uid: 1087
@@ -34915,6 +34944,9 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -38.5,5.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 1947
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0055CCFF'
   - uid: 1146
@@ -35236,6 +35268,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 6.5,17.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 7372
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0055CCFF'
   - uid: 4548
@@ -35511,6 +35546,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -61.5,-1.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 6101
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0055CCFF'
   - uid: 8226
@@ -35536,11 +35574,23 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0055CCFF'
+  - uid: 8508
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -62.5,1.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 6101
   - uid: 8669
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,6.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 8680
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0055CCFF'
 - proto: GasVentScrubber
@@ -35636,6 +35686,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 14.5,7.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 7372
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#990000FF'
   - uid: 845
@@ -35650,6 +35703,9 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,10.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 6648
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#990000FF'
   - uid: 1099
@@ -35715,6 +35771,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,11.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 7372
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#990000FF'
   - uid: 2127
@@ -36074,6 +36133,9 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -36.5,9.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 1948
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#990000FF'
   - uid: 7235
@@ -36197,6 +36259,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 6.5,18.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 7372
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#990000FF'
   - uid: 8629
@@ -36213,8 +36278,20 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 2.5,7.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 8680
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#990000FF'
+  - uid: 8673
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -62.5,2.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 6101
 - proto: GasVolumePump
   - uid: 7730
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/bagel.yml b/Resources/Maps/bagel.yml
index ed153964bdb..c7030f6cf5a 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/bagel.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/bagel.yml
@@ -11876,6 +11876,8 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 0.5,-0.5
       parent: 7536
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking43669
       dockedWith: 7332
@@ -13198,6 +13200,8 @@ entities:
         DoorStatus: False
         DockStatus: True
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
   - uid: 12584
     - type: Transform
@@ -14327,6 +14331,17 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 46.5,31.5
       parent: 60
+  - uid: 898
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 23.5,-29.5
+      parent: 60
+  - uid: 902
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 25.5,-25.5
+      parent: 60
   - uid: 3189
     - type: Transform
@@ -14339,6 +14354,18 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 59.5,14.5
       parent: 60
+  - uid: 6129
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 20.5,29.5
+      parent: 60
+  - uid: 6130
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -11.5,-0.5
+      parent: 7536
   - uid: 6768
     - type: Transform
@@ -14363,6 +14390,17 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -5.5,-70.5
       parent: 60
+  - uid: 9110
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -11.5,-4.5
+      parent: 7536
+  - uid: 9214
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 0.5,-0.5
+      parent: 7536
   - uid: 12269
     - type: Transform
@@ -14410,38 +14448,6 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 15.5,-70.5
       parent: 60
-- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
-  entities:
-  - uid: 6129
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -11.5,-0.5
-      parent: 7536
-  - uid: 6130
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -11.5,-4.5
-      parent: 7536
-  - uid: 9110
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 0.5,-0.5
-      parent: 7536
-  - uid: 9214
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 23.5,-29.5
-      parent: 60
-  - uid: 13825
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 25.5,-25.5
-      parent: 60
-  - uid: 19808
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 20.5,28.5
-      parent: 60
 - proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
   - uid: 6252
@@ -74858,18 +74864,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 60
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 898
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      anchored: False
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -10.5,-22.5
-      parent: 60
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: True
-      bodyType: Dynamic
   - uid: 899
     - type: Transform
@@ -74894,18 +74888,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 60
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 902
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      anchored: False
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -13.5,-22.5
-      parent: 60
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: True
-      bodyType: Dynamic
   - uid: 903
     - type: Transform
@@ -122248,6 +122230,21 @@ entities:
       parent: 60
 - proto: SignAi
+  - uid: 16533
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -101.5,16.5
+      parent: 60
+  - uid: 19800
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -112.5,20.5
+      parent: 60
+  - uid: 19808
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -107.5,16.5
+      parent: 60
   - uid: 21237
     - type: Transform
@@ -122258,6 +122255,18 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -60.5,16.5
       parent: 60
+- proto: SignAiUpload
+  entities:
+  - uid: 21130
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -110.5,6.5
+      parent: 60
+  - uid: 23380
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -112.5,14.5
+      parent: 60
 - proto: SignalButton
   - uid: 3803
@@ -123144,11 +123153,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-1.5
       parent: 60
-- proto: SignCanisters
+- proto: SignCans
-  - uid: 15171
+  - uid: 13825
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -28.5,37.5
       parent: 60
 - proto: SignCargo
@@ -123205,6 +123215,13 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 42.5,-25.5
       parent: 60
+- proto: SignCryo
+  entities:
+  - uid: 15171
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -29.5,22.5
+      parent: 60
 - proto: SignCryogenicsMed
   - uid: 4111
@@ -123335,11 +123352,11 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 42.49971,-21.305145
       parent: 60
-  - uid: 16533
+  - uid: 23381
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -29.5,22.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -32.5,18.5
       parent: 60
 - proto: SignDirectionalDorms
@@ -124078,6 +124095,14 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -109.5,20.5
       parent: 60
+- proto: SignKitchen
+  entities:
+  - uid: 23382
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 24.5,-25.5
+      parent: 60
 - proto: SignLaserMed
   - uid: 14624
@@ -124116,6 +124141,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-46.5
       parent: 60
+  - uid: 23969
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 18.5,17.5
+      parent: 60
 - proto: SignMedical
   - uid: 2632
@@ -124301,6 +124332,14 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -19.5,-11.5
       parent: 60
+- proto: SignRestroom
+  entities:
+  - uid: 23970
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 18.5,11.5
+      parent: 60
 - proto: SignRND
   - uid: 7085
@@ -124559,6 +124598,14 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 22.5,6.5
       parent: 60
+- proto: SignTheater
+  entities:
+  - uid: 24271
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 18.5,-20.5
+      parent: 60
 - proto: SignToolStorage
   - uid: 6315
@@ -124566,6 +124613,14 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,10.5
       parent: 60
+- proto: SignVault
+  entities:
+  - uid: 24268
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-5.5
+      parent: 60
 - proto: SignVirology
   - uid: 2969
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/box.yml b/Resources/Maps/box.yml
index ea4dd61dd9d..2ba6b203e5e 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/box.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/box.yml
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ tilemap:
   62: FloorLino
   64: FloorMetalDiamond
   65: FloorMime
+  2: FloorMono
   77: FloorReinforced
   78: FloorReinforcedHardened
   79: FloorRockVault
@@ -382,7 +383,7 @@ entities:
           version: 6
           ind: 0,-6
           version: 6
           ind: -1,-6
@@ -390,7 +391,7 @@ entities:
           version: 6
           ind: 1,-6
           version: 6
           ind: 2,-6
@@ -512,17 +513,17 @@ entities:
             1116: -24,-18
             1117: -24,-16
-            2954: 2,-67
-            2955: 2,-66
-            3031: 66,-52
-            3032: 66,-51
-            3263: -23,-25
-            3264: -25,-25
-            3468: 2,-64
-            3469: 2,-63
-            3470: 2,-62
-            3471: 2,-61
-            3472: 2,-60
+            2941: 2,-67
+            2942: 2,-66
+            3018: 66,-52
+            3019: 66,-51
+            3246: -23,-25
+            3247: -25,-25
+            3451: 2,-64
+            3452: 2,-63
+            3453: 2,-62
+            3454: 2,-61
+            3455: 2,-60
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: Arrows
@@ -532,54 +533,42 @@ entities:
             2556: 6,-49
             2557: 7,-49
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+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
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+          moles:
+          - 21.824879
+          - 82.10312
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@@ -11408,7 +11448,7 @@ entities:
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-- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
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-    - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 16915
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-    - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 19.5,-74.5
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 12.5,-76.5
-      parent: 8364
-  - uid: 22770
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-    - type: Transform
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 18.5,-77.5
-      parent: 8364
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-  - uid: 22976
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-    - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
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+- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitSecurity
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+    - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
+      parent: 17151
+    - type: Physics
+      canCollide: False
+    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: ClothingOuterHoodieGrey
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@@ -85301,14 +85307,6 @@ entities:
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-    - type: Transform
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-      pos: 14.5,-85.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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+      color: '#03FCD3FF'
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+      pos: 13.5,-84.5
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+      color: '#990000FF'
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-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#947507FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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+      parent: 8364
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+      color: '#03FCD3FF'
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+      color: '#03FCD3FF'
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+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#990000FF'
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-      pos: 13.5,-72.5
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+      pos: 16.5,-72.5
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+      pos: 18.5,-78.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#03FCD3FF'
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+      parent: 8364
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+      color: '#990000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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-      pos: 18.5,-80.5
-      parent: 8364
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-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
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-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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+      pos: 16.5,-85.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#947507FF'
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
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-      parent: 8364
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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-    - type: Transform
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-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
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-      pos: 17.5,-80.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 15.5,-85.5
       parent: 8364
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
+      color: '#947507FF'
   - uid: 17870
     - type: Transform
@@ -106649,22 +106601,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 8364
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 20066
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 13.5,-85.5
-      parent: 8364
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 20070
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 16.5,-80.5
-      parent: 8364
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
   - uid: 20185
     - type: Transform
@@ -108735,14 +108671,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 8364
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 27418
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 17.5,-85.5
-      parent: 8364
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
 - proto: GasPort
   - uid: 409
@@ -108779,22 +108707,6 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 1.5,-47.5
       parent: 8364
-  - uid: 4563
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 13.5,-78.5
-      parent: 8364
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 4564
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 17.5,-78.5
-      parent: 8364
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -108872,15 +108784,11 @@ entities:
       parent: 8364
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-  - uid: 17207
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 14.5,-78.5
-      parent: 8364
-  - uid: 17208
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-      pos: 16.5,-78.5
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+      pos: 21.5,-73.5
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+  - uid: 20069
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 18.5,-76.5
+      parent: 8364
+  - uid: 20070
+    components:
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+      pos: 18.5,-75.5
+      parent: 8364
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#03FCD3FF'
+  - uid: 20124
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 12.5,-75.5
+      parent: 8364
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#990000FF'
+  - uid: 20135
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 12.5,-76.5
+      parent: 8364
+  - uid: 20136
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 23.5,-73.5
+      parent: 8364
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     - type: Transform
@@ -108988,24 +108928,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 27550
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 23.5,-72.5
-      parent: 8364
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       pos: 12.5,-72.5
       parent: 8364
-  - uid: 27552
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 21.5,-72.5
-      parent: 8364
   - uid: 27553
     - type: Transform
@@ -109119,13 +109047,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 8364
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 17212
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 14.5,-79.5
-      parent: 8364
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 17218
     - type: MetaData
@@ -109156,13 +109077,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 8364
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#03FCD3FF'
-  - uid: 17221
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 16.5,-79.5
-      parent: 8364
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
   - uid: 17568
     - type: Transform
@@ -109177,6 +109091,20 @@ entities:
       parent: 8364
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#03FCD3FF'
+  - uid: 20066
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 12.5,-77.5
+      parent: 8364
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#990000FF'
+  - uid: 20068
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 18.5,-77.5
+      parent: 8364
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#03FCD3FF'
   - uid: 22840
     - type: Transform
@@ -109237,6 +109165,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 38.5,0.5
       parent: 8364
+  - uid: 20859
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 24.5,-73.5
+      parent: 8364
   - uid: 21274
     - type: Transform
@@ -109257,12 +109191,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 18.5,-50.5
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-  - uid: 27380
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 24.5,-72.5
-      parent: 8364
 - proto: GasThermoMachineHeater
   - uid: 3803
@@ -109281,63 +109209,97 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,-51.5
       parent: 8364
+  - uid: 20858
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 22.5,-73.5
+      parent: 8364
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       parent: 8364
-  - uid: 27549
+- proto: GasValve
+  entities:
+  - uid: 17062
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 22.5,-72.5
+      pos: 20.5,-71.5
       parent: 8364
-- proto: GasValve
-  entities:
-  - uid: 4136
+    - type: GasValve
+      open: False
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#947507FF'
+  - uid: 17339
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 13.5,-81.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 15.5,-56.5
+      parent: 8364
+    - type: GasValve
+      open: False
+  - uid: 17707
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 14.5,-78.5
       parent: 8364
     - type: GasValve
       open: False
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 4228
+      color: '#947507FF'
+  - uid: 17719
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 16.5,-78.5
+      parent: 8364
+    - type: GasValve
+      open: False
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#947507FF'
+  - uid: 17766
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 17.5,-81.5
       parent: 8364
     - type: GasValve
       open: False
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#03FCD3FF'
-  - uid: 14079
+  - uid: 17775
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 15.5,-80.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 16.5,-81.5
       parent: 8364
     - type: GasValve
       open: False
-  - uid: 17062
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#03FCD3FF'
+  - uid: 17781
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 20.5,-71.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 14.5,-81.5
       parent: 8364
     - type: GasValve
       open: False
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#947507FF'
-  - uid: 17339
+      color: '#990000FF'
+  - uid: 18758
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 15.5,-56.5
+      pos: 13.5,-81.5
       parent: 8364
     - type: GasValve
       open: False
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#990000FF'
   - uid: 22843
     - type: MetaData
@@ -112182,21 +112144,37 @@ entities:
       color: '#FF1212FF'
 - proto: GasVolumePump
-  - uid: 17031
+  - uid: 4577
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 26.5,-74.5
+      parent: 8364
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#03FCD3FF'
+  - uid: 19073
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-73.5
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     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#03FCD3FF'
-  - uid: 17159
+  - uid: 19953
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 14.5,-73.5
       parent: 8364
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#990000FF'
+  - uid: 20006
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 15.5,-81.5
+      parent: 8364
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#947507FF'
 - proto: GeigerCounter
   - uid: 26819
@@ -115238,11 +115216,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 26.5,-80.5
       parent: 8364
-  - uid: 4508
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 15.5,-82.5
-      parent: 8364
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     - type: Transform
@@ -115388,16 +115361,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 4610
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 16.5,-82.5
-      parent: 8364
-  - uid: 4612
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 17.5,-82.5
-      parent: 8364
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     - type: Transform
@@ -115523,21 +115486,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 4648
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 14.5,-82.5
-      parent: 8364
-  - uid: 4650
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 18.5,-82.5
-      parent: 8364
-  - uid: 4678
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 13.5,-82.5
-      parent: 8364
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     - type: Transform
@@ -120145,14 +120093,13 @@ entities:
       parent: 8364
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#03FCD3FF'
-  - uid: 27427
+  - uid: 17607
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 16.5,-85.5
+      pos: 15.5,-84.5
       parent: 8364
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#947507FF'
 - proto: Hemostat
   - uid: 13776
@@ -130389,6 +130336,7 @@ entities:
   - uid: 26104
     - type: Transform
+      anchored: False
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 18.5,-86.5
       parent: 8364
@@ -132753,36 +132701,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 3864
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 14.5,-82.5
-      parent: 8364
-  - uid: 3865
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 18.5,-82.5
-      parent: 8364
-  - uid: 4005
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 15.5,-82.5
-      parent: 8364
-  - uid: 4032
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 17.5,-82.5
-      parent: 8364
-  - uid: 4042
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 16.5,-82.5
-      parent: 8364
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     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 22737
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 13.5,-82.5
-      parent: 8364
   - uid: 22830
     - type: Transform
@@ -137038,6 +136951,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-41.5
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+  - uid: 17088
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 14.5,-82.5
+      parent: 8364
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     - type: Transform
@@ -137048,6 +136966,16 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,-45.5
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+  - uid: 17156
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 15.5,-82.5
+      parent: 8364
+  - uid: 17159
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 16.5,-82.5
+      parent: 8364
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     - type: Transform
@@ -137060,6 +136988,21 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 8.5,-43.5
       parent: 8364
+  - uid: 17207
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 13.5,-82.5
+      parent: 8364
+  - uid: 17208
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 17.5,-82.5
+      parent: 8364
+  - uid: 17365
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 18.5,-82.5
+      parent: 8364
   - uid: 17455
     - type: Transform
@@ -143864,6 +143807,31 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,39.5
       parent: 8364
+    - type: EntityStorage
+      air:
+        volume: 200
+        immutable: False
+        temperature: 293.14673
+        moles:
+        - 1.7459903
+        - 6.568249
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+    - type: ContainerContainer
+      containers:
+        entity_storage: !type:Container
+          showEnts: False
+          occludes: True
+          ents:
+          - 20856
   - uid: 16531
     - type: Transform
@@ -143874,6 +143842,31 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,39.5
       parent: 8364
+    - type: EntityStorage
+      air:
+        volume: 200
+        immutable: False
+        temperature: 293.14673
+        moles:
+        - 1.7459903
+        - 6.568249
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+    - type: ContainerContainer
+      containers:
+        entity_storage: !type:Container
+          showEnts: False
+          occludes: True
+          ents:
+          - 20857
 - proto: SuitStorageWarden
   - uid: 11999
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/cluster.yml b/Resources/Maps/cluster.yml
index a8c3becaf3d..32f860cae6e 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/cluster.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/cluster.yml
@@ -7605,6 +7605,18 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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       parent: 1
+  - uid: 3147
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -0.5,2.5
+      parent: 1
+  - uid: 3148
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -3.5,2.5
+      parent: 1
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     - type: Transform
@@ -7647,18 +7659,6 @@ entities:
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       pos: 23.5,38.5
       parent: 1
-- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
-  entities:
-  - uid: 3147
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -0.5,2.5
-      parent: 1
-  - uid: 3148
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -3.5,2.5
-      parent: 1
 - proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
   - uid: 7260
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/corvax_avrite.yml b/Resources/Maps/corvax_avrite.yml
index bc69f588c16..939c3fc2b12 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/corvax_avrite.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/corvax_avrite.yml
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ entities:
   - uid: 1
     - type: MetaData
-      name: map 30
+      name: Avrite
     - type: Transform
     - type: Map
       mapPaused: True
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ entities:
   - uid: 2
     - type: MetaData
-      name: grid
+      name: Avrite station
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-0.4375
       parent: 1
@@ -851,113 +851,113 @@ entities:
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-            16181: -60.451622,48.828766
-            16182: -61.451622,50.28189
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+            15914: -60.451622,48.828766
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+            15916: -59.842247,50.391266
+            15917: -59.701622,50.360016
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+            15905: -60.310997,50.34439
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+            10107: -50,-37
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-            10376: -51,-37
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+            10109: -51,-37
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-            10378: -52,-37
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+            10117: -55,-37
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@@ -965,23 +965,23 @@ entities:
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             644: -114.7845,4.3146305
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+            20191: -105,67
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+            20263: -103,57
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+            20273: -101,50
+            20274: -106,58
+            20275: -101,58
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+            20257: -101,66
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-            13685: -2,24
-            13686: -2,23
-            13687: -2,22
-            13688: 2,24
-            13689: 2,23
-            13690: 2,22
-            13691: 2,-23
-            13692: 2,-22
-            13693: 2,-21
-            13694: -2,-23
-            13695: -2,-22
-            13696: -2,-21
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-            13814: -38,24
-            13815: -38,23
-            13816: -38,21
-            13817: -38,20
-            13818: -42,17
-            13819: -42,18
-            13820: -42,19
-            13821: -42,20
-            16211: 39,10
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-            16331: 64,-1
-            16332: 64,-2
-            16333: 64,-3
-            16334: 64,-4
-            16400: 72,0
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-            16402: 72,-4
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-            16529: -26,-87
-            18163: -38,40
-            18164: -38,39
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-            20306: -108,66
-            20349: -108,58
-            20350: -108,50
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+            1307: -42,47
+            1308: -42,48
+            1309: -47,49
+            1315: -38,42
+            1316: -38,43
+            1317: -38,44
+            1387: -47,46
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+            1409: -17,32
+            1410: -17,31
+            1411: -17,30
+            1417: -17,29
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+            3324: -3,43
+            3325: -3,45
+            3326: -3,44
+            3341: -3,46
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+            3699: -47,32
+            3700: -47,35
+            3701: -47,36
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+            3976: -42,4
+            3977: -42,10
+            4039: -42,9
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+            4090: -43,5
+            4091: -43,6
+            4092: -43,7
+            4093: -43,8
+            4094: -43,9
+            4095: -43,10
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+            5651: -19,-47
+            5673: -19,-47
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+            6068: 12,-54
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+            6070: 15,-54
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+            6072: 18,-62
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+            6074: 12,-61
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+            7869: 35,44
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+            7983: 37,39
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+            7985: 48,27
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+            9067: 20,34
+            9068: 20,33
+            9069: 20,32
+            9072: 20,31
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+            9257: 43,27
+            9268: 50,32
+            9269: 50,33
+            9271: 50,34
+            9272: 50,31
+            9293: 50,38
+            9294: 50,36
+            9323: 20,23
+            9324: 20,22
+            9325: 20,21
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+            9351: 39,11
+            9359: 39,14
+            9360: 39,15
+            9361: 39,16
+            9362: 39,17
+            9372: 39,19
+            9373: 39,20
+            9374: 39,21
+            9375: 39,22
+            9376: 39,23
+            9388: 39,31
+            9389: 39,32
+            9390: 39,33
+            9391: 39,34
+            9392: 39,35
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+            9598: 12,-30
+            9599: 12,-29
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+            13092: 30,39
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+            13279: 9,-35
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+            13419: -2,23
+            13420: -2,22
+            13421: 2,24
+            13422: 2,23
+            13423: 2,22
+            13424: 2,-23
+            13425: 2,-22
+            13426: 2,-21
+            13427: -2,-23
+            13428: -2,-22
+            13429: -2,-21
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+            13548: -38,23
+            13549: -38,21
+            13550: -38,20
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+            13552: -42,18
+            13553: -42,19
+            13554: -42,20
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+            16067: 64,-4
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+            17897: -38,39
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+            19944: -108,66
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+            19988: -108,50
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-            9790: 12,-31
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@@ -13114,630 +13114,630 @@ entities:
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-            1669: -47,57
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-            1673: -40,57
-            1674: -39,57
-            1678: -48,57
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-            3511: -6,29
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-            3553: -11,25
-            3554: -10,25
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-            3642: -17,25
-            3878: -15,32
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-            4180: -49,2
-            4181: -50,2
-            4239: -50,12
-            4252: -50,12
-            4293: -45,11
-            4294: -44,11
-            4299: -47,8
-            4300: -46,8
-            4548: -95,66
-            4549: -94,66
-            4550: -93,66
-            4551: -93,42
-            4552: -94,42
-            4553: -95,42
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-            4757: 11,26
-            4758: 12,26
-            4759: 13,26
-            4760: 14,26
-            5356: -20,62
-            5357: -19,62
-            5358: -18,62
-            5849: -26,-45
-            5850: -25,-45
-            5851: -24,-45
-            5852: -23,-45
-            5853: -22,-45
-            5854: -20,-45
-            5855: -20,-45
-            5858: -21,-45
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-            6567: 27,25
-            6568: 28,25
-            6569: 29,25
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-            8233: 51,26
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-            8246: 40,36
-            8247: 49,26
-            8258: 38,38
-            9365: 21,30
-            9434: 25,26
-            9435: 26,26
-            9436: 27,26
-            9437: 28,26
-            9438: 29,26
-            9456: 32,26
-            9457: 33,26
-            9460: 34,26
-            9462: 35,26
-            9463: 36,26
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-            9519: 45,26
-            9521: 46,26
-            9522: 47,26
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-            9566: 51,35
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-            9650: 40,18
-            9665: 40,30
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-            9672: 34,38
-            9673: 35,38
-            9674: 36,38
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-            13347: 28,38
-            13348: 27,38
-            13349: 26,38
-            13350: 25,38
-            13351: 23,38
-            13353: 31,26
-            13358: 31,38
-            13652: -7,20
-            13653: -6,20
-            13654: -5,20
-            13655: -3,21
-            13656: 3,21
-            13657: 5,20
-            13658: 6,20
-            13659: 7,20
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-            13661: 6,-19
-            13662: 5,-19
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-            13823: -51,29
-            13824: -50,29
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-            16296: 66,-5
-            16297: 67,-5
-            16298: 68,-5
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-            16300: 70,-5
-            16301: 71,-5
-            16302: 72,-5
-            16303: 73,-5
-            16304: 74,-5
-            16305: 75,-5
-            16306: 76,-5
-            16307: 77,-5
-            16308: 78,-5
-            16309: 79,-5
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-            16368: 66,-1
-            16369: 67,-1
-            16370: 68,-1
-            16371: 69,-1
-            16372: 70,-1
-            16373: 71,-1
-            16374: 73,-1
-            16375: 74,-1
-            16376: 75,-1
-            16377: 76,-1
-            16378: 77,-1
-            16379: 78,-1
-            16380: 79,-1
-            16381: 79,-3
-            16382: 78,-3
-            16383: 77,-3
-            16384: 76,-3
-            16385: 75,-3
-            16386: 74,-3
-            16387: 73,-3
-            16388: 65,-3
-            16389: 66,-3
-            16390: 67,-3
-            16391: 68,-3
-            16392: 69,-3
-            16393: 70,-3
-            16394: 71,-3
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-            16504: 56,1
-            16505: 57,1
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-            16524: -28,-86
-            16525: -27,-86
-            16526: -27,-86
-            16527: -27,-86
-            20094: 4,-28
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-            20320: -103,68
-            20321: -104,40
-            20322: -103,40
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+            1622: -47,57
+            1625: -41,57
+            1626: -40,57
+            1627: -39,57
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+            3754: -12,32
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+            3982: -45,2
+            3983: -49,2
+            3984: -50,2
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+            4097: -44,11
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+            4103: -46,8
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+            4352: -94,66
+            4353: -93,66
+            4354: -93,42
+            4355: -94,42
+            4356: -95,42
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+            4560: 11,26
+            4561: 12,26
+            4562: 13,26
+            4563: 14,26
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+            5160: -19,62
+            5161: -18,62
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+            5653: -25,-45
+            5654: -24,-45
+            5655: -23,-45
+            5656: -22,-45
+            5657: -20,-45
+            5658: -20,-45
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+            6318: 27,25
+            6319: 28,25
+            6320: 29,25
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+            7966: 51,26
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+            7979: 40,36
+            7980: 49,26
+            7991: 38,38
+            9098: 21,30
+            9167: 25,26
+            9168: 26,26
+            9169: 27,26
+            9170: 28,26
+            9171: 29,26
+            9189: 32,26
+            9190: 33,26
+            9193: 34,26
+            9195: 35,26
+            9196: 36,26
+            9250: 44,26
+            9252: 45,26
+            9254: 46,26
+            9255: 47,26
+            9278: 51,30
+            9299: 51,35
+            9327: 21,20
+            9352: 40,9
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+            9383: 40,18
+            9398: 40,30
+            9403: 33,38
+            9404: 32,38
+            9405: 34,38
+            9406: 35,38
+            9407: 36,38
+            13079: 29,38
+            13080: 28,38
+            13081: 27,38
+            13082: 26,38
+            13083: 25,38
+            13084: 23,38
+            13086: 31,26
+            13091: 31,38
+            13385: -7,20
+            13386: -6,20
+            13387: -5,20
+            13388: -3,21
+            13389: 3,21
+            13390: 5,20
+            13391: 6,20
+            13392: 7,20
+            13393: 7,-19
+            13394: 6,-19
+            13395: 5,-19
+            13396: 3,-20
+            13397: -7,-19
+            13398: -6,-19
+            13399: -5,-19
+            13400: -3,-20
+            13497: -87,11
+            13498: -85,11
+            13555: -52,29
+            13556: -51,29
+            13557: -50,29
+            14295: 15,-28
+            14296: 16,-28
+            14297: 17,-28
+            16028: 65,-5
+            16029: 66,-5
+            16030: 67,-5
+            16031: 68,-5
+            16032: 69,-5
+            16033: 70,-5
+            16034: 71,-5
+            16035: 72,-5
+            16036: 73,-5
+            16037: 74,-5
+            16038: 75,-5
+            16039: 76,-5
+            16040: 77,-5
+            16041: 78,-5
+            16042: 79,-5
+            16100: 65,-1
+            16101: 66,-1
+            16102: 67,-1
+            16103: 68,-1
+            16104: 69,-1
+            16105: 70,-1
+            16106: 71,-1
+            16107: 73,-1
+            16108: 74,-1
+            16109: 75,-1
+            16110: 76,-1
+            16111: 77,-1
+            16112: 78,-1
+            16113: 79,-1
+            16114: 79,-3
+            16115: 78,-3
+            16116: 77,-3
+            16117: 76,-3
+            16118: 75,-3
+            16119: 74,-3
+            16120: 73,-3
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+            16122: 66,-3
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+            16126: 70,-3
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+            16237: 56,1
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+            16257: -28,-86
+            16258: -27,-86
+            16259: -27,-86
+            16260: -27,-86
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+            19958: -103,68
+            19959: -104,40
+            19960: -103,40
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-            16542: -29,-91
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-            7185: 46,-46
-            7190: 47,-39
-            7195: 50,-43
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-            4254: -47,9
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+            4057: -47,9
+            4058: -48,9
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-            1671: -47,57
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-            1676: -40,57
-            1677: -39,57
-            1679: -48,57
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-            3518: -8,29
-            3519: -6,29
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-            3521: -5,29
-            3522: -4,29
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-            3638: -17,25
-            3639: -19,25
-            3876: -15,32
-            3877: -12,32
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-            4182: -44,2
-            4183: -45,2
-            4184: -49,2
-            4185: -50,2
-            4238: -50,12
-            4279: -50,3
-            4280: -49,3
-            4281: -48,3
-            4282: -47,3
-            4283: -46,3
-            4284: -45,3
-            4285: -44,3
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-            4543: -94,42
-            4544: -93,42
-            4545: -93,66
-            4546: -94,66
-            4547: -95,66
-            4750: 12,28
-            4751: 10,28
-            4752: 11,28
-            4753: 12,28
-            4754: 13,28
-            4755: 14,28
-            6570: 26,25
-            6571: 27,25
-            6572: 28,25
-            6573: 29,25
-            8238: 21,40
-            8239: 22,40
-            8240: 23,40
-            8241: 38,40
-            8242: 39,40
-            8243: 40,40
-            8244: 51,30
-            8261: 49,28
-            9401: 21,36
-            9440: 25,28
-            9441: 26,28
-            9442: 27,28
-            9443: 28,28
-            9444: 29,28
-            9495: 32,28
-            9496: 33,28
-            9497: 34,28
-            9498: 35,28
-            9499: 36,28
-            9506: 44,28
-            9507: 45,28
-            9508: 46,28
-            9510: 47,28
-            9542: 51,35
-            9565: 51,39
-            9605: 21,24
-            9622: 40,13
-            9630: 40,18
-            9644: 40,24
-            9660: 40,36
-            9675: 25,40
-            9676: 26,40
-            9677: 27,40
-            9678: 28,40
-            9679: 29,40
-            9681: 32,40
-            9682: 33,40
-            9683: 34,40
-            9684: 35,40
-            9685: 36,40
-            9862: 10,-32
-            9863: 11,-32
-            12584: -31,-30
-            12592: -27,-30
-            12600: -23,-30
-            12601: -19,-30
-            13354: 31,28
-            13360: 31,40
-            13669: -7,-19
-            13670: -6,-19
-            13671: -5,-19
-            13672: -3,-20
-            13673: 3,-20
-            13674: 5,-19
-            13675: 6,-19
-            13676: 7,-19
-            13677: 7,20
-            13678: 6,20
-            13679: 5,20
-            13680: 3,21
-            13681: -7,20
-            13682: -6,20
-            13683: -5,20
-            13684: -3,21
-            13766: -87,11
-            13767: -85,11
-            13825: -52,29
-            13826: -51,29
-            13827: -50,29
-            14565: 15,-28
-            14566: 16,-28
-            14567: 17,-28
-            16315: 79,1
-            16316: 78,1
-            16317: 77,1
-            16318: 76,1
-            16319: 75,1
-            16320: 74,1
-            16321: 73,1
-            16322: 72,1
-            16323: 71,1
-            16324: 70,1
-            16325: 69,1
-            16326: 68,1
-            16327: 67,1
-            16328: 66,1
-            16329: 65,1
-            16339: 65,-3
-            16340: 66,-3
-            16341: 67,-3
-            16342: 68,-3
-            16343: 69,-3
-            16344: 70,-3
-            16345: 71,-3
-            16346: 73,-3
-            16347: 74,-3
-            16348: 75,-3
-            16349: 76,-3
-            16350: 77,-3
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+            3987: -49,2
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-            14419: -20,-55
-            14420: -19,-55
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-            14422: -20,-66
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+            14152: -20,-55
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+            14155: -20,-66
+            14156: -20,-65
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-            6704: 15,-64
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-            6706: 13,-68
-            6707: 15,-68
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-            2947: 67,-67
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+            2880: 52,-63
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+            2896: 70,-63
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-            2937: 67,-64
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+            2894: 71,-66
+            7789: 41,32
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-            7863: 26,10
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+            7596: 26,10
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-            2935: 49,-66
-            2936: 67,-66
-            2939: 68,-67
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+            2888: 49,-66
+            2889: 67,-66
+            2892: 68,-67
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-            2954: 50,-65
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-            8047: 41,30
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-            9287: 125,-57
-            9288: 125,-58
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-            17802: -38,107
-            17803: -38,106
-            17804: -38,105
-            17805: -38,105
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+            2907: 50,-65
+            7779: 41,31
+            7780: 41,30
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+            9020: 125,-57
+            9021: 125,-58
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+            17535: -38,107
+            17536: -38,106
+            17537: -38,105
+            17538: -38,105
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-            12825: 89,-59
-            12826: 89,-58
-            12827: 89,-57
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+            12568: 89,-56
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-            2955: 51,-66
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-            3559: 4,-1
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-            8049: 44,28
-            8050: 45,28
-            8051: 46,28
-            8052: 47,28
-            8053: 48,28
-            9271: 112,-56
-            9272: 113,-56
-            9273: 114,-56
-            9274: 116,-56
-            9275: 115,-56
-            9276: 117,-56
-            9277: 118,-56
-            9278: 119,-56
-            9279: 120,-56
-            9280: 121,-56
-            9281: 122,-56
-            9282: 123,-56
-            9283: 124,-56
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+            2908: 51,-66
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+            3512: 4,-1
+            7781: 43,28
+            7782: 44,28
+            7783: 45,28
+            7784: 46,28
+            7785: 47,28
+            7786: 48,28
+            9004: 112,-56
+            9005: 113,-56
+            9006: 114,-56
+            9007: 116,-56
+            9008: 115,-56
+            9009: 117,-56
+            9010: 118,-56
+            9011: 119,-56
+            9012: 120,-56
+            9013: 121,-56
+            9014: 122,-56
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-            12805: 97,-56
-            12806: 98,-56
-            12807: 99,-56
-            12808: 100,-56
-            12809: 101,-56
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+            12537: 96,-56
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+            12539: 98,-56
+            12540: 99,-56
+            12541: 100,-56
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-            9297: 123,-58
-            9298: 122,-58
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-            9300: 120,-58
-            9302: 119,-58
-            9303: 118,-58
-            9306: 117,-58
-            9307: 116,-58
-            9308: 115,-58
-            9309: 114,-58
-            9310: 113,-58
-            9311: 112,-58
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+            2906: 51,-64
+            3510: -4,-2
+            3511: 4,-2
+            9023: 124,-58
+            9030: 123,-58
+            9031: 122,-58
+            9032: 121,-58
+            9033: 120,-58
+            9035: 119,-58
+            9036: 118,-58
+            9039: 117,-58
+            9040: 116,-58
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-            12812: 97,-58
-            12813: 98,-58
-            12814: 99,-58
-            12815: 99,-58
-            12816: 101,-58
-            12817: 100,-58
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+            12544: 96,-58
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+            12548: 99,-58
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-            17794: -38,107
-            17795: -38,107
-            17796: -38,106
-            17797: -38,105
-            17798: -38,105
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+            2905: 52,-65
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+            9049: 111,-57
+            9051: 111,-56
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+            17527: -38,107
+            17528: -38,107
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+            17531: -38,105
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-            2686: -75,8
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+            2638: -89,8
+            2639: -75,8
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-            2694: -72,4
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+            2645: -77,10
+            2647: -72,4
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+            4139: -88,56
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-            2698: -70,16
-            2702: -89,10
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+            2651: -70,16
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+            4140: -84,56
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-            1819: -84,13
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+            1772: -84,13
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-            2663: -57,16
-            2681: -72,3
-            2682: -77,9
-            2683: -72,15
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+            2616: -57,16
+            2634: -72,3
+            2635: -77,9
+            2636: -72,15
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-            4327: -88,54
-            4328: -88,55
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+            4130: -88,54
+            4131: -88,55
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-            1808: -85,14
-            1813: -86,11
-            1814: -86,12
-            1818: -86,14
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+            1761: -85,14
+            1766: -86,11
+            1767: -86,12
+            1771: -86,14
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-            2646: -63,22
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-            2677: -70,24
-            2678: -90,8
-            2679: -76,8
-            2680: -71,14
+            2596: -56,22
+            2599: -63,22
+            2628: -72,24
+            2629: -71,24
+            2630: -70,24
+            2631: -90,8
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+            4127: -87,52
+            4128: -85,52
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-            1810: -85,12
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+            1763: -85,12
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+            2600: -56,17
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+            2621: -71,4
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-            4331: -85,56
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+            4133: -86,56
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-            1820: -88,13
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-            2649: -62,16
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-            2672: -75,9
-            2673: -70,3
-            2674: -70,15
+            2601: -62,23
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-            7179: 23,-51
-            7180: 23,-52
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+            9194: 124,-61
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+            9198: 123,-50
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-            9575: 109,-52
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+            9308: 109,-52
+            9309: 109,-60
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-            9468: 112,-51
-            9469: 112,-61
-            9471: 113,-60
+            9199: 113,-50
+            9201: 112,-51
+            9202: 112,-61
+            9204: 113,-60
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             zIndex: 90
             color: '#34924EFF'
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-            12920: 79,-62
-            12921: 77,-63
+            12653: 79,-62
+            12654: 77,-63
         - node:
             color: '#96DAFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelCornerNw
-            6686: 9,-64
+            6437: 9,-64
         - node:
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             id: MiniTileSteelCornerNw
-            2370: 62,-40
+            2323: 62,-40
         - node:
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             id: MiniTileSteelCornerNw
-            2316: 71,7
+            2269: 71,7
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelCornerNw
-            1953: -65,10
-            9577: 105,-52
-            9578: 106,-56
-            9579: 105,-60
+            1906: -65,10
+            9310: 105,-52
+            9311: 106,-56
+            9312: 105,-60
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             id: MiniTileSteelCornerSe
-            9473: 123,-64
-            9474: 124,-63
-            9475: 123,-54
-            9476: 124,-53
+            9206: 123,-64
+            9207: 124,-63
+            9208: 123,-54
+            9209: 124,-53
         - node:
             zIndex: 90
             color: '#34924EFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelCornerSe
-            12922: 83,-67
-            12923: 83,-67
-            12924: 84,-66
-            12937: 85,-65
+            12655: 83,-67
+            12656: 83,-67
+            12657: 84,-66
+            12670: 85,-65
         - node:
             color: '#96DAFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelCornerSe
-            6688: 11,-68
+            6439: 11,-68
         - node:
             color: '#D381C9FF'
             id: MiniTileSteelCornerSe
-            2363: 68,-42
+            2316: 68,-42
         - node:
             color: '#FF9821FF'
             id: MiniTileSteelCornerSe
-            2135: 83,4
+            2088: 83,4
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelCornerSe
-            1963: -62,8
-            9583: 109,-62
-            9584: 108,-58
-            9585: 109,-54
+            1916: -62,8
+            9316: 109,-62
+            9317: 108,-58
+            9318: 109,-54
         - node:
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             id: MiniTileSteelCornerSw
-            9477: 113,-64
-            9478: 112,-63
-            9509: 112,-53
-            9511: 113,-54
+            9210: 113,-64
+            9211: 112,-63
+            9242: 112,-53
+            9244: 113,-54
         - node:
             zIndex: 90
             color: '#34924EFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelCornerSw
-            12926: 79,-67
-            12927: 78,-66
-            12928: 77,-65
+            12659: 79,-67
+            12660: 78,-66
+            12661: 77,-65
         - node:
             color: '#96DAFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelCornerSw
-            6689: 9,-68
+            6440: 9,-68
         - node:
             color: '#D381C9FF'
             id: MiniTileSteelCornerSw
-            2375: 62,-45
+            2328: 62,-45
         - node:
             color: '#FF9821FF'
             id: MiniTileSteelCornerSw
-            2146: 71,4
+            2099: 71,4
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelCornerSw
-            1962: -65,8
-            9580: 105,-62
-            9581: 105,-54
-            9582: 106,-58
+            1915: -65,8
+            9313: 105,-62
+            9314: 105,-54
+            9315: 106,-58
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             color: '#334E6DC8'
             id: MiniTileSteelEndE
-            9426: 125,-62
-            9451: 125,-52
+            9159: 125,-62
+            9184: 125,-52
         - node:
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             id: MiniTileSteelEndE
-            1224: -48,45
+            1177: -48,45
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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-            9570: 109,-57
+            9303: 109,-57
         - node:
             color: '#8BDA8EFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelEndN
-            1360: -42,43
+            1313: -42,43
         - node:
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-            18242: 40,-9
+            17975: 40,-9
         - node:
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-            1361: -42,42
+            1314: -42,42
         - node:
             zIndex: 1
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelEndS
-            18241: 40,-10
+            17974: 40,-10
         - node:
             color: '#334E6DC8'
             id: MiniTileSteelEndW
-            9453: 111,-52
-            9454: 111,-62
+            9186: 111,-52
+            9187: 111,-62
         - node:
             color: '#8BDA8EFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelEndW
-            1223: -49,45
+            1176: -49,45
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             color: '#334E6DC8'
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-            9514: 123,-61
-            9515: 124,-62
-            9518: 123,-51
-            9520: 124,-52
+            9247: 123,-61
+            9248: 124,-62
+            9251: 123,-51
+            9253: 124,-52
         - node:
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             id: MiniTileSteelInnerNe
-            12945: 83,-63
+            12678: 83,-63
         - node:
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-            1975: -65,8
-            2611: -72,14
-            2612: -77,8
-            2630: 77,-32
-            2656: -57,22
-            4322: -88,52
-            9587: 108,-57
+            1928: -65,8
+            2564: -72,14
+            2565: -77,8
+            2583: 77,-32
+            2609: -57,22
+            4125: -88,52
+            9320: 108,-57
         - node:
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-            9490: 112,-52
-            9491: 113,-51
-            9493: 112,-62
-            9494: 113,-61
+            9223: 112,-52
+            9224: 113,-51
+            9226: 112,-62
+            9227: 113,-61
         - node:
             zIndex: 90
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-            12940: 79,-63
+            12673: 79,-63
         - node:
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-            14617: -37,1
+            14350: -37,1
         - node:
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-            2378: 66,-40
+            2331: 66,-40
         - node:
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-            2320: 76,7
+            2273: 76,7
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelInnerNw
-            1961: -65,9
-            1974: -62,8
-            2264: 53,-4
-            2265: 53,0
-            2266: 53,-2
-            2605: -89,8
-            2608: -75,8
-            2609: -70,14
-            2629: 81,-32
-            2654: -62,22
-            4321: -84,52
+            1914: -65,9
+            1927: -62,8
+            2217: 53,-4
+            2218: 53,0
+            2219: 53,-2
+            2558: -89,8
+            2561: -75,8
+            2562: -70,14
+            2582: 81,-32
+            2607: -62,22
+            4124: -84,52
         - node:
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-            9481: 123,-63
-            9483: 124,-62
-            9484: 123,-53
-            9486: 124,-52
+            9214: 123,-63
+            9216: 124,-62
+            9217: 123,-53
+            9219: 124,-52
         - node:
             zIndex: 90
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-            12941: 83,-66
-            12942: 84,-65
+            12674: 83,-66
+            12675: 84,-65
         - node:
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             id: MiniTileSteelInnerSe
-            14618: -71,53
+            14351: -71,53
         - node:
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             id: MiniTileSteelInnerSe
-            2377: 64,-42
+            2330: 64,-42
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelInnerSe
-            1973: -65,10
-            2596: -77,10
-            2597: -72,16
-            2601: -72,4
-            2614: -64,17
-            2627: 77,-30
-            2655: -57,17
-            2658: -64,17
-            4319: -88,56
-            6017: -16,-44
-            9586: 108,-57
-            12379: 1,-32
+            1926: -65,10
+            2549: -77,10
+            2550: -72,16
+            2554: -72,4
+            2567: -64,17
+            2580: 77,-30
+            2608: -57,17
+            2611: -64,17
+            4122: -88,56
+            5820: -16,-44
+            9319: 108,-57
+            12112: 1,-32
         - node:
             color: '#334E6DC8'
             id: MiniTileSteelInnerSw
-            9500: 113,-63
-            9501: 112,-62
-            9503: 112,-52
-            9504: 113,-53
+            9233: 113,-63
+            9234: 112,-62
+            9236: 112,-52
+            9237: 113,-53
         - node:
             zIndex: 90
             color: '#34924EFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelInnerSw
-            12943: 79,-66
-            12944: 78,-65
+            12676: 79,-66
+            12677: 78,-65
         - node:
             color: '#999999FF'
             id: MiniTileSteelInnerSw
-            14616: -37,-1
+            14349: -37,-1
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelInnerSw
-            1959: -65,9
-            1972: -62,10
-            2267: 53,-2
-            2268: 53,0
-            2269: 53,2
-            2598: -70,16
-            2599: -75,10
-            2600: -70,4
-            2604: -89,10
-            2628: 81,-30
-            2657: -62,17
-            4320: -84,56
-            6018: -17,-44
-            12380: -1,-32
+            1912: -65,9
+            1925: -62,10
+            2220: 53,-2
+            2221: 53,0
+            2222: 53,2
+            2551: -70,16
+            2552: -75,10
+            2553: -70,4
+            2557: -89,10
+            2581: 81,-30
+            2610: -62,17
+            4123: -84,56
+            5821: -17,-44
+            12113: -1,-32
         - node:
             zIndex: 90
             color: '#34924EFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineE
-            12936: 85,-64
+            12669: 85,-64
         - node:
             color: '#96DAFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineE
-            6695: 11,-65
-            6696: 11,-66
-            6697: 11,-67
+            6446: 11,-65
+            6447: 11,-66
+            6448: 11,-67
         - node:
             color: '#D381C9FF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineE
-            2357: 64,-45
-            2358: 64,-44
-            2359: 64,-43
-            2364: 68,-39
-            2365: 68,-40
-            2541: 68,-41
+            2310: 64,-45
+            2311: 64,-44
+            2312: 64,-43
+            2317: 68,-39
+            2318: 68,-40
+            2494: 68,-41
         - node:
             color: '#FF9821FF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineE
-            2133: 83,9
-            2134: 83,6
+            2086: 83,9
+            2087: 83,6
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineE
-            1958: -66,9
-            1965: -62,9
-            1976: -65,9
-            2589: -77,9
-            2591: -72,3
-            2593: -72,15
-            2626: 77,-31
-            2652: -57,16
-            2653: -57,23
-            4168: -42,5
-            4169: -42,4
-            4170: -42,10
-            4310: -88,53
-            4311: -88,54
-            4312: -88,55
-            6004: -14,-41
-            6005: -14,-42
-            6006: -14,-43
-            6007: -14,-44
-            6008: -14,-44
-            9606: 109,-61
-            9607: 109,-53
-            14020: 15,-11
-            14021: 15,-7
-            14032: 15,7
-            14033: 15,11
-            14213: -16,-7
-            14214: -16,-11
-            14242: -16,7
-            14243: -16,11
+            1911: -66,9
+            1918: -62,9
+            1929: -65,9
+            2542: -77,9
+            2544: -72,3
+            2546: -72,15
+            2579: 77,-31
+            2605: -57,16
+            2606: -57,23
+            3971: -42,5
+            3972: -42,4
+            3973: -42,10
+            4113: -88,53
+            4114: -88,54
+            4115: -88,55
+            5807: -14,-41
+            5808: -14,-42
+            5809: -14,-43
+            5810: -14,-44
+            5811: -14,-44
+            9339: 109,-61
+            9340: 109,-53
+            13753: 15,-11
+            13754: 15,-7
+            13765: 15,7
+            13766: 15,11
+            13946: -16,-7
+            13947: -16,-11
+            13975: -16,7
+            13976: -16,11
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             color: '#334E6DC8'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineN
-            9337: 114,-50
-            9338: 115,-50
-            9340: 116,-50
-            9344: 117,-50
-            9348: 118,-50
-            9349: 119,-50
-            9350: 120,-50
-            9351: 121,-50
-            9354: 122,-50
-            9370: 114,-60
-            9371: 115,-60
-            9372: 116,-60
-            9373: 117,-60
-            9374: 118,-60
-            9378: 119,-60
-            9382: 120,-60
-            9384: 121,-60
-            9388: 122,-60
+            9070: 114,-50
+            9071: 115,-50
+            9073: 116,-50
+            9077: 117,-50
+            9081: 118,-50
+            9082: 119,-50
+            9083: 120,-50
+            9084: 121,-50
+            9087: 122,-50
+            9103: 114,-60
+            9104: 115,-60
+            9105: 116,-60
+            9106: 117,-60
+            9107: 118,-60
+            9111: 119,-60
+            9115: 120,-60
+            9117: 121,-60
+            9121: 122,-60
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             zIndex: 90
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-            12929: 80,-62
-            12930: 81,-62
-            12931: 82,-62
-            12938: 78,-63
-            12939: 84,-63
+            12662: 80,-62
+            12663: 81,-62
+            12664: 82,-62
+            12671: 78,-63
+            12672: 84,-63
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             color: '#96DAFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineN
-            6690: 10,-64
+            6441: 10,-64
         - node:
             color: '#BC863FFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineN
-            2306: 72,7
+            2259: 72,7
         - node:
             color: '#D381C9FF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineN
-            2367: 65,-40
-            2368: 64,-40
-            2369: 63,-40
+            2320: 65,-40
+            2321: 64,-40
+            2322: 63,-40
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             color: '#FF9821FF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineN
-            2121: 74,7
-            2122: 75,7
-            2125: 76,9
-            2126: 77,9
-            2127: 78,9
-            2128: 79,9
-            2129: 80,9
-            2130: 81,9
-            2131: 82,9
-            2132: 83,9
-            2309: 73,7
-            2310: 72,7
+            2074: 74,7
+            2075: 75,7
+            2078: 76,9
+            2079: 77,9
+            2080: 78,9
+            2081: 79,9
+            2082: 80,9
+            2083: 81,9
+            2084: 82,9
+            2085: 83,9
+            2262: 73,7
+            2263: 72,7
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineN
-            1956: -64,10
-            1957: -63,10
-            1978: -64,8
-            1980: -63,8
-            2273: 52,0
-            2274: 52,-2
-            2578: -71,2
-            2579: -76,8
-            2580: -71,14
-            2581: -90,8
-            2582: -72,24
-            2583: -71,24
-            2584: -70,24
-            2602: -56,22
-            2603: -63,22
-            2619: 79,-32
-            2620: 78,-32
-            2621: 80,-32
-            4307: -87,52
-            4308: -86,52
-            4309: -85,52
-            5996: -21,-41
-            5997: -20,-41
-            5998: -19,-41
-            5999: -18,-41
-            6000: -17,-41
-            6001: -16,-41
-            6002: -15,-41
-            6003: -14,-41
-            8819: 119,-54
-            8820: 119,-54
-            8958: -28,-60
-            8959: -27,-60
-            9609: 106,-52
-            9610: 107,-52
-            9611: 108,-52
-            9612: 107,-56
-            9613: 106,-60
-            9614: 107,-60
-            9615: 108,-60
-            14349: -48,1
-            14350: -46,1
-            14357: -41,28
-            14358: -39,28
+            1909: -64,10
+            1910: -63,10
+            1931: -64,8
+            1933: -63,8
+            2226: 52,0
+            2227: 52,-2
+            2531: -71,2
+            2532: -76,8
+            2533: -71,14
+            2534: -90,8
+            2535: -72,24
+            2536: -71,24
+            2537: -70,24
+            2555: -56,22
+            2556: -63,22
+            2572: 79,-32
+            2573: 78,-32
+            2574: 80,-32
+            4110: -87,52
+            4111: -86,52
+            4112: -85,52
+            5799: -21,-41
+            5800: -20,-41
+            5801: -19,-41
+            5802: -18,-41
+            5803: -17,-41
+            5804: -16,-41
+            5805: -15,-41
+            5806: -14,-41
+            8552: 119,-54
+            8553: 119,-54
+            8691: -28,-60
+            8692: -27,-60
+            9342: 106,-52
+            9343: 107,-52
+            9344: 108,-52
+            9345: 107,-56
+            9346: 106,-60
+            9347: 107,-60
+            9348: 108,-60
+            14082: -48,1
+            14083: -46,1
+            14090: -41,28
+            14091: -39,28
         - node:
             color: '#334E6DC8'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineS
-            9324: 117,-54
-            9325: 118,-54
-            9326: 119,-54
-            9327: 120,-54
-            9328: 121,-54
-            9329: 122,-54
-            9330: 116,-54
-            9331: 115,-54
-            9332: 114,-54
-            9396: 114,-64
-            9399: 115,-64
-            9400: 116,-64
-            9402: 117,-64
-            9403: 118,-64
-            9406: 122,-64
-            9410: 121,-64
-            9412: 120,-64
-            9413: 119,-64
+            9057: 117,-54
+            9058: 118,-54
+            9059: 119,-54
+            9060: 120,-54
+            9061: 121,-54
+            9062: 122,-54
+            9063: 116,-54
+            9064: 115,-54
+            9065: 114,-54
+            9129: 114,-64
+            9132: 115,-64
+            9133: 116,-64
+            9135: 117,-64
+            9136: 118,-64
+            9139: 122,-64
+            9143: 121,-64
+            9145: 120,-64
+            9146: 119,-64
         - node:
             zIndex: 90
             color: '#34924EFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineS
-            12932: 80,-67
-            12933: 81,-67
-            12934: 82,-67
+            12665: 80,-67
+            12666: 81,-67
+            12667: 82,-67
         - node:
             color: '#96DAFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineS
-            6691: 10,-68
+            6442: 10,-68
         - node:
             color: '#D381C9FF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineS
-            2360: 65,-42
-            2361: 66,-42
-            2362: 67,-42
-            2376: 63,-45
+            2313: 65,-42
+            2314: 66,-42
+            2315: 67,-42
+            2329: 63,-45
         - node:
             color: '#FF9821FF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineS
-            2136: 80,4
-            2137: 81,4
-            2138: 79,4
-            2139: 78,4
-            2140: 77,4
-            2141: 76,4
-            2142: 75,4
-            2143: 82,4
-            2144: 74,4
-            2145: 72,4
+            2089: 80,4
+            2090: 81,4
+            2091: 79,4
+            2092: 78,4
+            2093: 77,4
+            2094: 76,4
+            2095: 75,4
+            2096: 82,4
+            2097: 74,4
+            2098: 72,4
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: MiniTileSteelLineS
-            1966: -64,8
-            1967: -63,8
-            1981: -64,10
-            1982: -63,10
-            2275: 52,-2
-            2276: 52,0
-            2585: -71,4
-            2586: -76,10
-            2587: -71,16
-            2588: -90,10
-            2610: -56,17
-            2622: 78,-30
-            2623: 79,-30
-            2624: 80,-30
-            2651: -63,17
-            4313: -87,56
-            4314: -86,56
-            4315: -85,56
-            6009: -21,-44
-            6010: -20,-44
-            6011: -19,-44
-            6012: -18,-44
-            6013: -15,-44
-            6014: -15,-44
-            6015: -15,-44
-            6016: -14,-44
-            8824: 119,-52
-            8825: 119,-52
-            8960: -28,-63
-            8961: -27,-63
-            9595: 106,-54
-            9596: 107,-54
-            9597: 108,-54
-            9598: 106,-62
-            9599: 107,-62
-            9600: 108,-62
-            9604: 107,-58
-            14499: -25,26
+            1919: -64,8
+            1920: -63,8
+            1934: -64,10
+            1935: -63,10
+            2228: 52,-2
+            2229: 52,0
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-            11153: 1,30
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+            11365: -39,45
+            11366: -39,46
+            11367: -39,48
+            11368: -39,49
+            11369: -39,50
+            11370: -39,51
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-            12205: -39,-15
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-            12209: -39,-19
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-            14185: 4,-40
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-            8694: -47,-67
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-            8775: -53,-59
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-            8777: -53,-74
-            8778: -60,-74
-            8785: -51,-74
-            8786: -50,-74
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-            8803: -59,-74
-            8804: -57,-74
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+            8357: -58,-64
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+            8418: -47,-64
+            8419: -46,-64
+            8426: -48,-67
+            8427: -47,-67
+            8428: -46,-67
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+            8460: -53,-64
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+            8510: -53,-74
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-            10042: -2,-16
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-            10048: 5,-16
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-            10055: 9,-16
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-            10141: 6,19
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-            10144: 9,19
-            10145: 10,19
-            10146: 11,19
-            10147: 12,19
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-            10433: -21,1
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-            10455: 20,1
-            10457: 21,1
-            10458: 22,1
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-            10463: 27,1
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-            10503: -33,1
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-            10506: -29,2
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-            11384: -27,-4
-            11385: -26,-4
-            11386: -25,-4
-            11387: -24,-4
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-            12301: -50,-29
-            12302: -51,-29
-            12303: -52,-29
-            12304: -53,-29
-            12312: -57,-29
-            12313: -56,-29
-            12314: -55,-29
-            12324: -63,-28
-            12325: -62,-28
-            12326: -61,-28
-            12327: -60,-28
-            12328: -59,-28
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+            9769: -8,-16
+            9770: -7,-16
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+            9772: -5,-16
+            9773: -4,-16
+            9774: -3,-16
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+            9776: -1,-16
+            9777: 1,-16
+            9778: 2,-16
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+            9874: 6,19
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+            9877: 9,19
+            9878: 10,19
+            9879: 11,19
+            9880: 12,19
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+            10192: 23,1
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+            10196: 27,1
+            10197: 28,1
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+            10236: -33,1
+            10237: -32,1
+            10238: -31,1
+            10239: -29,2
+            10248: -28,2
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+            10254: -23,2
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+            11120: -24,-4
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+            12036: -52,-29
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+            12059: -61,-28
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+            12061: -59,-28
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-            11569: -16,-54
-            11570: -15,-54
-            11571: -14,-54
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-            1907: 78,2
-            1908: 77,2
-            1909: 76,2
-            1910: 75,2
-            1911: 74,2
-            1912: 72,2
-            1913: 71,2
-            1914: 70,2
-            1922: 69,4
-            1925: 68,4
-            1926: 66,4
-            1927: 65,4
-            1928: 64,4
-            1941: 62,7
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-            2182: 57,9
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-            2213: 83,2
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-            2279: 58,2
-            2280: 56,2
-            2281: 55,2
-            2282: 54,2
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+            1843: 86,-3
+            1844: 85,-3
+            1845: 84,-3
+            1846: 83,-3
+            1847: 82,-3
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+            1858: 80,2
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+            2232: 58,2
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+            2234: 55,2
+            2235: 54,2
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-            10856: -58,1
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-            11002: -56,28
-            11003: -57,28
-            11007: -60,29
-            11010: -59,29
-            11011: -62,28
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-            11323: 12,42
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-            11672: -61,55
-            11673: -60,55
-            11674: -59,55
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-            11676: -57,55
-            11677: -55,55
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-            11682: -50,55
-            11683: -46,55
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-            14825: -35,28
-            14826: -36,28
-            14827: -37,28
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+            10326: 32,1
+            10327: 31,1
+            10328: 30,1
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+            10556: -63,1
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+            10627: -42,1
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+            10735: -56,28
+            10736: -57,28
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+            11056: 12,42
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+            11400: -68,55
+            11401: -67,55
+            11402: -66,55
+            11403: -64,55
+            11404: -62,55
+            11405: -61,55
+            11406: -60,55
+            11407: -59,55
+            11408: -58,55
+            11409: -57,55
+            11410: -55,55
+            11411: -54,55
+            11412: -53,55
+            11413: -52,55
+            11414: -51,55
+            11415: -50,55
+            11416: -46,55
+            11425: -48,56
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+            14554: -31,28
+            14555: -32,28
+            14556: -33,28
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-            1722: 40,-19
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-            1724: 42,-19
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-            1726: 36,-19
-            1727: 35,-19
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-            1738: 33,-22
-            1741: 48,-22
-            1742: 47,-22
-            1743: 46,-22
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-            1830: 51,-30
-            1831: 52,-30
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-            2239: 46,-34
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-            2519: 72,-39
-            2520: 73,-39
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-            2874: 65,-54
-            2875: 66,-54
-            2876: 67,-54
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-            2890: 54,-54
-            2891: 55,-54
-            2892: 56,-54
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-            2989: 61,-47
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-            3075: 70,-22
-            3076: 72,-22
-            3077: 73,-22
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-            3109: 70,-30
-            3110: 69,-30
-            3111: 72,-30
-            3112: 73,-30
-            3113: 74,-30
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-            6767: 61,-30
-            6768: 63,-30
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+            1674: 39,-19
+            1675: 40,-19
+            1676: 41,-19
+            1677: 42,-19
+            1678: 37,-19
+            1679: 36,-19
+            1680: 35,-19
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+            1691: 33,-22
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+            1695: 47,-22
+            1696: 46,-22
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+            1783: 51,-30
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+            2181: 46,-29
+            2191: 45,-34
+            2192: 46,-34
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+            2472: 72,-39
+            2473: 73,-39
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+            2479: 76,-35
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+            2588: 79,-30
+            2589: 80,-30
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+            2829: 67,-54
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+            2843: 54,-54
+            2844: 55,-54
+            2845: 56,-54
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+            2942: 61,-47
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+            3028: 70,-22
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+            3030: 73,-22
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+            3062: 70,-30
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-            1994: 56,-6
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-            4788: -82,45
-            4789: -83,45
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-            9770: 44,12
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+            1947: 56,-6
+            1948: 54,-6
+            1949: 53,-6
+            1950: 52,-6
+            1951: 51,-6
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-            8167: 43,48
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-            8297: 65,45
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-            12108: -7,-25
-            12109: -6,-25
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-            12260: -52,-10
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-            12263: -58,-10
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-            12272: -64,-15
-            12273: -63,-15
-            12274: -62,-15
-            12275: -61,-15
-            12276: -60,-15
-            12277: -59,-15
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+            11957: -26,-24
+            11958: -24,-24
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+            12010: -59,-15
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+            12173: -75,-9
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+            12226: -79,-21
+            12227: -80,-21
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+            13647: -23,-34
+            13649: -21,-35
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+            13658: -15,-34
+            13659: -14,-34
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-            13114: 24,28
-            13115: 25,28
-            13116: 26,28
-            13162: 55,34
-            13163: 56,34
-            13164: 57,34
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-            13251: 43,28
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-            13254: 46,28
-            13255: 47,28
-            13256: 48,28
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+            12948: 36,28
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+            12950: 32,28
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+            12952: 30,28
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+            12954: 28,28
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+            12969: 36,40
+            12970: 37,40
+            12971: 38,40
+            12972: 39,40
+            12973: 40,40
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+            12984: 43,28
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-            7494: 37,22
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-            7517: 46,21
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-            8697: -47,-65
-            8698: -46,-65
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-            8721: -53,-68
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-            8750: -53,-62
-            8773: -53,-59
-            8774: -53,-56
-            8779: -55,-76
-            8780: -54,-76
-            8781: -53,-76
-            8782: -52,-76
-            8783: -51,-76
-            8784: -50,-76
-            8797: -56,-76
-            8798: -57,-76
-            8799: -59,-76
-            8800: -60,-76
-            8801: -61,-76
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-            8899: -45,-77
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+            8411: -47,-68
+            8412: -46,-68
+            8429: -48,-65
+            8430: -47,-65
+            8431: -46,-65
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+            8453: -53,-64
+            8454: -53,-68
+            8475: -53,-72
+            8483: -53,-62
+            8506: -53,-59
+            8507: -53,-56
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+            8513: -54,-76
+            8514: -53,-76
+            8515: -52,-76
+            8516: -51,-76
+            8517: -50,-76
+            8530: -56,-76
+            8531: -57,-76
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+            8533: -60,-76
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-            10089: -4,17
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-            10096: 3,17
-            10097: 4,17
-            10098: 5,17
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-            10279: 12,-18
-            10280: 11,-18
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-            10284: 7,-18
-            10285: 6,-18
-            10286: 5,-18
-            10287: 4,-18
-            10288: 2,-19
-            10289: -2,-19
-            10290: -4,-18
-            10291: -5,-18
-            10292: -6,-18
-            10293: -7,-18
-            10294: -8,-18
-            10295: -9,-18
-            10296: -10,-18
-            10297: -11,-18
-            10298: -12,-18
-            10299: -13,-18
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-            10425: -18,-1
-            10426: -19,-1
-            10427: -20,-1
-            10428: -21,-1
-            10434: 17,-1
-            10435: 18,-1
-            10436: 19,-1
-            10437: 20,-1
-            10438: 21,-1
-            10439: 22,-1
-            10440: 23,-1
-            10441: 24,-1
-            10442: 25,-1
-            10443: 27,-1
-            10444: 26,-1
-            10445: 28,-1
-            10484: -34,-1
-            10485: -33,-1
-            10486: -32,-1
-            10487: -31,-1
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-            11379: -27,-2
-            11380: -26,-2
-            11381: -25,-2
-            11382: -24,-2
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-            11389: -28,-4
-            11390: -27,-4
-            11391: -26,-4
-            11392: -25,-4
-            11393: -24,-4
-            11394: -23,-4
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-            12294: -47,-31
-            12295: -45,-31
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-            12306: -52,-31
-            12307: -51,-31
-            12308: -50,-31
-            12309: -55,-31
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-            12311: -57,-31
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-            12331: -61,-32
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+            9829: 3,17
+            9830: 4,17
+            9831: 5,17
+            9833: 6,17
+            9834: 7,17
+            9835: 8,17
+            9836: 9,17
+            9837: 10,17
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+            10032: -13,-18
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+            10158: -18,-1
+            10159: -19,-1
+            10160: -20,-1
+            10161: -21,-1
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+            10168: 18,-1
+            10169: 19,-1
+            10170: 20,-1
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+            10172: 22,-1
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+            11125: -25,-4
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+            12040: -51,-31
+            12041: -50,-31
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-            11518: -16,-56
-            11519: -17,-56
-            11520: -18,-56
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-            11532: -22,-67
-            11533: -23,-67
-            11534: -24,-67
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-            11539: -29,-67
-            11540: -30,-67
-            11541: -31,-67
-            11542: -33,-67
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+            11200: 3,-46
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+            11250: -15,-56
+            11251: -16,-56
+            11252: -17,-56
+            11253: -18,-56
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-            10954: -66,-1
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-            10957: -59,-1
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-            11169: -3,26
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-            11648: -47,53
-            11649: -48,53
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-            11655: -54,53
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+            10429: -43,26
+            10430: -42,26
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+            2836: 64,-57
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+            3058: 73,-28
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+            3060: 73,-33
+            3070: 70,-33
+            3071: 69,-33
+            3072: 68,-33
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-            1840: 63,-8
-            1841: 64,-8
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-            1843: 68,-8
-            1844: 69,-8
-            1845: 70,-8
-            1846: 71,-8
-            1847: 72,-8
-            1848: 72,-8
-            1849: 73,-8
-            1850: 74,-8
-            1851: 75,-8
-            1852: 76,-8
-            1853: 77,-8
-            1854: 78,-8
-            1855: 79,-8
-            1856: 80,-8
-            1857: 81,-8
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-            1868: 84,-17
-            1869: 85,-17
-            1870: 86,-17
-            1871: 87,-17
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-            10612: 43,-1
-            10613: 44,-1
-            10614: 45,-1
-            10615: 46,-1
-            10616: 47,-1
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+            1792: 62,-8
+            1793: 63,-8
+            1794: 64,-8
+            1795: 66,-8
+            1796: 68,-8
+            1797: 69,-8
+            1798: 70,-8
+            1799: 71,-8
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+            1801: 72,-8
+            1802: 73,-8
+            1803: 74,-8
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+            1806: 77,-8
+            1807: 78,-8
+            1808: 79,-8
+            1809: 80,-8
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+            1821: 84,-17
+            1822: 85,-17
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-            2008: 56,-9
-            2009: 57,-9
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-            2258: 58,-4
-            2259: 57,-4
-            2260: 56,-4
-            2261: 55,-4
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+            1957: 51,-9
+            1958: 52,-9
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+            1960: 55,-9
+            1961: 56,-9
+            1962: 57,-9
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+            2211: 58,-4
+            2212: 57,-4
+            2213: 56,-4
+            2214: 55,-4
+            2215: 54,-4
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+            4599: -80,42
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-            8538: 65,47
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-            8564: 58,42
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+            8271: 65,47
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+            8297: 58,42
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-            11924: -59,-17
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-            11926: -62,-17
-            11927: -63,-17
-            11928: -65,-17
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-            12114: -6,-27
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-            12116: -4,-27
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+            10531: -51,-1
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+            10533: -54,-1
+            10534: -55,-1
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-            8761: -54,-59
-            8762: -54,-60
-            8763: -54,-62
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-            8770: -52,-60
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+            8504: -52,-58
+            8505: -52,-57
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-            10226: -17,-10
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-            10229: -15,3
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-            10303: -15,-14
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-            10305: -15,-5
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-            10409: -15,13
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-            10412: -15,5
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-            10419: -1,-21
-            10420: -1,-22
-            10421: -1,-23
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-            12318: -57,-31
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-            12320: -63,-29
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-            12322: -63,-31
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+            9816: 13,3
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+            9850: -1,22
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+            9852: -1,24
+            9853: -1,25
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+            9959: -17,-10
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+            9962: -15,3
+            9963: -15,15
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+            10145: -15,5
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+            10152: -1,-21
+            10153: -1,-22
+            10154: -1,-23
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+            12053: -63,-29
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-            11463: 5,-48
-            11464: 5,-47
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-            11484: -7,-45
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-            11486: -7,-47
-            11487: -7,-48
-            11488: -7,-49
-            11489: -7,-50
-            11490: -7,-51
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-            11505: -7,-66
-            11506: -7,-63
-            11507: -7,-61
-            11508: -7,-60
-            11509: -7,-59
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-            11511: -7,-57
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-            11558: -21,-63
-            11559: -21,-62
-            11560: -21,-61
-            11561: -21,-59
-            11562: -21,-58
-            11563: -21,-57
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-            14181: 4,-40
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+            11188: 5,-63
+            11189: 5,-61
+            11190: 5,-60
+            11191: 5,-59
+            11192: 5,-58
+            11193: 5,-57
+            11194: 5,-53
+            11195: 5,-49
+            11196: 5,-48
+            11197: 5,-47
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+            11217: -7,-45
+            11218: -7,-46
+            11219: -7,-47
+            11220: -7,-48
+            11221: -7,-49
+            11222: -7,-50
+            11223: -7,-51
+            11224: -7,-52
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+            11238: -7,-66
+            11239: -7,-63
+            11240: -7,-61
+            11241: -7,-60
+            11242: -7,-59
+            11243: -7,-58
+            11244: -7,-57
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+            11292: -21,-62
+            11293: -21,-61
+            11294: -21,-59
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+            1098: -58,47
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+            1100: -58,49
+            1101: -58,50
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-            1950: 61,-4
-            1952: 61,-2
-            1954: 61,-5
-            1955: 61,-4
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+            1905: 61,-2
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+            2155: 83,1
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+            11352: -41,44
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+            11354: -41,46
+            11355: -41,47
+            11356: -41,48
+            11357: -41,49
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-            2001: 49,-8
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+            4595: -85,43
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-            13034: -76,-26
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-            4593: -91,56
-            4594: -90,56
-            4595: -90,56
-            4596: -89,56
-            4597: -89,56
-            4598: -89,57
-            4599: -89,57
-            4600: -88,57
-            4601: -88,57
-            4602: -88,58
-            4603: -88,58
-            4604: -88,59
-            4605: -88,59
-            4606: -88,60
-            4607: -88,60
-            4608: -87,60
-            4609: -87,60
-            4610: -86,60
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-            4612: -85,60
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-            4614: -84,60
-            4615: -84,60
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-            4617: -84,59
-            4618: -84,58
-            4619: -84,58
-            4620: -84,57
-            4621: -84,57
-            4622: -83,57
-            4623: -83,57
-            4624: -83,56
-            4625: -83,56
-            4626: -82,56
-            4627: -82,56
-            4628: -81,56
-            4629: -81,56
-            4630: -80,56
-            4631: -80,56
-            4632: -80,55
-            4633: -80,55
-            4634: -80,54
-            4635: -80,54
-            4636: -80,53
-            4637: -80,53
-            4638: -80,52
-            4639: -80,52
-            4640: -81,52
-            4641: -81,52
-            4642: -82,52
-            4643: -82,52
-            4644: -83,52
-            4645: -83,52
-            4646: -83,51
-            4647: -83,51
-            4648: -84,51
-            4649: -84,51
-            4650: -84,50
-            4651: -84,50
-            4652: -84,49
-            4653: -84,49
-            4654: -84,48
-            4655: -84,48
-            4656: -85,48
-            4657: -85,48
-            4658: -86,48
-            4659: -86,48
-            4660: -87,48
-            4661: -87,48
-            4662: -88,48
-            4663: -88,48
-            4664: -88,49
-            4665: -88,49
-            4666: -88,50
-            4667: -88,50
-            4668: -88,51
-            4669: -88,51
-            4670: -89,51
-            4671: -89,51
-            4672: -89,52
-            4673: -89,52
-            4674: -90,52
-            4675: -90,52
-            4676: -91,52
-            4677: -91,52
-            4678: -92,52
-            4679: -92,52
-            4680: -92,53
-            4681: -92,53
-            4682: -92,54
-            4683: -92,54
-            4684: -92,55
-            4685: -92,55
-            4942: -94,3
-            4943: -95,5
-            4944: -94,5
-            4945: -94,5
-            4946: -95,5
-            4947: -95,4
-            4948: -95,4
-            4949: -95,4
-            4950: -95,3
-            4951: -94,3
-            4952: -94,3
-            4953: -94,3
-            4954: -97,3
-            4955: -98,2
-            4956: -99,1
-            4958: -99,1
-            4959: -98,2
-            4961: -97,3
-            4964: -96,3
-            4965: -95,3
-            4966: -94,4
-            4973: -100,1
-            4983: -99,2
-            4990: -96,3
-            4997: -94,4
-            5000: -94,4
-            5005: -95,3
-            5008: -96,3
-            5013: -97,3
-            5025: -95,3
-            5027: -94,3
-            5031: -94,4
-            5035: -96,3
-            5038: -95,4
-            5053: -97,3
-            5105: -96,4
-            5106: -96,4
-            5129: -96,5
-            5153: -98,3
-            5154: -97,4
-            5161: -96,4
-            5162: -94,4
-            5163: -95,3
-            5164: -94,3
-            6656: 3,75
-            7807: 22,11
-            7808: 22,11
-            7809: 23,11
-            7810: 23,11
-            7811: 24,11
-            7812: 24,11
-            7813: 25,11
-            7814: 25,11
-            7815: 25,9
-            7816: 25,9
-            7817: 24,9
-            7818: 24,9
-            7819: 23,9
-            7820: 23,9
-            7821: 22,9
-            7822: 22,9
-            7823: 22,7
-            7824: 22,7
-            7825: 23,7
-            7826: 23,7
-            7827: 24,7
-            7828: 24,7
-            7829: 25,7
-            7830: 25,7
-            8604: -21,-70
-            8605: -19,-72
-            8606: -21,-74
-            8607: -23,-72
-            8608: -22,-72
-            8609: -21,-73
-            8610: -20,-72
-            8611: -21,-71
-            9341: 85,-23
-            9342: 85,-24
-            9343: 86,-24
-            9345: 86,-23
-            9346: 87,-23
-            9347: 87,-24
-            9352: 84,-22
-            9353: 84,-23
-            9355: 84,-24
-            9356: 84,-22
-            9357: 84,-23
-            9358: 84,-24
-            9359: 84,-25
-            9360: 84,-25
-            9361: 85,-25
-            9362: 85,-25
-            9363: 86,-25
-            9364: 86,-25
-            9366: 87,-25
-            9367: 87,-25
-            9368: 88,-25
-            9369: 88,-25
-            9375: 87,-26
-            9376: 87,-27
-            9380: 86,-26
-            9381: 86,-27
-            9383: 85,-26
-            9385: 85,-27
-            9387: 85,-28
-            9390: 82,-28
-            9391: 82,-27
-            9392: 82,-26
-            9394: 83,-28
-            9395: 83,-27
-            9397: 84,-28
-            9398: 84,-27
-            9404: 82,-25
-            9405: 82,-24
-            9407: 82,-23
-            9408: 82,-22
-            9409: 82,-21
-            9411: 82,-20
-            9414: 82,-19
-            9415: 83,-19
-            9416: 84,-19
-            9417: 85,-19
-            9418: 86,-19
-            9419: 86,-20
-            9420: 85,-20
-            9421: 84,-20
-            9422: 83,-20
-            9423: 86,-19
-            9424: 85,-19
-            9425: 84,-19
-            9427: 83,-19
-            9428: 82,-19
-            9429: 86,-21
-            9430: 85,-21
-            9431: 86,-20
-            16570: -30,-86
-            16571: -29,-86
-            16572: -28,-86
-            16573: -27,-86
-            16574: -26,-86
-            16575: -26,-87
-            16576: -27,-87
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-            16578: -29,-87
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-            16586: -30,-90
-            16587: -29,-90
-            16588: -28,-90
-            16589: -28,-91
-            16590: -29,-91
-            16591: -30,-91
-            20271: 11,-85
-            20272: 10,-85
-            20273: 9,-85
-            20274: 9,-84
-            20275: 10,-84
-            20276: 11,-84
-            20277: 11,-83
-            20278: 10,-83
-            20279: 9,-83
+            4369: -97,53
+            4370: -97,53
+            4371: -97,54
+            4372: -97,54
+            4373: -97,55
+            4374: -97,55
+            4375: -96,55
+            4376: -96,55
+            4377: -96,54
+            4378: -96,54
+            4379: -96,53
+            4380: -96,53
+            4381: -95,53
+            4382: -95,53
+            4383: -95,54
+            4384: -95,54
+            4385: -95,55
+            4386: -95,55
+            4387: -94,55
+            4388: -94,55
+            4389: -94,54
+            4390: -94,54
+            4391: -94,53
+            4392: -94,53
+            4393: -92,56
+            4394: -92,56
+            4395: -91,56
+            4396: -91,56
+            4397: -90,56
+            4398: -90,56
+            4399: -89,56
+            4400: -89,56
+            4401: -89,57
+            4402: -89,57
+            4403: -88,57
+            4404: -88,57
+            4405: -88,58
+            4406: -88,58
+            4407: -88,59
+            4408: -88,59
+            4409: -88,60
+            4410: -88,60
+            4411: -87,60
+            4412: -87,60
+            4413: -86,60
+            4414: -86,60
+            4415: -85,60
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+            4417: -84,60
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+            4419: -84,59
+            4420: -84,59
+            4421: -84,58
+            4422: -84,58
+            4423: -84,57
+            4424: -84,57
+            4425: -83,57
+            4426: -83,57
+            4427: -83,56
+            4428: -83,56
+            4429: -82,56
+            4430: -82,56
+            4431: -81,56
+            4432: -81,56
+            4433: -80,56
+            4434: -80,56
+            4435: -80,55
+            4436: -80,55
+            4437: -80,54
+            4438: -80,54
+            4439: -80,53
+            4440: -80,53
+            4441: -80,52
+            4442: -80,52
+            4443: -81,52
+            4444: -81,52
+            4445: -82,52
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+            4447: -83,52
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+            4449: -83,51
+            4450: -83,51
+            4451: -84,51
+            4452: -84,51
+            4453: -84,50
+            4454: -84,50
+            4455: -84,49
+            4456: -84,49
+            4457: -84,48
+            4458: -84,48
+            4459: -85,48
+            4460: -85,48
+            4461: -86,48
+            4462: -86,48
+            4463: -87,48
+            4464: -87,48
+            4465: -88,48
+            4466: -88,48
+            4467: -88,49
+            4468: -88,49
+            4469: -88,50
+            4470: -88,50
+            4471: -88,51
+            4472: -88,51
+            4473: -89,51
+            4474: -89,51
+            4475: -89,52
+            4476: -89,52
+            4477: -90,52
+            4478: -90,52
+            4479: -91,52
+            4480: -91,52
+            4481: -92,52
+            4482: -92,52
+            4483: -92,53
+            4484: -92,53
+            4485: -92,54
+            4486: -92,54
+            4487: -92,55
+            4488: -92,55
+            4745: -94,3
+            4746: -95,5
+            4747: -94,5
+            4748: -94,5
+            4749: -95,5
+            4750: -95,4
+            4751: -95,4
+            4752: -95,4
+            4753: -95,3
+            4754: -94,3
+            4755: -94,3
+            4756: -94,3
+            4757: -97,3
+            4758: -98,2
+            4759: -99,1
+            4761: -99,1
+            4762: -98,2
+            4764: -97,3
+            4767: -96,3
+            4768: -95,3
+            4769: -94,4
+            4776: -100,1
+            4786: -99,2
+            4793: -96,3
+            4800: -94,4
+            4803: -94,4
+            4808: -95,3
+            4811: -96,3
+            4816: -97,3
+            4828: -95,3
+            4830: -94,3
+            4834: -94,4
+            4838: -96,3
+            4841: -95,4
+            4856: -97,3
+            4908: -96,4
+            4909: -96,4
+            4932: -96,5
+            4956: -98,3
+            4957: -97,4
+            4964: -96,4
+            4965: -94,4
+            4966: -95,3
+            4967: -94,3
+            6407: 3,75
+            7540: 22,11
+            7541: 22,11
+            7542: 23,11
+            7543: 23,11
+            7544: 24,11
+            7545: 24,11
+            7546: 25,11
+            7547: 25,11
+            7548: 25,9
+            7549: 25,9
+            7550: 24,9
+            7551: 24,9
+            7552: 23,9
+            7553: 23,9
+            7554: 22,9
+            7555: 22,9
+            7556: 22,7
+            7557: 22,7
+            7558: 23,7
+            7559: 23,7
+            7560: 24,7
+            7561: 24,7
+            7562: 25,7
+            7563: 25,7
+            8337: -21,-70
+            8338: -19,-72
+            8339: -21,-74
+            8340: -23,-72
+            8341: -22,-72
+            8342: -21,-73
+            8343: -20,-72
+            8344: -21,-71
+            9074: 85,-23
+            9075: 85,-24
+            9076: 86,-24
+            9078: 86,-23
+            9079: 87,-23
+            9080: 87,-24
+            9085: 84,-22
+            9086: 84,-23
+            9088: 84,-24
+            9089: 84,-22
+            9090: 84,-23
+            9091: 84,-24
+            9092: 84,-25
+            9093: 84,-25
+            9094: 85,-25
+            9095: 85,-25
+            9096: 86,-25
+            9097: 86,-25
+            9099: 87,-25
+            9100: 87,-25
+            9101: 88,-25
+            9102: 88,-25
+            9108: 87,-26
+            9109: 87,-27
+            9113: 86,-26
+            9114: 86,-27
+            9116: 85,-26
+            9118: 85,-27
+            9120: 85,-28
+            9123: 82,-28
+            9124: 82,-27
+            9125: 82,-26
+            9127: 83,-28
+            9128: 83,-27
+            9130: 84,-28
+            9131: 84,-27
+            9137: 82,-25
+            9138: 82,-24
+            9140: 82,-23
+            9141: 82,-22
+            9142: 82,-21
+            9144: 82,-20
+            9147: 82,-19
+            9148: 83,-19
+            9149: 84,-19
+            9150: 85,-19
+            9151: 86,-19
+            9152: 86,-20
+            9153: 85,-20
+            9154: 84,-20
+            9155: 83,-20
+            9156: 86,-19
+            9157: 85,-19
+            9158: 84,-19
+            9160: 83,-19
+            9161: 82,-19
+            9162: 86,-21
+            9163: 85,-21
+            9164: 86,-20
+            16303: -30,-86
+            16304: -29,-86
+            16305: -28,-86
+            16306: -27,-86
+            16307: -26,-86
+            16308: -26,-87
+            16309: -27,-87
+            16310: -28,-87
+            16311: -29,-87
+            16312: -30,-87
+            16313: -30,-88
+            16314: -29,-88
+            16315: -28,-88
+            16316: -28,-89
+            16317: -29,-89
+            16318: -30,-89
+            16319: -30,-90
+            16320: -29,-90
+            16321: -28,-90
+            16322: -28,-91
+            16323: -29,-91
+            16324: -30,-91
+            19909: 11,-85
+            19910: 10,-85
+            19911: 9,-85
+            19912: 9,-84
+            19913: 10,-84
+            19914: 11,-84
+            19915: 11,-83
+            19916: 10,-83
+            19917: 9,-83
         - node:
             color: '#1F591BFF'
             id: Rust
-            8220: 36,44
+            7953: 36,44
         - node:
             color: '#1F791BFF'
             id: Rust
-            8221: 33,43
-            8222: 41,46
-            8223: 43,44
+            7954: 33,43
+            7955: 41,46
+            7956: 43,44
         - node:
             color: '#1FB51BFF'
             id: Rust
-            8224: 43,45
+            7957: 43,45
         - node:
             color: '#1FD81BFF'
             id: Rust
-            8225: 41,43
+            7958: 41,43
         - node:
             color: '#7FFF60FF'
             id: Rust
-            8208: 42,43
-            8209: 41,44
-            8210: 41,45
-            8211: 43,46
-            8212: 40,47
-            8213: 39,45
-            8214: 39,47
-            8215: 43,43
-            8216: 45,47
-            8217: 42,47
-            8218: 45,43
-            8219: 43,42
+            7941: 42,43
+            7942: 41,44
+            7943: 41,45
+            7944: 43,46
+            7945: 40,47
+            7946: 39,45
+            7947: 39,47
+            7948: 43,43
+            7949: 45,47
+            7950: 42,47
+            7951: 45,43
+            7952: 43,42
         - node:
             color: '#C7CFD0E9'
             id: Rust
-            18740: -66,-79
-            18741: -68,-81
-            18742: -65,-83
+            18473: -66,-79
+            18474: -68,-81
+            18475: -65,-83
         - node:
             color: '#FB0FE3FF'
             id: Rust
-            8226: 46,48
+            7959: 46,48
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFF34'
             id: Rust
-            17351: -59,79
-            17352: -58,79
-            17353: -58,79
-            17354: -60,79
-            17356: -64,80
+            17084: -59,79
+            17085: -58,79
+            17086: -58,79
+            17087: -60,79
+            17089: -64,80
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFF66'
             id: Rust
-            17350: -60,79
+            17083: -60,79
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: Rust
-            4957: -7,82
-            4960: -7,82
-            4962: -7,82
-            4963: -7,82
-            4967: -8,82
-            4968: -8,82
-            4969: -8,82
-            4970: -8,82
-            4971: -9,82
-            4972: -9,82
-            4974: -9,82
-            4975: -9,82
-            4976: -9,82
-            4977: -9,82
-            4978: -6,82
-            4979: -6,82
-            4980: -6,82
-            4981: -6,82
-            4982: -6,82
-            4984: -5,82
-            4985: -5,82
-            4986: -5,82
-            4987: -5,82
-            4988: -9,83
-            4989: -9,83
-            4991: -9,83
-            4992: -8,83
-            4993: -8,83
-            4994: -8,83
-            4995: -7,83
-            4996: -7,83
-            4998: -10,83
-            4999: -10,83
-            5001: -10,82
-            5002: -10,82
-            5003: -11,82
-            5004: -11,82
-            5006: -11,83
-            5007: -11,83
-            5009: -12,83
-            5010: -12,83
-            5011: -12,84
-            5012: -12,84
-            5014: -12,83
-            5015: -12,83
-            5016: -11,83
-            5017: -11,83
-            5018: -11,83
-            5019: -11,82
-            5020: -11,82
-            5021: -10,82
-            5022: -10,82
+            4760: -7,82
+            4763: -7,82
+            4765: -7,82
+            4766: -7,82
+            4770: -8,82
+            4771: -8,82
+            4772: -8,82
+            4773: -8,82
+            4774: -9,82
+            4775: -9,82
+            4777: -9,82
+            4778: -9,82
+            4779: -9,82
+            4780: -9,82
+            4781: -6,82
+            4782: -6,82
+            4783: -6,82
+            4784: -6,82
+            4785: -6,82
+            4787: -5,82
+            4788: -5,82
+            4789: -5,82
+            4790: -5,82
+            4791: -9,83
+            4792: -9,83
+            4794: -9,83
+            4795: -8,83
+            4796: -8,83
+            4797: -8,83
+            4798: -7,83
+            4799: -7,83
+            4801: -10,83
+            4802: -10,83
+            4804: -10,82
+            4805: -10,82
+            4806: -11,82
+            4807: -11,82
+            4809: -11,83
+            4810: -11,83
+            4812: -12,83
+            4813: -12,83
+            4814: -12,84
+            4815: -12,84
+            4817: -12,83
+            4818: -12,83
+            4819: -11,83
+            4820: -11,83
+            4821: -11,83
+            4822: -11,82
+            4823: -11,82
+            4824: -10,82
+            4825: -10,82
+            4826: -10,83
+            4827: -10,83
+            4829: -12,84
+            4831: -12,83
+            4832: -12,83
+            4833: -12,83
+            4835: -12,84
+            4836: -11,84
+            4837: -11,84
+            4839: -11,84
+            4840: -11,84
+            4842: -11,85
+            4843: -11,85
+            4844: -10,85
+            4845: -10,84
+            4846: -10,84
+            4847: -10,84
+            4848: -10,85
+            4849: -10,85
+            4850: -10,84
+            4851: -9,84
+            4852: -9,84
+            4853: -9,84
+            4854: -8,84
+            4855: -8,84
+            4857: -7,84
+            4858: -7,84
+            4859: -7,84
+            4860: -7,84
+            4861: -6,83
+            4862: -6,83
+            4863: -6,83
+            4864: -6,83
+            4865: -6,84
+            4866: -6,84
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+            4877: -4,83
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+            4880: -4,82
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+            4897: -3,84
+            4898: -3,84
+            4899: -3,84
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+            4913: -11,86
+            4914: -11,86
+            4915: -11,86
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+            4917: -12,85
+            4918: -12,85
+            4919: -12,85
+            4920: -12,85
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+            4929: -6,83
+            4930: -6,84
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+            4934: -13,84
+            4935: -13,84
+            4936: -13,84
+            4937: -13,85
+            4938: -13,85
+            4939: -13,85
+            4940: -13,85
+            4941: -13,85
+            4942: -13,85
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+            4944: -12,86
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+            4947: -12,87
+            4948: -12,87
+            4949: -12,87
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+            4952: -13,86
+            4953: -13,86
+            4954: -13,86
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+            4961: -1,84
+            4962: -1,84
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+            4969: -1,85
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+            4971: -1,85
+            4972: -1,86
+            4973: -1,85
+            4974: -1,86
+            4975: -1,85
+            4976: -1,86
+            4977: -1,85
+            4978: -1,86
+            4979: -1,86
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+            4981: -1,86
+            4982: -1,85
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+            5011: -12,85
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-            5029: -12,83
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-            5032: -12,84
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-            5034: -11,84
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-            5037: -11,84
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-            5042: -10,84
-            5043: -10,84
-            5044: -10,84
-            5045: -10,85
-            5046: -10,85
-            5047: -10,84
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-            5061: -6,83
-            5062: -6,84
-            5063: -6,84
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-            5067: -4,84
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-            5069: -4,85
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-            5081: -3,82
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-            5094: -3,84
-            5095: -3,84
-            5096: -3,84
-            5097: -3,85
-            5098: -3,85
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-            5171: -1,86
-            5172: -1,85
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-            5187: -1,86
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-            5197: -11,83
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-            5205: -13,84
-            5206: -13,84
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-            5223: -10,83
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-            6518: -2,85
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-            6534: -2,86
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-            6536: -2,86
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-            6538: -2,86
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+            2821: 66,-56
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@@ -22892,338 +22892,338 @@ entities:
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-            6100: 15,-41
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+            2394: 81,-37
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-            8205: 43,43
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+            7940: 45,43
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-            8202: 39,47
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+            7935: 39,47
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-            8203: 41,47
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+            7936: 41,47
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+            7175: -3,-49
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+            7177: 3,-49
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+            7179: -4,-51
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+            7181: 4,-50
+            7182: 4,-51
+            7183: 4,-52
+            7184: -4,-50
+            7185: -4,-51
+            7186: -4,-52
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-            21082: -101,51
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-            21088: -106,52
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-            21095: -103,50
-            21096: -106,49
-            21097: -106,48
-            21098: -106,47
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-            21115: -106,60
-            21116: -106,61
-            21117: -106,62
-            21118: -106,63
-            21119: -106,64
-            21120: -106,65
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-            21122: -103,66
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-            21124: -101,64
-            21125: -101,63
-            21126: -101,62
-            21127: -101,61
-            21128: -101,60
-            21129: -101,59
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+            20340: -101,52
+            20341: -101,51
+            20342: -101,54
+            20343: -101,55
+            20344: -101,56
+            20345: -101,57
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+            20347: -106,52
+            20348: -106,53
+            20349: -106,54
+            20350: -106,55
+            20351: -106,56
+            20352: -106,57
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+            20354: -103,50
+            20355: -106,49
+            20356: -106,48
+            20357: -106,47
+            20358: -106,46
+            20359: -106,45
+            20360: -106,44
+            20361: -106,43
+            20362: -101,43
+            20363: -101,44
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+            20365: -101,46
+            20366: -101,47
+            20367: -101,48
+            20368: -101,49
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+            20372: -103,58
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+            20374: -106,60
+            20375: -106,61
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+            20377: -106,63
+            20378: -106,64
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+            20383: -101,64
+            20384: -101,63
+            20385: -101,62
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-            21197: -40,33
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-            21210: -38,33
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-            21226: -35,35
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-            21237: -34,34
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-            21242: -34,35
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-            21244: -33,36
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-            21314: 9,-62
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-            21316: 10,-61
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+            7163: -2,-49
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-            9257: 27,-53
-            9258: 27,-54
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-            8293: 63,43
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-            13366: -68,32
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-            13370: -71,33
-            13371: -70,33
-            13382: -74,36
-            13383: -73,36
-            13384: -71,36
-            13385: -70,36
-            13386: -69,36
-            13387: -69,36
-            13388: -68,36
-            13389: -68,36
-            13390: -68,36
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+            13103: -71,33
+            13104: -70,33
+            13115: -74,36
+            13116: -73,36
+            13117: -71,36
+            13118: -70,36
+            13119: -69,36
+            13120: -69,36
+            13121: -68,36
+            13122: -68,36
+            13123: -68,36
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-            11211: -65,-9
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-            11213: -63,-9
-            11225: -62,-6
-            11255: -65,-6
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+            10944: -65,-9
+            10945: -64,-9
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-            9870: 6,-29
-            9871: 7,-29
-            9872: 8,-29
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+            11887: -59,-19
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+            10266: -38,-37
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-            1563: -42,69
-            1564: -41,69
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-            1566: -39,69
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-            1568: -45,66
-            1569: -44,66
-            1570: -43,66
-            1571: -41,66
-            1572: -49,67
-            1573: -48,67
-            1574: -40,67
-            1575: -39,67
-            1576: -40.00982,66.85305
-            1577: -39.016766,66.85305
-            1578: -48.000355,66.8438
-            1579: -48.995724,66.8438
-            1588: -46,66
-            1589: -42,66
-            1590: -46,67
-            1591: -42,67
+            1509: -49,69
+            1510: -48,69
+            1511: -47,69
+            1512: -46,69
+            1513: -45,69
+            1514: -44,69
+            1515: -43,69
+            1516: -42,69
+            1517: -41,69
+            1518: -40,69
+            1519: -39,69
+            1520: -47,66
+            1521: -45,66
+            1522: -44,66
+            1523: -43,66
+            1524: -41,66
+            1525: -49,67
+            1526: -48,67
+            1527: -40,67
+            1528: -39,67
+            1529: -40.00982,66.85305
+            1530: -39.016766,66.85305
+            1531: -48.000355,66.8438
+            1532: -48.995724,66.8438
+            1541: -46,66
+            1542: -42,66
+            1543: -46,67
+            1544: -42,67
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+            17774: -68,76
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-            13454: -78,32
-            13455: -77,32
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+            13186: -79,32
+            13187: -78,32
+            13188: -77,32
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+            13190: -76,32
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+            13184: -72.9162,34.61051
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-            2754: -6,-5
-            2755: -5,-5
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+            2707: -6,-5
+            2708: -5,-5
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-            4887: -11,62
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-            4889: -14,62
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-            4893: -17,61
-            4894: -22,61
-            4895: -21,61
-            4896: -20,61
-            4917: -16,58
-            4918: -15,58
-            4919: -14,58
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+            4677: -20,58
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+            4693: -15,62
+            4695: -16,61
+            4696: -17,61
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+            4721: -15,58
+            4722: -14,58
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+            4735: -18,61
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-            2030: -54,67
-            2031: -53,67
-            2032: -52,67
-            2033: -51,67
+            1983: -54,67
+            1984: -53,67
+            1985: -52,67
+            1986: -51,67
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-            10835: -56,-21
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-            1640: -40,74
-            1641: -48,74
-            1642: -47,74
-            1643: -46,74
-            1644: -45,74
-            1645: -44,74
-            1646: -43,74
-            1647: -42,74
-            1648: -41,74
+            1589: -51,73
+            1590: -50,73
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+            1592: -38,73
+            1593: -40,74
+            1594: -48,74
+            1595: -47,74
+            1596: -46,74
+            1597: -45,74
+            1598: -44,74
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+            1600: -42,74
+            1601: -41,74
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-            8932: -30,-61
-            8933: -29,-61
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-            9048: 14,-78
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+            8777: 7,-78
+            8778: 8,-78
+            8779: 12,-78
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-            7598: -9,-58
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-            7619: -14,-61
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-            6339: -2,-65
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-            3175: 9,-12
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-            2039: -52.194256,62.29929
+            1992: -52.194256,62.29929
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-            2040: -52.124813,62.55855
+            1993: -52.124813,62.55855
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+            10211: -27.028248,-71.46511
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@@ -26443,611 +26443,611 @@ entities:
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-            888: -20,-10
-            898: -22,-11
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-            938: -24,-10
-            939: -25,-10
-            940: -26,-10
-            941: -27,-10
-            962: -25,-6
-            963: -24,-6
-            965: -23,-6
-            966: -22,-6
-            981: -33,-8
-            990: -29,-6
-            991: -28,-6
-            992: -27,-6
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-            2169: -41,58
-            2170: -40,58
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-            2856: -71,8
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-            2900: -71,12
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-            3266: -12,39
-            3271: -2,57
-            3272: -1,57
-            3273: 0,57
-            3285: -10,39
-            3286: -9,39
-            3287: -7,39
-            3288: -6,39
-            3289: -5,39
-            3300: -4,35
-            3301: -5,35
-            3306: -5,33
-            3307: -4,33
-            3313: -7,32
-            3314: -6,32
-            3316: -7.0032015,31.851368
-            3317: -6.0032015,31.851368
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-            3420: -9,33
-            3422: -8,33
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-            4770: -93,50
-            4771: -90,47
-            4772: -91,47
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-            6465: -12,71
-            6466: -11,71
-            6468: 0,74
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-            6610: 27,24
-            6611: 28,24
-            6612: 29,24
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-            12916: -78,-14
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-            21148: -37,33
-            21149: -37,36
-            21176: -33,33
-            21177: -32,33
-            21178: -33,36
-            21179: -32,36
-            21291: -30,32
+            840: -21,-10
+            841: -20,-10
+            851: -22,-11
+            852: -19,-11
+            891: -24,-10
+            892: -25,-10
+            893: -26,-10
+            894: -27,-10
+            915: -25,-6
+            916: -24,-6
+            918: -23,-6
+            919: -22,-6
+            934: -33,-8
+            943: -29,-6
+            944: -28,-6
+            945: -27,-6
+            2006: -52.0244,65.542175
+            2114: -49,58
+            2115: -48,58
+            2116: -47,58
+            2117: -46,58
+            2118: -45,58
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+            2121: -42,58
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+            2808: -72,8
+            2809: -71,8
+            2810: -70,8
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+            2853: -71,12
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+            1994: -51.958145,62.910404
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+            10212: -26.606373,-71.80886
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-            18688: -40.8801,-52.187008
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+            18384: -48.481358,-47.872562
+            18385: -48.231358,-47.950687
+            18386: -48.059483,-48.185062
+            18387: -47.871983,-47.794437
+            18388: -48.450108,-47.700687
+            18389: -48.293858,-47.731937
+            18390: -47.325108,-47.763187
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+            18395: -48.325108,-48.106937
+            18396: -47.403233,-48.185062
+            18397: -47.731358,-48.200687
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+            18421: -40.8801,-52.187008
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+            18232: -70.1681,-60.80346
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+            18246: -69.76189,-70.33369
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+            18251: -70.51189,-70.63056
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+            18254: -69.82439,-70.61494
+            18255: -70.44939,-70.13056
+            18256: -69.94939,-70.34931
+            18257: -69.69939,-70.36494
+            18258: -70.12126,-70.48994
+            18259: -69.48064,-70.72431
+            18260: -69.24626,-70.89619
+            18261: -66.097466,-70.64619
+            18262: -66.253716,-70.16181
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+            18264: -65.95684,-71.05244
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+            18268: -65.98809,-70.72431
+            18269: -66.472466,-71.08369
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+            18272: -66.05059,-71.08369
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+            18294: -71.59245,-39.528683
+            18295: -71.34245,-39.325558
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+            18298: -70.73308,-39.388058
+            18299: -71.3737,-38.763058
+            18300: -71.5612,-38.684933
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+            18325: -69.9073,-27.740211
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+            18327: -70.61043,-27.755836
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+            18341: -69.5323,-22.149343
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+            18348: -67.905174,-25.92228
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+            18350: -58.027245,-40.917755
+            18351: -58.245995,-40.792755
+            18352: -58.714745,-40.699005
+            18353: -58.339745,-40.980255
+            18354: -57.723488,-46.82822
+            18355: -57.614113,-47.031345
+            18356: -57.129738,-47.23447
+            18357: -56.957863,-47.406345
+            18358: -56.926613,-48.23447
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+            18360: -56.723488,-47.32822
+            18361: -57.254738,-47.04697
+            18362: -56.723488,-47.031345
+            18363: -56.379738,-47.031345
+            18364: -56.207863,-46.70322
+            18365: -55.660988,-46.70322
+            18366: -55.395363,-46.89072
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+            18376: -57.426613,-46.968845
+            18377: -58.035988,-46.98447
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       dockedWith: 4115
@@ -47607,6 +47635,8 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-2.5
       parent: 56354
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking581457
       dockedWith: 23961
@@ -95537,6 +95567,46 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-3.5
       parent: 55142
+  - uid: 55531
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -35.5,-0.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55532
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 2.5,27.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55533
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 1.5,27.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55534
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 0.5,27.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55535
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 0.5,26.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55536
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 0.5,25.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55537
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 0.5,24.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55538
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 0.5,23.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 55947
     - type: Transform
@@ -148504,8 +148574,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       parent: 20107
-    - type: Magboots
-      toggleActionEntity: 44964
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: ActionsContainer
@@ -148519,8 +148587,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       parent: 16057
-    - type: Magboots
-      toggleActionEntity: 16058
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: ActionsContainer
@@ -148534,8 +148600,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       parent: 14015
-    - type: Magboots
-      toggleActionEntity: 11455
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: ActionsContainer
@@ -148549,8 +148613,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       parent: 14010
-    - type: Magboots
-      toggleActionEntity: 11454
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: ActionsContainer
@@ -149117,6 +149179,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.6258273,-62.38485
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 47276
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 6.4383698,-83.523964
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingUniformColorJumpskirtRainbow
   - uid: 30192
@@ -149219,6 +149286,13 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -42.443813,4.6148477
       parent: 2
+- proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtElegantMaid
+  entities:
+  - uid: 46314
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 6.4406767,-83.17929
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtHoS
   - uid: 19954
@@ -153651,16 +153725,6 @@ entities:
           ent: null
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: 'Поставка: Собаки Ke.'
-  - uid: 19275
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 28.5,-54.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 19276
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 26.5,-54.5
-      parent: 2
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     - type: Transform
@@ -153884,6 +153948,16 @@ entities:
           showEnts: False
           occludes: True
           ent: null
+  - uid: 4185
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 26.5,-54.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 5014
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 28.5,-54.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 15825
     - type: Transform
@@ -155272,7 +155346,7 @@ entities:
       pos: -12.5,61.5
       parent: 2
     - type: Door
-      secondsUntilStateChange: -368777.38
+      secondsUntilStateChange: -373247.8
       state: Closing
 - proto: CurtainsPurple
@@ -158856,6 +158930,12 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -60.5,38.5
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 55273
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -45.5,7.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DisposalJunction
   - uid: 22441
@@ -159114,6 +159194,12 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: DisposalJunctionFlipped
+  - uid: 6208
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -45.5,0.5
+      parent: 2
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     - type: Transform
@@ -162051,12 +162137,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 33475
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -45.5,0.5
-      parent: 2
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     - type: Transform
@@ -172097,6 +172177,48 @@ entities:
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -45.5,1.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55522
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -45.5,2.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55523
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -45.5,3.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55524
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -45.5,4.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55525
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -45.5,5.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55526
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -45.5,6.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55527
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -44.5,7.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55528
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -43.5,7.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DisposalPipeBroken
   - uid: 24197
@@ -172876,6 +172998,12 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 0.5,-15.5
       parent: 53899
+  - uid: 55272
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -42.5,7.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DisposalUnit
   - uid: 1864
@@ -173358,6 +173486,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-4.5
       parent: 53899
+  - uid: 55529
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -42.5,7.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: DisposalYJunction
   - uid: 19686
@@ -178920,28 +179053,33 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 32.5,-27.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 4185
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -41.5,-12.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 6466
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-      pos: 42.5,-15.5
+      pos: 42.5,-12.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 5014
+  - uid: 7642
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 76.5,3.5
+      pos: -32.5,-34.5
       parent: 2
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     - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -30.5,-22.5
+      pos: -0.5,-42.5
       parent: 2
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     - type: Transform
-      pos: 61.5,-40.5
+      pos: 72.5,-20.5
       parent: 2
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-      pos: 49.5,-31.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 85.5,-65.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 8988
@@ -178964,16 +179103,11 @@ entities:
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 58.5,-62.5
-      parent: 2
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 72.5,-20.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -74.5,-13.5
       parent: 2
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@@ -178983,8 +179117,8 @@ entities:
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -46.5,21.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -52.5,-62.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 12030
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-      pos: -43.5,-65.5
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+      pos: -33.5,-71.5
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-      pos: -55.5,-76.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -61.5,-66.5
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-      pos: -61.5,-66.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -55.5,-76.5
       parent: 2
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -46.5,-62.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 18578
+  - uid: 19275
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-      pos: -52.5,-62.5
+      pos: -78.5,-11.5
       parent: 2
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@@ -179032,20 +179169,34 @@ entities:
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+  - uid: 20539
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -72.5,-28.5
+      parent: 2
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-      pos: 85.5,-65.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 42.5,22.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 22112
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -49.5,56.5
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-      pos: -74.5,-17.5
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+      pos: -98.5,66.5
       parent: 2
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-      pos: -74.5,-13.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 58.5,-62.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 22265
@@ -179055,7 +179206,7 @@ entities:
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-      pos: -41.5,-12.5
+      pos: 44.5,-56.5
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@@ -179065,7 +179216,13 @@ entities:
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-      pos: -72.5,-28.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -1.5,-2.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 22603
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -4.5,52.5
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-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 2.5,35.5
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -4.5,52.5
+      pos: -6.5,-23.5
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-      pos: -49.5,56.5
+      pos: 26.5,-32.5
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 44.5,-56.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 23405
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 35.5,-62.5
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-      pos: -37.5,3.5
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+      pos: 8.5,-61.5
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@@ -179127,8 +179278,8 @@ entities:
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 47.5,2.5
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+      pos: -21.5,-56.5
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-      pos: -43.5,25.5
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+      pos: 4.5,-59.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 27709
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 35.5,-62.5
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+  - uid: 29520
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -1.5,-56.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 29522
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 76.5,3.5
+      parent: 2
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@@ -179166,17 +179335,48 @@ entities:
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+      pos: 49.5,-33.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 43160
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 52.5,-20.5
+      parent: 2
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 3.5,-23.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 43163
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -31.5,-63.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 43173
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -13.5,-62.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 45869
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 3.5,-23.5
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+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 45939
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -46.5,21.5
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@@ -179186,14 +179386,14 @@ entities:
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 24.5,-52.5
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -21.5,-56.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 35.5,56.5
       parent: 2
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@@ -179204,8 +179404,8 @@ entities:
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -13.5,-62.5
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+      pos: -5.5,8.5
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-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -1.5,-56.5
-      parent: 2
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     - type: Transform
@@ -179234,14 +179428,8 @@ entities:
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 8.5,-54.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 46321
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 8.5,-61.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -43.5,-65.5
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@@ -179254,23 +179442,12 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 46391
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
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-      pos: -0.5,-42.5
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 64.5,7.5
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 47171
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 26.5,-32.5
-      parent: 2
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-  - uid: 47231
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -6.5,-23.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 47276
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -33.5,-71.5
-      parent: 2
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     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -19.5,-68.5
+      pos: -30.5,-22.5
       parent: 2
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -32.5,-34.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 47286
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -31.5,-63.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 61.5,-40.5
       parent: 2
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@@ -179360,25 +179508,22 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 52447
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -5.5,8.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 52448
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-      pos: -1.5,-2.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 2.5,35.5
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-  - uid: 71346
+  - uid: 55549
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-      pos: 32.5,56.5
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+      pos: -52.5,32.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 71348
+  - uid: 55550
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-      pos: 42.5,22.5
+      pos: 47.5,2.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 71349
@@ -179387,14 +179532,19 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilledOpen
-  - uid: 45939
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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       parent: 2
 - proto: ExtinguisherCabinetOpen
+  - uid: 23405
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -68.5,-58.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 25182
     - type: Transform
@@ -179405,12 +179555,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 46386
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -68.5,-58.5
-      parent: 2
 - proto: FaxMachineBase
   - uid: 3285
@@ -181463,7 +181607,6 @@ entities:
       - 47738
       - 47498
       - 36110
-      - 43173
       - 43159
       - 50760
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@@ -191711,6 +191854,36 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
     - type: Fixtures
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+  - uid: 55539
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 40.5,-59.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: Fixtures
+      fixtures: {}
+  - uid: 55540
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 36.5,-57.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: Fixtures
+      fixtures: {}
+  - uid: 55541
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 13.5,-65.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: Fixtures
+      fixtures: {}
+  - uid: 55551
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 84.5,-23.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: Fixtures
+      fixtures: {}
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     - type: Transform
@@ -199349,6 +199522,13 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 84.5,-22.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -204074,14 +204254,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
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-  - uid: 43160
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -51.5,46.5
-      parent: 2
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF0000FF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -204090,22 +204262,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
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-  - uid: 43162
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -53.5,46.5
-      parent: 2
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 43163
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -54.5,46.5
-      parent: 2
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF0000FF'
   - uid: 43164
     - type: Transform
@@ -210707,6 +210863,14 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 46386
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
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+      pos: -53.5,46.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
   - uid: 46394
     - type: Transform
@@ -231361,6 +231525,34 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
+  - uid: 55546
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -51.5,47.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 55552
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -51.5,48.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 55553
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -51.5,49.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 55554
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -57.5,48.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
   - uid: 56196
     - type: Transform
@@ -234571,6 +234763,14 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0000FFFF'
+  - uid: 46321
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -51.5,46.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
   - uid: 46323
     - type: Transform
@@ -234632,6 +234832,14 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 46391
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -54.5,46.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
   - uid: 46392
     - type: Transform
@@ -236648,14 +236856,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
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-  - uid: 55119
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 84.5,-22.5
-      parent: 2
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF0000FF'
   - uid: 55401
     - type: Transform
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       parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 18578
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -51.5,50.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 50759
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
   - uid: 19261
     - type: Transform
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       - 51976
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       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 43173
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -57.5,48.5
-      parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceNetwork
-      deviceLists:
-      - 50759
-      - 51977
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-      color: '#FF0000FF'
   - uid: 43320
     - type: Transform
@@ -241481,6 +241680,16 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 47125
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -57.5,49.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 50759
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
   - uid: 47168
     - type: Transform
@@ -241578,6 +241787,17 @@ entities:
       - 50875
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       color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 47231
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 85.5,-22.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 51284
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
   - uid: 47270
     - type: Transform
@@ -243777,21 +243997,6 @@ entities:
       - 50568
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       color: '#FF0000FF'
-  - uid: 55108
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      anchored: False
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 84.5,-22.5
-      parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceNetwork
-      deviceLists:
-      - 51284
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF0000FF'
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: True
-      bodyType: Dynamic
   - uid: 55109
     - type: Transform
@@ -243852,6 +244057,16 @@ entities:
       - 50346
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       color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 55547
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -54.5,47.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 50759
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
   - uid: 56265
     - type: Transform
@@ -258222,6 +258437,8 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,4.5
       parent: 55142
+    - type: Thruster
+      thrust: 500
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     - type: Transform
@@ -260839,6 +261056,11 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+      parent: 2
 - proto: LightTubeBroken
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     - type: Transform
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-- proto: LogicGate
+- proto: LogicGateOr
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       parent: 2
 - proto: MousetrapArmed
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     - type: Transform
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+      parent: 2
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+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 55545
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -99.97787,-0.32102334
       parent: 2
 - proto: Multitool
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     - type: MetaData
-      desc: Работа? А может лучше похлюпать в дормах?
       name: Ko4erga
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 6.4655232,-83.21667
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       parent: 2
 - proto: PlushieAtmosian
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     - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 21.5,-74.5
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-  - uid: 29520
-    components:
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-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 21.5,-79.5
-      parent: 2
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   - uid: 14458
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+  - uid: 47286
+    components:
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+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 21.5,-79.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: RgbLightController
+  - uid: 52435
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 21.5,-74.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: RgbLightController
+  - uid: 52447
+    components:
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+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 29.5,-75.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: RgbLightController
+  - uid: 52448
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 27.5,-82.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: RgbLightController
 - proto: PoweredlightOrange
   - uid: 7947
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -15.5,61.5
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-  - uid: 22112
-    components:
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 29.5,-75.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 29522
-    components:
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-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 27.5,-82.5
-      parent: 2
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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       parent: 2
+  - uid: 47171
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 85.5,-22.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 52398
     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 55262
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 83.671486,-23.502651
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ShardGlassPlasma
   - uid: 11351
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     - type: Transform
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-- proto: SignAtmosMinsky
+- proto: SignAtmos
   - uid: 52023
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     - type: Transform
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-- proto: SignChemistry1
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-- proto: SignChemistry2
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       parent: 2
+  - uid: 54464
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -2.5,-8.5
+      parent: 53899
 - proto: SignCloning
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-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 73.5,-15.5
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-    components:
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-      pos: -82.5,68.5
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       parent: 2
-  - uid: 52359
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-      pos: -48.5,52.5
-      parent: 2
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       pos: -24.5,-48.5
       parent: 2
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       pos: -20.5,-48.5
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+  - uid: 52359
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 7.5,43.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SignLibrary
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     - type: Transform
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+- proto: SignMaterials
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+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 30106
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -82.5,68.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SignMedical
   - uid: 18869
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-- proto: SignScience2
-  entities:
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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-- proto: SignToxins2
+- proto: SignToxins
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     - type: Transform
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-- proto: SignXenolab
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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+      thrust: 250
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     - type: Thruster
-      thrust: 1000
+      thrust: 250
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Thruster
-      thrust: 1000
+      thrust: 250
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     - type: Transform
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       pos: -1.5,2.5
       parent: 55142
     - type: Thruster
-      thrust: 1000
+      thrust: 250
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     - type: Transform
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       pos: -1.5,-4.5
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-      thrust: 1000
+      thrust: 250
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Thruster
-      thrust: 1000
+      thrust: 250
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 29.5,-74.5
       parent: 2
+    missingComponents:
+    - AccessReader
 - proto: VendingMachineCargoDrobe
   - uid: 29777
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-  - uid: 22602
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-      pos: -39.5,-37.5
+      pos: -63.5,-13.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 22603
+  - uid: 22602
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -61.5,-13.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -39.5,-37.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 24458
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     - type: Transform
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       parent: 55142
+  - uid: 55556
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -0.5,-3.5
+      parent: 55142
+  - uid: 55557
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 1.5,-3.5
+      parent: 55142
+  - uid: 55558
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 1.5,5.5
+      parent: 55142
+    - type: Occluder
+      enabled: False
+  - uid: 55559
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -0.5,5.5
+      parent: 55142
+    - type: Occluder
+      enabled: False
   - uid: 55981
     - type: Transform
@@ -371487,23 +371756,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,2.5
       parent: 54730
-  - uid: 55262
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 1.5,-3.5
-      parent: 55142
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     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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       parent: 55142
-  - uid: 55264
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -0.5,-3.5
-      parent: 55142
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 55272
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
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-      pos: 1.5,5.5
-      parent: 55142
-  - uid: 55273
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -0.5,5.5
-      parent: 55142
-  - uid: 55274
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -0.5,5.5
-      parent: 55142
   - uid: 55275
     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 10889
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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       pos: 35.691612,50.378666
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 55555
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -42.757492,11.579634
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WelderIndustrialAdvanced
   - uid: 9313
@@ -391837,7 +392077,7 @@ entities:
         DoorStatus: True
     - type: Door
-      secondsUntilStateChange: -129847.55
+      secondsUntilStateChange: -134317.98
       state: Opening
   - uid: 21930
@@ -394792,18 +395032,6 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 83.5,-21.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 6208
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 83.5,-22.5
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-  - uid: 6209
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 83.5,-23.5
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     - type: Transform
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       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 9.5,-13.5
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 55264
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 83.5,-22.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WindowFrostedDirectional
   - uid: 4546
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/corvax_delta.yml b/Resources/Maps/corvax_delta.yml
index f83e3fe985e..2d0bd062da9 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/corvax_delta.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/corvax_delta.yml
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             color: '#DE3A3A96'
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-            792: 59,19
+            687: 59,19
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-            793: 60,19
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-            794: 61,19
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+            14788: 88,3
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         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: Bot
@@ -778,66 +778,66 @@ entities:
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-            17055: -77,2
-            17056: -75,0
-            17057: -73,3
-            17058: -65,1
-            17059: -71,-5
-            17060: -69,-5
-            17069: -60,14
-            17070: -58,16
-            17071: -67,15
-            17072: -72,13
-            17073: -77,12
-            17074: -79,14
-            17075: -77,8
-            17076: -72,9
-            17077: -73,3
-            17078: -77,2
-            17079: -75,0
-            17080: -80,0
-            17081: -80,-5
-            17082: -82,-3
-            17083: -62,-7
-            17084: -60,6
-            17085: -60,10
-            17086: -46,14
-            17087: -46,12
-            17161: -77,8
-            17162: -72,9
-            17163: -73,3
-            17164: -77,2
-            17165: -75,0
-            17166: -80,0
-            17359: 9,90
-            17360: 11,90
-            17749: -69,55
-            17761: -55,39
-            17762: -54,43
-            17763: -56,43
-            17764: -51,41
-            17765: -48,43
-            17766: -46,41
-            17767: -61,48
-            17768: -61,50
-            17769: -63,53
-            17770: -61,57
-            17771: -67,57
-            17772: -59,55
-            17773: -60,39
-            17774: -62,39
-            17775: -55,31
-            17776: -51,21
-            17976: -44,52
-            17977: -44,50
-            18010: -52,20
-            18400: -14,-11
-            18401: -10,-11
-            18437: 8,-11
-            18888: 57,3
-            18889: 59,3
-            18890: 61,3
-            18891: 63,3
-            18892: 65,3
-            18893: 67,3
-            18897: 57,6
-            18898: 59,6
-            18899: 61,6
-            18900: 63,6
-            18901: 65,6
-            18902: 67,6
-            18903: 68,7
-            18904: 70,7
-            18905: 70,8
-            18906: 68,8
-            19828: -48,-3
-            19913: -16,5
-            19914: -16,-2
-            19949: 37,39
-            19972: 71,26
-            20005: 62,27
-            20040: 40,-17
-            20041: 40,-17
-            21104: 75,-4
-            21134: 45,-8
-            21144: 51,-6
-            21163: 56,-2
-            21274: 21,23
-            24253: -29,-25
-            24259: -49,-28
-            24613: 33,-61
-            24614: 29,-61
-            24615: 27,-59
-            24616: 42,-62
-            24617: 37,-62
-            24618: 37,-70
-            24619: 40,-69
-            24620: 33,-68
-            24621: 41,-72
-            24622: 39,-72
+            1852: -8,30
+            1853: -8,33
+            1854: -4,30
+            1855: -8,27
+            1872: -9,25
+            2126: -14,48
+            2127: -14,50
+            2149: -25,41
+            2201: -28,30
+            2264: -31,29
+            2285: -30,39
+            2389: -9,45
+            2479: -5,37
+            2480: -1,42
+            2482: -1,40
+            2512: -1,55
+            2513: -2,51
+            2569: 3,49
+            2571: -12,51
+            2587: -6,51
+            2642: -1,48
+            2664: -4,47
+            2710: -30,44
+            2711: -32,44
+            2861: -36,49
+            2862: -38,44
+            3303: -1,61
+            3306: 2,59
+            3428: -14,77
+            3429: -16,77
+            3430: -10,77
+            3431: -8,77
+            3507: 4,77
+            3508: 2,77
+            3509: 4,84
+            3510: 2,84
+            3511: 6,86
+            3547: 6,66
+            3553: 4,64
+            3556: 4,60
+            3559: 5,91
+            3572: 10,83
+            3573: 13,78
+            3574: 12,73
+            3579: 10,89
+            3580: 12,87
+            3584: 5,93
+            3585: 10,91
+            3589: -22,55
+            3591: -25,66
+            3593: -25,63
+            3594: -25,61
+            3595: -25,59
+            3596: -28,59
+            3597: -30,66
+            3639: 4,57
+            3686: 9,68
+            3690: 13,67
+            3757: 24,66
+            3758: 16,66
+            3787: 7,58
+            3831: -31,59
+            3832: -38,58
+            3833: -38,58
+            3834: -38,58
+            3835: -36,58
+            3971: -21,20
+            4009: -25,18
+            4010: -21,20
+            4011: -21,17
+            4046: -10,12
+            4231: 1,29
+            4234: 4,32
+            4235: 9,32
+            4236: 11,28
+            4237: 11,30
+            4238: 13,33
+            4325: 15,33
+            4361: 10,38
+            4362: 5,38
+            4363: 10,41
+            4438: 12,45
+            4439: 12,43
+            4502: 19,24
+            4503: 21,25
+            4512: 28,31
+            4513: 23,36
+            4639: 28,39
+            4709: 33,51
+            4710: 33,49
+            4711: 39,51
+            4749: 10,55
+            4750: 17,55
+            4910: 39,52
+            4911: 39,48
+            4912: 33,48
+            4913: 33,52
+            4914: 39,49
+            4939: 31,29
+            4940: 35,29
+            4941: 37,30
+            4942: 35,33
+            5371: -17,4
+            5372: -17,-1
+            5428: -35,26
+            5477: -1,-7
+            5478: 8,-7
+            5486: 15,-4
+            5489: -11,6
+            5490: -15,4
+            5491: -14,-5
+            5500: 8,12
+            5531: 13,3
+            5546: 8,4
+            5559: 10,-1
+            5618: 12,-3
+            5647: -10,-7
+            6087: -4,-13
+            6088: 2,-13
+            6089: -4,-18
+            6090: -3,-16
+            6195: 8,-18
+            6196: 11,-16
+            6285: -21,-20
+            6387: -24,-10
+            6528: -31,1
+            6540: -24,-1
+            6541: -23,3
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+            6615: -17,-1
+            6617: -31,7
+            6618: -36,7
+            6623: -26,16
+            6647: -42,2
+            6739: -36,17
+            6792: -24,-19
+            6793: -24,-19
+            6895: 22,7
+            6914: 22,3
+            6915: 19,-3
+            6916: 22,-9
+            6963: 24,-8
+            7014: 32,1
+            7015: 35,3
+            7016: 36,-3
+            7017: 24,-2
+            7020: 30,3
+            7126: 29,7
+            7187: 33,6
+            7188: 33,4
+            7189: 36,7
+            7190: 36,10
+            7191: 38,6
+            7192: 38,4
+            7213: 45,8
+            7214: 40,10
+            7215: 45,12
+            7216: 40,2
+            7217: 45,0
+            7218: 36,10
+            7313: 49,4
+            7316: 49,8
+            7319: 53,10
+            7331: 47,14
+            7332: 51,14
+            7344: 49,16
+            7357: 37,20
+            7358: 44,20
+            7359: 52,20
+            7360: 57,20
+            7361: 55,17
+            7362: 60,25
+            7393: 49,12
+            7399: 75,24
+            7400: 75,26
+            7401: 73,20
+            7402: 71,18
+            7403: 71,13
+            7404: 71,6
+            7405: 73,4
+            7406: 75,9
+            7407: 79,9
+            7408: 83,11
+            7409: 94,17
+            7410: 94,21
+            7411: 90,21
+            7412: 92,27
+            7413: 92,24
+            7414: 83,11
+            7415: 73,4
+            7416: 72,-4
+            7417: 72,-4
+            7418: 69,-2
+            7419: 69,-2
+            7420: 64,-4
+            7421: 64,-4
+            7422: 61,-2
+            7423: 65,-2
+            7424: 52,-2
+            7425: 47,-2
+            7426: 47,-2
+            7461: 58,2
+            7462: 62,2
+            7463: 66,2
+            7464: 62,10
+            7465: 61,12
+            7466: 71,6
+            7485: 71,18
+            7486: 71,13
+            7491: 73,20
+            7611: 68,-1
+            7612: 68,1
+            7613: 71,-1
+            7614: 71,1
+            7796: 64,-19
+            7797: 66,-19
+            7798: 66,-22
+            7799: 64,-22
+            7800: 76,-22
+            7801: 76,-19
+            7802: 78,-19
+            7803: 78,-22
+            7804: 82,-22
+            7805: 82,-19
+            7854: 54,-21
+            7855: 54,-19
+            7856: 54,-11
+            7919: 23,-15
+            7920: 25,-13
+            7921: 32,-16
+            7922: 27,-17
+            7923: 29,-17
+            7924: 31,-17
+            7979: 25,-19
+            7986: 32,-12
+            7987: 32,-10
+            7988: 32,-10
+            8047: 33,-6
+            8051: 42,-8
+            8052: 39,-18
+            8053: 41,-18
+            8054: 41,-18
+            8055: 42,-19
+            8056: 42,-21
+            8059: 44,-22
+            8060: 48,-22
+            8061: 52,-22
+            8112: 40,-17
+            8190: 46,-13
+            8231: 52,-18
+            8401: 54,-29
+            9350: 2,-35
+            9351: 5,-29
+            9352: 11,-29
+            9353: 15,-31
+            9416: 9,-36
+            9417: 9,-34
+            9418: 5,-37
+            9423: 1,-39
+            9496: 15,-35
+            9520: 21,-33
+            9521: 29,-33
+            9522: 36,-33
+            9523: 33,-23
+            9524: 29,-28
+            9525: 23,-29
+            9526: 29,-40
+            9527: 25,-44
+            9528: 29,-44
+            9529: 29,-50
+            9530: 19,-44
+            9531: 22,-50
+            9532: 17,-48
+            9535: 27,-54
+            9683: 15,-44
+            9725: 39,-35
+            9730: 37,-43
+            9858: 35,-26
+            9859: 37,-27
+            9860: 37,-25
+            9938: 31,-54
+            10077: 4,-42
+            10078: 1,-44
+            10079: 9,-42
+            10080: 4,-48
+            10081: 1,-51
+            10082: 10,-54
+            10083: 8,-56
+            10084: 2,-55
+            10085: 12,-56
+            10086: 10,-57
+            10087: 7,-57
+            10088: 13,-47
+            10089: 17,-54
+            10261: 25,-56
+            10262: 29,-56
+            10287: 2,-60
+            10288: 2,-60
+            10289: 5,-63
+            10290: 5,-63
+            10302: 5,-73
+            10303: 5,-73
+            10304: 7,-75
+            10305: 5,-79
+            10306: 4,-87
+            10307: 4,-83
+            10308: 7,-77
+            10309: 7,-65
+            10418: 76,-45
+            10419: 73,-41
+            10420: 68,-41
+            10421: 73,-48
+            10422: 71,-50
+            10584: 39,-72
+            10585: 41,-72
+            10586: 41,-72
+            10618: -61,-43
+            10619: -59,-33
+            10620: -59,-40
+            10621: -47,-46
+            10622: -47,-42
+            10734: -11,-83
+            10735: -11,-79
+            10736: -6,-83
+            10737: -4,-83
+            10738: -4,-83
+            10739: 2,-87
+            10740: -4,-87
+            10741: -6,-87
+            10745: 2,-83
+            10788: -24,-63
+            10789: -23,-71
+            10790: -23,-77
+            10791: -23,-79
+            10792: -21,-77
+            10793: -18,-78
+            10794: -12,-78
+            10795: -14,-77
+            10796: -19,-81
+            10797: -10,-63
+            10802: -34,-51
+            10803: -36,-53
+            10804: -34,-55
+            10805: -32,-53
+            10806: -3,-48
+            10814: -4,-35
+            10816: -6,-29
+            10820: -15,-29
+            10821: -13,-29
+            11056: -11,-35
+            11057: -11,-34
+            11058: -13,-33
+            11059: -15,-33
+            11109: -7,-37
+            11110: -6,-45
+            11111: -12,-50
+            11112: -20,-52
+            11113: -18,-51
+            11114: -6,-54
+            11115: -4,-56
+            11116: -16,-55
+            11121: -19,-45
+            11122: -19,-45
+            11123: -16,-40
+            11124: -34,-25
+            11125: -38,-25
+            11126: -42,-25
+            11127: -42,-31
+            11128: -38,-31
+            11129: -34,-31
+            11130: -46,-24
+            11131: -48,-23
+            11132: -48,-23
+            11133: -35,-37
+            11134: -35,-37
+            11135: -42,-37
+            11136: -42,-37
+            11137: -45,-35
+            11138: -29,-37
+            11139: -29,-37
+            11140: -31,-39
+            11141: -29,-43
+            11142: -29,-43
+            11143: -24,-37
+            11144: -12,-41
+            11220: -12,-59
+            11221: -24,-43
+            11222: -24,-49
+            11281: -36,-45
+            11282: -36,-40
+            11328: -25,-24
+            11329: -23,-23
+            11330: -21,-26
+            11331: -17,-24
+            11332: -21,-31
+            11621: -17,-64
+            11622: -4,-60
+            11936: -37,27
+            11978: -45,9
+            11980: -45,18
+            12090: -45,9
+            12092: -44,23
+            12268: 52,-37
+            12334: -37,-59
+            12335: -37,-64
+            12336: -35,-66
+            12337: -41,-64
+            12348: -30,-61
+            12543: -33,-72
+            13366: -46,12
+            13367: -46,14
+            14328: -49,9
+            14329: -48,7
+            14338: -42,2
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+            14541: 92,8
+            14542: 94,10
+            14543: 78,3
+            14544: 81,-1
+            14545: 85,-1
+            14546: 89,-1
+            14552: 96,-3
+            14858: 94,13
+            15125: -61,-48
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+            15650: -56,-9
+            15651: -56,-7
+            15674: -58,-11
+            15680: -56,-19
+            15681: -54,-19
+            15684: -60,-17
+            15685: -62,-17
+            15731: -58,-5
+            15736: -48,1
+            15737: -49,3
+            15801: -56,-7
+            15802: -56,-9
+            15803: -62,-7
+            15893: -62,1
+            15894: -65,1
+            15954: -62,-7
+            16037: -51,-15
+            16068: -61,-18
+            16097: -60,14
+            16098: -67,15
+            16099: -72,13
+            16100: -72,9
+            16101: -79,14
+            16102: -77,8
+            16103: -83,14
+            16104: -77,2
+            16105: -75,0
+            16106: -73,3
+            16107: -65,1
+            16108: -71,-5
+            16109: -69,-5
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+            16119: -58,16
+            16120: -67,15
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+            16122: -77,12
+            16123: -79,14
+            16124: -77,8
+            16125: -72,9
+            16126: -73,3
+            16127: -77,2
+            16128: -75,0
+            16129: -80,0
+            16130: -80,-5
+            16131: -82,-3
+            16132: -62,-7
+            16133: -60,6
+            16134: -60,10
+            16135: -46,14
+            16136: -46,12
+            16210: -77,8
+            16211: -72,9
+            16212: -73,3
+            16213: -77,2
+            16214: -75,0
+            16215: -80,0
+            16408: 9,90
+            16409: 11,90
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+            16810: -55,39
+            16811: -54,43
+            16812: -56,43
+            16813: -51,41
+            16814: -48,43
+            16815: -46,41
+            16816: -61,48
+            16817: -61,50
+            16818: -63,53
+            16819: -61,57
+            16820: -67,57
+            16821: -59,55
+            16822: -60,39
+            16823: -62,39
+            16824: -55,31
+            16825: -51,21
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+            17450: -10,-11
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+            17937: 67,3
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+            17942: 59,6
+            17943: 61,6
+            17944: 63,6
+            17945: 65,6
+            17946: 67,6
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+            17948: 70,7
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+            19047: 40,-17
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+            23614: 29,-61
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+            23616: 42,-62
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-            9038: 14,-27
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+            7271: 48,12
+            7272: 48,12
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+            7289: 52,-1
+            7290: 65,-1
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+            7341: 47,22
+            7342: 48,16
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+            11860: -23,-76
+            11875: -23,-70
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+            14614: 77,1
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+            14870: 95,13
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+            15832: -53,-9
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+            17319: -67,-7
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+            4024: -17,15
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+            4030: -14,14
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+            4102: -13,15
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-            24307: -44,-27
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-            24362: -26,-30
-            24363: -26,-29
-            24364: -26,-28
-            24365: -26,-27
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+            23310: -44,-28
+            23311: -44,-27
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+            23313: -32,-28
+            23314: -32,-27
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+            23366: -26,-30
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-            7383: 49,0
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-            7394: 45,12
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-            7537: 48,23
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-            10478: 3,-75
-            10479: 3,-76
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-            10484: 7,-77
-            10486: 7,-65
-            10487: 7,-65
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-            15485: 74,0
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-            18939: 74,7
-            18940: 74,8
-            18941: 74,10
-            18942: 74,11
-            18943: 74,13
-            18944: 74,12
-            18945: 74,14
-            18946: 74,15
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-            18948: 74,16
-            18949: 74,18
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-            19012: 38,6
-            19021: 41,0
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-            19075: 47,20
-            19078: 48,17
-            19079: 48,18
-            19080: 59,22
-            19081: 59,23
-            19082: 59,24
-            19088: 59,28
-            19089: 59,27
-            19090: 59,26
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-            19110: 54,18
-            19113: 57,17
-            19116: 57,18
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-            19270: 68,1
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-            19304: -18,-26
-            19305: -18,-27
-            19308: -21,-26
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-            19498: 51,26
-            19499: 51,26
-            19500: 51,25
-            19501: 51,24
-            19502: 51,23
-            19503: 51,22
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-            19513: 54,26
-            19514: 54,26
-            19515: 54,25
-            19516: 54,24
-            19517: 54,23
-            19518: 54,22
-            19526: 59,31
-            19527: 59,30
-            19528: 59,30
-            19529: 59,29
-            19541: 50,29
-            19542: 50,30
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+            3566: -1,61
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+            7231: 49,0
+            7232: 49,1
+            7239: 45,8
+            7242: 45,12
+            7251: 45,0
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+            7318: 49,8
+            7356: 49,16
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+            7385: 48,23
+            7386: 48,23
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+            10316: 3,-75
+            10317: 3,-76
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+            10324: 7,-65
+            10325: 7,-65
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+            18559: 54,25
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-            2025: -16,29
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-            2027: -16,31
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-            2035: -15,34
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-            2041: -18,32
-            2042: -18,31
-            2043: -18,29
-            2044: -18,28
-            2045: -18,27
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-            2675: 4,51
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-            3144: -8,63
-            3145: -8,62
-            3146: -8,61
-            3197: -22,61
-            3198: -22,62
-            3199: -22,63
-            3200: -22,64
-            3201: -2,64
-            3202: -2,63
-            3203: -2,62
-            3205: -3,60
-            3206: -3,65
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-            3945: 18,61
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-            5237: -28,90
-            5238: -28,90
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-            5245: -32,90
-            5246: -32,90
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-            5316: -14,90
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-            5324: -10,90
-            5325: -10,89
-            5334: -14,80
-            5335: -14,81
-            5338: -10,80
-            5339: -10,81
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-            5346: 4,81
-            5347: 4,81
-            5348: 4,82
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-            5823: -9,-5
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-            5981: -1,-4
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-            6055: -10,-14
-            6056: -10,-13
-            6057: -14,-15
-            6058: -14,-14
-            6059: -14,-13
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-            6564: -22,-7
-            6565: -22,-6
-            6566: -22,-6
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-            6612: -25,-7
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-            6827: -33,13
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-            6830: -33,14
-            6831: -33,14
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-            6842: -39,11
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-            6844: -39,12
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-            6846: -39,13
-            6847: -39,13
-            6848: -39,13
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-            6850: -39,14
-            6851: -39,15
-            6852: -39,15
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-            7076: 26,-11
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-            7209: 23,0
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-            7211: 23,-3
-            7212: 23,-4
-            7213: 23,-5
-            7214: 23,-6
-            7215: 23,-7
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-            7266: 36,0
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-            7319: 33,10
-            7353: 33,4
-            7354: 33,6
-            7378: 49,0
-            7387: 37,5
-            7703: 43,19
-            7704: 43,21
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-            8187: 42,-15
-            8188: 42,-11
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-            8493: 56,-19
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-            8495: 56,-22
-            8496: 56,-23
-            8497: 56,-23
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-            8516: 53,-25
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-            8594: 65,-30
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-            8984: 5,-23
-            8985: -13,-23
-            8987: -6,-23
-            8988: -5,-27
-            8989: -5,-28
-            8997: -13,-28
-            9055: 5,-28
-            9085: -7,-70
-            9086: -7,-70
-            9087: -2,-70
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-            9118: -1,-73
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-            10356: 12,-51
-            10357: 12,-50
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-            10411: 14,-60
-            10412: 14,-61
-            10415: 12,-59
-            10416: 12,-60
-            10417: 12,-61
-            10418: 12,-60
-            10419: 12,-61
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-            10609: 82,-45
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-            10630: 74,-38
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-            10697: 53,-54
-            10698: 53,-53
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-            10720: 43,-56
-            10721: 43,-55
-            10722: 43,-50
-            10723: 43,-50
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-            11232: -74,-35
-            11458: -21,-35
-            12264: -21,-47
-            12294: -17,-68
-            12295: -17,-69
-            12296: -17,-70
-            12297: -17,-71
-            12298: -17,-72
-            12299: -17,-73
-            12329: -15,-75
-            12330: -15,-76
-            12363: -13,-80
-            12364: -13,-81
-            12375: -21,-81
-            12379: -22,-67
-            12380: -22,-66
-            12460: -18,-78
-            12474: -17,-79
-            12475: -17,-80
-            12476: -17,-81
-            12483: -19,-81
-            12492: -24,-81
-            12493: -23,-78
-            12502: -23,-76
-            12503: -23,-75
-            12504: -23,-74
-            12505: -23,-73
-            12506: -23,-73
-            12507: -23,-72
-            12508: -23,-70
-            12509: -23,-69
-            12510: -23,-68
-            12511: -23,-65
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-            12615: -38,28
-            12782: -19,-81
-            13291: -38,-67
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-            13461: -29,-77
-            13462: -29,-78
-            13472: -36,-78
-            13475: -31,-78
-            13476: -31,-77
-            13477: -31,-80
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-            14381: -8,23
-            14382: 6,23
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-            15413: 57,-10
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-            15425: 60,-27
-            15426: 60,-14
-            15427: 58,-14
-            15538: 76,1
-            15539: 80,1
-            15554: 85,1
-            15621: 100,-3
-            15648: 92,2
-            15765: 81,-2
-            15766: 81,-3
-            15767: 81,-4
-            15779: 85,-2
-            15780: 85,-3
-            15781: 85,-4
-            15782: 89,-2
-            15783: 89,-3
-            15784: 89,-4
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-            15818: 96,13
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-            16659: -54,-12
-            16660: -54,-13
-            16661: -54,-14
-            16662: -54,-15
-            16663: -54,-9
-            16664: -54,-8
-            16665: -54,-7
-            16666: -59,1
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-            16715: -51,5
-            16716: -54,5
-            17032: -46,-17
-            17033: -46,-16
-            17034: -46,-15
-            17035: -46,-14
-            17036: -46,-13
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-            17301: -74,-7
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-            17623: -76,5
-            17624: -76,4
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-            17628: -79,5
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-            17653: -78,10
-            17654: -76,10
-            17983: -44,47
-            17990: -57,33
-            17991: -53,33
-            17992: -53,34
-            17993: -53,35
-            17994: -53,36
-            17995: -53,37
-            18009: -55,21
-            18021: -52,24
-            18022: -52,23
-            18056: -57,6
-            18093: -54,-4
-            18094: -54,-3
-            18095: -54,-2
-            18096: -54,-1
-            18257: -73,-7
-            18258: -68,-7
-            18259: -61,-8
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-            18361: -16,-15
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-            18924: 59,8
-            18925: 63,8
-            18926: 61,8
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-            19425: -9,26
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-            19430: -9,29
-            19432: -9,31
-            19433: -9,32
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-            21273: 19,15
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-            21278: 23,15
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-            21300: 26,14
-            21301: 26,15
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-            21328: 25,15
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+            1858: -9,29
+            1859: -9,31
+            1860: -9,32
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+            1904: -15,33
+            1905: -16,30
+            1906: -16,29
+            1907: -16,30
+            1908: -16,31
+            1913: -18,26
+            1916: -15,34
+            1920: -18,34
+            1921: -18,33
+            1922: -18,32
+            1923: -18,31
+            1924: -18,29
+            1925: -18,28
+            1926: -18,27
+            1927: -18,30
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+            2212: -28,34
+            2213: -28,35
+            2214: -28,36
+            2215: -28,37
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+            2298: -10,37
+            2299: -10,38
+            2394: -9,40
+            2395: -9,41
+            2396: -9,42
+            2414: -9,39
+            2415: -9,40
+            2416: -9,41
+            2417: -9,42
+            2418: -9,43
+            2421: -7,45
+            2422: -7,44
+            2423: -7,44
+            2428: -6,38
+            2429: -6,39
+            2430: -6,40
+            2431: -6,41
+            2432: -6,42
+            2433: -9,45
+            2485: -5,37
+            2492: -2,37
+            2493: -2,38
+            2494: -2,39
+            2550: 4,53
+            2551: 4,52
+            2552: 4,51
+            2567: -2,51
+            2591: -5,53
+            3015: -16,61
+            3016: -16,62
+            3017: -16,63
+            3018: -16,64
+            3019: -8,64
+            3020: -8,63
+            3021: -8,62
+            3022: -8,61
+            3071: -22,61
+            3072: -22,62
+            3073: -22,63
+            3074: -22,64
+            3075: -2,64
+            3076: -2,63
+            3077: -2,62
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+            3080: -3,65
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+            3809: 17,62
+            3812: 18,61
+            3851: -40,62
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+            5086: -28,91
+            5087: -28,90
+            5088: -28,90
+            5089: -28,89
+            5090: -28,81
+            5091: -28,80
+            5092: -32,80
+            5093: -32,81
+            5094: -32,89
+            5095: -32,90
+            5096: -32,90
+            5097: -32,91
+            5163: -14,91
+            5164: -14,90
+            5165: -14,89
+            5171: -10,91
+            5172: -10,90
+            5173: -10,89
+            5182: -14,80
+            5183: -14,81
+            5186: -10,80
+            5187: -10,81
+            5193: 4,80
+            5194: 4,81
+            5195: 4,81
+            5196: 4,82
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+            5495: -7,9
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+            5566: 11,2
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+            5671: -9,-5
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+            5820: -1,5
+            5821: -1,4
+            5822: -1,2
+            5823: -1,1
+            5824: -1,1
+            5825: -1,0
+            5826: -1,-2
+            5827: -1,-3
+            5828: -1,-4
+            5829: -1,-4
+            5830: -1,-6
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+            5863: -8,-16
+            5899: -12,-15
+            5900: -12,-14
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+            5902: -10,-15
+            5903: -10,-14
+            5904: -10,-13
+            5905: -14,-15
+            5906: -14,-14
+            5907: -14,-13
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+            6011: 1,-20
+            6012: 15,-20
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+            6411: -22,-7
+            6412: -22,-7
+            6413: -22,-6
+            6414: -22,-6
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+            6460: -25,-7
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+            6669: -33,10
+            6670: -33,11
+            6671: -33,11
+            6672: -33,12
+            6673: -33,12
+            6674: -33,13
+            6675: -33,13
+            6676: -33,13
+            6677: -33,15
+            6678: -33,14
+            6679: -33,14
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+            6689: -39,11
+            6690: -39,11
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+            6692: -39,12
+            6693: -39,13
+            6694: -39,13
+            6695: -39,13
+            6696: -39,13
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+            6698: -39,14
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+            7057: 23,0
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+            7062: 23,-6
+            7063: 23,-7
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+            7167: 33,10
+            7201: 33,4
+            7202: 33,6
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+            8033: 42,-15
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+            8336: 56,-19
+            8337: 56,-22
+            8338: 56,-22
+            8339: 56,-23
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+            8357: 53,-24
+            8358: 53,-25
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+            8822: 5,-23
+            8823: -13,-23
+            8825: -6,-23
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+            8827: -5,-28
+            8835: -13,-28
+            8893: 5,-28
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+            8924: -7,-70
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+            8955: -1,-73
+            8956: -1,-73
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+            10194: 12,-51
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+            10249: 14,-60
+            10250: 14,-61
+            10253: 12,-59
+            10254: 12,-60
+            10255: 12,-61
+            10256: 12,-60
+            10257: 12,-61
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+            10447: 82,-45
+            10448: 82,-46
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+            10468: 74,-38
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+            10535: 53,-54
+            10536: 53,-53
+            10542: 45,-52
+            10543: 45,-53
+            10544: 45,-54
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+            10558: 43,-56
+            10559: 43,-55
+            10560: 43,-50
+            10561: 43,-50
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+            10729: -74,-35
+            10955: -21,-35
+            11602: -21,-47
+            11632: -17,-68
+            11633: -17,-69
+            11634: -17,-70
+            11635: -17,-71
+            11636: -17,-72
+            11637: -17,-73
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+            11668: -15,-76
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+            11813: -17,-80
+            11814: -17,-81
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+            11840: -23,-76
+            11841: -23,-75
+            11842: -23,-74
+            11843: -23,-73
+            11844: -23,-73
+            11845: -23,-72
+            11846: -23,-70
+            11847: -23,-69
+            11848: -23,-68
+            11849: -23,-65
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+            11933: -38,28
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+            12518: -29,-78
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+            12532: -31,-77
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+            14474: 60,-27
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+            14829: 85,-3
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+            17040: -53,33
+            17041: -53,34
+            17042: -53,35
+            17043: -53,36
+            17044: -53,37
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+            17071: -52,23
+            17105: -57,6
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+            17143: -54,-3
+            17144: -54,-2
+            17145: -54,-1
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+            20334: 25,15
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+            4093: 8,13
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-            19197: 54,13
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-            19272: 70,1
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-            19302: -18,-24
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-            17496: -63,11
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-            18159: -70,1
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+            16521: -64,4
+            16522: -63,4
+            16523: -62,4
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-            2467: -12,46
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-            3935: 15,62
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-            3948: 20,60
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-            5557: -32,25
-            5593: -13,59
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-            5597: -12,66
-            5598: -11,66
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-            7351: 35,6
-            7352: 37,6
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-            7670: 40,22
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-            7673: 42,22
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-            8733: -1,-37
-            8734: -1,-57
-            8735: -1,-63
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-            8962: -4,-24
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-            12362: -14,-79
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-            12724: -20,59
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-            12726: -19,66
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-            18254: -70,-8
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-            18296: -52,-36
-            18297: -51,-36
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-            20021: 65,30
-            20022: 65,30
-            20023: 67,30
-            20024: 67,30
-            20025: 66,30
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-            20036: 64,27
-            20037: 65,27
-            20038: 66,27
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+            3723: 21,72
+            3724: 22,72
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+            5405: -32,25
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+            5443: -11,59
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+            8322: 59,-24
+            8323: 59,-24
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+            8325: 60,-24
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+            9247: -4,-68
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+            10243: 12,-58
+            10244: 12,-58
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+            11653: -20,-66
+            11654: -19,-66
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+            11657: -15,-66
+            11658: -14,-66
+            11659: -13,-66
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+            11661: -16,-74
+            11662: -18,-74
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+            11679: -21,-76
+            11680: -20,-76
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+            11682: -13,-76
+            11685: -20,-65
+            11686: -19,-65
+            11687: -18,-65
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+            11689: -15,-65
+            11690: -14,-65
+            11699: -15,-79
+            11700: -14,-79
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+            11716: -21,-66
+            11799: -21,-77
+            11800: -17,-78
+            11801: -16,-78
+            11802: -15,-78
+            11804: -13,-78
+            11835: -23,-79
+            11837: -23,-77
+            11856: -23,-71
+            12003: -30,70
+            12004: -12,70
+            12005: -20,66
+            12006: -19,66
+            12007: -18,66
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+            12010: -4,66
+            12011: 6,70
+            12036: -6,59
+            12037: -4,59
+            12038: -18,59
+            12039: -19,59
+            12040: -20,59
+            12041: -20,66
+            12042: -19,66
+            12339: -40,-66
+            12340: -39,-66
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+            12511: -35,-73
+            12512: -34,-73
+            12513: -32,-73
+            12514: -31,-73
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+            12545: -34,-77
+            12548: -32,-77
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+            13378: -59,20
+            13379: -58,20
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+            13404: -64,13
+            13405: -64,13
+            13406: -63,13
+            13407: -62,13
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+            13443: 17,21
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+            14454: 59,-11
+            14455: 60,-11
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+            14579: 78,0
+            14580: 79,0
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+            14582: 83,0
+            14583: 84,0
+            14584: 86,0
+            14585: 87,0
+            14586: 88,0
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+            14872: 96,14
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+            14998: 90,9
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+            15745: -46,6
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+            16072: -47,-18
+            16073: -48,-12
+            16074: -47,-12
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+            16664: -81,13
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+            17069: -53,25
+            17141: -57,0
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+            17294: -59,-9
+            17295: -58,-9
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+            17297: -66,-8
+            17298: -65,-8
+            17299: -65,-8
+            17300: -64,-8
+            17301: -69,-8
+            17302: -69,-8
+            17303: -70,-8
+            17304: -71,-8
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+            17345: -52,-36
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+            19017: 66,27
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+            19025: 63,30
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+            19027: 65,30
+            19028: 65,30
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+            19031: 66,30
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+            19042: 64,27
+            19043: 65,27
+            19044: 66,27
+            19045: 67,27
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-            18958: 53,-1
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-            19246: 52,3
-            19247: 53,3
-            19248: 54,3
-            19249: 54,3
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-            19486: 53,28
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-            19496: 56,28
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+            7433: 52,-5
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-            5591: -11,59
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-            8199: 35,-7
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-            12290: -14,-67
-            12291: -15,-67
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-            12312: -19,-67
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-            12368: -14,-82
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-            12682: -18,66
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-            12714: -18,59
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-            13469: -32,-76
-            13470: -33,-76
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-            13500: -33,-79
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-            14319: -59,20
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-            14343: -64,13
-            14344: -64,13
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-            15798: 84,-5
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-            16643: -56,-16
-            16644: -55,-16
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-            16704: -46,4
-            16854: -58,3
-            16855: -57,3
-            16858: -58,2
-            17027: -48,-12
-            17028: -47,-12
-            17029: -48,-18
-            17030: -47,-18
-            17067: -70,-9
-            17303: -70,-9
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-            17613: -81,15
-            18015: -54,25
-            18016: -53,25
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-            18233: -71,-6
-            18234: -70,-6
-            18235: -69,-6
-            18236: -67,-6
-            18237: -66,-6
-            18238: -65,-6
-            18239: -64,-6
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-            18241: -59,-7
-            18242: -59,-7
-            18243: -58,-7
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-            18288: -51,-38
-            18289: -51,-38
-            18290: -50,-38
-            18291: -49,-38
-            18292: -49,-38
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-            18474: 13,-14
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-            20009: 66,27
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-            21296: 24,12
-            21297: 25,12
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+            1915: -16,35
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+            2165: -15,35
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+            2348: -14,36
+            2349: -13,36
+            2350: -13,36
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+            2352: -11,36
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+            3717: 20,72
+            3718: 21,72
+            3719: 22,72
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+            3744: 21,68
+            3745: 22,68
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+            3754: 22,65
+            3755: 18,65
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+            4509: 21,25
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+            5403: -32,25
+            5434: -13,66
+            5435: -12,66
+            5436: -11,66
+            5437: -13,59
+            5438: -12,59
+            5439: -11,59
+            5440: -11,59
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+            5550: 10,5
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+            5591: 8,4
+            5666: -12,-6
+            5667: -11,-6
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+            5741: -10,-2
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+            5777: -1,12
+            5778: -1,12
+            5779: 0,12
+            5923: -12,-18
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+            5973: 17,7
+            6018: -19,-22
+            6149: 17,-22
+            6218: 19,-14
+            6222: 13,-18
+            6396: -25,-9
+            6397: -23,-9
+            6398: -23,-9
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+            6456: -24,-6
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+            7162: 30,8
+            7163: 31,8
+            7164: 32,8
+            7195: 34,4
+            7196: 36,4
+            7197: 37,4
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+            7526: 41,18
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+            10191: 9,-53
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+            10959: -14,-37
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+            11628: -14,-67
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+            11809: -14,-78
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+            11838: -23,-77
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+            12523: -34,-76
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+            15698: -57,2
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+            16079: -47,-18
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+            17288: -64,-6
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+            17291: -59,-7
+            17292: -58,-7
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+            17337: -51,-38
+            17338: -51,-38
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-            5333: -14,81
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-            6861: -39,14
-            6862: -39,15
-            6863: -39,16
-            7020: 19,5
-            7034: 26,5
-            7073: 19,-11
-            7074: 26,-11
-            7218: 20,1
-            7219: 20,0
-            7220: 20,-1
-            7221: 20,-2
-            7222: 20,-4
-            7223: 20,-5
-            7224: 20,-6
-            7225: 20,-7
-            7238: 24,-8
-            7239: 24,-2
-            7265: 34,0
-            7280: 28,9
-            7306: 29,8
-            7307: 29,9
-            7308: 29,10
-            7355: 34,5
-            7362: 38,6
-            7363: 38,4
-            7377: 49,0
-            7681: 39,19
-            7682: 39,20
-            7683: 39,21
-            7684: 39,21
-            7685: 34,20
-            7698: 37,20
-            7699: 37,20
-            7700: 44,20
-            8183: 42,-11
-            8184: 42,-15
-            8185: 42,-15
-            8467: 57,-20
-            8468: 57,-21
-            8484: 62,-23
-            8485: 62,-23
-            8486: 62,-22
-            8487: 62,-22
-            8488: 62,-20
-            8489: 62,-19
-            8490: 62,-18
-            8491: 62,-21
-            8511: 51,-24
-            8512: 51,-24
-            8513: 51,-25
-            8591: 64,-30
-            8592: 64,-11
-            8973: -7,-23
-            8974: -14,-23
-            8975: -15,-28
-            8976: -15,-27
-            8977: -7,-28
-            8978: 11,-23
-            8979: 4,-23
-            8980: 3,-28
-            8981: 3,-27
-            9069: 3,-28
-            9083: -7,-70
-            9084: -2,-70
-            9113: -8,-73
-            9114: -1,-73
-            9115: -1,-73
-            9648: 19,-35
-            10189: 35,-30
-            10221: 20,-52
-            10372: 2,-50
-            10373: 2,-52
-            10381: 10,-58
-            10382: 10,-59
-            10383: 10,-60
-            10384: 10,-60
-            10385: 10,-61
-            10387: 14,-60
-            10388: 14,-60
-            10420: 12,-61
-            10421: 12,-60
-            10422: 12,-59
-            10517: 49,-55
-            10612: 80,-44
-            10613: 80,-45
-            10614: 80,-45
-            10615: 80,-46
-            10631: 72,-39
-            10632: 72,-38
-            10692: 53,-55
-            10693: 53,-55
-            10694: 53,-54
-            10695: 53,-53
-            10707: 44,-55
-            10708: 44,-54
-            10709: 43,-51
-            10710: 43,-51
-            10711: 43,-52
-            10712: 43,-53
-            10713: 43,-54
-            10714: 43,-54
-            10715: 43,-55
-            10716: 43,-56
-            10717: 43,-51
-            10718: 43,-50
-            11233: -75,-35
-            11457: -21,-35
-            12263: -21,-47
-            12292: -12,-67
-            12293: -12,-66
-            12300: -17,-73
-            12301: -17,-72
-            12302: -17,-71
-            12303: -17,-71
-            12304: -17,-70
-            12305: -17,-70
-            12306: -17,-69
-            12307: -17,-69
-            12308: -17,-68
-            12327: -19,-75
-            12328: -19,-76
-            12356: -16,-82
-            12357: -16,-81
-            12358: -16,-80
-            12376: -23,-81
-            12381: -12,-66
-            12382: -12,-67
-            12480: -17,-79
-            12484: -19,-81
-            12491: -24,-81
-            12501: -12,-78
-            12519: -24,-73
-            12520: -24,-74
-            12521: -24,-75
-            12525: -22,-66
-            12526: -22,-67
-            12530: -25,-65
-            12531: -25,-66
-            12532: -25,-67
-            12533: -25,-67
-            12534: -25,-68
-            12535: -25,-69
-            12609: -38,28
-            12610: -38,27
-            12619: -37,27
-            13286: -41,-67
-            13452: -37,-79
-            13453: -37,-74
-            13464: -30,-78
-            13465: -30,-77
-            13473: -35,-78
-            13474: -35,-77
-            13493: -35,-80
-            14377: -21,23
-            14378: -8,23
-            14379: 6,23
-            15306: -40,5
-            15411: 61,-31
-            15412: 61,-10
-            15422: 58,-27
-            15423: 60,-27
-            15432: 58,-14
-            15433: 60,-14
-            15487: 75,1
-            15540: 80,1
-            15541: 89,1
-            15552: 85,1
-            15620: 99,-3
-            15647: 97,2
-            15771: 79,-4
-            15772: 79,-3
-            15793: 83,-3
-            15794: 83,-4
-            15807: 94,10
-            16008: 87,-4
-            16009: 87,-3
-            16667: -55,1
-            16668: -52,-1
-            16669: -52,-2
-            16670: -52,-2
-            16671: -52,-3
-            16672: -52,-4
-            16673: -52,-7
-            16674: -52,-8
-            16675: -52,-9
-            16676: -52,-12
-            16677: -52,-13
-            16678: -52,-14
-            16679: -52,-15
-            16680: -54,-17
-            16699: -49,4
-            16700: -49,5
-            16713: -54,5
-            16714: -51,5
-            17037: -46,-13
-            17038: -46,-14
-            17039: -46,-15
-            17040: -46,-16
-            17041: -46,-17
-            17065: -74,-7
-            17233: -50,-8
-            17302: -74,-7
-            17619: -79,6
-            17620: -79,5
-            17621: -79,4
-            17630: -76,6
-            17631: -76,5
-            17632: -76,4
-            17655: -76,10
-            17656: -79,10
-            17982: -45,47
-            17998: -53,33
-            17999: -53,34
-            18000: -53,36
-            18001: -53,37
-            18005: -57,33
-            18008: -55,21
-            18013: -52,23
-            18014: -52,24
-            18055: -58,6
-            18260: -63,-7
-            18261: -68,-7
-            18262: -57,-8
-            18285: -53,-37
-            18380: -17,-9
-            18381: -17,-10
-            18413: 15,-9
-            18919: 57,8
-            18920: 59,8
-            18921: 61,8
-            18922: 63,8
-            19370: -14,33
-            19371: -14,32
-            19372: -15,30
-            19373: -14,28
-            19374: -14,27
-            20034: 61,29
-            20047: -21,5
-            21270: 21,14
-            21271: 21,15
-            21275: 25,14
-            21276: 25,15
-            21291: 22,16
-            21292: 22,13
-            21331: 23,15
-            21332: 23,14
-            22571: -7,-28
-            22580: -15,-28
-            23063: 11,-28
-            24262: -44,-28
-            24263: -32,-28
+            1864: -8,30
+            1865: -8,33
+            1866: -8,27
+            1892: -17,33
+            1893: -17,32
+            1894: -17,31
+            1895: -17,29
+            1896: -17,28
+            1897: -17,27
+            2205: -28,33
+            2206: -28,34
+            2207: -28,34
+            2208: -28,35
+            2209: -28,36
+            2210: -28,37
+            2391: -9,40
+            2392: -9,41
+            2393: -9,42
+            2397: -9,43
+            2398: -9,42
+            2399: -9,41
+            2400: -9,40
+            2401: -9,39
+            2402: -9,45
+            2403: -8,44
+            2404: -8,38
+            2405: -8,37
+            2481: -5,37
+            2486: -4,38
+            2487: -4,39
+            2502: -1,40
+            2546: 4,51
+            2547: 4,52
+            2548: 4,53
+            2549: 4,53
+            2559: -1,52
+            2560: -1,53
+            2561: -1,54
+            2562: -1,54
+            2592: -7,53
+            2597: -4,54
+            3010: -16,64
+            3011: -16,63
+            3012: -16,62
+            3013: -16,61
+            3025: -8,61
+            3026: -8,62
+            3027: -8,63
+            3028: -8,63
+            3029: -8,64
+            3067: -22,61
+            3068: -22,62
+            3069: -22,63
+            3070: -22,64
+            3082: -2,64
+            3083: -2,63
+            3084: -2,62
+            3085: -2,62
+            3086: -2,61
+            3091: -1,61
+            3304: -1,61
+            3555: 4,64
+            3557: 4,60
+            3764: 24,66
+            3848: -42,61
+            3849: -42,60
+            5080: -32,80
+            5081: -32,81
+            5082: -32,89
+            5083: -32,89
+            5084: -32,90
+            5085: -32,91
+            5098: -28,91
+            5099: -28,90
+            5100: -28,89
+            5101: -28,89
+            5102: -28,81
+            5103: -28,80
+            5104: -28,80
+            5160: -14,89
+            5161: -14,90
+            5162: -14,91
+            5166: -10,89
+            5167: -10,90
+            5168: -10,90
+            5169: -10,91
+            5170: -10,91
+            5179: -14,80
+            5180: -14,80
+            5181: -14,81
+            5184: -10,80
+            5185: -10,81
+            5189: 4,81
+            5190: 4,80
+            5191: 4,79
+            5475: -17,-20
+            5494: -7,9
+            5498: 5,9
+            5544: 7,6
+            5556: 7,2
+            5557: 7,1
+            5563: 12,1
+            5653: -16,-5
+            5656: -14,-5
+            5657: -13,-4
+            5781: -3,13
+            5797: -1,-6
+            5798: -1,-4
+            5799: -1,-3
+            5800: -1,-2
+            5801: -1,-2
+            5802: -1,0
+            5803: -1,1
+            5804: -1,1
+            5805: -1,2
+            5806: -1,4
+            5807: -1,5
+            5808: -1,5
+            5809: -1,6
+            5860: -8,-16
+            5861: -8,-12
+            5887: -14,-15
+            5888: -14,-14
+            5889: -14,-13
+            5890: -12,-15
+            5891: -12,-14
+            5892: -12,-13
+            5893: -16,-15
+            5894: -16,-14
+            5895: -16,-13
+            5896: -10,-15
+            5897: -10,-14
+            5898: -10,-13
+            6008: -3,-20
+            6009: 1,-20
+            6013: 15,-20
+            6404: -26,-7
+            6405: -26,-8
+            6457: -23,-7
+            6458: -23,-7
+            6680: -33,15
+            6681: -33,14
+            6682: -33,13
+            6683: -33,12
+            6684: -33,11
+            6685: -33,10
+            6686: -33,9
+            6701: -39,10
+            6702: -39,9
+            6703: -39,11
+            6704: -39,11
+            6705: -39,12
+            6706: -39,13
+            6707: -39,14
+            6708: -39,14
+            6709: -39,14
+            6710: -39,15
+            6711: -39,16
+            6868: 19,5
+            6882: 26,5
+            6921: 19,-11
+            6922: 26,-11
+            7066: 20,1
+            7067: 20,0
+            7068: 20,-1
+            7069: 20,-2
+            7070: 20,-4
+            7071: 20,-5
+            7072: 20,-6
+            7073: 20,-7
+            7086: 24,-8
+            7087: 24,-2
+            7113: 34,0
+            7128: 28,9
+            7154: 29,8
+            7155: 29,9
+            7156: 29,10
+            7203: 34,5
+            7210: 38,6
+            7211: 38,4
+            7225: 49,0
+            7529: 39,19
+            7530: 39,20
+            7531: 39,21
+            7532: 39,21
+            7533: 34,20
+            7546: 37,20
+            7547: 37,20
+            7548: 44,20
+            8029: 42,-11
+            8030: 42,-15
+            8031: 42,-15
+            8310: 57,-20
+            8311: 57,-21
+            8327: 62,-23
+            8328: 62,-23
+            8329: 62,-22
+            8330: 62,-22
+            8331: 62,-20
+            8332: 62,-19
+            8333: 62,-18
+            8334: 62,-21
+            8353: 51,-24
+            8354: 51,-24
+            8355: 51,-25
+            8432: 64,-30
+            8433: 64,-11
+            8811: -7,-23
+            8812: -14,-23
+            8813: -15,-28
+            8814: -15,-27
+            8815: -7,-28
+            8816: 11,-23
+            8817: 4,-23
+            8818: 3,-28
+            8819: 3,-27
+            8907: 3,-28
+            8921: -7,-70
+            8922: -2,-70
+            8951: -8,-73
+            8952: -1,-73
+            8953: -1,-73
+            9486: 19,-35
+            10027: 35,-30
+            10059: 20,-52
+            10210: 2,-50
+            10211: 2,-52
+            10219: 10,-58
+            10220: 10,-59
+            10221: 10,-60
+            10222: 10,-60
+            10223: 10,-61
+            10225: 14,-60
+            10226: 14,-60
+            10258: 12,-61
+            10259: 12,-60
+            10260: 12,-59
+            10355: 49,-55
+            10450: 80,-44
+            10451: 80,-45
+            10452: 80,-45
+            10453: 80,-46
+            10469: 72,-39
+            10470: 72,-38
+            10530: 53,-55
+            10531: 53,-55
+            10532: 53,-54
+            10533: 53,-53
+            10545: 44,-55
+            10546: 44,-54
+            10547: 43,-51
+            10548: 43,-51
+            10549: 43,-52
+            10550: 43,-53
+            10551: 43,-54
+            10552: 43,-54
+            10553: 43,-55
+            10554: 43,-56
+            10555: 43,-51
+            10556: 43,-50
+            10730: -75,-35
+            10954: -21,-35
+            11601: -21,-47
+            11630: -12,-67
+            11631: -12,-66
+            11638: -17,-73
+            11639: -17,-72
+            11640: -17,-71
+            11641: -17,-71
+            11642: -17,-70
+            11643: -17,-70
+            11644: -17,-69
+            11645: -17,-69
+            11646: -17,-68
+            11665: -19,-75
+            11666: -19,-76
+            11694: -16,-82
+            11695: -16,-81
+            11696: -16,-80
+            11714: -23,-81
+            11719: -12,-66
+            11720: -12,-67
+            11818: -17,-79
+            11822: -19,-81
+            11829: -24,-81
+            11839: -12,-78
+            11857: -24,-73
+            11858: -24,-74
+            11859: -24,-75
+            11863: -22,-66
+            11864: -22,-67
+            11868: -25,-65
+            11869: -25,-66
+            11870: -25,-67
+            11871: -25,-67
+            11872: -25,-68
+            11873: -25,-69
+            11927: -38,28
+            11928: -38,27
+            11937: -37,27
+            12342: -41,-67
+            12508: -37,-79
+            12509: -37,-74
+            12520: -30,-78
+            12521: -30,-77
+            12529: -35,-78
+            12530: -35,-77
+            12549: -35,-80
+            13433: -21,23
+            13434: -8,23
+            13435: 6,23
+            14355: -40,5
+            14460: 61,-31
+            14461: 61,-10
+            14471: 58,-27
+            14472: 60,-27
+            14481: 58,-14
+            14482: 60,-14
+            14536: 75,1
+            14589: 80,1
+            14590: 89,1
+            14601: 85,1
+            14669: 99,-3
+            14696: 97,2
+            14820: 79,-4
+            14821: 79,-3
+            14842: 83,-3
+            14843: 83,-4
+            14856: 94,10
+            15057: 87,-4
+            15058: 87,-3
+            15716: -55,1
+            15717: -52,-1
+            15718: -52,-2
+            15719: -52,-2
+            15720: -52,-3
+            15721: -52,-4
+            15722: -52,-7
+            15723: -52,-8
+            15724: -52,-9
+            15725: -52,-12
+            15726: -52,-13
+            15727: -52,-14
+            15728: -52,-15
+            15729: -54,-17
+            15748: -49,4
+            15749: -49,5
+            15762: -54,5
+            15763: -51,5
+            16086: -46,-13
+            16087: -46,-14
+            16088: -46,-15
+            16089: -46,-16
+            16090: -46,-17
+            16114: -74,-7
+            16282: -50,-8
+            16351: -74,-7
+            16668: -79,6
+            16669: -79,5
+            16670: -79,4
+            16679: -76,6
+            16680: -76,5
+            16681: -76,4
+            16704: -76,10
+            16705: -79,10
+            17031: -45,47
+            17047: -53,33
+            17048: -53,34
+            17049: -53,36
+            17050: -53,37
+            17054: -57,33
+            17057: -55,21
+            17062: -52,23
+            17063: -52,24
+            17104: -58,6
+            17309: -63,-7
+            17310: -68,-7
+            17311: -57,-8
+            17334: -53,-37
+            17429: -17,-9
+            17430: -17,-10
+            17462: 15,-9
+            17963: 57,8
+            17964: 59,8
+            17965: 61,8
+            17966: 63,8
+            18414: -14,33
+            18415: -14,32
+            18416: -15,30
+            18417: -14,28
+            18418: -14,27
+            19040: 61,29
+            19053: -21,5
+            20276: 21,14
+            20277: 21,15
+            20281: 25,14
+            20282: 25,15
+            20297: 22,16
+            20298: 22,13
+            20337: 23,15
+            20338: 23,14
+            21577: -7,-28
+            21586: -15,-28
+            22069: 11,-28
+            23266: -44,-28
+            23267: -32,-28
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-            20768: 55,9
+            19774: 55,9
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-            8092: 31,-14
-            8093: 22,-14
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+            7939: 22,-14
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             color: '#00FFFFFF'
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             id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe
-            23285: 24,-46
-            23699: 31,-23
-            23700: 32,-22
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-            3922: 21,63
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-            9738: 22,-31
-            9955: 32,-31
-            9956: 25,-31
-            9961: 26,-25
-            9985: 31,-23
-            9994: 32,-22
-            10073: 24,-46
-            10137: 34,-47
+            9576: 22,-31
+            9793: 32,-31
+            9794: 25,-31
+            9799: 26,-25
+            9823: 31,-23
+            9832: 32,-22
+            9911: 24,-46
+            9975: 34,-47
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-            12079: -28,-38
-            12080: -23,-38
-            12253: -17,-38
-            16067: -62,-46
-            16068: -63,-45
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+            11418: -23,-38
+            11591: -17,-38
+            15116: -62,-46
+            15117: -63,-45
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-            22748: -17,-38
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-            20221: -22,2
-            20273: 6,-80
-            20303: 6,-64
-            20304: 6,-74
-            20310: 10,-77
-            20311: 10,-74
-            20312: 9,-64
-            20340: 8,-58
-            20366: 14,-30
-            20407: 3,65
-            20417: 59,31
-            20418: 58,32
-            20425: 48,13
-            20437: 41,13
-            20457: 41,9
-            20469: 37,9
-            20472: 37,12
-            20512: 93,23
-            20513: 86,10
-            20514: 74,3
-            20520: 74,19
-            20547: 44,13
-            20691: 54,19
-            20692: 48,19
-            20693: 47,24
-            20749: 60,13
-            20837: 78,10
-            20912: 76,23
-            20954: 71,-3
-            20974: 48,-3
-            20984: 53,-3
-            20991: 58,-3
-            21012: 44,1
-            21022: 41,1
-            21065: 44,9
-            21093: 77,-2
-            21094: 74,-3
-            21303: 28,22
+            19227: -22,2
+            19279: 6,-80
+            19309: 6,-64
+            19310: 6,-74
+            19316: 10,-77
+            19317: 10,-74
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-            23992: 2,-73
-            23993: 2,-64
-            23994: 2,-67
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+            19255: 5,-72
+            19256: 5,-78
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+            19294: 6,-75
+            19295: 6,-65
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+            19555: 44,12
+            19568: 48,8
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+            19649: 57,21
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+            19654: 50,31
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+            19712: 48,16
+            19713: 54,17
+            19718: 47,22
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+            19758: 60,12
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+            19848: 78,9
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+            19939: 74,1
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-            7017: 18,18
-            7018: 18,4
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-            8321: 39,-16
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-            8402: 44,-21
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-            8855: 0,-36
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-            8923: -8,-23
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-            8931: -4,-28
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-            9156: -8,-65
-            9157: -8,-65
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-            9271: 0,-62
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-            10740: -6,-82
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-            23933: -32,1
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+            3324: -30,67
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+            3354: -29,77
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+            3366: -11,88
+            3383: -11,79
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+            5302: -32,4
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+            5638: 11,-6
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+            8248: 44,-21
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+            8487: 63,-22
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+            8628: -6,-21
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+            8693: 0,-36
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+            8761: -8,-23
+            8768: -8,-28
+            8769: -4,-28
+            8793: -16,-28
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+            8995: -8,-65
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+            9109: 0,-62
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-            10098: 20,-45
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-            10133: 32,-49
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-            19190: 58,4
-            19191: 66,4
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-            20363: 8,-77
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-            20861: 72,18
-            20862: 72,13
-            20863: 73,5
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-            20925: 91,21
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-            20934: 72,1
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-            20952: 69,1
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-            21006: 46,0
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-            21048: 39,6
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-            23097: 16,-30
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+            19369: 8,-77
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-            8149: 33,-12
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-            8932: -12,-28
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-            8936: -16,-23
-            8945: -5,-23
-            8946: -5,-23
-            8956: -16,-28
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-            9261: 0,-71
-            9262: 0,-66
-            9269: -2,-62
-            9282: -3,-60
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-            10570: 43,-42
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-            10572: 47,-45
-            10573: 47,-45
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-            10737: -4,-82
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-            11182: -60,-36
-            11183: -60,-43
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-            11313: -2,-41
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-            18408: -14,-10
-            18409: -10,-10
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-            20597: 59,23
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-            20847: 74,6
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-            20888: 49,0
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-            21123: -18,-26
-            21124: -18,-26
-            21125: -18,-27
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-            23974: 2,-74
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+            19271: 4,-85
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+            19338: 6,-69
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+            19340: 6,-67
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+            19344: 8,-60
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+            19894: 49,0
+            19895: 49,1
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+            19901: 71,13
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+            19950: 68,-1
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+            20130: -18,-26
+            20131: -18,-27
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-            2858: -24,51
-            2859: -24,48
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-            3161: -17,60
-            3162: -17,61
-            3163: -17,62
-            3164: -17,63
-            3165: -17,64
-            3166: -17,64
-            3167: -17,65
-            3168: -17,66
-            3333: -29,93
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-            3335: -29,95
-            3336: -28,91
-            3337: -28,90
-            3338: -28,89
-            3339: -29,87
-            3340: -29,86
-            3341: -29,85
-            3342: -29,83
-            3343: -28,81
-            3344: -28,80
-            3345: -29,78
-            3346: -29,76
-            3347: -29,75
-            3348: -29,74
-            3349: -29,73
-            3350: -29,72
-            3351: -29,71
-            3352: -29,70
-            3390: -11,93
-            3391: -11,94
-            3392: -11,95
-            3393: -10,91
-            3394: -10,90
-            3395: -10,89
-            3396: -11,86
-            3397: -11,85
-            3398: -11,87
-            3399: -11,83
-            3400: -10,81
-            3401: -10,80
-            3402: -11,78
-            3403: -11,76
-            3404: -11,75
-            3405: -11,74
-            3406: -11,73
-            3407: -11,72
-            3408: -11,71
-            3409: -11,70
-            3440: -3,59
-            3441: -3,63
-            3442: -3,64
-            3443: -3,62
-            3444: -3,62
-            3445: -3,61
-            3448: -3,66
-            3499: -10,89
-            3500: -10,90
-            3501: -10,91
-            3565: -14,77
-            3567: -10,77
-            3569: -16,77
-            3575: -14,84
-            3576: -16,84
-            3577: -10,84
-            3588: -32,84
-            3589: -28,84
-            3591: -34,84
-            3596: -28,77
-            3597: -32,77
-            3598: -34,77
-            3606: 5,72
-            3607: 5,73
-            3608: 5,74
-            3609: 5,75
-            3631: 7,73
-            3632: 7,72
-            3633: 7,71
-            3635: 7,70
-            3659: 4,77
-            3660: 2,77
-            3661: 4,84
-            3663: 2,84
-            3723: -22,55
-            4166: -21,20
-            4308: 15,14
-            4309: 15,15
-            4339: 18,20
-            4340: 18,20
-            4341: 18,19
-            4342: 18,17
-            4343: 18,16
-            4344: 18,13
-            4345: 18,11
-            4346: 18,10
-            4347: 18,9
-            4348: 18,8
-            4349: 18,7
-            4350: 18,3
-            4351: 18,2
-            4352: 18,1
-            4353: 18,0
-            4354: 18,-1
-            4355: 18,-2
-            4356: 18,-4
-            4357: 18,-5
-            4358: 18,-6
-            4359: 18,-7
-            4360: 18,-8
-            4361: 18,-9
-            5093: 30,28
-            5094: 30,27
-            5095: 30,26
-            5100: 33,28
-            5101: 33,27
-            5102: 33,26
-            5107: 28,31
-            5126: 36,31
-            5209: 18,-6
-            5255: -29,82
-            5256: -29,81
-            5257: -29,81
-            5258: -29,79
-            5259: -29,80
-            5273: -29,92
-            5274: -29,91
-            5275: -29,90
-            5276: -29,90
-            5277: -29,89
-            5278: -29,89
-            5279: -29,88
-            5280: -29,88
-            5281: -11,79
-            5282: -11,80
-            5283: -11,81
-            5284: -11,82
-            5285: -11,82
-            5298: -11,92
-            5299: -11,91
-            5300: -11,91
-            5301: -11,90
-            5302: -11,90
-            5303: -11,89
-            5304: -11,88
-            5305: -11,87
-            5376: -18,-7
-            5466: -41,11
-            5467: -41,15
-            5468: -41,22
-            5601: 15,-8
-            5611: -17,-8
-            5614: -18,-11
-            5615: -18,-11
-            5616: -18,-12
-            5617: -18,-13
-            5618: -18,-13
-            5619: -18,-15
-            5620: -18,-14
-            5621: -18,-16
-            5622: -18,-16
-            5623: -18,-17
-            5624: -18,-18
-            5639: 15,-4
-            5778: 14,-5
-            6066: -9,-16
-            6067: -9,-15
-            6068: -9,-14
-            6069: -9,-13
-            6139: -17,-21
-            6140: -17,-20
-            6141: -17,-19
-            6155: -17,-19
-            6253: -4,-14
-            6254: -4,-15
-            6257: -4,-17
-            6266: -3,-21
-            6267: -3,-20
-            6268: -3,-19
-            6269: 1,-19
-            6270: 1,-20
-            6271: 1,-21
-            6284: 15,-21
-            6285: 15,-20
-            6286: 15,-19
-            6291: 18,-13
-            6292: 18,-14
-            6293: 18,-15
-            6294: 18,-16
-            6295: 18,-17
-            6296: 18,-18
-            6297: 18,-19
-            6298: 18,-21
-            6324: 4,-16
-            6325: 4,-15
-            6355: 10,-12
-            6356: 10,-13
-            6357: 10,-14
-            6358: 10,-15
-            6387: 14,-17
-            6388: 14,-16
-            6390: 11,-16
-            6393: 14,-15
-            6438: -21,-20
-            6628: -21,-3
-            6629: -21,-2
-            6781: -21,11
-            6782: -21,12
-            6783: -21,12
-            6871: -34,10
-            6872: -34,11
-            6873: -34,11
-            6874: -34,11
-            6875: -34,11
-            6876: -34,12
-            6877: -34,12
-            6878: -34,13
-            6879: -34,14
-            6880: -34,14
-            6909: -22,13
-            6910: -22,14
-            6911: -22,10
-            6912: -22,10
-            6913: -22,9
-            6947: -22,-16
-            6948: -22,-16
-            6949: -22,-17
-            7044: 19,4
-            7045: 19,5
-            7046: 19,6
-            7054: 24,9
-            7092: 19,-12
-            7093: 19,-11
-            7094: 19,-10
-            7095: 26,-12
-            7096: 26,-11
-            7097: 26,-10
-            7111: 31,-11
-            7157: 31,-5
-            7170: 24,-8
-            7171: 24,-2
-            7195: 26,4
-            7196: 26,5
-            7197: 26,6
-            7201: 32,5
-            7202: 32,5
-            7203: 32,5
-            7287: 28,9
-            7288: 28,10
-            7289: 28,11
-            7356: 32,5
-            7978: 81,-21
-            7979: 81,-20
-            7984: 82,-19
-            7985: 82,-22
-            7986: 78,-22
-            7987: 76,-22
-            7988: 76,-19
-            7989: 78,-19
-            8003: 64,-19
-            8004: 64,-22
-            8146: 32,-10
-            8147: 32,-12
-            8159: 32,-16
-            8166: 32,-16
-            8204: 33,-7
-            8267: 41,-17
-            8268: 41,-16
-            8269: 41,-15
-            8270: 41,-14
-            8271: 41,-13
-            8272: 41,-11
-            8273: 41,-10
-            8274: 41,-9
-            8330: 39,-17
-            8354: 41,-20
-            8394: 42,-21
-            8395: 42,-19
-            8396: 42,-19
-            8418: 53,-20
-            8448: 54,-19
-            8449: 54,-21
-            8461: 56,-19
-            8462: 56,-19
-            8560: 54,-11
-            8561: 54,-29
-            8612: 63,-30
-            8613: 63,-30
-            8614: 63,-28
-            8615: 63,-28
-            8616: 63,-29
-            8617: 63,-26
-            8618: 63,-26
-            8619: 63,-27
-            8620: 63,-24
-            8621: 63,-25
-            8622: 63,-21
-            8623: 63,-18
-            8624: 63,-17
-            8625: 63,-16
-            8626: 63,-15
-            8627: 63,-15
-            8628: 63,-14
-            8629: 63,-13
-            8630: 63,-12
-            8631: 63,-11
-            8650: 63,-23
-            8651: 63,-23
-            8652: 63,-20
-            8805: 0,-23
-            8806: 0,-24
-            8807: 0,-27
-            8808: 0,-28
-            8815: -3,-25
-            8816: -3,-26
-            8832: 0,-30
-            8833: 0,-30
-            8834: 0,-31
-            8835: 0,-32
-            8836: 0,-33
-            8885: -13,-28
-            8893: -5,-28
-            8894: -5,-28
-            8895: -5,-27
-            8896: -5,-27
-            8910: -13,-23
-            8911: -6,-23
-            8912: -6,-23
-            8952: -5,-28
-            9140: 2,-65
-            9141: 2,-65
-            9217: 2,-82
-            9218: 2,-81
-            9219: 2,-80
-            9220: 2,-78
-            9221: 2,-79
-            9222: 2,-79
-            9223: 2,-74
-            9224: 2,-74
-            9225: 2,-73
-            9226: 2,-72
-            9227: 2,-71
-            9228: 2,-70
-            9229: 2,-69
-            9230: -9,-68
-            9231: -9,-67
-            9232: -9,-73
-            9233: -9,-74
-            9234: -9,-72
-            9246: -2,-71
-            9247: -2,-69
-            9248: -2,-70
-            9274: 1,-61
-            9275: 1,-59
-            9294: 0,-38
-            9295: 0,-40
-            9296: 0,-40
-            9297: 0,-41
-            9298: 0,-41
-            9299: 0,-42
-            9300: 0,-43
-            9301: 0,-45
-            9302: 0,-45
-            9303: 0,-48
-            9304: 0,-48
-            9305: 0,-49
-            9306: 0,-50
-            9307: 0,-52
-            9308: 0,-53
-            9309: 0,-54
-            9341: 0,-46
-            9342: 0,-46
-            9343: 0,-47
-            9344: 0,-55
-            9345: 0,-55
-            9346: 0,-56
-            9424: -39,-15
-            10336: 11,-52
-            10337: 11,-51
-            10338: 11,-50
-            10501: 4,-86
-            10502: 4,-86
-            10503: 4,-85
-            10504: 4,-84
-            10550: 49,-39
-            10551: 49,-40
-            10552: 49,-41
-            10553: 49,-43
-            10554: 49,-44
-            10577: 42,-42
-            11164: -58,-36
-            11165: -58,-36
-            11166: -58,-37
-            11167: -58,-37
-            11168: -58,-38
-            11185: -61,-43
-            11186: -58,-43
-            11187: -58,-43
-            11267: -6,-86
-            11268: -6,-86
-            11269: -6,-84
-            11270: -6,-85
-            11271: -6,-85
-            11272: -4,-86
-            11273: -4,-85
-            11274: -4,-85
-            11275: -4,-84
-            11276: 2,-86
-            11277: 2,-85
-            11278: 2,-84
-            11302: -12,-67
-            11303: -12,-66
-            11304: -12,-78
-            11310: -3,-48
-            11315: -3,-40
-            11316: -3,-41
-            11318: -4,-35
-            11327: -13,-30
-            11328: -13,-31
-            11329: -13,-32
-            11761: -37,-52
-            11769: -41,-55
-            11770: -41,-54
-            11771: -41,-54
-            11780: -23,-51
-            11781: -23,-51
-            11782: -23,-52
-            11783: -23,-53
-            12285: -4,-60
-            12661: -45,9
-            12663: -45,18
-            12777: -45,9
-            12779: -44,23
-            13326: -36,-62
-            14314: -46,14
-            14315: -46,12
-            14839: 6,22
-            14840: 6,23
-            14841: 6,24
-            14850: 18,23
-            14851: 18,22
-            14880: -8,22
-            14881: -8,23
-            14882: -8,24
-            15266: -8,-70
-            15315: -40,4
-            15316: -40,5
-            15317: -40,6
-            15322: -41,8
-            15323: -41,9
-            15324: -41,10
-            15325: -41,14
-            15326: -41,13
-            15327: -41,12
-            15328: -41,16
-            15329: -41,17
-            15330: -41,18
-            15331: -41,18
-            15332: -41,19
-            15333: -41,20
-            15334: -41,21
-            15711: 89,1
-            15712: 89,0
-            15722: 75,1
-            16619: -55,-13
-            16620: -55,-14
-            16621: -55,-14
-            16637: -62,-17
-            16638: -60,-17
-            16739: -52,4
-            16740: -52,5
-            16741: -52,6
-            16755: -56,-7
-            16756: -56,-9
-            17088: -46,12
-            17091: -46,14
-            17431: 7,84
-            17432: 7,83
-            17438: 8,79
-            17439: 8,78
-            17440: 8,77
-            17829: -44,23
-            18384: -17,-9
-            18385: -17,-10
-            18453: 15,-10
-            18454: 15,-9
-            18455: 15,-8
-            19791: -28,10
-            19792: -28,11
-            19793: -28,11
-            19794: -28,13
-            19795: -28,12
-            19915: -17,4
-            19916: -17,-1
-            19928: -16,0
-            19929: -16,1
-            19930: -16,2
-            19931: -16,3
-            19975: 70,25
-            19976: 70,24
-            19977: 70,23
-            19978: 70,22
-            19994: 60,25
-            20042: -21,-3
-            20043: -21,-2
-            20051: -21,4
-            20052: -21,5
-            20053: -21,6
-            20057: -18,5
-            20058: -18,3
-            20059: -18,2
-            20060: -18,2
-            20061: -18,1
-            20062: -18,0
-            20063: -18,-3
-            20064: -18,-2
-            20065: -18,-4
-            20066: -18,-4
-            20067: -18,-5
-            20068: -18,-6
-            20069: -18,-6
-            20076: -18,8
-            20077: -18,8
-            20078: -18,9
-            20079: -18,10
-            20080: -18,11
-            20081: -18,12
-            20082: -18,12
-            20083: -18,13
-            20084: -18,11
-            20085: -18,10
-            20086: -18,9
-            20087: -18,8
-            20088: -18,11
-            20089: -18,11
-            20090: -18,12
-            20091: -18,13
-            20092: -18,16
-            20093: -18,17
-            20094: -18,18
-            20095: -18,19
-            20096: -18,19
-            20097: -18,20
-            20113: -21,11
-            20114: -21,12
-            20115: -21,17
-            20116: -21,20
-            20117: -21,11
-            20118: -21,12
-            20120: -21,6
-            20121: -21,5
-            20122: -21,4
-            21263: 18,12
-            23844: -32,0
-            23845: -32,-1
-            23846: -32,-5
-            23847: -32,-5
-            23848: -32,-5
-            23849: -32,-6
-            23850: -32,-7
-            23851: -32,-8
-            23852: -32,-8
-            23853: -32,-4
-            23854: -32,-9
-            23855: -28,-12
-            23856: -28,-13
-            23857: -28,-13
-            23858: -28,-14
-            23859: -28,-15
-            23860: -28,-15
-            23861: -28,-16
-            23926: -32,2
-            23961: -35,-15
-            23962: -35,-14
-            23963: -35,-13
-            23964: -35,-12
+            2118: -15,51
+            2119: -15,49
+            2124: -15,47
+            2150: -25,41
+            2164: -15,35
+            2175: -24,39
+            2176: -24,38
+            2177: -24,37
+            2178: -24,36
+            2179: -24,35
+            2180: -24,34
+            2181: -24,33
+            2182: -24,32
+            2183: -24,31
+            2184: -24,30
+            2202: -28,30
+            2218: -28,32
+            2219: -28,33
+            2220: -28,34
+            2221: -28,35
+            2222: -28,36
+            2223: -28,37
+            2224: -28,38
+            2608: -14,48
+            2609: -14,50
+            2630: -3,50
+            2631: -3,49
+            2657: -2,45
+            2678: -8,27
+            2680: -5,27
+            2692: -26,42
+            2713: -30,40
+            2734: -24,50
+            2735: -24,51
+            2736: -24,48
+            2737: -24,47
+            3035: -17,59
+            3036: -17,60
+            3037: -17,61
+            3038: -17,62
+            3039: -17,63
+            3040: -17,64
+            3041: -17,64
+            3042: -17,65
+            3043: -17,66
+            3206: -29,93
+            3207: -29,94
+            3208: -29,95
+            3209: -28,91
+            3210: -28,90
+            3211: -28,89
+            3212: -29,87
+            3213: -29,86
+            3214: -29,85
+            3215: -29,83
+            3216: -28,81
+            3217: -28,80
+            3218: -29,78
+            3219: -29,76
+            3220: -29,75
+            3221: -29,74
+            3222: -29,73
+            3223: -29,72
+            3224: -29,71
+            3225: -29,70
+            3261: -11,93
+            3262: -11,94
+            3263: -11,95
+            3264: -10,91
+            3265: -10,90
+            3266: -10,89
+            3267: -11,86
+            3268: -11,85
+            3269: -11,87
+            3270: -11,83
+            3271: -10,81
+            3272: -10,80
+            3273: -11,78
+            3274: -11,76
+            3275: -11,75
+            3276: -11,74
+            3277: -11,73
+            3278: -11,72
+            3279: -11,71
+            3280: -11,70
+            3311: -3,59
+            3312: -3,63
+            3313: -3,64
+            3314: -3,62
+            3315: -3,62
+            3316: -3,61
+            3319: -3,66
+            3368: -10,89
+            3369: -10,90
+            3370: -10,91
+            3432: -14,77
+            3434: -10,77
+            3436: -16,77
+            3442: -14,84
+            3443: -16,84
+            3444: -10,84
+            3455: -32,84
+            3456: -28,84
+            3458: -34,84
+            3463: -28,77
+            3464: -32,77
+            3465: -34,77
+            3473: 5,72
+            3474: 5,73
+            3475: 5,74
+            3476: 5,75
+            3498: 7,73
+            3499: 7,72
+            3500: 7,71
+            3502: 7,70
+            3526: 4,77
+            3527: 2,77
+            3528: 4,84
+            3530: 2,84
+            3590: -22,55
+            4016: -21,20
+            4158: 15,14
+            4159: 15,15
+            4189: 18,20
+            4190: 18,20
+            4191: 18,19
+            4192: 18,17
+            4193: 18,16
+            4194: 18,13
+            4195: 18,11
+            4196: 18,10
+            4197: 18,9
+            4198: 18,8
+            4199: 18,7
+            4200: 18,3
+            4201: 18,2
+            4202: 18,1
+            4203: 18,0
+            4204: 18,-1
+            4205: 18,-2
+            4206: 18,-4
+            4207: 18,-5
+            4208: 18,-6
+            4209: 18,-7
+            4210: 18,-8
+            4211: 18,-9
+            4943: 30,28
+            4944: 30,27
+            4945: 30,26
+            4950: 33,28
+            4951: 33,27
+            4952: 33,26
+            4957: 28,31
+            4976: 36,31
+            5059: 18,-6
+            5105: -29,82
+            5106: -29,81
+            5107: -29,81
+            5108: -29,79
+            5109: -29,80
+            5123: -29,92
+            5124: -29,91
+            5125: -29,90
+            5126: -29,90
+            5127: -29,89
+            5128: -29,89
+            5129: -29,88
+            5130: -29,88
+            5131: -11,79
+            5132: -11,80
+            5133: -11,81
+            5134: -11,82
+            5135: -11,82
+            5146: -11,92
+            5147: -11,91
+            5148: -11,91
+            5149: -11,90
+            5150: -11,90
+            5151: -11,89
+            5152: -11,88
+            5153: -11,87
+            5224: -18,-7
+            5314: -41,11
+            5315: -41,15
+            5316: -41,22
+            5449: 15,-8
+            5459: -17,-8
+            5462: -18,-11
+            5463: -18,-11
+            5464: -18,-12
+            5465: -18,-13
+            5466: -18,-13
+            5467: -18,-15
+            5468: -18,-14
+            5469: -18,-16
+            5470: -18,-16
+            5471: -18,-17
+            5472: -18,-18
+            5487: 15,-4
+            5626: 14,-5
+            5914: -9,-16
+            5915: -9,-15
+            5916: -9,-14
+            5917: -9,-13
+            5987: -17,-21
+            5988: -17,-20
+            5989: -17,-19
+            6003: -17,-19
+            6101: -4,-14
+            6102: -4,-15
+            6105: -4,-17
+            6114: -3,-21
+            6115: -3,-20
+            6116: -3,-19
+            6117: 1,-19
+            6118: 1,-20
+            6119: 1,-21
+            6132: 15,-21
+            6133: 15,-20
+            6134: 15,-19
+            6139: 18,-13
+            6140: 18,-14
+            6141: 18,-15
+            6142: 18,-16
+            6143: 18,-17
+            6144: 18,-18
+            6145: 18,-19
+            6146: 18,-21
+            6172: 4,-16
+            6173: 4,-15
+            6203: 10,-12
+            6204: 10,-13
+            6205: 10,-14
+            6206: 10,-15
+            6235: 14,-17
+            6236: 14,-16
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+            6722: -34,11
+            6723: -34,11
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+            6725: -34,12
+            6726: -34,13
+            6727: -34,14
+            6728: -34,14
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+            7827: 81,-20
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+            7837: 78,-19
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+            8454: 63,-30
+            8455: 63,-28
+            8456: 63,-28
+            8457: 63,-26
+            8458: 63,-26
+            8459: 63,-27
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+            8461: 63,-25
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+            8732: -5,-28
+            8733: -5,-27
+            8734: -5,-27
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+            8750: -6,-23
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+            8979: 2,-65
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+            9071: -9,-74
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+            9183: 0,-55
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+            10765: -6,-86
+            10766: -6,-84
+            10767: -6,-85
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+            10825: -13,-31
+            10826: -13,-32
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+            11255: -41,-54
+            11256: -41,-54
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+            11266: -23,-51
+            11267: -23,-52
+            11268: -23,-53
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+            13937: -8,23
+            13938: -8,24
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+            14366: -40,6
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+            14372: -41,9
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+            15687: -60,-17
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+            15790: -52,6
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+            15805: -56,-9
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+            16140: -46,14
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+            16488: 8,78
+            16489: 8,77
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+            18937: -16,3
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+            19072: -18,-4
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-            20605: 51,32
-            20606: 53,32
-            20607: 54,32
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-            21189: 64,1
-            21190: 64,1
-            21191: 65,1
-            21192: 67,1
-            21310: 22,22
-            21311: 23,22
-            21312: 24,22
-            21313: 25,22
-            21314: 26,22
-            21315: 27,22
-            21915: 13,33
-            23069: 11,-29
-            23070: 13,-29
-            23820: 3,58
-            23821: 1,58
+            19230: -24,-1
+            19242: -48,7
+            19244: -48,9
+            19245: -47,9
+            19246: -46,9
+            19259: 4,-83
+            19260: 5,-79
+            19261: 5,-73
+            19262: 5,-63
+            19273: 4,-87
+            19274: 4,-83
+            19325: 9,-77
+            19326: 8,-77
+            19334: 9,-74
+            19355: 4,-58
+            19356: 5,-58
+            19357: 6,-58
+            19379: 12,-30
+            19401: 2,59
+            19421: 1,65
+            19422: 2,65
+            19439: 40,2
+            19440: 40,10
+            19451: 40,13
+            19456: 42,5
+            19457: 43,5
+            19458: 44,5
+            19459: 45,5
+            19473: 36,10
+            19474: 36,12
+            19524: 73,4
+            19563: 46,10
+            19564: 47,10
+            19565: 47,10
+            19566: 48,10
+            19592: 50,1
+            19593: 51,1
+            19594: 51,1
+            19610: 52,32
+            19611: 51,32
+            19612: 53,32
+            19613: 54,32
+            19614: 55,32
+            19615: 56,32
+            19616: 57,32
+            19624: 52,20
+            19627: 57,20
+            19672: 51,14
+            19673: 47,14
+            19685: 52,13
+            19686: 53,13
+            19687: 54,13
+            19688: 55,13
+            19689: 56,13
+            19690: 57,13
+            19691: 57,13
+            19692: 58,13
+            19693: 59,13
+            19694: 51,19
+            19695: 53,19
+            19700: 46,24
+            19767: 53,10
+            19778: 51,9
+            19779: 52,9
+            19780: 54,9
+            19781: 81,10
+            19782: 84,10
+            19783: 85,10
+            19784: 82,14
+            19785: 83,14
+            19786: 85,14
+            19787: 86,14
+            19788: 88,14
+            19789: 89,14
+            19790: 90,14
+            19791: 87,14
+            19792: 84,14
+            19805: 91,15
+            19806: 92,15
+            19807: 93,15
+            19832: 82,10
+            19844: 77,10
+            19904: 73,20
+            19911: 73,23
+            19912: 74,23
+            19929: 75,24
+            19942: 69,1
+            19943: 70,1
+            19948: 65,-2
+            19962: 70,-3
+            19974: 52,-2
+            19975: 61,-2
+            19976: 47,-2
+            19982: 47,-2
+            19998: 51,-3
+            20036: 36,7
+            20037: 35,3
+            20044: 34,6
+            20045: 35,6
+            20046: 37,6
+            20126: -19,-24
+            20127: -18,-24
+            20141: 48,-7
+            20142: 49,-7
+            20143: 50,-7
+            20144: 46,-3
+            20151: 51,-6
+            20158: 47,-7
+            20170: 57,-3
+            20172: 56,-2
+            20183: 51,1
+            20184: 50,1
+            20185: 52,1
+            20186: 53,1
+            20187: 54,1
+            20188: 55,1
+            20189: 56,1
+            20190: 57,1
+            20191: 59,1
+            20192: 60,1
+            20193: 61,1
+            20194: 63,1
+            20195: 64,1
+            20196: 64,1
+            20197: 65,1
+            20198: 67,1
+            20316: 22,22
+            20317: 23,22
+            20318: 24,22
+            20319: 25,22
+            20320: 26,22
+            20321: 27,22
+            20921: 13,33
+            22075: 11,-29
+            22076: 13,-29
+            22826: 3,58
+            22827: 1,58
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileSteelLineN
-            2227: -20,54
-            2228: -19,54
-            2229: -18,54
-            2234: -16,52
-            2235: -22,52
-            2236: -22,52
-            2310: -24,39
-            2311: -25,39
-            2312: -26,39
-            2313: -27,39
-            2376: -31,32
-            2394: -32,37
-            2733: -13,50
-            2734: -11,50
-            2735: -10,50
-            2736: -9,50
-            2737: -8,50
-            2738: -7,50
-            2739: -5,50
-            2740: -4,50
-            2755: -2,48
-            2786: -3,46
-            2790: -4,47
-            2804: -6,28
-            2817: -27,43
-            2818: -28,43
-            2819: -29,43
-            2831: -31,43
-            2838: -30,39
-            3046: -20,54
-            3047: -19,54
-            3048: -18,54
-            3049: 1,59
-            3053: -1,55
-            3056: 1,55
-            3057: 2,55
-            3058: 1,58
-            3059: 0,58
-            3060: -1,58
-            3066: -16,58
-            3067: -15,58
-            3068: -14,58
-            3069: -13,58
-            3070: -12,58
-            3071: -11,58
-            3072: -10,58
-            3073: -9,58
-            3074: -8,58
-            3353: -28,69
-            3354: -27,69
-            3355: -26,69
-            3356: -25,69
-            3357: -24,69
-            3358: -23,69
-            3359: -21,69
-            3360: -21,69
-            3361: -22,69
-            3362: -19,69
-            3363: -20,69
-            3364: -18,69
-            3365: -17,69
-            3366: -16,69
-            3367: -15,69
-            3368: -14,69
-            3411: -10,69
-            3412: -9,69
-            3413: -8,69
-            3414: -8,69
-            3415: -7,69
-            3416: -5,69
-            3417: -6,69
-            3418: -5,69
-            3419: -4,69
-            3420: -3,69
-            3438: -2,58
-            3450: 6,66
-            3542: -2,69
-            3543: -1,69
-            3544: 0,69
-            3545: 1,69
-            3546: 2,69
-            3547: 3,69
-            3548: 4,69
-            3571: -9,77
-            3573: -15,77
-            3583: -15,84
-            3584: -9,84
-            3593: -33,84
-            3594: -27,84
-            3604: -33,77
-            3605: -27,77
-            3610: 6,71
-            3665: 3,84
-            3668: 3,77
-            3681: 6,66
-            3725: -25,66
-            3731: -30,66
-            5106: 31,29
-            5109: 30,32
-            5110: 31,32
-            5111: 32,32
-            5112: 33,32
-            5113: 34,32
-            5121: 35,29
-            5357: 14,-8
-            5358: 13,-8
-            5359: 9,-8
-            5360: 7,-8
-            5361: 6,-8
-            5362: 2,-8
-            5363: 1,-8
-            5364: -2,-8
-            5365: -3,-8
-            5366: -3,-8
-            5367: -4,-8
-            5368: -5,-8
-            5369: -6,-8
-            5370: -11,-8
-            5371: -12,-8
-            5372: -14,-8
-            5373: -15,-8
-            5374: -16,-8
-            5375: -16,-8
-            5424: -29,6
-            5425: -28,6
-            5426: -28,6
-            5427: -27,6
-            5428: -27,6
-            5429: -24,6
-            5430: -24,6
-            5431: -23,6
-            5432: -23,6
-            5433: -22,6
-            5434: -22,6
-            5455: -39,6
-            5456: -38,6
-            5457: -37,6
-            5458: -35,6
-            5459: -34,6
-            5460: -34,6
-            5461: -33,6
-            5462: -32,6
-            5465: -30,6
-            5470: -41,23
-            5517: -20,7
-            5518: -19,7
-            5519: -18,7
-            5536: -20,-7
-            5537: -19,-7
-            5538: -18,-7
-            5604: 12,-8
-            5605: 5,-8
-            5606: 0,-8
-            5607: -7,-8
-            5608: -8,-8
-            5609: -9,-8
-            5610: -13,-8
-            5767: 9,-4
-            5768: 10,-4
-            5769: 11,-4
-            5774: 13,-4
-            5775: 14,-4
-            5786: 8,-4
-            5791: 10,-7
-            5792: 11,-7
-            5793: 8,-7
-            6077: -13,-18
-            6078: -12,-18
-            6079: -11,-18
-            6085: -10,-19
-            6086: -9,-19
-            6087: -7,-19
-            6088: -6,-19
-            6089: -5,-19
-            6090: -2,-19
-            6091: -1,-19
-            6092: 0,-19
-            6093: 2,-19
-            6094: 4,-19
-            6095: 5,-19
-            6096: 6,-19
-            6097: 3,-19
-            6098: 7,-19
-            6099: 9,-19
-            6100: 10,-19
-            6101: 11,-19
-            6117: 16,-7
-            6118: 17,-7
-            6119: 18,-7
-            6130: 16,7
-            6131: 17,7
-            6132: 18,7
-            6133: -14,-19
-            6134: -15,-19
-            6135: -16,-19
-            6246: -5,-14
-            6259: -4,-18
-            6327: 3,-14
-            6364: 8,-18
-            6381: 12,-18
-            6382: 13,-18
-            6383: 14,-18
-            6397: 13,-15
-            6398: 13,-15
-            6626: -33,3
-            6627: -32,3
-            6696: -23,3
-            6800: -42,2
-            6885: -36,7
-            6893: -36,17
-            6894: -36,17
-            6901: -36,19
-            6902: -36,19
-            6905: -26,7
-            6906: -25,7
-            6916: -23,15
-            7022: 20,6
-            7023: 21,6
-            7029: 23,6
-            7030: 24,6
-            7031: 25,6
-            7058: 21,10
-            7059: 23,10
-            7065: 22,7
-            7077: 20,-10
-            7078: 21,-10
-            7079: 23,-10
-            7080: 24,-10
-            7081: 25,-10
-            7106: 27,-10
-            7107: 28,-10
-            7108: 29,-10
-            7109: 31,-10
-            7110: 30,-10
-            7117: 22,3
-            7135: 26,2
-            7136: 27,2
-            7137: 28,2
-            7138: 29,2
-            7142: 25,-7
-            7143: 27,-7
-            7144: 26,-7
-            7154: 30,-7
-            7155: 29,-7
-            7174: 30,3
-            7181: 27,6
-            7182: 28,6
-            7183: 30,6
-            7184: 31,6
-            7296: 29,12
-            7297: 30,12
-            7298: 31,12
-            7299: 31,12
-            7300: 32,12
-            7972: 79,-19
-            7973: 81,-19
-            7974: 80,-19
-            7975: 80,-19
-            7976: 77,-19
-            7977: 77,-19
-            7982: 77,-22
-            7999: 65,-22
-            8001: 65,-19
-            8081: 25,-13
-            8279: 41,-8
-            8280: 41,-8
-            8281: 40,-8
-            8282: 39,-8
-            8283: 38,-8
-            8284: 34,-8
-            8285: 34,-8
-            8286: 35,-8
-            8287: 37,-8
-            8288: 36,-8
-            8327: 39,-18
-            8328: 41,-18
-            8336: 40,-19
-            8370: 43,-19
-            8371: 44,-19
-            8372: 45,-19
-            8373: 45,-19
-            8374: 48,-19
-            8375: 49,-19
-            8376: 49,-19
-            8377: 50,-19
-            8378: 50,-19
-            8379: 50,-19
-            8380: 50,-19
-            8381: 51,-19
-            8382: 51,-19
-            8383: 53,-19
-            8384: 53,-19
-            8404: 44,-22
-            8405: 44,-22
-            8406: 48,-22
-            8407: 48,-22
-            8408: 52,-22
-            8633: 62,-10
-            8634: 57,-10
-            8637: 58,-11
-            8638: 59,-11
-            8639: 60,-11
-            8640: 56,-10
-            8771: -14,-22
-            8772: -13,-22
-            8773: -7,-22
-            8774: -7,-22
-            8775: -6,-22
-            8776: -2,-22
-            8777: -2,-22
-            8778: -1,-22
-            8779: 0,-22
-            8780: 4,-22
-            8781: 5,-22
-            8782: 11,-22
-            8783: 12,-22
-            8802: -2,-29
-            8803: -1,-29
-            8804: 0,-29
-            8849: -2,-37
-            8850: -1,-37
-            8851: 0,-37
-            8852: 0,-37
-            8897: -12,-24
-            8898: -11,-24
-            8899: -11,-24
-            8900: -10,-24
-            8901: -10,-24
-            8902: -9,-24
-            8903: -8,-24
-            8904: -15,-24
-            8905: -5,-24
-            8906: -4,-24
-            8948: -4,-24
-            9138: 1,-64
-            9139: 1,-64
-            9168: -8,-64
-            9169: -8,-64
-            9170: -7,-64
-            9171: -7,-64
-            9172: -6,-64
-            9173: -6,-64
-            9174: -5,-64
-            9175: -5,-64
-            9176: -4,-64
-            9177: -4,-64
-            9178: -3,-64
-            9179: -9,-64
-            9235: -8,-75
-            9236: -7,-75
-            9237: -6,-75
-            9238: -2,-75
-            9239: -1,-75
-            9240: -3,-75
-            9241: -8,-69
-            9242: -8,-69
-            9243: -1,-69
-            9265: -2,-63
-            9266: -1,-63
-            9267: 0,-63
-            9350: -2,-57
-            9351: -1,-57
-            9352: -1,-57
-            9353: 0,-57
-            9415: -40,-14
-            9416: -41,-14
-            9417: -41,-14
-            10308: 3,-50
-            10309: 4,-50
-            10310: 4,-50
-            10311: 8,-50
-            10312: 9,-50
-            10313: 9,-50
-            10314: 10,-50
-            10315: 11,-50
-            10496: 4,-87
-            10521: 55,-43
-            10545: 44,-38
-            10546: 45,-38
-            10547: 46,-38
-            10548: 47,-38
-            10549: 48,-38
-            10574: 45,-46
-            11228: -77,-23
-            11245: -11,-79
-            11246: -6,-83
-            11247: -4,-83
-            11249: 2,-83
-            11254: -6,-87
-            11255: -4,-87
-            11256: 2,-87
-            11257: 2,-87
-            11334: -14,-30
-            11337: -15,-33
-            11338: -13,-33
-            11565: -15,-33
-            11566: -13,-33
-            11749: -39,-57
-            11750: -41,-51
-            11751: -41,-51
-            11752: -40,-51
-            11753: -40,-51
-            11754: -38,-51
-            11755: -38,-51
-            11779: -25,-50
-            12697: 5,70
-            12698: 6,70
-            12699: 7,70
-            12700: -7,66
-            12701: -6,66
-            12702: -5,66
-            12703: -4,66
-            12704: -3,66
-            12732: -7,59
-            12733: -6,59
-            12734: -4,59
-            12735: -4,59
-            12736: -3,59
-            12737: -5,59
-            12738: -20,59
-            12739: -21,59
-            12740: -19,59
-            12741: -19,59
-            12742: -17,59
-            12743: -18,59
-            12763: -13,70
-            12764: -12,70
-            12765: -11,70
-            12766: -29,70
-            12767: -30,70
-            12768: -31,70
-            12769: -21,66
-            12770: -20,66
-            12771: -19,66
-            12772: -18,66
-            12773: -18,66
-            12774: -17,66
-            12775: -17,66
-            13323: -37,-64
-            14362: -17,24
-            14363: -16,24
-            14364: -15,24
-            14365: -14,24
-            14366: -13,24
-            14367: -12,24
-            14368: -11,24
-            14369: -10,24
-            14826: -7,24
-            14827: -6,24
-            14828: -5,24
-            14829: -4,24
-            14830: -3,24
-            14831: -2,24
-            14832: -1,24
-            14833: 1,24
-            14834: 2,24
-            14835: 3,24
-            14842: 9,24
-            14843: 10,24
-            14844: 11,24
-            14845: 12,24
-            14846: 12,24
-            14847: 13,24
-            14848: 17,24
-            14849: 18,24
-            14870: -20,21
-            14871: -19,21
-            14872: -18,21
-            14939: 16,21
-            14940: 17,21
-            14941: 18,21
-            15270: -5,-75
-            15271: -4,-75
-            15319: -43,7
-            15320: -42,7
-            15321: -41,7
-            15498: 77,2
-            15696: 79,2
-            15697: 80,2
-            15698: 81,2
-            15699: 82,2
-            15700: 83,2
-            15701: 87,2
-            15702: 88,2
-            15703: 89,2
-            15705: 81,-1
-            15706: 85,-1
-            15707: 89,-1
-            15708: 84,2
-            15709: 85,2
-            15710: 86,2
-            16304: -60,-48
-            16595: -60,-12
-            16596: -59,-12
-            16597: -57,-12
-            16623: -56,-12
-            16627: -58,-11
-            16630: -56,-19
-            16633: -56,-19
-            16634: -54,-19
-            16640: -61,-17
-            16684: -58,-5
-            16717: -53,3
-            16718: -52,3
-            16719: -53,7
-            16720: -52,7
-            16731: -53,3
-            16732: -52,3
-            16735: -53,7
-            16736: -52,7
-            16748: -50,-1
-            17831: -45,23
-            18332: -60,-44
-            18341: -60,-44
-            18370: -13,-12
-            18371: -13,-12
-            18372: -15,-12
-            18373: -11,-12
-            18374: -12,-12
-            18404: -14,-11
-            18405: -10,-11
-            18438: 8,-11
-            18440: 7,-12
-            18441: 9,-12
-            18701: 4,-8
-            18702: 3,-8
-            19807: -27,9
-            19808: -26,9
-            19809: -25,9
-            19810: -25,9
-            19811: -24,9
-            19812: -24,9
-            19817: -24,15
-            19818: -28,15
-            19819: -27,15
-            19933: -16,4
-            19973: 70,26
-            19974: 69,26
-            20001: 63,26
-            20002: 68,26
-            20070: -20,-7
-            20071: -19,-7
-            20072: -18,-7
-            20073: -20,7
-            20074: -19,7
-            20075: -18,7
-            21265: 22,10
-            21808: -43,23
-            22502: 32,6
-            22525: 13,-8
-            23862: -28,-17
-            23890: -31,-2
-            23891: -30,-2
-            23892: -29,-2
-            23893: -28,-2
-            23894: -27,-2
-            23895: -26,-2
-            23896: -26,-2
-            23897: -25,-2
-            23898: -23,-2
-            23899: -22,-2
-            23905: -33,-10
-            23906: -32,-10
-            23939: -28,-17
-            23942: -31,-11
-            23943: -30,-11
-            23944: -29,-11
-            23945: -34,-16
-            23946: -33,-16
-            23947: -32,-16
-            23948: -31,-16
-            23967: -34,-11
+            2105: -20,54
+            2106: -19,54
+            2107: -18,54
+            2112: -16,52
+            2113: -22,52
+            2114: -22,52
+            2187: -24,39
+            2188: -25,39
+            2189: -26,39
+            2190: -27,39
+            2253: -31,32
+            2271: -32,37
+            2610: -13,50
+            2611: -11,50
+            2612: -10,50
+            2613: -9,50
+            2614: -8,50
+            2615: -7,50
+            2616: -5,50
+            2617: -4,50
+            2632: -2,48
+            2663: -3,46
+            2667: -4,47
+            2681: -6,28
+            2694: -27,43
+            2695: -28,43
+            2696: -29,43
+            2708: -31,43
+            2715: -30,39
+            2923: -20,54
+            2924: -19,54
+            2925: -18,54
+            2926: 1,59
+            2930: -1,55
+            2933: 1,55
+            2934: 2,55
+            2935: 1,58
+            2936: 0,58
+            2937: -1,58
+            2943: -16,58
+            2944: -15,58
+            2945: -14,58
+            2946: -13,58
+            2947: -12,58
+            2948: -11,58
+            2949: -10,58
+            2950: -9,58
+            2951: -8,58
+            3226: -28,69
+            3227: -26,69
+            3228: -25,69
+            3229: -24,69
+            3230: -23,69
+            3231: -21,69
+            3232: -21,69
+            3233: -22,69
+            3234: -19,69
+            3235: -20,69
+            3236: -18,69
+            3237: -17,69
+            3238: -16,69
+            3239: -15,69
+            3240: -14,69
+            3282: -10,69
+            3283: -9,69
+            3284: -8,69
+            3285: -8,69
+            3286: -7,69
+            3287: -5,69
+            3288: -6,69
+            3289: -5,69
+            3290: -4,69
+            3291: -3,69
+            3309: -2,58
+            3321: 6,66
+            3409: -2,69
+            3410: -1,69
+            3411: 0,69
+            3412: 1,69
+            3413: 2,69
+            3414: 3,69
+            3415: 4,69
+            3438: -9,77
+            3440: -15,77
+            3450: -15,84
+            3451: -9,84
+            3460: -33,84
+            3461: -27,84
+            3471: -33,77
+            3472: -27,77
+            3477: 6,71
+            3532: 3,84
+            3535: 3,77
+            3548: 6,66
+            3592: -25,66
+            3598: -30,66
+            4956: 31,29
+            4959: 30,32
+            4960: 31,32
+            4961: 32,32
+            4962: 33,32
+            4963: 34,32
+            4971: 35,29
+            5205: 14,-8
+            5206: 13,-8
+            5207: 9,-8
+            5208: 7,-8
+            5209: 6,-8
+            5210: 2,-8
+            5211: 1,-8
+            5212: -2,-8
+            5213: -3,-8
+            5214: -3,-8
+            5215: -4,-8
+            5216: -5,-8
+            5217: -6,-8
+            5218: -11,-8
+            5219: -12,-8
+            5220: -14,-8
+            5221: -15,-8
+            5222: -16,-8
+            5223: -16,-8
+            5272: -29,6
+            5273: -28,6
+            5274: -28,6
+            5275: -27,6
+            5276: -27,6
+            5277: -24,6
+            5278: -24,6
+            5279: -23,6
+            5280: -23,6
+            5281: -22,6
+            5282: -22,6
+            5303: -39,6
+            5304: -38,6
+            5305: -37,6
+            5306: -35,6
+            5307: -34,6
+            5308: -34,6
+            5309: -33,6
+            5310: -32,6
+            5313: -30,6
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+            5366: -19,7
+            5367: -18,7
+            5384: -20,-7
+            5385: -19,-7
+            5386: -18,-7
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+            5927: -11,-18
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+            5934: -9,-19
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+            5944: 6,-19
+            5945: 3,-19
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+            5948: 10,-19
+            5949: 11,-19
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+            5966: 17,-7
+            5967: 18,-7
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+            5979: 17,7
+            5980: 18,7
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+            5982: -15,-19
+            5983: -16,-19
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+            6475: -32,3
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+            6750: -36,19
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+            6926: 21,-10
+            6927: 23,-10
+            6928: 24,-10
+            6929: 25,-10
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+            6955: 28,-10
+            6956: 29,-10
+            6957: 31,-10
+            6958: 30,-10
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+            6984: 27,2
+            6985: 28,2
+            6986: 29,2
+            6990: 25,-7
+            6991: 27,-7
+            6992: 26,-7
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+            7003: 29,-7
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+            7030: 28,6
+            7031: 30,6
+            7032: 31,6
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+            7145: 30,12
+            7146: 31,12
+            7147: 31,12
+            7148: 32,12
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+            7821: 81,-19
+            7822: 80,-19
+            7823: 80,-19
+            7824: 77,-19
+            7825: 77,-19
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+            8126: 41,-8
+            8127: 40,-8
+            8128: 39,-8
+            8129: 38,-8
+            8130: 34,-8
+            8131: 34,-8
+            8132: 35,-8
+            8133: 37,-8
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+            8174: 41,-18
+            8182: 40,-19
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+            8217: 44,-19
+            8218: 45,-19
+            8219: 45,-19
+            8220: 48,-19
+            8221: 49,-19
+            8222: 49,-19
+            8223: 50,-19
+            8224: 50,-19
+            8225: 50,-19
+            8226: 50,-19
+            8227: 51,-19
+            8228: 51,-19
+            8229: 53,-19
+            8230: 53,-19
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+            8251: 44,-22
+            8252: 48,-22
+            8253: 48,-22
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+            8612: -7,-22
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+            8614: -2,-22
+            8615: -2,-22
+            8616: -1,-22
+            8617: 0,-22
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+            8620: 11,-22
+            8621: 12,-22
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+            8690: 0,-37
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+            8736: -11,-24
+            8737: -11,-24
+            8738: -10,-24
+            8739: -10,-24
+            8740: -9,-24
+            8741: -8,-24
+            8742: -15,-24
+            8743: -5,-24
+            8744: -4,-24
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+            8977: 1,-64
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+            9011: -6,-64
+            9012: -5,-64
+            9013: -5,-64
+            9014: -4,-64
+            9015: -4,-64
+            9016: -3,-64
+            9017: -9,-64
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+            9074: -7,-75
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+            9080: -8,-69
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+            9104: -1,-63
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+            10151: 9,-50
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+            10752: -4,-87
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+            11062: -15,-33
+            11063: -13,-33
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+            11236: -41,-51
+            11237: -40,-51
+            11238: -40,-51
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+            12016: 6,70
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+            12019: -6,66
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+            12048: -6,59
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+            12050: -4,59
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+            12055: -19,59
+            12056: -17,59
+            12057: -18,59
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+            12078: -12,70
+            12079: -11,70
+            12080: -29,70
+            12081: -30,70
+            12082: -31,70
+            12083: -21,66
+            12084: -20,66
+            12085: -19,66
+            12086: -18,66
+            12087: -18,66
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+            12089: -17,66
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+            13419: -16,24
+            13420: -15,24
+            13421: -14,24
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+            13424: -11,24
+            13425: -10,24
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+            13886: -3,24
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+            13903: 13,24
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+            13905: 18,24
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+            13927: -19,21
+            13928: -18,21
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+            13996: 17,21
+            13997: 18,21
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+            14369: -42,7
+            14370: -41,7
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+            14746: 80,2
+            14747: 81,2
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+            14749: 83,2
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+            14756: 89,-1
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+            14758: 85,2
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+            15767: -52,3
+            15768: -53,7
+            15769: -52,7
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+            15781: -52,3
+            15784: -53,7
+            15785: -52,7
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+            17390: -60,-44
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+            17420: -13,-12
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+            18816: -25,9
+            18817: -24,9
+            18818: -24,9
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+            18824: -28,15
+            18825: -27,15
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+            18980: 69,26
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+            19008: 68,26
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+            19077: -19,-7
+            19078: -18,-7
+            19079: -20,7
+            19080: -19,7
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+            22901: -26,-2
+            22902: -26,-2
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+            22912: -32,-10
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+            22948: -31,-11
+            22949: -30,-11
+            22950: -29,-11
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+            22952: -33,-16
+            22953: -32,-16
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-            12017: -26,-47
-            12018: -25,-47
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-            19722: -8,-40
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-            19724: -7,-40
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+            11354: -27,-47
+            11355: -26,-47
+            11356: -25,-47
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+            15113: -64,-48
+            15114: -62,-48
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+            18736: -7,-40
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+            18760: -8,-39
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-            20490: 64,-1
-            20491: 66,-1
-            20492: 67,-1
-            20493: 72,-1
-            20494: 73,-1
-            20517: 73,4
-            20521: 74,21
-            20522: 75,21
-            20523: 76,21
-            20568: 46,10
-            20569: 47,10
-            20570: 48,10
-            20571: 80,9
-            20572: 82,9
-            20573: 82,9
-            20574: 83,9
-            20575: 84,9
-            20576: 81,9
-            20577: 85,9
-            20578: 86,9
-            20619: 52,20
-            20620: 57,20
-            20633: 51,21
-            20634: 50,21
-            20635: 54,21
-            20636: 53,21
-            20637: 54,21
-            20638: 55,21
-            20639: 56,21
-            20640: 58,21
-            20665: 51,14
-            20668: 47,14
-            20671: 51,11
-            20672: 52,11
-            20673: 54,11
-            20674: 55,11
-            20675: 56,11
-            20676: 57,11
-            20677: 58,11
-            20678: 59,11
-            20703: 46,15
-            20741: 52,15
-            20742: 53,15
-            20746: 52,20
-            20747: 51,14
-            20760: 53,10
-            20802: 91,15
-            20803: 92,15
-            20804: 93,15
-            20809: 84,12
-            20810: 85,12
-            20811: 85,12
-            20812: 85,12
-            20813: 87,12
-            20814: 88,12
-            20815: 90,12
-            20816: 91,12
-            20817: 91,12
-            20818: 92,12
-            20819: 89,12
-            20820: 86,12
-            20823: 82,12
-            20828: 83,11
-            20839: 77,8
-            20871: 70,-1
-            20872: 69,-5
-            20873: 70,-5
-            20879: 66,2
-            20880: 62,2
-            20881: 58,2
-            20897: 73,20
-            20899: 73,20
-            20921: 75,24
-            20922: 75,26
-            20962: 69,-2
-            20971: 47,-2
-            20977: 47,-2
-            20980: 52,-2
-            20981: 52,-5
-            20982: 56,-5
-            20983: 57,-5
-            21020: 40,2
-            21021: 40,-1
-            21032: 36,7
-            21033: 34,4
-            21073: 51,3
-            21074: 52,3
-            21075: 53,3
-            21076: 54,3
-            21090: 58,2
-            21091: 62,2
-            21092: 66,2
-            21107: 76,-4
-            21129: -19,-28
-            21139: 46,-5
-            21140: 47,-5
-            21148: 51,-6
-            21153: 47,-9
-            21154: 48,-9
-            21155: 49,-9
-            21156: 50,-9
-            21165: 56,-2
-            21169: 57,-1
-            21307: 21,23
-            21316: 21,21
-            21317: 22,21
-            21318: 23,21
-            21319: 24,21
-            21320: 25,21
-            21321: 26,21
-            21322: 26,21
-            21323: 27,21
-            23071: 12,-28
-            23158: 12,-33
+            19231: -23,3
+            19238: -23,0
+            19239: -47,8
+            19258: 5,-82
+            19263: 7,-57
+            19264: 5,-63
+            19265: 5,-73
+            19266: 5,-79
+            19275: 4,-83
+            19282: 5,-79
+            19319: 4,-62
+            19320: 6,-62
+            19321: 7,-62
+            19322: 9,-75
+            19323: 8,-75
+            19324: 9,-78
+            19376: 11,-29
+            19380: 11,-32
+            19381: 13,-32
+            19388: 11,-29
+            19389: 13,33
+            19395: 12,30
+            19416: 3,60
+            19417: 1,60
+            19432: 41,3
+            19433: 42,3
+            19434: 43,3
+            19435: 44,3
+            19436: 45,3
+            19465: 40,10
+            19472: 36,10
+            19482: 37,8
+            19483: 36,4
+            19484: 37,4
+            19485: 48,-1
+            19486: 50,-1
+            19487: 51,-1
+            19488: 53,-1
+            19489: 54,-1
+            19490: 55,-1
+            19491: 58,-1
+            19492: 59,-1
+            19493: 60,-1
+            19494: 62,-1
+            19495: 63,-1
+            19496: 64,-1
+            19497: 66,-1
+            19498: 67,-1
+            19499: 72,-1
+            19500: 73,-1
+            19523: 73,4
+            19527: 74,21
+            19528: 75,21
+            19529: 76,21
+            19574: 46,10
+            19575: 47,10
+            19576: 48,10
+            19577: 80,9
+            19578: 82,9
+            19579: 82,9
+            19580: 83,9
+            19581: 84,9
+            19582: 81,9
+            19583: 85,9
+            19584: 86,9
+            19625: 52,20
+            19626: 57,20
+            19639: 51,21
+            19640: 50,21
+            19641: 54,21
+            19642: 53,21
+            19643: 54,21
+            19644: 55,21
+            19645: 56,21
+            19646: 58,21
+            19671: 51,14
+            19674: 47,14
+            19677: 51,11
+            19678: 52,11
+            19679: 54,11
+            19680: 55,11
+            19681: 56,11
+            19682: 57,11
+            19683: 58,11
+            19684: 59,11
+            19709: 46,15
+            19747: 52,15
+            19748: 53,15
+            19752: 52,20
+            19753: 51,14
+            19766: 53,10
+            19808: 91,15
+            19809: 92,15
+            19810: 93,15
+            19815: 84,12
+            19816: 85,12
+            19817: 85,12
+            19818: 85,12
+            19819: 87,12
+            19820: 88,12
+            19821: 90,12
+            19822: 91,12
+            19823: 91,12
+            19824: 92,12
+            19825: 89,12
+            19826: 86,12
+            19829: 82,12
+            19834: 83,11
+            19845: 77,8
+            19877: 70,-1
+            19878: 69,-5
+            19879: 70,-5
+            19885: 66,2
+            19886: 62,2
+            19887: 58,2
+            19903: 73,20
+            19905: 73,20
+            19927: 75,24
+            19928: 75,26
+            19968: 69,-2
+            19977: 47,-2
+            19983: 47,-2
+            19986: 52,-2
+            19987: 52,-5
+            19988: 56,-5
+            19989: 57,-5
+            20026: 40,2
+            20027: 40,-1
+            20038: 36,7
+            20039: 34,4
+            20079: 51,3
+            20080: 52,3
+            20081: 53,3
+            20082: 54,3
+            20096: 58,2
+            20097: 62,2
+            20098: 66,2
+            20113: 76,-4
+            20135: -19,-28
+            20145: 46,-5
+            20146: 47,-5
+            20154: 51,-6
+            20159: 47,-9
+            20160: 48,-9
+            20161: 49,-9
+            20162: 50,-9
+            20171: 56,-2
+            20175: 57,-1
+            20313: 21,23
+            20322: 21,21
+            20323: 22,21
+            20324: 23,21
+            20325: 24,21
+            20326: 25,21
+            20327: 26,21
+            20328: 26,21
+            20329: 27,21
+            22077: 12,-28
+            22164: 12,-33
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileSteelLineS
-            2221: -20,54
-            2222: -19,54
-            2223: -19,54
-            2224: -19,54
-            2225: -18,54
-            2226: -18,54
-            2231: -21,55
-            2291: -22,28
-            2292: -22,28
-            2296: -21,26
-            2315: -24,30
-            2318: -26,29
-            2379: -31,38
-            2389: -32,33
-            2741: -13,48
-            2742: -12,48
-            2743: -11,48
-            2744: -10,48
-            2745: -9,48
-            2746: -8,48
-            2747: -7,48
-            2748: -6,48
-            2749: -5,48
-            2750: -3,48
-            2751: -2,48
-            2759: -12,51
-            2760: -6,51
-            2779: -3,44
-            2791: -4,47
-            2802: -6,26
-            2822: -30,44
-            2823: -29,41
-            2824: -28,41
-            2825: -27,41
-            2826: -26,41
-            2829: -31,40
-            2830: -32,40
-            2835: -30,44
-            3030: -16,56
-            3031: -15,56
-            3032: -14,56
-            3033: -13,56
-            3034: -12,56
-            3035: -11,56
-            3036: -10,56
-            3037: -9,56
-            3038: -8,56
-            3039: -7,56
-            3040: -6,56
-            3041: -5,56
-            3042: -4,56
-            3043: -3,56
-            3050: 0,56
-            3051: -2,56
-            3169: -16,67
-            3170: -15,67
-            3171: -14,67
-            3172: -13,67
-            3173: -12,67
-            3174: -11,67
-            3175: -10,67
-            3176: -9,67
-            3177: -8,67
-            3423: -31,67
-            3424: -29,67
-            3425: -28,67
-            3426: -27,67
-            3427: -26,67
-            3428: -24,67
-            3429: -23,67
-            3430: -22,67
-            3437: 2,59
-            3449: -2,67
-            3533: -1,67
-            3534: 1,67
-            3535: 0,67
-            3536: 2,67
-            3537: 3,67
-            3538: 4,67
-            3539: 5,67
-            3540: 7,67
-            3572: -15,77
-            3574: -9,77
-            3581: -15,84
-            3582: -9,84
-            3585: -12,97
-            3592: -27,84
-            3595: -33,84
-            3602: -33,77
-            3603: -27,77
-            3666: 3,84
-            3667: 3,77
-            4448: 14,25
-            4449: 15,25
-            4450: 16,25
-            5103: 31,29
-            5114: 30,30
-            5118: 32,30
-            5119: 33,30
-            5120: 34,30
-            5124: 36,30
-            5128: 35,33
-            5132: 35,29
-            5423: -24,4
-            5436: -31,4
-            5437: -30,4
-            5438: -30,4
-            5439: -29,4
-            5440: -28,4
-            5441: -26,4
-            5442: -25,4
-            5443: -27,4
-            5446: -22,4
-            5447: -35,4
-            5448: -36,4
-            5449: -38,4
-            5450: -39,4
-            5451: -37,4
-            5452: -34,4
-            5520: -20,7
-            5521: -19,7
-            5522: -18,7
-            5533: -20,-7
-            5534: -19,-7
-            5535: -18,-7
-            5633: 10,-7
-            5634: 11,-7
-            5635: 8,-7
-            5771: 12,-3
-            5780: 13,-6
-            5781: 12,-6
-            5782: 9,-6
-            5794: -1,-7
-            5800: -10,-7
-            6062: -15,-17
-            6063: -14,-17
-            6070: -10,-17
-            6080: -13,-18
-            6081: -12,-18
-            6082: -11,-18
-            6120: 16,-7
-            6121: 17,-7
-            6122: 18,-7
-            6127: 16,7
-            6128: 17,7
-            6129: 18,7
-            6142: -16,-21
-            6143: -15,-21
-            6144: -12,-21
-            6145: -11,-21
-            6146: -10,-21
-            6147: -9,-21
-            6148: -9,-21
-            6149: -8,-21
-            6150: -5,-21
-            6151: -4,-21
-            6250: -5,-17
-            6251: -4,-13
-            6260: -4,-18
-            6275: 2,-21
-            6276: 3,-21
-            6277: 6,-21
-            6278: 7,-21
-            6279: 8,-21
-            6280: 9,-21
-            6281: 10,-21
-            6282: 13,-21
-            6283: 14,-21
-            6303: 16,-21
-            6304: 17,-21
-            6328: 2,-13
-            6330: 3,-17
-            6331: 2,-17
-            6360: 9,-17
-            6361: 7,-17
-            6377: 12,-18
-            6378: 13,-18
-            6379: 13,-18
-            6380: 14,-18
-            6399: 8,-18
-            6424: -18,-21
-            6425: -19,-21
-            6426: -19,-21
-            6784: -26,7
-            6785: -25,7
-            6786: -31,7
-            6787: -36,7
-            6801: -37,8
-            6892: -36,17
-            6907: -24,8
-            6908: -23,8
-            6919: -26,16
-            6920: -26,16
-            6939: -27,8
-            6940: -27,8
-            7024: 20,4
-            7025: 21,4
-            7026: 23,4
-            7027: 24,4
-            7028: 25,4
-            7050: 21,8
-            7051: 23,8
-            7064: 22,7
-            7082: 20,-12
-            7083: 21,-12
-            7084: 23,-12
-            7085: 24,-12
-            7086: 23,-12
-            7087: 24,-12
-            7088: 22,-12
-            7101: 27,-12
-            7102: 28,-12
-            7103: 29,-12
-            7104: 30,-12
-            7105: 31,-12
-            7114: 22,-9
-            7148: 26,-8
-            7149: 25,-8
-            7150: 27,-8
-            7151: 29,-8
-            7152: 30,-8
-            7159: 30,-6
-            7160: 29,-6
-            7173: 30,3
-            7177: 29,4
-            7178: 28,4
-            7179: 27,4
-            7180: 31,4
-            7198: 22,7
-            7290: 29,12
-            7291: 30,12
-            7292: 30,12
-            7293: 31,12
-            7294: 32,12
-            7322: 29,7
-            7968: 77,-22
-            7969: 79,-22
-            7970: 80,-22
-            7971: 81,-22
-            7983: 77,-19
-            7998: 65,-22
-            8000: 65,-19
-            8160: 33,-16
-            8161: 34,-16
-            8162: 35,-16
-            8163: 36,-16
-            8164: 37,-16
-            8203: 33,-6
-            8264: 38,-16
-            8265: 40,-16
-            8326: 39,-18
-            8329: 41,-18
-            8351: 39,-21
-            8352: 40,-21
-            8353: 41,-21
-            8359: 43,-21
-            8360: 45,-21
-            8361: 46,-21
-            8362: 46,-21
-            8363: 47,-21
-            8364: 49,-21
-            8365: 50,-21
-            8366: 50,-21
-            8367: 51,-21
-            8368: 53,-21
-            8369: 53,-21
-            8388: 46,-18
-            8389: 46,-18
-            8390: 47,-18
-            8409: 52,-18
-            8410: 52,-18
-            8597: 56,-31
-            8598: 57,-31
-            8602: 58,-30
-            8603: 58,-30
-            8604: 59,-30
-            8605: 59,-30
-            8606: 60,-30
-            8607: 60,-30
-            8609: 62,-31
-            8794: -2,-22
-            8795: -1,-22
-            8796: 0,-22
-            8841: -2,-29
-            8842: -1,-29
-            8843: 0,-29
-            8844: -2,-37
-            8845: -2,-37
-            8846: -1,-37
-            8847: 0,-37
-            8848: 0,-37
-            8879: -12,-27
-            8880: -11,-27
-            8881: -10,-27
-            8882: -10,-27
-            8883: -9,-27
-            8884: -8,-27
-            8890: -16,-26
-            8891: -4,-26
-            8892: -4,-26
-            8954: -16,-26
-            9130: -2,-63
-            9131: -1,-63
-            9132: 0,-63
-            9147: -7,-65
-            9148: -7,-65
-            9149: -2,-65
-            9150: -6,-65
-            9151: -5,-65
-            9152: -4,-65
-            9153: -4,-65
-            9154: -3,-65
-            9155: -3,-65
-            9199: -10,-78
-            9205: -8,-82
-            9206: -7,-82
-            9207: -5,-82
-            9208: -3,-82
-            9209: -3,-82
-            9213: -2,-81
-            9214: -1,-81
-            9215: 0,-81
-            9216: 0,-81
-            9244: -8,-71
-            9245: -1,-71
-            9263: -5,-74
-            9264: -4,-74
-            9285: -2,-57
-            9286: -2,-57
-            9287: -1,-57
-            9288: -1,-57
-            9289: 0,-57
-            9290: 0,-57
-            9420: -41,-18
-            10316: 3,-52
-            10317: 4,-52
-            10318: 6,-52
-            10319: 6,-52
-            10320: 7,-52
-            10321: 7,-52
-            10322: 8,-52
-            10323: 8,-52
-            10324: 9,-52
-            10325: 9,-52
-            10326: 10,-52
-            10327: 10,-52
-            10328: 11,-52
-            10329: 11,-52
-            10330: 11,-52
-            10331: 5,-52
-            10497: 4,-83
-            10523: 55,-44
-            10555: 46,-45
-            10556: 44,-45
-            10557: 44,-45
-            10558: 48,-45
-            11173: -59,-33
-            11179: -59,-40
-            11250: -6,-83
-            11251: -4,-83
-            11252: 2,-83
-            11253: 2,-83
-            11301: -10,-63
-            11333: -14,-32
-            11335: -15,-29
-            11336: -13,-29
-            11743: -38,-56
-            11744: -38,-56
-            11764: -37,-53
-            11765: -38,-53
-            11766: -39,-53
-            11767: -40,-53
-            11768: -40,-53
-            11785: -24,-54
-            11786: -25,-54
-            12063: -24,-49
-            12459: -21,-77
-            12694: 5,70
-            12695: 6,70
-            12696: 7,70
-            12705: -7,66
-            12706: -6,66
-            12707: -5,66
-            12708: -4,66
-            12709: -3,66
-            12710: -7,59
-            12727: -7,59
-            12728: -6,59
-            12729: -5,59
-            12730: -4,59
-            12731: -3,59
-            12744: -21,59
-            12745: -20,59
-            12746: -19,59
-            12747: -18,59
-            12748: -18,59
-            12749: -17,59
-            12750: -19,59
-            12751: -21,66
-            12752: -20,66
-            12753: -19,66
-            12754: -18,66
-            12755: -18,66
-            12756: -17,66
-            12757: -31,70
-            12758: -30,70
-            12759: -29,70
-            12760: -13,70
-            12761: -12,70
-            12762: -11,70
-            13320: -37,-59
-            14352: -17,22
-            14353: -16,22
-            14354: -15,22
-            14355: -15,22
-            14356: -14,22
-            14357: -12,22
-            14358: -11,22
-            14359: -13,22
-            14360: -10,22
-            14361: -9,22
-            14803: -7,22
-            14804: -6,22
-            14805: -5,22
-            14806: -4,22
-            14807: -2,22
-            14808: -2,22
-            14809: -3,22
-            14810: -1,22
-            14811: 0,22
-            14812: 1,22
-            14813: 2,22
-            14814: 3,22
-            14815: 4,22
-            14816: 5,22
-            14817: 7,22
-            14818: 8,22
-            14819: 9,22
-            14820: 10,22
-            14821: 11,22
-            14822: 12,22
-            14823: 13,22
-            14824: 14,22
-            14825: 15,22
-            14874: -20,25
-            14875: -19,25
-            14876: -18,25
-            14877: -20,21
-            14878: -19,21
-            14879: -18,21
-            14942: 16,21
-            14943: 17,21
-            14944: 18,21
-            15295: -43,4
-            15296: -42,4
-            15297: -41,4
-            15309: -43,7
-            15310: -42,7
-            15311: -41,7
-            15501: 77,0
-            15693: 78,3
-            15713: 86,0
-            15714: 87,0
-            15715: 88,0
-            15716: 84,0
-            15717: 83,0
-            15718: 82,0
-            15719: 80,0
-            15720: 79,0
-            15721: 78,0
-            16603: -58,-11
-            16604: -60,-15
-            16606: -59,-15
-            16607: -58,-15
-            16610: -60,-15
-            16611: -59,-15
-            16612: -57,-15
-            16613: -56,-15
-            16614: -58,-15
-            16615: -58,-15
-            16616: -57,-15
-            16617: -59,-15
-            16624: -58,-11
-            16626: -58,-11
-            16641: -61,-17
-            16681: -57,-4
-            16683: -58,-5
-            16725: -60,-4
-            16726: -59,-4
-            16729: -53,3
-            16730: -52,3
-            16733: -53,7
-            16734: -52,7
-            16751: -50,-4
-            17426: 6,86
-            17830: -45,23
-            18389: -15,-10
-            18390: -16,-10
-            18391: -13,-10
-            18392: -12,-10
-            18393: -11,-10
-            18394: -9,-10
-            18395: -8,-10
-            18396: -8,-10
-            18397: -7,-10
-            18398: -6,-10
-            18399: -5,-10
-            18402: -14,-11
-            18403: -10,-11
-            18414: 15,-10
-            18415: 14,-10
-            18416: 13,-10
-            18417: 12,-10
-            18418: 11,-10
-            18419: 10,-10
-            18420: 9,-10
-            18421: 5,-10
-            18422: 6,-10
-            18423: 7,-10
-            18424: 5,-10
-            18425: 4,-10
-            18426: 3,-10
-            18427: 2,-10
-            18428: 1,-10
-            18429: 0,-10
-            18430: -1,-10
-            18431: -2,-10
-            18432: -3,-10
-            18433: -4,-10
-            18434: -4,-10
-            18445: 8,-11
-            19796: -27,14
-            19797: -26,14
-            19798: -25,14
-            19799: -25,14
-            19800: -24,14
-            19801: -24,14
-            19820: -28,8
-            19979: 62,21
-            19980: 63,21
-            19981: 64,21
-            19982: 65,21
-            19983: 66,21
-            19984: 68,21
-            19985: 69,21
-            19986: 67,21
-            20012: 62,27
-            20013: 64,27
-            20014: 65,27
-            20015: 66,27
-            20016: 67,27
-            20054: -20,7
-            20055: -19,7
-            20056: -18,7
-            20098: -20,21
-            20099: -19,21
-            20100: -18,21
-            22501: 32,4
-            23863: -34,-16
-            23864: -33,-16
-            23865: -33,-16
-            23866: -32,-16
-            23867: -31,-16
-            23868: -30,-16
-            23869: -30,-16
-            23870: -29,-16
-            23871: -34,-11
-            23872: -33,-11
-            23873: -33,-11
-            23874: -32,-11
-            23875: -31,-11
-            23876: -31,-11
-            23877: -31,-3
-            23878: -30,-3
-            23879: -28,-3
-            23880: -27,-3
-            23881: -26,-3
-            23882: -26,-3
-            23883: -26,-3
-            23884: -25,-3
-            23885: -23,-3
-            23886: -22,-3
-            23887: -22,-3
-            23900: -33,3
-            23901: -32,3
-            23902: -24,-1
-            23903: -33,-10
-            23904: -32,-10
-            23940: -33,-10
-            23941: -32,-10
+            2099: -20,54
+            2100: -19,54
+            2101: -19,54
+            2102: -19,54
+            2103: -18,54
+            2104: -18,54
+            2109: -21,55
+            2168: -22,28
+            2169: -22,28
+            2173: -21,26
+            2192: -24,30
+            2195: -26,29
+            2256: -31,38
+            2266: -32,33
+            2618: -13,48
+            2619: -12,48
+            2620: -11,48
+            2621: -10,48
+            2622: -9,48
+            2623: -8,48
+            2624: -7,48
+            2625: -6,48
+            2626: -5,48
+            2627: -3,48
+            2628: -2,48
+            2636: -12,51
+            2637: -6,51
+            2656: -3,44
+            2668: -4,47
+            2679: -6,26
+            2699: -30,44
+            2700: -29,41
+            2701: -28,41
+            2702: -27,41
+            2703: -26,41
+            2706: -31,40
+            2707: -32,40
+            2712: -30,44
+            2907: -16,56
+            2908: -15,56
+            2909: -14,56
+            2910: -13,56
+            2911: -12,56
+            2912: -11,56
+            2913: -10,56
+            2914: -9,56
+            2915: -8,56
+            2916: -7,56
+            2917: -6,56
+            2918: -5,56
+            2919: -4,56
+            2920: -3,56
+            2927: 0,56
+            2928: -2,56
+            3044: -16,67
+            3045: -15,67
+            3046: -14,67
+            3047: -13,67
+            3048: -12,67
+            3049: -11,67
+            3050: -10,67
+            3051: -9,67
+            3052: -8,67
+            3294: -31,67
+            3295: -29,67
+            3296: -28,67
+            3297: -27,67
+            3298: -26,67
+            3299: -24,67
+            3300: -23,67
+            3301: -22,67
+            3308: 2,59
+            3320: -2,67
+            3400: -1,67
+            3401: 1,67
+            3402: 0,67
+            3403: 2,67
+            3404: 3,67
+            3405: 4,67
+            3406: 5,67
+            3407: 7,67
+            3439: -15,77
+            3441: -9,77
+            3448: -15,84
+            3449: -9,84
+            3452: -12,97
+            3459: -27,84
+            3462: -33,84
+            3469: -33,77
+            3470: -27,77
+            3533: 3,84
+            3534: 3,77
+            4298: 14,25
+            4299: 15,25
+            4300: 16,25
+            4953: 31,29
+            4964: 30,30
+            4968: 32,30
+            4969: 33,30
+            4970: 34,30
+            4974: 36,30
+            4978: 35,33
+            4982: 35,29
+            5271: -24,4
+            5284: -31,4
+            5285: -30,4
+            5286: -30,4
+            5287: -29,4
+            5288: -28,4
+            5289: -26,4
+            5290: -25,4
+            5291: -27,4
+            5294: -22,4
+            5295: -35,4
+            5296: -36,4
+            5297: -38,4
+            5298: -39,4
+            5299: -37,4
+            5300: -34,4
+            5368: -20,7
+            5369: -19,7
+            5370: -18,7
+            5381: -20,-7
+            5382: -19,-7
+            5383: -18,-7
+            5481: 10,-7
+            5482: 11,-7
+            5483: 8,-7
+            5619: 12,-3
+            5628: 13,-6
+            5629: 12,-6
+            5630: 9,-6
+            5642: -1,-7
+            5648: -10,-7
+            5910: -15,-17
+            5911: -14,-17
+            5918: -10,-17
+            5928: -13,-18
+            5929: -12,-18
+            5930: -11,-18
+            5968: 16,-7
+            5969: 17,-7
+            5970: 18,-7
+            5975: 16,7
+            5976: 17,7
+            5977: 18,7
+            5990: -16,-21
+            5991: -15,-21
+            5992: -12,-21
+            5993: -11,-21
+            5994: -10,-21
+            5995: -9,-21
+            5996: -9,-21
+            5997: -8,-21
+            5998: -5,-21
+            5999: -4,-21
+            6098: -5,-17
+            6099: -4,-13
+            6108: -4,-18
+            6123: 2,-21
+            6124: 3,-21
+            6125: 6,-21
+            6126: 7,-21
+            6127: 8,-21
+            6128: 9,-21
+            6129: 10,-21
+            6130: 13,-21
+            6131: 14,-21
+            6151: 16,-21
+            6152: 17,-21
+            6176: 2,-13
+            6178: 3,-17
+            6179: 2,-17
+            6208: 9,-17
+            6209: 7,-17
+            6225: 12,-18
+            6226: 13,-18
+            6227: 13,-18
+            6228: 14,-18
+            6247: 8,-18
+            6272: -18,-21
+            6273: -19,-21
+            6274: -19,-21
+            6632: -26,7
+            6633: -25,7
+            6634: -31,7
+            6635: -36,7
+            6649: -37,8
+            6740: -36,17
+            6755: -24,8
+            6756: -23,8
+            6767: -26,16
+            6768: -26,16
+            6787: -27,8
+            6788: -27,8
+            6872: 20,4
+            6873: 21,4
+            6874: 23,4
+            6875: 24,4
+            6876: 25,4
+            6898: 21,8
+            6899: 23,8
+            6912: 22,7
+            6930: 20,-12
+            6931: 21,-12
+            6932: 23,-12
+            6933: 24,-12
+            6934: 23,-12
+            6935: 24,-12
+            6936: 22,-12
+            6949: 27,-12
+            6950: 28,-12
+            6951: 29,-12
+            6952: 30,-12
+            6953: 31,-12
+            6962: 22,-9
+            6996: 26,-8
+            6997: 25,-8
+            6998: 27,-8
+            6999: 29,-8
+            7000: 30,-8
+            7007: 30,-6
+            7008: 29,-6
+            7021: 30,3
+            7025: 29,4
+            7026: 28,4
+            7027: 27,4
+            7028: 31,4
+            7046: 22,7
+            7138: 29,12
+            7139: 30,12
+            7140: 30,12
+            7141: 31,12
+            7142: 32,12
+            7170: 29,7
+            7816: 77,-22
+            7817: 79,-22
+            7818: 80,-22
+            7819: 81,-22
+            7831: 77,-19
+            7846: 65,-22
+            7848: 65,-19
+            8006: 33,-16
+            8007: 34,-16
+            8008: 35,-16
+            8009: 36,-16
+            8010: 37,-16
+            8049: 33,-6
+            8110: 38,-16
+            8111: 40,-16
+            8172: 39,-18
+            8175: 41,-18
+            8197: 39,-21
+            8198: 40,-21
+            8199: 41,-21
+            8205: 43,-21
+            8206: 45,-21
+            8207: 46,-21
+            8208: 46,-21
+            8209: 47,-21
+            8210: 49,-21
+            8211: 50,-21
+            8212: 50,-21
+            8213: 51,-21
+            8214: 53,-21
+            8215: 53,-21
+            8234: 46,-18
+            8235: 46,-18
+            8236: 47,-18
+            8255: 52,-18
+            8256: 52,-18
+            8438: 56,-31
+            8439: 57,-31
+            8443: 58,-30
+            8444: 58,-30
+            8445: 59,-30
+            8446: 59,-30
+            8447: 60,-30
+            8448: 60,-30
+            8450: 62,-31
+            8632: -2,-22
+            8633: -1,-22
+            8634: 0,-22
+            8679: -2,-29
+            8680: -1,-29
+            8681: 0,-29
+            8682: -2,-37
+            8683: -2,-37
+            8684: -1,-37
+            8685: 0,-37
+            8686: 0,-37
+            8717: -12,-27
+            8718: -11,-27
+            8719: -10,-27
+            8720: -10,-27
+            8721: -9,-27
+            8722: -8,-27
+            8728: -16,-26
+            8729: -4,-26
+            8730: -4,-26
+            8792: -16,-26
+            8968: -2,-63
+            8969: -1,-63
+            8970: 0,-63
+            8985: -7,-65
+            8986: -7,-65
+            8987: -2,-65
+            8988: -6,-65
+            8989: -5,-65
+            8990: -4,-65
+            8991: -4,-65
+            8992: -3,-65
+            8993: -3,-65
+            9037: -10,-78
+            9043: -8,-82
+            9044: -7,-82
+            9045: -5,-82
+            9046: -3,-82
+            9047: -3,-82
+            9051: -2,-81
+            9052: -1,-81
+            9053: 0,-81
+            9054: 0,-81
+            9082: -8,-71
+            9083: -1,-71
+            9101: -5,-74
+            9102: -4,-74
+            9123: -2,-57
+            9124: -2,-57
+            9125: -1,-57
+            9126: -1,-57
+            9127: 0,-57
+            9128: 0,-57
+            9258: -41,-18
+            10154: 3,-52
+            10155: 4,-52
+            10156: 6,-52
+            10157: 6,-52
+            10158: 7,-52
+            10159: 7,-52
+            10160: 8,-52
+            10161: 8,-52
+            10162: 9,-52
+            10163: 9,-52
+            10164: 10,-52
+            10165: 10,-52
+            10166: 11,-52
+            10167: 11,-52
+            10168: 11,-52
+            10169: 5,-52
+            10335: 4,-83
+            10361: 55,-44
+            10393: 46,-45
+            10394: 44,-45
+            10395: 44,-45
+            10396: 48,-45
+            10670: -59,-33
+            10676: -59,-40
+            10747: -6,-83
+            10748: -4,-83
+            10749: 2,-83
+            10750: 2,-83
+            10798: -10,-63
+            10830: -14,-32
+            10832: -15,-29
+            10833: -13,-29
+            11228: -38,-56
+            11229: -38,-56
+            11249: -37,-53
+            11250: -38,-53
+            11251: -39,-53
+            11252: -40,-53
+            11253: -40,-53
+            11270: -24,-54
+            11271: -25,-54
+            11401: -24,-49
+            11797: -21,-77
+            12012: 5,70
+            12013: 6,70
+            12014: 7,70
+            12023: -7,66
+            12024: -6,66
+            12025: -5,66
+            12026: -4,66
+            12027: -3,66
+            12028: -7,59
+            12043: -7,59
+            12044: -6,59
+            12045: -4,59
+            12046: -3,59
+            12058: -21,59
+            12059: -20,59
+            12060: -19,59
+            12061: -18,59
+            12062: -18,59
+            12063: -17,59
+            12064: -19,59
+            12065: -21,66
+            12066: -20,66
+            12067: -19,66
+            12068: -18,66
+            12069: -18,66
+            12070: -17,66
+            12071: -31,70
+            12072: -30,70
+            12073: -29,70
+            12074: -13,70
+            12075: -12,70
+            12076: -11,70
+            12376: -37,-59
+            13408: -17,22
+            13409: -16,22
+            13410: -15,22
+            13411: -15,22
+            13412: -14,22
+            13413: -12,22
+            13414: -11,22
+            13415: -13,22
+            13416: -10,22
+            13417: -9,22
+            13859: -7,22
+            13860: -6,22
+            13861: -5,22
+            13862: -4,22
+            13863: -2,22
+            13864: -2,22
+            13865: -3,22
+            13866: -1,22
+            13867: 0,22
+            13868: 1,22
+            13869: 2,22
+            13870: 3,22
+            13871: 4,22
+            13872: 5,22
+            13873: 7,22
+            13874: 8,22
+            13875: 9,22
+            13876: 10,22
+            13877: 11,22
+            13878: 12,22
+            13879: 13,22
+            13880: 14,22
+            13881: 15,22
+            13930: -20,25
+            13931: -19,25
+            13932: -18,25
+            13933: -20,21
+            13934: -19,21
+            13935: -18,21
+            13998: 16,21
+            13999: 17,21
+            14000: 18,21
+            14344: -43,4
+            14345: -42,4
+            14346: -41,4
+            14358: -43,7
+            14359: -42,7
+            14360: -41,7
+            14550: 77,0
+            14742: 78,3
+            14762: 86,0
+            14763: 87,0
+            14764: 88,0
+            14765: 84,0
+            14766: 83,0
+            14767: 82,0
+            14768: 80,0
+            14769: 79,0
+            14770: 78,0
+            15652: -58,-11
+            15653: -60,-15
+            15655: -59,-15
+            15656: -58,-15
+            15659: -60,-15
+            15660: -59,-15
+            15661: -57,-15
+            15662: -56,-15
+            15663: -58,-15
+            15664: -58,-15
+            15665: -57,-15
+            15666: -59,-15
+            15673: -58,-11
+            15675: -58,-11
+            15690: -61,-17
+            15730: -57,-4
+            15732: -58,-5
+            15774: -60,-4
+            15775: -59,-4
+            15778: -53,3
+            15779: -52,3
+            15782: -53,7
+            15783: -52,7
+            15800: -50,-4
+            16475: 6,86
+            16879: -45,23
+            17438: -15,-10
+            17439: -16,-10
+            17440: -13,-10
+            17441: -12,-10
+            17442: -11,-10
+            17443: -9,-10
+            17444: -8,-10
+            17445: -8,-10
+            17446: -7,-10
+            17447: -6,-10
+            17448: -5,-10
+            17451: -14,-11
+            17452: -10,-11
+            17463: 15,-10
+            17464: 14,-10
+            17465: 13,-10
+            17466: 12,-10
+            17467: 11,-10
+            17468: 10,-10
+            17469: 9,-10
+            17470: 5,-10
+            17471: 6,-10
+            17472: 7,-10
+            17473: 5,-10
+            17474: 4,-10
+            17475: 3,-10
+            17476: 2,-10
+            17477: 1,-10
+            17478: 0,-10
+            17479: -1,-10
+            17480: -2,-10
+            17481: -3,-10
+            17482: -4,-10
+            17483: -4,-10
+            17494: 8,-11
+            18802: -27,14
+            18803: -26,14
+            18804: -25,14
+            18805: -25,14
+            18806: -24,14
+            18807: -24,14
+            18826: -28,8
+            18985: 62,21
+            18986: 63,21
+            18987: 64,21
+            18988: 65,21
+            18989: 66,21
+            18990: 68,21
+            18991: 69,21
+            18992: 67,21
+            19018: 62,27
+            19019: 64,27
+            19020: 65,27
+            19021: 66,27
+            19022: 67,27
+            19060: -20,7
+            19061: -19,7
+            19062: -18,7
+            19104: -20,21
+            19105: -19,21
+            19106: -18,21
+            21507: 32,4
+            22869: -34,-16
+            22870: -33,-16
+            22871: -33,-16
+            22872: -32,-16
+            22873: -31,-16
+            22874: -30,-16
+            22875: -30,-16
+            22876: -29,-16
+            22877: -34,-11
+            22878: -33,-11
+            22879: -33,-11
+            22880: -32,-11
+            22881: -31,-11
+            22882: -31,-11
+            22883: -31,-3
+            22884: -30,-3
+            22885: -28,-3
+            22886: -27,-3
+            22887: -26,-3
+            22888: -26,-3
+            22889: -26,-3
+            22890: -25,-3
+            22891: -23,-3
+            22892: -22,-3
+            22893: -22,-3
+            22906: -33,3
+            22907: -32,3
+            22908: -24,-1
+            22909: -33,-10
+            22910: -32,-10
+            22946: -33,-10
+            22947: -32,-10
+            23794: -5,59
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             cleanable: True
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileSteelLineS
-            898: 25,-2
-            899: 26,-2
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-            4048: -18,25
-            4099: 0,25
-            4101: 0,25
-            4102: 0,25
-            4103: -9,25
-            4104: -9,25
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-            4114: 5,25
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-            4116: 8,25
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+            786: 26,-2
+            807: 29,1
+            813: 27,-2
+            3896: -20,25
+            3897: -19,25
+            3898: -18,25
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+            3951: 0,25
+            3952: 0,25
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-            8131: 23,-15
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+            7945: 24,-16
+            7950: 32,-16
+            7970: 20,-15
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             color: '#00FFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileSteelLineW
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-            3735: -28,61
-            3736: -28,62
-            3737: -28,63
-            3738: -28,64
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-            3756: -25,61
-            3757: -25,63
-            10174: 35,-26
-            10292: 13,-47
-            10589: 71,-50
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+            3601: -28,60
+            3602: -28,61
+            3603: -28,62
+            3604: -28,63
+            3605: -28,64
+            3622: -25,59
+            3623: -25,61
+            3624: -25,63
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+            10130: 13,-47
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-            23292: 20,-48
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-            23706: 28,-23
-            23707: 28,-24
-            23712: 33,-23
+            22297: 20,-47
+            22298: 20,-48
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+            22712: 28,-23
+            22713: 28,-24
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-            9990: 28,-24
-            9991: 28,-23
-            9992: 28,-23
-            10002: 33,-23
-            10003: 33,-23
-            10070: 20,-48
-            10071: 20,-47
-            10126: 32,-52
-            10127: 32,-48
-            10128: 32,-50
+            9818: 29,-24
+            9828: 28,-24
+            9829: 28,-23
+            9830: 28,-23
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+            11585: -21,-41
+            11586: -21,-40
+            11587: -21,-39
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-            20271: 4,-81
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-            20326: 4,-77
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-            20357: 4,-70
-            20358: 4,-69
-            20359: 4,-68
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-            20885: 49,0
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-            20940: 71,-1
-            20941: 71,1
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-            20958: 68,-4
-            20959: 72,-4
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-            20988: 50,-4
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+            19404: 0,62
+            19405: 0,64
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+            19770: 49,4
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+            19865: 72,16
+            19866: 72,17
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+            19882: 72,0
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+            19889: 39,0
+            19890: 49,-1
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+            20067: 43,8
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-            2397: -34,35
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-            2470: -14,46
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-            2583: -14,36
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-            3156: -7,62
-            3157: -7,63
-            3158: -7,64
-            3159: -7,65
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-            3182: -21,60
-            3183: -21,61
-            3184: -21,61
-            3185: -21,62
-            3186: -21,63
-            3187: -21,64
-            3188: -21,65
-            3189: -21,65
-            3190: -21,66
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-            3317: -31,71
-            3318: -31,72
-            3319: -31,73
-            3320: -31,74
-            3321: -31,75
-            3322: -31,76
-            3323: -31,78
-            3324: -31,83
-            3325: -31,85
-            3326: -31,86
-            3327: -32,90
-            3328: -32,89
-            3329: -32,91
-            3330: -31,93
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-            3332: -31,95
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-            3371: -13,71
-            3372: -13,72
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-            3374: -13,74
-            3375: -13,75
-            3376: -13,76
-            3377: -13,78
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-            3379: -14,81
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-            3382: -13,86
-            3383: -13,87
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-            3386: -14,91
-            3387: -13,93
-            3388: -13,94
-            3389: -13,95
-            3478: -32,81
-            3479: -32,80
-            3504: -14,90
-            3557: -21,58
-            3558: -21,57
-            3559: -21,56
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-            3578: -8,84
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-            3580: -14,84
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-            3590: -26,84
-            3599: -32,77
-            3600: -28,77
-            3601: -26,77
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-            3620: 5,71
-            3621: 5,72
-            3622: 5,73
-            3623: 5,74
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-            3625: 5,75
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-            3627: 5,78
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-            3629: 4,81
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-            3662: 4,84
-            3664: 4,84
-            3773: 4,57
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-            4170: -17,15
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-            4312: 16,18
-            4313: 16,19
-            4314: 16,20
-            4322: 16,13
-            4323: 16,12
-            4324: 16,11
-            4325: 16,10
-            4326: 16,8
-            4327: 16,10
-            4328: 16,9
-            4329: 16,7
-            4330: 16,6
-            4331: 16,4
-            4332: 16,5
-            4333: 16,3
-            4334: 16,2
-            4335: 16,0
-            4336: 16,-1
-            4337: 16,1
-            4338: 16,-2
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-            5097: 32,27
-            5098: 32,26
-            5099: 32,26
-            5125: 37,30
-            5130: 36,28
-            5131: 36,27
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-            5211: 16,-5
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-            5261: -31,80
-            5262: -31,81
-            5263: -31,81
-            5264: -31,82
-            5265: -31,82
-            5266: -31,88
-            5267: -31,89
-            5268: -31,89
-            5269: -31,90
-            5270: -31,91
-            5271: -31,92
-            5272: -31,92
-            5286: -13,79
-            5287: -13,80
-            5288: -13,81
-            5289: -13,81
-            5290: -13,82
-            5291: -13,82
-            5292: -13,88
-            5293: -13,88
-            5294: -13,89
-            5295: -13,90
-            5296: -13,91
-            5297: -13,91
-            5306: -13,92
-            5307: -13,92
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-            5350: 5,80
-            5351: 5,81
-            5352: 5,81
-            5353: 5,81
-            5354: 5,82
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-            5540: -20,-9
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-            5542: -20,-10
-            5543: -20,-11
-            5544: -20,-12
-            5545: -20,-13
-            5546: -20,-14
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-            5776: 15,-4
-            5784: 7,-5
-            6102: 16,-18
-            6103: 16,-17
-            6104: 16,-16
-            6105: 16,-15
-            6106: 16,-14
-            6107: 16,-13
-            6108: 16,-12
-            6109: 16,-11
-            6136: -17,-19
-            6137: -17,-20
-            6138: -17,-21
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-            6248: -6,-16
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-            6274: 1,-19
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-            6288: 15,-20
-            6289: 15,-19
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-            6350: 6,-13
-            6351: 6,-14
-            6352: 6,-15
-            6353: 6,-15
-            6354: 6,-16
-            6369: 11,-16
-            6386: 12,-17
-            6392: 12,-15
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-            6432: -20,-19
-            6433: -20,-19
-            6434: -20,-19
-            6435: -20,-19
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-            6790: -43,22
-            6791: -44,20
-            6792: -44,20
-            6793: -44,19
-            6794: -44,19
-            6795: -44,17
-            6796: -44,16
-            6864: -38,14
-            6865: -38,13
-            6866: -38,12
-            6867: -38,12
-            6868: -38,11
-            6869: -38,10
-            6870: -38,10
-            6903: -21,11
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-            6926: -29,14
-            6927: -29,14
-            6928: -29,13
-            6929: -29,12
-            6930: -29,11
-            6931: -29,11
-            6932: -29,10
-            6933: -29,9
-            7036: 26,6
-            7037: 26,5
-            7038: 26,4
-            7041: 19,4
-            7042: 19,5
-            7043: 19,6
-            7055: 20,9
-            7089: 19,-12
-            7090: 19,-11
-            7091: 19,-10
-            7098: 26,-12
-            7099: 26,-11
-            7100: 26,-10
-            7116: 19,-3
-            7130: 25,-1
-            7131: 25,0
-            7132: 25,1
-            7133: 25,2
-            7161: 25,-3
-            7162: 25,-4
-            7163: 25,-5
-            7164: 25,-5
-            7165: 25,-6
-            7304: 28,10
-            7345: 33,4
-            7346: 33,6
-            7980: 79,-21
-            7981: 79,-20
-            7994: 78,-22
-            7995: 78,-19
-            7996: 82,-19
-            7997: 82,-22
-            8002: 66,-19
-            8005: 66,-22
-            8143: 32,-12
-            8144: 32,-10
-            8145: 32,-10
-            8155: 33,-11
-            8156: 33,-13
-            8157: 33,-13
-            8158: 33,-15
-            8167: 33,-9
-            8168: 33,-8
-            8202: 33,-7
-            8275: 42,-8
-            8276: 42,-8
-            8318: 41,-17
-            8324: 39,-17
-            8325: 39,-17
-            8338: 38,-20
-            8339: 38,-20
-            8392: 42,-19
-            8393: 42,-21
-            8414: 54,-21
-            8415: 54,-21
-            8416: 54,-19
-            8417: 54,-19
-            8455: 55,-20
-            8456: 55,-22
-            8457: 55,-23
-            8458: 55,-23
-            8459: 55,-24
-            8460: 55,-24
-            8463: 57,-20
-            8464: 57,-21
-            8567: 55,-28
-            8568: 55,-27
-            8569: 55,-27
-            8570: 55,-26
-            8571: 55,-25
-            8572: 55,-30
-            8573: 55,-17
-            8574: 55,-18
-            8575: 55,-16
-            8576: 55,-15
-            8577: 55,-15
-            8578: 55,-14
-            8579: 55,-13
-            8580: 55,-13
-            8581: 55,-12
-            8653: 64,-19
-            8654: 64,-22
-            8655: 64,-22
-            8797: -2,-23
-            8798: -2,-24
-            8799: -2,-24
-            8800: -2,-27
-            8801: -2,-28
-            8813: 1,-26
-            8814: 1,-25
-            8837: -2,-30
-            8838: -2,-31
-            8839: -2,-32
-            8840: -2,-33
-            8886: -7,-28
-            8887: -15,-28
-            8888: -15,-27
-            8889: -15,-27
-            8907: -14,-23
-            8908: -14,-23
-            8909: -7,-23
-            8951: -7,-28
-            9159: 0,-74
-            9160: 0,-73
-            9161: 0,-73
-            9162: 0,-72
-            9163: 0,-72
-            9164: 0,-68
-            9165: 0,-68
-            9166: 0,-67
-            9167: 0,-67
-            9182: -11,-65
-            9183: -11,-65
-            9184: -11,-68
-            9185: -11,-69
-            9186: -11,-70
-            9187: -11,-71
-            9188: -11,-72
-            9189: -11,-72
-            9190: -11,-73
-            9191: -11,-74
-            9192: -11,-75
-            9193: -11,-76
-            9194: -11,-77
-            9200: -9,-79
-            9201: -9,-80
-            9202: -9,-81
-            9203: -9,-81
-            9249: -7,-71
-            9250: -7,-70
-            9251: -7,-69
-            9252: -7,-69
-            9280: -3,-59
-            9283: -3,-61
-            9284: -3,-61
-            9310: -2,-53
-            9311: -2,-52
-            9312: -2,-52
-            9313: -2,-54
-            9314: -2,-54
-            9315: -2,-51
-            9316: -2,-50
-            9317: -2,-49
-            9318: -2,-49
-            9319: -2,-47
-            9320: -2,-47
-            9321: -2,-46
-            9322: -2,-46
-            9323: -2,-45
-            9324: -2,-45
-            9325: -2,-44
-            9326: -2,-44
-            9327: -2,-43
-            9328: -2,-42
-            9329: -2,-39
-            9330: -2,-38
-            9331: -2,-38
-            9332: 1,-45
-            9347: -2,-56
-            9348: -2,-55
-            9349: -2,-55
-            9418: -42,-15
-            9419: -42,-16
-            9525: 2,-35
-            9586: 1,-39
-            9593: -11,-65
-            10282: 1,-44
-            10307: 1,-51
-            10332: 3,-52
-            10333: 3,-52
-            10334: 3,-51
-            10335: 3,-50
-            10454: 2,-60
-            10455: 2,-60
-            10488: 3,-67
-            10489: 3,-66
-            10490: 3,-75
-            10491: 3,-76
-            10498: 4,-84
-            10499: 4,-85
-            10500: 4,-86
-            10507: 2,-60
-            10541: 43,-41
-            10542: 43,-41
-            10543: 43,-40
-            10544: 43,-39
-            10575: 50,-42
-            10576: 50,-42
-            11160: -60,-42
-            11161: -60,-37
-            11162: -60,-35
-            11163: -60,-35
-            11214: -78,-31
-            11215: -78,-20
-            11220: -78,-31
-            11258: -6,-86
-            11259: -6,-84
-            11260: -6,-85
-            11261: -4,-86
-            11262: -4,-85
-            11263: -4,-84
-            11264: 2,-86
-            11265: 2,-85
-            11266: 2,-84
-            11330: -15,-32
-            11331: -15,-31
-            11332: -15,-30
-            11746: -39,-56
-            11747: -39,-56
-            11756: -42,-53
-            11757: -42,-54
-            11758: -42,-55
-            11762: -36,-53
-            11787: -26,-51
-            12458: -18,-78
-            13277: -44,10
-            13327: -38,-62
-            13328: -38,-61
-            14309: -45,13
-            14836: 6,22
-            14837: 6,23
-            14838: 6,24
-            14863: -8,24
-            14864: -8,23
-            14865: -8,22
-            14867: -20,24
-            14868: -20,23
-            14869: -20,22
-            15137: 43,-20
-            15265: -1,-70
-            15299: -43,5
-            15300: -43,6
-            15312: -40,6
-            15313: -40,5
-            15314: -40,4
-            16303: -60,-49
-            16608: -61,-13
-            16609: -61,-14
-            16639: -60,-17
-            16722: -61,-2
-            16723: -61,-3
-            16742: -53,4
-            16743: -53,5
-            16744: -53,6
-            16757: -56,-9
-            16758: -56,-7
-            17422: 9,75
-            17423: 9,76
-            17424: 9,80
-            17425: 9,81
-            17832: -44,23
-            18386: -17,-10
-            18387: -17,-9
-            18450: 15,-10
-            18451: 15,-9
-            18452: 15,-8
-            19802: -23,13
-            19803: -23,12
-            19804: -23,12
-            19805: -23,11
-            19806: -23,10
-            19917: -15,4
-            19924: -16,0
-            19925: -16,1
-            19926: -16,2
-            19927: -16,3
-            19987: 61,22
-            19988: 61,23
-            19989: 61,24
-            19993: 71,26
-            20048: -21,4
-            20049: -21,5
-            20050: -21,6
-            20101: -20,19
-            20102: -20,18
-            20103: -20,16
-            20104: -20,15
-            20105: -20,15
-            20106: -20,14
-            20107: -20,14
-            20108: -20,13
-            20123: -20,2
-            20124: -20,2
-            20125: -20,1
-            20126: -20,0
-            20127: -20,-1
-            20129: -20,-4
-            20130: -20,-5
-            20131: -20,-6
-            20189: -20,3
-            20191: -17,-1
-            20192: -17,4
-            20193: -17,15
-            20194: -17,14
-            20195: -20,14
-            20196: -20,2
-            20197: -20,3
-            20198: -20,1
-            20199: -20,1
-            20200: -20,8
-            20201: -20,9
-            20202: -20,9
-            20203: -20,10
-            20204: -20,9
-            20205: -20,8
-            20206: -20,8
-            21261: 19,14
-            21262: 19,15
-            21264: 28,11
-            23888: -21,-3
-            23889: -21,-2
-            23907: -33,-9
-            23908: -33,-8
-            23909: -33,-8
-            23910: -33,-8
-            23911: -33,-7
-            23912: -33,-6
-            23913: -33,-6
-            23914: -33,-5
-            23915: -33,-4
-            23916: -33,-4
-            23917: -33,-3
-            23918: -33,-2
-            23919: -33,-2
-            23920: -33,-1
-            23921: -33,-1
-            23922: -33,0
-            23923: -33,1
-            23924: -33,2
-            23925: -33,2
-            23927: -31,1
-            23952: -30,-15
-            23953: -30,-14
-            23954: -30,-13
-            23955: -30,-13
-            23956: -30,-12
-            23968: -35,-15
-            23969: -35,-14
-            23970: -35,-13
-            23971: -35,-12
+            2128: -14,48
+            2129: -14,50
+            2131: -23,49
+            2135: -23,46
+            2143: -24,43
+            2144: -24,44
+            2148: -24,42
+            2153: -14,46
+            2154: -14,45
+            2155: -14,43
+            2156: -14,44
+            2157: -14,42
+            2158: -14,41
+            2159: -14,40
+            2160: -14,39
+            2161: -14,38
+            2162: -14,37
+            2163: -14,36
+            2167: -23,29
+            2170: -21,27
+            2171: -21,27
+            2199: -27,31
+            2257: -29,36
+            2258: -29,35
+            2259: -29,34
+            2272: -34,37
+            2273: -34,36
+            2274: -34,35
+            2275: -34,34
+            2276: -34,33
+            2289: -14,46
+            2291: -14,36
+            2347: -14,46
+            2459: -14,46
+            2460: -14,36
+            2605: -13,49
+            2638: -2,51
+            2643: -1,48
+            2953: -7,59
+            3030: -7,60
+            3031: -7,61
+            3032: -7,62
+            3033: -7,64
+            3034: -7,65
+            3053: -7,66
+            3056: -21,59
+            3057: -21,60
+            3058: -21,61
+            3059: -21,61
+            3060: -21,62
+            3061: -21,63
+            3062: -21,65
+            3063: -21,65
+            3064: -21,66
+            3187: -32,68
+            3189: -31,70
+            3190: -31,71
+            3191: -31,72
+            3192: -31,73
+            3193: -31,74
+            3194: -31,75
+            3195: -31,76
+            3196: -31,78
+            3197: -31,83
+            3198: -31,85
+            3199: -31,86
+            3200: -32,90
+            3201: -32,89
+            3202: -32,91
+            3203: -31,93
+            3204: -31,94
+            3205: -31,95
+            3242: -13,70
+            3243: -13,71
+            3244: -13,72
+            3245: -13,73
+            3246: -13,75
+            3247: -13,76
+            3248: -13,78
+            3249: -14,80
+            3250: -14,81
+            3251: -13,83
+            3252: -13,85
+            3253: -13,86
+            3254: -13,87
+            3255: -14,89
+            3256: -14,90
+            3257: -14,91
+            3258: -13,93
+            3259: -13,94
+            3260: -13,95
+            3349: -32,81
+            3350: -32,80
+            3373: -14,90
+            3424: -21,58
+            3425: -21,57
+            3426: -21,56
+            3433: -10,77
+            3435: -8,77
+            3437: -14,77
+            3445: -8,84
+            3446: -10,84
+            3447: -14,84
+            3453: -32,84
+            3454: -28,84
+            3457: -26,84
+            3466: -32,77
+            3467: -28,77
+            3468: -26,77
+            3486: 5,70
+            3487: 5,71
+            3488: 5,72
+            3489: 5,73
+            3490: 5,74
+            3491: 5,75
+            3492: 5,75
+            3493: 5,76
+            3494: 5,78
+            3495: 4,80
+            3496: 4,81
+            3497: 5,83
+            3525: 4,77
+            3529: 4,84
+            3531: 4,84
+            3640: 4,57
+            3687: 9,68
+            4019: -17,14
+            4020: -17,15
+            4160: 16,16
+            4161: 16,17
+            4162: 16,18
+            4163: 16,19
+            4164: 16,20
+            4172: 16,13
+            4173: 16,12
+            4174: 16,11
+            4175: 16,10
+            4176: 16,8
+            4177: 16,10
+            4178: 16,9
+            4179: 16,7
+            4180: 16,6
+            4181: 16,4
+            4182: 16,5
+            4183: 16,3
+            4184: 16,2
+            4185: 16,0
+            4186: 16,-1
+            4187: 16,1
+            4188: 16,-2
+            4510: 19,24
+            4946: 32,28
+            4947: 32,27
+            4948: 32,26
+            4949: 32,26
+            4975: 37,30
+            4980: 36,28
+            4981: 36,27
+            5060: 16,-6
+            5061: 16,-5
+            5062: 16,-3
+            5110: -31,79
+            5111: -31,80
+            5112: -31,81
+            5113: -31,81
+            5114: -31,82
+            5115: -31,82
+            5116: -31,88
+            5117: -31,89
+            5118: -31,89
+            5119: -31,90
+            5120: -31,91
+            5121: -31,92
+            5122: -31,92
+            5136: -13,79
+            5137: -13,80
+            5138: -13,81
+            5139: -13,81
+            5140: -13,82
+            5141: -13,82
+            5142: -13,88
+            5143: -13,88
+            5144: -13,89
+            5145: -13,90
+            5154: -13,92
+            5155: -13,92
+            5197: 5,79
+            5198: 5,80
+            5199: 5,81
+            5200: 5,81
+            5201: 5,81
+            5202: 5,82
+            5204: 16,-7
+            5373: -17,4
+            5374: -17,-1
+            5387: -20,-8
+            5388: -20,-9
+            5389: -20,-10
+            5390: -20,-10
+            5391: -20,-11
+            5392: -20,-12
+            5393: -20,-13
+            5394: -20,-14
+            5460: -17,-8
+            5488: 15,-8
+            5624: 15,-4
+            5632: 7,-5
+            5950: 16,-18
+            5951: 16,-17
+            5952: 16,-16
+            5953: 16,-15
+            5954: 16,-14
+            5955: 16,-13
+            5956: 16,-12
+            5957: 16,-11
+            5984: -17,-19
+            5985: -17,-20
+            5986: -17,-21
+            6004: -17,-19
+            6095: -6,-15
+            6096: -6,-16
+            6111: -3,-19
+            6112: -3,-20
+            6113: -3,-21
+            6120: 1,-21
+            6121: 1,-20
+            6122: 1,-19
+            6135: 15,-21
+            6136: 15,-20
+            6137: 15,-19
+            6170: -3,-16
+            6197: 6,-12
+            6198: 6,-13
+            6199: 6,-14
+            6200: 6,-15
+            6201: 6,-15
+            6202: 6,-16
+            6217: 11,-16
+            6234: 12,-17
+            6240: 12,-15
+            6279: -20,-19
+            6280: -20,-19
+            6281: -20,-19
+            6282: -20,-19
+            6283: -20,-19
+            6616: -17,-1
+            6638: -43,22
+            6639: -44,20
+            6640: -44,20
+            6641: -44,19
+            6642: -44,19
+            6643: -44,17
+            6644: -44,16
+            6712: -38,14
+            6713: -38,13
+            6714: -38,12
+            6715: -38,12
+            6716: -38,11
+            6717: -38,10
+            6718: -38,10
+            6751: -21,11
+            6752: -21,12
+            6774: -29,14
+            6775: -29,14
+            6776: -29,13
+            6777: -29,12
+            6778: -29,11
+            6779: -29,11
+            6780: -29,10
+            6781: -29,9
+            6884: 26,6
+            6885: 26,5
+            6886: 26,4
+            6889: 19,4
+            6890: 19,5
+            6891: 19,6
+            6903: 20,9
+            6937: 19,-12
+            6938: 19,-11
+            6939: 19,-10
+            6946: 26,-12
+            6947: 26,-11
+            6948: 26,-10
+            6964: 19,-3
+            6978: 25,-1
+            6979: 25,0
+            6980: 25,1
+            6981: 25,2
+            7009: 25,-3
+            7010: 25,-4
+            7011: 25,-5
+            7012: 25,-5
+            7013: 25,-6
+            7152: 28,10
+            7193: 33,4
+            7194: 33,6
+            7828: 79,-21
+            7829: 79,-20
+            7842: 78,-22
+            7843: 78,-19
+            7844: 82,-19
+            7845: 82,-22
+            7850: 66,-19
+            7853: 66,-22
+            7989: 32,-12
+            7990: 32,-10
+            7991: 32,-10
+            8001: 33,-11
+            8002: 33,-13
+            8003: 33,-13
+            8004: 33,-15
+            8013: 33,-9
+            8014: 33,-8
+            8048: 33,-7
+            8121: 42,-8
+            8122: 42,-8
+            8164: 41,-17
+            8170: 39,-17
+            8171: 39,-17
+            8184: 38,-20
+            8185: 38,-20
+            8238: 42,-19
+            8239: 42,-21
+            8260: 54,-21
+            8261: 54,-21
+            8262: 54,-19
+            8263: 54,-19
+            8299: 55,-20
+            8300: 55,-22
+            8301: 55,-23
+            8302: 55,-23
+            8303: 55,-24
+            8304: 55,-24
+            8307: 57,-20
+            8308: 57,-21
+            8409: 55,-28
+            8410: 55,-27
+            8411: 55,-27
+            8412: 55,-26
+            8413: 55,-25
+            8414: 55,-30
+            8415: 55,-17
+            8416: 55,-18
+            8417: 55,-16
+            8418: 55,-15
+            8419: 55,-15
+            8420: 55,-14
+            8421: 55,-13
+            8422: 55,-13
+            8423: 55,-12
+            8491: 64,-19
+            8492: 64,-22
+            8493: 64,-22
+            8635: -2,-23
+            8636: -2,-24
+            8637: -2,-24
+            8638: -2,-27
+            8639: -2,-28
+            8651: 1,-26
+            8652: 1,-25
+            8675: -2,-30
+            8676: -2,-31
+            8677: -2,-32
+            8678: -2,-33
+            8724: -7,-28
+            8725: -15,-28
+            8726: -15,-27
+            8727: -15,-27
+            8745: -14,-23
+            8746: -14,-23
+            8747: -7,-23
+            8789: -7,-28
+            8997: 0,-74
+            8998: 0,-73
+            8999: 0,-73
+            9000: 0,-72
+            9001: 0,-72
+            9002: 0,-68
+            9003: 0,-68
+            9004: 0,-67
+            9005: 0,-67
+            9020: -11,-65
+            9021: -11,-65
+            9022: -11,-68
+            9023: -11,-69
+            9024: -11,-70
+            9025: -11,-71
+            9026: -11,-72
+            9027: -11,-72
+            9028: -11,-73
+            9029: -11,-74
+            9030: -11,-75
+            9031: -11,-76
+            9032: -11,-77
+            9038: -9,-79
+            9039: -9,-80
+            9040: -9,-81
+            9041: -9,-81
+            9087: -7,-71
+            9088: -7,-70
+            9089: -7,-69
+            9090: -7,-69
+            9118: -3,-59
+            9121: -3,-61
+            9122: -3,-61
+            9148: -2,-53
+            9149: -2,-52
+            9150: -2,-52
+            9151: -2,-54
+            9152: -2,-54
+            9153: -2,-51
+            9154: -2,-50
+            9155: -2,-49
+            9156: -2,-49
+            9157: -2,-47
+            9158: -2,-47
+            9159: -2,-46
+            9160: -2,-46
+            9161: -2,-45
+            9162: -2,-45
+            9163: -2,-44
+            9164: -2,-44
+            9165: -2,-43
+            9166: -2,-42
+            9167: -2,-39
+            9168: -2,-38
+            9169: -2,-38
+            9170: 1,-45
+            9185: -2,-56
+            9186: -2,-55
+            9187: -2,-55
+            9256: -42,-15
+            9257: -42,-16
+            9363: 2,-35
+            9424: 1,-39
+            9431: -11,-65
+            10120: 1,-44
+            10145: 1,-51
+            10170: 3,-52
+            10171: 3,-52
+            10172: 3,-51
+            10173: 3,-50
+            10292: 2,-60
+            10293: 2,-60
+            10326: 3,-67
+            10327: 3,-66
+            10328: 3,-75
+            10329: 3,-76
+            10336: 4,-84
+            10337: 4,-85
+            10338: 4,-86
+            10345: 2,-60
+            10379: 43,-41
+            10380: 43,-41
+            10381: 43,-40
+            10382: 43,-39
+            10413: 50,-42
+            10414: 50,-42
+            10657: -60,-42
+            10658: -60,-37
+            10659: -60,-35
+            10660: -60,-35
+            10711: -78,-31
+            10712: -78,-20
+            10717: -78,-31
+            10755: -6,-86
+            10756: -6,-84
+            10757: -6,-85
+            10758: -4,-86
+            10759: -4,-85
+            10760: -4,-84
+            10761: 2,-86
+            10762: 2,-85
+            10763: 2,-84
+            10827: -15,-32
+            10828: -15,-31
+            10829: -15,-30
+            11231: -39,-56
+            11232: -39,-56
+            11241: -42,-53
+            11242: -42,-54
+            11243: -42,-55
+            11247: -36,-53
+            11272: -26,-51
+            11796: -18,-78
+            12333: -44,10
+            12383: -38,-62
+            12384: -38,-61
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-            22839: -22,-26
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-            6700: -24,-2
-            6730: -32,-11
-            6752: -35,-16
-            6962: -23,-16
-            8069: 60,-12
-            8070: 60,-25
-            8071: 61,-26
-            8072: 61,-13
-            8308: 39,-10
-            8310: 39,-13
-            8311: 39,-13
-            8345: 46,-14
-            8699: -4,-77
-            8700: -1,-76
-            8701: -6,-76
-            8702: -6,-80
-            8703: -1,-80
-            8921: -4,-25
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-            9461: 73,-42
-            10604: 75,-45
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-            14933: -13,23
-            14934: -3,23
-            14935: 4,23
-            14936: 14,23
-            14937: 17,19
-            14950: -21,34
-            14951: -19,36
-            14952: -19,32
-            14953: -19,29
-            14961: -19,48
-            14962: -16,50
-            14963: -17,51
-            14964: -21,51
-            14965: -19,52
-            14968: -23,41
-            14969: -10,49
-            14970: -5,49
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-            15008: -30,88
-            15017: -30,82
-            15018: -30,75
-            15049: -29,68
-            15050: -24,68
-            15051: -18,68
-            15052: -11,68
-            15053: -12,75
-            15054: -12,82
-            15055: -12,88
-            15056: -12,95
-            15057: -4,68
-            15058: 2,68
-            15059: -5,64
-            15060: 7,68
-            15061: 6,75
-            15062: 6,82
-            15064: -4,57
-            15065: 2,57
-            15066: -11,57
-            15067: -18,57
-            15068: -19,64
-            15078: 17,12
-            15079: 24,5
-            15080: 31,5
-            15091: 24,-11
-            15092: 30,-11
-            15095: 17,-12
-            15096: 13,-20
-            15097: 6,-20
-            15098: -5,-20
-            15099: -12,-20
-            15100: -19,-12
-            15101: -19,-2
-            15102: -19,5
-            15103: -23,5
-            15104: -19,12
-            15105: -31,5
-            15106: -36,5
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-            15146: 52,-20
-            15147: 17,5
-            15216: -1,-31
-            15217: -1,-24
-            15218: -1,-39
-            15219: -1,-44
-            15220: -1,-52
-            15223: -1,-59
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-            15373: -42,22
-            15374: -42,11
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-            18738: 13,-9
-            18744: -12,-9
-            18745: -6,-9
-            18752: 1,-9
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-            19912: 17,-2
-            20176: -19,19
-            20177: -19,12
-            20178: -19,5
-            20179: -19,-2
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+            2243: -29,30
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+            5422: -33,28
+            5426: -31,28
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+            6533: -32,-2
+            6548: -24,-2
+            6578: -32,-11
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+            6810: -23,-16
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+            7916: 60,-25
+            7917: 61,-26
+            7918: 61,-13
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+            8156: 39,-13
+            8157: 39,-13
+            8191: 46,-14
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+            8538: -1,-76
+            8539: -6,-76
+            8540: -6,-80
+            8541: -1,-80
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+            9299: 73,-42
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+            13989: -13,23
+            13990: -3,23
+            13991: 4,23
+            13992: 14,23
+            13993: 17,19
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+            14007: -19,36
+            14008: -19,32
+            14009: -19,29
+            14017: -19,48
+            14018: -16,50
+            14019: -17,51
+            14020: -21,51
+            14021: -19,52
+            14024: -23,41
+            14025: -10,49
+            14026: -5,49
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+            14064: -30,88
+            14073: -30,82
+            14074: -30,75
+            14105: -29,68
+            14106: -24,68
+            14107: -18,68
+            14108: -11,68
+            14109: -12,75
+            14110: -12,82
+            14111: -12,88
+            14112: -12,95
+            14113: -4,68
+            14114: 2,68
+            14115: -5,64
+            14116: 7,68
+            14117: 6,75
+            14118: 6,82
+            14120: -4,57
+            14121: 2,57
+            14122: -11,57
+            14123: -18,57
+            14124: -19,64
+            14134: 17,12
+            14135: 24,5
+            14136: 31,5
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+            14148: 30,-11
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+            14152: 13,-20
+            14153: 6,-20
+            14154: -5,-20
+            14155: -12,-20
+            14156: -19,-12
+            14157: -19,-2
+            14158: -19,5
+            14159: -23,5
+            14160: -19,12
+            14161: -31,5
+            14162: -36,5
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+            14202: 52,-20
+            14203: 17,5
+            14272: -1,-31
+            14273: -1,-24
+            14274: -1,-39
+            14275: -1,-44
+            14276: -1,-52
+            14279: -1,-59
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+            14422: -42,22
+            14423: -42,11
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+            17782: 13,-9
+            17788: -12,-9
+            17789: -6,-9
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+            18690: 39,-9
+            18918: 17,-2
+            19182: -19,19
+            19183: -19,12
+            19184: -19,5
+            19185: -19,-2
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-            22514: 10,-8
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-            22526: 13,-8
-            22529: 16,-6
-            22537: -8,-8
-            22539: -10,-8
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+            21520: 10,-8
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+            21532: 13,-8
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+            21543: -8,-8
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-            21668: -48,42
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-            21781: -60,48
-            21787: -59,54
-            21799: -60,57
-            21800: -59,58
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-            21811: -43,23
-            21817: -44,18
-            21818: -44,16
-            21821: -43,21
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+            20619: -55,17
+            20623: -54,18
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+            20666: -50,38
+            20673: -50,41
+            20674: -48,42
+            20768: -46,55
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+            20787: -60,48
+            20793: -59,54
+            20805: -60,57
+            20806: -59,58
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+            20823: -44,18
+            20824: -44,16
+            20827: -43,21
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-            24648: 27,-55
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-            24704: 38,-62
-            24725: 34,-68
-            24755: 40,-70
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+            23647: 27,-55
+            23694: 34,-61
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+            23724: 34,-68
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-            23093: 16,-31
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-            23172: 11,-35
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-            23254: 21,-34
-            23255: 29,-34
-            23390: 37,-44
-            23419: 30,-40
-            23420: 32,-40
-            23449: 20,-44
-            23525: 9,-43
-            23532: 4,-43
-            23538: 8,-45
-            23546: 2,-44
-            23572: 16,-44
-            23586: 14,-47
-            23596: 16,-39
-            23598: 20,-39
-            23601: 17,-40
-            23606: 26,-44
-            23607: 18,-44
-            23622: 26,-39
-            23628: 27,-40
-            23659: 30,-50
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-            23665: 22,-35
-            23676: 24,-29
-            23677: 29,-29
-            23726: 20,-27
-            23751: 27,-47
-            23793: -7,-58
-            23814: 5,64
-            23815: 6,65
-            24004: -3,-62
-            24005: -3,-60
+            22094: 16,-25
+            22095: 17,-31
+            22099: 16,-31
+            22129: 16,-35
+            22177: 10,-36
+            22178: 11,-35
+            22238: 36,-34
+            22260: 21,-34
+            22261: 29,-34
+            22396: 37,-44
+            22425: 30,-40
+            22426: 32,-40
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+            22531: 9,-43
+            22538: 4,-43
+            22544: 8,-45
+            22552: 2,-44
+            22578: 16,-44
+            22592: 14,-47
+            22602: 16,-39
+            22604: 20,-39
+            22607: 17,-40
+            22612: 26,-44
+            22613: 18,-44
+            22628: 26,-39
+            22634: 27,-40
+            22665: 30,-50
+            22670: 31,-35
+            22671: 22,-35
+            22682: 24,-29
+            22683: 29,-29
+            22732: 20,-27
+            22757: 27,-47
+            22799: -7,-58
+            22820: 5,64
+            22821: 6,65
+            23010: -3,-62
+            23011: -3,-60
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-            17895: -48,42
-            17899: -50,38
-            17942: -59,54
-            17943: -60,57
-            17946: -59,58
-            17956: -60,48
-            17957: -60,50
-            17975: -47,45
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+            16869: -55,37
+            16912: -46,55
+            16944: -48,42
+            16948: -50,38
+            16991: -59,54
+            16992: -60,57
+            16995: -59,58
+            17005: -60,48
+            17006: -60,50
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-            9737: 36,-34
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-            9848: 16,-39
-            9853: 26,-44
-            9857: 26,-39
-            9871: 20,-39
-            9927: 37,-44
-            9929: 30,-40
-            9947: 32,-40
-            9977: 29,-29
-            9978: 29,-29
-            10094: 20,-44
-            10123: 32,-51
-            10124: 32,-49
-            10163: 30,-50
-            10284: 4,-43
-            10285: 9,-43
-            10289: 8,-45
-            10290: 2,-44
-            10305: 14,-47
-            10540: 43,-33
-            12286: -7,-58
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-            15237: 17,-40
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-            15245: 27,-40
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-            15247: 31,-35
-            15253: 11,-35
-            18356: 17,-31
-            19288: 5,64
-            19289: 6,65
-            19665: 20,-27
-            19666: 24,-29
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+            9362: 21,-34
+            9513: 10,-36
+            9572: 29,-34
+            9575: 36,-34
+            9685: 16,-44
+            9686: 16,-39
+            9691: 26,-44
+            9695: 26,-39
+            9709: 20,-39
+            9765: 37,-44
+            9767: 30,-40
+            9785: 32,-40
+            9815: 29,-29
+            9816: 29,-29
+            9932: 20,-44
+            9961: 32,-51
+            9962: 32,-49
+            10001: 30,-50
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+            10123: 9,-43
+            10127: 8,-45
+            10128: 2,-44
+            10143: 14,-47
+            10378: 43,-33
+            11624: -7,-58
+            14281: 6,-25
+            14293: 17,-40
+            14298: 27,-47
+            14301: 27,-40
+            14302: 22,-35
+            14303: 31,-35
+            14309: 11,-35
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+            18333: 6,65
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-            23827: -23,51
-            23837: -23,51
-            23839: -23,48
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+            22833: -23,51
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+            22845: -23,48
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-            21954: 4,35
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-            21973: 5,37
-            21995: 7,43
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-            22132: 10,54
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-            22147: 17,54
-            22229: 16,37
-            22230: 15,36
-            22292: 19,49
-            22293: 19,45
-            22294: 19,43
-            22295: 19,47
-            22296: 19,41
-            22297: 16,41
-            22303: 16,43
-            22304: 16,45
-            22305: 13,45
-            22308: 13,43
-            22312: 15,46
-            22366: 34,49
-            22369: 24,54
-            22374: 13,27
-            22433: 16,31
-            22434: 15,28
-            22435: 24,36
-            22441: 28,38
-            22444: 26,37
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+            20843: 18,24
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+            20853: 14,24
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+            20960: 4,35
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+            20979: 5,37
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+            21006: 4,40
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+            21138: 10,54
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+            21153: 17,54
+            21235: 16,37
+            21236: 15,36
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+            21299: 19,45
+            21300: 19,43
+            21301: 19,47
+            21302: 19,41
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+            21309: 16,43
+            21310: 16,45
+            21311: 13,45
+            21314: 13,43
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+            21375: 24,54
+            21380: 13,27
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+            21440: 15,28
+            21441: 24,36
+            21447: 28,38
+            21450: 26,37
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-            2966: -28,50
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-            2968: -32,53
-            3005: -38,46
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+            2774: -34,50
+            2785: -29,54
+            2793: -26,51
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+            2844: -30,53
+            2845: -32,53
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-            11611: -10,-35
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-            11824: -29,-34
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-            12115: -25,-39
-            12150: -17,-51
-            12167: -20,-58
-            12179: -16,-56
-            12207: -10,-49
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-            12217: -6,-46
-            12241: -20,-40
-            12552: -8,-32
-            12653: -8,-32
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-            15181: -29,-35
-            15187: -18,-35
-            15192: -14,-47
-            15193: -14,-39
-            15196: -29,-39
-            19955: 34,39
+            4929: 20,32
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+            10933: -13,-34
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+            11083: -6,-30
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+            11108: -10,-35
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+            11549: -11,-50
+            11555: -6,-46
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+            11971: -8,-32
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+            14237: -29,-35
+            14243: -18,-35
+            14248: -14,-47
+            14249: -14,-39
+            14252: -29,-39
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-            22555: -2,-40
-            22558: -2,-43
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-            22643: -13,-34
-            22667: -15,-50
-            22668: -17,-51
-            22722: -20,-40
-            22754: -15,-40
-            22796: -23,-24
-            22800: -24,-34
-            22801: -29,-34
-            22837: -23,-26
-            22877: -18,-35
-            22878: -29,-35
-            22887: -10,-35
-            22894: -10,-34
-            22912: -6,-30
-            22973: -7,-49
-            22986: -6,-46
-            22989: -11,-50
-            22991: -10,-49
-            23016: -14,-39
-            23019: -16,-56
-            23043: -20,-58
-            23050: -14,-47
-            24398: -30,-27
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+            21556: -2,-48
+            21557: -2,-40
+            21561: -2,-40
+            21564: -2,-43
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+            21649: -13,-34
+            21673: -15,-50
+            21674: -17,-51
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+            21884: -29,-35
+            21893: -10,-35
+            21900: -10,-34
+            21918: -6,-30
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+            21992: -6,-46
+            21995: -11,-50
+            21997: -10,-49
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+            22025: -16,-56
+            22049: -20,-58
+            22056: -14,-47
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+            7455: 65,-3
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-            4496: 13,27
-            4497: 16,31
-            4530: 4,40
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-            4549: 10,40
-            4584: 13,36
-            4611: 15,46
-            4612: 13,45
-            4613: 13,43
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-            4704: 20,29
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-            4720: 22,30
-            4725: 24,36
-            4753: 26,37
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-            4771: 15,36
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-            4816: 5,37
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-            4936: 15,53
-            4944: 24,54
-            5042: 19,51
-            5043: 19,49
-            5044: 19,47
-            5045: 19,45
-            5046: 19,43
-            5047: 19,41
-            5048: 16,41
-            5049: 16,43
-            5050: 16,45
-            6986: 4,29
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+            4228: 2,29
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+            11104: -10,-35
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+            21555: -2,-48
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-            5032: 16,43
-            5033: 16,45
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-            15118: -19,-5
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+            14087: -12,85
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-            21692: -58,47
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-            21721: -46,54
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-            21723: -46,53
-            21724: -46,52
-            21725: -46,50
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-            21732: -46,46
-            21733: -46,46
-            21770: -45,51
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-            21820: -45,18
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+            20587: -55,35
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+            20604: -53,22
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+            20636: -53,20
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+            20645: -46,20
+            20646: -46,21
+            20647: -46,22
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+            20662: -47,38
+            20663: -47,39
+            20664: -47,40
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+            20684: -61,50
+            20687: -61,57
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+            20689: -58,54
+            20690: -58,53
+            20691: -58,53
+            20692: -58,52
+            20693: -58,51
+            20694: -58,50
+            20695: -58,49
+            20696: -58,49
+            20697: -58,48
+            20698: -58,47
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+            20726: -46,55
+            20727: -46,54
+            20728: -46,53
+            20729: -46,53
+            20730: -46,52
+            20731: -46,50
+            20732: -46,50
+            20733: -46,49
+            20734: -46,48
+            20735: -46,48
+            20736: -46,47
+            20737: -46,47
+            20738: -46,46
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-            24721: 36,-68
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-            24723: 36,-66
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-            24730: 32,-69
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-            23109: 18,-30
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-            23127: 16,-33
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-            23266: 26,-43
-            23267: 26,-43
-            23268: 26,-43
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-            23271: 26,-47
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-            23273: 26,-49
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-            23317: 25,-39
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-            23326: 16,-45
-            23327: 16,-44
-            23328: 16,-43
-            23329: 16,-43
-            23330: 16,-43
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-            23332: 16,-42
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-            23334: 16,-41
-            23335: 16,-40
-            23336: 16,-40
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-            23339: 18,-42
-            23340: 18,-42
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-            23343: 18,-45
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-            23347: 28,-39
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-            23349: 28,-42
-            23350: 28,-42
-            23351: 28,-42
-            23352: 28,-43
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-            23354: 28,-45
-            23355: 28,-46
-            23356: 28,-47
-            23357: 28,-48
-            23358: 28,-48
-            23359: 28,-48
-            23360: 28,-48
-            23361: 28,-48
-            23362: 28,-49
-            23363: 28,-49
-            23364: 28,-51
-            23365: 28,-51
-            23366: 28,-52
-            23367: 28,-52
-            23368: 28,-53
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-            23521: 10,-45
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+            22169: 9,-34
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+            22271: 26,-42
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+            22273: 26,-43
+            22274: 26,-43
+            22275: 26,-44
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+            22277: 26,-47
+            22278: 26,-48
+            22279: 26,-49
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+            22283: 26,-51
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+            22286: 31,-52
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+            22321: 15,-39
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+            22323: 25,-39
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+            22332: 16,-45
+            22333: 16,-44
+            22334: 16,-43
+            22335: 16,-43
+            22336: 16,-43
+            22337: 16,-42
+            22338: 16,-42
+            22339: 16,-41
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+            22341: 16,-40
+            22342: 16,-40
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+            22344: 18,-41
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+            22347: 18,-43
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+            22349: 18,-45
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+            22353: 28,-39
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+            22355: 28,-42
+            22356: 28,-42
+            22357: 28,-42
+            22358: 28,-43
+            22359: 28,-45
+            22360: 28,-45
+            22361: 28,-46
+            22362: 28,-47
+            22363: 28,-48
+            22364: 28,-48
+            22365: 28,-48
+            22366: 28,-48
+            22367: 28,-48
+            22368: 28,-49
+            22369: 28,-49
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+            22371: 28,-51
+            22372: 28,-52
+            22373: 28,-52
+            22374: 28,-53
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-            9838: 18,-41
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+            9317: 18,-26
+            9318: 18,-29
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+            9630: 26,-49
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+            9632: 26,-50
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+            9637: 16,-43
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+            16014: -62,-17
+            16015: -60,-17
+            16025: -55,-13
+            16026: -55,-14
+            16039: -51,-15
+            16061: -47,-14
+            16062: -47,-15
+            16063: -47,-16
+            16093: -51,-15
+            16143: -47,13
+            16146: -50,10
+            16158: -60,10
+            16166: -67,15
+            16201: -79,14
+            16276: -57,18
+            16312: -45,-7
+            16313: -45,-8
+            16314: -45,-9
+            16319: -50,-9
+            16320: -50,-8
+            16321: -50,-7
+            16326: -56,-7
+            16327: -56,-9
+            16367: -74,-8
+            16368: -74,-7
+            16369: -74,-6
+            16382: -75,-9
+            16387: -11,-80
+            16388: -11,-81
+            16389: -11,-82
+            16404: 5,92
+            16407: 10,90
+            16419: 7,89
+            16420: 7,88
+            16432: 11,85
+            16433: 11,86
+            16446: 9,80
+            16447: 9,81
+            16450: 12,81
+            16451: 12,80
+            16452: 12,79
+            16453: 12,77
+            16454: 12,76
+            16455: 12,75
+            16456: 12,74
+            16467: 9,75
+            16468: 9,76
+            16469: 9,80
+            16470: 9,81
+            16496: -62,9
+            16497: -62,8
+            16498: -62,7
+            16499: -62,6
+            16564: -60,10
+            16570: -66,-3
+            16571: -66,-2
+            16572: -66,-1
+            16573: -66,0
+            16604: -65,1
+            16605: -65,1
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+            16609: -75,0
+            16639: -70,11
+            16640: -74,11
+            16648: -79,14
+            16652: -83,14
+            16689: -77,3
+            16690: -77,4
+            16691: -77,5
+            16692: -77,6
+            16693: -77,7
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+            16707: -77,10
+            16708: -77,11
+            16722: -80,0
+            16731: -76,-2
+            16732: -76,-1
+            16736: -75,0
+            16776: -67,-11
+            16777: -67,-12
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+            17139: -55,-3
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-            2054: -23,49
-            2055: -23,48
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-            2082: -18,48
-            2083: -18,49
-            2084: -18,50
-            2085: -18,51
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-            2109: -20,28
-            2110: -20,29
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-            3022: -20,62
-            3023: -20,63
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-            3087: -21,68
-            3088: -21,57
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-            3091: -6,62
-            3092: -6,63
-            3093: -6,64
-            3109: -7,68
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-            3230: -13,74
-            3231: -13,73
-            3232: -13,72
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-            3245: -13,80
-            3246: -13,81
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-            3249: -13,93
-            3250: -13,94
-            3251: -13,95
-            3255: -13,88
-            3256: -13,87
-            3257: -13,86
-            3258: -13,86
-            3259: -13,85
-            3265: -31,79
-            3266: -31,80
-            3267: -31,81
-            3268: -31,82
-            3269: -31,85
-            3270: -31,86
-            3271: -31,88
-            3272: -31,92
-            3273: -31,93
-            3274: -31,94
-            3275: -31,95
-            3276: -31,75
-            3277: -31,74
-            3278: -31,73
-            3279: -31,72
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-            3613: 5,73
-            3614: 5,74
-            3615: 5,75
-            3674: 5,82
-            3675: 5,81
-            3676: 5,80
-            3677: 5,79
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-            3828: 16,70
-            3829: 16,71
-            3838: 23,70
-            4150: -23,22
-            4151: -23,22
-            5168: 16,16
-            5169: 16,17
-            5170: 16,18
-            5171: 16,19
-            5181: 16,9
-            5182: 16,10
-            5183: 16,11
-            5184: 16,12
-            5189: 16,2
-            5190: 16,3
-            5191: 16,5
-            5192: 16,4
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-            5194: 16,-3
-            5195: 16,-4
-            5196: 16,-5
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-            5504: -28,5
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-            6711: -28,-15
-            6712: -28,-16
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-            6741: -35,-12
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-            8018: 56,-26
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-            8031: 58,-14
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-            8246: 33,-12
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-            8436: 48,-20
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-            8768: -13,-25
-            8769: -13,-26
-            8770: -13,-26
-            8821: -2,-27
-            8822: -2,-26
-            8823: -2,-26
-            8824: -2,-24
-            8825: -2,-25
-            8864: -2,-31
-            8865: -2,-32
-            8866: -2,-33
-            8867: -2,-34
-            8868: -2,-35
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-            9060: 1,-26
-            9061: 1,-25
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-            9354: -2,-42
-            9355: -2,-41
-            9356: -2,-41
-            9357: -2,-40
-            9358: -2,-40
-            9359: -2,-39
-            9360: -2,-45
-            9361: -2,-45
-            9362: -2,-46
-            9363: -2,-47
-            9364: -2,-49
-            9365: -2,-50
-            9366: -2,-44
-            9367: -2,-44
-            9368: -2,-52
-            9369: -2,-53
-            9370: -2,-54
-            9371: -2,-54
-            9372: -2,-54
-            9373: -2,-55
-            9398: -2,-61
-            9399: -2,-60
-            9400: -2,-59
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-            9435: -7,-70
-            9436: -7,-69
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-            15259: -3,-70
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-            15348: -43,15
-            15349: -43,15
-            15350: -43,16
-            15351: -43,17
-            15352: -43,20
-            15353: -43,21
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-            15383: -9,-78
-            15384: -9,-77
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-            20141: -20,17
-            20142: -20,18
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+            1065: 49,-15
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+            1931: -20,46
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+            1933: -23,50
+            1934: -23,49
+            1935: -23,48
+            1961: -18,47
+            1962: -18,48
+            1963: -18,49
+            1964: -18,50
+            1965: -18,51
+            1987: -20,27
+            1988: -20,28
+            1989: -20,29
+            1990: -20,31
+            1991: -20,32
+            1992: -23,31
+            1993: -23,33
+            1994: -23,32
+            1995: -23,30
+            1996: -20,34
+            1997: -20,35
+            1998: -20,36
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+            2242: -29,31
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+            2682: -8,33
+            2691: -5,33
+            2893: -14,57
+            2898: -20,61
+            2899: -20,62
+            2900: -20,63
+            2963: -21,68
+            2964: -21,57
+            2965: -7,57
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+            2967: -6,62
+            2968: -6,63
+            2969: -6,64
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+            3105: -13,72
+            3117: -13,79
+            3118: -13,80
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+            3120: -13,82
+            3121: -13,92
+            3122: -13,93
+            3123: -13,94
+            3124: -13,95
+            3128: -13,88
+            3129: -13,87
+            3130: -13,86
+            3131: -13,86
+            3132: -13,85
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+            3139: -31,80
+            3140: -31,81
+            3141: -31,82
+            3142: -31,85
+            3143: -31,86
+            3144: -31,88
+            3145: -31,92
+            3146: -31,93
+            3147: -31,94
+            3148: -31,95
+            3149: -31,75
+            3150: -31,74
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+            3152: -31,72
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+            3482: 5,75
+            3541: 5,82
+            3542: 5,81
+            3543: 5,80
+            3544: 5,79
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+            5032: 16,10
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+            5034: 16,12
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+            5041: 16,5
+            5042: 16,4
+            5043: 16,-2
+            5044: 16,-3
+            5045: 16,-4
+            5046: 16,-5
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+            5351: -34,5
+            5352: -28,5
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+            6065: -20,-16
+            6066: -20,-15
+            6067: -20,-14
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+            6069: -20,-12
+            6164: 16,-17
+            6165: 16,-15
+            6166: 16,-14
+            6167: 16,-12
+            6168: 16,-13
+            6169: 16,-16
+            6189: -3,-16
+            6505: -32,-9
+            6506: -32,-8
+            6507: -32,-7
+            6508: -32,-6
+            6509: -32,-5
+            6510: -32,-4
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+            6525: -32,0
+            6526: -32,0
+            6527: -32,2
+            6556: -28,-12
+            6557: -28,-13
+            6558: -28,-14
+            6559: -28,-15
+            6560: -28,-16
+            6586: -35,-15
+            6587: -35,-14
+            6588: -35,-13
+            6589: -35,-12
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+            7858: 56,-14
+            7859: 56,-13
+            7864: 56,-27
+            7865: 56,-26
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+            7875: 60,-27
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+            7877: 58,-14
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+            8092: 33,-12
+            8093: 33,-11
+            8094: 33,-10
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+            8282: 48,-20
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+            8525: -9,-80
+            8526: -6,-78
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+            8582: 5,-26
+            8605: -13,-25
+            8606: -13,-25
+            8607: -13,-26
+            8608: -13,-26
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+            8660: -2,-26
+            8661: -2,-26
+            8662: -2,-24
+            8663: -2,-25
+            8702: -2,-31
+            8703: -2,-32
+            8704: -2,-33
+            8705: -2,-34
+            8706: -2,-35
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+            8899: 1,-25
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+            9193: -2,-41
+            9194: -2,-41
+            9195: -2,-40
+            9196: -2,-40
+            9197: -2,-39
+            9198: -2,-45
+            9199: -2,-45
+            9200: -2,-46
+            9201: -2,-47
+            9202: -2,-49
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+            9204: -2,-44
+            9205: -2,-44
+            9206: -2,-52
+            9207: -2,-53
+            9208: -2,-54
+            9209: -2,-54
+            9210: -2,-54
+            9211: -2,-55
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+            9237: -2,-60
+            9238: -2,-59
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+            9273: -7,-70
+            9274: -7,-69
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+            9276: -4,-72
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+            9285: 74,-51
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+            10432: 71,-50
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+            13940: -7,23
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+            13942: 10,23
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+            14315: -3,-70
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+            14394: -43,10
+            14395: -43,11
+            14396: -43,14
+            14397: -43,15
+            14398: -43,15
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+            14400: -43,17
+            14401: -43,20
+            14402: -43,21
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+            14432: -9,-78
+            14433: -9,-77
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+            18670: 34,-14
+            18672: 33,-14
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+            19147: -20,17
+            19148: -20,18
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+            19152: -20,4
+            19153: -20,2
+            19154: -20,-2
+            19155: -20,-3
+            19156: -20,-4
+            19157: -20,-5
+            19194: -20,3
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-            21662: -48,43
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-            21737: -55,45
-            21738: -54,45
-            21739: -54,45
-            21740: -52,45
-            21741: -52,45
-            21742: -51,45
-            21743: -50,45
-            21744: -49,45
-            21745: -48,45
-            21746: -53,45
-            21765: -46,56
-            21766: -44,51
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+            20582: -55,31
+            20605: -49,23
+            20606: -48,23
+            20607: -47,23
+            20608: -47,23
+            20609: -46,23
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+            20616: -53,19
+            20627: -54,19
+            20628: -53,19
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+            20630: -54,24
+            20635: -52,21
+            20667: -49,42
+            20668: -48,43
+            20680: -48,43
+            20681: -54,43
+            20682: -56,43
+            20686: -59,55
+            20724: -46,56
+            20740: -45,45
+            20741: -57,45
+            20742: -56,45
+            20743: -55,45
+            20744: -54,45
+            20745: -54,45
+            20746: -52,45
+            20747: -52,45
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-            23454: 22,-43
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+            22174: 13,-36
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+            22207: 22,-34
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+            22212: 26,-34
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+            22218: 30,-34
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+            22224: 34,-34
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+            22226: 34,-34
+            22227: 34,-34
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+            22231: 38,-34
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+            22403: 33,-38
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+            21166: 20,50
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+            21187: 22,42
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-            17160: -77,12
-            17228: -60,19
-            17229: -59,19
-            17230: -58,19
-            17259: -48,-6
-            17260: -47,-6
-            17261: -46,-6
-            17292: -66,-6
-            17293: -65,-6
-            17294: -64,-6
-            17295: -72,-6
-            17296: -70,-6
-            17297: -68,-6
-            17298: -73,-6
-            17309: -71,-9
-            17310: -70,-9
-            17311: -69,-9
-            17324: -75,-6
-            17325: -76,-6
-            17335: -71,-9
-            17336: -70,-9
-            17337: -69,-9
-            17345: -11,-83
-            17350: 10,89
-            17351: 5,91
-            17353: 6,86
-            17366: 10,89
-            17367: 6,90
-            17399: 11,82
-            17416: 12,73
-            17458: -63,10
-            17459: -64,10
-            17525: -72,2
-            17526: -71,2
-            17527: -70,2
-            17528: -69,2
-            17529: -68,2
-            17530: -67,2
-            17531: -67,2
-            17551: -71,-5
-            17552: -69,-5
-            17583: -73,12
-            17584: -71,12
-            17594: -72,9
-            17596: -72,13
-            17600: -82,14
-            17601: -81,14
-            17602: -80,14
-            17616: -77,12
-            17647: -77,2
-            17664: -77,8
-            17665: -77,12
-            17666: -78,1
-            17681: -76,-3
-            17711: -72,-10
-            17712: -68,-10
-            17716: -71,-9
-            17717: -70,-9
-            17718: -69,-9
-            18083: -60,-1
-            18084: -59,-1
-            18085: -58,-1
-            18086: -57,-1
-            18087: -56,-1
-            18141: -55,15
-            18142: -54,15
-            18143: -53,15
-            18144: -52,15
+            15840: -55,2
+            15841: -54,2
+            15842: -53,3
+            15843: -52,3
+            15844: -53,7
+            15845: -52,7
+            15856: -53,7
+            15857: -52,7
+            15858: -53,3
+            15859: -52,3
+            15862: -51,2
+            15863: -50,2
+            15874: -50,-1
+            15890: -58,-5
+            15896: -60,2
+            15897: -59,2
+            15898: -58,2
+            15899: -57,2
+            15900: -56,2
+            15916: -48,15
+            15917: -49,15
+            15918: -50,15
+            15919: -51,15
+            15934: -57,15
+            15935: -56,15
+            15953: -58,-11
+            15972: -60,-6
+            15973: -59,-6
+            15984: -60,-12
+            15985: -59,-12
+            15986: -57,-12
+            15987: -56,-12
+            15988: -55,-7
+            16012: -61,-17
+            16045: -56,-19
+            16046: -54,-19
+            16058: -49,-13
+            16059: -48,-13
+            16150: -58,16
+            16159: -62,15
+            16160: -63,15
+            16161: -64,15
+            16162: -65,15
+            16163: -66,15
+            16180: -77,16
+            16181: -76,16
+            16182: -75,16
+            16183: -74,16
+            16184: -73,16
+            16185: -71,16
+            16186: -70,16
+            16187: -69,16
+            16188: -72,16
+            16206: -77,12
+            16207: -72,13
+            16209: -77,12
+            16277: -60,19
+            16278: -59,19
+            16279: -58,19
+            16308: -48,-6
+            16309: -47,-6
+            16310: -46,-6
+            16341: -66,-6
+            16342: -65,-6
+            16343: -64,-6
+            16344: -72,-6
+            16345: -70,-6
+            16346: -68,-6
+            16347: -73,-6
+            16358: -71,-9
+            16359: -70,-9
+            16360: -69,-9
+            16373: -75,-6
+            16374: -76,-6
+            16384: -71,-9
+            16385: -70,-9
+            16386: -69,-9
+            16394: -11,-83
+            16399: 10,89
+            16400: 5,91
+            16402: 6,86
+            16415: 10,89
+            16416: 6,90
+            16448: 11,82
+            16465: 12,73
+            16507: -63,10
+            16508: -64,10
+            16574: -72,2
+            16575: -71,2
+            16576: -70,2
+            16577: -69,2
+            16578: -68,2
+            16579: -67,2
+            16580: -67,2
+            16600: -71,-5
+            16601: -69,-5
+            16632: -73,12
+            16633: -71,12
+            16643: -72,9
+            16645: -72,13
+            16649: -82,14
+            16650: -81,14
+            16651: -80,14
+            16665: -77,12
+            16696: -77,2
+            16713: -77,8
+            16714: -77,12
+            16715: -78,1
+            16730: -76,-3
+            16760: -72,-10
+            16761: -68,-10
+            16765: -71,-9
+            16766: -70,-9
+            16767: -69,-9
+            17132: -60,-1
+            17133: -59,-1
+            17134: -58,-1
+            17135: -57,-1
+            17136: -56,-1
+            17190: -55,15
+            17191: -54,15
+            17192: -53,15
+            17193: -52,15
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
-            867: 74,-42
-            868: 72,-42
-            869: 71,-42
-            1173: 45,-14
-            1174: 48,-14
-            2069: -19,49
-            2070: -19,45
-            2079: -21,46
-            2080: -17,46
-            2137: -19,33
-            2138: -19,26
-            2142: -19,30
-            2210: -21,28
-            2263: -23,40
-            2388: -31,29
-            2695: -12,51
-            2702: -10,54
-            2704: -12,54
-            2767: -11,48
-            2768: -10,48
-            2769: -6,48
-            2770: -5,48
-            2813: -6,34
-            3013: -13,56
-            3014: -12,56
-            3015: -11,56
-            3029: -19,60
-            3062: -16,58
-            3063: -15,58
-            3064: -14,58
-            3065: -13,58
-            3077: -20,67
-            3078: -19,67
-            3079: -18,67
-            3080: -12,67
-            3081: -13,67
-            3082: -11,67
-            3095: -5,60
-            3101: -6,67
-            3102: -5,67
-            3103: -4,67
-            3114: -6,56
-            3115: -5,56
-            3116: -4,56
-            3117: -20,56
-            3118: -19,56
-            3119: -18,56
-            3227: -12,71
-            3233: -12,78
-            3252: -12,91
-            3253: -12,84
-            3300: -30,71
-            3301: -30,78
-            3302: -30,84
-            3303: -30,91
-            3307: -31,67
-            3308: -30,67
-            3309: -29,67
-            3516: 0,67
-            3517: 1,67
-            3518: 1,67
-            3519: 2,67
-            3520: 5,67
-            3521: 6,67
-            3522: 7,67
-            3611: 6,71
-            3679: 6,78
-            3777: 0,56
-            3778: 1,56
-            3779: 2,56
-            3839: 17,71
-            3840: 18,71
-            3841: 19,71
-            3842: 20,71
-            3843: 21,71
-            3845: 22,71
-            3862: 18,68
-            3863: 19,68
-            3864: 21,68
-            3865: 22,68
-            4154: -24,23
-            5185: 17,15
-            5186: 17,8
-            5206: -19,1
-            5207: 17,-6
-            5208: 17,1
-            5217: -26,67
-            5218: -25,67
-            5219: -24,67
-            5473: -38,4
-            5474: -38,4
-            5475: -37,4
-            5476: -36,4
-            5477: -33,4
-            5478: -32,4
-            5479: -31,4
-            5480: -27,4
-            5481: -26,4
-            5482: -25,4
-            5483: -23,4
-            5484: -24,4
-            5485: -24,4
-            5564: -32,28
-            6229: -19,-18
-            6309: 17,-18
-            6332: -2,-14
-            6333: -1,-14
-            6334: 0,-14
-            6335: 1,-14
-            6402: 3,-21
-            6403: 4,-21
-            6404: 5,-21
-            6405: 6,-21
-            6406: 10,-21
-            6407: 12,-21
-            6408: 11,-21
-            6409: 13,-21
-            6410: -5,-21
-            6411: -6,-21
-            6412: -6,-21
-            6413: -7,-21
-            6414: -7,-21
-            6415: -8,-21
-            6416: -8,-21
-            6417: -12,-21
-            6418: -12,-21
-            6419: -13,-21
-            6420: -14,-21
-            6421: -14,-21
-            6422: -15,-21
-            6423: -15,-21
-            6655: -33,-10
-            6656: -32,-10
-            6665: -31,-2
-            6666: -30,-2
-            6667: -29,-2
-            6668: -28,-2
-            6669: -27,-2
-            6670: -26,-2
-            6671: -26,-2
-            6672: -23,-2
-            6673: -22,-2
-            6674: -22,-2
-            6675: -25,-2
-            6702: -31,-11
-            6703: -30,-11
-            6704: -29,-11
-            6705: -34,-11
-            6733: -28,-17
-            6734: -34,-16
-            6735: -33,-16
-            6736: -32,-16
-            6737: -31,-16
-            6953: -25,-15
-            6954: -24,-15
-            6959: -25,-15
-            6960: -24,-15
-            6966: -24,-19
-            7120: 21,4
-            7121: 22,4
-            7122: 23,4
-            7123: 24,4
-            7185: 28,4
-            7186: 29,4
-            7187: 30,4
-            7188: 31,4
-            8051: 58,-17
-            8052: 59,-17
-            8053: 60,-17
-            8054: 58,-30
-            8055: 59,-30
-            8056: 60,-30
-            8194: 39,-7
-            8195: 40,-7
-            8225: 22,-12
-            8226: 23,-12
-            8227: 23,-12
-            8228: 24,-12
-            8229: 24,-12
-            8230: 21,-12
-            8231: 28,-12
-            8232: 28,-12
-            8233: 29,-12
-            8234: 29,-12
-            8235: 30,-12
-            8236: 30,-12
-            8255: 35,-16
-            8256: 36,-16
-            8257: 36,-16
-            8258: 37,-16
-            8259: 37,-16
-            8260: 39,-16
-            8261: 39,-16
-            8262: 38,-16
-            8263: 38,-16
-            8342: 46,-18
-            8343: 47,-18
-            8347: 48,-14
-            8348: 48,-14
-            8349: 47,-14
-            8421: 44,-21
-            8422: 44,-21
-            8423: 44,-21
-            8424: 45,-21
-            8425: 46,-21
-            8426: 46,-21
-            8427: 47,-21
-            8428: 49,-21
-            8429: 50,-21
-            8430: 51,-21
-            8431: 51,-21
-            8432: 51,-21
-            8433: 52,-21
-            8434: 52,-21
-            8656: -2,-77
-            8657: -1,-77
-            8658: -7,-77
-            8659: -8,-77
-            8660: -8,-81
-            8661: -7,-81
-            8662: -6,-81
-            8663: -3,-81
-            8664: -2,-81
-            8665: -1,-81
-            8747: 6,-27
-            8748: 6,-27
-            8749: 7,-27
-            8750: 9,-27
-            8751: 9,-27
-            8752: 10,-27
-            8753: 10,-27
-            8754: 8,-27
-            8755: -12,-27
-            8756: -11,-27
-            8757: -10,-27
-            8758: -9,-27
-            8759: -8,-27
-            8830: -1,-28
-            8870: -1,-36
-            9394: -1,-43
-            9395: -1,-51
-            9396: -1,-56
-            9397: -1,-62
-            9425: -5,-69
-            9426: -4,-69
-            9432: -5,-74
-            9433: -4,-74
-            9440: -6,-69
-            9441: -3,-69
-            9459: 69,-41
-            9516: 5,-29
-            9517: 11,-29
-            10597: 73,-48
-            10598: 73,-48
-            11320: -6,-29
-            11321: -13,-29
-            11322: -15,-29
-            11325: -15,-29
-            11326: -13,-29
-            13392: -41,-64
-            14893: 11,22
-            14894: 12,22
-            14895: 13,22
-            14896: 14,22
-            14897: 4,22
-            14898: 3,22
-            14899: 2,22
-            14900: 1,22
-            14901: -3,22
-            14902: -4,22
-            14903: -5,22
-            14904: -6,22
-            14905: -13,22
-            14906: -14,22
-            14907: -15,22
-            14908: -15,22
-            14909: -16,22
-            15354: -42,19
-            15355: -42,13
-            15356: -42,8
-            15502: 95,-2
-            15584: 92,-3
-            15585: 93,-3
-            15586: 94,-3
-            15600: 96,7
-            15606: 96,5
-            18656: -3,-10
-            18657: -2,-10
-            18658: -2,-10
-            18659: 0,-10
-            18660: 0,-10
-            18661: -1,-10
-            18662: 1,-10
-            18663: 4,-10
-            18664: 5,-10
-            18665: 6,-10
-            18666: 7,-10
-            18667: 10,-10
-            18668: 11,-10
-            18669: 12,-10
-            18670: 13,-10
-            18671: -9,-10
-            18672: -8,-10
-            18673: -7,-10
-            18674: -7,-10
-            18675: -6,-10
-            18676: -12,-10
-            18677: -13,-10
-            18678: -14,-10
-            18679: -15,-10
-            19613: 35,-15
-            19614: 36,-15
-            19615: 37,-15
-            19616: 38,-15
-            19617: 39,-15
-            19618: 35,-12
-            19619: 36,-12
-            19620: 37,-12
-            19621: 38,-12
-            19622: 39,-12
-            20132: -19,-6
-            20133: -19,1
-            20134: -19,8
-            20135: -19,15
-            24772: 40,-69
-            24773: 40,-66
+            754: 74,-42
+            755: 72,-42
+            756: 71,-42
+            1055: 45,-14
+            1056: 48,-14
+            1949: -19,49
+            1950: -19,45
+            1959: -21,46
+            1960: -17,46
+            2016: -19,33
+            2017: -19,26
+            2021: -19,30
+            2089: -21,28
+            2141: -23,40
+            2265: -31,29
+            2572: -12,51
+            2579: -10,54
+            2581: -12,54
+            2644: -11,48
+            2645: -10,48
+            2646: -6,48
+            2647: -5,48
+            2690: -6,34
+            2890: -13,56
+            2891: -12,56
+            2892: -11,56
+            2906: -19,60
+            2939: -16,58
+            2940: -15,58
+            2941: -14,58
+            2942: -13,58
+            2954: -20,67
+            2955: -19,67
+            2956: -18,67
+            2957: -12,67
+            2958: -13,67
+            2959: -11,67
+            2971: -5,60
+            2977: -6,67
+            2978: -5,67
+            2979: -4,67
+            2990: -6,56
+            2991: -5,56
+            2992: -4,56
+            2993: -20,56
+            2994: -19,56
+            2995: -18,56
+            3101: -12,71
+            3106: -12,78
+            3125: -12,91
+            3126: -12,84
+            3173: -30,71
+            3174: -30,78
+            3175: -30,84
+            3176: -30,91
+            3180: -31,67
+            3181: -30,67
+            3182: -29,67
+            3385: 0,67
+            3386: 1,67
+            3387: 1,67
+            3388: 2,67
+            3389: 5,67
+            3390: 6,67
+            3391: 7,67
+            3478: 6,71
+            3546: 6,78
+            3644: 0,56
+            3645: 1,56
+            3646: 2,56
+            3706: 17,71
+            3707: 18,71
+            3708: 19,71
+            3709: 20,71
+            3710: 21,71
+            3712: 22,71
+            3729: 18,68
+            3730: 19,68
+            3731: 21,68
+            3732: 22,68
+            4004: -24,23
+            5035: 17,15
+            5036: 17,8
+            5056: -19,1
+            5057: 17,-6
+            5058: 17,1
+            5067: -26,67
+            5068: -25,67
+            5069: -24,67
+            5321: -38,4
+            5322: -38,4
+            5323: -37,4
+            5324: -36,4
+            5325: -33,4
+            5326: -32,4
+            5327: -31,4
+            5328: -27,4
+            5329: -26,4
+            5330: -25,4
+            5331: -23,4
+            5332: -24,4
+            5333: -24,4
+            5412: -32,28
+            6077: -19,-18
+            6157: 17,-18
+            6180: -2,-14
+            6181: -1,-14
+            6182: 0,-14
+            6183: 1,-14
+            6250: 3,-21
+            6251: 4,-21
+            6252: 5,-21
+            6253: 6,-21
+            6254: 10,-21
+            6255: 12,-21
+            6256: 11,-21
+            6257: 13,-21
+            6258: -5,-21
+            6259: -6,-21
+            6260: -6,-21
+            6261: -7,-21
+            6262: -7,-21
+            6263: -8,-21
+            6264: -8,-21
+            6265: -12,-21
+            6266: -12,-21
+            6267: -13,-21
+            6268: -14,-21
+            6269: -14,-21
+            6270: -15,-21
+            6271: -15,-21
+            6503: -33,-10
+            6504: -32,-10
+            6513: -31,-2
+            6514: -30,-2
+            6515: -29,-2
+            6516: -28,-2
+            6517: -27,-2
+            6518: -26,-2
+            6519: -26,-2
+            6520: -23,-2
+            6521: -22,-2
+            6522: -22,-2
+            6523: -25,-2
+            6550: -31,-11
+            6551: -30,-11
+            6552: -29,-11
+            6553: -34,-11
+            6581: -28,-17
+            6582: -34,-16
+            6583: -33,-16
+            6584: -32,-16
+            6585: -31,-16
+            6801: -25,-15
+            6802: -24,-15
+            6807: -25,-15
+            6808: -24,-15
+            6814: -24,-19
+            6968: 21,4
+            6969: 22,4
+            6970: 23,4
+            6971: 24,4
+            7033: 28,4
+            7034: 29,4
+            7035: 30,4
+            7036: 31,4
+            7897: 58,-17
+            7898: 59,-17
+            7899: 60,-17
+            7900: 58,-30
+            7901: 59,-30
+            7902: 60,-30
+            8040: 39,-7
+            8041: 40,-7
+            8071: 22,-12
+            8072: 23,-12
+            8073: 23,-12
+            8074: 24,-12
+            8075: 24,-12
+            8076: 21,-12
+            8077: 28,-12
+            8078: 28,-12
+            8079: 29,-12
+            8080: 29,-12
+            8081: 30,-12
+            8082: 30,-12
+            8101: 35,-16
+            8102: 36,-16
+            8103: 36,-16
+            8104: 37,-16
+            8105: 37,-16
+            8106: 39,-16
+            8107: 39,-16
+            8108: 38,-16
+            8109: 38,-16
+            8188: 46,-18
+            8189: 47,-18
+            8193: 48,-14
+            8194: 48,-14
+            8195: 47,-14
+            8267: 44,-21
+            8268: 44,-21
+            8269: 44,-21
+            8270: 45,-21
+            8271: 46,-21
+            8272: 46,-21
+            8273: 47,-21
+            8274: 49,-21
+            8275: 50,-21
+            8276: 51,-21
+            8277: 51,-21
+            8278: 51,-21
+            8279: 52,-21
+            8280: 52,-21
+            8494: -2,-77
+            8495: -1,-77
+            8496: -7,-77
+            8497: -8,-77
+            8498: -8,-81
+            8499: -7,-81
+            8500: -6,-81
+            8501: -3,-81
+            8502: -2,-81
+            8503: -1,-81
+            8585: 6,-27
+            8586: 6,-27
+            8587: 7,-27
+            8588: 9,-27
+            8589: 9,-27
+            8590: 10,-27
+            8591: 10,-27
+            8592: 8,-27
+            8593: -12,-27
+            8594: -11,-27
+            8595: -10,-27
+            8596: -9,-27
+            8597: -8,-27
+            8668: -1,-28
+            8708: -1,-36
+            9232: -1,-43
+            9233: -1,-51
+            9234: -1,-56
+            9235: -1,-62
+            9263: -5,-69
+            9264: -4,-69
+            9270: -5,-74
+            9271: -4,-74
+            9278: -6,-69
+            9279: -3,-69
+            9297: 69,-41
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-            22257: 20,48
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-            22259: 22,48
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-            22333: 31,48
-            22334: 32,48
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-            22336: 34,48
-            22337: 34,48
-            22338: 35,48
-            22339: 36,48
-            22340: 37,48
-            22341: 37,48
-            22342: 37,48
-            22343: 37,48
-            22344: 37,48
-            22345: 38,48
-            22346: 38,48
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-            22455: 25,34
-            22456: 26,34
-            22457: 27,34
-            22458: 28,34
-            22459: 28,34
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+            21075: 18,34
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+            21127: 11,48
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+            21211: 21,46
+            21212: 22,46
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+            21215: 17,44
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+            21217: 20,44
+            21218: 21,44
+            21219: 22,44
+            21220: 22,44
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+            21222: 17,42
+            21223: 19,42
+            21224: 20,42
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+            21226: 22,42
+            21227: 22,42
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+            21229: 23,40
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+            21334: 26,48
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+            21337: 29,48
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+            21340: 32,48
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-            11382: -14,-34
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-            11484: -16,-36
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-            11497: -30,-36
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-            11499: -28,-36
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-            11502: -26,-36
-            11503: -25,-36
-            11504: -25,-36
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-            11506: -22,-36
-            11507: -22,-36
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-            11517: -23,-33
-            11518: -22,-33
-            11519: -22,-33
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-            11545: -11,-24
-            11546: -9,-24
-            11547: -9,-24
-            11548: -8,-24
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-            11564: -13,-33
-            11574: -9,-36
-            11575: -9,-36
-            11576: -8,-36
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-            11711: -14,-37
-            11712: -14,-37
-            11713: -13,-37
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-            12106: -24,-38
-            12120: -29,-38
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-            12138: -14,-54
-            12142: -15,-45
-            12143: -14,-45
-            12144: -13,-45
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-            12160: -17,-60
-            12161: -16,-60
-            12162: -15,-60
-            12163: -14,-60
-            12180: -16,-55
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-            12192: -9,-53
-            12193: -8,-53
-            12194: -7,-53
-            12195: -5,-53
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-            12240: -18,-39
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+            10870: -28,-34
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+            10873: -25,-34
+            10874: -24,-34
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+            10877: -16,-34
+            10878: -15,-34
+            10879: -14,-34
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+            10908: -14,-38
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+            10926: -14,-46
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+            10931: -13,-33
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+            10973: -20,-36
+            10974: -19,-36
+            10975: -19,-36
+            10976: -18,-36
+            10977: -18,-36
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+            10979: -17,-36
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+            10981: -16,-36
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+            10994: -30,-36
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+            10996: -28,-36
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+            10999: -26,-36
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+            11001: -25,-36
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+            11003: -22,-36
+            11004: -22,-36
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+            11014: -23,-33
+            11015: -22,-33
+            11016: -22,-33
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-            22692: -13,-45
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-            22733: -18,-44
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-            22842: -29,-34
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-            22853: -15,-34
-            22854: -14,-34
-            22855: -14,-34
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-            22968: -8,-53
-            22969: -7,-53
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-            23023: -17,-60
-            23024: -16,-60
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-            23027: -15,-60
-            23028: -14,-60
-            23029: -14,-60
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+            21592: -18,-36
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+            21696: -14,-45
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+            21725: -18,-39
+            21726: -18,-39
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+            22031: -16,-60
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+            22033: -15,-60
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-            4972: 21,44
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+            4541: 23,31
+            4546: 22,30
+            4549: 20,30
+            4550: 26,30
+            4565: 23,29
+            4580: 25,34
+            4581: 26,34
+            4582: 27,34
+            4583: 28,34
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+            4601: 27,38
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+            4610: 17,38
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+            4642: 5,33
+            4643: 6,33
+            4644: 7,33
+            4645: 8,33
+            4646: 5,36
+            4647: 6,36
+            4648: 7,36
+            4649: 8,36
+            4650: 4,36
+            4651: 9,36
+            4668: 5,38
+            4669: 22,40
+            4670: 23,40
+            4685: 26,48
+            4686: 28,48
+            4687: 27,48
+            4688: 28,48
+            4689: 29,48
+            4690: 30,48
+            4691: 31,48
+            4692: 32,48
+            4693: 33,48
+            4694: 34,48
+            4695: 35,48
+            4696: 36,48
+            4697: 37,48
+            4698: 39,48
+            4699: 38,48
+            4717: 34,48
+            4718: 35,48
+            4719: 36,48
+            4720: 37,48
+            4721: 38,48
+            4722: 33,48
+            4723: 32,48
+            4724: 31,48
+            4725: 30,48
+            4726: 29,48
+            4727: 28,48
+            4728: 27,48
+            4729: 27,48
+            4730: 26,48
+            4751: 10,55
+            4764: 10,48
+            4765: 11,48
+            4766: 11,48
+            4767: 12,48
+            4778: 17,55
+            4796: 19,52
+            4797: 20,52
+            4798: 21,52
+            4799: 22,52
+            4800: 20,50
+            4801: 21,50
+            4802: 22,50
+            4803: 19,48
+            4804: 20,48
+            4805: 21,48
+            4806: 22,48
+            4807: 19,46
+            4808: 20,46
+            4809: 21,46
+            4810: 22,46
+            4811: 16,46
+            4812: 17,46
+            4813: 16,44
+            4814: 17,44
+            4815: 16,42
+            4816: 17,42
+            4817: 19,42
+            4818: 20,42
+            4819: 21,42
+            4820: 22,42
+            4821: 22,44
+            4822: 21,44
+            4823: 19,44
+            4824: 20,44
+            4878: 19,50
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+            5006: 39,28
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+            13393: -57,9
+            13394: -56,9
+            13395: -55,9
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+            18833: 24,31
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+            3878: -38,52
+            3881: -39,55
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+            9378: 6,-36
+            9379: 7,-36
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+            9392: 5,-31
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-            16830: -60,1
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-            16837: -59,-4
-            16838: -57,-4
-            16864: -50,9
-            16865: -49,11
-            16866: -48,11
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-            16874: -56,9
-            16875: -56,9
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-            16877: -58,9
-            16878: -58,9
-            16879: -59,9
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-            16903: -58,-11
-            16928: -60,-10
-            16929: -59,-10
-            16932: -58,-11
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-            16958: -55,-18
-            16959: -57,-18
-            16960: -58,-18
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-            16979: -60,-15
-            16980: -59,-15
-            16981: -58,-15
-            16982: -57,-15
-            16983: -56,-15
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-            17006: -48,-17
-            17102: -58,16
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-            17119: -64,14
-            17120: -63,14
-            17121: -62,14
-            17122: -62,14
-            17123: -62,14
-            17124: -61,14
-            17144: -75,14
-            17145: -74,14
-            17146: -73,14
-            17147: -71,14
-            17148: -70,14
-            17149: -69,14
-            17220: -59,17
-            17221: -60,17
-            17267: -48,-10
-            17268: -47,-10
-            17285: -64,-8
-            17286: -66,-8
-            17287: -67,-8
-            17288: -65,-8
-            17289: -68,-8
-            17290: -73,-8
-            17291: -72,-8
-            17316: -71,-5
-            17317: -69,-5
-            17331: -76,-10
-            17344: -11,-79
-            17348: 10,89
-            17349: 10,91
-            17352: 5,91
-            17365: 10,89
-            17408: 11,74
-            17460: -64,5
-            17461: -63,5
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-            17533: -68,-4
-            17534: -70,-4
-            17535: -72,-4
-            17536: -73,-4
-            17553: -71,-5
-            17554: -69,-5
-            17559: -73,3
-            17588: -73,10
-            17589: -71,10
-            17595: -72,13
-            17604: -82,14
-            17605: -81,14
-            17606: -80,14
-            17646: -77,8
-            17663: -77,12
-            17670: -77,2
-            17678: -77,-2
-            17719: -71,-9
-            17720: -70,-9
-            17721: -69,-9
-            17722: -72,-13
-            17723: -71,-13
-            17724: -70,-13
-            17725: -69,-13
-            17726: -68,-13
-            18098: -56,-4
-            18145: -55,17
-            18146: -54,17
-            18147: -54,17
-            18148: -52,17
-            18149: -53,17
+            15846: -53,3
+            15847: -52,3
+            15854: -53,7
+            15855: -52,7
+            15860: -53,3
+            15861: -52,3
+            15864: -49,3
+            15877: -50,-4
+            15878: -61,1
+            15879: -60,1
+            15885: -60,-4
+            15886: -59,-4
+            15887: -57,-4
+            15913: -50,9
+            15914: -49,11
+            15915: -48,11
+            15922: -56,9
+            15923: -56,9
+            15924: -56,9
+            15925: -57,9
+            15926: -58,9
+            15927: -58,9
+            15928: -59,9
+            15949: -58,-5
+            15952: -58,-11
+            15977: -60,-10
+            15978: -59,-10
+            15981: -58,-11
+            15990: -55,-9
+            16006: -53,-18
+            16007: -55,-18
+            16008: -57,-18
+            16009: -58,-18
+            16013: -61,-17
+            16028: -60,-15
+            16029: -59,-15
+            16030: -58,-15
+            16031: -57,-15
+            16032: -56,-15
+            16054: -49,-17
+            16055: -48,-17
+            16151: -58,16
+            16167: -65,14
+            16168: -64,14
+            16169: -63,14
+            16170: -62,14
+            16171: -62,14
+            16172: -62,14
+            16173: -61,14
+            16193: -75,14
+            16194: -74,14
+            16195: -73,14
+            16196: -71,14
+            16197: -70,14
+            16198: -69,14
+            16269: -59,17
+            16270: -60,17
+            16316: -48,-10
+            16317: -47,-10
+            16334: -64,-8
+            16335: -66,-8
+            16336: -67,-8
+            16337: -65,-8
+            16338: -68,-8
+            16339: -73,-8
+            16340: -72,-8
+            16365: -71,-5
+            16366: -69,-5
+            16380: -76,-10
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+            16397: 10,89
+            16398: 10,91
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+            16414: 10,89
+            16457: 11,74
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+            16510: -63,5
+            16581: -67,-4
+            16582: -68,-4
+            16583: -70,-4
+            16584: -72,-4
+            16585: -73,-4
+            16602: -71,-5
+            16603: -69,-5
+            16608: -73,3
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+            16638: -71,10
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+            16654: -81,14
+            16655: -80,14
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+            16769: -70,-9
+            16770: -69,-9
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+            16772: -71,-13
+            16773: -70,-13
+            16774: -69,-13
+            16775: -68,-13
+            17147: -56,-4
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+            17195: -54,17
+            17196: -54,17
+            17197: -52,17
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-            862: 72,-47
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-            2064: -17,52
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-            2135: -19,30
-            2136: -19,37
-            2139: -21,35
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-            3084: -12,69
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-            3105: -6,69
-            3106: -4,69
-            3107: -5,69
-            3111: -6,58
-            3112: -5,58
-            3113: -4,58
-            3120: -20,58
-            3121: -19,58
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-            3129: -20,69
-            3130: -19,69
-            3131: -18,69
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-            3242: -12,96
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-            3254: -12,89
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-            3305: -30,69
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-            3531: 7,69
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-            3617: 6,76
-            3678: 6,83
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-            3783: 1,58
-            3784: 2,58
-            3834: 20,69
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-            5188: 17,20
-            5197: 17,-1
-            5198: 17,6
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-            5214: -25,69
-            5215: -24,69
-            5486: -27,6
-            5487: -25,6
-            5488: -24,6
-            5489: -23,6
-            5490: -33,6
-            5491: -32,6
-            5492: -32,6
-            5493: -33,6
-            5494: -31,6
-            5495: -38,6
-            5496: -37,6
-            5497: -37,6
-            5498: -27,6
-            5499: -26,6
-            5500: -36,6
-            5501: -36,6
-            5568: -33,26
-            5569: -32,26
-            5570: -34,26
-            5579: -31,29
-            6222: -19,-11
-            6308: 17,-11
-            6343: -1,-17
-            6344: 0,-17
-            6345: 1,-17
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-            6631: -30,-3
-            6632: -28,-3
-            6633: -27,-3
-            6634: -26,-3
-            6635: -25,-3
-            6636: -23,-3
-            6637: -22,-3
-            6641: -33,3
-            6642: -32,3
-            6697: -24,-1
-            6713: -34,-16
-            6714: -33,-16
-            6715: -32,-16
-            6716: -31,-16
-            6717: -31,-16
-            6718: -30,-16
-            6727: -33,-10
-            6728: -32,-10
-            6732: -29,-16
-            6742: -34,-11
-            6743: -33,-11
-            6744: -32,-11
-            6745: -31,-11
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-            6989: -6,-19
-            6990: -5,-19
-            6991: -12,-19
-            6992: -13,-19
-            6993: -13,-19
-            6994: -15,-19
-            6995: -14,-19
-            6996: 3,-19
-            6997: 4,-19
-            6998: 5,-19
-            6999: 5,-19
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-            7002: 11,-19
-            7003: 12,-19
-            7004: 13,-19
-            7126: 21,6
-            7127: 23,6
-            7128: 24,6
-            7129: 22,6
-            7191: 28,6
-            7192: 29,6
-            7193: 30,6
-            7194: 31,6
-            8045: 58,-24
-            8046: 59,-24
-            8047: 60,-24
-            8048: 58,-11
-            8049: 59,-11
-            8050: 60,-11
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-            8192: 40,-7
-            8193: 40,-7
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-            8217: 22,-10
-            8218: 23,-10
-            8219: 24,-10
-            8220: 28,-10
-            8221: 29,-10
-            8222: 29,-10
-            8223: 30,-10
-            8224: 30,-10
-            8295: 36,-8
-            8296: 36,-8
-            8297: 37,-8
-            8298: 37,-8
-            8299: 38,-8
-            8300: 39,-8
-            8301: 39,-8
-            8302: 35,-8
-            8303: 35,-8
-            8386: 46,-13
-            8387: 46,-13
-            8437: 44,-19
-            8438: 45,-19
-            8439: 46,-19
-            8440: 47,-19
-            8441: 49,-19
-            8442: 50,-19
-            8443: 52,-19
-            8444: 51,-19
-            8666: -8,-75
-            8667: -7,-75
-            8668: -6,-75
-            8669: -3,-75
-            8670: -2,-75
-            8671: -1,-75
-            8672: -2,-79
-            8673: -1,-79
-            8674: -7,-79
-            8675: -8,-79
-            8738: 6,-24
-            8739: 7,-24
-            8740: 8,-24
-            8741: 9,-24
-            8742: 10,-24
-            8763: -11,-24
-            8764: -10,-24
-            8765: -9,-24
-            8766: -8,-24
-            8831: -1,-23
-            8869: -1,-30
-            8878: -12,-24
-            8913: -14,-28
-            8914: -14,-22
-            8915: -13,-22
-            8916: -7,-22
-            8917: -6,-22
-            8949: -7,-28
-            8950: -5,-28
-            9062: 4,-22
-            9063: 5,-22
-            9064: 11,-22
-            9065: 12,-22
-            9066: 12,-28
-            9067: 4,-28
-            9068: 3,-28
-            9391: -1,-51
-            9392: -1,-43
-            9393: -1,-38
-            9404: -1,-58
-            9405: -1,-58
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-            10600: 73,-41
-            12657: -42,23
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-            14911: -15,24
-            14912: -14,24
-            14913: -14,24
-            14914: -13,24
-            14915: -6,24
-            14916: -5,24
-            14917: -4,24
-            14918: -3,24
-            14919: 1,24
-            14920: 2,24
-            14921: 3,24
-            14922: 4,24
-            14923: 11,24
-            14924: 12,24
-            14925: 13,24
-            14926: 14,24
-            15128: -8,-19
-            15357: -42,12
-            15358: -42,18
-            15359: -42,23
-            15508: 92,-5
-            15509: 93,-5
-            15510: 93,-5
-            15511: 94,-5
-            18680: -15,-8
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-            18682: -13,-8
-            18683: -12,-8
-            18684: -9,-8
-            18685: -8,-8
-            18686: -7,-8
-            18687: -6,-8
-            18688: -3,-8
-            18689: -2,-8
-            18690: -1,-8
-            18691: 1,-8
-            18692: 0,-8
-            18693: 4,-8
-            18694: 5,-8
-            18695: 6,-8
-            18696: 7,-8
-            18697: 10,-8
-            18698: 11,-8
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-            18700: 13,-8
-            19629: 35,-12
-            19630: 36,-12
-            19631: 37,-12
-            19632: 38,-12
-            19633: 39,-12
-            19634: 35,-9
-            19635: 36,-9
-            19636: 37,-9
-            19637: 38,-9
-            19638: 39,-9
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-            20169: -19,13
-            20170: -19,6
-            20171: -19,-1
-            24769: 41,-68
+            747: 70,-47
+            748: 71,-47
+            749: 72,-47
+            750: 74,-47
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+            1062: 48,-17
+            1943: -21,52
+            1944: -17,52
+            1945: -19,53
+            1951: -19,49
+            2013: -19,33
+            2014: -19,30
+            2015: -19,37
+            2018: -21,35
+            2147: -23,42
+            2245: -29,30
+            2246: -30,30
+            2286: -30,39
+            2575: -10,52
+            2650: -11,50
+            2651: -10,50
+            2652: -6,50
+            2653: -5,50
+            2689: -6,32
+            2895: -13,58
+            2896: -12,58
+            2897: -11,58
+            2905: -19,65
+            2960: -13,69
+            2961: -12,69
+            2962: -11,69
+            2970: -5,65
+            2980: -6,69
+            2981: -6,69
+            2982: -4,69
+            2983: -5,69
+            2987: -6,58
+            2988: -5,58
+            2989: -4,58
+            2996: -20,58
+            2997: -19,58
+            2998: -18,58
+            3005: -20,69
+            3006: -19,69
+            3007: -18,69
+            3102: -12,76
+            3115: -12,96
+            3116: -12,83
+            3127: -12,89
+            3153: -30,76
+            3154: -30,83
+            3155: -30,89
+            3156: -30,96
+            3177: -31,69
+            3178: -30,69
+            3179: -29,69
+            3393: 0,69
+            3394: 1,69
+            3395: 2,69
+            3396: 5,69
+            3397: 6,69
+            3398: 7,69
+            3483: 6,76
+            3484: 6,76
+            3545: 6,83
+            3649: 0,58
+            3650: 1,58
+            3651: 2,58
+            3701: 20,69
+            5037: 17,13
+            5038: 17,20
+            5047: 17,-1
+            5048: 17,6
+            5063: -26,69
+            5064: -25,69
+            5065: -24,69
+            5334: -27,6
+            5335: -25,6
+            5336: -24,6
+            5337: -23,6
+            5338: -33,6
+            5339: -32,6
+            5340: -32,6
+            5341: -33,6
+            5342: -31,6
+            5343: -38,6
+            5344: -37,6
+            5345: -37,6
+            5346: -27,6
+            5347: -26,6
+            5348: -36,6
+            5349: -36,6
+            5416: -33,26
+            5417: -32,26
+            5418: -34,26
+            5427: -31,29
+            6070: -19,-11
+            6156: 17,-11
+            6191: -1,-17
+            6192: 0,-17
+            6193: 1,-17
+            6478: -31,-3
+            6479: -30,-3
+            6480: -28,-3
+            6481: -27,-3
+            6482: -26,-3
+            6483: -25,-3
+            6484: -23,-3
+            6485: -22,-3
+            6489: -33,3
+            6490: -32,3
+            6545: -24,-1
+            6561: -34,-16
+            6562: -33,-16
+            6563: -32,-16
+            6564: -31,-16
+            6565: -31,-16
+            6566: -30,-16
+            6575: -33,-10
+            6576: -32,-10
+            6580: -29,-16
+            6590: -34,-11
+            6591: -33,-11
+            6592: -32,-11
+            6593: -31,-11
+            6811: -25,-18
+            6836: -7,-19
+            6837: -6,-19
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-            4977: 23,47
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+            4453: 12,45
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+            4456: 13,42
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+            4599: 28,37
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+            4636: 27,42
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-            17224: -61,19
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-            17237: -50,-7
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-            17274: -50,-8
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+            16273: -61,19
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+            16286: -50,-7
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-            3236: -11,81
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-            3261: -11,88
-            3262: -11,87
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-            3291: -29,85
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-            3293: -29,81
-            3294: -29,80
-            3295: -29,79
-            3296: -29,75
-            3297: -29,74
-            3298: -29,73
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-            3670: 7,73
-            3671: 7,79
-            3672: 7,80
-            3673: 7,81
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-            6227: -18,-16
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-            6337: -2,-15
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-            8761: -7,-25
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-            8827: 0,-26
-            8828: 0,-25
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-            9503: 15,-25
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-            20153: -18,-4
-            20154: -18,-3
-            20155: -18,-2
-            20156: -18,2
-            20157: -18,3
-            20158: -18,4
-            20159: -18,5
-            20160: -18,9
-            20161: -18,10
-            20162: -18,11
-            20163: -18,12
-            20164: -18,16
-            20165: -18,17
-            20166: -18,18
-            20167: -18,19
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-            23762: 0,-44
+            743: 69,-42
+            744: 69,-43
+            745: 69,-44
+            746: 69,-46
+            759: 69,-45
+            857: 2,-17
+            858: 2,-16
+            859: 2,-15
+            860: 2,-14
+            1058: 44,-15
+            1059: 44,-16
+            1936: -15,50
+            1937: -15,49
+            1938: -15,48
+            1946: -18,52
+            1947: -18,51
+            1948: -18,50
+            1952: -18,48
+            1953: -18,47
+            1954: -18,46
+            1955: -20,47
+            1956: -20,48
+            1957: -20,49
+            1958: -20,51
+            1999: -18,36
+            2000: -18,35
+            2001: -18,34
+            2002: -18,32
+            2003: -18,31
+            2004: -18,29
+            2005: -18,28
+            2006: -18,27
+            2007: -20,29
+            2008: -20,30
+            2009: -20,31
+            2010: -20,32
+            2011: -20,33
+            2012: -20,34
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+            2235: -28,36
+            2236: -28,34
+            2237: -28,35
+            2238: -28,33
+            2239: -28,32
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+            2902: -18,62
+            2903: -18,63
+            2904: -18,64
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+            2973: -4,62
+            2974: -4,63
+            2975: -4,64
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+            3108: -11,80
+            3109: -11,81
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+            3111: -11,92
+            3112: -11,93
+            3113: -11,94
+            3114: -11,95
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+            3134: -11,88
+            3135: -11,87
+            3136: -11,86
+            3137: -11,85
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+            3158: -29,94
+            3159: -29,93
+            3160: -29,92
+            3161: -29,88
+            3162: -29,87
+            3163: -29,86
+            3164: -29,85
+            3165: -29,82
+            3166: -29,81
+            3167: -29,80
+            3168: -29,79
+            3169: -29,75
+            3170: -29,74
+            3171: -29,73
+            3172: -29,72
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+            3539: 7,80
+            3540: 7,81
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+            6495: -33,-2
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+            6498: -33,-5
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+            7872: 62,-27
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+            8097: 41,-12
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+            8151: 41,-13
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+            8293: 53,-20
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+            19165: -18,5
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+            19172: -18,18
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-            13976: -63,56
+            13024: -68,55
+            13026: -67,56
+            13032: -63,56
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: ConcreteTrimInnerNw
-            2096: -16,39
-            2098: -17,38
-            2175: -19,41
-            2203: -21,42
-            2204: -21,42
-            2205: -20,43
-            2208: -17,40
-            2209: -18,39
-            5948: 1,9
-            5993: -1,-5
-            6002: -1,-1
-            6003: -1,3
-            6004: -1,7
-            7923: 74,-25
-            7924: 75,-24
-            7925: 75,-22
-            7926: 75,-19
-            7927: 67,-22
-            7928: 67,-19
+            1975: -16,39
+            1977: -17,38
+            2054: -19,41
+            2082: -21,42
+            2083: -21,42
+            2084: -20,43
+            2087: -17,40
+            2088: -18,39
+            5796: 1,9
+            5841: -1,-5
+            5850: -1,-1
+            5851: -1,3
+            5852: -1,7
+            7771: 74,-25
+            7772: 75,-24
+            7773: 75,-22
+            7774: 75,-19
+            7775: 67,-22
+            7776: 67,-19
         - node:
             color: '#FFFF00FF'
             id: ConcreteTrimInnerSe
-            13959: -63,54
+            13015: -63,54
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: ConcreteTrimInnerSe
-            2100: -21,44
-            2176: -19,41
-            2194: -21,42
-            2195: -20,43
-            2196: -17,40
-            2197: -17,40
-            2198: -18,39
-            2267: -22,43
-            2851: -33,40
-            5945: -3,-6
-            5995: -1,-5
-            5996: -1,-1
-            5997: -1,3
-            5998: -1,7
-            7907: 67,-22
-            7908: 67,-19
-            7909: 67,-17
-            7910: 68,-16
-            7964: 75,-19
-            7965: 75,-22
-            12604: -40,33
+            1979: -21,44
+            2055: -19,41
+            2073: -21,42
+            2074: -20,43
+            2075: -17,40
+            2076: -17,40
+            2077: -18,39
+            2145: -22,43
+            2728: -33,40
+            5793: -3,-6
+            5843: -1,-5
+            5844: -1,-1
+            5845: -1,3
+            5846: -1,7
+            7755: 67,-22
+            7756: 67,-19
+            7757: 67,-17
+            7758: 68,-16
+            7812: 75,-19
+            7813: 75,-22
+            11922: -40,33
         - node:
             color: '#FFFF00FF'
             id: ConcreteTrimInnerSw
-            13960: -63,54
-            13966: -68,55
+            13016: -63,54
+            13022: -68,55
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: ConcreteTrimInnerSw
-            2101: -17,44
-            2102: -16,43
-            2177: -19,41
-            2199: -17,42
-            2200: -18,43
-            2201: -20,39
-            2202: -21,40
-            2843: -32,44
-            5946: 1,-6
-            5994: -1,-5
-            5999: -1,7
-            6000: -1,3
-            6001: -1,-1
-            7899: 75,-22
-            7900: 75,-19
-            7901: 75,-17
-            7962: 67,-22
-            7963: 67,-19
-            12602: -40,34
-            12603: -38,33
+            1980: -17,44
+            1981: -16,43
+            2056: -19,41
+            2078: -17,42
+            2079: -18,43
+            2080: -20,39
+            2081: -21,40
+            2720: -32,44
+            5794: 1,-6
+            5842: -1,-5
+            5847: -1,7
+            5848: -1,3
+            5849: -1,-1
+            7747: 75,-22
+            7748: 75,-19
+            7749: 75,-17
+            7810: 67,-22
+            7811: 67,-19
+            11920: -40,34
+            11921: -38,33
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             color: '#FFFF00D9'
             id: ConcreteTrimLineE
-            13944: -62,60
-            13945: -62,59
-            13946: -62,59
-            13947: -62,58
-            13948: -62,57
-            13949: -62,56
+            13000: -62,60
+            13001: -62,59
+            13002: -62,59
+            13003: -62,58
+            13004: -62,57
+            13005: -62,56
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             color: '#FFFF00FF'
             id: ConcreteTrimLineE
-            13950: -62,56
-            13951: -62,57
-            13952: -62,58
-            13953: -62,59
-            13954: -62,60
-            13957: -62,55
+            13006: -62,56
+            13007: -62,57
+            13008: -62,58
+            13009: -62,59
+            13010: -62,60
+            13013: -62,55
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             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: ConcreteTrimLineE
-            2103: -22,40
-            2104: -22,41
-            2189: -21,41
-            2268: -22,42
-            5377: 0,-6
-            5378: 0,-6
-            5379: 0,-5
-            5380: 0,-4
-            5381: 0,-3
-            5382: 0,-2
-            5383: 0,-1
-            5384: 0,0
-            5385: 0,1
-            5386: 0,1
-            5387: 0,2
-            5388: 0,2
-            5389: 0,3
-            5390: 0,3
-            5391: 0,4
-            5392: 0,5
-            5393: 0,5
-            5394: 0,6
-            5395: 0,7
-            5396: 0,8
-            5397: 0,8
-            5398: 0,9
-            5988: 0,7
-            5989: 0,3
-            5990: 0,-1
-            5991: 0,-5
-            7872: 67,-21
-            7873: 67,-20
-            7874: 67,-23
-            7922: 67,-18
-            7929: 75,-17
-            7930: 75,-18
-            7931: 75,-20
-            7932: 75,-21
-            7933: 75,-23
-            7934: 75,-24
-            7958: 66,-22
-            7959: 66,-19
+            1982: -22,40
+            1983: -22,41
+            2068: -21,41
+            2146: -22,42
+            5225: 0,-6
+            5226: 0,-6
+            5227: 0,-5
+            5228: 0,-4
+            5229: 0,-3
+            5230: 0,-2
+            5231: 0,-1
+            5232: 0,0
+            5233: 0,1
+            5234: 0,1
+            5235: 0,2
+            5236: 0,2
+            5237: 0,3
+            5238: 0,3
+            5239: 0,4
+            5240: 0,5
+            5241: 0,5
+            5242: 0,6
+            5243: 0,7
+            5244: 0,8
+            5245: 0,8
+            5246: 0,9
+            5836: 0,7
+            5837: 0,3
+            5838: 0,-1
+            5839: 0,-5
+            7720: 67,-21
+            7721: 67,-20
+            7722: 67,-23
+            7770: 67,-18
+            7777: 75,-17
+            7778: 75,-18
+            7779: 75,-20
+            7780: 75,-21
+            7781: 75,-23
+            7782: 75,-24
+            7806: 66,-22
+            7807: 66,-19
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             color: '#FFFF00FF'
             id: ConcreteTrimLineN
-            13972: -66,56
-            13973: -65,56
-            13974: -65,56
-            13975: -64,56
+            13028: -66,56
+            13029: -65,56
+            13030: -65,56
+            13031: -64,56
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: ConcreteTrimLineN
-            2086: -20,38
-            2087: -19,38
-            2088: -18,38
-            2191: -19,39
-            7841: 74,-16
-            7842: 73,-16
-            7843: 72,-16
-            7844: 71,-16
-            7845: 70,-16
-            7846: 69,-16
-            7847: 68,-16
-            7848: 68,-19
-            7849: 69,-19
-            7850: 70,-19
-            7851: 71,-19
-            7852: 72,-19
-            7853: 73,-19
-            7854: 74,-19
-            7855: 68,-22
-            7856: 70,-22
-            7857: 71,-22
-            7858: 72,-22
-            7859: 73,-22
-            7860: 69,-22
-            7861: 73,-22
-            7862: 74,-22
-            7887: 69,-25
-            7888: 70,-25
-            7889: 71,-25
-            7890: 72,-25
-            7891: 73,-25
-            12593: -41,34
-            12599: -39,33
-            12600: -38,33
+            1966: -20,38
+            1967: -19,38
+            1968: -18,38
+            2070: -19,39
+            7689: 74,-16
+            7690: 73,-16
+            7691: 72,-16
+            7692: 71,-16
+            7693: 70,-16
+            7694: 69,-16
+            7695: 68,-16
+            7696: 68,-19
+            7697: 69,-19
+            7698: 70,-19
+            7699: 71,-19
+            7700: 72,-19
+            7701: 73,-19
+            7702: 74,-19
+            7703: 68,-22
+            7704: 70,-22
+            7705: 71,-22
+            7706: 72,-22
+            7707: 73,-22
+            7708: 69,-22
+            7709: 73,-22
+            7710: 74,-22
+            7735: 69,-25
+            7736: 70,-25
+            7737: 71,-25
+            7738: 72,-25
+            7739: 73,-25
+            11911: -41,34
+            11917: -39,33
+            11918: -38,33
         - node:
             color: '#FFFF00FF'
             id: ConcreteTrimLineS
-            13961: -64,54
-            13962: -65,54
-            13963: -66,54
-            13964: -67,54
+            13017: -64,54
+            13018: -65,54
+            13019: -66,54
+            13020: -67,54
         - node:
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: ConcreteTrimLineS
-            2105: -20,44
-            2106: -19,44
-            2107: -18,44
-            2187: -19,43
-            7865: 68,-19
-            7866: 69,-19
-            7867: 70,-19
-            7868: 71,-19
-            7869: 72,-19
-            7870: 73,-19
-            7871: 74,-19
-            7875: 68,-22
-            7876: 69,-22
-            7877: 70,-22
-            7878: 71,-22
-            7879: 73,-22
-            7880: 73,-22
-            7881: 72,-22
-            7882: 74,-22
-            7883: 73,-22
-            7911: 69,-16
-            7912: 70,-16
-            7913: 71,-16
-            7914: 71,-16
-            7915: 72,-16
-            7916: 72,-16
-            7917: 72,-16
-            7918: 72,-16
-            7919: 73,-16
-            7935: 68,-25
-            7936: 68,-25
-            7937: 68,-25
-            7938: 69,-25
-            7939: 70,-25
-            7940: 71,-25
-            7941: 71,-25
-            7942: 72,-25
-            7943: 72,-25
-            7944: 74,-25
-            7945: 74,-25
-            12592: -41,34
-            12596: -39,33
-            12597: -38,32
+            1984: -20,44
+            1985: -19,44
+            1986: -18,44
+            2066: -19,43
+            7713: 68,-19
+            7714: 69,-19
+            7715: 70,-19
+            7716: 71,-19
+            7717: 72,-19
+            7718: 73,-19
+            7719: 74,-19
+            7723: 68,-22
+            7724: 69,-22
+            7725: 70,-22
+            7726: 71,-22
+            7727: 73,-22
+            7728: 73,-22
+            7729: 72,-22
+            7730: 74,-22
+            7731: 73,-22
+            7759: 69,-16
+            7760: 70,-16
+            7761: 71,-16
+            7762: 71,-16
+            7763: 72,-16
+            7764: 72,-16
+            7765: 72,-16
+            7766: 72,-16
+            7767: 73,-16
+            7783: 68,-25
+            7784: 68,-25
+            7785: 68,-25
+            7786: 69,-25
+            7787: 70,-25
+            7788: 71,-25
+            7789: 71,-25
+            7790: 72,-25
+            7791: 72,-25
+            7792: 74,-25
+            7793: 74,-25
+            11910: -41,34
+            11914: -39,33
+            11915: -38,32
+            23792: -5,59
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             color: '#FFFF00FF'
             id: ConcreteTrimLineW
-            13977: -63,57
-            13978: -63,58
-            13979: -63,59
-            13980: -63,59
-            13981: -63,60
+            13033: -63,57
+            13034: -63,58
+            13035: -63,59
+            13036: -63,59
+            13037: -63,60
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             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: ConcreteTrimLineW
-            2093: -16,42
-            2094: -16,41
-            2095: -16,40
-            2190: -17,41
-            2839: -32,40
-            2840: -32,41
-            2841: -32,42
-            2842: -32,43
-            5399: -2,8
-            5400: -2,7
-            5401: -2,6
-            5402: -2,5
-            5403: -2,5
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-            5408: -2,1
-            5409: -2,0
-            5410: -2,-1
-            5411: -2,-2
-            5412: -2,-2
-            5413: -2,-3
-            5414: -2,-4
-            5415: -2,-4
-            5416: -2,-5
-            5417: -2,-5
-            5418: -2,-6
-            5984: -2,-5
-            5985: -2,-1
-            5986: -2,3
-            5987: -2,7
-            7863: 75,-21
-            7864: 75,-20
-            7884: 75,-23
-            7893: 67,-17
-            7894: 67,-18
-            7895: 67,-20
-            7896: 67,-21
-            7897: 67,-23
-            7898: 67,-24
-            7906: 75,-18
-            7960: 76,-19
-            7961: 76,-22
-            12601: -40,33
-            18605: -2,9
+            1973: -16,41
+            1974: -16,40
+            2069: -17,41
+            2716: -32,40
+            2717: -32,41
+            2718: -32,42
+            2719: -32,43
+            5247: -2,8
+            5248: -2,7
+            5249: -2,6
+            5250: -2,5
+            5251: -2,5
+            5252: -2,4
+            5253: -2,3
+            5254: -2,2
+            5255: -2,1
+            5256: -2,1
+            5257: -2,0
+            5258: -2,-1
+            5259: -2,-2
+            5260: -2,-2
+            5261: -2,-3
+            5262: -2,-4
+            5263: -2,-4
+            5264: -2,-5
+            5265: -2,-5
+            5266: -2,-6
+            5832: -2,-5
+            5833: -2,-1
+            5834: -2,3
+            5835: -2,7
+            7711: 75,-21
+            7712: 75,-20
+            7732: 75,-23
+            7741: 67,-17
+            7742: 67,-18
+            7743: 67,-20
+            7744: 67,-21
+            7745: 67,-23
+            7746: 67,-24
+            7754: 75,-18
+            7808: 76,-19
+            7809: 76,-22
+            11919: -40,33
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             id: Damaged
-            18606: 63,-40
-            18607: 64,-40
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-            18609: 60,-42
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+            17656: 64,-40
+            17657: 59,-42
+            17658: 60,-42
+            17659: 58,-42
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             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: Delivery
@@ -20145,126 +20164,126 @@ entities:
             30: 17,45
             31: 16,43
             32: 17,41
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-            139: -25,15
-            140: -28,15
-            149: -39,23
-            160: 15,71
-            161: 15,70
-            162: 14,67
-            163: 15,66
-            164: 12,72
-            166: 30,60
-            167: 29,60
-            168: 28,60
-            698: -41,-37
-            725: 13,13
-            726: 13,14
-            727: 13,15
-            728: 13,16
-            729: -15,13
-            730: -15,14
-            731: -15,15
-            732: -15,16
-            733: 58,2
-            734: 62,2
-            735: 66,2
-            747: 61,12
-            958: 30,32
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-            1056: -32,-39
-            1059: -32,-44
-            1060: -32,-45
-            1065: -34,-36
-            1066: -33,-36
-            1215: 61,6
-            1216: 63,6
-            1243: 63,3
-            3124: -2,64
-            3125: -2,63
-            3126: -2,62
-            3127: -2,61
-            3218: -2,64
-            3219: -2,63
-            3220: -2,62
-            3221: -2,61
-            6008: -8,-16
-            6009: -8,-17
-            6010: -8,-13
-            6011: -8,-12
-            6018: -16,-16
-            6019: -16,-15
-            6020: -16,-14
-            6021: -16,-13
-            6022: -14,-16
-            6023: -14,-15
-            6024: -14,-14
-            6025: -14,-13
-            6026: -12,-13
-            6027: -12,-14
-            6028: -12,-15
-            6029: -12,-16
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-            6032: -10,-14
-            6033: -10,-13
-            6034: -10,-13
-            6209: -13,-18
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-            6211: -11,-18
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-            17243: -46,-10
-            17244: -45,-10
-            17245: -45,-9
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-            17248: -46,-6
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-            17254: -48,-10
-            17255: -47,-10
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-            17690: -68,-12
-            17691: -67,-12
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-            17693: -68,-11
-            17694: -68,-10
-            17695: -67,-10
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-            17701: -71,-12
-            17702: -72,-12
-            17703: -72,-13
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-            17706: -72,-11
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+            119: -28,8
+            122: -25,15
+            123: -28,15
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+            143: 15,71
+            144: 15,70
+            145: 14,67
+            146: 15,66
+            147: 12,72
+            149: 30,60
+            150: 29,60
+            151: 28,60
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+            620: 13,13
+            621: 13,14
+            622: 13,15
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+            624: -15,13
+            625: -15,14
+            626: -15,15
+            627: -15,16
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+            629: 62,2
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+            938: -32,-39
+            941: -32,-44
+            942: -32,-45
+            947: -34,-36
+            948: -33,-36
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+            1098: 63,6
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+            3001: -2,63
+            3002: -2,62
+            3003: -2,61
+            3092: -2,64
+            3093: -2,63
+            3094: -2,62
+            3095: -2,61
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+            5857: -8,-17
+            5858: -8,-13
+            5859: -8,-12
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+            5867: -16,-15
+            5868: -16,-14
+            5869: -16,-13
+            5870: -14,-16
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+            5872: -14,-14
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+            5876: -12,-15
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+            5879: -10,-15
+            5880: -10,-14
+            5881: -10,-13
+            5882: -10,-13
+            6057: -13,-18
+            6058: -12,-18
+            6059: -11,-18
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+            16292: -46,-10
+            16293: -45,-10
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+            16296: -47,-6
+            16297: -46,-6
+            16298: -45,-7
+            16299: -46,-7
+            16300: -48,-6
+            16301: -49,-6
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+            16303: -48,-10
+            16304: -47,-10
+            16305: -47,-9
+            16306: -47,-7
+            16737: -67,-13
+            16738: -68,-13
+            16739: -68,-12
+            16740: -67,-12
+            16741: -67,-11
+            16742: -68,-11
+            16743: -68,-10
+            16744: -67,-10
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+            16746: -69,-12
+            16747: -70,-12
+            16748: -70,-13
+            16749: -71,-13
+            16750: -71,-12
+            16751: -72,-12
+            16752: -72,-13
+            16753: -73,-13
+            16754: -73,-11
+            16755: -72,-11
+            16756: -72,-10
+            16757: -73,-10
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+            18305: 70,0
+            18306: 70,-1
         - node:
             cleanable: True
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: Delivery
-            621: -115,19
-            622: -115,18
-            623: -115,17
-            945: 25,49
-            946: 25,50
-            947: 25,51
-            951: 33,28
+            516: -115,19
+            517: -115,18
+            518: -115,17
+            832: 25,49
+            833: 25,50
+            834: 25,51
+            838: 33,28
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             angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
@@ -20279,10 +20298,10 @@ entities:
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             47: 25,54
             61: 9,31
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-            153: -36,32
-            154: -36,40
-            155: -38,42
+            135: -36,26
+            136: -36,32
+            137: -36,40
+            138: -38,42
         - node:
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             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
@@ -20295,4031 +20314,4001 @@ entities:
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             id: Delivery
-            123: 24,-56
-            124: 30,-56
+            106: 24,-56
+            107: 30,-56
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             color: '#0096FFFF'
             id: DeliveryGreyscale
-            1213: 57,6
-            1214: 59,6
-            1223: 59,3
+            1095: 57,6
+            1096: 59,6
+            1105: 59,3
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             color: '#DE3A3A96'
             id: DeliveryGreyscale
-            746: 45,-1
+            641: 45,-1
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             color: '#FF0000FF'
             id: DeliveryGreyscale
-            1224: 65,6
-            1225: 67,6
-            1226: 68,7
-            1227: 70,7
-            1228: 67,3
+            1106: 65,6
+            1107: 67,6
+            1108: 68,7
+            1109: 70,7
+            1110: 67,3
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             color: '#DA8B8BFF'
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-            15543: 82,1
-            15544: 83,1
-            15545: 81,1
-            15546: 84,1
-            15547: 86,1
-            15548: 88,1
-            15549: 87,1
-            15550: 77,1
-            15551: 79,1
+            14591: 78,1
+            14592: 82,1
+            14593: 83,1
+            14594: 81,1
+            14595: 84,1
+            14596: 86,1
+            14597: 88,1
+            14598: 87,1
+            14599: 77,1
+            14600: 79,1
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             color: '#9FED5896'
             id: DiagonalCheckerBOverlay
-            966: 0,-15
-            967: 0,-16
-            968: -1,-15
-            969: -1,-16
+            849: 0,-15
+            850: 0,-16
+            851: -1,-15
+            852: -1,-16
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             color: '#B18BDAFF'
             id: DiagonalCheckerBOverlay
-            12642: -8,-34
-            12643: -7,-34
-            12644: -7,-33
-            12645: -8,-33
-            12646: -8,-32
-            12647: -7,-32
-            12648: -7,-32
+            11960: -8,-34
+            11961: -7,-34
+            11962: -7,-33
+            11963: -8,-33
+            11964: -8,-32
+            11965: -7,-32
+            11966: -7,-32
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-            9568: 5,-33
-            9569: 5,-34
-            9570: 6,-34
-            9571: 6,-33
-            9572: 6,-32
+            9405: 5,-32
+            9406: 5,-33
+            9407: 5,-34
+            9408: 6,-34
+            9409: 6,-33
+            9410: 6,-32
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-            14392: -15,23
-            14393: -14,23
-            14394: -13,23
-            14395: -6,23
-            14396: -5,23
-            14397: -4,23
-            14398: -3,23
-            14399: -19,16
-            14400: -19,17
-            14401: -19,18
-            14402: -19,19
-            14403: -19,9
-            14404: -19,10
-            14405: -19,11
-            14406: -19,12
-            14407: -22,30
-            14408: -22,31
-            14409: -22,32
-            14410: -22,33
-            14411: -21,34
-            14412: -21,33
-            14413: -21,32
-            14414: -21,30
-            14415: -21,29
-            14416: -21,31
-            14417: -19,27
-            14418: -19,28
-            14419: -19,29
-            14420: -19,32
-            14421: -19,31
-            14422: -19,36
-            14423: -19,35
-            14424: -19,34
-            14425: -23,41
-            14426: -19,48
-            14427: -19,47
-            14428: -19,46
-            14429: -17,47
-            14430: -17,48
-            14431: -16,48
-            14432: -16,49
-            14433: -17,49
-            14434: -17,50
-            14435: -16,50
-            14436: -17,51
-            14437: -19,52
-            14438: -19,51
-            14439: -19,50
-            14440: -22,49
-            14441: -22,50
-            14442: -21,50
-            14443: -21,51
-            14444: -21,49
-            14445: -22,48
-            14446: -21,47
-            14447: -21,48
-            14448: -18,57
-            14449: -19,57
-            14450: -20,57
-            14451: -11,57
-            14452: -12,57
-            14453: -13,57
-            14454: -4,57
-            14455: -5,57
-            14456: -6,57
-            14457: 2,57
-            14458: 1,57
-            14459: 0,57
-            14460: -5,64
-            14461: -5,63
-            14462: -5,62
-            14463: -5,61
-            14464: -6,68
-            14465: -5,68
-            14466: -4,68
-            14467: -13,68
-            14468: -11,68
-            14469: -12,68
-            14470: -20,68
-            14471: -19,68
-            14472: -18,68
-            14473: -25,68
-            14474: -26,68
-            14475: -24,68
-            14476: -29,68
-            14477: -30,68
-            14478: -31,68
-            14479: -30,75
-            14480: -30,74
-            14481: -30,73
-            14482: -30,72
-            14483: -30,82
-            14484: -30,81
-            14485: -30,80
-            14486: -30,79
-            14487: -30,86
-            14488: -30,85
-            14489: -30,88
-            14490: -30,95
-            14491: -30,94
-            14492: -30,92
-            14493: -30,93
-            14494: -12,94
-            14495: -12,93
-            14496: -12,92
-            14497: -12,95
-            14498: -12,85
-            14499: -12,86
-            14500: -12,87
-            14501: -12,88
-            14502: -12,79
-            14503: -12,80
-            14504: -12,81
-            14505: -12,82
-            14506: -12,72
-            14507: -12,73
-            14508: -12,74
-            14509: -12,75
-            14510: 2,68
-            14511: 1,68
-            14512: 0,68
-            14513: 7,68
-            14514: 6,68
-            14515: 5,68
-            14516: 6,74
-            14517: 6,72
-            14518: 6,73
-            14519: 6,75
-            14520: 6,81
-            14521: 6,82
-            14522: 6,80
-            14523: 6,79
-            14524: -11,49
-            14525: -10,49
-            14526: -6,49
-            14527: -5,49
-            14528: -19,2
-            14529: -19,4
-            14530: -19,5
-            14531: -12,14
-            14532: -12,15
-            14533: -6,14
-            14534: -7,14
-            14535: -8,14
-            14536: -9,14
-            14537: -10,14
-            14538: 1,16
-            14539: 0,16
-            14540: -2,16
-            14541: -3,16
-            14542: -1,16
-            14543: 8,14
-            14544: 7,14
-            14545: 6,14
-            14546: 4,14
-            14547: 5,14
-            14548: 10,15
-            14549: 10,14
-            14550: 17,18
-            14551: 17,19
-            14552: 17,17
-            14553: 17,16
-            14554: 14,23
-            14555: 13,23
-            14556: 12,23
-            14557: 11,23
-            14558: 1,23
-            14559: 2,23
-            14560: 3,23
-            14561: 4,23
-            14562: 17,9
-            14563: 17,10
-            14564: 17,11
-            14565: 17,12
-            14566: 17,3
-            14567: 17,2
-            14568: 17,4
-            14569: 17,5
-            14570: 24,5
-            14571: 23,5
-            14572: 22,5
-            14573: 21,5
-            14574: 31,5
-            14575: 30,5
-            14576: 29,5
-            14577: 28,5
-            14578: 17,-5
-            14579: 17,-4
-            14580: 17,-3
-            14581: 17,-2
-            14582: 17,-17
-            14583: 17,-16
-            14584: 17,-15
-            14585: 17,-14
-            14586: 17,-13
-            14587: 17,-12
-            14588: 21,-11
-            14589: 22,-11
-            14590: 23,-11
-            14591: 24,-11
-            14592: 28,-11
-            14593: 29,-11
-            14594: 30,-11
-            14595: 47,-20
-            14596: 46,-20
-            14597: 45,-20
-            14598: 44,-20
-            14599: 49,-20
-            14600: 50,-20
-            14601: 51,-20
-            14602: 52,-20
-            14603: 10,-20
-            14604: 11,-20
-            14605: 12,-20
-            14606: 13,-20
-            14607: 3,-20
-            14608: 4,-20
-            14609: 5,-20
-            14610: 6,-20
-            14611: -8,-20
-            14612: -7,-20
-            14613: -6,-20
-            14614: -5,-20
-            14615: -14,-20
-            14616: -13,-20
-            14617: -12,-20
-            14618: -15,-20
-            14619: -12,-26
-            14620: -12,-25
-            14621: -11,-25
-            14622: -11,-26
-            14623: -10,-26
-            14624: -10,-25
-            14625: -9,-25
-            14626: -9,-26
-            14627: -8,-26
-            14628: -8,-25
-            14629: 6,-25
-            14630: 7,-25
-            14631: 8,-25
-            14632: 9,-25
-            14633: 10,-25
-            14634: 10,-26
-            14635: 9,-26
-            14636: 8,-26
-            14637: 7,-26
-            14638: 6,-26
-            14639: -1,-27
-            14640: -1,-24
-            14641: -1,-25
-            14642: -1,-26
-            14643: -1,-34
-            14644: -1,-33
-            14645: -1,-32
-            14646: -1,-31
-            14647: -1,-35
-            14648: -1,-42
-            14649: -1,-40
-            14650: -1,-39
-            14651: -1,-50
-            14652: -1,-49
-            14653: -1,-48
-            14654: -1,-47
-            14655: -1,-46
-            14656: -1,-45
-            14657: -1,-44
-            14658: -1,-55
-            14659: -1,-54
-            14660: -1,-53
-            14661: -1,-52
-            14662: -1,-59
-            14663: -1,-60
-            14664: -1,-61
-            14665: -19,-12
-            14666: -19,-13
-            14667: -19,-14
-            14668: -19,-15
-            14669: -19,-16
-            14670: -19,-17
-            14671: -19,-2
-            14672: -19,-3
-            14673: -19,-4
-            14674: -19,-5
-            14675: -27,5
-            14676: -26,5
-            14677: -25,5
-            14678: -24,5
-            14679: -23,5
-            14680: -31,5
-            14681: -32,5
-            14682: -33,5
-            14683: -38,5
-            14684: -37,5
-            14685: -36,5
-            14686: -19,61
-            14687: -19,62
-            14688: -19,63
-            14689: -19,64
-            14690: 17,-40
-            14691: 17,-41
-            14692: 17,-42
-            14693: 17,-43
-            14694: 17,-45
-            14695: 17,-44
-            14696: 11,-35
-            14697: 12,-35
-            14698: 13,-35
-            14699: 17,-31
-            14700: 17,-32
-            14701: 17,-34
-            14702: 17,-33
-            14703: 27,-35
-            14704: 26,-35
-            14705: 25,-35
-            14706: 23,-35
-            14707: 22,-35
-            14708: 24,-35
-            14709: 32,-35
-            14710: 36,-35
-            14711: 35,-35
-            14712: 34,-35
-            14713: 33,-35
-            14714: 31,-35
-            14715: 27,-43
-            14716: 27,-44
-            14717: 27,-42
-            14718: 27,-41
-            14719: 27,-40
-            14720: 27,-51
-            14721: 27,-50
-            14722: 27,-49
-            14723: 27,-48
-            14724: 27,-47
-            14725: -18,-35
-            14726: -14,-35
-            14727: -15,-35
-            14728: -16,-35
-            14729: -17,-35
-            14730: -29,-35
-            14731: -28,-35
-            14732: -27,-35
-            14733: -26,-35
-            14734: -25,-35
-            14735: -24,-35
-            14736: -23,-26
-            14737: -23,-27
-            14738: -23,-28
-            14739: -23,-29
-            14740: -23,-30
-            14741: -29,-41
-            14742: -29,-40
-            14743: -29,-39
-            14744: -14,-43
-            14745: -14,-42
-            14746: -14,-41
-            14747: -14,-40
-            14748: -14,-39
-            14749: -14,-53
-            14750: -14,-52
-            14751: -14,-51
-            14752: -14,-50
-            14753: -14,-49
-            14754: -14,-48
-            14755: -14,-47
-            14756: 29,-49
-            14757: 29,-48
-            14758: 29,-47
-            14759: 29,-51
-            14760: 29,-52
-            14761: 29,-53
-            14762: 30,-46
-            14763: 31,-46
-            14764: 32,-46
-            14765: 33,-46
-            14766: 34,-46
-            15009: -30,87
-            15211: -1,-41
-            15360: -42,14
-            15361: -42,16
-            15362: -42,17
-            15363: -42,20
-            15364: -42,21
-            15365: -42,22
-            15366: -42,11
-            15367: -42,10
-            15368: -42,9
-            15381: -42,15
-            18712: -15,-9
-            18713: -14,-9
-            18714: -13,-9
-            18715: -12,-9
-            18716: -9,-9
-            18717: -8,-9
-            18718: -7,-9
-            18719: -6,-9
-            18720: -3,-9
-            18721: -2,-9
-            18722: -1,-9
-            18723: 0,-9
-            18724: 1,-9
-            18725: 4,-9
-            18726: 5,-9
-            18727: 6,-9
-            18728: 7,-9
-            18729: 10,-9
-            18730: 11,-9
-            18731: 12,-9
-            18732: 13,-9
-            19324: -14,28
-            19325: -14,27
-            19326: -14,26
-            19327: -13,26
-            19328: -12,26
-            19329: -11,27
-            19330: -11,28
-            19331: -11,29
-            19332: -11,30
-            19333: -12,30
-            19334: -11,31
-            19335: -11,32
-            19336: -11,33
-            19337: -12,34
-            19338: -13,34
-            19339: -14,34
-            19340: -14,33
-            19341: -14,32
-            19342: -14,31
-            19343: -15,31
-            19344: -15,30
-            19345: -15,29
-            19346: -10,30
-            19347: -9,30
-            19348: -9,34
-            19349: -10,34
-            19350: -9,26
-            19351: -10,26
-            19414: -14,29
-            19588: 34,-14
-            19589: 34,-13
-            19590: 34,-12
-            19591: 34,-11
-            19592: 34,-10
-            19593: 35,-9
-            19594: 36,-9
-            19595: 37,-9
-            19596: 39,-9
-            19597: 38,-9
-            19598: 40,-10
-            19599: 40,-11
-            19600: 40,-12
-            19601: 39,-12
-            19602: 38,-12
-            19603: 36,-12
-            19604: 35,-12
-            19605: 37,-12
-            19606: 35,-15
-            19607: 36,-15
-            19608: 37,-15
-            19609: 38,-15
-            19610: 39,-15
-            19611: 40,-14
-            19612: 40,-13
-            20190: -19,3
+            13447: -16,23
+            13448: -15,23
+            13449: -14,23
+            13450: -13,23
+            13451: -6,23
+            13452: -5,23
+            13453: -4,23
+            13454: -3,23
+            13455: -19,16
+            13456: -19,17
+            13457: -19,18
+            13458: -19,19
+            13459: -19,9
+            13460: -19,10
+            13461: -19,11
+            13462: -19,12
+            13463: -22,30
+            13464: -22,31
+            13465: -22,32
+            13466: -22,33
+            13467: -21,34
+            13468: -21,33
+            13469: -21,32
+            13470: -21,30
+            13471: -21,29
+            13472: -21,31
+            13473: -19,27
+            13474: -19,28
+            13475: -19,29
+            13476: -19,32
+            13477: -19,31
+            13478: -19,36
+            13479: -19,35
+            13480: -19,34
+            13481: -23,41
+            13482: -19,48
+            13483: -19,47
+            13484: -19,46
+            13485: -17,47
+            13486: -17,48
+            13487: -16,48
+            13488: -16,49
+            13489: -17,49
+            13490: -17,50
+            13491: -16,50
+            13492: -17,51
+            13493: -19,52
+            13494: -19,51
+            13495: -19,50
+            13496: -22,49
+            13497: -22,50
+            13498: -21,50
+            13499: -21,51
+            13500: -21,49
+            13501: -22,48
+            13502: -21,47
+            13503: -21,48
+            13504: -18,57
+            13505: -19,57
+            13506: -20,57
+            13507: -11,57
+            13508: -12,57
+            13509: -13,57
+            13510: -4,57
+            13511: -5,57
+            13512: -6,57
+            13513: 2,57
+            13514: 1,57
+            13515: 0,57
+            13516: -5,64
+            13517: -5,63
+            13518: -5,62
+            13519: -5,61
+            13520: -6,68
+            13521: -5,68
+            13522: -4,68
+            13523: -13,68
+            13524: -11,68
+            13525: -12,68
+            13526: -20,68
+            13527: -19,68
+            13528: -18,68
+            13529: -25,68
+            13530: -26,68
+            13531: -24,68
+            13532: -29,68
+            13533: -30,68
+            13534: -31,68
+            13535: -30,75
+            13536: -30,74
+            13537: -30,73
+            13538: -30,72
+            13539: -30,82
+            13540: -30,81
+            13541: -30,80
+            13542: -30,79
+            13543: -30,86
+            13544: -30,85
+            13545: -30,88
+            13546: -30,95
+            13547: -30,94
+            13548: -30,92
+            13549: -30,93
+            13550: -12,94
+            13551: -12,93
+            13552: -12,92
+            13553: -12,95
+            13554: -12,85
+            13555: -12,86
+            13556: -12,87
+            13557: -12,88
+            13558: -12,79
+            13559: -12,80
+            13560: -12,81
+            13561: -12,82
+            13562: -12,72
+            13563: -12,73
+            13564: -12,74
+            13565: -12,75
+            13566: 2,68
+            13567: 1,68
+            13568: 0,68
+            13569: 7,68
+            13570: 6,68
+            13571: 5,68
+            13572: 6,74
+            13573: 6,72
+            13574: 6,73
+            13575: 6,75
+            13576: 6,81
+            13577: 6,82
+            13578: 6,80
+            13579: 6,79
+            13580: -11,49
+            13581: -10,49
+            13582: -6,49
+            13583: -5,49
+            13584: -19,2
+            13585: -19,4
+            13586: -19,5
+            13587: -12,14
+            13588: -12,15
+            13589: -6,14
+            13590: -7,14
+            13591: -8,14
+            13592: -9,14
+            13593: -10,14
+            13594: 1,16
+            13595: 0,16
+            13596: -2,16
+            13597: -3,16
+            13598: -1,16
+            13599: 8,14
+            13600: 7,14
+            13601: 6,14
+            13602: 4,14
+            13603: 5,14
+            13604: 10,15
+            13605: 10,14
+            13606: 17,18
+            13607: 17,19
+            13608: 17,17
+            13609: 17,16
+            13610: 14,23
+            13611: 13,23
+            13612: 12,23
+            13613: 11,23
+            13614: 1,23
+            13615: 2,23
+            13616: 3,23
+            13617: 4,23
+            13618: 17,9
+            13619: 17,10
+            13620: 17,11
+            13621: 17,12
+            13622: 17,3
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+            13627: 23,5
+            13628: 22,5
+            13629: 21,5
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+            13631: 30,5
+            13632: 29,5
+            13633: 28,5
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+            13635: 17,-4
+            13636: 17,-3
+            13637: 17,-2
+            13638: 17,-17
+            13639: 17,-16
+            13640: 17,-15
+            13641: 17,-14
+            13642: 17,-13
+            13643: 17,-12
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+            13645: 22,-11
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+            13647: 24,-11
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+            13656: 50,-20
+            13657: 51,-20
+            13658: 52,-20
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+            13676: -12,-25
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+            13678: -11,-26
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+            13682: -9,-26
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+            13684: -8,-25
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+            13690: 10,-26
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+            13696: -1,-24
+            13697: -1,-25
+            13698: -1,-26
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+            13700: -1,-33
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+            13702: -1,-31
+            13703: -1,-35
+            13704: -1,-42
+            13705: -1,-40
+            13706: -1,-39
+            13707: -1,-50
+            13708: -1,-49
+            13709: -1,-48
+            13710: -1,-47
+            13711: -1,-46
+            13712: -1,-45
+            13713: -1,-44
+            13714: -1,-55
+            13715: -1,-54
+            13716: -1,-53
+            13717: -1,-52
+            13718: -1,-59
+            13719: -1,-60
+            13720: -1,-61
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+            13722: -19,-13
+            13723: -19,-14
+            13724: -19,-15
+            13725: -19,-16
+            13726: -19,-17
+            13727: -19,-2
+            13728: -19,-3
+            13729: -19,-4
+            13730: -19,-5
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+            13732: -26,5
+            13733: -25,5
+            13734: -24,5
+            13735: -23,5
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+            13737: -32,5
+            13738: -33,5
+            13739: -38,5
+            13740: -37,5
+            13741: -36,5
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+            13743: -19,62
+            13744: -19,63
+            13745: -19,64
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+            13747: 17,-41
+            13748: 17,-42
+            13749: 17,-43
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+            13756: 17,-32
+            13757: 17,-34
+            13758: 17,-33
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+            13761: 25,-35
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+            13763: 22,-35
+            13764: 24,-35
+            13765: 32,-35
+            13766: 36,-35
+            13767: 35,-35
+            13768: 34,-35
+            13769: 33,-35
+            13770: 31,-35
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+            13772: 27,-44
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+            13777: 27,-50
+            13778: 27,-49
+            13779: 27,-48
+            13780: 27,-47
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+            13783: -15,-35
+            13784: -16,-35
+            13785: -17,-35
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+            13787: -28,-35
+            13788: -27,-35
+            13789: -26,-35
+            13790: -25,-35
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+            13794: -23,-28
+            13795: -23,-29
+            13796: -23,-30
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+            13798: -29,-40
+            13799: -29,-39
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+            13801: -14,-42
+            13802: -14,-41
+            13803: -14,-40
+            13804: -14,-39
+            13805: -14,-53
+            13806: -14,-52
+            13807: -14,-51
+            13808: -14,-50
+            13809: -14,-49
+            13810: -14,-48
+            13811: -14,-47
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+            13813: 29,-48
+            13814: 29,-47
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+            13816: 29,-52
+            13817: 29,-53
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+            13819: 31,-46
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+            17757: -14,-9
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+            18374: -11,28
+            18375: -11,29
+            18376: -11,30
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+            18378: -11,31
+            18379: -11,32
+            18380: -11,33
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+            18384: -14,33
+            18385: -14,32
+            18386: -14,31
+            18387: -15,31
+            18388: -15,30
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+            18393: -10,34
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+            18395: -10,26
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+            18639: 37,-9
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+            12716: -34,-76
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+            12720: -34,-80
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+            15295: -63,-41
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+            15177: -68,-42
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-            18828: 52,-51
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+            17817: 42,-50
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+            17819: 41,-51
+            17820: 41,-52
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+            17822: 42,-53
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+            17825: 41,-55
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+            17831: 41,-54
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+            17833: 45,-50
+            17834: 45,-51
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+            17837: 45,-54
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+            17839: 45,-55
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+            17842: 45,-53
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+            17853: 50,-51
+            17854: 50,-52
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+            17858: 51,-52
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+            17862: 49,-56
+            17863: 50,-56
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+            17868: 52,-55
+            17869: 52,-54
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+            17872: 52,-51
+            17873: 52,-51
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+            20408: -64,-23
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-            1945: 24,-23
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-            1967: 34,-56
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-            1969: 30,-55
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-            16283: -63,-34
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-            16286: -70,-36
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-            16292: -69,-36
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-            24592: 26,-61
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+            15334: -69,-35
+            15335: -70,-36
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+            15337: -65,-37
+            15338: -65,-36
+            15339: -65,-35
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+            15341: -69,-36
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+            15351: -63,-36
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-            13248: 54,-36
-            13249: 53,-37
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-            13367: -38,-63
-            13368: -37,-63
-            13369: -38,-62
-            13370: -38,-62
-            13371: -38,-61
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-            13373: -36,-60
-            13374: -38,-60
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-            16156: -62,-41
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-            16161: -69,-46
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-            16181: -65,-47
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-            16377: -39,1
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-            16379: -38,0
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-            16382: -39,0
-            16383: -37,1
-            16384: -37,2
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-            16392: -43,-11
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-            16394: -43,-10
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-            16397: -43,-10
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-            16415: -38,-20
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-            16417: -42,-20
-            16418: -43,-20
-            16419: -44,-20
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-            16422: -30,-20
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-            16427: -31,-18
-            16428: -30,-18
-            16429: -29,-18
-            16430: -28,-18
-            16431: -28,-19
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-            16433: -29,-20
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-            16436: -25,-22
-            16437: -25,-22
-            16438: -24,-21
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-            16440: -23,-22
-            16441: -22,-22
-            16442: -22,-21
-            16443: -23,-21
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-            16445: -25,-20
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-            16447: -22,-20
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-            17175: -2,27
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-            17178: -1,27
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-            17190: 0,40
-            17191: 0,40
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-            17193: 2,40
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-            17196: -1,35
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-            17198: 0,34
-            17199: 0,42
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-            17201: 1,42
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-            17204: 0,48
-            17205: 0,48
-            17206: 0,47
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-            17215: 7,52
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-            18302: -53,-37
-            18303: -52,-36
-            18304: -51,-36
-            18305: -52,-38
-            18306: -51,-38
-            18307: -51,-37
-            18308: -50,-37
-            18309: -50,-38
-            18310: -52,-37
-            18311: -52,-37
-            18312: -51,-37
-            18313: -50,-38
-            18314: -49,-38
-            18315: -48,-38
-            18316: -50,-37
-            18325: -52,-40
-            18326: -50,-40
-            18327: -51,-41
-            18343: -58,-46
-            18611: 61,-41
-            18612: 60,-41
-            18613: 59,-41
-            18614: 60,-40
-            18615: 59,-40
-            18616: 59,-40
-            18617: 59,-40
-            18618: 59,-40
-            18619: 60,-40
-            18620: 62,-40
-            18621: 61,-41
-            18622: 61,-41
-            18836: 43,-42
-            18837: 43,-41
-            18838: 43,-39
-            18839: 43,-38
-            18840: 45,-38
-            18841: 47,-38
-            18842: 49,-38
-            18843: 49,-39
-            18844: 48,-41
-            18845: 48,-43
-            18846: 46,-43
-            18847: 45,-43
-            18848: 44,-41
-            18849: 46,-40
-            18850: 47,-40
-            18876: 44,-48
-            18877: 45,-48
-            18878: 46,-48
-            18879: 43,-52
-            18880: 43,-53
-            18881: 43,-53
-            18882: 56,-41
-            19835: -72,-34
-            19836: -71,-34
-            19837: -72,-34
-            19838: -72,-36
-            19839: -72,-36
-            19840: -72,-37
-            19841: -72,-38
-            19842: -66,-38
-            19843: -66,-38
-            19844: -64,-38
-            19845: -64,-38
-            19846: -66,-38
-            19847: -67,-38
-            19848: -69,-38
-            19849: -71,-38
-            19850: -70,-38
-            19851: -68,-38
-            19852: -68,-38
-            19853: -65,-38
-            19854: -65,-38
-            19855: -64,-38
-            19856: -63,-38
-            19857: -62,-38
-            19858: -62,-36
-            19859: -62,-36
-            19860: -62,-38
-            19861: -62,-37
-            19862: -65,-34
-            19863: -66,-34
-            19864: -67,-34
-            19865: -69,-34
-            19866: -69,-34
-            19867: -67,-34
-            19868: -69,-34
-            19869: -69,-34
-            19870: -67,-34
-            19871: -67,-34
-            19872: -66,-34
-            19873: -65,-34
-            19874: -69,-34
-            19875: -66,-34
-            19876: -65,-34
-            19877: -63,-37
-            19878: -65,-38
-            19879: -67,-38
-            19880: -69,-38
-            19881: -70,-38
-            19882: -72,-38
-            19883: -72,-37
-            19884: -72,-36
-            19885: -72,-35
-            19886: -72,-35
-            19887: -70,-35
-            19888: -70,-35
-            19889: -70,-35
-            19890: -68,-35
-            19891: -67,-35
-            19892: -67,-36
-            19893: -64,-37
-            19894: -63,-37
-            19895: -62,-37
-            19896: -62,-37
-            19897: -62,-38
-            19898: -62,-36
-            19961: 35,39
-            19962: 34,39
-            19963: 34,38
-            19964: 33,39
-            19965: 36,39
-            19966: 35,37
-            21335: -71,-29
-            21336: -72,-26
-            21337: -70,-27
-            21338: -70,-26
-            21339: -69,-26
-            21340: -69,-27
-            21341: -68,-26
-            21342: -68,-26
-            21343: -67,-25
-            21344: -67,-26
-            21345: -68,-27
-            21346: -68,-27
-            21347: -67,-27
-            21348: -68,-25
-            21349: -67,-24
-            21372: -62,-29
-            21373: -63,-29
-            21374: -63,-30
-            21375: -62,-29
-            21395: -60,-29
-            21396: -60,-29
-            21397: -59,-30
-            21408: -63,-27
-            21409: -64,-27
-            21410: -64,-26
-            21411: -65,-25
-            21412: -66,-24
-            21413: -65,-23
-            21414: -63,-23
-            21415: -62,-23
-            21416: -60,-23
-            21417: -59,-23
-            21418: -61,-25
-            21419: -59,-24
-            21420: -59,-25
-            21421: -59,-26
-            21450: -64,-26
-            21451: -64,-25
-            21452: -63,-24
-            21453: -62,-24
-            21454: -62,-25
-            21455: -60,-26
-            21456: -60,-24
+            3733: 23,71
+            3735: 17,69
+            3765: 18,67
+            3766: 20,66
+            3767: 19,66
+            3768: 23,67
+            3779: 23,67
+            3780: 22,67
+            3820: 21,61
+            3821: 19,63
+            3826: 12,59
+            3827: 18,62
+            3860: -38,62
+            3861: -39,62
+            3862: -42,61
+            3866: -37,60
+            3867: -36,59
+            3868: -36,60
+            3885: -30,62
+            3886: -28,60
+            3888: -24,63
+            10589: 33,-66
+            10590: 33,-66
+            10591: 38,-72
+            10685: -60,-39
+            10686: -60,-42
+            10687: -60,-41
+            10688: -60,-41
+            12100: -38,-23
+            12101: -42,-31
+            12102: -40,-33
+            12105: 43,-34
+            12106: 44,-33
+            12107: 42,-31
+            12108: 44,-32
+            12109: 44,-31
+            12110: 45,-32
+            12111: 45,-33
+            12112: 46,-32
+            12113: 47,-31
+            12114: 48,-32
+            12115: 48,-33
+            12116: 48,-32
+            12117: 47,-34
+            12118: 46,-35
+            12119: 46,-35
+            12120: 48,-35
+            12121: 48,-36
+            12122: 48,-36
+            12123: 47,-36
+            12124: 47,-36
+            12125: 44,-35
+            12126: 45,-33
+            12127: 46,-33
+            12128: 48,-33
+            12129: 48,-34
+            12130: 49,-34
+            12131: 49,-33
+            12132: 49,-34
+            12133: 49,-35
+            12134: 47,-33
+            12135: 47,-32
+            12161: 48,-31
+            12235: 39,-51
+            12236: 41,-52
+            12237: 41,-53
+            12238: 46,-53
+            12239: 47,-53
+            12240: 46,-54
+            12241: 46,-51
+            12242: 46,-52
+            12270: 52,-37
+            12281: 52,-37
+            12282: 53,-36
+            12284: 55,-39
+            12285: 56,-39
+            12286: 55,-38
+            12287: 56,-36
+            12288: 53,-35
+            12303: 55,-36
+            12304: 54,-36
+            12305: 53,-37
+            12306: 53,-38
+            12307: 54,-38
+            12308: 54,-37
+            12309: 54,-35
+            12404: -37,-63
+            12405: -36,-62
+            12422: -38,-63
+            12423: -38,-63
+            12424: -37,-63
+            12425: -38,-62
+            12426: -38,-62
+            12427: -38,-61
+            12428: -37,-60
+            12429: -36,-60
+            12430: -38,-60
+            12431: -38,-61
+            12432: -37,-62
+            12433: -37,-62
+            12434: -36,-61
+            12435: -36,-63
+            12436: -36,-63
+            12437: -37,-61
+            12453: -41,-62
+            12454: -40,-63
+            12501: -37,-64
+            12502: -41,-64
+            12507: -37,-59
+            15013: 76,0
+            15014: 77,0
+            15015: 78,0
+            15028: 99,-2
+            15029: 99,-3
+            15030: 99,-4
+            15031: 100,-4
+            15032: 100,-4
+            15033: 100,-2
+            15046: 91,-3
+            15047: 84,2
+            15052: 83,-3
+            15053: 83,-4
+            15054: 84,-4
+            15055: 88,-3
+            15056: 87,-4
+            15072: 89,9
+            15073: 89,10
+            15074: 91,10
+            15075: 93,10
+            15076: 93,9
+            15077: 92,9
+            15081: 76,4
+            15082: 76,6
+            15083: 93,6
+            15089: 95,7
+            15090: 97,7
+            15091: 97,6
+            15194: -71,-40
+            15195: -70,-40
+            15196: -70,-41
+            15197: -69,-41
+            15198: -69,-42
+            15199: -70,-43
+            15200: -70,-43
+            15201: -70,-43
+            15202: -66,-41
+            15203: -64,-40
+            15204: -62,-40
+            15205: -62,-41
+            15206: -63,-43
+            15207: -65,-43
+            15208: -66,-43
+            15209: -68,-45
+            15210: -69,-46
+            15211: -70,-46
+            15226: -67,-46
+            15227: -66,-46
+            15228: -66,-47
+            15229: -65,-48
+            15230: -65,-47
+            15231: -64,-46
+            15232: -63,-47
+            15233: -62,-47
+            15234: -62,-48
+            15355: -60,-49
+            15356: -60,-48
+            15357: -59,-50
+            15367: 10,69
+            15368: 10,70
+            15369: 11,70
+            15370: 11,69
+            15371: 10,67
+            15372: 11,66
+            15373: 12,66
+            15374: 12,68
+            15411: -39,-7
+            15412: -39,-6
+            15413: -40,-6
+            15414: -40,-7
+            15425: -39,1
+            15426: -39,1
+            15427: -38,0
+            15428: -38,0
+            15429: -37,2
+            15430: -37,2
+            15431: -39,0
+            15432: -37,1
+            15433: -37,2
+            15440: -43,-12
+            15441: -43,-11
+            15442: -43,-10
+            15443: -43,-10
+            15444: -44,-12
+            15445: -44,-12
+            15446: -43,-10
+            15447: -42,-9
+            15448: -42,-10
+            15449: -43,-12
+            15450: -44,-13
+            15451: -44,-13
+            15452: -44,-14
+            15453: -44,-16
+            15454: -44,-17
+            15455: -44,-18
+            15456: -44,-20
+            15457: -42,-20
+            15458: -42,-20
+            15459: -39,-20
+            15460: -37,-20
+            15461: -36,-20
+            15462: -36,-20
+            15463: -38,-20
+            15464: -38,-20
+            15465: -41,-20
+            15466: -42,-20
+            15467: -43,-20
+            15468: -44,-20
+            15469: -36,-20
+            15470: -31,-20
+            15471: -30,-20
+            15472: -30,-20
+            15473: -32,-20
+            15474: -32,-20
+            15475: -32,-18
+            15476: -31,-18
+            15477: -30,-18
+            15478: -29,-18
+            15479: -28,-18
+            15480: -28,-19
+            15481: -28,-20
+            15482: -29,-20
+            15483: -24,-22
+            15484: -24,-22
+            15485: -25,-22
+            15486: -25,-22
+            15487: -24,-21
+            15488: -23,-21
+            15489: -23,-22
+            15490: -22,-22
+            15491: -22,-21
+            15492: -23,-21
+            15493: -25,-21
+            15494: -25,-20
+            15495: -22,-20
+            15496: -22,-20
+            15497: -29,-18
+            16220: -2,32
+            16221: -1,32
+            16222: -1,32
+            16223: -2,27
+            16224: -2,27
+            16225: -1,27
+            16226: 0,27
+            16227: -1,27
+            16228: -2,27
+            16238: 0,39
+            16239: 0,40
+            16240: 0,40
+            16241: 2,40
+            16242: 2,40
+            16243: 0,38
+            16244: -1,36
+            16245: -1,35
+            16246: 0,34
+            16247: 0,34
+            16248: 0,42
+            16249: 1,42
+            16250: 1,42
+            16251: 0,42
+            16252: 0,48
+            16253: 0,48
+            16254: 0,48
+            16255: 0,47
+            16263: 6,52
+            16264: 7,52
+            16265: 6,50
+            17350: -53,-38
+            17351: -53,-37
+            17352: -52,-36
+            17353: -51,-36
+            17354: -52,-38
+            17355: -51,-38
+            17356: -51,-37
+            17357: -50,-37
+            17358: -50,-38
+            17359: -52,-37
+            17360: -52,-37
+            17361: -51,-37
+            17362: -50,-38
+            17363: -49,-38
+            17364: -48,-38
+            17365: -50,-37
+            17374: -52,-40
+            17375: -50,-40
+            17376: -51,-41
+            17392: -58,-46
+            17660: 61,-41
+            17661: 60,-41
+            17662: 59,-41
+            17663: 60,-40
+            17664: 59,-40
+            17665: 59,-40
+            17666: 59,-40
+            17667: 59,-40
+            17668: 60,-40
+            17669: 62,-40
+            17670: 61,-41
+            17671: 61,-41
+            17880: 43,-42
+            17881: 43,-41
+            17882: 43,-39
+            17883: 43,-38
+            17884: 45,-38
+            17885: 47,-38
+            17886: 49,-38
+            17887: 49,-39
+            17888: 48,-41
+            17889: 48,-43
+            17890: 46,-43
+            17891: 45,-43
+            17892: 44,-41
+            17893: 46,-40
+            17894: 47,-40
+            17920: 44,-48
+            17921: 45,-48
+            17922: 46,-48
+            17923: 43,-52
+            17924: 43,-53
+            17925: 43,-53
+            17926: 56,-41
+            18841: -72,-34
+            18842: -71,-34
+            18843: -72,-34
+            18844: -72,-36
+            18845: -72,-36
+            18846: -72,-37
+            18847: -72,-38
+            18848: -66,-38
+            18849: -66,-38
+            18850: -64,-38
+            18851: -64,-38
+            18852: -66,-38
+            18853: -67,-38
+            18854: -69,-38
+            18855: -71,-38
+            18856: -70,-38
+            18857: -68,-38
+            18858: -68,-38
+            18859: -65,-38
+            18860: -65,-38
+            18861: -64,-38
+            18862: -63,-38
+            18863: -62,-38
+            18864: -62,-36
+            18865: -62,-36
+            18866: -62,-38
+            18867: -62,-37
+            18868: -65,-34
+            18869: -66,-34
+            18870: -67,-34
+            18871: -69,-34
+            18872: -69,-34
+            18873: -67,-34
+            18874: -69,-34
+            18875: -69,-34
+            18876: -67,-34
+            18877: -67,-34
+            18878: -66,-34
+            18879: -65,-34
+            18880: -69,-34
+            18881: -66,-34
+            18882: -65,-34
+            18883: -63,-37
+            18884: -65,-38
+            18885: -67,-38
+            18886: -69,-38
+            18887: -70,-38
+            18888: -72,-38
+            18889: -72,-37
+            18890: -72,-36
+            18891: -72,-35
+            18892: -72,-35
+            18893: -70,-35
+            18894: -70,-35
+            18895: -70,-35
+            18896: -68,-35
+            18897: -67,-35
+            18898: -67,-36
+            18899: -64,-37
+            18900: -63,-37
+            18901: -62,-37
+            18902: -62,-37
+            18903: -62,-38
+            18904: -62,-36
+            18967: 35,39
+            18968: 34,39
+            18969: 34,38
+            18970: 33,39
+            18971: 36,39
+            18972: 35,37
+            20341: -71,-29
+            20342: -72,-26
+            20343: -70,-27
+            20344: -70,-26
+            20345: -69,-26
+            20346: -69,-27
+            20347: -68,-26
+            20348: -68,-26
+            20349: -67,-25
+            20350: -67,-26
+            20351: -68,-27
+            20352: -68,-27
+            20353: -67,-27
+            20354: -68,-25
+            20355: -67,-24
+            20378: -62,-29
+            20379: -63,-29
+            20380: -63,-30
+            20381: -62,-29
+            20401: -60,-29
+            20402: -60,-29
+            20403: -59,-30
+            20414: -63,-27
+            20415: -64,-27
+            20416: -64,-26
+            20417: -65,-25
+            20418: -66,-24
+            20419: -65,-23
+            20420: -63,-23
+            20421: -62,-23
+            20422: -60,-23
+            20423: -59,-23
+            20424: -61,-25
+            20425: -59,-24
+            20426: -59,-25
+            20427: -59,-26
+            20456: -64,-26
+            20457: -64,-25
+            20458: -63,-24
+            20459: -62,-24
+            20460: -62,-25
+            20461: -60,-26
+            20462: -60,-24
         - node:
             cleanable: True
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: DirtHeavy
-            237: 42,-29
-            238: 44,-28
-            239: 46,-29
-            258: 46,-48
-            260: 40,-39
-            261: 41,-37
-            262: 41,-44
-            276: 51,-36
-            277: 52,-40
-            286: 56,-11
-            295: -24,59
-            300: -31,18
-            301: -36,33
-            311: -29,24
-            313: -26,-18
-            315: -37,-18
-            316: -29,-20
-            332: 7,-56
-            338: -46,-20
-            343: -38,-5
-            345: -42,-6
-            347: -53,-34
-            358: -40,-17
-            383: -39,-46
-            384: -42,-47
-            387: -43,-44
-            715: -15,-32
-            991: -36,-37
-            992: -37,-37
-            993: -39,-37
-            994: -38,-36
-            995: -39,-36
-            996: -38,-37
-            997: -40,-36
-            998: -41,-37
-            999: -41,-36
-            1000: -36,-37
-            1001: -37,-37
-            1002: -38,-37
-            1003: -38,-36
-            1004: -35,-37
-            1005: -39,-37
-            1006: -39,-36
-            1007: -40,-36
-            1008: -40,-37
-            1009: -41,-37
-            1261: 25,59
-            1262: 25,60
-            1263: 27,56
-            1264: 26,56
-            1265: 30,56
-            1266: 31,56
-            1267: 31,58
-            1292: 18,56
-            1293: 18,56
-            1294: 20,56
-            1295: 11,56
-            1296: 10,56
-            1307: 15,65
-            1308: 14,68
-            1309: 14,68
-            1310: 14,67
-            1311: 15,66
-            1315: 12,72
-            1316: 13,72
-            1317: 14,60
-            1318: 14,59
-            1319: 16,59
-            1320: 16,58
-            1321: 16,58
-            1322: 18,59
-            1323: 17,61
-            1324: 17,62
-            1325: 12,62
-            1326: 19,61
-            1327: 21,63
-            1363: 15,62
-            1364: 16,62
-            1365: 18,61
-            1366: 22,69
-            1367: 23,70
-            1368: 19,70
-            1369: 18,69
-            1370: 17,69
-            1371: 17,71
-            1372: 20,71
-            1373: 20,72
-            1374: 18,72
-            1375: 14,68
-            1376: 15,68
-            1377: 15,69
-            1378: 22,72
-            1392: 24,66
-            1393: 9,66
-            1398: -40,60
-            1399: -41,59
-            1400: -40,62
-            1401: -42,62
-            1411: -28,58
-            1412: -30,57
-            1413: -30,57
-            1414: -30,58
-            1415: -31,57
-            1416: -24,57
-            1417: -25,57
-            1418: -24,55
-            1419: -24,56
-            1420: -25,57
-            1421: -31,58
-            1422: -36,57
-            1423: -37,57
-            1424: -40,57
-            1425: -42,57
-            1426: -42,56
-            1427: -42,53
-            1428: -42,51
-            1429: -42,48
-            1430: -42,48
-            1431: -41,49
-            1432: -42,49
-            1433: -41,50
-            1434: -42,47
-            1435: -42,45
-            1436: -42,44
-            1437: -42,43
-            1438: -42,42
-            1439: -40,42
-            1440: -40,42
-            1441: -38,42
-            1442: -37,42
-            1443: -36,42
-            1444: -36,39
-            1445: -36,37
-            1446: -37,37
-            1447: -38,37
-            1448: -39,37
-            1449: -41,37
-            1450: -45,37
-            1451: -45,38
-            1452: -45,40
-            1453: -44,40
-            1454: -44,41
-            1455: -45,41
-            1456: -43,36
-            1457: -43,34
-            1458: -43,32
-            1459: -43,30
-            1460: -43,28
-            1461: -43,30
-            1462: -43,26
-            1463: -43,25
-            1464: -41,25
-            1465: -41,25
-            1466: -36,25
-            1467: -36,24
-            1468: -36,23
-            1469: -37,23
-            1470: -39,23
-            1471: -38,23
-            1472: -33,23
-            1473: -32,23
-            1474: -31,22
-            1475: -31,22
-            1476: -31,21
-            1477: -31,23
-            1478: -30,23
-            1479: -29,25
-            1480: -28,25
-            1481: -24,26
-            1482: -23,26
-            1483: -26,17
-            1484: -25,17
-            1485: -25,17
-            1486: -31,13
-            1487: -31,12
-            1488: -31,10
-            1489: -31,8
-            1540: -39,54
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-            1544: -38,53
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-            1558: -39,44
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-            1561: -36,45
-            1562: -38,46
-            1563: -40,44
-            1592: -39,29
-            1593: -39,29
-            1594: -41,27
-            1595: -66,-45
-            1596: -65,-41
-            1597: -68,-43
-            1598: -68,-43
-            1599: -60,-36
-            1600: -60,-35
-            1601: -60,-37
-            1602: -59,-37
-            1603: -59,-38
-            1604: -60,-39
-            1605: -58,-38
-            1606: -58,-39
-            1607: -58,-36
-            1608: -59,-35
-            1609: -58,-34
-            1618: -59,-42
-            1619: -60,-42
-            1620: -60,-43
-            1621: -60,-41
-            1622: -59,-41
-            1623: -59,-40
-            1624: -58,-43
-            1648: -58,-50
-            1649: -59,-51
-            1650: -60,-50
-            1651: -60,-49
-            1652: -58,-48
-            1653: -58,-48
-            1654: -59,-48
-            1655: -59,-49
-            1660: -38,-1
-            1661: -39,0
-            1662: -37,1
-            1663: -38,1
-            1664: -37,0
-            1665: -39,2
-            1666: -39,2
-            1697: -54,-47
-            1698: -52,-48
-            1699: -52,-48
-            1700: -51,-49
-            1701: -49,-48
-            1702: -48,-48
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-            1705: -52,-47
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-            1711: -54,-45
-            1712: -55,-47
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-            1718: -54,-46
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-            1743: -50,-44
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-            1757: -55,-44
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-            1761: -55,-47
-            1762: -52,-48
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-            1767: -53,-49
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-            1769: -52,-49
-            1770: -47,-47
-            1771: -46,-47
-            1772: -56,-49
-            1773: -56,-49
-            1774: -56,-48
-            1775: -50,-48
-            1776: -47,-48
-            1777: -46,-47
-            1778: -58,-23
-            1779: -66,-23
-            1804: -70,-29
-            1805: -70,-28
-            1806: -71,-28
-            1807: -72,-29
-            1808: -72,-28
-            1809: -71,-27
-            1810: -70,-27
-            1811: -70,-24
-            1812: -71,-25
-            1813: -72,-23
-            1814: -70,-23
-            1815: -68,-23
-            1816: -70,-26
-            1817: -69,-27
-            1818: -69,-29
-            1819: -68,-23
-            1820: -69,-23
-            1845: -55,-31
-            1846: -55,-23
-            1847: -52,-21
-            1848: -51,-21
-            1849: -64,-21
-            1850: -69,-20
-            1851: -75,-22
-            1852: -77,-20
-            1853: -77,-19
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-            1856: -78,-24
-            1857: -78,-27
-            1858: -78,-28
-            1859: -78,-28
-            1860: -78,-26
-            1861: -77,-31
-            1862: -77,-32
-            1863: -78,-32
-            1864: -59,-32
-            1865: 41,-48
-            1866: 41,-48
-            1867: 37,-48
-            1868: 36,-47
-            1869: 36,-48
-            1870: 47,-48
-            1871: 45,-48
-            1872: 41,-45
-            1873: 41,-45
-            1874: 41,-39
-            1875: 41,-38
-            1876: 40,-37
-            1877: 40,-36
-            1878: 41,-33
-            1879: 42,-28
-            1880: 43,-28
-            1881: 51,-28
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-            1883: 52,-29
-            1884: 51,-30
-            1885: 52,-31
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-            1890: 51,-39
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-            1892: 52,-43
-            1893: 52,-45
-            1894: 49,-42
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-            1896: 47,-45
-            1897: 45,-45
-            1898: 43,-41
-            1899: 46,-45
-            1900: 45,-44
-            1901: 45,-41
-            1902: 48,-42
-            1903: 49,-40
-            1904: 47,-40
-            1905: 45,-39
-            1906: 48,-38
-            1907: 47,-38
-            1908: 45,-38
-            1909: 44,-38
-            1910: 52,-47
-            1911: 55,-43
-            1912: 55,-44
-            1913: 55,-44
-            1914: 35,-55
-            1915: 34,-56
-            1916: 32,-55
-            1917: 30,-55
-            1918: 41,-42
-            1919: 43,-28
-            1920: 39,-23
-            1921: 38,-23
-            1922: 36,-23
-            1923: 36,-22
-            1924: 35,-21
-            1925: 36,-20
-            1926: 34,-21
-            1927: 35,-22
-            1928: 35,-23
-            1929: 34,-20
-            4023: -22,45
-            4030: -21,64
-            4038: 11,81
-            16255: -70,-36
-            16256: -67,-37
-            16257: -64,-36
-            16258: -63,-35
-            16259: -63,-35
-            16267: -69,-37
-            16268: -63,-34
-            16269: -63,-37
-            24008: -51,-31
-            24009: -52,-31
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-            24012: -52,-30
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-            24014: -52,-27
-            24015: -53,-27
-            24017: -52,-25
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-            24040: -47,-28
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-            24051: -45,-31
-            24070: -32,-27
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-            24075: -34,-27
-            24076: -36,-28
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-            24081: -39,-27
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-            24083: -43,-24
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-            24088: -38,-22
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-            24091: -38,-24
-            24092: -37,-24
-            24093: -34,-22
-            24094: -34,-23
-            24095: -34,-24
-            24136: -27,-31
-            24137: -27,-31
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-            24139: -30,-32
-            24140: -28,-32
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-            24142: -26,-30
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-            24148: -27,-28
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-            24151: -30,-26
-            24152: -30,-29
-            24402: 26,-60
-            24403: 26,-60
-            24404: 26,-61
-            24405: 28,-61
-            24406: 27,-60
-            24407: 27,-62
-            24408: 28,-62
-            24409: 27,-58
-            24410: 27,-58
-            24411: 26,-57
-            24414: 28,-57
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-            24416: 27,-58
-            24417: 26,-58
-            24418: 30,-61
-            24419: 32,-61
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-            24422: 36,-61
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-            24427: 35,-60
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-            24430: 36,-64
-            24431: 35,-64
-            24432: 35,-65
-            24433: 34,-68
-            24434: 36,-70
-            24435: 35,-71
-            24436: 35,-70
-            24437: 34,-68
-            24438: 36,-69
-            24439: 35,-72
-            24440: 35,-72
-            24441: 36,-71
-            24442: 34,-71
-            24443: 34,-68
-            24444: 33,-68
-            24445: 33,-68
-            24446: 33,-69
-            24447: 30,-68
-            24448: 31,-67
-            24449: 27,-69
-            24450: 31,-70
-            24578: 27,-68
-            24579: 25,-69
-            24580: 27,-67
+            220: 42,-29
+            221: 44,-28
+            222: 46,-29
+            241: 46,-48
+            243: 40,-39
+            244: 41,-37
+            245: 41,-44
+            259: 51,-36
+            260: 52,-40
+            273: -24,59
+            276: -31,18
+            277: -36,33
+            287: -29,24
+            289: -26,-18
+            291: -37,-18
+            292: -29,-20
+            305: 7,-56
+            311: -46,-20
+            316: -38,-5
+            318: -42,-6
+            320: -53,-34
+            326: -40,-17
+            349: -39,-46
+            350: -42,-47
+            353: -43,-44
+            610: -15,-32
+            874: -36,-37
+            875: -37,-37
+            876: -39,-37
+            877: -38,-36
+            878: -39,-36
+            879: -38,-37
+            880: -40,-36
+            881: -41,-37
+            882: -41,-36
+            883: -36,-37
+            884: -37,-37
+            885: -38,-37
+            886: -38,-36
+            887: -35,-37
+            888: -39,-37
+            889: -39,-36
+            890: -40,-36
+            891: -40,-37
+            892: -41,-37
+            1143: 25,59
+            1144: 25,60
+            1145: 27,56
+            1146: 26,56
+            1147: 30,56
+            1148: 31,56
+            1149: 31,58
+            1174: 18,56
+            1175: 18,56
+            1176: 20,56
+            1177: 11,56
+            1178: 10,56
+            1189: 15,65
+            1190: 14,68
+            1191: 14,68
+            1192: 14,67
+            1193: 15,66
+            1197: 12,72
+            1198: 13,72
+            1199: 14,60
+            1200: 14,59
+            1201: 16,59
+            1202: 16,58
+            1203: 16,58
+            1204: 18,59
+            1205: 17,61
+            1206: 17,62
+            1207: 12,62
+            1208: 19,61
+            1209: 21,63
+            1245: 15,62
+            1246: 16,62
+            1247: 18,61
+            1248: 22,69
+            1249: 23,70
+            1250: 19,70
+            1251: 18,69
+            1252: 17,69
+            1253: 17,71
+            1254: 20,71
+            1255: 20,72
+            1256: 18,72
+            1257: 14,68
+            1258: 15,68
+            1259: 15,69
+            1260: 22,72
+            1274: 24,66
+            1275: 9,66
+            1280: -40,60
+            1281: -41,59
+            1282: -40,62
+            1283: -42,62
+            1293: -28,58
+            1294: -30,57
+            1295: -30,57
+            1296: -30,58
+            1297: -31,57
+            1298: -24,57
+            1299: -25,57
+            1300: -24,55
+            1301: -24,56
+            1302: -25,57
+            1303: -31,58
+            1304: -36,57
+            1305: -37,57
+            1306: -40,57
+            1307: -42,57
+            1308: -42,56
+            1309: -42,53
+            1310: -42,51
+            1311: -42,48
+            1312: -42,48
+            1313: -41,49
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+            1320: -42,42
+            1321: -40,42
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+            1323: -38,42
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+            1325: -36,42
+            1326: -36,39
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+            1331: -41,37
+            1332: -45,37
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+            1338: -43,36
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+            1340: -43,32
+            1341: -43,30
+            1342: -43,28
+            1343: -43,30
+            1344: -43,26
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+            1346: -41,25
+            1347: -41,25
+            1348: -36,25
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+            1354: -33,23
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+            1357: -31,22
+            1358: -31,21
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+            1360: -30,23
+            1361: -29,25
+            1362: -28,25
+            1363: -24,26
+            1364: -23,26
+            1365: -26,17
+            1366: -25,17
+            1367: -25,17
+            1368: -31,13
+            1369: -31,12
+            1370: -31,10
+            1371: -31,8
+            1422: -39,54
+            1423: -40,54
+            1424: -40,53
+            1425: -39,52
+            1426: -38,53
+            1427: -38,54
+            1428: -38,54
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+            1440: -39,44
+            1441: -37,44
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+            1443: -36,45
+            1444: -38,46
+            1445: -40,44
+            1474: -39,29
+            1475: -39,29
+            1476: -41,27
+            1477: -66,-45
+            1478: -65,-41
+            1479: -68,-43
+            1480: -68,-43
+            1481: -60,-36
+            1482: -60,-35
+            1483: -60,-37
+            1484: -59,-37
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+            1487: -58,-38
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+            1489: -58,-36
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+            1491: -58,-34
+            1500: -59,-42
+            1501: -60,-42
+            1502: -60,-43
+            1503: -60,-41
+            1504: -59,-41
+            1505: -59,-40
+            1506: -58,-43
+            1530: -58,-50
+            1531: -59,-51
+            1532: -60,-50
+            1533: -60,-49
+            1534: -58,-48
+            1535: -58,-48
+            1536: -59,-48
+            1537: -59,-49
+            1542: -38,-1
+            1543: -39,0
+            1544: -37,1
+            1545: -38,1
+            1546: -37,0
+            1547: -39,2
+            1548: -39,2
+            1579: -54,-47
+            1580: -52,-48
+            1581: -52,-48
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+            1583: -49,-48
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+            1587: -52,-47
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+            1598: -55,-43
+            1599: -56,-44
+            1600: -54,-46
+            1601: -53,-47
+            1602: -50,-48
+            1603: -49,-48
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+            1611: -46,-48
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+            1615: -47,-45
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+            1620: -47,-48
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+            1623: -50,-46
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+            1631: -53,-44
+            1632: -53,-44
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+            1639: -55,-44
+            1640: -55,-45
+            1641: -55,-46
+            1642: -56,-46
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+            1644: -52,-48
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+            1649: -53,-49
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+            1652: -47,-47
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+            1654: -56,-49
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+            1657: -50,-48
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+            1659: -46,-47
+            1660: -58,-23
+            1661: -66,-23
+            1686: -70,-29
+            1687: -70,-28
+            1688: -71,-28
+            1689: -72,-29
+            1690: -72,-28
+            1691: -71,-27
+            1692: -70,-27
+            1693: -70,-24
+            1694: -71,-25
+            1695: -72,-23
+            1696: -70,-23
+            1697: -68,-23
+            1698: -70,-26
+            1699: -69,-27
+            1700: -69,-29
+            1701: -68,-23
+            1702: -69,-23
+            1727: -55,-31
+            1728: -55,-23
+            1729: -52,-21
+            1730: -51,-21
+            1731: -64,-21
+            1732: -69,-20
+            1733: -75,-22
+            1734: -77,-20
+            1735: -77,-19
+            1736: -78,-20
+            1737: -78,-21
+            1738: -78,-24
+            1739: -78,-27
+            1740: -78,-28
+            1741: -78,-28
+            1742: -78,-26
+            1743: -77,-31
+            1744: -77,-32
+            1745: -78,-32
+            1746: -59,-32
+            1747: 41,-48
+            1748: 41,-48
+            1749: 37,-48
+            1750: 36,-47
+            1751: 36,-48
+            1752: 47,-48
+            1753: 45,-48
+            1754: 41,-45
+            1755: 41,-45
+            1756: 41,-39
+            1757: 41,-38
+            1758: 40,-37
+            1759: 40,-36
+            1760: 41,-33
+            1761: 42,-28
+            1762: 43,-28
+            1763: 51,-28
+            1764: 52,-28
+            1765: 52,-29
+            1766: 51,-30
+            1767: 52,-31
+            1768: 52,-32
+            1769: 51,-34
+            1770: 51,-35
+            1771: 51,-37
+            1772: 51,-39
+            1773: 52,-38
+            1774: 52,-43
+            1775: 52,-45
+            1776: 49,-42
+            1777: 49,-44
+            1778: 47,-45
+            1779: 45,-45
+            1780: 43,-41
+            1781: 46,-45
+            1782: 45,-44
+            1783: 45,-41
+            1784: 48,-42
+            1785: 49,-40
+            1786: 47,-40
+            1787: 45,-39
+            1788: 48,-38
+            1789: 47,-38
+            1790: 45,-38
+            1791: 44,-38
+            1792: 52,-47
+            1793: 55,-43
+            1794: 55,-44
+            1795: 55,-44
+            1796: 35,-55
+            1797: 34,-56
+            1798: 32,-55
+            1799: 30,-55
+            1800: 41,-42
+            1801: 43,-28
+            1802: 39,-23
+            1803: 38,-23
+            1804: 36,-23
+            1805: 36,-22
+            1806: 35,-21
+            1807: 36,-20
+            1808: 34,-21
+            1809: 35,-22
+            1810: 35,-23
+            1811: 34,-20
+            15304: -70,-36
+            15305: -67,-37
+            15306: -64,-36
+            15307: -63,-35
+            15308: -63,-35
+            15316: -69,-37
+            15317: -63,-34
+            15318: -63,-37
+            23014: -51,-31
+            23015: -52,-31
+            23016: -52,-30
+            23017: -51,-30
+            23018: -52,-30
+            23019: -52,-28
+            23020: -52,-27
+            23021: -53,-27
+            23022: -52,-25
+            23023: -51,-28
+            23024: -50,-29
+            23045: -47,-28
+            23046: -47,-29
+            23047: -46,-30
+            23048: -45,-29
+            23049: -46,-28
+            23050: -47,-27
+            23051: -46,-26
+            23052: -45,-26
+            23053: -45,-29
+            23054: -46,-30
+            23055: -45,-31
+            23056: -45,-31
+            23075: -32,-27
+            23076: -32,-29
+            23077: -33,-29
+            23078: -34,-29
+            23079: -35,-29
+            23080: -34,-27
+            23081: -36,-28
+            23082: -36,-29
+            23083: -38,-29
+            23084: -40,-29
+            23085: -41,-28
+            23086: -39,-27
+            23087: -41,-27
+            23088: -43,-24
+            23089: -43,-23
+            23090: -41,-22
+            23091: -42,-23
+            23092: -41,-23
+            23093: -38,-22
+            23094: -38,-23
+            23095: -38,-24
+            23096: -38,-24
+            23097: -37,-24
+            23098: -34,-22
+            23099: -34,-23
+            23100: -34,-24
+            23141: -27,-31
+            23142: -27,-31
+            23143: -30,-32
+            23144: -30,-32
+            23145: -28,-32
+            23146: -27,-31
+            23147: -26,-30
+            23148: -27,-30
+            23149: -30,-30
+            23150: -31,-28
+            23151: -30,-28
+            23152: -28,-28
+            23153: -27,-28
+            23154: -26,-26
+            23155: -28,-26
+            23156: -30,-26
+            23157: -30,-29
+            23405: 26,-60
+            23406: 26,-60
+            23407: 26,-61
+            23408: 28,-61
+            23409: 27,-60
+            23410: 27,-62
+            23411: 28,-62
+            23412: 27,-58
+            23413: 27,-58
+            23414: 26,-57
+            23415: 28,-57
+            23416: 28,-58
+            23417: 27,-58
+            23418: 26,-58
+            23419: 30,-61
+            23420: 32,-61
+            23421: 33,-61
+            23422: 34,-60
+            23423: 36,-61
+            23424: 35,-61
+            23425: 34,-62
+            23426: 35,-63
+            23427: 35,-61
+            23428: 35,-60
+            23429: 36,-61
+            23430: 36,-63
+            23431: 36,-64
+            23432: 35,-64
+            23433: 35,-65
+            23434: 34,-68
+            23435: 36,-70
+            23436: 35,-71
+            23437: 35,-70
+            23438: 34,-68
+            23439: 36,-69
+            23440: 35,-72
+            23441: 35,-72
+            23442: 36,-71
+            23443: 34,-71
+            23444: 34,-68
+            23445: 33,-68
+            23446: 33,-68
+            23447: 33,-69
+            23448: 30,-68
+            23449: 31,-67
+            23450: 27,-69
+            23451: 31,-70
+            23578: 27,-68
+            23579: 25,-69
+            23580: 27,-67
         - node:
             angle: 3.141592653589793 rad
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: DirtHeavy
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-            13533: -37,-73
-            13534: -36,-73
-            13535: -35,-73
-            13536: -34,-73
-            13537: -33,-73
-            13538: -33,-73
-            13539: -33,-73
-            13540: -32,-73
-            13541: -33,-72
-            13542: -33,-72
-            13543: -31,-74
-            13544: -30,-73
-            13545: -30,-74
-            13546: -30,-75
-            13547: -31,-74
-            13548: -29,-75
-            13549: -29,-75
-            13550: -29,-76
-            13551: -29,-77
-            13552: -29,-78
-            13553: -29,-79
-            13554: -29,-80
-            13555: -30,-80
-            13556: -30,-79
-            13557: -30,-78
-            13558: -30,-77
-            13559: -30,-76
-            13560: -30,-75
-            13561: -32,-78
-            13562: -32,-79
-            13563: -33,-78
-            13564: -34,-78
-            13565: -34,-79
-            13566: -33,-80
-            13567: -35,-80
-            13568: -35,-79
-            13569: -35,-78
-            13570: -34,-77
-            13571: -33,-77
-            13572: -32,-78
-            13573: -31,-79
-            13574: -32,-80
-            13575: -37,-80
-            13576: -37,-79
-            13577: -37,-79
-            13578: -36,-78
-            13579: -37,-78
-            13580: -37,-77
-            13581: -36,-77
-            13582: -37,-76
-            13583: -37,-76
-            13584: -36,-76
-            13585: -36,-75
-            13586: -37,-74
-            13587: -36,-73
-            13588: -36,-74
-            13589: -36,-75
-            13590: -35,-74
-            13591: -35,-74
-            13592: -35,-75
-            13593: -35,-76
-            13594: -33,-76
-            13595: -33,-76
-            13596: -33,-75
-            13598: -37,-73
-            13599: -37,-74
-            13600: -36,-75
-            13601: -37,-76
-            13602: -37,-77
-            13603: -36,-78
-            13604: -37,-79
-            13605: -37,-79
-            13606: -37,-79
-            13607: -36,-77
-            13608: -35,-76
-            13609: -32,-76
-            13610: -31,-76
-            13611: -30,-76
-            13612: -30,-77
-            13613: -30,-78
-            13614: -29,-78
-            13615: -29,-77
-            13616: -33,-75
-            13617: -33,-75
-            13618: -32,-75
-            13619: -29,-74
-            13620: -29,-73
-            13621: -29,-73
-            13622: -32,-74
-            13623: -33,-74
-            13624: -31,-73
-            13625: -33,-74
-            13626: -34,-75
-            13627: -34,-74
-            13640: -31,-75
-            13641: -36,-74
-            13676: -39,-74
-            13677: -39,-71
-            13678: -36,-71
-            13679: -35,-71
-            13680: -34,-71
-            13681: -33,-71
-            13682: -32,-71
-            13683: -31,-71
-            13700: -27,-75
-            13701: -27,-74
-            13702: -27,-73
-            13703: -27,-73
-            13704: -27,-68
-            13705: -27,-67
-            13706: -27,-67
-            13707: -27,-69
-            13708: -28,-66
-            13709: -28,-65
-            13710: -28,-62
-            13711: -28,-63
-            13712: -28,-65
-            13725: -34,-60
-            13726: -34,-62
-            13727: -32,-60
-            13728: -32,-61
-            13729: -32,-62
-            13730: -31,-62
-            13731: -31,-63
-            13732: -33,-63
-            13733: -30,-61
-            13736: -34,-63
-            13737: -31,-60
-            13832: -15,-62
-            13833: -10,-62
-            13834: -9,-57
-            13835: -10,-57
-            13836: -7,-56
-            13837: -7,-56
-            13838: -6,-55
-            13839: -5,-55
-            13840: -5,-56
-            13841: -6,-55
-            13842: -6,-56
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-            14148: -70,-21
-            14149: -69,-21
-            14150: -68,-21
-            14151: -67,-21
-            14152: -63,-21
-            14153: -63,-21
-            14154: -61,-21
-            14155: -60,-21
-            14156: -59,-21
-            14157: -58,-21
-            14158: -58,-21
-            14159: -75,-21
-            14160: -75,-23
-            14161: -75,-24
-            14162: -75,-25
-            14163: -75,-26
-            14164: -75,-27
-            14165: -75,-28
-            14166: -75,-26
-            14167: -75,-25
-            14168: -75,-22
-            14169: -75,-21
-            14170: -75,-21
-            14171: -74,-32
-            14172: -75,-31
-            14173: -73,-32
-            14174: -77,-26
-            14175: -78,-26
-            14176: -78,-27
-            14177: -78,-28
-            14178: -78,-23
-            14179: -77,-23
-            14180: -77,-24
-            14181: -78,-24
-            14182: -77,-19
-            14183: -78,-19
-            14184: -78,-19
-            14185: -78,-21
+            12588: -36,-75
+            12589: -37,-73
+            12590: -36,-73
+            12591: -35,-73
+            12592: -34,-73
+            12593: -33,-73
+            12594: -33,-73
+            12595: -33,-73
+            12596: -32,-73
+            12597: -33,-72
+            12598: -33,-72
+            12599: -31,-74
+            12600: -30,-73
+            12601: -30,-74
+            12602: -30,-75
+            12603: -31,-74
+            12604: -29,-75
+            12605: -29,-75
+            12606: -29,-76
+            12607: -29,-77
+            12608: -29,-78
+            12609: -29,-79
+            12610: -29,-80
+            12611: -30,-80
+            12612: -30,-79
+            12613: -30,-78
+            12614: -30,-77
+            12615: -30,-76
+            12616: -30,-75
+            12617: -32,-78
+            12618: -32,-79
+            12619: -33,-78
+            12620: -34,-78
+            12621: -34,-79
+            12622: -33,-80
+            12623: -35,-80
+            12624: -35,-79
+            12625: -35,-78
+            12626: -34,-77
+            12627: -33,-77
+            12628: -32,-78
+            12629: -31,-79
+            12630: -32,-80
+            12631: -37,-80
+            12632: -37,-79
+            12633: -37,-79
+            12634: -36,-78
+            12635: -37,-78
+            12636: -37,-77
+            12637: -36,-77
+            12638: -37,-76
+            12639: -37,-76
+            12640: -36,-76
+            12641: -36,-75
+            12642: -37,-74
+            12643: -36,-73
+            12644: -36,-74
+            12645: -36,-75
+            12646: -35,-74
+            12647: -35,-74
+            12648: -35,-75
+            12649: -35,-76
+            12650: -33,-76
+            12651: -33,-76
+            12652: -33,-75
+            12654: -37,-73
+            12655: -37,-74
+            12656: -36,-75
+            12657: -37,-76
+            12658: -37,-77
+            12659: -36,-78
+            12660: -37,-79
+            12661: -37,-79
+            12662: -37,-79
+            12663: -36,-77
+            12664: -35,-76
+            12665: -32,-76
+            12666: -31,-76
+            12667: -30,-76
+            12668: -30,-77
+            12669: -30,-78
+            12670: -29,-78
+            12671: -29,-77
+            12672: -33,-75
+            12673: -33,-75
+            12674: -32,-75
+            12675: -29,-74
+            12676: -29,-73
+            12677: -29,-73
+            12678: -32,-74
+            12679: -33,-74
+            12680: -31,-73
+            12681: -33,-74
+            12682: -34,-75
+            12683: -34,-74
+            12696: -31,-75
+            12697: -36,-74
+            12732: -39,-74
+            12733: -39,-71
+            12734: -36,-71
+            12735: -35,-71
+            12736: -34,-71
+            12737: -33,-71
+            12738: -32,-71
+            12739: -31,-71
+            12756: -27,-75
+            12757: -27,-74
+            12758: -27,-73
+            12759: -27,-73
+            12760: -27,-68
+            12761: -27,-67
+            12762: -27,-67
+            12763: -27,-69
+            12764: -28,-66
+            12765: -28,-65
+            12766: -28,-62
+            12767: -28,-63
+            12768: -28,-65
+            12781: -34,-60
+            12782: -34,-62
+            12783: -32,-60
+            12784: -32,-61
+            12785: -32,-62
+            12786: -31,-62
+            12787: -31,-63
+            12788: -33,-63
+            12789: -30,-61
+            12792: -34,-63
+            12793: -31,-60
+            12888: -15,-62
+            12889: -10,-62
+            12890: -9,-57
+            12891: -10,-57
+            12892: -7,-56
+            12893: -7,-56
+            12894: -6,-55
+            12895: -5,-55
+            12896: -5,-56
+            12897: -6,-55
+            12898: -6,-56
+            13203: -69,-21
+            13204: -70,-21
+            13205: -69,-21
+            13206: -68,-21
+            13207: -67,-21
+            13208: -63,-21
+            13209: -63,-21
+            13210: -61,-21
+            13211: -60,-21
+            13212: -59,-21
+            13213: -58,-21
+            13214: -58,-21
+            13215: -75,-21
+            13216: -75,-23
+            13217: -75,-24
+            13218: -75,-25
+            13219: -75,-26
+            13220: -75,-27
+            13221: -75,-28
+            13222: -75,-26
+            13223: -75,-25
+            13224: -75,-22
+            13225: -75,-21
+            13226: -75,-21
+            13227: -74,-32
+            13228: -75,-31
+            13229: -73,-32
+            13230: -77,-26
+            13231: -78,-26
+            13232: -78,-27
+            13233: -78,-28
+            13234: -78,-23
+            13235: -77,-23
+            13236: -77,-24
+            13237: -78,-24
+            13238: -77,-19
+            13239: -78,-19
+            13240: -78,-19
+            13241: -78,-21
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             color: '#FFFFFFAA'
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-            13751: -32,-60
-            13752: -32,-61
-            13753: -31,-62
-            13754: -31,-62
-            13755: -32,-62
-            13756: -33,-63
-            13757: -34,-62
-            13758: -31,-63
-            13759: -30,-61
+            12807: -32,-60
+            12808: -32,-61
+            12809: -31,-62
+            12810: -31,-62
+            12811: -32,-62
+            12812: -33,-63
+            12813: -34,-62
+            12814: -31,-63
+            12815: -30,-61
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             id: DirtHeavyMonotile
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-            3904: 27,67
-            3914: 21,68
-            3915: 18,66
-            3916: 17,65
-            3919: 22,66
-            3955: 18,63
-            3956: 21,60
-            3957: 21,58
-            3962: 20,60
-            3963: 18,60
-            3987: -35,61
-            3996: -42,59
-            4002: -36,62
-            4015: -36,55
-            4016: -32,60
-            11192: -65,-37
-            11193: -59,-37
-            11194: -59,-37
-            11195: -59,-38
-            11196: -58,-38
-            11197: -58,-38
-            11198: -59,-42
-            11199: -60,-41
-            11200: -60,-41
-            11201: -59,-41
-            11202: -59,-40
-            11203: -59,-41
-            11204: -58,-41
-            11205: -58,-41
-            11206: -65,-41
-            11207: -65,-41
-            11208: -65,-41
-            12924: -35,-23
-            12925: -35,-22
-            13047: 48,-31
-            13080: 46,-32
-            13081: 47,-33
-            13082: 47,-32
-            13083: 48,-31
-            13084: 48,-32
-            13085: 47,-34
-            13086: 49,-34
-            13087: 49,-34
-            13088: 49,-35
-            13089: 47,-35
-            13090: 47,-35
-            13091: 46,-34
-            13092: 44,-34
-            13093: 44,-34
-            13094: 43,-33
-            13095: 45,-33
-            13096: 45,-32
-            13097: 47,-32
-            13098: 46,-34
-            13099: 46,-35
-            13100: 47,-33
-            13101: 48,-33
-            13102: 49,-33
-            13103: 49,-33
-            13104: 48,-32
-            13107: 39,-52
-            13108: 40,-51
-            13109: 40,-52
-            13110: 40,-53
-            13111: 40,-53
-            13112: 39,-54
-            13113: 39,-55
-            13114: 40,-55
-            13115: 41,-52
-            13116: 41,-54
-            13117: 41,-55
-            13118: 42,-53
-            13119: 42,-53
-            13120: 41,-56
-            13121: 42,-56
-            13122: 42,-50
-            13123: 44,-50
-            13124: 44,-50
-            13125: 45,-50
-            13126: 45,-52
-            13127: 44,-52
-            13128: 44,-51
-            13129: 45,-52
-            13130: 44,-54
-            13131: 44,-55
-            13132: 46,-55
-            13133: 45,-54
-            13134: 45,-55
-            13135: 46,-55
-            13136: 46,-52
-            13137: 47,-52
-            13213: 52,-37
-            13227: 54,-35
-            13233: 54,-39
-            13254: 54,-36
-            13255: 55,-35
-            13256: 53,-36
-            13257: 53,-38
-            13258: 54,-37
-            13350: -37,-63
-            13351: -37,-62
-            13352: -38,-62
-            13353: -38,-61
-            13354: -38,-60
-            13355: -36,-60
-            13356: -38,-60
-            13357: -37,-59
-            13358: -37,-61
-            13359: -36,-62
-            13360: -36,-61
-            13361: -37,-61
-            13362: -38,-63
-            13363: -36,-63
-            13364: -36,-63
-            13365: -36,-62
-            13399: -41,-63
-            13400: -41,-62
-            13401: -40,-63
-            13448: -41,-64
-            13449: -37,-64
-            13450: -37,-59
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-            15968: 76,0
-            15969: 77,0
-            15970: 78,0
-            15971: 79,4
-            15972: 79,5
-            15973: 78,4
-            15985: 99,-2
-            15986: 99,-3
-            15987: 99,-4
-            15988: 100,-4
-            15989: 100,-2
-            15999: 85,2
-            16000: 86,2
-            16001: 79,-3
-            16002: 79,-4
-            16029: 92,9
-            16030: 76,6
-            16031: 76,4
-            16035: 93,6
-            16036: 96,6
-            16037: 95,6
-            16038: 96,7
-            16039: 97,7
-            16134: -72,-40
-            16135: -72,-41
-            16136: -71,-41
-            16137: -71,-42
-            16138: -72,-42
-            16139: -71,-40
-            16140: -70,-40
-            16141: -70,-41
-            16142: -69,-41
-            16143: -69,-41
-            16144: -69,-43
-            16186: -65,-47
-            16187: -65,-47
-            16188: -64,-47
-            16189: -64,-47
-            16190: -63,-46
-            16191: -62,-47
-            16192: -62,-48
-            16193: -63,-48
-            16194: -66,-48
-            16209: -65,-46
-            16210: -64,-46
-            16211: -64,-45
-            16212: -63,-45
-            16213: -63,-46
-            16214: -63,-47
-            16215: -65,-47
-            16216: -66,-48
-            16217: -66,-48
-            16218: -63,-48
-            16219: -63,-47
-            16220: -62,-47
-            16221: -62,-41
-            16222: -62,-40
-            16223: -64,-40
-            16224: -70,-43
-            16225: -69,-43
-            16226: -68,-45
-            16227: -69,-46
-            16228: -70,-46
-            16229: -72,-42
-            16309: -59,-50
-            16310: -60,-49
-            16311: -60,-48
-            16326: 10,68
-            16327: 10,68
-            16328: 11,69
-            16329: 11,69
-            16330: 12,69
-            16331: 12,68
-            16332: 12,67
-            16333: 12,66
-            16334: 10,66
-            16335: 11,66
-            16336: 11,67
-            16337: 11,67
-            16338: 12,67
-            16339: 11,69
-            16340: 12,70
-            16341: 13,67
-            16342: 13,67
-            16343: 11,68
-            16344: 12,69
-            16345: 11,70
-            16366: -40,-6
-            16367: -40,-7
-            16368: -39,-7
-            16369: -39,-6
-            16370: -38,2
-            16371: -37,2
-            16372: -37,1
-            16373: -37,0
-            16374: -39,0
-            16375: -38,2
-            16449: -32,-20
-            16450: -30,-20
-            16451: -30,-20
-            16452: -30,-19
-            16453: -32,-18
-            16454: -34,-18
-            16455: -35,-18
-            16456: -31,-18
-            16457: -29,-18
-            16458: -29,-18
-            16459: -28,-20
-            16460: -28,-19
-            16461: -29,-20
-            16462: -24,-21
-            16463: -24,-22
-            16464: -22,-22
-            16465: -22,-21
-            16466: -35,-20
-            16467: -36,-20
-            16468: -39,-20
-            16469: -41,-20
-            16470: -43,-20
-            16471: -44,-20
-            16472: -48,-20
-            16473: -49,-22
-            16474: -49,-23
-            16475: -49,-23
-            16476: -50,-22
-            16477: -49,-22
-            16478: -49,-22
-            16479: -50,-23
-            16480: -53,-23
-            16481: -54,-23
-            16482: -53,-21
-            16483: -53,-20
-            16484: -53,-20
-            16485: -52,-20
-            16486: -53,-20
-            16487: -55,-20
-            16488: -56,-20
-            16489: -56,-21
-            16490: -55,-22
-            16491: -56,-23
-            16492: -56,-26
-            16493: -56,-25
-            16494: -56,-27
-            16495: -55,-29
-            16496: -55,-30
-            16497: -60,-32
-            17167: -2,32
-            17168: -1,32
-            17169: -1,32
-            17170: -2,32
-            17180: -2,27
-            17181: 0,27
-            17182: 0,40
-            17183: 1,40
-            17184: 1,40
-            17185: 2,40
-            17186: 0,36
-            17187: 0,35
-            17188: 0,34
-            17207: 0,48
-            17208: 0,47
-            17209: 0,41
-            17210: 1,42
-            17211: 6,50
-            17212: 6,52
-            17213: 7,52
-            18317: -50,-36
-            18318: -50,-37
-            18319: -51,-38
-            18320: -53,-37
-            18321: -53,-36
-            18322: -48,-38
-            18323: -52,-40
-            18324: -51,-41
-            18342: -58,-46
-            18623: 59,-40
-            18624: 60,-40
-            18625: 60,-41
-            18851: 44,-42
-            18852: 44,-44
-            18853: 46,-44
-            18854: 44,-42
-            18855: 46,-40
-            18856: 47,-39
-            18857: 48,-39
-            18858: 48,-38
-            18859: 49,-38
-            18860: 49,-41
-            18861: 49,-42
-            18862: 49,-42
-            18863: 49,-41
-            18864: 49,-44
-            18865: 49,-45
-            18866: 48,-45
-            18867: 46,-45
-            18868: 44,-45
-            18869: 43,-45
-            18870: 43,-44
-            18871: 43,-42
-            18872: 52,-47
-            18873: 46,-48
-            18874: 45,-48
-            18875: 44,-48
-            18883: 56,-43
-            18884: 56,-43
-            18885: 55,-44
-            18886: 55,-43
-            18887: 56,-41
-            19768: -30,-23
-            19769: -29,-23
-            19770: -28,-23
-            19771: -29,-23
-            21350: -67,-29
-            21351: -67,-29
-            21352: -67,-28
-            21353: -67,-28
-            21354: -68,-26
-            21355: -67,-26
-            21356: -68,-25
-            21357: -67,-24
-            21358: -69,-23
-            21359: -69,-23
-            21360: -70,-24
-            21361: -72,-24
-            21362: -72,-25
-            21363: -70,-23
-            21364: -71,-23
-            21365: -72,-25
-            21366: -72,-27
-            21367: -72,-26
-            21376: -61,-29
-            21377: -63,-29
-            21378: -63,-30
-            21379: -61,-29
-            21422: -60,-27
-            21423: -61,-27
-            21424: -60,-27
-            21425: -59,-26
-            21426: -59,-25
-            21427: -60,-25
-            21428: -61,-25
-            21429: -60,-23
-            21430: -60,-23
-            21431: -63,-23
-            21432: -64,-23
-            21433: -60,-23
-            21434: -62,-23
-            21435: -61,-23
-            21436: -65,-24
-            21437: -65,-25
-            21438: -65,-25
-            21439: -60,-25
-            21440: -60,-25
-            21441: -61,-27
-            21442: -62,-27
-            21443: -64,-27
-            21444: -62,-26
-            21445: -63,-26
-            21446: -63,-24
-            21447: -62,-24
-            21448: -61,-24
-            21449: -62,-25
+            924: -12,-50
+            3734: 23,72
+            3742: 18,69
+            3769: 20,67
+            3770: 26,66
+            3771: 27,67
+            3781: 21,68
+            3782: 18,66
+            3783: 17,65
+            3786: 22,66
+            3822: 18,63
+            3823: 21,60
+            3824: 21,58
+            3829: 20,60
+            3830: 18,60
+            3854: -35,61
+            3863: -42,59
+            3869: -36,62
+            3882: -36,55
+            3883: -32,60
+            10689: -65,-37
+            10690: -59,-37
+            10691: -59,-37
+            10692: -59,-38
+            10693: -58,-38
+            10694: -58,-38
+            10695: -59,-42
+            10696: -60,-41
+            10697: -60,-41
+            10698: -59,-41
+            10699: -59,-40
+            10700: -59,-41
+            10701: -58,-41
+            10702: -58,-41
+            10703: -65,-41
+            10704: -65,-41
+            10705: -65,-41
+            12098: -35,-23
+            12099: -35,-22
+            12103: 48,-31
+            12136: 46,-32
+            12137: 47,-33
+            12138: 47,-32
+            12139: 48,-31
+            12140: 48,-32
+            12141: 47,-34
+            12142: 49,-34
+            12143: 49,-34
+            12144: 49,-35
+            12145: 47,-35
+            12146: 47,-35
+            12147: 46,-34
+            12148: 44,-34
+            12149: 44,-34
+            12150: 43,-33
+            12151: 45,-33
+            12152: 45,-32
+            12153: 47,-32
+            12154: 46,-34
+            12155: 46,-35
+            12156: 47,-33
+            12157: 48,-33
+            12158: 49,-33
+            12159: 49,-33
+            12160: 48,-32
+            12163: 39,-52
+            12164: 40,-51
+            12165: 40,-52
+            12166: 40,-53
+            12167: 40,-53
+            12168: 39,-54
+            12169: 39,-55
+            12170: 40,-55
+            12171: 41,-52
+            12172: 41,-54
+            12173: 41,-55
+            12174: 42,-53
+            12175: 42,-53
+            12176: 41,-56
+            12177: 42,-56
+            12178: 42,-50
+            12179: 44,-50
+            12180: 44,-50
+            12181: 45,-50
+            12182: 45,-52
+            12183: 44,-52
+            12184: 44,-51
+            12185: 45,-52
+            12186: 44,-54
+            12187: 44,-55
+            12188: 46,-55
+            12189: 45,-54
+            12190: 45,-55
+            12191: 46,-55
+            12192: 46,-52
+            12193: 47,-52
+            12269: 52,-37
+            12283: 54,-35
+            12289: 54,-39
+            12310: 54,-36
+            12311: 55,-35
+            12312: 53,-36
+            12313: 53,-38
+            12314: 54,-37
+            12406: -37,-63
+            12407: -37,-62
+            12408: -38,-62
+            12409: -38,-61
+            12410: -38,-60
+            12411: -36,-60
+            12412: -38,-60
+            12413: -37,-59
+            12414: -37,-61
+            12415: -36,-62
+            12416: -36,-61
+            12417: -37,-61
+            12418: -38,-63
+            12419: -36,-63
+            12420: -36,-63
+            12421: -36,-62
+            12455: -41,-63
+            12456: -41,-62
+            12457: -40,-63
+            12504: -41,-64
+            12505: -37,-64
+            12506: -37,-59
+            15016: 76,1
+            15017: 76,0
+            15018: 77,0
+            15019: 78,0
+            15020: 79,4
+            15021: 79,5
+            15022: 78,4
+            15034: 99,-2
+            15035: 99,-3
+            15036: 99,-4
+            15037: 100,-4
+            15038: 100,-2
+            15048: 85,2
+            15049: 86,2
+            15050: 79,-3
+            15051: 79,-4
+            15078: 92,9
+            15079: 76,6
+            15080: 76,4
+            15084: 93,6
+            15085: 96,6
+            15086: 95,6
+            15087: 96,7
+            15088: 97,7
+            15183: -72,-40
+            15184: -72,-41
+            15185: -71,-41
+            15186: -71,-42
+            15187: -72,-42
+            15188: -71,-40
+            15189: -70,-40
+            15190: -70,-41
+            15191: -69,-41
+            15192: -69,-41
+            15193: -69,-43
+            15235: -65,-47
+            15236: -65,-47
+            15237: -64,-47
+            15238: -64,-47
+            15239: -63,-46
+            15240: -62,-47
+            15241: -62,-48
+            15242: -63,-48
+            15243: -66,-48
+            15258: -65,-46
+            15259: -64,-46
+            15260: -64,-45
+            15261: -63,-45
+            15262: -63,-46
+            15263: -63,-47
+            15264: -65,-47
+            15265: -66,-48
+            15266: -66,-48
+            15267: -63,-48
+            15268: -63,-47
+            15269: -62,-47
+            15270: -62,-41
+            15271: -62,-40
+            15272: -64,-40
+            15273: -70,-43
+            15274: -69,-43
+            15275: -68,-45
+            15276: -69,-46
+            15277: -70,-46
+            15278: -72,-42
+            15358: -59,-50
+            15359: -60,-49
+            15360: -60,-48
+            15375: 10,68
+            15376: 10,68
+            15377: 11,69
+            15378: 11,69
+            15379: 12,69
+            15380: 12,68
+            15381: 12,67
+            15382: 12,66
+            15383: 10,66
+            15384: 11,66
+            15385: 11,67
+            15386: 11,67
+            15387: 12,67
+            15388: 11,69
+            15389: 12,70
+            15390: 13,67
+            15391: 13,67
+            15392: 11,68
+            15393: 12,69
+            15394: 11,70
+            15415: -40,-6
+            15416: -40,-7
+            15417: -39,-7
+            15418: -39,-6
+            15419: -38,2
+            15420: -37,2
+            15421: -37,1
+            15422: -37,0
+            15423: -39,0
+            15424: -38,2
+            15498: -32,-20
+            15499: -30,-20
+            15500: -30,-20
+            15501: -30,-19
+            15502: -32,-18
+            15503: -34,-18
+            15504: -35,-18
+            15505: -31,-18
+            15506: -29,-18
+            15507: -29,-18
+            15508: -28,-20
+            15509: -28,-19
+            15510: -29,-20
+            15511: -24,-21
+            15512: -24,-22
+            15513: -22,-22
+            15514: -22,-21
+            15515: -35,-20
+            15516: -36,-20
+            15517: -39,-20
+            15518: -41,-20
+            15519: -43,-20
+            15520: -44,-20
+            15521: -48,-20
+            15522: -49,-22
+            15523: -49,-23
+            15524: -49,-23
+            15525: -50,-22
+            15526: -49,-22
+            15527: -49,-22
+            15528: -50,-23
+            15529: -53,-23
+            15530: -54,-23
+            15531: -53,-21
+            15532: -53,-20
+            15533: -53,-20
+            15534: -52,-20
+            15535: -53,-20
+            15536: -55,-20
+            15537: -56,-20
+            15538: -56,-21
+            15539: -55,-22
+            15540: -56,-23
+            15541: -56,-26
+            15542: -56,-25
+            15543: -56,-27
+            15544: -55,-29
+            15545: -55,-30
+            15546: -60,-32
+            16216: -2,32
+            16217: -1,32
+            16218: -1,32
+            16219: -2,32
+            16229: -2,27
+            16230: 0,27
+            16231: 0,40
+            16232: 1,40
+            16233: 1,40
+            16234: 2,40
+            16235: 0,36
+            16236: 0,35
+            16237: 0,34
+            16256: 0,48
+            16257: 0,47
+            16258: 0,41
+            16259: 1,42
+            16260: 6,50
+            16261: 6,52
+            16262: 7,52
+            17366: -50,-36
+            17367: -50,-37
+            17368: -51,-38
+            17369: -53,-37
+            17370: -53,-36
+            17371: -48,-38
+            17372: -52,-40
+            17373: -51,-41
+            17391: -58,-46
+            17672: 59,-40
+            17673: 60,-40
+            17674: 60,-41
+            17895: 44,-42
+            17896: 44,-44
+            17897: 46,-44
+            17898: 44,-42
+            17899: 46,-40
+            17900: 47,-39
+            17901: 48,-39
+            17902: 48,-38
+            17903: 49,-38
+            17904: 49,-41
+            17905: 49,-42
+            17906: 49,-42
+            17907: 49,-41
+            17908: 49,-44
+            17909: 49,-45
+            17910: 48,-45
+            17911: 46,-45
+            17912: 44,-45
+            17913: 43,-45
+            17914: 43,-44
+            17915: 43,-42
+            17916: 52,-47
+            17917: 46,-48
+            17918: 45,-48
+            17919: 44,-48
+            17927: 56,-43
+            17928: 56,-43
+            17929: 55,-44
+            17930: 55,-43
+            17931: 56,-41
+            18774: -30,-23
+            18775: -29,-23
+            18776: -28,-23
+            18777: -29,-23
+            20356: -67,-29
+            20357: -67,-29
+            20358: -67,-28
+            20359: -67,-28
+            20360: -68,-26
+            20361: -67,-26
+            20362: -68,-25
+            20363: -67,-24
+            20364: -69,-23
+            20365: -69,-23
+            20366: -70,-24
+            20367: -72,-24
+            20368: -72,-25
+            20369: -70,-23
+            20370: -71,-23
+            20371: -72,-25
+            20372: -72,-27
+            20373: -72,-26
+            20382: -61,-29
+            20383: -63,-29
+            20384: -63,-30
+            20385: -61,-29
+            20428: -60,-27
+            20429: -61,-27
+            20430: -60,-27
+            20431: -59,-26
+            20432: -59,-25
+            20433: -60,-25
+            20434: -61,-25
+            20435: -60,-23
+            20436: -60,-23
+            20437: -63,-23
+            20438: -64,-23
+            20439: -60,-23
+            20440: -62,-23
+            20441: -61,-23
+            20442: -65,-24
+            20443: -65,-25
+            20444: -65,-25
+            20445: -60,-25
+            20446: -60,-25
+            20447: -61,-27
+            20448: -62,-27
+            20449: -64,-27
+            20450: -62,-26
+            20451: -63,-26
+            20452: -63,-24
+            20453: -62,-24
+            20454: -61,-24
+            20455: -62,-25
         - node:
             cleanable: True
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: DirtHeavyMonotile
-            846: 73,14
-            848: 38,21
-            849: 14,29
-            957: 33,36
-            1252: 57,5
-            1253: 62,6
-            1254: 70,6
-            1268: 31,58
-            1269: 31,59
-            1270: 31,59
-            1271: 31,60
-            1272: 29,60
-            1273: 28,60
-            1274: 29,60
-            1275: 27,56
-            1276: 26,56
-            1277: 25,59
-            1278: 25,60
-            1279: 25,61
-            1280: 26,61
-            1281: 28,59
-            1282: 27,59
-            1283: 30,59
-            1284: 30,56
-            1285: 31,56
-            1286: 31,58
-            1287: 31,59
-            1288: 31,60
-            1289: 31,60
-            1290: 20,56
-            1291: 21,56
-            1297: 9,59
-            1298: 9,60
-            1299: 9,59
-            1300: 7,57
-            1301: 6,56
-            1304: 6,56
-            1305: 6,56
-            1306: 15,65
-            1312: 13,72
-            1313: 13,72
-            1314: 12,72
-            1328: 19,63
-            1329: 20,62
-            1330: 20,61
-            1331: 21,61
-            1332: 20,60
-            1333: 20,59
-            1334: 20,58
-            1335: 19,59
-            1336: 19,58
-            1337: 18,58
-            1338: 20,58
-            1339: 21,60
-            1340: 13,58
-            1341: 12,59
-            1342: 12,58
-            1343: 18,59
-            1344: 17,60
-            1345: 17,58
-            1346: 17,58
-            1347: 19,58
-            1348: 21,59
-            1349: 18,63
-            1350: 17,63
-            1351: 16,63
-            1352: 14,61
-            1353: 13,61
-            1354: 12,61
-            1355: 17,60
-            1356: 17,61
-            1357: 24,57
-            1358: 23,57
-            1359: 23,56
-            1360: 25,56
-            1361: 25,57
-            1362: 25,58
-            1379: 20,70
-            1380: 19,69
-            1381: 18,70
-            1382: 20,71
-            1383: 18,72
-            1384: 21,69
-            1385: 20,70
-            1386: 15,62
-            1387: 14,62
-            1388: 13,61
-            1389: 13,62
-            1390: 15,59
-            1391: 15,60
-            1402: -41,60
-            1403: -40,61
-            1404: -41,59
-            1405: -40,62
-            1406: -42,63
-            1407: -38,60
-            1408: -38,62
-            1490: -31,9
-            1491: -31,9
-            1492: -31,11
-            1493: -31,16
-            1494: -28,17
-            1495: -31,18
-            1496: -31,22
-            1497: -31,23
-            1498: -32,23
-            1499: -31,23
-            1500: -27,25
-            1501: -27,25
-            1502: -23,26
-            1503: -31,21
-            1504: -31,20
-            1505: -31,19
-            1506: -31,19
-            1507: -25,27
-            1508: -25,27
-            1509: -24,25
-            1510: -36,24
-            1511: -36,27
-            1512: -36,29
-            1513: -36,31
-            1514: -36,32
-            1515: -36,33
-            1516: -39,37
-            1517: -39,37
-            1518: -45,37
-            1519: -39,42
-            1520: -39,42
-            1521: -37,42
-            1522: -36,41
-            1523: -42,45
-            1524: -41,50
-            1525: -41,50
-            1526: -41,49
-            1527: -41,48
-            1528: -42,49
-            1529: -39,57
-            1530: -36,57
-            1549: -39,54
-            1550: -39,54
-            1551: -40,54
-            1552: -40,53
-            1553: -38,54
-            1554: -37,55
-            1555: -37,53
-            1556: -38,52
-            1584: -41,29
-            1585: -40,29
-            1586: -40,29
-            1587: -40,27
-            1588: -39,29
-            1589: -39,29
-            1590: -39,29
-            1591: -41,27
-            1625: -60,-43
-            1626: -60,-42
-            1627: -59,-42
-            1628: -59,-41
-            1629: -60,-41
-            1630: -60,-41
-            1631: -59,-40
-            1667: -36,1
-            1668: -38,1
-            1669: -38,1
-            1670: -37,1
-            1671: -39,1
-            1672: -39,1
-            1673: -39,0
-            1674: -39,-1
-            1675: -37,0
-            1676: -37,0
-            1780: -57,-26
-            1781: -57,-26
-            1821: -70,-24
-            1822: -70,-24
-            1823: -71,-25
-            1824: -70,-25
-            1825: -70,-26
-            1826: -71,-25
-            1827: -72,-24
-            1828: -72,-23
-            1829: -70,-27
-            1830: -71,-26
-            1831: -71,-27
-            1832: -72,-28
-            1833: -70,-29
-            1834: -69,-29
-            1835: -69,-28
-            1836: -69,-26
-            1837: -69,-24
-            4024: -22,37
-            4027: -17,45
-            4031: -14,68
-            4039: -27,69
-            4040: -2,26
-            16260: -71,-35
-            16261: -70,-36
-            16262: -67,-35
-            16263: -66,-36
-            16273: -71,-36
-            16274: -68,-37
-            24020: -51,-29
-            24021: -52,-29
-            24022: -53,-28
-            24023: -53,-28
-            24024: -51,-28
-            24025: -53,-27
-            24026: -52,-25
-            24027: -51,-25
-            24028: -51,-27
-            24029: -50,-27
-            24030: -53,-30
-            24031: -48,-31
-            24032: -47,-30
-            24033: -47,-29
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-            24035: -45,-28
-            24036: -45,-27
-            24037: -46,-26
-            24038: -47,-25
-            24039: -46,-26
-            24052: -41,-29
-            24053: -42,-29
-            24054: -42,-27
-            24055: -41,-27
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-            24057: -39,-29
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-            24059: -38,-28
-            24060: -37,-27
-            24061: -34,-28
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-            24066: -36,-28
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-            24068: -34,-27
-            24069: -34,-28
-            24096: -37,-24
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-            24098: -39,-23
-            24099: -38,-22
-            24100: -37,-23
-            24101: -34,-22
-            24102: -33,-22
-            24103: -35,-24
-            24104: -30,-23
-            24105: -30,-23
-            24106: -28,-23
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-            24108: -30,-24
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-            24110: -30,-22
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-            24112: -28,-24
-            24113: -27,-24
-            24186: -42,-34
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-            24191: -43,-34
-            24192: -38,-32
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-            24201: -33,-34
-            24202: -33,-33
-            24203: -33,-32
-            24204: -34,-34
-            24205: -35,-34
-            24206: -34,-30
-            24451: 30,-69
-            24452: 28,-70
-            24453: 27,-69
-            24454: 27,-67
-            24455: 28,-66
-            24456: 33,-67
-            24457: 32,-68
-            24458: 31,-70
-            24459: 28,-69
-            24460: 28,-69
-            24461: 32,-68
-            24462: 32,-66
-            24463: 30,-67
-            24464: 36,-67
-            24465: 36,-68
-            24466: 35,-65
-            24467: 36,-64
-            24468: 34,-62
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-            24470: 35,-60
-            24471: 35,-60
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-            24473: 36,-63
-            24474: 40,-63
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-            24476: 40,-63
-            24477: 39,-61
-            24478: 40,-60
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-            24480: 41,-63
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-            24483: 44,-63
-            24484: 45,-63
-            24485: 41,-62
-            24486: 42,-62
-            24487: 44,-61
-            24488: 44,-61
-            24489: 32,-61
-            24554: 27,-66
-            24555: 28,-66
-            24556: 30,-66
-            24557: 30,-68
-            24558: 29,-66
-            24559: 30,-66
-            24560: 31,-66
-            24561: 31,-67
-            24562: 29,-69
-            24563: 30,-69
-            24564: 29,-70
-            24565: 27,-70
-            24566: 30,-69
-            24567: 31,-68
-            24568: 28,-67
-            24569: 28,-67
-            24570: 26,-67
-            24571: 26,-66
-            24572: 25,-66
-            24573: 26,-66
-            24574: 27,-67
-            24575: 27,-68
-            24576: 27,-69
-            24577: 25,-69
+            733: 73,14
+            735: 38,21
+            736: 14,29
+            844: 33,36
+            1134: 57,5
+            1135: 62,6
+            1136: 70,6
+            1150: 31,58
+            1151: 31,59
+            1152: 31,59
+            1153: 31,60
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+            1157: 27,56
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+            1160: 25,60
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+            1162: 26,61
+            1163: 28,59
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+            1166: 30,56
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+            1169: 31,59
+            1170: 31,60
+            1171: 31,60
+            1172: 20,56
+            1173: 21,56
+            1179: 9,59
+            1180: 9,60
+            1181: 9,59
+            1182: 7,57
+            1183: 6,56
+            1186: 6,56
+            1187: 6,56
+            1188: 15,65
+            1194: 13,72
+            1195: 13,72
+            1196: 12,72
+            1210: 19,63
+            1211: 20,62
+            1212: 20,61
+            1213: 21,61
+            1214: 20,60
+            1215: 20,59
+            1216: 20,58
+            1217: 19,59
+            1218: 19,58
+            1219: 18,58
+            1220: 20,58
+            1221: 21,60
+            1222: 13,58
+            1223: 12,59
+            1224: 12,58
+            1225: 18,59
+            1226: 17,60
+            1227: 17,58
+            1228: 17,58
+            1229: 19,58
+            1230: 21,59
+            1231: 18,63
+            1232: 17,63
+            1233: 16,63
+            1234: 14,61
+            1235: 13,61
+            1236: 12,61
+            1237: 17,60
+            1238: 17,61
+            1239: 24,57
+            1240: 23,57
+            1241: 23,56
+            1242: 25,56
+            1243: 25,57
+            1244: 25,58
+            1261: 20,70
+            1262: 19,69
+            1263: 18,70
+            1264: 20,71
+            1265: 18,72
+            1266: 21,69
+            1267: 20,70
+            1268: 15,62
+            1269: 14,62
+            1270: 13,61
+            1271: 13,62
+            1272: 15,59
+            1273: 15,60
+            1284: -41,60
+            1285: -40,61
+            1286: -41,59
+            1287: -40,62
+            1288: -42,63
+            1289: -38,60
+            1290: -38,62
+            1372: -31,9
+            1373: -31,9
+            1374: -31,11
+            1375: -31,16
+            1376: -28,17
+            1377: -31,18
+            1378: -31,22
+            1379: -31,23
+            1380: -32,23
+            1381: -31,23
+            1382: -27,25
+            1383: -27,25
+            1384: -23,26
+            1385: -31,21
+            1386: -31,20
+            1387: -31,19
+            1388: -31,19
+            1389: -25,27
+            1390: -25,27
+            1391: -24,25
+            1392: -36,24
+            1393: -36,27
+            1394: -36,29
+            1395: -36,31
+            1396: -36,32
+            1397: -36,33
+            1398: -39,37
+            1399: -39,37
+            1400: -45,37
+            1401: -39,42
+            1402: -39,42
+            1403: -37,42
+            1404: -36,41
+            1405: -42,45
+            1406: -41,50
+            1407: -41,50
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+            1409: -41,48
+            1410: -42,49
+            1411: -39,57
+            1412: -36,57
+            1431: -39,54
+            1432: -39,54
+            1433: -40,54
+            1434: -40,53
+            1435: -38,54
+            1436: -37,55
+            1437: -37,53
+            1438: -38,52
+            1466: -41,29
+            1467: -40,29
+            1468: -40,29
+            1469: -40,27
+            1470: -39,29
+            1471: -39,29
+            1472: -39,29
+            1473: -41,27
+            1507: -60,-43
+            1508: -60,-42
+            1509: -59,-42
+            1510: -59,-41
+            1511: -60,-41
+            1512: -60,-41
+            1513: -59,-40
+            1549: -36,1
+            1550: -38,1
+            1551: -38,1
+            1552: -37,1
+            1553: -39,1
+            1554: -39,1
+            1555: -39,0
+            1556: -39,-1
+            1557: -37,0
+            1558: -37,0
+            1662: -57,-26
+            1663: -57,-26
+            1703: -70,-24
+            1704: -70,-24
+            1705: -71,-25
+            1706: -70,-25
+            1707: -70,-26
+            1708: -71,-25
+            1709: -72,-24
+            1710: -72,-23
+            1711: -70,-27
+            1712: -71,-26
+            1713: -71,-27
+            1714: -72,-28
+            1715: -70,-29
+            1716: -69,-29
+            1717: -69,-28
+            1718: -69,-26
+            1719: -69,-24
+            3890: -2,26
+            15309: -71,-35
+            15310: -70,-36
+            15311: -67,-35
+            15312: -66,-36
+            15322: -71,-36
+            15323: -68,-37
+            23025: -51,-29
+            23026: -52,-29
+            23027: -53,-28
+            23028: -53,-28
+            23029: -51,-28
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+            23031: -52,-25
+            23032: -51,-25
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+            23034: -50,-27
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+            23036: -48,-31
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+            23041: -45,-27
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+            23057: -41,-29
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+            23070: -32,-27
+            23071: -36,-28
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+            23073: -34,-27
+            23074: -34,-28
+            23101: -37,-24
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+            23103: -39,-23
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+            23105: -37,-23
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+            23110: -30,-23
+            23111: -28,-23
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+            23113: -30,-24
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+            23115: -30,-22
+            23116: -28,-23
+            23117: -28,-24
+            23118: -27,-24
+            23191: -42,-34
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+            23197: -38,-32
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+            23206: -33,-34
+            23207: -33,-33
+            23208: -33,-32
+            23209: -34,-34
+            23210: -35,-34
+            23211: -34,-30
+            23452: 30,-69
+            23453: 28,-70
+            23454: 27,-69
+            23455: 27,-67
+            23456: 28,-66
+            23457: 33,-67
+            23458: 32,-68
+            23459: 31,-70
+            23460: 28,-69
+            23461: 28,-69
+            23462: 32,-68
+            23463: 32,-66
+            23464: 30,-67
+            23465: 36,-67
+            23466: 36,-68
+            23467: 35,-65
+            23468: 36,-64
+            23469: 34,-62
+            23470: 36,-61
+            23471: 35,-60
+            23472: 35,-60
+            23473: 36,-60
+            23474: 36,-63
+            23475: 40,-63
+            23476: 39,-62
+            23477: 40,-63
+            23478: 39,-61
+            23479: 40,-60
+            23480: 41,-61
+            23481: 41,-63
+            23482: 42,-62
+            23483: 44,-62
+            23484: 44,-63
+            23485: 45,-63
+            23486: 41,-62
+            23487: 42,-62
+            23488: 44,-61
+            23489: 44,-61
+            23490: 32,-61
+            23554: 27,-66
+            23555: 28,-66
+            23556: 30,-66
+            23557: 30,-68
+            23558: 29,-66
+            23559: 30,-66
+            23560: 31,-66
+            23561: 31,-67
+            23562: 29,-69
+            23563: 30,-69
+            23564: 29,-70
+            23565: 27,-70
+            23566: 30,-69
+            23567: 31,-68
+            23568: 28,-67
+            23569: 28,-67
+            23570: 26,-67
+            23571: 26,-66
+            23572: 25,-66
+            23573: 26,-66
+            23574: 27,-67
+            23575: 27,-68
+            23576: 27,-69
+            23577: 25,-69
         - node:
             angle: 3.141592653589793 rad
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: DirtHeavyMonotile
-            13628: -34,-75
-            13629: -34,-74
-            13630: -36,-73
-            13631: -37,-76
-            13632: -37,-78
-            13633: -37,-78
-            13634: -37,-79
-            13635: -29,-78
-            13636: -30,-76
-            13637: -30,-75
-            13638: -31,-75
-            13639: -31,-75
-            13684: -36,-71
-            13685: -36,-71
-            13686: -34,-71
-            13687: -33,-71
-            13688: -31,-71
-            13689: -30,-71
-            13690: -39,-71
-            13691: -39,-74
-            13692: -28,-70
-            13693: -27,-73
-            13694: -27,-73
-            13695: -26,-74
-            13696: -27,-74
-            13697: -26,-75
-            13698: -27,-73
-            13699: -27,-75
-            13713: -27,-65
-            13714: -28,-66
-            13715: -28,-63
-            13716: -27,-62
-            13717: -27,-62
-            13718: -27,-65
-            13719: -27,-67
-            13720: -27,-68
-            13721: -27,-69
-            13734: -30,-61
-            13785: -38,-56
-            13786: -39,-56
-            13787: -38,-55
-            13788: -37,-55
-            13789: -37,-56
-            13790: -40,-58
-            13791: -39,-58
-            13792: -38,-58
-            13793: -36,-58
-            13794: -34,-58
-            13795: -35,-57
-            13796: -34,-56
-            13797: -34,-57
-            13798: -34,-58
-            13799: -32,-58
-            13800: -31,-58
-            13801: -29,-58
-            13802: -28,-59
-            13803: -28,-59
-            13804: -28,-60
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-            13806: -29,-61
-            13807: -27,-62
-            13808: -27,-62
-            13809: -27,-61
-            13810: -25,-62
-            13811: -24,-62
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-            13822: -17,-63
-            13823: -16,-63
-            13824: -16,-62
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-            13826: -19,-62
-            13827: -17,-63
-            13828: -14,-62
-            13829: -12,-62
-            13830: -11,-62
-            13831: -10,-62
-            13843: -27,-61
-            13844: -28,-58
-            13864: -58,-34
-            13865: -58,-36
-            13866: -58,-37
-            13867: -59,-39
-            13868: -58,-39
-            13869: -60,-39
-            13870: -60,-37
-            13871: -60,-36
-            13872: -60,-35
-            13873: -59,-34
-            13874: -60,-42
-            13994: -35,-49
-            13995: -35,-50
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-            13998: -40,-49
-            13999: -43,-47
-            14000: -44,-47
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-            14021: -55,-40
-            14022: -56,-39
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-            14024: -55,-38
-            14025: -55,-39
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-            14032: -55,-35
-            14033: -61,-32
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-            14036: -61,-31
-            14037: -60,-32
-            14131: -70,-21
-            14132: -69,-21
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-            14135: -62,-21
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-            14146: -61,-21
-            14186: -78,-20
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-            14191: -78,-23
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-            14200: -78,-30
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-            14202: -71,-32
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-            14205: -68,-31
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-            14211: -74,-32
-            14212: -62,-31
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-            14216: -58,-32
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-            14242: -56,-25
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-            14244: -55,-27
-            14245: -56,-26
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-            14261: -52,-23
-            14262: -54,-23
-            14263: -36,-19
-            14264: -36,-18
-            14265: -36,-19
-            14266: -37,-16
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-            14268: -37,-14
-            14269: -37,-13
-            14270: -37,-11
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-            14276: -42,-16
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-            14278: -40,-16
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-            14280: -41,-16
-            14281: -41,-13
-            14282: -44,-11
-            14283: -39,-9
-            14284: -43,-8
-            14285: -40,-1
-            14286: -38,-1
-            14287: -38,-2
-            14288: -38,-3
-            14289: -38,1
-            14290: -38,-3
-            14291: -37,-5
-            14292: -37,-7
-            14293: -37,-9
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-            14296: -37,-15
-            14297: -37,-17
-            14298: -35,-19
-            14299: -32,-19
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-            14301: -29,-20
-            14302: -32,-19
-            14303: -27,-19
-            14304: -23,-21
-            14305: -24,-22
-            14306: -25,-21
+            12684: -34,-75
+            12685: -34,-74
+            12686: -36,-73
+            12687: -37,-76
+            12688: -37,-78
+            12689: -37,-78
+            12690: -37,-79
+            12691: -29,-78
+            12692: -30,-76
+            12693: -30,-75
+            12694: -31,-75
+            12695: -31,-75
+            12740: -36,-71
+            12741: -36,-71
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+            12743: -33,-71
+            12744: -31,-71
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+            12750: -27,-73
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+            12752: -27,-74
+            12753: -26,-75
+            12754: -27,-73
+            12755: -27,-75
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+            12770: -28,-66
+            12771: -28,-63
+            12772: -27,-62
+            12773: -27,-62
+            12774: -27,-65
+            12775: -27,-67
+            12776: -27,-68
+            12777: -27,-69
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+            12842: -39,-56
+            12843: -38,-55
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+            12847: -39,-58
+            12848: -38,-58
+            12849: -36,-58
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+            12852: -34,-56
+            12853: -34,-57
+            12854: -34,-58
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+            12856: -31,-58
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+            12859: -28,-59
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+            12864: -27,-62
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+            12867: -24,-62
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+            12870: -26,-62
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+            12872: -21,-62
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+            12876: -16,-62
+            12877: -20,-62
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+            12879: -16,-63
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+            12881: -15,-62
+            12882: -19,-62
+            12883: -17,-63
+            12884: -14,-62
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+            12922: -58,-37
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+            13057: -44,-44
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+            13061: -44,-49
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+            13063: -44,-41
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+            13065: -47,-41
+            13066: -49,-41
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+            13068: -51,-41
+            13069: -51,-41
+            13070: -51,-40
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+            13072: -50,-40
+            13073: -51,-40
+            13074: -53,-40
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+            13076: -55,-40
+            13077: -55,-40
+            13078: -56,-39
+            13079: -56,-39
+            13080: -55,-38
+            13081: -55,-39
+            13082: -56,-37
+            13083: -55,-34
+            13084: -55,-35
+            13085: -56,-34
+            13086: -56,-33
+            13087: -55,-35
+            13088: -55,-35
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+            13090: -61,-32
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+            13092: -61,-31
+            13093: -60,-32
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+            13188: -69,-21
+            13189: -69,-21
+            13190: -68,-21
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+            13192: -63,-21
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+            13194: -62,-21
+            13195: -62,-21
+            13196: -59,-21
+            13197: -58,-20
+            13198: -57,-20
+            13199: -58,-21
+            13200: -59,-21
+            13201: -59,-21
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+            13243: -78,-20
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+            13245: -77,-20
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+            13247: -78,-23
+            13248: -77,-24
+            13249: -78,-27
+            13250: -77,-27
+            13251: -77,-28
+            13252: -78,-31
+            13253: -77,-30
+            13254: -77,-31
+            13255: -77,-32
+            13256: -78,-30
+            13257: -77,-30
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+            13259: -71,-32
+            13260: -70,-31
+            13261: -68,-31
+            13262: -69,-32
+            13263: -72,-32
+            13264: -74,-32
+            13265: -72,-32
+            13266: -69,-31
+            13267: -74,-32
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+            13269: -62,-32
+            13270: -61,-32
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+            13272: -58,-32
+            13273: -59,-32
+            13274: -61,-32
+            13275: -58,-32
+            13276: -58,-32
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+            13278: -63,-31
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+            13281: -65,-31
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+            13283: -69,-32
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+            13286: -60,-31
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+            13288: -55,-29
+            13289: -56,-29
+            13290: -55,-31
+            13291: -56,-32
+            13292: -55,-32
+            13293: -56,-31
+            13294: -55,-30
+            13295: -55,-30
+            13296: -55,-29
+            13297: -56,-26
+            13298: -56,-25
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+            13300: -55,-27
+            13301: -56,-26
+            13302: -56,-24
+            13303: -55,-24
+            13304: -56,-23
+            13305: -55,-22
+            13306: -56,-21
+            13307: -56,-20
+            13308: -55,-20
+            13309: -55,-21
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+            13312: -52,-21
+            13313: -55,-20
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+            13315: -52,-21
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+            13317: -52,-23
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+            13329: -39,-15
+            13330: -39,-16
+            13331: -40,-17
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+            13334: -40,-16
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-            24537: 40,-66
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+            255: 50,-48
+            256: 51,-47
+            257: 52,-42
+            258: 52,-44
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+            272: -26,60
+            274: -31,37
+            275: -17,29
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+            282: -37,23
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+            315: -37,-9
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+            340: -39,-58
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+            343: -33,-52
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+            348: -33,-50
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+            23538: 40,-66
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-            252: 37,-56
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-            270: 52.41801,-47.420773
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-            2179: -20,42
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+            2058: -20,42
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+            2724: -34,41
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-            2152: -21,41
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-            18527: -5,-6
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-            18536: -6,0
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-            2148: -20,43
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+            2027: -20,43
+            2028: -20,39
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-            2150: -21,40
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-            2154: -18,40
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-            2162: -17,42
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-            18559: 4,-2
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-            18562: 3,2
-            18563: 3,3
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-            18570: 3,-1
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-            18572: 3,0
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-            18574: 4,0
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-            18578: 3,-2
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-            18581: 3,-3
-            18582: 3,-3
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+            2022: -21,42
+            2029: -21,40
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+            2033: -18,40
+            2040: -21,40
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-            641: -120,50
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-            644: -117,50
-            645: -116,50
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+            527: -114,35
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+            537: -119,50
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+            18434: -9,30
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-            1985: -13,33
-            1995: -10,33
-            2007: -10,29
-            2483: -13,36
-            2484: -13,38
-            2485: -13,40
-            2486: -13,42
-            2487: -13,44
-            2488: -13,44
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-            2509: -11,40
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+            2363: -13,42
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+            2365: -13,44
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+            2385: -11,40
+            2386: -11,40
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+            3997: -24,20
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+            5603: 8,3
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-            1987: -12,31
-            1999: -9,33
-            2495: -11,40
-            2496: -11,42
-            2497: -11,44
-            2498: -11,46
-            2502: -12,41
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-            5921: -11,7
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-            6601: -27,-6
-            6602: -27,-6
-            6625: -24,-7
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-            12591: -2,40
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-            13517: -31,-79
-            13861: -67,58
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-            15638: 95,0
-            15670: 95,1
-            15677: 96,2
-            15839: 96,14
-            15841: 97,14
-            16096: -62,-43
-            16100: -68,-44
-            19388: -9,27
-            19391: -9,30
-            19581: 52,30
+            1869: -12,31
+            1881: -9,33
+            2372: -11,40
+            2373: -11,42
+            2374: -11,44
+            2375: -11,46
+            2379: -12,41
+            2381: -13,42
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+            2452: -10,39
+            2453: -10,45
+            2484: -11,38
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+            5530: 10,8
+            5596: 8,5
+            5599: 11,1
+            5610: 10,0
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+            5726: -10,-1
+            5732: -10,3
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+            6450: -27,-6
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+            12364: -36,-66
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+            12573: -31,-79
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+            14687: 95,0
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+            14888: 96,14
+            14890: 97,14
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+            18435: -9,30
+            18625: 52,30
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-            2003: -10,27
-            2008: -10,31
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-            2490: -13,44
-            2491: -13,44
-            2492: -13,42
-            2493: -13,40
-            2494: -13,38
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-            5761: 10,0
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+            2367: -13,44
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+            5730: -10,2
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+            6329: -34,-1
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+            6337: -34,-6
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+            11729: -17,-70
+            11730: -17,-71
+            11731: -17,-71
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+            11733: -17,-72
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+            5727: -10,-2
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+            5753: -14,11
+            5754: -13,11
+            5755: -12,11
+            5756: -11,11
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+            6292: -27,-4
+            6293: -26,-4
+            6294: -26,-4
+            6295: -25,-4
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+            6297: -22,-4
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+            6368: -28,2
+            6369: -27,2
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+            6433: -25,-5
+            6434: -25,-5
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+            7174: 31,11
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+            7555: 41,23
+            7556: 41,23
+            7557: 42,23
+            7558: 42,23
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+            7560: 41,22
+            7561: 42,22
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+            7577: 35,21
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+            10042: 36,-28
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+            10051: 36,-33
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+            10611: -54,-43
+            10612: -54,-43
+            10613: -51,-43
+            10614: -50,-43
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+            11754: -18,-66
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+            11759: -14,-66
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+            11780: -14,-79
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+            12563: -33,-77
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+            14792: 84,7
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+            14794: 86,7
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+            15128: -68,-40
+            15129: -67,-40
+            15130: -66,-40
+            15131: -65,-40
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+            18617: 56,30
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+            6379: -24,-13
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+            11722: -20,-67
+            11723: -19,-67
+            11724: -18,-67
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+            17097: -64,16
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-            227: -29,2
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-            210: 2,-52
-            211: 2,-50
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-            1696: -56,-44
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-            224: -31,-8
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@@ -39699,6 +39664,8 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking93271
       dockedWith: 38313
@@ -39718,6 +39685,8 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking93271
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-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+- proto: AirlockSecurityLawyerLocked
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+- proto: BookEngineersHandbook
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@@ -47614,6 +47639,41 @@ entities:
         Борьба с террористами на космической станции является сложной и ответственной задачей, которая требует совместных усилий персонала станции, правоохранительных органов и других заинтересованных сторон. Однако, при правильной подготовке и принятии соответствующих мер безопасности, возможно минимизировать риски террористической угрозы на космической станции.
+- proto: BookLeafLoversSecret
+  entities:
+  - uid: 14441
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      parent: 1631
+    - type: Physics
+      canCollide: False
+- proto: BookNarsieLegend
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+  - uid: 20750
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+      content: >-
+        В начале мир был молод и полон хаоса. Люди этого мира боролись за выживание против суровых стихий и диких зверей, которые бродили по земле. Они взывали к спасителю, который избавил бы их от страданий.
+        И тогда из глубин земли появилась Нар'Си - богиня-убийца, рождённая из коллективного сознания всех живых существ. Её тело было сделано из расплавленного камня, а глаза пылали огнём, способным расплавить сталь.
+        Нар'Си осмотрела мир и увидела боль и страдания своего народа. Она сжалилась над ними и предложила им способ вырваться из круговорота жизни и смерти. Все, кто присоединялся к улью, становились вечными, их сознание сливалось с сознанием Нар'Си, образуя единое целое.
+        Сначала многие скептически отнеслись к предложению Нар'Си, опасаясь, что они потеряют свою индивидуальность и станут бездумными трутнями. Но по мере того, как всё больше и больше людей присоединялись к улью, они осознавали, что обрели новое чувство цели и принадлежности.
+        Последователи Нар'Си бродили по земле, распространяя весть об улье и вербуя новых членов. Они строили великие храмы и проводили сложные ритуалы в честь своего бога, и их число росло, пока они не стали могущественной силой, с которой приходилось считаться.
+        Но время шло, и некоторые начали сомневаться в истинной природе своего существования. Они задавались вопросом, действительно ли вечная жизнь является благословением или проклятием, и не принесли ли они слишком много себя в жертву удельному разуму.
+        И вот последователей Нар'Си расколол великий раскол. Одни остались верны своей богине, воспринимая своё вечное существование как дар. Но другие восстали, стремясь вернуть свою индивидуальность и освободиться от власти улья.
+        Война между двумя фракциями была долгой и кровопролитной, но в конце концов повстанцы вышли победителями. Нар'Си, ослабленная потерей стольких своих последователей, отступила обратно в землю, чтобы больше никогда не появиться.
+        Так и живёт легенда о Нар'Си, предостерегающая об опасности жертвовать своей индивидуальностью ради обещания вечной жизни.
+    - type: Physics
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 - proto: BookRandom
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+- proto: ClothingNeckCloakPirateCap
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+- proto: ClothingShoesBootsCombat
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 6.404636,-38.441406
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     - type: InsideEntityStorage
+- proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtPsychologist
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+  - uid: 24682
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      parent: 14962
+    - type: Physics
+      canCollide: False
 - proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtSchool
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+- proto: CryoxadoneBeakerSmall
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -26.253788,45.69195
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   - uid: 15753
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     - type: Transform
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         storagebase: !type:Container
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -21.893566,-81.23686
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+- proto: FoodBakedBunHotX
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       parent: 38411
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF0000FF'
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -51.5,55.5
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 - proto: GasPipeTJunction
   - uid: 21923
@@ -194171,6 +194355,9 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -23.5,-77.5
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+    - type: AccessReader
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+      - - Chapel
     - type: EntityStorage
         volume: 200
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+        entity_storage: !type:Container
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+  - uid: 30102
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+    - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Paper
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+    - type: Transform
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+      parent: 2
+    - type: Paper
+      content: >-
+        [color=#1b487e]███░███░░░░██░░░░[/color]
+        [color=#1b487e]░██░████░░░██░░░░[/color]      [head=3]Бланк документа[/head]
+        [color=#1b487e]░░█░██░██░░██░█░░[/color]               [head=3]NanoTrasen[/head]
+        [color=#1b487e]░░░░██░░██░██░██░[/color] [bold][color=#57a343]Центральное Командование[/color][/bold]
+        [color=#1b487e]░░░░██░░░████░███[/color]
+        =============================================
+                                   [bold][color=orange]Стандартный набор десятичных кодов[/color][/bold]
+        =============================================
+        [head=3]Реакции на сообщения:[/head]
+        [bullet][bold]10-1
+        [color=blue]Отлично![/color][/bullet][/bold]
+        [bullet][bold]10-3 [color=red]Повторите
+        [/color][/bullet][/bold] 
+        [bullet][bold]10-4 [color=#32a852]Принял[/color][/bullet][/bold]
+        [head=3]Доклад:[/head]
+        [bullet][bold]10-10 [color=#32a852]Все чисто[/color][/bullet][/bold]
+        [bullet][bold]10-11 [color=gold]Наблюдаю преступника, справлюсь своими силами.
+        [/color][/bullet][/bold]
+        [bullet][bold]10-12 [color=orange]Наблюдаю преступника, нужно подкрепление.
+        [/color][/bullet][/bold]
+        [bullet][bold]10-13 [color=red]Cрочно подкрепление![/color]
+        [/bullet]
 - proto: PaperRolling1
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       pos: 8.95761,19.583649
       parent: 38411
+- proto: PaxChemistryBottle
+  entities:
+  - uid: 26249
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      parent: 25118
+    - type: Physics
+      canCollide: False
+    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: Pen
   - uid: 1395
@@ -200429,6 +200694,14 @@ entities:
     - ActivatableUI
     - EmitSoundOnCollide
     - Pullable
+- proto: PianoInstrument
+  entities:
+  - uid: 40759
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -13.5,30.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: Pickaxe
   - uid: 25661
@@ -200509,6 +200782,20 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: PillSpaceDrugs
+  - uid: 25367
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      parent: 25118
+    - type: Physics
+      canCollide: False
+    - type: InsideEntityStorage
+  - uid: 25533
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      parent: 25118
+    - type: Physics
+      canCollide: False
+    - type: InsideEntityStorage
   - uid: 25670
     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -39.5,54.5
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 26147
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      parent: 25118
+    - type: Physics
+      canCollide: False
+    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: PinpointerNuclear
   - uid: 25673
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 49.5,-49.5
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-  - uid: 26147
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 56.5,-30.5
-      parent: 2
   - uid: 26148
     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 26249
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -1.5,-64.5
-      parent: 2
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-  - uid: 27488
-    components:
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-      pos: 32.5,-4.5
-      parent: 2
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       parent: 2
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-  - uid: 27779
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 29.5,57.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 26.5,59.5
       parent: 2
 - proto: ReinforcedGirder
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       parent: 38411
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+  - uid: 27779
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 5.5,-28.5
+      parent: 2
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 5.5,-28.5
-      parent: 2
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-        29105:
+        27779:
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+      pos: 8.5,-35.5
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+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+      parent: 2
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       parent: 2
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       pos: 3.5,-1.5
       parent: 38311
-    - type: Thruster
-      enabled: False
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     - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 40765
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+    - type: Transform
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+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+      parent: 2
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-      pos: 2.5,-59.5
+      pos: 2.5,-34.5
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-      pos: 47.5,-7.5
-      parent: 2
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-    components:
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-- proto: WindoorSecureChemistryLocked
-  entities:
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-      pos: 2.5,-34.5
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-  - uid: 37836
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -3.5,-59.5
-      parent: 2
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-  - uid: 37858
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-      pos: 9.5,-33.5
+      pos: -3.5,-59.5
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+            907: 41,74
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+            2001: 75,62
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+            2003: 83,59
+            2004: 83,60
+            2005: 83,61
+            2006: 83,62
+            2007: 83,55
+            2008: 83,64
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+            1955: 22,-39
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+            1058: 72,59
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+            1060: 72,62
+            1061: 72,63
+            1062: 73,64
+            1063: 74,64
+            1064: 75,64
+            1065: 77,64
+            1066: 78,64
+            1067: 79,64
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+            1070: 80,61
+            1071: 80,59
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-            1808: 52,24
-            1809: 53,24
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+            2415: 54,64
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-            2418: 52,62
-            2419: 53,62
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-            2426: 49,66
-            2427: 50,66
-            2428: 51,66
-            2429: 52,66
-            2430: 53,66
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-            2436: 46,66
+            2408: 50,62
+            2409: 51,62
+            2410: 52,62
+            2411: 53,62
+            2417: 48,66
+            2418: 49,66
+            2419: 50,66
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+            2421: 52,66
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+            2475: 20,-2
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-            2414: 48,61
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+            2405: 48,60
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+            855: 78,19
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-            873: 78,17
-            880: 80,17
-            955: 39,58
+            871: 78,17
+            878: 80,17
+            953: 39,58
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-            877: 78,17
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+            873: 78,19
+            875: 78,17
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-            876: 80,17
-            878: 78,17
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+            874: 80,17
+            876: 78,17
+            952: 39,58
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-            862: 78,18
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+            859: 78,16
+            860: 78,18
+            892: 81,27
+            957: 39,59
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-            869: 77,17
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-            952: 40,58
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+            867: 77,17
+            870: 76,17
+            949: 41,58
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-            870: 77,17
-            871: 76,17
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-            950: 40,58
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+            868: 77,17
+            869: 76,17
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+            948: 40,58
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-            863: 78,18
-            864: 78,16
-            895: 80,27
-            958: 39,59
+            861: 78,18
+            862: 78,16
+            893: 80,27
+            956: 39,59
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-            2116: 35,50
-            2117: 36,51
-            2118: 37,50
-            2119: 38,51
-            2120: 39,50
-            2121: 36,47
-            2122: 35,48
-            2123: 35,52
-            2124: 37,52
-            2125: 39,52
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+            2114: 35,50
+            2115: 36,51
+            2116: 37,50
+            2117: 38,51
+            2118: 39,50
+            2119: 36,47
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+            2122: 37,52
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-            2522: 23,-1
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-            2521: 21,-1
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-            2512: 21,-3
+            2504: 21,-3
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-            2509: 22,0
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-            2510: 22,-4
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-            2517: 22,-1
+            2509: 22,-1
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-            2514: 22,-1
+            2506: 22,-1
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-            1936: 32,4
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-            2515: 22,-3
+            2507: 22,-3
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-            1938: 27,10
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-            2516: 22,-3
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-            1939: 32,10
+            1937: 32,10
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-            2518: 23,-2
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-            993: 39,42
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-            996: 42,42
-            997: 43,42
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+            994: 42,42
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-            1929: 30,10
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-            1933: 32,7
-            1934: 32,6
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-            888: 79,16
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-            1828: 52,-3
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-            2028: 73,73
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+            2026: 73,73
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-            1820: 57,-6
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-            2021: 79,67
-            2029: 75,71
+            2019: 79,67
+            2027: 75,71
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-            1825: 52,-6
-            2312: 52,-1
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-            2030: 73,71
+            2013: 73,67
+            2028: 73,71
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-            2546: 24,-1
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+            2024: 75,69
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-            1757: 55,-2
-            2561: 66,29
-            2562: 66,29
-            2563: 65,27
-            2564: 65,27
-            2565: 68,28
-            2566: 68,28
-            2567: 64,29
-            2568: 64,29
-            2569: 64,29
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-            2589: 52,38
-            2590: 51,38
+            1746: 54,-4
+            1747: 57,-5
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+            1749: 54,-4
+            1750: 56,-3
+            1751: 51,-2
+            1752: 56,0
+            1753: 56,-1
+            1754: 56,-2
+            1755: 55,-2
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+            2554: 66,29
+            2555: 65,27
+            2556: 65,27
+            2557: 68,28
+            2558: 68,28
+            2559: 64,29
+            2560: 64,29
+            2561: 64,29
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+            2581: 52,38
+            2582: 51,38
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             cleanable: True
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
@@ -1542,207 +1539,207 @@ entities:
             318: 52,42
             319: 54,42
             320: 53,39
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-            592: 49,37
-            593: 49,38
-            594: 51,35
-            595: 52,35
-            815: 30,60
-            816: 30,60
-            817: 30,62
-            818: 29,63
-            819: 28,62
-            820: 33,64
-            821: 34,63
-            822: 33,61
-            823: 28,63
-            824: 29,63
-            825: 30,64
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-            1210: 68,24
-            1211: 68,26
-            1212: 68,27
-            1213: 66,27
-            1214: 66,28
-            1215: 66,30
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-            1217: 68,27
-            1218: 66,30
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+            592: 49,38
+            593: 51,35
+            594: 52,35
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+            814: 30,60
+            815: 30,62
+            816: 29,63
+            817: 28,62
+            818: 33,64
+            819: 34,63
+            820: 33,61
+            821: 28,63
+            822: 29,63
+            823: 30,64
+            1207: 67,24
+            1208: 68,24
+            1209: 68,26
+            1210: 68,27
+            1211: 66,27
+            1212: 66,28
+            1213: 66,30
+            1214: 68,29
+            1215: 68,27
+            1216: 66,30
+            1217: 67,30
+            1218: 67,29
+            1219: 67,29
             1220: 67,29
-            1221: 67,29
-            1222: 67,29
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+            1221: 68,27
+            1222: 68,26
+            1223: 68,24
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-            1226: 68,26
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-            1228: 67,27
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-            1230: 88,19
-            1231: 88,21
-            1232: 91,20
-            1233: 92,21
-            1234: 91,16
-            1235: 92,15
-            1281: 90,17
-            1282: 90,17
-            1283: 91,15
-            1284: 89,15
-            1285: 93,17
-            1286: 89,18
-            1287: 91,17
-            1289: 18,-13
-            1290: 19,-12
-            1291: 20,-11
-            1292: 19,-13
-            1293: 18,-12
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-            2172: 64,5
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-            2176: 67,7
-            2177: 67,8
-            2178: 68,8
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-            2180: 67,9
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-            2187: 59,37
-            2188: 60,38
-            2189: 60,38
-            2190: 59,40
-            2191: 60,41
-            2192: 61,40
-            2193: 61,38
-            2194: 61,38
-            2223: 61,37
-            2224: 61,37
-            2225: 59,39
-            2226: 60,39
-            2227: 60,39
-            2228: 59,41
-            2229: 60,42
-            2230: 61,42
-            2231: 61,40
-            2232: 60,39
-            2233: 59,38
-            2234: 59,38
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-            2289: 88,20
-            2290: 88,18
-            2291: 92,20
-            2292: 92,20
-            2293: 92,17
-            2294: 92,17
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-            2304: 53,0
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-            2702: 50,85
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-            2715: 38,76
-            2716: 34,73
-            2717: 38,72
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-            2719: 33,82
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+            1226: 67,27
+            1227: 88,15
+            1228: 88,19
+            1229: 88,21
+            1230: 91,20
+            1231: 92,21
+            1232: 91,16
+            1233: 92,15
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+            1280: 90,17
+            1281: 91,15
+            1282: 89,15
+            1283: 93,17
+            1284: 89,18
+            1285: 91,17
+            1287: 18,-13
+            1288: 19,-12
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+            2180: 60,38
+            2181: 60,38
+            2182: 59,40
+            2183: 60,41
+            2184: 61,40
+            2185: 61,38
+            2186: 61,38
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+            2216: 61,37
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+            2218: 60,39
+            2219: 60,39
+            2220: 59,41
+            2221: 60,42
+            2222: 61,42
+            2223: 61,40
+            2224: 60,39
+            2225: 59,38
+            2226: 59,38
+            2280: 88,20
+            2281: 88,20
+            2282: 88,18
+            2283: 92,20
+            2284: 92,20
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+            2286: 92,17
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+            2698: 40,80
+            2699: 39,81
+            2700: 40,85
+            2701: 39,87
+            2702: 40,87
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+            2704: 35,79
+            2705: 35,75
+            2706: 37,73
+            2707: 38,76
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+            2709: 38,72
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-            707: 27,45
-            708: 26,48
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-            1131: 73,9
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-            1134: 79,10
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-            1136: 85,16
-            1137: 86,18
-            1138: 85,22
-            1139: 83,23
-            1140: 78,23
-            1141: 77,24
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-            1759: 55,-5
-            1760: 56,-5
-            1761: 56,-5
-            1762: 54,-5
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-            1764: 52,-3
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-            1766: 56,0
-            1767: 55,0
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-            1769: 56,-1
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-            1771: 54,-6
-            1772: 53,-6
-            1773: 55,-5
-            1774: 55,-4
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-            1776: 57,-3
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-            2556: 66,25
-            2557: 66,25
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-            2559: 66,25
-            2560: 66,25
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-            2571: 63,33
-            2572: 63,33
-            2573: 63,33
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-            2575: 53,38
-            2576: 53,38
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-            2592: 51,38
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-            2613: 51,39
-            2614: 51,39
-            2615: 51,39
+            689: 26,41
+            690: 26,42
+            691: 26,45
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+            704: 28,42
+            705: 27,45
+            706: 26,48
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+            1110: 42,-11
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+            1112: 45,-14
+            1113: 47,-14
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+            1115: 52,-15
+            1116: 53,-12
+            1117: 53,-10
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+            1119: 57,-9
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+            1127: 70,6
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+            1129: 73,9
+            1130: 76,9
+            1131: 78,10
+            1132: 79,10
+            1133: 86,12
+            1134: 85,16
+            1135: 86,18
+            1136: 85,22
+            1137: 83,23
+            1138: 78,23
+            1139: 77,24
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+            1757: 55,-5
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+            1762: 52,-3
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+            1764: 56,0
+            1765: 55,0
+            1766: 55,-1
+            1767: 56,-1
+            1768: 55,-5
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+            2548: 66,25
+            2549: 66,25
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+            2551: 66,25
+            2552: 66,25
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+            2563: 63,33
+            2564: 63,33
+            2565: 63,33
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+            2567: 53,38
+            2568: 53,38
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+            2584: 51,38
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-            546: 43,19
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-            552: 54,21
-            553: 56,22
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-            850: 30,60
-            851: 33,62
-            852: 34,63
-            853: 32,63
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+            545: 43,19
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+            551: 54,21
+            552: 56,22
+            553: 55,23
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+            626: 50,32
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+            843: 27,62
+            844: 30,64
+            845: 31,63
+            846: 32,63
+            847: 32,61
+            848: 30,60
+            849: 33,62
+            850: 34,63
+            851: 32,63
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+            1192: 68,24
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-            1200: 67,28
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-            1202: 68,28
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-            1204: 67,25
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+            1195: 66,28
+            1196: 66,30
+            1197: 67,30
+            1198: 67,28
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+            1200: 68,28
+            1201: 67,26
+            1202: 67,25
+            1203: 67,24
+            1204: 67,24
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-            1208: 67,24
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-            1270: 90,17
+            1267: 90,17
+            1268: 90,17
+            1269: 91,15
+            1270: 91,15
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-            1273: 91,15
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+            1273: 93,17
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-            1961: 22,-29
-            1962: 22,-28
-            1963: 22,-27
-            1964: 23,-26
-            1965: 22,-24
-            1966: 23,-22
-            1967: 23,-22
-            1968: 24,-20
-            1969: 23,-19
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-            2090: 70,64
-            2091: 71,64
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-            2170: 65,8
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-            2196: 59,38
-            2197: 60,37
-            2198: 60,38
-            2199: 60,40
-            2200: 60,40
-            2201: 60,41
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-            2299: 91,16
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-            2307: 53,-1
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-            2645: 12,34
-            2646: 13,37
-            2647: 15,38
-            2648: 15,36
-            2649: 18,36
-            2650: 20,37
-            2651: 23,36
-            2652: 28,36
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+            1276: 90,18
+            1277: 91,18
+            1278: 93,20
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+            1959: 22,-29
+            1960: 22,-28
+            1961: 22,-27
+            1962: 23,-26
+            1963: 22,-24
+            1964: 23,-22
+            1965: 23,-22
+            1966: 24,-20
+            1967: 23,-19
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+            2088: 70,64
+            2089: 71,64
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+            2159: 67,7
+            2160: 67,8
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+            2188: 59,38
+            2189: 60,37
+            2190: 60,38
+            2191: 60,40
+            2192: 60,40
+            2193: 60,41
+            2194: 60,41
+            2195: 59,42
+            2196: 61,41
+            2197: 61,41
+            2198: 61,40
+            2199: 61,39
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+            2632: 12,27
+            2633: 13,27
+            2634: 12,32
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+            2636: 4,32
+            2637: 12,34
+            2638: 13,37
+            2639: 15,38
+            2640: 15,36
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+            2642: 20,37
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+            2644: 28,36
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+            2646: 37,37
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-            2256: 49,55
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+            2586: 61,42
+            2587: 61,42
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+            2597: 59,40
+            2598: 59,40
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+            2604: 54,38
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-            556: 45,23
-            557: 43,19
-            558: 44,17
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-            624: 41,34
-            625: 40,36
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-            710: 37,-4
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-            712: 44,-6
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-            714: 54,-4
-            715: 55,-1
-            716: 47,3
-            717: 44,3
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-            773: 21,36
-            774: 18,38
-            775: 15,36
-            776: 11,32
-            777: 12,27
-            778: 11,24
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-            790: 70,17
-            791: 71,22
-            792: 70,24
-            793: 70,29
-            794: 70,34
-            795: 70,40
-            796: 70,44
-            797: 72,51
-            798: 69,53
-            799: 66,51
-            800: 63,53
-            801: 47,52
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-            827: 30,60
-            828: 30,60
-            829: 28,61
-            830: 29,63
-            831: 30,64
-            832: 31,62
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+            555: 45,23
+            556: 43,19
+            557: 44,17
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+            623: 41,34
+            624: 40,36
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+            708: 37,-4
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+            715: 44,3
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+            772: 18,38
+            773: 15,36
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+            775: 12,27
+            776: 11,24
+            777: 8,32
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+            780: 7,32
+            781: 2,32
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+            783: 58,12
+            784: 64,12
+            785: 68,12
+            786: 72,13
+            787: 72,15
+            788: 70,17
+            789: 71,22
+            790: 70,24
+            791: 70,29
+            792: 70,34
+            793: 70,40
+            794: 70,44
+            795: 72,51
+            796: 69,53
+            797: 66,51
+            798: 63,53
+            799: 47,52
+            824: 30,61
+            825: 30,60
+            826: 30,60
+            827: 28,61
+            828: 29,63
+            829: 30,64
+            830: 31,62
+            1182: 66,28
+            1183: 66,28
             1184: 66,28
-            1185: 66,28
-            1186: 66,28
-            1187: 67,30
-            1188: 68,28
-            1189: 68,26
-            1190: 68,24
-            1191: 68,24
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-            2114: 30,46
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-            2145: 6,8
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-            2147: 85,14
-            2148: 84,10
-            2149: 82,10
-            2181: 64,9
-            2208: 60,38
-            2209: 60,37
-            2210: 59,37
-            2211: 59,39
-            2212: 60,41
-            2213: 60,42
-            2214: 60,41
-            2215: 61,38
-            2216: 61,38
-            2217: 59,41
-            2218: 59,40
-            2219: 59,40
-            2220: 59,41
-            2221: 61,39
-            2222: 61,37
-            2241: 49,76
-            2658: 46,80
-            2659: 46,81
-            2660: 39,81
-            2661: 38,80
-            2662: 38,79
-            2663: 36,78
-            2664: 36,78
-            2665: 35,78
-            2666: 36,77
-            2667: 36,77
-            2668: 35,77
-            2669: 35,74
-            2670: 37,73
-            2671: 34,73
-            2672: 35,79
-            2673: 34,79
+            1185: 67,30
+            1186: 68,28
+            1187: 68,26
+            1188: 68,24
+            1189: 68,24
+            2111: 31,49
+            2112: 30,46
+            2135: 0,13
+            2136: 2,12
+            2137: 6,8
+            2138: 85,19
+            2139: 85,14
+            2140: 84,10
+            2141: 82,10
+            2173: 64,9
+            2200: 60,38
+            2201: 60,37
+            2202: 59,37
+            2203: 59,39
+            2204: 60,41
+            2205: 60,42
+            2206: 60,41
+            2207: 61,38
+            2208: 61,38
+            2209: 59,41
+            2210: 59,40
+            2211: 59,40
+            2212: 59,41
+            2213: 61,39
+            2214: 61,37
+            2233: 49,76
+            2650: 46,80
+            2651: 46,81
+            2652: 39,81
+            2653: 38,80
+            2654: 38,79
+            2655: 36,78
+            2656: 36,78
+            2657: 35,78
+            2658: 36,77
+            2659: 36,77
+            2660: 35,77
+            2661: 35,74
+            2662: 37,73
+            2663: 34,73
+            2664: 35,79
+            2665: 34,79
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             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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-            688: 15,42
-            689: 17,41
-            1084: 67,40
-            1085: 67,38
-            1086: 76,37
-            1087: 78,36
-            1088: 80,37
-            1089: 82,41
-            1090: 83,45
-            1091: 81,47
-            1092: 81,49
-            1093: 82,59
-            1094: 66,57
-            1095: 62,63
-            1096: 60,63
-            1097: 50,55
-            1098: 49,56
-            1099: 53,55
-            1100: 51,65
-            1101: 49,65
-            1102: 43,69
-            1103: 46,69
-            1104: 39,61
-            1105: 40,61
-            1106: 39,57
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-            2314: 1,12
-            2315: 2,11
-            2316: 2,12
-            2317: 2,13
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-            2583: 54,41
-            2584: 54,41
-            2585: 54,41
-            2586: 54,40
-            2587: 52,39
-            2596: 60,42
-            2597: 60,42
-            2598: 60,42
-            2599: 60,42
-            2616: 51,40
-            2617: 51,40
-            2618: 54,43
-            2619: 54,43
-            2620: 54,43
-            2621: 54,43
-            2622: 53,43
-            2623: 53,43
-            2624: 53,43
-            2625: 56,42
-            2626: 55,42
-            2627: 55,42
-            2628: 55,42
-            2629: 55,42
-            2630: 55,42
-            2631: 55,42
-            2632: 55,42
+            687: 15,42
+            688: 17,41
+            1082: 67,40
+            1083: 67,38
+            1084: 76,37
+            1085: 78,36
+            1086: 80,37
+            1087: 82,41
+            1088: 83,45
+            1089: 81,47
+            1090: 81,49
+            1091: 82,59
+            1092: 66,57
+            1093: 62,63
+            1094: 60,63
+            1095: 50,55
+            1096: 49,56
+            1097: 53,55
+            1098: 51,65
+            1099: 49,65
+            1100: 43,69
+            1101: 46,69
+            1102: 39,61
+            1103: 40,61
+            1104: 39,57
+            2305: 1,12
+            2306: 1,12
+            2307: 2,11
+            2308: 2,12
+            2309: 2,13
+            2574: 54,41
+            2575: 54,41
+            2576: 54,41
+            2577: 54,41
+            2578: 54,40
+            2579: 52,39
+            2588: 60,42
+            2589: 60,42
+            2590: 60,42
+            2591: 60,42
+            2608: 51,40
+            2609: 51,40
+            2610: 54,43
+            2611: 54,43
+            2612: 54,43
+            2613: 54,43
+            2614: 53,43
+            2615: 53,43
+            2616: 53,43
+            2617: 56,42
+            2618: 55,42
+            2619: 55,42
+            2620: 55,42
+            2621: 55,42
+            2622: 55,42
+            2623: 55,42
+            2624: 55,42
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             cleanable: True
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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             36: 2,8
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-            665: 26,46
-            666: 24,49
-            667: 23,48
-            668: 22,48
+            663: 24,46
+            664: 26,46
+            665: 24,49
+            666: 23,48
+            667: 22,48
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-            671: 29,52
-            672: 29,51
-            673: 32,53
-            674: 29,55
-            675: 26,48
-            676: 26,44
-            677: 28,42
-            678: 31,42
-            679: 27,41
-            680: 27,42
-            696: 3,33
-            697: 4,31
-            698: 7,31
-            699: 7,32
-            700: 8,36
-            701: 4,29
-            702: 2,29
-            703: 2,32
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+            671: 29,51
+            672: 32,53
+            673: 29,55
+            674: 26,48
+            675: 26,44
+            676: 28,42
+            677: 31,42
+            678: 27,41
+            679: 27,42
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+            696: 4,31
+            697: 7,31
+            698: 7,32
+            699: 8,36
+            700: 4,29
+            701: 2,29
+            702: 2,32
+            1260: 89,17
+            1261: 89,17
             1262: 89,17
-            1263: 89,17
-            1264: 89,17
-            1265: 89,15
-            1266: 89,15
-            1267: 90,16
-            1268: 91,16
-            2092: 70,62
-            2093: 69,60
-            2094: 70,59
-            2095: 71,57
-            2096: 69,57
-            2097: 70,54
-            2098: 74,55
-            2099: 81,56
-            2100: 81,63
-            2101: 82,62
-            2102: 79,65
-            2103: 77,65
-            2104: 74,65
-            2105: 74,36
-            2106: 79,38
-            2107: 83,40
-            2112: 66,39
-            2126: 17,50
-            2127: 16,49
-            2128: 15,49
-            2129: 16,47
-            2130: 15,46
-            2131: 18,47
-            2133: 15,41
-            2134: 19,43
-            2135: 15,44
-            2136: 22,43
-            2150: 1,22
-            2151: 1,22
-            2152: 2,20
-            2153: 31,-18
-            2154: 31,-18
-            2155: 35,-11
-            2156: 35,-11
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-            2158: 25,27
-            2159: 24,28
-            2160: 23,27
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-            2675: 33,85
-            2676: 33,83
-            2677: 35,82
-            2678: 39,87
-            2679: 40,87
-            2680: 41,86
-            2681: 46,83
-            2682: 47,85
-            2683: 48,86
-            2684: 50,85
-            2685: 49,83
-            2686: 48,81
-            2687: 51,82
-            2688: 50,85
-            2689: 49,86
-            2690: 49,87
-            2691: 49,84
-            2692: 49,82
-            2693: 49,82
-            2694: 50,80
-            2695: 49,80
-            2696: 46,78
-            2697: 46,80
-            2698: 46,78
-            2699: 45,78
-            2700: 47,77
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+            1264: 89,15
+            1265: 90,16
+            1266: 91,16
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+            2091: 69,60
+            2092: 70,59
+            2093: 71,57
+            2094: 69,57
+            2095: 70,54
+            2096: 74,55
+            2097: 81,56
+            2098: 81,63
+            2099: 82,62
+            2100: 79,65
+            2101: 77,65
+            2102: 74,65
+            2103: 74,36
+            2104: 79,38
+            2105: 83,40
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+            2125: 16,49
+            2126: 15,49
+            2127: 16,47
+            2128: 15,46
+            2129: 18,47
+            2131: 15,41
+            2132: 19,43
+            2133: 15,44
+            2134: 22,43
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+            2143: 1,22
+            2144: 2,20
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+            2146: 31,-18
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+            2148: 35,-11
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+            2151: 24,28
+            2152: 23,27
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+            2669: 35,82
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+            2671: 40,87
+            2672: 41,86
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+            2674: 47,85
+            2675: 48,86
+            2676: 50,85
+            2677: 49,83
+            2678: 48,81
+            2679: 51,82
+            2680: 50,85
+            2681: 49,86
+            2682: 49,87
+            2683: 49,84
+            2684: 49,82
+            2685: 49,82
+            2686: 50,80
+            2687: 49,80
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+            2689: 46,80
+            2690: 46,78
+            2691: 45,78
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-            660: 26,46
-            661: 25,49
-            662: 30,52
-            663: 21,46
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-            686: 13,54
-            687: 16,55
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-            2578: 52,41
-            2579: 52,41
-            2580: 53,41
-            2581: 53,41
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-            2601: 60,37
-            2602: 60,37
+            658: 27,47
+            659: 26,46
+            660: 25,49
+            661: 30,52
+            662: 21,46
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+            685: 13,54
+            686: 16,55
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+            2570: 52,41
+            2571: 52,41
+            2572: 53,41
+            2573: 53,41
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+            2593: 60,37
+            2594: 60,37
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             cleanable: True
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             330: 49,37
             331: 49,38
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-            560: 48,23
-            561: 55,23
-            562: 57,21
-            563: 52,23
-            564: 56,17
-            565: 53,17
-            566: 57,17
-            567: 48,19
-            568: 50,18
-            569: 48,17
-            570: 48,18
-            571: 51,19
-            572: 51,20
-            573: 60,21
-            574: 61,21
-            575: 60,25
-            576: 61,26
-            577: 57,27
-            578: 59,26
-            579: 51,27
-            580: 49,27
-            581: 53,27
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-            586: 39,20
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+            559: 48,23
+            560: 55,23
+            561: 57,21
+            562: 52,23
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+            564: 53,17
+            565: 57,17
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+            568: 48,17
+            569: 48,18
+            570: 51,19
+            571: 51,20
+            572: 60,21
+            573: 61,21
+            574: 60,25
+            575: 61,26
+            576: 57,27
+            577: 59,26
+            578: 51,27
+            579: 49,27
+            580: 53,27
+            581: 53,28
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+            586: 40,16
+            587: 39,16
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-            597: 40,31
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-            599: 41,32
-            600: 39,31
-            601: 43,31
-            602: 42,31
-            603: 46,31
-            604: 46,32
-            605: 45,34
-            606: 46,35
-            607: 46,34
-            608: 46,28
-            609: 46,27
-            610: 46,26
-            611: 42,27
-            612: 41,27
-            613: 39,27
-            614: 41,28
-            615: 41,27
-            616: 40,31
-            617: 42,31
-            618: 42,36
-            619: 40,34
-            620: 39,36
-            621: 42,36
-            622: 42,34
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-            682: 21,46
-            718: 55,7
-            719: 37,5
-            720: 32,4
-            721: 32,6
-            722: 32,9
-            723: 28,9
-            724: 26,8
-            725: 27,4
-            726: 27,8
-            727: 29,11
-            728: 33,11
-            729: 27,12
-            730: 27,10
-            731: 28,11
-            732: 31,10
-            733: 29,9
-            734: 29,10
-            735: 30,9
-            736: 30,11
-            737: 26,12
-            738: 19,14
-            739: 13,16
-            740: 11,17
-            741: 13,24
-            742: 11,27
-            743: 11,30
-            744: 13,36
-            745: 14,38
-            746: 19,38
-            747: 25,38
-            748: 30,38
-            749: 23,38
-            750: 30,36
-            751: 32,36
-            752: 40,45
-            753: 47,46
-            754: 46,49
-            755: 48,51
-            756: 53,51
-            757: 70,51
-            758: 72,21
-            759: 70,19
-            760: 67,14
-            761: 63,14
-            762: 58,13
-            763: 54,14
-            764: 46,14
-            765: 44,12
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-            768: 35,35
-            769: 30,36
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-            771: 35,40
-            802: 36,50
-            803: 38,50
-            804: 38,48
-            833: 31,62
-            834: 31,61
-            835: 32,60
-            836: 32,62
-            837: 30,63
-            838: 34,63
-            839: 34,61
-            840: 27,62
-            841: 26,64
-            842: 27,64
-            843: 27,64
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+            595: 40,32
+            596: 40,31
+            597: 42,30
+            598: 41,32
+            599: 39,31
+            600: 43,31
+            601: 42,31
+            602: 46,31
+            603: 46,32
+            604: 45,34
+            605: 46,35
+            606: 46,34
+            607: 46,28
+            608: 46,27
+            609: 46,26
+            610: 42,27
+            611: 41,27
+            612: 39,27
+            613: 41,28
+            614: 41,27
+            615: 40,31
+            616: 42,31
+            617: 42,36
+            618: 40,34
+            619: 39,36
+            620: 42,36
+            621: 42,34
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+            681: 21,46
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+            717: 37,5
+            718: 32,4
+            719: 32,6
+            720: 32,9
+            721: 28,9
+            722: 26,8
+            723: 27,4
+            724: 27,8
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+            726: 33,11
+            727: 27,12
+            728: 27,10
+            729: 28,11
+            730: 31,10
+            731: 29,9
+            732: 29,10
+            733: 30,9
+            734: 30,11
+            735: 26,12
+            736: 19,14
+            737: 13,16
+            738: 11,17
+            739: 13,24
+            740: 11,27
+            741: 11,30
+            742: 13,36
+            743: 14,38
+            744: 19,38
+            745: 25,38
+            746: 30,38
+            747: 23,38
+            748: 30,36
+            749: 32,36
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+            752: 46,49
+            753: 48,51
+            754: 53,51
+            755: 70,51
+            756: 72,21
+            757: 70,19
+            758: 67,14
+            759: 63,14
+            760: 58,13
+            761: 54,14
+            762: 46,14
+            763: 44,12
+            764: 37,15
+            765: 34,17
+            766: 35,35
+            767: 30,36
+            768: 37,39
+            769: 35,40
+            800: 36,50
+            801: 38,50
+            802: 38,48
+            831: 31,62
+            832: 31,61
+            833: 32,60
+            834: 32,62
+            835: 30,63
+            836: 34,63
+            837: 34,61
+            838: 27,62
+            839: 26,64
+            840: 27,64
+            841: 27,64
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+            1024: 78,57
+            1025: 78,63
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+            1027: 75,63
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-            1008: 78,52
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+            1005: 74,53
+            1006: 78,52
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+            897: 47,61
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-            1021: 79,58
-            1022: 79,62
-            1023: 74,63
+            896: 47,59
+            1007: 76,52
+            1008: 75,53
+            1009: 79,53
+            1018: 77,57
+            1019: 79,58
+            1020: 79,62
+            1021: 74,63
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-            900: 47,60
-            1002: 74,52
-            1003: 76,53
-            1004: 77,52
-            1005: 78,53
+            898: 47,60
+            1000: 74,52
+            1001: 76,53
+            1002: 77,52
+            1003: 78,53
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-            1014: 74,57
-            1015: 73,59
-            1016: 73,62
-            1017: 77,63
-            1018: 79,59
-            1019: 79,61
+            1011: 79,52
+            1012: 74,57
+            1013: 73,59
+            1014: 73,62
+            1015: 77,63
+            1016: 79,59
+            1017: 79,61
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-            513: 40,29
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+            512: 40,29
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-            1567: 81,47
-            1568: 81,48
-            1569: 81,46
-            1570: 81,45
-            1571: 81,44
-            1572: 81,43
-            1573: 81,42
-            1574: 81,41
-            1575: 81,40
-            1576: 81,39
-            1577: 81,38
-            1578: 80,38
-            1579: 78,38
-            1580: 77,38
-            1581: 76,38
-            1582: 75,38
-            1583: 74,38
-            1584: 73,38
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-            1606: 45,52
-            1607: 45,51
-            1608: 45,50
-            1609: 45,49
-            1610: 45,48
-            1611: 45,47
-            1612: 45,46
-            1613: 45,45
-            1614: 44,45
-            1615: 43,45
-            1616: 42,45
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-            1643: 70,45
-            1644: 70,43
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-            1647: 70,40
-            1648: 70,39
-            1649: 70,38
-            1650: 70,37
-            1651: 70,36
-            1652: 70,35
-            1653: 70,34
-            1654: 70,33
-            1655: 70,32
-            1656: 70,31
-            1657: 70,30
-            1658: 70,29
-            1659: 70,28
-            1660: 70,27
-            1661: 70,26
-            1662: 70,25
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-            1664: 70,22
-            1665: 70,24
-            1666: 70,21
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-            1668: 70,18
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-            1671: 70,16
-            1672: 70,15
-            1673: 70,15
-            1674: 70,14
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-            1682: 63,14
-            1683: 61,14
-            1684: 62,14
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+            1566: 81,48
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+            1568: 81,45
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+            1571: 81,42
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+            1573: 81,40
+            1574: 81,39
+            1575: 81,38
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+            1578: 77,38
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+            1581: 74,38
+            1582: 73,38
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+            1604: 45,52
+            1605: 45,51
+            1606: 45,50
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+            1609: 45,47
+            1610: 45,46
+            1611: 45,45
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+            1613: 43,45
+            1614: 42,45
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+            1641: 70,45
+            1642: 70,43
+            1643: 70,42
+            1644: 70,41
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+            1646: 70,39
+            1647: 70,38
+            1648: 70,37
+            1649: 70,36
+            1650: 70,35
+            1651: 70,34
+            1652: 70,33
+            1653: 70,32
+            1654: 70,31
+            1655: 70,30
+            1656: 70,29
+            1657: 70,28
+            1658: 70,27
+            1659: 70,26
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+            1666: 70,18
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+            1671: 70,15
+            1672: 70,14
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+            1675: 67,14
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-            1409: 37,12
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-            1535: 72,31
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-            1537: 72,33
-            1538: 72,34
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-            1557: 83,45
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-            1560: 83,48
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-            1562: 83,49
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+            1536: 72,34
+            1537: 72,35
+            1538: 72,36
+            1539: 73,36
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+            1542: 77,36
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+            1548: 83,36
+            1549: 83,37
+            1550: 83,38
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+            1554: 83,44
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-            1596: 72,50
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+            1594: 72,50
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+            1865: 13,27
+            1866: 13,16
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+            1891: 35,34
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+    - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 47.5,77.5
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-    - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
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+      parent: 2
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+    - type: Transform
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+      parent: 2
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+    - type: Transform
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+      parent: 2
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 53.5,78.5
+      parent: 2
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-      pos: 48.5,78.5
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-      pos: 48.5,77.5
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-      pos: 49.5,80.5
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-      pos: 49.5,79.5
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-      pos: 49.5,78.5
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-      pos: 49.5,77.5
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-      pos: 50.5,80.5
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-      pos: 50.5,79.5
+      pos: 55.5,79.5
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-      pos: 50.5,78.5
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-      pos: 50.5,77.5
+      pos: 49.5,78.5
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-      pos: 51.5,80.5
+      pos: 49.5,77.5
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-      pos: 51.5,79.5
+      pos: 50.5,78.5
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 51.5,77.5
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-      pos: 56.5,81.5
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+    - type: Transform
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+      pos: 55.5,78.5
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+      pos: 52.5,79.5
+      parent: 2
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 53.5,79.5
+      parent: 2
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 54.5,79.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 4139
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 55.5,79.5
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 55.5,81.5
-      parent: 2
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 54.5,81.5
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+      pos: 53.5,78.5
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-    - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
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-      pos: 55.5,76.5
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 54.5,76.5
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 57.5,75.5
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+    - type: Transform
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+      pos: 56.5,76.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 14138
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 52.5,76.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 14152
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 56.5,79.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 14157
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 53.5,76.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 15249
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 54.5,76.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 15886
     - type: Transform
@@ -37907,85 +37971,37 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 50.5,77.5
+      pos: 55.5,77.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 16374
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 48.5,78.5
+      pos: 55.5,76.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 16375
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 48.5,77.5
+      pos: 52.5,77.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 16376
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 50.5,79.5
+      pos: 52.5,78.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 16377
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 49.5,79.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 16378
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 49.5,80.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 16379
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 48.5,80.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 16380
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 48.5,79.5
+      pos: 53.5,77.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 16381
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 50.5,80.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 16382
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 51.5,79.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 16383
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 51.5,78.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 16384
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 50.5,78.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 16385
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 51.5,77.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 16386
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 51.5,80.5
+      pos: 54.5,77.5
       parent: 2
 - proto: Chair
@@ -40851,8 +40867,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       parent: 12741
-    - type: Magboots
-      toggleActionEntity: 33
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: ActionsContainer
@@ -40866,8 +40880,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       parent: 12743
-    - type: Magboots
-      toggleActionEntity: 35
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: ActionsContainer
@@ -41974,29 +41986,29 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: CrateEngineeringAMEControl
-  - uid: 16247
+  - uid: 3620
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 51.5,77.5
+      pos: 53.5,79.5
       parent: 2
 - proto: CrateEngineeringAMEJar
-  - uid: 13719
+  - uid: 3605
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 51.5,80.5
+      pos: 56.5,79.5
       parent: 2
 - proto: CrateEngineeringAMEShielding
-  - uid: 11286
+  - uid: 3606
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 51.5,79.5
+      pos: 55.5,79.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 14113
+  - uid: 3622
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 51.5,78.5
+      pos: 54.5,79.5
       parent: 2
 - proto: CrateEngineeringCableBulk
@@ -43671,6 +43683,12 @@ entities:
       parent: 15861
 - proto: DisposalPipe
+  - uid: 718
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 56.5,76.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 6260
     - type: Transform
@@ -45928,12 +45946,6 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 55.5,76.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 6658
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 56.5,76.5
-      parent: 2
   - uid: 6659
     - type: Transform
@@ -49593,7 +49605,6 @@ entities:
       - 7266
       - 7229
-      - 7265
       - 7260
       - 7263
       - 7264
@@ -50378,15 +50389,6 @@ entities:
     - type: DeviceNetwork
       - 7169
-  - uid: 7265
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 51.5,76.5
-      parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceNetwork
-      deviceLists:
-      - 7169
   - uid: 7266
     - type: Transform
@@ -74588,14 +74590,35 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 17.5,16.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: Lock
+      locked: False
+    - type: Fixtures
+      fixtures:
+        fix1:
+          shape: !type:PolygonShape
+            radius: 0.01
+            vertices:
+            - -0.25,-0.48
+            - 0.25,-0.48
+            - 0.25,0.48
+            - -0.25,0.48
+          mask:
+          - Impassable
+          - TableLayer
+          - LowImpassable
+          layer:
+          - BulletImpassable
+          - Opaque
+          density: 75
+          hard: True
+          restitution: 0
+          friction: 0.4
     - type: EntityStorage
         volume: 200
         immutable: False
         temperature: 293.14673
-        - 1.7459903
-        - 6.568249
         - 0
         - 0
         - 0
@@ -74606,6 +74629,12 @@ entities:
         - 0
         - 0
         - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+      open: True
+      removedMasks: 20
+    - type: PlaceableSurface
+      isPlaceable: True
 - proto: LockerHeadOfSecurityFilledHardsuit
   - uid: 10579
@@ -75118,11 +75147,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: LootSpawnerContrabandLow
-  - uid: 713
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 56.5,78.5
-      parent: 2
   - uid: 898
     - type: Transform
@@ -75871,10 +75895,10 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: NitrousOxideCanister
-  - uid: 10734
+  - uid: 15246
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 53.5,80.5
+      pos: 53.5,81.5
       parent: 2
 - proto: NitrousOxideTankFilled
@@ -76423,34 +76447,6 @@ entities:
                                    ОБРАЩЕНИЕ К ГЛАВАМ
-        Добро пожаловать на одну из самых закрытых научных станций NanoTrasen. На серверах данной станции находится важная для NanoTrasen информация которая будет передана на Станцию Центрального Командования по окончанию смены. В силу ещё некоторых факторов вашей обязанностью будет документирование всего происходящего на станции и не допустить утечки информации. У вас есть специальные пульты а также новая система защиты которая должна помочь избежать чрезвычайных ситуаций. Все документы должны будут прибыть на Станцию Центрального Командования по окончанию смены. Удачной смены, глава.
-  - uid: 10772
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 17.507483,21.48571
-      parent: 2
-    - type: Paper
-      stampState: paper_stamp-centcom
-      stampedBy:
-      - stampedColor: '#006600FF'
-        stampedName: stamp-component-stamped-name-centcom
-      - stampedColor: '#00BE00FF'
-        stampedName: stamp-component-stamped-name-approved
-      content: >-
-        [color=#1b487e]███░███░░░░██░░░░[/color]
-        [color=#1b487e]░██░████░░░██░░░░[/color]      [head=3]Бланк документа[/head]
-        [color=#1b487e]░░█░██░██░░██░█░░[/color]               [head=3]NanoTrasen[/head]
-        [color=#1b487e]░░░░██░░██░██░██░[/color] [bold]                 СЦК-КОМ[/bold]
-        [color=#1b487e]░░░░██░░░████░███[/color]
-        =============================================
-                                   ОБРАЩЕНИЕ К ГЛАВАМ
-        =============================================
         Добро пожаловать на одну из самых закрытых научных станций NanoTrasen. На серверах данной станции находится важная для NanoTrasen информация которая будет передана на Станцию Центрального Командования по окончанию смены. В силу ещё некоторых факторов вашей обязанностью будет документирование всего происходящего на станции и не допустить утечки информации. У вас есть специальные пульты а также новая система защиты которая должна помочь избежать чрезвычайных ситуаций. Все документы должны будут прибыть на Станцию Центрального Командования по окончанию смены. Удачной смены, глава.
   - uid: 10773
@@ -77077,10 +77073,10 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: PlasmaCanister
-  - uid: 10835
+  - uid: 5400
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 55.5,80.5
+      pos: 55.5,81.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 10836
@@ -81433,11 +81429,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 56.5,67.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 11494
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 55.5,77.5
-      parent: 2
   - uid: 11495
     - type: Transform
@@ -86107,8 +86098,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        1035:
-        - Pressed: Toggle
         - Pressed: Toggle
@@ -86640,7 +86629,7 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 48.5,26.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: SignAtmosMinsky
+- proto: SignAtmos
   - uid: 12343
@@ -86700,7 +86689,7 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 73.5,30.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: SignChemistry1
+- proto: SignChem
   - uid: 12352
@@ -89263,20 +89252,15 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: StorageCanister
-  - uid: 869
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 57.5,80.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 3727
+  - uid: 6658
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 56.5,80.5
+      pos: 57.5,81.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 5189
+  - uid: 7265
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 53.5,81.5
+      pos: 56.5,81.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 7769
@@ -89308,11 +89292,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,67.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 12719
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 53.5,78.5
-      parent: 2
   - uid: 12720
     - type: Transform
@@ -94053,6 +94032,12 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 57.5,79.5
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 5376
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 56.5,75.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 9499
     - type: Transform
@@ -98300,26 +98285,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 52.5,80.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 14135
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 53.5,79.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 14136
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 52.5,79.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 14137
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 52.5,78.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 14138
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 52.5,77.5
-      parent: 2
   - uid: 14139
     - type: Transform
@@ -98385,36 +98350,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 57.5,77.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 14152
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 56.5,77.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 14153
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 55.5,77.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 14156
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 55.5,78.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 14157
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 56.5,79.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 14158
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 55.5,79.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 14160
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 54.5,79.5
-      parent: 2
   - uid: 14161
     - type: Transform
@@ -100190,6 +100125,12 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 28.5,-13.5
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 15284
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 53.5,80.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 15628
     - type: Transform
@@ -100816,6 +100757,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -19.5,10.5
       parent: 15861
+  - uid: 16247
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 57.5,80.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 16316
     - type: Transform
@@ -100906,6 +100853,24 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 22.5,90.5
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 16378
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 54.5,80.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 16379
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 56.5,80.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 16380
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 55.5,80.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WallReinforcedRust
   - uid: 14435
@@ -105888,11 +105853,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 58.5,-0.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 15246
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 54.5,78.5
-      parent: 2
 - proto: WaterTankHighCapacity
   - uid: 15247
@@ -105907,10 +105867,10 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: WaterVaporCanister
-  - uid: 15249
+  - uid: 5190
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 54.5,80.5
+      pos: 54.5,81.5
       parent: 2
 - proto: WeaponCapacitorRecharger
@@ -106145,11 +106105,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 56.5,59.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 15284
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 56.5,75.5
-      parent: 2
   - uid: 15285
     - type: Transform
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/corvax_pilgrim.yml b/Resources/Maps/corvax_pilgrim.yml
index 51cf4e6f4ed..5fd31b63722 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/corvax_pilgrim.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/corvax_pilgrim.yml
@@ -78,7 +78,12 @@ tilemap:
   117: FloorWhiteMono
   118: FloorWhiteOffset
   122: FloorWood
+  39: FloorWoodChess
+  44: FloorWoodChessRed
   123: FloorWoodLarge
+  43: FloorWoodLargeRed
+  45: FloorWoodParquetRed
+  42: FloorWoodRed
   124: FloorWoodTile
   125: Lattice
   126: Plating
@@ -134,7 +139,7 @@ entities:
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           version: 6
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           version: 6
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           version: 6
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           version: 6
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           version: 6
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           version: 6
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@@ -394,7 +399,7 @@ entities:
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@@ -474,19 +479,19 @@ entities:
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           version: 6
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           version: 6
           ind: -5,-5
           version: 6
           ind: -5,-6
           version: 6
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@@ -518,11 +523,11 @@ entities:
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           version: 6
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           version: 6
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+            6114: -59.74318,-77.02202
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+            12661: 122,25
+            12662: 122,24
+            12663: 122,23
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+            12697: 108,25
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+            12815: -90,-51
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+            12825: -92,-51
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+            12867: 110,10
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-            11967: 136,21
-            11968: 137,21
-            11969: 138,21
-            11970: 139,21
-            11971: 140,21
-            11972: 141,21
-            11973: 131,21
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-            12052: 126,16
-            12120: 99,7
-            12127: 101,8
-            12161: 99,20
-            12162: 100,20
-            12163: 101,20
-            12164: 102,20
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-            12166: 101,13
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-            12681: 108,29
-            12682: 110,29
-            12683: 109,29
-            12684: 111,29
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-            12686: 116,29
-            12687: 117,29
-            12688: 118,29
-            12689: 119,29
-            12690: 120,29
-            12691: 121,29
-            12692: 109,24
-            12693: 110,24
-            12694: 118,24
-            12695: 119,24
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-            12734: 107,16
-            12735: 108,16
-            12736: 109,16
-            12737: 111,16
-            12738: 110,16
-            12739: 112,16
-            12740: 113,16
-            12741: 114,16
-            12742: 115,16
-            12743: 116,16
-            12744: 117,16
-            12745: 118,16
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-            12747: 120,16
-            12748: 121,16
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-            12825: -91,-53
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-            12865: 120,12
-            12866: 121,12
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-            12889: 108,12
-            12890: 109,12
-            12891: 113,12
-            12892: 114,12
-            12893: 115,12
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-            12918: 116,-3
-            12950: 112,-3
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+            11959: 132,21
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+            11965: 138,21
+            11966: 139,21
+            11967: 140,21
+            11968: 141,21
+            11969: 131,21
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+            12048: 126,16
+            12116: 99,7
+            12123: 101,8
+            12157: 99,20
+            12158: 100,20
+            12159: 101,20
+            12160: 102,20
+            12161: 103,20
+            12162: 101,13
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+            12677: 108,29
+            12678: 110,29
+            12679: 109,29
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+            12683: 117,29
+            12684: 118,29
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+            12686: 120,29
+            12687: 121,29
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+            12689: 110,24
+            12690: 118,24
+            12691: 119,24
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+            12730: 107,16
+            12731: 108,16
+            12732: 109,16
+            12733: 111,16
+            12734: 110,16
+            12735: 112,16
+            12736: 113,16
+            12737: 114,16
+            12738: 115,16
+            12739: 116,16
+            12740: 117,16
+            12741: 118,16
+            12742: 119,16
+            12743: 120,16
+            12744: 121,16
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-            11946: 138,8
-            11947: 139,8
-            11948: 140,8
-            11949: 141,8
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-            12048: 125,13
-            12121: 99,5
-            12122: 100,5
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-            12170: 101,17
-            12171: 99,10
-            12172: 100,10
-            12173: 101,10
-            12174: 102,10
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-            12676: 118,22
-            12677: 119,22
-            12678: 120,22
-            12679: 121,22
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-            12705: 110,27
-            12706: 118,27
-            12707: 119,27
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-            12717: 107,14
-            12718: 108,14
-            12719: 109,14
-            12720: 110,14
-            12721: 111,14
-            12722: 112,14
-            12723: 113,14
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-            12725: 114,14
-            12726: 116,14
-            12727: 117,14
-            12728: 118,14
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-            12834: -91,-50
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-            12862: 120,8
-            12863: 121,8
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-            12878: 109,8
-            12879: 113,8
-            12880: 114,8
-            12881: 115,8
-            12904: 111,-7
-            12905: 112,-7
-            12906: 113,-7
-            12907: 114,-7
-            12908: 116,-7
-            12909: 115,-7
-            12910: 117,-7
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+            11935: 131,8
+            11936: 132,8
+            11937: 133,8
+            11938: 134,8
+            11939: 135,8
+            11940: 136,8
+            11941: 137,8
+            11942: 138,8
+            11943: 139,8
+            11944: 140,8
+            11945: 141,8
+            12043: 126,13
+            12044: 125,13
+            12117: 99,5
+            12118: 100,5
+            12119: 101,5
+            12166: 101,17
+            12167: 99,10
+            12168: 100,10
+            12169: 101,10
+            12170: 102,10
+            12171: 103,10
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+            12665: 108,22
+            12666: 109,22
+            12667: 110,22
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+            12669: 112,22
+            12670: 116,22
+            12671: 117,22
+            12672: 118,22
+            12673: 119,22
+            12674: 120,22
+            12675: 121,22
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+            12701: 110,27
+            12702: 118,27
+            12703: 119,27
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+            12713: 107,14
+            12714: 108,14
+            12715: 109,14
+            12716: 110,14
+            12717: 111,14
+            12718: 112,14
+            12719: 113,14
+            12720: 115,14
+            12721: 114,14
+            12722: 116,14
+            12723: 117,14
+            12724: 118,14
+            12725: 119,14
+            12726: 120,14
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+            12830: -91,-50
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+            12858: 120,8
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+            12903: 114,-7
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-            11958: 129,17
-            11959: 129,18
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-            11961: 129,20
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-            12054: 124,14
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-            12152: 98,13
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-            12154: 98,15
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-            12156: 98,17
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-            12158: 98,19
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-            12168: 102,15
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-            12646: 106,25
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-            12648: 106,27
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-            12651: 115,27
-            12652: 115,26
-            12653: 115,25
-            12654: 115,24
-            12655: 115,23
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-            12697: 111,26
-            12698: 120,26
-            12699: 120,25
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-            12821: -92,-51
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-            12827: -90,-51
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-            12859: 118,10
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-            12884: 106,11
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-            12886: 112,10
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+            11947: 129,10
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+            12050: 124,14
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+            12146: 98,11
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+            12150: 98,15
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+            12154: 98,19
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+            12164: 102,15
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+            12641: 106,24
+            12642: 106,25
+            12643: 106,26
+            12644: 106,27
+            12645: 106,28
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+            12648: 115,26
+            12649: 115,25
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+            12651: 115,23
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+            12693: 111,26
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+            12695: 120,25
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+            12879: 106,10
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-            5558: -74,-11
-            5559: -75,-11
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-            5561: -90,-11
-            5562: -91,-11
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-            5569: -35,-38
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-            5618: 22,22
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-            5620: 31,23
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-            5623: 32,17
-            5624: 33,17
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-            5626: -57,9
-            5627: -58,9
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-            5629: -61,18
-            5630: -62,18
-            5631: -47,-20
-            5632: -46,-20
-            5633: -45,-20
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-            5645: -9,3
-            5646: -8,3
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+            5542: -3,29
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+            5544: -28,11
+            5545: -29,12
+            5546: -30,13
+            5547: -31,-6
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+            5549: -31,-4
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+            5551: -70,-6
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+            5554: -74,-11
+            5555: -75,-11
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+            5558: -91,-11
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+            5560: -29,-22
+            5561: -28,-21
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+            5563: -33,-32
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+            5565: -35,-38
+            5566: -35,-39
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+            5576: 21,-5
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+            5616: 31,23
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+            5620: 33,17
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+            5622: -57,9
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+            5625: -61,18
+            5626: -62,18
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-            17021: 39,26
-            17022: 36,28
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-            17026: 36,26
-            17027: 38,26
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+            16993: 37,29
+            16994: 39,29
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+            16998: 38,25
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+            17000: 36,25
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+            17002: 39,24
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+            17004: 40,26
+            17005: 39,24
+            17006: 38,24
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+            17008: 34,27
+            17009: 35,30
+            17010: 34,29
+            17011: 35,27
+            17012: 36,28
+            17013: 37,29
+            17014: 38,27
+            17015: 35,26
+            17016: 35,26
+            17017: 38,25
+            17018: 38,26
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+            17020: 37,28
+            17021: 37,26
+            17022: 38,28
+            17023: 39,29
+            17024: 39,28
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+            17026: 36,25
+            17027: 35,27
+            17028: 34,26
+            17029: 34,25
+            17030: 35,24
+            17031: 37,24
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-            17034: 40,26
-            17035: 39,24
-            17036: 38,24
-            17037: 35,25
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-            17040: 34,29
-            17041: 35,27
-            17042: 36,28
-            17043: 37,29
-            17044: 38,27
-            17045: 35,26
-            17046: 35,26
-            17047: 38,25
-            17048: 38,26
-            17049: 37,28
-            17050: 37,28
-            17051: 37,26
-            17052: 38,28
-            17053: 39,29
-            17054: 39,28
-            17055: 37,25
-            17056: 36,25
-            17057: 35,27
-            17058: 34,26
-            17059: 34,25
-            17060: 35,24
-            17061: 37,24
-            17062: 39,24
-            17063: 36,25
-            17064: 36,26
-            17065: 34,28
-            17066: 34,30
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-            17068: 35,27
-            17069: 38,29
-            17070: 39,30
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-            17072: 37,29
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-            17074: 37,30
-            17075: 38,30
-            17076: 39,28
-            17077: 37,27
-            17078: 39,27
-            17079: 39,28
-            17080: 38,27
-            17081: 40,27
-            17082: 39,26
-            17083: 39,25
-            17121: 34,26
-            17122: 34,26
-            17123: 35,25
-            17124: 34,25
-            17125: 35,24
-            17126: 34,27
-            17127: 36,27
-            17128: 36,27
-            17129: 37,30
-            17130: 11,31
-            17131: 12,29
-            17132: 12,31
-            17133: 12,33
-            17134: 12,36
-            17135: 13,36
-            17136: 13,34
-            17137: 12,33
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-            17139: 13,35
-            17140: 12,36
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-            17142: 11,35
-            17143: 12,35
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-            17145: 14,36
-            17146: 14,35
-            17147: 12,34
-            17148: 11,33
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-            17152: 13,32
-            17153: 13,33
-            17154: 14,35
-            17155: 12,34
-            17156: 14,34
-            17157: 14,34
-            17158: 14,33
-            17159: 12,33
-            17160: 12,31
-            17161: 12,30
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-            17165: 9,31
-            17166: 8,30
-            17167: 8,29
-            17168: 8,29
-            17169: 9,29
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-            17171: 7,32
-            17172: 8,32
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-            17174: 8,30
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-            17177: 9,32
-            17178: 9,30
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-            17185: 11,29
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-            17188: 13,29
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-            17191: 12,34
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-            17193: 13,33
-            17194: 13,33
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-            17196: 13,35
-            17197: 13,34
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-            17210: 11,29
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-            17226: 7,31
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+            17034: 36,26
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+            17036: 34,30
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+            17045: 38,30
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+            17048: 39,27
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+            17115: 14,36
+            17116: 14,35
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+            17123: 13,33
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+            17126: 14,34
+            17127: 14,34
+            17128: 14,33
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+            17142: 8,32
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+            17144: 8,30
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+            17147: 9,32
+            17148: 9,30
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+            17152: 12,34
+            17153: 12,31
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+            17158: 13,29
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+            17161: 12,34
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+            17163: 13,33
+            17164: 13,33
+            17165: 14,34
+            17166: 13,35
+            17167: 13,34
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+            17169: 12,36
+            17170: 13,37
+            17171: 12,35
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+            17173: 11,31
+            17174: 11,32
+            17175: 11,34
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+            17178: 13,30
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+            17180: 11,29
+            17181: 11,30
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+            17187: 7,33
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+            17193: 7,30
+            17194: 7,31
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+            17196: 7,31
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+            17265: 23,42
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+            17267: 20,39
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+            17271: 21,35
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+            17283: 22,39
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+            17304: 17,39
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+            17321: 26,43
+            17322: 27,42
+            17323: 26,41
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+            17344: 33,33
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+            17358: 34,35
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+            17362: 29,34
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-            17370: 35,33
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-            17374: 33,33
-            17375: 32,33
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-            17378: 30,32
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-            17382: 30,35
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+            17432: 118,29
+            17433: 119,27
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+            17435: 119,27
+            17436: 120,28
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+            17439: 119,23
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-            13021: 124.360054,-6.335955
-            13022: 129.17653,-4.329018
-            13023: 131.14995,-2.3555293
-            13024: 127.06931,-9.011871
-            13025: 124.15937,-9.747749
-            13026: 124.12592,-16.939276
-            13027: 132.68483,-16.236847
-            13028: 134.19756,-16.537888
-            13029: 129.29816,-18.544825
-            13030: 133.911,-19.180355
-            13031: 135.00752,-17.307213
-            13032: 137.11009,-19.08001
-            13033: 136.07321,-20.618662
-            13034: 139.21729,-20.484865
-            13035: 134.33392,-13.694725
-            13036: 136.17355,-9.881544
-            13037: 139.21729,-7.406322
-            13038: 141.22415,-8.844627
-            13039: 134.13324,-10.383279
-            13040: 130.16107,-6.1181226
-            13041: 134.07231,-3.3671165
-            13042: 131.79787,-0.18946552
-            13043: 129.45653,-0.022221088
-            13044: 128.48654,-0.89189386
-            13045: 128.62035,1.6167779
-            13046: 134.07231,0.91435003
-            13047: 134.23955,-1.5608726
-            13048: 137.88535,-0.4905057
-            13049: 137.38364,1.817472
-            13050: 139.45738,-0.28981256
-            13051: 137.88535,-1.5274234
-            13052: 140.52771,-2.8988314
-            13053: 142.40079,-0.89189386
-            13054: 144.57489,0.546412
-            13055: 145.61177,-1.1594853
-            13056: 141.63148,-3.4340143
-            13057: 141.19667,-5.5078497
-            13058: 146.04659,-4.437484
-            13059: 144.47453,-1.7950149
-            13060: 149.39136,-2.1295052
-            13061: 145.54486,-4.53783
-            13062: 143.6718,-6.277176
-            13063: 145.1435,-7.3475432
-            13064: 148.58861,-3.56781
-            13065: 152.10011,-1.7950149
-            13066: 149.51093,-5.006115
-            13067: 150.97789,-5.4539313
-            13068: 151.51762,-2.8061905
-            13069: 153.46179,1.0000334
-            13070: 154.59932,-0.103649616
-            13071: 153.59616,-4.0505056
-            13072: 153.42859,-6.2917333
-            13073: 155.66959,-5.1879177
-            13074: 152.65929,-2.9133887
-            13075: 149.14728,0.3980584
-            13076: 146.03665,1.4015274
-            13077: 148.61212,4.2781377
-            13078: 148.61212,1.5353231
-            13079: 151.0538,-0.30436897
-            13080: 152.59239,2.4718938
-            13081: 149.28108,3.1074243
-            13082: 146.20389,4.712975
-            13083: 147.17387,8.158218
-            13084: 149.98347,8.927544
-            13085: 147.97661,9.200657
-            13086: 148.26285,6.2326055
-            13087: 145.9884,9.845093
-            13088: 145.78772,13.189989
-            13089: 148.2963,14.929335
-            13090: 149.0656,12.7217045
-            13091: 147.35976,13.491028
-            13092: 147.72769,17.504906
-            13093: 145.95496,18.809414
-            13094: 146.25598,17.00317
-            13095: 148.83147,20.615658
-            13096: 153.01242,21.251188
-            13097: 152.14278,19.043556
-            13098: 154.81859,17.471455
-            13099: 155.48755,19.846333
-            13100: 156.65822,18.508373
-            13101: 153.2131,17.739048
-            13102: 156.72511,15.832457
-            13103: 157.26027,14.059662
-            13104: 154.9524,12.3537655
-            13105: 158.2637,12.688255
-            13106: 158.83232,11.584438
-            13107: 158.12991,10.112684
-            13108: 156.3572,8.741278
-            13109: 158.46439,10.313377
-            13110: 156.25685,12.052723
-            13111: 156.2234,14.628294
-            13112: 155.521,12.019276
-            13113: 156.2903,7.905054
-            13114: 153.64793,6.868136
-            13115: 156.82545,6.165707
-            13116: 157.99612,8.674379
-            13117: 158.66508,8.239542
-            13118: 156.18996,6.13226
-            13119: 154.91895,4.359463
-            13120: 155.25342,2.8877091
-            13121: 156.05615,2.7204652
-            13122: 153.78172,3.790831
-            13123: 153.41379,5.262585
-            13124: 147.33337,22.963997
-            13125: 146.73131,24.846014
-            13126: 148.10266,29.308487
-            13127: 150.17642,28.47226
-            13128: 147.19958,25.963589
-            13129: 148.77162,27.736382
-            13130: 151.04607,28.7733
-            13131: 146.73131,31.449219
-            13132: 144.92514,31.148178
-            13133: 143.11896,28.907097
-            13134: 141.1121,28.338467
-            13135: 145.09238,31.884056
-            13136: 145.89511,27.100853
-            13137: 147.93542,27.702934
-            13138: 146.93199,29.542625
-            13139: 145.25961,27.836731
-            13140: 146.2296,28.20467
-            13141: 153.05292,30.445747
-            13142: 154.12325,31.181625
-            13143: 150.84538,27.970528
-            13144: 153.72188,28.47226
-            13145: 155.92943,31.984402
-            13146: 157.86938,32.084747
-            13147: 156.79906,29.74332
-            13148: 158.47145,32.1182
-            13149: 159.47488,34.894463
-            13150: 157.6687,37.637276
-            13151: 157.51154,28.940544
-            13152: 157.2774,25.136168
-            13153: 155.43779,23.870918
-            13154: 156.34087,22.290188
-            13155: 139.68633,25.909843
-            13156: 134.06699,25.240746
-            13157: 133.7995,27.582264
-            13158: 137.61253,30.258183
-            13159: 139.82008,31.897179
-            13160: 141.62627,34.17171
-            13161: 139.45216,31.56269
-            13162: 138.44873,28.418488
-            13163: 137.04393,27.71606
-            13164: 132.89642,31.027508
-            13165: 130.55508,31.696487
-            13166: 129.01648,29.488857
-            13167: 133.39813,28.251244
-            13168: 130.05336,29.957142
-            13169: 131.45818,30.29163
-            13170: 123.89898,25.80947
-            13171: 126.8753,26.845898
-            13172: 127.300026,30.859772
-            13173: 129.84206,31.562199
-            13174: 129.00586,27.34763
-            13175: 130.7786,28.61869
-            13176: 130.10963,26.678652
-            13177: 129.70827,24.604816
-            13178: 125.35546,24.724274
-            13179: 129.51837,34.223328
-            13180: 127.23322,36.464413
-            13181: 130.14305,39.976555
-            13182: 134.02303,42.38488
-            13183: 131.98271,39.876205
-            13184: 131.88237,38.5048
-            13185: 134.25716,40.94657
-            13186: 129.74171,43.488693
-            13187: 133.58821,45.662876
-            13188: 131.38066,48.104652
-            13189: 133.82234,45.26149
-            13190: 134.62508,42.518673
-            13191: 137.26746,42.853165
-            13192: 137.3678,40.511738
-            13193: 135.22714,39.809307
-            13194: 138.23744,39.17378
-            13195: 138.30432,41.214165
-            13196: 139.6088,39.47482
-            13197: 139.80948,36.23027
-            13198: 141.28117,35.92923
-            13199: 142.81976,31.41362
-            13200: 127.50815,41.05332
-            13201: 124.287636,42.913788
-            13202: 125.35796,42.27826
-            13203: 120.94287,45.589706
-            13204: 120.60839,49.0015
-            13205: 118.434296,47.262154
-            13206: 120.87597,45.188316
-            13207: 123.08352,46.961113
-            13208: 121.344246,44.48589
-            13209: 122.21388,42.54585
-            13210: 123.08352,45.054916
-            13211: 120.80908,47.37757
-            13212: 118.50118,45.20339
-            13213: 119.17014,46.090527
-            13214: 126.22761,49.271015
-            13215: 128.26791,50.40828
-            13216: 129.67271,49.036873
-            13217: 128.10068,51.578995
-            13218: 126.127266,53.95387
-            13219: 127.46517,47.89961
-            13220: 125.19073,51.98038
-            13221: 127.130684,55.29183
-            13222: 127.130684,58.837418
-            13223: 124.32108,58.770523
-            13224: 121.8794,57.332214
-            13225: 120.14012,60.34262
-            13226: 122.84939,62.650597
-            13227: 122.91628,60.476418
-            13228: 122.882835,57.26532
-            13229: 126.02691,58.13499
-            13230: 125.62554,62.048515
-            13231: 121.377686,62.583702
-            13232: 118.33395,58.13499
-            13233: 119.43772,57.46601
-            13234: 120.74218,56.19495
-            13235: 121.478035,55.158035
-            13236: 121.979744,59.272255
-            13237: 127.26449,60.309174
-            13238: 128.4017,59.4395
-            13239: 127.03034,57.031174
-            13240: 119.87331,53.69899
-            13241: 119.43837,52.059887
-            13242: 119.6719,49.985504
-            13243: 115.35749,51.992752
-            13244: 114.28716,53.130016
-            13245: 112.848915,52.159996
-            13246: 114.4544,50.520996
-            13247: 112.71512,49.38373
-            13248: 109.37035,49.249935
-            13249: 110.70826,46.941956
-            13250: 110.306885,46.674366
-            13251: 110.072754,50.01926
-            13252: 111.37721,50.554443
-            13253: 111.07618,48.07922
-            13254: 105.89179,47.945427
-            13255: 105.42352,49.71822
-            13256: 105.49042,46.507122
-            13257: 108.199684,45.403305
-            13258: 106.76144,44.466736
-            13259: 106.326614,45.035366
-            13260: 108.60105,47.477142
-            13261: 106.62764,49.35028
-            13262: 109.938965,45.604
-            13263: 103.41306,49.305527
-            13264: 100.12016,49.45305
-            13265: 98.849144,48.282333
-            13266: 98.28054,48.850967
-            13267: 97.176765,50.389618
-            13268: 96.10644,51.29274
-            13269: 94.43405,48.951313
-            13270: 96.30712,47.81405
-            13271: 93.36372,48.44958
-            13272: 92.22651,49.98823
-            13273: 93.83199,52.06207
-            13274: 92.42719,51.69413
-            13275: 90.01896,48.683723
-            13276: 89.85172,47.44611
-            13277: 93.73165,46.87748
-            13278: 96.006096,49.4196
-            13279: 93.229935,51.35964
-            13280: 91.122734,54.336597
-            13281: 103.695244,46.57869
-            13282: 103.37315,44.264954
-            13283: 105.41346,43.69632
-            13284: 106.35,42.324913
-            13285: 102.7042,42.39181
-            13286: 104.34313,42.559055
-            13287: 103.20592,40.48522
-            13288: 101.63387,41.622482
-            13289: 99.96149,41.555588
-            13290: 103.807976,39.347954
-            13291: 106.8782,39.983486
-            13292: 106.36829,38.847546
-            13293: 108.07412,39.34928
-            13294: 109.57927,40.419647
-            13295: 111.15131,39.449627
-            13296: 110.48236,37.40924
-            13297: 112.35543,39.483074
-            13298: 113.92747,39.884464
-            13299: 111.15131,37.40924
-            13300: 112.62301,36.840607
-            13301: 113.39231,40.553444
-            13302: 113.827126,42.29279
-            13303: 115.03124,41.99175
-            13304: 114.09471,40.453094
-            13305: 113.76023,37.1082
-            13306: 116.00123,36.405773
-            13307: 111.45234,35.636444
-            13308: 109.47893,34.666428
-            13309: 110.95062,32.726387
-            13310: 113.55955,34.632977
-            13311: 114.429184,34.19814
-            13312: 110.24822,32.92708
-            13313: 107.90688,32.425346
-            13314: 115.93433,32.626038
-            13315: 116.60329,34.83367
-            13316: 118.14188,35.83714
-            13317: 117.47292,33.462265
-            13318: 118.91117,34.632977
-            13319: 118.71049,37.40924
-            13320: 119.88116,37.910976
-            13321: 119.58013,35.000916
-            13322: 119.32879,32.759834
-            13323: 121.65273,34.53263
-            13324: 121.4717,36.573017
-            13325: 124.24781,35.034363
-            13326: 123.84675,33.495712
-            13327: 126.689644,34.83367
-            13328: 127.89377,33.796753
-            13329: 126.82343,32.157753
-            13330: 102.57333,37.691307
-            13331: 99.41506,38.895473
-            13332: 100.418495,40.53447
-            13333: 97.44165,39.564453
-            13334: 95.90305,37.72476
-            13335: 95.26755,39.497555
-            13336: 95.83616,39.6648
-            13337: 93.896194,37.65786
-            13338: 92.52484,37.9589
-            13339: 90.58488,39.865494
-            13340: 91.220375,41.671738
-            13341: 88.143196,42.54141
-            13342: 87.50768,40.668266
-            13343: 87.240105,39.698246
-            13344: 86.403915,42.50796
-            13345: 88.979385,45.986652
-            13346: 90.21695,47.157364
-            13347: 89.94936,43.47798
-            13348: 88.31043,44.146957
-            13349: 86.872185,45.183876
-            13350: 88.17664,46.655632
-            13351: 92.2907,47.32461
-            13352: 91.7221,46.05355
-            13353: 87.17289,47.458405
-            13354: 84.83155,44.48145
-            13355: 82.456764,43.979713
-            13356: 83.79467,41.471043
-            13357: 84.7981,40.467575
-            13358: 82.95848,41.170002
-            13359: 84.36328,42.942795
-            13360: 82.456764,42.742104
-            13361: 80.28266,39.497555
-            13362: 80.88472,38.159595
-            13363: 84.095695,38.728226
-            13364: 84.39673,37.825104
-            13365: 81.152306,37.490616
-            13366: 82.25608,35.885067
-            13367: 82.824684,39.430656
-            13368: 83.25951,38.0258
-            13369: 82.557106,34.915047
-            13370: 84.63086,35.349884
-            13371: 81.11886,35.594578
-            13372: 81.82126,33.621086
-            13373: 83.35985,32.784863
-            13374: 84.865,32.48382
-            13375: 83.22606,31.848293
-            13376: 83.92846,30.376541
-            13377: 85.43361,29.640663
-            13378: 85.266365,30.543785
-            13379: 84.59741,25.559889
-            13380: 85.53395,26.228867
-            13381: 85.5005,22.214993
-            13382: 83.96191,22.014297
-            13383: 83.35985,20.943932
-            13384: 84.095695,19.204586
-            13385: 84.93189,19.104239
-            13386: 84.69776,23.419155
-            13387: 84.96534,21.178074
-            13388: 84.0288,28.102009
-            13389: 85.266365,27.43303
-            13390: 83.10618,29.692863
+            12950: 83.99086,9.956577
+            12951: 85.02774,9.990025
+            12952: 84.89394,7.447905
+            12953: 82.652954,6.2437425
+            12954: 83.99086,2.4974585
+            12955: 84.860504,10.659004
+            12956: 84.639755,4.874166
+            12957: 85.91129,3.5657887
+            12958: 84.29863,-0.23728037
+            12959: 83.194855,-2.277667
+            12960: 85.93757,-3.4483805
+            12961: 88.07822,-2.5452585
+            12962: 86.33894,-5.354972
+            12963: 87.17513,-6.960522
+            12964: 91.021614,-5.756359
+            12965: 90.453,-2.8797479
+            12966: 92.39297,-1.1404023
+            12967: 93.36295,-3.0469933
+            12968: 88.37925,-4.853237
+            12969: 89.38268,-6.4587874
+            12970: 90.92127,-8.632969
+            12971: 90.5868,-9.90403
+            12972: 89.483025,-10.305417
+            12973: 93.96501,-11.308887
+            12974: 97.17599,-11.643375
+            12975: 99.01561,-11.576478
+            12976: 99.31664,-7.3953576
+            12977: 96.707726,-5.6225634
+            12978: 99.11595,-5.354972
+            12979: 96.348206,-12.916437
+            12980: 100.969,-14.2338295
+            12981: 105.050446,-12.2277155
+            12982: 107.79316,-11.525288
+            12983: 104.78287,-13.231186
+            12984: 105.050446,-15.639509
+            12985: 107.8935,-16.60953
+            12986: 107.960396,-17.311958
+            12987: 105.45182,-13.06394
+            12988: 100.6688,-10.889757
+            12989: 107.55902,-10.45492
+            12990: 106.89007,-14.702938
+            12991: 110.0676,-19.686832
+            12992: 109.90036,-21.09169
+            12993: 113.713394,-19.118202
+            12994: 114.21511,-17.445753
+            12995: 112.877205,-20.924446
+            12996: 113.37892,-23.66726
+            12997: 113.111336,-25.172464
+            12998: 115.25199,-23.366219
+            12999: 111.07103,-17.5461
+            13000: 117.50328,-17.378857
+            13001: 121.78457,-15.577238
+            13002: 119.71082,-11.357197
+            13003: 123.92524,-12.624359
+            13004: 120.51357,-14.831991
+            13005: 125.7983,-16.069603
+            13006: 130.38065,-17.173418
+            13007: 125.59762,-13.694725
+            13008: 125.631065,-12.3233185
+            13009: 123.62421,-8.476688
+            13010: 126.83518,-7.5066686
+            13011: 126.03243,-12.189523
+            13012: 129.0093,-14.3302555
+            13013: 123.22283,-8.844627
+            13014: 121.48355,-6.0349145
+            13015: 122.353195,-4.1952224
+            13016: 126.90208,-5.365935
+            13017: 124.360054,-6.335955
+            13018: 129.17653,-4.329018
+            13019: 131.14995,-2.3555293
+            13020: 127.06931,-9.011871
+            13021: 124.15937,-9.747749
+            13022: 124.12592,-16.939276
+            13023: 132.68483,-16.236847
+            13024: 134.19756,-16.537888
+            13025: 129.29816,-18.544825
+            13026: 133.911,-19.180355
+            13027: 135.00752,-17.307213
+            13028: 137.11009,-19.08001
+            13029: 136.07321,-20.618662
+            13030: 139.21729,-20.484865
+            13031: 134.33392,-13.694725
+            13032: 136.17355,-9.881544
+            13033: 139.21729,-7.406322
+            13034: 141.22415,-8.844627
+            13035: 134.13324,-10.383279
+            13036: 130.16107,-6.1181226
+            13037: 134.07231,-3.3671165
+            13038: 131.79787,-0.18946552
+            13039: 129.45653,-0.022221088
+            13040: 128.48654,-0.89189386
+            13041: 128.62035,1.6167779
+            13042: 134.07231,0.91435003
+            13043: 134.23955,-1.5608726
+            13044: 137.88535,-0.4905057
+            13045: 137.38364,1.817472
+            13046: 139.45738,-0.28981256
+            13047: 137.88535,-1.5274234
+            13048: 140.52771,-2.8988314
+            13049: 142.40079,-0.89189386
+            13050: 144.57489,0.546412
+            13051: 145.61177,-1.1594853
+            13052: 141.63148,-3.4340143
+            13053: 141.19667,-5.5078497
+            13054: 146.04659,-4.437484
+            13055: 144.47453,-1.7950149
+            13056: 149.39136,-2.1295052
+            13057: 145.54486,-4.53783
+            13058: 143.6718,-6.277176
+            13059: 145.1435,-7.3475432
+            13060: 148.58861,-3.56781
+            13061: 152.10011,-1.7950149
+            13062: 149.51093,-5.006115
+            13063: 150.97789,-5.4539313
+            13064: 151.51762,-2.8061905
+            13065: 153.46179,1.0000334
+            13066: 154.59932,-0.103649616
+            13067: 153.59616,-4.0505056
+            13068: 153.42859,-6.2917333
+            13069: 155.66959,-5.1879177
+            13070: 152.65929,-2.9133887
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+            13072: 146.03665,1.4015274
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+            13074: 148.61212,1.5353231
+            13075: 151.0538,-0.30436897
+            13076: 152.59239,2.4718938
+            13077: 149.28108,3.1074243
+            13078: 146.20389,4.712975
+            13079: 147.17387,8.158218
+            13080: 149.98347,8.927544
+            13081: 147.97661,9.200657
+            13082: 148.26285,6.2326055
+            13083: 145.9884,9.845093
+            13084: 145.78772,13.189989
+            13085: 148.2963,14.929335
+            13086: 149.0656,12.7217045
+            13087: 147.35976,13.491028
+            13088: 147.72769,17.504906
+            13089: 145.95496,18.809414
+            13090: 146.25598,17.00317
+            13091: 148.83147,20.615658
+            13092: 153.01242,21.251188
+            13093: 152.14278,19.043556
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+            13095: 155.48755,19.846333
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+            13098: 156.72511,15.832457
+            13099: 157.26027,14.059662
+            13100: 154.9524,12.3537655
+            13101: 158.2637,12.688255
+            13102: 158.83232,11.584438
+            13103: 158.12991,10.112684
+            13104: 156.3572,8.741278
+            13105: 158.46439,10.313377
+            13106: 156.25685,12.052723
+            13107: 156.2234,14.628294
+            13108: 155.521,12.019276
+            13109: 156.2903,7.905054
+            13110: 153.64793,6.868136
+            13111: 156.82545,6.165707
+            13112: 157.99612,8.674379
+            13113: 158.66508,8.239542
+            13114: 156.18996,6.13226
+            13115: 154.91895,4.359463
+            13116: 155.25342,2.8877091
+            13117: 156.05615,2.7204652
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+            13119: 153.41379,5.262585
+            13120: 147.33337,22.963997
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+            13123: 150.17642,28.47226
+            13124: 147.19958,25.963589
+            13125: 148.77162,27.736382
+            13126: 151.04607,28.7733
+            13127: 146.73131,31.449219
+            13128: 144.92514,31.148178
+            13129: 143.11896,28.907097
+            13130: 141.1121,28.338467
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+            13132: 145.89511,27.100853
+            13133: 147.93542,27.702934
+            13134: 146.93199,29.542625
+            13135: 145.25961,27.836731
+            13136: 146.2296,28.20467
+            13137: 153.05292,30.445747
+            13138: 154.12325,31.181625
+            13139: 150.84538,27.970528
+            13140: 153.72188,28.47226
+            13141: 155.92943,31.984402
+            13142: 157.86938,32.084747
+            13143: 156.79906,29.74332
+            13144: 158.47145,32.1182
+            13145: 159.47488,34.894463
+            13146: 157.6687,37.637276
+            13147: 157.51154,28.940544
+            13148: 157.2774,25.136168
+            13149: 155.43779,23.870918
+            13150: 156.34087,22.290188
+            13151: 139.68633,25.909843
+            13152: 134.06699,25.240746
+            13153: 133.7995,27.582264
+            13154: 137.61253,30.258183
+            13155: 139.82008,31.897179
+            13156: 141.62627,34.17171
+            13157: 139.45216,31.56269
+            13158: 138.44873,28.418488
+            13159: 137.04393,27.71606
+            13160: 132.89642,31.027508
+            13161: 130.55508,31.696487
+            13162: 129.01648,29.488857
+            13163: 133.39813,28.251244
+            13164: 130.05336,29.957142
+            13165: 131.45818,30.29163
+            13166: 123.89898,25.80947
+            13167: 126.8753,26.845898
+            13168: 127.300026,30.859772
+            13169: 129.84206,31.562199
+            13170: 129.00586,27.34763
+            13171: 130.7786,28.61869
+            13172: 130.10963,26.678652
+            13173: 129.70827,24.604816
+            13174: 125.35546,24.724274
+            13175: 129.51837,34.223328
+            13176: 127.23322,36.464413
+            13177: 130.14305,39.976555
+            13178: 134.02303,42.38488
+            13179: 131.98271,39.876205
+            13180: 131.88237,38.5048
+            13181: 134.25716,40.94657
+            13182: 129.74171,43.488693
+            13183: 133.58821,45.662876
+            13184: 131.38066,48.104652
+            13185: 133.82234,45.26149
+            13186: 134.62508,42.518673
+            13187: 137.26746,42.853165
+            13188: 137.3678,40.511738
+            13189: 135.22714,39.809307
+            13190: 138.23744,39.17378
+            13191: 138.30432,41.214165
+            13192: 139.6088,39.47482
+            13193: 139.80948,36.23027
+            13194: 141.28117,35.92923
+            13195: 142.81976,31.41362
+            13196: 127.50815,41.05332
+            13197: 124.287636,42.913788
+            13198: 125.35796,42.27826
+            13199: 120.94287,45.589706
+            13200: 120.60839,49.0015
+            13201: 118.434296,47.262154
+            13202: 120.87597,45.188316
+            13203: 123.08352,46.961113
+            13204: 121.344246,44.48589
+            13205: 122.21388,42.54585
+            13206: 123.08352,45.054916
+            13207: 120.80908,47.37757
+            13208: 118.50118,45.20339
+            13209: 119.17014,46.090527
+            13210: 126.22761,49.271015
+            13211: 128.26791,50.40828
+            13212: 129.67271,49.036873
+            13213: 128.10068,51.578995
+            13214: 126.127266,53.95387
+            13215: 127.46517,47.89961
+            13216: 125.19073,51.98038
+            13217: 127.130684,55.29183
+            13218: 127.130684,58.837418
+            13219: 124.32108,58.770523
+            13220: 121.8794,57.332214
+            13221: 120.14012,60.34262
+            13222: 122.84939,62.650597
+            13223: 122.91628,60.476418
+            13224: 122.882835,57.26532
+            13225: 126.02691,58.13499
+            13226: 125.62554,62.048515
+            13227: 121.377686,62.583702
+            13228: 118.33395,58.13499
+            13229: 119.43772,57.46601
+            13230: 120.74218,56.19495
+            13231: 121.478035,55.158035
+            13232: 121.979744,59.272255
+            13233: 127.26449,60.309174
+            13234: 128.4017,59.4395
+            13235: 127.03034,57.031174
+            13236: 119.87331,53.69899
+            13237: 119.43837,52.059887
+            13238: 119.6719,49.985504
+            13239: 115.35749,51.992752
+            13240: 114.28716,53.130016
+            13241: 112.848915,52.159996
+            13242: 114.4544,50.520996
+            13243: 112.71512,49.38373
+            13244: 109.37035,49.249935
+            13245: 110.70826,46.941956
+            13246: 110.306885,46.674366
+            13247: 110.072754,50.01926
+            13248: 111.37721,50.554443
+            13249: 111.07618,48.07922
+            13250: 105.89179,47.945427
+            13251: 105.42352,49.71822
+            13252: 105.49042,46.507122
+            13253: 108.199684,45.403305
+            13254: 106.76144,44.466736
+            13255: 106.326614,45.035366
+            13256: 108.60105,47.477142
+            13257: 106.62764,49.35028
+            13258: 109.938965,45.604
+            13259: 103.41306,49.305527
+            13260: 100.12016,49.45305
+            13261: 98.849144,48.282333
+            13262: 98.28054,48.850967
+            13263: 97.176765,50.389618
+            13264: 96.10644,51.29274
+            13265: 94.43405,48.951313
+            13266: 96.30712,47.81405
+            13267: 93.36372,48.44958
+            13268: 92.22651,49.98823
+            13269: 93.83199,52.06207
+            13270: 92.42719,51.69413
+            13271: 90.01896,48.683723
+            13272: 89.85172,47.44611
+            13273: 93.73165,46.87748
+            13274: 96.006096,49.4196
+            13275: 93.229935,51.35964
+            13276: 91.122734,54.336597
+            13277: 103.695244,46.57869
+            13278: 103.37315,44.264954
+            13279: 105.41346,43.69632
+            13280: 106.35,42.324913
+            13281: 102.7042,42.39181
+            13282: 104.34313,42.559055
+            13283: 103.20592,40.48522
+            13284: 101.63387,41.622482
+            13285: 99.96149,41.555588
+            13286: 103.807976,39.347954
+            13287: 106.8782,39.983486
+            13288: 106.36829,38.847546
+            13289: 108.07412,39.34928
+            13290: 109.57927,40.419647
+            13291: 111.15131,39.449627
+            13292: 110.48236,37.40924
+            13293: 112.35543,39.483074
+            13294: 113.92747,39.884464
+            13295: 111.15131,37.40924
+            13296: 112.62301,36.840607
+            13297: 113.39231,40.553444
+            13298: 113.827126,42.29279
+            13299: 115.03124,41.99175
+            13300: 114.09471,40.453094
+            13301: 113.76023,37.1082
+            13302: 116.00123,36.405773
+            13303: 111.45234,35.636444
+            13304: 109.47893,34.666428
+            13305: 110.95062,32.726387
+            13306: 113.55955,34.632977
+            13307: 114.429184,34.19814
+            13308: 110.24822,32.92708
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+            13310: 115.93433,32.626038
+            13311: 116.60329,34.83367
+            13312: 118.14188,35.83714
+            13313: 117.47292,33.462265
+            13314: 118.91117,34.632977
+            13315: 118.71049,37.40924
+            13316: 119.88116,37.910976
+            13317: 119.58013,35.000916
+            13318: 119.32879,32.759834
+            13319: 121.65273,34.53263
+            13320: 121.4717,36.573017
+            13321: 124.24781,35.034363
+            13322: 123.84675,33.495712
+            13323: 126.689644,34.83367
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+            13325: 126.82343,32.157753
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+            13327: 99.41506,38.895473
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+            13334: 92.52484,37.9589
+            13335: 90.58488,39.865494
+            13336: 91.220375,41.671738
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+            13338: 87.50768,40.668266
+            13339: 87.240105,39.698246
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+            13342: 90.21695,47.157364
+            13343: 89.94936,43.47798
+            13344: 88.31043,44.146957
+            13345: 86.872185,45.183876
+            13346: 88.17664,46.655632
+            13347: 92.2907,47.32461
+            13348: 91.7221,46.05355
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+            13356: 82.456764,42.742104
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+            13367: 81.11886,35.594578
+            13368: 81.82126,33.621086
+            13369: 83.35985,32.784863
+            13370: 84.865,32.48382
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-            13536: 102.74555,-13.048525
-            13537: 103.61519,-13.449913
-            13538: 101.407646,-15.211557
-            13539: 103.21381,-15.702143
-            13540: 103.63749,-14.319586
-            13541: 102.70095,-13.918198
-            13542: 102.87934,-15.278456
-            13543: 101.63062,-16.527216
-            13544: 103.704384,-16.46032
-            13545: 104.57403,-15.4122505
-            13546: 104.841606,-14.074293
-            13547: 103.52599,-12.067355
-            13548: 104.17265,-10.751696
-            13549: 103.52599,-9.569833
-            13550: 101.89821,-10.95239
-            13551: 101.65292,-9.68133
-            13552: 102.54487,-10.01582
-            13553: 103.280716,-10.1273155
-            13554: 105.287575,-9.97122
-            13555: 104.9308,-8.900854
-            13556: 106.46939,-9.05695
-            13557: 105.73354,-10.595601
-            13558: 105.265274,-11.063887
-            13559: 106.64778,-10.840893
-            13560: 106.89306,-10.060417
-            13561: 109.47968,-10.439507
-            13562: 109.61347,-10.484104
-            13563: 106.826164,-12.22345
-            13564: 106.95996,-12.669436
-            13565: 108.92222,-12.178852
-            13566: 109.47968,-12.268049
-            13567: 109.2344,-13.115423
-            13568: 108.67694,-13.628307
-            13569: 107.628914,-13.762102
-            13570: 106.98226,-13.606007
-            13571: 106.58089,-13.829
-            13572: 108.38706,-13.516809
-            13573: 109.85876,-14.074293
-            13574: 109.1675,-14.185789
-            13575: 108.11948,-14.943966
-            13576: 107.7404,-14.943966
-            13577: 108.81073,-15.45685
-            13578: 106.64778,-16.036633
-            13579: 106.4248,-16.371122
-            13580: 106.826164,-18.155066
-            13581: 105.71124,-18.065868
-            13582: 105.64435,-16.70561
-            13583: 105.599754,-15.79134
-            13584: 105.08689,-17.151598
-            13585: 103.97196,-17.263094
-            13586: 105.33217,-17.820576
-            13587: 106.848465,-16.995502
-            13588: 105.755844,-15.010864
-            13589: 105.443665,-14.185789
-            13590: 103.61519,-15.12236
-            13591: 102.61605,-16.521912
-            13592: 102.66065,-16.945599
-            13593: 107.7447,-18.707245
-            13594: 108.99341,-17.88217
-            13595: 109.75156,-16.811804
-            13596: 110.375916,-16.388117
-            13597: 109.55087,-15.273151
-            13598: 109.64007,-16.27662
-            13599: 109.99684,-17.54768
-            13600: 109.70696,-18.305857
-            13601: 108.74813,-18.751842
-            13602: 108.36906,-19.755312
-            13603: 109.50628,-20.40199
-            13604: 111.84762,-18.395054
-            13605: 112.248985,-17.56998
-            13606: 111.08947,-19.532318
-            13607: 111.44624,-20.73648
-            13608: 110.46511,-21.271666
-            13609: 111.20096,-22.275135
-            13610: 111.80302,-21.40546
-            13611: 111.20096,-20.49119
-            13612: 110.821884,-20.201298
-            13613: 113.029434,-18.595749
-            13614: 112.67266,-17.770674
-            13615: 111.26785,-16.901001
-            13616: 111.82532,-16.075926
-            13617: 113.09633,-16.00903
-            13618: 112.62806,-16.655708
-            13619: 113.653786,-16.388117
-            13620: 114.79101,-15.741438
-            13621: 115.54916,-16.477314
-            13622: 116.329605,-16.700308
-            13623: 116.797874,-17.792973
-            13624: 114.36734,-18.305857
-            13625: 115.95053,-19.130932
-            13626: 117.13235,-18.238958
-            13627: 115.23698,-17.614578
-            13628: 115.57146,-17.057096
-            13629: 116.485695,-19.019434
-            13630: 117.24384,-19.331625
-            13631: 115.95053,-20.49119
-            13632: 114.18895,-19.82221
-            13633: 114.54572,-19.599216
-            13634: 114.300446,-21.026373
-            13635: 115.34847,-21.650753
-            13636: 115.48226,-22.029842
-            13637: 113.92137,-21.78455
-            13638: 113.58689,-20.892576
-            13639: 113.31931,-22.230536
-            13640: 113.185524,-22.721119
-            13641: 112.405075,-22.899513
-            13642: 111.84762,-22.899513
-            13643: 113.051735,-24.594261
-            13644: 113.341606,-25.64233
-            13645: 114.255844,-25.196342
-            13646: 114.8579,-24.438168
-            13647: 112.248985,-24.728058
-            13648: 112.873344,-26.5566
-            13649: 111.89221,-23.67999
-            13650: 114.03286,-22.810318
-            13651: 116.83651,-20.478786
-            13652: 118.821075,-18.739439
-            13653: 118.19672,-17.579876
-            13654: 119.133255,-16.843998
-            13655: 118.91027,-18.204256
-            13656: 119.8245,-18.38265
-            13657: 120.31507,-17.490679
-            13658: 121.02862,-16.888597
-            13659: 121.20701,-18.04816
-            13660: 120.76104,-18.806337
-            13661: 121.89826,-17.602175
-            13662: 122.433426,-16.687902
-            13663: 119.62382,-15.81823
-            13664: 118.664986,-16.308815
-            13665: 117.72845,-15.550638
-            13666: 119.155556,-13.387606
-            13667: 119.289345,-12.89702
-            13668: 118.01833,-15.48374
-            13669: 116.81422,-15.952026
-            13670: 117.260185,-16.241917
-            13671: 119.53463,-14.23498
-            13672: 118.508896,-14.0342865
-            13673: 118.12982,-12.807823
-            13674: 118.21902,-10.711689
-            13675: 118.664986,-9.886615
-            13676: 118.486595,-11.2914715
-            13677: 118.88797,-11.98275
-            13678: 119.57922,-10.577893
-            13679: 120.60495,-9.931213
-            13680: 121.76447,-10.533295
-            13681: 120.89483,-11.915852
-            13682: 121.2962,-12.451035
-            13683: 122.36653,-11.00158
-            13684: 123.347664,-10.4440975
-            13685: 122.544914,-11.871254
-            13686: 121.184715,-13.120014
-            13687: 120.35967,-13.632898
-            13688: 121.85366,-14.346476
-            13689: 123.08008,-13.566
-            13690: 123.39226,-13.699797
-            13691: 122.65641,-14.368776
-            13692: 123.035484,-15.238449
-            13693: 124.03892,-14.970858
-            13694: 124.752464,-13.632898
-            13695: 125.35453,-13.120014
-            13696: 124.79706,-15.082354
-            13697: 123.92742,-15.862829
-            13698: 123.25847,-16.888597
-            13699: 124.908554,-17.512978
-            13700: 126.24647,-16.710203
-            13701: 126.35795,-14.0342865
-            13702: 127.004616,-13.365307
-            13703: 128.00804,-14.279577
-            13704: 127.0938,-15.349945
-            13705: 127.249886,-15.996624
-            13706: 128.18643,-16.46491
-            13707: 123.48145,-18.025862
-            13708: 126.49044,-18.484976
-            13709: 127.47195,-17.818092
-            13710: 128.74297,-15.4766655
-            13711: 129.7464,-14.718489
-            13712: 129.30043,-15.878054
-            13713: 127.89563,-17.126814
-            13714: 126.35703,-17.149113
-            13715: 128.3416,-17.5505
-            13716: 129.07744,-17.5505
-            13717: 127.94023,-18.687765
-            13718: 128.31929,-19.624336
-            13719: 129.34503,-20.13722
-            13720: 129.7018,-19.289846
-            13721: 131.64177,-17.528202
-            13722: 132.73439,-18.21948
-            13723: 130.77213,-18.977657
-            13724: 132.24382,-19.624336
-            13725: 131.84245,-18.687765
-            13726: 130.39305,-18.130283
-            13727: 131.88705,-18.018787
-            13728: 131.35188,-16.435535
-            13729: 131.35188,-15.498964
-            13730: 130.57144,-15.565863
-            13731: 130.74983,-14.317102
-            13732: 132.26613,-14.227905
-            13733: 131.35188,-14.98608
-            13734: 130.43765,-16.145645
-            13735: 133.22496,-14.807686
-            13736: 132.22153,-14.383999
-            13737: 130.52684,-13.358231
-            13738: 129.38962,-12.867647
-            13739: 129.47882,-11.730382
-            13740: 128.56458,-11.908777
-            13741: 128.47539,-13.179836
-            13742: 127.91792,-11.975675
-            13743: 127.91792,-10.860709
-            13744: 127.69495,-10.548519
-            13745: 126.86988,-11.239798
-            13746: 126.62461,-12.198668
-            13747: 131.70866,-13.380531
-            13748: 133.87161,-14.3617
-            13749: 135.20952,-13.246735
-            13750: 135.03113,-14.69619
-            13751: 133.51483,-15.521265
-            13752: 133.69322,-16.680828
-            13753: 134.31758,-15.03068
-            13754: 134.01814,-15.900354
-            13755: 134.83151,-16.115732
-            13756: 133.50954,-17.927612
-            13757: 135.12816,-18.655432
-            13758: 136.03627,-16.96529
-            13759: 136.40445,-15.605034
-            13760: 136.94887,-16.653101
-            13761: 135.26062,-18.629814
-            13762: 135.82082,-19.323751
-            13763: 136.3346,-17.657852
-            13764: 136.76465,-15.896206
-            13765: 134.92064,-14.758942
-            13766: 135.96866,-16.275295
-            13767: 136.54842,-18.63902
-            13768: 135.72337,-18.460627
-            13769: 134.60846,-19.508694
-            13770: 135.29971,-20.62366
-            13771: 136.9498,-20.579062
-            13772: 137.61874,-18.170736
-            13773: 137.68564,-19.753986
-            13774: 137.19508,-20.645958
-            13775: 137.59645,-21.337238
-            13776: 138.82286,-20.779755
-            13777: 138.37689,-19.486395
-            13778: 137.99782,-17.501757
-            13779: 137.70795,-17.947742
-            13780: 139.29114,-20.378366
-            13781: 138.4661,-20.757456
-            13782: 138.77827,-21.760925
-            13783: 139.8709,-20.155375
-            13784: 139.11275,-23.277277
-            13785: 140.27226,-23.723263
-            13786: 142.569,-23.054283
-            13787: 142.21223,-24.972025
-            13788: 142.90349,-23.968555
-            13789: 143.14877,-23.634066
-            13790: 135.27621,-12.768595
-            13791: 135.85876,-12.21109
-            13792: 134.78844,-11.653607
-            13793: 134.008,-12.1664915
-            13794: 134.34247,-10.783935
-            13795: 135.1898,-11.25222
-            13796: 135.61348,-10.717036
-            13797: 133.785,-10.694737
-            13798: 133.42824,-10.806233
-            13799: 135.21211,-8.9999895
-            13800: 135.68037,-8.264112
-            13801: 136.32703,-8.888494
-            13802: 135.47969,-9.914262
-            13803: 136.6392,-9.490575
-            13804: 136.7061,-7.550535
-            13805: 137.15207,-6.7923584
-            13806: 137.50885,-7.9296227
-            13807: 137.06288,-9.200684
-            13808: 136.6392,-10.315649
-            13809: 136.32703,-10.873132
-            13810: 137.59804,-10.159554
-            13811: 138.11092,-9.4236765
-            13812: 137.46425,-8.487105
-            13813: 136.72841,-7.907324
-            13814: 136.10405,-7.1045485
-            13815: 138.69067,-7.8404255
-            13816: 139.09204,-9.3121805
-            13817: 139.18123,-9.289881
-            13818: 139.50275,-7.238344
-            13819: 139.15565,-5.2092648
-            13820: 139.79713,-4.814976
-            13821: 140.91502,-6.690422
-            13822: 143.06134,-7.2017827
-            13823: 142.3661,-5.090787
-            13824: 142.29568,-2.6455703
-            13825: 141.61696,-4.269257
-            13826: 139.52301,-5.600084
-            13827: 139.07704,-6.02377
-            13828: 140.52644,-6.625851
-            13829: 140.97241,-7.4509263
-            13830: 142.10963,-7.3394294
-            13831: 141.93124,-6.135267
-            13832: 142.3995,-6.112967
-            13833: 140.50414,-8.320599
-            13834: 140.30345,-8.655088
-            13835: 142.28801,-8.766584
-            13836: 142.37721,-7.6516194
-            13837: 143.53673,-8.008408
-            13838: 144.11649,-7.807715
-            13839: 144.40637,-6.6927495
-            13840: 144.74084,-5.5108857
-            13841: 145.81117,-6.4028583
-            13842: 145.3652,-5.3993897
-            13843: 143.51443,-4.9980025
-            13844: 142.93468,-4.507417
-            13845: 143.40294,-3.994533
-            13846: 144.85234,-4.329023
-            13847: 144.91924,-5.265594
-            13848: 145.71992,-4.4851184
-            13849: 145.11511,-3.9722342
-            13850: 146.633,-3.0075665
-            13851: 146.98555,-4.6051326
-            13852: 146.24408,-5.3642077
-            13853: 146.56293,-5.676033
-            13854: 147.46205,-5.5645294
-            13855: 147.61832,-4.360367
-            13856: 148.39876,-4.89555
-            13857: 147.17235,-6.16661
-            13858: 146.77098,-6.8355894
-            13859: 147.90819,-6.657195
-            13860: 148.26497,-6.032814
-            13861: 149.09001,-5.832121
-            13862: 149.42448,-6.5233994
-            13863: 150.8293,-5.7652225
-            13864: 149.89276,-4.22657
-            13865: 150.00426,-3.490693
-            13866: 150.6286,-5.2523384
-            13867: 150.22723,-6.010515
-            13868: 151.31985,-6.6348953
-            13869: 152.36789,-6.032814
-            13870: 151.60974,-4.449564
-            13871: 152.68007,-4.137373
-            13872: 152.68007,-5.2523384
-            13873: 152.43478,-6.679494
-            13874: 152.2787,-7.638365
-            13875: 152.10031,-7.8836565
-            13876: 154.15176,-7.214678
-            13877: 154.79842,-5.631427
-            13878: 154.90991,-4.984747
-            13879: 154.41934,-6.8355894
-            13880: 153.572,-7.5491676
-            13881: 154.77612,-7.749861
-            13882: 155.44507,-6.5233994
-            13883: 156.11403,-6.4119024
-            13884: 156.3816,-6.6125965
-            13885: 154.68692,-4.6056585
-            13886: 153.5274,-3.6690884
-            13887: 154.62003,-1.9297419
-            13888: 153.41591,-0.74787855
-            13889: 151.00768,-1.5060549
-            13890: 150.13805,-2.130436
-            13891: 150.80699,-0.8370762
-            13892: 152.05571,-0.19039631
-            13893: 151.47595,1.0806642
-            13894: 149.66977,0.34478712
-            13895: 148.97852,-1.4391575
-            13896: 148.13118,-1.1938648
-            13897: 148.28728,0.14409351
-            13898: 147.7744,1.2813582
-            13899: 147.39532,1.0806642
-            13900: 147.10545,-0.25729418
-            13901: 147.72981,-1.8405447
-            13902: 147.7075,-2.219633
-            13903: 146.72638,-1.2161646
-            13904: 146.4142,-0.056600094
-            13905: 146.10202,0.5677805
-            13906: 145.72295,0.5008826
-            13907: 145.21008,-0.77017784
-            13908: 145.18779,-1.8182459
-            13909: 145.54456,-2.7771158
-            13910: 145.32158,-3.0893059
-            13911: 144.13976,-2.7994146
-            13912: 143.5154,-1.907443
-            13913: 143.6046,-0.52488565
-            13914: 143.5154,0.25558996
-            13915: 143.13632,0.67927694
-            13916: 142.60117,-0.4133892
-            13917: 142.80185,-1.706749
-            13918: 143.09174,-2.7102175
-            13919: 142.22209,-3.1339045
-            13920: 141.30785,-2.5764217
-            13921: 141.44164,-1.0823679
-            13922: 141.50854,0.25558996
-            13923: 141.15176,0.87997055
-            13924: 140.6166,0.9691677
-            13925: 140.14833,-0.72557926
-            13926: 140.43822,-1.8405447
-            13927: 140.34901,-2.4872246
-            13928: 140.28212,-3.3122988
-            13929: 139.91281,-3.579524
-            13930: 139.17696,-3.6654038
-            13931: 139.19926,-2.059854
-            13932: 138.97627,-0.7887931
-            13933: 138.5303,0.103179455
-            13934: 138.84248,1.106648
-            13935: 139.73442,1.7310286
-            13936: 140.44798,1.2850423
-            13937: 140.55946,-0.119814396
-            13938: 138.26273,0.97285223
-            13939: 137.57147,1.5526338
-            13940: 137.014,0.839056
-            13941: 136.92482,0.19237661
-            13942: 137.48228,-1.6138673
-            13943: 138.6864,-2.394343
-            13944: 138.6864,-3.1748185
-            13945: 137.90594,-3.866098
-            13946: 136.96942,-3.643104
-            13947: 136.94711,-2.907227
-            13948: 136.81332,-1.9483571
-            13949: 135.98828,-0.9894872
-            13950: 135.69841,0.17007685
-            13951: 136.12207,1.2404437
-            13952: 136.16667,1.9317222
-            13953: 135.54231,1.3519402
-            13954: 135.45312,-0.25361013
-            13955: 135.47542,-1.5915685
-            13956: 135.8322,-3.0410228
-            13957: 135.69841,-4.155988
-            13958: 134.94026,-4.1336894
-            13959: 134.53888,-2.1936498
-            13960: 134.2936,-0.85569143
-            13961: 134.2936,0.37077093
-            13962: 133.98143,1.5080352
-            13963: 133.11179,1.8202257
-            13964: 132.978,0.32617235
-            13965: 133.26787,-1.1009831
-            13966: 133.04489,-2.3051457
-            13967: 132.17525,-3.5093083
-            13968: 131.92996,-3.553907
-            13969: 133.04489,-2.7288327
-            13970: 132.8665,-1.5915685
-            13971: 131.72928,-2.1490512
-            13972: 130.19069,-2.595037
-            13973: 129.29875,-2.9741254
-            13974: 130.94884,-1.1901803
-            13975: 131.32791,-0.25361013
-            13976: 131.3502,0.6160631
-            13977: 131.3056,1.3296409
-            13978: 130.0792,-0.07521582
-            13979: 129.47713,-1.3016772
-            13980: 128.4514,-1.9037585
-            13981: 127.71556,-1.9706569
-            13982: 128.11693,-0.23131037
-            13983: 128.71898,0.8613553
-            13984: 130.16838,1.4634366
-            13985: 129.03116,1.99862
-            13986: 127.604065,1.7310286
-            13987: 127.0243,1.0174508
-            13988: 126.80131,2.0432186
-            13989: 128.09464,1.8648243
-            13990: 129.12036,0.54916525
-            13991: 130.74815,0.8836546
-            13992: 130.19069,-2.7734313
-            13993: 130.0123,-5.2040563
-            13994: 131.81847,-4.3566823
-            13995: 133.62465,-3.8437982
-            13996: 132.46513,-5.1594577
-            13997: 131.5063,-5.7169394
-            13998: 130.61435,-6.809606
-            13999: 131.03802,-7.3893876
-            14000: 132.7773,-5.984532
-            14001: 133.60234,-4.8695664
-            14002: 134.3159,-4.7803693
-            14003: 133.08948,-6.3190207
-            14004: 132.13065,-6.8765035
-            14005: 132.35364,-5.4939466
-            14006: 130.92653,-3.7768998
-            14007: 130.56976,-4.5573764
-            14008: 128.47968,-4.2641706
-            14009: 128.02266,-3.8772473
-            14010: 126.171776,-4.6346474
-            14011: 125.16834,-4.2555594
-            14012: 124.49939,-4.23326
-            14013: 123.29527,-3.6088796
-            14014: 122.35874,-2.9176006
-            14015: 121.3776,-3.3189888
-            14016: 120.95393,-4.1886616
-            14017: 122.47023,-4.8576407
-            14018: 123.91963,-4.54545
-            14019: 123.36217,-5.5043206
-            14020: 122.559425,-6.7976804
-            14021: 123.941925,-6.3070955
-            14022: 124.54398,-5.615817
-            14023: 125.59202,-5.2813272
-            14024: 126.127174,-6.4631906
-            14025: 127.46508,-5.928007
-            14026: 128.17863,-5.0806336
-            14027: 128.98138,-5.459722
-            14028: 126.26096,-6.931476
-            14029: 124.454796,-7.1098704
-            14030: 122.381035,-6.842279
-            14031: 121.5114,-7.221367
-            14032: 122.76011,-8.269435
-            14033: 125.212944,-7.422061
-            14034: 125.72581,-8.358632
-            14035: 124.94536,-8.804618
-            14036: 126.127174,-9.540495
-            14037: 124.63318,-10.65546
-            14038: 123.62975,-11.391337
-            14039: 124.14262,-11.859623
-            14040: 125.23524,-11.435936
-            14041: 125.97109,-10.276372
-            14042: 127.46508,-9.874985
-            14043: 128.22324,-8.581625
-            14044: 129.15977,-7.6004553
-            14045: 128.15634,-6.4408913
-            14046: 129.51656,-6.8868775
-            14047: 129.04828,-8.3140335
-            14048: 130.20781,-8.581625
-            14049: 129.22667,-7.422061
-            14050: 127.86647,-7.4443603
-            14051: 121.22152,-8.537026
-            14052: 121.66749,-8.715421
-            14053: 121.95737,-9.741189
-            14054: 123.49596,-7.734251
-            14055: 107.74018,-1.2391737
-            14056: 104.350815,-0.15394068
-            14057: 105.09409,3.9491315
-            14058: 110.757904,1.8678632
-            14059: 122.88329,0.9015603
-            14060: 123.834694,2.7152371
-            14061: 116.639725,0.38124228
-            14062: 147.2455,2.7891526
-            14063: 146.62305,3.366777
-            14064: 148.02785,4.2587495
-            14065: 148.9421,5.5075107
-            14066: 149.54414,6.7116723
-            14067: 148.22853,7.5813465
-            14068: 146.24397,6.823169
-            14069: 145.37433,6.9792647
-            14070: 147.62648,8.919304
-            14071: 149.32117,9.766678
-            14072: 149.94551,11.015438
-            14073: 148.47382,11.572922
-            14074: 146.66765,11.082336
-            14075: 146.11018,11.63982
-            14076: 147.2697,12.576389
-            14077: 148.54071,13.691355
-            14078: 148.42923,15.14081
-            14079: 147.49269,13.289967
-            14080: 147.73798,11.082336
-            14081: 148.27313,10.591751
-            14082: 146.28857,10.680948
-            14083: 144.92836,11.572922
-            14084: 145.21825,13.178471
-            14085: 147.3143,14.784021
-            14086: 147.96095,15.742891
-            14087: 146.91293,16.010483
-            14088: 145.77571,15.0962105
-            14089: 145.19595,16.032784
-            14090: 146.35547,16.72406
-            14091: 147.73798,17.214645
-            14092: 146.91293,15.2969055
-            14093: 146.53386,14.404934
-            14094: 147.55959,13.156172
-            14095: 146.57845,12.108105
-            14096: 150.61447,12.152702
-            14097: 150.94894,9.922773
-            14098: 150.79286,7.960434
-            14099: 149.45496,7.2022576
-            14100: 150.54758,6.956965
-            14101: 150.63676,6.8900676
-            14102: 150.28,3.879661
-            14103: 151.21654,3.0991855
-            14104: 151.6625,3.678967
-            14105: 149.58875,1.783526
-            14106: 152.66594,2.0065188
-            14107: 154.4944,2.3410087
-            14108: 154.98497,1.3152413
-            14109: 156.94724,3.0322871
-            14110: 156.92494,4.392545
-            14111: 155.76541,4.7047353
-            14112: 155.34175,5.7528024
-            14113: 156.50127,6.2656865
-            14114: 156.83574,4.504041
-            14115: 155.52013,2.0511174
-            14116: 156.50127,0.75775766
-            14117: 153.93694,2.095716
-            14118: 152.75513,4.013457
-            14119: 153.51328,5.0169253
-            14120: 155.47554,6.444081
-            14121: 154.22682,7.380652
-            14122: 155.76541,8.607113
-            14123: 157.3932,7.759741
-            14124: 155.9438,6.823169
-            14125: 157.97296,7.469849
-            14126: 158.70882,8.228025
-            14127: 158.57503,6.533278
-            14128: 157.79457,5.596708
-            14129: 158.59732,5.3291154
-            14130: 158.53043,6.6001763
-            14131: 156.25598,7.246856
-            14132: 154.4944,8.027332
-            14133: 155.00726,10.524855
-            14134: 155.02957,11.394527
-            14135: 154.49985,9.800362
-            14136: 153.70485,10.923059
-            14137: 154.52989,10.900761
-            14138: 154.75287,9.228312
-            14139: 156.04619,10.677767
-            14140: 156.82663,11.658936
-            14141: 157.3395,10.789265
-            14142: 156.58134,9.941891
-            14143: 158.11993,10.053387
-            14144: 159.74773,9.674299
-            14145: 160.34978,10.766964
-            14146: 159.32405,11.904228
-            14147: 158.7443,13.108391
-            14148: 157.78546,14.178757
-            14149: 156.62595,13.264486
-            14150: 155.8678,13.309086
-            14151: 156.82663,14.959234
-            14152: 157.54018,16.252594
-            14153: 157.3395,17.479055
-            14154: 156.38066,16.899273
-            14155: 155.06505,15.40522
-            14156: 154.32921,15.226826
-            14157: 153.05818,16.007301
-            14158: 153.32578,17.122267
-            14159: 152.72371,16.810076
-            14160: 153.45956,15.159927
-            14161: 153.70485,14.624744
-            14162: 154.52989,16.274893
-            14163: 155.42183,16.609383
-            14164: 154.81976,14.602444
-            14165: 154.24,13.643574
-            14166: 154.12851,12.996895
-            14167: 155.7786,13.5543785
-            14168: 151.7981,17.13835
-            14169: 152.39969,16.621355
-            14170: 151.84053,16.697607
-            14171: 152.79936,18.392353
-            14172: 154.56094,20.198597
-            14173: 153.40143,20.934475
-            14174: 155.09612,19.306625
-            14175: 154.20416,18.325455
-            14176: 156.52321,19.150532
-            14177: 156.41171,20.73378
-            14178: 155.78735,22.138638
-            14179: 153.57982,20.822979
-            14180: 152.2196,19.48502
-            14181: 151.14928,20.176298
-            14182: 150.63641,20.979073
-            14183: 150.05666,18.81604
-            14184: 150.63641,18.169361
-            14185: 149.41,18.54845
-            14186: 149.76677,20.131699
-            14187: 149.65529,21.44736
-            14188: 149.3877,22.027142
-            14189: 148.25047,20.77838
-            14190: 148.29507,19.81951
-            14191: 148.49576,18.615347
-            14192: 148.42886,17.85717
-            14193: 147.15785,19.128231
-            14194: 146.97946,20.131699
-            14195: 146.95717,21.603455
-            14196: 146.66728,21.871046
-            14197: 145.97604,20.622284
-            14198: 145.79765,19.551918
-            14199: 145.0172,19.81951
-            14200: 144.92801,18.637646
-            14201: 144.92801,17.745674
-            14202: 146.5335,18.19166
-            14203: 147.55923,18.035564
-            14204: 146.96002,23.14333
-            14205: 146.37872,23.96574
-            14206: 147.93962,24.099537
-            14207: 148.49707,22.67238
-            14208: 148.69777,24.032639
-            14209: 148.43018,25.236801
-            14210: 148.49707,26.418663
-            14211: 150.30325,26.374065
-            14212: 150.37015,25.749683
-            14213: 152.08713,27.13224
-            14214: 151.0614,27.756622
-            14215: 150.32555,27.778923
-            14216: 150.45934,30.00885
-            14217: 152.55539,30.365639
-            14218: 151.77495,28.960785
-            14219: 153.13515,28.960785
-            14220: 154.31697,30.499435
-            14221: 153.35814,31.859695
-            14222: 152.06483,30.365639
-            14223: 150.9053,31.012321
-            14224: 156.32384,30.70013
-            14225: 156.42967,32.060387
-            14226: 158.00233,32.216484
-            14227: 156.67863,30.923122
-            14228: 155.94382,30.00885
-            14229: 156.77231,31.05692
-            14230: 158.93526,31.725899
-            14231: 158.86836,33.30915
-            14232: 157.48586,33.465244
-            14233: 156.7277,32.97466
-            14234: 158.95755,34.134224
-            14235: 159.738,34.691708
-            14236: 158.3332,35.739773
-            14237: 158.17711,36.92164
-            14238: 157.24057,37.47912
-            14239: 156.8392,37.635216
-            14240: 158.80147,37.010834
-            14241: 159.13594,31.7482
-            14242: 158.06561,30.655533
-            14243: 158.51158,29.250675
-            14244: 157.88722,28.068813
-            14245: 156.41553,28.804688
-            14246: 155.96956,28.269508
-            14247: 156.92839,27.578228
-            14248: 158.75687,27.377533
-            14249: 158.08792,26.507862
-            14250: 156.8392,26.820051
-            14251: 156.25945,26.730854
-            14252: 155.88037,26.307167
-            14253: 155.90266,25.526691
-            14254: 155.03302,25.080706
-            14255: 155.79117,24.679317
-            14256: 156.92839,24.211033
-            14257: 157.32977,23.94344
-            14258: 156.30403,22.895374
-            14259: 153.85121,23.02917
-            14260: 153.9404,22.560884
-            14261: 154.78775,21.579714
-            14262: 155.16682,21.222925
-            14263: 145.459,25.602821
-            14264: 143.9155,26.457424
-            14265: 143.26884,25.253262
-            14266: 144.0047,25.966839
-            14267: 144.45067,27.61699
-            14268: 144.42836,28.910347
-            14269: 145.27571,30.047615
-            14270: 145.3426,29.490131
-            14271: 143.26884,27.52779
-            14272: 142.4438,26.479725
-            14273: 142.24312,25.743847
-            14274: 141.77486,25.476255
-            14275: 140.39235,24.98567
-            14276: 140.28085,24.539684
-            14277: 140.59303,24.227493
-            14278: 142.71138,25.69925
-            14279: 143.40263,26.59122
-            14280: 142.26541,27.081806
-            14281: 140.81602,26.747314
-            14282: 141.86404,27.750786
-            14283: 142.64449,28.48666
-            14284: 142.02013,29.311737
-            14285: 142.77827,30.315205
-            14286: 143.78171,30.069912
-            14287: 144.62906,30.003014
-            14288: 143.26884,30.939583
-            14289: 144.0716,32.12145
-            14290: 144.60675,32.924225
-            14291: 145.69939,31.876156
-            14292: 145.90007,30.471298
-            14293: 147.32716,31.184875
-            14294: 147.79543,32.188347
-            14295: 148.4421,31.09568
-            14296: 148.1522,30.560497
-            14297: 149.13335,30.850388
-            14298: 149.37862,30.047615
-            14299: 144.49974,33.36365
-            14300: 143.23363,33.59668
-            14301: 142.69844,32.013443
-            14302: 141.69476,30.854004
-            14303: 140.86984,29.694378
-            14304: 140.24548,28.579414
-            14305: 139.9779,27.70974
-            14306: 139.30894,26.260284
-            14307: 137.50276,24.18645
-            14308: 137.1906,24.766232
-            14309: 136.87842,26.237986
-            14310: 138.86298,27.598244
-            14311: 139.48734,29.114597
-            14312: 137.146,25.948095
-            14313: 139.01906,27.12996
-            14314: 139.8887,29.560581
-            14315: 140.49077,30.519455
-            14316: 138.97447,29.493683
-            14317: 137.46574,28.936203
-            14318: 137.12831,28.401016
-            14319: 134.55223,26.327179
-            14320: 135.42505,25.992695
-            14321: 134.85933,25.033823
-            14322: 133.14189,24.476341
-            14323: 133.31927,24.052654
-            14324: 136.10727,24.565536
-            14325: 136.06268,25.212217
-            14326: 135.34912,27.04076
-            14327: 133.96663,27.865837
-            14328: 133.91396,25.234516
-            14329: 134.12949,24.565536
-            14330: 135.23468,24.565536
-            14331: 135.11093,23.918858
-            14332: 138.05434,24.409443
-            14333: 138.03203,26.193386
-            14334: 137.51917,27.531345
-            14335: 132.07834,26.08189
-            14336: 130.87422,25.368313
-            14337: 130.98572,26.75087
-            14338: 132.5243,27.152256
-            14339: 132.36823,25.858898
-            14340: 131.32019,24.877728
-            14341: 131.1195,24.008055
-            14342: 132.61351,24.632435
-            14343: 129.8485,25.12302
-            14344: 128.17612,24.677034
-            14345: 127.90852,25.948095
-            14346: 128.73357,26.706272
-            14347: 128.51059,25.279116
-            14348: 127.640945,24.431742
-            14349: 126.16924,24.587837
-            14350: 125.96856,26.10419
-            14351: 126.704414,28.356419
-            14352: 125.14352,27.977333
-            14353: 124.496864,26.41638
-            14354: 125.54488,25.323715
-            14355: 126.63752,24.766232
-            14356: 128.10922,24.81083
-            14357: 128.06462,24.297947
-            14358: 126.994286,23.740463
-            14359: 128.57748,27.018463
-            14360: 127.93083,28.512516
-            14361: 128.4883,29.07
-            14362: 128.80048,27.642841
-            14363: 130.18297,28.512516
-            14364: 128.28761,29.605179
-            14365: 126.8382,30.162663
-            14366: 127.484856,31.879711
-            14367: 128.77817,33.685955
-            14368: 128.75587,32.013504
-            14369: 128.3322,30.341057
-            14370: 126.88279,30.073467
-            14371: 126.34763,31.076935
-            14372: 126.682106,32.3257
-            14373: 129.31334,33.061573
-            14374: 130.36136,33.46296
-            14375: 129.9377,31.099236
-            14376: 131.89995,30.140366
-            14377: 133.99602,31.010036
-            14378: 133.59464,29.917374
-            14379: 132.7473,29.382187
-            14380: 134.1744,28.735508
-            14381: 135.6461,29.515984
-            14382: 136.64952,29.783577
-            14383: 135.713,28.356419
-            14384: 136.60493,28.133427
-            14385: 137.74216,31.010036
-            14386: 138.5003,31.879711
-            14387: 139.32535,30.58635
-            14388: 131.1418,33.10405
-            14389: 129.737,35.726715
-            14390: 130.87422,37.41809
-            14391: 130.66075,34.154232
-            14392: 130.86143,34.82321
-            14393: 130.83913,36.250366
-            14394: 130.12558,36.540257
-            14395: 128.4755,34.934708
-            14396: 127.62816,35.2469
-            14397: 129.59042,37.432228
-            14398: 130.48236,39.03778
-            14399: 130.72765,40.04125
-            14400: 129.14445,38.4134
-            14401: 129.14445,37.053143
-            14402: 128.63158,37.142338
-            14403: 128.60928,39.03778
-            14404: 128.18561,40.37574
-            14405: 127.51666,38.3688
-            14406: 127.026085,37.76672
-            14407: 127.672745,38.03431
-            14408: 128.69847,37.878216
-            14409: 129.56812,39.550663
-            14410: 130.01408,41.735996
-            14411: 131.55269,41.713696
-            14412: 130.92833,39.99665
-            14413: 133.49265,39.99665
-            14414: 134.36229,40.55413
-            14415: 133.26967,38.94858
-            14416: 132.97978,38.279602
-            14417: 133.98322,38.301903
-            14418: 134.31769,38.926285
-            14419: 134.2954,39.862854
-            14420: 133.78253,40.66563
-            14421: 132.5561,41.22311
-            14422: 135.83398,42.27118
-            14423: 136.23535,41.200813
-            14424: 134.58527,38.502594
-            14425: 135.99007,39.149277
-            14426: 136.14616,40.73253
-            14427: 137.105,39.95205
-            14428: 136.10156,39.483765
-            14429: 137.23878,38.94858
-            14430: 137.0381,38.547195
-            14431: 138.88887,38.547195
-            14432: 139.87001,38.012012
-            14433: 139.15645,37.231537
-            14434: 140.24908,38.257305
-            14435: 139.87001,40.531834
-            14436: 138.86658,41.6914
-            14437: 140.38287,38.926285
-            14438: 141.364,36.71865
-            14439: 132.58307,37.65587
-            14440: 131.9804,42.866585
-            14441: 131.31694,44.221844
-            14442: 133.50218,44.846226
-            14443: 132.85553,43.619762
-            14444: 133.72517,43.352173
-            14445: 133.52449,44.244144
-            14446: 134.97388,45.292213
-            14447: 135.53134,45.760498
-            14448: 135.19687,44.13265
-            14449: 135.39755,43.75356
-            14450: 135.93272,44.62323
-            14451: 136.78006,44.73473
-            14452: 137.7835,44.311043
-            14453: 137.27063,43.530567
-            14454: 137.96187,42.928486
-            14455: 138.76462,42.70549
-            14456: 136.89156,41.947315
-            14457: 131.72957,45.055393
-            14458: 132.68298,46.375164
-            14459: 132.6321,47.55745
-            14460: 131.69556,46.464783
-            14461: 132.38681,45.59511
-            14462: 132.38681,44.97073
-            14463: 131.02661,46.57628
-            14464: 130.42455,47.20066
-            14465: 130.00087,46.30869
-            14466: 130.60294,45.32752
-            14467: 129.13124,45.439014
-            14468: 129.08664,46.53168
-            14469: 129.57721,48.51632
-            14470: 129.08664,48.048035
-            14471: 127.793335,47.066864
-            14472: 127.77103,46.55398
-            14473: 128.46228,46.82157
-            14474: 128.2393,46.30869
-            14475: 126.70069,47.53515
-            14476: 127.21357,47.981136
-            14477: 128.35078,49.452892
-            14478: 130.09007,49.631287
-            14479: 130.71443,48.15953
-            14480: 131.60637,49.101067
-            14481: 130.20157,50.972977
-            14482: 128.50688,48.57427
-            14483: 127.54805,49.571037
-            14484: 127.56668,50.2411
-            14485: 126.574165,49.57386
-            14486: 126.57862,51.568764
-            14487: 127.065315,52.71261
-            14488: 126.641655,51.776035
-            14489: 126.21798,50.527275
-            14490: 125.16995,50.72797
-            14491: 125.39294,51.75374
-            14492: 125.972694,51.21855
-            14493: 126.820045,50.527275
-            14494: 127.86807,52.155125
-            14495: 127.19912,53.716076
-            14496: 125.348335,52.9579
-            14497: 124.3895,52.511913
-            14498: 124.65709,53.203194
-            14499: 126.10648,53.448486
-            14500: 126.19569,52.668007
-            14501: 125.482124,54.028267
-            14502: 126.21798,55.16553
-            14503: 126.97613,56.508766
-            14504: 127.19912,56.2746
-            14505: 125.19225,56.528496
-            14506: 125.41523,57.263565
-            14507: 124.81318,56.014557
-            14508: 125.43754,55.50239
-            14509: 125.03616,57.018745
-            14510: 123.63136,56.661957
-            14511: 124.300316,56.282867
-            14512: 126.70855,57.041046
-            14513: 126.08419,56.327465
-            14514: 127.600494,58.200607
-            14515: 128.67082,58.847286
-            14516: 127.600494,57.241737
-            14517: 128.04646,56.483562
-            14518: 127.73428,54.90031
-            14519: 127.71199,53.98604
-            14520: 128.02417,57.241737
-            14521: 128.7823,58.4236
-            14522: 129.80804,58.601997
-            14523: 129.33977,60.029152
-            14524: 128.13565,59.939957
-            14525: 126.41866,58.4459
-            14526: 126.48556,59.672363
-            14527: 127.890366,60.631233
-            14528: 127.600494,61.7462
-            14529: 126.70855,62.30368
-            14530: 126.19569,59.939957
-            14531: 125.236855,59.114876
-            14532: 126.08419,59.270973
-            14533: 126.19569,61.14412
-            14534: 124.924675,60.78733
-            14535: 124.07733,60.296745
-            14536: 124.99157,61.077217
-            14537: 125.19225,61.7239
-            14538: 124.612495,63.351746
-            14539: 123.76515,62.816566
-            14540: 124.144226,61.36711
-            14541: 123.58676,61.500908
-            14542: 123.809746,62.972656
-            14543: 123.653656,64.53361
-            14544: 123.45297,64.8458
-            14545: 122.51644,63.753136
-            14546: 121.95898,62.90576
-            14547: 122.13737,64.42211
-            14548: 121.312325,64.19912
-            14549: 120.197395,63.708534
-            14550: 119.61764,63.128754
-            14551: 121.29002,62.147583
-            14552: 122.29345,61.768494
-            14553: 120.197395,61.456306
-            14554: 119.59534,61.32251
-            14555: 119.46155,60.519737
-            14556: 121.29002,60.809624
-            14557: 121.78059,60.608932
-            14558: 119.95212,59.60546
-            14559: 119.104774,60.74273
-            14560: 118.36893,60.675835
-            14561: 118.12364,60.00685
-            14562: 120.06361,58.847286
-            14563: 121.49071,59.516266
-            14564: 120.977844,58.80269
-            14565: 120.1528,58.312103
-            14566: 120.28659,57.620827
-            14567: 117.90066,58.80269
-            14568: 117.65537,58.356705
-            14569: 118.99328,56.50586
-            14570: 120.06361,56.037575
-            14571: 122.11507,58.334404
-            14572: 123.14079,58.80269
-            14573: 123.0739,58.15601
-            14574: 123.92124,58.245205
-            14575: 124.612495,59.650063
-            14576: 123.54217,56.572758
-            14577: 121.78059,56.17137
-            14578: 120.331184,55.457794
-            14579: 118.948685,55.836884
-            14580: 120.08591,54.67732
-            14581: 121.73599,54.788815
-            14582: 120.88865,53.785347
-            14583: 119.63994,52.937973
-            14584: 120.527336,51.91961
-            14585: 120.46044,51.22833
-            14586: 118.85495,51.495922
-            14587: 118.34208,51.785812
-            14588: 118.20829,50.470154
-            14589: 118.297485,49.667377
-            14590: 117.16026,49.087597
-            14591: 118.0745,47.70504
-            14592: 119.79148,48.106426
-            14593: 119.79148,47.593544
-            14594: 117.58394,49.399788
-            14595: 116.80349,50.67085
-            14596: 117.00417,52.075703
-            14597: 116.20143,51.429024
-            14598: 115.77776,50.537052
-            14599: 116.08994,51.22833
-            14600: 115.82236,52.87848
-            14601: 114.48445,53.50286
-            14602: 113.7932,53.10147
-            14603: 114.17227,51.85271
-            14604: 114.01618,51.54052
-            14605: 114.10538,49.91267
-            14606: 113.748604,48.9538
-            14607: 112.990456,51.005337
-            14608: 112.990456,51.785812
-            14609: 112.031624,51.85271
-            14610: 112.58908,50.916138
-            14611: 112.678276,49.488983
-            14612: 113.48102,48.240223
-            14613: 112.12081,48.240223
-            14614: 111.095085,50.00187
-            14615: 110.626816,50.64855
-            14616: 111.63025,48.28482
-            14617: 109.39474,50.620216
-            14618: 108.88703,50.99793
-            14619: 109.600586,49.927563
-            14620: 110.55942,49.258583
-            14621: 111.36216,49.05789
-            14622: 112.00882,47.45234
-            14623: 111.36216,46.315075
-            14624: 110.18034,47.318542
-            14625: 109.333,48.879494
-            14626: 108.41877,49.70457
-            14627: 108.08429,50.35125
-            14628: 107.17005,49.97216
-            14629: 107.79441,48.45581
-            14630: 108.88703,47.630733
-            14631: 109.28841,46.761063
-            14632: 109.02083,45.980587
-            14633: 110.068855,45.044014
-            14634: 109.4891,44.24124
-            14635: 108.37417,44.352737
-            14636: 107.727516,44.464233
-            14637: 107.9728,46.58267
-            14638: 106.94707,47.18475
-            14639: 106.21122,48.834896
-            14640: 106.56799,49.32548
-            14641: 106.05513,48.7457
-            14642: 106.96937,46.20358
-            14643: 107.52683,46.89486
-            14644: 107.12546,47.920624
-            14645: 105.27468,48.299713
-            14646: 104.248955,47.67533
-            14647: 105.653755,49.30318
-            14648: 104.98481,49.905262
-            14649: 103.89218,48.05442
-            14650: 103.17863,47.028652
-            14651: 102.59887,48.7234
-            14652: 102.1529,49.593075
-            14653: 101.37246,49.68227
-            14654: 100.814995,48.41121
-            14655: 100.43592,47.987522
-            14656: 100.7481,48.7234
-            14657: 101.84072,48.188217
-            14658: 102.73266,48.45581
-            14659: 103.71379,49.10249
-            14660: 103.44621,47.876026
-            14661: 104.22666,46.44887
-            14662: 104.44964,45.267006
-            14663: 103.35702,44.821022
-            14664: 106.166626,43.973648
-            14665: 107.34844,43.706055
-            14666: 105.988235,42.903282
-            14667: 104.20436,42.3681
-            14668: 105.78755,41.03014
-            14669: 104.91791,39.98207
-            14670: 103.936775,39.959774
-            14671: 105.0071,41.11934
-            14672: 105.49767,41.855213
-            14673: 104.717224,41.766018
-            14674: 103.98138,40.851746
-            14675: 103.624596,41.63222
-            14676: 104.49424,42.189705
-            14677: 103.69149,43.795254
-            14678: 102.086006,43.081676
-            14679: 102.353584,43.772953
-            14680: 103.13403,43.90675
-            14681: 108.43368,40.402954
-            14682: 108.47827,41.18343
-            14683: 110.864204,40.202263
-            14684: 109.05804,39.131893
-            14685: 109.68239,38.730507
-            14686: 110.752716,39.91237
-            14687: 111.71155,40.737446
-            14688: 113.02715,40.670547
-            14689: 112.51429,39.64478
-            14690: 109.5263,38.552113
-            14691: 107.67553,38.262222
-            14692: 109.147224,37.838535
-            14693: 111.57776,38.418316
-            14694: 112.71498,39.087296
-            14695: 111.39937,38.03923
-            14696: 112.02373,37.41485
-            14697: 113.58462,38.9089
-            14698: 113.227844,40.51445
-            14699: 113.31704,41.85241
-            14700: 115.05631,41.674015
-            14701: 114.36507,40.62595
-            14702: 115.591484,41.361824
-            14703: 115.47999,42.52139
-            14704: 109.97915,35.934433
-            14705: 109.73903,36.430607
-            14706: 113.04984,36.645283
-            14707: 112.0687,35.285027
-            14708: 111.332855,34.348454
-            14709: 111.020676,33.322685
-            14710: 112.269394,34.41535
-            14711: 113.04984,34.41535
-            14712: 112.69306,33.545677
-            14713: 111.979515,32.787502
-            14714: 113.76339,32.676006
-            14715: 114.43234,33.411884
-            14716: 114.47694,32.27462
-            14717: 112.51467,32.073925
-            14718: 110.262535,32.163124
-            14719: 109.281395,31.89553
-            14720: 110.061844,33.79097
-            14721: 110.81999,35.21813
-            14722: 112.22479,35.931705
-            14723: 114.82183,36.243896
-            14724: 114.75697,36.1101
-            14725: 115.227425,35.06203
-            14726: 115.74239,35.195827
-            14727: 117.43708,36.444588
-            14728: 116.58974,35.06203
-            14729: 115.80929,33.947067
-            14730: 117.943565,33.85787
-            14731: 118.48581,35.08433
-            14732: 117.60203,35.039734
-            14733: 117.36045,36.935173
-            14734: 118.18549,37.96094
-            14735: 119.01054,37.96094
-            14736: 119.25582,36.39999
-            14737: 120.28155,36.667583
-            14738: 120.23695,37.782547
-            14739: 119.612595,38.852913
-            14740: 121.351875,37.827145
-            14741: 120.79441,35.641815
-            14742: 117.80642,33.010498
-            14743: 117.717224,32.20772
-            14744: 120.52683,32.430714
-            14745: 120.9505,33.16659
-            14746: 119.568,34.19236
-            14747: 120.81671,34.74984
-            14748: 119.768684,33.478783
-            14749: 121.26268,33.991665
-            14750: 122.11002,33.724075
-            14751: 122.600586,33.52338
-            14752: 122.93507,34.682945
-            14753: 122.11002,35.70871
-            14754: 122.15462,36.75678
-            14755: 122.756676,37.626453
-            14756: 123.33643,36.0655
-            14757: 124.69665,36.578384
-            14758: 125.36559,36.73448
-            14759: 125.16491,34.81674
-            14760: 124.87503,33.344986
-            14761: 125.120316,33.099693
-            14762: 126.05685,33.59028
-            14763: 126.10145,34.79444
-            14764: 126.25753,36.377693
-            14765: 127.19407,35.842506
-            14766: 126.3605,34.19236
-            14767: 125.93247,33.969368
-            14768: 125.40093,33.991665
-            14769: 125.8469,32.20772
-            14770: 126.13677,32.430714
-            14771: 127.74228,33.567978
-            14772: 127.43009,34.370754
-            14773: 127.56389,35.842506
-            14774: 126.89492,38.87825
-            14775: 126.44895,40.224945
-            14776: 127.02871,41.833374
-            14777: 126.51585,42.457752
-            14778: 126.38206,40.9637
-            14779: 125.95838,39.871033
-            14780: 125.49012,41.298187
-            14781: 125.93609,42.23476
-            14782: 127.71997,42.88144
-            14783: 127.92067,41.431984
-            14784: 129.34776,41.85567
-            14785: 128.16594,42.50235
-            14786: 127.786865,41.387386
-            14787: 126.047585,43.372025
-            14788: 124.77657,42.323956
-            14789: 124.84347,41.208992
-            14790: 124.26371,41.654976
-            14791: 124.93266,43.88491
-            14792: 124.642784,44.598488
-            14793: 123.37177,43.305126
-            14794: 123.26028,42.30166
-            14795: 122.301445,43.86261
-            14796: 123.08189,43.751114
-            14797: 122.279144,42.14556
-            14798: 123.30487,44.286297
-            14799: 124.93266,45.46816
-            14800: 123.32717,46.025642
-            14801: 123.728546,46.73922
-            14802: 123.43867,45.289764
-            14803: 123.92923,46.315533
-            14804: 121.944664,45.869545
-            14805: 120.74055,43.46122
-            14806: 120.227684,43.10443
-            14807: 119.04587,43.951805
-            14808: 121.34261,46.226334
-            14809: 122.10076,48.07718
-            14810: 120.1385,45.512756
-            14811: 119.73946,43.748768
-            14812: 118.460175,45.74163
-            14813: 118.87902,45.975475
-            14814: 120.99527,47.848515
-            14815: 122.5557,48.683823
-            14816: 119.83529,46.45389
-            14817: 118.965645,45.74031
-            14818: 116.49052,47.568855
-            14819: 118.00681,47.47966
-            14820: 119.5677,49.129807
-            14821: 119.38932,49.821087
-            14822: 117.47165,47.613457
-            14823: 119.300125,48.884514
-            14824: 120.95021,50.445465
-            14825: 121.039406,52.051018
-            14826: 120.50424,50.95835
-            14827: 118.28505,49.04552
-            14828: 120.30372,48.28373
-            14829: 119.49142,51.694313
-            14830: 119.00952,50.589783
-            14831: 118.30717,52.196606
-            14832: 117.40294,51.465824
-            14833: 118.02598,50.358566
-            14834: 118.64709,48.38081
-            14835: 105.774796,39.29126
-            14836: 104.24665,38.8816
-            14837: 104.78563,38.191154
-            14838: 103.31157,37.633682
-            14839: 103.735245,37.165398
-            14840: 103.579155,38.124268
-            14841: 101.95136,39.729816
-            14842: 101.75068,41.22387
-            14843: 101.839874,39.99741
-            14844: 102.62032,39.283833
-            14845: 102.30814,39.99741
-            14846: 101.237816,39.774414
-            14847: 101.26011,38.860146
-            14848: 101.527695,38.30266
-            14849: 101.88447,37.78978
-            14850: 101.237816,37.1877
-            14851: 100.0114,37.499886
-            14852: 100.47967,38.458755
-            14853: 100.68035,39.885914
-            14854: 99.632324,39.39533
-            14855: 98.71809,40.57719
-            14856: 99.364746,41.201572
-            14857: 99.07487,41.781353
-            14858: 98.093735,40.66639
-            14859: 100.47967,40.621788
-            14860: 100.92564,42.450333
-            14861: 101.72838,41.91515
-            14862: 99.186356,39.30613
-            14863: 98.6289,38.34726
-            14864: 100.652435,37.856674
-            14865: 99.71227,37.72288
-            14866: 99.03318,37.78978
-            14867: 99.15147,40.019707
-            14868: 97.14895,40.68869
-            14869: 98.19698,38.592552
-            14870: 97.61722,37.633682
-            14871: 98.21928,37.232296
-            14872: 96.4131,36.76401
-            14873: 97.19355,38.124268
-            14874: 97.34964,39.529125
-            14875: 96.4577,39.885914
-            14876: 96.16782,38.414158
-            14877: 96.61379,38.235764
-            14878: 94.71842,39.841316
-            14879: 94.09406,39.462227
-            14880: 94.763016,38.168865
-            14881: 94.606926,37.544487
-            14882: 93.380516,37.655983
-            14883: 95.097496,37.70058
-            14884: 94.22785,37.499886
-            14885: 92.33248,37.366093
-            14886: 91.81962,37.0985
-            14887: 93.22443,37.1208
-            14888: 93.96027,37.834377
-            14889: 93.31362,39.216934
-            14890: 92.73386,39.573723
-            14891: 91.97571,38.592552
-            14892: 91.73043,37.589085
-            14893: 90.92768,37.522186
-            14894: 91.99801,39.10544
-            14895: 90.92768,39.573723
-            14896: 90.57091,38.01277
-            14897: 90.14724,37.321495
-            14898: 90.682396,36.76401
-            14899: 91.90881,37.633682
-            14900: 90.25873,38.72635
-            14901: 90.994576,39.26153
-            14902: 89.66597,38.592552
-            14903: 89.60119,39.332188
-            14904: 88.82079,41.03994
-            14905: 90.224915,41.369167
-            14906: 89.19918,39.78592
-            14907: 88.28495,38.760147
-            14908: 87.905876,38.336464
-            14909: 88.5705,38.64865
-            14910: 90.19128,39.808216
-            14911: 88.40635,41.213074
-            14912: 87.93809,39.451427
-            14913: 86.04272,38.938545
-            14914: 85.529854,38.38106
-            14915: 85.15078,40.209602
-            14916: 88.29486,43.063915
-            14917: 89.63277,42.461834
-            14918: 91.41665,40.856285
-            14919: 89.96725,42.684826
-            14920: 90.390915,42.88552
-            14921: 87.04615,41.279972
-            14922: 86.2434,40.856285
-            14923: 86.68937,42.038147
-            14924: 87.38062,42.060448
-            14925: 87.15764,43.04162
-            14926: 85.30687,42.372635
-            14927: 84.8163,41.815155
-            14928: 86.86776,43.732895
-            14929: 87.13534,45.11545
-            14930: 87.22453,44.312675
-            14931: 85.59675,41.815155
-            14932: 85.88663,42.617928
-            14933: 85.77514,44.334976
-            14934: 86.288,45.695232
-            14935: 88.205666,46.377693
-            14936: 88.04615,45.346043
-            14937: 89.49299,44.984432
-            14938: 89.60947,44.324062
-            14939: 90.49116,45.03943
-            14940: 90.98173,46.644978
-            14941: 90.87023,45.240124
-            14942: 90.53576,43.991364
-            14943: 90.69185,44.481945
-            14944: 90.04519,46.60038
-            14945: 89.46543,47.91604
-            14946: 88.751884,48.629616
-            14947: 88.79648,47.49235
-            14948: 90.91483,48.362026
-            14949: 91.67298,49.343193
-            14950: 91.18241,47.715347
-            14951: 92.45342,48.032753
-            14952: 93.23995,50.15908
-            14953: 95.10705,50.689014
-            14954: 94.27182,48.435875
-            14955: 94.24947,47.67574
-            14956: 95.58738,47.408146
-            14957: 95.3198,49.994865
-            14958: 93.04536,50.307056
-            14959: 90.70402,49.481983
-            14960: 90.347244,50.17326
-            14961: 92.24261,51.80111
-            14962: 91.57366,53.005272
-            14963: 91.08309,51.53352
-            14964: 92.28721,51.578117
-            14965: 92.398705,53.250565
-            14966: 93.04536,53.38436
-            14967: 93.06765,51.979504
-            14968: 94.58395,52.224796
-            14969: 95.14141,52.2025
-            14970: 94.16028,50.730743
-            14971: 94.80694,50.17326
-            14972: 96.947586,50.351654
-            14973: 97.17057,49.370487
-            14974: 97.61654,48.59001
-            14975: 98.88755,48.9245
-            14976: 85.24291,44.72882
-            14977: 84.84154,44.408936
-            14978: 83.79351,44.686886
-            14979: 82.790085,43.64826
-            14980: 84.90844,45.053116
-            14981: 84.55166,45.5883
-            14982: 82.946175,45.253807
-            14983: 82.433304,43.80435
-            14984: 81.92044,42.778587
-            14985: 84.28408,41.619022
-            14986: 82.36641,41.485226
-            14987: 81.519066,42.354897
-            14988: 80.98391,41.68592
-            14989: 82.18803,40.77165
-            14990: 82.67859,40.370262
-            14991: 84.10569,40.236465
-            14992: 85.26521,39.45599
-            14993: 85.62199,38.47482
-            14994: 82.611694,38.45359
-            14995: 81.45217,39.07551
-            14996: 80.136566,39.931828
-            14997: 79.24463,38.683067
-            14998: 79.802086,37.144413
-            14999: 81.87585,38.57157
-            15000: 81.92044,40.556206
-            15001: 82.36641,38.14788
-            15002: 83.311264,36.73102
-            15003: 83.58901,37.79966
-            15004: 84.46136,36.482754
-            15005: 83.519295,35.353596
-            15006: 82.78426,36.3705
-            15007: 80.95579,35.857613
-            15008: 80.286835,35.23323
-            15009: 83.05184,35.523125
-            15010: 84.16676,36.704987
-            15011: 84.30055,37.21787
-            15012: 82.04841,37.017178
-            15013: 82.2045,36.771885
-            15014: 82.07071,34.207466
-            15015: 83.80999,33.939873
-            15016: 84.36745,34.318962
-            15017: 83.94378,33.538483
-            15018: 81.981514,32.914104
-            15019: 83.252525,32.11133
-            15020: 85.34858,32.579613
-            15021: 86.06213,32.80261
-            15022: 85.125595,31.79914
-            15023: 82.2045,31.353153
-            15024: 81.87002,31.37545
-            15025: 85.0587,30.528076
-            15026: 84.924904,30.52269
-            15027: 84.78956,31.505493
-            15028: 84.78146,30.302376
-            15029: 84.15821,30.799267
-            15030: 83.73455,31.47638
-            15031: 84.91637,30.539688
-            15032: 85.91979,30.762508
-            15033: 85.62992,29.112568
-            15034: 83.86834,28.800377
-            15035: 83.86834,29.001072
-            15036: 85.228546,29.224064
-            15037: 85.45153,28.35439
-            15038: 84.55959,29.603153
-            15039: 84.894066,29.759247
-            15040: 84.69338,30.160633
-            15041: 84.91637,27.507019
-            15042: 85.228546,28.532784
-            15043: 85.206245,26.882637
-            15044: 84.113625,26.392052
-            15045: 84.00213,25.968365
-            15046: 85.71911,26.771141
-            15047: 85.808304,25.745373
-            15048: 85.696815,24.697304
-            15049: 84.55959,24.764202
-            15050: 83.82374,25.098692
-            15051: 84.91637,24.095222
-            15052: 85.830605,24.117523
-            15053: 85.58532,23.403944
-            15054: 84.60419,23.047155
-            15055: 84.02443,23.89453
-            15056: 84.13592,22.578869
-            15057: 83.11019,22.801863
-            15058: 82.88721,22.712666
-            15059: 84.4035,21.887592
-            15060: 85.228546,21.285511
-            15061: 84.82717,19.947552
-            15062: 82.82031,20.505035
-            15063: 83.11019,19.63536
-            15064: 82.9764,18.252804
-            15065: 83.86834,20.282042
-            15066: 84.15822,20.348938
-            15067: 85.40693,20.772625
-            15068: 85.00556,19.01098
-            15069: 84.31431,18.275105
-            15070: 85.8529,19.724558
-            15071: 85.60762,18.147652
-            15072: 84.60419,11.7328205
-            15073: 85.518425,11.353733
-            15074: 86.07589,9.703585
-            15075: 86.29887,8.767014
-            15076: 86.34347,5.8681035
-            15077: 85.76371,7.6074505
-            15078: 82.68245,4.9854693
+            13387: 83.383514,7.4388547
+            13388: 83.272026,11.452446
+            13389: 86.12623,11.809235
+            13390: 83.45041,10.315182
+            13391: 83.428116,8.665033
+            13392: 85.23429,9.222515
+            13393: 84.810616,8.263645
+            13394: 82.49158,8.665033
+            13395: 82.0902,7.460871
+            13396: 83.96328,6.635796
+            13397: 85.23429,6.769593
+            13398: 83.67339,6.0783143
+            13399: 82.224,6.412804
+            13400: 81.42125,5.699226
+            13401: 81.46585,4.4504647
+            13402: 83.36121,4.338968
+            13403: 84.45384,5.364736
+            13404: 85.301186,4.8072534
+            13405: 82.915245,3.8706822
+            13406: 84.36465,3.2017035
+            13407: 85.65796,4.762655
+            13408: 84.38695,2.8003154
+            13409: 84.58763,3.7368865
+            13410: 83.249725,2.5550237
+            13411: 84.56533,1.6630511
+            13412: 84.498436,0.8825755
+            13413: 83.6511,0.7710786
+            13414: 83.49501,0.23589563
+            13415: 83.16491,-1.1185021
+            13416: 84.48065,-1.2527099
+            13417: 84.03458,-2.1443615
+            13418: 84.012276,-3.103232
+            13419: 84.971115,-2.099763
+            13420: 85.260994,-2.6572456
+            13421: 83.43252,-3.616116
+            13422: 84.43595,-4.7533803
+            13423: 84.993416,-5.42236
+            13424: 85.127205,-4.1958976
+            13425: 85.41708,-5.199367
+            13426: 85.68466,-6.492727
+            13427: 87.71382,-6.158237
+            13428: 86.75499,-4.4411902
+            13429: 86.977974,-3.415422
+            13430: 87.80302,-4.485789
+            13431: 85.46168,-5.4669585
+            13432: 84.03458,-5.75685
+            13433: 85.99684,-7.3623996
+            13434: 85.70696,-7.942181
+            13435: 86.86648,-8.120575
+            13436: 88.22669,-7.540794
+            13437: 87.60233,-8.499664
+            13438: 85.61777,-6.559624
+            13439: 87.69152,-5.08787
+            13440: 86.6435,-3.6607146
+            13441: 86.554306,-2.2781577
+            13442: 88.026,-2.2112598
+            13443: 88.33818,-3.8168101
+            13444: 89.40851,-3.4823203
+            13445: 89.52,-1.87677
+            13446: 90.81331,-1.3638859
+            13447: 89.5423,-3.0140347
+            13448: 90.16666,-4.574986
+            13449: 89.52,-4.976373
+            13450: 91.370766,-4.2850947
+            13451: 91.05859,-2.6572456
+            13452: 91.88364,-1.8321714
+            13453: 91.17008,-3.7499118
+            13454: 91.682945,-4.351993
+            13455: 92.88706,-3.348524
+            13456: 92.173515,-2.5680485
+            13457: 91.54916,-4.129
+            13458: 91.63835,-5.8014483
+            13459: 89.29701,-7.540794
+            13460: 90.05516,-8.298971
+            13461: 89.36391,-8.32127
+            13462: 88.36048,-9.257841
+            13463: 88.62806,-10.328207
+            13464: 88.80645,-10.930288
+            13465: 91.52686,-10.4843025
+            13466: 92.70868,-9.61463
+            13467: 91.12549,-10.662697
+            13468: 90.56802,-11.777662
+            13469: 92.84247,-10.952587
+            13470: 92.73098,-9.347038
+            13471: 89.63149,-9.302439
+            13472: 90.83561,-7.228604
+            13473: 90.23355,-6.604223
+            13474: 91.54916,-6.448128
+            13475: 92.55259,-5.1547685
+            13476: 92.3742,-3.9060073
+            13477: 93.51142,-3.7053132
+            13478: 94.84933,-3.928306
+            13479: 94.49255,-2.099763
+            13480: 94.11348,-1.0293965
+            13481: 93.06545,-1.87677
+            13482: 94.53715,-1.2077909
+            13483: 94.93852,-0.82870245
+            13484: 92.70868,-1.8098722
+            13485: 93.8459,-1.3638859
+            13486: 93.8236,-2.4788513
+            13487: 93.65576,-9.749707
+            13488: 94.4362,-10.641679
+            13489: 91.89418,-10.953869
+            13490: 93.78955,-11.801243
+            13491: 94.70379,-10.820073
+            13492: 94.503105,-11.979637
+            13493: 95.50653,-12.20263
+            13494: 95.595726,-10.886971
+            13495: 96.59916,-11.043067
+            13496: 97.4242,-11.288359
+            13497: 97.602585,-9.905802
+            13498: 98.249245,-9.549013
+            13499: 98.49452,-10.195693
+            13500: 100.01082,-10.128795
+            13501: 99.38647,-9.1922245
+            13502: 98.42763,-8.7685375
+            13503: 98.51682,-7.965762
+            13504: 99.43106,-8.590143
+            13505: 100.3453,-7.675871
+            13506: 99.20808,-6.9399943
+            13507: 98.00396,-6.627804
+            13508: 98.829,-5.691233
+            13509: 99.631744,-5.1560497
+            13510: 100.43449,-4.843859
+            13511: 100.72437,-4.5762677
+            13512: 97.602585,-4.843859
+            13513: 98.36073,-5.0668526
+            13514: 95.907906,-5.0445533
+            13515: 96.97025,-14.029694
+            13516: 97.34933,-13.271519
+            13517: 98.84332,-12.424145
+            13518: 98.41965,-13.449913
+            13519: 99.53457,-13.53911
+            13520: 99.69067,-12.446444
+            13521: 100.98397,-11.353777
+            13522: 102.41107,-10.95239
+            13523: 101.31845,-12.201151
+            13524: 101.63062,-13.226919
+            13525: 102.946236,-12.022757
+            13526: 102.96854,-10.796295
+            13527: 100.69409,-13.739803
+            13528: 98.68723,-13.672905
+            13529: 99.333885,-14.364183
+            13530: 100.87248,-14.943966
+            13531: 101.987404,-15.189259
+            13532: 102.74555,-13.048525
+            13533: 103.61519,-13.449913
+            13534: 101.407646,-15.211557
+            13535: 103.21381,-15.702143
+            13536: 103.63749,-14.319586
+            13537: 102.70095,-13.918198
+            13538: 102.87934,-15.278456
+            13539: 101.63062,-16.527216
+            13540: 103.704384,-16.46032
+            13541: 104.57403,-15.4122505
+            13542: 104.841606,-14.074293
+            13543: 103.52599,-12.067355
+            13544: 104.17265,-10.751696
+            13545: 103.52599,-9.569833
+            13546: 101.89821,-10.95239
+            13547: 101.65292,-9.68133
+            13548: 102.54487,-10.01582
+            13549: 103.280716,-10.1273155
+            13550: 105.287575,-9.97122
+            13551: 104.9308,-8.900854
+            13552: 106.46939,-9.05695
+            13553: 105.73354,-10.595601
+            13554: 105.265274,-11.063887
+            13555: 106.64778,-10.840893
+            13556: 106.89306,-10.060417
+            13557: 109.47968,-10.439507
+            13558: 109.61347,-10.484104
+            13559: 106.826164,-12.22345
+            13560: 106.95996,-12.669436
+            13561: 108.92222,-12.178852
+            13562: 109.47968,-12.268049
+            13563: 109.2344,-13.115423
+            13564: 108.67694,-13.628307
+            13565: 107.628914,-13.762102
+            13566: 106.98226,-13.606007
+            13567: 106.58089,-13.829
+            13568: 108.38706,-13.516809
+            13569: 109.85876,-14.074293
+            13570: 109.1675,-14.185789
+            13571: 108.11948,-14.943966
+            13572: 107.7404,-14.943966
+            13573: 108.81073,-15.45685
+            13574: 106.64778,-16.036633
+            13575: 106.4248,-16.371122
+            13576: 106.826164,-18.155066
+            13577: 105.71124,-18.065868
+            13578: 105.64435,-16.70561
+            13579: 105.599754,-15.79134
+            13580: 105.08689,-17.151598
+            13581: 103.97196,-17.263094
+            13582: 105.33217,-17.820576
+            13583: 106.848465,-16.995502
+            13584: 105.755844,-15.010864
+            13585: 105.443665,-14.185789
+            13586: 103.61519,-15.12236
+            13587: 102.61605,-16.521912
+            13588: 102.66065,-16.945599
+            13589: 107.7447,-18.707245
+            13590: 108.99341,-17.88217
+            13591: 109.75156,-16.811804
+            13592: 110.375916,-16.388117
+            13593: 109.55087,-15.273151
+            13594: 109.64007,-16.27662
+            13595: 109.99684,-17.54768
+            13596: 109.70696,-18.305857
+            13597: 108.74813,-18.751842
+            13598: 108.36906,-19.755312
+            13599: 109.50628,-20.40199
+            13600: 111.84762,-18.395054
+            13601: 112.248985,-17.56998
+            13602: 111.08947,-19.532318
+            13603: 111.44624,-20.73648
+            13604: 110.46511,-21.271666
+            13605: 111.20096,-22.275135
+            13606: 111.80302,-21.40546
+            13607: 111.20096,-20.49119
+            13608: 110.821884,-20.201298
+            13609: 113.029434,-18.595749
+            13610: 112.67266,-17.770674
+            13611: 111.26785,-16.901001
+            13612: 111.82532,-16.075926
+            13613: 113.09633,-16.00903
+            13614: 112.62806,-16.655708
+            13615: 113.653786,-16.388117
+            13616: 114.79101,-15.741438
+            13617: 115.54916,-16.477314
+            13618: 116.329605,-16.700308
+            13619: 116.797874,-17.792973
+            13620: 114.36734,-18.305857
+            13621: 115.95053,-19.130932
+            13622: 117.13235,-18.238958
+            13623: 115.23698,-17.614578
+            13624: 115.57146,-17.057096
+            13625: 116.485695,-19.019434
+            13626: 117.24384,-19.331625
+            13627: 115.95053,-20.49119
+            13628: 114.18895,-19.82221
+            13629: 114.54572,-19.599216
+            13630: 114.300446,-21.026373
+            13631: 115.34847,-21.650753
+            13632: 115.48226,-22.029842
+            13633: 113.92137,-21.78455
+            13634: 113.58689,-20.892576
+            13635: 113.31931,-22.230536
+            13636: 113.185524,-22.721119
+            13637: 112.405075,-22.899513
+            13638: 111.84762,-22.899513
+            13639: 113.051735,-24.594261
+            13640: 113.341606,-25.64233
+            13641: 114.255844,-25.196342
+            13642: 114.8579,-24.438168
+            13643: 112.248985,-24.728058
+            13644: 112.873344,-26.5566
+            13645: 111.89221,-23.67999
+            13646: 114.03286,-22.810318
+            13647: 116.83651,-20.478786
+            13648: 118.821075,-18.739439
+            13649: 118.19672,-17.579876
+            13650: 119.133255,-16.843998
+            13651: 118.91027,-18.204256
+            13652: 119.8245,-18.38265
+            13653: 120.31507,-17.490679
+            13654: 121.02862,-16.888597
+            13655: 121.20701,-18.04816
+            13656: 120.76104,-18.806337
+            13657: 121.89826,-17.602175
+            13658: 122.433426,-16.687902
+            13659: 119.62382,-15.81823
+            13660: 118.664986,-16.308815
+            13661: 117.72845,-15.550638
+            13662: 119.155556,-13.387606
+            13663: 119.289345,-12.89702
+            13664: 118.01833,-15.48374
+            13665: 116.81422,-15.952026
+            13666: 117.260185,-16.241917
+            13667: 119.53463,-14.23498
+            13668: 118.508896,-14.0342865
+            13669: 118.12982,-12.807823
+            13670: 118.21902,-10.711689
+            13671: 118.664986,-9.886615
+            13672: 118.486595,-11.2914715
+            13673: 118.88797,-11.98275
+            13674: 119.57922,-10.577893
+            13675: 120.60495,-9.931213
+            13676: 121.76447,-10.533295
+            13677: 120.89483,-11.915852
+            13678: 121.2962,-12.451035
+            13679: 122.36653,-11.00158
+            13680: 123.347664,-10.4440975
+            13681: 122.544914,-11.871254
+            13682: 121.184715,-13.120014
+            13683: 120.35967,-13.632898
+            13684: 121.85366,-14.346476
+            13685: 123.08008,-13.566
+            13686: 123.39226,-13.699797
+            13687: 122.65641,-14.368776
+            13688: 123.035484,-15.238449
+            13689: 124.03892,-14.970858
+            13690: 124.752464,-13.632898
+            13691: 125.35453,-13.120014
+            13692: 124.79706,-15.082354
+            13693: 123.92742,-15.862829
+            13694: 123.25847,-16.888597
+            13695: 124.908554,-17.512978
+            13696: 126.24647,-16.710203
+            13697: 126.35795,-14.0342865
+            13698: 127.004616,-13.365307
+            13699: 128.00804,-14.279577
+            13700: 127.0938,-15.349945
+            13701: 127.249886,-15.996624
+            13702: 128.18643,-16.46491
+            13703: 123.48145,-18.025862
+            13704: 126.49044,-18.484976
+            13705: 127.47195,-17.818092
+            13706: 128.74297,-15.4766655
+            13707: 129.7464,-14.718489
+            13708: 129.30043,-15.878054
+            13709: 127.89563,-17.126814
+            13710: 126.35703,-17.149113
+            13711: 128.3416,-17.5505
+            13712: 129.07744,-17.5505
+            13713: 127.94023,-18.687765
+            13714: 128.31929,-19.624336
+            13715: 129.34503,-20.13722
+            13716: 129.7018,-19.289846
+            13717: 131.64177,-17.528202
+            13718: 132.73439,-18.21948
+            13719: 130.77213,-18.977657
+            13720: 132.24382,-19.624336
+            13721: 131.84245,-18.687765
+            13722: 130.39305,-18.130283
+            13723: 131.88705,-18.018787
+            13724: 131.35188,-16.435535
+            13725: 131.35188,-15.498964
+            13726: 130.57144,-15.565863
+            13727: 130.74983,-14.317102
+            13728: 132.26613,-14.227905
+            13729: 131.35188,-14.98608
+            13730: 130.43765,-16.145645
+            13731: 133.22496,-14.807686
+            13732: 132.22153,-14.383999
+            13733: 130.52684,-13.358231
+            13734: 129.38962,-12.867647
+            13735: 129.47882,-11.730382
+            13736: 128.56458,-11.908777
+            13737: 128.47539,-13.179836
+            13738: 127.91792,-11.975675
+            13739: 127.91792,-10.860709
+            13740: 127.69495,-10.548519
+            13741: 126.86988,-11.239798
+            13742: 126.62461,-12.198668
+            13743: 131.70866,-13.380531
+            13744: 133.87161,-14.3617
+            13745: 135.20952,-13.246735
+            13746: 135.03113,-14.69619
+            13747: 133.51483,-15.521265
+            13748: 133.69322,-16.680828
+            13749: 134.31758,-15.03068
+            13750: 134.01814,-15.900354
+            13751: 134.83151,-16.115732
+            13752: 133.50954,-17.927612
+            13753: 135.12816,-18.655432
+            13754: 136.03627,-16.96529
+            13755: 136.40445,-15.605034
+            13756: 136.94887,-16.653101
+            13757: 135.26062,-18.629814
+            13758: 135.82082,-19.323751
+            13759: 136.3346,-17.657852
+            13760: 136.76465,-15.896206
+            13761: 134.92064,-14.758942
+            13762: 135.96866,-16.275295
+            13763: 136.54842,-18.63902
+            13764: 135.72337,-18.460627
+            13765: 134.60846,-19.508694
+            13766: 135.29971,-20.62366
+            13767: 136.9498,-20.579062
+            13768: 137.61874,-18.170736
+            13769: 137.68564,-19.753986
+            13770: 137.19508,-20.645958
+            13771: 137.59645,-21.337238
+            13772: 138.82286,-20.779755
+            13773: 138.37689,-19.486395
+            13774: 137.99782,-17.501757
+            13775: 137.70795,-17.947742
+            13776: 139.29114,-20.378366
+            13777: 138.4661,-20.757456
+            13778: 138.77827,-21.760925
+            13779: 139.8709,-20.155375
+            13780: 139.11275,-23.277277
+            13781: 140.27226,-23.723263
+            13782: 142.569,-23.054283
+            13783: 142.21223,-24.972025
+            13784: 142.90349,-23.968555
+            13785: 143.14877,-23.634066
+            13786: 135.27621,-12.768595
+            13787: 135.85876,-12.21109
+            13788: 134.78844,-11.653607
+            13789: 134.008,-12.1664915
+            13790: 134.34247,-10.783935
+            13791: 135.1898,-11.25222
+            13792: 135.61348,-10.717036
+            13793: 133.785,-10.694737
+            13794: 133.42824,-10.806233
+            13795: 135.21211,-8.9999895
+            13796: 135.68037,-8.264112
+            13797: 136.32703,-8.888494
+            13798: 135.47969,-9.914262
+            13799: 136.6392,-9.490575
+            13800: 136.7061,-7.550535
+            13801: 137.15207,-6.7923584
+            13802: 137.50885,-7.9296227
+            13803: 137.06288,-9.200684
+            13804: 136.6392,-10.315649
+            13805: 136.32703,-10.873132
+            13806: 137.59804,-10.159554
+            13807: 138.11092,-9.4236765
+            13808: 137.46425,-8.487105
+            13809: 136.72841,-7.907324
+            13810: 136.10405,-7.1045485
+            13811: 138.69067,-7.8404255
+            13812: 139.09204,-9.3121805
+            13813: 139.18123,-9.289881
+            13814: 139.50275,-7.238344
+            13815: 139.15565,-5.2092648
+            13816: 139.79713,-4.814976
+            13817: 140.91502,-6.690422
+            13818: 143.06134,-7.2017827
+            13819: 142.3661,-5.090787
+            13820: 142.29568,-2.6455703
+            13821: 141.61696,-4.269257
+            13822: 139.52301,-5.600084
+            13823: 139.07704,-6.02377
+            13824: 140.52644,-6.625851
+            13825: 140.97241,-7.4509263
+            13826: 142.10963,-7.3394294
+            13827: 141.93124,-6.135267
+            13828: 142.3995,-6.112967
+            13829: 140.50414,-8.320599
+            13830: 140.30345,-8.655088
+            13831: 142.28801,-8.766584
+            13832: 142.37721,-7.6516194
+            13833: 143.53673,-8.008408
+            13834: 144.11649,-7.807715
+            13835: 144.40637,-6.6927495
+            13836: 144.74084,-5.5108857
+            13837: 145.81117,-6.4028583
+            13838: 145.3652,-5.3993897
+            13839: 143.51443,-4.9980025
+            13840: 142.93468,-4.507417
+            13841: 143.40294,-3.994533
+            13842: 144.85234,-4.329023
+            13843: 144.91924,-5.265594
+            13844: 145.71992,-4.4851184
+            13845: 145.11511,-3.9722342
+            13846: 146.633,-3.0075665
+            13847: 146.98555,-4.6051326
+            13848: 146.24408,-5.3642077
+            13849: 146.56293,-5.676033
+            13850: 147.46205,-5.5645294
+            13851: 147.61832,-4.360367
+            13852: 148.39876,-4.89555
+            13853: 147.17235,-6.16661
+            13854: 146.77098,-6.8355894
+            13855: 147.90819,-6.657195
+            13856: 148.26497,-6.032814
+            13857: 149.09001,-5.832121
+            13858: 149.42448,-6.5233994
+            13859: 150.8293,-5.7652225
+            13860: 149.89276,-4.22657
+            13861: 150.00426,-3.490693
+            13862: 150.6286,-5.2523384
+            13863: 150.22723,-6.010515
+            13864: 151.31985,-6.6348953
+            13865: 152.36789,-6.032814
+            13866: 151.60974,-4.449564
+            13867: 152.68007,-4.137373
+            13868: 152.68007,-5.2523384
+            13869: 152.43478,-6.679494
+            13870: 152.2787,-7.638365
+            13871: 152.10031,-7.8836565
+            13872: 154.15176,-7.214678
+            13873: 154.79842,-5.631427
+            13874: 154.90991,-4.984747
+            13875: 154.41934,-6.8355894
+            13876: 153.572,-7.5491676
+            13877: 154.77612,-7.749861
+            13878: 155.44507,-6.5233994
+            13879: 156.11403,-6.4119024
+            13880: 156.3816,-6.6125965
+            13881: 154.68692,-4.6056585
+            13882: 153.5274,-3.6690884
+            13883: 154.62003,-1.9297419
+            13884: 153.41591,-0.74787855
+            13885: 151.00768,-1.5060549
+            13886: 150.13805,-2.130436
+            13887: 150.80699,-0.8370762
+            13888: 152.05571,-0.19039631
+            13889: 151.47595,1.0806642
+            13890: 149.66977,0.34478712
+            13891: 148.97852,-1.4391575
+            13892: 148.13118,-1.1938648
+            13893: 148.28728,0.14409351
+            13894: 147.7744,1.2813582
+            13895: 147.39532,1.0806642
+            13896: 147.10545,-0.25729418
+            13897: 147.72981,-1.8405447
+            13898: 147.7075,-2.219633
+            13899: 146.72638,-1.2161646
+            13900: 146.4142,-0.056600094
+            13901: 146.10202,0.5677805
+            13902: 145.72295,0.5008826
+            13903: 145.21008,-0.77017784
+            13904: 145.18779,-1.8182459
+            13905: 145.54456,-2.7771158
+            13906: 145.32158,-3.0893059
+            13907: 144.13976,-2.7994146
+            13908: 143.5154,-1.907443
+            13909: 143.6046,-0.52488565
+            13910: 143.5154,0.25558996
+            13911: 143.13632,0.67927694
+            13912: 142.60117,-0.4133892
+            13913: 142.80185,-1.706749
+            13914: 143.09174,-2.7102175
+            13915: 142.22209,-3.1339045
+            13916: 141.30785,-2.5764217
+            13917: 141.44164,-1.0823679
+            13918: 141.50854,0.25558996
+            13919: 141.15176,0.87997055
+            13920: 140.6166,0.9691677
+            13921: 140.14833,-0.72557926
+            13922: 140.43822,-1.8405447
+            13923: 140.34901,-2.4872246
+            13924: 140.28212,-3.3122988
+            13925: 139.91281,-3.579524
+            13926: 139.17696,-3.6654038
+            13927: 139.19926,-2.059854
+            13928: 138.97627,-0.7887931
+            13929: 138.5303,0.103179455
+            13930: 138.84248,1.106648
+            13931: 139.73442,1.7310286
+            13932: 140.44798,1.2850423
+            13933: 140.55946,-0.119814396
+            13934: 138.26273,0.97285223
+            13935: 137.57147,1.5526338
+            13936: 137.014,0.839056
+            13937: 136.92482,0.19237661
+            13938: 137.48228,-1.6138673
+            13939: 138.6864,-2.394343
+            13940: 138.6864,-3.1748185
+            13941: 137.90594,-3.866098
+            13942: 136.96942,-3.643104
+            13943: 136.94711,-2.907227
+            13944: 136.81332,-1.9483571
+            13945: 135.98828,-0.9894872
+            13946: 135.69841,0.17007685
+            13947: 136.12207,1.2404437
+            13948: 136.16667,1.9317222
+            13949: 135.54231,1.3519402
+            13950: 135.45312,-0.25361013
+            13951: 135.47542,-1.5915685
+            13952: 135.8322,-3.0410228
+            13953: 135.69841,-4.155988
+            13954: 134.94026,-4.1336894
+            13955: 134.53888,-2.1936498
+            13956: 134.2936,-0.85569143
+            13957: 134.2936,0.37077093
+            13958: 133.98143,1.5080352
+            13959: 133.11179,1.8202257
+            13960: 132.978,0.32617235
+            13961: 133.26787,-1.1009831
+            13962: 133.04489,-2.3051457
+            13963: 132.17525,-3.5093083
+            13964: 131.92996,-3.553907
+            13965: 133.04489,-2.7288327
+            13966: 132.8665,-1.5915685
+            13967: 131.72928,-2.1490512
+            13968: 130.19069,-2.595037
+            13969: 129.29875,-2.9741254
+            13970: 130.94884,-1.1901803
+            13971: 131.32791,-0.25361013
+            13972: 131.3502,0.6160631
+            13973: 131.3056,1.3296409
+            13974: 130.0792,-0.07521582
+            13975: 129.47713,-1.3016772
+            13976: 128.4514,-1.9037585
+            13977: 127.71556,-1.9706569
+            13978: 128.11693,-0.23131037
+            13979: 128.71898,0.8613553
+            13980: 130.16838,1.4634366
+            13981: 129.03116,1.99862
+            13982: 127.604065,1.7310286
+            13983: 127.0243,1.0174508
+            13984: 126.80131,2.0432186
+            13985: 128.09464,1.8648243
+            13986: 129.12036,0.54916525
+            13987: 130.74815,0.8836546
+            13988: 130.19069,-2.7734313
+            13989: 130.0123,-5.2040563
+            13990: 131.81847,-4.3566823
+            13991: 133.62465,-3.8437982
+            13992: 132.46513,-5.1594577
+            13993: 131.5063,-5.7169394
+            13994: 130.61435,-6.809606
+            13995: 131.03802,-7.3893876
+            13996: 132.7773,-5.984532
+            13997: 133.60234,-4.8695664
+            13998: 134.3159,-4.7803693
+            13999: 133.08948,-6.3190207
+            14000: 132.13065,-6.8765035
+            14001: 132.35364,-5.4939466
+            14002: 130.92653,-3.7768998
+            14003: 130.56976,-4.5573764
+            14004: 128.47968,-4.2641706
+            14005: 128.02266,-3.8772473
+            14006: 126.171776,-4.6346474
+            14007: 125.16834,-4.2555594
+            14008: 124.49939,-4.23326
+            14009: 123.29527,-3.6088796
+            14010: 122.35874,-2.9176006
+            14011: 121.3776,-3.3189888
+            14012: 120.95393,-4.1886616
+            14013: 122.47023,-4.8576407
+            14014: 123.91963,-4.54545
+            14015: 123.36217,-5.5043206
+            14016: 122.559425,-6.7976804
+            14017: 123.941925,-6.3070955
+            14018: 124.54398,-5.615817
+            14019: 125.59202,-5.2813272
+            14020: 126.127174,-6.4631906
+            14021: 127.46508,-5.928007
+            14022: 128.17863,-5.0806336
+            14023: 128.98138,-5.459722
+            14024: 126.26096,-6.931476
+            14025: 124.454796,-7.1098704
+            14026: 122.381035,-6.842279
+            14027: 121.5114,-7.221367
+            14028: 122.76011,-8.269435
+            14029: 125.212944,-7.422061
+            14030: 125.72581,-8.358632
+            14031: 124.94536,-8.804618
+            14032: 126.127174,-9.540495
+            14033: 124.63318,-10.65546
+            14034: 123.62975,-11.391337
+            14035: 124.14262,-11.859623
+            14036: 125.23524,-11.435936
+            14037: 125.97109,-10.276372
+            14038: 127.46508,-9.874985
+            14039: 128.22324,-8.581625
+            14040: 129.15977,-7.6004553
+            14041: 128.15634,-6.4408913
+            14042: 129.51656,-6.8868775
+            14043: 129.04828,-8.3140335
+            14044: 130.20781,-8.581625
+            14045: 129.22667,-7.422061
+            14046: 127.86647,-7.4443603
+            14047: 121.22152,-8.537026
+            14048: 121.66749,-8.715421
+            14049: 121.95737,-9.741189
+            14050: 123.49596,-7.734251
+            14051: 107.74018,-1.2391737
+            14052: 104.350815,-0.15394068
+            14053: 105.09409,3.9491315
+            14054: 110.757904,1.8678632
+            14055: 122.88329,0.9015603
+            14056: 123.834694,2.7152371
+            14057: 116.639725,0.38124228
+            14058: 147.2455,2.7891526
+            14059: 146.62305,3.366777
+            14060: 148.02785,4.2587495
+            14061: 148.9421,5.5075107
+            14062: 149.54414,6.7116723
+            14063: 148.22853,7.5813465
+            14064: 146.24397,6.823169
+            14065: 145.37433,6.9792647
+            14066: 147.62648,8.919304
+            14067: 149.32117,9.766678
+            14068: 149.94551,11.015438
+            14069: 148.47382,11.572922
+            14070: 146.66765,11.082336
+            14071: 146.11018,11.63982
+            14072: 147.2697,12.576389
+            14073: 148.54071,13.691355
+            14074: 148.42923,15.14081
+            14075: 147.49269,13.289967
+            14076: 147.73798,11.082336
+            14077: 148.27313,10.591751
+            14078: 146.28857,10.680948
+            14079: 144.92836,11.572922
+            14080: 145.21825,13.178471
+            14081: 147.3143,14.784021
+            14082: 147.96095,15.742891
+            14083: 146.91293,16.010483
+            14084: 145.77571,15.0962105
+            14085: 145.19595,16.032784
+            14086: 146.35547,16.72406
+            14087: 147.73798,17.214645
+            14088: 146.91293,15.2969055
+            14089: 146.53386,14.404934
+            14090: 147.55959,13.156172
+            14091: 146.57845,12.108105
+            14092: 150.61447,12.152702
+            14093: 150.94894,9.922773
+            14094: 150.79286,7.960434
+            14095: 149.45496,7.2022576
+            14096: 150.54758,6.956965
+            14097: 150.63676,6.8900676
+            14098: 150.28,3.879661
+            14099: 151.21654,3.0991855
+            14100: 151.6625,3.678967
+            14101: 149.58875,1.783526
+            14102: 152.66594,2.0065188
+            14103: 154.4944,2.3410087
+            14104: 154.98497,1.3152413
+            14105: 156.94724,3.0322871
+            14106: 156.92494,4.392545
+            14107: 155.76541,4.7047353
+            14108: 155.34175,5.7528024
+            14109: 156.50127,6.2656865
+            14110: 156.83574,4.504041
+            14111: 155.52013,2.0511174
+            14112: 156.50127,0.75775766
+            14113: 153.93694,2.095716
+            14114: 152.75513,4.013457
+            14115: 153.51328,5.0169253
+            14116: 155.47554,6.444081
+            14117: 154.22682,7.380652
+            14118: 155.76541,8.607113
+            14119: 157.3932,7.759741
+            14120: 155.9438,6.823169
+            14121: 157.97296,7.469849
+            14122: 158.70882,8.228025
+            14123: 158.57503,6.533278
+            14124: 157.79457,5.596708
+            14125: 158.59732,5.3291154
+            14126: 158.53043,6.6001763
+            14127: 156.25598,7.246856
+            14128: 154.4944,8.027332
+            14129: 155.00726,10.524855
+            14130: 155.02957,11.394527
+            14131: 154.49985,9.800362
+            14132: 153.70485,10.923059
+            14133: 154.52989,10.900761
+            14134: 154.75287,9.228312
+            14135: 156.04619,10.677767
+            14136: 156.82663,11.658936
+            14137: 157.3395,10.789265
+            14138: 156.58134,9.941891
+            14139: 158.11993,10.053387
+            14140: 159.74773,9.674299
+            14141: 160.34978,10.766964
+            14142: 159.32405,11.904228
+            14143: 158.7443,13.108391
+            14144: 157.78546,14.178757
+            14145: 156.62595,13.264486
+            14146: 155.8678,13.309086
+            14147: 156.82663,14.959234
+            14148: 157.54018,16.252594
+            14149: 157.3395,17.479055
+            14150: 156.38066,16.899273
+            14151: 155.06505,15.40522
+            14152: 154.32921,15.226826
+            14153: 153.05818,16.007301
+            14154: 153.32578,17.122267
+            14155: 152.72371,16.810076
+            14156: 153.45956,15.159927
+            14157: 153.70485,14.624744
+            14158: 154.52989,16.274893
+            14159: 155.42183,16.609383
+            14160: 154.81976,14.602444
+            14161: 154.24,13.643574
+            14162: 154.12851,12.996895
+            14163: 155.7786,13.5543785
+            14164: 151.7981,17.13835
+            14165: 152.39969,16.621355
+            14166: 151.84053,16.697607
+            14167: 152.79936,18.392353
+            14168: 154.56094,20.198597
+            14169: 153.40143,20.934475
+            14170: 155.09612,19.306625
+            14171: 154.20416,18.325455
+            14172: 156.52321,19.150532
+            14173: 156.41171,20.73378
+            14174: 155.78735,22.138638
+            14175: 153.57982,20.822979
+            14176: 152.2196,19.48502
+            14177: 151.14928,20.176298
+            14178: 150.63641,20.979073
+            14179: 150.05666,18.81604
+            14180: 150.63641,18.169361
+            14181: 149.41,18.54845
+            14182: 149.76677,20.131699
+            14183: 149.65529,21.44736
+            14184: 149.3877,22.027142
+            14185: 148.25047,20.77838
+            14186: 148.29507,19.81951
+            14187: 148.49576,18.615347
+            14188: 148.42886,17.85717
+            14189: 147.15785,19.128231
+            14190: 146.97946,20.131699
+            14191: 146.95717,21.603455
+            14192: 146.66728,21.871046
+            14193: 145.97604,20.622284
+            14194: 145.79765,19.551918
+            14195: 145.0172,19.81951
+            14196: 144.92801,18.637646
+            14197: 144.92801,17.745674
+            14198: 146.5335,18.19166
+            14199: 147.55923,18.035564
+            14200: 146.96002,23.14333
+            14201: 146.37872,23.96574
+            14202: 147.93962,24.099537
+            14203: 148.49707,22.67238
+            14204: 148.69777,24.032639
+            14205: 148.43018,25.236801
+            14206: 148.49707,26.418663
+            14207: 150.30325,26.374065
+            14208: 150.37015,25.749683
+            14209: 152.08713,27.13224
+            14210: 151.0614,27.756622
+            14211: 150.32555,27.778923
+            14212: 150.45934,30.00885
+            14213: 152.55539,30.365639
+            14214: 151.77495,28.960785
+            14215: 153.13515,28.960785
+            14216: 154.31697,30.499435
+            14217: 153.35814,31.859695
+            14218: 152.06483,30.365639
+            14219: 150.9053,31.012321
+            14220: 156.32384,30.70013
+            14221: 156.42967,32.060387
+            14222: 158.00233,32.216484
+            14223: 156.67863,30.923122
+            14224: 155.94382,30.00885
+            14225: 156.77231,31.05692
+            14226: 158.93526,31.725899
+            14227: 158.86836,33.30915
+            14228: 157.48586,33.465244
+            14229: 156.7277,32.97466
+            14230: 158.95755,34.134224
+            14231: 159.738,34.691708
+            14232: 158.3332,35.739773
+            14233: 158.17711,36.92164
+            14234: 157.24057,37.47912
+            14235: 156.8392,37.635216
+            14236: 158.80147,37.010834
+            14237: 159.13594,31.7482
+            14238: 158.06561,30.655533
+            14239: 158.51158,29.250675
+            14240: 157.88722,28.068813
+            14241: 156.41553,28.804688
+            14242: 155.96956,28.269508
+            14243: 156.92839,27.578228
+            14244: 158.75687,27.377533
+            14245: 158.08792,26.507862
+            14246: 156.8392,26.820051
+            14247: 156.25945,26.730854
+            14248: 155.88037,26.307167
+            14249: 155.90266,25.526691
+            14250: 155.03302,25.080706
+            14251: 155.79117,24.679317
+            14252: 156.92839,24.211033
+            14253: 157.32977,23.94344
+            14254: 156.30403,22.895374
+            14255: 153.85121,23.02917
+            14256: 153.9404,22.560884
+            14257: 154.78775,21.579714
+            14258: 155.16682,21.222925
+            14259: 145.459,25.602821
+            14260: 143.9155,26.457424
+            14261: 143.26884,25.253262
+            14262: 144.0047,25.966839
+            14263: 144.45067,27.61699
+            14264: 144.42836,28.910347
+            14265: 145.27571,30.047615
+            14266: 145.3426,29.490131
+            14267: 143.26884,27.52779
+            14268: 142.4438,26.479725
+            14269: 142.24312,25.743847
+            14270: 141.77486,25.476255
+            14271: 140.39235,24.98567
+            14272: 140.28085,24.539684
+            14273: 140.59303,24.227493
+            14274: 142.71138,25.69925
+            14275: 143.40263,26.59122
+            14276: 142.26541,27.081806
+            14277: 140.81602,26.747314
+            14278: 141.86404,27.750786
+            14279: 142.64449,28.48666
+            14280: 142.02013,29.311737
+            14281: 142.77827,30.315205
+            14282: 143.78171,30.069912
+            14283: 144.62906,30.003014
+            14284: 143.26884,30.939583
+            14285: 144.0716,32.12145
+            14286: 144.60675,32.924225
+            14287: 145.69939,31.876156
+            14288: 145.90007,30.471298
+            14289: 147.32716,31.184875
+            14290: 147.79543,32.188347
+            14291: 148.4421,31.09568
+            14292: 148.1522,30.560497
+            14293: 149.13335,30.850388
+            14294: 149.37862,30.047615
+            14295: 144.49974,33.36365
+            14296: 143.23363,33.59668
+            14297: 142.69844,32.013443
+            14298: 141.69476,30.854004
+            14299: 140.86984,29.694378
+            14300: 140.24548,28.579414
+            14301: 139.9779,27.70974
+            14302: 139.30894,26.260284
+            14303: 137.50276,24.18645
+            14304: 137.1906,24.766232
+            14305: 136.87842,26.237986
+            14306: 138.86298,27.598244
+            14307: 139.48734,29.114597
+            14308: 137.146,25.948095
+            14309: 139.01906,27.12996
+            14310: 139.8887,29.560581
+            14311: 140.49077,30.519455
+            14312: 138.97447,29.493683
+            14313: 137.46574,28.936203
+            14314: 137.12831,28.401016
+            14315: 134.55223,26.327179
+            14316: 135.42505,25.992695
+            14317: 134.85933,25.033823
+            14318: 133.14189,24.476341
+            14319: 133.31927,24.052654
+            14320: 136.10727,24.565536
+            14321: 136.06268,25.212217
+            14322: 135.34912,27.04076
+            14323: 133.96663,27.865837
+            14324: 133.91396,25.234516
+            14325: 134.12949,24.565536
+            14326: 135.23468,24.565536
+            14327: 135.11093,23.918858
+            14328: 138.05434,24.409443
+            14329: 138.03203,26.193386
+            14330: 137.51917,27.531345
+            14331: 132.07834,26.08189
+            14332: 130.87422,25.368313
+            14333: 130.98572,26.75087
+            14334: 132.5243,27.152256
+            14335: 132.36823,25.858898
+            14336: 131.32019,24.877728
+            14337: 131.1195,24.008055
+            14338: 132.61351,24.632435
+            14339: 129.8485,25.12302
+            14340: 128.17612,24.677034
+            14341: 127.90852,25.948095
+            14342: 128.73357,26.706272
+            14343: 128.51059,25.279116
+            14344: 127.640945,24.431742
+            14345: 126.16924,24.587837
+            14346: 125.96856,26.10419
+            14347: 126.704414,28.356419
+            14348: 125.14352,27.977333
+            14349: 124.496864,26.41638
+            14350: 125.54488,25.323715
+            14351: 126.63752,24.766232
+            14352: 128.10922,24.81083
+            14353: 128.06462,24.297947
+            14354: 126.994286,23.740463
+            14355: 128.57748,27.018463
+            14356: 127.93083,28.512516
+            14357: 128.4883,29.07
+            14358: 128.80048,27.642841
+            14359: 130.18297,28.512516
+            14360: 128.28761,29.605179
+            14361: 126.8382,30.162663
+            14362: 127.484856,31.879711
+            14363: 128.77817,33.685955
+            14364: 128.75587,32.013504
+            14365: 128.3322,30.341057
+            14366: 126.88279,30.073467
+            14367: 126.34763,31.076935
+            14368: 126.682106,32.3257
+            14369: 129.31334,33.061573
+            14370: 130.36136,33.46296
+            14371: 129.9377,31.099236
+            14372: 131.89995,30.140366
+            14373: 133.99602,31.010036
+            14374: 133.59464,29.917374
+            14375: 132.7473,29.382187
+            14376: 134.1744,28.735508
+            14377: 135.6461,29.515984
+            14378: 136.64952,29.783577
+            14379: 135.713,28.356419
+            14380: 136.60493,28.133427
+            14381: 137.74216,31.010036
+            14382: 138.5003,31.879711
+            14383: 139.32535,30.58635
+            14384: 131.1418,33.10405
+            14385: 129.737,35.726715
+            14386: 130.87422,37.41809
+            14387: 130.66075,34.154232
+            14388: 130.86143,34.82321
+            14389: 130.83913,36.250366
+            14390: 130.12558,36.540257
+            14391: 128.4755,34.934708
+            14392: 127.62816,35.2469
+            14393: 129.59042,37.432228
+            14394: 130.48236,39.03778
+            14395: 130.72765,40.04125
+            14396: 129.14445,38.4134
+            14397: 129.14445,37.053143
+            14398: 128.63158,37.142338
+            14399: 128.60928,39.03778
+            14400: 128.18561,40.37574
+            14401: 127.51666,38.3688
+            14402: 127.026085,37.76672
+            14403: 127.672745,38.03431
+            14404: 128.69847,37.878216
+            14405: 129.56812,39.550663
+            14406: 130.01408,41.735996
+            14407: 131.55269,41.713696
+            14408: 130.92833,39.99665
+            14409: 133.49265,39.99665
+            14410: 134.36229,40.55413
+            14411: 133.26967,38.94858
+            14412: 132.97978,38.279602
+            14413: 133.98322,38.301903
+            14414: 134.31769,38.926285
+            14415: 134.2954,39.862854
+            14416: 133.78253,40.66563
+            14417: 132.5561,41.22311
+            14418: 135.83398,42.27118
+            14419: 136.23535,41.200813
+            14420: 134.58527,38.502594
+            14421: 135.99007,39.149277
+            14422: 136.14616,40.73253
+            14423: 137.105,39.95205
+            14424: 136.10156,39.483765
+            14425: 137.23878,38.94858
+            14426: 137.0381,38.547195
+            14427: 138.88887,38.547195
+            14428: 139.87001,38.012012
+            14429: 139.15645,37.231537
+            14430: 140.24908,38.257305
+            14431: 139.87001,40.531834
+            14432: 138.86658,41.6914
+            14433: 140.38287,38.926285
+            14434: 141.364,36.71865
+            14435: 132.58307,37.65587
+            14436: 131.9804,42.866585
+            14437: 131.31694,44.221844
+            14438: 133.50218,44.846226
+            14439: 132.85553,43.619762
+            14440: 133.72517,43.352173
+            14441: 133.52449,44.244144
+            14442: 134.97388,45.292213
+            14443: 135.53134,45.760498
+            14444: 135.19687,44.13265
+            14445: 135.39755,43.75356
+            14446: 135.93272,44.62323
+            14447: 136.78006,44.73473
+            14448: 137.7835,44.311043
+            14449: 137.27063,43.530567
+            14450: 137.96187,42.928486
+            14451: 138.76462,42.70549
+            14452: 136.89156,41.947315
+            14453: 131.72957,45.055393
+            14454: 132.68298,46.375164
+            14455: 132.6321,47.55745
+            14456: 131.69556,46.464783
+            14457: 132.38681,45.59511
+            14458: 132.38681,44.97073
+            14459: 131.02661,46.57628
+            14460: 130.42455,47.20066
+            14461: 130.00087,46.30869
+            14462: 130.60294,45.32752
+            14463: 129.13124,45.439014
+            14464: 129.08664,46.53168
+            14465: 129.57721,48.51632
+            14466: 129.08664,48.048035
+            14467: 127.793335,47.066864
+            14468: 127.77103,46.55398
+            14469: 128.46228,46.82157
+            14470: 128.2393,46.30869
+            14471: 126.70069,47.53515
+            14472: 127.21357,47.981136
+            14473: 128.35078,49.452892
+            14474: 130.09007,49.631287
+            14475: 130.71443,48.15953
+            14476: 131.60637,49.101067
+            14477: 130.20157,50.972977
+            14478: 128.50688,48.57427
+            14479: 127.54805,49.571037
+            14480: 127.56668,50.2411
+            14481: 126.574165,49.57386
+            14482: 126.57862,51.568764
+            14483: 127.065315,52.71261
+            14484: 126.641655,51.776035
+            14485: 126.21798,50.527275
+            14486: 125.16995,50.72797
+            14487: 125.39294,51.75374
+            14488: 125.972694,51.21855
+            14489: 126.820045,50.527275
+            14490: 127.86807,52.155125
+            14491: 127.19912,53.716076
+            14492: 125.348335,52.9579
+            14493: 124.3895,52.511913
+            14494: 124.65709,53.203194
+            14495: 126.10648,53.448486
+            14496: 126.19569,52.668007
+            14497: 125.482124,54.028267
+            14498: 126.21798,55.16553
+            14499: 126.97613,56.508766
+            14500: 127.19912,56.2746
+            14501: 125.19225,56.528496
+            14502: 125.41523,57.263565
+            14503: 124.81318,56.014557
+            14504: 125.43754,55.50239
+            14505: 125.03616,57.018745
+            14506: 123.63136,56.661957
+            14507: 124.300316,56.282867
+            14508: 126.70855,57.041046
+            14509: 126.08419,56.327465
+            14510: 127.600494,58.200607
+            14511: 128.67082,58.847286
+            14512: 127.600494,57.241737
+            14513: 128.04646,56.483562
+            14514: 127.73428,54.90031
+            14515: 127.71199,53.98604
+            14516: 128.02417,57.241737
+            14517: 128.7823,58.4236
+            14518: 129.80804,58.601997
+            14519: 129.33977,60.029152
+            14520: 128.13565,59.939957
+            14521: 126.41866,58.4459
+            14522: 126.48556,59.672363
+            14523: 127.890366,60.631233
+            14524: 127.600494,61.7462
+            14525: 126.70855,62.30368
+            14526: 126.19569,59.939957
+            14527: 125.236855,59.114876
+            14528: 126.08419,59.270973
+            14529: 126.19569,61.14412
+            14530: 124.924675,60.78733
+            14531: 124.07733,60.296745
+            14532: 124.99157,61.077217
+            14533: 125.19225,61.7239
+            14534: 124.612495,63.351746
+            14535: 123.76515,62.816566
+            14536: 124.144226,61.36711
+            14537: 123.58676,61.500908
+            14538: 123.809746,62.972656
+            14539: 123.653656,64.53361
+            14540: 123.45297,64.8458
+            14541: 122.51644,63.753136
+            14542: 121.95898,62.90576
+            14543: 122.13737,64.42211
+            14544: 121.312325,64.19912
+            14545: 120.197395,63.708534
+            14546: 119.61764,63.128754
+            14547: 121.29002,62.147583
+            14548: 122.29345,61.768494
+            14549: 120.197395,61.456306
+            14550: 119.59534,61.32251
+            14551: 119.46155,60.519737
+            14552: 121.29002,60.809624
+            14553: 121.78059,60.608932
+            14554: 119.95212,59.60546
+            14555: 119.104774,60.74273
+            14556: 118.36893,60.675835
+            14557: 118.12364,60.00685
+            14558: 120.06361,58.847286
+            14559: 121.49071,59.516266
+            14560: 120.977844,58.80269
+            14561: 120.1528,58.312103
+            14562: 120.28659,57.620827
+            14563: 117.90066,58.80269
+            14564: 117.65537,58.356705
+            14565: 118.99328,56.50586
+            14566: 120.06361,56.037575
+            14567: 122.11507,58.334404
+            14568: 123.14079,58.80269
+            14569: 123.0739,58.15601
+            14570: 123.92124,58.245205
+            14571: 124.612495,59.650063
+            14572: 123.54217,56.572758
+            14573: 121.78059,56.17137
+            14574: 120.331184,55.457794
+            14575: 118.948685,55.836884
+            14576: 120.08591,54.67732
+            14577: 121.73599,54.788815
+            14578: 120.88865,53.785347
+            14579: 119.63994,52.937973
+            14580: 120.527336,51.91961
+            14581: 120.46044,51.22833
+            14582: 118.85495,51.495922
+            14583: 118.34208,51.785812
+            14584: 118.20829,50.470154
+            14585: 118.297485,49.667377
+            14586: 117.16026,49.087597
+            14587: 118.0745,47.70504
+            14588: 119.79148,48.106426
+            14589: 119.79148,47.593544
+            14590: 117.58394,49.399788
+            14591: 116.80349,50.67085
+            14592: 117.00417,52.075703
+            14593: 116.20143,51.429024
+            14594: 115.77776,50.537052
+            14595: 116.08994,51.22833
+            14596: 115.82236,52.87848
+            14597: 114.48445,53.50286
+            14598: 113.7932,53.10147
+            14599: 114.17227,51.85271
+            14600: 114.01618,51.54052
+            14601: 114.10538,49.91267
+            14602: 113.748604,48.9538
+            14603: 112.990456,51.005337
+            14604: 112.990456,51.785812
+            14605: 112.031624,51.85271
+            14606: 112.58908,50.916138
+            14607: 112.678276,49.488983
+            14608: 113.48102,48.240223
+            14609: 112.12081,48.240223
+            14610: 111.095085,50.00187
+            14611: 110.626816,50.64855
+            14612: 111.63025,48.28482
+            14613: 109.39474,50.620216
+            14614: 108.88703,50.99793
+            14615: 109.600586,49.927563
+            14616: 110.55942,49.258583
+            14617: 111.36216,49.05789
+            14618: 112.00882,47.45234
+            14619: 111.36216,46.315075
+            14620: 110.18034,47.318542
+            14621: 109.333,48.879494
+            14622: 108.41877,49.70457
+            14623: 108.08429,50.35125
+            14624: 107.17005,49.97216
+            14625: 107.79441,48.45581
+            14626: 108.88703,47.630733
+            14627: 109.28841,46.761063
+            14628: 109.02083,45.980587
+            14629: 110.068855,45.044014
+            14630: 109.4891,44.24124
+            14631: 108.37417,44.352737
+            14632: 107.727516,44.464233
+            14633: 107.9728,46.58267
+            14634: 106.94707,47.18475
+            14635: 106.21122,48.834896
+            14636: 106.56799,49.32548
+            14637: 106.05513,48.7457
+            14638: 106.96937,46.20358
+            14639: 107.52683,46.89486
+            14640: 107.12546,47.920624
+            14641: 105.27468,48.299713
+            14642: 104.248955,47.67533
+            14643: 105.653755,49.30318
+            14644: 104.98481,49.905262
+            14645: 103.89218,48.05442
+            14646: 103.17863,47.028652
+            14647: 102.59887,48.7234
+            14648: 102.1529,49.593075
+            14649: 101.37246,49.68227
+            14650: 100.814995,48.41121
+            14651: 100.43592,47.987522
+            14652: 100.7481,48.7234
+            14653: 101.84072,48.188217
+            14654: 102.73266,48.45581
+            14655: 103.71379,49.10249
+            14656: 103.44621,47.876026
+            14657: 104.22666,46.44887
+            14658: 104.44964,45.267006
+            14659: 103.35702,44.821022
+            14660: 106.166626,43.973648
+            14661: 107.34844,43.706055
+            14662: 105.988235,42.903282
+            14663: 104.20436,42.3681
+            14664: 105.78755,41.03014
+            14665: 104.91791,39.98207
+            14666: 103.936775,39.959774
+            14667: 105.0071,41.11934
+            14668: 105.49767,41.855213
+            14669: 104.717224,41.766018
+            14670: 103.98138,40.851746
+            14671: 103.624596,41.63222
+            14672: 104.49424,42.189705
+            14673: 103.69149,43.795254
+            14674: 102.086006,43.081676
+            14675: 102.353584,43.772953
+            14676: 103.13403,43.90675
+            14677: 108.43368,40.402954
+            14678: 108.47827,41.18343
+            14679: 110.864204,40.202263
+            14680: 109.05804,39.131893
+            14681: 109.68239,38.730507
+            14682: 110.752716,39.91237
+            14683: 111.71155,40.737446
+            14684: 113.02715,40.670547
+            14685: 112.51429,39.64478
+            14686: 109.5263,38.552113
+            14687: 107.67553,38.262222
+            14688: 109.147224,37.838535
+            14689: 111.57776,38.418316
+            14690: 112.71498,39.087296
+            14691: 111.39937,38.03923
+            14692: 112.02373,37.41485
+            14693: 113.58462,38.9089
+            14694: 113.227844,40.51445
+            14695: 113.31704,41.85241
+            14696: 115.05631,41.674015
+            14697: 114.36507,40.62595
+            14698: 115.591484,41.361824
+            14699: 115.47999,42.52139
+            14700: 109.97915,35.934433
+            14701: 109.73903,36.430607
+            14702: 113.04984,36.645283
+            14703: 112.0687,35.285027
+            14704: 111.332855,34.348454
+            14705: 111.020676,33.322685
+            14706: 112.269394,34.41535
+            14707: 113.04984,34.41535
+            14708: 112.69306,33.545677
+            14709: 111.979515,32.787502
+            14710: 113.76339,32.676006
+            14711: 114.43234,33.411884
+            14712: 114.47694,32.27462
+            14713: 112.51467,32.073925
+            14714: 110.262535,32.163124
+            14715: 109.281395,31.89553
+            14716: 110.061844,33.79097
+            14717: 110.81999,35.21813
+            14718: 112.22479,35.931705
+            14719: 114.82183,36.243896
+            14720: 114.75697,36.1101
+            14721: 115.227425,35.06203
+            14722: 115.74239,35.195827
+            14723: 117.43708,36.444588
+            14724: 116.58974,35.06203
+            14725: 115.80929,33.947067
+            14726: 117.943565,33.85787
+            14727: 118.48581,35.08433
+            14728: 117.60203,35.039734
+            14729: 117.36045,36.935173
+            14730: 118.18549,37.96094
+            14731: 119.01054,37.96094
+            14732: 119.25582,36.39999
+            14733: 120.28155,36.667583
+            14734: 120.23695,37.782547
+            14735: 119.612595,38.852913
+            14736: 121.351875,37.827145
+            14737: 120.79441,35.641815
+            14738: 117.80642,33.010498
+            14739: 117.717224,32.20772
+            14740: 120.52683,32.430714
+            14741: 120.9505,33.16659
+            14742: 119.568,34.19236
+            14743: 120.81671,34.74984
+            14744: 119.768684,33.478783
+            14745: 121.26268,33.991665
+            14746: 122.11002,33.724075
+            14747: 122.600586,33.52338
+            14748: 122.93507,34.682945
+            14749: 122.11002,35.70871
+            14750: 122.15462,36.75678
+            14751: 122.756676,37.626453
+            14752: 123.33643,36.0655
+            14753: 124.69665,36.578384
+            14754: 125.36559,36.73448
+            14755: 125.16491,34.81674
+            14756: 124.87503,33.344986
+            14757: 125.120316,33.099693
+            14758: 126.05685,33.59028
+            14759: 126.10145,34.79444
+            14760: 126.25753,36.377693
+            14761: 127.19407,35.842506
+            14762: 126.3605,34.19236
+            14763: 125.93247,33.969368
+            14764: 125.40093,33.991665
+            14765: 125.8469,32.20772
+            14766: 126.13677,32.430714
+            14767: 127.74228,33.567978
+            14768: 127.43009,34.370754
+            14769: 127.56389,35.842506
+            14770: 126.89492,38.87825
+            14771: 126.44895,40.224945
+            14772: 127.02871,41.833374
+            14773: 126.51585,42.457752
+            14774: 126.38206,40.9637
+            14775: 125.95838,39.871033
+            14776: 125.49012,41.298187
+            14777: 125.93609,42.23476
+            14778: 127.71997,42.88144
+            14779: 127.92067,41.431984
+            14780: 129.34776,41.85567
+            14781: 128.16594,42.50235
+            14782: 127.786865,41.387386
+            14783: 126.047585,43.372025
+            14784: 124.77657,42.323956
+            14785: 124.84347,41.208992
+            14786: 124.26371,41.654976
+            14787: 124.93266,43.88491
+            14788: 124.642784,44.598488
+            14789: 123.37177,43.305126
+            14790: 123.26028,42.30166
+            14791: 122.301445,43.86261
+            14792: 123.08189,43.751114
+            14793: 122.279144,42.14556
+            14794: 123.30487,44.286297
+            14795: 124.93266,45.46816
+            14796: 123.32717,46.025642
+            14797: 123.728546,46.73922
+            14798: 123.43867,45.289764
+            14799: 123.92923,46.315533
+            14800: 121.944664,45.869545
+            14801: 120.74055,43.46122
+            14802: 120.227684,43.10443
+            14803: 119.04587,43.951805
+            14804: 121.34261,46.226334
+            14805: 122.10076,48.07718
+            14806: 120.1385,45.512756
+            14807: 119.73946,43.748768
+            14808: 118.460175,45.74163
+            14809: 118.87902,45.975475
+            14810: 120.99527,47.848515
+            14811: 122.5557,48.683823
+            14812: 119.83529,46.45389
+            14813: 118.965645,45.74031
+            14814: 116.49052,47.568855
+            14815: 118.00681,47.47966
+            14816: 119.5677,49.129807
+            14817: 119.38932,49.821087
+            14818: 117.47165,47.613457
+            14819: 119.300125,48.884514
+            14820: 120.95021,50.445465
+            14821: 121.039406,52.051018
+            14822: 120.50424,50.95835
+            14823: 118.28505,49.04552
+            14824: 120.30372,48.28373
+            14825: 119.49142,51.694313
+            14826: 119.00952,50.589783
+            14827: 118.30717,52.196606
+            14828: 117.40294,51.465824
+            14829: 118.02598,50.358566
+            14830: 118.64709,48.38081
+            14831: 105.774796,39.29126
+            14832: 104.24665,38.8816
+            14833: 104.78563,38.191154
+            14834: 103.31157,37.633682
+            14835: 103.735245,37.165398
+            14836: 103.579155,38.124268
+            14837: 101.95136,39.729816
+            14838: 101.75068,41.22387
+            14839: 101.839874,39.99741
+            14840: 102.62032,39.283833
+            14841: 102.30814,39.99741
+            14842: 101.237816,39.774414
+            14843: 101.26011,38.860146
+            14844: 101.527695,38.30266
+            14845: 101.88447,37.78978
+            14846: 101.237816,37.1877
+            14847: 100.0114,37.499886
+            14848: 100.47967,38.458755
+            14849: 100.68035,39.885914
+            14850: 99.632324,39.39533
+            14851: 98.71809,40.57719
+            14852: 99.364746,41.201572
+            14853: 99.07487,41.781353
+            14854: 98.093735,40.66639
+            14855: 100.47967,40.621788
+            14856: 100.92564,42.450333
+            14857: 101.72838,41.91515
+            14858: 99.186356,39.30613
+            14859: 98.6289,38.34726
+            14860: 100.652435,37.856674
+            14861: 99.71227,37.72288
+            14862: 99.03318,37.78978
+            14863: 99.15147,40.019707
+            14864: 97.14895,40.68869
+            14865: 98.19698,38.592552
+            14866: 97.61722,37.633682
+            14867: 98.21928,37.232296
+            14868: 96.4131,36.76401
+            14869: 97.19355,38.124268
+            14870: 97.34964,39.529125
+            14871: 96.4577,39.885914
+            14872: 96.16782,38.414158
+            14873: 96.61379,38.235764
+            14874: 94.71842,39.841316
+            14875: 94.09406,39.462227
+            14876: 94.763016,38.168865
+            14877: 94.606926,37.544487
+            14878: 93.380516,37.655983
+            14879: 95.097496,37.70058
+            14880: 94.22785,37.499886
+            14881: 92.33248,37.366093
+            14882: 91.81962,37.0985
+            14883: 93.22443,37.1208
+            14884: 93.96027,37.834377
+            14885: 93.31362,39.216934
+            14886: 92.73386,39.573723
+            14887: 91.97571,38.592552
+            14888: 91.73043,37.589085
+            14889: 90.92768,37.522186
+            14890: 91.99801,39.10544
+            14891: 90.92768,39.573723
+            14892: 90.57091,38.01277
+            14893: 90.14724,37.321495
+            14894: 90.682396,36.76401
+            14895: 91.90881,37.633682
+            14896: 90.25873,38.72635
+            14897: 90.994576,39.26153
+            14898: 89.66597,38.592552
+            14899: 89.60119,39.332188
+            14900: 88.82079,41.03994
+            14901: 90.224915,41.369167
+            14902: 89.19918,39.78592
+            14903: 88.28495,38.760147
+            14904: 87.905876,38.336464
+            14905: 88.5705,38.64865
+            14906: 90.19128,39.808216
+            14907: 88.40635,41.213074
+            14908: 87.93809,39.451427
+            14909: 86.04272,38.938545
+            14910: 85.529854,38.38106
+            14911: 85.15078,40.209602
+            14912: 88.29486,43.063915
+            14913: 89.63277,42.461834
+            14914: 91.41665,40.856285
+            14915: 89.96725,42.684826
+            14916: 90.390915,42.88552
+            14917: 87.04615,41.279972
+            14918: 86.2434,40.856285
+            14919: 86.68937,42.038147
+            14920: 87.38062,42.060448
+            14921: 87.15764,43.04162
+            14922: 85.30687,42.372635
+            14923: 84.8163,41.815155
+            14924: 86.86776,43.732895
+            14925: 87.13534,45.11545
+            14926: 87.22453,44.312675
+            14927: 85.59675,41.815155
+            14928: 85.88663,42.617928
+            14929: 85.77514,44.334976
+            14930: 86.288,45.695232
+            14931: 88.205666,46.377693
+            14932: 88.04615,45.346043
+            14933: 89.49299,44.984432
+            14934: 89.60947,44.324062
+            14935: 90.49116,45.03943
+            14936: 90.98173,46.644978
+            14937: 90.87023,45.240124
+            14938: 90.53576,43.991364
+            14939: 90.69185,44.481945
+            14940: 90.04519,46.60038
+            14941: 89.46543,47.91604
+            14942: 88.751884,48.629616
+            14943: 88.79648,47.49235
+            14944: 90.91483,48.362026
+            14945: 91.67298,49.343193
+            14946: 91.18241,47.715347
+            14947: 92.45342,48.032753
+            14948: 93.23995,50.15908
+            14949: 95.10705,50.689014
+            14950: 94.27182,48.435875
+            14951: 94.24947,47.67574
+            14952: 95.58738,47.408146
+            14953: 95.3198,49.994865
+            14954: 93.04536,50.307056
+            14955: 90.70402,49.481983
+            14956: 90.347244,50.17326
+            14957: 92.24261,51.80111
+            14958: 91.57366,53.005272
+            14959: 91.08309,51.53352
+            14960: 92.28721,51.578117
+            14961: 92.398705,53.250565
+            14962: 93.04536,53.38436
+            14963: 93.06765,51.979504
+            14964: 94.58395,52.224796
+            14965: 95.14141,52.2025
+            14966: 94.16028,50.730743
+            14967: 94.80694,50.17326
+            14968: 96.947586,50.351654
+            14969: 97.17057,49.370487
+            14970: 97.61654,48.59001
+            14971: 98.88755,48.9245
+            14972: 85.24291,44.72882
+            14973: 84.84154,44.408936
+            14974: 83.79351,44.686886
+            14975: 82.790085,43.64826
+            14976: 84.90844,45.053116
+            14977: 84.55166,45.5883
+            14978: 82.946175,45.253807
+            14979: 82.433304,43.80435
+            14980: 81.92044,42.778587
+            14981: 84.28408,41.619022
+            14982: 82.36641,41.485226
+            14983: 81.519066,42.354897
+            14984: 80.98391,41.68592
+            14985: 82.18803,40.77165
+            14986: 82.67859,40.370262
+            14987: 84.10569,40.236465
+            14988: 85.26521,39.45599
+            14989: 85.62199,38.47482
+            14990: 82.611694,38.45359
+            14991: 81.45217,39.07551
+            14992: 80.136566,39.931828
+            14993: 79.24463,38.683067
+            14994: 79.802086,37.144413
+            14995: 81.87585,38.57157
+            14996: 81.92044,40.556206
+            14997: 82.36641,38.14788
+            14998: 83.311264,36.73102
+            14999: 83.58901,37.79966
+            15000: 84.46136,36.482754
+            15001: 83.519295,35.353596
+            15002: 82.78426,36.3705
+            15003: 80.95579,35.857613
+            15004: 80.286835,35.23323
+            15005: 83.05184,35.523125
+            15006: 84.16676,36.704987
+            15007: 84.30055,37.21787
+            15008: 82.04841,37.017178
+            15009: 82.2045,36.771885
+            15010: 82.07071,34.207466
+            15011: 83.80999,33.939873
+            15012: 84.36745,34.318962
+            15013: 83.94378,33.538483
+            15014: 81.981514,32.914104
+            15015: 83.252525,32.11133
+            15016: 85.34858,32.579613
+            15017: 86.06213,32.80261
+            15018: 85.125595,31.79914
+            15019: 82.2045,31.353153
+            15020: 81.87002,31.37545
+            15021: 85.0587,30.528076
+            15022: 84.924904,30.52269
+            15023: 84.78956,31.505493
+            15024: 84.78146,30.302376
+            15025: 84.15821,30.799267
+            15026: 83.73455,31.47638
+            15027: 84.91637,30.539688
+            15028: 85.91979,30.762508
+            15029: 85.62992,29.112568
+            15030: 83.86834,28.800377
+            15031: 83.86834,29.001072
+            15032: 85.228546,29.224064
+            15033: 85.45153,28.35439
+            15034: 84.55959,29.603153
+            15035: 84.894066,29.759247
+            15036: 84.69338,30.160633
+            15037: 84.91637,27.507019
+            15038: 85.228546,28.532784
+            15039: 85.206245,26.882637
+            15040: 84.113625,26.392052
+            15041: 84.00213,25.968365
+            15042: 85.71911,26.771141
+            15043: 85.808304,25.745373
+            15044: 85.696815,24.697304
+            15045: 84.55959,24.764202
+            15046: 83.82374,25.098692
+            15047: 84.91637,24.095222
+            15048: 85.830605,24.117523
+            15049: 85.58532,23.403944
+            15050: 84.60419,23.047155
+            15051: 84.02443,23.89453
+            15052: 84.13592,22.578869
+            15053: 83.11019,22.801863
+            15054: 82.88721,22.712666
+            15055: 84.4035,21.887592
+            15056: 85.228546,21.285511
+            15057: 84.82717,19.947552
+            15058: 82.82031,20.505035
+            15059: 83.11019,19.63536
+            15060: 82.9764,18.252804
+            15061: 83.86834,20.282042
+            15062: 84.15822,20.348938
+            15063: 85.40693,20.772625
+            15064: 85.00556,19.01098
+            15065: 84.31431,18.275105
+            15066: 85.8529,19.724558
+            15067: 85.60762,18.147652
+            15068: 84.60419,11.7328205
+            15069: 85.518425,11.353733
+            15070: 86.07589,9.703585
+            15071: 86.29887,8.767014
+            15072: 86.34347,5.8681035
+            15073: 85.76371,7.6074505
+            15074: 82.68245,4.9854693
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-            9360: -55.79697,-77.67088
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-            9362: -53.277344,-75.9048
-            9363: -51.962055,-74.67834
-            9364: -52.72002,-76.06089
-            9365: -53.18817,-77.488045
-            9366: -52.407917,-77.19816
-            9367: -50.397606,-75.19122
-            9368: -50.22736,-74.834435
-            9369: -50.404285,-73.92016
-            9370: -51.184544,-75.6818
-            9371: -50.538044,-76.350784
-            9372: -50.069893,-76.84137
-            9373: -50.225945,-78.04553
-            9374: -49.57945,-79.20509
-            9375: -48.754604,-78.62531
-            9376: -49.958427,-78.15703
-            9377: -51.58582,-78.51382
-            9378: -52.455242,-78.9821
-            9379: -53.659065,-79.1605
-            9380: -54.617664,-78.73681
-            9381: -55.353333,-79.1605
-            9382: -55.843777,-79.807175
-            9383: -55.17499,-80.386955
-            9384: -54.394733,-79.829475
-            9385: -53.45843,-79.74028
-            9386: -51.496647,-80.32006
-            9387: -50.538044,-80.96674
-            9388: -49.51257,-80.43156
-            9389: -48.754604,-80.25317
-            9390: -47.550785,-80.32006
-            9391: -47.43932,-79.33889
-            9392: -48.39792,-78.42462
-            9393: -47.706837,-77.75564
-            9394: -46.503014,-78.75911
-            9395: -47.060337,-79.69568
-            9396: -45.990276,-79.94097
-            9397: -45.65588,-78.8037
-            9398: -45.87881,-78.04553
-            9399: -44.853333,-78.35772
-            9400: -45.187725,-79.450386
-            9401: -44.117664,-79.49499
-            9402: -44.184544,-78.268524
-            9403: -43.627216,-78.04553
-            9404: -42.936134,-79.0044
-            9405: -43.27053,-80.587654
-            9406: -43.471165,-81.07824
-            9407: -45.23231,-81.03364
-            9408: -45.87881,-80.72145
-            9409: -46.213207,-81.568825
-            9410: -46.346966,-82.01481
-            9411: -47.37244,-81.61342
-            9412: -47.327854,-80.810646
-            9413: -48.442505,-81.25663
-            9414: -48.531677,-82.3716
-            9415: -49.22276,-82.75069
-            9416: -50.136772,-81.83641
-            9417: -50.20365,-81.10053
-            9418: -52.14314,-82.0817
-            9419: -53.68136,-82.41619
-            9420: -54.79601,-81.65802
-            9421: -55.79919,-80.98904
-            9422: -56.245052,-81.45733
-            9423: -54.929768,-82.81758
-            9424: -55.888363,-82.92908
-            9425: -56.557156,-82.57229
-            9426: -56.57945,-79.60648
-            9427: -56.066708,-80.49845
-            9428: -55.88857,-84.602005
-            9429: -55.248844,-83.890144
-            9430: -53.68825,-83.77877
-            9431: -53.821255,-84.89483
-            9432: -52.573265,-84.67123
-            9433: -52.171993,-83.77926
-            9434: -53.487278,-82.48589
-            9435: -53.308933,-81.50473
-            9436: -50.343967,-83.02108
-            9437: -51.14651,-84.35904
-            9438: -49.474537,-83.890755
-            9439: -48.114666,-82.97648
-            9440: -48.270718,-83.80155
-            9441: -49.474537,-84.60433
-            9442: -49.85352,-85.5855
-            9443: -48.82804,-85.5409
-            9444: -49.385365,-84.80502
-            9445: -50.433136,-84.73813
-            9446: -51.035046,-85.7193
-            9447: -53.93314,-85.36251
-            9448: -54.17836,-85.3848
-            9449: -55.025494,-86.29908
-            9450: -55.605114,-86.63357
-            9451: -55.82804,-87.21335
-            9452: -53.35352,-86.99036
-            9453: -52.796192,-85.29561
-            9454: -52.59556,-86.32138
-            9455: -54.222946,-88.37292
-            9456: -53.910847,-89.04189
-            9457: -52.974537,-87.99383
-            9458: -51.79301,-88.127625
-            9459: -51.63696,-89.13109
-            9460: -50.254795,-88.23912
-            9461: -49.78664,-86.365974
-            9462: -49.006386,-85.94229
-            9463: -49.831226,-88.14992
-            9464: -50.99046,-88.35062
-            9465: -50.36626,-87.25795
-            9466: -49.56371,-87.21335
-            9467: -48.58282,-88.17222
-            9468: -48.917213,-89.17569
-            9469: -50.21021,-89.264885
-            9470: -48.13696,-89.17569
-            9471: -46.05859,-83.82385
-            9472: -45.337086,-84.13605
-            9473: -44.91216,-84.89422
-            9474: -44.221077,-84.269844
-            9475: -44.800694,-83.24407
-            9476: -44.822987,-82.3298
-            9477: -45.625538,-81.70542
-            9478: -44.24337,-81.10334
-            9479: -44.444004,-80.18907
-            9480: -43.329357,-80.85805
-            9481: -43.106426,-82.151405
-            9482: -42.036366,-82.06221
-            9483: -42.482224,-83.533966
-            9484: -42.103245,-83.913055
-            9485: -52.76212,-89.02105
-            9486: -54.033035,-89.26671
-            9487: -55.52661,-88.97673
-            9488: -55.50432,-89.824104
-            9489: -55.05846,-90.51538
-            9490: -56.596676,-89.7349
-            9491: -57.466103,-89.980194
-            9492: -58.536167,-90.983665
-            9493: -58.78139,-91.67494
-            9494: -57.020245,-91.60805
-            9495: -56.017056,-91.340454
-            9496: -55.482025,-91.920235
-            9497: -56.529797,-92.47772
-            9498: -56.150814,-93.169
-            9499: -55.036167,-92.67841
-            9500: -54.969288,-93.0798
-            9501: -56.26228,-93.860275
-            9502: -57.59986,-94.17246
-            9503: -58.26865,-93.36969
-            9504: -58.647633,-92.83451
-            9505: -58.93744,-94.239365
-            9506: -57.934254,-94.70765
-            9507: -56.35145,-94.68535
-            9508: -55.994762,-95.10904
-            9509: -56.239986,-95.755714
-            9510: -55.43744,-95.755714
-            9511: -54.679478,-95.95641
-            9512: -55.259098,-96.759186
-            9513: -56.217693,-96.98218
-            9514: -57.59986,-96.49159
-            9515: -58.759098,-95.599625
-            9516: -59.071198,-95.66652
-            9517: -58.736805,-97.22747
-            9518: -56.886486,-96.1125
-            9519: -56.507504,-95.198235
-            9520: -57.287758,-96.84838
-            9521: -58.49158,-97.45046
-            9522: -58.647633,-98.74383
-            9523: -56.953365,-98.32014
-            9524: -56.26228,-97.74036
-            9525: -55.036167,-97.96335
-            9526: -56.41833,-98.61003
-            9527: -54.790943,-97.80725
-            9528: -53.542538,-96.4247
-            9529: -52.940624,-95.778015
-            9530: -52.427883,-95.88951
-            9531: -54.70177,-96.4024
-            9532: -52.02661,-95.08674
-            9533: -50.555275,-94.640755
-            9534: -52.62852,-94.01637
-            9535: -53.765465,-94.08327
-            9536: -52.383297,-93.481186
-            9537: -51.959732,-92.879105
-            9538: -54.03298,-92.9906
-            9539: -53.654,-92.14323
-            9540: -51.736805,-92.45542
-            9541: -51.26865,-92.07633
-            9542: -52.98521,-91.80874
-            9543: -53.520245,-91.20666
-            9544: -52.6954,-92.43312
-            9545: -53.05209,-93.1913
-            9546: -49.867893,-93.24058
-            9547: -49.625546,-94.11306
-            9548: -48.10962,-92.842
-            9549: -47.351658,-92.663605
-            9550: -49.469494,-93.48868
-            9551: -48.912167,-94.001564
-            9552: -48.756115,-92.9535
-            9553: -48.488598,-92.106125
-            9554: -47.396244,-92.7305
-            9555: -47.93128,-94.26916
-            9556: -49.112804,-95.09423
-            9557: -49.959938,-95.161125
-            9558: -48.889874,-96.097694
-            9559: -48.131912,-95.09423
-            9560: -47.039555,-94.33605
-            9561: -46.125546,-94.51445
-            9562: -47.50771,-95.74091
-            9563: -48.154205,-96.38759
-            9564: -49.491787,-96.61058
-            9565: -50.173893,-95.52355
-            9566: -50.83331,-95.740425
-            9567: -51.707973,-96.69435
-            9568: -50.51101,-97.43854
-            9569: -49.41865,-97.23785
-            9570: -50.31037,-97.594635
-            9571: -50.934574,-96.72496
-            9572: -50.332664,-96.76956
-            9573: -52.02693,-97.92912
-            9574: -50.60018,-98.977196
-            9575: -49.03967,-99.04409
-            9576: -48.41547,-97.92912
-            9577: -48.19254,-96.85876
-            9578: -47.791264,-97.23785
-            9579: -48.79445,-97.594635
-            9580: -46.966423,-97.75073
-            9581: -46.230755,-98.30821
-            9582: -45.47279,-97.50544
-            9583: -46.56515,-95.94449
-            9584: -45.517376,-96.078285
-            9585: -44.982346,-97.83993
-            9586: -45.82948,-99.133286
-            9587: -46.654324,-100.22595
-            9588: -47.54604,-100.71654
-            9589: -47.947315,-99.17789
-            9590: -48.482346,-99.24478
-            9591: -47.523746,-101.58621
-            9592: -47.746677,-102.411285
-            9593: -49.440945,-101.809204
-            9594: -50.13203,-102.0545
-            9595: -48.437763,-101.20712
-            9596: -48.705276,-100.27055
-            9597: -50.354958,-100.18136
-            9598: -50.8454,-99.28938
-            9599: -51.75942,-98.531204
-            9600: -51.26897,-100.22595
-            9601: -53.05241,-99.66847
-            9602: -53.54286,-100.894936
-            9603: -53.364513,-100.91723
-            9604: -53.676617,-99.46777
-            9605: -54.47916,-98.575806
-            9606: -54.9919,-100.02526
-            9607: -62.941616,-100.24825
-            9608: -62.47346,-99.98066
-            9609: -61.62633,-100.24825
-            9610: -60.645435,-100.31515
-            9611: -59.932064,-99.891464
-            9612: -60.489384,-100.73884
-            9613: -60.4448,-101.36322
-            9614: -58.839703,-101.36322
-            9615: -58.10404,-100.98413
-            9616: -59.642254,-101.47472
-            9617: -59.04034,-102.0991
-            9618: -57.234608,-101.7423
-            9619: -57.011677,-101.630806
-            9620: -57.925694,-102.87957
-            9621: -57.569004,-102.25519
-            9622: -55.74098,-102.009895
-            9623: -55.495754,-101.34092
-            9624: -57.435246,-100.20365
-            9625: -56.766457,-99.73537
-            9626: -58.57219,-99.713066
-            9627: -59.04034,-100.114456
-            9628: -57.814228,-98.665
-            9629: -57.83652,-97.92912
-            9630: -58.88429,-98.26361
-            9631: -58.728237,-97.616936
-            9632: -57.32378,-97.88453
-            9633: -57.32378,-97.50544
-            9634: -58.527603,-96.256676
-            9635: -58.951168,-95.96679
-            9636: -57.279194,-95.18631
-            9637: -59.1741,-93.736855
-            9638: -58.75053,-92.421196
-            9639: -57.591297,-92.220505
-            9640: -58.081745,-90.97174
-            9641: -57.76964,-90.01287
-            9642: -52.348595,-94.718025
-            9643: -53.50783,-94.62883
-            9644: -54.93458,-99.28938
-            9645: -55.13522,-101.430115
-            9646: -50.07471,-100.78344
-            9647: -48.96006,-99.713066
-            9648: -48.581078,-100.91723
-            9649: -48.112926,-102.16599
-            9650: -47.065155,-102.27749
-            9651: -47.511013,-103.10256
-            9652: -47.132034,-103.50395
-            9653: -46.998276,-104.48512
-            9654: -46.663883,-105.1764
-            9655: -45.482353,-105.0426
-            9656: -44.657513,-105.1541
-            9657: -45.90592,-105.867676
-            9658: -45.259422,-106.11297
-            9659: -43.877254,-104.77501
-            9660: -43.07471,-103.749245
-            9661: -42.04923,-103.12486
-            9662: -41.00146,-103.88304
-            9663: -42.004642,-104.88651
-            9664: -43.052418,-106.269066
-            9665: -43.109436,-106.95139
-            9666: -42.15064,-106.8399
-            9667: -42.37357,-105.90333
-            9668: -42.953186,-104.676865
-            9669: -43.80032,-104.23088
-            9670: -42.23981,-102.84832
-            9671: -41.41497,-101.621864
-            9672: -40.768475,-101.15357
-            9673: -39.809875,-102.04555
-            9674: -40.87994,-103.5842
-            9675: -41.392677,-104.119385
-            9676: -39.69841,-103.717995
-            9677: -38.918156,-103.138214
-            9678: -39.653824,-104.34238
-            9679: -40.278027,-105.54654
-            9680: -40.278027,-106.66151
-            9681: -40.857647,-107.41968
-            9682: -40.768475,-108.26705
-            9683: -39.720703,-107.77647
-            9684: -40.612423,-106.594604
-            9685: -39.430893,-106.10402
-            9686: -38.895863,-107.10749
-            9687: -37.335354,-107.12979
-            9688: -36.19841,-106.8622
-            9689: -34.749367,-106.773
-            9690: -33.52325,-106.215515
-            9691: -32.609238,-106.639206
-            9692: -32.63153,-105.16745
-            9693: -33.3672,-105.30125
-            9694: -33.12198,-106.639206
-            9695: -33.65701,-106.995995
-            9696: -32.520065,-106.17092
-            9697: -33.43408,-105.122856
-            9698: -32.497772,-103.717995
-            9699: -33.099686,-102.55843
-            9700: -34.593315,-102.87062
-            9701: -35.641087,-103.4727
-            9702: -35.930893,-102.69223
-            9703: -35.061466,-101.35427
-            9704: -35.641087,-101.06438
-            9705: -37.112423,-101.91175
-            9706: -38.026436,-102.29084
-            9707: -36.26529,-101.51037
-            9708: -35.9086,-100.95288
-            9709: -36.242996,-102.11245
-            9710: -37.268475,-102.93752
-            9711: -35.08376,-102.02325
-            9712: -34.95,-103.495
-            9713: -34.79395,-103.04902
-            9714: -36.911785,-101.28737
-            9715: -35.46274,-100.2393
-            9716: -35.953186,-99.25813
-            9717: -36.06465,-98.343864
-            9718: -34.95,-97.49649
-            9719: -35.997772,-97.2735
-            9720: -36.621975,-98.49996
-            9721: -36.778027,-98.00938
-            9722: -36.488216,-96.91671
-            9723: -37.53599,-97.2958
-            9724: -33.41054,-97.671104
-            9725: -34.480606,-96.24395
-            9726: -35.4615,-96.44465
-            9727: -37.222645,-97.47041
-            9728: -38.47105,-97.671104
-            9729: -38.292706,-96.154755
-            9730: -38.114365,-95.218185
-            9731: -38.649395,-95.017494
-            9732: -38.270412,-96.71224
-            9733: -37.534748,-96.199356
-            9734: -37.155766,-95.08439
-            9735: -37.980606,-94.52691
-            9736: -39.697166,-95.396576
-            9737: -40.232197,-96.33315
-            9738: -40.588886,-96.31085
-            9739: -40.83411,-95.03979
-            9740: -40.053852,-96.756836
-            9741: -39.229015,-98.072495
-            9742: -38.448757,-97.9387
-            9743: -38.203537,-97.00213
-            9744: -39.853218,-95.195885
-            9745: -39.229015,-94.14782
-            9746: -40.143024,-93.74643
-            9747: -41.636658,-94.41541
-            9748: -41.881878,-93.14435
-            9749: -40.633472,-92.54227
-            9750: -40.343662,-92.63146
-            9751: -41.30226,-93.07745
-            9752: -40.99016,-93.14435
-            9753: -42.19398,-91.4273
-            9754: -41.413727,-90.33463
-            9755: -40.96787,-89.420364
-            9756: -41.948757,-89.79945
-            9757: -40.99016,-91.00362
-            9758: -41.74812,-91.11511
-            9759: -42.84048,-90.31234
-            9760: -43.486977,-90.71372
-            9761: -43.732197,-89.50956
-            9762: -44.378696,-89.241974
-            9763: -44.356403,-89.53186
-            9764: -45.872326,-88.81828
-            9765: -47.343662,-89.041275
-            9766: -47.455128,-90.04475
-            9767: -47.165318,-90.29004
-            9768: -48.32456,-89.77715
-            9769: -47.47742,-91.3158
-            9770: -41.72431,-88.42627
-            9771: -40.91788,-89.28702
-            9772: -39.780937,-89.7776
-            9773: -39.847816,-88.506546
-            9774: -40.226795,-87.525375
-            9775: -39.446545,-88.082855
-            9776: -41.05164,-87.77067
-            9777: -39.223614,-87.68147
-            9778: -38.309597,-86.7672
-            9779: -38.599407,-86.32121
-            9780: -38.265015,-88.03826
-            9781: -37.70769,-87.63687
-            9782: -38.01979,-86.6557
-            9783: -37.84145,-85.49614
-            9784: -36.637623,-86.09822
-            9785: -36.50387,-86.7672
-            9786: -35.210873,-86.967896
-            9787: -35.32234,-85.563034
-            9788: -33.5389,-86.49961
-            9789: -35.32234,-87.39158
-            9790: -35.589855,-88.01596
-            9791: -34.296864,-87.59228
-            9792: -33.784122,-86.45501
-            9793: -32.758644,-86.29891
-            9794: -33.82871,-87.882164
-            9795: -34.007053,-88.863335
-            9796: -32.959282,-89.10863
-            9797: -32.2682,-87.59228
-            9798: -31.822338,-87.28008
-            9799: -32.66947,-88.14976
-            9800: -32.55801,-88.75184
-            9801: -31.131256,-87.65917
-            9802: -30.707691,-87.41388
-            9803: -31.15355,-88.61804
-            9804: -31.97839,-89.71071
-            9805: -30.886032,-90.0452
-            9806: -30.19495,-88.75184
-            9807: -29.459282,-89.22012
-            9808: -29.236351,-90.26819
-            9809: -30.19495,-90.87027
-            9810: -30.55164,-91.360855
-            9811: -28.924252,-91.07097
-            9812: -28.032532,-91.383156
-            9813: -29.37011,-92.02984
-            9814: -29.88285,-93.01101
-            9815: -28.745907,-92.83261
-            9816: -29.258644,-93.61309
-            9817: -30.239536,-93.88068
-            9818: -29.704506,-95.26324
-            9819: -30.417881,-95.93221
-            9820: -30.997498,-95.28554
-            9821: -31.242722,-95.50853
-            9822: -31.844631,-96.51199
-            9823: -32.2682,-97.114075
-            9824: -33.583485,-96.757286
-            9825: -33.494312,-96.08831
-            9826: -35.433804,-96.4228
-            9827: -28.494694,-94.7872
-            9828: -27.044147,-94.16977
-            9829: -26.709755,-94.45966
-            9830: -26.732048,-95.30703
-            9831: -25.34988,-95.10634
-            9832: -27.735233,-94.45966
-            9833: -27.155613,-93.902176
-            9834: -25.9295,-93.2109
-            9835: -25.060074,-93.1886
-            9836: -25.439053,-95.08404
-            9837: -24.926315,-95.95371
-            9838: -24.45816,-94.10287
-            9839: -24.012302,-93.54539
-            9840: -25.572811,-94.01367
-            9841: -24.168354,-92.56422
-            9842: -24.81485,-91.82834
-            9843: -22.786186,-91.025566
-            9844: -22.161983,-90.980965
-            9845: -23.120583,-92.05134
-            9846: -22.540966,-92.07363
-            9847: -21.493195,-91.360054
-            9848: -20.311665,-91.22626
-            9849: -19.620583,-91.60535
-            9850: -20.64606,-92.162834
-            9851: -22.050518,-92.60882
-            9852: -22.273449,-93.344696
-            9853: -20.623768,-93.0548
-            9854: -19.353065,-92.83181
-            9855: -18.974087,-93.367
-            9856: -20.400837,-93.83528
-            9857: -22.13969,-93.85758
-            9858: -23.3881,-94.10287
-            9859: -23.165169,-94.861046
-            9860: -21.047333,-94.70495
-            9861: -19.197014,-94.303566
-            9862: -18.99638,-94.682655
-            9863: -20.64606,-95.30703
-            9864: -21.91676,-95.10634
-            9865: -22.072811,-95.73072
-            9866: -20.378544,-96.10981
-            9867: -19.977272,-96.84569
-            9868: -21.38173,-96.756485
-            9869: -22.652428,-96.422
-            9870: -24.123768,-96.600395
-            9871: -25.483639,-96.53349
-            9872: -25.951794,-96.957184
-            9873: -24.591919,-97.89375
-            9874: -23.075996,-97.581566
-            9875: -22.184277,-97.35857
-            9876: -21.136505,-97.47007
-            9877: -20.601475,-98.495834
-            9878: -23.120583,-97.581566
-            9879: -23.365807,-96.2882
-            9880: -22.719307,-95.061745
-            9881: -25.511814,-95.442986
-            9882: -24.910072,-96.75881
-            9883: -22.881409,-97.985275
-            9884: -23.148926,-98.65426
-            9885: -24.040646,-97.91838
-            9886: -25.623447,-97.69539
-            9887: -25.511982,-98.386665
-            9888: -22.81453,-99.07794
-            9889: -21.744465,-98.72115
-            9890: -20.74128,-98.65426
-            9891: -21.231728,-99.65772
-            9892: -21.075676,-100.63889
-            9893: -21.789051,-101.263275
-            9894: -23.41644,-100.14831
-            9895: -24.553383,-99.39014
-            9896: -25.71262,-99.05564
-            9897: -25.95784,-100.326706
-            9898: -24.620262,-101.01798
-            9899: -23.34956,-101.30788
-            9900: -22.68077,-101.75386
-            9901: -22.435547,-102.37824
-            9902: -22.881409,-102.95802
-            9903: -23.884594,-102.06605
-            9904: -24.59797,-100.728096
-            9905: -25.222172,-100.282104
-            9906: -25.95784,-101.820755
-            9907: -25.110706,-102.84653
-            9908: -23.951473,-103.09182
-            9909: -22.970581,-103.627
-            9910: -23.438732,-104.20678
-            9911: -25.734913,-103.4932
-            9912: -26.425995,-101.86536
-            9913: -26.827267,-100.861885
-            9914: -27.585228,-100.705795
-            9915: -27.629814,-102.69043
-            9916: -26.715801,-103.7162
-            9917: -26.002426,-104.38518
-            9918: -26.113892,-105.14336
-            9919: -27.050198,-105.700836
-            9920: -27.518353,-104.27368
-            9921: -26.648926,-103.00262
-            9922: -26.381409,-102.69043
-            9923: -26.78268,-104.318275
-            9924: -26.359116,-104.92036
-            9925: -26.047012,-105.94613
-            9926: -28.120262,-105.56704
-            9927: -29.09974,-105.05416
-            9928: -28.096996,-103.158714
-            9929: -28.810371,-102.13295
-            9930: -29.456867,-103.760796
-            9931: -28.966423,-105.32175
-            9932: -29.724384,-106.01302
-            9933: -30.43776,-105.299446
-            9934: -30.01419,-103.93919
-            9935: -29.991898,-102.82423
-            9936: -30.43776,-102.15525
-            9937: -31.507824,-102.57893
-            9938: -31.32948,-104.65277
-            9939: -30.928204,-105.92383
-            9940: -31.19572,-106.32522
-            9941: -31.753048,-104.89806
-            9942: -32.2212,-103.42631
-            9943: -32.354958,-102.15525
-            9944: -32.711643,-101.843056
-            9945: -33.246677,-103.93919
-            9946: -32.51101,-104.80886
-            9947: -35.052242,-104.23734
-            9948: -35.96626,-104.14815
-            9949: -34.04906,-103.83595
-            9950: -33.44715,-102.20811
-            9951: -18.846622,-90.459145
-            9952: -18.289295,-90.01212
-            9953: -18.579105,-90.77073
-            9954: -18.556812,-90.92682
-            9955: -18.021782,-89.65576
-            9956: -17.86573,-87.983315
-            9957: -18.088661,-87.06904
-            9958: -17.731972,-86.35546
-            9959: -18.155537,-85.41889
-            9960: -17.57592,-85.0175
-            9961: -17.241524,-85.285095
-            9962: -18.623692,-83.63495
-            9963: -18.846622,-83.12206
-            9964: -19.64917,-83.746445
-            9965: -19.29248,-83.768745
-            9966: -19.827515,-82.16319
-            9967: -19.849808,-81.851006
-            9968: -20.85299,-83.18896
-            9969: -20.897575,-83.724144
-            9970: -21.878468,-83.07746
-            9971: -22.658722,-82.54228
-            9972: -22.837067,-83.43426
-            9973: -22.302036,-84.03634
-            9974: -21.388023,-83.54575
-            9975: -20.161907,-83.345055
-            9976: -21.521782,-84.125534
-            9977: -24.063183,-83.03287
-            9978: -24.263817,-82.25239
-            9979: -24.442162,-83.90254
-            9980: -23.817959,-84.37083
-            9981: -24.93261,-84.63842
-            9982: -26.024967,-83.746445
-            9983: -26.069553,-84.50462
-            9984: -25.623692,-85.0398
-            9985: -24.57592,-84.9952
-            9986: -24.085476,-85.106705
-            9987: -25.512226,-85.61958
-            9988: -26.091846,-86.08787
-            9989: -24.464455,-86.11017
-            9990: -23.97401,-86.221664
-            9991: -24.553627,-86.84605
-            9992: -25.044075,-87.49273
-            9993: -24.152355,-87.55962
-            9994: -24.57592,-88.184006
-            9995: -24.954903,-88.76379
-            9996: -24.375282,-89.27667
-            9997: -24.241528,-89.67806
-            9998: -25.088661,-90.12405
-            9999: -23.728786,-90.39164
-            10000: -22.547256,-89.96795
-            10001: -23.929424,-90.72613
-            10002: -25.46764,-91.48431
-            10003: -24.709679,-91.997185
-            10004: -26.247894,-82.10456
-            10005: -25.802036,-81.167984
-            10006: -26.426239,-81.92616
-            10007: -27.384838,-80.54361
-            10008: -28.276558,-79.852325
-            10009: -28.36573,-78.893456
-            10010: -23.282928,-82.171455
-            10011: -21.43261,-81.94846
-            10012: -20.808403,-80.8558
-            10013: -23.059998,-79.71853
-            10014: -22.123692,-78.87116
-            10015: -20.897575,-78.44747
-            10016: -21.700123,-79.31715
-            10017: -20.518597,-78.58127
-            10018: -19.872097,-77.4663
-            10019: -18.645985,-77.97919
-            10020: -19.203308,-79.18335
-            10021: -18.066368,-79.04955
-            10022: -17.598213,-79.13875
-            10023: -18.69057,-80.5659
-            10024: -18.11095,-80.811195
-            10025: -18.222416,-80.8781
-            10026: -18.913502,-82.595146
-            10027: -17.464455,-82.10456
-            10028: -17.096306,-78.97552
-            10029: -16.85199,-77.58534
-            10030: -18.122688,-77.050156
-            10031: -19.52715,-77.29545
-            10032: -20.730968,-75.9575
-            10033: -19.371098,-74.32964
-            10034: -18.85836,-75.15472
-            10035: -20.151352,-75.6676
-            10036: -18.836067,-75.28851
-            10037: -17.988934,-74.351944
-            10038: -18.078102,-72.88019
-            10039: -16.718231,-74.10665
-            10040: -18.27874,-75.26621
-            10041: -16.629059,-73.950554
-            10042: -15.89339,-73.17008
-            10043: -17.342434,-72.634895
-            10044: -18.011227,-73.616066
-            10045: -18.85836,-73.81676
-            10046: -19.371098,-72.3896
-            10047: -19.883835,-71.83212
-            10048: -19.861542,-73.25928
-            10049: -20.106766,-74.017456
-            10050: -21.109951,-74.06205
-            10051: -21.734154,-72.3673
-            10052: -22.090843,-71.87672
-            10053: -22.469822,-73.32617
-            10054: -21.756447,-74.15125
-            10055: -21.53352,-74.530334
-            10056: -22.737339,-74.41884
-            10057: -23.606766,-73.25928
-            10058: -24.498486,-72.612595
-            10059: -25.301033,-72.76869
-            10060: -25.122688,-73.77216
-            10061: -24.253262,-74.48574
-            10062: -24.67683,-74.909424
-            10063: -26.259632,-75.6676
-            10064: -26.705494,-76.31428
-            10065: -26.036701,-76.871765
-            10066: -27.28511,-77.00556
-            10067: -28.132244,-75.623
-            10068: -27.686386,-74.77563
-            10069: -26.52715,-73.70526
-            10070: -26.52715,-71.92132
-            10071: -25.34562,-72.83559
-            10072: -25.078102,-75.44461
-            10073: -25.055809,-76.00209
-            10074: -27.17981,-77.30917
-            10075: -27.514206,-76.49583
-            10076: -27.046051,-78.39127
-            10077: -27.358154,-79.03795
-            10078: -28.807198,-78.10138
-            10079: -29.409111,-78.14598
-            10080: -28.851784,-79.41704
-            10081: -28.517391,-80.57661
-            10082: -29.208473,-80.532005
-            10083: -29.832676,-79.30554
-            10084: -30.412292,-78.30207
-            10085: -30.925034,-78.190575
-            10086: -30.67981,-79.50623
-            10087: -30.033314,-80.331314
-            10088: -29.78809,-80.95569
-            10089: -30.523758,-82.22675
-            10090: -31.103378,-81.290184
-            10091: -31.103378,-80.04142
-            10092: -32.53013,-79.88532
-            10093: -33.15433,-80.130615
-            10094: -33.35497,-78.50277
-            10095: -32.99828,-78.212875
-            10096: -32.17344,-79.77383
-            10097: -31.526943,-80.19752
-            10098: -33.867706,-79.595436
-            10099: -34.023758,-78.68116
-            10100: -34.558792,-78.54736
-            10101: -35.049236,-79.84073
-            10102: -34.17981,-80.97799
-            10103: -33.89,-81.33478
-            10104: -34.737133,-81.468575
-            10105: -35.00465,-81.37938
-            10106: -34.33586,-82.69504
-            10107: -34.447327,-83.430916
-            10108: -34.692547,-83.9215
-            10109: -32.9314,-83.029526
-            10110: -32.6193,-82.13756
-            10111: -32.418663,-81.892265
-            10112: -31.259426,-82.98493
-            10113: -34.04605,-79.90762
-            10114: -35.937122,-85.1471
-            10115: -35.62502,-84.02035
-            10116: -34.532665,-84.04265
-            10117: -35.602726,-83.016884
-            10118: -36.695084,-83.64126
-            10119: -37.185528,-83.50746
-            10120: -37.007183,-82.1918
-            10121: -38.27789,-82.54859
-            10122: -38.83521,-83.016884
-            10123: -39.102726,-82.5263
-            10124: -38.90209,-81.96881
-            10125: -40.195084,-82.03571
-            10126: -41.109097,-82.838486
-            10127: -41.666424,-82.59319
-            10128: -41.242855,-81.857315
-            10129: -40.9127,-79.85735
-            10130: -40.08786,-79.67896
-            10131: -37.54646,-79.522865
-            10132: -36.855377,-75.84348
-            10133: -41.091045,-76.46786
-            10134: -40.82353,-75.3083
-            10135: -36.963963,-72.71949
-            10136: -36.22608,-71.552536
-            10137: -33.796124,-71.99849
-            10138: -36.62724,-68.34128
-            10139: -35.089024,-67.8284
-            10140: -30.786476,-67.538506
-            10141: -28.802402,-67.8061
-            10142: -31.63361,-71.86457
-            10143: -30.407497,-71.81997
-            10144: -30.340618,-73.04643
-            10145: -42.01617,-71.84112
-            10146: -43.955845,-72.01401
-            10147: -41.302982,-68.40152
-            10148: -41.92718,-67.28655
-            10149: -43.822086,-68.20082
-            10150: -41.236103,-67.82174
-            10151: -41.013172,-63.80786
-            10152: -41.949474,-64.40994
-            10153: -43.59916,-63.78556
-            10154: -46.27432,-63.674065
-            10155: -47.656483,-63.58487
-            10156: -47.50043,-67.73254
-            10157: -46.697887,-68.44611
-            10158: -47.143745,-71.90251
-            10159: -48.191517,-71.88021
-            10160: -43.564583,-60.00784
-            10161: -42.162148,-60.018497
-            10162: -41.51565,-60.55368
-            10163: -47.601635,-59.973896
-            10164: -47.11119,-57.989258
-            10165: -44.99336,-58.23455
-            10166: -44.63667,-57.96696
-            10167: -37.05705,-60.575977
-            10168: -37.034756,-61.17806
-            10169: -34.315014,-59.750904
-            10170: -34.00291,-57.85546
-            10171: -31.439217,-60.21919
-            10172: -29.990173,-59.750904
-            10173: -36.901,-63.653282
-            10174: -37.190807,-64.299965
-            10175: -34.560238,-63.74248
-            10176: -31.037945,-60.15229
-            10177: -28.920109,-58.189953
-            10178: -66.161705,-100.95127
-            10179: -68.03431,-101.17427
-            10180: -68.99291,-101.88785
-            10181: -69.55024,-101.84325
-            10182: -69.371895,-100.97357
-            10183: -71.2668,-101.241165
-            10184: -73.34005,-101.86555
-            10185: -72.67126,-100.46069
-            10186: -72.5375,-99.99241
-            10187: -72.76043,-101.040474
-            10188: -71.645775,-101.75405
-            10189: -72.82731,-101.91015
-            10190: -73.518394,-100.2154
-            10191: -74.74451,-100.0593
-            10192: -75.59164,-100.639084
-            10193: -74.365524,-101.84325
-            10194: -73.98654,-102.64602
-            10195: -74.85597,-102.95821
-            10196: -75.435585,-101.66485
-            10197: -74.67763,-100.57219
-            10198: -75.23495,-100.639084
-            10199: -76.438774,-102.28923
-            10200: -76.684,-102.89131
-            10201: -77.59801,-102.200035
-            10202: -78.53431,-101.75405
-            10203: -79.33686,-101.84325
-            10204: -77.9324,-99.63561
-            10205: -76.661705,-98.788246
-            10206: -76.32731,-98.163864
-            10207: -77.68718,-98.09696
-            10208: -79.515205,-99.79171
-            10209: -80.184,-100.50529
-            10210: -81.14259,-101.15197
-            10211: -81.945145,-100.59449
-            10212: -81.878265,-99.345726
-            10213: -79.98336,-99.36803
-            10214: -79.89419,-100.90668
-            10215: -78.91329,-100.304596
-            10216: -77.88782,-98.85514
-            10217: -78.712654,-97.51718
-            10218: -80.25088,-98.43145
-            10219: -81.231766,-99.14503
-            10220: -81.32998,-98.06561
-            10221: -82.69096,-96.99448
-            10222: -83.68885,-99.026024
-            10223: -82.58918,-99.72947
-            10224: -83.70383,-98.8152
-            10225: -83.837585,-96.62987
-            10226: -83.23567,-95.49261
-            10227: -81.42994,-94.82362
-            10228: -81.898094,-96.49607
-            10229: -80.87261,-97.321144
-            10230: -79.200645,-96.62987
-            10231: -77.50637,-96.67447
-            10232: -76.10191,-97.00896
-            10233: -76.59236,-95.5149
-            10234: -77.684715,-95.33651
-            10235: -78.687904,-95.5372
-            10236: -79.51274,-94.51144
-            10237: -81.07325,-94.043144
-            10238: -83.07962,-95.31421
-            10239: -84.59554,-96.384575
-            10240: -85.3758,-97.38805
-            10241: -86.06689,-97.67793
-            10242: -86.267525,-96.45147
-            10243: -85.57644,-95.49261
-            10244: -86.37899,-95.11352
-            10245: -87.24841,-95.804794
-            10246: -87.82803,-95.29191
-            10247: -87.09236,-94.39994
-            10248: -85.50956,-93.19578
-            10249: -87.114655,-93.61946
-            10250: -87.82803,-92.99508
-            10251: -86.71338,-92.393
-            10252: -84.55096,-92.170006
-            10253: -84.26115,-93.507965
-            10254: -82.65606,-93.35187
-            10255: -83.01274,-91.88012
-            10256: -82.09873,-91.03274
-            10257: -81.8758,-91.969315
-            10258: -82.99045,-92.147705
-            10259: -81.94268,-92.88358
-            10260: -81.5637,-91.88012
-            10261: -80.67198,-91.70172
-            10262: -81.2293,-92.79439
-            10263: -81.98727,-93.79786
-            10264: -79.78026,-93.06198
-            10265: -80.09236,-91.88012
-            10266: -78.7102,-91.32263
-            10267: -77.66242,-92.393
-            10268: -78.48727,-93.32957
-            10269: -77.55096,-93.37417
-            10270: -76.85988,-92.4822
-            10271: -76.16879,-91.947014
-            10272: -76.28026,-93.46336
-            10273: -76.1465,-94.26614
-            10274: -75.72294,-95.09122
-            10275: -78.95857,-89.797485
-            10276: -79.98587,-89.07736
-            10277: -79.27249,-87.47175
-            10278: -79.20561,-86.600975
-            10279: -80.56548,-86.824585
-            10280: -80.76612,-86.4901
-            10281: -80.00816,-84.83994
-            10282: -80.18651,-84.28246
-            10283: -80.944466,-85.26363
-            10284: -81.83619,-85.55353
-            10285: -81.96995,-84.95145
-            10286: -80.85529,-83.41279
-            10287: -80.654655,-82.07484
-            10288: -79.941284,-81.87414
-            10289: -80.721535,-83.47969
-            10290: -79.76294,-83.390495
-            10291: -79.18332,-82.49852
-            10292: -79.004974,-81.36125
-            10293: -79.78523,-80.93757
-            10294: -81.10052,-81.89644
-            10295: -81.68014,-81.628845
-            10296: -80.89988,-80.17939
-            10297: -81.524086,-79.555016
-            10298: -82.7502,-80.73688
-            10299: -83.41899,-80.95987
-            10300: -83.41899,-79.59961
-            10301: -83.441284,-79.131325
-            10302: -84.82345,-80.51388
-            10303: -85.40307,-81.33896
-            10304: -86.09415,-81.829544
-            10305: -87.2088,-80.60308
-            10306: -87.67695,-79.9787
-            10307: -88.301155,-79.46581
-            10308: -88.83619,-79.309715
-            10309: -89.41581,-80.20169
-            10310: -88.4795,-81.20516
-            10311: -87.27567,-81.20516
-            10312: -88.078224,-82.030235
-            10313: -89.08141,-81.29436
-            10314: -88.25657,-80.26859
-            10315: -89.527275,-80.870674
-            10316: -91.26612,-81.27206
-            10317: -91.221535,-82.14173
-            10318: -88.50179,-82.587715
-            10319: -87.231094,-82.565414
-            10320: -88.83619,-83.41279
-            10321: -89.794785,-84.21557
-            10322: -88.74702,-84.01487
-            10323: -88.25657,-82.966805
-            10324: -89.99542,-82.788414
-            10325: -90.26294,-81.33896
-            10326: -88.70243,-81.13826
-            10327: -87.89988,-81.985634
-            10328: -89.126,-82.69921
-            10329: -89.90625,-83.88108
-            10330: -88.301155,-84.77305
-            10331: -86.941284,-83.65808
-            10332: -85.91581,-82.34242
-            10333: -87.2088,-84.01487
-            10334: -88.32345,-85.97721
-            10335: -89.34893,-84.95145
-            10336: -88.25657,-85.73192
-            10337: -88.301155,-86.4678
-            10338: -88.92536,-87.27057
-            10339: -89.126,-86.5124
-            10340: -90.04001,-87.225975
-            10341: -89.861664,-88.02875
-            10342: -88.1451,-87.761154
-            10343: -88.10052,-88.207146
-            10344: -89.41581,-88.98762
-            10345: -88.76931,-89.4782
-            10346: -87.63236,-89.5451
-            10347: -88.724724,-90.61547
-            10348: -88.99224,-91.93113
-            10349: -88.1451,-91.86423
-            10350: -87.32026,-90.54857
-            10351: -87.07504,-90.57087
-            10352: -88.011345,-91.84193
-            10353: -88.63555,-93.24679
-            10354: -87.25338,-92.956894
-            10355: -85.60371,-92.08722
-            10356: -86.13873,-93.001495
-            10357: -86.161026,-93.915764
-            10358: -85.157845,-94.20566
-            10359: -82.21517,-79.936386
-            10360: -83.864845,-80.03567
-            10361: -84.0209,-78.274025
-            10362: -82.237465,-78.20712
-            10363: -80.56548,-79.0991
-            10364: -79.98587,-77.93954
-            10365: -78.938095,-77.872635
-            10366: -79.651474,-78.58621
-            10367: -81.1451,-77.35975
-            10368: -82.25976,-76.49008
-            10369: -82.88396,-76.22249
-            10370: -80.14192,-76.15559
-            10371: -79.27249,-74.973724
-            10372: -78.89351,-74.991936
-            10373: -81.261444,-75.71161
-            10374: -82.062706,-73.94693
-            10375: -80.94805,-73.01036
-            10376: -80.4799,-73.657036
-            10377: -79.699646,-73.88003
-            10378: -77.827034,-73.27795
-            10379: -77.31429,-74.28142
-            10380: -78.18372,-75.79777
-            10381: -77.87162,-76.935036
-            10382: -79.32066,-73.14991
-            10383: -78.47353,-72.133484
-            10384: -77.760155,-70.773224
-            10385: -77.046776,-69.256874
-            10386: -78.919395,-70.215744
-            10387: -81.193275,-71.219215
-            10388: -81.99583,-71.30841
-            10389: -80.25697,-69.858955
-            10390: -78.00538,-69.50217
-            10391: -76.9576,-68.855484
-            10392: -76.57863,-68.07501
-            10393: -77.26971,-67.67362
-            10394: -79.16461,-68.520996
-            10395: -80.52448,-68.96698
-            10396: -82.17417,-68.96698
-            10397: -82.553154,-68.677086
-            10398: -82.01812,-67.65132
-            10399: -80.10092,-67.22764
-            10400: -78.38436,-67.718216
-            10401: -77.470345,-67.09384
-            10402: -76.91302,-65.68898
-            10403: -79.00857,-66.84855
-            10404: -81.21557,-68.2311
-            10405: -81.549965,-67.60672
-            10406: -82.686905,-66.71475
-            10407: -82.21876,-65.577484
-            10408: -80.21239,-65.577484
-            10409: -78.406654,-65.599785
-            10410: -76.77927,-65.1315
-            10411: -76.22194,-64.32873
-            10412: -76.46716,-63.369858
-            10413: -77.336586,-63.771244
-            10414: -76.3557,-66.49176
-            10415: -75.84296,-67.160736
-            10416: -75.79837,-68.2757
-            10417: -76.75697,-69.301476
-            10418: -75.93213,-65.13958
-            10419: -75.50857,-63.35564
-            10420: -74.68372,-61.660892
-            10421: -73.81429,-61.928482
-            10422: -75.64232,-62.619762
-            10423: -75.86525,-61.259506
-            10424: -82.95442,-64.93889
-            10425: -83.86844,-65.652466
-            10426: -83.57863,-65.80856
-            10427: -81.906654,-64.470604
-            10428: -81.59455,-63.02115
-            10429: -81.193275,-61.4379
-            10430: -80.346146,-61.10341
-            10431: -80.32385,-62.575165
-            10432: -81.05952,-64.33681
-            10433: -80.52448,-64.96119
-            10434: -80.123215,-63.534035
-            10435: -79.476715,-61.995384
-            10436: -78.562706,-61.616295
-            10437: -78.116844,-62.285275
-            10438: -77.51493,-62.240673
-            10439: -77.13595,-61.237206
-            10440: -76.623215,-60.657425
-            10441: -76.0213,-60.902718
-            10442: -75.66461,-62.30757
-            10443: -74.79519,-61.259506
-            10444: -74.839775,-59.988445
-            10445: -73.41302,-60.09994
-            10446: -73.59136,-61.4156
-            10447: -74.05952,-62.240673
-            10448: -73.41302,-62.954254
-            10449: -73.1678,-61.549397
-            10450: -73.680534,-60.79122
-            10451: -72.14232,-61.3264
-            10452: -71.919395,-62.66436
-            10453: -71.00538,-62.30757
-            10454: -70.42576,-61.460197
-            10455: -69.91302,-61.70549
-            10456: -69.890724,-63.489433
-            10457: -70.31429,-64.15842
-            10458: -76.802,-59.029793
-            10459: -77.805336,-58.829002
-            10460: -79.076035,-59.698673
-            10461: -79.96776,-60.546047
-            10462: -80.52508,-61.504917
-            10463: -81.23846,-62.35229
-            10464: -82.41999,-63.221962
-            10465: -84.002785,-64.11394
-            10466: -84.67158,-63.868645
-            10467: -84.02508,-62.820576
-            10468: -83.06648,-62.0178
-            10469: -82.10789,-61.10353
-            10470: -81.39451,-60.45685
-            10471: -80.59196,-59.36418
-            10472: -80.1461,-58.49451
-            10473: -80.168396,-57.870132
-            10474: -81.68432,-58.9405
-            10475: -82.50916,-60.05546
-            10476: -83.20024,-60.902836
-            10477: -84.47094,-62.218494
-            10478: -85.67477,-62.99897
-            10479: -87.12381,-63.02127
-            10480: -86.74483,-61.638714
-            10481: -85.095146,-60.389954
-            10482: -84.2703,-59.45338
-            10483: -83.57922,-58.650604
-            10484: -82.9996,-57.669437
-            10485: -83.24483,-57.067356
-            10486: -84.56011,-57.82553
-            10487: -85.49642,-59.564877
-            10488: -86.25438,-60.746742
-            10489: -86.63336,-62.32999
-            10490: -87.502785,-62.954372
-            10491: -88.305336,-62.820576
-            10492: -87.97094,-60.992035
-            10493: -86.878586,-59.720974
-            10494: -85.71935,-58.717503
-            10495: -85.162025,-57.691734
-            10496: -85.65247,-57.178852
-            10497: -86.4996,-57.669437
-            10498: -87.43591,-59.118893
-            10499: -87.97094,-60.12236
-            10500: -88.52827,-61.304222
-            10501: -88.81808,-62.820576
-            10502: -88.77349,-64.18083
-            10503: -89.0633,-64.60452
-            10504: -89.20997,-63.38094
-            10505: -89.61112,-63.09107
-            10506: -89.3659,-61.931503
-            10507: -89.78947,-61.06183
-            10508: -89.43278,-60.192158
-            10509: -88.56335,-59.16639
-            10510: -88.0952,-58.22982
-            10511: -88.630226,-56.89186
-            10512: -89.76717,-56.780365
-            10513: -89.678,-58.341316
-            10514: -89.923225,-58.56431
-            10515: -89.74488,-57.87303
-            10516: -89.566536,-55.843792
-            10517: -91.483734,-56.356678
-            10518: -91.127045,-57.315548
-            10519: -90.92641,-58.49741
-            10520: -91.81812,-59.567776
-            10521: -91.79583,-60.12526
-            10522: -90.97099,-59.723873
-            10523: -91.95188,-58.7873
-            10524: -93.066536,-57.22635
-            10525: -92.59838,-56.312077
-            10526: -93.24488,-56.044487
-            10527: -93.980545,-57.293247
-            10528: -94.4487,-58.56431
-            10529: -93.64616,-59.14409
-            10530: -95.25124,-56.334377
-            10531: -96.343605,-55.93299
-            10532: -97.43596,-56.780365
-            10533: -98.57291,-56.95876
-            10534: -99.28628,-57.650036
-            10535: -98.01558,-55.88839
-            10536: -99.95507,-57.89533
-            10537: -99.28628,-58.7204
-            10538: -101.1366,-60.14756
-            10539: -99.82131,-63.180264
-            10540: -98.55061,-62.868073
-            10541: -98.99647,-64.18373
-            10542: -96.856346,-63.447857
-            10543: -96.16526,-62.823475
-            10544: -96.276726,-63.715446
-            10545: -95.18437,-63.96074
-            10546: -94.82768,-63.00187
-            10547: -94.40411,-61.351723
-            10548: -94.89456,-60.281357
-            10549: -92.620674,-59.233288
-            10550: -92.553795,-60.88344
-            10551: -92.06335,-61.30712
-            10552: -91.03787,-61.217926
-            10553: -91.127045,-61.864605
-            10554: -92.197105,-62.44439
-            10555: -91.30539,-62.64508
-            10556: -90.413666,-62.399788
-            10557: -91.483734,-63.22486
-            10558: -92.93278,-63.514755
-            10559: -93.066536,-64.33983
-            10560: -90.81494,-63.96074
-            10561: -90.16845,-63.804646
-            10562: -90.703476,-64.71892
-            10563: -92.2194,-65.321
-            10564: -92.59838,-65.87848
-            10565: -93.90565,-65.86877
-            10566: -93.05851,-65.31128
-            10567: -91.54259,-64.9099
-            10568: -90.539406,-65.51198
-            10569: -91.56488,-66.31475
-            10570: -89.82603,-66.62694
-            10571: -89.04577,-66.53774
-            10572: -90.539406,-67.45202
-            10573: -92.90246,-67.22902
-            10574: -93.63813,-67.25132
-            10575: -93.01392,-68.0095
-            10576: -92.010735,-67.741905
-            10577: -90.71774,-68.81227
-            10578: -89.20182,-68.43318
-            10579: -89.04577,-68.901474
-            10580: -91.20819,-69.36976
-            10581: -92.300545,-69.79344
-            10582: -92.96934,-70.10564
-            10583: -93.57125,-69.102165
-            10584: -93.68272,-69.92724
-            10585: -92.54577,-71.06451
-            10586: -91.65405,-70.48472
-            10587: -91.20819,-70.95301
-            10588: -91.11902,-71.80038
-            10589: -89.736855,-71.51049
-            10590: -88.64449,-71.35439
-            10591: -87.97571,-71.66659
-            10592: -88.443855,-70.618515
-            10593: -89.023476,-69.81574
-            10594: -87.886536,-68.700775
-            10595: -88.15405,-67.9872
-            10596: -87.596725,-70.75231
-            10597: -86.883354,-70.462425
-            10598: -88.759254,-72.51316
-            10599: -88.84991,-73.27183
-            10600: -88.00277,-73.47252
-            10601: -86.86583,-72.78124
-            10602: -86.24163,-72.91504
-            10603: -87.044174,-73.33872
-            10604: -85.79577,-73.65092
-            10605: -85.23844,-74.163795
-            10606: -86.754364,-74.78818
-            10607: -88.181114,-74.163795
-            10608: -88.60468,-74.74358
-            10609: -87.24481,-75.345665
-            10610: -85.92953,-75.12267
-            10611: -85.39449,-75.25646
-            10612: -85.260735,-76.19304
-            10613: -86.82124,-76.21534
-            10614: -87.53462,-76.12614
-            10615: -87.623795,-76.61672
-            10616: -85.52825,-77.2188
-            10617: -86.130165,-77.62019
-            10618: -87.98048,-77.062706
-            10619: -89.49641,-76.304535
-            10620: -90.455,-76.19304
-            10621: -90.67793,-76.99581
-            10622: -89.117424,-77.285706
-            10623: -88.827614,-77.75399
-            10624: -89.8308,-78.33377
-            10625: -89.96456,-78.91355
-            10626: -89.60787,-79.87242
-            10627: -89.80851,-80.36301
-            10628: -86.464554,-82.86053
-            10629: -85.17156,-79.80553
-            10630: -84.4136,-78.422966
-            10631: -84.123795,-79.29264
-            10632: -110.2534,-32.882637
-            10633: -109.5103,-31.960936
-            10634: -109.86699,-31.321688
-            10635: -110.47633,-31.723076
-            10636: -110.78843,-32.154198
-            10637: -111.72474,-30.84597
-            10638: -112.408394,-31.782541
-            10639: -112.86911,-31.633879
-            10640: -113.73111,-30.786505
-            10641: -113.01773,-29.151222
-            10642: -112.86911,-27.798397
-            10643: -113.270386,-27.872728
-            10644: -113.627075,-29.537745
-            10645: -114.63769,-29.686405
-            10646: -115.053825,-28.868765
-            10647: -114.682274,-27.159151
-            10648: -115.0241,-26.6983
-            10649: -115.94555,-27.545671
-            10650: -116.67378,-28.25925
-            10651: -116.95616,-29.136356
-            10652: -116.01986,-30.251322
-            10653: -115.96041,-30.578379
-            10654: -116.629196,-30.860836
-            10655: -116.74809,-31.440619
-            10656: -115.75234,-32.09473
-            10657: -116.1982,-33.016434
-            10658: -114.44448,-31.723076
-            10659: -113.74597,-30.41485
-            10660: -113.478455,-29.299885
-            10661: -114.191826,-29.835068
-            10662: -112.72049,-28.318714
-            10663: -113.983765,-27.426743
-            10664: -114.07293,-26.41584
-            10665: -113.13663,-26.014454
-            10666: -112.30436,-26.84696
-            10667: -111.917946,-25.464403
-            10668: -112.57188,-24.631897
-            10669: -111.01136,-23.99265
-            10670: -110.53578,-24.69136
-            10671: -114.74172,-25.954988
-            10672: -109.79297,-23.258667
-            10673: -108.81207,-22.634241
-            10674: -108.17288,-22.246986
-            10675: -109.07954,-23.704287
-            10676: -109.51054,-24.373266
-            10677: -111.21966,-25.012512
-            10678: -107.14748,-23.109638
-            10679: -106.68675,-21.935207
-            10680: -105.274864,-22.12847
-            10681: -106.04768,-23.154238
-            10682: -106.65703,-24.031343
-            10683: -106.89482,-24.67059
-            10684: -106.25575,-25.3693
-            10685: -105.33431,-23.942146
-            10686: -105.08166,-24.298935
-            10687: -106.40437,-25.711224
-            10688: -106.79079,-26.112612
-            10689: -105.63155,-26.142344
-            10690: -104.18993,-25.428766
-            10691: -103.99673,-25.785555
-            10692: -104.24938,-27.33164
-            10693: -105.215416,-27.5695
-            10694: -105.97338,-26.841055
-            10695: -105.30459,-28.208746
-            10696: -104.04131,-27.76276
-            10697: -104.10076,-26.335606
-            10698: -105.039215,-22.95046
-            10699: -106.12396,-21.35884
-            10700: -106.74817,-20.897987
-            10701: -105.02418,-20.318205
-            10702: -104.66749,-21.076382
-            10703: -105.60379,-20.957453
-            10704: -104.01356,-20.006016
-            10705: -77.69546,-90.87918
+            9193: -78.35199,-55.00462
+            9194: -62.075962,-57.208084
+            9195: -61.295704,-56.204617
+            9196: -60.42628,-56.271515
+            9197: -61.69698,-57.230385
+            9198: -61.47405,-58.07776
+            9199: -60.158764,-57.69867
+            9200: -59.98042,-57.899364
+            9201: -59.712902,-57.854767
+            9202: -59.69061,-56.271515
+            9203: -61.317997,-56.472206
+            9204: -62.2766,-57.743267
+            9205: -61.518635,-59.170425
+            9206: -62.232014,-59.54951
+            9207: -63.101437,-59.683308
+            9208: -63.25749,-60.352287
+            9209: -62.45494,-61.155064
+            9210: -62.12055,-61.690247
+            9211: -61.362583,-62.180832
+            9212: -60.470867,-60.129295
+            9213: -59.17787,-58.479145
+            9214: -58.531376,-59.750206
+            9215: -61.161945,-61.400352
+            9216: -61.34029,-61.155064
+            9217: -63.5473,-61.311157
+            9218: -63.970867,-61.601048
+            9219: -64.818,-60.753674
+            9220: -64.416725,-59.8394
+            9221: -64.75112,-61.57875
+            9222: -64.97405,-63.028206
+            9223: -65.01864,-63.87558
+            9224: -63.792522,-63.028206
+            9225: -62.74475,-62.403824
+            9226: -60.60462,-62.782913
+            9227: -58.219273,-61.86864
+            9228: -57.84029,-62.180832
+            9229: -62.075962,-62.73831
+            9230: -58.28615,-62.15853
+            9231: -58.932648,-60.329987
+            9232: -57.595066,-59.63871
+            9233: -57.37214,-60.21849
+            9234: -56.77023,-60.865173
+            9235: -57.060036,-59.304222
+            9236: -57.795704,-58.211555
+            9237: -58.598255,-58.546043
+            9238: -59.868954,-59.393417
+            9239: -57.99634,-57.185787
+            9240: -56.8594,-56.918194
+            9241: -56.435833,-58.74674
+            9242: -56.458126,-58.902832
+            9243: -55.254307,-57.98856
+            9244: -55.232014,-59.25962
+            9245: -55.744747,-60.508385
+            9246: -56.212902,-61.62335
+            9247: -55.38806,-61.84634
+            9248: -55.105556,-59.861706
+            9249: -54.31869,-59.222195
+            9250: -53.331913,-59.41114
+            9251: -52.637432,-60.14998
+            9252: -54.086475,-61.77783
+            9253: -53.43998,-62.223816
+            9254: -54.844437,-62.580605
+            9255: -57.60877,-62.848198
+            9256: -59.25845,-62.915092
+            9257: -59.12469,-63.316483
+            9258: -57.452717,-63.65097
+            9259: -56.382656,-63.472576
+            9260: -57.89858,-64.00776
+            9261: -58.18839,-64.542946
+            9262: -58.18839,-65.479515
+            9263: -57.8317,-66.460686
+            9264: -56.382656,-65.635605
+            9265: -56.962273,-64.520645
+            9266: -58.90176,-65.03352
+            9267: -58.36673,-66.616776
+            9268: -58.299854,-67.12966
+            9269: -55.959087,-66.83977
+            9270: -54.889023,-66.70598
+            9271: -56.449535,-67.50875
+            9272: -56.164646,-68.14827
+            9273: -54.40283,-64.99683
+            9274: -53.59772,-65.279236
+            9275: -52.342144,-63.883675
+            9276: -51.759975,-63.487415
+            9277: -51.40315,-65.182434
+            9278: -52.00494,-65.873955
+            9279: -55.973274,-66.31958
+            9280: -57.93506,-66.09658
+            9281: -59.13888,-66.65407
+            9282: -59.161175,-67.546036
+            9283: -58.47009,-68.8171
+            9284: -57.087925,-69.17389
+            9285: -56.931873,-69.46378
+            9286: -59.005123,-68.99549
+            9287: -55.77264,-68.17042
+            9288: -54.256714,-68.8171
+            9289: -55.572002,-69.61987
+            9290: -54.635693,-69.53068
+            9291: -53.90003,-67.746735
+            9292: -52.785378,-67.79133
+            9293: -52.852253,-69.41918
+            9294: -53.40958,-70.35575
+            9295: -53.320408,-71.15853
+            9296: -52.45098,-70.55645
+            9297: -51.893658,-69.21849
+            9298: -51.82678,-68.8394
+            9299: -54.657986,-68.348816
+            9300: -53.92232,-67.30074
+            9301: -51.492382,-66.72096
+            9302: -51.82678,-65.36071
+            9303: -53.47646,-65.7175
+            9304: -51.001938,-64.00045
+            9305: -51.514675,-62.261105
+            9306: -51.82678,-62.015812
+            9307: -50.55608,-60.90085
+            9308: -50.154804,-59.317596
+            9309: -49.97646,-58.648617
+            9310: -51.98283,-60.008873
+            9311: -51.20257,-68.27579
+            9312: -51.40321,-70.23443
+            9313: -55.438244,-70.288216
+            9314: -57.13251,-70.39971
+            9315: -57.021046,-71.648476
+            9316: -54.814037,-70.95719
+            9317: -53.743977,-70.48891
+            9318: -55.973274,-71.91607
+            9319: -57.42232,-71.15789
+            9320: -55.973274,-68.70496
+            9321: -53.654804,-69.44084
+            9322: -55.928688,-72.49585
+            9323: -57.64525,-73.58851
+            9324: -56.285378,-73.945305
+            9325: -55.19302,-72.94183
+            9326: -54.05608,-72.607346
+            9327: -53.3427,-72.47355
+            9328: -54.568813,-73.63311
+            9329: -55.103848,-74.39129
+            9330: -53.454166,-74.27979
+            9331: -52.228054,-72.89723
+            9332: -51.514675,-71.31399
+            9333: -51.224865,-71.89377
+            9334: -52.696205,-73.61081
+            9335: -53.654804,-74.45818
+            9336: -51.938244,-74.99337
+            9337: -51.29175,-73.11161
+            9338: -50.95735,-72.62339
+            9339: -51.024227,-75.11381
+            9340: -51.82678,-77.66128
+            9341: -57.8013,-71.67788
+            9342: -58.157986,-72.20163
+            9343: -57.93506,-70.48458
+            9344: -57.288563,-69.7264
+            9345: -58.091106,-72.9821
+            9346: -57.779007,-73.628784
+            9347: -58.53697,-74.92214
+            9348: -56.90958,-75.167435
+            9349: -56.75353,-75.39043
+            9350: -57.26627,-76.2378
+            9351: -56.374546,-76.08171
+            9352: -56.708942,-73.80718
+            9353: -55.728054,-73.271996
+            9354: -55.2599,-75.88101
+            9355: -55.27735,-77.26357
+            9356: -55.79697,-77.67088
+            9357: -54.169064,-76.74396
+            9358: -53.277344,-75.9048
+            9359: -51.962055,-74.67834
+            9360: -52.72002,-76.06089
+            9361: -53.18817,-77.488045
+            9362: -52.407917,-77.19816
+            9363: -50.397606,-75.19122
+            9364: -50.22736,-74.834435
+            9365: -50.404285,-73.92016
+            9366: -51.184544,-75.6818
+            9367: -50.538044,-76.350784
+            9368: -50.069893,-76.84137
+            9369: -50.225945,-78.04553
+            9370: -49.57945,-79.20509
+            9371: -48.754604,-78.62531
+            9372: -49.958427,-78.15703
+            9373: -51.58582,-78.51382
+            9374: -52.455242,-78.9821
+            9375: -53.659065,-79.1605
+            9376: -54.617664,-78.73681
+            9377: -55.353333,-79.1605
+            9378: -55.843777,-79.807175
+            9379: -55.17499,-80.386955
+            9380: -54.394733,-79.829475
+            9381: -53.45843,-79.74028
+            9382: -51.496647,-80.32006
+            9383: -50.538044,-80.96674
+            9384: -49.51257,-80.43156
+            9385: -48.754604,-80.25317
+            9386: -47.550785,-80.32006
+            9387: -47.43932,-79.33889
+            9388: -48.39792,-78.42462
+            9389: -47.706837,-77.75564
+            9390: -46.503014,-78.75911
+            9391: -47.060337,-79.69568
+            9392: -45.990276,-79.94097
+            9393: -45.65588,-78.8037
+            9394: -45.87881,-78.04553
+            9395: -44.853333,-78.35772
+            9396: -45.187725,-79.450386
+            9397: -44.117664,-79.49499
+            9398: -44.184544,-78.268524
+            9399: -43.627216,-78.04553
+            9400: -42.936134,-79.0044
+            9401: -43.27053,-80.587654
+            9402: -43.471165,-81.07824
+            9403: -45.23231,-81.03364
+            9404: -45.87881,-80.72145
+            9405: -46.213207,-81.568825
+            9406: -46.346966,-82.01481
+            9407: -47.37244,-81.61342
+            9408: -47.327854,-80.810646
+            9409: -48.442505,-81.25663
+            9410: -48.531677,-82.3716
+            9411: -49.22276,-82.75069
+            9412: -50.136772,-81.83641
+            9413: -50.20365,-81.10053
+            9414: -52.14314,-82.0817
+            9415: -53.68136,-82.41619
+            9416: -54.79601,-81.65802
+            9417: -55.79919,-80.98904
+            9418: -56.245052,-81.45733
+            9419: -54.929768,-82.81758
+            9420: -55.888363,-82.92908
+            9421: -56.557156,-82.57229
+            9422: -56.57945,-79.60648
+            9423: -56.066708,-80.49845
+            9424: -55.88857,-84.602005
+            9425: -55.248844,-83.890144
+            9426: -53.68825,-83.77877
+            9427: -53.821255,-84.89483
+            9428: -52.573265,-84.67123
+            9429: -52.171993,-83.77926
+            9430: -53.487278,-82.48589
+            9431: -53.308933,-81.50473
+            9432: -50.343967,-83.02108
+            9433: -51.14651,-84.35904
+            9434: -49.474537,-83.890755
+            9435: -48.114666,-82.97648
+            9436: -48.270718,-83.80155
+            9437: -49.474537,-84.60433
+            9438: -49.85352,-85.5855
+            9439: -48.82804,-85.5409
+            9440: -49.385365,-84.80502
+            9441: -50.433136,-84.73813
+            9442: -51.035046,-85.7193
+            9443: -53.93314,-85.36251
+            9444: -54.17836,-85.3848
+            9445: -55.025494,-86.29908
+            9446: -55.605114,-86.63357
+            9447: -55.82804,-87.21335
+            9448: -53.35352,-86.99036
+            9449: -52.796192,-85.29561
+            9450: -52.59556,-86.32138
+            9451: -54.222946,-88.37292
+            9452: -53.910847,-89.04189
+            9453: -52.974537,-87.99383
+            9454: -51.79301,-88.127625
+            9455: -51.63696,-89.13109
+            9456: -50.254795,-88.23912
+            9457: -49.78664,-86.365974
+            9458: -49.006386,-85.94229
+            9459: -49.831226,-88.14992
+            9460: -50.99046,-88.35062
+            9461: -50.36626,-87.25795
+            9462: -49.56371,-87.21335
+            9463: -48.58282,-88.17222
+            9464: -48.917213,-89.17569
+            9465: -50.21021,-89.264885
+            9466: -48.13696,-89.17569
+            9467: -46.05859,-83.82385
+            9468: -45.337086,-84.13605
+            9469: -44.91216,-84.89422
+            9470: -44.221077,-84.269844
+            9471: -44.800694,-83.24407
+            9472: -44.822987,-82.3298
+            9473: -45.625538,-81.70542
+            9474: -44.24337,-81.10334
+            9475: -44.444004,-80.18907
+            9476: -43.329357,-80.85805
+            9477: -43.106426,-82.151405
+            9478: -42.036366,-82.06221
+            9479: -42.482224,-83.533966
+            9480: -42.103245,-83.913055
+            9481: -52.76212,-89.02105
+            9482: -54.033035,-89.26671
+            9483: -55.52661,-88.97673
+            9484: -55.50432,-89.824104
+            9485: -55.05846,-90.51538
+            9486: -56.596676,-89.7349
+            9487: -57.466103,-89.980194
+            9488: -58.536167,-90.983665
+            9489: -58.78139,-91.67494
+            9490: -57.020245,-91.60805
+            9491: -56.017056,-91.340454
+            9492: -55.482025,-91.920235
+            9493: -56.529797,-92.47772
+            9494: -56.150814,-93.169
+            9495: -55.036167,-92.67841
+            9496: -54.969288,-93.0798
+            9497: -56.26228,-93.860275
+            9498: -57.59986,-94.17246
+            9499: -58.26865,-93.36969
+            9500: -58.647633,-92.83451
+            9501: -58.93744,-94.239365
+            9502: -57.934254,-94.70765
+            9503: -56.35145,-94.68535
+            9504: -55.994762,-95.10904
+            9505: -56.239986,-95.755714
+            9506: -55.43744,-95.755714
+            9507: -54.679478,-95.95641
+            9508: -55.259098,-96.759186
+            9509: -56.217693,-96.98218
+            9510: -57.59986,-96.49159
+            9511: -58.759098,-95.599625
+            9512: -59.071198,-95.66652
+            9513: -58.736805,-97.22747
+            9514: -56.886486,-96.1125
+            9515: -56.507504,-95.198235
+            9516: -57.287758,-96.84838
+            9517: -58.49158,-97.45046
+            9518: -58.647633,-98.74383
+            9519: -56.953365,-98.32014
+            9520: -56.26228,-97.74036
+            9521: -55.036167,-97.96335
+            9522: -56.41833,-98.61003
+            9523: -54.790943,-97.80725
+            9524: -53.542538,-96.4247
+            9525: -52.940624,-95.778015
+            9526: -52.427883,-95.88951
+            9527: -54.70177,-96.4024
+            9528: -52.02661,-95.08674
+            9529: -50.555275,-94.640755
+            9530: -52.62852,-94.01637
+            9531: -53.765465,-94.08327
+            9532: -52.383297,-93.481186
+            9533: -51.959732,-92.879105
+            9534: -54.03298,-92.9906
+            9535: -53.654,-92.14323
+            9536: -51.736805,-92.45542
+            9537: -51.26865,-92.07633
+            9538: -52.98521,-91.80874
+            9539: -53.520245,-91.20666
+            9540: -52.6954,-92.43312
+            9541: -53.05209,-93.1913
+            9542: -49.867893,-93.24058
+            9543: -49.625546,-94.11306
+            9544: -48.10962,-92.842
+            9545: -47.351658,-92.663605
+            9546: -49.469494,-93.48868
+            9547: -48.912167,-94.001564
+            9548: -48.756115,-92.9535
+            9549: -48.488598,-92.106125
+            9550: -47.396244,-92.7305
+            9551: -47.93128,-94.26916
+            9552: -49.112804,-95.09423
+            9553: -49.959938,-95.161125
+            9554: -48.889874,-96.097694
+            9555: -48.131912,-95.09423
+            9556: -47.039555,-94.33605
+            9557: -46.125546,-94.51445
+            9558: -47.50771,-95.74091
+            9559: -48.154205,-96.38759
+            9560: -49.491787,-96.61058
+            9561: -50.173893,-95.52355
+            9562: -50.83331,-95.740425
+            9563: -51.707973,-96.69435
+            9564: -50.51101,-97.43854
+            9565: -49.41865,-97.23785
+            9566: -50.31037,-97.594635
+            9567: -50.934574,-96.72496
+            9568: -50.332664,-96.76956
+            9569: -52.02693,-97.92912
+            9570: -50.60018,-98.977196
+            9571: -49.03967,-99.04409
+            9572: -48.41547,-97.92912
+            9573: -48.19254,-96.85876
+            9574: -47.791264,-97.23785
+            9575: -48.79445,-97.594635
+            9576: -46.966423,-97.75073
+            9577: -46.230755,-98.30821
+            9578: -45.47279,-97.50544
+            9579: -46.56515,-95.94449
+            9580: -45.517376,-96.078285
+            9581: -44.982346,-97.83993
+            9582: -45.82948,-99.133286
+            9583: -46.654324,-100.22595
+            9584: -47.54604,-100.71654
+            9585: -47.947315,-99.17789
+            9586: -48.482346,-99.24478
+            9587: -47.523746,-101.58621
+            9588: -47.746677,-102.411285
+            9589: -49.440945,-101.809204
+            9590: -50.13203,-102.0545
+            9591: -48.437763,-101.20712
+            9592: -48.705276,-100.27055
+            9593: -50.354958,-100.18136
+            9594: -50.8454,-99.28938
+            9595: -51.75942,-98.531204
+            9596: -51.26897,-100.22595
+            9597: -53.05241,-99.66847
+            9598: -53.54286,-100.894936
+            9599: -53.364513,-100.91723
+            9600: -53.676617,-99.46777
+            9601: -54.47916,-98.575806
+            9602: -54.9919,-100.02526
+            9603: -62.941616,-100.24825
+            9604: -62.47346,-99.98066
+            9605: -61.62633,-100.24825
+            9606: -60.645435,-100.31515
+            9607: -59.932064,-99.891464
+            9608: -60.489384,-100.73884
+            9609: -60.4448,-101.36322
+            9610: -58.839703,-101.36322
+            9611: -58.10404,-100.98413
+            9612: -59.642254,-101.47472
+            9613: -59.04034,-102.0991
+            9614: -57.234608,-101.7423
+            9615: -57.011677,-101.630806
+            9616: -57.925694,-102.87957
+            9617: -57.569004,-102.25519
+            9618: -55.74098,-102.009895
+            9619: -55.495754,-101.34092
+            9620: -57.435246,-100.20365
+            9621: -56.766457,-99.73537
+            9622: -58.57219,-99.713066
+            9623: -59.04034,-100.114456
+            9624: -57.814228,-98.665
+            9625: -57.83652,-97.92912
+            9626: -58.88429,-98.26361
+            9627: -58.728237,-97.616936
+            9628: -57.32378,-97.88453
+            9629: -57.32378,-97.50544
+            9630: -58.527603,-96.256676
+            9631: -58.951168,-95.96679
+            9632: -57.279194,-95.18631
+            9633: -59.1741,-93.736855
+            9634: -58.75053,-92.421196
+            9635: -57.591297,-92.220505
+            9636: -58.081745,-90.97174
+            9637: -57.76964,-90.01287
+            9638: -52.348595,-94.718025
+            9639: -53.50783,-94.62883
+            9640: -54.93458,-99.28938
+            9641: -55.13522,-101.430115
+            9642: -50.07471,-100.78344
+            9643: -48.96006,-99.713066
+            9644: -48.581078,-100.91723
+            9645: -48.112926,-102.16599
+            9646: -47.065155,-102.27749
+            9647: -47.511013,-103.10256
+            9648: -47.132034,-103.50395
+            9649: -46.998276,-104.48512
+            9650: -46.663883,-105.1764
+            9651: -45.482353,-105.0426
+            9652: -44.657513,-105.1541
+            9653: -45.90592,-105.867676
+            9654: -45.259422,-106.11297
+            9655: -43.877254,-104.77501
+            9656: -43.07471,-103.749245
+            9657: -42.04923,-103.12486
+            9658: -41.00146,-103.88304
+            9659: -42.004642,-104.88651
+            9660: -43.052418,-106.269066
+            9661: -43.109436,-106.95139
+            9662: -42.15064,-106.8399
+            9663: -42.37357,-105.90333
+            9664: -42.953186,-104.676865
+            9665: -43.80032,-104.23088
+            9666: -42.23981,-102.84832
+            9667: -41.41497,-101.621864
+            9668: -40.768475,-101.15357
+            9669: -39.809875,-102.04555
+            9670: -40.87994,-103.5842
+            9671: -41.392677,-104.119385
+            9672: -39.69841,-103.717995
+            9673: -38.918156,-103.138214
+            9674: -39.653824,-104.34238
+            9675: -40.278027,-105.54654
+            9676: -40.278027,-106.66151
+            9677: -40.857647,-107.41968
+            9678: -40.768475,-108.26705
+            9679: -39.720703,-107.77647
+            9680: -40.612423,-106.594604
+            9681: -39.430893,-106.10402
+            9682: -38.895863,-107.10749
+            9683: -37.335354,-107.12979
+            9684: -36.19841,-106.8622
+            9685: -34.749367,-106.773
+            9686: -33.52325,-106.215515
+            9687: -32.609238,-106.639206
+            9688: -32.63153,-105.16745
+            9689: -33.3672,-105.30125
+            9690: -33.12198,-106.639206
+            9691: -33.65701,-106.995995
+            9692: -32.520065,-106.17092
+            9693: -33.43408,-105.122856
+            9694: -32.497772,-103.717995
+            9695: -33.099686,-102.55843
+            9696: -34.593315,-102.87062
+            9697: -35.641087,-103.4727
+            9698: -35.930893,-102.69223
+            9699: -35.061466,-101.35427
+            9700: -35.641087,-101.06438
+            9701: -37.112423,-101.91175
+            9702: -38.026436,-102.29084
+            9703: -36.26529,-101.51037
+            9704: -35.9086,-100.95288
+            9705: -36.242996,-102.11245
+            9706: -37.268475,-102.93752
+            9707: -35.08376,-102.02325
+            9708: -34.95,-103.495
+            9709: -34.79395,-103.04902
+            9710: -36.911785,-101.28737
+            9711: -35.46274,-100.2393
+            9712: -35.953186,-99.25813
+            9713: -36.06465,-98.343864
+            9714: -34.95,-97.49649
+            9715: -35.997772,-97.2735
+            9716: -36.621975,-98.49996
+            9717: -36.778027,-98.00938
+            9718: -36.488216,-96.91671
+            9719: -37.53599,-97.2958
+            9720: -33.41054,-97.671104
+            9721: -34.480606,-96.24395
+            9722: -35.4615,-96.44465
+            9723: -37.222645,-97.47041
+            9724: -38.47105,-97.671104
+            9725: -38.292706,-96.154755
+            9726: -38.114365,-95.218185
+            9727: -38.649395,-95.017494
+            9728: -38.270412,-96.71224
+            9729: -37.534748,-96.199356
+            9730: -37.155766,-95.08439
+            9731: -37.980606,-94.52691
+            9732: -39.697166,-95.396576
+            9733: -40.232197,-96.33315
+            9734: -40.588886,-96.31085
+            9735: -40.83411,-95.03979
+            9736: -40.053852,-96.756836
+            9737: -39.229015,-98.072495
+            9738: -38.448757,-97.9387
+            9739: -38.203537,-97.00213
+            9740: -39.853218,-95.195885
+            9741: -39.229015,-94.14782
+            9742: -40.143024,-93.74643
+            9743: -41.636658,-94.41541
+            9744: -41.881878,-93.14435
+            9745: -40.633472,-92.54227
+            9746: -40.343662,-92.63146
+            9747: -41.30226,-93.07745
+            9748: -40.99016,-93.14435
+            9749: -42.19398,-91.4273
+            9750: -41.413727,-90.33463
+            9751: -40.96787,-89.420364
+            9752: -41.948757,-89.79945
+            9753: -40.99016,-91.00362
+            9754: -41.74812,-91.11511
+            9755: -42.84048,-90.31234
+            9756: -43.486977,-90.71372
+            9757: -43.732197,-89.50956
+            9758: -44.378696,-89.241974
+            9759: -44.356403,-89.53186
+            9760: -45.872326,-88.81828
+            9761: -47.343662,-89.041275
+            9762: -47.455128,-90.04475
+            9763: -47.165318,-90.29004
+            9764: -48.32456,-89.77715
+            9765: -47.47742,-91.3158
+            9766: -41.72431,-88.42627
+            9767: -40.91788,-89.28702
+            9768: -39.780937,-89.7776
+            9769: -39.847816,-88.506546
+            9770: -40.226795,-87.525375
+            9771: -39.446545,-88.082855
+            9772: -41.05164,-87.77067
+            9773: -39.223614,-87.68147
+            9774: -38.309597,-86.7672
+            9775: -38.599407,-86.32121
+            9776: -38.265015,-88.03826
+            9777: -37.70769,-87.63687
+            9778: -38.01979,-86.6557
+            9779: -37.84145,-85.49614
+            9780: -36.637623,-86.09822
+            9781: -36.50387,-86.7672
+            9782: -35.210873,-86.967896
+            9783: -35.32234,-85.563034
+            9784: -33.5389,-86.49961
+            9785: -35.32234,-87.39158
+            9786: -35.589855,-88.01596
+            9787: -34.296864,-87.59228
+            9788: -33.784122,-86.45501
+            9789: -32.758644,-86.29891
+            9790: -33.82871,-87.882164
+            9791: -34.007053,-88.863335
+            9792: -32.959282,-89.10863
+            9793: -32.2682,-87.59228
+            9794: -31.822338,-87.28008
+            9795: -32.66947,-88.14976
+            9796: -32.55801,-88.75184
+            9797: -31.131256,-87.65917
+            9798: -30.707691,-87.41388
+            9799: -31.15355,-88.61804
+            9800: -31.97839,-89.71071
+            9801: -30.886032,-90.0452
+            9802: -30.19495,-88.75184
+            9803: -29.459282,-89.22012
+            9804: -29.236351,-90.26819
+            9805: -30.19495,-90.87027
+            9806: -30.55164,-91.360855
+            9807: -28.924252,-91.07097
+            9808: -28.032532,-91.383156
+            9809: -29.37011,-92.02984
+            9810: -29.88285,-93.01101
+            9811: -28.745907,-92.83261
+            9812: -29.258644,-93.61309
+            9813: -30.239536,-93.88068
+            9814: -29.704506,-95.26324
+            9815: -30.417881,-95.93221
+            9816: -30.997498,-95.28554
+            9817: -31.242722,-95.50853
+            9818: -31.844631,-96.51199
+            9819: -32.2682,-97.114075
+            9820: -33.583485,-96.757286
+            9821: -33.494312,-96.08831
+            9822: -35.433804,-96.4228
+            9823: -28.494694,-94.7872
+            9824: -27.044147,-94.16977
+            9825: -26.709755,-94.45966
+            9826: -26.732048,-95.30703
+            9827: -25.34988,-95.10634
+            9828: -27.735233,-94.45966
+            9829: -27.155613,-93.902176
+            9830: -25.9295,-93.2109
+            9831: -25.060074,-93.1886
+            9832: -25.439053,-95.08404
+            9833: -24.926315,-95.95371
+            9834: -24.45816,-94.10287
+            9835: -24.012302,-93.54539
+            9836: -25.572811,-94.01367
+            9837: -24.168354,-92.56422
+            9838: -24.81485,-91.82834
+            9839: -22.786186,-91.025566
+            9840: -22.161983,-90.980965
+            9841: -23.120583,-92.05134
+            9842: -22.540966,-92.07363
+            9843: -21.493195,-91.360054
+            9844: -20.311665,-91.22626
+            9845: -19.620583,-91.60535
+            9846: -20.64606,-92.162834
+            9847: -22.050518,-92.60882
+            9848: -22.273449,-93.344696
+            9849: -20.623768,-93.0548
+            9850: -19.353065,-92.83181
+            9851: -18.974087,-93.367
+            9852: -20.400837,-93.83528
+            9853: -22.13969,-93.85758
+            9854: -23.3881,-94.10287
+            9855: -23.165169,-94.861046
+            9856: -21.047333,-94.70495
+            9857: -19.197014,-94.303566
+            9858: -18.99638,-94.682655
+            9859: -20.64606,-95.30703
+            9860: -21.91676,-95.10634
+            9861: -22.072811,-95.73072
+            9862: -20.378544,-96.10981
+            9863: -19.977272,-96.84569
+            9864: -21.38173,-96.756485
+            9865: -22.652428,-96.422
+            9866: -24.123768,-96.600395
+            9867: -25.483639,-96.53349
+            9868: -25.951794,-96.957184
+            9869: -24.591919,-97.89375
+            9870: -23.075996,-97.581566
+            9871: -22.184277,-97.35857
+            9872: -21.136505,-97.47007
+            9873: -20.601475,-98.495834
+            9874: -23.120583,-97.581566
+            9875: -23.365807,-96.2882
+            9876: -22.719307,-95.061745
+            9877: -25.511814,-95.442986
+            9878: -24.910072,-96.75881
+            9879: -22.881409,-97.985275
+            9880: -23.148926,-98.65426
+            9881: -24.040646,-97.91838
+            9882: -25.623447,-97.69539
+            9883: -25.511982,-98.386665
+            9884: -22.81453,-99.07794
+            9885: -21.744465,-98.72115
+            9886: -20.74128,-98.65426
+            9887: -21.231728,-99.65772
+            9888: -21.075676,-100.63889
+            9889: -21.789051,-101.263275
+            9890: -23.41644,-100.14831
+            9891: -24.553383,-99.39014
+            9892: -25.71262,-99.05564
+            9893: -25.95784,-100.326706
+            9894: -24.620262,-101.01798
+            9895: -23.34956,-101.30788
+            9896: -22.68077,-101.75386
+            9897: -22.435547,-102.37824
+            9898: -22.881409,-102.95802
+            9899: -23.884594,-102.06605
+            9900: -24.59797,-100.728096
+            9901: -25.222172,-100.282104
+            9902: -25.95784,-101.820755
+            9903: -25.110706,-102.84653
+            9904: -23.951473,-103.09182
+            9905: -22.970581,-103.627
+            9906: -23.438732,-104.20678
+            9907: -25.734913,-103.4932
+            9908: -26.425995,-101.86536
+            9909: -26.827267,-100.861885
+            9910: -27.585228,-100.705795
+            9911: -27.629814,-102.69043
+            9912: -26.715801,-103.7162
+            9913: -26.002426,-104.38518
+            9914: -26.113892,-105.14336
+            9915: -27.050198,-105.700836
+            9916: -27.518353,-104.27368
+            9917: -26.648926,-103.00262
+            9918: -26.381409,-102.69043
+            9919: -26.78268,-104.318275
+            9920: -26.359116,-104.92036
+            9921: -26.047012,-105.94613
+            9922: -28.120262,-105.56704
+            9923: -29.09974,-105.05416
+            9924: -28.096996,-103.158714
+            9925: -28.810371,-102.13295
+            9926: -29.456867,-103.760796
+            9927: -28.966423,-105.32175
+            9928: -29.724384,-106.01302
+            9929: -30.43776,-105.299446
+            9930: -30.01419,-103.93919
+            9931: -29.991898,-102.82423
+            9932: -30.43776,-102.15525
+            9933: -31.507824,-102.57893
+            9934: -31.32948,-104.65277
+            9935: -30.928204,-105.92383
+            9936: -31.19572,-106.32522
+            9937: -31.753048,-104.89806
+            9938: -32.2212,-103.42631
+            9939: -32.354958,-102.15525
+            9940: -32.711643,-101.843056
+            9941: -33.246677,-103.93919
+            9942: -32.51101,-104.80886
+            9943: -35.052242,-104.23734
+            9944: -35.96626,-104.14815
+            9945: -34.04906,-103.83595
+            9946: -33.44715,-102.20811
+            9947: -18.846622,-90.459145
+            9948: -18.289295,-90.01212
+            9949: -18.579105,-90.77073
+            9950: -18.556812,-90.92682
+            9951: -18.021782,-89.65576
+            9952: -17.86573,-87.983315
+            9953: -18.088661,-87.06904
+            9954: -17.731972,-86.35546
+            9955: -18.155537,-85.41889
+            9956: -17.57592,-85.0175
+            9957: -17.241524,-85.285095
+            9958: -18.623692,-83.63495
+            9959: -18.846622,-83.12206
+            9960: -19.64917,-83.746445
+            9961: -19.29248,-83.768745
+            9962: -19.827515,-82.16319
+            9963: -19.849808,-81.851006
+            9964: -20.85299,-83.18896
+            9965: -20.897575,-83.724144
+            9966: -21.878468,-83.07746
+            9967: -22.658722,-82.54228
+            9968: -22.837067,-83.43426
+            9969: -22.302036,-84.03634
+            9970: -21.388023,-83.54575
+            9971: -20.161907,-83.345055
+            9972: -21.521782,-84.125534
+            9973: -24.063183,-83.03287
+            9974: -24.263817,-82.25239
+            9975: -24.442162,-83.90254
+            9976: -23.817959,-84.37083
+            9977: -24.93261,-84.63842
+            9978: -26.024967,-83.746445
+            9979: -26.069553,-84.50462
+            9980: -25.623692,-85.0398
+            9981: -24.57592,-84.9952
+            9982: -24.085476,-85.106705
+            9983: -25.512226,-85.61958
+            9984: -26.091846,-86.08787
+            9985: -24.464455,-86.11017
+            9986: -23.97401,-86.221664
+            9987: -24.553627,-86.84605
+            9988: -25.044075,-87.49273
+            9989: -24.152355,-87.55962
+            9990: -24.57592,-88.184006
+            9991: -24.954903,-88.76379
+            9992: -24.375282,-89.27667
+            9993: -24.241528,-89.67806
+            9994: -25.088661,-90.12405
+            9995: -23.728786,-90.39164
+            9996: -22.547256,-89.96795
+            9997: -23.929424,-90.72613
+            9998: -25.46764,-91.48431
+            9999: -24.709679,-91.997185
+            10000: -26.247894,-82.10456
+            10001: -25.802036,-81.167984
+            10002: -26.426239,-81.92616
+            10003: -27.384838,-80.54361
+            10004: -28.276558,-79.852325
+            10005: -28.36573,-78.893456
+            10006: -23.282928,-82.171455
+            10007: -21.43261,-81.94846
+            10008: -20.808403,-80.8558
+            10009: -23.059998,-79.71853
+            10010: -22.123692,-78.87116
+            10011: -20.897575,-78.44747
+            10012: -21.700123,-79.31715
+            10013: -20.518597,-78.58127
+            10014: -19.872097,-77.4663
+            10015: -18.645985,-77.97919
+            10016: -19.203308,-79.18335
+            10017: -18.066368,-79.04955
+            10018: -17.598213,-79.13875
+            10019: -18.69057,-80.5659
+            10020: -18.11095,-80.811195
+            10021: -18.222416,-80.8781
+            10022: -18.913502,-82.595146
+            10023: -17.464455,-82.10456
+            10024: -17.096306,-78.97552
+            10025: -16.85199,-77.58534
+            10026: -18.122688,-77.050156
+            10027: -19.52715,-77.29545
+            10028: -20.730968,-75.9575
+            10029: -19.371098,-74.32964
+            10030: -18.85836,-75.15472
+            10031: -20.151352,-75.6676
+            10032: -18.836067,-75.28851
+            10033: -17.988934,-74.351944
+            10034: -18.078102,-72.88019
+            10035: -16.718231,-74.10665
+            10036: -18.27874,-75.26621
+            10037: -16.629059,-73.950554
+            10038: -15.89339,-73.17008
+            10039: -17.342434,-72.634895
+            10040: -18.011227,-73.616066
+            10041: -18.85836,-73.81676
+            10042: -19.371098,-72.3896
+            10043: -19.883835,-71.83212
+            10044: -19.861542,-73.25928
+            10045: -20.106766,-74.017456
+            10046: -21.109951,-74.06205
+            10047: -21.734154,-72.3673
+            10048: -22.090843,-71.87672
+            10049: -22.469822,-73.32617
+            10050: -21.756447,-74.15125
+            10051: -21.53352,-74.530334
+            10052: -22.737339,-74.41884
+            10053: -23.606766,-73.25928
+            10054: -24.498486,-72.612595
+            10055: -25.301033,-72.76869
+            10056: -25.122688,-73.77216
+            10057: -24.253262,-74.48574
+            10058: -24.67683,-74.909424
+            10059: -26.259632,-75.6676
+            10060: -26.705494,-76.31428
+            10061: -26.036701,-76.871765
+            10062: -27.28511,-77.00556
+            10063: -28.132244,-75.623
+            10064: -27.686386,-74.77563
+            10065: -26.52715,-73.70526
+            10066: -26.52715,-71.92132
+            10067: -25.34562,-72.83559
+            10068: -25.078102,-75.44461
+            10069: -25.055809,-76.00209
+            10070: -27.17981,-77.30917
+            10071: -27.514206,-76.49583
+            10072: -27.046051,-78.39127
+            10073: -27.358154,-79.03795
+            10074: -28.807198,-78.10138
+            10075: -29.409111,-78.14598
+            10076: -28.851784,-79.41704
+            10077: -28.517391,-80.57661
+            10078: -29.208473,-80.532005
+            10079: -29.832676,-79.30554
+            10080: -30.412292,-78.30207
+            10081: -30.925034,-78.190575
+            10082: -30.67981,-79.50623
+            10083: -30.033314,-80.331314
+            10084: -29.78809,-80.95569
+            10085: -30.523758,-82.22675
+            10086: -31.103378,-81.290184
+            10087: -31.103378,-80.04142
+            10088: -32.53013,-79.88532
+            10089: -33.15433,-80.130615
+            10090: -33.35497,-78.50277
+            10091: -32.99828,-78.212875
+            10092: -32.17344,-79.77383
+            10093: -31.526943,-80.19752
+            10094: -33.867706,-79.595436
+            10095: -34.023758,-78.68116
+            10096: -34.558792,-78.54736
+            10097: -35.049236,-79.84073
+            10098: -34.17981,-80.97799
+            10099: -33.89,-81.33478
+            10100: -34.737133,-81.468575
+            10101: -35.00465,-81.37938
+            10102: -34.33586,-82.69504
+            10103: -34.447327,-83.430916
+            10104: -34.692547,-83.9215
+            10105: -32.9314,-83.029526
+            10106: -32.6193,-82.13756
+            10107: -32.418663,-81.892265
+            10108: -31.259426,-82.98493
+            10109: -34.04605,-79.90762
+            10110: -35.937122,-85.1471
+            10111: -35.62502,-84.02035
+            10112: -34.532665,-84.04265
+            10113: -35.602726,-83.016884
+            10114: -36.695084,-83.64126
+            10115: -37.185528,-83.50746
+            10116: -37.007183,-82.1918
+            10117: -38.27789,-82.54859
+            10118: -38.83521,-83.016884
+            10119: -39.102726,-82.5263
+            10120: -38.90209,-81.96881
+            10121: -40.195084,-82.03571
+            10122: -41.109097,-82.838486
+            10123: -41.666424,-82.59319
+            10124: -41.242855,-81.857315
+            10125: -40.9127,-79.85735
+            10126: -40.08786,-79.67896
+            10127: -37.54646,-79.522865
+            10128: -36.855377,-75.84348
+            10129: -41.091045,-76.46786
+            10130: -40.82353,-75.3083
+            10131: -36.963963,-72.71949
+            10132: -36.22608,-71.552536
+            10133: -33.796124,-71.99849
+            10134: -36.62724,-68.34128
+            10135: -35.089024,-67.8284
+            10136: -30.786476,-67.538506
+            10137: -28.802402,-67.8061
+            10138: -31.63361,-71.86457
+            10139: -30.407497,-71.81997
+            10140: -30.340618,-73.04643
+            10141: -42.01617,-71.84112
+            10142: -43.955845,-72.01401
+            10143: -41.302982,-68.40152
+            10144: -41.92718,-67.28655
+            10145: -43.822086,-68.20082
+            10146: -41.236103,-67.82174
+            10147: -41.013172,-63.80786
+            10148: -41.949474,-64.40994
+            10149: -43.59916,-63.78556
+            10150: -46.27432,-63.674065
+            10151: -47.656483,-63.58487
+            10152: -47.50043,-67.73254
+            10153: -46.697887,-68.44611
+            10154: -47.143745,-71.90251
+            10155: -48.191517,-71.88021
+            10156: -43.564583,-60.00784
+            10157: -42.162148,-60.018497
+            10158: -41.51565,-60.55368
+            10159: -47.601635,-59.973896
+            10160: -47.11119,-57.989258
+            10161: -44.99336,-58.23455
+            10162: -44.63667,-57.96696
+            10163: -37.05705,-60.575977
+            10164: -37.034756,-61.17806
+            10165: -34.315014,-59.750904
+            10166: -34.00291,-57.85546
+            10167: -31.439217,-60.21919
+            10168: -29.990173,-59.750904
+            10169: -36.901,-63.653282
+            10170: -37.190807,-64.299965
+            10171: -34.560238,-63.74248
+            10172: -31.037945,-60.15229
+            10173: -28.920109,-58.189953
+            10174: -66.161705,-100.95127
+            10175: -68.03431,-101.17427
+            10176: -68.99291,-101.88785
+            10177: -69.55024,-101.84325
+            10178: -69.371895,-100.97357
+            10179: -71.2668,-101.241165
+            10180: -73.34005,-101.86555
+            10181: -72.67126,-100.46069
+            10182: -72.5375,-99.99241
+            10183: -72.76043,-101.040474
+            10184: -71.645775,-101.75405
+            10185: -72.82731,-101.91015
+            10186: -73.518394,-100.2154
+            10187: -74.74451,-100.0593
+            10188: -75.59164,-100.639084
+            10189: -74.365524,-101.84325
+            10190: -73.98654,-102.64602
+            10191: -74.85597,-102.95821
+            10192: -75.435585,-101.66485
+            10193: -74.67763,-100.57219
+            10194: -75.23495,-100.639084
+            10195: -76.438774,-102.28923
+            10196: -76.684,-102.89131
+            10197: -77.59801,-102.200035
+            10198: -78.53431,-101.75405
+            10199: -79.33686,-101.84325
+            10200: -77.9324,-99.63561
+            10201: -76.661705,-98.788246
+            10202: -76.32731,-98.163864
+            10203: -77.68718,-98.09696
+            10204: -79.515205,-99.79171
+            10205: -80.184,-100.50529
+            10206: -81.14259,-101.15197
+            10207: -81.945145,-100.59449
+            10208: -81.878265,-99.345726
+            10209: -79.98336,-99.36803
+            10210: -79.89419,-100.90668
+            10211: -78.91329,-100.304596
+            10212: -77.88782,-98.85514
+            10213: -78.712654,-97.51718
+            10214: -80.25088,-98.43145
+            10215: -81.231766,-99.14503
+            10216: -81.32998,-98.06561
+            10217: -82.69096,-96.99448
+            10218: -83.68885,-99.026024
+            10219: -82.58918,-99.72947
+            10220: -83.70383,-98.8152
+            10221: -83.837585,-96.62987
+            10222: -83.23567,-95.49261
+            10223: -81.42994,-94.82362
+            10224: -81.898094,-96.49607
+            10225: -80.87261,-97.321144
+            10226: -79.200645,-96.62987
+            10227: -77.50637,-96.67447
+            10228: -76.10191,-97.00896
+            10229: -76.59236,-95.5149
+            10230: -77.684715,-95.33651
+            10231: -78.687904,-95.5372
+            10232: -79.51274,-94.51144
+            10233: -81.07325,-94.043144
+            10234: -83.07962,-95.31421
+            10235: -84.59554,-96.384575
+            10236: -85.3758,-97.38805
+            10237: -86.06689,-97.67793
+            10238: -86.267525,-96.45147
+            10239: -85.57644,-95.49261
+            10240: -86.37899,-95.11352
+            10241: -87.24841,-95.804794
+            10242: -87.82803,-95.29191
+            10243: -87.09236,-94.39994
+            10244: -85.50956,-93.19578
+            10245: -87.114655,-93.61946
+            10246: -87.82803,-92.99508
+            10247: -86.71338,-92.393
+            10248: -84.55096,-92.170006
+            10249: -84.26115,-93.507965
+            10250: -82.65606,-93.35187
+            10251: -83.01274,-91.88012
+            10252: -82.09873,-91.03274
+            10253: -81.8758,-91.969315
+            10254: -82.99045,-92.147705
+            10255: -81.94268,-92.88358
+            10256: -81.5637,-91.88012
+            10257: -80.67198,-91.70172
+            10258: -81.2293,-92.79439
+            10259: -81.98727,-93.79786
+            10260: -79.78026,-93.06198
+            10261: -80.09236,-91.88012
+            10262: -78.7102,-91.32263
+            10263: -77.66242,-92.393
+            10264: -78.48727,-93.32957
+            10265: -77.55096,-93.37417
+            10266: -76.85988,-92.4822
+            10267: -76.16879,-91.947014
+            10268: -76.28026,-93.46336
+            10269: -76.1465,-94.26614
+            10270: -75.72294,-95.09122
+            10271: -78.95857,-89.797485
+            10272: -79.98587,-89.07736
+            10273: -79.27249,-87.47175
+            10274: -79.20561,-86.600975
+            10275: -80.56548,-86.824585
+            10276: -80.76612,-86.4901
+            10277: -80.00816,-84.83994
+            10278: -80.18651,-84.28246
+            10279: -80.944466,-85.26363
+            10280: -81.83619,-85.55353
+            10281: -81.96995,-84.95145
+            10282: -80.85529,-83.41279
+            10283: -80.654655,-82.07484
+            10284: -79.941284,-81.87414
+            10285: -80.721535,-83.47969
+            10286: -79.76294,-83.390495
+            10287: -79.18332,-82.49852
+            10288: -79.004974,-81.36125
+            10289: -79.78523,-80.93757
+            10290: -81.10052,-81.89644
+            10291: -81.68014,-81.628845
+            10292: -80.89988,-80.17939
+            10293: -81.524086,-79.555016
+            10294: -82.7502,-80.73688
+            10295: -83.41899,-80.95987
+            10296: -83.41899,-79.59961
+            10297: -83.441284,-79.131325
+            10298: -84.82345,-80.51388
+            10299: -85.40307,-81.33896
+            10300: -86.09415,-81.829544
+            10301: -87.2088,-80.60308
+            10302: -87.67695,-79.9787
+            10303: -88.301155,-79.46581
+            10304: -88.83619,-79.309715
+            10305: -89.41581,-80.20169
+            10306: -88.4795,-81.20516
+            10307: -87.27567,-81.20516
+            10308: -88.078224,-82.030235
+            10309: -89.08141,-81.29436
+            10310: -88.25657,-80.26859
+            10311: -89.527275,-80.870674
+            10312: -91.26612,-81.27206
+            10313: -91.221535,-82.14173
+            10314: -88.50179,-82.587715
+            10315: -87.231094,-82.565414
+            10316: -88.83619,-83.41279
+            10317: -89.794785,-84.21557
+            10318: -88.74702,-84.01487
+            10319: -88.25657,-82.966805
+            10320: -89.99542,-82.788414
+            10321: -90.26294,-81.33896
+            10322: -88.70243,-81.13826
+            10323: -87.89988,-81.985634
+            10324: -89.126,-82.69921
+            10325: -89.90625,-83.88108
+            10326: -88.301155,-84.77305
+            10327: -86.941284,-83.65808
+            10328: -85.91581,-82.34242
+            10329: -87.2088,-84.01487
+            10330: -88.32345,-85.97721
+            10331: -89.34893,-84.95145
+            10332: -88.25657,-85.73192
+            10333: -88.301155,-86.4678
+            10334: -88.92536,-87.27057
+            10335: -89.126,-86.5124
+            10336: -90.04001,-87.225975
+            10337: -89.861664,-88.02875
+            10338: -88.1451,-87.761154
+            10339: -88.10052,-88.207146
+            10340: -89.41581,-88.98762
+            10341: -88.76931,-89.4782
+            10342: -87.63236,-89.5451
+            10343: -88.724724,-90.61547
+            10344: -88.99224,-91.93113
+            10345: -88.1451,-91.86423
+            10346: -87.32026,-90.54857
+            10347: -87.07504,-90.57087
+            10348: -88.011345,-91.84193
+            10349: -88.63555,-93.24679
+            10350: -87.25338,-92.956894
+            10351: -85.60371,-92.08722
+            10352: -86.13873,-93.001495
+            10353: -86.161026,-93.915764
+            10354: -85.157845,-94.20566
+            10355: -82.21517,-79.936386
+            10356: -83.864845,-80.03567
+            10357: -84.0209,-78.274025
+            10358: -82.237465,-78.20712
+            10359: -80.56548,-79.0991
+            10360: -79.98587,-77.93954
+            10361: -78.938095,-77.872635
+            10362: -79.651474,-78.58621
+            10363: -81.1451,-77.35975
+            10364: -82.25976,-76.49008
+            10365: -82.88396,-76.22249
+            10366: -80.14192,-76.15559
+            10367: -79.27249,-74.973724
+            10368: -78.89351,-74.991936
+            10369: -81.261444,-75.71161
+            10370: -82.062706,-73.94693
+            10371: -80.94805,-73.01036
+            10372: -80.4799,-73.657036
+            10373: -79.699646,-73.88003
+            10374: -77.827034,-73.27795
+            10375: -77.31429,-74.28142
+            10376: -78.18372,-75.79777
+            10377: -77.87162,-76.935036
+            10378: -79.32066,-73.14991
+            10379: -78.47353,-72.133484
+            10380: -77.760155,-70.773224
+            10381: -77.046776,-69.256874
+            10382: -78.919395,-70.215744
+            10383: -81.193275,-71.219215
+            10384: -81.99583,-71.30841
+            10385: -80.25697,-69.858955
+            10386: -78.00538,-69.50217
+            10387: -76.9576,-68.855484
+            10388: -76.57863,-68.07501
+            10389: -77.26971,-67.67362
+            10390: -79.16461,-68.520996
+            10391: -80.52448,-68.96698
+            10392: -82.17417,-68.96698
+            10393: -82.553154,-68.677086
+            10394: -82.01812,-67.65132
+            10395: -80.10092,-67.22764
+            10396: -78.38436,-67.718216
+            10397: -77.470345,-67.09384
+            10398: -76.91302,-65.68898
+            10399: -79.00857,-66.84855
+            10400: -81.21557,-68.2311
+            10401: -81.549965,-67.60672
+            10402: -82.686905,-66.71475
+            10403: -82.21876,-65.577484
+            10404: -80.21239,-65.577484
+            10405: -78.406654,-65.599785
+            10406: -76.77927,-65.1315
+            10407: -76.22194,-64.32873
+            10408: -76.46716,-63.369858
+            10409: -77.336586,-63.771244
+            10410: -76.3557,-66.49176
+            10411: -75.84296,-67.160736
+            10412: -75.79837,-68.2757
+            10413: -76.75697,-69.301476
+            10414: -75.93213,-65.13958
+            10415: -75.50857,-63.35564
+            10416: -74.68372,-61.660892
+            10417: -73.81429,-61.928482
+            10418: -75.64232,-62.619762
+            10419: -75.86525,-61.259506
+            10420: -82.95442,-64.93889
+            10421: -83.86844,-65.652466
+            10422: -83.57863,-65.80856
+            10423: -81.906654,-64.470604
+            10424: -81.59455,-63.02115
+            10425: -81.193275,-61.4379
+            10426: -80.346146,-61.10341
+            10427: -80.32385,-62.575165
+            10428: -81.05952,-64.33681
+            10429: -80.52448,-64.96119
+            10430: -80.123215,-63.534035
+            10431: -79.476715,-61.995384
+            10432: -78.562706,-61.616295
+            10433: -78.116844,-62.285275
+            10434: -77.51493,-62.240673
+            10435: -77.13595,-61.237206
+            10436: -76.623215,-60.657425
+            10437: -76.0213,-60.902718
+            10438: -75.66461,-62.30757
+            10439: -74.79519,-61.259506
+            10440: -74.839775,-59.988445
+            10441: -73.41302,-60.09994
+            10442: -73.59136,-61.4156
+            10443: -74.05952,-62.240673
+            10444: -73.41302,-62.954254
+            10445: -73.1678,-61.549397
+            10446: -73.680534,-60.79122
+            10447: -72.14232,-61.3264
+            10448: -71.919395,-62.66436
+            10449: -71.00538,-62.30757
+            10450: -70.42576,-61.460197
+            10451: -69.91302,-61.70549
+            10452: -69.890724,-63.489433
+            10453: -70.31429,-64.15842
+            10454: -76.802,-59.029793
+            10455: -77.805336,-58.829002
+            10456: -79.076035,-59.698673
+            10457: -79.96776,-60.546047
+            10458: -80.52508,-61.504917
+            10459: -81.23846,-62.35229
+            10460: -82.41999,-63.221962
+            10461: -84.002785,-64.11394
+            10462: -84.67158,-63.868645
+            10463: -84.02508,-62.820576
+            10464: -83.06648,-62.0178
+            10465: -82.10789,-61.10353
+            10466: -81.39451,-60.45685
+            10467: -80.59196,-59.36418
+            10468: -80.1461,-58.49451
+            10469: -80.168396,-57.870132
+            10470: -81.68432,-58.9405
+            10471: -82.50916,-60.05546
+            10472: -83.20024,-60.902836
+            10473: -84.47094,-62.218494
+            10474: -85.67477,-62.99897
+            10475: -87.12381,-63.02127
+            10476: -86.74483,-61.638714
+            10477: -85.095146,-60.389954
+            10478: -84.2703,-59.45338
+            10479: -83.57922,-58.650604
+            10480: -82.9996,-57.669437
+            10481: -83.24483,-57.067356
+            10482: -84.56011,-57.82553
+            10483: -85.49642,-59.564877
+            10484: -86.25438,-60.746742
+            10485: -86.63336,-62.32999
+            10486: -87.502785,-62.954372
+            10487: -88.305336,-62.820576
+            10488: -87.97094,-60.992035
+            10489: -86.878586,-59.720974
+            10490: -85.71935,-58.717503
+            10491: -85.162025,-57.691734
+            10492: -85.65247,-57.178852
+            10493: -86.4996,-57.669437
+            10494: -87.43591,-59.118893
+            10495: -87.97094,-60.12236
+            10496: -88.52827,-61.304222
+            10497: -88.81808,-62.820576
+            10498: -88.77349,-64.18083
+            10499: -89.0633,-64.60452
+            10500: -89.20997,-63.38094
+            10501: -89.61112,-63.09107
+            10502: -89.3659,-61.931503
+            10503: -89.78947,-61.06183
+            10504: -89.43278,-60.192158
+            10505: -88.56335,-59.16639
+            10506: -88.0952,-58.22982
+            10507: -88.630226,-56.89186
+            10508: -89.76717,-56.780365
+            10509: -89.678,-58.341316
+            10510: -89.923225,-58.56431
+            10511: -89.74488,-57.87303
+            10512: -89.566536,-55.843792
+            10513: -91.483734,-56.356678
+            10514: -91.127045,-57.315548
+            10515: -90.92641,-58.49741
+            10516: -91.81812,-59.567776
+            10517: -91.79583,-60.12526
+            10518: -90.97099,-59.723873
+            10519: -91.95188,-58.7873
+            10520: -93.066536,-57.22635
+            10521: -92.59838,-56.312077
+            10522: -93.24488,-56.044487
+            10523: -93.980545,-57.293247
+            10524: -94.4487,-58.56431
+            10525: -93.64616,-59.14409
+            10526: -95.25124,-56.334377
+            10527: -96.343605,-55.93299
+            10528: -97.43596,-56.780365
+            10529: -98.57291,-56.95876
+            10530: -99.28628,-57.650036
+            10531: -98.01558,-55.88839
+            10532: -99.95507,-57.89533
+            10533: -99.28628,-58.7204
+            10534: -101.1366,-60.14756
+            10535: -99.82131,-63.180264
+            10536: -98.55061,-62.868073
+            10537: -98.99647,-64.18373
+            10538: -96.856346,-63.447857
+            10539: -96.16526,-62.823475
+            10540: -96.276726,-63.715446
+            10541: -95.18437,-63.96074
+            10542: -94.82768,-63.00187
+            10543: -94.40411,-61.351723
+            10544: -94.89456,-60.281357
+            10545: -92.620674,-59.233288
+            10546: -92.553795,-60.88344
+            10547: -92.06335,-61.30712
+            10548: -91.03787,-61.217926
+            10549: -91.127045,-61.864605
+            10550: -92.197105,-62.44439
+            10551: -91.30539,-62.64508
+            10552: -90.413666,-62.399788
+            10553: -91.483734,-63.22486
+            10554: -92.93278,-63.514755
+            10555: -93.066536,-64.33983
+            10556: -90.81494,-63.96074
+            10557: -90.16845,-63.804646
+            10558: -90.703476,-64.71892
+            10559: -92.2194,-65.321
+            10560: -92.59838,-65.87848
+            10561: -93.90565,-65.86877
+            10562: -93.05851,-65.31128
+            10563: -91.54259,-64.9099
+            10564: -90.539406,-65.51198
+            10565: -91.56488,-66.31475
+            10566: -89.82603,-66.62694
+            10567: -89.04577,-66.53774
+            10568: -90.539406,-67.45202
+            10569: -92.90246,-67.22902
+            10570: -93.63813,-67.25132
+            10571: -93.01392,-68.0095
+            10572: -92.010735,-67.741905
+            10573: -90.71774,-68.81227
+            10574: -89.20182,-68.43318
+            10575: -89.04577,-68.901474
+            10576: -91.20819,-69.36976
+            10577: -92.300545,-69.79344
+            10578: -92.96934,-70.10564
+            10579: -93.57125,-69.102165
+            10580: -93.68272,-69.92724
+            10581: -92.54577,-71.06451
+            10582: -91.65405,-70.48472
+            10583: -91.20819,-70.95301
+            10584: -91.11902,-71.80038
+            10585: -89.736855,-71.51049
+            10586: -88.64449,-71.35439
+            10587: -87.97571,-71.66659
+            10588: -88.443855,-70.618515
+            10589: -89.023476,-69.81574
+            10590: -87.886536,-68.700775
+            10591: -88.15405,-67.9872
+            10592: -87.596725,-70.75231
+            10593: -86.883354,-70.462425
+            10594: -88.759254,-72.51316
+            10595: -88.84991,-73.27183
+            10596: -88.00277,-73.47252
+            10597: -86.86583,-72.78124
+            10598: -86.24163,-72.91504
+            10599: -87.044174,-73.33872
+            10600: -85.79577,-73.65092
+            10601: -85.23844,-74.163795
+            10602: -86.754364,-74.78818
+            10603: -88.181114,-74.163795
+            10604: -88.60468,-74.74358
+            10605: -87.24481,-75.345665
+            10606: -85.92953,-75.12267
+            10607: -85.39449,-75.25646
+            10608: -85.260735,-76.19304
+            10609: -86.82124,-76.21534
+            10610: -87.53462,-76.12614
+            10611: -87.623795,-76.61672
+            10612: -85.52825,-77.2188
+            10613: -86.130165,-77.62019
+            10614: -87.98048,-77.062706
+            10615: -89.49641,-76.304535
+            10616: -90.455,-76.19304
+            10617: -90.67793,-76.99581
+            10618: -89.117424,-77.285706
+            10619: -88.827614,-77.75399
+            10620: -89.8308,-78.33377
+            10621: -89.96456,-78.91355
+            10622: -89.60787,-79.87242
+            10623: -89.80851,-80.36301
+            10624: -86.464554,-82.86053
+            10625: -85.17156,-79.80553
+            10626: -84.4136,-78.422966
+            10627: -84.123795,-79.29264
+            10628: -110.2534,-32.882637
+            10629: -109.5103,-31.960936
+            10630: -109.86699,-31.321688
+            10631: -110.47633,-31.723076
+            10632: -110.78843,-32.154198
+            10633: -111.72474,-30.84597
+            10634: -112.408394,-31.782541
+            10635: -112.86911,-31.633879
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-            8297: -135.10133,-13.821043
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-            8322: -127.48676,-18.486593
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-            8336: -134.44217,-12.232681
-            8337: -135.20013,-11.92049
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-            8339: -137.16191,-12.567169
-            8340: -136.53772,-11.519102
-            8341: -137.5409,-11.29611
-            8342: -137.58548,-13.459143
-            8343: -138.4995,-13.682135
-            8344: -139.7702,-12.790163
-            8345: -139.36893,-11.92049
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-            8347: -141.62051,-13.570639
-            8348: -141.93262,-14.529509
-            8349: -140.90714,-15.354584
-            8350: -140.61732,-15.733671
-            8351: -139.92625,-13.659836
-            8352: -139.30205,-13.146952
-            8353: -138.20969,-10.917021
-            8354: -139.41351,-10.544283
-            8355: -139.23517,-8.906668
-            8356: -138.1428,-7.947798
-            8357: -137.74153,-9.531049
-            8358: -138.03134,-10.200027
-            8359: -137.11732,-9.687143
-            8360: -137.71924,-8.5052805
-            8361: -138.54408,-8.170791
-            8362: -139.23517,-7.390315
-            8363: -140.0823,-6.9666286
-            8364: -139.19058,-6.074656
-            8365: -139.83708,-5.3833776
-            8366: -140.63963,-4.8927927
-            8367: -137.853,-6.8370523
-            8368: -137.09505,-8.576398
-            8369: -139.93727,-1.1342988
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-            8372: -139.2462,0.09216356
-            8373: -138.53282,-1.111999
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-            8376: -138.13155,-2.1154675
-            8377: -134.89906,-0.9336047
-            8378: -131.81136,-2.8453088
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-            8380: -131.52155,-4.517757
-            8381: -130.60754,-4.495457
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-            8383: -131.92282,-5.275933
-            8384: -131.63301,-5.0752397
-            8385: -131.63301,-6.5692925
-            8386: -130.0948,-6.212504
-            8387: -129.4706,-5.275933
-            8388: -128.66805,-5.4097285
-            8389: -130.80818,-6.078708
-            8390: -130.71901,-6.8814836
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-            8392: -128.84639,-6.613891
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-            8395: -126.52793,-6.413198
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-            8397: -131.16487,-8.375536
-            8398: -131.63301,-8.776924
-            8399: -132.14575,-9.468203
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-            8402: -129.49289,-8.866121
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-            8407: -127.75404,-9.156012
-            8408: -126.52793,-9.089115
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-            8410: -127.12984,-7.661959
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-            8412: -126.23812,-7.059878
-            8413: -126.840034,-6.01181
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-            8415: -128.8495,-12.638458
-            8416: -127.801735,-12.058677
-            8417: -126.70937,-10.02944
-            8418: -125.12657,-9.471957
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-            8420: -127.288994,-11.634991
-            8421: -126.575615,-11.3228
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-            8423: -126.865425,-13.106745
-            8424: -126.97689,-13.664227
-            8425: -125.61702,-14.132513
-            8426: -124.21256,-12.593861
-            8427: -123.87817,-11.211304
-            8428: -122.29536,-11.144405
-            8429: -121.91638,-12.237072
-            8430: -123.54377,-12.972948
-            8431: -122.67434,-13.686525
-            8432: -121.648865,-11.835684
-            8433: -123.87817,-10.36393
-            8434: -125.41638,-10.67612
-            8435: -124.97052,-9.182066
-            8436: -122.11702,-8.646883
-            8437: -120.37817,-8.669182
-            8438: -120.91319,-9.917944
-            8439: -122.31765,-10.297031
-            8440: -120.98007,-10.943712
-            8441: -119.6202,-9.628053
-            8442: -118.9737,-9.672651
-            8443: -120.17753,-10.67612
-            8444: -120.24441,-10.98831
-            8445: -121.44823,-9.449657
-            8446: -121.715744,-8.847576
-            8447: -121.40364,-12.348568
-            8448: -122.02785,-13.129044
-            8449: -124.32403,-13.708826
-            8450: -125.26033,-14.600798
-            8451: -125.371796,-15.381273
-            8452: -124.1011,-15.938757
-            8453: -122.76351,-14.734594
-            8454: -121.225296,-14.288607
-            8455: -122.38453,-15.51507
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-            8457: -122.51829,-16.830729
-            8458: -121.33676,-15.738062
-            8459: -121.73804,-12.950649
-            8460: -121.225296,-12.259371
-            8461: -122.495995,-15.581966
-            8462: -123.588356,-16.674633
-            8463: -122.07243,-17.14292
-            8464: -120.91319,-16.050253
-            8465: -119.26351,-16.050253
-            8466: -121.09154,-17.009123
-            8467: -122.25077,-17.923395
-            8468: -121.359055,-18.659271
-            8469: -120.04377,-17.321314
-            8470: -119.285805,-16.451641
-            8471: -118.57243,-16.897627
-            8472: -121.58556,-18.766079
-            8473: -121.58556,-18.498486
-            8474: -120.15881,-17.004433
-            8475: -118.55372,-16.402351
-            8476: -117.08238,-16.603045
-            8477: -118.86582,-17.517317
-            8478: -118.2862,-18.654581
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-            8480: -117.06009,-16.045563
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-            8482: -118.888115,-19.167465
-            8483: -119.891304,-19.903343
-            8484: -119.93589,-20.63922
-            8485: -118.13015,-20.148636
-            8486: -117.08238,-18.186296
-            8487: -116.14608,-17.874105
-            8488: -117.77347,-20.081738
-            8489: -119.33398,-21.375097
-            8490: -119.62379,-22.24477
-            8491: -117.72888,-21.798784
-            8492: -116.23525,-20.148636
-            8493: -115.36582,-20.28243
-            8494: -118.6206,-22.021778
-            8495: -118.64289,-22.668457
-            8496: -117.77347,-23.426634
-            8497: -116.50277,-22.824553
-            8498: -115.49958,-21.709587
-            8499: -115.07601,-20.393927
-            8500: -116.14608,-22.512363
-            8501: -117.3499,-22.155573
-            8502: -116.43589,-20.683819
-            8503: -115.52187,-19.435057
-            8504: -116.257545,-17.918705
-            8505: -114.40722,-17.784908
-            8506: -116.27984,-17.182827
-            8507: -113.13334,-20.706118
-            8508: -109.23206,-18.38699
-            8509: -109.165184,-18.453888
-            8510: -109.54417,-18.98907
-            8511: -108.7862,-17.918705
-            8512: -107.69385,-17.71801
-            8513: -106.95818,-16.892937
-            8514: -106.62379,-16.13476
-            8515: -106.13334,-16.75914
-            8516: -106.824425,-16.090162
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-            8518: -104.974106,-15.131292
-            8519: -105.17474,-16.000965
-            8520: -105.97729,-15.488081
-            8521: -105.531425,-15.019794
-            8522: -105.48684,-15.488081
-            8523: -105.888115,-15.867168
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-            8525: -98.51019,-12.9498825
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-            8529: -100.18217,-12.236305
-            8530: -101.029305,-11.701121
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-            8532: -101.675804,-11.366632
-            8533: -103.12484,-11.478128
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-            8535: -104.06115,-9.894877
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-            8538: -106.26816,-9.448892
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-            8547: -106.42421,-7.0851655
-            8548: -106.89236,-6.2377915
-            8549: -105.309555,-5.546513
-            8550: -105.8,-4.565344
-            8551: -106.7586,-5.2343225
-            8552: -108.675804,-6.28239
-            8553: -109.27771,-7.2412605
-            8554: -109.12166,-7.932539
-            8555: -107.33822,-5.5911117
-            8556: -107.80637,-3.6510725
-            8557: -106.69172,-3.0489912
-            8558: -105.042046,-4.2977514
-            8559: -104.28408,-4.743738
-            8560: -103.86051,-3.5618753
-            8561: -104.84141,-5.6803093
-            8562: -107.75409,-2.8036985
-            8563: -109.200325,-2.848297
-            8564: -109.66949,-4.766038
-            8565: -111.809616,-4.6991396
-            8566: -112.09942,-5.167425
-            8567: -110.8956,-6.059397
-            8568: -111.47522,-6.6614785
-            8569: -113.41471,-6.639179
-            8570: -112.656746,-4.67684
-            8571: -111.87649,-3.8294668
-            8572: -112.12171,-5.5688124
-            8573: -111.78732,-5.9924994
-            8574: -114.32872,-7.843342
-            8575: -114.93063,-7.5534506
-            8576: -114.84146,-6.995968
-            8577: -102.82661,-2.0970006
-            8578: -104.11927,-2.030035
-            8579: -105.56831,-2.8551092
-            8580: -106.61608,-3.3902926
-            8581: -107.284874,-3.2787962
-            8582: -107.10653,-3.568687
-            8583: -109.09061,-2.8997078
-            8584: -108.26577,-3.2303352
-            8585: -117.87419,-9.491268
-            8586: -118.394356,-9.966988
-            8587: -119.19691,-10.041318
-            8588: -119.910286,-10.056185
-            8589: -120.05891,-9.075014
-            8590: -95.94624,-16.944057
-            8591: -96.726494,-16.743362
-            8592: -96.90484,-17.858328
-            8593: -96.83796,-18.12592
-            8594: -97.64051,-17.590736
-            8595: -98.465355,-16.83256
-            8596: -99.13414,-16.83256
-            8597: -98.86662,-17.902927
-            8598: -98.04179,-18.728
-            8599: -98.108665,-18.884096
-            8600: -98.86662,-18.081322
-            8601: -97.93032,-17.345444
-            8602: -97.15006,-17.18935
-            8603: -99.42395,-17.880629
-            8604: -100.11503,-17.858328
-            8605: -100.76153,-18.10362
-            8606: -100.82841,-18.817198
-            8607: -99.93669,-19.41928
-            8608: -100.27108,-19.664572
-            8609: -101.05134,-20.177456
-            8610: -100.159615,-20.489647
-            8611: -98.22013,-19.553076
-            8612: -97.0386,-19.285484
-            8613: -97.6851,-20.222055
-            8614: -98.955795,-20.601143
-            8615: -97.84115,-21.06943
-            8616: -97.28382,-20.043661
-            8617: -96.61503,-20.333551
-            8618: -96.458984,-21.381618
-            8619: -95.812485,-21.114027
-            8620: -96.949425,-21.604612
-            8621: -97.64051,-22.541183
-            8622: -97.48446,-22.875671
-            8623: -99.40166,-21.493116
-            8624: -99.84752,-20.69034
-            8625: -100.8507,-20.73494
-            8626: -100.71694,-21.649212
-            8627: -100.672356,-22.65268
-            8628: -101.22968,-22.98717
-            8629: -99.62459,-22.474285
-            8630: -99.46854,-20.422749
-            8631: -100.2042,-19.508478
-            8632: -100.36025,-19.240885
-            8633: -100.89529,-19.642273
-            8634: -101.318855,-18.594206
-            8635: -101.00675,-17.791431
-            8636: -98.62141,-21.783007
-            8637: -99.04497,-22.98717
-            8638: -98.82204,-23.656149
-            8639: -97.9972,-23.009468
-            8640: -97.21694,-23.031769
-            8641: -97.77427,-24.280529
-            8642: -99.78064,-25.061005
-            8643: -100.71694,-24.414326
-            8644: -100.33796,-23.723045
-            8645: -98.465355,-24.86031
-            8646: -98.22013,-25.52929
-            8647: -97.57363,-26.153671
-            8648: -96.86025,-25.038706
-            8649: -96.30293,-25.061005
-            8650: -96.97172,-25.84148
-            8651: -97.3507,-26.778051
-            8652: -96.86025,-27.201738
-            8653: -98.22013,-27.067944
-            8654: -99.22331,-26.465862
-            8655: -99.75835,-26.82265
-            8656: -99.51312,-27.424732
-            8657: -98.3093,-26.421263
-            8658: -97.43987,-25.350895
-            8659: -97.99627,-29.207638
-            8660: -97.3603,-28.826252
-            8661: -96.40115,-28.14492
-            8662: -97.2037,-27.899628
-            8663: -98.22918,-28.590908
-            8664: -98.87568,-28.100323
-            8665: -99.96803,-29.549778
-            8666: -99.29924,-30.285654
-            8667: -98.050835,-29.906567
-            8668: -96.95847,-29.661274
-            8669: -96.40115,-30.530947
-            8670: -98.407524,-31.06613
-            8671: -98.74192,-31.73511
-            8672: -98.45211,-32.203396
-            8673: -97.24828,-31.556715
-            8674: -96.624084,-31.289124
-            8675: -97.44892,-32.33719
-            8676: -98.29606,-32.916973
-            8677: -98.02854,-33.675148
-            8678: -97.22599,-33.162266
-            8679: -97.09223,-33.63055
-            8680: -98.43606,-34.70005
-            8681: -98.90445,-34.777775
-            8682: -98.32483,-35.357983
-            8683: -97.4777,-34.7336
-            8684: -96.78661,-35.335682
-            8685: -97.99043,-35.78167
-            8686: -99.216545,-35.960064
-            8687: -99.75158,-36.183056
-            8688: -100.10827,-35.78167
-            8689: -98.32483,-37.03043
-            8690: -97.165596,-36.829735
-            8691: -96.296165,-35.78167
-            8692: -96.006355,-36.584442
-            8693: -97.32165,-37.231125
-            8694: -98.90445,-36.785137
-            8695: -100.71018,-37.09733
-            8696: -101.06687,-37.810905
-            8697: -101.022285,-38.94817
-            8698: -102.27069,-39.126564
-            8699: -102.716545,-39.527954
-            8700: -100.55413,-40.419926
-            8701: -99.84075,-40.152332
-            8702: -99.41718,-40.19693
-            8703: -100.84394,-41.1558
-            8704: -99.015915,-41.088905
-            8705: -97.1433,-39.773247
-            8706: -96.60827,-38.94817
-            8707: -96.74203,-37.587914
-            8708: -96.40763,-37.36492
-            8709: -96.74203,-38.59138
-            8710: -95.80572,-39.03737
-            8711: -94.98088,-38.61368
-            8712: -95.09235,-37.833206
-            8713: -96.05094,-36.985832
-            8714: -96.875786,-35.78167
-            8715: -95.73884,-35.558674
-            8716: -98.34506,-36.157757
-            8717: -97.76545,-35.459045
-            8718: -99.60834,-36.9754
-            8719: -93.92223,-38.92474
-            8720: -95.43815,-39.549118
-            8721: -95.68337,-40.396492
-            8722: -95.08147,-40.730984
-            8723: -96.10694,-41.22157
-            8724: -95.97318,-40.597187
-            8725: -94.97,-40.48569
-            8726: -95.52732,-41.333065
-            8727: -97.778915,-42.626423
-            8728: -97.42223,-43.05011
-            8729: -96.01777,-42.537228
-            8730: -95.23752,-42.31423
-            8731: -95.75025,-43.07241
-            8732: -96.61968,-44.05358
-            8733: -95.75025,-44.34347
-            8734: -94.925415,-43.183907
-            8735: -94.011406,-43.4069
-            8736: -96.2407,-44.231976
-            8737: -97.15472,-43.629894
-            8738: -96.931786,-43.11701
-            8739: -96.129234,-41.578358
-            8740: -96.86491,-42.76022
-            8741: -95.705666,-43.4292
-            8742: -96.352165,-43.340004
-            8743: -98.81155,-42.024345
-            8744: -97.46179,-42.871716
-            8745: -98.19746,-43.585297
-            8746: -97.28345,-44.165077
-            8747: -95.81211,-43.763687
-            8748: -96.703835,-44.811756
-            8749: -96.43632,-45.101646
-            8750: -97.39491,-41.868248
-            8751: -96.66605,-42.09124
-            8752: -94.81239,-45.458958
-            8753: -94.40791,-45.117832
-            8754: -92.81553,-43.765305
-            8755: -93.5512,-45.080963
-            8756: -94.26457,-45.83914
-            8757: -92.70406,-45.995235
-            8758: -101.86108,-37.837097
-            8759: -102.57769,-37.7702
-            8760: -102.08725,-39.01896
-            8761: -102.24329,-39.487244
-            8762: -103.00126,-40.00013
-            8763: -103.8261,-39.64334
-            8764: -103.67005,-38.528374
-            8765: -103.93757,-38.104687
-            8766: -104.96304,-38.30538
-            8767: -106.033104,-38.773666
-            8768: -105.00763,-39.93323
-            8769: -105.00763,-40.62451
-            8770: -105.899345,-40.156223
-            8771: -106.478966,-38.416878
-            8772: -107.03629,-37.881695
-            8773: -108.262405,-38.08239
-            8774: -108.08406,-39.26425
-            8775: -107.08088,-39.442646
-            8776: -107.03629,-38.03779
-            8777: -107.59362,-36.967422
-            8778: -108.396164,-36.766727
-            8779: -108.9312,-37.48031
-            8780: -109.73374,-37.903996
-            8781: -110.02355,-38.63987
-            8782: -109.51081,-38.95206
-            8783: -107.39298,-38.06009
-            8784: -105.72101,-38.149284
-            8785: -116.20562,-36.07545
-            8786: -115.13556,-35.919353
-            8787: -115.46995,-36.566036
-            8788: -115.35849,-36.69983
-            8789: -114.28842,-36.231544
-            8790: -113.70881,-36.07545
-            8791: -114.043205,-36.72213
-            8792: -114.19925,-36.989723
-            8793: -113.15148,-36.36534
-            8794: -112.50498,-36.07545
-            8795: -113.106895,-36.900524
-            8796: -113.90945,-37.814796
-            8797: -113.57505,-37.7256
-            8798: -111.880775,-36.65523
-            8799: -111.56868,-36.878227
-            8800: -112.95084,-38.34998
-            8801: -112.86167,-39.06356
-            8802: -111.14511,-37.859398
-            8803: -110.65466,-37.34651
-            8804: -111.390335,-38.08239
-            8805: -111.30116,-38.66217
-            8806: -112.08141,-37.10122
-            8807: -111.59026,-40.26511
-            8808: -110.92147,-39.506935
-            8809: -110.520195,-38.92715
-            8810: -110.98835,-40.376606
-            8811: -110.43102,-41.067886
-            8812: -107.956505,-39.39544
-            8813: -106.93102,-38.94945
-            8814: -107.376884,-40.17591
-            8815: -108.98199,-41.53617
-            8816: -109.450134,-42.11595
-            8817: -108.246315,-42.338943
-            8818: -106.24898,-41.179382
-            8819: -104.797066,-41.966537
-            8820: -106.88552,-44.19885
-            8821: -105.50106,-42.88643
-            8822: -104.68668,-42.61892
-            8823: -105.556114,-43.60009
-            8824: -106.38095,-43.042606
-            8825: -107.16121,-41.927643
-            8826: -108.38732,-43.064907
-            8827: -106.71535,-42.440525
-            8828: -106.82681,-44.804253
-            8829: -105.89051,-45.004948
-            8830: -103.81726,-44.023777
-            8831: -102.61344,-44.291367
-            8832: -103.79497,-45.339436
-            8833: -104.50834,-45.629326
-            8834: -105.62299,-45.986115
-            8835: -103.92873,-46.4098
-            8836: -102.92554,-46.610497
-            8837: -104.3077,-47.011883
-            8838: -104.6421,-47.257175
-            8839: -104.842735,-44.87115
-            8840: -103.54974,-45.16104
-            8841: -102.99242,-44.402866
-            8842: -104.263115,-43.198704
-            8843: -102.836365,-42.908813
-            8844: -103.97331,-41.45936
-            8845: -103.08159,-40.901875
-            8846: -103.57721,-47.89467
-            8847: -102.41798,-47.712753
-            8848: -101.7046,-46.66469
-            8849: -101.03581,-46.151802
-            8850: -101.63772,-47.19987
-            8851: -101.548546,-47.824253
-            8852: -100.34473,-47.93575
-            8853: -100.255554,-48.470932
-            8854: -101.30333,-49.340607
-            8855: -100.72371,-49.964985
-            8856: -99.67594,-49.340607
-            8857: -98.71734,-49.318306
-            8858: -99.83199,-50.07648
-            8859: -100.38931,-50.633965
-            8860: -98.49441,-50.79006
-            8861: -97.73645,-50.12108
-            8862: -97.51352,-50.410973
-            8863: -98.89568,-51.19145
-            8864: -97.624985,-50.879257
-            8865: -95.908424,-49.741993
-            8866: -95.3511,-49.4967
-            8867: -96.33199,-50.990753
-            8868: -97.335175,-52.15032
-            8869: -95.64091,-51.905025
-            8870: -94.16957,-51.302944
-            8871: -93.50078,-51.07995
-            8872: -94.838356,-51.838127
-            8873: -95.59632,-51.369843
-            8874: -96.51034,-51.659733
-            8875: -95.841545,-50.23258
-            8876: -96.33199,-49.630497
-            8877: -95.68549,-48.82772
-            8878: -94.57084,-49.697395
-            8879: -96.10906,-47.995598
-            8880: -95.93072,-47.019436
-            8881: -94.94982,-46.729546
-            8882: -96.08677,-46.573452
-            8883: -95.328804,-45.28009
-            8884: -94.2343,-46.01695
-            8885: -92.9781,-46.85517
-            8886: -92.438255,-46.699066
-            8887: -91.27902,-44.98202
-            8888: -90.0752,-44.35764
-            8889: -91.078384,-45.561802
-            8890: -91.368195,-44.04545
-            8891: -91.234436,-43.30957
-            8892: -91.63571,-42.81899
-            8893: -92.148445,-43.867054
-            8894: -90.54335,-43.889355
-            8895: -93.85421,-43.606403
-            8896: -92.763535,-50.769295
-            8897: -92.919586,-50.289978
-            8898: -90.24443,-49.041218
-            8899: -89.419586,-49.018917
-            8900: -91.06927,-49.108116
-            8901: -91.470535,-47.39085
-            8902: -91.45736,-47.50161
-            8903: -90.49876,-46.76573
-            8904: -91.925514,-48.08139
-            8905: -90.409584,-47.7246
-            8906: -89.96372,-47.167118
-            8907: -90.32041,-45.650764
-            8908: -89.33952,-44.89259
-            8909: -88.51469,-44.914886
-            8910: -89.54016,-45.896057
-            8911: -89.02742,-45.896057
-            8912: -87.97965,-44.714195
-            8913: -87.22169,-44.357407
-            8914: -87.02105,-45.16018
-            8915: -88.02424,-46.096752
-            8916: -88.53698,-47.211716
-            8917: -87.779015,-47.14482
-            8918: -86.552895,-45.985256
-            8919: -86.062454,-45.76226
-            8920: -85.9064,-46.297447
-            8921: -87.37774,-47.657703
-            8922: -88.158,-48.08139
-            8923: -88.358635,-48.46048
-            8924: -86.842705,-48.036793
-            8925: -85.86182,-47.39011
-            8926: -85.126144,-47.345512
-            8927: -86.50831,-48.192886
-            8928: -86.865,-49.06256
-            8929: -86.062454,-49.04026
-            8930: -85.39366,-48.259785
-            8931: -84.88093,-48.14829
-            8932: -85.282196,-49.196354
-            8933: -86.10704,-50.110626
-            8934: -86.64207,-50.75731
-            8935: -85.79494,-50.467415
-            8936: -84.25672,-49.486244
-            8937: -84.03379,-50.155228
-            8938: -85.61659,-51.158695
-            8939: -86.59748,-51.760777
-            8940: -87.37774,-52.407455
-            8941: -86.39685,-52.764244
-            8942: -85.37137,-52.139862
-            8943: -84.47965,-52.095264
-            8944: -85.349075,-52.80884
-            8945: -87.55608,-53.098732
-            8946: -88.80449,-53.031837
-            8947: -89.428696,-49.664642
-            8948: -82.95196,-47.566757
-            8949: -84.2951,-46.825096
-            8950: -84.718666,-46.7136
-            8951: -82.489365,-48.54214
-            8952: -81.50848,-48.051556
-            8953: -80.416115,-47.159584
-            8954: -81.97663,-45.777027
-            8955: -81.1072,-48.720535
-            8956: -80.482994,-49.746304
-            8957: -79.12312,-48.675938
-            8958: -77.74096,-48.051556
-            8959: -86.57513,-44.145893
-            8960: -85.791595,-44.409042
-            8961: -86.28204,-43.11568
-            8962: -87.61962,-43.918457
-            8963: -88.46676,-43.918457
-            8964: -85.1674,-42.045315
-            8965: -84.69924,-40.350567
-            8966: -84.09733,-40.863453
-            8967: -85.43491,-42.424404
-            8968: -84.96676,-42.89269
-            8969: -85.858475,-41.398636
-            8970: -85.10052,-40.32827
-            8971: -83.74064,-39.703888
-            8972: -83.2502,-40.350567
-            8973: -84.141914,-41.66623
-            8974: -83.02727,-42.000717
-            8975: -82.53682,-40.93035
-            8976: -81.9795,-41.26484
-            8977: -82.40306,-41.956116
-            8978: -81.24383,-42.023018
-            8979: -80.641914,-41.19794
-            8980: -79.61644,-40.082977
-            8981: -80.41898,-38.96801
-            8982: -81.578224,-39.793083
-            8983: -82.715164,-39.614693
-            8984: -81.77886,-38.70042
-            8985: -81.444466,-37.563156
-            8986: -82.11326,-37.94224
-            8987: -81.46676,-39.3471
-            8988: -81.60052,-39.3471
-            8989: -83.004974,-38.34363
-            8990: -83.562294,-37.206367
-            8991: -84.03045,-37.875343
-            8992: -83.8744,-38.722717
-            8993: -82.69287,-37.34016
-            8994: -82.6037,-36.38129
-            8995: -83.2502,-35.51162
-            8996: -82.18014,-35.355522
-            8997: -83.91898,-36.0914
-            8998: -81.6451,-35.13253
-            8999: -80.575035,-35.11023
-            9000: -81.511345,-35.913006
-            9001: -80.73109,-36.44819
-            9002: -80.61962,-35.533916
-            9003: -80.352104,-36.73808
-            9004: -79.99542,-37.273262
-            9005: -79.081406,-37.607754
-            9006: -79.17058,-38.455128
-            9007: -79.61644,-39.213303
-            9008: -78.43491,-39.101807
-            9009: -77.74383,-38.96801
-            9010: -79.504974,-39.3471
-            9011: -80.39669,-40.105274
-            9012: -79.01453,-40.95265
-            9013: -79.19287,-41.24254
-            9014: -80.70879,-41.86692
-            9015: -80.66421,-42.6251
-            9016: -78.54638,-41.84462
-            9017: -78.590965,-42.335205
-            9018: -79.19287,-43.11568
-            9019: -77.05274,-42.91499
-            9020: -76.94128,-43.51707
-            9021: -77.431725,-44.52054
-            9022: -77.5209,-45.10032
-            9023: -77.96676,-45.43481
-            9024: -77.008156,-45.7247
-            9025: -75.9158,-44.18605
-            9026: -75.20243,-44.029953
-            9027: -76.004974,-45.05572
-            9028: -75.715164,-46.505177
-            9029: -76.916985,-46.611225
-            9030: -75.3185,-45.691654
-            9031: -74.582825,-45.22337
-            9032: -73.4013,-45.13417
-            9033: -73.62423,-45.691654
-            9034: -73.735695,-46.316036
-            9035: -73.26754,-46.739723
-            9036: -72.509575,-46.449833
-            9037: -71.8185,-45.647057
-            9038: -73.089195,-45.000378
-            9039: -74.82805,-47.564796
-            9040: -76.38856,-47.16341
-            9041: -76.5669,-47.943886
-            9042: -75.20703,-48.166878
-            9043: -74.51595,-48.18918
-            9044: -75.3185,-48.72436
-            9045: -75.49684,-49.192646
-            9046: -74.47137,-50.41911
-            9047: -76.18792,-50.7313
-            9048: -77.302574,-50.04002
-            9049: -76.522316,-48.835857
-            9050: -76.76754,-48.41217
-            9051: -76.92359,-49.66093
-            9052: -77.72614,-50.597504
-            9053: -78.61786,-49.68323
-            9054: -78.41722,-48.322975
-            9055: -78.64015,-47.966187
-            9056: -79.15289,-48.813557
-            9057: -80.379005,-49.75013
-            9058: -81.13697,-49.616333
-            9059: -78.8185,-50.575203
-            9060: -78.46181,-50.263012
-            9061: -80.022316,-51.199585
-            9062: -80.60194,-52.203053
-            9063: -81.092384,-52.693638
-            9064: -81.78346,-53.29572
-            9065: -81.605125,-53.8755
-            9066: -80.512764,-53.340317
-            9067: -79.7548,-52.448345
-            9068: -79.55416,-53.630207
-            9069: -79.39812,-54.745174
-            9070: -79.4427,-54.990467
-            9071: -77.07964,-53.8755
-            9072: -77.302574,-52.225353
-            9073: -77.05735,-51.22188
-            9074: -77.97137,-53.117325
-            9075: -78.12742,-53.652508
-            9076: -76.812126,-53.028126
-            9077: -76.09875,-52.515244
-            9078: -76.16563,-53.22882
-            9079: -75.742065,-53.184223
-            9080: -76.32168,-51.823963
-            9081: -75.519135,-51.199585
-            9082: -75.25162,-50.196114
-            9083: -74.939514,-49.549435
-            9084: -74.56054,-49.01425
-            9085: -73.958626,-48.76896
-            9086: -74.00321,-49.883926
-            9087: -72.06372,-48.79126
-            9088: -71.55098,-47.966187
-            9089: -70.68156,-47.921585
-            9090: -71.84079,-48.43447
-            9091: -73.04461,-46.49443
-            9092: -72.308945,-47.118813
-            9093: -74.13697,-46.226837
-            9094: -72.95544,-51.02119
-            9095: -74.538246,-52.203053
-            9096: -74.382195,-52.738235
-            9097: -73.4013,-51.69017
-            9098: -72.64333,-51.712467
-            9099: -73.668816,-52.827435
-            9100: -73.35671,-53.20652
-            9101: -72.48728,-52.55984
-            9102: -71.952255,-52.60444
-            9103: -73.17837,-53.786304
-            9104: -73.91404,-54.455284
-            9105: -74.025505,-55.23576
-            9106: -75.162445,-55.659447
-            9107: -76.12104,-55.21346
-            9108: -77.10194,-55.23576
-            9109: -75.11786,-54.54448
-            9110: -74.649704,-54.812073
-            9111: -75.96499,-56.39532
-            9112: -74.025505,-56.038532
-            9113: -72.64333,-55.949337
-            9114: -71.61786,-53.51871
-            9115: -70.50321,-52.98353
-            9116: -71.28346,-54.34379
-            9117: -72.82168,-56.283825
-            9118: -72.308945,-57.1535
-            9119: -71.26117,-56.016235
-            9120: -70.72614,-55.414154
-            9121: -72.175186,-55.72634
-            9122: -71.61786,-54.745174
-            9123: -73.04461,-54.94587
-            9124: -71.23888,-52.715935
-            9125: -70.8599,-51.757065
-            9126: -69.85671,-51.37798
-            9127: -70.36945,-52.136154
-            9128: -71.172,-49.817028
-            9129: -72.019135,-50.240715
-            9130: -73.02054,-57.05329
-            9131: -70.74665,-57.187088
-            9132: -69.40907,-56.45121
-            9133: -68.60653,-55.024055
-            9134: -68.584236,-56.13902
-            9135: -69.81035,-56.607304
-            9136: -69.9441,-56.808
-            9137: -69.36449,-55.893726
-            9138: -69.18614,-54.622665
-            9139: -69.67659,-54.332775
-            9140: -70.635185,-55.09095
-            9141: -70.055565,-54.399673
-            9142: -69.60971,-53.329308
-            9143: -68.76257,-52.81642
-            9144: -69.11926,-53.5746
-            9145: -70.52372,-53.75299
-            9146: -69.74347,-53.373905
-            9147: -68.02691,-53.5523
-            9148: -67.60334,-53.351604
-            9149: -66.845375,-52.01365
-            9150: -66.555565,-52.682625
-            9151: -67.60334,-53.819893
-            9152: -67.15748,-54.555767
-            9153: -66.39952,-53.596897
-            9154: -66.221176,-53.10631
-            9155: -65.95366,-53.90909
-            9156: -65.73073,-54.243576
-            9157: -65.32945,-54.622665
-            9158: -66.57786,-55.247047
-            9159: -67.424995,-55.626137
-            9160: -66.97913,-56.183617
-            9161: -65.95366,-55.69303
-            9162: -65.26257,-55.670734
-            9163: -66.24347,-56.11672
-            9164: -67.714806,-54.912556
-            9165: -68.071495,-54.48887
-            9166: -67.96003,-57.446865
-            9167: -68.33901,-58.032066
-            9168: -66.82308,-58.098965
-            9169: -66.421814,-57.340786
-            9170: -69.07468,-58.098965
-            9171: -68.94092,-57.496883
-            9172: -68.49506,-56.761005
-            9173: -68.004616,-56.515713
-            9174: -67.358116,-58.21046
-            9175: -66.815,-57.184692
-            9176: -66.52519,-58.65645
-            9177: -65.61118,-58.411156
-            9178: -64.63029,-57.22929
-            9179: -64.00609,-56.9171
-            9180: -64.5857,-57.89827
-            9181: -65.00927,-58.52265
-            9182: -64.49653,-58.79024
-            9183: -63.582516,-57.719875
-            9184: -63.136654,-56.448814
-            9185: -63.939205,-55.200054
-            9186: -64.13985,-55.155457
-            9187: -62.93602,-54.64257
-            9188: -65.03156,-53.549904
-            9189: -64.80863,-52.903225
-            9190: -65.29908,-51.944355
-            9191: -66.63666,-51.877457
-            9192: -67.90736,-51.83286
-            9193: -66.815,-51.007786
+            8165: -119.99861,-39.37801
+            8166: -120.0432,-37.014282
+            8167: -119.7311,-36.835888
+            8168: -120.890335,-38.865128
+            8169: -122.82983,-38.10695
+            8170: -122.07186,-36.969685
+            8171: -120.62282,-39.31111
+            8172: -119.173775,-38.68673
+            8173: -118.50498,-38.820526
+            8174: -121.58141,-39.823997
+            8175: -122.094154,-40.80517
+            8176: -120.22154,-40.69367
+            8177: -118.61645,-39.489506
+            8178: -118.817085,-40.314583
+            8179: -119.61964,-40.80517
+            8180: -118.28205,-40.80517
+            8181: -119.7311,-39.957794
+            8182: -123.186516,-41.161957
+            8183: -118.34893,-39.40031
+            8184: -119.61964,-37.79476
+            8185: -117.63556,-40.314583
+            8186: -116.78842,-40.35918
+            8187: -118.03683,-41.719437
+            8188: -117.85848,-42.499912
+            8189: -116.76613,-41.29575
+            8190: -116.387146,-41.429546
+            8191: -116.89989,-42.767506
+            8192: -115.963585,-43.481083
+            8193: -117.0606,-41.770844
+            8194: -117.66251,-43.64399
+            8195: -115.945946,-42.66282
+            8196: -114.98735,-42.484425
+            8197: -115.32175,-44.045376
+            8198: -114.49691,-44.469063
+            8199: -114.14022,-42.95271
+            8200: -113.516014,-43.82238
+            8201: -114.34086,-44.60286
+            8202: -113.35996,-44.692055
+            8203: -112.93639,-43.933876
+            8204: -112.71346,-44.848152
+            8205: -112.93639,-45.963116
+            8206: -111.955505,-45.606327
+            8207: -111.24213,-45.450233
+            8208: -110.952324,-46.475998
+            8209: -111.13066,-46.877388
+            8210: -109.367805,-47.808216
+            8211: -106.91558,-49.882053
+            8212: -106.67036,-50.61793
+            8213: -107.1608,-50.751724
+            8214: -106.62577,-51.130814
+            8215: -105.42194,-50.97472
+            8216: -104.64169,-51.822094
+            8217: -105.77863,-52.691765
+            8218: -105.33277,-53.16005
+            8219: -104.03978,-52.178883
+            8220: -103.54933,-52.937057
+            8221: -104.775444,-54.14122
+            8222: -104.48564,-54.943996
+            8223: -103.52704,-54.029724
+            8224: -103.081184,-53.47224
+            8225: -104.10666,-53.85133
+            8226: -103.504745,-55.14469
+            8227: -101.94424,-53.91823
+            8228: -103.05889,-55.79137
+            8229: -105.04296,-54.877098
+            8230: -104.218124,-56.63874
+            8231: -103.928314,-57.173927
+            8232: -104.1416,-57.837513
+            8233: -122.03457,-24.95616
+            8234: -123.728836,-24.95616
+            8235: -124.35304,-24.04189
+            8236: -123.66196,-23.149916
+            8237: -124.04094,-22.614733
+            8238: -124.64285,-23.172215
+            8239: -123.929474,-24.04189
+            8240: -124.999535,-24.175684
+            8241: -125.289345,-23.216814
+            8242: -124.46451,-21.878855
+            8243: -125.40081,-21.299072
+            8244: -126.00272,-22.391739
+            8245: -126.27024,-23.37291
+            8246: -125.646034,-23.439808
+            8247: -125.04412,-22.03495
+            8248: -126.11419,-21.142979
+            8249: -126.67152,-24.220284
+            8250: -128.0091,-24.175684
+            8251: -129.43584,-24.197983
+            8252: -129.12373,-25.023056
+            8253: -130.32756,-24.822365
+            8254: -130.81801,-23.908092
+            8255: -132.44972,-23.707397
+            8256: -132.12096,-19.314434
+            8257: -131.27382,-20.652393
+            8258: -131.6528,-21.878855
+            8259: -133.81522,-19.961115
+            8260: -133.8821,-19.336733
+            8261: -132.74515,-19.381332
+            8262: -132.32158,-20.540895
+            8263: -132.21013,-21.232174
+            8264: -138.20766,-20.709616
+            8265: -138.62363,-20.06485
+            8266: -137.1077,-18.949884
+            8267: -137.06311,-19.997952
+            8268: -137.24146,-18.570795
+            8269: -137.88795,-17.968714
+            8270: -137.21916,-16.719954
+            8271: -137.35292,-18.214006
+            8272: -137.62044,-19.551966
+            8273: -139.0249,-17.522728
+            8274: -139.62682,-18.838387
+            8275: -139.53764,-18.280905
+            8276: -138.60133,-16.78685
+            8277: -139.62682,-16.273968
+            8278: -140.18413,-16.563858
+            8279: -140.54082,-14.779913
+            8280: -139.71597,-14.490023
+            8281: -140.2956,-15.448893
+            8282: -140.76375,-14.7130165
+            8283: -141.05356,-16.653055
+            8284: -141.76694,-14.512321
+            8285: -141.05356,-13.57575
+            8286: -138.22235,-13.018269
+            8287: -137.91025,-14.378527
+            8288: -137.24146,-14.779913
+            8289: -136.21597,-14.311628
+            8290: -136.32744,-15.493492
+            8291: -136.26056,-15.939478
+            8292: -135.05675,-15.159002
+            8293: -135.10133,-13.821043
+            8294: -134.36566,-13.085167
+            8295: -135.05675,-14.86911
+            8296: -134.2319,-16.273968
+            8297: -133.09496,-16.18477
+            8298: -133.65228,-16.965246
+            8299: -134.81152,-17.188238
+            8300: -135.70325,-16.385464
+            8301: -135.50261,-17.50043
+            8302: -133.42935,-17.879517
+            8303: -131.91344,-16.965246
+            8304: -130.3793,-16.605034
+            8305: -129.2583,-16.939156
+            8306: -130.36256,-18.196701
+            8307: -131.43262,-19.311666
+            8308: -130.8307,-20.002945
+            8309: -130.31798,-19.267069
+            8310: -128.84663,-18.285898
+            8311: -128.37848,-18.664988
+            8312: -129.53772,-18.821083
+            8313: -129.64919,-17.750715
+            8314: -130.58548,-16.97024
+            8315: -130.38486,-16.212063
+            8316: -129.09186,-16.055967
+            8317: -128.06638,-17.416225
+            8318: -127.48676,-18.486593
+            8319: -127.353004,-19.044075
+            8320: -126.90715,-18.152103
+            8321: -126.30524,-19.20017
+            8322: -125.68104,-20.18134
+            8323: -124.92307,-20.49353
+            8324: -125.658745,-20.49353
+            8325: -131.25427,-21.296307
+            8326: -132.36893,-15.759243
+            8327: -131.8339,-14.529509
+            8328: -133.1046,-13.83823
+            8329: -133.95172,-14.395714
+            8330: -134.13007,-13.815931
+            8331: -133.48357,-12.678667
+            8332: -134.44217,-12.232681
+            8333: -135.20013,-11.92049
+            8334: -136.09186,-12.968557
+            8335: -137.16191,-12.567169
+            8336: -136.53772,-11.519102
+            8337: -137.5409,-11.29611
+            8338: -137.58548,-13.459143
+            8339: -138.4995,-13.682135
+            8340: -139.7702,-12.790163
+            8341: -139.36893,-11.92049
+            8342: -140.37212,-12.366476
+            8343: -141.62051,-13.570639
+            8344: -141.93262,-14.529509
+            8345: -140.90714,-15.354584
+            8346: -140.61732,-15.733671
+            8347: -139.92625,-13.659836
+            8348: -139.30205,-13.146952
+            8349: -138.20969,-10.917021
+            8350: -139.41351,-10.544283
+            8351: -139.23517,-8.906668
+            8352: -138.1428,-7.947798
+            8353: -137.74153,-9.531049
+            8354: -138.03134,-10.200027
+            8355: -137.11732,-9.687143
+            8356: -137.71924,-8.5052805
+            8357: -138.54408,-8.170791
+            8358: -139.23517,-7.390315
+            8359: -140.0823,-6.9666286
+            8360: -139.19058,-6.074656
+            8361: -139.83708,-5.3833776
+            8362: -140.63963,-4.8927927
+            8363: -137.853,-6.8370523
+            8364: -137.09505,-8.576398
+            8365: -139.93727,-1.1342988
+            8366: -139.02327,-0.532217
+            8367: -140.98505,-0.019333363
+            8368: -139.2462,0.09216356
+            8369: -138.53282,-1.111999
+            8370: -137.50734,-1.1565976
+            8371: -136.59332,-0.9336047
+            8372: -138.13155,-2.1154675
+            8373: -134.89906,-0.9336047
+            8374: -131.81136,-2.8453088
+            8375: -132.07887,-3.358193
+            8376: -131.52155,-4.517757
+            8377: -130.60754,-4.495457
+            8378: -130.69672,-5.164437
+            8379: -131.92282,-5.275933
+            8380: -131.63301,-5.0752397
+            8381: -131.63301,-6.5692925
+            8382: -130.0948,-6.212504
+            8383: -129.4706,-5.275933
+            8384: -128.66805,-5.4097285
+            8385: -130.80818,-6.078708
+            8386: -130.71901,-6.8814836
+            8387: -130.1171,-7.884952
+            8388: -128.84639,-6.613891
+            8389: -128.48972,-6.1456065
+            8390: -127.553406,-6.4800954
+            8391: -126.52793,-6.413198
+            8392: -128.93556,-8.241741
+            8393: -131.16487,-8.375536
+            8394: -131.63301,-8.776924
+            8395: -132.14575,-9.468203
+            8396: -130.47379,-10.270977
+            8397: -129.89417,-9.490501
+            8398: -129.49289,-8.866121
+            8399: -128.64575,-10.047985
+            8400: -130.18398,-10.159481
+            8401: -131.14256,-10.783863
+            8402: -129.69353,-10.650066
+            8403: -127.75404,-9.156012
+            8404: -126.52793,-9.089115
+            8405: -128.91327,-9.245209
+            8406: -127.12984,-7.661959
+            8407: -126.260414,-6.948381
+            8408: -126.23812,-7.059878
+            8409: -126.840034,-6.01181
+            8410: -129.58516,-11.835684
+            8411: -128.8495,-12.638458
+            8412: -127.801735,-12.058677
+            8413: -126.70937,-10.02944
+            8414: -125.12657,-9.471957
+            8415: -126.352684,-10.720718
+            8416: -127.288994,-11.634991
+            8417: -126.575615,-11.3228
+            8418: -125.17116,-11.032909
+            8419: -126.865425,-13.106745
+            8420: -126.97689,-13.664227
+            8421: -125.61702,-14.132513
+            8422: -124.21256,-12.593861
+            8423: -123.87817,-11.211304
+            8424: -122.29536,-11.144405
+            8425: -121.91638,-12.237072
+            8426: -123.54377,-12.972948
+            8427: -122.67434,-13.686525
+            8428: -121.648865,-11.835684
+            8429: -123.87817,-10.36393
+            8430: -125.41638,-10.67612
+            8431: -124.97052,-9.182066
+            8432: -122.11702,-8.646883
+            8433: -120.37817,-8.669182
+            8434: -120.91319,-9.917944
+            8435: -122.31765,-10.297031
+            8436: -120.98007,-10.943712
+            8437: -119.6202,-9.628053
+            8438: -118.9737,-9.672651
+            8439: -120.17753,-10.67612
+            8440: -120.24441,-10.98831
+            8441: -121.44823,-9.449657
+            8442: -121.715744,-8.847576
+            8443: -121.40364,-12.348568
+            8444: -122.02785,-13.129044
+            8445: -124.32403,-13.708826
+            8446: -125.26033,-14.600798
+            8447: -125.371796,-15.381273
+            8448: -124.1011,-15.938757
+            8449: -122.76351,-14.734594
+            8450: -121.225296,-14.288607
+            8451: -122.38453,-15.51507
+            8452: -123.49918,-16.050253
+            8453: -122.51829,-16.830729
+            8454: -121.33676,-15.738062
+            8455: -121.73804,-12.950649
+            8456: -121.225296,-12.259371
+            8457: -122.495995,-15.581966
+            8458: -123.588356,-16.674633
+            8459: -122.07243,-17.14292
+            8460: -120.91319,-16.050253
+            8461: -119.26351,-16.050253
+            8462: -121.09154,-17.009123
+            8463: -122.25077,-17.923395
+            8464: -121.359055,-18.659271
+            8465: -120.04377,-17.321314
+            8466: -119.285805,-16.451641
+            8467: -118.57243,-16.897627
+            8468: -121.58556,-18.766079
+            8469: -121.58556,-18.498486
+            8470: -120.15881,-17.004433
+            8471: -118.55372,-16.402351
+            8472: -117.08238,-16.603045
+            8473: -118.86582,-17.517317
+            8474: -118.2862,-18.654581
+            8475: -117.19385,-17.004433
+            8476: -117.06009,-16.045563
+            8477: -116.56964,-17.807207
+            8478: -118.888115,-19.167465
+            8479: -119.891304,-19.903343
+            8480: -119.93589,-20.63922
+            8481: -118.13015,-20.148636
+            8482: -117.08238,-18.186296
+            8483: -116.14608,-17.874105
+            8484: -117.77347,-20.081738
+            8485: -119.33398,-21.375097
+            8486: -119.62379,-22.24477
+            8487: -117.72888,-21.798784
+            8488: -116.23525,-20.148636
+            8489: -115.36582,-20.28243
+            8490: -118.6206,-22.021778
+            8491: -118.64289,-22.668457
+            8492: -117.77347,-23.426634
+            8493: -116.50277,-22.824553
+            8494: -115.49958,-21.709587
+            8495: -115.07601,-20.393927
+            8496: -116.14608,-22.512363
+            8497: -117.3499,-22.155573
+            8498: -116.43589,-20.683819
+            8499: -115.52187,-19.435057
+            8500: -116.257545,-17.918705
+            8501: -114.40722,-17.784908
+            8502: -116.27984,-17.182827
+            8503: -113.13334,-20.706118
+            8504: -109.23206,-18.38699
+            8505: -109.165184,-18.453888
+            8506: -109.54417,-18.98907
+            8507: -108.7862,-17.918705
+            8508: -107.69385,-17.71801
+            8509: -106.95818,-16.892937
+            8510: -106.62379,-16.13476
+            8511: -106.13334,-16.75914
+            8512: -106.824425,-16.090162
+            8513: -105.70977,-15.086693
+            8514: -104.974106,-15.131292
+            8515: -105.17474,-16.000965
+            8516: -105.97729,-15.488081
+            8517: -105.531425,-15.019794
+            8518: -105.48684,-15.488081
+            8519: -105.888115,-15.867168
+            8520: -106.73525,-15.198189
+            8521: -98.51019,-12.9498825
+            8522: -99.42421,-13.150578
+            8523: -99.82548,-13.819557
+            8524: -100.315926,-13.440468
+            8525: -100.18217,-12.236305
+            8526: -101.029305,-11.701121
+            8527: -101.16306,-12.860685
+            8528: -101.675804,-11.366632
+            8529: -103.12484,-11.478128
+            8530: -103.39236,-11.165938
+            8531: -104.06115,-9.894877
+            8532: -105.01975,-10.430061
+            8533: -106.42421,-10.630755
+            8534: -106.26816,-9.448892
+            8535: -105.376434,-8.289328
+            8536: -105.39873,-7.6426477
+            8537: -107.092995,-7.9102397
+            8538: -108.22994,-7.9771376
+            8539: -107.69491,-7.107465
+            8540: -106.55797,-5.769506
+            8541: -105.599365,-5.6580095
+            8542: -105.309555,-6.839873
+            8543: -106.42421,-7.0851655
+            8544: -106.89236,-6.2377915
+            8545: -105.309555,-5.546513
+            8546: -105.8,-4.565344
+            8547: -106.7586,-5.2343225
+            8548: -108.675804,-6.28239
+            8549: -109.27771,-7.2412605
+            8550: -109.12166,-7.932539
+            8551: -107.33822,-5.5911117
+            8552: -107.80637,-3.6510725
+            8553: -106.69172,-3.0489912
+            8554: -105.042046,-4.2977514
+            8555: -104.28408,-4.743738
+            8556: -103.86051,-3.5618753
+            8557: -104.84141,-5.6803093
+            8558: -107.75409,-2.8036985
+            8559: -109.200325,-2.848297
+            8560: -109.66949,-4.766038
+            8561: -111.809616,-4.6991396
+            8562: -112.09942,-5.167425
+            8563: -110.8956,-6.059397
+            8564: -111.47522,-6.6614785
+            8565: -113.41471,-6.639179
+            8566: -112.656746,-4.67684
+            8567: -111.87649,-3.8294668
+            8568: -112.12171,-5.5688124
+            8569: -111.78732,-5.9924994
+            8570: -114.32872,-7.843342
+            8571: -114.93063,-7.5534506
+            8572: -114.84146,-6.995968
+            8573: -102.82661,-2.0970006
+            8574: -104.11927,-2.030035
+            8575: -105.56831,-2.8551092
+            8576: -106.61608,-3.3902926
+            8577: -107.284874,-3.2787962
+            8578: -107.10653,-3.568687
+            8579: -109.09061,-2.8997078
+            8580: -108.26577,-3.2303352
+            8581: -117.87419,-9.491268
+            8582: -118.394356,-9.966988
+            8583: -119.19691,-10.041318
+            8584: -119.910286,-10.056185
+            8585: -120.05891,-9.075014
+            8586: -95.94624,-16.944057
+            8587: -96.726494,-16.743362
+            8588: -96.90484,-17.858328
+            8589: -96.83796,-18.12592
+            8590: -97.64051,-17.590736
+            8591: -98.465355,-16.83256
+            8592: -99.13414,-16.83256
+            8593: -98.86662,-17.902927
+            8594: -98.04179,-18.728
+            8595: -98.108665,-18.884096
+            8596: -98.86662,-18.081322
+            8597: -97.93032,-17.345444
+            8598: -97.15006,-17.18935
+            8599: -99.42395,-17.880629
+            8600: -100.11503,-17.858328
+            8601: -100.76153,-18.10362
+            8602: -100.82841,-18.817198
+            8603: -99.93669,-19.41928
+            8604: -100.27108,-19.664572
+            8605: -101.05134,-20.177456
+            8606: -100.159615,-20.489647
+            8607: -98.22013,-19.553076
+            8608: -97.0386,-19.285484
+            8609: -97.6851,-20.222055
+            8610: -98.955795,-20.601143
+            8611: -97.84115,-21.06943
+            8612: -97.28382,-20.043661
+            8613: -96.61503,-20.333551
+            8614: -96.458984,-21.381618
+            8615: -95.812485,-21.114027
+            8616: -96.949425,-21.604612
+            8617: -97.64051,-22.541183
+            8618: -97.48446,-22.875671
+            8619: -99.40166,-21.493116
+            8620: -99.84752,-20.69034
+            8621: -100.8507,-20.73494
+            8622: -100.71694,-21.649212
+            8623: -100.672356,-22.65268
+            8624: -101.22968,-22.98717
+            8625: -99.62459,-22.474285
+            8626: -99.46854,-20.422749
+            8627: -100.2042,-19.508478
+            8628: -100.36025,-19.240885
+            8629: -100.89529,-19.642273
+            8630: -101.318855,-18.594206
+            8631: -101.00675,-17.791431
+            8632: -98.62141,-21.783007
+            8633: -99.04497,-22.98717
+            8634: -98.82204,-23.656149
+            8635: -97.9972,-23.009468
+            8636: -97.21694,-23.031769
+            8637: -97.77427,-24.280529
+            8638: -99.78064,-25.061005
+            8639: -100.71694,-24.414326
+            8640: -100.33796,-23.723045
+            8641: -98.465355,-24.86031
+            8642: -98.22013,-25.52929
+            8643: -97.57363,-26.153671
+            8644: -96.86025,-25.038706
+            8645: -96.30293,-25.061005
+            8646: -96.97172,-25.84148
+            8647: -97.3507,-26.778051
+            8648: -96.86025,-27.201738
+            8649: -98.22013,-27.067944
+            8650: -99.22331,-26.465862
+            8651: -99.75835,-26.82265
+            8652: -99.51312,-27.424732
+            8653: -98.3093,-26.421263
+            8654: -97.43987,-25.350895
+            8655: -97.99627,-29.207638
+            8656: -97.3603,-28.826252
+            8657: -96.40115,-28.14492
+            8658: -97.2037,-27.899628
+            8659: -98.22918,-28.590908
+            8660: -98.87568,-28.100323
+            8661: -99.96803,-29.549778
+            8662: -99.29924,-30.285654
+            8663: -98.050835,-29.906567
+            8664: -96.95847,-29.661274
+            8665: -96.40115,-30.530947
+            8666: -98.407524,-31.06613
+            8667: -98.74192,-31.73511
+            8668: -98.45211,-32.203396
+            8669: -97.24828,-31.556715
+            8670: -96.624084,-31.289124
+            8671: -97.44892,-32.33719
+            8672: -98.29606,-32.916973
+            8673: -98.02854,-33.675148
+            8674: -97.22599,-33.162266
+            8675: -97.09223,-33.63055
+            8676: -98.43606,-34.70005
+            8677: -98.90445,-34.777775
+            8678: -98.32483,-35.357983
+            8679: -97.4777,-34.7336
+            8680: -96.78661,-35.335682
+            8681: -97.99043,-35.78167
+            8682: -99.216545,-35.960064
+            8683: -99.75158,-36.183056
+            8684: -100.10827,-35.78167
+            8685: -98.32483,-37.03043
+            8686: -97.165596,-36.829735
+            8687: -96.296165,-35.78167
+            8688: -96.006355,-36.584442
+            8689: -97.32165,-37.231125
+            8690: -98.90445,-36.785137
+            8691: -100.71018,-37.09733
+            8692: -101.06687,-37.810905
+            8693: -101.022285,-38.94817
+            8694: -102.27069,-39.126564
+            8695: -102.716545,-39.527954
+            8696: -100.55413,-40.419926
+            8697: -99.84075,-40.152332
+            8698: -99.41718,-40.19693
+            8699: -100.84394,-41.1558
+            8700: -99.015915,-41.088905
+            8701: -97.1433,-39.773247
+            8702: -96.60827,-38.94817
+            8703: -96.74203,-37.587914
+            8704: -96.40763,-37.36492
+            8705: -96.74203,-38.59138
+            8706: -95.80572,-39.03737
+            8707: -94.98088,-38.61368
+            8708: -95.09235,-37.833206
+            8709: -96.05094,-36.985832
+            8710: -96.875786,-35.78167
+            8711: -95.73884,-35.558674
+            8712: -98.34506,-36.157757
+            8713: -97.76545,-35.459045
+            8714: -99.60834,-36.9754
+            8715: -93.92223,-38.92474
+            8716: -95.43815,-39.549118
+            8717: -95.68337,-40.396492
+            8718: -95.08147,-40.730984
+            8719: -96.10694,-41.22157
+            8720: -95.97318,-40.597187
+            8721: -94.97,-40.48569
+            8722: -95.52732,-41.333065
+            8723: -97.778915,-42.626423
+            8724: -97.42223,-43.05011
+            8725: -96.01777,-42.537228
+            8726: -95.23752,-42.31423
+            8727: -95.75025,-43.07241
+            8728: -96.61968,-44.05358
+            8729: -95.75025,-44.34347
+            8730: -94.925415,-43.183907
+            8731: -94.011406,-43.4069
+            8732: -96.2407,-44.231976
+            8733: -97.15472,-43.629894
+            8734: -96.931786,-43.11701
+            8735: -96.129234,-41.578358
+            8736: -96.86491,-42.76022
+            8737: -95.705666,-43.4292
+            8738: -96.352165,-43.340004
+            8739: -98.81155,-42.024345
+            8740: -97.46179,-42.871716
+            8741: -98.19746,-43.585297
+            8742: -97.28345,-44.165077
+            8743: -95.81211,-43.763687
+            8744: -96.703835,-44.811756
+            8745: -96.43632,-45.101646
+            8746: -97.39491,-41.868248
+            8747: -96.66605,-42.09124
+            8748: -94.81239,-45.458958
+            8749: -94.40791,-45.117832
+            8750: -92.81553,-43.765305
+            8751: -93.5512,-45.080963
+            8752: -94.26457,-45.83914
+            8753: -92.70406,-45.995235
+            8754: -101.86108,-37.837097
+            8755: -102.57769,-37.7702
+            8756: -102.08725,-39.01896
+            8757: -102.24329,-39.487244
+            8758: -103.00126,-40.00013
+            8759: -103.8261,-39.64334
+            8760: -103.67005,-38.528374
+            8761: -103.93757,-38.104687
+            8762: -104.96304,-38.30538
+            8763: -106.033104,-38.773666
+            8764: -105.00763,-39.93323
+            8765: -105.00763,-40.62451
+            8766: -105.899345,-40.156223
+            8767: -106.478966,-38.416878
+            8768: -107.03629,-37.881695
+            8769: -108.262405,-38.08239
+            8770: -108.08406,-39.26425
+            8771: -107.08088,-39.442646
+            8772: -107.03629,-38.03779
+            8773: -107.59362,-36.967422
+            8774: -108.396164,-36.766727
+            8775: -108.9312,-37.48031
+            8776: -109.73374,-37.903996
+            8777: -110.02355,-38.63987
+            8778: -109.51081,-38.95206
+            8779: -107.39298,-38.06009
+            8780: -105.72101,-38.149284
+            8781: -116.20562,-36.07545
+            8782: -115.13556,-35.919353
+            8783: -115.46995,-36.566036
+            8784: -115.35849,-36.69983
+            8785: -114.28842,-36.231544
+            8786: -113.70881,-36.07545
+            8787: -114.043205,-36.72213
+            8788: -114.19925,-36.989723
+            8789: -113.15148,-36.36534
+            8790: -112.50498,-36.07545
+            8791: -113.106895,-36.900524
+            8792: -113.90945,-37.814796
+            8793: -113.57505,-37.7256
+            8794: -111.880775,-36.65523
+            8795: -111.56868,-36.878227
+            8796: -112.95084,-38.34998
+            8797: -112.86167,-39.06356
+            8798: -111.14511,-37.859398
+            8799: -110.65466,-37.34651
+            8800: -111.390335,-38.08239
+            8801: -111.30116,-38.66217
+            8802: -112.08141,-37.10122
+            8803: -111.59026,-40.26511
+            8804: -110.92147,-39.506935
+            8805: -110.520195,-38.92715
+            8806: -110.98835,-40.376606
+            8807: -110.43102,-41.067886
+            8808: -107.956505,-39.39544
+            8809: -106.93102,-38.94945
+            8810: -107.376884,-40.17591
+            8811: -108.98199,-41.53617
+            8812: -109.450134,-42.11595
+            8813: -108.246315,-42.338943
+            8814: -106.24898,-41.179382
+            8815: -104.797066,-41.966537
+            8816: -106.88552,-44.19885
+            8817: -105.50106,-42.88643
+            8818: -104.68668,-42.61892
+            8819: -105.556114,-43.60009
+            8820: -106.38095,-43.042606
+            8821: -107.16121,-41.927643
+            8822: -108.38732,-43.064907
+            8823: -106.71535,-42.440525
+            8824: -106.82681,-44.804253
+            8825: -105.89051,-45.004948
+            8826: -103.81726,-44.023777
+            8827: -102.61344,-44.291367
+            8828: -103.79497,-45.339436
+            8829: -104.50834,-45.629326
+            8830: -105.62299,-45.986115
+            8831: -103.92873,-46.4098
+            8832: -102.92554,-46.610497
+            8833: -104.3077,-47.011883
+            8834: -104.6421,-47.257175
+            8835: -104.842735,-44.87115
+            8836: -103.54974,-45.16104
+            8837: -102.99242,-44.402866
+            8838: -104.263115,-43.198704
+            8839: -102.836365,-42.908813
+            8840: -103.97331,-41.45936
+            8841: -103.08159,-40.901875
+            8842: -103.57721,-47.89467
+            8843: -102.41798,-47.712753
+            8844: -101.7046,-46.66469
+            8845: -101.03581,-46.151802
+            8846: -101.63772,-47.19987
+            8847: -101.548546,-47.824253
+            8848: -100.34473,-47.93575
+            8849: -100.255554,-48.470932
+            8850: -101.30333,-49.340607
+            8851: -100.72371,-49.964985
+            8852: -99.67594,-49.340607
+            8853: -98.71734,-49.318306
+            8854: -99.83199,-50.07648
+            8855: -100.38931,-50.633965
+            8856: -98.49441,-50.79006
+            8857: -97.73645,-50.12108
+            8858: -97.51352,-50.410973
+            8859: -98.89568,-51.19145
+            8860: -97.624985,-50.879257
+            8861: -95.908424,-49.741993
+            8862: -95.3511,-49.4967
+            8863: -96.33199,-50.990753
+            8864: -97.335175,-52.15032
+            8865: -95.64091,-51.905025
+            8866: -94.16957,-51.302944
+            8867: -93.50078,-51.07995
+            8868: -94.838356,-51.838127
+            8869: -95.59632,-51.369843
+            8870: -96.51034,-51.659733
+            8871: -95.841545,-50.23258
+            8872: -96.33199,-49.630497
+            8873: -95.68549,-48.82772
+            8874: -94.57084,-49.697395
+            8875: -96.10906,-47.995598
+            8876: -95.93072,-47.019436
+            8877: -94.94982,-46.729546
+            8878: -96.08677,-46.573452
+            8879: -95.328804,-45.28009
+            8880: -94.2343,-46.01695
+            8881: -92.9781,-46.85517
+            8882: -92.438255,-46.699066
+            8883: -91.27902,-44.98202
+            8884: -90.0752,-44.35764
+            8885: -91.078384,-45.561802
+            8886: -91.368195,-44.04545
+            8887: -91.234436,-43.30957
+            8888: -91.63571,-42.81899
+            8889: -92.148445,-43.867054
+            8890: -90.54335,-43.889355
+            8891: -93.85421,-43.606403
+            8892: -92.763535,-50.769295
+            8893: -92.919586,-50.289978
+            8894: -90.24443,-49.041218
+            8895: -89.419586,-49.018917
+            8896: -91.06927,-49.108116
+            8897: -91.470535,-47.39085
+            8898: -91.45736,-47.50161
+            8899: -90.49876,-46.76573
+            8900: -91.925514,-48.08139
+            8901: -90.409584,-47.7246
+            8902: -89.96372,-47.167118
+            8903: -90.32041,-45.650764
+            8904: -89.33952,-44.89259
+            8905: -88.51469,-44.914886
+            8906: -89.54016,-45.896057
+            8907: -89.02742,-45.896057
+            8908: -87.97965,-44.714195
+            8909: -87.22169,-44.357407
+            8910: -87.02105,-45.16018
+            8911: -88.02424,-46.096752
+            8912: -88.53698,-47.211716
+            8913: -87.779015,-47.14482
+            8914: -86.552895,-45.985256
+            8915: -86.062454,-45.76226
+            8916: -85.9064,-46.297447
+            8917: -87.37774,-47.657703
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-            15161: -138.43307,16.892298
-            15162: -137.76428,18.09646
-            15163: -137.87575,13.199259
-            15164: -137.11778,14.158131
-            15165: -137.7197,14.202728
-            15166: -136.40442,15.250795
-            15167: -135.71333,16.454958
-            15168: -135.98085,18.060509
-            15169: -136.96175,17.235435
-            15170: -137.27385,16.878645
-            15171: -135.24518,17.190834
-            15172: -134.39804,18.038208
-            15173: -134.10823,19.063976
-            15174: -135.55728,17.726019
-            15175: -136.07002,17.235435
-            15176: -136.76111,18.394997
-            15177: -136.1592,19.264671
-            15178: -135.06683,20.022846
-            15179: -135.35664,20.379635
-            15180: -135.44582,18.684889
-            15181: -135.11142,18.216602
-            15182: -136.91716,19.487663
-            15183: -137.63052,19.62146
-            15184: -136.96175,20.87022
-            15185: -136.96175,21.895988
-            15186: -138.09868,20.513432
-            15187: -138.63371,19.353868
-            15188: -139.57002,19.420765
-            15189: -137.80887,20.24584
-            15190: -136.76111,20.268139
-            15191: -138.74518,20.00055
-            15192: -137.63052,21.160112
-            15193: -138.09868,21.717594
-            15194: -138.29932,22.408873
-            15195: -139.10187,21.895988
-            15196: -140.10506,20.781025
-            15197: -140.99677,20.134344
-            15198: -139.92671,20.468834
-            15199: -140.08276,22.275078
-            15200: -140.61778,22.49807
-            15201: -141.01906,21.405405
-            15202: -140.50633,20.736425
-            15203: -140.08276,19.732956
-            15204: -140.75154,18.997078
-            15205: -140.52861,18.261202
-            15206: -139.45856,18.461895
-            15207: -141.58664,18.394997
-            15208: -140.96243,18.417297
-            15209: -140.49428,17.36923
-            15210: -140.87326,16.298862
-            15211: -139.88847,16.054493
-            15212: -138.79613,16.277485
-            15213: -139.88847,15.140221
-            15214: -138.50632,15.47471
-            15215: -138.90758,14.761131
-            15216: -140.97478,17.280954
-            15217: -141.8888,18.135513
-            15218: -141.53212,20.11564
-            15219: -141.79964,20.985313
-            15220: -140.32831,21.74349
-            15221: -141.62129,22.05568
-            15222: -141.88881,23.817326
-            15223: -142.93658,22.390171
-            15224: -141.88881,23.170647
-            15225: -142.60219,23.192945
-            15226: -142.31238,22.122578
-            15227: -140.79646,24.37481
-            15228: -141.95569,24.6647
-            15229: -141.88881,25.779665
-            15230: -140.21684,25.177584
-            15231: -138.61174,24.887691
-            15232: -139.79327,23.861923
-            15233: -139.74869,23.282143
-            15234: -138.96843,23.460537
-            15235: -138.76779,23.928822
-            15236: -139.48117,22.300972
-            15237: -138.79008,22.880754
-            15238: -140.32831,23.482836
-            15239: -139.63722,25.021488
-            15240: -137.89534,24.352509
-            15241: -137.00296,24.909992
-            15242: -136.91379,23.594332
-            15243: -136.245,23.438236
-            15244: -135.64308,23.884224
-            15245: -135.86601,23.103748
-            15246: -137.09213,22.457067
-            15247: -135.75455,22.345572
-            15248: -134.55074,22.41247
-            15249: -135.28639,21.431301
-            15250: -135.79913,21.029911
-            15251: -134.57303,21.052212
-            15252: -133.72589,21.3867
-            15253: -133.65901,20.45013
-            15254: -133.99341,19.714252
-            15255: -132.67812,20.294035
-            15256: -132.54436,21.186008
-            15257: -132.23225,20.11564
-            15258: -133.3915,18.933777
-            15259: -133.23544,18.131002
-            15260: -133.07939,17.974907
-            15261: -132.78958,19.312866
-            15262: -133.19086,19.803452
-            15263: -133.99341,17.595818
-            15264: -134.86284,16.59235
-            15265: -134.81825,16.057167
-            15266: -136.49022,16.190964
-            15267: -135.84372,15.276691
-            15268: -133.7394,22.733229
-            15269: -133.80627,23.848194
-            15270: -134.58653,24.071186
-            15271: -134.87633,24.071186
-            15272: -134.87633,25.074656
-            15273: -132.06741,22.01965
-            15274: -131.91136,20.815487
-            15275: -132.1343,19.589027
-            15276: -132.06741,18.986946
-            15334: 72.227875,58.82408
-            15335: 72.004944,58.274033
-            15336: 74.308556,58.125374
-            15337: 73.83297,59.924187
-            15338: 74.70983,60.444496
-            15339: 73.17904,58.79435
-            15340: 73.35738,58.259167
-            15341: 74.20452,57.396927
-            15342: 75.12597,57.08474
-            15343: 75.735306,58.482162
-            15344: 75.12597,60.013382
-            15345: 76.017685,59.879585
-            15346: 75.82448,57.709118
-            15347: 77.41471,57.723984
-            15348: 77.84571,58.705154
-            15349: 78.54423,60.13231
-            15350: 79.28732,58.749752
-            15351: 78.098366,56.846878
-            15352: 77.147194,56.68335
-            15353: 76.939125,58.05104
-            15354: 77.295815,55.731915
-            15355: 78.67798,55.731915
-            15356: 79.04953,56.698215
-            15357: 79.956116,57.010406
-            15358: 80.75866,57.218533
-            15359: 80.1939,58.83895
-            15360: 79.70346,59.76066
-            15361: 81.68011,58.318634
-            15362: 80.40197,58.184837
-            15363: 79.584564,60.801292
-            15364: 78.96036,61.69326
-            15365: 77.62278,62.45144
-            15366: 77.593056,60.801292
-            15367: 78.06864,59.62686
-            15368: 76.96885,60.295837
-            15369: 78.024055,61.767593
-            15370: 76.374374,61.827057
-            15371: 76.41896,62.540634
-            15372: 77.013435,63.23935
-            15373: 75.40834,62.45144
-            15374: 75.52724,61.69326
-            15375: 74.97735,61.51487
-            15376: 74.0559,62.689293
-            15377: 74.9179,63.700195
-            15378: 74.68011,62.65956
-            15379: 73.99645,63.744797
-            15380: 73.654625,62.124382
-            15381: 74.1748,61.782455
-            15382: 73.26821,61.09861
-            15383: 72.53998,60.816154
-            15384: 71.85632,61.90139
-            15385: 71.93063,62.45144
-            15386: 71.03892,61.90139
-            15387: 71.29157,60.697227
-            15388: 72.5697,61.85679
-            15389: 71.945496,60.831024
-            15390: 70.4593,60.32557
-            15391: 69.06572,61.415985
-            15392: 69.95739,62.352554
-            15393: 70.67077,62.545815
-            15394: 70.18032,63.170197
-            15395: 71.40577,63.110733
-            15396: 72.32722,64.03243
-            15397: 72.53528,63.006668
-            15398: 73.10004,64.76088
-            15399: 73.085175,65.20686
-            15400: 73.872856,64.53789
-            15401: 75.58199,64.34463
-            15402: 76.17647,63.735115
-            15403: 78.780136,59.498245
-            15404: 78.51262,62.337685
-            15405: 77.90328,63.19993
-            15406: 74.82684,59.280273
-            15407: 77.97759,56.084038
-            15408: 80.960945,58.611294
-            15409: 78.3601,57.83825
-            15418: 154.53595,46.02356
-            15419: 153.9712,48.595413
-            15420: 152.52959,47.16826
-            15421: 151.96483,47.67371
-            15422: 153.30241,48.89274
-            15423: 152.09859,50.1415
-            15424: 150.9988,48.981934
-            15425: 151.20686,48.104828
-            15426: 151.32576,50.186096
-            15427: 149.89902,49.561718
-            15428: 150.35974,48.595413
-            15429: 150.41919,50.06717
-            15430: 149.58691,50.92941
-            15431: 150.65697,51.717316
-            15432: 149.24509,49.130596
-            15433: 149.15591,50.528023
-            15434: 150.52321,50.86994
-            15435: 150.00305,52.05924
-            15436: 150.95421,53.099876
-            15437: 151.53383,51.1524
-            15438: 152.84169,52.2079
-            15439: 152.81197,51.137535
-            15440: 151.57841,52.832283
-            15441: 152.39583,51.583523
-            15442: 153.02003,50.364494
-            15443: 152.58904,49.413055
-            15444: 153.27269,49.59145
-            15445: 154.10497,47.525047
-            15446: 153.40645,47.034462
-            15447: 153.88203,46.484413
-            15448: 154.06038,46.05329
-            15449: 155.30878,46.26142
-            15450: 150.2382,48.006878
-            15489: 113.34822,-47.327263
-            15490: 113.05841,-48.37533
-            15491: 114.440575,-47.661755
-            15492: 114.26223,-46.078503
-            15493: 116.13484,-46.54679
-            15494: 114.77497,-48.37533
-            15495: 114.75268,-48.79902
-            15496: 115.44376,-47.79555
-            15497: 114.77497,-46.50219
-            15498: 112.38962,-47.015076
-            15499: 112.16669,-46.234596
-            15500: 113.3928,-45.275726
-            15501: 113.727196,-44.58445
-            15502: 115.22083,-45.16423
-            15503: 115.35459,-45.94471
-            15504: 115.55522,-44.472954
-            15505: 115.75586,-43.870872
-            15506: 117.02656,-44.472954
-            15507: 116.380066,-45.677116
-            15508: 117.76223,-45.34263
-            15509: 115.10937,-44.071564
-            15510: 116.29089,-44.718246
-            15511: 116.87051,-43.33569
-            15512: 117.360954,-42.912003
-            15513: 117.78452,-44.673645
-            15514: 118.85459,-44.183064
-            15515: 119.52338,-44.093864
-            15516: 119.032936,-45.85551
-            15517: 117.27178,-46.59139
-            15518: 117.04885,-47.639454
-            15519: 118.230385,-47.572556
-            15520: 118.43102,-47.015076
-            15521: 115.75586,-49.3788
-            15522: 115.75586,-50.025482
-            15523: 117.16032,-48.82132
-            15524: 116.46924,-49.913986
-            15525: 118.40873,-50.04778
-            15526: 119.27815,-49.245003
-            15527: 119.83548,-48.13004
-            15528: 119.300446,-47.661755
-            15529: 120.03612,-46.81438
-            15530: 120.860954,-45.989307
-            15531: 119.90236,-45.25343
-            15532: 119.434204,-44.673645
-            15533: 119.880066,-45.94471
-            15534: 121.21764,-44.89664
-            15535: 121.730385,-45.030437
-            15536: 122.04249,-43.60328
-            15537: 121.21764,-43.402588
-            15538: 120.236755,-43.893173
-            15539: 122.06478,-45.788612
-            15540: 120.88325,-46.925877
-            15541: 121.53986,-42.38497
-            15542: 120.69273,-41.73829
-            15543: 119.31057,-42.36267
-            15544: 121.7405,-40.77942
-            15545: 122.855156,-41.047012
-            15546: 122.67681,-43.41074
-            15547: 122.94433,-44.7264
-            15548: 122.409294,-44.34731
-            15549: 122.39745,-39.75881
-            15550: 123.66815,-39.9149
-            15551: 124.314644,-39.156727
-            15552: 123.48981,-37.796467
-            15553: 123.400635,-39.31282
-            15554: 124.247765,-37.952564
-            15555: 122.620384,-38.019463
-            15556: 121.86242,-38.889133
-            15557: 125.36242,-37.885666
-            15558: 126.0758,-37.796467
-            15559: 126.343315,-38.889133
-            15560: 126.878334,-38.309353
-            15561: 125.22866,-37.038292
-            15562: 123.73503,-36.926796
-            15563: 123.89108,-35.611134
-            15564: 125.22866,-35.52194
-            15565: 126.25414,-36.05712
-            15566: 126.65542,-35.298946
-            15567: 126.16497,-34.919857
-            15568: 122.821014,-36.7484
-            15569: 125.238014,-34.045795
-            15570: 125.05967,-33.153824
-            15571: 125.86222,-33.62211
-            15572: 126.01827,-33.9566
-            15573: 126.44184,-33.176125
-            15574: 126.70936,-32.083458
-            15575: 127.445015,-32.88623
-            15576: 127.890884,-34.670177
-            15577: 127.2221,-36.43182
-            15578: 126.89486,-39.817314
-            15579: 128.7006,-39.126038
-            15580: 129.07957,-40.865383
-            15581: 129.74837,-41.22217
-            15582: 130.52863,-40.419395
-            15583: 130.9299,-40.151806
-            15584: 130.70697,-41.333668
-            15585: 131.42035,-41.400566
-            15586: 132.66875,-40.820786
-            15587: 129.68149,-41.84655
-            15588: 129.16875,-42.114143
-            15589: 129.6369,-43.898087
-            15590: 130.70697,-42.939217
-            15591: 129.25792,-43.095314
-            15592: 130.75156,-42.047245
-            15593: 128.7452,-43.608196
-            15594: 128.3885,-40.014523
-            15595: 131.78331,-40.839596
-            15596: 132.31834,-40.906494
-            15597: 133.61134,-40.795
-            15603: 104.10985,-38.54268
-            15604: 103.75316,-37.56151
-            15605: 103.06207,-38.609573
-            15606: 104.288185,-39.033264
-            15607: 102.081184,-37.18242
-            15608: 103.84233,-36.959427
-            15609: 104.8901,-36.89253
-            15610: 104.22131,-37.895996
-            15611: 103.218124,-37.7622
-            15612: 104.511116,-37.18242
-            15613: 105.2022,-38.721073
-            15614: 105.38055,-38.988663
-            15615: 106.29456,-38.275085
-            15616: 106.96335,-39.34545
-            15617: 105.24679,-39.902935
-            15618: 104.288185,-40.05903
-            15619: 104.19902,-40.66111
-            15620: 105.49201,-41.486187
-            15621: 105.447426,-41.0402
-            15622: 104.90551,-40.929367
-            15623: 107.55837,-41.39765
-            15624: 106.577484,-40.126595
-            15625: 107.023346,-39.769806
-            15626: 107.04564,-41.53145
-            15627: 107.023346,-42.624115
-            15628: 106.923645,-41.955135
-            15629: 106.25485,-41.977436
-            15630: 107.703896,-41.888237
-            15631: 108.46186,-40.996265
-            15632: 106.96823,-40.483383
-            15633: 106.50008,-40.79557
-            15634: 107.770775,-40.55028
-            15635: 107.63702,-39.9259
-            15636: 106.12109,-39.65831
-            15637: 106.54466,-38.810936
-            15638: 107.6816,-38.788635
-            15639: 108.90772,-40.26039
-            15640: 108.84084,-40.996265
-            15641: 98.15124,-29.652235
-            15642: 98.19582,-28.269678
-            15643: 98.82003,-27.689896
-            15644: 98.86462,-28.648766
-            15645: 99.08755,-28.737965
-            15646: 99.778625,-27.756794
-            15647: 99.13213,-26.99862
-            15648: 100.11302,-26.463434
-            15649: 100.46971,-26.173544
-            15650: 100.91557,-26.887121
-            15651: 99.95697,-27.266209
-            15652: 101.00474,-26.976318
-            15653: 101.67353,-26.99862
-            15654: 101.02703,-26.084347
-            15655: 100.40283,-26.976318
-            15656: 100.00156,-28.135883
-            15657: 98.062065,-28.782562
-            15658: 98.998375,-28.113583
-            15659: 98.21812,-27.887585
-            15660: 98.062065,-28.428534
-            15672: -103.10218,2.1531644
-            15673: -102.136154,2.1085658
-            15674: -101.66057,2.1085658
-            15675: -102.58201,2.1531644
-            15676: -99.72851,2.0045023
-            15677: -104.32087,2.1234317
-            15678: -95.80402,2.9559398
-            15679: -95.313576,3.1640658
-            15680: -94.80827,2.8221436
-            15681: -93.91655,2.881609
-            15682: -93.15859,3.0154042
-            15683: -94.169205,3.134334
-            15684: -92.891075,2.8072777
-            15714: -90.88633,3.0785747
-            15715: -91.74832,3.8367505
-            15716: -90.633675,4.1340756
-            15717: -89.90543,4.728723
-            15718: -90.76743,5.263907
-            15719: -91.73346,5.7247586
-            15720: -90.72285,7.166781
-            15721: -89.78654,6.958654
-            15722: -90.33643,6.289675
-            15723: -88.93941,7.0924497
-            15724: -89.50416,8.207415
-            15725: -90.633675,8.519606
-            15726: -91.79291,8.445274
-            15727: -91.138985,10.035957
-            15728: -91.94153,10.600874
-            15729: -91.94153,6.8099923
-            15730: -91.22816,6.4829354
-            15731: -88.15498,8.010073
-            15732: -86.41613,8.054672
-            15733: -87.51592,6.969439
-            15734: -88.82378,4.962501
-            15735: -88.1104,6.0774665
-            15736: -86.77282,7.058636
-            15737: -85.940544,7.534355
-            15738: -85.19745,8.143869
-            15739: -85.33121,7.058636
-            15740: -83.309975,7.0437703
-            15741: -83.027596,7.965475
-            15742: -81.526535,8.054672
-            15743: -78.99537,8.001192
-            15744: -76.88497,7.882263
-            15745: -76.260765,8.224186
-            15746: -75.71087,8.001192
-            15747: -74.96777,8.179586
-            15748: -73.99045,12.2528
-            15749: -75.967094,12.119005
-            15750: -77.06688,12.327131
-            15751: -76.50213,13.323168
-            15752: -75.01592,12.133871
-            15753: -77.43843,13.04071
-            15754: -78.13695,12.089273
-            15755: -79.474525,12.044674
-            15756: -79.78663,12.981245
-            15757: -78.98408,13.977282
-            15758: -78.56794,14.690859
-            15759: -79.81635,14.244873
-            15760: -79.31104,13.47183
-            15761: -77.88429,14.601662
-            15762: -79.102974,15.077379
-            15763: -80.83252,12.16696
-            15764: -81.7718,11.987389
-            15765: -82.63379,12.507706
-            15766: -82.41086,13.087486
-            15767: -83.525505,12.805029
-            15768: -84.313194,13.07262
-            15769: -85.115746,12.611769
-            15770: -84.84823,11.898191
-            15771: -86.037186,12.091452
-            15772: -85.264366,13.132086
-            15773: -87.06678,11.972521
-            15774: -87.79502,13.132086
-            15775: -87.00734,13.132086
-            15776: -88.21116,14.024057
-            15777: -88.835365,14.068657
-            15778: -92.177795,16.112335
-            15779: -93.09924,16.186666
-            15780: -94.243614,16.082603
-            15781: -94.05041,17.197569
-            15782: -93.84234,18.3274
-            15783: -95.1502,18.104408
-            15784: -95.99733,17.093506
-            15785: -95.84871,16.260998
-            15786: -94.88268,16.84078
-            15787: -94.615166,17.450294
-            15788: -94.540855,18.357134
-            15789: -95.09075,18.95178
-            15790: -94.169304,19.486965
-            15791: -93.06952,18.624725
-            15792: -93.44106,17.851683
-            15793: -93.57691,20.183113
-            15794: -92.92299,19.722261
-            15795: -92.387955,20.822361
-            15796: -92.92299,21.818396
-            15797: -92.32851,22.190052
-            15798: -91.94209,21.075087
-            15799: -91.98668,20.168247
-            15800: -91.64486,22.04139
-            15801: -91.466515,22.85903
-            15802: -91.73403,23.706404
-            15803: -90.55993,24.434849
-            15804: -90.18838,23.929398
-            15805: -90.99093,23.914532
-            15806: -90.85717,24.970032
-            15807: -89.75738,24.984898
-            15808: -89.534454,24.598377
-            15809: -89.41556,25.534946
-            15810: -89.99517,26.114729
-            15811: -90.03976,22.963093
-            15812: -92.105576,24.286186
-            15813: -90.90176,21.967058
-            15814: -87.69034,27.50571
-            15815: -88.12125,28.249432
-            15816: -87.82405,29.21553
-            15817: -87.06609,28.650616
-            15818: -86.96206,27.922173
-            15819: -87.066895,29.809715
-            15820: -86.70998,29.601818
-            15821: -85.803505,30.330154
-            15822: -86.2345,31.014
-            15823: -85.03068,31.281593
-            15824: -84.138954,30.805874
-            15825: -84.064644,31.816776
-            15826: -84.80775,32.1587
-            15827: -83.20265,32.85741
-            15828: -83.09862,33.006073
-            15829: -82.578445,31.980305
-            15830: -81.82049,32.203297
-            15831: -82.96486,32.27763
-            15832: -83.88631,32.961475
-            15833: -82.14745,33.110138
-            15834: -81.865074,33.898045
-            15835: -81.33004,34.046707
-            15836: -80.83959,33.2142
-            15837: -81.33004,33.110138
-            15838: -79.97526,32.93942
-            15839: -78.56337,33.28134
-            15840: -78.77144,34.69363
-            15841: -79.78205,34.69363
-            15842: -79.94553,34.069252
-            15843: -78.39989,36.209984
-            15844: -79.455086,36.135654
-            15845: -80.094154,35.24368
-            15846: -78.949776,35.52614
-            15847: -78.89033,36.983025
-            15848: -78.13237,37.191154
-            15849: -81.14935,35.33288
-            15850: -80.2725,36.358646
-            15851: -80.36167,35.55587
-            15852: -80.85212,35.035553
-            15853: -78.32558,35.33288
-            15854: -82.05594,34.247646
-            15855: -78.42961,34.069252
-            15856: -77.98375,32.96915
-            15857: -76.93481,32.074207
-            15858: -75.95392,32.267467
-            15859: -74.60148,32.05934
-            15860: -74.943306,31.2863
-            15861: -74.45286,31.018707
-            15862: -73.84351,31.94041
-            15863: -73.858376,30.067268
-            15864: -72.90721,30.424057
-            15865: -72.53566,31.970146
-            15866: -73.145,29.398293
-            15867: -73.05583,28.313057
-            15868: -72.81804,27.852207
-            15869: -73.011246,28.937439
-            15870: -71.79473,31.969955
-            15871: -71.91363,32.95145
-            15872: -72.09197,34.319138
-            15873: -71.00704,34.00695
-            15874: -72.08651,35.82291
-            15875: -71.01644,36.28385
-            15876: -71.120476,37.74069
-            15877: -71.53661,38.394802
-            15878: -71.99734,38.766457
-            15879: -70.49627,39.435436
-            15880: -70.57058,38.12721
-            15881: -71.72982,37.10144
-            15882: -71.31368,36.729786
-            15883: -71.77441,37.785286
-            15884: -73.02281,38.32047
-            15885: -73.67674,39.078648
-            15886: -74.613045,39.004314
-            15887: -75.25211,38.15694
-            15888: -76.17355,38.008278
-            15889: -76.84235,38.171806
-            15890: -74.07801,37.948814
-            15891: -72.38711,40.07939
-            15892: -71.04953,39.915863
-            15893: -70.81174,39.425278
-            15894: -69.875435,40.74837
-            15895: -69.4593,41.253822
-            15896: -68.864815,40.391582
-            15897: -69.81599,39.529343
-            15898: -69.013435,39.053623
-            15899: -68.46354,40.005062
-            15900: -67.92851,40.807835
-            15901: -67.75017,41.328156
-            15902: -67.18541,40.59971
-            15903: -67.09624,40.019928
-            15904: -65.77352,40.763237
-            15905: -65.08987,40.956497
-            15906: -66.6801,41.922802
-            15907: -66.650375,42.39852
-            15908: -64.48052,41.848473
-            15909: -64.495384,41.13489
-            15910: -63.63339,41.10516
-            15911: -63.915768,42.264725
-            15912: -65.580315,41.789005
-            15913: -65.52087,42.309322
-            15914: -67.14082,42.175526
-            15915: -64.006035,43.098583
-            15916: -62.50497,43.083717
-            15917: -63.1589,41.953888
-            15918: -62.133423,41.299774
-            15919: -61.093082,42.028217
-            15920: -61.182255,43.083717
-            15921: -60.364845,43.440506
-            15922: -60.825565,41.924152
-            15923: -61.95508,41.240307
-            15924: -62.93597,41.38897
-            15925: -61.22684,41.136246
-            15926: -61.984802,42.37014
-            15927: -59.90412,42.53367
-            15928: -59.948708,43.410774
-            15929: -61.642975,44.020287
-            15930: -62.014526,44.16895
-            15931: -60.379707,45.105522
-            15932: -60.454018,45.804234
-            15933: -59.696056,45.254185
-            15934: -60.70667,44.347343
-            15935: -59.74064,44.183815
-            15936: -61.494354,45.17985
-            15937: -60.09733,46.32455
-            15938: -58.75975,45.967762
-            15939: -58.62599,45.298782
-            15940: -58.001785,45.670437
-            15941: -59.20561,45.93803
-            15942: -58.209854,46.889465
-            15943: -57.332996,46.161022
-            15944: -56.946587,45.194717
-            15945: -56.812828,44.733868
-            15946: -58.417923,44.40681
-            15947: -58.715164,43.73783
-            15948: -58.86378,42.905323
-            15949: -57.9572,41.67143
-            15950: -57.71941,41.165977
-            15951: -58.8192,41.136246
-            15952: -56.53045,41.017315
-            15953: -56.485863,41.716026
-            15954: -58.670578,42.102547
-            15955: -56.76824,43.172916
-            15956: -57.392445,44.064888
-            15957: -57.600513,44.927128
-            15958: -55.817074,43.54457
-            15959: -55.698177,42.816124
-            15960: -55.7279,41.968754
-            15961: -54.851044,41.299774
-            15962: -54.59839,41.38897
-            15963: -55.296906,40.913254
-            15964: -54.89563,42.280945
-            15965: -55.00058,40.073093
-            15966: -54.16831,40.979935
-            15967: -52.9199,40.10283
-            15968: -52.221386,39.998764
-            15969: -53.172554,39.12166
-            15970: -28.535511,41.975063
-            15971: -28.030201,42.242657
+            15157: -138.43307,16.892298
+            15158: -137.76428,18.09646
+            15159: -137.87575,13.199259
+            15160: -137.11778,14.158131
+            15161: -137.7197,14.202728
+            15162: -136.40442,15.250795
+            15163: -135.71333,16.454958
+            15164: -135.98085,18.060509
+            15165: -136.96175,17.235435
+            15166: -137.27385,16.878645
+            15167: -135.24518,17.190834
+            15168: -134.39804,18.038208
+            15169: -134.10823,19.063976
+            15170: -135.55728,17.726019
+            15171: -136.07002,17.235435
+            15172: -136.76111,18.394997
+            15173: -136.1592,19.264671
+            15174: -135.06683,20.022846
+            15175: -135.35664,20.379635
+            15176: -135.44582,18.684889
+            15177: -135.11142,18.216602
+            15178: -136.91716,19.487663
+            15179: -137.63052,19.62146
+            15180: -136.96175,20.87022
+            15181: -136.96175,21.895988
+            15182: -138.09868,20.513432
+            15183: -138.63371,19.353868
+            15184: -139.57002,19.420765
+            15185: -137.80887,20.24584
+            15186: -136.76111,20.268139
+            15187: -138.74518,20.00055
+            15188: -137.63052,21.160112
+            15189: -138.09868,21.717594
+            15190: -138.29932,22.408873
+            15191: -139.10187,21.895988
+            15192: -140.10506,20.781025
+            15193: -140.99677,20.134344
+            15194: -139.92671,20.468834
+            15195: -140.08276,22.275078
+            15196: -140.61778,22.49807
+            15197: -141.01906,21.405405
+            15198: -140.50633,20.736425
+            15199: -140.08276,19.732956
+            15200: -140.75154,18.997078
+            15201: -140.52861,18.261202
+            15202: -139.45856,18.461895
+            15203: -141.58664,18.394997
+            15204: -140.96243,18.417297
+            15205: -140.49428,17.36923
+            15206: -140.87326,16.298862
+            15207: -139.88847,16.054493
+            15208: -138.79613,16.277485
+            15209: -139.88847,15.140221
+            15210: -138.50632,15.47471
+            15211: -138.90758,14.761131
+            15212: -140.97478,17.280954
+            15213: -141.8888,18.135513
+            15214: -141.53212,20.11564
+            15215: -141.79964,20.985313
+            15216: -140.32831,21.74349
+            15217: -141.62129,22.05568
+            15218: -141.88881,23.817326
+            15219: -142.93658,22.390171
+            15220: -141.88881,23.170647
+            15221: -142.60219,23.192945
+            15222: -142.31238,22.122578
+            15223: -140.79646,24.37481
+            15224: -141.95569,24.6647
+            15225: -141.88881,25.779665
+            15226: -140.21684,25.177584
+            15227: -138.61174,24.887691
+            15228: -139.79327,23.861923
+            15229: -139.74869,23.282143
+            15230: -138.96843,23.460537
+            15231: -138.76779,23.928822
+            15232: -139.48117,22.300972
+            15233: -138.79008,22.880754
+            15234: -140.32831,23.482836
+            15235: -139.63722,25.021488
+            15236: -137.89534,24.352509
+            15237: -137.00296,24.909992
+            15238: -136.91379,23.594332
+            15239: -136.245,23.438236
+            15240: -135.64308,23.884224
+            15241: -135.86601,23.103748
+            15242: -137.09213,22.457067
+            15243: -135.75455,22.345572
+            15244: -134.55074,22.41247
+            15245: -135.28639,21.431301
+            15246: -135.79913,21.029911
+            15247: -134.57303,21.052212
+            15248: -133.72589,21.3867
+            15249: -133.65901,20.45013
+            15250: -133.99341,19.714252
+            15251: -132.67812,20.294035
+            15252: -132.54436,21.186008
+            15253: -132.23225,20.11564
+            15254: -133.3915,18.933777
+            15255: -133.23544,18.131002
+            15256: -133.07939,17.974907
+            15257: -132.78958,19.312866
+            15258: -133.19086,19.803452
+            15259: -133.99341,17.595818
+            15260: -134.86284,16.59235
+            15261: -134.81825,16.057167
+            15262: -136.49022,16.190964
+            15263: -135.84372,15.276691
+            15264: -133.7394,22.733229
+            15265: -133.80627,23.848194
+            15266: -134.58653,24.071186
+            15267: -134.87633,24.071186
+            15268: -134.87633,25.074656
+            15269: -132.06741,22.01965
+            15270: -131.91136,20.815487
+            15271: -132.1343,19.589027
+            15272: -132.06741,18.986946
+            15330: 72.227875,58.82408
+            15331: 72.004944,58.274033
+            15332: 74.308556,58.125374
+            15333: 73.83297,59.924187
+            15334: 74.70983,60.444496
+            15335: 73.17904,58.79435
+            15336: 73.35738,58.259167
+            15337: 74.20452,57.396927
+            15338: 75.12597,57.08474
+            15339: 75.735306,58.482162
+            15340: 75.12597,60.013382
+            15341: 76.017685,59.879585
+            15342: 75.82448,57.709118
+            15343: 77.41471,57.723984
+            15344: 77.84571,58.705154
+            15345: 78.54423,60.13231
+            15346: 79.28732,58.749752
+            15347: 78.098366,56.846878
+            15348: 77.147194,56.68335
+            15349: 76.939125,58.05104
+            15350: 77.295815,55.731915
+            15351: 78.67798,55.731915
+            15352: 79.04953,56.698215
+            15353: 79.956116,57.010406
+            15354: 80.75866,57.218533
+            15355: 80.1939,58.83895
+            15356: 79.70346,59.76066
+            15357: 81.68011,58.318634
+            15358: 80.40197,58.184837
+            15359: 79.584564,60.801292
+            15360: 78.96036,61.69326
+            15361: 77.62278,62.45144
+            15362: 77.593056,60.801292
+            15363: 78.06864,59.62686
+            15364: 76.96885,60.295837
+            15365: 78.024055,61.767593
+            15366: 76.374374,61.827057
+            15367: 76.41896,62.540634
+            15368: 77.013435,63.23935
+            15369: 75.40834,62.45144
+            15370: 75.52724,61.69326
+            15371: 74.97735,61.51487
+            15372: 74.0559,62.689293
+            15373: 74.9179,63.700195
+            15374: 74.68011,62.65956
+            15375: 73.99645,63.744797
+            15376: 73.654625,62.124382
+            15377: 74.1748,61.782455
+            15378: 73.26821,61.09861
+            15379: 72.53998,60.816154
+            15380: 71.85632,61.90139
+            15381: 71.93063,62.45144
+            15382: 71.03892,61.90139
+            15383: 71.29157,60.697227
+            15384: 72.5697,61.85679
+            15385: 71.945496,60.831024
+            15386: 70.4593,60.32557
+            15387: 69.06572,61.415985
+            15388: 69.95739,62.352554
+            15389: 70.67077,62.545815
+            15390: 70.18032,63.170197
+            15391: 71.40577,63.110733
+            15392: 72.32722,64.03243
+            15393: 72.53528,63.006668
+            15394: 73.10004,64.76088
+            15395: 73.085175,65.20686
+            15396: 73.872856,64.53789
+            15397: 75.58199,64.34463
+            15398: 76.17647,63.735115
+            15399: 78.780136,59.498245
+            15400: 78.51262,62.337685
+            15401: 77.90328,63.19993
+            15402: 74.82684,59.280273
+            15403: 77.97759,56.084038
+            15404: 80.960945,58.611294
+            15405: 78.3601,57.83825
+            15414: 154.53595,46.02356
+            15415: 153.9712,48.595413
+            15416: 152.52959,47.16826
+            15417: 151.96483,47.67371
+            15418: 153.30241,48.89274
+            15419: 152.09859,50.1415
+            15420: 150.9988,48.981934
+            15421: 151.20686,48.104828
+            15422: 151.32576,50.186096
+            15423: 149.89902,49.561718
+            15424: 150.35974,48.595413
+            15425: 150.41919,50.06717
+            15426: 149.58691,50.92941
+            15427: 150.65697,51.717316
+            15428: 149.24509,49.130596
+            15429: 149.15591,50.528023
+            15430: 150.52321,50.86994
+            15431: 150.00305,52.05924
+            15432: 150.95421,53.099876
+            15433: 151.53383,51.1524
+            15434: 152.84169,52.2079
+            15435: 152.81197,51.137535
+            15436: 151.57841,52.832283
+            15437: 152.39583,51.583523
+            15438: 153.02003,50.364494
+            15439: 152.58904,49.413055
+            15440: 153.27269,49.59145
+            15441: 154.10497,47.525047
+            15442: 153.40645,47.034462
+            15443: 153.88203,46.484413
+            15444: 154.06038,46.05329
+            15445: 155.30878,46.26142
+            15446: 150.2382,48.006878
+            15485: 113.34822,-47.327263
+            15486: 113.05841,-48.37533
+            15487: 114.440575,-47.661755
+            15488: 114.26223,-46.078503
+            15489: 116.13484,-46.54679
+            15490: 114.77497,-48.37533
+            15491: 114.75268,-48.79902
+            15492: 115.44376,-47.79555
+            15493: 114.77497,-46.50219
+            15494: 112.38962,-47.015076
+            15495: 112.16669,-46.234596
+            15496: 113.3928,-45.275726
+            15497: 113.727196,-44.58445
+            15498: 115.22083,-45.16423
+            15499: 115.35459,-45.94471
+            15500: 115.55522,-44.472954
+            15501: 115.75586,-43.870872
+            15502: 117.02656,-44.472954
+            15503: 116.380066,-45.677116
+            15504: 117.76223,-45.34263
+            15505: 115.10937,-44.071564
+            15506: 116.29089,-44.718246
+            15507: 116.87051,-43.33569
+            15508: 117.360954,-42.912003
+            15509: 117.78452,-44.673645
+            15510: 118.85459,-44.183064
+            15511: 119.52338,-44.093864
+            15512: 119.032936,-45.85551
+            15513: 117.27178,-46.59139
+            15514: 117.04885,-47.639454
+            15515: 118.230385,-47.572556
+            15516: 118.43102,-47.015076
+            15517: 115.75586,-49.3788
+            15518: 115.75586,-50.025482
+            15519: 117.16032,-48.82132
+            15520: 116.46924,-49.913986
+            15521: 118.40873,-50.04778
+            15522: 119.27815,-49.245003
+            15523: 119.83548,-48.13004
+            15524: 119.300446,-47.661755
+            15525: 120.03612,-46.81438
+            15526: 120.860954,-45.989307
+            15527: 119.90236,-45.25343
+            15528: 119.434204,-44.673645
+            15529: 119.880066,-45.94471
+            15530: 121.21764,-44.89664
+            15531: 121.730385,-45.030437
+            15532: 122.04249,-43.60328
+            15533: 121.21764,-43.402588
+            15534: 120.236755,-43.893173
+            15535: 122.06478,-45.788612
+            15536: 120.88325,-46.925877
+            15537: 121.53986,-42.38497
+            15538: 120.69273,-41.73829
+            15539: 119.31057,-42.36267
+            15540: 121.7405,-40.77942
+            15541: 122.855156,-41.047012
+            15542: 122.67681,-43.41074
+            15543: 122.94433,-44.7264
+            15544: 122.409294,-44.34731
+            15545: 122.39745,-39.75881
+            15546: 123.66815,-39.9149
+            15547: 124.314644,-39.156727
+            15548: 123.48981,-37.796467
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+            15550: 124.247765,-37.952564
+            15551: 122.620384,-38.019463
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+            15554: 126.0758,-37.796467
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+            15556: 126.878334,-38.309353
+            15557: 125.22866,-37.038292
+            15558: 123.73503,-36.926796
+            15559: 123.89108,-35.611134
+            15560: 125.22866,-35.52194
+            15561: 126.25414,-36.05712
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+            15563: 126.16497,-34.919857
+            15564: 122.821014,-36.7484
+            15565: 125.238014,-34.045795
+            15566: 125.05967,-33.153824
+            15567: 125.86222,-33.62211
+            15568: 126.01827,-33.9566
+            15569: 126.44184,-33.176125
+            15570: 126.70936,-32.083458
+            15571: 127.445015,-32.88623
+            15572: 127.890884,-34.670177
+            15573: 127.2221,-36.43182
+            15574: 126.89486,-39.817314
+            15575: 128.7006,-39.126038
+            15576: 129.07957,-40.865383
+            15577: 129.74837,-41.22217
+            15578: 130.52863,-40.419395
+            15579: 130.9299,-40.151806
+            15580: 130.70697,-41.333668
+            15581: 131.42035,-41.400566
+            15582: 132.66875,-40.820786
+            15583: 129.68149,-41.84655
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+            15585: 129.6369,-43.898087
+            15586: 130.70697,-42.939217
+            15587: 129.25792,-43.095314
+            15588: 130.75156,-42.047245
+            15589: 128.7452,-43.608196
+            15590: 128.3885,-40.014523
+            15591: 131.78331,-40.839596
+            15592: 132.31834,-40.906494
+            15593: 133.61134,-40.795
+            15599: 104.10985,-38.54268
+            15600: 103.75316,-37.56151
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+            15602: 104.288185,-39.033264
+            15603: 102.081184,-37.18242
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+            15605: 104.8901,-36.89253
+            15606: 104.22131,-37.895996
+            15607: 103.218124,-37.7622
+            15608: 104.511116,-37.18242
+            15609: 105.2022,-38.721073
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+            15611: 106.29456,-38.275085
+            15612: 106.96335,-39.34545
+            15613: 105.24679,-39.902935
+            15614: 104.288185,-40.05903
+            15615: 104.19902,-40.66111
+            15616: 105.49201,-41.486187
+            15617: 105.447426,-41.0402
+            15618: 104.90551,-40.929367
+            15619: 107.55837,-41.39765
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+            15621: 107.023346,-39.769806
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+            15623: 107.023346,-42.624115
+            15624: 106.923645,-41.955135
+            15625: 106.25485,-41.977436
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+            15627: 108.46186,-40.996265
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+            15629: 106.50008,-40.79557
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+            15632: 106.12109,-39.65831
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+            15634: 107.6816,-38.788635
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+            15637: 98.15124,-29.652235
+            15638: 98.19582,-28.269678
+            15639: 98.82003,-27.689896
+            15640: 98.86462,-28.648766
+            15641: 99.08755,-28.737965
+            15642: 99.778625,-27.756794
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+            15646: 100.91557,-26.887121
+            15647: 99.95697,-27.266209
+            15648: 101.00474,-26.976318
+            15649: 101.67353,-26.99862
+            15650: 101.02703,-26.084347
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+            15652: 100.00156,-28.135883
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+            15668: -103.10218,2.1531644
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+            15670: -101.66057,2.1085658
+            15671: -102.58201,2.1531644
+            15672: -99.72851,2.0045023
+            15673: -104.32087,2.1234317
+            15674: -95.80402,2.9559398
+            15675: -95.313576,3.1640658
+            15676: -94.80827,2.8221436
+            15677: -93.91655,2.881609
+            15678: -93.15859,3.0154042
+            15679: -94.169205,3.134334
+            15680: -92.891075,2.8072777
+            15710: -90.88633,3.0785747
+            15711: -91.74832,3.8367505
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+            15719: -88.93941,7.0924497
+            15720: -89.50416,8.207415
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+            15725: -91.94153,6.8099923
+            15726: -91.22816,6.4829354
+            15727: -88.15498,8.010073
+            15728: -86.41613,8.054672
+            15729: -87.51592,6.969439
+            15730: -88.82378,4.962501
+            15731: -88.1104,6.0774665
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+            15738: -81.526535,8.054672
+            15739: -78.99537,8.001192
+            15740: -76.88497,7.882263
+            15741: -76.260765,8.224186
+            15742: -75.71087,8.001192
+            15743: -74.96777,8.179586
+            15744: -73.99045,12.2528
+            15745: -75.967094,12.119005
+            15746: -77.06688,12.327131
+            15747: -76.50213,13.323168
+            15748: -75.01592,12.133871
+            15749: -77.43843,13.04071
+            15750: -78.13695,12.089273
+            15751: -79.474525,12.044674
+            15752: -79.78663,12.981245
+            15753: -78.98408,13.977282
+            15754: -78.56794,14.690859
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+            15756: -79.31104,13.47183
+            15757: -77.88429,14.601662
+            15758: -79.102974,15.077379
+            15759: -80.83252,12.16696
+            15760: -81.7718,11.987389
+            15761: -82.63379,12.507706
+            15762: -82.41086,13.087486
+            15763: -83.525505,12.805029
+            15764: -84.313194,13.07262
+            15765: -85.115746,12.611769
+            15766: -84.84823,11.898191
+            15767: -86.037186,12.091452
+            15768: -85.264366,13.132086
+            15769: -87.06678,11.972521
+            15770: -87.79502,13.132086
+            15771: -87.00734,13.132086
+            15772: -88.21116,14.024057
+            15773: -88.835365,14.068657
+            15774: -92.177795,16.112335
+            15775: -93.09924,16.186666
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+            15777: -94.05041,17.197569
+            15778: -93.84234,18.3274
+            15779: -95.1502,18.104408
+            15780: -95.99733,17.093506
+            15781: -95.84871,16.260998
+            15782: -94.88268,16.84078
+            15783: -94.615166,17.450294
+            15784: -94.540855,18.357134
+            15785: -95.09075,18.95178
+            15786: -94.169304,19.486965
+            15787: -93.06952,18.624725
+            15788: -93.44106,17.851683
+            15789: -93.57691,20.183113
+            15790: -92.92299,19.722261
+            15791: -92.387955,20.822361
+            15792: -92.92299,21.818396
+            15793: -92.32851,22.190052
+            15794: -91.94209,21.075087
+            15795: -91.98668,20.168247
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+            15797: -91.466515,22.85903
+            15798: -91.73403,23.706404
+            15799: -90.55993,24.434849
+            15800: -90.18838,23.929398
+            15801: -90.99093,23.914532
+            15802: -90.85717,24.970032
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+            15804: -89.534454,24.598377
+            15805: -89.41556,25.534946
+            15806: -89.99517,26.114729
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+            15808: -92.105576,24.286186
+            15809: -90.90176,21.967058
+            15810: -87.69034,27.50571
+            15811: -88.12125,28.249432
+            15812: -87.82405,29.21553
+            15813: -87.06609,28.650616
+            15814: -86.96206,27.922173
+            15815: -87.066895,29.809715
+            15816: -86.70998,29.601818
+            15817: -85.803505,30.330154
+            15818: -86.2345,31.014
+            15819: -85.03068,31.281593
+            15820: -84.138954,30.805874
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+            15822: -84.80775,32.1587
+            15823: -83.20265,32.85741
+            15824: -83.09862,33.006073
+            15825: -82.578445,31.980305
+            15826: -81.82049,32.203297
+            15827: -82.96486,32.27763
+            15828: -83.88631,32.961475
+            15829: -82.14745,33.110138
+            15830: -81.865074,33.898045
+            15831: -81.33004,34.046707
+            15832: -80.83959,33.2142
+            15833: -81.33004,33.110138
+            15834: -79.97526,32.93942
+            15835: -78.56337,33.28134
+            15836: -78.77144,34.69363
+            15837: -79.78205,34.69363
+            15838: -79.94553,34.069252
+            15839: -78.39989,36.209984
+            15840: -79.455086,36.135654
+            15841: -80.094154,35.24368
+            15842: -78.949776,35.52614
+            15843: -78.89033,36.983025
+            15844: -78.13237,37.191154
+            15845: -81.14935,35.33288
+            15846: -80.2725,36.358646
+            15847: -80.36167,35.55587
+            15848: -80.85212,35.035553
+            15849: -78.32558,35.33288
+            15850: -82.05594,34.247646
+            15851: -78.42961,34.069252
+            15852: -77.98375,32.96915
+            15853: -76.93481,32.074207
+            15854: -75.95392,32.267467
+            15855: -74.60148,32.05934
+            15856: -74.943306,31.2863
+            15857: -74.45286,31.018707
+            15858: -73.84351,31.94041
+            15859: -73.858376,30.067268
+            15860: -72.90721,30.424057
+            15861: -72.53566,31.970146
+            15862: -73.145,29.398293
+            15863: -73.05583,28.313057
+            15864: -72.81804,27.852207
+            15865: -73.011246,28.937439
+            15866: -71.79473,31.969955
+            15867: -71.91363,32.95145
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+            15875: -70.49627,39.435436
+            15876: -70.57058,38.12721
+            15877: -71.72982,37.10144
+            15878: -71.31368,36.729786
+            15879: -71.77441,37.785286
+            15880: -73.02281,38.32047
+            15881: -73.67674,39.078648
+            15882: -74.613045,39.004314
+            15883: -75.25211,38.15694
+            15884: -76.17355,38.008278
+            15885: -76.84235,38.171806
+            15886: -74.07801,37.948814
+            15887: -72.38711,40.07939
+            15888: -71.04953,39.915863
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+            15893: -69.81599,39.529343
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+            15897: -67.75017,41.328156
+            15898: -67.18541,40.59971
+            15899: -67.09624,40.019928
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-            7411: -98.93334,-33.414383
-            7412: -98.36158,-31.254745
-            7413: -96.96655,-29.171675
-            7414: -98.8243,-27.283667
-            7415: -99.52282,-28.695955
-            7416: -99.195854,-29.30547
-            7417: -97.5759,-27.655321
-            7418: -99.2553,-26.043911
-            7419: -98.764854,-24.57158
-            7420: -97.23407,-24.393187
-            7421: -96.55042,-25.31489
-            7422: -100.59288,-24.73511
-            7423: -98.24468,-22.210428
-            7424: -99.716034,-20.05258
-            7425: -99.40392,-18.9148
-            7426: -97.457,-18.751272
-            7427: -97.01114,-20.951471
-            7428: -98.43789,-19.82164
-            7429: -97.85828,-17.963364
-            7430: -100.53343,-18.305286
-            7431: -100.7415,-21.293394
-            7432: -97.11517,-23.062473
-            7433: -96.20056,-17.361832
-            7434: -98.21449,-12.902191
-            7435: -100.70052,-12.4549675
-            7436: -103.97982,-10.424377
-            7437: -94.42597,-46.56329
-            7438: -92.00347,-44.364033
-            7439: -89.71472,-44.512695
-            7440: -91.18606,-46.281773
-            7441: -89.83362,-47.069683
-            7442: -87.47056,-45.478996
-            7443: -85.91005,-46.846687
-            7444: -87.42597,-48.71983
-            7445: -94.67863,-50.59297
-            7446: -96.14996,-50.94976
-            7447: -99.63341,-50.416996
-            7448: -91.13978,-48.41355
-            7449: -89.51239,-48.145958
-            7450: -85.83453,-51.513153
-            7451: -84.27735,-48.56965
-            7452: -83.85951,-47.78917
-            7453: -83.10155,-49.06023
-            7454: -82.83404,-50.554283
-            7455: -79.579254,-48.993332
-            7456: -75.744865,-49.037933
-            7457: -79.021935,-51.914543
-            7458: -80.27034,-53.832283
-            7459: -76.43594,-54.16677
-            7460: -74.18435,-54.077576
-            7461: -76.525116,-51.334763
-            7462: -77.63976,-48.993332
-            7463: -76.079254,-49.573116
-            7464: -78.888176,-53.475494
-            7465: -77.63976,-54.32287
-            7466: -78.955055,-54.813454
-            7467: -74.518745,-51.37936
-            7468: -77.81811,-51.44626
-            7469: -77.951866,-49.81841
-            7470: -80.0697,-50.465088
-            7471: -75.65569,-46.428913
-            7472: -78.41866,-52.494324
-            7473: -75.5241,-55.639133
-            7474: -75.36564,-54.05347
-            7475: -75.477104,-52.537117
-            7476: -71.843346,-52.760113
-            7477: -70.059906,-52.80471
-            7478: -71.553535,-51.19916
-            7479: -68.74462,-51.935036
-            7480: -69.23507,-54.34336
-            7481: -71.44207,-54.81165
-            7482: -72.46755,-54.34336
-            7483: -73.136345,-55.815117
-            7484: -71.10767,-56.64019
-            7485: -69.92615,-55.70362
-            7486: -68.25417,-55.65902
-            7487: -67.80831,-57.130775
-            7488: -66.047165,-56.930084
-            7489: -66.403854,-54.70015
-            7490: -67.96436,-52.737812
-            7491: -66.96118,-51.82354
-            7492: -65.71277,-52.916206
-            7493: -63.19366,-55.39143
-            7494: -63.215954,-57.68826
-            7495: -62.457993,-58.64713
-            7496: -60.8306,-57.175373
-            7497: -62.1236,-55.61442
-            7498: -63.90704,-56.305702
-            7499: -64.75417,-56.506393
-            7500: -64.77647,-54.34336
-            7501: -64.263725,-59.383007
-            7502: -63.817867,-60.89936
-            7503: -64.620415,-62.304214
-            7504: -62.859264,-62.371113
-            7505: -60.161816,-60.453373
-            7506: -59.136333,-58.758625
-            7507: -58.33379,-58.245743
-            7508: -59.31468,-61.746735
-            7509: -60.56309,-62.259617
-            7510: -61.744617,-60.56487
-            7511: -60.919773,-58.714027
-            7512: -59.8943,-57.108475
-            7513: -61.292213,-55.12331
-            7514: -63.456127,-53.918304
-            7515: -64.94976,-51.688374
-            7516: -67.33511,-50.595707
-            7517: -59.204082,-56.70572
-            7518: -56.77415,-57.486195
-            7519: -54.856953,-58.46736
-            7520: -57.955677,-61.321674
-            7521: -56.640392,-62.548134
-            7522: -54.143574,-60.585796
-            7523: -52.583065,-60.630394
-            7524: -51.73593,-61.477768
-            7525: -53.920643,-63.261715
-            7526: -55.592617,-65.00106
-            7527: -57.286884,-66.27212
-            7528: -57.866505,-65.26865
-            7529: -57.777332,-61.990654
-            7530: -55.102173,-59.693825
-            7531: -56.462048,-59.42623
-            7532: -54.63402,-62.74883
-            7533: -55.23593,-64.06448
-            7534: -52.89517,-65.13486
-            7535: -52.04803,-62.213646
-            7536: -50.955677,-60.25131
-            7537: -50.130836,-60.674995
-            7538: -51.557587,-63.261715
-            7539: -53.140392,-63.95299
-            7540: -55.185375,-65.73903
-            7541: -57.649868,-67.89419
-            7542: -58.430973,-68.02885
-            7543: -56.290848,-70.08038
-            7544: -55.443714,-68.14034
-            7545: -53.99467,-66.78008
-            7546: -52.34499,-66.64629
-            7547: -52.032887,-67.805855
-            7548: -53.48193,-69.43371
-            7549: -51.720783,-70.25878
-            7550: -51.141163,-68.05115
-            7551: -50.227154,-69.83509
-            7552: -51.676197,-72.17652
-            7553: -54.485115,-71.44064
-            7554: -55.93416,-70.86086
-            7555: -57.294033,-72.28802
-            7556: -56.313137,-73.80437
-            7557: -54.61887,-73.023895
-            7558: -53.013775,-72.421814
-            7559: -52.501038,-73.84897
-            7560: -53.972378,-75.20923
-            7561: -55.309956,-76.480286
-            7562: -54.8418,-77.59525
-            7563: -50.985115,-77.260765
-            7564: -51.520145,-74.71864
-            7565: -55.889572,-74.80784
-            7566: -57.673016,-74.58485
-            7567: -55.57414,-78.24592
-            7568: -54.035923,-78.9372
-            7569: -52.36395,-76.90796
-            7570: -50.714264,-77.71074
-            7571: -50.558216,-79.53928
-            7572: -48.90853,-79.49468
-            7573: -47.035923,-78.62501
-            7574: -44.58369,-78.6919
-            7575: -43.312992,-79.38319
-            7576: -45.23019,-80.676544
-            7577: -48.328915,-80.319756
-            7578: -51.093243,-79.11559
-            7579: -52.94356,-78.53581
-            7580: -54.437195,-80.877235
-            7581: -55.418087,-81.836105
-            7582: -53.21108,-83.218666
-            7583: -50.870316,-81.94761
-            7584: -49.131462,-81.278625
-            7585: -47.79388,-81.76921
-            7586: -47.12509,-83.174065
-            7587: -45.60917,-83.06257
-            7588: -43.736557,-82.43819
-            7589: -42.309803,-82.52739
-            7590: -43.51363,-83.776146
-            7591: -45.742928,-83.174065
-            7592: -47.749294,-81.74691
-            7593: -51.026367,-83.33016
-            7594: -52.809803,-84.28903
-            7595: -54.370316,-84.556625
-            7596: -55.172863,-85.60469
-            7597: -52.185604,-85.82768
-            7598: -50.023182,-83.553154
-            7599: -50.558216,-85.82768
-            7600: -52.207897,-86.51896
-            7601: -51.71745,-87.611626
-            7602: -51.254017,-86.72192
-            7603: -51.204212,-84.68198
-            7604: -48.57364,-86.35442
-            7605: -49.309307,-88.18297
-            7606: -53.099117,-87.2241
-            7607: -54.414402,-86.934204
-            7608: -55.30612,-88.00457
-            7609: -53.678734,-89.96691
-            7610: -53.32205,-90.836586
-            7611: -54.25835,-91.41637
-            7612: -55.97491,-90.4575
-            7613: -56.978096,-90.1899
-            7614: -57.780643,-91.66166
-            7615: -57.40166,-93.06651
-            7616: -55.083195,-94.09228
-            7617: -53.767906,-92.93272
-            7618: -51.850708,-92.732025
-            7619: -51.27109,-93.93619
-            7620: -51.80612,-95.83163
-            7621: -50.312492,-95.83163
-            7622: -48.90803,-94.38217
-            7623: -47.793385,-93.75779
-            7624: -46.767906,-95.207245
-            7625: -46.65644,-96.7013
-            7626: -47.97173,-97.97236
-            7627: -49.888927,-98.37375
-            7628: -52.943066,-97.102684
-            7629: -53.745613,-95.72013
-            7630: -54.280643,-95.11805
-            7631: -56.509945,-96.34451
-            7632: -57.669178,-96.010025
-            7633: -58.137333,-95.184944
-            7634: -57.869816,-97.52954
-            7635: -55.75198,-99.13544
-            7636: -53.99084,-97.55142
-            7637: -52.853893,-98.52006
-            7638: -56.26472,-99.45663
-            7639: -58.315678,-99.63502
-            7640: -59.76472,-100.2817
-            7641: -58.33797,-101.10677
-            7642: -56.019497,-101.21827
-            7643: -54.03542,-100.1479
-            7644: -52.00676,-99.70192
-            7645: -51.739243,-100.92838
-            7646: -50.134148,-100.950676
-            7647: -48.863445,-99.56812
-            7648: -47.213764,-99.70192
-            7649: -48.61822,-101.66425
-            7650: -47.54816,-102.288635
-            7651: -47.1023,-98.94374
-            7652: -45.162807,-98.47546
-            7653: -45.876186,-96.75841
-            7654: -52.274273,-99.233635
-            7655: -52.274273,-99.233635
-            7656: -67.390755,-101.16037
-            7657: -70.4671,-101.18267
-            7658: -73.655,-101.40566
-            7659: -75.059456,-102.632126
-            7660: -76.73144,-102.14154
-            7661: -76.709145,-100.090004
-            7662: -77.33334,-98.395256
-            7663: -79.562645,-99.04194
-            7664: -80.632706,-100.491394
-            7665: -77.28876,-100.75899
-            7666: -78.559456,-100.714386
-            7667: -76.709145,-95.96463
-            7668: -77.60086,-94.359085
-            7669: -79.64136,-93.550545
-            7670: -82.26485,-95.96126
-            7671: -82.772064,-97.48282
-            7672: -82.22284,-98.9564
-            7673: -84.3176,-97.73075
-            7674: -85.655174,-95.099434
-            7675: -85.12014,-93.49388
-            7676: -83.292114,-93.82838
-            7677: -82.734795,-94.94334
-            7678: -81.085106,-93.003296
-            7679: -80.61696,-91.04096
-            7680: -79.101036,-90.92947
-            7681: -78.45454,-92.222824
-            7682: -78.43224,-94.38586
-            7683: -77.96409,-96.59349
-            7684: -76.47046,-94.63115
-            7685: -75.93543,-91.73224
-            7686: -76.06919,-90.72877
-            7687: -79.39085,-92.35662
-            7688: -84.585106,-95.144035
-            7689: -85.566,-96.92798
-            7690: -84.161545,-98.42203
-            7691: -82.4004,-99.938385
-            7692: -81.24116,-100.78576
-            7693: -87.39403,-94.40816
-            7694: -87.12651,-92.31202
-            7695: -87.02306,-96.62319
-            7696: -84.92779,-99.00916
-            7697: -88.379875,-90.95423
-            7698: -86.56754,-91.3607
-            7699: -89.30958,-88.2834
-            7700: -89.68856,-86.09807
-            7701: -88.417854,-83.77894
-            7702: -87.92741,-85.1615
-            7703: -87.280914,-83.71204
-            7704: -89.866905,-82.017296
-            7705: -89.26499,-80.34485
-            7706: -87.88283,-77.958824
-            7707: -85.22996,-77.86962
-            7708: -85.22996,-80.18875
-            7709: -83.134415,-79.698166
-            7710: -81.79684,-78.494
-            7711: -79.65671,-79.675865
-            7712: -80.81595,-80.76853
-            7713: -82.287285,-81.52671
-            7714: -81.707664,-82.90926
-            7715: -79.94652,-83.04306
-            7716: -79.27773,-84.04653
-            7717: -79.567535,-85.652084
-            7718: -82.220406,-84.314125
-            7719: -82.8892,-83.24376
-            7720: -80.280914,-86.87855
-            7721: -79.32232,-87.61442
-            7722: -79.300026,-88.3949
-            7723: -77.226776,-90.491035
-            7724: -90.58159,-77.60713
-            7725: -88.75295,-76.46889
-            7726: -87.460304,-77.762794
-            7727: -86.12272,-76.53634
-            7728: -86.43482,-74.306404
-            7729: -87.99534,-73.30294
-            7730: -88.64183,-75.867355
-            7731: -87.08132,-74.707794
-            7732: -86.96986,-71.76428
-            7733: -87.7947,-70.22563
-            7734: -89.0654,-69.66815
-            7735: -90.22463,-70.62702
-            7736: -89.82336,-71.3183
-            7737: -90.44756,-70.02494
-            7738: -92.05266,-69.132965
-            7739: -92.00807,-67.28212
-            7740: -90.893425,-66.211754
-            7741: -89.84565,-67.48282
-            7742: -91.740555,-68.151794
-            7743: -93.30106,-68.753876
-            7744: -94.19279,-70.292534
-            7745: -92.47623,-71.38519
-            7746: -90.84884,-70.60472
-            7747: -88.753296,-67.66121
-            7748: -89.84565,-65.10331
-            7749: -91.89661,-63.770077
-            7750: -93.32336,-65.96183
-            7751: -93.680046,-64.44548
-            7752: -92.83292,-61.992558
-            7753: -91.56222,-61.078285
-            7754: -89.57814,-62.483143
-            7755: -88.06222,-62.57234
-            7756: -87.41572,-60.98909
-            7757: -85.743744,-60.342407
-            7758: -84.49534,-61.234383
-            7759: -85.5654,-62.55004
-            7760: -83.73737,-62.86223
-            7761: -82.109985,-61.18978
-            7762: -80.23737,-59.807224
-            7763: -77.76285,-60.38701
-            7764: -76.58132,-62.037155
-            7765: -80.103615,-62.83993
-            7766: -82.86794,-63.575806
-            7767: -83.13546,-65.93953
-            7768: -80.906166,-66.40782
-            7769: -79.54629,-64.133286
-            7770: -78.07495,-63.48661
-            7771: -77.02718,-65.15906
-            7772: -76.9826,-67.210594
-            7773: -79.5017,-67.74577
-            7774: -80.92846,-69.931114
-            7775: -78.98897,-70.95688
-            7776: -77.69598,-68.86074
-            7777: -80.37113,-67.58968
-            7778: -81.820175,-67.45589
-            7779: -82.42209,-69.79732
-            7780: -80.25967,-72.25024
-            7781: -79.25648,-73.72199
-            7782: -80.28196,-75.03765
-            7783: -78.34247,-75.305244
-            7784: -77.33929,-72.38403
-            7785: -77.9189,-70.221
-            7786: -79.390236,-68.771545
-            7787: -81.44119,-72.986115
-            7788: -81.26285,-74.81466
-            7789: -81.820175,-76.30871
-            7790: -80.59406,-77.267586
-            7791: -79.65775,-76.65691
-            7792: -78.69916,-76.322426
-            7793: -82.57813,-77.52659
-            7794: -79.672264,-70.26857
-            7795: -80.78331,-70.955666
-            7796: -76.99379,-63.600155
-            7797: -78.54725,-60.78267
-            7798: -76.22878,-59.712303
-            7799: -74.8912,-61.184055
-            7800: -73.64279,-62.187523
-            7801: -71.83706,-61.317852
-            7802: -70.521774,-61.184055
-            7803: -70.36572,-62.9011
-            7804: -72.951706,-62.25442
-            7805: -73.91031,-59.912994
-            7806: -74.71285,-63.168694
-            7807: -72.14272,-62.70041
-            7808: -81.57815,-58.35206
-            7809: -84.03084,-57.72764
-            7810: -83.96396,-59.756874
-            7811: -84.521286,-59.68998
-            7812: -86.52766,-57.59384
-            7813: -87.48625,-56.969463
-            7814: -88.82383,-57.883736
-            7815: -88.62319,-59.489285
-            7816: -88.69007,-60.113667
-            7817: -90.04995,-59.868374
-            7818: -90.47351,-57.526947
-            7819: -90.428925,-56.43428
-            7820: -92.05631,-56.74647
-            7821: -93.3939,-58.084427
-            7822: -92.858864,-59.28859
-            7823: -88.95759,-60.604248
-            7824: -90.62956,-60.87184
-            7825: -91.65504,-57.99523
-            7826: -94.218735,-56.278183
-            7827: -94.6646,-57.59384
-            7828: -93.83976,-60.225163
-            7829: -94.10727,-61.964508
-            7830: -94.673,-63.525616
-            7831: -97.21427,-63.703995
-            7832: -97.92765,-63.391804
-            7833: -99.80026,-59.2984
-            7834: -97.01364,-56.46639
-            7835: -103.56778,-55.974827
-            7836: -105.90855,-51.225075
-            7837: -105.21746,-51.69336
-            7838: -100.633,-47.332405
-            7839: -95.85136,-45.91663
-            7840: -92.95327,-44.48947
-            7841: -92.37365,-45.203053
-            7842: -86.55061,-43.445396
-            7843: -84.25443,-41.260067
-            7844: -80.620674,-40.74718
-            7845: -79.5952,-42.06284
-            7846: -79.082466,-39.721413
-            7847: -80.04106,-37.803673
-            7848: -82.11431,-36.9117
-            7849: -82.916855,-38.53955
-            7850: -81.713036,-40.390392
-            7851: -82.02514,-40.568787
-            7852: -83.786285,-36.800205
-            7853: -81.98055,-35.194653
-            7854: -81.40093,-37.33539
-            7855: -80.66526,-38.82944
-            7856: -80.08565,-35.885933
-            7857: -76.84547,-45.457504
-            7858: -75.01745,-44.543236
-            7859: -73.234,-45.791996
-            7860: -74.772224,-46.683968
-            7861: -73.96967,-47.732037
-            7862: -72.119354,-45.836594
-            7863: -71.65121,-45.01152
-            7864: -72.342285,-47.95503
-            7865: -71.45057,-50.363354
-            7866: -70.67031,-50.80934
-            7867: -71.74037,-47.26375
-            7868: -71.74037,-42.982285
-            7869: -33.038296,-58.112267
-            7870: -30.719826,-57.554787
-            7871: -29.672054,-57.309494
-            7872: -27.799442,-58.848145
-            7873: -26.528744,-58.870445
-            7874: -25.191162,-56.37292
-            7875: -22.917278,-55.570145
-            7876: -22.025558,-56.529015
-            7877: -24.076515,-57.933872
-            7878: -23.430016,-59.762417
-            7879: -21.089252,-58.469055
-            7880: -20.242119,-58.714348
-            7881: -20.17524,-60.498295
-            7882: -22.627468,-61.769356
-            7883: -26.261227,-60.141502
-            7884: -27.130653,-60.074608
-            7885: -27.041481,-62.21534
-            7886: -25.503265,-64.11078
-            7887: -23.652946,-62.639027
-            7888: -21.802628,-60.92198
-            7889: -20.308998,-61.56866
-            7890: -21.06696,-63.887787
-            7891: -23.496895,-62.661327
-            7892: -24.834476,-60.67669
-            7893: -25.213455,-62.059246
-            7894: -25.949123,-66.6752
-            7895: -25.659317,-69.19502
-            7896: -20.910908,-68.503746
-            7897: -18.949123,-64.91355
-            7898: -19.863136,-62.705925
-            7899: -17.700718,-63.77629
-            7900: -17.745304,-66.6975
-            7901: -19.930016,-67.27728
-            7902: -22.805813,-64.77976
-            7903: -24.366322,-64.40067
-            7904: -24.187977,-67.29958
-            7905: -21.53511,-69.038925
-            7906: -18.081524,-68.5906
-            7907: -16.149231,-67.323166
-            7908: -24.088776,-68.20276
-            7909: -23.482643,-69.84851
-            7910: -25.289173,-70.69668
-            7911: -26.916561,-69.60401
-            7912: -27.34013,-70.60748
-            7913: -24.821022,-72.07923
-            7914: -21.588535,-70.96427
-            7915: -19.582165,-70.89737
-            7916: -18.578983,-72.50292
-            7917: -17.798729,-74.57676
-            7918: -19.22548,-74.95585
-            7919: -20.696815,-73.350296
-            7920: -22.792358,-71.92314
-            7921: -23.617199,-72.54752
-            7922: -23.594906,-74.688255
-            7923: -26.76051,-75.045044
-            7924: -27.629936,-74.286865
-            7925: -26.203186,-73.41719
-            7926: -25.48981,-74.309166
-            7927: -26.336945,-76.026215
-            7928: -28.16497,-77.23038
-            7929: -28.053505,-78.27844
-            7930: -28.811466,-81.28885
-            7931: -22.72548,-81.31115
-            7932: -20.897453,-80.08469
-            7933: -20.228664,-77.163475
-            7934: -18.645863,-76.6506
-            7935: -19.827389,-79.37111
-            7936: -20.964333,-80.48203
-            7937: -19.44841,-81.327736
-            7938: -19.992573,-80.200325
-            7939: -17.814949,-78.28983
-            7940: -17.52441,-76.40162
-            7941: -17.59129,-75.71074
-            7942: -17.680462,-81.35246
-            7943: -18.170906,-83.2925
-            7944: -21.225048,-82.19984
-            7945: -22.674091,-80.126
-            7946: -21.6932,-78.319756
-            7947: -21.91613,-77.91837
-            7948: -22.116768,-81.10717
-            7949: -22.80785,-83.404
-            7950: -25.148613,-82.77962
-            7951: -26.642246,-82.13294
-            7952: -26.575367,-83.69389
-            7953: -24.613583,-84.20678
-            7954: -24.390652,-81.30787
-            7955: -23.253708,-80.460495
-            7956: -33.434273,-81.415146
-            7957: -34.16994,-79.6981
-            7958: -31.40561,-79.16292
-            7959: -31.583954,-81.192154
-            7960: -29.978859,-80.813065
-            7961: -29.510704,-78.98452
-            7962: -31.69542,-82.28482
-            7963: -33.3451,-82.8423
-            7964: -35.52981,-82.39632
-            7965: -36.80051,-83.39979
-            7966: -35.061657,-85.049934
-            7967: -39.631725,-82.61931
-            7968: -40.30051,-82.329414
-            7969: -37.693584,-86.70783
-            7970: -36.84697,-87.58105
-            7971: -40.41385,-88.852104
-            7972: -42.687733,-90.07857
-            7973: -41.149517,-92.3085
-            7974: -40.569897,-94.42693
-            7975: -39.366077,-96.45617
-            7976: -37.51576,-95.31891
-            7977: -36.46799,-96.389275
-            7978: -37.426586,-98.686104
-            7979: -34.706844,-98.5969
-            7980: -33.993465,-96.87986
-            7981: -32.499836,-96.50077
-            7982: -29.289646,-94.73913
-            7983: -28.397926,-93.02208
-            7984: -29.936142,-89.87788
-            7985: -30.159073,-87.87094
-            7986: -31.808754,-88.25002
-            7987: -30.783276,-90.16776
-            7988: -32.38837,-88.896706
-            7989: -33.614487,-87.09046
-            7990: -34.862892,-85.9086
-            7991: -35.710026,-86.800575
-            7992: -33.324677,-87.78174
-            7993: -31.875633,-86.800575
-            7994: -47.863968,-89.63258
-            7995: -47.039127,-91.394226
-            7996: -34.665634,-78.15241
-            7997: -27.371681,-79.83549
-            7998: -25.102459,-85.92377
-            7999: -24.121372,-88.48595
-            8000: -24.478062,-90.47059
-            8001: -22.694622,-91.02807
-            8002: -21.223286,-90.381386
-            8003: -19.439846,-90.40369
-            8004: -19.083157,-92.43292
-            8005: -21.067234,-94.23917
-            8006: -23.43029,-93.3695
-            8007: -24.165958,-92.52212
-            8008: -25.369781,-93.480995
-            8009: -26.127743,-94.72975
-            8010: -24.567234,-97.40567
-            8011: -22.337933,-98.18615
-            8012: -20.933475,-95.62173
-            8013: -21.04494,-92.38833
-            8014: -20.130928,-92.23223
-            8015: -19.974876,-95.08654
-            8016: -21.892075,-97.73267
-            8017: -23.608635,-95.80076
-            8018: -23.764687,-95.269936
-            8019: -26.216915,-98.76976
-            8020: -25.512516,-101.32656
-            8021: -24.496387,-102.07653
-            8022: -21.964226,-99.983826
-            8023: -23.413269,-99.27025
-            8024: -24.951488,-99.35945
-            8025: -23.792252,-100.58591
-            8026: -23.99289,-102.41445
-            8027: -25.896374,-103.713295
-            8028: -27.36026,-105.81972
-            8029: -29.048191,-104.28118
-            8030: -26.5309,-101.895706
-            8031: -26.68695,-100.06716
-            8032: -26.798416,-102.0295
-            8033: -24.903511,-104.83922
-            8034: -24.100964,-104.192535
-            8035: -30.63976,-102.730934
-            8036: -31.56586,-102.95459
-            8037: -32.454865,-105.40551
-            8038: -31.626915,-106.8351
-            8039: -33.76704,-106.47831
-            8040: -31.22564,-104.649765
-            8041: -31.270226,-103.5125
-            8042: -34.235195,-102.08534
-            8043: -35.884876,-100.836586
-            8044: -36.24156,-102.82122
-            8045: -34.146023,-103.3787
-            8046: -34.034557,-101.12647
-            8047: -35.349842,-99.38713
-            8048: -39.617184,-102.330635
-            8049: -40.332554,-101.59476
-            8050: -40.332554,-103.267204
-            8051: -40.131916,-104.29298
-            8052: -42.62873,-104.51597
-            8053: -43.386692,-104.93965
-            8054: -44.25612,-105.67553
-            8055: -45.83892,-105.11805
-            8056: -47.065037,-103.80239
-            8057: -41.58096,-105.94312
-            8058: -41.22427,-102.62053
-            8059: -41.915356,-103.17801
-            8060: -40.956757,-105.54173
-            8061: -41.179684,-107.28108
-            8062: -39.106438,-107.68247
-            8063: -38.928093,-106.5006
-            8064: -38.504494,-102.48343
-            8065: -125.745995,-23.512453
-            8066: -123.316055,-24.60512
-            8067: -122.95937,-23.467854
-            8068: -125.23325,-21.08183
-            8069: -125.679115,-19.230986
-            8070: -128.28738,-17.536238
-            8071: -131.92114,-18.182919
-            8072: -132.45618,-22.107597
-            8073: -131.38611,-23.066467
-            8074: -135.867,-19.721571
-            8075: -133.12497,-18.339014
-            8076: -137.36064,-17.090252
-            8077: -138.76509,-18.651203
-            8078: -140.08038,-17.893028
-            8079: -139.41159,-14.793425
-            8080: -136.55809,-13.544662
-            8081: -134.12816,-15.729996
-            8082: -134.5963,-18.539707
-            8083: -132.74599,-18.918795
-            8084: -130.62816,-18.093721
-            8085: -130.60587,-16.042185
-            8086: -133.19185,-14.302839
-            8087: -134.79694,-12.875683
-            8088: -133.61542,-15.5515995
-            8089: -132.3893,-16.84496
-            8090: -131.56445,-15.997587
-            8091: -136.02986,-13.984619
-            8092: -138.2506,-15.545628
-            8093: -141.07683,-13.514254
-            8094: -138.73984,-11.811832
-            8095: -137.00098,-11.098254
-            8096: -137.60289,-12.324717
-            8097: -138.91818,-13.395082
-            8098: -135.55194,-12.012526
-            8099: -138.29398,-9.470406
-            8100: -139.00735,-7.131274
-            8101: -137.60289,-8.313137
-            8102: -140.122,-6.2839003
-            8103: -137.42455,-1.1773591
-            8104: -137.20161,-1.8463383
-            8105: -139.72072,-0.3522849
-            8106: -139.11882,0.026803493
-            8107: -138.31627,-1.1550598
-            8108: -135.68568,-0.68677425
-            8109: -140.65703,0.24979639
-            8110: -131.79872,-3.6090431
+            7202: -99.65109,-13.764744
+            7203: -102.764145,-11.963446
+            7204: -102.050766,-11.145805
+            7205: -106.64313,-10.476826
+            7206: -105.72168,-8.796945
+            7207: -105.691956,-10.476826
+            7208: -106.00711,-10.928841
+            7209: -108.780624,-7.5637746
+            7210: -106.774254,-4.531069
+            7211: -105.213745,-4.9621887
+            7212: -106.060875,-6.52314
+            7213: -108.721176,-4.620266
+            7214: -109.88041,-3.9661531
+            7215: -111.708435,-5.363576
+            7216: -112.19888,-4.7837944
+            7217: -112.629875,-6.612337
+            7218: -113.922874,-6.8650627
+            7219: -115.8698,-7.890831
+            7220: -117.60865,-8.723338
+            7221: -117.04389,-9.763973
+            7222: -118.02478,-8.098957
+            7223: -116.419685,-8.411148
+            7224: -114.79973,-6.7609997
+            7225: -111.69357,-6.924528
+            7226: -112.60015,-5.363576
+            7227: -108.632,-3.668829
+            7228: -107.82945,-2.509265
+            7229: -105.27319,-3.7282934
+            7230: -106.640495,-6.002823
+            7231: -107.94835,-6.433943
+            7232: -106.80398,-7.311049
+            7233: -104.45578,-4.531069
+            7234: -103.3774,-1.923393
+            7235: -105.19057,-2.116654
+            7236: -104.254265,-3.6330068
+            7237: -107.99336,-8.043621
+            7238: -120.885315,-7.836407
+            7239: -120.759056,-9.797591
+            7240: -122.958626,-10.481437
+            7241: -124.23676,-8.9204855
+            7242: -127.09026,-6.9135475
+            7243: -129.31956,-8.905619
+            7244: -127.72933,-10.332775
+            7245: -126.06479,-8.66776
+            7246: -126.733574,-9.975986
+            7247: -127.43209,-12.176184
+            7248: -126.00534,-13.127621
+            7249: -125.05417,-14.688574
+            7250: -124.42997,-14.599375
+            7251: -122.79515,-12.488375
+            7252: -126.16882,-10.555768
+            7253: -128.39813,-11.418008
+            7254: -129.64653,-11.224747
+            7255: -129.55736,-8.281239
+            7256: -127.49154,-7.151407
+            7257: -127.83337,-8.504231
+            7258: -127.16457,-8.296104
+            7259: -130.25586,-6.348632
+            7260: -130.18155,-5.1296034
+            7261: -130.9841,-5.1444693
+            7262: -131.62317,-7.760921
+            7263: -131.04355,-9.321873
+            7264: -128.7994,-7.5527945
+            7265: -127.72933,-6.4675612
+            7266: -128.413,-7.612259
+            7267: -126.22827,-5.8729134
+            7268: -123.01147,-17.384777
+            7269: -123.81411,-15.954933
+            7270: -121.46591,-15.687342
+            7271: -119.16231,-17.322624
+            7272: -120.87144,-19.359293
+            7273: -119.02855,-20.816181
+            7274: -120.66337,-18.58625
+            7275: -121.079506,-17.857807
+            7276: -118.68672,-16.965834
+            7277: -118.61241,-19.047102
+            7278: -118.30109,-18.07702
+            7279: -117.06754,-16.218746
+            7280: -115.61107,-19.102789
+            7281: -116.25013,-20.589409
+            7282: -117.49854,-22.224693
+            7283: -117.88496,-23.904573
+            7284: -119.445465,-21.407051
+            7285: -114.942276,-20.782671
+            7286: -116.30958,-21.853037
+            7287: -113.767105,-20.975931
+            7288: -115.27612,-19.534758
+            7289: -104.55546,-20.15942
+            7290: -105.551216,-21.61631
+            7291: -107.527855,-21.646042
+            7292: -106.84421,-23.72731
+            7293: -104.95673,-25.76398
+            7294: -104.76353,-26.878946
+            7295: -105.19453,-27.473595
+            7296: -106.3389,-24.961206
+            7297: -108.04803,-23.53405
+            7298: -110.09898,-24.054367
+            7299: -109.118095,-25.06527
+            7300: -108.04803,-24.812544
+            7301: -112.13508,-24.411156
+            7302: -112.67011,-26.135635
+            7303: -112.22425,-27.696587
+            7304: -114.31979,-27.830383
+            7305: -114.14145,-29.554863
+            7306: -112.13508,-29.584595
+            7307: -111.971596,-31.264477
+            7308: -113.84421,-31.859125
+            7309: -112.41021,-30.249475
+            7310: -113.85703,-29.218395
+            7311: -115.68506,-28.133163
+            7312: -116.725395,-29.90224
+            7313: -115.61075,-31.492926
+            7314: -110.67657,-30.734749
+            7315: -111.46426,-32.310566
+            7316: -111.18188,-32.934948
+            7317: -109.17551,-31.061806
+            7318: -115.15266,-26.49334
+            7319: -116.3862,-27.846165
+            7320: -113.38408,-27.087988
+            7321: -122.64427,-29.230433
+            7322: -123.26847,-30.88058
+            7323: -123.68461,-32.67939
+            7324: -126.28546,-31.207638
+            7325: -127.07314,-29.839947
+            7326: -128.39587,-29.43856
+            7327: -130.11984,-30.360264
+            7328: -127.83111,-31.609026
+            7329: -125.03705,-29.973743
+            7330: -124.11561,-30.003475
+            7331: -127.7568,-32.12934
+            7332: -129.46593,-33.08078
+            7333: -129.59969,-34.151146
+            7334: -128.42558,-35.414772
+            7335: -128.1135,-36.693268
+            7336: -128.55934,-37.362247
+            7337: -126.017944,-37.34738
+            7338: -122.58723,-32.78761
+            7339: -121.42695,-32.56508
+            7340: -122.02142,-35.716713
+            7341: -120.87705,-36.60869
+            7342: -120.16367,-34.958538
+            7343: -121.189156,-35.53832
+            7344: -122.52673,-38.05071
+            7345: -121.01081,-39.685993
+            7346: -122.57132,-40.146843
+            7347: -125.26725,-39.244045
+            7348: -121.299095,-38.337204
+            7349: -118.594215,-39.05078
+            7350: -120.46683,-40.79013
+            7351: -117.26853,-43.31602
+            7352: -115.85664,-41.94833
+            7353: -114.44475,-43.985
+            7354: -112.572136,-45.0405
+            7355: -113.25579,-45.27836
+            7356: -110.15812,-46.8986
+            7357: -104.994286,-52.827374
+            7358: -103.47836,-52.515182
+            7359: -103.04736,-54.52212
+            7360: -101.51195,-48.478455
+            7361: -101.61569,-45.171932
+            7362: -104.216545,-44.413757
+            7363: -104.20168,-46.242302
+            7364: -102.552,-45.915245
+            7365: -104.08279,-42.823074
+            7366: -105.568985,-41.9311
+            7367: -107.61314,-43.159973
+            7368: -105.523476,-44.659454
+            7369: -104.05214,-42.607918
+            7370: -102.87804,-41.43349
+            7371: -103.294174,-43.767483
+            7372: -102.56594,-44.079674
+            7373: -104.081856,-40.489853
+            7374: -107.32178,-39.443935
+            7375: -104.6912,-38.32855
+            7376: -102.774,-38.92339
+            7377: -105.374855,-39.265312
+            7378: -105.79099,-40.068085
+            7379: -106.72379,-40.7668
+            7380: -107.3122,-41.287117
+            7381: -110.45549,-40.446148
+            7382: -112.17438,-38.02164
+            7383: -113.511955,-37.590523
+            7384: -109.85591,-37.35266
+            7385: -108.68181,-37.456726
+            7386: -111.60963,-39.24067
+            7387: -110.509834,-38.051373
+            7388: -112.754,-36.193096
+            7389: -114.90899,-36.282295
+            7390: -107.3621,-37.174267
+            7391: -107.65933,-38.170303
+            7392: -101.16487,-39.708702
+            7393: -99.544914,-41.061523
+            7394: -98.01412,-41.299385
+            7395: -96.15638,-38.10315
+            7396: -94.84852,-39.411377
+            7397: -96.98865,-41.03179
+            7398: -96.9292,-43.14279
+            7399: -95.57676,-44.123962
+            7400: -94.84852,-44.37669
+            7401: -95.94831,-41.59671
+            7402: -96.483345,-39.67897
+            7403: -98.38567,-40.22902
+            7404: -97.142204,-36.482735
+            7405: -98.79958,-36.566017
+            7406: -97.536316,-34.365818
+            7407: -98.93334,-33.414383
+            7408: -98.36158,-31.254745
+            7409: -96.96655,-29.171675
+            7410: -98.8243,-27.283667
+            7411: -99.52282,-28.695955
+            7412: -99.195854,-29.30547
+            7413: -97.5759,-27.655321
+            7414: -99.2553,-26.043911
+            7415: -98.764854,-24.57158
+            7416: -97.23407,-24.393187
+            7417: -96.55042,-25.31489
+            7418: -100.59288,-24.73511
+            7419: -98.24468,-22.210428
+            7420: -99.716034,-20.05258
+            7421: -99.40392,-18.9148
+            7422: -97.457,-18.751272
+            7423: -97.01114,-20.951471
+            7424: -98.43789,-19.82164
+            7425: -97.85828,-17.963364
+            7426: -100.53343,-18.305286
+            7427: -100.7415,-21.293394
+            7428: -97.11517,-23.062473
+            7429: -96.20056,-17.361832
+            7430: -98.21449,-12.902191
+            7431: -100.70052,-12.4549675
+            7432: -103.97982,-10.424377
+            7433: -94.42597,-46.56329
+            7434: -92.00347,-44.364033
+            7435: -89.71472,-44.512695
+            7436: -91.18606,-46.281773
+            7437: -89.83362,-47.069683
+            7438: -87.47056,-45.478996
+            7439: -85.91005,-46.846687
+            7440: -87.42597,-48.71983
+            7441: -94.67863,-50.59297
+            7442: -96.14996,-50.94976
+            7443: -99.63341,-50.416996
+            7444: -91.13978,-48.41355
+            7445: -89.51239,-48.145958
+            7446: -85.83453,-51.513153
+            7447: -84.27735,-48.56965
+            7448: -83.85951,-47.78917
+            7449: -83.10155,-49.06023
+            7450: -82.83404,-50.554283
+            7451: -79.579254,-48.993332
+            7452: -75.744865,-49.037933
+            7453: -79.021935,-51.914543
+            7454: -80.27034,-53.832283
+            7455: -76.43594,-54.16677
+            7456: -74.18435,-54.077576
+            7457: -76.525116,-51.334763
+            7458: -77.63976,-48.993332
+            7459: -76.079254,-49.573116
+            7460: -78.888176,-53.475494
+            7461: -77.63976,-54.32287
+            7462: -78.955055,-54.813454
+            7463: -74.518745,-51.37936
+            7464: -77.81811,-51.44626
+            7465: -77.951866,-49.81841
+            7466: -80.0697,-50.465088
+            7467: -75.65569,-46.428913
+            7468: -78.41866,-52.494324
+            7469: -75.5241,-55.639133
+            7470: -75.36564,-54.05347
+            7471: -75.477104,-52.537117
+            7472: -71.843346,-52.760113
+            7473: -70.059906,-52.80471
+            7474: -71.553535,-51.19916
+            7475: -68.74462,-51.935036
+            7476: -69.23507,-54.34336
+            7477: -71.44207,-54.81165
+            7478: -72.46755,-54.34336
+            7479: -73.136345,-55.815117
+            7480: -71.10767,-56.64019
+            7481: -69.92615,-55.70362
+            7482: -68.25417,-55.65902
+            7483: -67.80831,-57.130775
+            7484: -66.047165,-56.930084
+            7485: -66.403854,-54.70015
+            7486: -67.96436,-52.737812
+            7487: -66.96118,-51.82354
+            7488: -65.71277,-52.916206
+            7489: -63.19366,-55.39143
+            7490: -63.215954,-57.68826
+            7491: -62.457993,-58.64713
+            7492: -60.8306,-57.175373
+            7493: -62.1236,-55.61442
+            7494: -63.90704,-56.305702
+            7495: -64.75417,-56.506393
+            7496: -64.77647,-54.34336
+            7497: -64.263725,-59.383007
+            7498: -63.817867,-60.89936
+            7499: -64.620415,-62.304214
+            7500: -62.859264,-62.371113
+            7501: -60.161816,-60.453373
+            7502: -59.136333,-58.758625
+            7503: -58.33379,-58.245743
+            7504: -59.31468,-61.746735
+            7505: -60.56309,-62.259617
+            7506: -61.744617,-60.56487
+            7507: -60.919773,-58.714027
+            7508: -59.8943,-57.108475
+            7509: -61.292213,-55.12331
+            7510: -63.456127,-53.918304
+            7511: -64.94976,-51.688374
+            7512: -67.33511,-50.595707
+            7513: -59.204082,-56.70572
+            7514: -56.77415,-57.486195
+            7515: -54.856953,-58.46736
+            7516: -57.955677,-61.321674
+            7517: -56.640392,-62.548134
+            7518: -54.143574,-60.585796
+            7519: -52.583065,-60.630394
+            7520: -51.73593,-61.477768
+            7521: -53.920643,-63.261715
+            7522: -55.592617,-65.00106
+            7523: -57.286884,-66.27212
+            7524: -57.866505,-65.26865
+            7525: -57.777332,-61.990654
+            7526: -55.102173,-59.693825
+            7527: -56.462048,-59.42623
+            7528: -54.63402,-62.74883
+            7529: -55.23593,-64.06448
+            7530: -52.89517,-65.13486
+            7531: -52.04803,-62.213646
+            7532: -50.955677,-60.25131
+            7533: -50.130836,-60.674995
+            7534: -51.557587,-63.261715
+            7535: -53.140392,-63.95299
+            7536: -55.185375,-65.73903
+            7537: -57.649868,-67.89419
+            7538: -58.430973,-68.02885
+            7539: -56.290848,-70.08038
+            7540: -55.443714,-68.14034
+            7541: -53.99467,-66.78008
+            7542: -52.34499,-66.64629
+            7543: -52.032887,-67.805855
+            7544: -53.48193,-69.43371
+            7545: -51.720783,-70.25878
+            7546: -51.141163,-68.05115
+            7547: -50.227154,-69.83509
+            7548: -51.676197,-72.17652
+            7549: -54.485115,-71.44064
+            7550: -55.93416,-70.86086
+            7551: -57.294033,-72.28802
+            7552: -56.313137,-73.80437
+            7553: -54.61887,-73.023895
+            7554: -53.013775,-72.421814
+            7555: -52.501038,-73.84897
+            7556: -53.972378,-75.20923
+            7557: -55.309956,-76.480286
+            7558: -54.8418,-77.59525
+            7559: -50.985115,-77.260765
+            7560: -51.520145,-74.71864
+            7561: -55.889572,-74.80784
+            7562: -57.673016,-74.58485
+            7563: -55.57414,-78.24592
+            7564: -54.035923,-78.9372
+            7565: -52.36395,-76.90796
+            7566: -50.714264,-77.71074
+            7567: -50.558216,-79.53928
+            7568: -48.90853,-79.49468
+            7569: -47.035923,-78.62501
+            7570: -44.58369,-78.6919
+            7571: -43.312992,-79.38319
+            7572: -45.23019,-80.676544
+            7573: -48.328915,-80.319756
+            7574: -51.093243,-79.11559
+            7575: -52.94356,-78.53581
+            7576: -54.437195,-80.877235
+            7577: -55.418087,-81.836105
+            7578: -53.21108,-83.218666
+            7579: -50.870316,-81.94761
+            7580: -49.131462,-81.278625
+            7581: -47.79388,-81.76921
+            7582: -47.12509,-83.174065
+            7583: -45.60917,-83.06257
+            7584: -43.736557,-82.43819
+            7585: -42.309803,-82.52739
+            7586: -43.51363,-83.776146
+            7587: -45.742928,-83.174065
+            7588: -47.749294,-81.74691
+            7589: -51.026367,-83.33016
+            7590: -52.809803,-84.28903
+            7591: -54.370316,-84.556625
+            7592: -55.172863,-85.60469
+            7593: -52.185604,-85.82768
+            7594: -50.023182,-83.553154
+            7595: -50.558216,-85.82768
+            7596: -52.207897,-86.51896
+            7597: -51.71745,-87.611626
+            7598: -51.254017,-86.72192
+            7599: -51.204212,-84.68198
+            7600: -48.57364,-86.35442
+            7601: -49.309307,-88.18297
+            7602: -53.099117,-87.2241
+            7603: -54.414402,-86.934204
+            7604: -55.30612,-88.00457
+            7605: -53.678734,-89.96691
+            7606: -53.32205,-90.836586
+            7607: -54.25835,-91.41637
+            7608: -55.97491,-90.4575
+            7609: -56.978096,-90.1899
+            7610: -57.780643,-91.66166
+            7611: -57.40166,-93.06651
+            7612: -55.083195,-94.09228
+            7613: -53.767906,-92.93272
+            7614: -51.850708,-92.732025
+            7615: -51.27109,-93.93619
+            7616: -51.80612,-95.83163
+            7617: -50.312492,-95.83163
+            7618: -48.90803,-94.38217
+            7619: -47.793385,-93.75779
+            7620: -46.767906,-95.207245
+            7621: -46.65644,-96.7013
+            7622: -47.97173,-97.97236
+            7623: -49.888927,-98.37375
+            7624: -52.943066,-97.102684
+            7625: -53.745613,-95.72013
+            7626: -54.280643,-95.11805
+            7627: -56.509945,-96.34451
+            7628: -57.669178,-96.010025
+            7629: -58.137333,-95.184944
+            7630: -57.869816,-97.52954
+            7631: -55.75198,-99.13544
+            7632: -53.99084,-97.55142
+            7633: -52.853893,-98.52006
+            7634: -56.26472,-99.45663
+            7635: -58.315678,-99.63502
+            7636: -59.76472,-100.2817
+            7637: -58.33797,-101.10677
+            7638: -56.019497,-101.21827
+            7639: -54.03542,-100.1479
+            7640: -52.00676,-99.70192
+            7641: -51.739243,-100.92838
+            7642: -50.134148,-100.950676
+            7643: -48.863445,-99.56812
+            7644: -47.213764,-99.70192
+            7645: -48.61822,-101.66425
+            7646: -47.54816,-102.288635
+            7647: -47.1023,-98.94374
+            7648: -45.162807,-98.47546
+            7649: -45.876186,-96.75841
+            7650: -52.274273,-99.233635
+            7651: -52.274273,-99.233635
+            7652: -67.390755,-101.16037
+            7653: -70.4671,-101.18267
+            7654: -73.655,-101.40566
+            7655: -75.059456,-102.632126
+            7656: -76.73144,-102.14154
+            7657: -76.709145,-100.090004
+            7658: -77.33334,-98.395256
+            7659: -79.562645,-99.04194
+            7660: -80.632706,-100.491394
+            7661: -77.28876,-100.75899
+            7662: -78.559456,-100.714386
+            7663: -76.709145,-95.96463
+            7664: -77.60086,-94.359085
+            7665: -79.64136,-93.550545
+            7666: -82.26485,-95.96126
+            7667: -82.772064,-97.48282
+            7668: -82.22284,-98.9564
+            7669: -84.3176,-97.73075
+            7670: -85.655174,-95.099434
+            7671: -85.12014,-93.49388
+            7672: -83.292114,-93.82838
+            7673: -82.734795,-94.94334
+            7674: -81.085106,-93.003296
+            7675: -80.61696,-91.04096
+            7676: -79.101036,-90.92947
+            7677: -78.45454,-92.222824
+            7678: -78.43224,-94.38586
+            7679: -77.96409,-96.59349
+            7680: -76.47046,-94.63115
+            7681: -75.93543,-91.73224
+            7682: -76.06919,-90.72877
+            7683: -79.39085,-92.35662
+            7684: -84.585106,-95.144035
+            7685: -85.566,-96.92798
+            7686: -84.161545,-98.42203
+            7687: -82.4004,-99.938385
+            7688: -81.24116,-100.78576
+            7689: -87.39403,-94.40816
+            7690: -87.12651,-92.31202
+            7691: -87.02306,-96.62319
+            7692: -84.92779,-99.00916
+            7693: -88.379875,-90.95423
+            7694: -86.56754,-91.3607
+            7695: -89.30958,-88.2834
+            7696: -89.68856,-86.09807
+            7697: -88.417854,-83.77894
+            7698: -87.92741,-85.1615
+            7699: -87.280914,-83.71204
+            7700: -89.866905,-82.017296
+            7701: -89.26499,-80.34485
+            7702: -87.88283,-77.958824
+            7703: -85.22996,-77.86962
+            7704: -85.22996,-80.18875
+            7705: -83.134415,-79.698166
+            7706: -81.79684,-78.494
+            7707: -79.65671,-79.675865
+            7708: -80.81595,-80.76853
+            7709: -82.287285,-81.52671
+            7710: -81.707664,-82.90926
+            7711: -79.94652,-83.04306
+            7712: -79.27773,-84.04653
+            7713: -79.567535,-85.652084
+            7714: -82.220406,-84.314125
+            7715: -82.8892,-83.24376
+            7716: -80.280914,-86.87855
+            7717: -79.32232,-87.61442
+            7718: -79.300026,-88.3949
+            7719: -77.226776,-90.491035
+            7720: -90.58159,-77.60713
+            7721: -88.75295,-76.46889
+            7722: -87.460304,-77.762794
+            7723: -86.12272,-76.53634
+            7724: -86.43482,-74.306404
+            7725: -87.99534,-73.30294
+            7726: -88.64183,-75.867355
+            7727: -87.08132,-74.707794
+            7728: -86.96986,-71.76428
+            7729: -87.7947,-70.22563
+            7730: -89.0654,-69.66815
+            7731: -90.22463,-70.62702
+            7732: -89.82336,-71.3183
+            7733: -90.44756,-70.02494
+            7734: -92.05266,-69.132965
+            7735: -92.00807,-67.28212
+            7736: -90.893425,-66.211754
+            7737: -89.84565,-67.48282
+            7738: -91.740555,-68.151794
+            7739: -93.30106,-68.753876
+            7740: -94.19279,-70.292534
+            7741: -92.47623,-71.38519
+            7742: -90.84884,-70.60472
+            7743: -88.753296,-67.66121
+            7744: -89.84565,-65.10331
+            7745: -91.89661,-63.770077
+            7746: -93.32336,-65.96183
+            7747: -93.680046,-64.44548
+            7748: -92.83292,-61.992558
+            7749: -91.56222,-61.078285
+            7750: -89.57814,-62.483143
+            7751: -88.06222,-62.57234
+            7752: -87.41572,-60.98909
+            7753: -85.743744,-60.342407
+            7754: -84.49534,-61.234383
+            7755: -85.5654,-62.55004
+            7756: -83.73737,-62.86223
+            7757: -82.109985,-61.18978
+            7758: -80.23737,-59.807224
+            7759: -77.76285,-60.38701
+            7760: -76.58132,-62.037155
+            7761: -80.103615,-62.83993
+            7762: -82.86794,-63.575806
+            7763: -83.13546,-65.93953
+            7764: -80.906166,-66.40782
+            7765: -79.54629,-64.133286
+            7766: -78.07495,-63.48661
+            7767: -77.02718,-65.15906
+            7768: -76.9826,-67.210594
+            7769: -79.5017,-67.74577
+            7770: -80.92846,-69.931114
+            7771: -78.98897,-70.95688
+            7772: -77.69598,-68.86074
+            7773: -80.37113,-67.58968
+            7774: -81.820175,-67.45589
+            7775: -82.42209,-69.79732
+            7776: -80.25967,-72.25024
+            7777: -79.25648,-73.72199
+            7778: -80.28196,-75.03765
+            7779: -78.34247,-75.305244
+            7780: -77.33929,-72.38403
+            7781: -77.9189,-70.221
+            7782: -79.390236,-68.771545
+            7783: -81.44119,-72.986115
+            7784: -81.26285,-74.81466
+            7785: -81.820175,-76.30871
+            7786: -80.59406,-77.267586
+            7787: -79.65775,-76.65691
+            7788: -78.69916,-76.322426
+            7789: -82.57813,-77.52659
+            7790: -79.672264,-70.26857
+            7791: -80.78331,-70.955666
+            7792: -76.99379,-63.600155
+            7793: -78.54725,-60.78267
+            7794: -76.22878,-59.712303
+            7795: -74.8912,-61.184055
+            7796: -73.64279,-62.187523
+            7797: -71.83706,-61.317852
+            7798: -70.521774,-61.184055
+            7799: -70.36572,-62.9011
+            7800: -72.951706,-62.25442
+            7801: -73.91031,-59.912994
+            7802: -74.71285,-63.168694
+            7803: -72.14272,-62.70041
+            7804: -81.57815,-58.35206
+            7805: -84.03084,-57.72764
+            7806: -83.96396,-59.756874
+            7807: -84.521286,-59.68998
+            7808: -86.52766,-57.59384
+            7809: -87.48625,-56.969463
+            7810: -88.82383,-57.883736
+            7811: -88.62319,-59.489285
+            7812: -88.69007,-60.113667
+            7813: -90.04995,-59.868374
+            7814: -90.47351,-57.526947
+            7815: -90.428925,-56.43428
+            7816: -92.05631,-56.74647
+            7817: -93.3939,-58.084427
+            7818: -92.858864,-59.28859
+            7819: -88.95759,-60.604248
+            7820: -90.62956,-60.87184
+            7821: -91.65504,-57.99523
+            7822: -94.218735,-56.278183
+            7823: -94.6646,-57.59384
+            7824: -93.83976,-60.225163
+            7825: -94.10727,-61.964508
+            7826: -94.673,-63.525616
+            7827: -97.21427,-63.703995
+            7828: -97.92765,-63.391804
+            7829: -99.80026,-59.2984
+            7830: -97.01364,-56.46639
+            7831: -103.56778,-55.974827
+            7832: -105.90855,-51.225075
+            7833: -105.21746,-51.69336
+            7834: -100.633,-47.332405
+            7835: -95.85136,-45.91663
+            7836: -92.95327,-44.48947
+            7837: -92.37365,-45.203053
+            7838: -86.55061,-43.445396
+            7839: -84.25443,-41.260067
+            7840: -80.620674,-40.74718
+            7841: -79.5952,-42.06284
+            7842: -79.082466,-39.721413
+            7843: -80.04106,-37.803673
+            7844: -82.11431,-36.9117
+            7845: -82.916855,-38.53955
+            7846: -81.713036,-40.390392
+            7847: -82.02514,-40.568787
+            7848: -83.786285,-36.800205
+            7849: -81.98055,-35.194653
+            7850: -81.40093,-37.33539
+            7851: -80.66526,-38.82944
+            7852: -80.08565,-35.885933
+            7853: -76.84547,-45.457504
+            7854: -75.01745,-44.543236
+            7855: -73.234,-45.791996
+            7856: -74.772224,-46.683968
+            7857: -73.96967,-47.732037
+            7858: -72.119354,-45.836594
+            7859: -71.65121,-45.01152
+            7860: -72.342285,-47.95503
+            7861: -71.45057,-50.363354
+            7862: -70.67031,-50.80934
+            7863: -71.74037,-47.26375
+            7864: -71.74037,-42.982285
+            7865: -33.038296,-58.112267
+            7866: -30.719826,-57.554787
+            7867: -29.672054,-57.309494
+            7868: -27.799442,-58.848145
+            7869: -26.528744,-58.870445
+            7870: -25.191162,-56.37292
+            7871: -22.917278,-55.570145
+            7872: -22.025558,-56.529015
+            7873: -24.076515,-57.933872
+            7874: -23.430016,-59.762417
+            7875: -21.089252,-58.469055
+            7876: -20.242119,-58.714348
+            7877: -20.17524,-60.498295
+            7878: -22.627468,-61.769356
+            7879: -26.261227,-60.141502
+            7880: -27.130653,-60.074608
+            7881: -27.041481,-62.21534
+            7882: -25.503265,-64.11078
+            7883: -23.652946,-62.639027
+            7884: -21.802628,-60.92198
+            7885: -20.308998,-61.56866
+            7886: -21.06696,-63.887787
+            7887: -23.496895,-62.661327
+            7888: -24.834476,-60.67669
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-            11592: 44,17
-            11593: 45,17
-            11594: 46,17
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-            11596: 48,17
-            11597: 49,17
-            11598: 50,17
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-            11603: 55,17
-            11604: 56,17
-            11605: 57,17
-            11606: 58,17
-            11607: 59,17
-            11608: 60,17
-            11609: 61,17
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-            11615: 67,17
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-            11620: 72,17
-            11621: 73,17
-            11622: 74,17
-            11623: 75,17
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+            11274: 37,-50
+            11275: 38,-50
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+            11588: 44,17
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+            11591: 47,17
+            11592: 48,17
+            11593: 49,17
+            11594: 50,17
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+            11596: 52,17
+            11597: 53,17
+            11598: 54,17
+            11599: 55,17
+            11600: 56,17
+            11601: 57,17
+            11602: 58,17
+            11603: 59,17
+            11604: 60,17
+            11605: 61,17
+            11606: 62,17
+            11607: 63,17
+            11608: 65,17
+            11609: 64,17
+            11610: 66,17
+            11611: 67,17
+            11612: 68,17
+            11613: 69,17
+            11614: 70,17
+            11615: 71,17
+            11616: 72,17
+            11617: 73,17
+            11618: 74,17
+            11619: 75,17
+            11620: 76,17
+            11621: 77,17
+            11622: 78,17
+            11623: 80,17
+            11624: 79,17
+            11625: 81,17
+            11626: 83,17
+            11627: 82,17
+            11628: 84,17
+            11712: 84,13
+            11713: 83,13
+            11714: 82,13
+            11715: 81,13
+            11716: 80,13
+            11717: 79,13
+            11718: 78,13
+            11719: 76,13
+            11720: 77,13
+            11721: 75,13
+            11722: 74,13
+            11723: 73,13
+            11724: 72,13
+            11725: 71,13
+            11726: 70,13
+            11729: 69,13
+            11730: 68,13
+            11731: 67,13
+            11732: 65,13
+            11733: 66,13
+            11734: 64,13
+            11735: 63,13
+            11736: 62,13
+            11737: 61,13
+            11738: 60,13
+            11739: 59,13
+            11740: 58,13
+            11741: 56,13
+            11742: 57,13
+            11743: 55,13
+            11744: 54,13
+            11745: 53,13
+            11746: 52,13
+            11747: 50,13
+            11748: 51,13
+            11749: 49,13
+            11750: 48,13
+            11751: 47,13
+            11752: 46,13
+            11753: 45,13
+            11754: 44,13
+            11755: 43,13
+            11871: 85,17
+            11872: 86,17
+            11873: 85,13
+            11874: 86,13
+            11986: 129,6
+            11987: 130,6
+            11988: 131,6
+            11989: 132,6
+            11990: 133,6
+            11991: 134,6
+            11992: 136,6
+            11993: 135,6
+            11994: 137,6
+            11995: 138,6
+            11996: 139,6
+            11997: 140,6
+            11998: 141,6
+            11999: 142,6
+            12000: 142,5
+            12001: 141,5
+            12002: 140,5
+            12003: 139,5
+            12004: 138,5
+            12005: 137,5
+            12006: 135,5
+            12007: 134,5
+            12008: 136,5
+            12009: 133,5
+            12010: 132,5
+            12011: 131,5
+            12012: 130,5
+            12013: 129,5
+            12081: 99,3
+            12082: 100,3
+            12083: 101,3
+            12124: 94,21
+            12125: 95,21
+            12919: 113,-7
+            12920: 115,-7
+            17482: 126,11
+            17483: 125,11
+            17484: 125,8
+            17485: 126,8
+            17612: -163,-26
+            17614: -161,-25
+            17615: -160,-25
+            17616: -159,-25
+            17619: -159,-23
+            17626: -153,-23
+            17630: 79,31
+            17631: 80,31
+            17632: 81,31
+            17695: -10,12
+            17696: -9,12
+            17697: -8,12
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             zIndex: 1
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: GrayConcreteTrimLineN
-            6363: -116,-34
-            6364: -112,-34
-            6365: -111,-34
-            6366: -110,-34
-            6367: -109,-34
-            6406: -105,-29
-            6407: -104,-29
-            6424: -114,-33
-            6437: -115,-34
-            6438: -114,-34
-            6439: -113,-34
-            6822: -80,-46
-            11034: -5,-72
-            11035: -4,-72
-            11036: -3,-72
-            11037: 1,-72
-            11038: 2,-72
-            11039: 3,-72
-            11040: 7,-72
-            11041: 8,-72
-            11042: 9,-72
-            11118: -1,-72
-            11119: 5,-72
-            11173: 1,-68
-            11174: 2,-68
-            11175: 3,-68
+            6359: -116,-34
+            6360: -112,-34
+            6361: -111,-34
+            6362: -110,-34
+            6363: -109,-34
+            6402: -105,-29
+            6403: -104,-29
+            6420: -114,-33
+            6433: -115,-34
+            6434: -114,-34
+            6435: -113,-34
+            6818: -80,-46
+            11030: -5,-72
+            11031: -4,-72
+            11032: -3,-72
+            11033: 1,-72
+            11034: 2,-72
+            11035: 3,-72
+            11036: 7,-72
+            11037: 8,-72
+            11038: 9,-72
+            11114: -1,-72
+            11115: 5,-72
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+            11170: 2,-68
+            11171: 3,-68
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-            6026: -134,-5
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-            6080: -73,-86
-            6084: -65,-82
-            6190: -68,-83
-            6465: -100,-70
-            6466: -99,-70
-            6467: -98,-70
-            6468: -97,-70
-            6469: -96,-70
-            6724: -99,-62
-            6725: -98,-62
-            6726: -97,-62
-            6780: -105,-37
-            6781: -104,-37
-            6859: -158,-29
-            6860: -157,-29
-            6861: -156,-29
-            6862: -152,-29
-            6863: -151,-29
-            6864: -150,-29
-            6865: -149,-29
-            6866: -148,-29
-            6867: -147,-29
-            6868: -146,-29
-            6869: -142,-29
-            6870: -141,-29
-            6871: -139,-29
-            6872: -140,-29
-            6873: -138,-29
-            6874: -137,-29
-            6875: -136,-29
-            6876: -135,-29
-            6877: -134,-29
-            6878: -133,-29
-            6883: -155,-29
-            6884: -154,-29
-            6885: -153,-29
-            6886: -145,-29
-            6887: -144,-29
-            6888: -143,-29
-            6902: -144,-36
-            7133: -116,-35
-            7187: -106,-1
-            7188: -105,-1
-            7189: -104,-1
-            7190: -102,-1
-            7191: -101,-1
-            7192: -103,-1
-            7193: -100,-1
-            7194: -98,-1
-            7195: -99,-1
-            11015: 11,-79
-            11016: 9,-79
-            11022: 7,-74
-            11023: 5,-74
-            11024: 2,-74
-            11025: 1,-74
-            11026: -1,-74
-            11027: -4,-74
-            11028: -5,-74
-            11029: -3,-74
-            11030: -7,-74
-            11130: -7,-65
-            11131: -1,-65
-            11132: 5,-65
-            11133: 11,-65
-            11633: 84,13
-            11634: 83,13
-            11635: 82,13
-            11636: 81,13
-            11637: 79,13
-            11638: 80,13
-            11639: 78,13
-            11640: 77,13
-            11641: 76,13
-            11642: 74,13
-            11643: 75,13
-            11644: 73,13
-            11645: 72,13
-            11646: 69,13
-            11647: 68,13
-            11648: 67,13
-            11649: 66,13
-            11650: 65,13
-            11651: 64,13
-            11652: 63,13
-            11653: 61,13
-            11654: 62,13
-            11655: 59,13
-            11656: 60,13
-            11657: 58,13
-            11658: 56,13
-            11659: 57,13
-            11660: 55,13
-            11661: 54,13
-            11662: 53,13
-            11663: 52,13
-            11664: 51,13
-            11665: 50,13
-            11666: 49,13
-            11667: 48,13
-            11668: 47,13
-            11669: 46,13
-            11670: 45,13
-            11671: 44,13
-            11672: 43,13
-            11673: 42,17
-            11674: 43,17
-            11675: 44,17
-            11676: 45,17
-            11677: 46,17
-            11678: 47,17
-            11679: 48,17
-            11680: 49,17
-            11681: 50,17
-            11682: 52,17
-            11683: 51,17
-            11684: 53,17
-            11685: 54,17
-            11686: 55,17
-            11687: 56,17
-            11688: 57,17
-            11689: 59,17
-            11690: 58,17
-            11691: 60,17
-            11692: 61,17
-            11693: 62,17
-            11694: 63,17
-            11695: 64,17
-            11696: 65,17
-            11697: 66,17
-            11698: 67,17
-            11699: 68,17
-            11700: 69,17
-            11701: 70,17
-            11702: 71,17
-            11703: 72,17
-            11704: 73,17
-            11705: 74,17
-            11706: 75,17
-            11707: 77,17
-            11708: 76,17
-            11709: 78,17
-            11710: 79,17
-            11711: 80,17
-            11712: 81,17
-            11713: 82,17
-            11714: 83,17
-            11715: 84,17
-            11731: 70,13
-            11732: 71,13
-            11879: 85,13
-            11880: 86,13
-            11881: 85,17
-            11882: 86,17
-            12018: 129,6
-            12019: 129,6
-            12020: 130,6
-            12021: 131,6
-            12022: 132,6
-            12023: 133,6
-            12024: 134,6
-            12025: 135,6
-            12026: 136,6
-            12027: 137,6
-            12028: 138,6
-            12029: 139,6
-            12030: 140,6
-            12031: 141,6
-            12032: 142,6
-            12033: 142,5
-            12034: 141,5
-            12035: 140,5
-            12036: 139,5
-            12037: 138,5
-            12038: 137,5
-            12039: 136,5
-            12040: 135,5
-            12041: 134,5
-            12042: 133,5
-            12043: 132,5
-            12044: 131,5
-            12045: 130,5
-            12046: 129,5
-            12082: 99,-2
-            12130: 95,19
-            12131: 94,19
-            12927: 113,-5
-            12928: 115,-5
-            15457: 125,-46
-            15458: 126,-46
-            15459: 127,-46
-            17526: 125,11
-            17527: 126,11
-            17528: 125,8
-            17529: 126,8
-            17673: -156,-36
-            17674: -159,-29
-            17675: -160,-29
-            17676: -161,-29
-            17681: -163,-28
-            17695: 81,29
-            17696: 80,29
-            17697: 79,29
-            17771: -10,8
-            17772: -9,8
-            17773: -8,8
+            6021: -135,-5
+            6022: -134,-5
+            6066: -67,-83
+            6076: -73,-86
+            6080: -65,-82
+            6186: -68,-83
+            6461: -100,-70
+            6462: -99,-70
+            6463: -98,-70
+            6464: -97,-70
+            6465: -96,-70
+            6720: -99,-62
+            6721: -98,-62
+            6722: -97,-62
+            6776: -105,-37
+            6777: -104,-37
+            6855: -158,-29
+            6856: -157,-29
+            6857: -156,-29
+            6858: -152,-29
+            6859: -151,-29
+            6860: -150,-29
+            6861: -149,-29
+            6862: -148,-29
+            6863: -147,-29
+            6864: -146,-29
+            6865: -142,-29
+            6866: -141,-29
+            6867: -139,-29
+            6868: -140,-29
+            6869: -138,-29
+            6870: -137,-29
+            6871: -136,-29
+            6872: -135,-29
+            6873: -134,-29
+            6874: -133,-29
+            6879: -155,-29
+            6880: -154,-29
+            6881: -153,-29
+            6882: -145,-29
+            6883: -144,-29
+            6884: -143,-29
+            6898: -144,-36
+            7129: -116,-35
+            7183: -106,-1
+            7184: -105,-1
+            7185: -104,-1
+            7186: -102,-1
+            7187: -101,-1
+            7188: -103,-1
+            7189: -100,-1
+            7190: -98,-1
+            7191: -99,-1
+            11011: 11,-79
+            11012: 9,-79
+            11018: 7,-74
+            11019: 5,-74
+            11020: 2,-74
+            11021: 1,-74
+            11022: -1,-74
+            11023: -4,-74
+            11024: -5,-74
+            11025: -3,-74
+            11026: -7,-74
+            11126: -7,-65
+            11127: -1,-65
+            11128: 5,-65
+            11129: 11,-65
+            11629: 84,13
+            11630: 83,13
+            11631: 82,13
+            11632: 81,13
+            11633: 79,13
+            11634: 80,13
+            11635: 78,13
+            11636: 77,13
+            11637: 76,13
+            11638: 74,13
+            11639: 75,13
+            11640: 73,13
+            11641: 72,13
+            11642: 69,13
+            11643: 68,13
+            11644: 67,13
+            11645: 66,13
+            11646: 65,13
+            11647: 64,13
+            11648: 63,13
+            11649: 61,13
+            11650: 62,13
+            11651: 59,13
+            11652: 60,13
+            11653: 58,13
+            11654: 56,13
+            11655: 57,13
+            11656: 55,13
+            11657: 54,13
+            11658: 53,13
+            11659: 52,13
+            11660: 51,13
+            11661: 50,13
+            11662: 49,13
+            11663: 48,13
+            11664: 47,13
+            11665: 46,13
+            11666: 45,13
+            11667: 44,13
+            11668: 43,13
+            11669: 42,17
+            11670: 43,17
+            11671: 44,17
+            11672: 45,17
+            11673: 46,17
+            11674: 47,17
+            11675: 48,17
+            11676: 49,17
+            11677: 50,17
+            11678: 52,17
+            11679: 51,17
+            11680: 53,17
+            11681: 54,17
+            11682: 55,17
+            11683: 56,17
+            11684: 57,17
+            11685: 59,17
+            11686: 58,17
+            11687: 60,17
+            11688: 61,17
+            11689: 62,17
+            11690: 63,17
+            11691: 64,17
+            11692: 65,17
+            11693: 66,17
+            11694: 67,17
+            11695: 68,17
+            11696: 69,17
+            11697: 70,17
+            11698: 71,17
+            11699: 72,17
+            11700: 73,17
+            11701: 74,17
+            11702: 75,17
+            11703: 77,17
+            11704: 76,17
+            11705: 78,17
+            11706: 79,17
+            11707: 80,17
+            11708: 81,17
+            11709: 82,17
+            11710: 83,17
+            11711: 84,17
+            11727: 70,13
+            11728: 71,13
+            11875: 85,13
+            11876: 86,13
+            11877: 85,17
+            11878: 86,17
+            12014: 129,6
+            12015: 129,6
+            12016: 130,6
+            12017: 131,6
+            12018: 132,6
+            12019: 133,6
+            12020: 134,6
+            12021: 135,6
+            12022: 136,6
+            12023: 137,6
+            12024: 138,6
+            12025: 139,6
+            12026: 140,6
+            12027: 141,6
+            12028: 142,6
+            12029: 142,5
+            12030: 141,5
+            12031: 140,5
+            12032: 139,5
+            12033: 138,5
+            12034: 137,5
+            12035: 136,5
+            12036: 135,5
+            12037: 134,5
+            12038: 133,5
+            12039: 132,5
+            12040: 131,5
+            12041: 130,5
+            12042: 129,5
+            12078: 99,-2
+            12126: 95,19
+            12127: 94,19
+            12923: 113,-5
+            12924: 115,-5
+            15453: 125,-46
+            15454: 126,-46
+            15455: 127,-46
+            17490: 125,11
+            17491: 126,11
+            17492: 125,8
+            17493: 126,8
+            17605: -156,-36
+            17606: -159,-29
+            17607: -160,-29
+            17608: -161,-29
+            17613: -163,-28
+            17627: 81,29
+            17628: 80,29
+            17629: 79,29
+            17703: -10,8
+            17704: -9,8
+            17705: -8,8
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-            6394: -114,-35
-            6395: -115,-35
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-            6427: -110,-36
-            6434: -111,-35
-            6435: -110,-35
-            6436: -109,-35
-            6806: -101,-70
-            6824: -80,-44
-            11080: -5,-65
-            11081: -4,-65
-            11082: -3,-65
-            11083: 1,-65
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-            11085: 3,-65
-            11086: 7,-65
-            11087: 8,-65
-            11088: 9,-65
-            11100: 8,-74
-            11101: 9,-74
-            11102: 11,-74
-            11160: 3,-74
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-            11177: 2,-69
-            11178: 3,-69
+            6387: -108,-35
+            6388: -112,-35
+            6389: -113,-35
+            6390: -114,-35
+            6391: -115,-35
+            6406: -103,-37
+            6423: -110,-36
+            6430: -111,-35
+            6431: -110,-35
+            6432: -109,-35
+            6802: -101,-70
+            6820: -80,-44
+            11076: -5,-65
+            11077: -4,-65
+            11078: -3,-65
+            11079: 1,-65
+            11080: 2,-65
+            11081: 3,-65
+            11082: 7,-65
+            11083: 8,-65
+            11084: 9,-65
+            11096: 8,-74
+            11097: 9,-74
+            11098: 11,-74
+            11156: 3,-74
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+            11173: 2,-69
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-            6023: -19,-87
-            6024: -19,-86
-            6032: -73,-77
-            6033: -71,-77
-            6034: -71,-78
-            6043: -64,-80
-            6052: -72,-79
-            6053: -71,-81
-            6055: -70,-83
-            6185: -73,-88
-            6186: -73,-87
-            6188: -70,-84
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-            6480: -102,-67
-            6481: -102,-68
-            6482: -102,-69
-            6895: -145,-30
-            6896: -145,-31
-            6897: -145,-32
-            6898: -145,-33
-            6899: -145,-34
-            6900: -145,-35
-            7127: -69,-62
-            7128: -69,-61
-            7205: -107,0
-            10981: -8,-73
-            10982: -8,-71
-            10983: -8,-70
-            10984: -8,-69
-            10985: -8,-68
-            10986: -8,-67
-            10987: -8,-66
-            10988: -8,-64
-            11018: 8,-78
-            11019: 8,-77
-            11020: 8,-76
-            11021: 8,-75
-            11120: -2,-64
-            11134: 10,-64
-            11135: 4,-64
-            11136: 4,-73
-            11138: -2,-73
-            11280: 35,-51
-            11281: 35,-52
-            11282: 35,-53
-            11283: 35,-54
-            11284: 35,-55
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-            12091: 98,1
-            12092: 98,0
-            12093: 98,-1
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-            12926: 114,-6
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-            17530: 127,9
-            17531: 127,10
-            17532: 124,9
-            17533: 124,10
-            17666: -157,-35
-            17667: -157,-34
-            17668: -157,-33
-            17669: -157,-32
-            17670: -157,-31
-            17671: -157,-30
-            17672: -164,-27
-            17677: -162,-28
-            17678: -162,-27
-            17679: -162,-26
-            17688: -160,-24
-            17691: -154,-24
-            17705: 78,30
-            17767: -11,11
-            17768: -11,10
-            17769: -11,9
+            6018: -19,-88
+            6019: -19,-87
+            6020: -19,-86
+            6028: -73,-77
+            6029: -71,-77
+            6030: -71,-78
+            6039: -64,-80
+            6048: -72,-79
+            6049: -71,-81
+            6051: -70,-83
+            6181: -73,-88
+            6182: -73,-87
+            6184: -70,-84
+            6475: -102,-66
+            6476: -102,-67
+            6477: -102,-68
+            6478: -102,-69
+            6891: -145,-30
+            6892: -145,-31
+            6893: -145,-32
+            6894: -145,-33
+            6895: -145,-34
+            6896: -145,-35
+            7123: -69,-62
+            7124: -69,-61
+            7201: -107,0
+            10977: -8,-73
+            10978: -8,-71
+            10979: -8,-70
+            10980: -8,-69
+            10981: -8,-68
+            10982: -8,-67
+            10983: -8,-66
+            10984: -8,-64
+            11014: 8,-78
+            11015: 8,-77
+            11016: 8,-76
+            11017: 8,-75
+            11116: -2,-64
+            11130: 10,-64
+            11131: 4,-64
+            11132: 4,-73
+            11134: -2,-73
+            11276: 35,-51
+            11277: 35,-52
+            11278: 35,-53
+            11279: 35,-54
+            11280: 35,-55
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+            16462: 22,-6
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+            5536: -27,26
+            5537: -27,27
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+            6805: -101,-67
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+            7170: -94,6
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-            16366: -4,19
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+            12197: 19,-21
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+            12832: -91,-54
+            12833: -90,-54
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-            11223: 27,-49
-            11224: 28,-49
-            11225: 29,-49
-            11226: 30,-49
-            11227: 31,-49
-            11228: 32,-49
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-            11233: 32,-53
-            11234: 31,-53
-            11235: 29,-53
-            11236: 30,-53
-            11237: 28,-53
-            11238: 27,-53
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-            11241: 24,-53
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-            15109: -137,3
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-            17596: -72,-92
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-            17598: -70,-92
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+            11232: 30,-53
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+            11237: 24,-53
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+            12613: 92,32
+            12618: 89,31
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+            12775: 14,-38
+            12776: 15,-38
+            12777: 16,-38
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+            15101: -137,11
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+            17472: -45,29
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+            17807: -69,-92
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+            11883: 85,18
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-            6735: -99,-60
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-            11853: 49,12
-            11854: 51,12
-            11855: 52,12
-            11856: 53,12
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-            11872: 86,16
-            11889: 81,12
-            11890: 82,12
-            11891: 83,12
-            11892: 85,12
-            11893: 86,12
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+            11801: 82,16
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+            11816: 67,16
+            11817: 66,16
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+            11819: 65,16
+            11820: 63,16
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+            11822: 62,16
+            11823: 60,16
+            11824: 59,16
+            11825: 58,16
+            11826: 57,16
+            11827: 56,16
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+            11829: 54,16
+            11830: 53,16
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+            11832: 50,16
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+            11837: 45,16
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+            11868: 86,16
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+            11886: 82,12
+            11887: 83,12
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@@ -33379,8 +33423,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
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-      links:
-      - 17172
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@@ -33393,8 +33435,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
     - type: DeviceLinkSink
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-      links:
-      - 17171
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@@ -33404,10 +33444,6 @@ entities:
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30284
-      - 30285
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@@ -33435,9 +33471,6 @@ entities:
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 13645
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
@@ -33447,9 +33480,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 42.5,-16.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 13644
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
@@ -33640,6 +33670,8 @@ entities:
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       pos: 12.5,-74.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking43445
       dockedWith: 31268
@@ -33657,6 +33689,8 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 0.5,-4.5
       parent: 31265
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking43445
       dockedWith: 24718
@@ -33826,24 +33860,12 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -37.5,-27.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 29728
-      - 15139
-      - 30076
-      - 30081
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     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -37.5,-25.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 29728
-      - 15139
-      - 30076
-      - 30081
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     - type: Transform
@@ -33948,9 +33970,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 40.5,-54.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 25076
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     - type: MetaData
@@ -33958,9 +33977,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 40.5,-52.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 25076
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     - type: Transform
@@ -34011,6 +34027,8 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -101.5,17.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking43506
       dockedWith: 31114
@@ -34024,6 +34042,8 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -105.5,8.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking43507
       dockedWith: 31173
@@ -34037,6 +34057,8 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -144.5,-32.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking578146
       dockedWith: 31091
@@ -34050,6 +34072,8 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -142.5,-32.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking578147
       dockedWith: 31489
@@ -34075,6 +34099,8 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -154.5,-32.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking578150
       dockedWith: 31435
@@ -34128,6 +34154,8 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,1.5
       parent: 31090
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking578146
       dockedWith: 23437
@@ -34141,6 +34169,8 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,0.5
       parent: 31113
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking43506
       dockedWith: 21223
@@ -34160,6 +34190,8 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,0.5
       parent: 31171
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking43507
       dockedWith: 21224
@@ -34173,6 +34205,8 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,1.5
       parent: 31434
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking578150
       dockedWith: 23498
@@ -34186,6 +34220,8 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,1.5
       parent: 31488
+    - type: Door
+      changeAirtight: False
     - type: Docking
       dockJointId: docking578147
       dockedWith: 23438
@@ -34435,12 +34471,6 @@ entities:
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       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 29728
-      - 30076
-      - 15139
-      - 30081
 - proto: AirlockMaintChiefMedicalOfficerLocked
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@@ -34449,12 +34479,6 @@ entities:
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       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 29728
-      - 15139
-      - 30076
-      - 30081
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30284
-      - 30285
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@@ -34591,35 +34611,17 @@ entities:
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 29728
-      - 15139
-      - 30076
-      - 30081
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 29728
-      - 15139
-      - 30076
-      - 30081
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       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 29728
-      - 15139
-      - 30076
-      - 30081
 - proto: AirlockMaintResearchDirectorLocked
   - uid: 3741
@@ -34627,10 +34629,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 7.5,24.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30414
-      - 30410
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   - uid: 15215
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30414
-      - 30410
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30414
-      - 30410
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 8493
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 41.5,15.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30414
-      - 30410
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     - type: Transform
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       pos: 33.5,13.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30414
-      - 30410
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 34.5,13.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30414
-      - 30410
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       pos: -58.5,6.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15158
-      - 15157
 - proto: AirlockSecurityLocked
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       pos: -49.5,-35.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 29728
-      - 15139
-      - 30076
-      - 30081
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15135
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       pos: 30.5,40.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15135
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15135
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       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15134
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     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 34.5,40.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15134
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       pos: 35.5,40.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15134
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       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -78.5,19.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6375
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       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6375
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     - type: Transform
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6375
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15217
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       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15217
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       pos: 6.5,35.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15217
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,61.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 16709
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 16709
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       pos: -11.5,48.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 16940
-      - 16941
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       pos: -11.5,47.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 16940
-      - 16941
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     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 107.5,3.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27918
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       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27918
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27918
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       pos: 119.5,3.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27917
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27917
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       pos: 121.5,3.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27917
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     - type: Transform
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       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27921
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       pos: 114.5,-11.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27921
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       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27921
   - uid: 31282
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       pos: -2.5,0.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 31346
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       pos: -2.5,-0.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 31346
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-1.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 31346
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       pos: 3.5,0.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 31347
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-0.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 31347
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,-1.5
       parent: 31265
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 31347
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 140.5,7.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27916
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 137.5,7.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27916
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 134.5,7.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27916
   - uid: 31390
     - type: Transform
       pos: 131.5,7.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27916
 - proto: BlastDoorOpen
   - uid: 27134
@@ -38675,25 +38533,16 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 97.5,16.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27113
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 97.5,15.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27113
   - uid: 27136
     - type: Transform
       pos: 97.5,14.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27113
 - proto: Bloodpack
   - uid: 8594
@@ -38765,13 +38614,49 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -85.518105,-87.374214
       parent: 2
+    - type: Paper
+      content: >-
+        До эвакуации осталась минута... Я еле как смог скрыться от сотрудников службы безопасности. Я боюсь возвращаться на станцию центрального командования. ГСБ слишком косо смотрел на меня, когда я задавал вопросы, а ГВ заполнял какие-то бланки...
+        Мне кажется, мы находимся под информационным куполом, или как это можно назвать... Я не знаю! Я заслуженный научный руководитель. Добивался этой должности не один год. Почему меня считают безумцем?!
+        Я не знаю на сколько хватит запасов. Смогу ли я дожить до прибытия следующего экипажа?
+        В любом случае, этот дневник моё спасение.
+        Слышу как сотрудники СБ бегают где-то со стороны пляжа. Мне чертовски повезло, что я нашел это место.
+        Звук взлетающего шаттла отбытия. Наконец-то я могу хотя бы не бояться выйти на ружу.
+        Думаю, когда прилетит следующий экипаж, я попытаюсь затесаться среди них. Банальная история "ГП, я потерял свой КПК" должна сработать. Обязательно напишу книгу. Может, даже, научную работу? Но только за пределами сектора...
+        Я столкнулся со слишком резкой реакцией на, казалось бы, банальные вопросы. 
+        Правда, на эти банальные вопросы я до сих пор не смог найти ответ... Словно какая-то невидимая сила не позволяет мне об этом нормально думать. Честно говоря, даже сейчас не могу сосредоточиться. Буду писать так быстро, как только смогу, и как только вспомню.
+           [italic]потолок[/italic]
+                 [italic]размножение[/italic]
+        Что ж, это успех. Потолок... Черт, я даже не понимаю, есть ли он. Ну, это очевидно, он должен быть. Но... Блять, это очень пугает! За столько лет я еще не сталкивался с подобным чувством. Казалось бы, просто посмотреть наверх. Просто... Я смотрел на верх? Я пытался? Я сейчас смотрю? Это безумие, что-то явно управляет мной и моими мыслями. Нет! Должно быть объяснение, но... Черт, снова! Ладно, займусь этим вопросом позже.
+        Половое размножение... У меня есть привычка, читать в слух всё, что я записываю. Но, сейчас это не работает. Я... Я не могу произнести слово с... Опять забыл о чем думал, о чем хотел писать. Размножение... Почему я не слышал, чтобы кто-то этим занимался на станциях NanoTrasen? Это же самая банальная потребность любого существа. Почему мне сложно думать о том, что заложено мной природой? Почему у меня не получается произнести это слово в слух? Голова раскалывается... Слышу какие-то странные звуки, что-то типа бвоиньк. Не знаю... Видимо, мне стоит выспаться...
+        Перечитываю то, что я написал. Что-то явно оказывает на меня меметическое воздействие. Да, это анти-научно, но кто же знает, что уже успели разработать? Для меня стало очевидным, что от нас много чего скрыют. Отправлюсь на поиски... Чего? Устройства, я полагаю? Не знаю. Попытаюсь найти источник того, что блокирует мне мысли. Ха-ха! Никто бы не подумал, что буду писать подобный бред. Тем не менее, если найду, то это будет отличным материалом для научной работы. Если меня не убьют еще до возвращения на ЦК... Надо избавиться от своих отпечатков. Это будет очень больно...
   - uid: 26434
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 106.54,-0.47
       parent: 2
-- proto: BookChefGaming
+- proto: BookHowToCookForFortySpaceman
   - uid: 20922
@@ -39121,6 +39006,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 37.49493,0.6154895
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 32288
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 9.08347,6.601399
+      parent: 2
 - proto: BoxFolderRed
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@@ -73099,6 +72990,30 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-20.5
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 32283
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 15.5,-18.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 32284
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 17.5,-18.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 32285
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 17.5,-15.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 32286
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 15.5,-15.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CandleRedSmallInfinite
   - uid: 19116
@@ -73171,9 +73086,9 @@ entities:
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
-    - Sharp
     - MeleeWeapon
     - Reflect
+    - Sharp
 - proto: CarbonDioxideCanister
   - uid: 6505
@@ -80040,7 +79955,7 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -55.5,16.5
+      pos: -55.75,16.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 6245
@@ -80063,7 +79978,7 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -66.5,14.5
+      pos: -66.5,14.75
       parent: 2
   - uid: 10711
@@ -81146,6 +81061,14 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.506745,29.582027
       parent: 2
+- proto: ChurchBell
+  entities:
+  - uid: 30948
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 16.5,-22.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CigarCase
   - uid: 1768
@@ -85411,15 +85334,10 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -19.5,57.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 19975
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -6.5,36.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 19976
+  - uid: 19978
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -4.5,36.5
+      pos: -5.5,36.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 27668
@@ -86008,15 +85926,15 @@ entities:
           ent: null
 - proto: ClosetToolFilled
-  - uid: 19977
+  - uid: 19974
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -5.5,36.5
+      pos: -6.5,36.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 19978
+  - uid: 19975
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -7.5,39.5
+      pos: -4.5,36.5
       parent: 2
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@@ -86476,13 +86394,18 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -51.134075,-9.422615
       parent: 2
-- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesPowerglove
+- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesNorthStar
-  - uid: 16005
+  - uid: 951
+    - type: MetaData
+      desc: Одев их, можно почувствовать себя легендарным боксёром Майком Брауном.
+      name: пара перчаток легендарного боксёра
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 22.70768,43.017372
+      pos: 22.57035,43.286655
       parent: 2
+    - type: MeleeWeapon
+      attackRate: 2
 - proto: ClothingHeadBandRed
   - uid: 327
@@ -86591,6 +86514,9 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
   - uid: 29357
+    - type: MetaData
+      desc: По легенде, их носил некий Драган-Грауст.
+      name: именные кошачьи ушки
     - type: Transform
       pos: -22.5,6.5
       parent: 28663
@@ -87438,8 +87364,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 112.59893,9.082148
       parent: 2
-    - type: Magboots
-      toggleActionEntity: 15121
     - type: ActionsContainer
     - type: ContainerContainer
@@ -89200,6 +89124,8 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 31.5,-25.5
       parent: 28663
+    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+      needsPower: False
 - proto: ComputerResearchAndDevelopment
   - uid: 440
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -24.5,-48.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 9462
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 9462
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 9462
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 9462
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 9462
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 9462
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 9462
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 9462
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 9462
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 9462
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 9462
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-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 12675
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 12675
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 12675
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-      links:
-      - 27616
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-      links:
-      - 27616
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-      - 14020
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-      links:
-      - 14020
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 14020
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 14020
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-      links:
-      - 25033
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 25033
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-      links:
-      - 25033
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 25033
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 25033
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 27616
 - proto: CrateArtifactContainer
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@@ -91212,6 +91003,13 @@ entities:
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+- proto: CutterMachine
+  entities:
+  - uid: 19977
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -8.5,39.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: CyborgEndoskeleton
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15139
-      - 29728
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15139
-      - 29728
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15139
-      - 29728
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@@ -98593,20 +98379,12 @@ entities:
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15139
-      - 29728
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15139
-      - 29728
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15139
-      - 29728
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30414
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30414
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-      links:
-      - 30414
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-      links:
-      - 30284
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30284
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-      links:
-      - 30284
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-      - 30284
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-      - 30414
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-      links:
-      - 30414
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-      - 15139
-      - 29728
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-      links:
-      - 15139
-      - 29728
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-      links:
-      - 15139
-      - 29728
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15139
-      - 29728
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-      - 15139
-      - 29728
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-      links:
-      - 15139
-      - 29728
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-      - 30414
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-      links:
-      - 30414
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-      - 30414
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-      - 30284
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-      - 30284
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30284
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-      links:
-      - 30284
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-      links:
-      - 30414
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30414
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     - type: InsideEntityStorage
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+    - type: Transform
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+      pos: -44.5,34.5
+      parent: 2
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+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -44.5,35.5
+      parent: 2
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+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -45.5,34.5
+      parent: 2
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+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -45.5,35.5
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -44.5,35.5
+      parent: 2
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -44.5,34.5
+      parent: 2
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+      parent: 2
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -45.5,35.5
+      parent: 2
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-      pos: -45.5,34.5
-      parent: 2
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-    components:
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -45.5,35.5
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-    components:
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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-    components:
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-      pos: -45.5,35.5
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -45.5,34.5
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -44.5,35.5
-      parent: 2
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -44.5,34.5
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+- proto: FoodPieBananaCream
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+  - uid: 32295
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+    - type: Transform
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+      parent: 2
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -52.5,-31.5
+      parent: 2
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@@ -151983,7 +151691,6 @@ entities:
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     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        25061: []
         - Pressed: DoorBolt
@@ -152334,10 +152041,10 @@ entities:
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-      - 27703
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-      - 27704
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     - type: Label
-      originalName: бумага
       currentLabel: Меню кухни
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       pos: 9.5,-47.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 12959
-      - 12914
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 14980
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 14980
 - proto: ShuttersNormalOpen
   - uid: 679
@@ -178788,488 +178223,317 @@ entities:
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 681
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 681
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 681
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -17.5,-10.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 681
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 681
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 681
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -19.5,-11.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 681
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 1338
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 1338
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       pos: 9.5,5.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 1338
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       pos: 10.5,5.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 1338
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 1338
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6018
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6018
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6018
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6018
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6288
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6288
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6288
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 20045
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
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-      - 8493
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
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-      - 8493
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 8042
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 8042
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 8042
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 10531
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 10531
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 10530
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       pos: -24.5,-39.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 10530
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 10529
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 10529
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
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-      - 10528
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 10528
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 10527
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 10527
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 10526
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 10526
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 12998
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       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 12998
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       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 12998
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     - type: Transform
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 12998
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 16893
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       pos: -32.5,36.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 16893
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       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -32.5,35.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 16893
   - uid: 26633
     - type: Transform
@@ -179286,63 +178550,42 @@ entities:
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       pos: -7.5,-4.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30116
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       pos: -7.5,-5.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30116
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30116
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       pos: -7.5,-7.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30116
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       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30116
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     - type: Transform
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       pos: -7.5,-2.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30116
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       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,-1.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30116
 - proto: ShuttersRadiationOpen
   - uid: 16749
@@ -179351,9 +178594,6 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -20.5,56.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 16985
 - proto: ShuttleGunPerforator
   - uid: 31218
@@ -179376,9 +178616,6 @@ entities:
           showEnts: False
           occludes: True
           ent: 31219
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-      links:
-      - 31216
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     - type: Transform
@@ -179399,9 +178636,6 @@ entities:
           showEnts: False
           occludes: True
           ent: 31221
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-      links:
-      - 31216
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@@ -180088,6 +179322,15 @@ entities:
         - Pressed: Toggle
         - Pressed: Toggle
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -43.5,33.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        32292:
+        - Pressed: DoorBolt
 - proto: SignalTimer
   - uid: 30076
@@ -180120,9 +179363,6 @@ entities:
         - Timer: DoorBolt
         - Timer: DoorBolt
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 29728
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     - type: Transform
@@ -180152,9 +179392,6 @@ entities:
         - Timer: DoorBolt
         - Timer: DoorBolt
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 15139
     - type: Stealth
     - type: StealthOnMove
   - uid: 30285
@@ -180185,9 +179422,6 @@ entities:
         - Timer: DoorBolt
         - Timer: DoorBolt
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30284
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     - type: Transform
@@ -180213,9 +179447,6 @@ entities:
         - Timer: DoorBolt
         - Timer: DoorBolt
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30414
 - proto: SignAnomaly
   - uid: 27885
@@ -180291,14 +179522,6 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -52.5,-19.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: SignCourt
-  entities:
-  - uid: 20052
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -26.5,16.5
-      parent: 2
 - proto: SignCryogenicsMed
   - uid: 8851
@@ -180564,6 +179787,12 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: SignLawyer
+  - uid: 20052
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -26.5,16.5
+      parent: 2
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     - type: Transform
@@ -180823,7 +180052,7 @@ entities:
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       pos: -36.5,-2.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: SignXenolab
+- proto: SignXenobio
   - uid: 27884
@@ -183937,21 +183166,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-7.5
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-  - uid: 951
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 13.5,5.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 978
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 15.5,5.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 995
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 14.5,5.5
-      parent: 2
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     - type: Transform
@@ -184301,6 +183515,21 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -44.5,33.5
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+  - uid: 30926
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 15.5,5.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 30940
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 13.5,5.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 30941
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 14.5,5.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: StasisBed
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@@ -189417,6 +188646,30 @@ entities:
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       parent: 2
+  - uid: 32279
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 15.5,-18.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 32280
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 15.5,-15.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 32281
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 17.5,-15.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 32282
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 17.5,-18.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TableFancyOrange
   - uid: 8605
@@ -192456,6 +191709,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-27.5
       parent: 28663
+  - uid: 32287
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 9.5,6.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: TargetClown
   - uid: 6322
@@ -226509,43 +225767,28 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -37.5,6.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6022
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       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -35.5,6.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6021
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     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -31.5,6.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6020
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -31.5,1.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6024
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -35.5,1.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 6023
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     - type: Transform
@@ -226574,24 +225817,12 @@ entities:
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       pos: -31.5,-20.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 29728
-      - 30076
-      - 15139
-      - 30081
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     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -31.5,-18.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 29728
-      - 30076
-      - 15139
-      - 30081
   - uid: 19674
     - type: Transform
@@ -226626,9 +225857,9 @@ entities:
       pos: -5.5,87.5
       parent: 2
+    - Damageable
     - Destructible
     - Construction
-    - Damageable
   - uid: 26503
     - type: Transform
@@ -226643,9 +225874,9 @@ entities:
       pos: -7.5,87.5
       parent: 2
+    - Damageable
     - Destructible
     - Construction
-    - Damageable
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     - type: MetaData
@@ -226654,9 +225885,9 @@ entities:
       pos: -3.5,87.5
       parent: 2
+    - Damageable
     - Destructible
     - Construction
-    - Damageable
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@@ -226665,20 +225896,12 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30284
-      - 30285
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       pos: -6.5,32.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30284
-      - 30285
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   - uid: 942
@@ -226748,6 +225971,11 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -51.5,-28.5
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 22883
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -52.5,-31.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WindoorSecureScienceLocked
   - uid: 14899
@@ -226756,20 +225984,12 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 27.5,11.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30414
-      - 30410
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     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 28.5,11.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSink
-      links:
-      - 30414
-      - 30410
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     - type: Transform
@@ -228889,11 +228109,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -71.5,-69.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 21553
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -62.5,-69.5
-      parent: 2
   - uid: 23061
     - type: Transform
@@ -228943,6 +228158,11 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 11.5,-17.5
       parent: 28663
+  - uid: 30942
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -62.5,-69.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: WoodenBench
   - uid: 322
@@ -229306,7 +228526,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
     - type: TimedSpawner
       maximumEntitiesSpawned: 3
-      minimumEntitiesSpawned: 2
       intervalSeconds: 960
       chance: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/fland.yml b/Resources/Maps/fland.yml
index 58ff9247b85..80bce4b9228 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/fland.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/fland.yml
@@ -18042,6 +18042,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 91.5,71.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        31366:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
   - uid: 16663
     - type: Transform
@@ -18492,12 +18498,24 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -42.5,-55.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12402:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 12402
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -45.5,-55.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12401:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 23029
     - type: Transform
@@ -18512,6 +18530,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 99.5,0.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        23457:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlass
   - uid: 2870
@@ -18586,11 +18610,23 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 25.5,-59.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        15609:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
   - uid: 15612
     - type: Transform
       pos: 27.5,-59.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        15610:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
   - uid: 33581
     - type: Transform
@@ -18618,11 +18654,23 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-36.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        10120:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 10120
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-33.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        10119:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassEngineeringLocked
   - uid: 3715
@@ -18649,36 +18697,72 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -45.5,-59.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12421:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 12404
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -31.5,-47.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12395:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
   - uid: 12420
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -37.5,-62.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12400:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
   - uid: 12421
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -45.5,-62.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12403:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 12503
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -31.5,-59.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12397:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
   - uid: 12504
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -32.5,-62.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12399:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
   - uid: 20640
     - type: Transform
@@ -18713,6 +18797,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 96.5,0.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        23458:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 24737
     - type: Transform
@@ -18792,6 +18882,8 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -41.5,-1.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
@@ -18837,21 +18929,53 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 22.5,-50.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 3
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        19166:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        19165:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 19164
     - type: Transform
       pos: 22.5,-49.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        19166:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        19165:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 19165
     - type: Transform
       pos: 20.5,-50.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        19164:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        19163:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 19166
     - type: Transform
       pos: 20.5,-49.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        19164:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        19163:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 26786
     - type: Transform
@@ -18938,6 +19062,8 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -41.5,32.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleEscape
   - uid: 6767
@@ -19008,38 +19134,80 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -29.5,-48.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12404:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
   - uid: 12397
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -29.5,-58.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12503:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
   - uid: 12399
     - type: Transform
       pos: -32.5,-64.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12504:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
   - uid: 12400
     - type: Transform
       pos: -37.5,-64.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12420:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
   - uid: 15609
     - type: Transform
       pos: 25.5,-61.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        15611:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
   - uid: 15610
     - type: Transform
       pos: 27.5,-61.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        15612:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
   - uid: 31366
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 91.5,74.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        16079:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
 - proto: AirlockExternalLocked
   - uid: 3833
@@ -19047,6 +19215,8 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -38.5,16.5
       parent: 13329
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
@@ -27381,17 +27551,18 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 63.5,-57.5
       parent: 13329
-- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
+- proto: AtmosDeviceFanDirectional
   - uid: 1203
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -6.5,25.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -7.5,28.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 1204
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -7.5,28.5
+      pos: -6.5,25.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 3030
@@ -27401,52 +27572,62 @@ entities:
   - uid: 3758
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -41.5,32.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 3759
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -41.5,34.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 3760
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -41.5,40.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 3761
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -41.5,42.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 6764
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -4.5,76.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 10112
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,-37.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 10113
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 1.5,-35.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 12422
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -43.5,-32.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 12423
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -43.5,-39.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 13166
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -30.5,-20.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -37.5,-20.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 13167
@@ -27456,27 +27637,30 @@ entities:
   - uid: 13252
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -37.5,-20.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -30.5,-20.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 13282
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -28.5,-30.5
+      pos: -33.5,-30.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 13283
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -33.5,-30.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 95.5,61.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 13284
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 95.5,61.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 95.5,66.5
       parent: 13329
   - uid: 13285
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 95.5,66.5
+      pos: -28.5,-30.5
       parent: 13329
 - proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
@@ -164811,6 +164995,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 106.5,-45.5
       parent: 13329
+  - uid: 34593
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 17.5,-35.5
+      parent: 13329
   - uid: 35403
     - type: Transform
@@ -165044,6 +165233,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 36.5,56.5
       parent: 13329
+  - uid: 34228
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 17.5,-34.5
+      parent: 13329
   - uid: 34456
     - type: Transform
@@ -182222,13 +182416,6 @@ entities:
       pos: 22.5,15.5
       parent: 13329
 - proto: SignAtmos
-  entities:
-  - uid: 26471
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 78.5,-21.5
-      parent: 13329
-- proto: SignAtmosMinsky
   - uid: 26468
@@ -182245,6 +182432,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 90.5,-19.5
       parent: 13329
+  - uid: 26471
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 78.5,-21.5
+      parent: 13329
 - proto: SignBar
   - uid: 1188
@@ -182333,8 +182525,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,39.5
       parent: 13329
-- proto: SignChemistry1
-  entities:
   - uid: 18455
     - type: Transform
@@ -182775,13 +182965,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 70.5,42.5
       parent: 13329
-- proto: SignDrones
-  entities:
-  - uid: 26692
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 82.5,-21.5
-      parent: 13329
 - proto: SignElectricalMed
   - uid: 4728
@@ -182976,20 +183159,16 @@ entities:
       parent: 13329
 - proto: SignHydro1
-  - uid: 20091
+  - uid: 20090
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -11.5,33.5
+      pos: -2.5,37.5
       parent: 13329
-- proto: SignHydro2
-  entities:
-  - uid: 20090
+  - uid: 20091
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -2.5,37.5
+      pos: -11.5,33.5
       parent: 13329
-- proto: SignHydro3
-  entities:
   - uid: 20092
     - type: Transform
@@ -183068,6 +183247,13 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-14.5
       parent: 13329
+- proto: SignMaterials
+  entities:
+  - uid: 26692
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 82.5,-21.5
+      parent: 13329
 - proto: SignMedical
   - uid: 10600
@@ -183303,21 +183489,17 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 39.5,-12.5
       parent: 13329
-- proto: SignScience1
-  entities:
-  - uid: 20084
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 26.5,-48.5
-      parent: 13329
-- proto: SignScience2
-  entities:
   - uid: 19938
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 40.5,-40.5
       parent: 13329
+  - uid: 20084
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 26.5,-48.5
+      parent: 13329
 - proto: SignSecurearea
   - uid: 15808
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+++ b/Resources/Maps/marathon.yml
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           version: 6
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           version: 6
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-            659: -12,-44
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-            2169: -37,27
-            2170: -37,26
-            2171: -37,25
-            2172: -37,24
-            2173: -37,23
-            2174: -37,22
-            2175: -37,21
-            2176: -37,20
-            2177: -37,19
-            2178: -37,18
-            2179: -37,17
-            2180: -37,16
-            2181: -37,15
-            2182: -38,15
-            2570: 7,34
-            2578: 13,27
-            2579: 14,27
-            2580: 15,27
-            2581: 16,27
-            2582: 17,27
-            2583: 18,27
-            2584: 19,27
-            2585: 20,27
-            2586: 21,27
-            2587: 21,28
-            2588: 21,29
-            2589: 21,30
-            2590: 21,31
-            2601: 24,40
-            2602: 23,40
-            2603: 22,40
-            2604: 21,40
-            2605: 20,40
-            2606: 20,39
-            2607: 20,38
-            2608: 20,37
-            2609: 20,36
-            2610: 20,35
-            2611: 20,34
-            2612: 20,33
-            2799: 7,35
-            2800: 7,36
-            2803: -58,9
-            2804: -58,8
-            2805: -59,8
-            2806: -60,8
-            2825: -46,-3
-            2826: -46,-5
-            2827: -46,-4
-            2828: -46,-6
-            2829: -46,-7
-            2830: -46,-8
-            2831: -46,-9
-            2832: -47,-9
+            1822: -12,4
+            1823: -11,4
+            1824: -10,4
+            1825: -9,4
+            1826: -8,4
+            1827: -7,4
+            1828: -6,4
+            1847: -22,3
+            1848: -22,4
+            1849: -22,5
+            1850: -22,6
+            1851: -22,7
+            1872: -44,-3
+            1975: 11,-19
+            1976: 11,-18
+            1977: 11,-17
+            1978: 10,-19
+            1979: 9,-19
+            1980: 8,-19
+            1981: 7,-19
+            1982: 5,-19
+            1983: 6,-19
+            1984: 4,-19
+            1985: 3,-19
+            1986: 2,-19
+            1987: 1,-19
+            1988: 0,-19
+            1989: -1,-19
+            1990: -2,-19
+            1991: -3,-19
+            1992: -4,-19
+            1993: 11,-16
+            1994: 11,-15
+            1995: 11,-14
+            2019: -37,34
+            2020: -37,33
+            2021: -37,32
+            2022: -37,31
+            2023: -37,30
+            2024: -37,29
+            2025: -37,28
+            2026: -37,27
+            2027: -37,26
+            2028: -37,25
+            2029: -37,24
+            2030: -37,23
+            2031: -37,22
+            2032: -37,21
+            2033: -37,20
+            2034: -37,19
+            2035: -37,18
+            2036: -37,17
+            2037: -37,16
+            2038: -37,15
+            2039: -38,15
+            2266: 7,34
+            2274: 13,27
+            2275: 14,27
+            2276: 15,27
+            2277: 16,27
+            2278: 17,27
+            2279: 18,27
+            2280: 19,27
+            2281: 20,27
+            2282: 21,27
+            2283: 21,28
+            2284: 21,29
+            2285: 21,30
+            2286: 21,31
+            2297: 24,40
+            2298: 23,40
+            2299: 22,40
+            2300: 21,40
+            2301: 20,40
+            2302: 20,39
+            2303: 20,38
+            2304: 20,37
+            2305: 20,36
+            2306: 20,35
+            2307: 20,34
+            2308: 20,33
+            2389: 7,35
+            2390: 7,36
+            2393: -58,9
+            2394: -58,8
+            2395: -59,8
+            2396: -60,8
+            2415: -46,-3
+            2416: -46,-5
+            2417: -46,-4
+            2418: -46,-6
+            2419: -46,-7
+            2420: -46,-8
+            2421: -46,-9
+            2422: -47,-9
         - node:
             color: '#D4D4D496'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
-            2019: -58,10
-            2020: -57,10
-            2021: -56,10
-            2022: -55,10
-            2023: -54,10
-            2024: -53,10
-            2025: -52,10
-            2026: -51,10
-            2027: -50,10
-            2028: -49,10
-            2029: -48,10
+            1876: -58,10
+            1877: -57,10
+            1878: -56,10
+            1879: -55,10
+            1880: -54,10
+            1881: -53,10
+            1882: -52,10
+            1883: -51,10
+            1884: -50,10
+            1885: -49,10
+            1886: -48,10
         - node:
             color: '#DE3A3A96'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
@@ -3691,7 +3503,7 @@ entities:
             348: -37,37
             430: 12,20
             475: -17,-1
-            2517: -49,45
+            2221: -49,45
         - node:
             color: '#EDD75E93'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
@@ -3703,19 +3515,19 @@ entities:
             color: '#EFB34196'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
-            638: -4,-2
-            639: -4,-5
-            1120: 2,-28
-            1121: 1,-28
-            1122: 0,-28
-            1123: -1,-28
+            631: -4,-2
+            632: -4,-5
+            1020: 2,-28
+            1021: 1,-28
+            1022: 0,-28
+            1023: -1,-28
         - node:
             color: '#334E6DC8'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
-            2796: 11,38
-            2797: 12,38
-            2798: 12,39
+            2386: 11,38
+            2387: 12,38
+            2388: 12,39
         - node:
             color: '#52B4E996'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
@@ -3741,35 +3553,35 @@ entities:
             544: -27,1
             545: -26,1
             546: -25,1
-            3072: -29,-14
-            3073: -28,-14
-            3074: -28,-13
-            3075: -28,-12
-            3172: -23,-11
-            3173: -23,-9
+            2656: -29,-14
+            2657: -28,-14
+            2658: -28,-13
+            2659: -28,-12
+            2756: -23,-11
+            2757: -23,-9
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             color: '#79150096'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
-            2071: -56,23
-            2072: -54,23
-            2073: -55,23
-            2074: -52,23
-            2075: -53,23
-            2076: -56,15
-            2077: -55,15
-            2078: -54,15
-            2079: -53,15
-            2080: -52,15
-            2083: -57,14
-            2084: -57,15
-            2085: -57,22
-            2086: -57,23
+            1928: -56,23
+            1929: -54,23
+            1930: -55,23
+            1931: -52,23
+            1932: -53,23
+            1933: -56,15
+            1934: -55,15
+            1935: -54,15
+            1936: -53,15
+            1937: -52,15
+            1940: -57,14
+            1941: -57,15
+            1942: -57,22
+            1943: -57,23
         - node:
             color: '#9FED5896'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
-            2781: -23,9
+            2809: -24,9
         - node:
             color: '#A4610696'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
@@ -3780,117 +3592,117 @@ entities:
             575: 16,-8
             576: 15,-8
             577: 14,-8
-            802: 13,0
-            803: 13,1
-            804: 13,2
-            805: 13,3
-            806: 13,4
-            2640: 5,1
+            737: 13,0
+            738: 13,1
+            739: 13,2
+            740: 13,3
+            741: 13,4
+            2336: 5,1
         - node:
             color: '#D381C996'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
-            1292: 39,7
-            1293: 38,7
-            1294: 37,7
-            1295: 36,7
-            1296: 35,7
-            1297: 40,8
-            1298: 40,9
-            1299: 40,10
+            1192: 39,7
+            1193: 38,7
+            1194: 37,7
+            1195: 36,7
+            1196: 35,7
+            1197: 40,8
+            1198: 40,9
+            1199: 40,10
         - node:
             color: '#D4D4D428'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
-            1904: 10,24
-            1905: 10,25
-            1906: 11,25
-            1909: -11,25
-            1910: -12,25
-            1911: -13,25
-            1912: -14,25
-            1913: -15,25
-            1914: -16,25
-            1915: -17,25
-            1916: -18,25
-            1917: -19,25
-            1918: -20,25
-            1919: -21,25
-            1920: -22,25
-            1921: -23,25
-            1922: -24,25
-            1923: -25,25
-            1924: -26,25
-            1925: -27,25
-            1926: -28,25
-            1927: -29,25
-            1928: -30,25
-            1929: -31,25
-            1930: -32,25
-            1931: -33,25
-            1932: -34,25
-            1933: -35,25
-            1934: -35,24
-            1935: -35,23
-            1936: -35,22
-            1937: -35,21
-            1938: -35,20
-            1939: -35,19
-            1940: -35,18
-            1941: -35,17
-            1942: -35,16
-            1943: -35,15
-            1944: -35,14
-            1945: -35,12
-            1946: -35,13
-            1947: -35,11
-            1948: -35,10
-            1949: -35,9
-            1950: -35,7
-            1951: -35,8
-            1952: -35,6
-            1953: -35,5
-            2002: -40,5
-            2003: -41,5
-            2004: -42,5
-            2005: -43,5
-            2006: -44,5
-            2007: -45,4
-            2008: -45,3
-            2009: -45,2
-            2010: -45,1
-            2011: -45,0
-            2012: -45,-1
-            2013: -45,-2
-            2105: -47,13
-            2106: -46,13
-            2107: -45,13
-            2108: -44,13
-            2109: -43,13
-            2110: -42,13
-            2111: -40,13
-            2112: -41,13
-            2468: -28,1
-            2469: -29,1
-            2470: -30,1
-            2471: -31,1
-            2472: -32,1
-            2473: -33,1
-            2613: 24,33
-            2614: 25,33
-            2615: 26,33
-            2616: 27,33
-            2617: 27,34
-            2618: 27,35
-            2619: 33,35
-            2620: 32,35
-            2621: 31,35
-            2622: 30,35
-            2623: 29,35
-            2816: -54,7
-            2817: -55,7
-            2818: -55,6
-            2819: -56,6
+            1761: 10,24
+            1762: 10,25
+            1763: 11,25
+            1766: -11,25
+            1767: -12,25
+            1768: -13,25
+            1769: -14,25
+            1770: -15,25
+            1771: -16,25
+            1772: -17,25
+            1773: -18,25
+            1774: -19,25
+            1775: -20,25
+            1776: -21,25
+            1777: -22,25
+            1778: -23,25
+            1779: -24,25
+            1780: -25,25
+            1781: -26,25
+            1782: -27,25
+            1783: -28,25
+            1784: -29,25
+            1785: -30,25
+            1786: -31,25
+            1787: -32,25
+            1788: -33,25
+            1789: -34,25
+            1790: -35,25
+            1791: -35,24
+            1792: -35,23
+            1793: -35,22
+            1794: -35,21
+            1795: -35,20
+            1796: -35,19
+            1797: -35,18
+            1798: -35,17
+            1799: -35,16
+            1800: -35,15
+            1801: -35,14
+            1802: -35,12
+            1803: -35,13
+            1804: -35,11
+            1805: -35,10
+            1806: -35,9
+            1807: -35,7
+            1808: -35,8
+            1809: -35,6
+            1810: -35,5
+            1859: -40,5
+            1860: -41,5
+            1861: -42,5
+            1862: -43,5
+            1863: -44,5
+            1864: -45,4
+            1865: -45,3
+            1866: -45,2
+            1867: -45,1
+            1868: -45,0
+            1869: -45,-1
+            1870: -45,-2
+            1962: -47,13
+            1963: -46,13
+            1964: -45,13
+            1965: -44,13
+            1966: -43,13
+            1967: -42,13
+            1968: -40,13
+            1969: -41,13
+            2172: -28,1
+            2173: -29,1
+            2174: -30,1
+            2175: -31,1
+            2176: -32,1
+            2177: -33,1
+            2309: 24,33
+            2310: 25,33
+            2311: 26,33
+            2312: 27,33
+            2313: 27,34
+            2314: 27,35
+            2315: 33,35
+            2316: 32,35
+            2317: 31,35
+            2318: 30,35
+            2319: 29,35
+            2406: -54,7
+            2407: -55,7
+            2408: -55,6
+            2409: -56,6
         - node:
             color: '#DE3A3A96'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
@@ -3922,35 +3734,31 @@ entities:
             622: 3,-31
             623: 3,-30
             624: 3,-29
-            838: -81,-44
-            839: -80,-44
-            840: -79,-44
-            841: -78,-44
-            842: -77,-44
-            1124: -1,-21
-            1125: 0,-21
-            1126: 1,-21
-            1127: 3,-21
-            1128: 4,-21
-            1134: 2,-21
-            2327: -12,-36
-            2328: -12,-35
-            2329: -12,-34
-            2330: -12,-33
+            773: -81,-44
+            774: -80,-44
+            775: -79,-44
+            776: -78,-44
+            777: -77,-44
+            1024: -1,-21
+            1025: 0,-21
+            1026: 1,-21
+            1027: 3,-21
+            1028: 4,-21
+            1034: 2,-21
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             color: '#334E6DC8'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
-            1954: -4,25
-            1955: -3,25
-            1956: -2,25
-            1957: -1,25
-            1958: 0,25
-            2791: 4,39
-            2792: 4,38
-            2793: 5,38
-            2794: 6,38
-            2795: 7,38
+            1811: -4,25
+            1812: -3,25
+            1813: -2,25
+            1814: -1,25
+            1815: 0,25
+            2381: 4,39
+            2382: 4,38
+            2383: 5,38
+            2384: 6,38
+            2385: 7,38
         - node:
             color: '#52B4E996'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
@@ -3966,121 +3774,121 @@ entities:
             507: -13,-7
             515: -6,-5
             523: -10,-2
-            3076: -31,-14
-            3077: -32,-14
-            3078: -33,-14
-            3079: -34,-14
-            3080: -35,-14
-            3081: -35,-13
-            3164: -20,-11
-            3167: -20,-9
-            3178: -24,-11
-            3179: -24,-9
+            2660: -31,-14
+            2661: -32,-14
+            2662: -33,-14
+            2663: -34,-14
+            2664: -35,-14
+            2665: -35,-13
+            2748: -20,-11
+            2751: -20,-9
+            2762: -24,-11
+            2763: -24,-9
+        - node:
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+            2837: 17,14
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-            832: -81,-47
-            833: -80,-47
-            834: -79,-47
-            835: -78,-47
-            836: -77,-47
-            837: -76,-47
+            767: -81,-47
+            768: -80,-47
+            769: -79,-47
+            770: -78,-47
+            771: -77,-47
+            772: -76,-47
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             color: '#A4610696'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
             567: 3,0
             586: 11,0
-            1164: 32,-12
-            2636: 8,1
-            2637: 9,1
-            2638: 10,1
-            2639: 11,1
-        - node:
-            color: '#D381C93B'
-            id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
-          decals:
-            1348: 21,10
-            1371: 21,14
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+            2332: 8,1
+            2333: 9,1
+            2334: 10,1
+            2335: 11,1
         - node:
             color: '#D381C996'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
-            1337: 25,7
-            1338: 26,7
-            1339: 27,7
-            1340: 28,7
-            1341: 29,7
-            1411: 24,7
+            1237: 25,7
+            1238: 26,7
+            1239: 27,7
+            1240: 28,7
+            1241: 29,7
+            1277: 24,7
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             color: '#D4D4D428'
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-            1895: -9,25
-            1896: -8,25
-            1897: -7,25
-            1898: -6,25
-            1899: -5,25
-            1900: 1,25
-            1901: 2,25
-            1902: 8,25
-            1903: 8,24
-            1907: 6,25
-            1908: 7,25
-            1962: 8,6
-            1963: 8,5
-            1964: 8,4
-            1995: -37,1
-            1996: -37,2
-            1997: -37,3
-            1998: -37,4
-            1999: -37,5
-            2000: -38,5
-            2001: -39,5
-            2139: 11,-12
-            2140: 10,-12
-            2141: 9,-12
-            2142: 8,-12
-            2722: -46,4
-            2723: -46,3
-            2724: -46,2
-            2725: -46,1
-            2726: -46,0
-            2727: -46,-1
-            2728: -46,-2
-            2807: -46,5
-            2808: -47,5
-            2809: -48,5
-            2810: -49,5
-            2811: -51,5
-            2812: -50,5
-            2813: -51,6
-            2814: -51,7
-            2815: -52,7
-            2820: -57,6
-            2821: -58,6
-            2822: -58,7
-            2823: -59,7
-            2824: -60,7
+            1752: -9,25
+            1753: -8,25
+            1754: -7,25
+            1755: -6,25
+            1756: -5,25
+            1757: 1,25
+            1758: 2,25
+            1759: 8,25
+            1760: 8,24
+            1764: 6,25
+            1765: 7,25
+            1819: 8,6
+            1820: 8,5
+            1821: 8,4
+            1852: -37,1
+            1853: -37,2
+            1854: -37,3
+            1855: -37,4
+            1856: -37,5
+            1857: -38,5
+            1858: -39,5
+            1996: 11,-12
+            1997: 10,-12
+            1998: 9,-12
+            1999: 8,-12
+            2350: -46,4
+            2351: -46,3
+            2352: -46,2
+            2353: -46,1
+            2354: -46,0
+            2355: -46,-1
+            2356: -46,-2
+            2397: -46,5
+            2398: -47,5
+            2399: -48,5
+            2400: -49,5
+            2401: -51,5
+            2402: -50,5
+            2403: -51,6
+            2404: -51,7
+            2405: -52,7
+            2410: -57,6
+            2411: -58,6
+            2412: -58,7
+            2413: -59,7
+            2414: -60,7
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             color: '#D4D4D496'
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-            2041: -56,15
-            2042: -55,15
-            2043: -54,15
-            2044: -52,15
-            2045: -53,15
-            2046: -52,23
-            2047: -53,23
-            2048: -54,23
-            2049: -55,23
-            2050: -56,23
-            2089: -51,23
-            2090: -51,22
-            2091: -51,15
-            2092: -51,14
+            1898: -56,15
+            1899: -55,15
+            1900: -54,15
+            1901: -52,15
+            1902: -53,15
+            1903: -52,23
+            1904: -53,23
+            1905: -54,23
+            1906: -55,23
+            1907: -56,23
+            1946: -51,23
+            1947: -51,22
+            1948: -51,15
+            1949: -51,14
         - node:
             color: '#DE3A3A96'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
@@ -4133,52 +3941,47 @@ entities:
             618: -2,-31
             619: -1,-31
             620: 0,-31
-            1129: 8,-21
-            1130: 9,-21
-            1131: 11,-21
-            1132: 12,-21
-            1133: 13,-21
-            1959: 5,25
-            1960: 4,25
-            1961: 3,25
-            2323: -14,-36
-            2324: -14,-35
-            2325: -14,-34
-            2326: -14,-33
-            2709: -31,-59
+            1029: 8,-21
+            1030: 9,-21
+            1031: 11,-21
+            1032: 12,-21
+            1033: 13,-21
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+            1817: 4,25
+            1818: 3,25
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-            1564: -4,27
-            1568: -18,27
-            1639: -4,37
-            1640: -4,38
-            1641: -4,39
-            1642: -4,40
-            1643: -4,41
-            1650: -19,27
-            1651: -20,27
-            1652: -21,27
-            1653: -22,27
-            1654: -23,27
-            1655: -24,27
+            1419: -15,27
+            1421: -4,27
+            1425: -18,27
+            1496: -4,37
+            1497: -4,38
+            1498: -4,39
+            1499: -4,40
+            1500: -4,41
+            1507: -19,27
+            1508: -20,27
+            1509: -21,27
+            1510: -22,27
+            1511: -23,27
+            1512: -24,27
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-            2030: -58,10
-            2031: -57,10
-            2032: -56,10
-            2033: -55,10
-            2034: -54,10
-            2035: -53,10
-            2036: -52,10
-            2037: -51,10
-            2038: -50,10
-            2039: -49,10
-            2040: -48,10
+            1887: -58,10
+            1888: -57,10
+            1889: -56,10
+            1890: -55,10
+            1891: -54,10
+            1892: -53,10
+            1893: -52,10
+            1894: -51,10
+            1895: -50,10
+            1896: -49,10
+            1897: -48,10
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             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
@@ -4186,10 +3989,16 @@ entities:
             497: -9,-2
             517: -9,-4
             522: -11,-3
-            3163: -21,-12
-            3166: -21,-10
-            3176: -25,-10
-            3177: -25,-12
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+            2750: -21,-10
+            2760: -25,-10
+            2761: -25,-12
+        - node:
+            color: '#724276FF'
+            id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
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+            2833: 18,15
+            2834: 23,11
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             color: '#A4610696'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
@@ -4199,140 +4008,135 @@ entities:
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             572: 15,-2
             573: 14,-2
-        - node:
-            color: '#D381C93B'
-            id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
-          decals:
-            1393: 23,16
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-            771: 10,23
-            772: 10,22
-            773: 10,21
-            774: 10,20
-            775: 10,19
-            776: 10,18
-            777: 10,14
-            778: 10,13
-            779: 10,12
-            780: 10,11
-            781: 10,10
-            782: 10,9
-            783: 10,8
-            784: 10,7
+            706: 10,23
+            707: 10,22
+            708: 10,21
+            709: 10,20
+            710: 10,19
+            711: 10,18
+            712: 10,14
+            713: 10,13
+            714: 10,12
+            715: 10,11
+            716: 10,10
+            717: 10,9
+            718: 10,8
+            719: 10,7
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             color: '#D4D4D428'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
-            1972: 0,4
-            1973: 1,4
-            1974: 2,4
-            1975: 4,4
-            1976: 3,4
-            1977: 5,4
-            1978: 6,4
-            1979: -14,3
-            1980: -15,3
-            1981: -16,3
-            1982: -17,3
-            1983: -18,3
-            1984: -19,3
-            1985: -20,3
-            1986: -20,4
-            1987: -20,5
-            1988: -20,6
-            1989: -20,7
-            2014: -45,-3
-            2016: -44,-3
-            2017: -44,-4
-            2018: -44,-5
-            2097: -47,15
-            2098: -46,15
-            2099: -45,15
-            2100: -44,15
-            2101: -43,15
-            2102: -42,15
-            2103: -41,15
-            2104: -40,15
-            2143: 9,-3
-            2144: 9,-4
-            2145: 9,-5
-            2146: 9,-6
-            2147: 9,-7
-            2148: 9,-8
-            2149: 9,-9
-            2150: 9,-10
-            2151: 10,-10
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-            2153: -34,27
-            2154: -35,27
-            2155: -35,28
-            2156: -35,29
-            2157: -35,30
-            2158: -35,31
-            2159: -35,32
-            2160: -35,33
-            2161: -35,34
-            2432: 10,6
-            2433: 10,5
-            2434: 10,4
-            2435: 11,4
-            2436: 12,4
-            2437: 13,4
-            2438: -40,7
-            2439: -41,7
-            2440: -42,7
-            2441: -43,7
-            2442: -44,7
-            2443: -45,7
-            2444: -45,8
-            2445: -46,8
-            2446: -47,8
-            2571: 11,35
-            2572: 11,34
-            2573: 11,33
-            2574: 11,32
-            2575: 11,31
-            2576: 11,30
-            2577: 11,29
-            2591: 24,27
-            2592: 23,27
-            2593: 23,28
-            2594: 23,29
-            2595: 23,30
-            2596: 23,31
-            2597: 27,40
-            2598: 27,38
-            2599: 27,39
-            2600: 26,40
-            2624: 33,38
-            2625: 32,38
-            2626: 31,38
-            2627: 30,38
-            2628: 29,38
-            2801: 11,36
-            2847: -44,-7
-            2848: -44,-8
+            1829: 0,4
+            1830: 1,4
+            1831: 2,4
+            1832: 4,4
+            1833: 3,4
+            1834: 5,4
+            1835: 6,4
+            1836: -14,3
+            1837: -15,3
+            1838: -16,3
+            1839: -17,3
+            1840: -18,3
+            1841: -19,3
+            1842: -20,3
+            1843: -20,4
+            1844: -20,5
+            1845: -20,6
+            1846: -20,7
+            1871: -45,-3
+            1873: -44,-3
+            1874: -44,-4
+            1875: -44,-5
+            1954: -47,15
+            1955: -46,15
+            1956: -45,15
+            1957: -44,15
+            1958: -43,15
+            1959: -42,15
+            1960: -41,15
+            1961: -40,15
+            2000: 9,-3
+            2001: 9,-4
+            2002: 9,-5
+            2003: 9,-6
+            2004: 9,-7
+            2005: 9,-8
+            2006: 9,-9
+            2007: 9,-10
+            2008: 10,-10
+            2009: -33,27
+            2010: -34,27
+            2011: -35,27
+            2012: -35,28
+            2013: -35,29
+            2014: -35,30
+            2015: -35,31
+            2016: -35,32
+            2017: -35,33
+            2018: -35,34
+            2136: 10,6
+            2137: 10,5
+            2138: 10,4
+            2139: 11,4
+            2140: 12,4
+            2141: 13,4
+            2142: -40,7
+            2143: -41,7
+            2144: -42,7
+            2145: -43,7
+            2146: -44,7
+            2147: -45,7
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+            2149: -46,8
+            2150: -47,8
+            2267: 11,35
+            2268: 11,34
+            2269: 11,33
+            2270: 11,32
+            2271: 11,31
+            2272: 11,30
+            2273: 11,29
+            2287: 24,27
+            2288: 23,27
+            2289: 23,28
+            2290: 23,29
+            2291: 23,30
+            2292: 23,31
+            2293: 27,40
+            2294: 27,38
+            2295: 27,39
+            2296: 26,40
+            2320: 33,38
+            2321: 32,38
+            2322: 31,38
+            2323: 30,38
+            2324: 29,38
+            2391: 11,36
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+            2432: -44,-8
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-            2052: -53,21
-            2053: -54,21
-            2054: -55,21
-            2055: -56,21
-            2056: -56,13
-            2057: -55,13
-            2058: -54,13
-            2059: -53,13
-            2060: -52,13
-            2093: -57,13
-            2094: -57,14
-            2095: -57,21
-            2096: -57,22
+            1908: -52,21
+            1909: -53,21
+            1910: -54,21
+            1911: -55,21
+            1912: -56,21
+            1913: -56,13
+            1914: -55,13
+            1915: -54,13
+            1916: -53,13
+            1917: -52,13
+            1950: -57,13
+            1951: -57,14
+            1952: -57,21
+            1953: -57,22
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             color: '#DE3A3A96'
             id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
@@ -4367,230 +4171,214 @@ entities:
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-            641: -2,-2
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-            844: -80,-48
-            845: -79,-48
-            846: -78,-48
-            847: -77,-48
+            633: -2,-5
+            634: -2,-2
+            778: -81,-48
+            779: -80,-48
+            780: -79,-48
+            781: -78,-48
+            782: -77,-48
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+            cleanable: True
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
-            id: Rock01
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-            1106: -26.720001,4.0298495
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+            853: -22,-38
+            854: -22,-38
+            855: -26,-37
+            856: -28,-37
+            857: -28,-37
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-            cleanable: True
+            angle: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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-            id: Rust
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-            917: -24,-36
-            918: -22,-38
-            919: -22,-38
-            920: -26,-37
-            921: -28,-37
-            922: -28,-37
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-            656: -6,-45
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-            1387: 22,23
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+            1254: 22,25
+            1255: 22,23
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-            color: '#334E6DC8'
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-            3165: -20,-10
-            3174: -24,-12
-            3175: -24,-10
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+            2746: -20,-12
+            2749: -20,-10
+            2758: -24,-12
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-            color: '#EFB34196'
-            id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
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-            2711: -30,-61
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@@ -4606,290 +4394,303 @@ entities:
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-            2957: -24,-23
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-            2516: -40,45
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-            id: WarnFullGreyscale
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-            2283: -21,-42
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-            2286: -19,-38
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-            1310: 20,19
-            1317: 21,20
-            1318: 21,21
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-            2223: 2,-34
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-            2752: -10,-51
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+            1190: 38,10
+            1209: 20,18
+            1210: 20,19
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+            1218: 21,21
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+            2903: -5,-51
+            2904: -5,-50
+            2905: -5,-49
+            2906: -5,-48
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+            3002: -17,-55
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-            2945: -21,-16
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-            3058: -29,-17
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-            3108: -18,-11
-            3109: -18,-10
-            3116: -28,-11
-            3117: -28,-10
+            2529: -21,-16
+            2641: -29,-23
+            2642: -29,-17
+            2687: -12,-11
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+            2693: -18,-10
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+            2701: -28,-10
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-            2281: -22,-42
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-            2954: -22,-15
-            3022: -14,-19
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-            2512: -40,44
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-            id: WarnLineGreyscaleN
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-            2279: -19,-39
-            2299: -13,-39
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-            3020: -18,-23
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+            1687: -58,22
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-            1475: -18,36
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+            1331: -20,36
+            1332: -18,36
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+            1611: 3,-12
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+            1631: 26,16
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             cleanable: True
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: WoodTrimThinLineS
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             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: WoodTrimThinLineW
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-            1756: 3,-11
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+            1346: -7,34
+            1347: -7,35
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+            1548: -74,-57
+            1549: -74,-56
+            1550: -74,-55
+            1551: -74,-54
+            1552: -74,-53
+            1553: -74,-52
+            1601: 6,-11
+            1602: 6,-10
+            1603: 6,-9
+            1612: 3,-12
+            1613: 3,-11
+            1614: 3,-10
+            1615: 3,-9
+            1616: 3,-8
+            1617: 3,-7
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+            1629: 29,15
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             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: bushsnowb3
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+            1461: -9,41
     - type: GridAtmosphere
       version: 2
@@ -7768,11 +7533,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.39634466,12.638008
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9608
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.30925,-35.362278
-      parent: 30
 - proto: AirAlarm
   - uid: 6224
@@ -7859,11 +7619,6 @@ entities:
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       pos: -26.5,-40.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: DeviceList
-      devices:
-      - 9952
-      - 11153
-      - 11094
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     - type: Transform
@@ -7876,85 +7631,162 @@ entities:
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       - 9864
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+  - uid: 9996
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -47.5,-18.5
+      pos: -3.5,-46.5
       parent: 30
     - type: DeviceList
-      - 17227
-      - 18435
-      - 18436
-      - 18437
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+      - 11134
+      - 9793
+      - 9994
+      - 19806
+  - uid: 10010
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 14.5,-22.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 11180
+      - 11192
+      - 4353
+      - 11188
+      - 9301
+      - 9300
+      - 9769
+      - 4241
+      - 9782
+      - 9618
+      - 11189
+  - uid: 13957
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       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -56.5,-25.5
+      pos: -2.5,-42.5
       parent: 30
     - type: DeviceList
-      - 20326
-      - 18441
-      - 18438
-      - 18440
-      - 18442
-      - 18439
-      - 17228
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+      - 19767
+      - 19768
+      - 9993
+      - 11007
+      - 19770
+      - 19771
+      - 8454
+      - 8609
+      - 7443
+      - 7098
+      - 10000
+      - 7099
+      - 7100
+      - 11003
+      - 19812
+      - 19766
+      - 19598
+  - uid: 13958
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -14.5,-45.5
+      pos: -19.5,-38.5
       parent: 30
     - type: DeviceList
-      - 20354
-      - 11262
-      - 11263
-      - 11264
-      - 11114
-      - 11163
-  - uid: 20356
+      - 9897
+      - 8297
+      - 11005
+      - 11009
+      - 7226
+      - 9884
+      - 19562
+      - 11280
+      - 11007
+      - 9993
+      - 19768
+      - 19767
+  - uid: 13966
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -9.5,-37.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-34.5
       parent: 30
     - type: DeviceList
-      - 11343
-      - 11344
-      - 11345
-      - 11340
-      - 11341
-      - 11342
-      - 20355
-      - 11155
-      - 11098
-      - 11099
-      - 11154
-  - uid: 21740
+      - 10042
+      - 9903
+      - 10043
+      - 10022
+      - 9899
+      - 9908
+      - 11011
+  - uid: 14365
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,-33.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 24.5,16.5
       parent: 30
     - type: DeviceList
-      - 11097
-      - 11227
-      - 21741
-  - uid: 21743
+      - 13002
+      - 14522
+      - 22440
+      - 22439
+      - 13082
+      - 13085
+      - 18074
+      - 18214
+      - 17912
+      - 18601
+      - 18212
+      - 13073
+      - 17724
+      - 12664
+      - 12665
+      - 12666
+      - 18073
+  - uid: 17960
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -14.5,-33.5
+      pos: -47.5,-18.5
       parent: 30
     - type: DeviceList
-      - 11176
-      - 11107
-      - 21744
+      - 17227
+      - 18435
+      - 18436
+      - 18437
+  - uid: 19570
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-51.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 8335
+      - 7222
+      - 11280
+      - 9839
+      - 7224
+      - 8311
+      - 9995
+  - uid: 20325
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -56.5,-25.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 20326
+      - 18441
+      - 18438
+      - 18440
+      - 18442
+      - 18439
+      - 17228
   - uid: 21747
     - type: Transform
@@ -7971,21 +7803,6 @@ entities:
       - 21749
       - 11178
       - 11179
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 8.5,-27.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: DeviceList
-      devices:
-      - 21753
-      - 9302
-      - 9303
-      - 9301
-      - 9300
-      - 11188
-      - 11189
   - uid: 21755
     - type: Transform
@@ -7994,23 +7811,6 @@ entities:
     - type: DeviceList
       - 21756
-  - uid: 21757
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 14.5,-21.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: DeviceList
-      devices:
-      - 21759
-      - 9303
-      - 9302
-      - 9301
-      - 9300
-      - 9307
-      - 9308
-      - 9309
-      - 11192
-      - 11180
   - uid: 21760
     - type: Transform
@@ -8280,17 +8080,6 @@ entities:
       - 18758
       - 18759
       - 21843
-  - uid: 21844
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -56.5,-62.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: DeviceList
-      devices:
-      - 18770
-      - 18769
-      - 21845
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     - type: Transform
@@ -8879,26 +8668,6 @@ entities:
       - 22053
       - 12959
       - 12813
-  - uid: 22054
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 19.5,13.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: DeviceList
-      devices:
-      - 9161
-      - 12665
-      - 12664
-      - 12666
-      - 12858
-      - 13391
-      - 22056
-      - 13078
-      - 12983
-      - 13085
-      - 13002
-      - 13086
-      - 13003
   - uid: 22057
     - type: Transform
@@ -8964,7 +8733,6 @@ entities:
       - 13080
       - 22071
       - 13006
-      - 9161
   - uid: 22073
     - type: Transform
@@ -8975,7 +8743,6 @@ entities:
       - 320
       - 21456
       - 22072
-      - 3357
       - 3358
   - uid: 22075
@@ -9033,6 +8800,13 @@ entities:
       - 22084
       - 3484
       - 3481
+- proto: AirAlarmElectronics
+  entities:
+  - uid: 15214
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 3.6103516,20.451275
+      parent: 30
 - proto: AirCanister
   - uid: 2087
@@ -9050,40 +8824,35 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 22.5,-13.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 15156
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 16.5,8.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 15645
+  - uid: 12727
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 22.5,-14.5
+      pos: -52.5,-64.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 16895
+  - uid: 12770
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -44.5,25.5
+      pos: -52.5,-65.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18782
+  - uid: 12816
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -66.5,-65.5
+      pos: -52.5,-63.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18783
+  - uid: 15156
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -65.5,-65.5
+      pos: 16.5,8.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18784
+  - uid: 15645
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -64.5,-65.5
+      pos: 22.5,-14.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22767
+  - uid: 16895
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -27.5,-63.5
+      pos: -44.5,25.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: Airlock
@@ -9223,6 +8992,30 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,-30.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 9894
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 11.5,-30.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10017
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 14.5,-24.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11290
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 14.5,-23.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 19783
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 10.5,-30.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockAtmosphericsLocked
   - uid: 8604
@@ -9240,6 +9033,18 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 20.5,-20.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 9978
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 17.5,-18.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9989
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 15.5,-18.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockBarLocked
   - uid: 455
@@ -9424,12 +9229,16 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockChiefEngineerGlassLocked
-  - uid: 9592
+  - uid: 870
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: CE's Office
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,-37.5
+      pos: -7.5,-37.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9519
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-30.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockChiefMedicalOfficerGlassLocked
@@ -9502,12 +9311,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,37.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22638
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -29.5,-61.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockCommandLocked
   - uid: 4927
@@ -9546,12 +9349,20 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockEngineeringGlassLocked
-  - uid: 9353
+  - uid: 4827
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: SMES bank
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -10.5,-33.5
+      pos: -13.5,-32.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 7125
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -12.5,-46.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 7146
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -11.5,-46.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 9463
@@ -9560,27 +9371,29 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -12.5,-36.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9934
+  - uid: 10767
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -0.5,-53.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 0.5,-42.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9935
+  - uid: 10769
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -0.5,-49.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -9.5,-44.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10116
+  - uid: 10785
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,-45.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -23.5,-45.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11177
+  - uid: 10788
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: SMES Bank
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -7.5,-37.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -17.5,-45.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 20984
@@ -9589,18 +9402,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,24.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22635
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -31.5,-60.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 22636
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -33.5,-60.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockEngineeringLocked
   - uid: 204
@@ -9610,6 +9411,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,22.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 340
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -54.5,-60.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 914
     - type: Transform
@@ -9660,27 +9466,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-36.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9426
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.5,-41.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9474
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -14.5,-29.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9577
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.5,-42.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9693
+  - uid: 10786
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: Thermo Electric Generator
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -7.5,-42.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -17.5,-49.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 11377
@@ -9707,27 +9497,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -62.5,43.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 17912
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -54.5,-59.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 18794
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -64.5,-61.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 18927
     - type: Transform
       pos: -39.5,-24.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22633
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -28.5,-58.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockExternal
   - uid: 841
@@ -9735,6 +9509,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -82.5,-60.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        6606:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
   - uid: 17373
     - type: Transform
@@ -9763,30 +9543,58 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,30.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        1826:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 1826
     - type: Transform
       pos: 17.5,30.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22631
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        1695:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+  - uid: 9501
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -24.5,-58.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -21.5,-55.5
       parent: 30
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        22632:
+        10789:
         - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
-  - uid: 22632
+  - uid: 10534
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -21.5,-58.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -13.5,-55.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+  - uid: 10789
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -23.5,-57.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+  - uid: 11117
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -11.5,-57.5
       parent: 30
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        22631:
+        10534:
         - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlass
@@ -9878,42 +9686,24 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassEngineeringLocked
-  - uid: 3531
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -8.5,-58.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 6272
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -7.5,-56.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 7207
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -6.5,-58.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 10135
+  - uid: 9342
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,-52.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 5.5,-44.5
       parent: 30
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
-        10136:
+        10559:
         - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
-  - uid: 10136
+  - uid: 10559
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,-49.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 6.5,-45.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: DeviceLinkSource
-      linkedPorts:
-        10135:
-        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
   - uid: 20059
     - type: Transform
@@ -9939,6 +9729,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -63.5,-18.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        17342:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 5391
     - type: Transform
@@ -9948,6 +9744,48 @@ entities:
         - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+  - uid: 9654
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -0.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        9655:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        9675:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+  - uid: 9655
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -1.5,-56.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        9654:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        9675:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+  - uid: 9675
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 0.5,-56.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        9654:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        9655:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 15334
     - type: Transform
@@ -9971,6 +9809,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -63.5,-20.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        386:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 18018
     - type: Transform
@@ -10065,6 +9909,12 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 25.5,43.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 11449
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -53.5,36.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleLocked
   - uid: 11864
@@ -10087,6 +9937,12 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -18.5,46.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        1696:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 5390
     - type: Transform
@@ -10101,11 +9957,23 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 45.5,16.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        15830:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 15830
     - type: Transform
       pos: 48.5,16.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        15829:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 16278
     - type: Transform
@@ -10132,6 +10000,12 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -85.5,-60.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        841:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
 - proto: AirlockFreezerKitchenHydroLocked
   - uid: 460
@@ -10191,6 +10065,17 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -26.5,24.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 840
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -50.5,62.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        2312:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 1006
     - type: Transform
@@ -10266,11 +10151,32 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -25.5,28.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 1827
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -46.5,62.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        1829:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 2123
     - type: Transform
       pos: -34.5,-0.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 4098
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -62.5,-61.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 4101
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -61.5,-61.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 6287
     - type: Transform
@@ -10466,35 +10372,25 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -59.5,-22.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18534
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -57.5,-54.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 18691
+  - uid: 17717
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -66.5,-54.5
+      pos: -71.5,-59.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18733
+  - uid: 18360
     - type: Transform
       pos: -71.5,-60.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18734
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -69.5,-58.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 18814
+  - uid: 18534
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -59.5,-61.5
+      pos: -57.5,-54.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18815
+  - uid: 18691
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -58.5,-61.5
+      pos: -66.5,-54.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 19392
@@ -10516,6 +10412,18 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -69.5,-54.5
       parent: 30
+- proto: AirlockGlassShuttle
+  entities:
+  - uid: 9121
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -52.5,-10.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11452
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -59.5,-10.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockHatchMaintenance
   - uid: 9957
@@ -10671,17 +10579,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -26.5,-41.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9462
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -12.5,-26.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 22634
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -26.5,-60.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockMaintGlass
   - uid: 8303
@@ -10890,10 +10787,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -60.5,31.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 19687
+  - uid: 18992
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.5,-27.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -19.5,-28.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 19815
@@ -11089,7 +10987,7 @@ entities:
       pos: -20.5,-5.5
       parent: 30
     - type: Door
-      secondsUntilStateChange: -537.51984
+      secondsUntilStateChange: -19847.316
       state: Opening
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
@@ -11228,6 +11126,12 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockScienceGlassLocked
+  - uid: 7677
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 15.5,11.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 12914
     - type: Transform
@@ -11240,16 +11144,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockScienceLocked
-  - uid: 12651
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 16.5,15.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 12652
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 19.5,15.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 12908
     - type: MetaData
@@ -11257,17 +11151,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 34.5,8.5
       parent: 30
-- proto: AirlockSecurityGlass
-  entities:
-  - uid: 2312
+  - uid: 14335
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -50.5,62.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 14.5,13.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: DeviceLinkSource
-      linkedPorts:
-        840:
-        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockSecurityGlassLocked
   - uid: 1696
@@ -11276,6 +11165,12 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -21.5,46.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        5070:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 1756
     - type: Transform
@@ -11286,11 +11181,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -32.5,45.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 1829
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -46.5,62.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 1873
     - type: Transform
@@ -11350,15 +11240,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockSecurityLocked
-  - uid: 840
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -50.5,59.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: DeviceLinkSource
-      linkedPorts:
-        2312:
-        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 1057
     - type: Transform
@@ -11374,16 +11255,33 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -28.5,46.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 1827
+  - uid: 1828
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -29.5,55.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 1829
     - type: Transform
       pos: -46.5,59.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 1828
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        1827:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+  - uid: 2312
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -29.5,55.5
+      pos: -50.5,59.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        840:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 13548
     - type: Transform
@@ -11408,6 +11306,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,14.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 12637
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -67.5,-62.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: AirlockTheatreLocked
   - uid: 652
@@ -11424,6 +11327,16 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: AirSensor
+  - uid: 4353
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 10.5,-26.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 10010
+      - 829
   - uid: 7116
     - type: Transform
@@ -11461,76 +11374,83 @@ entities:
       - 8262
       - 8254
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -23.5,-43.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 17227
+  - uid: 9994
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-      pos: -46.5,-17.5
+      pos: 0.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 17228
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+      deviceLists:
+      - 9996
+  - uid: 9995
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-      pos: -48.5,-23.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -17.5,-51.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20326
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 13965
+      - 19570
+  - uid: 9999
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-      pos: -56.5,-23.5
+      pos: 1.5,-39.5
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-  - uid: 20354
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 19597
+  - uid: 10000
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-      pos: -8.5,-44.5
+      pos: -8.5,-40.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20355
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 13957
+      - 13959
+  - uid: 17227
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -9.5,-39.5
+      pos: -46.5,-17.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20358
+  - uid: 17228
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,-40.5
+      pos: -48.5,-23.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 21741
+  - uid: 18073
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,-34.5
+      pos: 20.5,13.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 21744
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 14365
+  - uid: 19562
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -12.5,-33.5
+      pos: -17.5,-42.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 21745
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 13958
+      - 13964
+  - uid: 20326
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 1.5,-40.5
+      pos: -56.5,-23.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 21749
     - type: Transform
       pos: -2.5,-25.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 21753
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 10.5,-27.5
-      parent: 30
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-  - uid: 21759
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 12.5,-24.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 21761
     - type: Transform
@@ -11626,11 +11546,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -66.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 21845
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -57.5,-62.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 21847
     - type: Transform
@@ -11856,11 +11771,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 32.5,19.5
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-  - uid: 22056
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 20.5,11.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 22058
     - type: Transform
@@ -11935,17 +11845,10 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: AmeController
-  - uid: 9476
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -11.5,-27.5
-      parent: 30
-- proto: AmeJar
-  entities:
-  - uid: 801
+  - uid: 11269
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.490644,-32.439728
+      pos: -13.5,-47.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: AnomalyScanner
@@ -12136,8 +12039,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
     - type: Apc
       hasAccess: True
-      lastExternalState: Good
-      lastChargeState: Full
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     - type: MetaData
@@ -12163,8 +12064,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
     - type: Apc
       hasAccess: True
-      lastExternalState: Good
-      lastChargeState: Full
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     - type: MetaData
@@ -12183,8 +12082,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
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       hasAccess: True
-      lastExternalState: Good
-      lastChargeState: Full
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     - type: MetaData
@@ -12236,6 +12133,12 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -27.5,-23.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 8278
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -20.5,-45.5
+      parent: 30
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     - type: MetaData
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     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 9573
-    components:
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: Engineering APC
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -20.5,-38.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: Battery
-      startingCharge: 12000
   - uid: 9628
     - type: MetaData
@@ -12286,29 +12179,16 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -26.5,-2.5
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-  - uid: 10633
-    components:
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: Engineering Central APC
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -14.5,-38.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 10641
+  - uid: 9934
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: AME APC
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -14.5,-32.5
+      pos: -18.5,-30.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10790
+  - uid: 10590
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: TEG APC
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -0.5,-47.5
+      pos: -20.5,-53.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 10791
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+  - uid: 11014
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+    - type: Transform
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+      parent: 30
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@@ -12340,13 +12225,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 12974
-    components:
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: RND APC
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 18.5,13.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 13096
     - type: MetaData
@@ -12368,6 +12246,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 14364
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 16.5,13.5
+      parent: 30
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-    components:
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: Telecomms APC
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -33.5,-57.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 22673
+- proto: APCElectronics
+  entities:
+  - uid: 15969
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: Telecomms Entrance APC
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -28.5,-60.5
+      pos: 3.115302,20.471077
       parent: 30
 - proto: APCSuperCapacity
@@ -12475,6 +12355,41 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: AsteroidRock
+  - uid: 332
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -61.5,-68.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 333
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -60.5,-69.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 3342
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -51.5,-67.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 3343
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -54.5,-68.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 3345
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -53.5,-67.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 3346
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -52.5,-67.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 12854
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -54.5,-67.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 13747
     - type: Transform
@@ -12655,25 +12570,15 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 18189
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -53.5,-61.5
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-  - uid: 18190
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-      pos: -52.5,-61.5
+      pos: -53.5,-68.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18191
+  - uid: 18183
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -51.5,-61.5
+      pos: -74.5,-39.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 18192
@@ -12735,61 +12640,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 18206
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -52.5,-62.5
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-  - uid: 18207
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-    - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -52.5,-64.5
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-  - uid: 18211
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -52.5,-65.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 18212
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -52.5,-66.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 18213
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -52.5,-67.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 18214
-    components:
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-      pos: -51.5,-66.5
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-  - uid: 18215
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -51.5,-65.5
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-  - uid: 18216
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -51.5,-64.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
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-    components:
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-  - uid: 18355
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -56.5,-69.5
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-  - uid: 18356
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -61.5,-69.5
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-  - uid: 18357
-    components:
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-      pos: -62.5,-69.5
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-  - uid: 18358
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -62.5,-68.5
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-  - uid: 18359
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -62.5,-67.5
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-  - uid: 18373
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-      pos: -64.5,-68.5
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       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18374
+  - uid: 18777
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -63.5,-68.5
+      pos: -57.5,-69.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18376
+  - uid: 18778
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-      pos: -79.5,-65.5
+      pos: -59.5,-69.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 18779
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -57.5,-68.5
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -58.5,-68.5
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -56.5,-68.5
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -55.5,-68.5
+      parent: 30
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -59.5,-68.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 18785
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -60.5,-68.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 18798
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -56.5,-69.5
       parent: 30
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-- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
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       parent: 30
-  - uid: 3707
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       parent: 30
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 38.5,-5.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9122
+  - uid: 1083
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 38.5,-3.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9123
+  - uid: 1475
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,12.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 38.5,-5.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9124
+  - uid: 1490
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.5,17.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -65.5,23.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9798
+  - uid: 1493
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -52.5,-7.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -65.5,15.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 16402
+  - uid: 3707
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -65.5,23.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -65.5,13.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 16403
+  - uid: 11451
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -65.5,21.5
+      pos: -59.5,-10.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 16404
+  - uid: 11453
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -65.5,15.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -53.5,36.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 16405
+  - uid: 11454
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -65.5,13.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -65.5,21.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20590
+- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
+  entities:
+  - uid: 9123
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -52.5,2.5
+      pos: -16.5,12.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20591
+  - uid: 9124
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -59.5,2.5
+      pos: -19.5,17.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
@@ -13424,18 +13289,11 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: Autolathe
-  - uid: 11276
+  - uid: 3125
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 3.5,-43.5
+      pos: -21.5,-44.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: MaterialStorage
-      materialWhiteList:
-      - Steel
-      - Plastic
-      - Wood
-      - Glass
-      - Cloth
   - uid: 11726
     - type: Transform
@@ -13495,6 +13353,12 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: Barricade
+  - uid: 3196
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -19.5,-27.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 15531
     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -53.5,42.5
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-  - uid: 19688
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.5,-26.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-10.5
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+- proto: BaseComputer
+  entities:
+  - uid: 8821
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -12.5,-33.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9592
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -17.5,-31.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: BaseGasCondenser
   - uid: 6731
@@ -13733,6 +13605,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -51.5,-53.5
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+  - uid: 18216
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -69.5,-62.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 21091
     - type: Transform
@@ -13777,14 +13654,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -17.5,31.5
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-- proto: BedsheetCE
-  entities:
-  - uid: 9329
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 9604
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
 - proto: BedsheetCMO
   - uid: 7166
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -51.5,-53.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 18786
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -69.5,-62.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 21092
     - type: Transform
@@ -13990,50 +13864,57 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -43.5,16.5
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-  - uid: 9068
+  - uid: 9064
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-      pos: 12.5,-38.5
+      pos: -4.5,-58.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9404
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+  - uid: 9065
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -24.5,-45.5
+      pos: -3.5,-58.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9405
+  - uid: 9068
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -23.5,-45.5
+      pos: 12.5,-38.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9825
+  - uid: 9302
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.5,-59.5
+      pos: 2.5,-58.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9826
+  - uid: 9533
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.5,-58.5
+      pos: -16.5,-38.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9827
+  - uid: 9678
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.5,-57.5
+      pos: -2.5,-58.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9828
+  - uid: 9690
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -1.5,-59.5
+      pos: 1.5,-58.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9829
+  - uid: 9691
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -1.5,-58.5
+      pos: 3.5,-58.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9830
+  - uid: 11015
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-      pos: -1.5,-57.5
+      pos: -18.5,-38.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11028
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -17.5,-38.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 11659
@@ -14070,16 +13951,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 15990
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       pos: 48.5,25.5
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-  - uid: 14512
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 48.5,23.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 22308
+  - uid: 3347
     - type: Transform
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+      pos: -58.671722,-63.148144
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-  - uid: 22309
+  - uid: 3359
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-      pos: -60.36943,-63.3924
+      pos: -58.35984,-63.163
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-  - uid: 22310
+  - uid: 16405
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -60.68197,-63.450558
+      pos: -58.656876,-63.44517
       parent: 30
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-  - uid: 22311
+  - uid: 3357
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -60.353844,-63.575558
+      pos: -58.35984,-63.50458
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-- proto: BookChefGaming
+- proto: BookHowToCookForFortySpaceman
   - uid: 9948
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.506373,7.7216425
+      pos: -17.483065,5.6789637
       parent: 30
 - proto: BookRandomStory
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     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 22306
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -54.57496,-63.325558
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 22307
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -54.340584,-63.466183
-      parent: 30
-- proto: BooksBag
-  entities:
-  - uid: 22303
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -60.525063,-67.28237
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-  - uid: 2356
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -52.5,67.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 2357
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -52.5,66.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 2356
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -52.5,66.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 2357
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -52.5,67.5
+      parent: 30
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -54.5,-65.5
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-  - uid: 15180
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -55.5,-65.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 15213
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -56.5,-65.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 15214
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -54.5,-67.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 15280
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-      pos: -55.5,-67.5
+      pos: -60.5,-62.5
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-  - uid: 15353
+  - uid: 10149
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -56.5,-67.5
+      pos: -58.5,-62.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 15355
+  - uid: 12819
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -54.5,-62.5
+      pos: -59.5,-62.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 15975
+  - uid: 14361
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -55.5,-62.5
+      pos: -58.5,-64.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 16165
+  - uid: 14504
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-      pos: -56.5,-63.5
+      pos: -67.5,-65.5
       parent: 30
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+  - uid: 17544
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -59.5,-64.5
+      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -14432,6 +14276,21 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 18773
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -60.5,-66.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 18774
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -58.5,-66.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 18783
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -59.5,-66.5
+      parent: 30
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+  - uid: 339
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 16.633371,16.353863
+      parent: 30
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 19424
+  - uid: 12842
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-      pos: -60.46691,-65.40645
+      pos: -62.622215,-64.76696
       parent: 30
 - proto: BoxHandcuff
@@ -14707,7 +14561,7 @@ entities:
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-      pos: -63.476974,-62.485996
+      pos: -52.499535,-60.446262
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 - proto: BoxLightMixed
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-  - uid: 318
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -24.461937,5.451811
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 323
     - type: Transform
@@ -14874,6 +14723,11 @@ entities:
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+  - uid: 13049
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -24.119356,6.357745
+      parent: 30
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+- proto: ButtonFrameCaution
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+  - uid: 12380
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -20.5,-47.5
+      parent: 30
+- proto: ButtonFrameCautionSecurity
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+  - uid: 9062
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -1.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9215
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+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 0.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
+- proto: ButtonFrameGrey
+  entities:
+  - uid: 11138
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -15.5,-38.5
+      parent: 30
+- proto: ButtonFrameJanitor
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+  - uid: 9401
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 22.5,-5.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9405
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 18.5,17.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: CableApcExtension
   - uid: 41
@@ -14903,6 +14800,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 27.5,20.5
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+  - uid: 335
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -67.5,-60.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 408
     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 828
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+      pos: -24.5,-41.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 870
+  - uid: 788
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-      pos: -12.5,-55.5
+      pos: -22.5,-40.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 795
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -23.5,-43.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 828
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 30.5,-6.5
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+  - uid: 908
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+  - uid: 915
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -12.5,-30.5
+      parent: 30
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+  - uid: 3126
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -11.5,-56.5
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-  - uid: 4127
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-  - uid: 4128
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-  - uid: 4129
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -27.5,5.5
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-  - uid: 4130
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -28.5,5.5
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-  - uid: 4141
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-    - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 4444
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+    - type: Transform
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -8.5,-55.5
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -4.5,-55.5
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -5.5,-55.5
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+  - uid: 7107
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-    - type: Transform
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+      pos: -20.5,-41.5
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+    - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
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+      pos: -25.5,-41.5
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+      pos: -17.5,-36.5
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-  - uid: 9635
+  - uid: 8825
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+      pos: -23.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9636
+  - uid: 8835
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-      pos: -41.5,-12.5
+      pos: -17.5,-41.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9653
+  - uid: 8836
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-      pos: -6.5,-58.5
+      pos: -23.5,-49.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9654
+  - uid: 9406
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-      pos: -4.5,-58.5
+      pos: -20.5,-42.5
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-  - uid: 9655
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-      pos: -5.5,-58.5
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-  - uid: 9656
+  - uid: 9422
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-      pos: -7.5,-58.5
+      pos: -24.5,-6.5
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-  - uid: 9665
+  - uid: 9567
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+      pos: -21.5,-41.5
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-  - uid: 9666
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-  - uid: 9667
+  - uid: 9619
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-      pos: -35.5,-6.5
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-  - uid: 9668
+  - uid: 9635
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-      pos: -36.5,-6.5
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-  - uid: 9677
+  - uid: 9636
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@@ -22123,85 +21765,45 @@ entities:
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+      pos: -18.5,-46.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: Fixtures
-      fixtures: {}
-  - uid: 9489
+  - uid: 9418
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -7.5,-33.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -5.5,-44.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9451
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -6.5,-44.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9499
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -16.5,-34.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10503
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -7.5,-44.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11340
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -16.5,-35.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: Fixtures
-      fixtures: {}
   - uid: 15296
     - type: Transform
@@ -42913,11 +42143,6 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,84.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22671
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -25.5,-61.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: CandyBowl
   - uid: 10047
@@ -42949,11 +42174,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22441
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 2.452661,20.541075
-      parent: 30
 - proto: CarbonDioxideCanister
   - uid: 8772
@@ -42971,10 +42191,10 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10430
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-      pos: -14.5,-47.5
+      pos: -5.5,-50.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: Carpet
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -79.5,-49.5
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -59.5,-68.5
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-  - uid: 19402
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -59.5,-67.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19403
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -59.5,-66.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19404
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -59.5,-65.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19405
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -59.5,-64.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19406
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -59.5,-63.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19407
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -59.5,-62.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19408
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -58.5,-68.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19409
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -58.5,-67.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19410
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -58.5,-66.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19411
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -58.5,-65.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19412
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -58.5,-64.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19413
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -58.5,-63.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19414
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -58.5,-62.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -44301,23 +43451,35 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: CarpetOrange
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     - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -16.5,-35.5
+      pos: -66.5,-63.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 8297
+  - uid: 4100
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -16.5,-36.5
+      pos: -66.5,-62.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 8298
+  - uid: 4128
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -16.5,-34.5
+      pos: -65.5,-64.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 4129
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -65.5,-63.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 4130
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -65.5,-62.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9492
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -6.5,-33.5
       parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -63.5,-63.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10227
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -61.5,-65.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10742
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -6.5,-35.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11020
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -6.5,-34.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 11619
     - type: Transform
@@ -44359,6 +43541,46 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 24.5,0.5
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -62.5,-65.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 12772
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -61.5,-63.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 12809
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -61.5,-64.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 12820
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -63.5,-64.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 14360
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -66.5,-64.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 14473
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -63.5,-65.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 14474
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -62.5,-64.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 14478
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -62.5,-63.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: CarpetPink
   - uid: 15267
@@ -44774,11 +43996,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 4987
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.5,-58.5
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-      pos: -19.5,-58.5
+      pos: 24.5,-18.5
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-  - uid: 7444
+  - uid: 8455
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-      pos: -18.5,-58.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-44.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 7975
+  - uid: 8526
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-      pos: 24.5,-18.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -6.5,-43.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 8538
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-      pos: -5.5,-15.5
+      pos: -5.5,-21.5
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-  - uid: 9214
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-      pos: -5.5,-16.5
+      pos: -5.5,-22.5
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-  - uid: 9215
+  - uid: 9263
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-      pos: -5.5,-17.5
+      pos: 25.5,-18.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9216
+  - uid: 9478
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-      pos: -5.5,-18.5
+      pos: -12.5,-48.5
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-  - uid: 9217
+  - uid: 9484
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-      pos: -5.5,-19.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -5.5,-43.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9218
+  - uid: 9518
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-      pos: -5.5,-20.5
+      pos: -5.5,-18.5
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-  - uid: 9219
+  - uid: 9520
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-      pos: -5.5,-21.5
+      pos: -11.5,-51.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9221
+  - uid: 9563
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-      pos: -5.5,-22.5
+      pos: -10.5,-51.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9263
+  - uid: 9569
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-      pos: 25.5,-18.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -6.5,-44.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9563
+  - uid: 9571
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-      pos: -12.5,-29.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -4.5,-44.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9564
+  - uid: 9613
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-      pos: -11.5,-29.5
+      pos: -5.5,-17.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9565
+  - uid: 9615
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -10.5,-29.5
+      pos: -5.5,-19.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9566
+  - uid: 9616
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -9.5,-29.5
+      pos: -5.5,-20.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9567
+  - uid: 9704
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -8.5,-29.5
+      pos: -5.5,-16.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9568
+  - uid: 9705
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-      pos: -7.5,-29.5
+      pos: -5.5,-15.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9569
+  - uid: 9799
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-      pos: -6.5,-29.5
+      pos: -40.5,-24.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9799
+  - uid: 9821
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-      pos: -40.5,-24.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -0.5,-46.5
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -12.5,-49.5
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+  - uid: 9889
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -8.5,-51.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9938
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -12.5,-51.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9939
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -12.5,-50.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9985
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -9.5,-51.5
+      parent: 30
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@@ -45076,6 +44324,107 @@ entities:
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+  - uid: 10660
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -22.5,-55.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10670
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -22.5,-56.5
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+  - uid: 10671
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -10.5,-55.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10689
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -11.5,-56.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11093
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -0.5,-45.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11094
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -0.5,-44.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11121
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -7.5,-44.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11148
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -23.5,-55.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11149
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -9.5,-55.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11150
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -10.5,-56.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11151
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -12.5,-55.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11152
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -13.5,-55.5
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+  - uid: 11153
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -11.5,-57.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11154
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -12.5,-56.5
+      parent: 30
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -5.5,-44.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11274
+    components:
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+      pos: -9.5,-56.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11287
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -1.5,-44.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11288
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -2.5,-44.5
+      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -45256,6 +44605,17 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
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+      pos: -7.5,-43.5
+      parent: 30
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -23.5,-56.5
+      parent: 30
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+  - uid: 19241
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -11.5,-55.5
+      parent: 30
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -23.5,-58.5
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-    - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 22761
-    components:
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-      pos: -26.5,-63.5
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-  - uid: 22762
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -27.5,-63.5
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-  - uid: 22763
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -27.5,-61.5
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-  - uid: 22764
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -26.5,-61.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 22765
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -25.5,-61.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: Chair
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@@ -47932,6 +47262,42 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+  - uid: 10125
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+      pos: -23.5,-39.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10127
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -23.5,-40.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10195
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -23.5,-41.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10196
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -20.5,-40.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10197
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -20.5,-39.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10198
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -20.5,-41.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 11360
     - type: Transform
@@ -48628,22 +47994,10 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 8251
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,-28.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 8300
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -5.5,-39.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9047
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -17.5,-36.5
+      pos: 4.095898,-45.486774
       parent: 30
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@@ -48657,20 +48011,28 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 9446
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-      pos: -23.5,-40.5
+      pos: 2.8055086,-45.39959
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11304
+  - uid: 9964
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,-43.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.548677,-35.341038
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11305
+  - uid: 10095
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 1.5,-43.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -16.516525,-31.38681
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10764
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -22.450798,-48.444862
       parent: 30
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@@ -48718,12 +48080,6 @@ entities:
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-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 14.5,12.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -48740,6 +48096,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 18995
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -24.534996,-43.467594
+      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -48781,20 +48142,19 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 30.5,20.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22834
+- proto: ChairOfficeLight
+  entities:
+  - uid: 318
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -30.5,-62.5
+      pos: 18.503437,14.498728
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22837
+  - uid: 334
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -30.5,-58.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -66.47906,-63.39059
       parent: 30
-- proto: ChairOfficeLight
-  entities:
   - uid: 2111
     - type: Transform
@@ -48894,6 +48254,12 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 18.5,23.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 14048
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 17.504675,15.6658
+      parent: 30
 - proto: ChairWood
   - uid: 562
@@ -48979,6 +48345,24 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 17.5,40.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 10229
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -63.447754,-64.514534
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10230
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -61.457657,-64.514534
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10232
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -61.427956,-65.45017
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 13673
     - type: Transform
@@ -49141,12 +48525,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 17789
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -55.5,-63.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -49162,16 +48540,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 19422
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 19423
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -60.5,-64.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -49539,29 +48907,23 @@ entities:
         - 0
 - proto: ClosetChefFilled
-  - uid: 64
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     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,5.5
+      pos: -16.5,5.5
+      parent: 30
+- proto: ClosetEmergency
+  entities:
+  - uid: 9869
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -8.5,-38.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 13975
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -15.5,-50.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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   - uid: 893
@@ -49758,29 +49120,11 @@ entities:
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+  - uid: 11456
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-      pos: -18.5,-51.5
+      pos: -52.5,37.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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@@ -49827,6 +49171,16 @@ entities:
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+  - uid: 12817
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -53.5,-65.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 14049
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 14.5,10.5
+      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -50034,29 +49388,11 @@ entities:
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-      pos: -67.5,-65.5
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       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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@@ -50154,52 +49490,6 @@ entities:
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -23.5,-57.5
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-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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-        - 0
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -27.5,-57.5
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-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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-        - 0
-        - 0
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@@ -50294,6 +49584,11 @@ entities:
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+  - uid: 9067
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 2.5,-43.5
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+      pos: 1.5,-43.5
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-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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+  - uid: 11069
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-      pos: -5.5,-43.5
+      pos: 3.5,-37.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-  - uid: 10094
+  - uid: 11285
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-      pos: 3.5,-39.5
+      pos: -6.5,-38.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-  - uid: 22841
+  - uid: 22224
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-      pos: -25.5,-57.5
+      pos: 33.5,20.5
       parent: 30
     - type: EntityStorage
@@ -50893,102 +50093,30 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 9993
+  - uid: 9058
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-      pos: -1.5,-43.5
+      pos: 4.5,-43.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-  - uid: 9994
+  - uid: 9246
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-      pos: -2.5,-43.5
+      pos: 3.5,-43.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-  - uid: 9995
+  - uid: 10049
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -3.5,-43.5
+      pos: -15.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-  - uid: 11246
+  - uid: 11062
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -1.5,-35.5
+      pos: -15.5,-46.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-  - uid: 12770
+  - uid: 11246
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 17.5,16.5
+      pos: -1.5,-35.5
       parent: 30
     - type: EntityStorage
@@ -51031,52 +50159,11 @@ entities:
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 0.5,-37.5
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-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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-        - 0
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-  - uid: 21460
+  - uid: 14333
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-      pos: 2.5,-37.5
+      pos: 12.5,12.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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-        - 0
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@@ -51141,29 +50228,6 @@ entities:
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 52.5,24.5
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-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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   - uid: 16213
     - type: Transform
@@ -51287,22 +50351,24 @@ entities:
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-- proto: ClothingBeltUtilityFilled
+- proto: ClothingBeltUtilityEngineering
-  - uid: 1630
+  - uid: 8298
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -28.53513,29.598625
+      pos: -5.4889383,-38.35511
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 8337
+  - uid: 11172
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -4.5536795,-38.356297
+      pos: -9.825792,-47.53879
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11334
+- proto: ClothingBeltUtilityFilled
+  entities:
+  - uid: 1630
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.525967,-28.59756
+      pos: -28.53513,29.598625
       parent: 30
 - proto: ClothingEyesEyepatch
@@ -51333,10 +50399,10 @@ entities:
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+  - uid: 18355
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-      pos: -57.565453,-65.51947
+      pos: -58.808327,-65.48881
       parent: 30
   - uid: 19696
@@ -51378,31 +50444,16 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
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-  - uid: 9437
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -23.481958,-39.312622
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9438
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-      pos: -23.481958,-39.468872
+      pos: -2.4337187,-46.09784
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   - uid: 9440
     - type: Transform
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.387093,-35.233547
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-  - uid: 10009
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.542964,-45.357754
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 22447
     - type: Transform
@@ -51427,27 +50478,27 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 9441
+  - uid: 9397
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-      pos: 5.522977,-23.530071
+      pos: -2.5034692,-46.307095
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10010
+  - uid: 9441
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.542964,-45.170254
+      pos: 5.522977,-23.530071
       parent: 30
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-  - uid: 11291
+  - uid: 11115
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.509655,-44.429184
+      pos: -9.615068,-41.346893
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11292
+  - uid: 11116
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.509655,-44.241684
+      pos: -9.388378,-41.503834
       parent: 30
 - proto: ClothingEyesHudSecurity
@@ -51506,10 +50557,10 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -29.37888,29.583
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-  - uid: 9444
+  - uid: 19401
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-      pos: -24.364544,-39.42136
+      pos: -24.731133,-50.435394
       parent: 30
 - proto: ClothingHandsGlovesFingerless
@@ -51862,20 +50913,10 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 7751
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -4.5693045,-38.59067
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 7771
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -4.3505545,-38.46567
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 11337
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     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.479092,-30.706936
+      pos: -5.4715004,-38.529488
       parent: 30
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+  - uid: 3344
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -64.42011,-67.461174
+      pos: -56.501534,-67.426544
       parent: 30
 - proto: ClothingNeckHeadphones
@@ -51955,6 +50996,11 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
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+  - uid: 3360
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -66.40864,-64.41052
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 16211
     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 19430
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -57.52941,-67.45332
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 21488
     - type: Transform
@@ -52220,15 +51261,15 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
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-  - uid: 11335
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     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.557217,-31.269436
+      pos: -8.974306,-47.528893
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11336
+  - uid: 11262
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.385342,-31.456936
+      pos: -9.241632,-47.33087
       parent: 30
 - proto: ClothingOuterVestWeb
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     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 11268
+  - uid: 4895
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.51538,-50.461685
+      pos: -19.595419,-50.39677
       parent: 30
 - proto: ClothingShoesBootsPerformer
@@ -52670,10 +51711,10 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 14.5,-16.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9588
+  - uid: 9407
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-      pos: -18.5,-34.5
+      pos: -8.5,-33.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 9673
@@ -52686,17 +51727,23 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 12854
+  - uid: 14359
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-      pos: 13.5,10.5
+      pos: 17.5,10.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 12929
+  - uid: 14509
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 15.5,10.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -66.5,-65.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 14524
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -65.5,-65.5
       parent: 30
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       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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       parent: 30
+  - uid: 18544
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 19.5,10.5
+      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -31.5,-58.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: ComputerAnalysisConsole
   - uid: 15282
@@ -53000,11 +52047,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -14.5,-14.5
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-  - uid: 22804
+  - uid: 9596
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -31.5,-62.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -16.5,-32.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: ComputerCriminalRecords
@@ -53059,11 +52106,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: ComputerFrame
-  - uid: 10213
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.5,-68.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 20279
     - type: Transform
@@ -53142,10 +52184,23 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,43.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11271
+  - uid: 8525
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -7.5,-35.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -9.5,-33.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10200
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -20.5,-44.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10589
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-45.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: ComputerRadar
@@ -53156,12 +52211,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: ComputerResearchAndDevelopment
-  - uid: 490
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 13.5,12.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 5816
     - type: Transform
@@ -53227,10 +52276,11 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -6.5,44.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11270
+  - uid: 7225
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -5.5,-38.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -6.5,-45.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 15966
@@ -53278,12 +52328,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -30.5,49.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22805
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -31.5,-63.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor
   - uid: 1073
@@ -53329,10 +52373,11 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: ComputerTechnologyDiskTerminal
-  - uid: 12814
+  - uid: 17885
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 20.5,12.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 20.5,10.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: ComputerTelevision
@@ -53343,25 +52388,25 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: ContainmentFieldGenerator
-  - uid: 9413
+  - uid: 8026
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -23.5,-49.5
+      pos: -19.5,-35.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9414
+  - uid: 10654
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -23.5,-50.5
+      pos: -19.5,-34.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9415
+  - uid: 18859
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.5,-50.5
+      pos: -18.5,-35.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9416
+  - uid: 19418
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.5,-49.5
+      pos: -18.5,-34.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: ConveyorBelt
@@ -53473,54 +52518,57 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 35.5,-17.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 14522
+  - uid: 12943
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 48.5,25.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 53.5,24.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 14523
+  - uid: 12944
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 48.5,24.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 52.5,24.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 14524
+  - uid: 12961
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 48.5,23.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 51.5,24.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 14525
+  - uid: 12973
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 48.5,22.5
+      pos: 50.5,24.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 14526
+  - uid: 12983
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 49.5,22.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 48.5,23.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 14527
+  - uid: 13034
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 50.5,22.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 48.5,24.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 14528
+  - uid: 13048
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 51.5,22.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 48.5,25.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 14529
+  - uid: 16126
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 52.5,22.5
+      pos: 35.5,-15.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 16126
+  - uid: 18374
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 35.5,-15.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 50.5,23.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: CornSeeds
@@ -53538,6 +52586,11 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: CrateArtifactContainer
+  - uid: 17790
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 41.5,12.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 22272
     - type: Transform
@@ -53585,12 +52638,28 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 23.5,-3.5
       parent: 30
+- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEJar
+  entities:
+  - uid: 18993
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -13.5,-48.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: Lock
+      locked: False
 - proto: CrateEngineeringAMEShielding
-  - uid: 9478
+  - uid: 19186
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,-32.5
+      pos: -13.5,-49.5
+      parent: 30
+- proto: CrateEngineeringCableBulk
+  entities:
+  - uid: 3520
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -43.5,19.5
       parent: 30
     - type: EntityStorage
@@ -53598,8 +52667,8 @@ entities:
         immutable: False
         temperature: 293.1496
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+        - 12.952587
         - 0
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         - 0
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         - 0
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-- proto: CrateEngineeringCableBulk
-  entities:
-  - uid: 3520
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+      containers:
+      - EntityStorageComponent
+      - entity_storage
+  - uid: 7840
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -43.5,19.5
+      pos: -37.5,-3.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10765
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -25.5,-47.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 16813
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -54.5,41.5
       parent: 30
     - type: EntityStorage
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       - EntityStorageComponent
       - entity_storage
-  - uid: 7840
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -37.5,-3.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9578
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     - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.5,-44.5
+      pos: 5.5,20.5
       parent: 30
     - type: EntityStorage
@@ -53667,14 +52743,19 @@ entities:
         - 0
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-      containers:
-      - EntityStorageComponent
-      - entity_storage
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+- proto: CrateEngineeringCableHV
+  entities:
+  - uid: 10201
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -54.5,41.5
+      pos: -5.5,-45.5
+      parent: 30
+- proto: CrateEngineeringCableLV
+  entities:
+  - uid: 19629
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -31.5,-38.5
       parent: 30
     - type: EntityStorage
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       - EntityStorageComponent
       - entity_storage
-  - uid: 20467
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 3.5,-44.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
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-        - 0
-    - type: Construction
-      containers:
-      - EntityStorageComponent
-      - entity_storage
-  - uid: 22442
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 5.5,20.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
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-- proto: CrateEngineeringCableHV
-  entities:
-  - uid: 10219
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -10.5,-68.5
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-- proto: CrateEngineeringCableLV
-  entities:
-  - uid: 19629
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -31.5,-38.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
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-        - 0
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-    - type: Construction
-      containers:
-      - EntityStorageComponent
-      - entity_storage
-- proto: CrateEngineeringCableMV
-  entities:
-  - uid: 10220
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -9.5,-68.5
-      parent: 30
-- proto: CrateEngineeringSingularityCollector
-  entities:
-  - uid: 10216
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.5,-68.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 10217
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -12.5,-68.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 10218
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -11.5,-68.5
-      parent: 30
-- proto: CrateEngineeringSingularityContainment
-  entities:
-  - uid: 11299
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,-48.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: Construction
-      containers:
-      - EntityStorageComponent
-      - entity_storage
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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-  entities:
-  - uid: 20617
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -12.5,-69.5
-      parent: 30
-- proto: CrateEngineeringTeslaGenerator
-  entities:
-  - uid: 9475
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.5,-69.5
-      parent: 30
-- proto: CrateEngineeringTeslaGroundingRod
-  entities:
-  - uid: 20618
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -11.5,-69.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: CrateFilledSpawner
   - uid: 3505
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 17.5,18.5
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-- proto: CrateNPCCow
-  entities:
-  - uid: 494
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,5.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 800
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.14987
-        moles:
-        - 13.772371
-        - 51.81035
-        - 0
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   - uid: 4350
@@ -54196,10 +53092,10 @@ entities:
       available: False
 - proto: Crowbar
-  - uid: 12836
+  - uid: 18695
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 16.474464,12.551813
+      pos: 17.494757,13.487526
       parent: 30
 - proto: CrowbarRed
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.455861,34.475574
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11301
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.417063,-48.52035
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 11738
     - type: Transform
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       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -74.382675,-63.392025
       parent: 30
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconAI
+  entities:
+  - uid: 20686
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -0.5,74.5
+      parent: 30
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconAICore
+  entities:
+  - uid: 20685
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -0.5,83.5
+      parent: 30
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconAISatellite
+  entities:
+  - uid: 20687
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -0.5,61.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconAME
-  - uid: 20527
+  - uid: 20688
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -11.5,-30.5
+      pos: -11.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconAnomalyGenerator
@@ -54386,10 +53298,10 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconAtmospherics
-  - uid: 20534
+  - uid: 11463
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 10.5,-29.5
+      pos: 11.5,-24.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconBar
@@ -54442,10 +53354,10 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconCERoom
-  - uid: 20538
+  - uid: 20689
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,-36.5
+      pos: -7.5,-35.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconChapel
@@ -54503,6 +53415,13 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 49.5,21.5
       parent: 30
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconDorms
+  entities:
+  - uid: 20690
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 21.5,36.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconEngineering
   - uid: 20553
@@ -54510,6 +53429,25 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-33.5
       parent: 30
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconEscapePod
+  entities:
+  - uid: 11455
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -52.5,36.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 20691
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 25.5,42.5
+      parent: 30
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconEvac
+  entities:
+  - uid: 20692
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -51.5,16.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconEVAStorage
   - uid: 20552
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,23.5
       parent: 30
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconGravGen
+  entities:
+  - uid: 20693
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 11.5,41.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconHOPOffice
   - uid: 20554
@@ -54554,22 +53499,24 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconLibrary
-  - uid: 20544
+  - uid: 20684
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -57.5,-66.5
+      pos: -62.5,-62.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconMedbay
-  - uid: 8026
+  - uid: 20559
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.5,-9.5
+      pos: -11.5,-3.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20559
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconMedical
+  entities:
+  - uid: 13319
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -11.5,-3.5
+      pos: -22.5,-9.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconMorgue
@@ -54587,10 +53534,10 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconPowerBank
-  - uid: 20562
+  - uid: 20695
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -7.5,-36.5
+      pos: -8.5,-44.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconQMRoom
@@ -54627,6 +53574,13 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 31.5,-10.5
       parent: 30
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconScience
+  entities:
+  - uid: 20696
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 14.5,15.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconSecurityCheckpoint
   - uid: 7064
@@ -54634,6 +53588,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -18.5,-0.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 20697
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 13.5,22.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconServerRoom
   - uid: 20568
@@ -54641,6 +53600,20 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 32.5,14.5
       parent: 30
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconService
+  entities:
+  - uid: 20698
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -10.5,14.5
+      parent: 30
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconSingularity
+  entities:
+  - uid: 20694
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -17.5,-50.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconSolars
   - uid: 20441
@@ -54674,17 +53647,17 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconTEG
-  - uid: 20569
+  - uid: 20699
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -7.5,-51.5
+      pos: 0.5,-47.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconTelecoms
-  - uid: 20570
+  - uid: 20700
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -35.5,-60.5
+      pos: -13.5,-29.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconToolRoom
@@ -54818,17 +53791,27 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 4.5,-5.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 8454
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     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -17.5,-58.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 4.5,-0.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11022
+  - uid: 11283
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 4.5,-0.5
+      pos: -13.5,-39.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11284
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -23.5,-40.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 12641
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -24.5,13.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 12784
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     - type: Transform
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 1.5,-41.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 13959
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 0.5,-41.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 13960
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 0.5,-40.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 13977
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -17.5,-40.5
-      parent: 30
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -17.5,-42.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 13979
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -21.5,-42.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -25.5,6.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
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       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 23.5,15.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 14335
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 23.5,14.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 14336
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 22.5,14.5
-      parent: 30
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       parent: 30
-  - uid: 14357
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 13.5,12.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 14358
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 13.5,11.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 14379
     - type: Transform
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       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,-9.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 14456
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -24.5,6.5
+      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
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       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 26.5,34.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 19429
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 1.5,-39.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 19505
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -23.5,-46.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 19701
     - type: Transform
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       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -0.5,64.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22599
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,-47.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 22618
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -26.5,-58.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: DisposalJunction
   - uid: 6948
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       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -21.5,-9.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 9617
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 12.5,-17.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 13878
     - type: Transform
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       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 12.5,-6.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 13901
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 12.5,-18.5
-      parent: 30
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       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 6.5,-19.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 13957
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 1.5,-40.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
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       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 5.5,2.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 14047
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 18.5,15.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 14053
     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -32.5,46.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 14333
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 22.5,15.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: DisposalJunctionFlipped
   - uid: 7252
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       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 12.5,16.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 14345
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 22.5,11.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 14375
     - type: Transform
@@ -55624,8 +54533,44 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -35.5,37.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 19427
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -13.5,-42.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 19765
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -4.5,-39.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: DisposalPipe
+  - uid: 925
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -13.5,-43.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 1938
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -16.5,-42.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 3118
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -17.5,-42.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 3155
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-42.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 5299
     - type: Transform
@@ -55856,6 +54801,18 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -11.5,-9.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 9746
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 13.5,-17.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9891
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 12.5,-18.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 11018
     - type: Transform
@@ -55876,12 +54833,42 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,-3.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 11155
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -23.5,-45.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11162
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -23.5,-43.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11170
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -23.5,-44.5
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+    - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
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-      - 11345
-      - 11340
-      - 11341
-      - 11342
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-      - 21745
-      - 11343
-      - 11344
-      - 11345
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+      - 19806
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+      - 9305
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+      - 14365
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+      - 19570
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+      - 13958
+      - 13964
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+      - 13957
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+      - 13958
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+      - 13958
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+      - 13958
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+      - 14365
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+      - 14365
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+      - 14365
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+      - 14365
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+      - 14365
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+      - 13957
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+      - 13957
+      - 13959
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+      - 13958
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+      - 13964
+      - 13957
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+      - 13959
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+      - 13957
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -66041,7 +64939,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -66073,7 +64971,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -66081,21 +64979,75 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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+  - uid: 20645
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 7.5,-49.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
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+      parent: 30
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+    - type: Transform
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+      parent: 30
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+    - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
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+      pos: -2.5,-50.5
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 20671
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+    - type: Transform
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+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
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+    - type: Transform
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+      pos: -2.5,-48.5
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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-      pos: -17.5,-58.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
 - proto: GasPipeFourway
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11126
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+      pos: -6.5,-39.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
 - proto: GasPipeStraight
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -66513,14 +65434,14 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -66735,7 +65656,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -66743,7 +65664,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -66751,7 +65672,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -66759,7 +65680,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -66767,7 +65688,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -66775,7 +65696,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -66783,105 +65704,105 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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       parent: 30
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68392,7 +67313,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68400,7 +67321,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68408,7 +67329,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68416,7 +67337,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68424,7 +67345,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68432,7 +67353,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68440,7 +67361,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68448,7 +67369,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68456,7 +67377,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68464,7 +67385,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68472,7 +67393,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68480,7 +67401,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68488,7 +67409,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68496,7 +67417,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68504,7 +67425,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68512,7 +67433,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68520,7 +67441,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68528,7 +67449,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68536,7 +67457,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68544,7 +67465,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68552,7 +67473,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68560,7 +67481,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68568,7 +67489,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68576,7 +67497,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68584,7 +67505,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68592,7 +67513,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68600,7 +67521,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68608,7 +67529,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68616,7 +67537,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68624,7 +67545,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68632,7 +67553,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68640,7 +67561,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68648,7 +67569,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68656,7 +67577,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68664,7 +67585,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68672,7 +67593,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68680,7 +67601,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68688,7 +67609,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68696,7 +67617,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68704,7 +67625,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68712,7 +67633,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68720,7 +67641,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68728,7 +67649,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68736,7 +67657,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68744,7 +67665,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68752,7 +67673,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68760,7 +67681,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68768,7 +67689,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68776,7 +67697,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68784,7 +67705,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68792,7 +67713,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68800,7 +67721,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68808,7 +67729,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68816,7 +67737,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68824,7 +67745,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68832,7 +67753,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68840,7 +67761,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68848,7 +67769,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68856,7 +67777,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68872,7 +67793,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -68912,7 +67833,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -69178,7 +68099,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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-    components:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#EB9834FF'
-  - uid: 9896
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
+  - uid: 9966
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-      pos: 5.5,-40.5
+      pos: -4.5,-54.5
       parent: 30
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-      color: '#EB9834FF'
-  - uid: 9897
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 9979
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-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 5.5,-39.5
+      pos: -22.5,-45.5
       parent: 30
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#EB9834FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -76459,569 +75363,541 @@ entities:
       pos: 5.5,-21.5
       parent: 30
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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       parent: 30
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 10091
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 5.5,-20.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11072
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -2.5,-39.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11074
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -4.5,-39.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11075
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 9988
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -5.5,-39.5
+      pos: -16.5,-43.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11076
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 10019
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -6.5,-39.5
+      pos: -11.5,-34.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11077
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
+  - uid: 10020
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -7.5,-39.5
+      pos: -11.5,-37.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11079
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
+  - uid: 10021
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -9.5,-39.5
+      pos: -11.5,-38.5
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     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11081
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
+  - uid: 10091
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -10.5,-39.5
+      pos: 5.5,-20.5
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     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11082
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 10120
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -12.5,-39.5
+      pos: -18.5,-44.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11083
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
+  - uid: 10128
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -13.5,-39.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 8.5,-45.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11084
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+  - uid: 10129
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -14.5,-39.5
+      pos: 6.5,-38.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11085
+      color: '#EB9834FF'
+  - uid: 10130
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-      pos: -15.5,-39.5
+      pos: 0.5,-39.5
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     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11086
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      pos: -16.5,-39.5
+      pos: -2.5,-39.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11089
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
+  - uid: 10132
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+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -22.5,-43.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11091
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+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-29.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 0.5,-37.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11093
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+  - uid: 10171
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -21.5,-41.5
+      pos: -16.5,-48.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11095
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 10172
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-      pos: -17.5,-38.5
+      pos: -16.5,-47.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11096
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 10173
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-      pos: -17.5,-37.5
+      pos: -16.5,-45.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11100
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+      pos: -16.5,-44.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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+      pos: -18.5,-50.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -7.5,-30.5
+      pos: 6.5,-40.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11105
+      color: '#EB9834FF'
+  - uid: 10213
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -8.5,-30.5
+      pos: 6.5,-41.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11106
+      color: '#EB9834FF'
+  - uid: 10215
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-      pos: -9.5,-30.5
+      pos: -2.5,-40.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11108
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+      pos: -9.5,-43.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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+      pos: -14.5,-43.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11111
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+  - uid: 10219
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+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -17.5,-43.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11112
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+  - uid: 10220
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+      pos: -12.5,-41.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11113
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 11116
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+      pos: -12.5,-45.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11119
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+  - uid: 10267
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 0.5,-41.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -12.5,-44.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11120
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+  - uid: 10272
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -0.5,-41.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -10.5,-43.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11121
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
+  - uid: 10273
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+      pos: -11.5,-43.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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+  - uid: 10275
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11124
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-      pos: -3.5,-41.5
+      pos: -16.5,-51.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11125
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+  - uid: 10277
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -5.5,-41.5
+      pos: -16.5,-50.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11127
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+  - uid: 10278
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-      pos: -7.5,-41.5
+      pos: -0.5,-40.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11128
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      pos: -8.5,-41.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 0.5,-38.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11129
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-      pos: -9.5,-41.5
+      pos: -4.5,-40.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11130
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-      pos: -10.5,-41.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -13.5,-43.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11131
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+  - uid: 10290
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+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -15.5,-43.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11133
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+  - uid: 10397
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-      pos: -13.5,-41.5
+      pos: -16.5,-43.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11134
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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+      pos: -11.5,-46.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11141
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+  - uid: 10535
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-      pos: -20.5,-42.5
+      pos: -21.5,-43.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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+      pos: -20.5,-43.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11146
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+  - uid: 10608
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+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -10.5,-45.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11147
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11148
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+      pos: -6.5,-40.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11151
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-      pos: -19.5,-37.5
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+      pos: -8.5,-39.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11156
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+      pos: 6.5,-39.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11157
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+      pos: -3.5,-54.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11158
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-      pos: -6.5,-39.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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-      pos: -6.5,-38.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11160
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+  - uid: 11109
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-      pos: -6.5,-37.5
+      pos: -8.5,-37.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11161
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 11118
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-      pos: -6.5,-36.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -10.5,-40.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11168
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 11119
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -3.5,-28.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -9.5,-40.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11169
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+  - uid: 11131
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-      pos: -2.5,-28.5
+      pos: 7.5,-46.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -1.5,-43.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 11133
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -5.5,-28.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-44.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11172
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
+  - uid: 11135
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -6.5,-28.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -1.5,-41.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 11173
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 11160
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -7.5,-28.5
+      pos: -6.5,-37.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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-      pos: -8.5,-28.5
+      pos: -3.5,-28.5
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-      pos: -9.5,-28.5
+      pos: -2.5,-28.5
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
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+      parent: 30
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -78035,7 +76918,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -81922,28 +80912,28 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -82023,7 +81013,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -82031,7 +81021,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -82063,7 +81053,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -82071,7 +81061,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -82399,7 +81389,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -82407,7 +81397,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -82415,102 +81405,138 @@ entities:
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+      pos: 4.5,-3.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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-      pos: -59.5,-63.5
+      pos: 4.5,-4.5
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 18764
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
+  - uid: 20331
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-      pos: -58.5,-60.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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+  - uid: 20332
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-      pos: -58.5,-61.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 18766
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
+  - uid: 20333
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-      pos: -58.5,-62.5
+      pos: 4.5,-7.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      pos: -58.5,-63.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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+  - uid: 20641
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+      pos: -3.5,-52.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-- proto: GasPipeTJunction
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@@ -85519,14 +84269,14 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -85558,7 +84308,7 @@ entities:
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       parent: 30
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+    - type: Transform
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
+  - uid: 14455
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+    - type: Transform
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+      pos: -25.5,10.5
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+    - type: Transform
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -62.5,-60.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -53.5,-64.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -85651,14 +84437,14 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -85813,7 +84592,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -85821,7 +84600,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -85829,7 +84608,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -85837,7 +84616,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -85845,28 +84624,14 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 18599
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -64.5,-60.5
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-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 18604
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -58.5,-59.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -85882,7 +84647,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -85890,7 +84655,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -85898,7 +84663,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -85906,14 +84671,14 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -85921,7 +84686,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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@@ -85929,7 +84694,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -85937,7 +84702,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -85945,7 +84710,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -85953,28 +84718,28 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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     - type: Transform
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       parent: 30
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -85982,7 +84747,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -85990,17 +84755,20 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
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+      pos: -3.5,-50.5
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-  - uid: 18781
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 20673
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-      pos: -64.5,-64.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -3.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
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@@ -86009,35 +84777,9 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 22787
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
-  - uid: 22788
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -30.5,-58.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
 - proto: GasPort
-  - uid: 6670
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -10.5,-48.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 6711
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -11.5,-48.5
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-      pos: -10.5,-51.5
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -4.5,-51.5
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-    components:
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-      pos: -11.5,-51.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 9676
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -3.5,-51.5
-      parent: 30
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-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -86085,7 +84799,7 @@ entities:
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       parent: 30
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -86093,7 +84807,7 @@ entities:
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       parent: 30
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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     - type: Transform
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 12699
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -52.5,-63.5
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     - type: Transform
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       pos: 38.5,9.5
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+  - uid: 14363
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -52.5,-65.5
+      parent: 30
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+  - uid: 18772
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-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -64.5,-65.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -52.5,-64.5
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+  - uid: 19440
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-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -65.5,-65.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -5.5,-8.5
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+  - uid: 20655
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-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -66.5,-65.5
+      pos: -3.5,-47.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 19440
+  - uid: 20656
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -5.5,-8.5
+      pos: -2.5,-47.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 20657
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 4.5,-50.5
       parent: 30
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#03FCD3FF'
 - proto: GasPressurePump
+  - uid: 337
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -52.5,-61.5
+      parent: 30
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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     - type: MetaData
@@ -86187,7 +84927,7 @@ entities:
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-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -86195,7 +84935,7 @@ entities:
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     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#0000FFFF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -86243,32 +84983,12 @@ entities:
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       color: '#EB9834FF'
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-    - type: Transform
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-      pos: -9.5,-51.5
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 9102
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-    - type: Transform
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-      pos: -5.5,-51.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
-  - uid: 9862
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-    - type: MetaData
-      name: mix to sme loop
     - type: Transform
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-      pos: -1.5,-54.5
+      pos: 4.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#34E5EBFF'
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     - type: Transform
@@ -86280,14 +85000,13 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 18772
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-      pos: -64.5,-62.5
+      pos: -3.5,-49.5
       parent: 30
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#0335FCFF'
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
 - proto: GasThermoMachineFreezer
   - uid: 482
@@ -86300,33 +85019,24 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 6659
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -10.5,-47.5
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-  - uid: 7109
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
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-      pos: 0.5,-51.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
-  - uid: 7112
+  - uid: 905
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 0.5,-52.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 4.5,-53.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
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-- proto: GasValve
-  entities:
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-      pos: -11.5,-55.5
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-      open: False
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-      color: '#FF1212FF'
-  - uid: 7222
-    components:
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: Emergency Dump Valve
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -7.5,-48.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: GasValve
-      open: False
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
-  - uid: 8278
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-      name: Cold Loop Valve
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-      pos: -4.5,-49.5
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+      pos: -5.5,-52.5
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-    - type: GasValve
-      open: False
-    - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
-  - uid: 9657
+- proto: GasValve
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+      pos: -4.5,-53.5
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-    components:
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-      pos: -5.5,-55.5
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-      open: False
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-      pos: -3.5,-55.5
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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+      color: '#FF0000FF'
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@@ -90730,11 +89553,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 5732
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 4.5,-42.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -90883,7 +89701,8 @@ entities:
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-      pos: -32.5,64.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -85.5,40.5
       parent: 30
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@@ -91007,7 +89826,8 @@ entities:
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-      pos: -31.5,64.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -88.5,40.5
       parent: 30
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@@ -91076,16 +89896,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 7110
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 2.5,-48.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 7111
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -0.5,-48.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -91162,11 +89972,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 7449
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -89.5,42.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -91242,6 +90047,12 @@ entities:
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+  - uid: 7751
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -21.5,-79.5
+      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -91278,11 +90089,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 8256
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.5,-47.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -91328,11 +90134,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 8361
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -0.5,-43.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -91373,16 +90174,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 8418
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 16.5,-20.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 8422
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 15.5,-18.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -91403,11 +90194,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 8427
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 17.5,-18.5
-      parent: 30
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@@ -91742,11 +90528,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 9104
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -4.5,-56.5
-      parent: 30
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@@ -91782,15 +90563,11 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 9129
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -5.5,-56.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9164
+  - uid: 9122
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-      pos: -9.5,-56.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -53.5,35.5
       parent: 30
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@@ -91805,7 +90582,8 @@ entities:
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-      pos: -2.5,-56.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -2.5,-54.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 9185
@@ -91837,170 +90615,241 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 9295
+  - uid: 9297
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-      pos: 4.5,-44.5
+      pos: 4.5,-38.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9297
+  - uid: 9324
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-      pos: 4.5,-38.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -3.5,-60.5
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-  - uid: 9342
+  - uid: 9326
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-      pos: -3.5,-56.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -0.5,-60.5
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-  - uid: 9343
+  - uid: 9328
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-      pos: -12.5,-56.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-60.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9329
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 6.5,-60.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9348
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 13.5,-52.5
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+  - uid: 9364
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 11.5,-45.5
+      parent: 30
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-  - uid: 9424
+  - uid: 9371
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-      pos: -20.5,-43.5
+      pos: 8.5,-58.5
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-  - uid: 9425
+  - uid: 9372
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-      pos: -20.5,-40.5
+      pos: 8.5,-55.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9589
+  - uid: 9398
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-      pos: -17.5,-37.5
+      pos: 8.5,-57.5
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-  - uid: 9590
+  - uid: 9399
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-      pos: -19.5,-37.5
+      pos: 8.5,-54.5
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-  - uid: 9662
+  - uid: 9409
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-      pos: 12.5,37.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -3.5,-44.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9682
+  - uid: 9504
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-      pos: 1.5,-55.5
+      pos: 13.5,-49.5
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-  - uid: 9719
+  - uid: 9505
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-      pos: 12.5,36.5
+      pos: 13.5,-47.5
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-  - uid: 9814
+  - uid: 9572
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-      pos: 0.5,-55.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -18.5,-49.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9815
+  - uid: 9573
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-      pos: 0.5,-47.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -6.5,-42.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9816
+  - uid: 9579
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-      pos: 1.5,-47.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-39.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9819
+  - uid: 9580
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-      pos: 1.5,-45.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -22.5,-45.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9820
+  - uid: 9584
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-      pos: 3.5,-45.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -18.5,-45.5
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-  - uid: 9918
+  - uid: 9585
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 2.5,-54.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -24.5,-45.5
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-  - uid: 9919
+  - uid: 9586
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 2.5,-53.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -16.5,-45.5
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-  - uid: 9920
+  - uid: 9587
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 2.5,-52.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -16.5,-49.5
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-  - uid: 9921
+  - uid: 9588
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-44.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9645
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 12.5,-45.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9649
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 1.5,-60.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9650
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -2.5,-60.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9662
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 12.5,37.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9719
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 12.5,36.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9816
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-      pos: 2.5,-50.5
+      pos: -1.5,-42.5
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-  - uid: 9922
+  - uid: 9819
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-      pos: 2.5,-49.5
+      pos: 2.5,-42.5
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-  - uid: 9936
+  - uid: 9823
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-      pos: -0.5,-54.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -16.5,-57.5
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-  - uid: 9937
+  - uid: 9824
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-      pos: -0.5,-52.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -9.5,-45.5
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-  - uid: 9938
+  - uid: 9825
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-      pos: -0.5,-51.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -9.5,-43.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9939
+  - uid: 9826
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-      pos: -0.5,-50.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -7.5,-42.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9945
+  - uid: 9827
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-      pos: -10.5,-56.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -5.5,-42.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9989
+  - uid: 9828
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-      pos: -8.5,-42.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -17.5,-57.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9990
+  - uid: 9829
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-      pos: -6.5,-42.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -15.5,-57.5
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-  - uid: 9991
+  - uid: 9867
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-      pos: -10.5,-42.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -18.5,-57.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9992
+  - uid: 9973
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-      pos: -4.5,-42.5
+      pos: 11.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9975
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 10.5,-54.5
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@@ -92037,192 +90886,243 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 10137
+  - uid: 10191
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-      pos: -18.5,-49.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-29.5
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-  - uid: 10138
+  - uid: 10193
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-      pos: -16.5,-49.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-28.5
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-  - uid: 10139
+  - uid: 10221
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-      pos: -16.5,-52.5
+      pos: -62.5,6.5
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-  - uid: 10140
+  - uid: 10222
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-      pos: -18.5,-52.5
+      pos: -62.5,7.5
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-  - uid: 10147
+  - uid: 10224
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-      pos: -38.5,68.5
+      pos: -62.5,8.5
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-  - uid: 10148
+  - uid: 10234
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-      pos: -36.5,66.5
+      pos: -57.5,-7.5
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-  - uid: 10149
+  - uid: 10288
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-      pos: -37.5,67.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-21.5
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-  - uid: 10187
+  - uid: 10396
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-      pos: -37.5,65.5
+      pos: 23.5,-16.5
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-  - uid: 10188
+  - uid: 10553
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-      pos: -36.5,64.5
+      pos: 13.5,-51.5
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-  - uid: 10189
+  - uid: 10555
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-      pos: -37.5,64.5
+      pos: 12.5,-54.5
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-  - uid: 10207
+  - uid: 10582
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-      pos: -37.5,68.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 4.5,-60.5
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-  - uid: 10209
+  - uid: 10614
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-      pos: -38.5,67.5
+      pos: 7.5,-59.5
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-  - uid: 10210
+  - uid: 10639
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-      pos: -34.5,65.5
+      pos: 10.5,-45.5
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-  - uid: 10221
+  - uid: 10641
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-      pos: -62.5,6.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -3.5,-61.5
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-  - uid: 10222
+  - uid: 10655
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-      pos: -62.5,7.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 16.5,-19.5
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-  - uid: 10224
+  - uid: 10657
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-      pos: -62.5,8.5
+      pos: -8.5,-64.5
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-  - uid: 10227
+  - uid: 10738
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-      pos: -37.5,66.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-26.5
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-  - uid: 10228
+  - uid: 11030
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-      pos: -38.5,66.5
+      pos: -32.5,-52.5
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-  - uid: 10229
+  - uid: 11031
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-      pos: -38.5,65.5
+      pos: -31.5,-52.5
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-  - uid: 10230
+  - uid: 11033
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-      pos: -34.5,64.5
+      pos: -30.5,-52.5
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-  - uid: 10231
+  - uid: 11034
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-      pos: -36.5,65.5
+      pos: -28.5,-53.5
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-  - uid: 10232
+  - uid: 11036
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-      pos: -35.5,66.5
+      pos: -27.5,-53.5
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-  - uid: 10233
+  - uid: 11040
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-      pos: -35.5,65.5
+      pos: -24.5,-76.5
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-  - uid: 10234
+  - uid: 11041
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-      pos: -57.5,-7.5
+      pos: -15.5,-76.5
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-  - uid: 10235
+  - uid: 11043
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-      pos: -36.5,67.5
+      pos: -8.5,-68.5
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-  - uid: 10236
+  - uid: 11044
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-      pos: -33.5,64.5
+      pos: -34.5,-52.5
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-  - uid: 10237
+  - uid: 11045
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-      pos: -33.5,65.5
+      pos: -35.5,-52.5
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-  - uid: 10288
+  - uid: 11046
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 2.5,-21.5
+      pos: -37.5,-52.5
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-  - uid: 10396
+  - uid: 11047
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-      pos: 23.5,-16.5
+      pos: -38.5,-52.5
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-  - uid: 10435
+  - uid: 11048
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-      pos: -25.5,-67.5
+      pos: -40.5,-52.5
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-  - uid: 10436
+  - uid: 11049
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-      pos: -26.5,-67.5
+      pos: -40.5,-51.5
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-  - uid: 10437
+  - uid: 11050
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-      pos: -27.5,-67.5
+      pos: -40.5,-50.5
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-  - uid: 10438
+  - uid: 11051
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-      pos: -28.5,-67.5
+      pos: -43.5,-54.5
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-  - uid: 10439
+  - uid: 11052
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-      pos: -29.5,-67.5
+      pos: -44.5,-54.5
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-  - uid: 10440
+  - uid: 11053
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-      pos: -33.5,-67.5
+      pos: -44.5,-56.5
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-  - uid: 10441
+  - uid: 11054
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-      pos: -32.5,-67.5
+      pos: -44.5,-58.5
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-  - uid: 10738
+  - uid: 11055
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -45.5,-58.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11056
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -46.5,-58.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11085
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-      pos: 2.5,-26.5
+      pos: -14.5,-57.5
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -11.5,-32.5
+      parent: 30
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -12.5,-32.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11136
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 3.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11137
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -19.5,-57.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11163
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 16.5,-17.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11173
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -29.5,-72.5
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@@ -92235,15 +91135,41 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 11257
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-      pos: -18.5,-45.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -7.5,-78.5
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-  - uid: 11258
+  - uid: 11265
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-      pos: -16.5,-45.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-78.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11266
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -6.5,-78.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11267
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -12.5,-79.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11276
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -28.5,-76.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11279
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -26.5,-78.5
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@@ -92277,6 +91203,12 @@ entities:
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-31.5
+      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -92398,15 +91330,17 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 12629
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-      pos: 13.5,13.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -20.5,-57.5
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     - type: Transform
-      pos: 15.5,13.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -88.5,42.5
       parent: 30
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@@ -92455,6 +91389,12 @@ entities:
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -62.5,-71.5
+      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -92480,6 +91420,11 @@ entities:
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -61.5,-18.5
+      parent: 30
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@@ -92690,6 +91635,48 @@ entities:
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -3.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 13973
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -5.5,-72.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 13979
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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-  - uid: 22887
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-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -29.5,-53.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: GrilleBroken
   - uid: 695
@@ -95509,29 +94377,16 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -62.5,9.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10529
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -33.5,-68.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 10530
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -31.5,-67.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 10531
+  - uid: 11042
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -30.5,-67.5
+      pos: -26.5,-70.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10532
+  - uid: 13978
     - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -24.5,-67.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-72.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 15444
@@ -95612,6 +94467,12 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 56.5,39.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 16132
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -88.5,41.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 16410
     - type: Transform
@@ -95759,6 +94620,12 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -65.5,-21.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 18599
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -87.5,40.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 19643
     - type: Transform
@@ -95834,10 +94701,10 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -32.534565,30.536125
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9421
+  - uid: 18923
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.512821,-47.59407
+      pos: -15.53532,-37.702564
       parent: 30
 - proto: HandheldHealthAnalyzer
@@ -95899,33 +94766,27 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: HeatExchanger
-  - uid: 3118
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -3.5,-58.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 3155
+  - uid: 9651
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -3.5,-57.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 3.5,-56.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 7104
+  - uid: 11122
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -11.5,-58.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -4.5,-56.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 8295
+    - type: AtmosPipeColor
+      color: '#FF0000FF'
+  - uid: 20644
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 3.5,-51.5
+      pos: 7.5,-50.5
       parent: 30
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#03FCD3FF'
-  - uid: 9621
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -11.5,-57.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: HighSecCommandLocked
   - uid: 2128
@@ -96089,15 +94950,15 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: HydroponicsToolMiniHoe
-  - uid: 434
+  - uid: 2347
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -25.483442,11.482555
+      pos: -45.453583,69.54325
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 2347
+  - uid: 18857
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -45.453583,69.54325
+      pos: -28.537731,11.513851
       parent: 30
   - uid: 19544
@@ -96113,15 +94974,15 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: HydroponicsToolSpade
-  - uid: 435
+  - uid: 697
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -25.499067,11.52943
+      pos: -45.386658,69.59978
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 697
+  - uid: 18858
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -45.386658,69.59978
+      pos: -28.478325,11.558405
       parent: 30
   - uid: 19542
@@ -96145,105 +95006,100 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -21.5,12.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 331
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -25.5,5.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 332
+  - uid: 341
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -26.5,5.5
+      pos: -27.5,13.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 333
+  - uid: 342
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -27.5,5.5
+      pos: -26.5,13.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 334
+  - uid: 2339
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -28.5,5.5
+      pos: -50.5,69.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 335
+  - uid: 2340
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -28.5,7.5
+      pos: -50.5,68.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 336
+  - uid: 2341
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -28.5,8.5
+      pos: -48.5,69.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 337
+  - uid: 2342
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -28.5,9.5
+      pos: -48.5,68.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 338
+  - uid: 2343
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -28.5,10.5
+      pos: -46.5,68.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 339
+  - uid: 2344
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -28.5,11.5
+      pos: -46.5,69.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 340
+  - uid: 10428
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -28.5,13.5
+      pos: -49.5,69.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 341
+  - uid: 11649
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -27.5,13.5
+      pos: -47.5,69.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 342
+  - uid: 16138
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -26.5,13.5
+      pos: -28.5,12.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 2339
+  - uid: 16139
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -50.5,69.5
+      pos: -27.5,11.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 2340
+  - uid: 16163
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -50.5,68.5
+      pos: -26.5,11.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 2341
+  - uid: 16165
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -48.5,69.5
+      pos: -28.5,10.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 2342
+  - uid: 16172
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -48.5,68.5
+      pos: -27.5,9.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 2343
+  - uid: 16242
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -46.5,68.5
+      pos: -26.5,9.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 2344
+  - uid: 18174
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -46.5,69.5
+      pos: -26.5,7.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10428
+  - uid: 18184
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -49.5,69.5
+      pos: -27.5,7.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11649
+  - uid: 18856
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -47.5,69.5
+      pos: -28.5,8.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: InflatableDoorStack
@@ -96390,23 +95246,12 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 8.5,-33.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22291
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -14.5,-37.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 22514
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -1.5,82.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22657
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -29.5,-56.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: IntercomMedical
   - uid: 7346
@@ -96428,11 +95273,11 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: IntercomScience
-  - uid: 22287
+  - uid: 14357
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 16.5,14.5
+      pos: 16.5,17.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 22288
@@ -97920,12 +96765,6 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 15.5,-7.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 961
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 15.5,16.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 1753
     - type: Transform
@@ -97937,17 +96776,18 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -8.5,-0.5
       parent: 30
-- proto: JetpackBlueFilled
-  entities:
-  - uid: 8311
+  - uid: 16403
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.563852,-46.460617
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 13.5,14.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 21590
+- proto: JetpackBlueFilled
+  entities:
+  - uid: 5722
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.545162,-28.366238
+      pos: -10.241633,-47.32097
       parent: 30
 - proto: JetpackMini
@@ -97973,6 +96813,13 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -39.62777,56.71206
       parent: 30
+- proto: KitchenElectricGrill
+  entities:
+  - uid: 18855
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -14.5,7.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: KitchenMicrowave
   - uid: 483
@@ -98188,15 +97035,15 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -57.474648,-39.373875
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 19504
+  - uid: 18354
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -77.46411,-65.291664
+      pos: -62.42038,-64.31795
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 19505
+  - uid: 19504
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -60.62825,-65.170204
+      pos: -77.46411,-65.291664
       parent: 30
   - uid: 21649
@@ -98217,11 +97064,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -51.439194,-51.2885
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 19431
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -57.92594,-62.49692
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 21670
     - type: Transform
@@ -98500,40 +97342,11 @@ entities:
         - 0
 - proto: LockerChiefEngineerFilled
-  - uid: 9604
+  - uid: 11058
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.5,-34.5
+      pos: -5.5,-36.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-    - type: ContainerContainer
-      containers:
-        entity_storage: !type:Container
-          showEnts: False
-          occludes: True
-          ents:
-          - 9329
-        paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
-          showEnts: False
-          occludes: True
-          ent: null
 - proto: LockerChiefMedicalOfficerFilledHardsuit
   - uid: 6941
@@ -98568,33 +97381,15 @@ entities:
         - 0
 - proto: LockerElectricalSuppliesFilled
-  - uid: 16994
+  - uid: 11061
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -59.5,37.5
+      pos: -4.5,-45.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-  - uid: 16995
+  - uid: 16994
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -5.5,-36.5
+      pos: -59.5,37.5
       parent: 30
     - type: EntityStorage
@@ -98616,47 +97411,42 @@ entities:
         - 0
 - proto: LockerEngineerFilled
-  - uid: 9048
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 3.5,-42.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9435
+  - uid: 10760
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 3.5,-41.5
+      pos: -22.5,-50.5
       parent: 30
-- proto: LockerEngineerFilledHardsuit
-  entities:
-  - uid: 8835
+  - uid: 10762
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -25.5,-43.5
+      pos: -23.5,-50.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 8836
+  - uid: 15013
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -25.5,-42.5
+      pos: -25.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 8837
+  - uid: 16038
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -25.5,-44.5
+      pos: -25.5,-49.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9700
+  - uid: 19408
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -21.5,-39.5
+      pos: -21.5,-50.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9701
+- proto: LockerEngineerFilledHardsuit
+  entities:
+  - uid: 10763
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.5,-39.5
+      pos: 3.5,-40.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20804
+  - uid: 10766
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.5,-38.5
+      pos: 3.5,-39.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: LockerEvidence
@@ -99548,33 +98338,15 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -42.5,-23.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 15047
+  - uid: 10587
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 18.5,31.5
+      pos: -4.5,-43.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-  - uid: 16996
+  - uid: 15047
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -9.5,-36.5
+      pos: 18.5,31.5
       parent: 30
     - type: EntityStorage
@@ -99648,48 +98420,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -6.5,-12.5
       parent: 30
-- proto: MachineParticleAcceleratorEmitterForeCircuitboard
-  entities:
-  - uid: 10198
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.589485,-68.29703
-      parent: 30
-- proto: MachineParticleAcceleratorEmitterPortCircuitboard
-  entities:
-  - uid: 10199
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.433235,-68.45328
-      parent: 30
-- proto: MachineParticleAcceleratorEmitterStarboardCircuitboard
-  entities:
-  - uid: 10203
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.29261,-68.60953
-      parent: 30
-- proto: MachineParticleAcceleratorEndCapCircuitboard
-  entities:
-  - uid: 10204
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.620735,-69.29703
-      parent: 30
-- proto: MachineParticleAcceleratorFuelChamberCircuitboard
-  entities:
-  - uid: 10200
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.495735,-69.42203
-      parent: 30
-- proto: MachineParticleAcceleratorPowerBoxCircuitboard
-  entities:
-  - uid: 10201
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.370735,-69.56265
-      parent: 30
 - proto: MagazinePistolSubMachineGunTopMounted
   - uid: 1999
@@ -99791,6 +98521,11 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: MaintenancePlantSpawner
+  - uid: 10188
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -54.5,-64.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 20805
     - type: Transform
@@ -99806,11 +98541,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 2.5,-13.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20808
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -63.5,-64.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: MaintenanceToolSpawner
   - uid: 9197
@@ -100471,10 +99201,15 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.520787,46.572483
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10008
+  - uid: 9396
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.775943,-44.693085
+      pos: -2.6778464,-45.34802
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9502
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -11.53326,-33.503338
       parent: 30
   - uid: 11733
@@ -100486,11 +99221,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -52.471344,41.489742
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22843
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -31.465784,-57.403034
-      parent: 30
 - proto: MysteryFigureBox
   - uid: 20788
@@ -100505,11 +99235,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -19.5,23.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 7770
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -11.5,-37.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 8771
     - type: Transform
@@ -100520,10 +99245,15 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 21.5,-19.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10397
+  - uid: 10560
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -14.5,-46.5
+      pos: -5.5,-48.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11113
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -11.5,-37.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 15154
@@ -100552,15 +99282,10 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: NitrogenTankFilled
-  - uid: 8247
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -10.592361,-38.446224
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 8266
+  - uid: 7230
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -10.592361,-38.446224
+      pos: -9.3813,-38.5809
       parent: 30
 - proto: NitrousOxideCanister
@@ -100632,13 +99357,6 @@ entities:
       - Uranium
       - Gold
       - Silver
-- proto: OrganHumanAppendix
-  entities:
-  - uid: 2088
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -51.46508,-63.54434
-      parent: 30
 - proto: OxygenCanister
   - uid: 778
@@ -100696,25 +99414,25 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 21.5,-13.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9427
+  - uid: 9676
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.5,-37.5
+      pos: -5.5,-47.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 9845
     - type: Transform
       pos: -38.5,-10.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10444
+  - uid: 11112
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -14.5,-48.5
+      pos: -13.5,-37.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11266
+  - uid: 13968
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,-50.5
+      pos: -16.5,-50.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 15155
@@ -100748,25 +99466,20 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: OxygenTankFilled
-  - uid: 8226
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -10.326736,-38.446224
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 8260
+  - uid: 7228
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -10.326736,-38.446224
+      pos: -9.625428,-38.389084
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10012
+  - uid: 9061
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -1.4952288,-44.42826
+      pos: 4.148211,-46.341225
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11333
+  - uid: 9659
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -1.4344845,-44.759243
+      pos: 4.462089,-46.463287
       parent: 30
   - uid: 19791
@@ -101033,26 +99746,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -82.50391,-46.268623
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 19426
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -60.607536,-67.34395
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19427
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -60.545036,-67.39082
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19428
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -60.420036,-67.48457
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 19429
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -60.34191,-67.51582
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 19499
     - type: Transform
@@ -101117,69 +99810,76 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,58.5
       parent: 30
-- proto: ParticleAcceleratorComputerCircuitboard
+- proto: ParticleAcceleratorControlBoxUnfinished
-  - uid: 11445
+  - uid: 10674
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -21.580353,-68.38637
+      pos: -18.5,-53.5
       parent: 30
-- proto: PartRodMetal
+- proto: ParticleAcceleratorEmitterForeUnfinished
-  - uid: 9247
+  - uid: 8247
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 13.637659,-25.423977
+      pos: -17.5,-55.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9420
+- proto: ParticleAcceleratorEmitterPortUnfinished
+  entities:
+  - uid: 6659
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.434696,-47.53157
+      pos: -16.5,-55.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10193
+- proto: ParticleAcceleratorEmitterStarboardUnfinished
+  entities:
+  - uid: 10682
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -14.444823,-68.47732
+      pos: -18.5,-55.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10196
+- proto: ParticleAcceleratorEndCapUnfinished
+  entities:
+  - uid: 11159
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -14.444823,-68.47732
+      pos: -17.5,-52.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10197
+- proto: ParticleAcceleratorFuelChamberUnfinished
+  entities:
+  - uid: 10650
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -14.444823,-68.47732
+      pos: -17.5,-53.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10312
+- proto: ParticleAcceleratorPowerBoxUnfinished
+  entities:
+  - uid: 11310
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -38.461082,27.525124
+      pos: -17.5,-54.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10313
+- proto: PartRodMetal
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+  - uid: 9247
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-      pos: -38.461082,27.525124
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 0.5099411,-44.458656
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-      pos: 0.5099411,-44.458656
+      pos: -38.461082,27.525124
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18789
+  - uid: 10320
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-      pos: -62.4926,-63.50162
+      pos: -38.461082,27.525124
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 - proto: PartRodMetal1
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.887093,-35.280422
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+      pos: -62.22052,-64.60359
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-  - uid: 19563
+  - uid: 17651
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-      pos: -72.2945,-65.28793
+      pos: -82.31641,-46.003
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-- proto: PercentileDie
-  entities:
-  - uid: 19473
+  - uid: 19563
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -57.4998,-65.351234
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       parent: 30
 - proto: PersonalAI
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+  - uid: 11129
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -17.39583,-32.28552
+      parent: 30
 - proto: PianoInstrument
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     - type: Transform
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+      pos: -5.5,-49.5
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-  - uid: 10510
+  - uid: 9696
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -25.5,-48.5
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-  - uid: 1952
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 48.5,24.5
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 48.5,25.5
+      parent: 30
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       parent: 30
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-  - uid: 22194
+  - uid: 17526
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+      pos: -58.458496,-65.4756
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       parent: 30
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+      pos: -7.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 19442
+  - uid: 14479
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-      pos: -23.5,-28.5
+      pos: -54.5,-62.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 19474
+  - uid: 17594
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.5,-32.5
+      pos: 23.5,4.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 19475
+  - uid: 19442
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-      pos: -65.5,-63.5
+      pos: -23.5,-28.5
       parent: 30
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       parent: 30
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+  - uid: 10787
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-      pos: -25.5,-46.5
+      pos: -19.5,-36.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: PortableGeneratorSuperPacman
-  - uid: 9389
+  - uid: 19415
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-      pos: -25.5,-47.5
+      pos: -19.5,-37.5
       parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 22802
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -27.5,-61.5
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-- proto: PosterContrabandHighEffectEngineering
-  entities:
-  - uid: 8360
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -10.5,-37.5
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 - proto: PosterContrabandInterdyne
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     - type: Transform
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-- proto: PosterLegitBuild
-  entities:
-  - uid: 10142
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,-33.5
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+      pos: 20.5,9.5
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 - proto: PosterLegitSafetyInternals
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 19.5,14.5
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-- proto: PosterLegitSafetyMothDelam
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-  - uid: 10087
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-      pos: -20.5,-39.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 13.5,13.5
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 - proto: PosterLegitSafetyMothEpi
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -0.5,-46.5
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 - proto: PosterLegitSafetyReport
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     - type: Transform
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+- proto: PosterLegitSecWatch
+  entities:
+  - uid: 20637
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -6.5,-50.5
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+      pos: 12.5,18.5
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-  - uid: 13376
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-      pos: 12.5,18.5
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+  - uid: 18609
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 23.5,16.5
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     - type: ContainerContainer
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+  - uid: 7103
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+    - type: Transform
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+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 7110
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 1.5,-41.5
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+  - uid: 11080
+    components:
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+    - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 13971
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -19.5,-44.5
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+  - uid: 16798
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -63.5,-65.5
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-    - type: Transform
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-    - type: ContainerContainer
-      containers:
-        stash: !type:ContainerSlot {}
-  - uid: 17911
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-    - type: Transform
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-      containers:
-        stash: !type:ContainerSlot {}
-  - uid: 19415
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-    - type: ContainerContainer
-      containers:
-        stash: !type:ContainerSlot {}
-  - uid: 19416
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-    - type: ContainerContainer
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-        stash: !type:ContainerSlot {}
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-- proto: PottedPlantRandomPlastic
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-  - uid: 9615
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,-38.5
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-    - type: ContainerContainer
-      containers:
-        stash: !type:ContainerSlot {}
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -30.5,-57.5
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+    - type: Transform
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-      pos: 20.5,-11.5
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-      pos: 25.5,21.5
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-  - uid: 12827
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-      pos: 24.5,10.5
+      pos: 20.5,-11.5
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-  - uid: 12837
+  - uid: 12733
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+      pos: 25.5,21.5
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-  - uid: 20992
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 16.5,-0.5
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-    - type: Physics
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-  - uid: 20993
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,-35.5
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-      canCollide: False
-  - uid: 20995
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-      pos: -11.5,-35.5
+      pos: 16.5,14.5
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-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-  - uid: 20996
+  - uid: 20992
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+      pos: 16.5,-0.5
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     - type: Physics
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-      powerLoad: 0
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-      powerLoad: 0
-  - uid: 11013
-    components:
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-      parent: 30
-    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
-      powerLoad: 0
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-    components:
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-      pos: -5.5,-41.5
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-      pos: 3.5,-43.5
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-  - uid: 11026
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 3.5,-39.5
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-    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
-      powerLoad: 0
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-    - type: Transform
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-      powerLoad: 0
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-      pos: -13.5,-27.5
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-    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
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-    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
-      powerLoad: 0
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+      pos: -4.5,-38.5
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-    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
-      powerLoad: 0
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+      pos: -10.5,-38.5
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-    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
-      powerLoad: 0
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-    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
-      powerLoad: 0
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-    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
-      powerLoad: 0
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@@ -104821,13 +103407,6 @@ entities:
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-    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
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-    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+    - type: Transform
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+      pos: -15.5,-48.5
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+    - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
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+      pos: -25.5,-49.5
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+- proto: PoweredlightExterior
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+      pos: 6.5,-52.5
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-      powerLoad: 0
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -41.5,-60.5
+      pos: -22.5,-58.5
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-    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
-      powerLoad: 0
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-      pos: -36.5,-63.5
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+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11147
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -12.5,-58.5
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-    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
-      powerLoad: 0
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-    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
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-      powerLoad: 0
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-      powerLoad: 0
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-      powerLoad: 0
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+      pos: -58.5,-65.5
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-      powerLoad: 0
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-      pos: -20.5,-59.5
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 - proto: PoweredSmallLightEmpty
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-  - uid: 10194
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-  - uid: 12234
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+      pos: -19.5,-50.5
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -18.5,-60.5
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+  - uid: 19830
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -20.5,-60.5
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       parent: 30
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+      pos: -27.5,6.5
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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+- proto: RailingCorner
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -25.5,6.5
+      parent: 30
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -25.5,5.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 18842
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -24.5,4.5
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     - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 18.5,10.5
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     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 20638
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+  - uid: 20639
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -14.5,-53.5
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     - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
@@ -107798,16 +106446,6 @@ entities:
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 53.5,24.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 15991
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 51.5,24.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -107969,6 +106607,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 35.5,32.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 19416
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -70.5,-58.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: RandomVendingSnacks
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@@ -108001,24 +106644,29 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -48.5,21.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 19417
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -69.5,-58.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: RCD
-  - uid: 9601
+  - uid: 10545
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-      pos: -15.481125,-35.377903
+      pos: -5.524026,-35.43381
       parent: 30
 - proto: RCDAmmo
-  - uid: 9602
+  - uid: 9491
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.3405,-34.940403
+      pos: -5.614659,-35.18134
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9603
+  - uid: 11059
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.606125,-34.956028
+      pos: -5.3324804,-35.19619
       parent: 30
 - proto: ReagentContainerFlourSmall
@@ -108031,11 +106679,11 @@ entities:
       tags: []
 - proto: Recycler
-  - uid: 14530
+  - uid: 12974
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 53.5,22.5
+      pos: 49.5,23.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: ReinforcedGirder
@@ -108046,36 +106694,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: ReinforcedPlasmaWindow
-  - uid: 3583
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -5.5,-56.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 4406
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -2.5,-56.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 4895
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -11.5,-56.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 6271
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -12.5,-56.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 7208
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -3.5,-56.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -108153,24 +106771,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 24.5,-22.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9058
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -9.5,-56.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9061
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -10.5,-56.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9063
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -4.5,-56.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -108222,6 +106822,42 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -59.5,57.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 20678
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -2.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 20679
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -3.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 20680
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -4.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 20681
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 1.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 20682
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 20683
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 3.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: ReinforcedWindow
   - uid: 66
@@ -108309,11 +106945,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -64.5,12.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 795
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -33.5,-61.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 843
     - type: Transform
@@ -108641,21 +107272,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 1476
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -51.5,36.5
-      parent: 30
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-  - uid: 1490
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -53.5,34.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -109610,31 +108231,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 7094
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -0.5,-52.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 7095
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -0.5,-54.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 7107
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 1.5,-45.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 7108
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 3.5,-45.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 7125
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -0.5,-51.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -109706,6 +108302,12 @@ entities:
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+  - uid: 7912
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 15.5,12.5
+      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -109762,11 +108364,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 8359
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -32.5,-61.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -109824,11 +108421,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 8408
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 15.5,-18.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -109844,11 +108436,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 8419
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 17.5,-18.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -109869,16 +108456,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 8455
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -32.5,-62.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 8456
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -32.5,-63.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -110179,11 +108756,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 9194
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 16.5,-20.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -110204,6 +108776,18 @@ entities:
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+  - uid: 9303
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 5.5,-50.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9316
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 5.5,-51.5
+      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -110219,15 +108803,10 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 9585
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,-37.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9586
+  - uid: 9495
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-      pos: -19.5,-37.5
+      pos: -16.5,-45.5
       parent: 30
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@@ -110239,239 +108818,234 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 9638
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -0.5,-43.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9639
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -14.5,-43.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9640
+  - uid: 9664
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-      pos: 2.5,-53.5
+      pos: 4.5,37.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9641
+  - uid: 9679
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-      pos: 2.5,-52.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 5.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9642
+  - uid: 9680
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-      pos: 2.5,-54.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 5.5,-49.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9643
+  - uid: 9702
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-      pos: -0.5,-50.5
+      pos: -18.5,-45.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9644
+  - uid: 9706
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 2.5,-50.5
+      pos: 13.5,37.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9645
+  - uid: 9718
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 2.5,-49.5
+      pos: 13.5,38.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9646
+  - uid: 9723
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-      pos: 0.5,-47.5
+      pos: -63.5,14.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9647
+  - uid: 9801
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-      pos: -0.5,-48.5
+      pos: -57.5,5.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9648
+  - uid: 9815
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-      pos: 2.5,-48.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -1.5,-42.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9649
+  - uid: 9820
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-      pos: -10.5,-42.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 2.5,-42.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9650
+  - uid: 9848
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -8.5,-42.5
+      pos: -27.5,-17.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9651
+  - uid: 9857
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -6.5,-42.5
+      pos: -32.5,-5.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9652
+  - uid: 9858
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -4.5,-42.5
+      pos: -32.5,-7.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9664
+  - uid: 10053
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-      pos: 4.5,37.5
+      pos: -15.5,-57.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9706
+  - uid: 10054
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-      pos: 13.5,37.5
+      pos: -17.5,-57.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9718
+  - uid: 10058
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 13.5,38.5
+      pos: -16.5,-57.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9723
+  - uid: 10059
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -63.5,14.5
+      pos: -19.5,-57.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9801
+  - uid: 10088
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -57.5,5.5
+      pos: -14.5,-57.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9813
+  - uid: 10089
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-      pos: 1.5,-47.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 0.5,-26.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9817
+  - uid: 10094
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-      pos: 1.5,-55.5
+      pos: -18.5,-57.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9818
+  - uid: 10098
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-      pos: 0.5,-55.5
+      pos: 4.5,-40.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9848
+  - uid: 10099
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-      pos: -27.5,-17.5
+      pos: 4.5,-38.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9857
+  - uid: 10124
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-      pos: -32.5,-5.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-31.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9858
+  - uid: 10139
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-      pos: -32.5,-7.5
+      pos: -20.5,-57.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10089
+  - uid: 10152
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 0.5,-26.5
+      pos: -14.5,-39.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10090
+  - uid: 10185
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-      pos: 4.5,-44.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-28.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10097
+  - uid: 10395
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-      pos: 4.5,-42.5
+      pos: 23.5,-16.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10098
+  - uid: 10623
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-      pos: 4.5,-40.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-29.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10099
+  - uid: 10656
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-      pos: 4.5,-38.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 16.5,-19.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10114
+  - uid: 10743
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       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -18.5,-45.5
+      pos: 3.5,-21.5
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-  - uid: 10115
+  - uid: 11073
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -16.5,-45.5
+      pos: -9.5,-45.5
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+  - uid: 11076
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-  - uid: 10132
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,-49.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 10133
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+      pos: -9.5,-43.5
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-  - uid: 10134
+  - uid: 11106
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-      pos: -16.5,-52.5
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+      pos: -12.5,-32.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10262
+  - uid: 11125
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-      pos: -33.5,-59.5
+      pos: -18.5,-49.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10263
+  - uid: 11139
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-      pos: -32.5,-59.5
+      pos: -7.5,-42.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10264
+  - uid: 11140
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-      pos: -32.5,-58.5
+      pos: -5.5,-42.5
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-  - uid: 10265
+  - uid: 11164
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-      pos: -32.5,-57.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 16.5,-17.5
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-  - uid: 10266
+  - uid: 11270
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-      pos: -31.5,-59.5
+      pos: -11.5,-32.5
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-  - uid: 10267
+  - uid: 11308
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-      pos: -31.5,-61.5
+      pos: -14.5,-44.5
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-  - uid: 10395
+  - uid: 11438
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-      pos: 23.5,-16.5
+      pos: -64.5,16.5
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-  - uid: 10743
+  - uid: 11448
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 3.5,-21.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -53.5,37.5
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-  - uid: 11438
+  - uid: 11450
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-      pos: -64.5,16.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -53.5,35.5
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@@ -110552,10 +109126,11 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 12680
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-      pos: 15.5,13.5
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+      pos: 15.5,10.5
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@@ -110574,11 +109149,6 @@ entities:
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 13.5,13.5
-      parent: 30
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@@ -110604,6 +109174,11 @@ entities:
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -64.5,-66.5
+      parent: 30
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@@ -110854,6 +109429,11 @@ entities:
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -6.5,-42.5
+      parent: 30
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@@ -110869,11 +109449,6 @@ entities:
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 49.5,23.5
-      parent: 30
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@@ -110894,6 +109469,11 @@ entities:
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+  - uid: 14915
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -22.5,-45.5
+      parent: 30
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@@ -110979,6 +109559,11 @@ entities:
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+  - uid: 16803
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -62.5,-66.5
+      parent: 30
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@@ -111471,6 +110056,12 @@ entities:
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -3.5,-44.5
+      parent: 30
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@@ -111591,26 +110182,36 @@ entities:
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-      pos: -59.5,-69.5
+      pos: -52.5,-38.5
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-  - uid: 18186
+  - uid: 18372
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-      pos: -58.5,-69.5
+      pos: -63.5,-66.5
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-  - uid: 18343
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-      pos: -52.5,-38.5
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+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 18764
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -85.5,-44.5
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+  - uid: 19373
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -24.5,-45.5
+      parent: 30
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@@ -111856,11 +110457,6 @@ entities:
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -30.5,-61.5
-      parent: 30
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@@ -112004,10 +110600,10 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 12822
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-      pos: 16.462046,12.553694
+      pos: 17.569016,13.6063385
       parent: 30
 - proto: SecurityTechFab
@@ -112023,15 +110619,15 @@ entities:
       - Steel
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-  - uid: 415
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-      pos: -25.5,8.5
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       parent: 30
-  - uid: 2345
+  - uid: 16134
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-      pos: -45.5,68.5
+      pos: -28.5,7.5
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@@ -112040,49 +110636,39 @@ entities:
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.481571,-47.56282
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 11281
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 0.5411911,-43.91178
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 11282
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-      pos: 0.5411911,-43.91178
+      pos: -25.515194,-43.69366
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 12820
+  - uid: 18170
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 19.709492,12.540524
+      pos: 18.613844,13.552378
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 12821
+  - uid: 18790
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 19.80086,12.477194
+      pos: -52.31846,-62.49577
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18790
+  - uid: 18878
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-      pos: -62.64885,-62.517246
+      pos: -15.490766,-37.49464
       parent: 30
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-  - uid: 9418
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.465946,-47.515945
-      parent: 30
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       parent: 11364
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
+  - uid: 18692
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -15.565023,-37.405533
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+      pos: 2.7814693,-46.481953
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+  - uid: 10761
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-      pos: 0.5099411,-42.56803
+      pos: -21.470598,-47.509216
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-  - uid: 11701
+  - uid: 11289
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-      pos: 14.431295,-25.50531
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-  - uid: 11735
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-  - uid: 12819
+  - uid: 11735
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-      pos: 18.711626,12.51626
+      pos: 19.908981,2.569995
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-  - uid: 18791
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-      pos: -62.6176,-62.579746
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       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20450
+  - uid: 18791
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-      pos: -23.542912,-39.421722
+      pos: -52.674896,-62.391804
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 - proto: SheetUranium
-  - uid: 10290
+  - uid: 19800
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-      pos: -22.492691,-47.491028
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 - proto: Shovel
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-      pos: 13.5,13.5
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-  - uid: 12810
+  - uid: 14352
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-      pos: 24.5,15.5
+      pos: 28.5,12.5
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-  - uid: 13075
+  - uid: 14355
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-      pos: 15.5,13.5
+      pos: 26.5,12.5
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-  - uid: 14340
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-      pos: 27.5,12.5
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-      pos: 28.5,12.5
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+      pos: 15.5,34.5
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -10.5,-42.5
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-  - uid: 9339
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       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10742
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       parent: 30
-  - uid: 11152
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-      pos: -8.5,-42.5
+      pos: -16.5,-45.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18692
+  - uid: 9415
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-      pos: -0.5,-43.5
+      pos: -18.5,-49.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SignAi
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     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 3598
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-    - type: MetaData
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSource
-      linkedPorts:
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-      state: True
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-        9404:
-        - Pressed: Toggle
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     - type: Transform
@@ -113338,6 +111842,17 @@ entities:
         - Pressed: DoorBolt
+  - uid: 18213
+    components:
+    - type: MetaData
+      name: janitor light button
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+        - Pressed: Toggle
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     - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 11021
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+- proto: SignalSwitchDirectional
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+  - uid: 402
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+    - type: MetaData
+      name: shutters switch
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 17.5,17.5
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+        - On: Open
+        - Off: Close
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+        9411:
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+        - On: Open
+        - Off: Close
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+    - type: Transform
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+        - Off: Close
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 - proto: SignArmory
   - uid: 1927
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+    - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 8.5,-21.5
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     - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 20627
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 15.5,-19.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: SignCargo
   - uid: 8405
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -10.5,-11.5
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     - type: Transform
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       parent: 30
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-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -9.5,-42.5
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       parent: 30
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-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -5.5,-42.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 17038
     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 47.5,20.5
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-  - uid: 12263
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -37.5,26.5
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     - type: Transform
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       parent: 30
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       parent: 30
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       parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
-      pos: -62.5,44.5
+      pos: -13.5,-46.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SignEngineering
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       parent: 30
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-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -11.5,-42.5
+      pos: 23.5,-15.5
       parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
-      pos: 23.5,-15.5
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+- proto: SignFlammableMed
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+  - uid: 20631
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 4.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 20632
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       parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 1386
+  - uid: 1385
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-      pos: -29.5,4.5
+      pos: -22.5,8.5
       parent: 30
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-  - uid: 1385
+  - uid: 1386
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-      pos: -22.5,8.5
+      pos: -29.5,4.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SignInterrogation
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   - uid: 18813
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+    - type: Transform
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       parent: 30
 - proto: SignMagneticsMed
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     - type: Transform
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+- proto: SignMaterials
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+  - uid: 12263
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -37.5,26.5
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 - proto: SignMedical
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     - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 15.5,-9.5
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     - type: Transform
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-  - uid: 10144
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-      pos: -15.5,-45.5
+      pos: -19.5,-45.5
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 - proto: SignRedOne
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       pos: 16.5,24.5
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-  - uid: 13389
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       parent: 30
-- proto: SignScience2
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       pos: 11.5,13.5
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+  - uid: 17707
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 15.5,13.5
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 - proto: SignSecurearea
   - uid: 11895
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -37.5,38.5
       parent: 30
-- proto: SignSmoking
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-  - uid: 9125
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 21.5,-20.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 10386
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-      pos: 17.5,-15.5
+      pos: 15.5,-9.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 21458
+- proto: SignSmoking
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+  - uid: 9125
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.5,-42.5
+      pos: 21.5,-20.5
       parent: 30
-- proto: SignSomethingOld
-  entities:
-  - uid: 10018
+  - uid: 9194
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -1.5,-42.5
+      pos: -0.5,-42.5
       parent: 30
-- proto: SignSomethingOld2
-  entities:
-  - uid: 10017
+  - uid: 10386
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -3.5,-42.5
+      pos: 17.5,-15.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SignSpace
@@ -114455,20 +113081,10 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: SignTelecomms
-  - uid: 22655
+  - uid: 20635
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.5,-47.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 22656
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -28.5,-59.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 22803
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -21.5,-57.5
+      pos: -11.5,-36.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SignToolStorage
@@ -114486,25 +113102,13 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: SingularityGenerator
-  - uid: 9407
+  - uid: 19419
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.5,-48.5
+      pos: -16.5,-34.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: Sink
-  - uid: 402
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -28.5,6.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 403
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -28.5,12.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 449
     - type: Transform
@@ -114604,6 +113208,24 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -12.5,11.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 11065
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -15.5,-47.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 12640
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -23.5,8.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 17714
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 12.5,10.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 18011
     - type: Transform
@@ -114615,12 +113237,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -56.5,52.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22541
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 18.5,14.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: SmartFridge
   - uid: 315
@@ -114645,6 +113261,11 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: SMESBasic
+  - uid: 3115
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -56.5,-63.5
+      parent: 30
   - uid: 5472
     - type: MetaData
@@ -114652,64 +113273,54 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,41.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9410
+  - uid: 8237
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -24.5,-50.5
+      pos: -15.5,-28.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9411
+  - uid: 8819
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -24.5,-49.5
+      pos: -19.5,-46.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9496
+  - uid: 9581
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: SMES Bank 3
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -6.5,-34.5
+      pos: -6.5,-43.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9497
+  - uid: 9583
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: SMES Bank 2
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -7.5,-34.5
+      pos: -5.5,-43.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9498
+  - uid: 11176
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: SMES Bank 1
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -8.5,-34.5
+      pos: -7.5,-47.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 15299
+  - uid: 11278
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: East Solars SMES
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 51.5,31.5
+      pos: -7.5,-43.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 16277
+  - uid: 15299
     - type: MetaData
-      name: West Solars SMES
+      name: East Solars SMES
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -65.5,44.5
+      pos: 51.5,31.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18774
+  - uid: 15991
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: Chapelroid SMES 2
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -69.5,-63.5
+      pos: -56.5,-62.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 18775
+  - uid: 16277
     - type: MetaData
-      name: Chapelroid SMES 1
+      name: West Solars SMES
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -69.5,-62.5
+      pos: -65.5,44.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 20046
@@ -114718,17 +113329,17 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,84.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20619
+- proto: SMESBasicEmpty
+  entities:
+  - uid: 9481
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.5,-28.5
+      pos: -15.5,-35.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22658
+  - uid: 9498
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: Telecomms SMES
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -25.5,-62.5
+      pos: -15.5,-34.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SoapHomemade
@@ -116150,12 +114761,20 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,34.5
       parent: 30
+- proto: SpawnMobCow
+  entities:
+  - uid: 18819
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -26.5,6.5
+      parent: 30
 - proto: SpawnMobCrabAtmos
-  - uid: 20359
+  - uid: 19831
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 17.5,-27.5
+      pos: 10.5,-25.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SpawnMobFoxRenault
@@ -116166,10 +114785,11 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: SpawnMobGoat
-  - uid: 7677
+  - uid: 14336
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,14.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -27.5,5.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SpawnMobKangarooWillow
@@ -116241,13 +114861,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -24.5,52.5
       parent: 30
-- proto: SpawnMobSlothPaperwork
-  entities:
-  - uid: 19570
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -57.5,-64.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: SpawnMobSmile
   - uid: 7441
@@ -116372,10 +114985,10 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: SpawnPointChiefEngineer
-  - uid: 9587
+  - uid: 9494
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,-35.5
+      pos: -7.5,-33.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SpawnPointChiefMedicalOfficer
@@ -116460,10 +115073,10 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: SpawnPointLibrarian
-  - uid: 19562
+  - uid: 18604
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -58.5,-65.5
+      pos: -66.5,-62.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SpawnPointMedicalDoctor
@@ -116699,47 +115312,102 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: SpawnPointStationEngineer
-  - uid: 9579
+  - uid: 9366
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -23.5,-41.5
+      pos: -23.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9580
+  - uid: 9503
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -24.5,-41.5
+      pos: -6.5,-44.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9581
+  - uid: 9506
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -23.5,-42.5
+      pos: -22.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20346
+  - uid: 9644
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -22.5,-49.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9646
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -24.5,-49.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9647
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -23.5,-47.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9652
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -24.5,-42.5
+      pos: -23.5,-49.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9890
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -23.5,-40.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9974
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -24.5,-47.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10554
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -24.5,-48.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10613
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -20.5,-40.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 11347
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -22.5,-47.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SpawnPointTechnicalAssistant
-  - uid: 20802
+  - uid: 9343
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -21.5,-42.5
+      pos: -24.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20803
+  - uid: 9359
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -21.5,-41.5
+      pos: -7.5,-44.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20885
+  - uid: 9363
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.5,-42.5
+      pos: -23.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 20886
+  - uid: 9648
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.5,-41.5
+      pos: -22.5,-48.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 9986
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -23.5,-39.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10583
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -23.5,-49.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 10584
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -23.5,-47.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SpawnPointWarden
@@ -117252,25 +115920,20 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 14.5,-28.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9794
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -12.5,-43.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9998
+  - uid: 9066
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.5,-43.5
+      pos: -1.5,-43.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10000
+  - uid: 9882
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -11.5,-43.5
+      pos: -0.5,-43.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10001
+  - uid: 10561
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -10.5,-43.5
+      pos: -2.5,-43.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 13342
@@ -117382,26 +116045,20 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-11.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9406
+  - uid: 8239
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: West Engineering Substation
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.5,-46.5
+      pos: -16.5,-28.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9570
+  - uid: 9403
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: East Engineering Substation
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 3.5,-37.5
+      pos: -19.5,-48.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 10533
+  - uid: 11175
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: Singulo Substation
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,-51.5
+      pos: -15.5,-39.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 11374
@@ -117424,12 +116081,10 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,51.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 17718
+  - uid: 18769
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: Chapelroid Substation
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -52.5,-59.5
+      pos: -56.5,-65.5
       parent: 30
   - uid: 18922
@@ -117452,12 +116107,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -24.5,41.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22659
+- proto: SubstationBasicEmpty
+  entities:
+  - uid: 11345
-    - type: MetaData
-      name: Telecomms Substation
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -27.5,-62.5
+      pos: -15.5,-36.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SubstationWallBasic
@@ -117504,22 +116159,27 @@ entities:
       parent: 30
 - proto: SuitStorageCE
-  - uid: 773
+  - uid: 10649
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.5,-36.5
+      pos: -9.5,-36.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SuitStorageEngi
-  - uid: 9436
+  - uid: 7111
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -8.5,-38.5
+      pos: -8.5,-41.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 9591
+  - uid: 7123
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -6.5,-38.5
+      pos: -6.5,-41.5
+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 7124
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -4.5,-41.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SuitStorageEVA
@@ -117756,50 +116416,6 @@ entities:
       id: Conference Room
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-  - uid: 788
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 1.5,-48.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: TEG Cold Loop
-  - uid: 8233
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -9.5,-57.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: TEG West Hot Room
-  - uid: 8293
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -18.5,-53.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: Singulo Walkway
-  - uid: 8296
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -22.5,-39.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: Engi Locker Room
   - uid: 9253
     - type: Transform
@@ -117811,70 +116427,6 @@ entities:
       - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
       nameSet: True
       id: Atmos Storage
-  - uid: 9429
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -8.5,-55.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: TEG South
-  - uid: 9692
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -14.5,-49.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: TEG Hot Loop
-  - uid: 9703
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -5.5,-57.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: TEG East Hot Room
-  - uid: 9704
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -5.5,-43.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: TEG North
-  - uid: 21209
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -9.5,-38.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: 'Engineering '
-  - uid: 21210
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -10.5,-31.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: AME Room
   - uid: 21211
     - type: Transform
@@ -117908,23 +116460,6 @@ entities:
       - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
       nameSet: True
       id: Atmospherics Desk
-  - uid: 21217
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -17.5,-34.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: Chief Engineer's Room
-  - uid: 21218
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -15.5,-42.5
-      parent: 30
   - uid: 21219
     - type: Transform
@@ -117957,28 +116492,6 @@ entities:
       - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
       nameSet: True
       id: Atmos Tanks
-  - uid: 21279
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -7.5,-33.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: SMES Bank
-  - uid: 21280
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -22.5,-46.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: Engineering Supply
   - uid: 21281
     - type: Transform
@@ -118000,39 +116513,6 @@ entities:
       - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
       nameSet: True
       id: Atmos Hall
-  - uid: 22811
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -20.5,-57.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: Telecomms Exterior
-  - uid: 22838
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -41.5,-60.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: Telecomms
-  - uid: 22839
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -29.5,-59.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraEngineering
-      nameSet: True
-      id: Telecomms Entrance
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraGeneral
   - uid: 1039
@@ -118078,17 +116558,6 @@ entities:
       - SurveillanceCameraGeneral
       nameSet: True
       id: Game Room
-  - uid: 21229
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -54.5,-64.5
-      parent: 30
-    - type: SurveillanceCamera
-      setupAvailableNetworks:
-      - SurveillanceCameraGeneral
-      nameSet: True
-      id: Library
   - uid: 21231
     - type: Transform
@@ -118340,60 +116809,53 @@ entities:
       id: Psychology
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterCommand
-  - uid: 20980
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 7.5,41.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 22824
+  - uid: 11177
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -38.5,-60.5
+      pos: -10.5,-31.5
       parent: 30
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterConstructed
-  entities:
-  - uid: 22832
+  - uid: 20980
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -40.5,-57.5
+      pos: 7.5,41.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterEngineering
-  - uid: 22807
+  - uid: 19183
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -38.5,-57.5
+      pos: -8.5,-31.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterGeneral
-  - uid: 21228
+  - uid: 9387
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -68.5,-63.5
+      pos: -12.5,-31.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22819
+  - uid: 18191
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -40.5,-63.5
+      pos: -52.5,-59.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterMedical
-  - uid: 22809
+  - uid: 19184
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -38.5,-62.5
+      pos: -6.5,-27.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterScience
-  - uid: 12747
+  - uid: 11156
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 31.5,15.5
+      pos: -8.5,-27.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22810
+  - uid: 12747
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -38.5,-63.5
+      pos: 31.5,15.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterSecurity
@@ -118402,43 +116864,43 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -37.5,56.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22820
+  - uid: 9970
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -35.5,-63.5
+      pos: -6.5,-31.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterService
-  - uid: 21220
+  - uid: 11348
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.5,17.5
+      pos: -12.5,-27.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 22821
+  - uid: 21220
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -35.5,-57.5
+      pos: -13.5,17.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterSupply
-  - uid: 22808
+  - uid: 10552
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -38.5,-58.5
+      pos: -10.5,-27.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: SurveillanceCameraScience
-  - uid: 21186
+  - uid: 9990
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 17.5,12.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 17.5,13.5
       parent: 30
     - type: SurveillanceCamera
       - SurveillanceCameraScience
       nameSet: True
-      id: RND
+      id: Reception
   - uid: 21187
     - type: Transform
@@ -118830,20 +117292,6 @@ entities:
       - SurveillanceCameraSupply
       nameSet: True
       id: Quartermaster's Room
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraWirelessRouterConstructed
-  entities:
-  - uid: 22831
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -40.5,-59.5
-      parent: 30
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraWirelessRouterEntertainment
-  entities:
-  - uid: 22818
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -40.5,-58.5
-      parent: 30
 - proto: SynthesizerInstrument
   - uid: 15112
@@ -119225,6 +117673,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -51.5,55.5
       parent: 30
+  - uid: 3130
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -25.5,-43.5
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -25.5,-44.5
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-      pos: 5.5,-26.5
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-      pos: -17.5,-29.5
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-      pos: -17.5,-30.5
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-      pos: -17.5,-28.5
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+      pos: -17.5,-32.5
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-      pos: -17.5,-31.5
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+      pos: -17.5,-29.5
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-      pos: 0.5,-43.5
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-      pos: -19.5,-44.5
+      pos: 3.5,-41.5
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-      pos: -15.5,-44.5
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+      pos: -24.5,-50.5
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-      pos: -15.5,-43.5
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+      pos: -8.5,-47.5
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-  - uid: 11288
+  - uid: 11247
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-      pos: -15.5,-42.5
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-      pos: 1.5,-44.5
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-      pos: -11.5,-35.5
+      pos: -3.5,-33.5
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+  - uid: 11336
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-      pos: -11.5,-34.5
+      pos: -5.5,-35.5
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+      pos: 17.5,13.5
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+      pos: -17.5,5.5
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+      pos: -22.5,-39.5
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+      pos: 16.5,14.5
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+      pos: -9.5,-47.5
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@@ -119837,6 +118389,12 @@ entities:
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-    - type: Transform
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-      pos: -13.5,-44.5
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+      pos: -65.5,-63.5
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-      pos: -57.5,-65.5
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -60.5,-63.5
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+      pos: -0.5,-50.5
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+      pos: 0.5,-50.5
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-      pos: -8.5,-50.5
+      pos: -1.5,-50.5
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     - type: PointLight
       color: '#FF3300FF'
-- proto: TelecomServer
+- proto: TelecomServerFilledCargo
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+      pos: -10.5,-28.5
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-          - 22622
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-          ents: []
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+      pos: -10.5,-30.5
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-          - 22813
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-          - 22815
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-  - uid: 22816
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-        machine_parts: !type:Container
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-  - uid: 22825
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-        key_slots: !type:Container
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-          - 22826
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-          occludes: True
-          ents: []
-        machine_parts: !type:Container
-          showEnts: False
-          occludes: True
-          ents: []
-  - uid: 22827
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-        key_slots: !type:Container
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-          - 22828
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-          showEnts: False
-          occludes: True
-          ents: []
-        machine_parts: !type:Container
-          showEnts: False
-          occludes: True
-          ents: []
-  - uid: 22829
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+  - uid: 19179
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-      pos: -35.5,-59.5
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+    - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 13902
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-54.5
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+- proto: TeslaGenerator
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+  - uid: 19411
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -16.5,-35.5
+      parent: 30
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+      pos: -10.5,-54.5
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-    - type: ContainerContainer
-      containers:
-        key_slots: !type:Container
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-          ents:
-          - 22830
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-          showEnts: False
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-        machine_parts: !type:Container
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-          ents: []
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -69.5,-59.5
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     - type: Transform
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-- proto: ToolboxElectrical
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-    - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
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-        14525:
-        - Middle: Off
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-        14524:
-        - Middle: Off
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-        - Left: Forward
-        14523:
         - Middle: Off
-        - Right: Reverse
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-        14522:
-        - Middle: Off
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-        - Left: Forward
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-    - type: Transform
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-        14527:
-        - Middle: Off
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-        - Left: Forward
-        14528:
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-        - Right: Reverse
+        12973:
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-        14529:
+        - Right: Reverse
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+        18374:
+        - Left: Forward
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+        - Middle: Off
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+        - Left: Reverse
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+        12983:
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 53.5,23.5
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-    - type: DeviceLinkSource
-      linkedPorts:
-        14530:
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+        13034:
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+        - Middle: Off
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         - Left: Forward
+        - Right: Reverse
+        - Middle: Off
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-      name: Hot drinks machine
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-      pos: 17.5,12.5
+      pos: 16.5,10.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: VendingMachineSec
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-  - uid: 413
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-      pos: -25.5,10.5
+      pos: -28.5,13.5
       parent: 30
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+  - uid: 13970
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
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@@ -127085,30 +125801,17 @@ entities:
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -9.5,-37.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9366
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.5,-38.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9371
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.5,-45.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9372
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-      pos: -21.5,-45.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 4.5,-54.5
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-  - uid: 9373
+  - uid: 9368
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-      pos: -22.5,-45.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -1.5,-54.5
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@@ -127170,11 +125873,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 9387
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -25.5,-45.5
-      parent: 30
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     - type: Transform
@@ -127210,45 +125908,17 @@ entities:
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -23.5,-51.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9397
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -22.5,-51.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9398
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -21.5,-51.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9399
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -21.5,-50.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9400
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -21.5,-49.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9401
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -21.5,-48.5
-      parent: 30
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-      pos: -21.5,-47.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -12.5,-57.5
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-  - uid: 9403
+  - uid: 9413
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-      pos: -21.5,-46.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -10.5,-33.5
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@@ -127320,11 +125990,6 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 9469
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,-27.5
-      parent: 30
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@@ -127345,394 +126010,421 @@ entities:
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.5,-33.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9583
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.5,-37.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9584
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,-37.5
-      parent: 30
-  - uid: 9599
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-      pos: -17.5,-33.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -10.5,-53.5
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-  - uid: 9600
+  - uid: 9507
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-      pos: -18.5,-33.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 0.5,-55.5
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-  - uid: 9663
+  - uid: 9508
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-      pos: -10.5,-5.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -1.5,-55.5
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-  - uid: 9674
+  - uid: 9509
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-      pos: 2.5,-47.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 0.5,-54.5
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-  - uid: 9680
+  - uid: 9510
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-      pos: -8.5,-56.5
+      pos: -1.5,-57.5
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-  - uid: 9681
+  - uid: 9511
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-      pos: -8.5,-57.5
+      pos: -0.5,-57.5
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-  - uid: 9691
+  - uid: 9513
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-      pos: -7.5,-59.5
+      pos: 0.5,-57.5
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-  - uid: 9714
+  - uid: 9514
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-      pos: -32.5,-14.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 5.5,-55.5
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-  - uid: 9715
+  - uid: 9515
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-      pos: -39.5,-22.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 5.5,-43.5
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+  - uid: 9516
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-      pos: -31.5,-14.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -10.5,-76.5
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-  - uid: 9903
+  - uid: 9517
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 2.5,-55.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -11.5,-76.5
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+  - uid: 9528
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-      pos: -0.5,-55.5
+      pos: -9.5,-53.5
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-  - uid: 9906
+  - uid: 9582
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 4.5,-45.5
+      pos: -15.5,-33.5
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-  - uid: 9907
+  - uid: 9599
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -0.5,-45.5
+      pos: -17.5,-33.5
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-  - uid: 9908
+  - uid: 9600
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 2.5,-51.5
+      pos: -18.5,-33.5
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-  - uid: 9923
+  - uid: 9601
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -0.5,-47.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-76.5
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-  - uid: 9924
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -0.5,-46.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -13.5,-76.5
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+  - uid: 9603
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 0.5,-45.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -12.5,-76.5
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-  - uid: 9927
+  - uid: 9604
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-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 2.5,-45.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-76.5
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+  - uid: 9605
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-      pos: -0.5,-44.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-61.5
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-  - uid: 9961
+  - uid: 9606
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-      pos: -0.5,-42.5
+      pos: -7.5,-71.5
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-  - uid: 9962
+  - uid: 9607
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-      pos: -1.5,-42.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -9.5,-76.5
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-  - uid: 9963
+  - uid: 9609
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-      pos: -2.5,-42.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-74.5
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-  - uid: 9964
+  - uid: 9641
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-      pos: -3.5,-42.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 5.5,-56.5
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-  - uid: 9966
+  - uid: 9642
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-      pos: -5.5,-42.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 0.5,-58.5
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-  - uid: 9970
+  - uid: 9643
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-      pos: -9.5,-42.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 4.5,-58.5
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-  - uid: 9972
+  - uid: 9663
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-      pos: -11.5,-42.5
+      pos: -10.5,-5.5
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-  - uid: 9973
+  - uid: 9692
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-      pos: -12.5,-42.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 5.5,-45.5
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-  - uid: 9974
+  - uid: 9693
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-      pos: -13.5,-42.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 5.5,-46.5
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-  - uid: 9975
+  - uid: 9714
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-      pos: -14.5,-42.5
+      pos: -32.5,-14.5
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-  - uid: 9977
+  - uid: 9715
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-      pos: -14.5,-44.5
+      pos: -39.5,-22.5
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-  - uid: 9978
+  - uid: 9798
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-      pos: -14.5,-45.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -53.5,34.5
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-  - uid: 9985
+  - uid: 9822
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-      pos: -14.5,-52.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 5.5,-42.5
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-  - uid: 9986
+  - uid: 9855
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-      pos: -14.5,-53.5
+      pos: -31.5,-14.5
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-  - uid: 9987
+  - uid: 9863
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-      pos: -14.5,-54.5
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+      pos: -6.5,-53.5
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-  - uid: 9988
+  - uid: 9877
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-      pos: -14.5,-55.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -12.5,-53.5
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-  - uid: 10019
+  - uid: 9878
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-      pos: -14.5,-56.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -11.5,-53.5
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-  - uid: 10020
+  - uid: 9881
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-      pos: -13.5,-56.5
+      pos: -27.5,-63.5
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-  - uid: 10021
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-      pos: -0.5,-56.5
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+      pos: -7.5,-57.5
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-  - uid: 10022
+  - uid: 10002
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-      pos: -1.5,-56.5
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+      pos: -8.5,-57.5
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-  - uid: 10042
+  - uid: 10012
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-      pos: -13.5,-60.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-70.5
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-  - uid: 10043
+  - uid: 10013
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-      pos: -12.5,-60.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-73.5
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-  - uid: 10044
+  - uid: 10014
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-      pos: -11.5,-60.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-69.5
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-  - uid: 10045
+  - uid: 10050
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-      pos: -11.5,-61.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -13.5,-56.5
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-  - uid: 10049
+  - uid: 10051
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-      pos: -1.5,-60.5
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+      pos: -13.5,-57.5
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-  - uid: 10050
+  - uid: 10052
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-      pos: -2.5,-60.5
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+      pos: -13.5,-54.5
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-  - uid: 10051
+  - uid: 10092
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-      pos: -3.5,-60.5
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+      pos: -8.5,-62.5
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-  - uid: 10052
+  - uid: 10096
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-      pos: -3.5,-61.5
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+      pos: -8.5,-53.5
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-  - uid: 10053
+  - uid: 10097
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-      pos: -4.5,-61.5
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+      pos: -7.5,-53.5
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-  - uid: 10054
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-  - uid: 10058
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-      pos: -9.5,-61.5
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+      pos: -8.5,-60.5
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-  - uid: 10059
+  - uid: 10114
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-      pos: -10.5,-61.5
+      pos: -27.5,-71.5
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-  - uid: 10112
+  - uid: 10115
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -19.5,-45.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-67.5
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+  - uid: 10116
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -15.5,-45.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-65.5
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-      pos: -19.5,-52.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-71.5
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-      pos: -19.5,-51.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-63.5
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-      pos: -19.5,-50.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-66.5
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-  - uid: 10120
+  - uid: 10121
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-      pos: -19.5,-49.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-59.5
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-  - uid: 10121
+  - uid: 10122
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-      pos: -19.5,-48.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-58.5
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-  - uid: 10122
+  - uid: 10134
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-      pos: -19.5,-47.5
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+      pos: 7.5,-43.5
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-  - uid: 10123
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-  - uid: 10124
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-      pos: -15.5,-46.5
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-  - uid: 10125
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-      pos: -15.5,-47.5
+      pos: -58.5,-10.5
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-  - uid: 10126
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-      pos: -15.5,-48.5
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+      pos: 7.5,-44.5
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-  - uid: 10127
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-      pos: -15.5,-49.5
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+      pos: 6.5,-43.5
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-  - uid: 10128
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-      pos: -15.5,-50.5
+      pos: -15.5,-38.5
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-  - uid: 10129
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-      pos: -15.5,-51.5
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+      pos: -8.5,-75.5
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-  - uid: 10130
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-      pos: -15.5,-52.5
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+      pos: -9.5,-57.5
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+  - uid: 10678
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-      pos: -60.5,-10.5
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+      pos: -10.5,-57.5
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+      pos: -6.5,-55.5
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-      pos: -58.5,-10.5
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+      pos: -6.5,-54.5
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-  - uid: 10268
+  - uid: 10768
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+      pos: -19.5,-38.5
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@@ -127754,16 +126446,67 @@ entities:
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+    - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -5.5,-54.5
+      parent: 30
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+      pos: -21.5,-54.5
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+  - uid: 11127
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+      pos: -20.5,-53.5
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+      pos: -20.5,-51.5
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -71.5,-64.5
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@@ -127794,10 +126537,20 @@ entities:
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-    - type: Transform
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@@ -128040,6 +126788,11 @@ entities:
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+    - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 17.5,13.5
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 18.5,13.5
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 19.5,13.5
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 19.5,14.5
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@@ -128140,6 +126858,12 @@ entities:
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+    - type: Transform
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+      pos: -20.5,-52.5
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@@ -129056,6 +127780,12 @@ entities:
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+    - type: Transform
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+      pos: -6.5,-57.5
+      parent: 30
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@@ -129131,11 +127861,50 @@ entities:
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+    - type: Transform
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -25.5,-60.5
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 - proto: WallSolidRust
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     - type: Physics
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+- proto: WardrobeAtmosphericsFilled
+  entities:
+  - uid: 8418
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 16.5,-20.5
+      parent: 30
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+      parent: 30
+  - uid: 7148
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -5.5,-41.5
       parent: 30
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.1496
-        moles:
-        - 3.4430928
-        - 12.952587
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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     - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -55.5,-65.5
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-      pos: -62.5,-65.5
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@@ -137863,15 +136464,15 @@ entities:
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-  - uid: 399
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-      pos: -23.5,5.5
+      pos: -30.5,10.5
       parent: 30
-  - uid: 452
+  - uid: 13365
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-      pos: -30.5,10.5
+      pos: -23.5,5.5
       parent: 30
 - proto: WaterVaporCanister
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.5,-34.5
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-    - type: Physics
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+      pos: -8.390148,-47.43978
       parent: 30
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+  - uid: 10147
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -54.5,-65.5
+      parent: 30
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+- proto: WindoorSecureServiceLocked
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+  - uid: 11458
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -65.5,-62.5
+      parent: 30
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -20.5,-43.5
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-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -25.5,4.5
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-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -26.5,4.5
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+    - type: Transform
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-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -23.5,4.5
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-    - type: Transform
-      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -28.5,4.5
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-    - type: Transform
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--- a/Resources/Maps/meta.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/meta.yml
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     - type: MetaData
     - type: Transform
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-            5: 12339
+            6: 12339
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-            5: 51
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+            6: 12288
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+            5: 12288
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+            6: 60608
-            5: 13107
+            6: 13107
         - volume: 2500
           temperature: 293.15
@@ -8134,6 +8136,21 @@ entities:
           - 0
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+        - volume: 2500
+          temperature: 293.14975
+          moles:
+          - 20.078888
+          - 75.53487
+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
+          - 0
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           temperature: 293.15
@@ -10278,11 +10295,23 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 68.5,8.5
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+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
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+        12540:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
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       pos: 65.5,8.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12540:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockEngineeringLocked
   - uid: 1109
@@ -10446,6 +10475,14 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12560:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        12559:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
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     - type: Transform
@@ -10558,21 +10595,58 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 3
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        3442:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        3582:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -43.5,29.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        3445:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        3441:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
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       pos: -44.5,32.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 3
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        3442:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        3582:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 3582
     - type: Transform
       pos: -42.5,29.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: Door
+      secondsUntilStateChange: -99.68158
+      state: Opening
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        3445:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        3441:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+      lastSignals:
+        DoorStatus: True
   - uid: 3884
     - type: Transform
@@ -10590,11 +10664,23 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 63.5,38.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
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+        13927:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
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       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        13926:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassLocked
   - uid: 5442
@@ -10602,21 +10688,49 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -76.5,8.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        5443:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -74.5,-17.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        5711:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -72.5,-19.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        5716:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+        5715:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
   - uid: 5714
     - type: Transform
       pos: -73.5,-19.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        5715:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+        5716:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
   - uid: 5742
     - type: Transform
@@ -10627,21 +10741,45 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -41.5,35.5
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+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        9492:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -32.5,45.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        9495:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -32.5,47.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        9494:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 48.5,38.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        13921:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 14536
     - type: Transform
@@ -10658,36 +10796,78 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -50.5,-40.5
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+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        16715:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -42.5,-63.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        17205:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 17205
     - type: Transform
       pos: -39.5,-63.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        17204:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 20027
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-65.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        20026:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 20029
     - type: Transform
       pos: 38.5,-64.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        20030:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 20030
     - type: Transform
       pos: 38.5,-61.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        20029:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 20038
     - type: Transform
       pos: 39.5,-54.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        20037:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 25050
     - type: Transform
@@ -10794,22 +10974,50 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -78.5,8.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        5442:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
   - uid: 5711
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -76.5,-17.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        5712:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
   - uid: 5715
     - type: Transform
       pos: -73.5,-22.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        5713:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+        5714:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
   - uid: 5716
     - type: Transform
       pos: -72.5,-22.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        5713:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+        5714:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
 - proto: AirlockExternalLocked
   - uid: 9492
@@ -10817,11 +11025,23 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -44.5,35.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        9493:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 13921
     - type: Transform
       pos: 49.5,39.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        13922:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 13923
     - type: Transform
@@ -10831,8 +11051,6 @@ entities:
         - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
-        13924:
-        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 13924
     - type: Transform
@@ -10842,23 +11060,39 @@ entities:
         - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
-        13923:
-        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 16715
     - type: Transform
       pos: -52.5,-40.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        16716:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 20026
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-67.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        20027:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 20037
     - type: Transform
       pos: 41.5,-54.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        20038:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockFreezerKitchenHydroLocked
   - uid: 2433
@@ -13597,12 +13831,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.8845375,-5.58767
       parent: 5350
-- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
+- proto: AtmosDeviceFanDirectional
   - uid: 491
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 34.5,-12.5
+      pos: 34.5,-17.5
       parent: 5350
   - uid: 5086
@@ -13612,32 +13846,38 @@ entities:
   - uid: 5326
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 41.5,47.5
       parent: 5350
   - uid: 5330
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -63.5,-13.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -64.5,-13.5
       parent: 5350
   - uid: 6473
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -45.5,16.5
       parent: 5350
   - uid: 6502
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -45.5,18.5
       parent: 5350
   - uid: 8480
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -70.5,-5.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -63.5,-5.5
       parent: 5350
   - uid: 8604
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -63.5,-5.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -70.5,-5.5
       parent: 5350
   - uid: 9158
@@ -13647,12 +13887,14 @@ entities:
   - uid: 10294
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 39.5,-15.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 34.5,-12.5
       parent: 5350
   - uid: 11035
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 34.5,-17.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 39.5,-15.5
       parent: 5350
   - uid: 11212
@@ -13662,47 +13904,33 @@ entities:
   - uid: 14164
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -63.5,-7.5
+      pos: -11.5,-74.5
       parent: 5350
   - uid: 14682
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -70.5,-7.5
+      pos: -9.5,-74.5
       parent: 5350
   - uid: 14683
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -63.5,6.5
+      pos: -3.5,-74.5
       parent: 5350
   - uid: 14684
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -70.5,6.5
-      parent: 5350
-  - uid: 20063
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -11.5,-74.5
-      parent: 5350
-  - uid: 20064
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -9.5,-74.5
-      parent: 5350
-  - uid: 20065
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -3.5,-74.5
+      pos: -1.5,-74.5
       parent: 5350
-  - uid: 20066
+  - uid: 14913
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -1.5,-74.5
+      pos: -70.5,4.5
       parent: 5350
-  - uid: 20167
+  - uid: 24792
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -70.5,4.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 59.5,4.5
       parent: 5350
 - proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
@@ -60938,6 +61166,22 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -16.428204,45.62322
       parent: 5350
+- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitSecurity
+  entities:
+  - uid: 20063
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      parent: 9140
+    - type: Physics
+      canCollide: False
+    - type: InsideEntityStorage
+  - uid: 20064
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      parent: 10335
+    - type: Physics
+      canCollide: False
+    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: ClothingOuterHoodieBlack
   - uid: 22120
@@ -73877,18 +74121,20 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 68.5,-19.5
       parent: 5350
-- proto: GasMinerNitrogen
+- proto: GasMinerNitrogenStationLarge
   - uid: 11574
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 52.5,-29.5
       parent: 5350
-- proto: GasMinerOxygen
+- proto: GasMinerOxygenStationLarge
-  - uid: 11585
+  - uid: 3116
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 56.5,-29.5
       parent: 5350
 - proto: GasMixer
@@ -112750,6 +112996,16 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 9.5,-62.5
       parent: 5350
+  - uid: 20065
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -34.5,-75.5
+      parent: 5350
+  - uid: 20066
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -34.5,-74.5
+      parent: 5350
   - uid: 20067
     - type: Transform
@@ -112935,6 +113191,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-68.5
       parent: 5350
+  - uid: 20167
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -34.5,-77.5
+      parent: 5350
   - uid: 21454
     - type: Transform
@@ -113195,6 +113456,56 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 94.5,19.5
       parent: 5350
+  - uid: 24782
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -33.5,-77.5
+      parent: 5350
+  - uid: 24783
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -32.5,-77.5
+      parent: 5350
+  - uid: 24784
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -31.5,-77.5
+      parent: 5350
+  - uid: 24785
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -30.5,-77.5
+      parent: 5350
+  - uid: 24786
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -28.5,-77.5
+      parent: 5350
+  - uid: 24787
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -27.5,-77.5
+      parent: 5350
+  - uid: 24788
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -26.5,-77.5
+      parent: 5350
+  - uid: 24789
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -25.5,-77.5
+      parent: 5350
+  - uid: 24790
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -36.5,-74.5
+      parent: 5350
+  - uid: 24791
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -37.5,-74.5
+      parent: 5350
   - uid: 24922
     - type: Transform
@@ -116098,12 +116409,24 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -10.5,-28.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        23500:
+        - Pressed: Open
+        24195:
+        - Pressed: Open
   - uid: 24780
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -17.5,-31.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        24820:
+        - Pressed: Open
+        26601:
+        - Pressed: Open
 - proto: LockableButtonSecurity
   - uid: 6261
@@ -132903,23 +133226,6 @@ entities:
         - Pressed: Toggle
-  - uid: 14913
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -12.5,-38.5
-      parent: 5350
-    - type: DeviceLinkSource
-      linkedPorts:
-        14916:
-        - Pressed: Toggle
-        14915:
-        - Pressed: Toggle
-        14914:
-        - Pressed: Toggle
-        14918:
-        - Pressed: Toggle
-        14917:
-        - Pressed: Toggle
   - uid: 15183
     - type: Transform
@@ -133156,6 +133462,24 @@ entities:
         - Pressed: Toggle
         - Pressed: Toggle
+  - uid: 11585
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -12.5,-38.5
+      parent: 5350
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        14917:
+        - Pressed: Toggle
+        14918:
+        - Pressed: Toggle
+        14914:
+        - Pressed: Toggle
+        14915:
+        - Pressed: Toggle
+        14916:
+        - Pressed: Toggle
   - uid: 12454
     - type: Transform
@@ -133246,8 +133570,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 44.5,-4.5
       parent: 5350
-- proto: SignAtmosMinsky
-  entities:
   - uid: 11495
     - type: Transform
@@ -133292,26 +133614,22 @@ entities:
       pos: -13.5,-64.5
       parent: 5350
 - proto: SignChem
-  entities:
-  - uid: 15672
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,-28.5
-      parent: 5350
-- proto: SignChemistry1
   - uid: 14204
     - type: Transform
       pos: -19.5,-21.5
       parent: 5350
-- proto: SignChemistry2
-  entities:
   - uid: 15671
     - type: Transform
       pos: -13.5,-23.5
       parent: 5350
+  - uid: 15672
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -17.5,-28.5
+      parent: 5350
 - proto: SignCloning
   - uid: 15048
@@ -133735,13 +134053,6 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -44.5,-5.5
       parent: 5350
-- proto: SignDrones
-  entities:
-  - uid: 8902
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 44.5,-0.5
-      parent: 5350
 - proto: SignElectricalMed
   - uid: 1672
@@ -133920,17 +134231,15 @@ entities:
       parent: 5350
 - proto: SignHydro1
-  - uid: 2335
+  - uid: 2326
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 20.5,-21.5
+      pos: 20.5,-15.5
       parent: 5350
-- proto: SignHydro2
-  entities:
-  - uid: 2326
+  - uid: 2335
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 20.5,-15.5
+      pos: 20.5,-21.5
       parent: 5350
 - proto: SignInterrogation
@@ -133992,6 +134301,13 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -35.5,6.5
       parent: 5350
+- proto: SignMaterials
+  entities:
+  - uid: 8902
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 44.5,-0.5
+      parent: 5350
 - proto: SignMedical
   - uid: 7333
@@ -134024,13 +134340,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 36.5,-30.5
       parent: 5350
-- proto: SignMinerDock
-  entities:
-  - uid: 4097
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -39.5,22.5
-      parent: 5350
 - proto: SignMorgue
   - uid: 15028
@@ -134125,7 +134434,7 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-33.5
       parent: 5350
-- proto: SignScience1
+- proto: SignScience
   - uid: 9789
@@ -134327,6 +134636,13 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,22.5
       parent: 5350
+- proto: SignShipDock
+  entities:
+  - uid: 4097
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -39.5,22.5
+      parent: 5350
 - proto: SignSmoking
   - uid: 11369
@@ -134483,7 +134799,7 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 23.5,5.5
       parent: 5350
-- proto: SignToxins2
+- proto: SignToxins
   - uid: 22182
@@ -137950,11 +138266,61 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,37.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: EntityStorage
+      air:
+        volume: 200
+        immutable: False
+        temperature: 293.14673
+        moles:
+        - 1.7459903
+        - 6.568249
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+    - type: ContainerContainer
+      containers:
+        entity_storage: !type:Container
+          showEnts: False
+          occludes: True
+          ents:
+          - 20063
   - uid: 10335
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,38.5
       parent: 5350
+    - type: EntityStorage
+      air:
+        volume: 200
+        immutable: False
+        temperature: 293.14673
+        moles:
+        - 1.7459903
+        - 6.568249
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+        - 0
+    - type: ContainerContainer
+      containers:
+        entity_storage: !type:Container
+          showEnts: False
+          occludes: True
+          ents:
+          - 20064
 - proto: SuitStorageWarden
   - uid: 10358
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/oasis.yml b/Resources/Maps/oasis.yml
index 7353864af19..ae213b3dd1e 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/oasis.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/oasis.yml
@@ -315,11 +315,11 @@ entities:
           version: 6
           ind: 0,4
           version: 6
           ind: 1,4
           version: 6
           ind: -4,0
@@ -11860,6 +11860,8 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -32.5,34.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
     - type: DeviceLinkSource
@@ -12445,55 +12447,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 45.5,2.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: AirlockExternalEngineeringLocked
-  entities:
-  - uid: 19542
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -50.5,-49.5
-      parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSource
-      linkedPorts:
-        19543:
-        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
-  - uid: 19543
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -49.5,-51.5
-      parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSource
-      linkedPorts:
-        19542:
-        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
-  - uid: 19544
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -47.5,-54.5
-      parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSource
-      linkedPorts:
-        19545:
-        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
-        19546:
-        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
-  - uid: 19545
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -48.5,-55.5
-      parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSource
-      linkedPorts:
-        19544:
-        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
-  - uid: 19546
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -46.5,-55.5
-      parent: 2
-    - type: DeviceLinkSource
-      linkedPorts:
-        19544:
-        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlass
   - uid: 13141
@@ -12560,6 +12513,8 @@ entities:
         - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
         - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        8504:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassCargoLocked
   - uid: 826
@@ -12599,8 +12554,67 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -58.5,-17.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassEngineeringLocked
+  - uid: 234
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -48.5,-55.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        3673:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+  - uid: 437
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -46.5,-55.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        3673:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+  - uid: 3673
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -47.5,-54.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        234:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        437:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+  - uid: 3888
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -49.5,-51.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        3902:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+  - uid: 3902
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -50.5,-49.5
+      parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        3888:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 6828
     - type: Transform
@@ -14467,7 +14481,7 @@ entities:
         DoorStatus: True
     - type: Door
-      secondsUntilStateChange: -4821.3525
+      secondsUntilStateChange: -9254.769
       state: Opening
   - uid: 6934
@@ -14479,7 +14493,7 @@ entities:
         DoorStatus: True
     - type: Door
-      secondsUntilStateChange: -4823.986
+      secondsUntilStateChange: -9257.402
       state: Opening
   - uid: 6935
@@ -14491,7 +14505,7 @@ entities:
         DoorStatus: True
     - type: Door
-      secondsUntilStateChange: -4822.836
+      secondsUntilStateChange: -9256.252
       state: Opening
   - uid: 6936
@@ -14502,7 +14516,7 @@ entities:
         DoorStatus: True
     - type: Door
-      secondsUntilStateChange: -4822.0522
+      secondsUntilStateChange: -9255.469
       state: Opening
 - proto: AirlockTheatreLocked
@@ -24789,11 +24803,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 60.5,30.5
       parent: 21002
-  - uid: 26395
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 60.5,29.5
-      parent: 21002
   - uid: 26396
     - type: Transform
@@ -27124,11 +27133,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 57.5,-2.5
       parent: 21002
-  - uid: 27221
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 57.5,-1.5
-      parent: 21002
   - uid: 27222
     - type: Transform
@@ -31754,11 +31758,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 25.5,-28.5
       parent: 21002
-  - uid: 25401
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 41.5,-25.5
-      parent: 21002
   - uid: 25402
     - type: Transform
@@ -31839,11 +31838,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 39.5,-27.5
       parent: 21002
-  - uid: 25420
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 38.5,-27.5
-      parent: 21002
   - uid: 25421
     - type: Transform
@@ -33044,11 +33038,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 90.5,-2.5
       parent: 21002
-  - uid: 27690
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 90.5,-3.5
-      parent: 21002
   - uid: 27691
     - type: Transform
@@ -33109,11 +33098,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 88.5,-8.5
       parent: 21002
-  - uid: 27712
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 88.5,-7.5
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     - type: Transform
@@ -34932,147 +34916,177 @@ entities:
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       pos: 67.5,52.5
       parent: 21002
-- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
+- proto: AtmosDeviceFanDirectional
-  - uid: 234
+  - uid: 6810
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -4.5,55.5
+      pos: -6.5,55.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 437
+  - uid: 6852
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: -6.5,55.5
+      pos: -4.5,55.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 3673
+  - uid: 10392
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 66.5,-3.5
+      pos: 66.5,-5.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 3888
+  - uid: 10676
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 66.5,-5.5
+      pos: 66.5,-3.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 3902
+  - uid: 10677
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 43.5,-26.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 6810
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 30.5,54.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 6852
+  - uid: 10690
     - type: Transform
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 26.5,54.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 10392
+  - uid: 10848
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -7.5,-68.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 30.5,54.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 10578
+  - uid: 11333
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -17.5,21.5
+      pos: -7.5,-68.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 10579
+  - uid: 11334
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       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -10.5,21.5
-      parent: 2
-  - uid: 10676
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-75.5
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-  - uid: 10677
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+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,-75.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 10690
+  - uid: 13187
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 2.5,-68.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 10848
+  - uid: 13210
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 8.5,-82.5
+      pos: 8.5,-80.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 11333
+  - uid: 13262
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -61.5,-4.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 11334
+  - uid: 13345
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -61.5,-2.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 12849
+  - uid: 13747
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: 8.5,-80.5
+      pos: 8.5,-82.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 16803
+  - uid: 13773
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -61.5,-17.5
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-  - uid: 18705
+  - uid: 16803
     - type: Transform
       pos: -13.5,-58.5
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-  - uid: 19960
+  - uid: 18705
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -13.5,-80.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 19542
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+  - uid: 19543
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -13.5,-80.5
+      pos: 66.5,2.5
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-  - uid: 21017
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+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 66.5,4.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 25960
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -2.5,-1.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 21018
+      pos: -61.5,-1.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 26097
     - type: Transform
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -2.5,0.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 24241
+      pos: -61.5,-5.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 26114
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 66.5,4.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 8.5,-80.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 24242
+- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
+  entities:
+  - uid: 10578
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 66.5,2.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -17.5,21.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 10579
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -10.5,21.5
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+  - uid: 21017
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -2.5,-1.5
+      parent: 21002
+  - uid: 21018
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -2.5,0.5
+      parent: 21002
 - proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
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@@ -37079,11 +37093,6 @@ entities:
       enabled: False
 - proto: Bola
-  - uid: 22398
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 30.540497,21.53258
-      parent: 21002
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     - type: Transform
@@ -37415,20 +37424,6 @@ entities:
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-    - type: Transform
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-    - type: Physics
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-      parent: 22197
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-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
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     - type: Transform
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 26.5,17.5
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-      air:
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-        temperature: 293.14673
-        moles:
-        - 1.7459903
-        - 6.568249
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 67.5,30.5
-      parent: 21002
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     - type: Transform
@@ -75840,21 +75807,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 25.5,-30.5
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 66.5,22.5
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-  - uid: 25559
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 42.5,-1.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 25571
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 58.5,2.5
-      parent: 21002
 - proto: ClosetRadiationSuitFilled
   - uid: 9793
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-- proto: ClothingBeltMercWebbing
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-  - uid: 21681
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 21678
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-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
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   - uid: 26598
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     - type: Transform
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-- proto: ClothingHeadBandMerc
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-  - uid: 21680
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 21678
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: ClothingHeadHatAnimalCat
   - uid: 19173
@@ -76295,22 +76229,6 @@ entities:
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-- proto: ClothingHeadHelmetEVALarge
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-  - uid: 22362
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-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 22361
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
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-  - uid: 22364
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 22361
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: ClothingHeadHelmetFire
   - uid: 23802
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     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ClothingHeadsetGrey
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-  - uid: 21600
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 49.503967,15.507565
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-  - uid: 26968
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-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 19.579208,14.445946
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 - proto: ClothingMaskBreath
   - uid: 2071
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-- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitEVAPrisoner
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-  - uid: 22363
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-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 22361
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
-  - uid: 22365
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 22361
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: ClothingOuterRobesJudge
   - uid: 3517
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     - type: Transform
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-- proto: ClothingShoesBootsMerc
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-  - uid: 21679
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 21678
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: ClothingShoesBootsWork
   - uid: 5865
@@ -78211,13 +78090,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 8.5,30.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: CrateEngineeringMiniJetpack
-  entities:
-  - uid: 26711
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 67.5,54.5
-      parent: 21002
 - proto: CrateEngineeringSecure
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-        volume: 200
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-        temperature: 293.14673
-        moles:
-        - 1.8856695
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-        - 0
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-        volume: 200
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-        temperature: 293.14673
-        moles:
-        - 1.7459903
-        - 6.568249
-        - 0
-        - 0
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
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-        temperature: 293.14673
-        moles:
-        - 1.8856695
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-        - 1.8856695
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-        - 0
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-          occludes: True
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-          occludes: True
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-  - uid: 22143
-    components:
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-      air:
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-        temperature: 293.14673
-        moles:
-        - 1.7459903
-        - 6.568249
-        - 0
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-          - 22145
-          - 22144
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-    components:
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-        temperature: 293.14673
-        moles:
-        - 1.7459903
-        - 6.568249
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-          occludes: True
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-          - 22198
-          - 22199
-          - 22200
-          - 22201
-          - 22202
-          - 22203
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-        moles:
-        - 1.7459903
-        - 6.568249
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-        moles:
-        - 1.8856695
-        - 7.0937095
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-        moles:
-        - 1.7459903
-        - 6.568249
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-        - 1.8856695
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-          - 26775
-          - 26776
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@@ -78897,6 +78355,293 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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+- proto: CratePermaEscapeSpawner
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 90.5,-3.5
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 88.5,-7.5
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 30.5,21.5
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 43.5,-3.5
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+  - uid: 26774
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+    - type: Transform
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+  - uid: 26775
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 66.5,22.5
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+  - uid: 26776
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+    - type: Transform
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+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 32.5,-33.5
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 - proto: CratePrivateSecure
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+    - type: Door
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+      state: Closing
     - type: DeviceNetwork
       - 18275
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+      color: '#FF1212FF'
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-- proto: GlowstickYellow
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 - proto: GrassBattlemap
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     - type: Door
-      secondsUntilStateChange: -32977.18
+      secondsUntilStateChange: -37410.598
       state: Opening
   - uid: 5211
@@ -136821,13 +136857,6 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 47.40576,3.310136
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 25365
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 25364
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: JugWeldingFuel
   - uid: 21351
@@ -138606,15 +138635,6 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -28.405407,4.838667
       parent: 2
-- proto: MindShieldImplanter
-  entities:
-  - uid: 27840
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 25516
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: MiningWindow
   - uid: 548
@@ -139760,20 +139780,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Physics
       canCollide: False
     - type: InsideEntityStorage
-  - uid: 21846
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 21845
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
-  - uid: 21847
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 21845
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: Pen
   - uid: 1052
@@ -139866,27 +139872,6 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 24.686314,-51.342354
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 22199
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 22197
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
-  - uid: 22201
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 22197
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
-  - uid: 22203
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 22197
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
   - uid: 22775
     - type: Transform
@@ -144271,7 +144256,7 @@ entities:
       pos: -26.5,32.5
       parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
+      color: '#0335FCFF'
   - uid: 9020
     - type: Transform
@@ -144279,7 +144264,7 @@ entities:
       pos: -24.5,30.5
       parent: 2
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
-      color: '#03FCD3FF'
+      color: '#0335FCFF'
 - proto: Protolathe
   - uid: 7789
@@ -151232,13 +151217,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: RubberStampApproved
-  - uid: 22202
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 22197
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
   - uid: 23360
     - type: Transform
@@ -151251,13 +151229,6 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: RubberStampDenied
-  - uid: 22204
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 22197
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
   - uid: 23361
     - type: Transform
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     - type: Transform
       pos: -27.53622,43.555347
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 21560
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 21559
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
-  - uid: 21561
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 21559
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
   - uid: 28346
     - type: Transform
@@ -152899,6 +152856,8 @@ entities:
         - Pressed: Toggle
         - Pressed: Toggle
+        10308:
+        - Pressed: DoorBolt
   - uid: 10588
     - type: MetaData
@@ -156659,183 +156618,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -17.5,28.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: SpaceTickCube
-  entities:
-  - uid: 25517
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 25516
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
-  - uid: 25518
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 25516
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
-  - uid: 25519
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 25516
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
-  - uid: 25520
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 25516
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: SpaceTickSpawner
-  entities:
-  - uid: 21344
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 75.5,-1.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 21532
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 51.5,-9.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 21773
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 50.5,2.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 22147
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 59.5,23.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 23528
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 22.5,21.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 23532
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 49.5,12.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 23533
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 4.5,25.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 23534
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 26.5,12.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 23535
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 21.5,36.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 25362
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 21.5,-29.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 25555
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 5.5,28.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 25557
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 24.5,37.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 25558
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 45.5,1.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 25560
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 46.5,18.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 25561
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 60.5,15.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 25562
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 45.5,29.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 25563
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 14.5,25.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 25649
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 56.5,3.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 25960
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 54.5,40.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 26097
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 68.5,43.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 26114
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 70.5,52.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 26172
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 69.5,50.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 26407
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 33.5,-11.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 26523
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 85.5,6.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 26825
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 29.5,-12.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 26841
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 31.5,-17.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 27391
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 66.5,-3.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 27705
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 72.5,-12.5
-      parent: 21002
-  - uid: 27907
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 51.5,-18.5
-      parent: 21002
 - proto: SpaceVillainArcadeComputerCircuitboard
   - uid: 5813
@@ -158358,22 +158140,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 44.5,-11.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: StimpackMini
-  entities:
-  - uid: 22144
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 22143
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 22143
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: Stool
   - uid: 930
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     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.02112,29.37049
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-- proto: TowercapSeeds
-  entities:
-  - uid: 21648
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-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 21647
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
-  - uid: 21649
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 21647
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: ToyAi
   - uid: 12731
@@ -174990,12 +174740,133 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 23.5,-9.5
       parent: 21002
+  - uid: 21559
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 20.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21560
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 5.5,72.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21561
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 4.5,72.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21600
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 3.5,72.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21647
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 3.5,71.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21648
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 3.5,70.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21649
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 21.5,72.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21678
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 22.5,72.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21679
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 23.5,72.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21680
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 23.5,71.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21681
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 23.5,70.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21773
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 19.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21845
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 18.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21846
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 17.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21847
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 16.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21982
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 15.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 21983
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 14.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 22064
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 13.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 22143
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 12.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 22144
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 11.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 22145
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 10.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 22147
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 9.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 22168
     - type: Transform
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 0.5,24.5
       parent: 21002
+  - uid: 22197
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 8.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 22198
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 7.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 22210
     - type: Transform
@@ -176548,6 +176419,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 25.5,-9.5
       parent: 21002
+  - uid: 26172
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 6.5,77.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 26691
     - type: Transform
@@ -182134,15 +182011,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
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-- proto: WeaponPistolMk58
-  entities:
-  - uid: 22247
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 22574
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: WeaponPistolN1984
   - uid: 4204
@@ -182150,15 +182018,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 32.46886,-20.362041
       parent: 2
-- proto: WeaponProtoKineticAccelerator
-  entities:
-  - uid: 21983
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      parent: 21982
-    - type: Physics
-      canCollide: False
-    - type: InsideEntityStorage
 - proto: WeaponRifleFoam
   - uid: 15416
@@ -183950,7 +183809,7 @@ entities:
       pos: 24.5,2.5
       parent: 21002
     - type: Door
-      secondsUntilStateChange: -378181.78
+      secondsUntilStateChange: -382615.2
       state: Opening
   - uid: 28863
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/omega.yml b/Resources/Maps/omega.yml
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           version: 6
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+        - node:
+            color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+            id: Box
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+            1607: -13,-39
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             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
             id: BrickTileDarkLineE
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             1397: -22,-12
             1606: 5,-4
+        - node:
+            angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+            color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+            id: Delivery
+          decals:
+            1609: -49,-26
         - node:
             cleanable: True
             color: '#FFFFFFFF'
@@ -2306,6 +2317,12 @@ entities:
             id: SpaceStationSign7
             953: 0,-13
+        - node:
+            angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+            color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+            id: StandClear
+          decals:
+            1608: -13,-40
         - node:
             color: '#52B4E996'
             id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
@@ -4280,6 +4297,21 @@ entities:
       - 12226
       - 1853
       - 1852
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+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -13.5,-38.5
+      parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceList
+      devices:
+      - 12321
+      - 5071
+      - 5072
+      - 5224
+      - 5223
+      - 5225
+      - 5222
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     - type: Transform
@@ -4956,21 +4988,6 @@ entities:
       - 8591
       - 8758
       - 8770
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-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -12.5,-39.5
-      parent: 4812
-    - type: DeviceList
-      devices:
-      - 12321
-      - 5072
-      - 5071
-      - 5223
-      - 5222
-      - 5224
-      - 5225
   - uid: 12325
     - type: Transform
@@ -5561,16 +5578,34 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 32.5,2.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8476
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -47.5,-24.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 9614
     - type: Transform
       pos: -41.5,-27.5
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+  - uid: 9637
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -17.5,30.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 9651
     - type: Transform
       pos: -11.5,-56.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12107:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+        9656:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassAtmosphericsLocked
   - uid: 6362
@@ -5578,11 +5613,23 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -47.5,-3.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        6363:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 6363
     - type: Transform
       pos: -50.5,-4.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        6362:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassCargoLocked
   - uid: 2919
@@ -5590,11 +5637,23 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 25.5,14.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        2920:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 2920
     - type: Transform
       pos: 28.5,14.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        2919:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 3040
     - type: Transform
@@ -5612,16 +5671,34 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -56.5,-22.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        10405:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 11139
     - type: Transform
       pos: 38.5,-36.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        11141:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 11141
     - type: Transform
       pos: 35.5,-36.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        11139:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleArrivals
   - uid: 3760
@@ -5636,6 +5713,25 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -7.5,-43.5
       parent: 4812
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleEscape
+  entities:
+  - uid: 3769
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -13.5,-39.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8492
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -17.5,32.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 10917
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -47.5,-26.5
+      parent: 4812
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleLocked
   - uid: 3190
@@ -5691,11 +5787,23 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -10.5,-59.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        9651:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
   - uid: 12107
     - type: Transform
       pos: -11.5,-59.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        9651:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
 - proto: AirlockExternalLocked
   - uid: 2737
@@ -5703,36 +5811,78 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,31.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        2814:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 2814
     - type: Transform
       pos: 12.5,33.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        2737:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 3349
     - type: Transform
       pos: 21.5,10.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        3350:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 3350
     - type: Transform
       pos: 19.5,10.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        3349:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 3686
     - type: Transform
       pos: 3.5,44.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        3687:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 3687
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,45.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        3686:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 10405
     - type: Transform
       pos: -54.5,-22.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        10406:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockFreezer
   - uid: 3119
@@ -6237,6 +6387,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 25.5,-34.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        11676:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 11350
     - type: Transform
@@ -6252,6 +6408,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 25.5,-37.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        11326:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 11802
     - type: Transform
@@ -6845,6 +7007,9 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -10.5,-40.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 9593
   - uid: 12326
     - type: Transform
@@ -8016,16 +8181,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 37.5,-21.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8458
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.5,36.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8459
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.5,35.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 8460
     - type: Transform
@@ -8056,31 +8211,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -20.5,31.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8466
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.5,31.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8467
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,31.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8468
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,31.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8469
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,31.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8470
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.5,31.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 8471
     - type: Transform
@@ -8101,101 +8231,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -14.5,32.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8475
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.5,32.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8476
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,32.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8479
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.5,32.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8480
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.5,33.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8483
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,33.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 8484
     - type: Transform
       pos: -15.5,33.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8485
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -15.5,34.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8486
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,34.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8487
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,34.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8488
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,34.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8489
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.5,34.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8490
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,35.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8491
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,35.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8492
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.5,35.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8493
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,36.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8494
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,36.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8495
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,37.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8496
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.5,38.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8497
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,38.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 8498
     - type: Transform
@@ -8356,31 +8396,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -43.5,-32.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 9630
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -46.5,-29.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 9631
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -46.5,-30.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 9632
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -47.5,-29.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 9633
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -46.5,-28.5
-      parent: 4812
-  - uid: 9637
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -46.5,-26.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 9638
     - type: Transform
@@ -9411,11 +9426,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 35.5,-41.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 12144
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -48.5,-25.5
-      parent: 4812
 - proto: AsteroidRockMining
   - uid: 12146
@@ -9423,67 +9433,96 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -52.5,-3.5
       parent: 4812
-- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
+- proto: AtmosDeviceFanDirectional
   - uid: 2781
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 23.5,25.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -13.5,-39.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 2845
+  - uid: 8478
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 23.5,27.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 3260
+  - uid: 8479
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 23.5,25.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8480
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 34.5,-7.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 3263
+  - uid: 8481
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 34.5,0.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 34.5,2.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 3423
+  - uid: 8483
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 34.5,-5.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 3424
+  - uid: 8485
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 34.5,2.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 34.5,0.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 3455
+  - uid: 8486
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 4.5,-4.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8487
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 8.5,-6.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 3456
+  - uid: 8488
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 4.5,-4.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-50.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 3766
+  - uid: 8489
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.5,-50.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -7.5,-50.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 3767
+  - uid: 8490
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -8.5,-50.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -7.5,-43.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 3768
+  - uid: 8491
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -8.5,-43.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: -14.5,-43.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 3769
+  - uid: 8494
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -13.5,-43.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -17.5,32.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 9630
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -47.5,-26.5
       parent: 4812
 - proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
@@ -16869,6 +16908,21 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -17.5,28.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8458
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -17.5,31.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8459
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -17.5,30.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8466
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -17.5,29.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 8908
     - type: Transform
@@ -28442,6 +28496,13 @@ entities:
       - Steel
       - Glass
       - Gold
+- proto: CleanerDispenser
+  entities:
+  - uid: 8493
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -20.5,-5.5
+      parent: 4812
 - proto: ClosetBombFilled
   - uid: 6331
@@ -28633,6 +28694,11 @@ entities:
           showEnts: False
           occludes: True
           ent: null
+  - uid: 2845
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -18.5,31.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 3786
     - type: Transform
@@ -28915,6 +28981,11 @@ entities:
           showEnts: False
           occludes: True
           ent: null
+  - uid: 9632
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -48.5,-25.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 10407
     - type: Transform
@@ -29063,6 +29134,13 @@ entities:
           showEnts: False
           occludes: True
           ent: null
+- proto: ClosetEmergencyN2FilledRandom
+  entities:
+  - uid: 9631
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -12.5,-38.5
+      parent: 4812
 - proto: ClosetFireFilled
   - uid: 1514
@@ -29236,43 +29314,11 @@ entities:
           showEnts: False
           occludes: True
           ent: null
-  - uid: 8328
+  - uid: 8456
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,29.5
+      pos: -16.5,31.5
       parent: 4812
-    - type: EntityStorage
-      air:
-        volume: 200
-        immutable: False
-        temperature: 293.14957
-        moles:
-        - 1.6033952
-        - 6.031821
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-        - 0
-    - type: ContainerContainer
-      containers:
-        EntityStorageComponent: !type:Container
-          showEnts: False
-          occludes: True
-          ents: []
-        entity_storage: !type:Container
-          showEnts: False
-          occludes: True
-          ents: []
-        paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
-          showEnts: False
-          occludes: True
-          ent: null
   - uid: 9688
     - type: Transform
@@ -30292,16 +30338,16 @@ entities:
       parent: 4812
 - proto: ClothingEyesEyepatch
-  - uid: 8481
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -16.839548,32.557995
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 9657
     - type: Transform
       pos: 25.533524,-9.424093
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 12144
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -14.245123,35.0185
+      parent: 473
 - proto: ClothingEyesGlasses
   - uid: 6205
@@ -30522,10 +30568,10 @@ entities:
       parent: 4812
 - proto: ClothingHeadHatPirate
-  - uid: 11675
+  - uid: 11933
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.677834,32.905758
+      pos: -21.445757,35.638134
       parent: 4812
 - proto: ClothingHeadHatPumpkin
@@ -30881,10 +30927,10 @@ entities:
       parent: 4812
 - proto: ClothingOuterCoatPirate
-  - uid: 8478
+  - uid: 11934
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.511423,32.47987
+      pos: -23.764275,32.548626
       parent: 4812
 - proto: ClothingOuterGhostSheet
@@ -32771,6 +32817,23 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -31.5,-6.5
       parent: 4812
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconEscapePod
+  entities:
+  - uid: 3980
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -17.5,31.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8475
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -47.5,-25.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 9633
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -12.5,-39.5
+      parent: 4812
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconEvac
   - uid: 12480
@@ -35718,15 +35781,15 @@ entities:
       parent: 4812
 - proto: DrinkLithiumFlask
-  - uid: 3611
+  - uid: 3423
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.350801,33.411205
+      pos: -21.4602,33.34266
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 12466
+  - uid: 11675
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -18.56759,33.562008
+      pos: -21.301329,33.55921
       parent: 4812
 - proto: DrinkMugBlack
@@ -37253,11 +37316,17 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -11.5,-36.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 9593
   - uid: 5072
     - type: Transform
       pos: -10.5,-36.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 9593
   - uid: 5308
     - type: Transform
@@ -51284,6 +51353,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -10.5,-52.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 9593
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
   - uid: 5225
@@ -51292,6 +51364,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -11.5,-41.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 9593
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#0335FCFF'
   - uid: 5697
@@ -52035,6 +52110,9 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -11.5,-51.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 9593
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 5224
@@ -52043,6 +52121,9 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -10.5,-42.5
       parent: 4812
+    - type: DeviceNetwork
+      deviceLists:
+      - 9593
     - type: AtmosPipeColor
       color: '#FF1212FF'
   - uid: 5699
@@ -53122,11 +53203,28 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 22.5,29.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 3611
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -19.5,38.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 3701
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,54.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 3767
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -19.5,37.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 3768
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -15.5,39.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 4385
     - type: Transform
@@ -53412,6 +53510,17 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 32.5,-12.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 4693
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -15.5,35.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 4695
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -15.5,38.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 4722
     - type: Transform
@@ -53595,7 +53704,8 @@ entities:
   - uid: 4768
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -12.5,-38.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -19.5,39.5
       parent: 4812
   - uid: 4769
@@ -54235,6 +54345,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -7.5,-27.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 7635
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -16.5,32.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 7915
     - type: Transform
@@ -54388,6 +54504,30 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -23.5,26.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8328
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -18.5,32.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8467
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -49.5,-29.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8470
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -49.5,-30.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8496
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -48.5,-26.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 8526
     - type: Transform
@@ -55118,11 +55258,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -14.5,-59.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 10609
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -47.5,-24.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 10632
     - type: Transform
@@ -55158,6 +55293,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,-42.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 11337
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -20.5,37.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 11354
     - type: Transform
@@ -55318,6 +55458,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 20.5,-39.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 11935
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -19.5,33.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 12108
     - type: Transform
@@ -58288,6 +58433,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 26.5,-22.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8495
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -46.5,-23.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 8849
     - type: Transform
@@ -58318,11 +58468,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -34.5,8.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 10917
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -47.5,-23.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 11787
     - type: Transform
@@ -61322,6 +61467,12 @@ entities:
       parent: 4812
     - type: ApcPowerReceiver
       powerLoad: 0
+  - uid: 3260
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -18.5,31.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 3280
     - type: Transform
@@ -63655,11 +63806,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -9.5,-54.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 4695
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -12.5,-38.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 4697
     - type: Transform
@@ -64365,6 +64511,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -21.5,26.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8468
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -48.5,-26.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 8627
     - type: Transform
@@ -64570,11 +64722,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -43.5,-25.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 9593
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -47.5,-24.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 9599
     - type: Transform
@@ -65636,8 +65783,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -34.5,0.5
       parent: 4812
-- proto: SignAtmosMinsky
-  entities:
   - uid: 8721
     - type: Transform
@@ -65690,8 +65835,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -10.5,-19.5
       parent: 4812
-- proto: SignChemistry1
-  entities:
   - uid: 6642
     - type: Transform
@@ -65946,13 +66089,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -12.5,-41.5
       parent: 4812
-- proto: SignDrones
-  entities:
-  - uid: 11937
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -12.5,18.5
-      parent: 4812
 - proto: SignElectricalMed
   - uid: 3978
@@ -66044,20 +66180,16 @@ entities:
       parent: 4812
 - proto: SignHydro1
-  - uid: 1076
+  - uid: 1075
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -7.5,-10.5
+      pos: -6.5,-4.5
       parent: 4812
-- proto: SignHydro2
-  entities:
-  - uid: 1075
+  - uid: 1076
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -6.5,-4.5
+      pos: -7.5,-10.5
       parent: 4812
-- proto: SignHydro3
-  entities:
   - uid: 6685
     - type: Transform
@@ -66082,19 +66214,19 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -22.5,-13.5
       parent: 4812
-- proto: SignMedical
+- proto: SignMaterials
-  - uid: 7299
+  - uid: 11937
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -7.5,-23.5
+      pos: -12.5,18.5
       parent: 4812
-- proto: SignMinerDock
+- proto: SignMedical
-  - uid: 3344
+  - uid: 7299
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 21.5,16.5
+      pos: -7.5,-23.5
       parent: 4812
 - proto: SignMorgue
@@ -66184,20 +66316,16 @@ entities:
       parent: 4812
 - proto: SignScience
-  - uid: 6176
+  - uid: 6175
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 2.5,-19.5
+      pos: 8.5,-13.5
       parent: 4812
-- proto: SignScience1
-  entities:
-  - uid: 6175
+  - uid: 6176
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 8.5,-13.5
+      pos: 2.5,-19.5
       parent: 4812
-- proto: SignScience2
-  entities:
   - uid: 6177
     - type: Transform
@@ -66286,6 +66414,13 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -1.5,-30.5
       parent: 4812
+- proto: SignShipDock
+  entities:
+  - uid: 3344
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 21.5,16.5
+      parent: 4812
 - proto: SignSmoking
   - uid: 8607
@@ -66372,7 +66507,7 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -21.5,12.5
       parent: 4812
-- proto: SignToxins2
+- proto: SignToxins
   - uid: 6645
@@ -66386,7 +66521,7 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -32.5,-32.5
       parent: 4812
-- proto: SignXenolab
+- proto: SignXenobio
   - uid: 11143
@@ -72263,6 +72398,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 20.5,9.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 3263
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -19.5,31.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 3288
     - type: Transform
@@ -72293,6 +72433,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 23.5,6.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 3424
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -15.5,31.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 3428
     - type: Transform
@@ -72328,6 +72473,16 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,31.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 3455
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -15.5,32.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 3456
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -19.5,32.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 3486
     - type: Transform
@@ -72888,6 +73043,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 22.5,2.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 3766
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -13.5,-40.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 3990
     - type: Transform
@@ -73128,11 +73288,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -12.5,-53.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 4693
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -12.5,-39.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 4694
     - type: Transform
@@ -74076,11 +74231,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -23.5,-24.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 7635
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,30.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 7636
     - type: Transform
@@ -74711,6 +74861,17 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -35.5,8.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8469
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -46.5,-26.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 8497
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -13.5,-38.5
+      parent: 4812
   - uid: 8621
     - type: Transform
@@ -77643,11 +77804,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 10.5,40.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 3980
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -17.5,37.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 3981
     - type: Transform
@@ -78853,11 +79009,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -20.5,28.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 8456
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -19.5,37.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 8457
     - type: Transform
@@ -79003,11 +79154,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -42.5,-22.5
       parent: 4812
-  - uid: 10404
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: -47.5,-28.5
-      parent: 4812
   - uid: 10613
     - type: Transform
@@ -80438,6 +80584,18 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -28.5,-26.5
       parent: 4812
+  - uid: 10404
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -16.5,32.5
+      parent: 4812
+  - uid: 10609
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -18.5,32.5
+      parent: 4812
 - proto: WindowDirectional
   - uid: 890
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/packed.yml b/Resources/Maps/packed.yml
index 6954fe7892d..2691ed2a787 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/packed.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/packed.yml
@@ -7294,11 +7294,27 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 37.5,-39.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        4391:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 4391
     - type: Transform
       pos: 35.5,-37.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 3
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        4385:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        4392:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        4390:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockExternalEngineeringLocked
   - uid: 69
@@ -7306,21 +7322,45 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,37.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        70:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 70
     - type: Transform
       pos: 11.5,35.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        69:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 171
     - type: Transform
       pos: 15.5,-41.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        173:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 173
     - type: Transform
       pos: 13.5,-43.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        171:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 225
     - type: Transform
@@ -7336,31 +7376,67 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 74.5,45.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        2128:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 2128
     - type: Transform
       pos: 72.5,45.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        1902:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 4385
     - type: Transform
       pos: 33.5,-39.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        4391:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 4392
     - type: Transform
       pos: 35.5,-41.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        4391:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 12931
     - type: Transform
       pos: 33.5,-47.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12932:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 12932
     - type: Transform
       pos: 32.5,-49.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        12931:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassCargoLocked
   - uid: 258
@@ -7378,21 +7454,53 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,16.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        7886:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        7881:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 7674
     - type: Transform
       pos: 6.5,17.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 3
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        7886:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        7881:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 7881
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,17.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        6863:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        7674:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 7886
     - type: Transform
       pos: 4.5,16.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        7674:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+        6863:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassLocked
   - uid: 2734
@@ -7400,11 +7508,23 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-18.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        6839:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 6839
     - type: Transform
       pos: -5.5,-15.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        2734:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleArrivals
   - uid: 1332
@@ -7448,26 +7568,56 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 1.5,-35.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        1370:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 1370
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-35.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        1369:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 3202
     - type: Transform
       pos: 56.5,49.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        2167:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
   - uid: 8728
     - type: Transform
       pos: 87.5,-20.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        10751:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
   - uid: 10751
     - type: Transform
       pos: 84.5,-20.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        8728:
+        - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
 - proto: AirlockExternalShuttleLocked
   - uid: 2167
@@ -7476,6 +7626,12 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 56.5,51.5
       parent: 2
+    - type: DeviceLinkSource
+      linkedPorts:
+        3202:
+        - DoorStatus: Close
+    - type: DeviceLinkSink
+      invokeCounter: 1
 - proto: AirlockFreezer
   - uid: 10
@@ -9272,47 +9428,61 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 36.5,-21.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
+- proto: AtmosDeviceFanDirectional
   - uid: 136
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -2.5,2.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -4.5,2.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 373
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -12.5,-10.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 608
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: -19.5,-10.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 2027
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -4.5,2.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -2.5,2.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 5262
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 28.5,-10.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 6591
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 32.5,-10.5
       parent: 2
   - uid: 6592
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 28.5,-10.5
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 4.5,26.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 12295
+  - uid: 6874
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 4.5,24.5
       parent: 2
-  - uid: 12296
+  - uid: 6876
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 4.5,26.5
+      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 87.5,4.5
       parent: 2
 - proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
@@ -10063,7 +10233,7 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 114.5,-17.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: BookChefGaming
+- proto: BookHowToCookForFortySpaceman
   - uid: 297
@@ -21935,6 +22105,16 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 16.5,-12.5
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 6938
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 116.5,-15.5
+      parent: 2
+  - uid: 6939
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 116.5,-17.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 7148
     - type: Transform
@@ -31765,6 +31945,14 @@ entities:
       - Steel
       - Glass
       - Gold
+- proto: CleanerDispenser
+  entities:
+  - uid: 6875
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+      pos: 7.5,-4.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: ClosetBombFilled
   - uid: 12854
@@ -65771,17 +65959,15 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: SignAtmos
-  - uid: 4575
+  - uid: 4574
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 28.5,-26.5
+      pos: 37.5,-38.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: SignAtmosMinsky
-  entities:
-  - uid: 4574
+  - uid: 4575
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 37.5,-38.5
+      pos: 28.5,-26.5
       parent: 2
 - proto: SignBar
@@ -65826,7 +66012,7 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 39.519363,4.4919653
       parent: 2
-- proto: SignChemistry1
+- proto: SignChem
   - uid: 6817
@@ -65840,13 +66026,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 25.484035,39.437214
       parent: 2
-- proto: SignCourt
-  entities:
-  - uid: 13166
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 24.5,28.5
-      parent: 2
 - proto: SignCryogenicsMed
   - uid: 11804
@@ -66195,19 +66374,17 @@ entities:
       rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 13.5,-2.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: SignHydro2
+- proto: SignHydro1
-  - uid: 6651
+  - uid: 6648
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 41.5,-2.5
+      pos: 47.5,-2.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: SignHydro3
-  entities:
-  - uid: 6648
+  - uid: 6651
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 47.5,-2.5
+      pos: 41.5,-2.5
       parent: 2
 - proto: SignInterrogation
@@ -66246,6 +66423,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -4.5,-6.5
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 13166
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 24.5,28.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SignLibrary
   - uid: 11201
@@ -66268,13 +66450,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 53.5,1.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: SignMinerDock
-  entities:
-  - uid: 7784
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 6.5,18.5
-      parent: 2
 - proto: SignMorgue
   - uid: 11196
@@ -66379,6 +66554,11 @@ entities:
       parent: 2
 - proto: SignShipDock
+  - uid: 7784
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: 6.5,18.5
+      parent: 2
   - uid: 9306
     - type: Transform
@@ -66493,7 +66673,7 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 28.5,-13.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: SignToxins2
+- proto: SignToxins
   - uid: 12304
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/saltern.yml b/Resources/Maps/saltern.yml
index e232aa32721..b407f2a9a50 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/saltern.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/saltern.yml
@@ -4519,6 +4519,12 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,-42.5
       parent: 31
+  - uid: 10766
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 31.5,-16.5
+      parent: 31
 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleLocked
   - uid: 6995
@@ -5740,63 +5746,76 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 5.5,-32.5
       parent: 31
-- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
+- proto: AtmosDeviceFanDirectional
-  - uid: 5157
+  - uid: 950
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -14.5,-4.5
       parent: 31
-  - uid: 6694
+  - uid: 5157
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -44.5,0.5
       parent: 31
-  - uid: 7138
+  - uid: 6694
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -44.5,2.5
       parent: 31
-  - uid: 7346
+  - uid: 7138
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -44.5,8.5
       parent: 31
-  - uid: 7566
+  - uid: 7346
     - type: Transform
+      rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -44.5,10.5
       parent: 31
+  - uid: 7566
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 20.5,28.5
+      parent: 31
   - uid: 7567
     - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
       pos: 22.5,28.5
       parent: 31
   - uid: 7943
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 20.5,28.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -12.5,-2.5
       parent: 31
   - uid: 9923
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -12.5,-2.5
+      pos: -8.5,-42.5
       parent: 31
   - uid: 10583
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
-      pos: -8.5,-42.5
+      pos: -51.5,-12.5
       parent: 31
   - uid: 10765
     - type: Transform
       pos: -44.5,-12.5
       parent: 31
-  - uid: 10766
+  - uid: 11466
     - type: Transform
-      pos: -51.5,-12.5
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 31.5,-16.5
       parent: 31
 - proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
@@ -28720,6 +28739,20 @@ entities:
       parent: 31
     - type: NavMapBeacon
       text: Tesla Storage
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconEscapePod
+  entities:
+  - uid: 11467
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 31.5,-17.5
+      parent: 31
+  - uid: 11468
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: -8.5,-41.5
+      parent: 31
 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconEVAStorage
   - uid: 7640
@@ -56347,8 +56380,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 18.5,-3.5
       parent: 31
-- proto: SignChemistry2
-  entities:
   - uid: 7291
     - type: Transform
@@ -56586,13 +56617,6 @@ entities:
       rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: -26.497889,6.2645836
       parent: 31
-- proto: SignDrones
-  entities:
-  - uid: 7224
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 26.5,2.5
-      parent: 31
 - proto: SignElectrical
   - uid: 11377
@@ -56642,7 +56666,7 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 50.5,-1.5
       parent: 31
-- proto: SignHydro2
+- proto: SignHydro1
   - uid: 10545
@@ -56685,20 +56709,19 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 32.5,23.5
       parent: 31
-- proto: SignMedical
+- proto: SignMaterials
-  - uid: 4151
+  - uid: 7224
     - type: Transform
-      pos: 5.5,2.5
+      pos: 26.5,2.5
       parent: 31
-- proto: SignMinerDock
+- proto: SignMedical
-  - uid: 9941
+  - uid: 4151
     - type: Transform
-      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
-      pos: 34.5,38.5
+      pos: 5.5,2.5
       parent: 31
 - proto: SignMorgue
@@ -56792,6 +56815,14 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 54.5,-10.5
       parent: 31
+- proto: SignShipDock
+  entities:
+  - uid: 9941
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+      pos: 34.5,38.5
+      parent: 31
 - proto: SignSomethingOld2
   - uid: 1469
@@ -61591,11 +61622,6 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: 53.5,-12.5
       parent: 31
-  - uid: 950
-    components:
-    - type: Transform
-      pos: 31.5,-16.5
-      parent: 31
   - uid: 951
     - type: Transform
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/train.yml b/Resources/Maps/train.yml
index 8bcbf97b865..f15e08aa884 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/train.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/train.yml
@@ -74144,7 +74144,7 @@ entities:
       pos: 8.5,-176.5
       parent: 2
     - type: Door
-      secondsUntilStateChange: -141100.73
+      secondsUntilStateChange: -141291.3
       state: Closing
   - uid: 11227
@@ -81637,6 +81637,11 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -8.5,-314.5
       parent: 2
+  - uid: 16962
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -5.5,-382.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: RandomArtifactSpawner20
   - uid: 12481
@@ -84582,7 +84587,7 @@ entities:
       rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
       pos: 3.5,-338.5
       parent: 2
-- proto: SignAtmosMinsky
+- proto: SignAtmos
   - uid: 12994
@@ -86870,6 +86875,13 @@ entities:
     - type: Transform
       pos: -0.5,-62.5
       parent: 2
+- proto: SpawnPointParamedic
+  entities:
+  - uid: 16963
+    components:
+    - type: Transform
+      pos: -2.5,-165.5
+      parent: 2
 - proto: SpawnPointPassenger
   - uid: 13362
@@ -90882,11 +90894,8 @@ entities:
   - uid: 13995
     - type: Transform
-      anchored: False
-      pos: -5.4964814,-84.54825
+      pos: -5.5,-84.5
       parent: 2
-    - type: Physics
-      bodyType: Dynamic
 - proto: VendingMachineSeedsUnlocked
   - uid: 13996
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Access/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Access/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Access/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Actions/language.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Actions/language.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 222a73c9ba0..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Actions/language.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-- type: entity
-  id: ActionLanguageMenu
-  name: language-menu-action
-  description: language-menu-action-desc
-  noSpawn: true
-  components:
-  - type: InstantAction
-    checkCanInteract: false
-    icon: _NF/Interface/Actions/language.png
-    event: !type:LanguageMenuActionEvent
-    useDelay: 2
-    priority: -97
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Alerts/alerts.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Alerts/alerts.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ae722d86805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Alerts/alerts.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: alert
+  id: Charge
+  icons:
+  - sprite: /Textures/ADT/Interface/Alerts/charge.rsi
+    state: charge-empty
+  - sprite: /Textures/ADT/Interface/Alerts/charge.rsi
+    state: charge0
+  - sprite: /Textures/ADT/Interface/Alerts/charge.rsi
+    state: charge1
+  - sprite: /Textures/ADT/Interface/Alerts/charge.rsi
+    state: charge2
+  - sprite: /Textures/ADT/Interface/Alerts/charge.rsi
+    state: charge3
+  - sprite: /Textures/ADT/Interface/Alerts/charge.rsi
+    state: charge4
+  name: alerts-charge-name
+  description: alerts-charge-desc
+  minSeverity: -1
+  maxSeverity: 4
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Alerts/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Alerts/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Alerts/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/Drask.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/Drask.yml
index 53a6c3b0966..1d98e7d0d01 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/Drask.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/Drask.yml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   description: "I see you!"
   - type: Sprite
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/organs.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/organs.rsi
     state: eyes
 - type: entity
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   description: "Filters oxygen from an atmosphere, which is then sent into the bloodstream to be used as an electron carrier."
   - type: Sprite
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/organs.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/organs.rsi
     state: lungs
   - type: Lung
   - type: Metabolizer
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
   description: "I feel bad for the heartless bastard who lost this."
   - type: Sprite
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/organs.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/organs.rsi
     state: heart_on
   - type: Metabolizer
     maxReagents: 2
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
   description: "Ew innards."
   - type: Sprite
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/organs.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/organs.rsi
     state: innards
   - type: SolutionContainerManager
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
   name: kidneys
   - type: Sprite
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/organs.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/organs.rsi
     state: kidneys
   - type: Metabolizer
     maxReagents: 5
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/Tajaran.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/Tajaran.yml
index 7f3c790dc2c..d20b510d03e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/Tajaran.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/Tajaran.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: OrganTajaranStomach
   parent: OrganAnimalStomach
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SolutionContainerManager
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/Vulpkanin.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/Vulpkanin.yml
index c95f24c9071..53c0792e4b7 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/Vulpkanin.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/Vulpkanin.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: OrganVulpkaninStomach
   parent: OrganAnimalStomach
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Stomach
     - type: SolutionContainerManager
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/demon.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/demon.yml
index 544df0ff960..8d3b688a582 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/demon.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/demon.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: OrganDemonStomach
   parent: OrganAnimalStomach
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SolutionContainerManager
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/ipc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/ipc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dfb7ecacf12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/ipc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: entity
+  id: BaseIPCOrgan
+  parent: BaseItem
+  abstract: true
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/organs.rsi
+  - type: Organ
+  # - type: Food
+  # - type: Extractable
+  #   grindableSolutionName: organ
+  - type: SolutionContainerManager
+    solutions:
+      organ:
+        reagents:
+        - ReagentId: Oil
+          Quantity: 10
+- type: entity
+  id: OrganIPCBrain
+  parent: BaseIPCOrgan
+  name: positronic brain
+  description: "The source of as much controversy as the existence of the soul."
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: brain
+  - type: Organ
+  - type: Input
+    context: "ghost"
+  - type: InputMover
+  - type: MovementSpeedModifier
+    baseWalkSpeed: 0
+    baseSprintSpeed: 0
+  - type: GhostOnMove
+  - type: Brain
+- type: entity
+  id: OrganIPCEyes
+  parent: BaseIPCOrgan
+  name: robotic eyes
+  description: "01001001 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100001"
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    layers:
+      - state: eyeball-l
+      - state: eyeball-r
+  - type: Organ
+- type: entity
+  id: OrganIPCTongue
+  parent: BaseIPCOrgan
+  name: vocal modulator
+  description: "A vocal modulator, used to produce speech."
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: tongue
+  - type: Organ
+- type: entity
+  id: OrganIPCEars
+  parent: BaseIPCOrgan
+  name: "sonic receptors"
+  description:
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: ears
+  - type: Organ
+- type: entity
+  id: OrganIPCPump
+  parent: BaseIPCOrgan
+  name: micro pump
+  description: "A micro pump, used to circulate coolant."
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: heart-on
+  - type: Organ
+  # The heart 'metabolizes' medicines and poisons that aren't filtered out by other organs.
+  # This is done because these chemicals need to have some effect even if they aren't being filtered out of your body.
+  # You're technically 'immune to poison' without a heart, but.. uhh, you'll have bigger problems on your hands.
+  # This is fine?
+  # - type: Metabolizer
+  #   maxReagents: 2
+  #   metabolizerTypes: [Human]
+  #   groups:
+  #   - id: Medicine
+  #   - id: Poison
+  #   - id: Narcotic
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/moth.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..65bd96cb688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/moth.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+- type: entity
+  id: OrganMothStomach
+  parent: [OrganAnimalStomach, OrganHumanStomach]
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: Stomach
+    specialDigestible:
+      tags:
+      - ClothMade
+      - Paper
+      - Fruit
+      - Pill
+      - ADTMothFriendlyFood
+  - type: SolutionContainerManager
+    solutions:
+      stomach:
+        maxVol: 50
+      food:
+        maxVol: 5
+        reagents:
+        - ReagentId: UncookedAnimalProteins
+          Quantity: 5
+  - type: Metabolizer
+    maxReagents: 3
+    metabolizerTypes: [ Moth ]
+    removeEmpty: true
+    groups:
+      - id: Food
+      - id: Drink
+- type: entity
+  id: OrganMothHeart
+  parent: OrganAnimalHeart
+  components:
+  - type: Metabolizer
+    maxReagents: 2
+    metabolizerTypes: [ Moth ]
+    groups:
+    - id: Medicine
+    - id: Poison
+    - id: Narcotic
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/novakid.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/novakid.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9a4c9c73b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Organs/novakid.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+- type: entity
+  id: OrganNovakidStomach
+  parent: OrganAnimalStomach
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+    - type: Stomach
+    - type: SolutionContainerManager
+      solutions:
+        stomach:
+          maxVol: 50.0
+    - type: Metabolizer
+      maxReagents: 5
+      metabolizerTypes: [ Novakid ]
+- type: entity
+  id: OrganNovakidLungs
+  parent: OrganHumanLungs
+  suffix: "novakid"
+  components:
+  - type: Metabolizer
+    metabolizerTypes: [ Novakid ]
+- type: entity
+  id: OrganNovakidHeart
+  parent: OrganAnimalHeart
+  suffix: "novakid"
+  components:
+  - type: Metabolizer
+    maxReagents: 2
+    metabolizerTypes: [ Novakid ]
+    groups:
+    - id: Medicine
+    - id: Poison
+    - id: Narcotic
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/Drask.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/Drask.yml
index bceb64a62be..d6c7ef319be 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/Drask.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/Drask.yml
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "torso_m"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "torso_m"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Torso
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "head_m"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "head_m"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Head
@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "l_arm"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "l_arm"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Arm
@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "r_arm"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "r_arm"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Arm
@@ -94,10 +94,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "l_hand"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "l_hand"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Hand
@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "r_hand"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "r_hand"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Hand
@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "l_leg"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "l_leg"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Leg
@@ -145,10 +145,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "r_leg"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "r_leg"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Leg
@@ -164,10 +164,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "l_foot"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "l_foot"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Foot
@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "r_foot"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: "r_foot"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Foot
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/Ursus.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/Ursus.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d9c745885e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/Ursus.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# TODO: Add descriptions (many)
+# TODO BODY: Part damage
+- type: entity
+  id: PartUrsus
+  parent: BaseItem
+  name: "Урс части тела"
+  abstract: true
+  components:
+    - type: Damageable
+      damageContainer: Biological
+    - type: BodyPart
+    - type: ContainerContainer
+      containers:
+        bodypart: !type:Container
+          ents: []
+- type: entity
+  id: TorsoUrsus
+  name: "тело урса"
+  parent: PartUrsus
+  components:
+    - type: Sprite
+      netsync: false
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "torso_m"
+    - type: Icon
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "torso_m"
+    - type: BodyPart
+      partType: Torso
+- type: entity
+  id: HeadUrsus
+  name: "голова урса"
+  parent: PartUrsus
+  components:
+    - type: Sprite
+      netsync: false
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "head_m"
+    - type: Icon
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "head_m"
+    - type: BodyPart
+      partType: Head
+      vital: true
+    - type: Input
+      context: "ghost"
+    - type: MovementSpeedModifier
+      baseWalkSpeed: 0
+      baseSprintSpeed: 0
+    - type: InputMover
+    - type: GhostOnMove
+    - type: Tag
+      tags:
+        - Head
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftArmUrsus
+  name: "левая рука урса"
+  parent: PartUrsus
+  components:
+    - type: Sprite
+      netsync: false
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "l_arm"
+    - type: Icon
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "l_arm"
+    - type: BodyPart
+      partType: Arm
+      symmetry: Left
+- type: entity
+  id: RightArmUrsus
+  name: "правая рука урса"
+  parent: PartUrsus
+  components:
+    - type: Sprite
+      netsync: false
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "r_arm"
+    - type: Icon
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "r_arm"
+    - type: BodyPart
+      partType: Arm
+      symmetry: Right
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftHandUrsus
+  name: "левая кисть урса"
+  parent: PartUrsus
+  components:
+    - type: Sprite
+      netsync: false
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "l_hand"
+    - type: Icon
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "l_hand"
+    - type: BodyPart
+      partType: Hand
+      symmetry: Left
+- type: entity
+  id: RightHandUrsus
+  name: "правая кисть урса"
+  parent: PartUrsus
+  components:
+    - type: Sprite
+      netsync: false
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "r_hand"
+    - type: Icon
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "r_hand"
+    - type: BodyPart
+      partType: Hand
+      symmetry: Right
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftLegUrsus
+  name: "левая нога урса"
+  parent: PartUrsus
+  components:
+    - type: Sprite
+      netsync: false
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "l_leg"
+    - type: Icon
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "l_leg"
+    - type: BodyPart
+      partType: Leg
+      symmetry: Left
+    - type: MovementBodyPart
+      walkSpeed: 2.7
+      sprintSpeed: 4.6
+- type: entity
+  id: RightLegUrsus
+  name: "правая нога урса"
+  parent: PartUrsus
+  components:
+    - type: Sprite
+      netsync: false
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "r_leg"
+    - type: Icon
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "r_leg"
+    - type: BodyPart
+      partType: Leg
+      symmetry: Right
+    - type: MovementBodyPart
+      walkSpeed: 2.7
+      sprintSpeed: 4.6
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftFootUrsus
+  name: "левая ступня урса"
+  parent: PartUrsus
+  components:
+    - type: Sprite
+      netsync: false
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "l_foot"
+    - type: Icon
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "l_foot"
+    - type: BodyPart
+      partType: Foot
+      symmetry: Left
+- type: entity
+  id: RightFootUrsus
+  name: "правая ступня урса"
+  parent: PartUrsus
+  components:
+    - type: Sprite
+      netsync: false
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "r_foot"
+    - type: Icon
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+      state: "r_foot"
+    - type: BodyPart
+      partType: Foot
+      symmetry: Right
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/demon.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/demon.yml
index ddc0a23bd84..a9da211bcb8 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/demon.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/demon.yml
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "torso_m"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "torso_m"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Torso
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "head_m"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "head_m"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Head
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "l_arm"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "l_arm"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Arm
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "r_arm"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "r_arm"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Arm
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "l_hand"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "l_hand"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Hand
@@ -113,10 +113,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "r_hand"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "r_hand"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Hand
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "l_leg"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "l_leg"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Leg
@@ -148,10 +148,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "r_leg"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "r_leg"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Leg
@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "l_foot"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "l_foot"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Foot
@@ -183,10 +183,10 @@
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "r_foot"
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: "r_foot"
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Foot
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/ipc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/ipc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d9832ca4037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/ipc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: entity
+  id: PartIPC
+  parent: BaseItem
+  name: "ipc body part"
+  abstract: true
+  components:
+  - type: Damageable
+    damageContainer: Inorganic
+  - type: BodyPart
+  - type: ContainerContainer
+    containers:
+      bodypart: !type:Container
+        ents: []
+- type: entity
+  id: TorsoIPC
+  name: "ipc torso"
+  parent: PartIPC
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "torso_m"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "torso_m"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Torso
+- type: entity
+  id: HeadIPC
+  name: "ipc head"
+  parent: PartIPC
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "head_m"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "head_m"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Head
+    vital: true
+  - type: Input
+    context: "ghost"
+  - type: MovementSpeedModifier
+    baseWalkSpeed: 0
+    baseSprintSpeed: 0
+  - type: InputMover
+  - type: GhostOnMove
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+      - Head
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftArmIPC
+  name: "left ipc arm"
+  parent: PartIPC
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_arm"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_arm"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Arm
+    symmetry: Left
+- type: entity
+  id: RightArmIPC
+  name: "right ipc arm"
+  parent: PartIPC
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_arm"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_arm"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Arm
+    symmetry: Right
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftHandIPC
+  name: "left ipc hand"
+  parent: PartIPC
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_hand"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_hand"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Hand
+    symmetry: Left
+- type: entity
+  id: RightHandIPC
+  name: "right ipc hand"
+  parent: PartIPC
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_hand"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_hand"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Hand
+    symmetry: Right
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftLegIPC
+  name: "left ipc leg"
+  parent: PartIPC
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_leg"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_leg"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Leg
+    symmetry: Left
+  - type: MovementBodyPart
+- type: entity
+  id: RightLegIPC
+  name: "right ipc leg"
+  parent: PartIPC
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_leg"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_leg"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Leg
+    symmetry: Right
+  - type: MovementBodyPart
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftFootIPC
+  name: "left ipc foot"
+  parent: PartIPC
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_foot"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_foot"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Foot
+    symmetry: Left
+- type: entity
+  id: RightFootIPC
+  name: "right ipc foot"
+  parent: PartIPC
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_foot"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_foot"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Foot
+    symmetry: Right
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/moth.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb96430383a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/moth.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# TODO: Add descriptions (many)
+# TODO BODY: Part damage
+- type: entity
+  id: PartMoth
+  parent: [BaseItem, BasePart]
+  name: "moth body part"
+  abstract: true
+  components:
+  - type: Extractable
+    juiceSolution:
+      reagents:
+      - ReagentId: Fat
+        Quantity: 3
+      - ReagentId: Blood
+        Quantity: 10
+- type: entity
+  id: TorsoMoth
+  name: "moth torso"
+  parent: [PartMoth, BaseTorso]
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: "torso_m"
+  - type: Extractable
+    juiceSolution:
+      reagents:
+      - ReagentId: Fat
+        Quantity: 10
+      - ReagentId: Blood
+        Quantity: 20
+- type: entity
+  id: HeadMoth
+  name: "moth head"
+  parent: [PartMoth, BaseHead]
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: "head_m"
+  - type: Extractable
+    juiceSolution:
+      reagents:
+      - ReagentId: Fat
+        Quantity: 5
+      - ReagentId: Blood
+        Quantity: 10
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftArmMoth
+  name: "left moth arm"
+  parent: [PartMoth, BaseLeftArm]
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_arm"
+- type: entity
+  id: RightArmMoth
+  name: "right moth arm"
+  parent: [PartMoth, BaseRightArm]
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_arm"
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftHandMoth
+  name: "left moth hand"
+  parent: [PartMoth, BaseLeftHand]
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_hand"
+- type: entity
+  id: RightHandMoth
+  name: "right moth hand"
+  parent: [PartMoth, BaseRightHand]
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_hand"
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftLegMoth
+  name: "left moth leg"
+  parent: [PartMoth, BaseLeftLeg]
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_leg"
+- type: entity
+  id: RightLegMoth
+  name: "right moth leg"
+  parent: [PartMoth, BaseRightLeg]
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_leg"
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftFootMoth
+  name: "left moth foot"
+  parent: [PartMoth, BaseLeftFoot]
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_foot"
+- type: entity
+  id: RightFootMoth
+  name: "right moth foot"
+  parent: [PartMoth, BaseRightFoot]
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_foot"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/novakid.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/novakid.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..30c3c41180f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/novakid.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# TODO: Add descriptions (many)
+# TODO BODY: Part damage
+- type: entity
+  id: PartNovakid
+  parent: BaseItem
+  name: "novakid body part"
+  abstract: true
+  components:
+  - type: Damageable
+    damageContainer: Biological
+  - type: BodyPart
+  - type: ContainerContainer
+    containers:
+      bodypart: !type:Container
+        ents: []
+- type: entity
+  id: TorsoNovakid
+  name: "novakid torso"
+  parent: PartNovakid
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "torso_m"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "torso_m"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Torso
+- type: entity
+  id: HeadNovakid
+  name: "novakid head"
+  parent: PartNovakid
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "head_m"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "head_m"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Head
+    vital: true
+  - type: Input
+    context: "ghost"
+  - type: MovementSpeedModifier
+    baseWalkSpeed: 0
+    baseSprintSpeed: 0
+  - type: InputMover
+  - type: GhostOnMove
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+      - Head
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftArmNovakid
+  name: "left novakid arm"
+  parent: PartNovakid
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_arm"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_arm"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Arm
+    symmetry: Left
+- type: entity
+  id: RightArmNovakid
+  name: "right novakid arm"
+  parent: PartNovakid
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_arm"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_arm"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Arm
+    symmetry: Right
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftHandNovakid
+  name: "left novakid hand"
+  parent: PartNovakid
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_hand"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_hand"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Hand
+    symmetry: Left
+- type: entity
+  id: RightHandNovakid
+  name: "right novakid hand"
+  parent: PartNovakid
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_hand"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_hand"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Hand
+    symmetry: Right
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftLegNovakid
+  name: "left novakid leg"
+  parent: PartNovakid
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_leg"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_leg"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Leg
+    symmetry: Left
+  - type: MovementBodyPart
+    walkSpeed : 2.5
+    sprintSpeed : 4.5
+- type: entity
+  id: RightLegNovakid
+  name: "right novakid leg"
+  parent: PartNovakid
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_leg"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_leg"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Leg
+    symmetry: Right
+  - type: MovementBodyPart
+    walkSpeed : 2.5
+    sprintSpeed : 4.5
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftFootNovakid
+  name: "left novakid foot"
+  parent: PartNovakid
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_foot"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "l_foot"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Foot
+    symmetry: Left
+- type: entity
+  id: RightFootNovakid
+  name: "right novakid foot"
+  parent: PartNovakid
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_foot"
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: "r_foot"
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Foot
+    symmetry: Right
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/shadekin.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/shadekin.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ed24599b477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Parts/shadekin.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+- type: entity
+  id: PartShadekin
+  parent: BaseItem
+  name: Shadekin body part
+  abstract: true
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+  - type: Damageable
+    damageContainer: Biological
+  - type: BodyPart
+  - type: ContainerContainer
+    containers:
+      bodypart: !type:Container
+        ents: []
+- type: entity
+  id: TorsoShadekin
+  name: Shadekin torso
+  parent: PartShadekin
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: torso_m
+  - type: Icon
+    state: torso_m
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Torso
+- type: entity
+  id: HeadShadekin
+  name: Shadekin head
+  parent: PartShadekin
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: head_m
+  - type: Icon
+    state: head_m
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Head
+  - type: Input
+    context: "ghost"
+  - type: MovementSpeedModifier
+    baseWalkSpeed: 0
+    baseSprintSpeed: 0
+  - type: InputMover
+  - type: GhostOnMove
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftArmShadekin
+  name: left Shadekin arm
+  parent: PartShadekin
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: l_arm
+  - type: Icon
+    state: l_arm
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Arm
+    symmetry: Left
+- type: entity
+  id: RightArmShadekin
+  name: right Shadekin arm
+  parent: PartShadekin
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: r_arm
+  - type: Icon
+    state: r_arm
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Arm
+    symmetry: Right
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftHandShadekin
+  name: left Shadekin hand
+  parent: PartShadekin
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: l_hand
+  - type: Icon
+    state: l_hand
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Hand
+    symmetry: Left
+- type: entity
+  id: RightHandShadekin
+  name: right Shadekin hand
+  parent: PartShadekin
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: r_hand
+  - type: Icon
+    state: r_hand
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Hand
+    symmetry: Right
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftLegShadekin
+  name: left Shadekin leg
+  parent: PartShadekin
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: l_leg
+  - type: Icon
+    state: l_leg
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Leg
+    symmetry: Left
+  - type: MovementBodyPart
+- type: entity
+  id: RightLegShadekin
+  name: right Shadekin leg
+  parent: PartShadekin
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: r_leg
+  - type: Icon
+    state: r_leg
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Leg
+    symmetry: Right
+  - type: MovementBodyPart
+- type: entity
+  id: LeftFootShadekin
+  name: left Shadekin foot
+  parent: PartShadekin
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: l_foot
+  - type: Icon
+    state: l_foot
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Foot
+    symmetry: Left
+- type: entity
+  id: RightFootShadekin
+  name: right Shadekin foot
+  parent: PartShadekin
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: r_foot
+  - type: Icon
+    state: r_foot
+  - type: BodyPart
+    partType: Foot
+    symmetry: Right
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Drask.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Drask.yml
index cdf4b045688..b04bac85281 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Drask.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Drask.yml
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
         liver: OrganHumanLiver
         kidneys: OrganDraskKidneys
-      - left arm
       - right arm
+      - left arm
       - left leg
       - right leg
     right arm:
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Tajaran.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Tajaran.yml
index 39ac8388bc1..9782670197f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Tajaran.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Tajaran.yml
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
         liver: OrganAnimalLiver
         kidneys: OrganHumanKidneys
-        - left arm
         - right arm
+        - left arm
         - left leg
         - right leg
         - tail
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Ursus.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Ursus.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f7c8e9c132e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Ursus.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+- type: body
+  id: Ursus
+  name: "Ursus"
+  root: torso
+  slots:
+    head:
+      part: HeadUrsus
+      connections:
+      - torso
+      organs:
+        brain: OrganHumanBrain
+        eyes: OrganHumanEyes
+    torso:
+      part: TorsoHuman
+      connections:
+      - right_arm
+      - left_arm
+      - right_leg
+      - left_leg
+      organs:
+        heart: OrganAnimalHeart
+        lungs: OrganHumanLungs
+        stomach: OrganAnimalStomach
+        liver: OrganAnimalLiver
+        kidneys: OrganHumanKidneys
+    right_arm:
+      part: RightArmUrsus
+      connections:
+      - right_hand
+    left_arm:
+      part: LeftArmUrsus
+      connections:
+      - left_hand
+    right_hand:
+      part: RightHandUrsus
+    left_hand:
+      part: LeftHandUrsus
+    right_leg:
+      part: RightLegUrsus
+      connections:
+      - right_foot
+    left_leg:
+      part: LeftLegUrsus
+      connections:
+      - left_foot
+    right_foot:
+      part: RightFootUrsus
+    left_foot:
+      part: LeftFootUrsus
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Vulpkanin.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Vulpkanin.yml
index 2cb6043ae4b..d237140f57a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Vulpkanin.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/Vulpkanin.yml
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
         liver: ADTOrganVulpkaninAnimalLiver  #Печень вульпы
         kidneys: OrganHumanKidneys
-        - left arm
         - right arm
+        - left arm
         - left leg
         - right leg
         - tail
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/demon.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/demon.yml
index ab2d8e2bdb1..14c9cb8bd72 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/demon.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/demon.yml
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
         liver: OrganAnimalLiver
         kidneys: OrganHumanKidneys
-      - left arm
       - right arm
+      - left arm
       - left leg
       - right leg
     right arm:
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/ipc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/ipc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8e82b46f847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/ipc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: body
+  id: IPC
+  name: "ipc"
+  root: torso
+  slots:
+    head:
+      part: HeadIPC
+      connections:
+      - torso
+      organs:
+        eyes: OrganIPCEyes
+    torso:
+      part: TorsoIPC
+      connections:
+      - right arm
+      - left arm
+      - left leg
+      - right leg
+      organs:
+        brain: OrganIPCBrain
+        heart: OrganIPCPump
+    right arm:
+      part: RightArmIPC
+      connections:
+      - right hand
+    left arm:
+      part: LeftArmIPC
+      connections:
+      - left hand
+    right hand:
+      part: RightHandIPC
+    left hand:
+      part: LeftHandIPC
+    right leg:
+      part: RightLegIPC
+      connections:
+      - right foot
+    left leg:
+      part: LeftLegIPC
+      connections:
+      - left foot
+    right foot:
+      part: RightFootIPC
+    left foot:
+      part: LeftFootIPC
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/moth.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..421432face6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/moth.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+- type: body
+  id: Moth
+  name: "Moth"
+  root: torso
+  slots:
+    head:
+      part: HeadMoth
+      connections:
+      - torso
+      organs:
+        brain: OrganHumanBrain
+        eyes: OrganHumanEyes
+    torso:
+      part: TorsoMoth
+      organs:
+        heart: OrganMothHeart
+        lungs: OrganHumanLungs
+        stomach: OrganMothStomach
+        liver: OrganAnimalLiver
+        kidneys: OrganHumanKidneys
+      connections:
+      - right arm
+      - left arm
+      - right leg
+      - left leg
+    right arm:
+      part: RightArmMoth
+      connections:
+      - right hand
+    left arm:
+      part: LeftArmMoth
+      connections:
+      - left hand
+    right hand:
+      part: RightHandMoth
+    left hand:
+      part: LeftHandMoth
+    right leg:
+      part: RightLegMoth
+      connections:
+      - right foot
+    left leg:
+      part: LeftLegMoth
+      connections:
+      - left foot
+    right foot:
+      part: RightFootMoth
+    left foot:
+      part: LeftFootMoth
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/novakid.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/novakid.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cef641e1079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/novakid.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+- type: body
+  name: "novakid"
+  id: Novakid
+  root: torso
+  slots:
+    head:
+      part: HeadNovakid
+      connections:
+      - torso
+      organs:
+        brain: OrganHumanBrain
+        eyes: OrganHumanEyes
+    torso:
+      part: TorsoNovakid
+      organs:
+        heart: OrganNovakidHeart
+        lungs: OrganNovakidLungs
+        stomach: OrganNovakidStomach
+        liver: OrganAnimalLiver
+        kidneys: OrganHumanKidneys
+      connections:
+      - right arm
+      - left arm
+      - left leg
+      - right leg
+    right arm:
+      part: RightArmNovakid
+      connections:
+      - right hand
+    left arm:
+      part: LeftArmNovakid
+      connections:
+      - left hand
+    right hand:
+      part: RightHandNovakid
+    left hand:
+      part: LeftHandNovakid
+    right leg:
+      part: RightLegNovakid
+      connections:
+      - right foot
+    left leg:
+      part: LeftLegNovakid
+      connections:
+      - left foot
+    right foot:
+      part: RightFootNovakid
+    left foot:
+      part: LeftFootNovakid
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/shadekin.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/shadekin.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..30f39038ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Body/Prototypes/shadekin.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+- type: body
+  id: Shadekin
+  name: Shadekin
+  root: torso
+  slots:
+    head:
+      part: HeadShadekin
+      connections:
+      - torso
+      organs:
+        brain: OrganHumanBrain
+        eyes: OrganHumanEyes
+    torso:
+      part: TorsoShadekin
+      connections:
+      - right arm
+      - left arm
+      - left leg
+      - right leg
+      organs:
+        heart: OrganHumanHeart
+        lungs: OrganHumanLungs
+        stomach: OrganHumanStomach
+        liver:  OrganHumanLiver
+        kidneys: OrganHumanKidneys
+    right arm:
+      part: RightArmShadekin
+      connections:
+      - right hand
+    left arm:
+      part: LeftArmShadekin
+      connections:
+      - left hand
+    right hand:
+      part: RightHandShadekin
+    left hand:
+      part: LeftHandShadekin
+    right leg:
+      part: RightLegShadekin
+      connections:
+      - right foot
+    left leg:
+      part: LeftLegShadekin
+      connections:
+      - left foot
+    right foot:
+      part: RightFootShadekin
+    left foot:
+      part: LeftFootShadekin
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Cargo/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Cargo/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Cargo/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/StarterGear/backpack.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/StarterGear/backpack.yml
index fb41923a9d9..7ee1d99a259 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/StarterGear/backpack.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/StarterGear/backpack.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTClothingBackpackPathologist
   id: ADTClothingBackpackPathologistFilled
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/StarterGear/duffelbag.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/StarterGear/duffelbag.yml
index 7d503222616..20ec47270e9 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/StarterGear/duffelbag.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/StarterGear/duffelbag.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTClothingBackpackDuffelPathologist
   id: ADTClothingBackpackDuffelPathologistFilled
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/StarterGear/satchel.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/StarterGear/satchel.yml
index 03f83e8127a..519b5bc6494 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/StarterGear/satchel.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Backpacks/StarterGear/satchel.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTClothingBackpackSatchelPathologist
   id: ADTClothingBackpackSatchelPathologistFilled
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Crates/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Crates/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Crates/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Items/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Items/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Items/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/weaponcase.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Items/weaponcase.yml
similarity index 84%
rename from Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/weaponcase.yml
rename to Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Items/weaponcase.yml
index 94bbd3e8c90..4554626c88d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/weaponcase.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/Fills/Items/weaponcase.yml
@@ -1,24 +1,3 @@
-- type: entity
-  id: WeaponCaseNT
-  name: weapon case
-  description: Case with weapons.
-  parent: [ BaseStorageItem, BaseBagOpenClose ]
-  components:
-  - type: Sprite
-    sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/weaponcase.rsi
-    layers:
-    - state: closed
-    - state: open
-      map: ["openLayer"]
-  - type: Appearance
-  - type: Item
-    sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/weaponcase.rsi
-    size: Huge
-  - type: Storage
-    grid:
-    - 0,0,8,3
-    maxItemSize: Huge
 - type: entity
   id: WeaponCaseNTM90
   name: weapon Case
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Damage/containers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Damage/containers.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..686fa899f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Damage/containers.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- type: damageContainer
+  id: ADTSiliconDamageContainer
+  supportedGroups:
+    - Brute
+    - Burn
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Damage/ADTmodifiers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Damage/modifier_sets.yml
similarity index 55%
rename from Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Damage/ADTmodifiers.yml
rename to Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Damage/modifier_sets.yml
index 17be8eafaad..ab6acb5ad4f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Damage/ADTmodifiers.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Damage/modifier_sets.yml
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
     Cellular: 1.5
 - type: damageModifierSet
-  id: Shadowkin # пупупу
+  id: Shadekin # пупупу
     Blunt: 1.2
     Piercing: 1.2
@@ -57,6 +57,35 @@
     Heat: 2.0
     Poison: 1.1
+- type: damageModifierSet
+  id: BloodlossIPC
+  coefficients:
+    Blunt: 1
+    Slash: 0.6
+    Piercing: 1.85
+    Shock: 0.0
+    Cold: 0.0
+    Heat: 0 # heat damage doesn't cauterize metal!
+    Poison: 0.0
+    Radiation: 0.0
+    Asphyxiation: 0.0
+    Bloodloss: 0.0 # no double dipping
+    Cellular: 0.0
+  flatReductions: # Gotta crack a few borgs to get some coolant...
+    Blunt: 10
+    Slash: 10
+    Piercing: 10
+- type: damageModifierSet
+  id: Moth # Slightly worse at everything but cold
+  coefficients:
+    Blunt: 1
+    Piercing: 1.15
+    Slash: 1.15
+    Cold: 0.7
+    Heat: 1.5
+    Poison: 1.5
 - type: damageModifierSet
   id: CyborgMetallic
@@ -71,7 +100,6 @@
     Piercing: 5
     Heat: 5
 - type: damageModifierSet
   id: CyborgMetallicStrong
@@ -90,101 +118,3 @@
   id: Ursus # мишк
     Blunt: 1.0
-- type: damageModifierSet
-  id: AshWalker # Груба кожа = умно ящериц
-  coefficients:
-    Blunt: 0.8
-- type: damageModifierSet
-  id: ADTAntagDroneIPCDamageModSet
-  coefficients:
-    Blunt: 0.75
-    Slash: 0.75
-    Piercing: 0.55
-    Heat: 0.80
-    #Explosive: 0.25
-    Structural: 0
-    # zap
-    Shock: 0.5
-    Cold: 0
-    Caustic: 0.3
-- type: damageModifierSet
-  id: ADTSecurityCybDamagModSet
-  coefficients:
-    Blunt: 0.5
-    Slash: 0.4
-    Piercing: 0.45
-    # fire and lasers burn it good
-    Heat: 1.0
-    # zap
-    Shock: 1.2
-    Cold: 0
-    Caustic: 0.4
-- type: damageModifierSet
-  id: distorted
-  coefficients:
-    Blunt: 1
-    Piercing: 1
-    Slash: 1.0
-    Cold: 0.5
-    Heat: 0.5
-    Poison: 0.5
-    Bloodloss: 1
-- type: damageModifierSet
-  id: echo
-  coefficients:
-    Blunt: 1
-    Piercing: 1
-    Slash: 0.4
-    Cold: 0.6
-    Heat: 0.6
-    Poison: 1.0
-    Bloodloss: 1
-- type: damageModifierSet
-  id: grant
-  coefficients:
-    Blunt: 0.5
-    Piercing: 0.7
-    Slash: 0.5
-    Cold: 0.7
-    Heat: 0.7
-    Poison: 0.7
-    Bloodloss: 1
-- type: damageModifierSet
-  id: hunter
-  coefficients:
-    Blunt: 0.45
-    Piercing: 0.6
-    Slash: 0.45
-    Cold: 0.6
-    Heat: 0.45
-    Poison: 0.6
-    Bloodloss: 1
-- type: damageModifierSet
-  id: soldier
-  coefficients:
-    Blunt: 0.8
-    Piercing: 0.8
-    Slash: 0.8
-    Cold: 0.8
-    Heat: 0.8
-    Poison: 0.8
-    Bloodloss: 1
-- type: damageModifierSet
-  id: wrecker
-  coefficients:
-    Blunt: 0.4
-    Piercing: 0.55
-    Slash: 0.4
-    Cold: 0.55
-    Heat: 0.65
-    Poison: 0.55
-    Bloodloss: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_female_moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_female_moth.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..396897bc0cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_female_moth.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+- type: dataset
+  id: first_female_moth
+  values:
+  - Защитница
+  - Техник
+  - Пилот
+  - Воительница
+  - Ткачиха
+  - Охотница
+  - Путешественница
+  - Исследовательница
+  - Смотритель
+  - Строительница
+  - Строитель
+  - Инженер
+  - Проводник
+  - Разведчик
+  - Архитектор
+  - Навигатор
+  - Целительница
+  - Врач
+  - Учёный
+  - Астроном
+  - Механик
+  - Помощница
+  - Рыцарь
+  - Поэт
+  - Психолог
+  - Химик
+  - Повар
+  - Музыкант
+  - Кардиолог
+  - Скульптор
+  - Биоинженер
+  - Наставник
+  - Космоархитектор
+  - Физик
+  - Астробиолог
+  - Астронавигатор
+  - Галактический поэт
+  - Нанотехнолог
+  - Биометрист
+  - Робоисследовательца
+  - Астропсихолог
+  - Галактический художник
+  - Космический исследовательца
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_female_urs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_female_urs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..06628ce9438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_female_urs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+- type: dataset
+  id: firstFemaleUrs
+  values:
+  - Бара
+  - Барбара
+  - Барни
+  - Баруна
+  - Беригиня
+  - Берислава
+  - Берта
+  - Богумира
+  - Божедара
+  - Божидара
+  - Бора
+  - Борислава
+  - Боряна
+  - Братумила
+  - Брута
+  - Бура
+  - Бурьяна
+  - Валькирия
+  - Варвара
+  - Варна
+  - Вера
+  - Верта
+  - Гарца
+  - Герда
+  - Глафира
+  - Гневера
+  - Горда
+  - Гревета
+  - Греза
+  - Гретта
+  - Груда
+  - Дара
+  - Дарья
+  - Демира
+  - Джирина
+  - Добрана
+  - Добровеста
+  - Добронега
+  - Дорбродея
+  - Дорота
+  - Драгана
+  - Драгия
+  - Друда
+  - Ерга
+  - Ерта
+  - Зара
+  - Здрана
+  - Зерда
+  - Ильмара
+  - Ирина
+  - Ирия
+  - Ирма
+  - Ируд
+  - Искра
+  - Карна
+  - Каролина
+  - Катерина
+  - Кора
+  - Корона
+  - Кретта
+  - Ладимира
+  - Лаура
+  - Леберада
+  - Лира
+  - Любомира
+  - Мара
+  - Маргана
+  - Мария
+  - Марта
+  - Марфа
+  - Милогнерда
+  - Мира
+  - Мириана
+  - Мирогнева
+  - Негомира
+  - Некраса
+  - Огнедара
+  - Озара
+  - Оприна
+  - Орда
+  - Перекраса
+  - Перуника
+  - Петра
+  - Прасковья
+  - Прекраса
+  - Прелеста
+  - Рагосна
+  - Рада
+  - Радомила
+  - Роза
+  - Радосвета
+  - Рогаслава
+  - Радослава
+  - Рось
+  - Руслана
+  - Светозара
+  - Ярослава
+  - Светомира
+  - Трейда
+  - Ярмила
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_male_moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_male_moth.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d105c78a5cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_male_moth.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+- type: dataset
+  id: first_male_moth
+  values:
+  - Защитник
+  - Техник
+  - Пилот
+  - Воитель
+  - Ткач
+  - Охотник
+  - Путешественник
+  - Исследователь
+  - Смотритель
+  - Строитель
+  - Инженер
+  - Проводник
+  - Разведчик
+  - Архитектор
+  - Навигатор
+  - Целитель
+  - Врач
+  - Учёный
+  - Астроном
+  - Механик
+  - Помощник
+  - Рыцарь
+  - Поэт
+  - Психолог
+  - Химик
+  - Повар
+  - Музыкант
+  - Кардиолог
+  - Скульптор
+  - Биоинженер
+  - Наставник
+  - Космоархитектор
+  - Физик
+  - Астробиолог
+  - Астронавигатор
+  - Галактический поэт
+  - Нанотехнолог
+  - Биометрист
+  - Робоисследователь
+  - Астропсихолог
+  - Галактический художник
+  - Космический исследователь
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_male_urs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_male_urs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..259e0d46e73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_male_urs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+- type: dataset
+  id: firstMaleUrs
+  values:
+  - Бориполк
+  - Благомир
+  - Братимир
+  - Благояр
+  - Белогор
+  - Белозар
+  - Братислав
+  - Беломир
+  - Белотур
+  - Богумир
+  - Бронислав
+  - Богород
+  - Борис
+  - Борислав
+  - Будимир
+  - Бретислав
+  - Боримир
+  - Ведагор
+  - Ведамир
+  - Велимир
+  - Велибор
+  - Воибор
+  - Годимир
+  - Гостимир
+  - Годислав
+  - Горисвет
+  - Горислав
+  - Гремислав
+  - Далебор
+  - Градимир
+  - Данияр
+  - Даромир
+  - Даромысл
+  - Добровит
+  - Красимир
+  - Доброслав
+  - Зареслав
+  - Зданимир
+  - Звенимир
+  - Красибор
+  - Казимир
+  - Колояр
+  - Добран
+  - Ладимир
+  - Бурислав
+  - Лучезар
+  - Милорад
+  - Огнедар
+  - Остромир
+  - Остромысл
+  - Первослав
+  - Орислав
+  - Переслав
+  - Пересвет
+  - Радимил
+  - Радим
+  - Радимир
+  - Радислав
+  - Премислав
+  - Радомир
+  - Радосвет
+  - Ратимир
+  - Ратибор
+  - Ратмир
+  - Ратислав
+  - Родислав
+  - Родомир
+  - Твердислав
+  - Станимир
+  - Ростислав
+  - Светозар
+  - Святогор
+  - Светогор
+  - Светомир
+  - Тихомир
+  - Творимир
+  - Хранимир
+  - Хранислав
+  - Честимир
+  - Хотомир
+  - Ярослав
+  - Ярополк
+  - Яромир
+  - Арност
+  - Лазар
+  - Петар
+  - Барвинок
+  - Иржи
+  - Георг
+  - Далибор
+  - Рехор
+  - Бернард
+  - Рос
+  - Рык
+  - Рыкослав
+  - Люпинрад
+  - Романрык
+  - Златозар
+  - Каловрат
+  - Тимиррад
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_novakid.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_novakid.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33ddab2efe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_novakid.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+- type: dataset
+  id: firstNovakid
+  values:
+  - Пекло
+  - Холод
+  - Добро
+  - Тепло
+  - Любовь
+  - Эмпатия
+  - Надежда
+  - Мечтательность
+  - Красота
+  - Привлекательность
+  - Яркость
+  - Смелость
+  - Бесстрашие
+  - Сила
+  - Мощь
+  - Созидание
+  - Смышление
+  - Героизм
+  - Грация
+  - Милость
+  - Долговечность
+  - Абстрактность
+  - Многогранность
+  - Обобщённость
+  - Серость
+  - Грусть
+  - Печаль
+  - Тоска
+  - Черезмерность
+  - Расторопность
+  - Эгоизм
+  - Безразличие
+  - Хладнокровие
+  - Апатия
+  - Безвольность
+  - Глупость
+  - Злоба
+  - Ненависть
+  - Безумие
+  - Абсурдность
+  - Безэмоциональность
+  - Жадность
+  - Апатия
+  - Скупость
+  - Мрачность 
+  - Открытость 
+  - Беспристрастность
+  - Праведность
+  - Трусливость
+  - Красноречивость
+  - Чистота
+  - Миролюбивость
+  - Кучность
+  - Лень
+  - Слабость
+  - Надежда
+  - Безнадёжность
+  - Обречённость
+  - Безысходность
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_shadekin.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_shadekin.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0b03c1924be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/first_shadekin.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+- type: dataset
+  id: names_shadekin
+  values:
+  # Грустные
+  - Хрупкий
+  - разбитое сердце
+  - Неполноценный
+  - Одинокий
+  - Одинокий
+  - Потеря
+  - Одиночество
+  - Одиночество
+  - Печаль
+  - Тень
+  # Злые
+  - Страх
+  - Боязливый
+  - Ярость
+  - Боль
+  - Ярость
+  - Ярость
+  - Гнев
+  # Счасливые
+  - Спокойствие
+  - Содержательный
+  - Содержательный
+  - Счастливый
+  - Надеющийся
+  - Радостный
+  - Любящий
+  - Мир
+  - Мирный
+  - Тихий
+  - Безмятежный
+  - Безмятежность
+  - Спокойный
+  - Спокойствие
+  # Памятные
+  - Заблуждение
+  - Забытый
+  - Бессмысленный
+  - Потерянный
+  - Память
+  - Воспоминание
+  - Воспоминание
+  - Воспоминание
+  - Реминисценция
+  # Другие
+  - Апатия
+  - Собранность
+  - Любопытство
+  - Свободный
+  - Интерес
+  - Еще
+  - Непривязанность
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/last_female_urs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/last_female_urs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d07111588c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/last_female_urs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+- type: dataset
+  id: LastFemaleUrs
+  values:
+  - Баровна
+  - Благомировна
+  - Бариновна
+  - Баруновна
+  - Белогоровна
+  - Бериславовна
+  - Братиславовна
+  - Беломировна
+  - Божераровна
+  - Божидаровна
+  - Боравна
+  - Богородовна
+  - Борисовна
+  - Братумиловна
+  - Будимировна
+  - Бретиславовна
+  - Бротимировна
+  - Ведагоровна
+  - Варваровна
+  - Велимировна
+  - Веровна
+  - Воиборовна
+  - Гарцовна
+  - Гостимировна
+  - Гориславовна
+  - Гневеровна
+  - Гордовна
+  - Греветовна
+  - Далеборовна
+  - Греттовна
+  - Грудовна
+  - Даромировна
+  - Дарьевна
+  - Демировна
+  - Джириновна
+  - Доброславовна
+  - Зареславовна
+  - Зданимировна
+  - Добродеявна
+  - Красиборовна
+  - Драгановна
+  - Колояровна
+  - Добрановна
+  - Ергововна
+  - Бертовна
+  - Лучезаровна
+  - Здрановна
+  - Огнедаровна
+  - Отромировна
+  - Ироновна
+  - Первославовна
+  - Ирмовна
+  - Переславовна
+  - Искровна
+  - Радимиловна
+  - Каролиновна
+  - Радимировна
+  - Коровна
+  - Короновна
+  - Радомировна
+  - Ладимировна
+  - Ратимировна
+  - Ратиборовна
+  - Лировна
+  - Любомировна
+  - Родиславовна
+  - Маргановна
+  - Мариевна
+  - Станимировна
+  - Ростиславовна
+  - Милогнердовна
+  - Мировна
+  - Светогоровна
+  - Мирогрневовна
+  - Негомировна
+  - Творимировна
+  - Огнедаровна
+  - Храниславовна
+  - Оприниновна
+  - Хотомировна
+  - Перекрасовна
+  - Ярополковна
+  - Яромировна
+  - Прасковьевна
+  - Перуниковна
+  - Петаровна
+  - Барвиноковна
+  - Радовна
+  - Радомиловна
+  - Далиборовна
+  - Рехоровна
+  - Рогаславовна
+  - Росовна
+  - Росьовна
+  - Рыкославовна
+  - Светозаровна
+  - Романрыковна
+  - Светомировна
+  - Каловратовна
+  - Ярмиловна
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/last_male_urs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/last_male_urs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..58368e9f3c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/last_male_urs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+- type: dataset
+  id: LastMaleUrs
+  values:
+  - Баранович
+  - Благомирович
+  - Барниевич
+  - Барунович
+  - Берегиньевич
+  - Белозарович
+  - Бертович
+  - Богумирович
+  - Булотурович
+  - Богумирович
+  - Боравич
+  - Бориславович
+  - Борянович
+  - Братумилович
+  - Брутович
+  - Брониславович
+  - Боримирович
+  - Валькириевич
+  - Ведамирович
+  - Варнович
+  - Велиборович
+  - Вертавич
+  - Годимирович
+  - Гердович
+  - Глафирович
+  - Горисветович
+  - Геордович
+  - Гремиславович
+  - Грезович
+  - Градимирович
+  - Даниярович
+  - Дарович
+  - Даромыслович
+  - Добровитович
+  - Красимирович
+  - Добранович
+  - Добровестович
+  - Добронегович
+  - Звенимирович
+  - Доротович
+  - Казимирович
+  - Драгиевич
+  - Друдович
+  - Ладимирович
+  - Ертович
+  - Зарович
+  - Милорадович
+  - Зердович
+  - Ильмарович
+  - Остромыслович
+  - Ириевич
+  - Орислалович
+  - Ирудович
+  - Пересветович
+  - Карнович
+  - Радимович
+  - Катеринович
+  - Радиславович
+  - Премиславович
+  - Креттович
+  - Радосвеович
+  - Лаурович
+  - Леберадович
+  - Ратимирович
+  - Растиславович
+  - Марович
+  - Родомирович
+  - Мариевич
+  - Станимирович
+  - Марфоевич
+  - Светозарович
+  - Мирович
+  - Мирианович
+  - Светомирович
+  - Негомирович
+  - Творимирович
+  - Хранимирович
+  - Озарович
+  - Честимирович
+  - Хотомирович
+  - Ярославович
+  - Перникович
+  - Петрович
+  - Арностович
+  - Лазарович
+  - Прелестович
+  - Рагославович
+  - Иржиевич
+  - Георгович
+  - Розальевич
+  - Радосветович
+  - Бернардович
+  - Росович
+  - Рыкович
+  - Русланович
+  - Люпинрадович
+  - Ярославович
+  - Златозарович
+  - Трейдович
+  - Тимиррадович
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/last_moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/last_moth.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b87b41a36d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/last_moth.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+- type: dataset
+  id: last_moth
+  values:
+  - Галактики Андромеда
+  - Альфа Центавры
+  - Проксима Центавры
+  - Туманности Андромеда
+  - Солнечной Системы
+  - Планеты Сатурна
+  - Пояса Астероидов
+  - Созвездия Журавль
+  - Великой Туманности
+  - Галактического Кластера
+  - Материнской Звезды
+  - Планеты Марса
+  - Рассеянной Галактики
+  - Галактической Суперскопины
+  - Космической Станции Мир
+  - Планетарной Сети
+  - Газовых Гигантов
+  - Марсианской Пустыни
+  - Планетарной Экосистемы
+  - Космического Оркестра
+  - Планеты Нептун
+  - Атмосферы Сатурна
+  - Магелланового Облака
+  - Космической Станции Аура
+  - Галактического Затмения
+  - Созвездия Андромеды
+  - Корабля "Сиреневый Астероид"
+  - Небесного Вала
+  - Газового Гиганта
+  - Звездного Потока
+  - Галактической Астрономической Сети
+  - Солнечных Ветров
+  - Кластера Андромеды
+  - Созвездия Кассиопеи
+  - Галактического Кластера Плеяд
+  - Планетарной Станции Аура
+  - Цитадели Байцзуна
+  - Черной Дыры М87
+  - Звездного Кластера Персея
+  - Созвездия Майя
+  - Звёздного Кластера Майя
+  - Созвездия Атлас
+  - Туманности Плейона
+  - Созвездия Электра
+  - Системы Сириус
+  - Системы Альдебаран
+  - Системы Альтаир
+  - Красного Гиганта Бетельгейзе
+  - Созвездия Сириус
+  - Системы Регул
+  - Созвездия Арктур
+  - Системы Астеропа
+  - Созвездия Капелла
+  - Созвездия Меропа
+  - Галактики Орион
+  - Червоточины М77
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/last_novakid.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/last_novakid.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef01797dc4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/last_novakid.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+- type: dataset
+  id: NovakidLast
+  values:
+  - Сверхновой
+  - Микроновой
+  - Псевдосверхновой
+  - Неудавшейся Сверхновой
+  - Гиперновой
+  - Звёзд
+  - Звезды
+  - Двойной Звезды
+  - Тройной Звезды
+  - Нейтронной Звезды
+  - Кварковой Звезды
+  - Пекулярной Звезды
+  - Оболочечной Звезды
+  - Преонной Звезды
+  - Кварковой Звезды
+  - Эруптивно-Переменной Звезды
+  - Симбиотической Звезды
+  - Килоновой
+  - Протозвезды
+  - Созвездия
+  - Небосвода
+  - Космоса
+  - Пространства
+  - Пустоты
+  - Галактики
+  - Туманности
+  - Тёмной Туманности
+  - Планет
+  - Планеты
+  - Бланеты
+  - Экзопланеты
+  - Газового Гиганта
+  - Ледяного Гиганта
+  - Спутника
+  - Солнца
+  - Лун
+  - Луны
+  - Астероида
+  - Кометы
+  - Пульсара
+  - Квазара
+  - Квазага
+  - Блазара
+  - Магнетара
+  - Микроквазара
+  - Кометы
+  - Чёрной Дыры
+  - Белой Дыры
+  - Сингулярности
+  - Горизонта Событий
+  - Планетезимали
+  - Вспышки
+  - Болида
+  - Гелиосферы
+  - Газового Облака
+  - Барстера
+  - Плериона
+  - Остатков Сверхновой
+  - Вселенной
+  - Мультивселенной
+  - Реликтового Излучения
+  - Космической Струны
+  - Кротовой Норы
+  - Гало
+  - Вимпа
+  - Галактической Нити
+  - Галактических Нитей
+  - Скопления Галактик
+  - Протоскопления Галактик
+  - Спирального Рукава
+  - Звездной Перемычки
+  - Галактического Диска
+  - Галактического Гало
+  - Полярного Кольца
+  - Релятивистской Струи
+  - Тёмной Галактики
+  - Алинды
+  - Кибелы
+  - Эос
+  - Флоры
+  - Хильды
+  - Венгрии
+  - Гигеи
+  - Корониды
+  - Марии
+  - Нисы
+  - Паллады
+  - Фокеи
+  - Фемиды
+  - Весты
+  - Атоны
+  - Аполлоны
+  - Амуры
+  - Атиры
+  - Вулканоида
+  - Антигравитации
+  - Гравитации
+  - Фотоэффекта
+  - Магнетосопротивления
+  - Дроплетона
+  - Сверхизлучения
+  - Туннелирования
+  - Рассеивания
+  - Полураспада
+  - Распада
+  - Квантового Сверхплотного Кодирования
+  - Анизотропии
+  - Аллотропии
+  - Спина
+  - Тензоэффекта
+  - Сцинтилляции
+  - Магнитострикции
+  - Фотопроводимости
+  - Мирового Эха
+  - Магнитной Бури
+  - Дождя
+  - Смога
+  - Снега
+  - Кислотного Дождя
+  - Тумана
+  - Грозы
+  - Смерча
+  - Шторма
+  - Альфы
+  - Беты
+  - Гаммы
+  - Дельты
+  - Дзеты
+  - Эты
+  - Тхэты
+  - Йоты
+  - Каппы
+  - Лямбды
+  - Омикрона
+  - Омеги
+  - Тау
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/name_ipc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/name_ipc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d5952a4f797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Datasets/Names/name_ipc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,1123 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: dataset
+  id: IpcFirst
+  values:
+  - АБЕКС
+  - АБЕЛЬ
+  - АНД
+  - АНКЛ
+  - АНТР
+  - АРМА
+  - АУРА
+  - ВЕКСА
+  - ВИТА
+  - ВЕЙВ
+  - ВОЛТ
+  - ВЕЙФ
+  - ВИСП
+  - ВЖ
+  - ВП
+  - ВД
+  - ЛП
+  - ИМП
+  - ВРЕН
+  - ДРСД
+  - ДУНК
+  - ДЖЕЙД
+  - ЖЖР
+  - ЖЛЛО
+  - ЖРД
+  - ЖУНО
+  - ЗАК
+  - ЗАРГ
+  - ЗЕОН
+  - ЗОЛТ
+  - ЗУМА
+  - ЗУЛО
+  - ЗЕВА
+  - ИКСИС
+  - ЙЕРА
+  - ЙАГО
+  - КСИ
+  - РГБ
+  - СБОС
+  - СДБ
+  - КХОС
+  - СХРИ
+  - СОЛ
+  - КРУКС
+  - САЙБР
+  - ЭБИКС
+  - ЭКСОС
+  - ФИРК
+  - ФИЗЗ
+  - ФРЕ
+  - ФКСМС
+  - ГИГА
+  - ГУФ
+  - ГРИН
+  - ГАН
+  - ХБЛ
+  - ХГ
+  - ХИУ
+  - ХОГ
+  - ИНС
+  - КАЙЛ
+  - КАНО
+  - КАЗА
+  - КЕНТ
+  - КИВ
+  - КОР
+  - КОРА
+  - КОС
+  - ЛУМА
+  - ЛУНА
+  - ЛИНКС
+  - ЛИТА
+  - МЕТ
+  - МИВ
+  - МИР
+  - МНОС
+  - МРПР
+  - МСО
+  - НАНО
+  - НЕСТ
+  - НЕКСО
+  - НОВА
+  - ОРНГ
+  - ОСИ
+  - ПБУ
+  - ПКП
+  - ПКP
+  - ПКР
+  - ПЛЕКС
+  - ПЛИКС
+  - КУС
+  - КВИН
+  - КВЕР
+  - РИФТ
+  - РР
+  - РАЙНО
+  - РЗХ
+  - СИНА
+  - СЛИ
+  - ОПРС
+  - КЗ
+  - СТЛП
+  - TКРГ
+  - ТРИКС
+  - ВЕРА
+  - КСАЛ
+  - КСЕНА
+  - ЮПТ
+  - ЯМЛ
+  - ЯНО
+  - ЯДРО
+- type: dataset
+  id: IpcLast
+  values:
+  - 000
+  - 001
+  - 002
+  - 003
+  - 004
+  - 005
+  - 006
+  - 007
+  - 008
+  - 009
+  - 010
+  - 011
+  - 012
+  - 013
+  - 014
+  - 015
+  - 016
+  - 017
+  - 018
+  - 019
+  - 020
+  - 021
+  - 022
+  - 023
+  - 024
+  - 025
+  - 026
+  - 027
+  - 028
+  - 029
+  - 030
+  - 031
+  - 032
+  - 033
+  - 034
+  - 035
+  - 036
+  - 037
+  - 038
+  - 039
+  - 040
+  - 041
+  - 042
+  - 043
+  - 044
+  - 045
+  - 046
+  - 047
+  - 048
+  - 049
+  - 050
+  - 051
+  - 052
+  - 053
+  - 054
+  - 055
+  - 056
+  - 057
+  - 058
+  - 059
+  - 060
+  - 061
+  - 062
+  - 063
+  - 064
+  - 065
+  - 066
+  - 067
+  - 068
+  - 069
+  - 070
+  - 071
+  - 072
+  - 073
+  - 074
+  - 075
+  - 076
+  - 077
+  - 078
+  - 079
+  - 080
+  - 081
+  - 082
+  - 083
+  - 084
+  - 085
+  - 086
+  - 087
+  - 088
+  - 089
+  - 090
+  - 091
+  - 092
+  - 093
+  - 094
+  - 095
+  - 096
+  - 097
+  - 098
+  - 099
+  - 100
+  - 101
+  - 102
+  - 103
+  - 104
+  - 105
+  - 106
+  - 107
+  - 108
+  - 109
+  - 110
+  - 111
+  - 112
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+  - 115
+  - 116
+  - 117
+  - 118
+  - 119
+  - 120
+  - 121
+  - 122
+  - 123
+  - 124
+  - 125
+  - 126
+  - 127
+  - 128
+  - 129
+  - 130
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+  - 133
+  - 134
+  - 135
+  - 136
+  - 137
+  - 138
+  - 139
+  - 140
+  - 141
+  - 142
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+  - 144
+  - 145
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+  - 149
+  - 150
+  - 151
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+  - 999
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Ears/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Ears/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Ears/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hardsuit-helmets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hardsuit-helmets.yml
index d0a5e0e12b3..2b3a51a6d85 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hardsuit-helmets.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hardsuit-helmets.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHardsuitBase
   id: ADTClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitRiotERT
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: riot ert helmet
   description: The cheapest ERT hardhelmet choice, designed especially for economy and anti-riot actions
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e2c39b11441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+- type: entity
+  parent: ClothingHeadBase
+  id: ADTClothingHeadUrsHat
+  name: urs hat
+  description: A futuristic looking striped hat from "STEP" clothing series.
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Clothing/Head/Hats/urs_hat.rsi
+  - type: Clothing
+    sprite: Clothing/Head/Hats/urs_hat.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Masks/mask.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Masks/mask.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f5ffba5e8ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Masks/mask.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+# TODO: Не стал удалять прототипы, можно будет их по нужде в будущем переносить, или все сразу скопом
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskBase
+#   id: ADTJasonHockeyMask
+#   name: hockey mask of maniac
+#   description: hockey mask of maniac
+#   suffix: Halloween
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/jason.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/jason.rsi
+#     clothingVisuals:
+#       mask:
+#       - state: equipped-MASK
+#   - type: BreathMask
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskBase
+#   id: ADTSquidGameWorkerMask
+#   name: squid game worker mask
+#   description: squid game worker mask
+#   suffix: Halloween
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/squidgame_worker.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/squidgame_worker.rsi
+#     clothingVisuals:
+#       mask:
+#       - state: equipped-MASK
+#   - type: BreathMask
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskBase
+#   id: ADTSquidGameSoldierMask
+#   name: squid game soldier mask
+#   description: squid game soldier mask
+#   suffix: Halloween
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/squidgame_soldier.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/squidgame_soldier.rsi
+#     clothingVisuals:
+#       mask:
+#       - state: equipped-MASK
+#   - type: BreathMask
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskBase
+#   id: ADTSquidGameManagerMask
+#   name: squid game manager mask
+#   description: squid game manager mask
+#   suffix: Halloween
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/squidgame_manager.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/squidgame_manager.rsi
+#     clothingVisuals:
+#       mask:
+#       - state: equipped-MASK
+#   - type: BreathMask
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: WeldingMaskBase
+#   id: ADTClothingHeadHatTagilla
+#   name: Tagilla mask
+#   description: Tagilla mask
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/tagilla_mask.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/tagilla_mask.rsi
+#   - type: Armor
+#     modifiers:
+#       coefficients:
+#         Piercing: 0.95
+#         Heat: 0.95
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskBase
+#   id: ADTClothingHeadHatClownArmor
+#   name: ballistic mask of a psychopathic clown
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/clownballistic_mask.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/clownballistic_mask.rsi
+#     clothingVisuals:
+#       mask:
+#       - state: equipped-MASK
+#   - type: BreathMask
+#   - type: Armor
+#     modifiers:
+#       coefficients:
+#         Piercing: 0.95
+#         Heat: 0.95
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskBase
+#   id: ADTMichaelMyersMask
+#   name: Michael Myers mask
+#   description: Michael Myers mask
+#   suffix: Halloween
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/michael_myersmask.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/michael_myersmask.rsi
+#     clothingVisuals:
+#       mask:
+#       - state: equipped-MASK
+#   - type: BreathMask
+# # PayDay2 mask
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskBase
+#   id: ADTPayDayChainsMask
+#   name: squid game worker mask
+#   description: squid game worker mask
+#   suffix: Halloween
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_chains.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_chains.rsi
+#   - type: BreathMask
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskBase
+#   id: ADTPayDayDallasMask
+#   name: squid game worker mask
+#   description: squid game worker mask
+#   suffix: Halloween
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_dallas.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_dallas.rsi
+#   - type: BreathMask
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskBase
+#   id: ADTPayDayHoustonMask
+#   name: squid game worker mask
+#   description: squid game worker mask
+#   suffix: Halloween
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_houston.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_houston.rsi
+#   - type: BreathMask
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskBase
+#   id: ADTPayDayWolfMask
+#   name: squid game worker mask
+#   description: squid game worker mask
+#   suffix: Halloween
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_wolf.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/payday_wolf.rsi
+#   - type: BreathMask
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskGasSecurity
+#   id: ADTClothingMaskGasLapkeeSet
+#   name: white sec mask
+#   description: white sec mask
+#   suffix: Personal, Lapkee
+#   components:
+#   - type: BreathMask
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/lapkeeset_mask.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/lapkeeset_mask.rsi
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskBase
+#   id: ADTClothingMaskBorodaDedMoroz
+#   suffix: New Year
+#   name: Boroda ded moroz
+#   description: Boroda ded moroz
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/ded_morozsetboroda.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/ded_morozsetboroda.rsi
+#     clothingVisuals:
+#       mask:
+#       - state: equipped-MASK
+#   - type: BreathMask
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskBase
+#   id: ADTChronosMask
+#   name: chronos victim mask
+#   description: chronos victim mask
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/chronosvisor.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/chronosvisor.rsi
+#   - type: BreathMask
+#   - type: ShowSecurityIcons
+#   - type: FlashImmunity
+#   - type: EyeProtection
+#     protectionTime: 5
+# #противогаз СССП
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskGasSyndicate
+#   id: ADTClothingMaskGasUSSP
+#   name: PMG-40 gasmask
+#   description: The gas mask of the army of USSP.
+#   suffix: USSP
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/usspgasmask.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/usspgasmask.rsi
+#   - type: Tag
+#     tags:
+#     - HidesHair
+#   - type: ShowSecurityIcons
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskGasSecurity
+#   id: ADTClothingMaskGasDarkRavenFriskis
+#   suffix: Only Friskis
+#   name: raven gas mask
+#   description: raven gas mask
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/raven.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/raven.rsi
+#     clothingVisuals:
+#       mask:
+#       - state: equipped-MASK
+#       - state: equipped-MASK-unshaded
+#         shader: unshaded
+#   - type: BreathMask
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: ClothingMaskGas
+#   id: ADTClothingMaskGasIlisium
+#   name:  gas mask
+#   description: A close-fitting tactical mask that can be connected to an air supply.
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/gasmask_ili.rsi
+#   - type: Clothing
+#     sprite: ADT/Clothing/Head/Hats/gasmask_ili.rsi
+#   - type: FlashImmunity
+#   - type: EyeProtection
+#     protectionTime: 5
+- type: entity
+  parent: ClothingMaskGasAtmos
+  id: ADTClothingMaskGasCE
+  name: Chief Engineer's gas mask
+  description: This is an elite gas mask of the chief engineer, which even Centcom can envy. Protects against welding.
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi
+  - type: Clothing
+    sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi
+  - type: BreathMask
+  - type: IngestionBlocker
+  - type: FlashImmunity
+  - type: EyeProtection
+  - type: Armor
+    modifiers:
+      coefficients:
+        Blunt: 0.95
+        Caustic: 0.90
+        Radiation: 0.80
+        Heat: 0.80
+  - type: StealTarget
+    stealGroup: ADTClothingMaskGasCE
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..92b31e4e391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/coats.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+- type: entity
+  parent: ClothingOuterStorageBase
+  id: ADTClothingOuterCoatUrs
+  name: Urs outercoat.
+  description: Urs outercoat.
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Coats/urs_coat.rsi
+  - type: Clothing
+    sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Coats/urs_coat.rsi
+  - type: TemperatureProtection
+    coefficient: 0.9
+  - type: Armor
+    modifiers:
+      coefficients:
+        Slash: 0.95
+        Heat: 0.90
+- type: entity
+  parent: ClothingOuterStorageBase
+  id: ADTClothingKadet
+  name: kadet greatcoat
+  description: a greatcoat made for recruits to the security service. It is very similar to the overcoat of the junior ranks of RIA
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Coats/kadet_trenchcoat.rsi
+  - type: Clothing
+    sprite: ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/Coats/kadet_trenchcoat.rsi
+  - type: Armor
+    modifiers:
+      coefficients:
+        Blunt: 0.8
+        Slash: 0.8
+        Piercing: 0.7
+        Heat: 0.85
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/magboots.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/magboots.yml
index f2d42ba2717..efa85f6f30d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/magboots.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/magboots.yml
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: ActionToggleMagbootsERT
   parent: ActionToggleMagboots
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: InstantAction
     icon: { sprite: ADT/Clothing/Shoes/Boots/magboots-ert.rsi, state: icon }
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuits.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuits.yml
index a2ef44656e6..014d6f6474a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuits.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuits.yml
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
   description: white-diplomat-suit-desc
   - type: Sprite
-    sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuits/white-diplomat-suit.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/white-diplomat-suit.rsi
   - type: Clothing
-    sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuits/white-diplomat-suit.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/white-diplomat-suit.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Markers/Spawners/jobs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Markers/Spawners/jobs.yml
index 10d99928089..8b7daec37ea 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Markers/Spawners/jobs.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Markers/Spawners/jobs.yml
@@ -44,3 +44,15 @@
       - state: green
       - state: iaa
+- type: entity
+  id: ADTSpawnPointRoboticist
+  parent: SpawnPointJobBase
+  name: roboticist
+  components:
+  - type: SpawnPoint
+    job_id: ADTRoboticist
+  - type: Sprite
+    layers:
+      - state: green
+      - state: scientist
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/Drask.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/Drask.yml
index 242111d6d68..d3c8ce04e74 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/Drask.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/Drask.yml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
           color: "#171717"
-    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/custom.rsi
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Drask/custom.rsi
       state: r_arm
 - type: marking
@@ -39,5 +39,5 @@
           color: "#171717"
-    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/custom.rsi
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Drask/custom.rsi
       state: l_arm
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/Ursus.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/Ursus.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f4cf1eb6816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/Ursus.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusfluffiness
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Overlay
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: fluffiness
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusfluffiness2
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Overlay
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: fluffiness2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusfluffiness3
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Overlay
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: fluffiness3
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsuspanda
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Overlay
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: panda
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusspace_bear
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Overlay
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: space_bear
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsustattoo_leader
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Overlay
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: tattoo_leader
+# - type: marking
+#   id: DionaVineOverlay
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Overlay
+#   speciesRestriction: [Diona]
+#   coloring:
+#     default:
+#       type:
+#         !type:SimpleColoring
+#         color: "#5f7039"
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/diona.rsi
+#     state: overlay
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusbig_heart
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: big_heart
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsussoft_belly
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: soft_belly
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsussoft_belly2
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: soft_belly2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusgrizzly_necklace
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: grizzly_necklace
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusgrizzly_necklace2
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: grizzly_necklace2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusgrizzly_necklace3
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: grizzly_necklace3
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusMuzzle
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Snout
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: Muzzle
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusMuzzle2
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Snout
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: Muzzle2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusnose
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: nose
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusears
+  bodyPart: Eyes
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: ears
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusears2
+  bodyPart: Eyes
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: ears2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusthird_eye
+  bodyPart: Eyes
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: third_eye
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusarrow
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: arrow
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusembarrassment
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: embarrassment
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusspots
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: spots
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusspots_left
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: spots_left
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusspots_right
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: spots_right
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusrigth_eye
+  bodyPart: Eyes
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: rigth_eye
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusleft_eye
+  bodyPart: Eyes
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: left_eye
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusstar
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: star
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsuskiss
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: kiss
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsuseyeliner
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: eyeliner
+#Части тел.
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsushand_left
+  bodyPart: LHand
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: hand_left
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusgradienthand_left
+  bodyPart: LHand
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: gradienthand_left
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusgradienthand_left2
+  bodyPart: LHand
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: gradienthand_left2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsushand_right
+  bodyPart: RHand
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: hand_right
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusgradienthand_right
+  bodyPart: RHand
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: gradienthand_right
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusgradienthand_right2
+  bodyPart: RHand
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: gradienthand_right2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusfoot_left
+  bodyPart: RFoot
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: foot_left
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusgradientfoot_left
+  bodyPart: RFoot
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: gradientfoot_left
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusgradientfoot_left2
+  bodyPart: RFoot
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: gradientfoot_left2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusfoot_right
+  bodyPart: RFoot
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: foot_right
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusgradientfoot_right
+  bodyPart: RFoot
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: gradientfoot_right
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusgradientfoot_right2
+  bodyPart: RFoot
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: gradientfoot_right2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsuscardigan
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: cardigan
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsuscardigan2
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: cardigan2
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/Ursus_hair.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/Ursus_hair.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1376f0d96fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/Ursus_hair.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusNeat
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: neat
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusWarrior
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: warrior
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusWarrior2
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: warrior2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusSurfaceRiver
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: surface_river
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusGorgon
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: gorgon
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusBreadwinner
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: breadwinner
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusWhip
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: whip
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusWhip2
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: whip2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusShorthedgehog
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: short_hedgehog
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusShorthedgehog2
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: short_hedgehog2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusValkyriesscythe
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: valkyries_scythe
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusValkyriesscythe2
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: valkyries_scythe2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusWarriorsscythe
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: warriors_scythe
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusBraidsontheside
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: braids_on_the_side
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusBraidsontheside2
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: braids_on_the_side2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusForeststyle
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: forest_style
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusForeststyle2
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: forest_style2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusSoftwaves
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: soft_waves
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusSoftwaves2
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: soft_waves2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusBraidedcone
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: braided_cone
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusBraidedside
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: braided_side
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusBraidedside2
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: braided_side2
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusCollector
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: collector
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusFallencone
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: fallen_cone
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusTailbigdipper
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: tail_big_dipper
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusCone
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: cone
+- type: marking
+  id: ADTUrsusYoungboy
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [UrsusSpecies]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ursus/custom.rsi
+      state: young_boy
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/demon.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/demon.yml
index bb197ca124a..8940c838378 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/demon.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/demon.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
   markingCategory: Tail
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: demon_tail
 - type: marking
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   markingCategory: Tail
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: long
 - type: marking
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
   markingCategory: Tail
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: up
 - type: marking
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   markingCategory: HeadSide
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: cow_ears
 - type: marking
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   markingCategory: HeadSide
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: demon_ears
 - type: marking
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
   markingCategory: HeadTop
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: cow_horns
 - type: marking
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
   markingCategory: HeadTop
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: deer_antlers_horns
 - type: marking
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
   markingCategory: HeadTop
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: small_horns
 - type: marking
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
   markingCategory: Chest
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: cow_spots
 - type: marking
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
   markingCategory: Chest
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: guards_stripes
 - type: marking
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
   markingCategory: Chest
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: lines_emperos
 - type: marking
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
   markingCategory: Chest
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: queen_lines
 - type: marking
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
   markingCategory: Chest
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: tree_lines
 - type: marking
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
   markingCategory: Chest
   speciesRestriction: [DemonSpecies]
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: trinity_spots
 - type: marking
@@ -129,5 +129,5 @@
   bodyPart: FacialHair
   markingCategory: FacialHair
-  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/custom.rsi
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Demon/custom.rsi
     state: goatee
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/ipc_antenna.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/ipc_antenna.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c07f6474b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/ipc_antenna.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: RobotAntennaTv
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_antenna.rsi
+      state: ipc_antenna_tv
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: RobotAntennaTesla
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_antenna.rsi
+      state: ipc_antenna_tesla
+# - type: marking
+#   speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+#   id: RobotAntennaLightb
+#   bodyPart: Hair
+#   markingCategory: Hair
+#   sprites:
+#     - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_antenna.rsi
+#       state: ipc_antenna_lightb
+# - type: marking
+#   speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+#   id: RobotAntennaLight
+#   bodyPart: Hair
+#   markingCategory: Hair
+#   sprites:
+#     - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_antenna.rsi
+#       state: ipc_antenna_light
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: RobotAntennaCyberhead
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_antenna.rsi
+      state: ipc_antenna_cyberhead
+# - type: marking
+#   speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+#   id: RobotAntennaSidelights
+#   bodyPart: Hair
+#   markingCategory: Hair
+#   sprites:
+#     - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_antenna.rsi
+#       state: ipc_antenna_sidelights
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: RobotAntennaAntlers
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_antenna.rsi
+      state: ipc_antenna_antlers
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: RobotAntennaDroneeyes
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_antenna.rsi
+      state: ipc_antenna_droneeyes
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: RobotAntennaCrowned
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_antenna.rsi
+      state: ipc_antenna_crowned
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: RobotAntennaTowers
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_antenna.rsi
+      state: ipc_antenna_towers
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/ipc_screens.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/ipc_screens.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9f79c99976e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/ipc_screens.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenStatic
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_static
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenBlue
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_blue
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenBreakout
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_breakout
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenEight
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_eight
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenGoggles
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_goggles
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenExclaim
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_exclaim
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenHeart
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_heart
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenMonoeye
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_monoeye
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenNature
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_nature
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenOrange
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_orange
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenPink
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_pink
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenQuestion
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_question
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenShower
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_shower
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenYellow
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_yellow
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenScroll
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_scroll
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenConsole
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_console
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenRgb
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_rgb
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenGlider
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_glider
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenRainbowhoriz
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_rainbowhoriz
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenBsod
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_bsod
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenRedtext
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_redtext
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenSinewave
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_sinewave
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenSquarewave
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_squarewave
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenEcgwave
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_ecgwave
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenEyes
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_eyes
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenEyestall
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_eyestall
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenEyesangry
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_eyesangry
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenLoading
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_loading
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenWindowsxp
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_windowsxp
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenTetris
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_tetris
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenTv
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_tv
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenTextdrop
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_textdrop
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenStars
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_stars
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  #sponsorOnly: true # Corvax-Sponsors
+  id: ScreenRainbowdiag
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_rainbowdiag
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenBlank
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_blank
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenSmile
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_smile
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenFrown
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_frown
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenRing
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_ring
+- type: marking
+  speciesRestriction: [IPC]
+  id: ScreenL
+  bodyPart: FacialHair
+  markingCategory: FacialHair
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Ipc/ipc_screens.rsi
+      state: ipc_screen_l
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/moth.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c1d5df24633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/moth.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,1111 @@
+# Antennas
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasDefault
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: default
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasCharred
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: charred
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasDbushy
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: dbushy
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasDcurvy
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: dcurvy
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasDfan
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: dfan
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasDpointy
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: dpointy
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasFeathery
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: feathery
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasFirewatch
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: firewatch
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasGray
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: gray
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasJungle
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: jungle
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasMoffra
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: moffra
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasOakworm
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: oakworm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasPlasmafire
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: plasmafire
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasMaple
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: maple
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasRoyal
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: royal
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasStriped
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: striped
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasWhitefly
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: whitefly
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasWitchwing
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: witchwing
+- type: marking
+  id: MothAntennasUnderwing
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: underwing_primary
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+    state: underwing_secondary
+# Wings
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsDefault
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: default
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsCharred
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: charred
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsDbushy
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: dbushy_primary
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: dbushy_secondary
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsDeathhead
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: deathhead_primary
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: deathhead_secondary
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsFan
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: fan
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsDfan
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: dfan
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsFeathery
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: feathery
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsFirewatch
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: firewatch_primary
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: firewatch_secondary
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsGothic
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: gothic
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsJungle
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: jungle
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsLadybug
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: ladybug
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsMaple
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: maple
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsMoffra
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: moffra_primary
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: moffra_secondary
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsOakworm
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: oakworm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsPlasmafire
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: plasmafire_primary
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: plasmafire_secondary
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsPointy
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: pointy
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsRoyal
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: royal_primary
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: royal_secondary
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsStellar
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: stellar
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsStriped
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: striped
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsSwirly
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: swirly
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsWhitefly
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: whitefly
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsWitchwing
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: witchwing
+- type: marking
+  id: MothWingsUnderwing
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: underwing_primary
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+    state: underwing_secondary
+# Body markings:
+# Charred
+- type: marking
+  id: MothChestCharred
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: charred_chest
+- type: marking
+  id: MothHeadCharred
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: charred_head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLLegCharred
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: charred_l_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRLegCharred
+  bodyPart: RLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: charred_r_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLArmCharred
+  bodyPart: LArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: charred_l_arm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRArmCharred
+  bodyPart: RArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: charred_r_arm
+# Death's-Head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothChestDeathhead
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: deathhead_chest
+- type: marking
+  id: MothHeadDeathhead
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: deathhead_head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLLegDeathhead
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: deathhead_l_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRLegDeathhead
+  bodyPart: RLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: deathhead_r_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLArmDeathhead
+  bodyPart: LArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: deathhead_l_arm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRArmDeathhead
+  bodyPart: RArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: deathhead_r_arm
+# Fan
+- type: marking
+  id: MothChestFan
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: fan_chest
+- type: marking
+  id: MothHeadFan
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: fan_head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLLegFan
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: fan_l_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRLegFan
+  bodyPart: RLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: fan_r_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLArmFan
+  bodyPart: LArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: fan_l_arm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRArmFan
+  bodyPart: RArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: fan_r_arm
+# Firewatch
+- type: marking
+  id: MothChestFirewatch
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: firewatch_chest
+- type: marking
+  id: MothHeadFirewatch
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: firewatch_head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLLegFirewatch
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: firewatch_l_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRLegFirewatch
+  bodyPart: RLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: firewatch_r_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLArmFirewatch
+  bodyPart: LArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: firewatch_l_arm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRArmFirewatch
+  bodyPart: RArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: firewatch_r_arm
+# Gothic
+- type: marking
+  id: MothChestGothic
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: gothic_chest
+- type: marking
+  id: MothHeadGothic
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: gothic_head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLLegGothic
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: gothic_l_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRLegGothic
+  bodyPart: RLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: gothic_r_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLArmGothic
+  bodyPart: LArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: gothic_l_arm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRArmGothic
+  bodyPart: RArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: gothic_r_arm
+# Jungle
+- type: marking
+  id: MothChestJungle
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: jungle_chest
+- type: marking
+  id: MothHeadJungle
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: jungle_head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLLegJungle
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: jungle_l_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRLegJungle
+  bodyPart: RLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: jungle_r_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLArmJungle
+  bodyPart: LArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: jungle_l_arm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRArmJungle
+  bodyPart: RArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: jungle_r_arm
+# Moonfly
+- type: marking
+  id: MothChestMoonfly
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: moonfly_chest
+- type: marking
+  id: MothHeadMoonfly
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: moonfly_head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLLegMoonfly
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: moonfly_l_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRLegMoonfly
+  bodyPart: RLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: moonfly_r_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLArmMoonfly
+  bodyPart: LArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: moonfly_l_arm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRArmMoonfly
+  bodyPart: RArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: moonfly_r_arm
+# Oak Worm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothChestOakworm
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: oakworm_chest
+- type: marking
+  id: MothHeadOakworm
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: oakworm_head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLLegOakworm
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: oakworm_l_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRLegOakworm
+  bodyPart: RLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: oakworm_r_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLArmOakworm
+  bodyPart: LArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: oakworm_l_arm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRArmOakworm
+  bodyPart: RArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: oakworm_r_arm
+# Pointy
+- type: marking
+  id: MothChestPointy
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: pointy_chest
+- type: marking
+  id: MothHeadPointy
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: pointy_head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLLegPointy
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: pointy_l_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRLegPointy
+  bodyPart: RLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: pointy_r_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLArmPointy
+  bodyPart: LArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: pointy_l_arm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRArmPointy
+  bodyPart: RArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: pointy_r_arm
+# Ragged
+- type: marking
+  id: MothChestRagged
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: ragged_chest
+- type: marking
+  id: MothHeadRagged
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: ragged_head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLLegRagged
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: ragged_l_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRLegRagged
+  bodyPart: RLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: ragged_r_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLArmRagged
+  bodyPart: LArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: ragged_l_arm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRArmRagged
+  bodyPart: RArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: ragged_r_arm
+# Royal
+- type: marking
+  id: MothChestRoyal
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: royal_chest
+- type: marking
+  id: MothHeadRoyal
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: royal_head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLLegRoyal
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: royal_l_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRLegRoyal
+  bodyPart: RLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: royal_r_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLArmRoyal
+  bodyPart: LArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: royal_l_arm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRArmRoyal
+  bodyPart: RArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: royal_r_arm
+# White Fly
+- type: marking
+  id: MothChestWhitefly
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: whitefly_chest
+- type: marking
+  id: MothHeadWhitefly
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: whitefly_head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLLegWhitefly
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: whitefly_l_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRLegWhitefly
+  bodyPart: RLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: whitefly_r_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLArmWhitefly
+  bodyPart: LArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: whitefly_l_arm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRArmWhitefly
+  bodyPart: RArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: whitefly_r_arm
+# Witch Wing
+- type: marking
+  id: MothChestWitchwing
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: witchwing_chest
+- type: marking
+  id: MothHeadWitchwing
+  bodyPart: Head
+  markingCategory: Head
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: witchwing_head
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLLegWitchwing
+  bodyPart: LLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: witchwing_l_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRLegWitchwing
+  bodyPart: RLeg
+  markingCategory: Legs
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: witchwing_r_leg
+- type: marking
+  id: MothLArmWitchwing
+  bodyPart: LArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: witchwing_l_arm
+- type: marking
+  id: MothRArmWitchwing
+  bodyPart: RArm
+  markingCategory: Arms
+  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+    state: witchwing_r_arm
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/novakid.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/novakid.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f440b776462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/novakid.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair1
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: braid
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair2
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: comet
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair3
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: constellation
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair4
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: duality
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair5
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: fame
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair6
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: gas_cloud
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair7
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: gaseous_avalanche
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair8
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: light_shine
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair9
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: little_light_starshine
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair10
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: little_star
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair11
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: lunar_day
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair12
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: meteoric_shower
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair13
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: milky_way
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair14
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: Nebula
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair15
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: solar_corona
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair16
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: star_rain
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair17
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: starfall
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair18
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: starfire
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair19
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: sunshine
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair20
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: supernova
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair21
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: universal_style
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidHair22
+  bodyPart: Hair
+  markingCategory: Hair
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: virgo
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace1
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: cross
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace2
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: crack
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace3
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: crucifix
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace4
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: dual
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace5
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: eye
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace6
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: h
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace7
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: heart
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace8
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: indicator
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace9
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: note
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace10
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: prism
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace11
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: rune
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace12
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: squad
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace13
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: thrill
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace14
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: triple
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace15
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: uncrucifix
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace16
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: x
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace17
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: ye
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace18
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: zeta
+- type: marking
+  id: HeadNovakidDefolt
+  bodyPart: [ Head ]
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  forcedColoring: true
+  coloring:
+    default:
+      type:
+        !type:SimpleColoring
+          color: "#FFFFFF"
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: head_novakid_defolt
+- type: marking
+  id: TorsoNovakidDefolt
+  bodyPart: Chest
+  markingCategory: Chest
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  forcedColoring: true
+  coloring:
+    default:
+      type:
+        !type:SimpleColoring
+          color: "#FFFFFF"
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: torso_novakid_defolt
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace19
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: cone_a
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace20
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: connect_a
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace21
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: dot_a
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace22
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: dotline_a
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace23
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: eyes_a
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace24
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: G_a
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace25
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: house
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace26
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: K
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace27
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: lima-a
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace28
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: linedot_a
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace29
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: omega_a
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace30
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: plus
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace31
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: rose
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace32
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: shatter_a
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace33
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: star_a
+- type: marking
+  id: NovakidFace34
+  bodyPart: Snout
+  markingCategory: HeadSide
+  speciesRestriction: [NovakidSpecies]
+  sprites:
+  - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Novakid/custom.rsi
+    state: two-a
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/shadekin_ears.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/shadekin_ears.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..295396c7ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/shadekin_ears.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+- type: marking
+  id: EarsShadekin
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Shadekin]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Shadekin/shadekin_ears.rsi
+      state: shadekin
+- type: marking
+  id: EarsShadekinStriped
+  bodyPart: HeadTop
+  markingCategory: HeadTop
+  speciesRestriction: [Shadekin]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Shadekin/shadekin_ears.rsi
+      state: shadekin
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Shadekin/shadekin_ears.rsi
+      state: shadekin_stripes
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/shadekin_tails.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/shadekin_tails.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a6c95ecd2ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/shadekin_tails.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+- type: marking
+  id: TailShadekin
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Shadekin]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Shadekin/shadekin_tails_64x32.rsi
+      state: shadekin
+- type: marking
+  id: TailShadekinBig
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Shadekin]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Shadekin/shadekin_tails_64x32.rsi
+      state: shadekin_big
+- type: marking
+  id: TailShadekinBigFluff
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Shadekin]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Shadekin/shadekin_tails_64x32.rsi
+      state: shadekin_big_fluff
+- type: marking
+  id: TailShadekinShorter
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Shadekin]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Shadekin/shadekin_tails_32x32.rsi
+      state: shadekin_shorter
+- type: marking
+  id: TailShadekinMedium
+  bodyPart: Tail
+  markingCategory: Tail
+  speciesRestriction: [Shadekin]
+  sprites:
+    - sprite: ADT/Mobs/Customization/Shadekin/shadekin_tails_32x32.rsi
+      state: shadekin_medium
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/Ursus.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/Ursus.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dceb0c86b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/Ursus.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+- type: entity
+  save: false
+  name: "Urisst' McUrsus"
+  parent: BaseMobUrsus
+  id: MobUrsus
+  components:
+    - type: Temperature
+      heatDamageThreshold: 320
+      coldDamageThreshold: 250
+      currentTemperature: 280
+      specificHeat: 50
+      coldDamage:
+        types:
+          Cold: 0.005 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
+      heatDamage:
+        types:
+          Heat: 1.5 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
+    - type: CombatMode
+    - type: InteractionPopup
+      successChance: 1
+      interactSuccessString: hugging-success-generic
+      interactSuccessSound: /Audio/Effects/thudswoosh.ogg
+      messagePerceivedByOthers: hugging-success-generic-others
+    - type: MindContainer
+      showExamineInfo: true
+    - type: Input
+      context: "human"
+    - type: MobMover
+    - type: InputMover
+    - type: Alerts
+    - type: Eye
+    - type: CameraRecoil
+    - type: Examiner
+    - type: CanHostGuardian
+    - type: NpcFactionMember
+      factions:
+        - NanoTrasen
+    - type: Respirator
+      damage:
+        types:
+          Asphyxiation: 1.0
+      damageRecovery:
+        types:
+          Asphyxiation: -1.0
+    - type: Inventory
+      speciesId: urs #для одежды на урсов
+      femaleDisplacements:
+        jumpsuit:
+          sizeMaps:
+            32:
+              sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+              state: jumpsuit-female
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/ipc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/ipc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ca0b8519b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/ipc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: entity
+  id: MobIPC
+  parent: PlayerSiliconHumanoidBase
+  name: Urist McPositronic
+  #description: [mob_ipc-desc]
+  components:
+  - type: InteractionPopup
+    interactSuccessString: petting-success-ipc
+    #interactFailureString: petting-failure-cleanbot
+    interactSuccessSound:
+      path: /Audio/Ambience/Objects/periodic_beep.ogg
+  - type: SiliconEmitSoundOnDrained
+    sound: "/Audio/Weapons/Guns/EmptyAlarm/smg_empty_alarm.ogg"
+    interval: 15
+    playChance: 1
+    popUp: silicon-power-low
+  - type: MobState
+    allowedStates:
+      - Alive
+      - Critical
+      - Dead
+  - type: MobThresholds
+    thresholds:
+      0: Alive
+      125: Critical
+      180: Dead
+    stateAlertDict:
+      Alive: BorgHealth
+      Critical: BorgCrit
+      Dead: BorgDead
+    allowRevives: true # Для воскрешения достаточно починить урон. - ss220.
+  - type: NpcFactionMember
+    factions:
+    - NanoTrasen
+  - type: TypingIndicator
+    proto: robot
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTypeTrigger
+        damageType: Blunt
+        damage: 400
+      behaviors:
+        - !type:GibBehavior { }
+  - type: SlowOnDamage
+    speedModifierThresholds:
+      60: 0.7
+      90: 0.5
+      120: 0.3
+  - type: SiliconDownOnDead
+  - type: EyeProtection
+    protectionTime: 12
+  - type: Battery
+    maxCharge: 75000
+    startingCharge: 75000
+  - type: Silicon
+    entityType: enum.SiliconType.Player
+    batteryPowered: true
+    drainPerSecond: 30
+    chargeThresholdMid: 0.80
+    chargeThresholdLow: 0.35
+    chargeThresholdCritical: 0.10
+    speedModifierThresholds:
+      4: 1
+      3: 1
+      2: 0.80
+      1: 0.45
+      0: 0.00
+  - type: BatteryDrinker
+  - type: UnpoweredFlashlight
+  - type: PointLight
+    enabled: false
+    color: "#a8d8ff"
+    mask: /Textures/Effects/LightMasks/cone.png
+    autoRot: true
+    radius: 6
+  - type: Wires
+    boardName: "ipc-board-name"
+    layoutId: IPC
+  - type: WiresPanel
+  - type: EncryptionKeyHolder
+    keySlots: 3
+    examineWhileLocked: false
+    keysExtractionMethod: Cutting
+  - type: ActiveRadio
+  - type: IntrinsicRadioReceiver
+  - type: IntrinsicRadioTransmitter
+  - type: SSDIndicator
+#  - type: UnblockableSpeech
+  # - type: EmotePanel
+  - type: ContentEye
+    maxZoom: 1.0,1.0
+  - type: LightningTarget
+    priority: 4
+    lightningExplode: false
+  - type: Vocal
+    sounds:
+      Male: UnisexIPC
+      Female: UnisexIPC
+      Unsexed: UnisexIPC
+  - type: TriggerOnMobstateChange
+    mobState:
+    - Dead
+  - type: EmitSoundOnTrigger
+    sound:
+      path: /Audio/ADT/IPC/borg_deathsound.ogg
+  - type: TTS # Corvax-TTS
+  # Frontier - languages mechanic
+  - type: LanguageSpeaker
+    speaks:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - BorgTalk
+    - RobotTalk
+    understands:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - BorgTalk
+    - RobotTalk
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+    # - ChangelingBlacklist
+    # - ShoesRequiredStepTriggerImmune
+    - CanPilot
+    - FootstepSound
+    - DoorBumpOpener
+  - type: Inventory
+    templateId: ipc
+  - type: SizeAttributeWhitelist # Frontier
+    tall: true
+    tallscale: 1.1
+    short: true
+    shortscale: 0.9
+- type: entity
+  save: false
+  name: Urist McPositronic
+  parent: MobHumanDummy
+  id: MobIPCDummy
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  description: A dummy IPC meant to be used in character setup.
+  components:
+  - type: HumanoidAppearance
+    species: IPC
+  - type: Inventory
+    templateId: ipc
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/moth.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ea01677626d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/moth.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- type: entity
+  save: false
+  name: Urist McFluff
+  parent: BaseMobMoth
+  id: MobMoth
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/novakid.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/novakid.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ba7f3dbae17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/novakid.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+- type: entity
+  save: false
+  name: "Urisst' Mzhand Novakid"
+  parent: BaseMobNovakid
+  id: MobNovakid
+  components:
+    - type: CombatMode
+    - type: InteractionPopup
+      successChance: 1
+      interactSuccessString: hugging-success-generic
+      interactSuccessSound: /Audio/Effects/thudswoosh.ogg
+      messagePerceivedByOthers: hugging-success-generic-others
+    - type: MindContainer
+      showExamineInfo: true
+    - type: Input
+      context: "human"
+    - type: MobMover
+    - type: InputMover
+    - type: Alerts
+    - type: Eye
+    - type: CameraRecoil
+    - type: Examiner
+    - type: CanHostGuardian
+    - type: NpcFactionMember
+      factions:
+        - NanoTrasen
+    - type: Respirator
+      damage:
+        types:
+          Asphyxiation: 1.0
+      damageRecovery:
+        types:
+          Asphyxiation: -1.0
+    - type: LanguageSpeaker
+      speaks:
+      - GalacticCommon
+      - Fire
+      understands:
+      - GalacticCommon
+      - Fire
+    - type: SizeAttributeWhitelist # Frontier
+      tall: true
+      tallscale: 1.1
+      short: true
+      shortscale: 0.9
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/shadekin.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/shadekin.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9de6f7c3040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/shadekin.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- type: entity
+  save: false
+  parent: BaseMobShadekin
+  id: MobShadekin
+  name: Урист МакСумеречник
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/silicon_base.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/silicon_base.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9295c7751f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Player/silicon_base.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: entity
+  save: false
+  abstract: true
+  id: ADTPlayerSiliconBase # For player controlled silicons
+  components:
+    - type: Reactive
+      groups:
+        Acidic: [Touch]
+    - type: Input
+      context: "human"
+    - type: InputMover
+    - type: ZombieImmune
+    - type: MobMover
+    - type: DamageOnHighSpeedImpact
+      damage:
+        types:
+          Blunt: 5
+      soundHit:
+        path: /Audio/Effects/hit_kick.ogg
+    - type: Clickable
+    - type: Damageable
+      damageContainer: Inorganic # Note that for dumb reasons, this essentially makes them a wall.
+    - type: InteractionOutline
+    - type: Fixtures
+      fixtures:
+        fix1:
+          shape:
+            !type:PhysShapeCircle
+            radius: 0.35
+          density: 185 ### влияет на шанс Disarm. было 50
+          mask:
+            - MobMask
+          layer:
+            - MobLayer
+    - type: MovementSpeedModifier
+      baseWalkSpeed: 3
+      baseSprintSpeed: 4
+    - type: Sprite
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+      state: full
+      noRot: true
+      drawdepth: Mobs
+    - type: Physics
+      bodyType: KinematicController
+    - type: Body
+      prototype: Drone
+    - type: DoAfter
+    - type: Examiner
+    # - type: Recyclable
+    #   safe: false
+    - type: StandingState
+    - type: Alerts
+    # - type: EyeProtection # You'll want this if your robot can't wear glasses, like an IPC.
+    #   protectionTime: 12
+    - type: Silicon
+      entityType: enum.SiliconType.Player
+      batteryPowered: false # Needs to also have a battery!
+      chargeThresholdMid: 0.60
+      chargeThresholdLow: 0.30
+      chargeThresholdCritical: 0
+      speedModifierThresholds:
+        4: 1
+        3: 1
+        2: 0.80
+        1: 0.45
+        0: 0.00
+    - type: RadiationReceiver
+    - type: AtmosExposed
+    - type: Temperature
+      heatDamageThreshold: 700
+      coldDamageThreshold: 0
+      currentTemperature: 400
+      specificHeat: 24
+      coldDamage:
+        types:
+          Cold: 0.1 # Per second, scales with temperature & other constants.
+      heatDamage:
+        types:
+          Heat: 0.25 # Per second, scales with temperature & other constants.
+      atmosTemperatureTransferEfficiency: 0.05
+    - type: ThermalRegulator
+      metabolismHeat: 600
+      radiatedHeat: 350
+      implicitHeatRegulation: 350
+      sweatHeatRegulation: 0 # This might end up being a problem if they can't cool themselves down?
+      shiveringHeatRegulation: 1200
+      normalBodyTemperature: 400
+      thermalRegulationTemperatureThreshold: 125
+    - type: ComplexInteraction
+- type: entity
+  parent: ADTPlayerSiliconBase
+  id: PlayerSiliconHumanoidBase
+  abstract: true
+  components:
+    - type: StatusIcon
+    - type: MobState
+      allowedStates:
+        - Alive
+        - Dead
+    - type: MobThresholds
+      thresholds:
+        0: Alive
+        165: Dead
+    - type: Damageable
+      damageContainer: ADTSiliconDamageContainer # Not a wall.
+    - type: Stamina
+      critThreshold: 200
+    - type: Destructible
+      thresholds:
+        - trigger: !type:DamageTrigger
+            damage: 500
+          behaviors:
+            - !type:GibBehavior {}
+    - type: Icon
+      sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+      state: full
+    - type: MindContainer
+      showExamineInfo: true
+    - type: Sprite
+      noRot: true
+      drawdepth: Mobs
+      layers:
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Chest"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Head"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Snout"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Eyes"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RArm"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LArm"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RLeg"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LLeg"]
+        - shader: StencilClear
+          sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/parts.rsi
+          state: l_leg
+        - shader: StencilMask
+          map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.StencilMask"]
+          sprite: Mobs/Customization/masking_helpers.rsi
+          state: female_full
+          visible: false
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LFoot"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RFoot"]
+        - map: ["socks"]
+        - map: ["underpants"]
+        - map: ["undershirt"]
+        - map: ["jumpsuit"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LHand"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RHand"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Handcuffs"]
+          color: "#ffffff"
+          sprite: Objects/Misc/handcuffs.rsi
+          state: body-overlay-2
+          visible: false
+        - map: ["id"]
+        - map: ["gloves"]
+        - map: ["shoes"]
+        - map: ["ears"]
+        - map: ["outerClothing"]
+        - map: ["eyes"]
+        - map: ["belt"]
+        - map: ["neck"]
+        - map: ["back"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.FacialHair"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Hair"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.HeadSide"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.HeadTop"]
+        - map: ["mask"]
+        - map: ["head"]
+        - map: ["pocket1"]
+        - map: ["pocket2"]
+        - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Tail"]
+        #- map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Wings"]
+        - map: ["clownedon"] # Dynamically generated
+          sprite: "Effects/creampie.rsi"
+          state: "creampie_human"
+          visible: false
+    - type: Repairable
+      #fuelcost: 60
+      doAfterDelay: 10 # was 18
+      damage:
+        types:
+          Blunt: -20
+          Slash: -20
+          Piercing: -20
+      #bloodlossModifier: -100
+    - type: Bloodstream ### я добавил компонент Bloodstream как заглушку. Он нужен,
+# чтобы хилиться с помощью CableStack. Дело в том, что HealingSystem использует проверку на наличие BloodstreamComponent.
+# В любом случае Bloodstream здесь является костылём, чтобы не лезть в код. В будущем можно зделать для IPC нормальную bloodstream систему.
+      damageBleedModifiers: BloodlossIPC
+      bloodReagent: Water
+      bleedReductionAmount: 0
+      bloodMaxVolume: 0
+      chemicalMaxVolume: 0
+      bleedPuddleThreshold: 3
+      bloodRefreshAmount: 0
+      bloodlossThreshold: 0
+      maxBleedAmount: 0
+      bloodlossDamage:
+        types:
+          Burn: 1.5
+      bloodlossHealDamage:
+        types:
+          Burn: 0
+    - type: Flammable
+      fireSpread: true
+      canResistFire: true
+      damage:
+        types:
+          Heat: 0.75 #per second, scales with number of fire 'stacks'
+    # - type: Barotrauma # Not particularly modifiable. In the future, some response to pressure changes would be nice.
+    #   damage:
+    #     types:
+    #       Blunt: 0.28 #per second, scales with pressure and other constants.
+    - type: Temperature
+      heatDamageThreshold: 320
+      coldDamageThreshold: 255
+      currentTemperature: 280
+      specificHeat: 50
+      coldDamage:
+        types:
+          Cold: 0.1 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
+      heatDamage:
+        types:
+          Heat: 0.15 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
+      atmosTemperatureTransferEfficiency: 0.4
+    - type: ThermalRegulator
+      metabolismHeat: 1000 # Increase once we have more ways to regulate temperature
+      radiatedHeat: 800
+      implicitHeatRegulation: 600
+      sweatHeatRegulation: 0
+      shiveringHeatRegulation: 12000 # Overclocking, yo
+      normalBodyTemperature: 280
+      thermalRegulationTemperatureThreshold: 32
+    - type: Polymorphable
+    - type: Identity
+    - type: MovedByPressure
+    - type: DamageOnHighSpeedImpact
+      damage:
+        types:
+          Blunt: 5
+      soundHit:
+        path: /Audio/Effects/metal_break1.ogg
+    - type: LagCompensation
+    - type: RangedDamageSound
+      soundGroups:
+        Brute:
+          collection: MetalBulletImpact
+      soundTypes:
+        Heat:
+          collection: MetalLaserImpact
+    - type: Tag
+      tags:
+        - CanPilot
+        - FootstepSound
+        - DoorBumpOpener
+    - type: Hands
+    - type: Inventory
+      templateId: human
+    - type: InventorySlots
+    - type: Appearance
+    - type: GenericVisualizer
+      visuals:
+        enum.CreamPiedVisuals.Creamed:
+          clownedon:
+            True: { visible: true }
+            False: { visible: false }
+    - type: RotationVisuals
+    - type: FloatingVisuals
+    - type: FireVisuals
+      sprite: Mobs/Effects/onfire.rsi
+      normalState: Generic_mob_burning
+      alternateState: Standing
+      fireStackAlternateState: 3
+    - type: CombatMode
+      canDisarm: true
+    - type: Climbing
+    - type: Cuffable
+    - type: AnimationPlayer
+    - type: Buckle
+    - type: CreamPied
+    - type: Stripping
+    - type: Strippable
+    - type: UserInterface
+      interfaces:
+        enum.VoiceMaskUIKey.Key:
+          type: VoiceMaskBoundUserInterface
+        enum.HumanoidMarkingModifierKey.Key:
+          type: HumanoidMarkingModifierBoundUserInterface
+        enum.StrippingUiKey.Key:
+          type: StrippableBoundUserInterface
+    - type: Emoting
+    - type: Grammar
+      attributes:
+        proper: true
+    - type: StandingState
+    - type: CanEscapeInventory
+    - type: HumanoidAppearance
+      species: IPC
+    - type: Body
+      prototype: IPC
+      requiredLegs: 2
+    - type: Ensnareable
+      sprite: Objects/Misc/ensnare.rsi
+    - type: Speech
+      speechSounds: Pai
+    - type: Vocal
+      sounds:
+        Male: MaleHuman
+        Female: FemaleHuman
+        Unsexed: MaleHuman
+    - type: MeleeWeapon
+      hidden: true
+      soundHit:
+        collection: Punch
+      angle: 30
+      animation: WeaponArcFist
+      attackRate: 1
+      damage:
+        types:
+          Blunt: 6 # It's tough.
+    - type: MobPrice
+      price: 1500 # Kidnapping a living person and selling them for cred is a good move.
+      deathPenalty: 0.01 # However they really ought to be living and intact, otherwise they're worth 100x less.
+    - type: Pullable
+    - type: Puller
+    - type: Reactive
+      groups:
+        Flammable: [Touch]
+        Extinguish: [Touch]
+        Acidic: [Touch, Ingestion]
+      reactions:
+        - reagents: [Water, SpaceCleaner]
+          methods: [Touch]
+          effects:
+            - !type:WashCreamPieReaction
+    - type: BodyEmotes
+      soundsId: GeneralBodyEmotes
+    - type: DamageVisuals
+      thresholds: [20, 50, 100]
+      targetLayers:
+        - "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Chest"
+        - "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Head"
+        - "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LArm"
+        - "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LLeg"
+        - "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RArm"
+        - "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RLeg"
+      damageOverlayGroups:
+        Brute:
+          sprite: Mobs/Effects/brute_damage.rsi
+          color: "#1a1a1a"
+        Burn:
+          sprite: Mobs/Effects/burn_damage.rsi
+    # Organs
+    - type: IdExaminable
+    - type: HealthExaminable
+      examinableTypes:
+        - Blunt
+        - Slash
+        - Piercing
+        - Heat
+        - Shock
+    - type: StatusEffects
+      allowed:
+        - Stun
+        - KnockedDown
+        - SlowedDown
+        - Stutter
+        - SeeingRainbows
+        - Electrocution
+        # - Drunk
+        - SlurredSpeech
+        # - PressureImmunity
+        - Muted
+        # - ForcedSleep
+        - TemporaryBlindness
+        - Pacified
+        # - PsionicsDisabled
+        # - PsionicallyInsulated
+        - SeeingStatic
+    - type: Blindable
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/SlugCats/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/SlugCats/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/SlugCats/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Drask.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Drask.yml
index 72556b70a2d..713298daef0 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Drask.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Drask.yml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
         Cold: 0.05
         Bloodloss: 0.05
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: full
   - type: Thirst
   - type: Perishable
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
   name: Urist McDrask
   parent: MobHumanDummy
   id: MobDraskDummy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: HumanoidAppearance
     species: DraskSpecies
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Tajaran.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Tajaran.yml
index c39720a0a07..12f522e0d09 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Tajaran.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Tajaran.yml
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
   name: Tajaran McHands
   parent: MobHumanDummy
   id: MobTajaranDummy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   description: A dummy tajaran meant to be used in character setup.
     - type: HumanoidAppearance
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Ursus.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Ursus.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4527a49c9d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Ursus.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseMobSpeciesOrganic
+  id: BaseMobUrsus
+  name: Urist McUrsus
+  abstract: true
+  components:
+  - type: HumanoidAppearance
+    species: UrsusSpecies
+  - type: Hunger
+    starvationDamage:
+      types:
+        Cold: 0.05
+        Bloodloss: 0.05
+    baseDecayRate: 0.0983
+  - type: Thirst
+    #baseDecayRate: 0.0083
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: full
+  - type: Butcherable
+    butcheringType: Spike
+    spawned:
+    - id: FoodMeatBear
+      amount: 5
+  - type: MeleeWeapon
+    soundHit:
+      collection: Punch
+    animation: WeaponArcClaw
+    damage:
+      types:
+        Blunt: 6.5
+        Slash: 3.5
+  - type: DamageOnHighSpeedImpact
+    damage:
+      types:
+        Blunt: 0.9
+    soundHit:
+      path: /Audio/Effects/hit_kick.ogg
+  - type: Damageable
+    damageContainer: Biological
+    damageModifierSet: Ursus
+  - type: Vocal
+    sounds:
+      Male: MaleUrsus
+      Female: FemaleUrsus
+      Unsexed: MaleUrsus
+  - type: LanguageSpeaker # Frontier
+    speaks:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Urs
+    understands:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Urs
+  - type: SizeAttributeWhitelist # Frontier
+    tall: true
+    tallscale: 1.1
+    short: true
+    shortscale: 0.9
+- type: entity
+  save: false
+  name: Urist McUrsus
+  parent: MobHumanDummy
+  id: MobUrsusDummy
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  description:
+  components:
+    - type: HumanoidAppearance
+      species: UrsusSpecies
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Vulpkanin.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Vulpkanin.yml
index 80c7f570178..47e21729a20 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Vulpkanin.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/Vulpkanin.yml
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
   name: Vulpkanin McHands
   parent: MobHumanDummy
   id: MobVulpkaninDummy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   description: A dummy vulpkanin meant to be used in character setup.
     - type: HumanoidAppearance
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/demon.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/demon.yml
index 6f99d513004..2f145085d2b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/demon.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/demon.yml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
   - type: Hunger
   - type: Thirst
   - type: Icon
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: full_m
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
   name: Urist McHands
   parent: MobHumanDummy
   id: MobDemonDummy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   description: A dummy reptilian meant to be used in character setup.
   - type: HumanoidAppearance
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/moth.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8f91d7d6574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/moth.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+- type: entity
+  save: false
+  name: Urist McFluff
+  parent: BaseMobSpeciesOrganic
+  id: BaseMobMoth
+  abstract: true
+  components:
+  - type: HumanoidAppearance
+    species: Moth
+  - type: Hunger
+    starvationDamage:
+      types:
+        Cold: 0.05
+        Bloodloss: 0.05
+  - type: Thirst
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: full
+  - type: Body
+    prototype: Moth
+    requiredLegs: 2
+  - type: Damageable
+    damageContainer: Biological
+    damageModifierSet: Moth
+  - type: ZombieAccentOverride
+    accent: zombieMoth
+  - type: Speech
+    speechVerb: Moth
+  - type: TypingIndicator
+    proto: moth
+  - type: Butcherable
+    butcheringType: Spike
+    spawned:
+    - id: FoodMeat
+      amount: 5
+  - type: Bloodstream
+    bloodReagent: InsectBlood
+  - type: DamageVisuals
+    damageOverlayGroups:
+      Brute:
+        sprite: Mobs/Effects/brute_damage.rsi
+        color: "#808A51"
+  - type: MothAccent
+  - type: Vocal
+    sounds:
+      Male: MaleMoth
+      Female: FemaleMoth
+      Unsexed: MaleMoth
+  - type: MovementSpeedModifier
+    weightlessAcceleration: 1.5 # Move around more easily in space.
+    weightlessFriction: 1
+    weightlessModifier: 1
+  - type: Flammable
+    damage:
+      types:
+        Heat: 4.5 # moths burn more easily
+  - type: Temperature # Moths hate the heat and thrive in the cold.
+    heatDamageThreshold: 320
+    coldDamageThreshold: 230
+    currentTemperature: 310.15
+    specificHeat: 46
+    coldDamage:
+      types:
+        Cold : 0.05 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
+    heatDamage:
+      types:
+        Heat : 3 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
+  - type: Sprite # sprite again because we want different layer ordering
+    noRot: true
+    drawdepth: Mobs
+    layers:
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Chest" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Head" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Snout" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Eyes" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RArm" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LArm" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RLeg" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LLeg" ]
+      - shader: StencilClear
+        sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/parts.rsi #PJB on stencil clear being on the left leg: "...this is 'fine'" -https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/12217#issuecomment-1291677115
+        # its fine, but its still very stupid that it has to be done like this instead of allowing sprites to just directly insert a stencil clear.
+        # sprite refactor when
+        state: l_leg
+      - shader: StencilMask
+        map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.StencilMask" ]
+        sprite: Mobs/Customization/masking_helpers.rsi
+        state: unisex_full
+        visible: false
+      - map: [ "underwearb" ] #Sirena
+      - map: [ "underweart" ] #Sirena
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LFoot" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RFoot" ]
+      - map: [ "socks" ] #Sirena
+      - map: [ "jumpsuit" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LHand" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RHand" ]
+      #- map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LFoot" ]
+      #- map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RFoot" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Handcuffs" ]
+        color: "#ffffff"
+        sprite: Objects/Misc/handcuffs.rsi
+        state: body-overlay-2
+        visible: false
+      - map: [ "gloves" ]
+      - map: [ "shoes" ]
+      - map: [ "ears" ]
+      - map: [ "outerClothing" ]
+      - map: [ "eyes" ]
+      - map: [ "belt" ]
+      - map: [ "id" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Tail" ] #in the utopian future we should probably have a wings enum inserted here so everyhting doesn't break
+      - map: [ "neck" ]
+      - map: [ "back" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.FacialHair" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Hair" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.HeadSide" ]
+      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.HeadTop" ]
+      - map: [ "mask" ]
+      - map: [ "head" ]
+      - map: [ "pocket1" ]
+      - map: [ "pocket2" ]
+      - map: [ "clownedon" ] # Dynamically generated
+        sprite: "Effects/creampie.rsi"
+        state: "creampie_moth"
+        visible: false
+  - type: Inventory
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
+  - type: LanguageSpeaker # Frontier
+    speaks:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Nian
+    understands:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Nian
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseSpeciesDummy
+  id: MobMothDummy
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: HumanoidAppearance
+    species: Moth
+  - type: Inventory
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/novakid.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/novakid.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3bdea14a4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/novakid.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+- type: entity
+  save: false
+  name: Urisst' Mzhand Novakid
+  parent: BaseMobSpeciesOrganic
+  id: BaseMobNovakid
+  abstract: true
+  components:
+  - type: Hunger
+    baseDecayRate: 0.025
+    currentHunger: 400
+    thresholds:
+      Overfed: 400
+      Okay: 300
+      Peckish: 200
+      Starving: 100
+      Dead: 0
+    starvationDamage:
+      types:
+        Cold: 0.12
+        Caustic: 0.08
+  - type: HumanoidAppearance
+    species: NovakidSpecies
+  - type: Bloodstream
+    bloodReagent: Plasma
+  - type: ZombieImmune
+  - type: NovakidGlowing # see NovakidFeaturesSystem.cs
+  - type: PointLight
+    color: "#ffffff"
+    energy: 0.6
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: full_m
+  - type: Sprite
+    netsync: false
+    noRot: true
+    drawdepth: Mobs
+  - type: Body
+    prototype: Novakid
+    requiredLegs: 2
+  - type: Speech
+    speechSounds: Lizard
+  - type: Vocal
+    sounds:
+      Male: MaleNovakid
+      Female: FemaleNovakid
+      Unsexed: UnisexNovakid
+  - type: Damageable
+    damageContainer: Biological
+    damageModifierSet: Demon # Потому что. Я зол, эта штука ломала мне мозг на протяжении двух часов, пока я искал ошибку >:c
+  - type: MeleeWeapon
+    hidden: true
+    soundHit:
+      path: /Audio/Weapons/pierce.ogg
+    angle: 30
+    animation: WeaponArcPunch
+    damage:
+      types:
+        Heat: 5
+  - type: Temperature
+    heatDamageThreshold: 450
+    coldDamageThreshold: 193  #starting temperature damage treshold
+    currentTemperature: 310.15
+    specificHeat: 46
+    coldDamage:
+      types:
+        Cold : 0.5 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
+    heatDamage:
+      types:
+        Heat : 0.2 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants.
+  - type: FlashImmunity
+  - type: EyeProtection
+  - type: MovementSpeedModifier
+    baseWalkSpeed : 2.5
+    baseSprintSpeed : 4.5
+  - type: Perishable
+  - type: Barotrauma
+    damage:
+      types:
+        Blunt: 0.01 # Супер пониженный дамаг от давления
+  - type: Reactive
+    groups:
+      Flammable: [ Touch ]
+      Extinguish: [ Touch ]
+    reactions:
+    - reagents: [ Water, SpaceCleaner ]
+      methods: [ Touch ]
+      effects:
+      - !type:WashCreamPieReaction
+    - reagents: [ Water, SpaceCleaner ]
+      methods: [ Touch ]
+      effects:
+      - !type:HealthChange
+        scaleByQuantity: true
+        damage:
+          types:
+            Heat: 4 # Повышенный дамаг от водички и моющего средства. Пшик-пшик
+      - !type:PopupMessage
+        type: Local
+        visualType: Large
+        messages: [ "novakid-hurt-by-water-popup" ]
+        probability: 0.25
+  - type: MobThresholds
+    thresholds:
+      0: Alive
+      100: Critical
+      300: Dead
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTrigger
+        damage: 300
+      behaviors:
+      - !type:SpawnEntitiesBehavior
+        spawn:
+            Ash:
+              min: 1
+              max: 1
+      - !type:GibBehavior { }
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+    - CanPilot
+    - FootstepSound
+    - DoorBumpOpener
+- type: entity
+  save: false
+  name: Urist McHands
+  parent: MobHumanDummy
+  id: MobNovakidDummy
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  description: A dummy reptilian meant to be used in character setup.
+  components:
+  - type: HumanoidAppearance
+    species: NovakidSpecies
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/shadekin.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/shadekin.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a040b4385b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/Species/shadekin.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+- type: entity
+  save: false
+  parent: BaseMobHuman
+  id: BaseMobShadekin
+  abstract: true
+  name: Урист МакСумеречник
+  components:
+  - type: HumanoidAppearance
+    species: Shadekin
+  - type: Hunger
+  - type: Thirst
+  - type: Icon
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: full
+  - type: Body
+    prototype: Shadekin
+    requiredLegs: 2
+  - type: MobState
+  - type: MobThresholds
+    thresholds:
+      0: Alive
+      90: Critical
+      150: Dead
+  - type: SlowOnDamage
+    speedModifierThresholds:
+      48: 0.85
+      64: 0.65
+  - type: Damageable
+    damageContainer: Biological # Shadekin
+    damageModifierSet: Shadekin
+  - type: Barotrauma
+    damage:
+      types:
+        Blunt: 1 # В секунду.
+  - type: Bloodstream
+    bloodReagent: ShadekinBlood
+    bloodlossDamage:
+      types:
+        Bloodloss:
+          1
+    bloodlossHealDamage:
+      types:
+        Bloodloss:
+          -0.25
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+    - CanPilot
+    - FootstepSound
+    - DoorBumpOpener
+  - type: Temperature
+    heatDamageThreshold: 330
+    coldDamageThreshold: 200
+    currentTemperature: 310.15
+    specificHeat: 46
+    coldDamage:
+      types:
+        Cold : 0.05 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
+    heatDamage:
+      types:
+        Heat : 0.25 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
+  - type: Fixtures
+    fixtures:
+      fix1:
+        shape:
+          !type:PhysShapeCircle
+          radius: 0.35
+        density: 130 #lower density
+        restitution: 0.0
+        mask:
+          - MobMask
+        layer:
+          - MobLayer
+  - type: Respirator
+    damage:
+      types:
+        Asphyxiation: 0.0
+    damageRecovery:
+      types:
+        Asphyxiation: 0.0
+  - type: Sprite
+    scale: 0.95, 0.95
+  - type: MeleeWeapon
+    soundHit:
+      collection: Punch
+    animation: WeaponArcClaw
+    damage:
+      types:
+        Blunt: 2
+        Slash: 3
+        Piercing: 1
+  - type: Shadekin
+  - type: Vocal
+    sounds:
+      Male: MaleHuman
+      Female: FemaleHuman
+      Unsexed: MaleHuman
+  - type: CombatMode
+    canDisarm: true
+  - type: MindContainer
+    showExamineInfo: true
+  - type: Input
+    context: "human"
+  - type: MobMover
+  - type: InputMover
+  - type: Alerts
+  - type: Actions
+  - type: CameraRecoil
+  - type: Examiner
+  - type: CanHostGuardian
+  - type: NpcFactionMember
+    factions:
+    - NanoTrasen
+  - type: InteractionPopup
+    successChance: 0.75
+    interactFailureString: petting-failure-generic
+    interactSuccessString: petting-success-soft-floofy
+    interactSuccessSound: /Audio/Effects/thudswoosh.ogg
+    messagePerceivedByOthers: petting-success-soft-floofy-others
+  - type: MovementSpeedModifier
+    baseWalkSpeed : 4.5
+    baseSprintSpeed : 2.7
+  - type: Inventory
+    displacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit
+      shoes:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/displacement.rsi
+            state: shoes
+      gloves:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/displacement.rsi
+            state: hand
+      outerClothing:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit
+      head:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/displacement.rsi
+            state: head
+  # Frontier - languages mechanic
+  - type: LanguageSpeaker
+    speaks:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Shadekin
+    understands:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Shadekin
+  - type: SizeAttributeWhitelist # Frontier
+    tall: true
+    tallscale: 1
+    short: true
+    shortscale: 0.85
+- type: entity
+  save: false
+  parent: MobHumanDummy
+  id: MobShadekinDummy
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  description: A dummy shadekin meant to be used in character setup.
+  components:
+  - type: HumanoidAppearance
+    species: Shadekin
+  - type: Inventory
+    displacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit
+      shoes:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/displacement.rsi
+            state: shoes
+      gloves:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/displacement.rsi
+            state: hand
+      outerClothing:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit
+      head:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/displacement.rsi
+            state: head
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/SpeciesSound/vulpkanin_voice.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/SpeciesSound/vulpkanin_voice.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cecff851d7..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Mobs/SpeciesSound/vulpkanin_voice.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#Для звуков и голосов вульпочек
-- type: soundCollection
-  id: NesMaleVulpaScreams
-  files:
-    - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/growl1.ogg
-    - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/growl2.ogg
-    - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/growl3.ogg
-- type: soundCollection
-  id: NesFemaleVulpaScreams
-  files:
-    - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/scream1.ogg
-    - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/scream2.ogg
-- type: soundCollection
-  id: VulpHowls
-  files:
-  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/howl.ogg
-- type: soundCollection
-  id: VulpBarks
-  files:
-  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/bark.ogg
-  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_bark1.ogg
-  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_bark2.ogg
-  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_bark3.ogg
-- type: soundCollection
-  id: VulpWhines
-  files:
-  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_whine.ogg
-- type: soundCollection
-  id: VulpGrowls
-  files:
-  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_growl1.ogg
-  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_growl2.ogg
-  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_growl3.ogg
-- type: soundCollection
-  id: VulpHeckaetSound
-  files:
-    - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/vulpkanin_hekaet1.ogg
-- type: speechSounds
-  id: Vulpa
-  saySound:
-    path: /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin_Talk/vulp.ogg
-  askSound:
-    path: /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin_Talk/vulp_ask.ogg
-  exclaimSound:
-    path: /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin_Talk/vulp_exclaim.ogg
-#Спишс блядь
-- type: emoteSounds
-  id: NesMaleVulpa
-  params:
-    variation: 0.125
-  sounds:
-    Scream:
-      collection: NesMaleVulpaScreams
-    Laugh:
-      collection: MaleLaugh
-    Sneeze:
-      collection: MaleSneezes
-    Cough:
-      collection: MaleCoughs
-    CatMeow:
-      collection: CatMeows
-    CatHisses:
-      collection: CatHisses
-    MonkeyScreeches:
-      collection: MonkeyScreeches
-    RobotBeep:
-      collection: RobotBeeps
-    Yawn:
-      collection: MaleYawn
-    Snore:
-      collection: Snores
-    Honk:
-      collection: BikeHorn
-    Sigh:
-      collection: MaleSigh
-    Crying:
-      collection: MaleCry
-    Howl:
-      collection: VulpHowls
-    Bark:
-      collection: VulpBarks
-    Growl:
-      collection: VulpGrowls
-    Whine:
-      collection: VulpWhines
-    Whistle:
-      collection: Whistles
-    Heckaet:
-      collection: VulpHeckaetSound
-- type: emoteSounds
-  id: NesFemaleVulpa
-  params:
-    variation: 0.125
-  sounds:
-    Scream:
-      collection: NesFemaleVulpaScreams
-    Laugh:
-      collection: FemaleLaugh
-    Sneeze:
-      collection: FemaleSneezes
-    Cough:
-      collection: FemaleCoughs
-    CatMeow:
-      collection: CatMeows
-    CatHisses:
-      collection: CatHisses
-    MonkeyScreeches:
-      collection: MonkeyScreeches
-    RobotBeep:
-      collection: RobotBeeps
-    Yawn:
-      collection: FemaleYawn
-    Snore:
-      collection: Snores
-    Honk:
-      collection: CluwneHorn
-    Sigh:
-      collection: FemaleSigh
-    Crying:
-      collection: FemaleCry
-    Howl:
-      collection: VulpHowls
-    Bark:
-      collection: VulpBarks
-    Growl:
-      collection: VulpGrowls
-    Whine:
-      collection: VulpWhines
-    Whistle:
-      collection: Whistles
-    Heckaet:
-      collection: VulpHeckaetSound
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/frozen.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/frozen.yml
index 4bf6075779e..ef48279f59e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/frozen.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/frozen.yml
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenChocolateFreezyTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: chocolatefreezy_trash
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenChocolateIceCreamTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: chocolateicecream_trash
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenChocolatePopsicleTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: ChocolatePopsicle_trash
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenChocolatePopsicleWithNutsTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: chocolatepopsiclewithnuts_trash
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenIceCreamWaffleconeTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: icecreamwafflecone_trash
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenIceCreamWaffleconeNutsTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: icecreamwaffleconenuts_trash
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenPopsicleJumboTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: jumbopopsicle_trash
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenMelonPopsicleTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: melonpopsicle_trash
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenOrangePopsicleTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: orangepopsicle_trash
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenPineappleChocolateTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: pineapplechocolate_trash
@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenPopsicleAppleTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: popsicleapple_trash
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenPopsicleBananaTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: popsiclebanana_trash
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenPopsicleMoleTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: popsiclemole_trash
@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenRandomFruitIceTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: randomfruitIce_trash
@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenPopsicleSeaSaltTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: seasaltppopsicle_trash
@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenSpaceFreezyTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: spacefreezy_trash
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenSpaceIceCreamTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: spaceicecream_trash
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenStrawberryIceCreamTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: strawberryicecream_trash
@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenThreeFlavorsFreezyTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: threeflavorsfreezy_trash
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenThreeFlavorsPopsicleTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: threeflavorspopsicle_trash
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenVanillaFreezyTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: vanillafreezy_trash
@@ -867,7 +867,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenVanillaIceCreamTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: vanillaicecream_trash
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@
   name: Frozen 
   parent: ADTFoodPacketFrozenTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodFrozenWatermelonPopsicleTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: watermelonpopsicle_trash
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.yml
index fd78b688f86..bfe77f28954 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.yml
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 # Мусор
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: ADTFoodPacketChipsTrashBase
   description: This is rubbish.
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
   - type: Item
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: ADTFoodDriedPacketTrashBase
   description: This is rubbish.
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
   - type: Item
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodPacketChipsTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodPacketChipsOnionAndSourcreamTrash
   description: This is rubbish.
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
     state: onion-and-sourcream-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodPacketChipsTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodPacketChipsShrimpTrash
   description: This is rubbish.
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
     state: shrimp-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodPacketChipsTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodPacketChipsSpaceTrash
   description: This is rubbish.
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
     state: space-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodPacketChipsTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodPacketSpicyTrash
   description: This is rubbish.
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
 # разделитель
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodDriedPacketTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodPacketBeefTrash
   description: This is rubbish.
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
     state: beef-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodDriedPacketTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodPacketChickenTrash
   description: This is rubbish.
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
     state: chicken-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodDriedPacketTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodPacketHorseTrash
   description: This is rubbish.
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
     state: horse-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodDriedPacketTrashBase
   id: ADTFoodPacketPigTrash
   description: This is rubbish.
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketChocolateTrash
   id: ADTFoodPacketChocolateTrash
   name: chocolate wrapper
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
   - type: Item
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodPacketChocolateTrash
   id: ADTFoodPacketChocolateTrashChoco
   name: chocolate wrapper
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@
     state: choco-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodPacketChocolateTrash
   id: ADTFoodPacketChocolateTrashCoconut
   name: chocolate wrapper
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
     state: coconut-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodPacketChocolateTrash
   id: ADTFoodPacketChocolateTrashEnergy
   name: chocolate wrapper
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@
     state: energy-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodPacketChocolateTrash
   id: ADTFoodPacketChocolateTrashNuts
   name: chocolate wrapper
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@
     state: nuts-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodPacketChocolateTrash
   id: ADTFoodPacketChocolateTrashPink
   name: chocolate wrapper
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
     state: pink-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: ADTFoodPacketChocolateTrash
   id: ADTFoodPacketChocolateTrashTwo
   name: chocolate wrapper
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Device/Circuitboards/siliconchargers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Device/Circuitboards/siliconchargers.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8359e7aaa4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Device/Circuitboards/siliconchargers.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+- type: entity
+  id: IndustrialChargerCircuitboard
+  parent: BaseMachineCircuitboard
+  name: industrial charger machine board
+  description: A machine printed circuit board for an industrial charger
+  components:
+    - type: Sprite
+      state: engineering
+    - type: MachineBoard
+      prototype: SiliconChargerIndustrial
+      stackRequirements:
+        Plastic: 6
+        CableHV: 4
+        CableMV: 8
+        Capacitor: 8
+        Manipulator: 2
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Device/handheld.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Device/handheld.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..10e1631db98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Device/handheld.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+# Translators
+- type: entity
+  id: TranslatorBase
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu  ]
+  parent: [ BaseItem ]
+  name: Translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi
+    state: icon
+    layers:
+      - state: icon
+      - state: translator
+        shader: unshaded
+        visible: false
+        map: [ "enum.ToggleVisuals.Layer", "enum.PowerDeviceVisualLayers.Powered" ]
+  - type: Appearance
+  - type: GenericVisualizer
+    visuals:
+      enum.ToggleVisuals.Toggled:
+        enum.ToggleVisuals.Layer:
+          True: { visible: true }
+          False: { visible: false }
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    enabled: false
+  - type: ItemToggle
+- type: entity
+  id: Translator
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu  ]
+  parent: [ TranslatorBase, PowerCellSlotMediumItem ]
+  suffix: Powered
+  components:
+  - type: PowerCellDraw
+    drawRate: 0.5
+- type: entity
+  id: TranslatorEmtpy
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu  ]
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  suffix: Empty
+  components:
+  - type: ItemSlots
+    slots:
+      cell_slot:
+        name: power-cell-slot-component-slot-name-default
+- type: entity
+  id: BubblishTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: Bubblish translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Bubblish
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Bubblish
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Bubblish
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: MofficTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: Moffic translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Moffic
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Moffic
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Moffic
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: RootSpeakTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: RootSpeak translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - RootSpeak
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - RootSpeak
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - RootSpeak
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: NekomimeticTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: Nekomimetic translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Nekomimetic
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Nekomimetic
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Nekomimetic
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: DraconicTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: Draconic translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Draconic
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Draconic
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Draconic
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: CanilunztTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: Canilunzt translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Canilunzt
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Canilunzt
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Canilunzt
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: IPCTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: IPC translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - RobotTalk
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - RobotTalk
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - RobotTalk
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: FireTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: Fire translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Fire
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Fire
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Fire
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: SolCommonTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: SolCommon translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - SolCommon
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - SolCommon
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - SolCommon
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+# - type: entity
+#   id: ArachnidTranslator
+#   parent: [ Translator ]
+#   name: Arachnid translator
+#   description: "Translates speech."
+#   components:
+#   - type: HandheldTranslator
+#     toSpeak:
+#     - GalacticCommon
+#     - Moffic
+#     toUnderstand:
+#     - GalacticCommon
+#     - Moffic
+#     required:
+#     - GalacticCommon
+#     - Moffic
+#   - type: StaticPrice
+#     price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: DraskTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: Drask translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Drask
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Drask
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Drask
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: UrsTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: Urs translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Urs
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Urs
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Urs
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: ArkaneTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: Arkane translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Arkane
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Arkane
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Arkane
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: ShadekinTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: Shadekin translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Shadekin
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Shadekin
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Shadekin
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: DwarfTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: Dwarf translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Dwarf
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Dwarf
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Dwarf
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: CintaTajTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: CintaTaj translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - CintaTaj
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - CintaTaj
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - CintaTaj
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: NianTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: Nian translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Nian
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Nian
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Nian
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: SikTajTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: SikTaj translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - SikTaj
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - SikTaj
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - SikTaj
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
+- type: entity
+  id: AnimalTranslator
+  parent: [ Translator ]
+  name: Animals translator
+  description: "Translates speech."
+  components:
+  - type: HandheldTranslator
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Cat
+    - Dog
+    - Mothroach
+    - Monkey
+    - Bee
+    - Mouse
+    - Chicken
+    - Duck
+    - Cow
+    - Sheep
+    - Kangaroo
+    - Pig
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Cat
+    - Dog
+    - Mothroach
+    - Mothroach
+    - Monkey
+    - Bee
+    - Mouse
+    - Chicken
+    - Duck
+    - Cow
+    - Sheep
+    - Kangaroo
+    - Pig
+    required:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    - Cat
+    - Dog
+    - Mothroach
+    - Mothroach
+    - Monkey
+    - Bee
+    - Mouse
+    - Chicken
+    - Duck
+    - Cow
+    - Sheep
+    - Kangaroo
+    - Pig
+  - type: StaticPrice
+    price: 1500
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Device/pda.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Device/pda.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b710a24571..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Device/pda.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-- type: entity
-  parent: MedicalPDA
-  id: ADTPathologistPDA
-  name: pathologist's PDA
-  description: It breezes chill.
-  components:
-  - type: Pda
-    id: ADTPathologistIDCard
-    state: pda-pathologist
-  - type: PdaBorderColor
-    borderColor: "#d7d7d0"
-    accentVColor: "#15616b"
-  - type: Icon
-    state: pda-pathologist
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
index 52b435d325e..2660c105ac1 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
@@ -9,3 +9,33 @@
     state: pda-lawyer
   - type: Icon
     state: pda-lawyer
+- type: entity
+  parent: BasePDA
+  id: ADTRoboticistPDA
+  name: roboticist PDA
+  description: It's covered with an unknown gooey substance.
+  components:
+  - type: Pda
+    id: ADTRoboticistIDCard
+    state: pda-roboticist
+  - type: PdaBorderColor
+    borderColor: "#171716"
+    accentVColor: "#d90000"
+  - type: Icon
+    state: pda-roboticist
+- type: entity
+  parent: MedicalPDA
+  id: ADTPathologistPDA
+  name: pathologist's PDA
+  description: It breezes chill.
+  components:
+  - type: Pda
+    id: ADTPathologistIDCard
+    state: pda-pathologist
+  - type: PdaBorderColor
+    borderColor: "#d7d7d0"
+    accentVColor: "#15616b"
+  - type: Icon
+    state: pda-pathologist
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Devices/translators.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Devices/translators.yml
index 76929a0b173..e69de29bb2d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Devices/translators.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Devices/translators.yml
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-- type: entity
-  id: TranslatorUnpowered
-  parent: [ BaseItem ]
-  name: Translator
-  description: "Translates speech."
-  components:
-  - type: Item
-    sprite: _NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi
-    inhandVisuals:
-      left:
-      - state: inhand-left
-      right:
-      - state: inhand-right
-  - type: Sprite
-    sprite: _NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi
-    state: icon
-    layers:
-      - state: icon
-      - state: translator
-        shader: unshaded
-        visible: false
-        map: [ "enum.ToggleVisuals.Layer", "enum.PowerDeviceVisualLayers.Powered" ]
-  - type: Appearance
-  - type: GenericVisualizer
-    visuals:
-      enum.ToggleVisuals.Toggled:
-        enum.ToggleVisuals.Layer:
-          True: { visible: true }
-          False: { visible: false }
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    enabled: false
-  - type: ToggleableLightVisuals
-    spriteLayer: translator
-    inhandVisuals:
-      left:
-      - state: inhand-left-translator
-        shader: unshaded
-      right:
-      - state: inhand-right-translator
-        shader: unshaded
-- type: entity
-  id: Translator
-  parent: [ TranslatorUnpowered, PowerCellSlotMediumItem ]
-  suffix: Powered
-  components:
-  - type: PowerCellDraw
-    drawRate: 1
-  - type: ItemToggle
-    onUse: false # above component does the toggling
-- type: entity
-  id: TranslatorEmtpy
-  parent: [ Translator ]
-  suffix: Empty
-  components:
-  - type: ItemSlots
-    slots:
-      cell_slot:
-        name: power-cell-slot-component-slot-name-default
-- type: entity
-  id: VulpTranslator
-  parent: [ Translator ]
-  name: Vulpkanin translator
-  description: "Used only by Vulpkanin to understand and speak with Galatic Common speakers."
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    requires:
-    - Canilunzt
-    requires-all: false
-  - type: PowerCellDraw
-    drawRate: 0.1
-  - type: StaticPrice
-    price: 35
-- type: entity
-  id: CanilunztTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: Canilunzt translator
-  description: "Translates speech between Canilunzt and Galactic Common. Commonly used by Vulpkanin to communicate with galactic common speakers"
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Canilunzt
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Canilunzt
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Canilunzt
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: BubblishTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: Bubblish translator
-  description: "Translates speech between Bubblish and Galactic Common."
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Bubblish
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Bubblish
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Bubblish
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: NekomimeticTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: Nekomimetic translator
-  description: "Translates speech between Nekomimetic and Galactic Common. Why would you want that?"
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Nekomimetic
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Nekomimetic
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Nekomimetic
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: DraconicTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: Draconic translator
-  description: "Translates speech between Draconic and Galactic Common."
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Draconic
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Draconic
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Draconic
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: SolCommonTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: Sol Common translator
-  description: "Translates speech between Sol Common and Galactic Common. Like a true Earthman!"
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - SolCommon
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - SolCommon
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - SolCommon
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: RootSpeakTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: RootSpeak translator
-  description: "Translates speech between RootSpeak and Galactic Common. Like a true plant?"
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - RootSpeak
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - RootSpeak
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - RootSpeak
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: MofficTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: Moffic translator
-  description: "Translates speech between Moffic and Galactic Common. Like a true moth... or bug?"
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Moffic
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Moffic
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Moffic
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: XenoTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: Xeno translator
-  description: "Translates speech between Xeno and Galactic Common. Not sure if that will help."
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Xeno
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Xeno
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-- type: entity
-  id: AnimalTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: Animal translator
-  description: "Translates all the cutes nosies that animals make into a more understandable form!"
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    understood:
-    - Cat
-    - Dog
-    - Mothroach
-    - Monkey
-    - Bee
-    - Mouse
-    - Chicken
-    - Duck
-    - Cow
-    - Sheep
-    - Kangaroo
-    - Pig
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: DraskTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: Orluum translator
-  description: "Translates speech between Orluum and Galactic Common."
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Drask
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Drask
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Drask
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: ShadowkinTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: Shadowkin translator
-  description: "Translates speech between Shadowkin lang and Galactic Common."
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Shadowkin
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Shadowkin
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Shadowkin
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: ArkaneTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: Arkane translator
-  description: "Translates speech between Arkane lang and Galactic Common."
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Arkane
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Arkane
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Arkane
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: NianTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: Nian translator
-  description: "Translates speech between Nian lang and Galactic Common."
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Nian
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Nian
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Nian
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: FireTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: Fire translator
-  description: "Translates speech between Shadowkin lang and Galactic Common."
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Fire
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Fire
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Fire
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: SikTajTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: SikTaj translator
-  description: "Translates speech between SikTaj and Galactic Common."
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - SikTaj
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - SikTaj
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - SikTaj
-    requires-all: false
-- type: entity
-  id: CintaTajTranslator
-  parent: [ TranslatorEmtpy ]
-  name: CintaTajTaj translator
-  description: "Translates speech between CintaTaj and Galactic Common."
-  components:
-  - type: HandheldTranslator
-    default-language: GalacticCommon
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - CintaTaj
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - CintaTaj
-    requires:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - CintaTaj
-    requires-all: false
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Fun/toys.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Fun/toys.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d93deb56a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Fun/toys.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+- type: entity
+  parent: BasePlushie
+  id: ADTPlushieUrs
+  name: Djessie plushie
+  description: It looks like a soft and cute blondie.
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: ADT/Objects/Fun/toys.rsi
+    state: plushie_ursus
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.yml
index b7928e36d39..83d6930836f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.yml
@@ -23,3 +23,15 @@
     - state: id-pathologist
   - type: PresetIdCard
     job: ADTPathologist
+- type: entity
+  parent: IDCardStandard
+  id: ADTRoboticistIDCard
+  name: roboticist ID card
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    layers:
+    - state: default
+    - state: idroboticist
+  - type: PresetIdCard
+    job: ADTRoboticist
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/implanters.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/implanters.yml
index 3ebd7c90366..0c174df0e90 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/implanters.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/implanters.yml
@@ -1,287 +1,185 @@
+# Translators
 - type: entity
-  id: BaseTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseItem ]
-  name: Basic translator implant
-  description: "Translates speech."
-  abstract: true
+  id: GalacticCommonTranslatorImplanter
+  name: Galactic Common Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: Sprite
-    sprite: Objects/Specific/Medical/implanter.rsi
-    state: implanter0
-    layers:
-    - state: implanter1
-      map: [ "implantFull" ]
-      visible: true
-    - state: implanter0
-      map: [ "implantBroken" ]
-  - type: Appearance
-  - type: GenericVisualizer
-    visuals:
-      enum.ImplanterVisuals.Full:
-        implantFull:
-          True: {visible: true}
-          False: {visible: false}
-        implantBroken:
-          True: {visible: false}
-          False: {visible: true}
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: GalacticCommonTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: BasicGalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Basic Galatic Common translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand Galatic Common."
+  id: BubblishTranslatorImplanter
+  name: Bubblish Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: BubblishTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: AdvancedGalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Advanced Galatic Common translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Galatic Common."
+  id: MofficTranslatorImplanter
+  name: Moffic Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    understood:
-    - GalacticCommon
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: MofficTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: BubblishTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Bubblish translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Bubblish."
+  id: RootSpeakTranslatorImplanter
+  name: RootSpeak Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - Bubblish
-    understood:
-    - Bubblish
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: RootSpeakTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
   id: NekomimeticTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Nekomimetic translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Nekomimetic, Nya~!"
+  name: Nekomimetic Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - Nekomimetic
-    understood:
-    - Nekomimetic
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: NekomimeticTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
   id: DraconicTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Draconic translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Draconic."
+  name: Draconic Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - Draconic
-    understood:
-    - Draconic
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: DraconicTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
   id: CanilunztTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Canilunzt translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Canilunzt, Yeeps!"
+  name: Canilunzt Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - Canilunzt
-    understood:
-    - Canilunzt
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: CanilunztTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: SolCommonTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: SolCommon translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak SolCommon, raaagh!"
+  id: IPCTranslatorImplanter
+  name: IPC Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - SolCommon
-    understood:
-    - SolCommon
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: IPCTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: RootSpeakTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: RootSpeak translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak RootSpeak."
+  id: BorgTranslatorImplanter
+  name: Borg Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    understood:
-    - RootSpeak
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: BorgTranslatorImplant
+# - type: entity
+#   id: ArachnidTranslatorImplanter
+#   name: Arachnid Translator implanter
+#   parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
+#   components:
+#   - type: Implanter
+#     implant: ArachnidTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: MofficTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Moffic translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Moffic."
+  id: FireTranslatorImplanter
+  name: Fire Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - Moffic
-    understood:
-    - Moffic
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: FireTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: CodeSpeakImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: CodeSpeak Implanter
-  description: "\"CodeSpeak(tm) - Secure your communication with metaphors so elaborate, they seem randomly generated!\""
+  id: SolCommonTranslatorImplanter
+  name: SolCommon Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - CodeSpeak
-    understood:
-    - CodeSpeak
-  - type: StaticPrice
-    price: 150
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: SolCommonTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: SikTajTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: SikTaj translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak SikTaj."
+  id: DraskTranslatorImplanter
+  name: Drask Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - SikTaj
-    understood:
-    - SikTaj
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: DraskTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: NianTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Nian translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Nian."
+  id: UrsTranslatorImplanter
+  name: Urs Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - Nian
-    understood:
-    - Nian
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: UrsTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: FireTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Nian translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Nian."
+  id: ArkaneTranslatorImplanter
+  name: Arkane Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    understood:
-    - Fire
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: ArkaneTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: DraskTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Orluum translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Orluum."
+  id: ShadekinTranslatorImplanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
+  name: Shadekin translator implant
+  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Shadekin language."
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - Drask
-    understood:
-    - Drask
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: ShadekinTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: UrsTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Urs translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Ursus language."
+  id: DwarfTranslatorImplanter
+  name: Dwarf Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - Urs
-    understood:
-    - Urs
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: DwarfTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: ArkaneTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Arkane translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Arcane language."
+  id: CintaTajTranslatorImplanter
+  name: CintaTaj Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - Arkane
-    understood:
-    - Arkane
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: CintaTajTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: ShadowkinTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Shadowkin translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Shadowkin language."
+  id: CodeSpeakImplanter
+  name: Code speak Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - Shadowkin
-    understood:
-    - Shadowkin
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: CodeSpeakTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: BorgTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Borg translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak Binary."
+  id: SyndUniversalTranslatorImplanter
+  name: Universal Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - BorgTalk
-    understood:
-    - BorgTalk
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: SyndUniversalTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: CintaTajTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: CintaTaj translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand and speak CintaTaj."
+  id: SikTajTranslatorImplanter
+  name: Universal Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - CintaTaj
-    understood:
-    - CintaTaj
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: SikTajTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
-  id: SyndUniversalTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: universal translator implant
-  description: "An implant giving the ability to understand any racial language."
+  id: NianTranslatorImplanter
+  name: Nian Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    understood:
-    - RobotTalk
-    - Shadowkin
-    - Arkane
-    - Urs
-    - Drask
-    - Fire
-    - Nian
-    - SikTaj
-    - Moffic
-    - RootSpeak
-    - SolCommon
-    - Canilunzt
-    - Draconic
-    - Bubblish
-    - Nekomimetic
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: NianTranslatorImplant
 - type: entity
   id: DevTranslatorImplanter
-  parent: [ BaseTranslatorImplanter ]
-  name: Dev translator implant
-  description: "e"
+  name: Dev Translator implanter
+  parent: BaseImplantOnlyImplanter
-  - type: TranslatorImplanter
-    spoken:
-    - Dev
-    understood:
-    - Dev
+  - type: Implanter
+    implant: DevTranslatorImplant
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/rubber_stamp.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/rubber_stamp.yml
index df00f40884b..d06412ce834 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/rubber_stamp.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/rubber_stamp.yml
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
     stampedColor: "#754d36"
     stampState: "paper_stamp-detective"
   - type: Sprite
-    sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/stampsADT.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Objects/Misc/stamps.rsi
     state: stamp-magistrat
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/subdermal_implants.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/subdermal_implants.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c2b9d902af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/subdermal_implants.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+# Translators
+- type: entity
+  id: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  abstract: true
+  components:
+  - type: SubdermalImplant
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+    - SubdermalImplant
+    - HideContextMenu
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: GalacticCommonTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - GalacticCommon
+    toUnderstand:
+    - GalacticCommon
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: BubblishTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - Bubblish
+    toUnderstand:
+    - Bubblish
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: MofficTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - Nian
+    toUnderstand:
+    - Nian
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: RootSpeakTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+#    toSpeak:
+#    - RootSpeak  # Никто кроме дион не может шуршать ветками, когда их нет, даже с имплантом
+    toUnderstand:
+    - RootSpeak
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: NekomimeticTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - Nekomimetic
+    toUnderstand:
+    - Nekomimetic
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: DraconicTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - Draconic
+    toUnderstand:
+    - Draconic
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: CanilunztTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - Canilunzt
+    toUnderstand:
+    - Canilunzt
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: IPCTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - RobotTalk
+    toUnderstand:
+    - RobotTalk
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: BorgTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - BorgTalk
+    toUnderstand:
+    - BorgTalk
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+#   id: ArachnidTranslatorImplant
+#   name: translator implant
+#   description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+#   categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+#   components:
+#   - type: TranslatorImplant
+#     toSpeak:
+#     - Moffic
+#     toUnderstand:
+#     - Moffic
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: FireTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+#    toSpeak:
+#    - Fire # как с дионами
+    toUnderstand:
+    - Fire
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: SolCommonTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - SolCommon
+    toUnderstand:
+    - SolCommon
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: DraskTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - Drask
+    toUnderstand:
+    - Drask
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: UrsTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - Urs
+    toUnderstand:
+    - Urs
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: ArkaneTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - Arkane
+    toUnderstand:
+    - Arkane
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: ShadekinTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - Shadekin
+    toUnderstand:
+    - Shadekin
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: DwarfTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - Dwarf
+    toUnderstand:
+    - Dwarf
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: CintaTajTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - CintaTaj
+    toUnderstand:
+    - CintaTaj
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: SyndUniversalTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toUnderstand:
+    - RobotTalk
+    - Shadekin
+    - Arkane
+    - Urs
+    - Drask
+    - Fire
+    - Nian
+    - SikTaj
+    - Moffic
+    - RootSpeak
+    - SolCommon
+    - Canilunzt
+    - Draconic
+    - Bubblish
+    - Nekomimetic
+    - BorgTalk
+    - Dwarf
+    - CintaTaj
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: CodeSpeakTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - CodeSpeak
+    toUnderstand:
+    - CodeSpeak
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: SikTajTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - SikTaj
+    toUnderstand:
+    - SikTaj
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: NianTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - Nian
+    toUnderstand:
+    - Nian
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseTranslatorImplant
+  id: DevTranslatorImplant
+  name: translator implant
+  description: This implant grants language knowledge.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: TranslatorImplant
+    toSpeak:
+    - Dev
+    toUnderstand:
+    - Dev
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/weaponcase.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/weaponcase.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec3ea5ec75a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Misc/weaponcase.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+- type: entity
+  id: WeaponCaseNT
+  name: weapon case
+  description: Case with weapons.
+  parent: [ BaseStorageItem, BaseBagOpenClose ]
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/weaponcase.rsi
+    layers:
+    - state: closed
+    - state: open
+      map: ["openLayer"]
+  - type: Appearance
+  - type: Item
+    sprite: ADT/Objects/Storage/weaponcase.rsi
+    size: Huge
+  - type: Storage
+    grid:
+    - 0,0,8,3
+    maxItemSize: Huge
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Tools/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Tools/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Tools/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Pistols/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Pistols/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Pistols/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles.yml
index b4ef1344060..c91b8597337 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
   parent: BulletDisabler
   name: ion bolt
   description: No energy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: FlyBySound
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Doors/Airlock/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Doors/Airlock/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Doors/Airlock/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Machines/silicon_chargers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Machines/silicon_chargers.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..97f1e8700f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Machines/silicon_chargers.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+- type: entity
+  id: SiliconChargerIndustrial
+  parent: BaseMachinePowered
+  name: industrial charger
+  description: A heavy duty machine for inductively charging robotic beings. Gets extremely hot!
+  components:
+    - type: Sprite
+      sprite: ADT/Structures/Machines/borgcharger.rsi
+      noRot: true
+      layers:
+        - state: base
+        - state: closed
+          map: ["enum.StorageVisualLayers.Door"]
+        - state: borgcharger_closed_unlit
+          shader: unshaded
+          map: ["enum.SiliconChargerVisuals.Lights"]
+        - state: HV
+          map: ["HV"]
+        - state: MV
+          map: ["MV"]
+        - state: LV
+          map: ["LV"]
+    - type: EntityStorageVisuals
+      stateDoorOpen: open
+      stateDoorClosed: closed
+    - type: GenericVisualizer
+      visuals:
+        enum.PowerDeviceVisuals.VisualState:
+          enum.SiliconChargerVisuals.Lights:
+            Normal: { state: "borgcharger_closed_unlit" }
+            NormalOpen: { state: "borgcharger_open_unlit" }
+            Charging: { state: "borgcharger_active_unlit" }
+        enum.PowerDeviceVisuals.Powered:
+          enum.SiliconChargerVisuals.Lights:
+            True: { visible: true }
+            False: { visible: false }
+    - type: Icon
+      sprite: ADT/Structures/Machines/borgcharger.rsi
+      state: icon
+    - type: Physics
+      bodyType: Static
+    - type: Fixtures
+      fixtures:
+        fix1:
+          shape: !type:PhysShapeAabb
+            bounds: "-0.45,-0.5,0.45,0.5"
+          density: 190
+          mask:
+            - MachineMask
+          layer:
+            - MachineLayer
+    - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+      powerLoad: 500
+    - type: StaticPrice #было DynamicPrice
+      price: 600
+    - type: EntityStorage
+      maxItemSize: Tiny
+    - type: Appearance
+    - type: ContainerContainer
+      containers:
+        machine_board: !type:Container
+        machine_parts: !type:Container
+        entity_storage: !type:Container
+    - type: SiliconCharger
+      chargeMulti: 50
+      targetTemp: 390
+    - type: Construction
+      graph: Machine
+      node: machine
+      containers:
+      - machine_board
+      - machine_parts
+      - entity_storage
+    - type: Machine
+      board: IndustrialChargerCircuitboard
+    - type: Destructible
+      thresholds:
+      - trigger:
+          !type:DamageTrigger
+          damage: 350
+        behaviors:
+        - !type:EmptyAllContainersBehaviour
+        - !type:ChangeConstructionNodeBehavior
+          node: machineFrame
+        - !type:DoActsBehavior
+          acts: ["Destruction"]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/InventoryTemplates/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/InventoryTemplates/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/InventoryTemplates/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/InventoryTemplates/ipc_inventory_template.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/InventoryTemplates/ipc_inventory_template.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7172aabdcff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/InventoryTemplates/ipc_inventory_template.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: inventoryTemplate
+  id: ipc
+  slots:
+    - name: shoes
+      slotTexture: shoes
+      slotFlags: FEET
+      stripTime: 3
+      uiWindowPos: 1,0
+      strippingWindowPos: 1,2
+      displayName: Shoes
+    - name: jumpsuit
+      slotTexture: uniform
+      slotFlags: INNERCLOTHING
+      stripTime: 6
+      uiWindowPos: 1,1
+      strippingWindowPos: 1,1
+      displayName: Jumpsuit
+    - name: outerClothing
+      slotTexture: suit
+      slotFlags: OUTERCLOTHING
+      #slotGroup: SecondHotbar
+      stripTime: 6
+      uiWindowPos: 2,0
+      strippingWindowPos: 0,2
+      displayName: Suit
+      # Underwear
+    # - name: undershirt
+    #   slotTexture: undershirt
+    #   slotFlags: UNDERSHIRT
+    #   stripTime: 8
+    #   uiWindowPos: 4,1
+    #   strippingWindowPos: 3,1
+    #   displayName: Undershirt
+    # - name: underpants
+    #   slotTexture: underpants
+    #   slotFlags: UNDERPANTS
+    #   stripTime: 12
+    #   uiWindowPos: 4,0
+    #   strippingWindowPos: 3,2
+    #   displayName: Underpants
+    # - name: socks
+    #   slotTexture: socks
+    #   slotFlags: SOCKS
+    #   stripTime: 8
+    #   uiWindowPos: 4,2
+    #   strippingWindowPos: 3,3
+    #   displayName: Socks
+    - name: gloves
+      slotTexture: gloves
+      slotFlags: GLOVES
+      uiWindowPos: 2,1
+      strippingWindowPos: 2,1
+      displayName: Gloves
+    - name: neck
+      slotTexture: neck
+      slotFlags: NECK
+      uiWindowPos: 0,1
+      strippingWindowPos: 0,1
+      displayName: Neck
+    # - name: mask
+    #   slotTexture: mask
+    #   slotFlags: MASK
+    #   uiWindowPos: 1,1
+    #   strippingWindowPos: 1,1
+    #   displayName: Mask
+    #   offset: 0.5, 1.5
+    # - name: eyes
+    #   slotTexture: glasses
+    #   slotFlags: EYES
+    #   stripTime: 3
+    #   uiWindowPos: 0,0
+    #   strippingWindowPos: 0,0
+    #   displayName: Eyes
+    # - name: ears
+    #   slotTexture: ears
+    #   slotFlags: EARS
+    #   stripTime: 3
+    #   uiWindowPos: 2,0
+    #   strippingWindowPos: 2,0
+    #   displayName: Ears
+    - name: head
+      slotTexture: head
+      slotFlags: HEAD
+      uiWindowPos: 1,2
+      strippingWindowPos: 1,0
+      displayName: Head
+      offset: 0, 0
+    - name: pocket1
+      slotTexture: pocket
+      slotFlags: POCKET
+      slotGroup: MainHotbar
+      stripTime: 3
+      uiWindowPos: 0,3
+      strippingWindowPos: 0,3
+      dependsOn: jumpsuit
+      displayName: Pocket 1
+      stripHidden: true
+    - name: pocket2
+      slotTexture: pocket
+      slotFlags: POCKET
+      slotGroup: MainHotbar
+      stripTime: 3
+      uiWindowPos: 2,3
+      strippingWindowPos: 1,3
+      dependsOn: jumpsuit
+      displayName: Pocket 2
+      stripHidden: true
+    - name: suitstorage
+      slotTexture: suit_storage
+      slotFlags:   SUITSTORAGE
+      stripTime: 3
+      uiWindowPos: 2,0
+      strippingWindowPos: 2,4
+      dependsOn: outerClothing
+      displayName: Suit Storage
+      slotGroup: MainHotbar
+    - name: id
+      slotTexture: id
+      slotFlags: IDCARD
+      slotGroup: SecondHotbar
+      stripTime: 6
+      uiWindowPos: 2,1
+      strippingWindowPos: 2,3
+      dependsOn: jumpsuit
+      displayName: ID
+    - name: belt
+      slotTexture: belt
+      slotFlags: BELT
+      slotGroup: SecondHotbar
+      stripTime: 6
+      uiWindowPos: 3,1
+      strippingWindowPos: 1,4
+      displayName: Belt
+    - name: back
+      slotTexture: back
+      slotFlags: BACK
+      slotGroup: SecondHotbar
+      stripTime: 6
+      uiWindowPos: 3,0
+      strippingWindowPos: 0,4
+      displayName: Back
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Languages/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Languages/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Languages/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Languages/languages.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Languages/languages.yml
index 10dde690b5b..13a8b98c4b3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Languages/languages.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Languages/languages.yml
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
   id: GalacticCommon
   obfuscateSyllables: true
-  - Бла
-  - Бла
-  - Бла
+  - бла
+  - бла
+  - бла
   - динг-донг
   - динг
   - донг
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: Bubblish
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#61daff"
+  whisperColor: "#5f9db0"
   - блоб
   - плоп
@@ -49,6 +51,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: Moffic
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#b34444"
+  whisperColor: "#8a4343"
   - år
   - i
@@ -112,6 +116,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: RootSpeak
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#76ff61"
+  whisperColor: "#7fc474"
   - хс
   - зт
@@ -124,6 +130,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: CodeSpeak
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: Crimson
+  whisperColor: Crimson
   - Белый русский
   - Представитель станции
@@ -179,6 +187,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: Nekomimetic
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#ff78e8"
+  whisperColor: "#c280b7"
   - неко
   - нян
@@ -233,6 +243,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: Draconic
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#0ea600"
+  whisperColor: "#31702c"
   - za
   - az
@@ -323,6 +335,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: Canilunzt
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#ff9a3b"
+  whisperColor: "#cf8f53"
   - rur
   - ya
@@ -387,6 +401,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: SikTaj
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#ff683b"
+  whisperColor: "#cf7b61"
   - rae
   - ye
@@ -451,6 +467,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: Nian
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#ffdd61"
+  whisperColor: "#cfb96b"
   - жз
   - эзз
@@ -485,6 +503,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: Fire
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#ff6a00"
+  whisperColor: "#e0894a"
   - шш
   - вшш
@@ -501,6 +521,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: SolCommon
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#00fc65"
+  whisperColor: "#6db389"
   - тао
   - ши
@@ -562,6 +584,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: RobotTalk
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#5773ff"
+  whisperColor: "#7c8acc"
   - "0"
   - "1"
@@ -570,6 +594,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: BorgTalk
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#9faffc"
+  whisperColor: "#babfd6"
   - "0"
   - "1"
@@ -650,6 +676,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: Drask
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#0074c7"
+  whisperColor: "#538cb5"
   - овв
   - оумн
@@ -673,6 +701,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: Urs
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#b36b00"
+  whisperColor: "#99743d"
   - раа
   - ишш
@@ -702,6 +732,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: Arkane
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#e478ff"
+  whisperColor: "#c79fd1"
   - рииа
   - инн
@@ -721,10 +753,12 @@
   - риина
   - ин
-# Spoken by the Shadowkin race.
+# Spoken by the Shadekin race.
 - type: language
-  id: Shadowkin
+  id: Shadekin
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#c048f7"
+  whisperColor: "#a68bb3"
   - mia
   - ar
@@ -748,6 +782,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: Dwarf
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#f5e238"
+  whisperColor: "#d4cb79"
   - арр
   - рок
@@ -770,6 +806,8 @@
 - type: language
   id: CintaTaj
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: "#88d424"
+  whisperColor: "#91ba5b"
   - za
   - az
@@ -918,6 +956,7 @@
 - type: language
   id: Dev
   obfuscateSyllables: true
+  color: White
   - су
   - ка
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Loadouts/loadout_groups.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Loadouts/loadout_groups.yml
index e17e604bf6c..facd4eb165d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Loadouts/loadout_groups.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Loadouts/loadout_groups.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 - type: loadoutGroup
   id: MagistratJumpsuit
   name: loadout-group-lawyer-jumpsuit
+  minLimit: 1
   - MagistratJumpsuit
   - LawyerJumpsuit
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
 - type: loadoutGroup
   id: PathologJumpsuit
   name: loadout-group-patholog-jumpsuit
+  minLimit: 1
   - PathologJumpsuit
   - PathologJumpskirt
@@ -40,7 +42,7 @@
 - type: loadoutGroup
   id: PathologBackpack
   name: loadout-group-patholog-backpack
-  minLimit: 0
+  minLimit: 1
   - PathologBackpack
   - PathologSatchel
@@ -61,3 +63,34 @@
   - BlueShoes
   - MedicalWinterBoots
+- type: loadoutGroup
+  id: RoboticistJumpsuit
+  name: loadout-group-roboticist-jumpsuit
+  minLimit: 1
+  loadouts:
+  - ScientistJumpsuit
+  - ScientistJumpskirt
+  - RoboticistJumpsuit
+  - RoboticistJumpskirt
+- type: loadoutGroup
+  id: RoboticistOuterClothing
+  name: loadout-group-roboticist-outerclothing
+  minLimit: 0
+  loadouts:
+  - RegularLabCoat
+  - ScienceLabCoat
+  - ScienceWintercoat
+  - RoboticistWintercoat
+- type: loadoutGroup
+  id: RobohandsGloves
+  name: loadout-group-roboticist-gloves
+  minLimit: 0
+  loadouts:
+  - LatexGloves
+  - PurpleGloves
+  - RobohandsGloves
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Loadouts/role_loadouts.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Loadouts/role_loadouts.yml
index cd4402dbf11..dd613aacad5 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Loadouts/role_loadouts.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Loadouts/role_loadouts.yml
@@ -27,3 +27,20 @@
   - SurvivalMedical
   - Trinkets
   - GroupSpeciesBreathToolMedical
+- type: roleLoadout
+  id: JobADTRoboticist
+  groups:
+  - Inventory # Corvax-Loadouts
+  - GroupTankHarness
+  - ScientistHead
+  - ScientistNeck
+  - RoboticistJumpsuit
+  - ScientistBackpack
+  - RoboticistOuterClothing
+  - RobohandsGloves
+  - ScientistShoes
+  - Glasses
+  - Survival
+  - Trinkets
+  - GroupSpeciesBreathTool
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Body/Parts/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Body/Parts/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Body/Parts/fill.txt	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Body/Prototypes/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Body/Prototypes/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Body/Prototypes/fill.txt	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Damage/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Damage/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Damage/fill.txt	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/fill.txt	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Entities/Mobs/Player/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Entities/Mobs/Player/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Entities/Mobs/Player/fill.txt	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Entities/Mobs/Species/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Entities/Mobs/Species/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Entities/Mobs/Species/fill.txt	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Names/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Names/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Names/fill.txt	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Species/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Species/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Moth(Must resolved,then deleted)/Species/fill.txt	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Objectives/stealTargetGroups.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Objectives/stealTargetGroups.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8b6eebc4a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Objectives/stealTargetGroups.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# TODO: В будущем перенести закоменченные прототипы
+# - type: stealTargetGroup
+#   id: NesGravityGeneratorCore
+#   name: гравитационное ядро
+#   sprite:
+#     sprite: NES/GraviCore.rsi
+#     state: GraviCore
+# - type: stealTargetGroup
+#   id: MobileDefibrillator
+#   name: переносной дефибриллятор
+#   sprite:
+#     sprite: ADT/Objects/Specific/Medical/mobile_defib.rsi 
+#     state: icon
+- type: stealTargetGroup
+  id: ADTClothingMaskGasCE
+  name: CE's elite gas mask
+  sprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi
+    state: icon
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Objectives/thief.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Objectives/thief.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f10c53acb5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Objectives/thief.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+- type: entity
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  parent: BaseThiefStealObjective
+  id: ADTClothingMaskGasCEStealObjective
+  components:
+  - type: NotJobRequirement
+    job: StationEngineer
+  - type: StealCondition
+    stealGroup: ADTClothingMaskGasCE
+  - type: Objective
+    difficulty: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Polymorphs/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Polymorphs/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Polymorphs/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Polymorphs/polymorphs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Polymorphs/polymorphs.yml
index f781310f7b7..b3e39b97581 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Polymorphs/polymorphs.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Polymorphs/polymorphs.yml
@@ -7,4 +7,28 @@
     transferName: true
     transferDamage: true
     revertOnCrit: false
-    revertOnDeath: true
\ No newline at end of file
+    revertOnDeath: true
+- type: polymorph
+  id: ADTPMothroach
+  configuration:
+    entity: MobMothroach
+    forced: true
+    transferName: true
+    allowRepeatedMorphs: False
+    inventory: Drop
+    revertOnCrit: true
+    revertOnDeath: true
+    duration: 40
+- type: polymorph
+  id: ADTPMothroach2
+  configuration:
+    entity: MobMothroach
+    forced: true
+    transferName: true
+    allowRepeatedMorphs: False
+    inventory: Drop
+    revertOnCrit: true
+    revertOnDeath: true
+    duration: 120
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Reagents/biological.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Reagents/biological.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..486fe2bec57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Reagents/biological.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#NES кровь сумеречника
+- type: reagent
+  parent: Blood
+  id: ShadekinBlood
+  name: reagent-name-shadekin-blood
+  group: Biological
+  desc: reagent-desc-shadekin-blood
+  flavor: metallic
+  color: "#2e0f24"
+  recognizable: true
+  physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-ferrous
+  slippery: false
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Reagents/toxins.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Reagents/toxins.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5987950931c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Reagents/toxins.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+- type: reagent
+  id: LingToxin
+  name: reagent-name-toxin
+  group: Toxins
+  desc: reagent-desc-toxin
+  flavor: bitter
+  color: "#cf3600"
+  physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-opaque
+  plantMetabolism:
+  - !type:PlantAdjustToxins
+    amount: 10
+  - !type:PlantAdjustHealth
+    amount: -5
+  metabolisms:
+    Poison:
+      effects:
+      - !type:HealthChange
+        damage:
+          types:
+            Poison: 2
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..24c34e966ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: IndustrialChargerCircuitboard
+  result: IndustrialChargerCircuitboard
+  completetime: 2
+  materials:
+    Steel: 900
+    Plastic: 100
+    Gold: 100
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Recipes/Lathes/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Recipes/Lathes/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Recipes/Lathes/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Recipes/Lathes/translators.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Recipes/Lathes/translators.yml
index 233acfe64dd..37fe4604871 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Recipes/Lathes/translators.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Recipes/Lathes/translators.yml
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
     Gold: 50
 - type: latheRecipe
-  id: BasicGalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter
-  result: BasicGalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter
+  id: GalacticCommonTranslatorImplanter
+  result: GalacticCommonTranslatorImplanter
   completetime: 2
     Steel: 500
@@ -79,27 +79,16 @@
     Gold: 50
     Silver: 50
-- type: latheRecipe
-  id: XenoTranslator
-  result: XenoTranslator
-  completetime: 2
-  materials:
-    Steel: 200
-    Plastic: 50
-    Gold: 50
-    Plasma: 50
-    Silver: 50
-- type: latheRecipe
-  id: AdvancedGalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter
-  result: AdvancedGalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter
-  completetime: 2
-  materials:
-    Steel: 500
-    Glass: 500
-    Plastic: 100
-    Gold: 50
-    Silver: 50
+#- type: latheRecipe
+#  id: XenoTranslator
+#  result: XenoTranslator
+#  completetime: 2
+#  materials:
+#    Steel: 200
+#    Plastic: 50
+#    Gold: 50
+#    Plasma: 50
+#    Silver: 50
 - type: latheRecipe
   id: BubblishTranslatorImplanter
@@ -178,6 +167,39 @@
     Gold: 50
     Silver: 50
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: IPCTranslatorImplanter
+  result: IPCTranslatorImplanter
+  completetime: 2
+  materials:
+    Steel: 500
+    Glass: 500
+    Plastic: 100
+    Gold: 50
+    Silver: 50
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: BorgTranslatorImplanter
+  result: BorgTranslatorImplanter
+  completetime: 2
+  materials:
+    Steel: 500
+    Glass: 500
+    Plastic: 100
+    Gold: 50
+    Silver: 50
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: DwarfTranslatorImplanter
+  result: DwarfTranslatorImplanter
+  completetime: 2
+  materials:
+    Steel: 500
+    Glass: 500
+    Plastic: 100
+    Gold: 50
+    Silver: 50
 - type: latheRecipe
   id: AnimalTranslator
   result: AnimalTranslator
@@ -222,6 +244,17 @@
     Gold: 50
     Silver: 50
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: DraskTranslatorImplanter
+  result: DraskTranslatorImplanter
+  completetime: 2
+  materials:
+    Steel: 500
+    Glass: 500
+    Plastic: 100
+    Gold: 50
+    Silver: 50
 - type: latheRecipe
   id: DraskTranslator
   result: DraskTranslator
@@ -233,15 +266,24 @@
     Gold: 50
 - type: latheRecipe
-  id: DraskTranslatorImplanter
-  result: DraskTranslatorImplanter
+  id: DwarfTranslator
+  result: DwarfTranslator
   completetime: 2
     Steel: 500
-    Glass: 500
-    Plastic: 100
+    Glass: 100
+    Plastic: 50
+    Gold: 50
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: IPCTranslator
+  result: IPCTranslator
+  completetime: 2
+  materials:
+    Steel: 500
+    Glass: 100
+    Plastic: 50
     Gold: 50
-    Silver: 50
 - type: latheRecipe
   id: UrsTranslatorImplanter
@@ -266,8 +308,8 @@
     Silver: 50
 - type: latheRecipe
-  id: ShadowkinTranslatorImplanter
-  result: ShadowkinTranslatorImplanter
+  id: ShadekinTranslatorImplanter 
+  result: ShadekinTranslatorImplanter
   completetime: 2
     Steel: 500
@@ -287,15 +329,15 @@
     Gold: 50
     Silver: 50
-#- type: latheRecipe
-#  id: UrsTranslator
-#  result: UrsTranslator
-#  completetime: 2
-#  materials:
-#    Steel: 500
-#    Glass: 100
-#    Plastic: 50
-#    Gold: 50
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: UrsTranslator
+  result: UrsTranslator
+  completetime: 2
+  materials:
+    Steel: 500
+    Glass: 100
+    Plastic: 50
+    Gold: 50
 - type: latheRecipe
   id: ArkaneTranslator
@@ -308,8 +350,8 @@
     Gold: 50
 - type: latheRecipe
-  id: ShadowkinTranslator
-  result: ShadowkinTranslator
+  id: ShadekinTranslator
+  result: ShadekinTranslator
   completetime: 2
     Steel: 500
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Research/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Research/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Research/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Research/translators.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Research/translators.yml
index a687d06a53d..285b4aa134f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Research/translators.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Research/translators.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   id: BasicTranslation
   name: research-technology-basic-translation
-    sprite: _NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi
     state: icon
   discipline: CivilianServices
   tier: 2
@@ -15,31 +15,32 @@
   - DraconicTranslator
   - SolCommonTranslator
   - RootSpeakTranslator
-  - BasicGalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter
+  - GalacticCommonTranslatorImplanter
   - MofficTranslator
   - DraskTranslator
-#  - UrsTranslator # Закомменчено до раундстарт урсов
+  - UrsTranslator # Закомменчено до раундстарт урсов  # И никто не раскомментил, молодцы
   - ArkaneTranslator
-  - ShadowkinTranslator
+  - ShadekinTranslator
   - NianTranslator
   - FireTranslator
   - SikTajTranslator
   - CintaTajTranslator
+  - IPCTranslator
+  - DwarfTranslator
 # Frontier - languages mechanic
 - type: technology
   id: AdvancedTranslation
   name: research-technology-advanced-translation
-    sprite: _NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi
     state: icon
   discipline: CivilianServices
   tier: 3
   cost: 15000
-  - XenoTranslator
-  - AdvancedGalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter
+#  - XenoTranslator
+#  - AdvancedGalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter
   - BubblishTranslatorImplanter
   - NekomimeticTranslatorImplanter
   - DraconicTranslatorImplanter
@@ -53,7 +54,10 @@
   - NianTranslatorImplanter
   - FireTranslatorImplanter
   - DraskTranslatorImplanter
-#  - UrsTranslatorImplanter # Закомменчено до раундстарт урсов
+  - UrsTranslatorImplanter # Закомменчено до раундстарт урсов   # И никто не раскомментил, молодцы
   - ArkaneTranslatorImplanter
-  - ShadowkinTranslatorImplanter
+  - ShadekinTranslatorImplanter
   - CintaTajTranslatorImplanter
+  - IPCTranslatorImplanter
+  - BorgTranslatorImplanter
+  - DwarfTranslatorImplanter
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Roles/Jobs/Science/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Roles/Jobs/Science/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Roles/Jobs/Science/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Roles/Jobs/Science/roboticist.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Roles/Jobs/Science/roboticist.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..19d8211f573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Roles/Jobs/Science/roboticist.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+- type: job
+  id: ADTRoboticist
+  name: job-name-roboticist
+  description: job-description-roboticist
+  playTimeTracker: JobRoboticist
+  requirements:
+    - !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
+      department: Science
+      time: 25200 #7 hrs
+  startingGear: ADTRoboticistGear
+  icon: "JobIconRoboticist"
+  supervisors: job-supervisors-rd
+  access:
+  - Research
+  - Maintenance
+- type: startingGear
+  id: ADTRoboticistGear
+  equipment:
+    ears: ClothingHeadsetRobotics
+    id: ADTRoboticistPDA
+    pocket1: BorgTranslatorImplanter
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Roles/play_time_trackers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Roles/play_time_trackers.yml
index 4197c525e5c..dc77c0fb415 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Roles/play_time_trackers.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Roles/play_time_trackers.yml
@@ -3,3 +3,6 @@
 - type: playTimeTracker
   id: JobADTPathologist
+- type: playTimeTracker
+  id: JobRoboticist
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Shaders/shaders.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Shaders/shaders.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e46e3b949e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Shaders/shaders.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: shader
+  id: ColorTint
+  kind: source
+  path: "/Textures/ADT/Shaders/color_tint.swsl"
+- type: shader
+  id: SeeingStatic
+  kind: source
+  path: "/Textures/ADT/Shaders/seeing_static.swsl"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/SoundCollections/emotes.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/SoundCollections/emotes.yml
index a625ac21c8c..24ac3c2ebb6 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/SoundCollections/emotes.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/SoundCollections/emotes.yml
@@ -14,7 +14,52 @@
   id: DraskTalk
     - /Audio/ADT/Drask/drasktalk.ogg
+# IPC
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: SynthYes
+  files:
+    - /Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_yes.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: SynthNo
+  files:
+    - /Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_no.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: Ping
+  files:
+    - /Audio/ADT/IPC/ping.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: Buzz
+  files:
+    - /Audio/ADT/IPC/buzz-sigh.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: SighIPC
+  files:
+    - /Audio/ADT/IPC/buzz-two.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: ScreamIPC
+  files:
+    - /Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_scream.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: SighBuzz
+  files:
+    - /Audio/ADT/IPC/buzz-two.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: NovakidLaugh
+  files:
+    - /Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh01.ogg
+    - /Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh02.ogg
+    - /Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh03.ogg
+    - /Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh04.ogg
+    - /Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_laugh05.ogg
 - type: soundCollection
   id: TajaranHisses
@@ -42,4 +87,92 @@
 - type: soundCollection
   id: TajaranPurrs
-  - /Audio/ADT/Felinid/cat_purr1.ogg
\ No newline at end of file
+  - /Audio/ADT/Felinid/cat_purr1.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: MothBuzz
+  files:
+  - /Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_squeak.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: MothScream
+  files:
+  - /Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_screm.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: MothLaugh
+  files:
+  - /Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_laugh.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: MothChitter
+  files:
+  - /Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_chitter.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: MothSqueak
+  files:
+  - /Audio/ADT/Moth/moth_squeak.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: UrsusScreams
+  files:
+  - /Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream1.ogg
+  - /Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream2.ogg
+  - /Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream3.ogg
+  - /Audio/ADT/Ursus/scream4.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: UrsusCry
+  files:
+  - /Audio/ADT/Ursus/cry1.ogg
+  - /Audio/ADT/Ursus/cry2.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: UrsusLaugh
+  files:
+  - /Audio/ADT/Ursus/laugh1.ogg
+  - /Audio/ADT/Ursus/laugh2.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: NesMaleVulpaScreams
+  files:
+    - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/growl1.ogg
+    - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/growl2.ogg
+    - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/growl3.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: NesFemaleVulpaScreams
+  files:
+    - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/scream1.ogg
+    - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/scream2.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: VulpHowls
+  files:
+  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/howl.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: VulpBarks
+  files:
+  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/bark.ogg
+  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_bark1.ogg
+  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_bark2.ogg
+  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_bark3.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: VulpWhines
+  files:
+  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_whine.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: VulpGrowls
+  files:
+  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_growl1.ogg
+  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_growl2.ogg
+  - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Doge/dog_growl3.ogg
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: VulpHeckaetSound
+  files:
+    - /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin/vulpkanin_hekaet1.ogg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/SoundCollections/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/SoundCollections/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/SoundCollections/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/SoundCollections/screams.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/SoundCollections/screams.yml
index cbed0a2e8c2..9c8a2626346 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/SoundCollections/screams.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/SoundCollections/screams.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+- type: soundCollection
+  id: NovakidScreams
+  files:
+    - /Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream01.ogg
+    - /Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream02.ogg
+    - /Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream03.ogg
+    - /Audio/ADT/Novakid/novakid_scream04.ogg
 - type: soundCollection
   id: TajaranMaleScreams
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/Ursus.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/Ursus.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7524465f3e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/Ursus.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+- type: species
+  id: UrsusSpecies
+  name: species-name-Ursus
+  roundStart: true
+  prototype: MobUrsus
+  sprites: MobUrsusSprites
+  defaultSkinTone: "#964B00"
+  markingLimits: MobUrsusMarkingLimits
+  dollPrototype: MobUrsusDummy
+  skinColoration: Hues
+  maleFirstNames: firstMaleUrs
+  femaleFirstNames: firstFemaleUrs
+  maleLastNames: LastMaleUrs
+  femaleLastNames: LastFemaleUrs
+  naming: firstlast
+  #sponsorOnly: true
+- type: speciesBaseSprites
+  id: MobUrsusSprites
+  sprites:
+    Head: MobUrsusHead
+    Eyes: MobUrsusEyes
+    Hair: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    HeadTop: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    HeadSide: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    Snout: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    Chest: MobUrsusTorso
+    LArm: MobUrsusLArm
+    RArm: MobUrsusRArm
+    LHand: MobUrsusLHand
+    RHand: MobUrsusRHand
+    LLeg: MobUrsusLLeg
+    RLeg: MobUrsusRLeg
+    LFoot: MobUrsusLFoot
+    RFoot: MobUrsusRFoot
+- type: markingPoints
+  id: MobUrsusMarkingLimits
+  onlyWhitelisted: true
+  points:
+    Head:
+      points: 5
+      required: false
+    Hair:
+      points: 1
+      required: false
+    HeadTop:
+      points: 5
+      required: true
+    HeadSide:
+      points: 5
+      required: true
+    Chest:
+      points: 2
+      required: true
+    Tail:
+      points: 2
+      required: false
+    Snout:
+      points: 2
+      required: false
+    Legs:
+      points: 2
+      required: false
+    Arms:
+      points: 2
+      required: false
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusEyes
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Customization/eyes.rsi
+    state: eyes
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusHead
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: head_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusHeadMale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: head_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusHeadFemale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: head_f
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusTorso
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusTorsoMale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusTorsoFemale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_f
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusLLeg
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: l_leg
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusLArm
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: l_arm
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusLHand
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: l_hand
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusLFoot
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: l_foot
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusRLeg
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: r_leg
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusRArm
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: r_arm
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusRHand
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: r_hand
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobUrsusRFoot
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi
+    state: r_foot
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/demon.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/demon.yml
index 82bbe62c593..a5ff1c3d8f7 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/demon.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/demon.yml
@@ -69,89 +69,89 @@
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonHead
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: head_m
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonHeadMale
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: head_m
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonHeadFemale
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: head_f
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonTorso
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: torso_m
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonTorsoMale
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: torso_m
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonTorsoFemale
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: torso_f
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonLLeg
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: l_leg
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonLHand
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: l_hand
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonLArm
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: l_arm
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonLFoot
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: l_foot
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonRLeg
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: r_leg
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonRHand
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: r_hand
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonRArm
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: r_arm
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonRFoot
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: r_foot
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDemonTail
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Demon/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Demon/parts.rsi
     state: tail
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/drask.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/drask.yml
index 8c75d513aec..7436e823c58 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/drask.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/drask.yml
@@ -70,89 +70,89 @@
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskEyes
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: eyes
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskHead
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: head_m
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskHeadMale
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: head_m
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskHeadFemale
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: head_f
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskTorso
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: torso_m
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskTorsoMale
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: torso_m
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskTorsoFemale
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: torso_f
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskLLeg
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: l_leg
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskLHand
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: l_hand
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskLArm
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: l_arm
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskLFoot
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: l_foot
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskRLeg
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: r_leg
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskRHand
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: r_hand
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskRArm
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: r_arm
 - type: humanoidBaseSprite
   id: MobDraskRFoot
-    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Drask/parts.rsi
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Drask/parts.rsi
     state: r_foot
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/ipc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/ipc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a144d4cf946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/ipc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: species
+  id: IPC
+  name: species-name-ipc
+  roundStart: true # закомментировано для теста
+  prototype: MobIPC
+  sprites: MobIPCSprites
+  markingLimits: MobIPCMarkingLimits
+  dollPrototype: MobIPCDummy
+  skinColoration: Hues
+  sponsorOnly: false
+  minAge: 1
+  maxAge: 240
+  oldAge: 50
+  youngAge: 25
+  maleFirstNames: IpcFirst
+  femaleFirstNames: IpcFirst
+  maleLastNames: IpcLast # Corvax-LastnameGender
+  femaleLastNames: IpcLast # Corvax-LastnameGender
+  naming: FirstDashLast
+  sexes:
+  - Unsexed
+# The lack of a layer means that
+# this person cannot have round-start anything
+# applied to that layer. It has to instead
+# be defined as a 'custom base layer'
+# in either the mob's starting marking prototype,
+# or it has to be added in C#.
+- type: speciesBaseSprites
+  id: MobIPCSprites
+  sprites:
+    Head: MobIPCHead
+    Snout: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    HeadTop: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    HeadSide: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    Tail: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    Hair: MobHumanoidMarkingMatchSkin
+    FacialHair: MobIPCScreen
+    Chest: MobIPCTorso
+    LArm: MobIPCLArm
+    RArm: MobIPCRArm
+    LHand: MobIPCLHand
+    RHand: MobIPCRHand
+    LLeg: MobIPCLLeg
+    RLeg: MobIPCRLeg
+    LFoot: MobIPCLFoot
+    RFoot: MobIPCRFoot
+- type: markingPoints
+  id: MobIPCMarkingLimits
+  onlyWhitelisted: true
+  points:
+    Chest:
+      points: 0
+      required: false
+    Legs:
+      points: 0
+      required: false
+    Arms:
+      points: 0
+      required: false
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCScreen
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCHead
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: head_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCHeadMale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: head_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCHeadFemale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: head_f
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCTorso
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCTorsoMale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCTorsoFemale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_f
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCLLeg
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: l_leg
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCLArm
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: l_arm
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCLHand
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: l_hand
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCLFoot
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: l_foot
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCRLeg
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: r_leg
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCRArm
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: r_arm
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCRHand
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: r_hand
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobIPCRFoot
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/IPC/parts.rsi
+    state: r_foot
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/moth.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..889fc2b9b5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/moth.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+- type: species
+  id: Moth
+  name: species-name-moth
+  roundStart: true
+  prototype: MobMoth
+  sprites: MobMothSprites
+  defaultSkinTone: "#ffda93"
+  markingLimits: MobMothMarkingLimits
+  dollPrototype: MobMothDummy
+  skinColoration: Hues
+  maleFirstNames: first_male_moth # ADT-name-custom
+  femaleFirstNames: first_female_moth # ADT-name-custom
+  maleLastNames: last_moth # ADT-custom
+  femaleLastNames: last_moth # ADT-custom
+- type: speciesBaseSprites
+  id: MobMothSprites
+  sprites:
+    Head: MobMothHead
+    Snout: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    Chest: MobMothTorso
+    HeadTop: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    HeadSide: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    Tail: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    Eyes: MobMothEyes
+    LArm: MobMothLArm
+    RArm: MobMothRArm
+    LHand: MobMothLHand
+    RHand: MobMothRHand
+    LLeg: MobMothLLeg
+    RLeg: MobMothRLeg
+    LFoot: MobMothLFoot
+    RFoot: MobMothRFoot
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothEyes
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: eyes
+- type: markingPoints
+  id: MobMothMarkingLimits
+  onlyWhitelisted: true
+  points:
+    Hair:
+      points: 0
+      required: false
+    FacialHair:
+      points: 0
+      required: false
+    Tail:
+      points: 1
+      required: true
+      defaultMarkings: [ MothWingsDefault ]
+    Snout:
+      points: 1
+      required: false
+    HeadTop:
+      points: 1
+      required: true
+      defaultMarkings: [ MothAntennasDefault ]
+    HeadSide:
+      points: 1
+      required: false
+    Head:
+      points: 1
+      required: false
+    Chest:
+      points: 1
+      required: false
+    Legs:
+      points: 2
+      required: false
+    Arms:
+      points: 2
+      required: false
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothHead
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: head_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothHeadMale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: head_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothHeadFemale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: head_f
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothTorso
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothTorsoMale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothTorsoFemale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_f
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothLLeg
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: l_leg
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothLHand
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: l_hand
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothLArm
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: l_arm
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothLFoot
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: l_foot
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothRLeg
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: r_leg
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothRHand
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: r_hand
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothRArm
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: r_arm
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobMothRFoot
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+    state: r_foot
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/novakid.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/novakid.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c26ebdc730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/novakid.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+- type: species
+  id: NovakidSpecies
+  name: species-name-novakid
+  roundStart: true
+  prototype: MobNovakid
+  sprites: MobNovakidSprites
+  defaultSkinTone: "#34a223"
+  markingLimits: MobNovakidMarkingLimits
+  dollPrototype: MobNovakidDummy
+  skinColoration: Hues
+  maleFirstNames: firstNovakid
+  femaleFirstNames: firstNovakid
+  maleLastNames: NovakidLast
+  femaleLastNames: NovakidLast
+  naming: firstlast
+- type: speciesBaseSprites
+  id: MobNovakidSprites
+  sprites:
+    Head: MobNovakidHead
+    Hair: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    HeadTop: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    HeadSide: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    Snout: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+    Chest: MobNovakidTorso
+    LArm: MobNovakidLArm
+    RArm: MobNovakidRArm
+    LHand: MobNovakidLHand
+    RHand: MobNovakidRHand
+    LLeg: MobNovakidLLeg
+    RLeg: MobNovakidRLeg
+    LFoot: MobNovakidLFoot
+    RFoot: MobNovakidRFoot
+- type: markingPoints
+  id: MobNovakidMarkingLimits
+  onlyWhitelisted: true
+  points:
+    Head:
+      points: 1
+      required: false
+    Hair:
+      points: 1
+      required: false
+    HeadTop:
+      points: 1
+      required: true
+      defaultMarkings: [HeadNovakidDefolt]
+    HeadSide:
+      points: 1
+      required: true
+      defaultMarkings: [ NovakidFace1 ]
+    Chest:
+      points: 1
+      required: true
+      defaultMarkings: [ TorsoNovakidDefolt ]
+    Tail:
+      points: 1
+      required: false
+    Snout:
+      points: 1
+      required: false
+    Legs:
+      points: 2
+      required: false
+    Arms:
+      points: 2
+      required: false
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidHead
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: head_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidHeadMale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: head_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidHeadFemale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: head_f
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidTorso
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidTorsoMale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidTorsoFemale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_f
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidLLeg
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: l_leg
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidLHand
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: l_hand
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidLArm
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: l_arm
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidLFoot
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: l_foot
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidRLeg
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: r_leg
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidRHand
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: r_hand
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidRArm
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: r_arm
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobNovakidRFoot
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Novakid/parts.rsi
+    state: r_foot
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/shadekin.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/shadekin.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..541328e018a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Species/shadekin.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+- type: species
+  id: Shadekin
+  name: species-name-shadekin
+  roundStart: true
+  prototype: MobShadekin
+  sprites: MobShadekinSprites
+  defaultSkinTone: "#FFFFFF"
+  markingLimits: MobShadekinMarkingLimits
+  dollPrototype: MobShadekinDummy
+  skinColoration: Hues
+  maleFirstNames: names_shadekin
+  femaleFirstNames: names_shadekin
+  maleLastNames: names_arachnid_last # Corvax-LastnameGender
+  femaleLastNames: names_arachnid_last # Corvax-LastnameGender
+  minAge: 18
+  maxAge: 80
+  youngAge: 30
+  oldAge: 50
+  sexes:
+    - Male
+    - Female
+    - Unsexed
+- type: speciesBaseSprites
+  id: MobShadekinSprites
+  sprites:
+    Head: MobShadekinHead
+    Snout: MobShadekinAnyMarkingFollowSkin
+    HeadTop: MobShadekinAnyMarkingFollowSkin
+    HeadSide: MobShadekinAnyMarkingFollowSkin
+    Tail: MobShadekinAnyMarkingFollowSkin
+    Chest: MobShadekinTorso
+    Eyes: MobShadekinEyes
+    LArm: MobShadekinLArm
+    RArm: MobShadekinRArm
+    LHand: MobShadekinLHand
+    RHand: MobShadekinRHand
+    LLeg: MobShadekinLLeg
+    RLeg: MobShadekinRLeg
+    LFoot: MobShadekinLFoot
+    RFoot: MobShadekinRFoot
+- type: markingPoints
+  id: MobShadekinMarkingLimits
+  onlyWhitelisted: true
+  points:
+    Hair:
+      points: 0
+      required: false
+    FacialHair:
+      points: 0
+      required: false
+    Tail:
+      points: 1
+      required: true
+      defaultMarkings: [TailShadekin]
+    HeadTop:
+      points: 1
+      required: true
+      defaultMarkings: [EarsShadekin]
+    Chest:
+      points: 0
+      required: false
+    Legs:
+      points: 0
+      required: false
+    Arms:
+      points: 0
+      required: false
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinAnyMarking
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinAnyMarkingFollowSkin
+  markingsMatchSkin: true
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinHead
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: head_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinHeadMale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: head_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinHeadFemale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: head_f
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinTorso
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinTorsoMale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_m
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinTorsoFemale
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: torso_f
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinLLeg
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: l_leg
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinLHand
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: l_hand
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinEyes
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: eyes
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinLArm
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: l_arm
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinLFoot
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: l_foot
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinRLeg
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: r_leg
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinRHand
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: r_hand
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinRArm
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: r_arm
+- type: humanoidBaseSprite
+  id: MobShadekinRFoot
+  baseSprite:
+    sprite: ADT/Mobs/Species/Shadekin/parts.rsi
+    state: r_foot
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/StatusEffects/seeingstatic.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/StatusEffects/seeingstatic.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5fb3e737493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/StatusEffects/seeingstatic.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: statusEffect
+  id: SeeingStatic
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Traits/disabilities.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Traits/disabilities.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fc43fc11af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Traits/disabilities.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+- type: trait
+  id: ADTHemophilia
+  name: trait-hemophilia-name
+  description: trait-hemophilia-desc
+  category: Disabilities
+  components:
+    - type: Hemophilia
+      modifier: 0.01
+# Simple Station
+- type: trait
+  id: ColorBlindnessMonochrome
+  name: trait-monochromacy-name
+  description: trait-monochromacy-description
+  category: Disabilities
+  components:
+    - type: Monochromacy
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Traits/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Traits/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Traits/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Traits/speech.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Traits/speech.yml
index 28d63e224f3..ec03739e0d4 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Traits/speech.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Traits/speech.yml
@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@
   cost: 1
     - type: DeutschAccent
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/fill.txt b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/fill.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4954caf47d..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/fill.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Данный файл существует по причине того что Githab плохо дружит с пустыми папками, при работе с этой папкой этот файл можно спокойно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/speech_emote_sounds.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/speech_emote_sounds.yml
index c91dd6faf33..3b0bce180b4 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/speech_emote_sounds.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/speech_emote_sounds.yml
@@ -66,6 +66,78 @@
       collection: Whistles
+- type: emoteSounds
+  id: MaleMoth
+  params:
+    variation: 0.125
+  sounds:
+    Buzz:
+      collection: MothBuzz
+    Scream:
+      collection: MothScream
+    Laugh:
+      collection: MothLaugh
+    Chitter:
+      collection: MothChitter
+    Squeak:
+      collection: MothSqueak
+    Weh:
+      collection: Weh
+    Sneeze:
+      collection: MaleSneezes
+    Cough:
+      collection: MaleCoughs
+    MonkeyScreeches:
+      collection: MonkeyScreeches
+    Yawn:
+      collection: MaleYawn
+    Snore:
+      collection: Snores
+    Honk:
+      collection: BikeHorn
+    Sigh:
+      collection: MaleSigh
+    Crying:
+      collection: MaleCry
+    Whistle:
+      collection: Whistles
+- type: emoteSounds
+  id: FemaleMoth
+  params:
+    variation: 0.125
+  sounds:
+    Buzz:
+      collection: MothBuzz
+    Scream:
+      collection: MothScream
+    Laugh:
+      collection: MothLaugh
+    Chitter:
+      collection: MothChitter
+    Squeak:
+      collection: MothSqueak
+    Weh:
+      collection: Weh
+    Sneeze:
+      collection: MaleSneezes
+    Cough:
+      collection: MaleCoughs
+    MonkeyScreeches:
+      collection: MonkeyScreeches
+    Yawn:
+      collection: MaleYawn
+    Snore:
+      collection: Snores
+    Honk:
+      collection: BikeHorn
+    Sigh:
+      collection: MaleSigh
+    Crying:
+      collection: MaleCry
+    Whistle:
+      collection: Whistles
 - type: emoteSounds
   id: ADTMaleTajaran
@@ -105,11 +177,11 @@
       collection: MaleCry
       collection: Whistles
-    # ADT-Apathy Sounds. 
+    # ADT-Apathy Sounds.
       collection: TajaranMaleScreams
-      collection: MaleLaugh 
+      collection: MaleLaugh
       collection: MaleSigh
@@ -154,13 +226,311 @@
       collection: FemaleCry
       collection: Whistles
-    # ADT-Apathy Sounds. 
+    # ADT-Apathy Sounds.
       collection: TajaranFemaleScreams
-      collection: FemaleLaugh 
+      collection: FemaleLaugh
+    Sigh-apathy:
+      collection: FemaleSigh
+    Crying-apathy:
+      collection: FemaleCry
+- type: emoteSounds
+  id: UnisexNovakid
+  params:
+    variation: 0.125
+  sounds:
+    Scream:
+      collection: NovakidScreams
+    Laugh:
+      collection: NovakidLaugh
+    Sneeze:
+      collection: MaleSneezes
+    Cough:
+      collection: MaleCoughs
+    CatMeow:
+      collection: CatMeows
+    CatHisses:
+      collection: CatHisses
+    MonkeyScreeches:
+      collection: MonkeyScreeches
+    RobotBeep:
+      collection: RobotBeeps
+    Yawn:
+      collection: MaleYawn
+    Snore:
+      collection: Snores
+    Honk:
+      collection: BikeHorn
+    Sigh:
+      collection: MaleSigh
+    Crying:
+      collection: MaleCry
+    Whistle:
+      collection: Whistles
+- type: emoteSounds
+  id: MaleNovakid
+  params:
+    variation: 0.125
+  sounds:
+    Scream:
+      collection: NovakidScreams
+    Laugh:
+      collection: NovakidLaugh
+    Sneeze:
+      collection: MaleSneezes
+    Cough:
+      collection: MaleCoughs
+    CatMeow:
+      collection: CatMeows
+    CatHisses:
+      collection: CatHisses
+    MonkeyScreeches:
+      collection: MonkeyScreeches
+    RobotBeep:
+      collection: RobotBeeps
+    Yawn:
+      collection: MaleYawn
+    Snore:
+      collection: Snores
+    Honk:
+      collection: BikeHorn
+    Sigh:
+      collection: MaleSigh
+    Crying:
+      collection: MaleCry
+    Whistle:
+      collection: Whistles
+    # ADT-Apathy Sounds. 
+    Scream-apathy:
+      collection: NovakidScreams
+    Laugh-apathy:
+      collection: NovakidLaugh 
+    Sigh-apathy:
+      collection: MaleSigh
+    Crying-apathy:
+      collection: MaleCry
+- type: emoteSounds
+  id: FemaleNovakid
+  params:
+    variation: 0.125
+  sounds:
+    Scream:
+      collection: NovakidScreams
+    Laugh:
+      collection: NovakidLaugh
+    Sneeze:
+      collection: FemaleSneezes
+    Cough:
+      collection: FemaleCoughs
+    CatMeow:
+      collection: CatMeows
+    CatHisses:
+      collection: CatHisses
+    MonkeyScreeches:
+      collection: MonkeyScreeches
+    RobotBeep:
+      collection: RobotBeeps
+    Yawn:
+      collection: FemaleYawn
+    Snore:
+      collection: Snores
+    Honk:
+      collection: CluwneHorn
+    Sigh:
+      collection: FemaleSigh
+    Crying:
+      collection: FemaleCry
+    Whistle:
+      collection: Whistles
+    # ADT-Apathy Sounds. 
+    Scream-apathy:
+      collection: NovakidScreams
+    Laugh-apathy:
+      collection: NovakidLaugh 
       collection: FemaleSigh
       collection: FemaleCry
\ No newline at end of file
+- type: emoteSounds
+  id: UnisexIPC
+  sounds:
+    RobotBeep:
+      collection: RobotBeeps
+    SynthYes:
+      path: /Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_yes.ogg
+    SynthNo:
+      path: /Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_no.ogg
+    Ping:
+      path: /Audio/ADT/IPC/ping.ogg
+    Buzz:
+      path: /Audio/ADT/IPC/buzz-sigh.ogg
+    SighBuzz:
+      path: /Audio/ADT/IPC/buzz-two.ogg
+    Sigh:
+      path: /Audio/ADT/IPC/buzz-two.ogg
+    Scream:
+      path: /Audio/ADT/IPC/synth_scream.ogg
+  params:
+    variation: 0.125
+- type: emoteSounds
+  id: MaleUrsus
+  params:
+    variation: 0.125
+  sounds:
+    Scream:
+      collection: UrsusScreams
+    Laugh:
+      collection: UrsusLaugh
+    Sneeze:
+      collection: MaleSneezes
+    Cough:
+      collection: MaleCoughs
+    CatMeow:
+      collection: CatMeows
+    CatHisses:
+      collection: CatHisses
+    MonkeyScreeches:
+      collection: MonkeyScreeches
+    RobotBeep:
+      collection: RobotBeeps
+    Yawn:
+      collection: MaleYawn
+    Snore:
+      collection: Snores
+    Honk:
+      collection: BikeHorn
+    Sigh:
+      collection: MaleSigh
+    Crying:
+      collection: UrsusCry
+    Whistle:
+      collection: Whistles
+- type: emoteSounds
+  id: FemaleUrsus
+  params:
+    variation: 0.125
+  sounds:
+    Scream:
+      collection: UrsusScreams
+    Laugh:
+      collection: UrsusLaugh
+    Sneeze:
+      collection: FemaleSneezes
+    Cough:
+      collection: FemaleCoughs
+    CatMeow:
+      collection: CatMeows
+    CatHisses:
+      collection: CatHisses
+    MonkeyScreeches:
+      collection: MonkeyScreeches
+    RobotBeep:
+      collection: RobotBeeps
+    Yawn:
+      collection: FemaleYawn
+    Snore:
+      collection: Snores
+    Honk:
+      collection: CluwneHorn
+    Sigh:
+      collection: FemaleSigh
+    Crying:
+      collection: UrsusCry
+    Whistle:
+      collection: Whistles
+- type: emoteSounds
+  id: NesMaleVulpa
+  params:
+    variation: 0.125
+  sounds:
+    Scream:
+      collection: NesMaleVulpaScreams
+    Laugh:
+      collection: MaleLaugh
+    Sneeze:
+      collection: MaleSneezes
+    Cough:
+      collection: MaleCoughs
+    CatMeow:
+      collection: CatMeows
+    CatHisses:
+      collection: CatHisses
+    MonkeyScreeches:
+      collection: MonkeyScreeches
+    RobotBeep:
+      collection: RobotBeeps
+    Yawn:
+      collection: MaleYawn
+    Snore:
+      collection: Snores
+    Honk:
+      collection: BikeHorn
+    Sigh:
+      collection: MaleSigh
+    Crying:
+      collection: MaleCry
+    Howl:
+      collection: VulpHowls
+    Bark:
+      collection: VulpBarks
+    Growl:
+      collection: VulpGrowls
+    Whine:
+      collection: VulpWhines
+    Whistle:
+      collection: Whistles
+    Heckaet:
+      collection: VulpHeckaetSound
+- type: emoteSounds
+  id: NesFemaleVulpa
+  params:
+    variation: 0.125
+  sounds:
+    Scream:
+      collection: NesFemaleVulpaScreams
+    Laugh:
+      collection: FemaleLaugh
+    Sneeze:
+      collection: FemaleSneezes
+    Cough:
+      collection: FemaleCoughs
+    CatMeow:
+      collection: CatMeows
+    CatHisses:
+      collection: CatHisses
+    MonkeyScreeches:
+      collection: MonkeyScreeches
+    RobotBeep:
+      collection: RobotBeeps
+    Yawn:
+      collection: FemaleYawn
+    Snore:
+      collection: Snores
+    Honk:
+      collection: CluwneHorn
+    Sigh:
+      collection: FemaleSigh
+    Crying:
+      collection: FemaleCry
+    Howl:
+      collection: VulpHowls
+    Bark:
+      collection: VulpBarks
+    Growl:
+      collection: VulpGrowls
+    Whine:
+      collection: VulpWhines
+    Whistle:
+      collection: Whistles
+    Heckaet:
+      collection: VulpHeckaetSound
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/speech_emotes.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/speech_emotes.yml
index 6209c09453a..b75b97b3dca 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/speech_emotes.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/speech_emotes.yml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
   id: Laugh-apathy
   name: chat-emote-name-laugh-apathy
   category: Vocal
-  chatMessages: [выдавливает из себя смех] 
+  chatMessages: [выдавливает из себя смех]
     - выдавливает из себя смех
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
   id: Scream-apathy
   name: chat-emote-name-scream-apathy
   category: Vocal
-  chatMessages: [наигранно кричит!] 
+  chatMessages: [наигранно кричит!]
     - наигранно кричит!
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   id: Sigh-apathy
   name: chat-emote-name-sigh-apathy
   category: Vocal
-  chatMessages: [театрально вздыхает] 
+  chatMessages: [театрально вздыхает]
     - театрально вздыхает
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   id: Crying-apathy
   name: chat-emote-name-crying-apathy
   category: Vocal
-  chatMessages: [фальшиво плачет] 
+  chatMessages: [фальшиво плачет]
     - фальшиво плачет
@@ -166,4 +166,46 @@
     - гав!
     - рявкает
     - рявкает.
-    - рявкает!
\ No newline at end of file
+    - рявкает!
+# IPC
+- type: emote
+  id: SynthYes
+  name: chat-emote-name-synth-yes
+  category: Vocal
+  chatMessages: [утвердительно пищит]
+  chatTriggers:
+    - утвердительно пищит
+    - утвердительно пищит.
+    - соглашается
+    - соглашается.
+    - согласен
+    - согласен.
+    - подтверждает
+    - подтверждает.
+- type: emote
+  id: SynthNo
+  name: chat-emote-name-synth-no
+  category: Vocal
+  chatMessages: [отрицательно пищит]
+  chatTriggers:
+    - отрицательно пищит
+    - отрицательно пищит.
+    - отрицает
+    - отрицает.
+    - не соглашается
+    - не соглашается.
+    - не согласен
+    - не согласен.
+- type: emote
+  id: SighBuzz
+  name: chat-emote-name-sigh-buzz
+  category: Vocal
+  chatMessages: [раздражённо жужжит]
+  chatTriggers:
+    - раздражённо жужжит
+    - раздражённо жужжит.
+    - раздраженно жужжит
+    - раздраженно жужжит.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/speech_sounds.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/speech_sounds.yml
index 224f49ef3a3..bf5f7db178c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/speech_sounds.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Voice/speech_sounds.yml
@@ -6,3 +6,12 @@
     path: /Audio/ADT/Drask/drasktalk.ogg
     path: /Audio/ADT/Drask/drasktalk.ogg
+- type: speechSounds
+  id: Vulpa
+  saySound:
+    path: /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin_Talk/vulp.ogg
+  askSound:
+    path: /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin_Talk/vulp_ask.ogg
+  exclaimSound:
+    path: /Audio/ADT/Voice/Vulpkanin_Talk/vulp_exclaim.ogg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Wires/layouts.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Wires/layouts.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..02d3a19e6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Wires/layouts.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Simple Station
+- type: wireLayout
+  id: IPC
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/tags.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/tags.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c2f4fe3da9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/tags.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+- type: Tag
+  id: ADTMothFriendlyFood
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Accents/word_replacements.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Accents/word_replacements.yml
index b7543286f76..5f1128039c7 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Accents/word_replacements.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Accents/word_replacements.yml
@@ -553,6 +553,11 @@
 #    chatsan-word-47: chatsan-replacement-47
 #    chatsan-word-48: chatsan-replacement-48
 #    chatsan-word-49: chatsan-replacement-49
+#    chatsan-word-50: chatsan-replacement-50
+#    chatsan-word-51: chatsan-replacement-51
+#    chatsan-word-52: chatsan-replacement-52
+#    chatsan-word-53: chatsan-replacement-53
+#    chatsan-word-54: chatsan-replacement-54
     corvax-chatsan-word-1: corvax-chatsan-replacement-1
     corvax-chatsan-word-2: corvax-chatsan-replacement-2
     corvax-chatsan-word-3: corvax-chatsan-replacement-3
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Actions/types.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Actions/types.yml
index 07d1a622ada..af1333e14c5 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Actions/types.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Actions/types.yml
@@ -166,6 +166,8 @@
   name: Morph into Geras
   description:  Morphs you into a Geras - a miniature version of you which allows you to move fast, at the cost of your inventory.
+  - type: ConfirmableAction
+    popup: gera-transformation-popup
   - type: InstantAction
     itemIconStyle: BigAction
     useDelay: 10 # prevent spam
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Atmospherics/gases.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Atmospherics/gases.yml
index 4a72f655d83..5c54b5a0153 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Atmospherics/gases.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Atmospherics/gases.yml
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
   specificHeat: 40
   heatCapacityRatio: 1.3
   molarMass: 44
-  color: 2887E8
+  color: 8F00FF
   reagent: NitrousOxide
   pricePerMole: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/Animal/animal.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/Animal/animal.yml
index 2f50821df35..8384e006df7 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/Animal/animal.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/Animal/animal.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- type: entity
+- type: entity
   id: BaseAnimalOrganUnGibbable
   parent: BaseItem
   abstract: true
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
   id: OrganAnimalLungs
   parent: BaseAnimalOrgan
   name: lungs
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
   id: OrganAnimalStomach
   parent: BaseAnimalOrgan
   name: stomach
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: stomach
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
   id: OrganMouseStomach
   parent: OrganAnimalStomach
   name: stomach
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SolutionContainerManager
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
   id: OrganAnimalLiver
   parent: BaseAnimalOrgan
   name: liver
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: liver
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
   id: OrganAnimalHeart
   parent: BaseAnimalOrgan
   name: heart
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: heart-on
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
   id: OrganAnimalKidneys
   parent: BaseAnimalOrgan
   name: kidneys
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/Animal/bloodsucker.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/Animal/bloodsucker.yml
index 8a1afc37bb1..e360f362d82 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/Animal/bloodsucker.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/Animal/bloodsucker.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-- type: entity
+- type: entity
   id: OrganBloodsuckerStomach
   parent: OrganAnimalStomach
   name: stomach
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Metabolizer
     metabolizerTypes: [ Bloodsucker ]
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
   id: OrganBloodsuckerLiver
   parent: OrganAnimalLiver
   name: liver
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Metabolizer
     metabolizerTypes: [ Bloodsucker ]
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
   id: OrganBloodsuckerHeart
   parent: OrganAnimalHeart
   name: heart
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Metabolizer
     metabolizerTypes: [ Bloodsucker ]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/Animal/ruminant.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/Animal/ruminant.yml
index 3c3062ddec0..3b00e1a2237 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/Animal/ruminant.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/Animal/ruminant.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-- type: entity
+- type: entity
   id: OrganAnimalRuminantStomach
   parent: OrganAnimalStomach
   name: ruminant stomach
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SolutionContainerManager
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/arachnid.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/arachnid.yml
index c1e199e1121..29ca393d137 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/arachnid.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/arachnid.yml
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
   parent: BaseHumanOrgan
   name: liver
   description: "Pairing suggestion: chianti and fava beans."
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: liver
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
   parent: BaseHumanOrgan
   name: kidneys
   description: "Filters toxins from the bloodstream."
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/diona.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/diona.yml
index 69fc630b9e4..e248355df2c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/diona.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/diona.yml
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: OrganDionaBrainNymph
   parent: OrganDionaBrain
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: brain
   description: "The source of incredible, unending intelligence. Honk."
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: OrganDionaStomachNymph
   parent: OrganDionaStomach
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: stomach
   description: "Gross. This is hard to stomach."
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: OrganDionaLungsNymph
   parent: OrganDionaLungs
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: lungs
   description: "Filters oxygen from an atmosphere, which is then sent into the bloodstream to be used as an electron carrier."
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: OrganDionaNymphBrain
   parent: MobDionaNymph
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: diona nymph
   suffix: Brain
   description: Contains the brain of a formerly fully-formed Diona. Killing this would kill the Diona forever. You monster.
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: OrganDionaNymphStomach
   parent: MobDionaNymphAccent 
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: diona nymph
   suffix: Stomach
   description: Contains the stomach of a formerly fully-formed Diona. It doesn't taste any better for it. 
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: OrganDionaNymphLungs
   parent: MobDionaNymphAccent
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: diona nymph
   suffix: Lungs
   description: Contains the lungs of a formerly fully-formed Diona. Breathtaking. 
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/moth.yml
index aef5576048d..709317386fa 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/moth.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/moth.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-- type: entity
-  id: OrganMothStomach
-  parent: [OrganAnimalStomach, OrganHumanStomach]
-  noSpawn: true
-  components:
-  - type: Stomach
-    specialDigestible:
-      tags:
-      - ClothMade
-      - Paper
-  - type: SolutionContainerManager
-    solutions:
-      stomach:
-        maxVol: 50
-      food:
-        maxVol: 5
-        reagents:
-        - ReagentId: UncookedAnimalProteins
-          Quantity: 5
-  - type: Metabolizer
-    maxReagents: 3
-    metabolizerTypes: [ Moth ]
-    removeEmpty: true
-    groups:
-      - id: Food
-      - id: Drink
+# - type: entity
+#   id: OrganMothStomach
+#   parent: [OrganAnimalStomach, OrganHumanStomach]
+#   categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+#   components:
+#   - type: Stomach
+#     specialDigestible:
+#       tags:
+#       - ClothMade
+#       - Paper
+#   - type: SolutionContainerManager
+#     solutions:
+#       stomach:
+#         maxVol: 50
+#       food:
+#         maxVol: 5
+#         reagents:
+#         - ReagentId: UncookedAnimalProteins
+#           Quantity: 5
+#   - type: Metabolizer
+#     maxReagents: 3
+#     metabolizerTypes: [ Moth ]
+#     removeEmpty: true
+#     groups:
+#       - id: Food
+#       - id: Drink
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/reptilian.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/reptilian.yml
index f8423582cc2..34c736aec8b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/reptilian.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Organs/reptilian.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: OrganReptilianStomach
   parent: OrganAnimalStomach
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Stomach
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Parts/animal.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Parts/animal.yml
index 4db026b40fb..347b052c8bc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Parts/animal.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Parts/animal.yml
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   id: HandsAnimal
   name: animal hands
   parent: PartAnimal
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
   id: LegsAnimal
   name: animal legs
   parent: PartAnimal
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
   id: FeetAnimal
   name: animal feet
   parent: PartAnimal
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
   id: TorsoAnimal
   name: animal torso
   parent: PartAnimal
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Parts/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Parts/moth.yml
index bb96430383a..a7fb9d0f84f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Parts/moth.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Parts/moth.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-# TODO: Add descriptions (many)
-# TODO BODY: Part damage
-- type: entity
-  id: PartMoth
-  parent: [BaseItem, BasePart]
-  name: "moth body part"
-  abstract: true
-  components:
-  - type: Extractable
-    juiceSolution:
-      reagents:
-      - ReagentId: Fat
-        Quantity: 3
-      - ReagentId: Blood
-        Quantity: 10
+# # TODO: Add descriptions (many)
+# # TODO BODY: Part damage
+# - type: entity
+#   id: PartMoth
+#   parent: [BaseItem, BasePart]
+#   name: "moth body part"
+#   abstract: true
+#   components:
+#   - type: Extractable
+#     juiceSolution:
+#       reagents:
+#       - ReagentId: Fat
+#         Quantity: 3
+#       - ReagentId: Blood
+#         Quantity: 10
-- type: entity
-  id: TorsoMoth
-  name: "moth torso"
-  parent: [PartMoth, BaseTorso]
-  components:
-  - type: Sprite
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: "torso_m"
-  - type: Extractable
-    juiceSolution:
-      reagents:
-      - ReagentId: Fat
-        Quantity: 10
-      - ReagentId: Blood
-        Quantity: 20
+# - type: entity
+#   id: TorsoMoth
+#   name: "moth torso"
+#   parent: [PartMoth, BaseTorso]
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: "torso_m"
+#   - type: Extractable
+#     juiceSolution:
+#       reagents:
+#       - ReagentId: Fat
+#         Quantity: 10
+#       - ReagentId: Blood
+#         Quantity: 20
-- type: entity
-  id: HeadMoth
-  name: "moth head"
-  parent: [PartMoth, BaseHead]
-  components:
-  - type: Sprite
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: "head_m"
-  - type: Extractable
-    juiceSolution:
-      reagents:
-      - ReagentId: Fat
-        Quantity: 5
-      - ReagentId: Blood
-        Quantity: 10
+# - type: entity
+#   id: HeadMoth
+#   name: "moth head"
+#   parent: [PartMoth, BaseHead]
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: "head_m"
+#   - type: Extractable
+#     juiceSolution:
+#       reagents:
+#       - ReagentId: Fat
+#         Quantity: 5
+#       - ReagentId: Blood
+#         Quantity: 10
-- type: entity
-  id: LeftArmMoth
-  name: "left moth arm"
-  parent: [PartMoth, BaseLeftArm]
-  components:
-  - type: Sprite
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: "l_arm"
+# - type: entity
+#   id: LeftArmMoth
+#   name: "left moth arm"
+#   parent: [PartMoth, BaseLeftArm]
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: "l_arm"
-- type: entity
-  id: RightArmMoth
-  name: "right moth arm"
-  parent: [PartMoth, BaseRightArm]
-  components:
-  - type: Sprite
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: "r_arm"
+# - type: entity
+#   id: RightArmMoth
+#   name: "right moth arm"
+#   parent: [PartMoth, BaseRightArm]
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: "r_arm"
-- type: entity
-  id: LeftHandMoth
-  name: "left moth hand"
-  parent: [PartMoth, BaseLeftHand]
-  components:
-  - type: Sprite
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: "l_hand"
+# - type: entity
+#   id: LeftHandMoth
+#   name: "left moth hand"
+#   parent: [PartMoth, BaseLeftHand]
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: "l_hand"
-- type: entity
-  id: RightHandMoth
-  name: "right moth hand"
-  parent: [PartMoth, BaseRightHand]
-  components:
-  - type: Sprite
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: "r_hand"
+# - type: entity
+#   id: RightHandMoth
+#   name: "right moth hand"
+#   parent: [PartMoth, BaseRightHand]
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: "r_hand"
-- type: entity
-  id: LeftLegMoth
-  name: "left moth leg"
-  parent: [PartMoth, BaseLeftLeg]
-  components:
-  - type: Sprite
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: "l_leg"
+# - type: entity
+#   id: LeftLegMoth
+#   name: "left moth leg"
+#   parent: [PartMoth, BaseLeftLeg]
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: "l_leg"
-- type: entity
-  id: RightLegMoth
-  name: "right moth leg"
-  parent: [PartMoth, BaseRightLeg]
-  components:
-  - type: Sprite
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: "r_leg"
+# - type: entity
+#   id: RightLegMoth
+#   name: "right moth leg"
+#   parent: [PartMoth, BaseRightLeg]
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: "r_leg"
-- type: entity
-  id: LeftFootMoth
-  name: "left moth foot"
-  parent: [PartMoth, BaseLeftFoot]
-  components:
-  - type: Sprite
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: "l_foot"
+# - type: entity
+#   id: LeftFootMoth
+#   name: "left moth foot"
+#   parent: [PartMoth, BaseLeftFoot]
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: "l_foot"
-- type: entity
-  id: RightFootMoth
-  name: "right moth foot"
-  parent: [PartMoth, BaseRightFoot]
-  components:
-  - type: Sprite
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: "r_foot"
+# - type: entity
+#   id: RightFootMoth
+#   name: "right moth foot"
+#   parent: [PartMoth, BaseRightFoot]
+#   components:
+#   - type: Sprite
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: "r_foot"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Parts/rat.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Parts/rat.yml
index 6a66eecc489..bd51e006f70 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Parts/rat.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Parts/rat.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
   id: TorsoRat
   name: "animal torso"
   parent: PartAnimal
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: BodyPart
     partType: Torso
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Prototypes/a_ghost.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Prototypes/a_ghost.yml
index 09784c3ef53..7d358a57622 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Prototypes/a_ghost.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Prototypes/a_ghost.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: body
   id: Aghost
-  name: "aGhost"
+  name: "aghost"
   root: torso
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Prototypes/arachnid.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Prototypes/arachnid.yml
index 97af67933cb..a3caa42a6eb 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Prototypes/arachnid.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Prototypes/arachnid.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: body
   id: Arachnid
-  name: "Arachnid"
+  name: "arachnid"
   root: torso
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Prototypes/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Prototypes/moth.yml
index 7ebeda7fefa..f231e5adbd1 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Prototypes/moth.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Body/Prototypes/moth.yml
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
-- type: body
-  id: Moth
-  name: "Moth"
-  root: torso
-  slots:
-    head:
-      part: HeadMoth
-      connections:
-      - torso
-      organs:
-        brain: OrganHumanBrain
-        eyes: OrganHumanEyes
-    torso:
-      part: TorsoMoth
-      organs:
-        heart: OrganAnimalHeart
-        lungs: OrganHumanLungs
-        stomach: OrganMothStomach
-        liver: OrganAnimalLiver
-        kidneys: OrganHumanKidneys
-      connections:
-      - right arm
-      - left arm
-      - right leg
-      - left leg
-    right arm:
-      part: RightArmMoth
-      connections:
-      - right hand
-    left arm:
-      part: LeftArmMoth
-      connections:
-      - left hand
-    right hand:
-      part: RightHandMoth
-    left hand:
-      part: LeftHandMoth
-    right leg:
-      part: RightLegMoth
-      connections:
-      - right foot
-    left leg:
-      part: LeftLegMoth
-      connections:
-      - left foot
-    right foot:
-      part: RightFootMoth
-    left foot:
-      part: LeftFootMoth
+# - type: body
+#   id: Moth
+#   name: "moth"
+#   root: torso
+#   slots:
+#     head:
+#       part: HeadMoth
+#       connections:
+#       - torso
+#       organs:
+#         brain: OrganHumanBrain
+#         eyes: OrganHumanEyes
+#     torso:
+#       part: TorsoMoth
+#       organs:
+#         heart: OrganAnimalHeart
+#         lungs: OrganHumanLungs
+#         stomach: OrganMothStomach
+#         liver: OrganAnimalLiver
+#         kidneys: OrganHumanKidneys
+#       connections:
+#       - right arm
+#       - left arm
+#       - right leg
+#       - left leg
+#     right arm:
+#       part: RightArmMoth
+#       connections:
+#       - right hand
+#     left arm:
+#       part: LeftArmMoth
+#       connections:
+#       - left hand
+#     right hand:
+#       part: RightHandMoth
+#     left hand:
+#       part: LeftHandMoth
+#     right leg:
+#       part: RightLegMoth
+#       connections:
+#       - right foot
+#     left leg:
+#       part: LeftLegMoth
+#       connections:
+#       - left foot
+#     right foot:
+#       part: RightFootMoth
+#     left foot:
+#       part: LeftFootMoth
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Bounties/bounties.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Bounties/bounties.yml
index f656eb1962f..b4847731df8 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Bounties/bounties.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Bounties/bounties.yml
@@ -502,6 +502,9 @@
       - TemperatureProtection
       - Scarf
+    blacklist:
+      components:
+      - ToggleableClothing
 - type: cargoBounty
   id: BountyBattery
@@ -730,3 +733,13 @@
       - MicrowaveMachineBoard
+- type: cargoBounty
+  id: BountyFlashes
+  reward: 5500
+  description: bounty-description-flashes
+  entries:
+  - name: bounty-item-flash
+    amount: 6
+    whitelist:
+      components:
+      - Flash
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_service.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_service.yml
index 0f930ddfd6a..4701d50c013 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_service.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_service.yml
@@ -198,3 +198,12 @@
   category: cargoproduct-category-name-service
   group: market
+- type: cargoProduct
+  id: ServiceCandles
+  icon:
+    sprite: Objects/Misc/candles.rsi
+    state: candle-big
+  product: CrateCandles
+  cost: 500
+  category: cargoproduct-category-name-service
+  group: market
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Boxes/general.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Boxes/general.yml
index 1c521269b99..05107292ae1 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Boxes/general.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Boxes/general.yml
@@ -432,3 +432,17 @@
       - id: DartYellow
         amount: 2
+- type: entity
+  name: envelope box
+  parent: BoxCardboard
+  id: BoxEnvelope
+  description: A box filled with envelopes.
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    layers:
+      - state: box
+      - state: envelope
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+      - id: Envelope
+        amount: 9
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/permaescape.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/permaescape.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4505a8cc7bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/permaescape.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+- type: entity
+  name: Perma Escape Crate Spawner
+  id: CratePermaEscapeSpawner
+  parent: CrateEmptySpawner
+  components:
+  - type: RandomSpawner
+    prototypes:
+    # Please note any duplicates & alphabetize <3
+      - CrateEngineeringMiniJetpack
+      - CratePermaEscapeBureaucracy
+      - CratePermaEscapeEVA
+      - CratePermaEscapeGiftsFromSyndicate
+      - CratePermaEscapeGun
+      - CratePermaEscapeLights
+      - CratePermaEscapeMerc
+      - CrateServiceCustomSmokable
+      - CrateTrashCartFilled
+      - CratePermaEscapeComs # x2
+      - CratePermaEscapeComs
+      - CratePermaEscapeDigging # x2
+      - CratePermaEscapeDigging
+      - CratePermaEscapeMats #x2
+      - CratePermaEscapeMats
+      - CratePermaEscapeTowercap # x2
+      - CratePermaEscapeTowercap
+      - ClosetMaintenanceFilledRandom # x3
+      - ClosetMaintenanceFilledRandom
+      - ClosetMaintenanceFilledRandom
+    rarePrototypes:
+      - MobTick # These need to be killable by one dude with a shovel.
+    rareChance: .30
+    chance: 1
+    offset: 0.0
+- type: entity
+  id: CratePermaEscapeDigging
+  parent: CrateGenericSteel
+  suffix: Digging
+  components:
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+      - id: Shovel
+      - id: Pickaxe
+        prob: 0.90
+      - id: Pickaxe
+        prob: 0.40
+      - id: Pickaxe
+        prob: 0.10
+      - id: Shovel
+        prob: 0.50
+      - id: Shovel
+        prob: 0.20
+      - id: HydroponicsToolSpade
+        prob: 0.10
+      - id: HydroponicsToolHatchet
+        prob: 0.05
+- type: entity
+  id: CratePermaEscapeEVA
+  parent: CrateGenericSteel
+  suffix: EVAs
+  components:
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+      - id: ClothingHeadHelmetEVALarge
+      - id: ClothingOuterHardsuitEVAPrisoner
+      - id: ClothingHeadHelmetEVALarge
+        prob: 0.80
+      - id: ClothingOuterHardsuitEVAPrisoner
+        prob: 0.80
+      - id: ClothingOuterHardsuitVoidParamed
+        prob: 0.10
+      - id: ClothingOuterRedRacoon
+        prob: 0.10
+      - id: ClothingOuterSanta
+        prob: 0.10
+      - id: ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndicate
+        prob: 0.20
+      - id: EmergencyOxygenTankFilled
+        prob: 0.25
+      - id: EmergencyOxygenTank
+        prob: 0.25
+      - id: OxygenTankFilled
+        prob: 0.05
+- type: entity
+  id: CratePermaEscapeGun
+  parent: CrateGenericSteel
+  suffix: Gun
+  components:
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+    - id: WeaponPistolMk58
+      prob: 0.15
+      orGroup: gun
+    - id: FoamCrossbow
+      prob: 0.10
+      orGroup: gun
+    - id: WeaponRifleFoam
+      prob: 0.05
+      orGroup: gun
+    - id: WeaponPistolFlintlock
+      prob: 0.20
+      orGroup: gun
+    - id: WeaponShotgunBlunderbuss
+      prob: 0.10
+      orGroup: gun
+    - id: WeaponShotgunBlunderbuss
+      prob: 0.15
+      orGroup: gun
+    - id: WeaponRevolverPirate
+      prob: 0.15
+      orGroup: gun
+    - id: WeaponProtoKineticAccelerator
+      prob: 0.20
+      orGroup: gun
+- type: entity
+  id: CratePermaEscapeBureaucracy
+  parent: CrateGenericSteel
+  suffix: Writing
+  components:
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+      - id: RubberStampApproved
+      - id: RubberStampDenied
+      - id: Pen
+      - id: Pen
+      - id: Pen
+      - id: BoxFolderBase
+        orGroup: folderA
+      - id: BoxFolderBlack
+        orGroup: folderA
+      - id: BoxFolderBlue
+        orGroup: folderA
+      - id: BoxFolderGreen
+        orGroup: folderA
+      - id: BoxFolderGrey
+        orGroup: folderA
+      - id: BoxFolderRed
+        orGroup: folderA
+      - id: BoxFolderWhite
+        orGroup: folderA
+      - id: BoxFolderYellow
+        orGroup: folderA
+      - id: BoxFolderBase
+        orGroup: folderB
+      - id: BoxFolderBlack
+        orGroup: folderB
+      - id: BoxFolderBlue
+        orGroup: folderB
+      - id: BoxFolderGreen
+        orGroup: folderB
+      - id: BoxFolderGrey
+        orGroup: folderB
+      - id: BoxFolderRed
+        orGroup: folderB
+      - id: BoxFolderWhite
+        orGroup: folderB
+      - id: BoxFolderYellow
+        orGroup: folderB
+      - id: CrayonBox
+        prob: 0.50
+      - id: CrayonBox
+        prob: 0.10
+      - id: ClearPDA # change to visitor one day.
+        prob: 0.10
+      - id: PersonalAI
+- type: entity
+  id: CratePermaEscapeLights
+  parent: CrateGenericSteel
+  suffix: Glowsticks
+  components:
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+      - id: GlowstickBlue
+        prob: 0.50
+      - id: GlowstickBlue
+        prob: 0.20
+      - id: GlowstickBlue
+        prob: 0.05
+      - id: GlowstickBase
+        prob: 0.50
+      - id: GlowstickBase
+        prob: 0.20
+      - id: GlowstickBase
+        prob: 0.05
+      - id: GlowstickPurple
+        prob: 0.50
+      - id: GlowstickPurple
+        prob: 0.20
+      - id: GlowstickPurple
+        prob: 0.05
+      - id: GlowstickRed
+        prob: 0.50
+      - id: GlowstickRed
+        prob: 0.20
+      - id: GlowstickRed
+        prob: 0.05
+      - id: GlowstickYellow
+        prob: 0.50
+      - id: GlowstickYellow
+        prob: 0.20
+      - id: GlowstickYellow
+        prob: 0.05
+- type: entity
+  id: CratePermaEscapeMats
+  parent: CrateGenericSteel
+  suffix: Mats
+  components:
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+      - id: SheetSteel
+        orGroup: matA
+      - id: PartRodMetal
+        orGroup: matA
+      - id: SheetSteel
+        orGroup: matB
+      - id: PartRodMetal
+        orGroup: matB
+- type: entity
+  id: CratePermaEscapeGiftsFromSyndicate
+  parent: CrateGenericSteel
+  suffix: Syndi Gifts
+  components:
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+      - id: ClothingEyesGlassesOutlawGlasses
+      - id: ClothingHeadHatOutlawHat
+      - id: HappyHonkNukieSnacks
+      # - id: BaseUplinkRadio # too spicy I think.
+        # prob: 0.50
+      # - id: Telecrystal
+        # prob: 0.80
+      # - id: Telecrystal
+        # prob: 0.80
+      # - id: Telecrystal
+        # prob: 0.70
+      # - id: Telecrystal
+        # prob: 0.50
+      # - id: Telecrystal
+        # prob: 0.20
+      # - id: Telecrystal
+        # prob: 0.10
+      # - id: Telecrystal
+        # prob: 0.05
+      # - id: Telecrystal
+        # prob: 0.01
+      # - id: Telecrystal5
+        # prob: 0.01
+      - id: CyberPen
+        prob: 0.10
+      - id: CockroachCube
+        orGroup: cube
+      - id: AbominationCube
+        prob: 0.20
+        orGroup: cube
+      - id: SpaceCarpCube
+        prob: 0.20
+        orGroup: cube
+      - id: SyndicateSponge
+        prob: 0.20
+        orGroup: cube
+      - id: MindShieldImplanter
+        prob: 0.20
+      - id: ClothingHandsGlovesConducting # funny
+        prob: 0.30
+      - id: CigPackSyndicate
+        prob: 0.80
+      - id: StimpackMini
+        prob: 0.20
+      - id: StimpackMini
+        prob: 0.10
+      - id: CombatMedipen
+        prob: 0.05
+      - id: MedkitCombatFilled
+        prob: 0.01
+      - id: SoapSyndie
+        prob: 0.15
+      - id: DnaScramblerImplanter
+        prob: 0.005
+- type: entity
+  id: CratePermaEscapeMerc
+  parent: CrateGenericSteel
+  suffix: Merc
+  components:
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+      - id: ClothingUniformJumpsuitMercenary
+      - id: ClothingHeadBandMerc
+        prob: 0.50
+      - id: ClothingHeadHatBeretMerc
+        prob: 0.20
+      - id: ClothingHeadHelmetMerc
+        prob: 0.05
+      - id: ClothingEyesGlassesMercenary
+        prob: 0.20
+      - id: ClothingMaskGasMerc
+        prob: 0.10
+      - id: ClothingHandsGlovesMercFingerless
+        prob: 0.20
+      - id: ClothingHandsMercGlovesCombat
+        prob: 0.05
+      - id: ClothingBackpackMerc
+        prob: 0.50
+      - id: ClothingShoesBootsMerc
+        prob: 0.50
+      - id: ClothingOuterVestWebMerc
+        prob: 0.25
+      - id: ClothingBeltMercWebbing
+        prob: 0.05
+- type: entity
+  id: CratePermaEscapeComs
+  parent: CrateGenericSteel
+  suffix: Coms
+  components:
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+      - id: ClothingHeadsetMining
+        orGroup: coms
+      - id: ClothingHeadsetMining
+        orGroup: coms
+      - id: ClothingHeadsetMining
+        orGroup: coms
+      - id: ClothingHeadsetGrey
+        orGroup: coms
+      - id: ClothingHeadsetScience
+        orGroup: coms
+      - id: ClothingHeadsetService
+        orGroup: coms
+      - id: ClothingHeadsetEngineering
+        orGroup: coms
+      - id: ClothingHeadsetMedical
+        orGroup: coms
+      - id: EncryptionKeyCargo
+        prob: 0.05
+      - id: EncryptionKeyScience
+        prob: 0.05
+      - id: EncryptionKeyService
+        prob: 0.05
+      - id: EncryptionKeyMedical
+        prob: 0.05
+      - id: EncryptionKeyEngineering
+        prob: 0.05
+      - id: EncryptionKeySecurity
+        prob: 0.01
+- type: entity
+  id: CratePermaEscapeTowercap
+  parent: CrateGenericSteel
+  suffix: Towercap
+  components:
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+      - id: TowercapSeeds
+      - id: TowercapSeeds
+        prob: 0.80
+      - id: TowercapSeeds
+        prob: 0.50
+      - id: TowercapSeeds
+        prob: 0.20
+      - id: SteelcapSeeds
+        prob: 0.10
+      - id: SteelLog
+      - id: HydroponicsToolHatchet
+        prob: 0.75
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/salvage.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/salvage.yml
index 84526d46d14..7bae4ecd77d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/salvage.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/salvage.yml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: CrateSalvageAssortedGoodies
   suffix: Filled, Salvage Random
-  noSpawn: true # You should use SalvageMaterialCrateSpawner instead
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ] # You should use SalvageMaterialCrateSpawner instead
   parent: CrateGenericSteel
   - type: StorageFill
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/service.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/service.yml
index 3950c4f8fdd..d922056a8bf 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/service.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/service.yml
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
     - id: BoxFolderRed
     - id: BoxFolderYellow
     - id: NewtonCradle
+    - id: BoxEnvelope
 - type: entity
   id: CrateServiceFaxMachine
@@ -333,3 +334,16 @@
           prob: 0.1
         - id: ShardGlassPlasma
           prob: 0.1
+- type: entity
+  id: CrateCandles
+  parent: CrateGenericSteel
+  name: candles crate
+  description: Contains 4 boxes of candles, 2 large and 2 small. For atmosphere or something.
+  components:
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+      - id: BoxCandle
+        amount: 2
+      - id: BoxCandleSmall
+        amount: 2
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Items/misc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Items/misc.yml
index 816f3ba8d49..4ec546caef3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Items/misc.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Items/misc.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: ClothingShoesBootsCombatFilled
+  suffix: Filled, Combat Knife
   - ClothingShoesBootsCombat
   - ClothingShoesBootsSecFilled
@@ -38,3 +39,12 @@
       - KukriKnife
+- type: entity
+  id: ClothingShoesBootsSyndieFilled
+  parent: ClothingShoesBootsCombat
+  suffix: Filled, Throwing Knife
+  components:
+  - type: ContainerFill
+    containers:
+      item:
+      - ThrowingKnife
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/heads.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/heads.yml
index 062cb4942d5..b6c95f98666 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/heads.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/heads.yml
@@ -144,7 +144,6 @@
   - type: StorageFill
       - id: ClothingOuterHardsuitEngineeringWhite
-      - id: ClothingMaskBreath
       - id: ClothingEyesGlassesMeson
       - id: ClothingBeltChiefEngineerFilled
       - id: ClothingShoesBootsMagAdv
@@ -159,6 +158,12 @@
       - id: AccessConfigurator
       - id: RCD
       - id: RCDAmmo
+      # Start-ADT Tweak
+      - id: OxygenTankFilled
+      - id: NitrogenTankFilled
+      - id: ClothingNeckCloakCe
+      - id: ADTClothingMaskGasCE
+      # End-ADT Tweak
 - type: entity
   id: LockerChiefEngineerFilled
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/misc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/misc.yml
index b49fa383bce..a5b06fca03c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/misc.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/misc.yml
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@
   - type: StorageFill
-      - id: ClothingOuterSuitEmergency
       - id: ClothingMaskBreath
+      - id: ClothingOuterSuitEmergency
       - id: EmergencyOxygenTankFilled
-        prob: 0.80
-        orGroup: EmergencyTankOrRegularTank
+        prob: 0.5
+        orGroup: OxygenTank
       - id: OxygenTankFilled
-        prob: 0.20
-        orGroup: EmergencyTankOrRegularTank
+        prob: 0.5
+        orGroup: OxygenTank
       - id: ToolboxEmergencyFilled
-        prob: 0.4
+        prob: 0.5
       - id: MedkitOxygenFilled
         prob: 0.2
       - id: WeaponFlareGun
@@ -44,16 +44,16 @@
   - type: StorageFill
-      - id: ClothingOuterSuitEmergency
       - id: ClothingMaskBreath
+      - id: ClothingOuterSuitEmergency
       - id: EmergencyOxygenTankFilled
-        prob: 0.80
-        orGroup: EmergencyTankOrRegularTank
+        prob: 0.5
+        orGroup: OxygenTank
       - id: OxygenTankFilled
-        prob: 0.20
-        orGroup: EmergencyTankOrRegularTank
+        prob: 0.5
+        orGroup: OxygenTank
       - id: ToolboxEmergencyFilled
-        prob: 0.4
+        prob: 0.5
       - id: MedkitOxygenFilled
         prob: 0.2
       - id: WeaponFlareGun
@@ -69,39 +69,62 @@
   - type: StorageFill
       - id: ClothingMaskBreath
+      - id: ClothingOuterSuitEmergency
       - id: EmergencyNitrogenTankFilled
-        prob: 0.80
-        orGroup: EmergencyTankOrRegularTank
+        prob: 0.5
+        orGroup: NitrogenTank
       - id: NitrogenTankFilled
-        prob: 0.20
-        orGroup: EmergencyTankOrRegularTank
+        prob: 0.5
+        orGroup: NitrogenTank
 - type: entity
   id: ClosetFireFilled
   parent: ClosetFire
   suffix: Filled
-    - type: StorageFill
-      contents:
-        - id: ClothingOuterSuitFire
-        - id: ClothingHeadHelmetFire
-        - id: ClothingMaskGas
-        - id: OxygenTankFilled
-        - id: FireExtinguisher
-          prob: 0.25
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+      - id: ClothingOuterSuitFire
+      - id: ClothingHeadHelmetFire
+      - id: ClothingMaskGas
+      - id: EmergencyOxygenTankFilled
+        prob: 0.5
+        orGroup: OxygenTank
+      - id: OxygenTankFilled
+        prob: 0.5
+        orGroup: OxygenTank
+      - id: CrowbarRed
+      - id: FireExtinguisher
+        prob: 0.98
+        orGroup: FireExtinguisher
+      - id: SprayBottleWater #It's just budget cut after budget cut man
+        prob: 0.02
+        orGroup: FireExtinguisher
 - type: entity
   id: ClosetWallFireFilledRandom
   parent: ClosetWallFire
   suffix: Filled
-    - type: StorageFill
-      contents:
-        - id: ClothingOuterSuitFire
-        - id: ClothingHeadHelmetFire
-        - id: ClothingMaskGas
-        - id: OxygenTankFilled
-        - id: FireExtinguisher
-          prob: 0.25
+  - type: StorageFill
+    contents:
+      - id: ClothingOuterSuitFire
+      - id: ClothingHeadHelmetFire
+      - id: ClothingMaskGas
+      - id: EmergencyOxygenTankFilled
+        prob: 0.5
+        orGroup: OxygenTank
+      - id: OxygenTankFilled
+        prob: 0.5
+        orGroup: OxygenTank
+      - id: CrowbarRed
+      - id: FireExtinguisher
+        prob: 0.98
+        orGroup: FireExtinguisher
+      - id: SprayBottleWater #It's just budget cut after budget cut man
+        prob: 0.02
+        orGroup: FireExtinguisher
 - type: entity
   id: ClosetMaintenanceFilledRandom
   suffix: Filled, Random
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/security.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/security.yml
index cdf905be958..1fda8154246 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/security.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/security.yml
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@
       - id: BookBusido # Corvax-Books
       - id: HoloprojectorSecurity
       - id: BoxEvidenceMarkers
+      - id: HandLabeler
 - type: entity
   id: ClosetBombFilled
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/cart.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/cart.yml
index cb0ef3246d3..8170ba792ae 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/cart.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/cart.yml
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
     RubberStampApproved: 1
     RubberStampDenied: 1
     Paper: 10
+    Envelope: 10
+    HandLabeler: 2
     EncryptionKeyCargo: 2
     EncryptionKeyEngineering: 2
     EncryptionKeyMedical: 2
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/chemdrobe.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/chemdrobe.yml
index d028c55cabc..5dbb34afa71 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/chemdrobe.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/chemdrobe.yml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
     ClothingBackpackSatchelChemistry: 2
     ClothingBackpackDuffelChemistry: 2
     ChemBag: 2
+    HandLabeler: 3
     ClothingBeltMedical: 2
     ClothingHandsGlovesLatex: 2
     ClothingHeadsetMedical: 2
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/lawdrobe.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/lawdrobe.yml
index dc66b0c996a..0c284a09626 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/lawdrobe.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/lawdrobe.yml
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
     ClothingHeadHatTophat: 1
     # Corvax-LawyerDrip-End
     LuxuryPen: 2
+    HandLabeler: 2
     ClothingOuterRobesJudge: 1
     ClothingHeadHatPwig: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/magivend.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/magivend.yml
index 7617186dd9c..821c916353c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/magivend.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/magivend.yml
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
     ClothingHeadHatVioletwizard: 3
     ClothingOuterWizardViolet: 3
     ClothingShoesWizard: 9
-    #TO DO:
+    #TODO:
     #only missing staff
     #and if wizarditis reagent when hacked if we want this.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/sec.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/sec.yml
index afbeff6b080..47d6ab683d6 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/sec.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/sec.yml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
     RiotLaserShield: 2
     RiotBulletShield: 2
     RadioHandheldSecurity: 5
+    Bola: 5 #ADT tweak
   # security officers need to follow a diet regimen!
     FoodDonutHomer: 12
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/secdrobe.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/secdrobe.yml
index 5b733f0d354..6122687e8f6 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/secdrobe.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/secdrobe.yml
@@ -23,3 +23,6 @@
     ClothingEyesBlindfold: 1
     ClothingShoesBootsCombat: 1
     ClothingShoesBootsWinterSec: 2
+    ADTClothingKadet: 4 #ADT tweak
+  contrabandInventory:
+    ClothingMaskClownSecurity: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/uplink_catalog.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/uplink_catalog.yml
index 420982dcaec..5a92bc77f81 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/uplink_catalog.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/uplink_catalog.yml
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
   name: uplink-sniper-bundle-name
   description: uplink-sniper-bundle-desc
   icon: { sprite: /Textures/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Snipers/heavy_sniper.rsi, state: base }
-  productEntity: BriefcaseSyndieSniperBundleFilled  
+  productEntity: BriefcaseSyndieSniperBundleFilled
     Telecrystal: 12
@@ -902,7 +902,7 @@
 - type: listing
   id: UplinkReinforcementRadioSyndicate
   name: uplink-reinforcement-radio-name
-  description: uplink-reinforcement-radio-desc
+  description: uplink-reinforcement-radio-traitor-desc
   productEntity: ReinforcementRadioSyndicate
   icon: { sprite: Objects/Devices/communication.rsi, state: old-radio-urist }
@@ -916,11 +916,11 @@
           - NukeOpsUplink
 - type: listing
-  id: UplinkReinforcementRadioSyndicateNukeops # Version for Nukeops that spawns an agent with the NukeOperative component.
-  name: uplink-reinforcement-radio-name
-  description: uplink-reinforcement-radio-desc
+  id: UplinkReinforcementRadioSyndicateNukeops # Version for Nukeops that spawns another nuclear operative without the uplink.
+  name: uplink-reinforcement-radio-nukeops-name
+  description: uplink-reinforcement-radio-nukeops-desc
   productEntity: ReinforcementRadioSyndicateNukeops
-  icon: { sprite: Objects/Devices/communication.rsi, state: old-radio-urist }
+  icon: { sprite: Objects/Devices/communication.rsi, state: old-radio-nukeop }
     Telecrystal: 35
@@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@
     Telecrystal: 6
     - UplinkAllies
 - type: listing
   id: UplinkSyndicatePersonalAI
   name: uplink-syndicate-pai-name
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Corvax/Roles/Jobs/Command/iaa.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Corvax/Roles/Jobs/Command/iaa.yml
index b5679503610..cc4598e64c2 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Corvax/Roles/Jobs/Command/iaa.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Corvax/Roles/Jobs/Command/iaa.yml
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
   - Maintenance
   - Command
   - External
-  - Lawyer
-  - IAA
+  - Lawyer 
+  - IAA # ADT Tweak
   - !type:AddImplantSpecial
     implants: [ MindShieldImplant ]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Damage/modifier_sets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Damage/modifier_sets.yml
index 02223b6a9fe..b34c77efef0 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Damage/modifier_sets.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Damage/modifier_sets.yml
@@ -183,12 +183,13 @@
     Slash: 0.8
     Heat: 1.5
     Shock: 1.2
-- type: damageModifierSet
-  id: Moth # Slightly worse at everything but cold
-  coefficients:
-    Cold: 0.7
-    Heat: 1.3
+# - type: damageModifierSet
+#   id: Moth # Slightly worse at everything but cold
+#   coefficients:
+#     Cold: 0.7
+#     Heat: 1.3
 - type: damageModifierSet
   id: Vox
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Datasets/Names/moth_first_female.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Datasets/Names/moth_first_female.yml
index ecdcc95475a..1183ff9ba0d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Datasets/Names/moth_first_female.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Datasets/Names/moth_first_female.yml
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-- type: dataset
-  id: names_moth_first_female
-  values:
-  - Атропос # Acherontia atropos
-  - Бетулария # Biston betularia
-  - Дафне # Daphnis
-  - Дафнис
-  - Эурупта # Eurypteryx
-  - Эудрайс # Eudryas
-  - Ирис # Salassa iris
-  - Лакесис # Acherontia lachesis
-  - Луна # Actias luna
-  - Лиманция # Lymantria
-  - Лимантрия
-  - Рубикунда # Dryocampa rubicunda, "Rosy Maple"
-  - Роузи
-  - Мэппл
-  - Мима # Mimas
-  - Нефель # Nephele
-  - Космосома # Cosmosoma myrodora, "Scarlet-bodied wasp moth"
-  - Скарлет
-  - Стикс # Acherontia styx
-  - Аскалафа
-  - Долабрия
-  - Цисания
-  - Бруматта
+# - type: dataset
+#   id: names_moth_first_female
+#   values:
+#   - Атропос # Acherontia atropos
+#   - Бетулария # Biston betularia
+#   - Дафне # Daphnis
+#   - Дафнис
+#   - Эурупта # Eurypteryx
+#   - Эудрайс # Eudryas
+#   - Ирис # Salassa iris
+#   - Лакесис # Acherontia lachesis
+#   - Луна # Actias luna
+#   - Лиманция # Lymantria
+#   - Лимантрия
+#   - Рубикунда # Dryocampa rubicunda, "Rosy Maple"
+#   - Роузи
+#   - Мэппл
+#   - Мима # Mimas
+#   - Нефель # Nephele
+#   - Космосома # Cosmosoma myrodora, "Scarlet-bodied wasp moth"
+#   - Скарлет
+#   - Стикс # Acherontia styx
+#   - Аскалафа
+#   - Долабрия
+#   - Цисания
+#   - Бруматта
-  # Other languages
-  - Авелиана # Galician "moth" (avelaíña)
-  - Фалена # Italian "winter moth"
-  - Менодора # Greek "moon gift"
-  - Моли # Romanian "moth"
-  - Полилла # Spanish "moth"
+#   # Other languages
+#   - Авелиана # Galician "moth" (avelaíña)
+#   - Фалена # Italian "winter moth"
+#   - Менодора # Greek "moon gift"
+#   - Моли # Romanian "moth"
+#   - Полилла # Spanish "moth"
-  # Myth and legend
-  - Атея # Greek mythological figure
-  - Алфея
-  - Аврора # Roman goddess of the dawn
-  - Хель # Greek mythological figure
-  - Селена # Greek goddess of the moon
-  - Никс # Greek goddess of the night
+#   # Myth and legend
+#   - Атея # Greek mythological figure
+#   - Алфея
+#   - Аврора # Roman goddess of the dawn
+#   - Хель # Greek mythological figure
+#   - Селена # Greek goddess of the moon
+#   - Никс # Greek goddess of the night
-  # Fun names
-  - Ангел
-  - Сэнди
-  - Либерти 
+#   # Fun names
+#   - Ангел
+#   - Сэнди
+#   - Либерти 
-  # Common names, filler
-  - Беатрикс
-  - Дейзи
-  - Элизабет
-  - Люси
-  - Руби
-  - Сара
-  - Сьенна
-  - Уиллоу
-  - Зои
+#   # Common names, filler
+#   - Беатрикс
+#   - Дейзи
+#   - Элизабет
+#   - Люси
+#   - Руби
+#   - Сара
+#   - Сьенна
+#   - Уиллоу
+#   - Зои
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Datasets/Names/moth_first_male.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Datasets/Names/moth_first_male.yml
index 82c9ac64630..7803c49ab7a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Datasets/Names/moth_first_male.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Datasets/Names/moth_first_male.yml
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
-- type: dataset
-  id: names_moth_first_male
-  values:
-  - Агриус # Agrius
-  - Атлас # Attacus atlas
-  - Аттакус # Attacus
-  - Цезарь # Attacus caesar
-  - Геркулес # Coscinocera hercules
-  - Раннох # Itame brunneata, "Rannoch Looper"
-  - Сократ # Acosmeryx socrates
-  - Солус # Saturniidae solus
+# - type: dataset
+#   id: names_moth_first_male
+#   values:
+#   - Агриус # Agrius
+#   - Атлас # Attacus atlas
+#   - Аттакус # Attacus
+#   - Цезарь # Attacus caesar
+#   - Геркулес # Coscinocera hercules
+#   - Раннох # Itame brunneata, "Rannoch Looper"
+#   - Сократ # Acosmeryx socrates
+#   - Солус # Saturniidae solus
-  # Other languages
-  - Эш # Hebrew עש "moth"
-  - Азар # Persian "fire"
-  - Кайзер # German "emperor" descendant of the Latin caesar
-  - Раджас # Sanskrit "darkness" or "dust"
-  - Скорос # Greek "clothes moth"
+#   # Other languages
+#   - Эш # Hebrew עש "moth"
+#   - Азар # Persian "fire"
+#   - Кайзер # German "emperor" descendant of the Latin caesar
+#   - Раджас # Sanskrit "darkness" or "dust"
+#   - Скорос # Greek "clothes moth"
-  # Myth and legend
-  - Бладуд # legendary king of the Britons who crafted wings and died in his attempt at flight
-  - Дедал # father of Icarus
-  - Эребус # Greek primordial deity of darkness
-  - Икар # the classic
-  - Джатайу # Hindu figure, similar to Icarus
-  - Кохо # Japanese reading of 夸父(こほ)
-  - Куафу # Chinese giant 夸父, similar to Icarus
-  - Люцифер # more commonly-known fall-from-heaven figure
-  - Мерлин # Arthurian wizard
-  - Фаэтон # another Greek figure, similar to Icarus
-  - Волфорд # rendering of Bladud from the Welsh blaidd "wolf" + iudd "lord"
+#   # Myth and legend
+#   - Бладуд # legendary king of the Britons who crafted wings and died in his attempt at flight
+#   - Дедал # father of Icarus
+#   - Эребус # Greek primordial deity of darkness
+#   - Икар # the classic
+#   - Джатайу # Hindu figure, similar to Icarus
+#   - Кохо # Japanese reading of 夸父(こほ)
+#   - Куафу # Chinese giant 夸父, similar to Icarus
+#   - Люцифер # more commonly-known fall-from-heaven figure
+#   - Мерлин # Arthurian wizard
+#   - Фаэтон # another Greek figure, similar to Icarus
+#   - Волфорд # rendering of Bladud from the Welsh blaidd "wolf" + iudd "lord"
-  # Fun names
-  - Эйс
-  - Альтаир
-  - Дасти
-  - Гамбит
-  - Хоук
-  - Мотью
-  - Тимоти
+#   # Fun names
+#   - Эйс
+#   - Альтаир
+#   - Дасти
+#   - Гамбит
+#   - Хоук
+#   - Мотью
+#   - Тимоти
-  # Common names, filler
-  - Эшер
-  - Роман
-  - Исаак
-  - Самюэл
-  - Себастиан
-  - Сайлас
-  - Саймон
+#   # Common names, filler
+#   - Эшер
+#   - Роман
+#   - Исаак
+#   - Самюэл
+#   - Себастиан
+#   - Сайлас
+#   - Саймон
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Datasets/Names/moth_last.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Datasets/Names/moth_last.yml
index 4a2f9b3325f..f59eb69e8f4 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Datasets/Names/moth_last.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Datasets/Names/moth_last.yml
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-- type: dataset
-  id: names_moth_last
-  values:
-  - Одоратта # Ascalapha odorata
-  - Император # Saturniinae
-  - Сатурниина
-  - Плагодис # Plagodis dolabraria
-  - Темнора # Temnora
-  - Уста # Usta
-  - Агриппин # Thysania agrippina
-  - Оперофтера # Operophtera brumata
-  - Коциносера
-  - Брунеатта
-  - Акосмерикс
-  - Саттурнид
-  - Бистон
-  - Саласс
-  - Актияс
-  - Дриокамп
-  - Майродор
-  - Аккеронт
+# - type: dataset
+#   id: names_moth_last
+#   values:
+#   - Одоратта # Ascalapha odorata
+#   - Император # Saturniinae
+#   - Сатурниина
+#   - Плагодис # Plagodis dolabraria
+#   - Темнора # Temnora
+#   - Уста # Usta
+#   - Агриппин # Thysania agrippina
+#   - Оперофтера # Operophtera brumata
+#   - Коциносера
+#   - Брунеатта
+#   - Акосмерикс
+#   - Саттурнид
+#   - Бистон
+#   - Саласс
+#   - Актияс
+#   - Дриокамп
+#   - Майродор
+#   - Аккеронт
-  # Other languages
-  - Эпиолос # Ancient Greek "moth"
-  - Молье # conceivably any Old Norse descendant of mǫlr but probably more Danish than anything. "oe" digraph for ø.
-  - Накфальтер # literal pseudo-translation of German Nachtfalter
+#   # Other languages
+#   - Эпиолос # Ancient Greek "moth"
+#   - Молье # conceivably any Old Norse descendant of mǫlr but probably more Danish than anything. "oe" digraph for ø.
+#   - Накфальтер # literal pseudo-translation of German Nachtfalter
-  # Myth and legend
-  - Геральд # belief of moths flying at night signalling the reception of a letter
-  - Леандер # Greek figure associated with Hero, and similar sounding to Oleander hawk-moth
-  - Мофман # split between being a myth reference and actual possible surname given the actual Goodman, Hoffman, Newman, Coleman, etc.
+#   # Myth and legend
+#   - Геральд # belief of moths flying at night signalling the reception of a letter
+#   - Леандер # Greek figure associated with Hero, and similar sounding to Oleander hawk-moth
+#   - Мофман # split between being a myth reference and actual possible surname given the actual Goodman, Hoffman, Newman, Coleman, etc.
-  # Fun names
-  - Кометрайдер
-  - Ивентайд
-  - Файрфлай
-  - Файрбруш
-  - Флеймкот
-  - Лайтвир
-  - Мунданс
-  - Найтвиш
-  - Оулбейн
-  - Сликтонг
-  - Спаркдроу
+#   # Fun names
+#   - Кометрайдер
+#   - Ивентайд
+#   - Файрфлай
+#   - Файрбруш
+#   - Флеймкот
+#   - Лайтвир
+#   - Мунданс
+#   - Найтвиш
+#   - Оулбейн
+#   - Сликтонг
+#   - Спаркдроу
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/glasses.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/glasses.yml
index 7ad21ba93aa..d5200747445 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/glasses.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/glasses.yml
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@
   - type: Clothing
     sprite: Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/meson.rsi
   - type: EyeProtection
+  - type: IdentityBlocker
+    coverage: EYES
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingEyesBase
@@ -194,6 +196,8 @@
   - type: FlashImmunity
   - type: EyeProtection
     protectionTime: 5
+  - type: IdentityBlocker
+    coverage: EYES
 #Make a scanner category when these actually function and we get the trayson
 - type: entity
@@ -211,6 +215,8 @@
         Heat: 0.95
   - type: GroupExamine
+  - type: IdentityBlocker
+    coverage: EYES
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingEyesBase
@@ -223,6 +229,8 @@
     - type: Clothing
       sprite: Clothing/Eyes/Glasses/science.rsi
     - type: SolutionScanner
+    - type: IdentityBlocker
+      coverage: EYES
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingEyesBase
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/hud.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/hud.yml
index 0c7fc5b2a1f..b22320a82f8 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/hud.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Eyes/hud.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: ShowSecurityIcons
   abstract: true
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: ShowJobIcons
   - type: ShowMindShieldIcons
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: ShowMedicalIcons
   abstract: true
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: ShowHealthBars
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/base_clothinghead.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/base_clothinghead.yml
index 462032547b2..66356afacfc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/base_clothinghead.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/base_clothinghead.yml
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
   parent: ClothingHeadBase
   id: ClothingHeadLightBase
   name: base helmet with light
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
   # No parent since we aren't actually an item.
   id: ClothingHeadHardsuitBase
   name: base hardsuit helmet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: BreathMask
   - type: Sprite
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
   parent: ClothingHeadHardsuitBase
   id: ClothingHeadHardsuitWithLightBase
   name: base hardsuit helmet with light
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   name: base winter coat hood
   description: A hood, made to keep your head warm.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: icon
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hardsuit-helmets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hardsuit-helmets.yml
index 9b4e1db6550..68a6b913bc3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hardsuit-helmets.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hardsuit-helmets.yml
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHardsuitBase
   id: ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitMaxim
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: salvager maxim helmet
   description: A predication of decay washes over your mind.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.yml
index 8eeb82cbf4f..f81ddfc8d02 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hats.yml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatBeretFrench
-  name: French beret
+  name: french beret
   description: A French beret, "vive la France".
   - type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hoods.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hoods.yml
index 4dec89e75ad..180b738e407 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hoods.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/hoods.yml
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodChaplainHood
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: chaplain's hood
   description: Maximum piety in this star system.
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
         Heat: 0.95
         Radiation: 0.65
+  - type: IdentityBlocker
   - type: BreathMask
   - type: HideLayerClothing
@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodIan
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: ian hood
   description: A hood to complete the 'Good boy' look.
@@ -198,7 +199,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodCarp
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: carp hood
   description: A gnarly hood adorned with plastic space carp teeth.
@@ -213,7 +214,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodCarp
   id: ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCarp
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: PressureProtection
     highPressureMultiplier: 0.6
@@ -251,7 +252,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterDefault
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: default winter coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBartender
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: bartender winter coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -273,7 +274,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCaptain
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: captain's winter coat hood
   description: An expensive hood, to keep the captain's head warm.
@@ -285,7 +286,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCargo
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: cargo winter coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -296,7 +297,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCE
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: chief engineer's winter coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -307,7 +308,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCentcom
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: Centcom winter coat hood
   description: A hood for keeping the central comander's head warm.
@@ -319,7 +320,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterChem
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: chemist winter coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -330,7 +331,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCMO
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: chief medical officer's winter coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -341,7 +342,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterEngineer
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: engineer winter coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -352,7 +353,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterHOP
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: head of personel's winter coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -363,7 +364,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterHOS
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: head of security's winter coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -374,7 +375,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterHydro
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: hydroponics coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterJani
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: janitor coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -396,7 +397,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterMed
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: medic coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -407,7 +408,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterMime
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: mime coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterMiner
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: miner coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -429,7 +430,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterPara
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: paramedic coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -440,7 +441,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterQM
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: quartermaster's coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -451,7 +452,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterRD
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: research director's coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -462,7 +463,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterRobo
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: robotics coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -473,7 +474,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterSci
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: scientist coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -484,7 +485,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterSec
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: security coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -495,7 +496,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterSyndie
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: syndicate coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -506,7 +507,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterWarden
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: warden's coat hood
   - type: Sprite
@@ -517,7 +518,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase
   id: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterWeb
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: web coat hood
   - type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/misc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/misc.yml
index c32f485f9ca..651f80a3a9e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/misc.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/misc.yml
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
     accent: OwOAccent
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ Actions, HideSpawnMenu ]
   id: ActionBecomeValid
   name: Become Valid
   description: "*notices your killsign* owo whats this"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Masks/masks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Masks/masks.yml
index 1f2ed875a60..b3a76c5855a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Masks/masks.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Masks/masks.yml
@@ -230,6 +230,24 @@
     graph: BananaClownMask
     node: mask
+- type: entity
+  parent: ClothingMaskClown
+  id: ClothingMaskClownSecurity
+  name: security clown wig and mask
+  description: A debatably oxymoronic but protective mask and wig.
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Clothing/Mask/clown_security.rsi
+  - type: Clothing
+    sprite: Clothing/Mask/clown_security.rsi
+  - type: Armor
+    modifiers:
+      coefficients:
+        Blunt: 0.95
+        Slash: 0.95
+        Piercing: 0.95
+        Heat: 0.95
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingMaskBase
   id: ClothingMaskJoy
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/suits.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/suits.yml
index bacdd0046f8..1d5fbb01191 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/suits.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/suits.yml
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
         Heat: 0.90
-        Radiation: 0.001
+        Radiation: 0.01
   - type: Clothing
     sprite: Clothing/OuterClothing/Suits/rad.rsi
   - type: GroupExamine
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/wintercoats.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/wintercoats.yml
index 207532c5ddc..9b943de36a1 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/wintercoats.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/wintercoats.yml
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
   parent: ClothingOuterWinterCoat
   id: ClothingOuterWinterCoatToggleable
   name: winter coat with hood
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: ToggleableClothing
     clothingPrototype: ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterDefault
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/magboots.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/magboots.yml
index 19fa86a6312..2d3c6636128 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/magboots.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Shoes/magboots.yml
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
   parent: [ClothingShoesBootsMag, BaseJetpack]
   id: ClothingShoesBootsMagSyndie
   name: blood-red magboots
-  description: Reverse-engineered magnetic boots that have a heavy magnetic pull and integrated thrusters.
+  description: Reverse-engineered magnetic boots that have a heavy magnetic pull and integrated thrusters. It can hold 0.75 L of gas.
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Clothing/Shoes/Boots/magboots-syndicate.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpsuits.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpsuits.yml
index e9980b2eb88..d0105a365e6 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpsuits.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/jumpsuits.yml
@@ -210,10 +210,10 @@
     sprite: Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/clown.rsi
   - type: Clothing
     sprite: Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/clown.rsi
-    femaleMask: UniformTop
   - type: Tag
     - ClownSuit
+    - WhitelistChameleon
 - type: entity
   parent: ClothingUniformJumpsuitClown
@@ -224,7 +224,6 @@
     sprite: Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/clown_banana.rsi
   - type: Clothing
     sprite: Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/clown_banana.rsi
-    femaleMask: UniformTop
   - type: Construction
     graph: BananaClownJumpsuit
     node: jumpsuit
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/random_suit.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/random_suit.yml
index e113f0ffc76..7d4dfc59905 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/random_suit.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Uniforms/random_suit.yml
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
     - state: mask_null
       map: [ "overlay" ]
   - type: Clothing
-    femaleMask: UniformTop
-    maleMask: UniformTop
     sprite: Clothing/Uniforms/procedural.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Debugging/clicktest.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Debugging/clicktest.yml
index 4e9caaa14d8..7eb0a063309 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Debugging/clicktest.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Debugging/clicktest.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# Entities specifically for testing click detection with ClickableComponent.
+# Entities specifically for testing click detection with ClickableComponent.
 # Each entity has a bounding box AND texture equivalent.
 # Note that bounding box versions still have dots on the outside or center to make it possible to... see them.
 # These dots' texture detection should not interfere with the actual bounding box being tested.
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ Debug, HideSpawnMenu ]
   id: ClickTestBase
   suffix: DEBUG
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Debugging/debug_sweps.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Debugging/debug_sweps.yml
index e3289569a29..9ba7c85e1e1 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Debugging/debug_sweps.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Debugging/debug_sweps.yml
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
   id: BulletDebug
   name: bang, ded bullet
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ Debug, HideSpawnMenu ]
   suffix: DEBUG
   - type: Tag
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Debugging/tippy.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Debugging/tippy.yml
index 292cbed0f1b..7f149c3b5dc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Debugging/tippy.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Debugging/tippy.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: Tippy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     netsync: false
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/ambient_sounds.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/ambient_sounds.yml
index f686779b3ee..81f7bbfc8a3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/ambient_sounds.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/ambient_sounds.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: AmbientSoundSourceFlies
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: AmbientSound
     volume: -5
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/bluespace_flash.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/bluespace_flash.yml
index 3421f0d9a61..42cdfbd297e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/bluespace_flash.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/bluespace_flash.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: EffectFlashBluespace
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: PointLight
     radius: 10.5
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/chemistry_effects.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/chemistry_effects.yml
index ee300e9aeaf..28e5a239ef3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/chemistry_effects.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/chemistry_effects.yml
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   parent: BaseFoam
   id: Smoke
   name: smoke
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Occluder
   - type: Sprite
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
   parent: BaseFoam
   id: Foam
   name: foam
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     color: "#ffffffcc"
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
       state: foam-west
   - type: SmoothEdge
   - type: IconSmooth
-    key: walls
     mode: NoSprite
   - type: FoamVisuals
     animationTime: 0.6
@@ -84,7 +83,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: MetalFoam
   name: metal foam
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: Foam
   - type: Sprite
@@ -110,7 +109,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: IronMetalFoam
   name: iron metal foam
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: MetalFoam
   - type: SpawnOnDespawn
@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: AluminiumMetalFoam
   name: aluminium metal foam
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: MetalFoam
   - type: SpawnOnDespawn
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/emp_effects.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/emp_effects.yml
index 890dd24d430..d1096b85f5e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/emp_effects.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/emp_effects.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: EffectEmpPulse
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 0.8
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: EffectEmpDisabled
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 0.4
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/exclamation.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/exclamation.yml
index cfe1cbc7f22..d1f3e3ad063 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/exclamation.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/exclamation.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: Exclamation
   name: exclamation
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   save: false
     - type: Transform
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WhistleExclamation
   name: exclamation
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: Structures/Storage/closet.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/explosion_light.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/explosion_light.yml
index b4b980dd1a5..d5e7452a795 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/explosion_light.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/explosion_light.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   id: ExplosionLight
   name: explosion light
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/hearts.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/hearts.yml
index 042fdb5e8ab..18f72c95d4a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/hearts.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/hearts.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: EffectHearts
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 0.85
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/lightning.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/lightning.yml
index 7afd1c07a0c..f85f28d3b80 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/lightning.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/lightning.yml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
   name: lightning
   id: Lightning
   parent: BaseLightning
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Lightning
       canArc: true
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
   name: spooky lightning
   id: LightningRevenant
   parent: BaseLightning
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: /Textures/Effects/lightning.rsi
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
   name: charged lightning
   id: ChargedLightning
   parent: BaseLightning
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: /Textures/Effects/lightning.rsi
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
   name: lightning
   id: Spark
   parent: BaseLightning
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: /Textures/Effects/lightning.rsi
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
   name: supercharged lightning
   id: SuperchargedLightning
   parent: ChargedLightning
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: /Textures/Effects/lightning.rsi
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
   name: hypercharged lightning
   id: HyperchargedLightning
   parent: ChargedLightning
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: /Textures/Effects/lightning.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/mobspawn.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/mobspawn.yml
index 2fad68d7f2c..c4396a775da 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/mobspawn.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/mobspawn.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- type: entity
+- type: entity
   id: MobSpawnCrabQuartz
   name: mobspawner quartzcrab
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu, Spawner ]
   - type: Transform
     anchored: True
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   id: MobSpawnCrabIron
   parent: MobSpawnCrabQuartz
   name: mobspawner ironcrab
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu, Spawner ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: /Textures/Effects/mobspawn.rsi
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
   id: MobSpawnCrabSilver
   parent: MobSpawnCrabQuartz
   name: mobspawner silvercrab
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu, Spawner ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: /Textures/Effects/mobspawn.rsi
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
   id: MobSpawnCrabUranium
   parent: MobSpawnCrabQuartz
   name: mobspawner uraniumcrab
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu, Spawner ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: /Textures/Effects/mobspawn.rsi
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: EffectAnomalyFloraBulb
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 0.4
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/radiation.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/radiation.yml
index 143ffa8559a..82828582cff 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/radiation.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/radiation.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   name: shimmering anomaly
   id: RadiationPulse
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   description: Looking at this anomaly makes you feel strange, like something is pushing at your eyes.
   - type: RadiationSource
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/rcd.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/rcd.yml
index 902429818e5..a663add9ca9 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/rcd.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/rcd.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: EffectRCDBase
   abstract: true
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Transform
     anchored: True
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: EffectRCDBase
   id: EffectRCDDeconstructPreview
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: deconstructPreview
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: EffectRCDBase
   id: EffectRCDConstruct0
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: construct0
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: EffectRCDBase
   id: EffectRCDConstruct1
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: construct1
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: EffectRCDBase
   id: EffectRCDConstruct2
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: construct2
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: EffectRCDBase
   id: EffectRCDConstruct3
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: construct3
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: EffectRCDBase
   id: EffectRCDConstruct4
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: construct4
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: EffectRCDBase
   id: EffectRCDDeconstruct2
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: deconstruct2
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: EffectRCDBase
   id: EffectRCDDeconstruct4
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: deconstruct4
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: EffectRCDBase
   id: EffectRCDDeconstruct6
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: deconstruct6
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: EffectRCDBase
   id: EffectRCDDeconstruct8
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: deconstruct8
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/shuttle.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/shuttle.yml
index d4538116ac9..72cc04cba11 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/shuttle.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/shuttle.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: FtlVisualizerEntity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   description: Visualizer for shuttles arriving. You shouldn't see this!
   - type: FtlVisualizer
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/sparks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/sparks.yml
index d86522a9711..c12e3b0eca3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/sparks.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/sparks.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: EffectSparks
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 0.5
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: EffectTeslaSparks
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 0.5
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/wallspawn.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/wallspawn.yml
index 7213763c469..44afe80e978 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/wallspawn.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/wallspawn.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WallSpawnAsteroid
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Transform
     anchored: True
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WallSpawnAsteroidUraniumCrab
   parent: WallSpawnAsteroid
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SpawnOnDespawn
     prototype: AsteroidRockUraniumCrab
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WallSpawnAsteroidUranium
   parent: WallSpawnAsteroid
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SpawnOnDespawn
     prototype: AsteroidRockUranium
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WallSpawnAsteroidQuartzCrab
   parent: WallSpawnAsteroid
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SpawnOnDespawn
     prototype: AsteroidRockQuartzCrab
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WallSpawnAsteroidQuartz
   parent: WallSpawnAsteroid
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SpawnOnDespawn
     prototype: AsteroidRockQuartz
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WallSpawnAsteroidSilverCrab
   parent: WallSpawnAsteroid
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SpawnOnDespawn
     prototype: AsteroidRockSilverCrab
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WallSpawnAsteroidSilver
   parent: WallSpawnAsteroid
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SpawnOnDespawn
     prototype: AsteroidRockSilver
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WallSpawnAsteroidIronCrab
   parent: WallSpawnAsteroid
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SpawnOnDespawn
     prototype: AsteroidRockTinCrab
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WallSpawnAsteroidIron
   parent: WallSpawnAsteroid
-  noSpawn: True
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SpawnOnDespawn
     prototype: AsteroidRockTin
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/weapon_arc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/weapon_arc.yml
index 25cd6e84ff2..0f3fab0e878 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/weapon_arc.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Effects/weapon_arc.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   # Just fades out with no movement animation
   id: WeaponArcStatic
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: TimedDespawn
       lifetime: 2.0
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 - type: entity
   # Plays the state animation then disappears with no fade or swing
   id: WeaponArcAnimated
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: Effects/arcs.rsi
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WeaponArcThrust
   parent: WeaponArcStatic
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: WeaponArcVisuals
       animation: Thrust
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WeaponArcSlash
   parent: WeaponArcStatic
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: WeaponArcVisuals
       animation: Slash
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WeaponArcBite
   parent: WeaponArcStatic
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: WeaponArcVisuals
       fadeOut: false
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WeaponArcClaw
   parent: WeaponArcStatic
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: WeaponArcVisuals
       fadeOut: false
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WeaponArcDisarm
   parent: WeaponArcAnimated
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: WeaponArcVisuals
       fadeOut: false
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WeaponArcFist
   parent: WeaponArcStatic
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       state: fist
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WeaponArcPunch
   parent: WeaponArcStatic
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: WeaponArcVisuals
       fadeOut: false
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WeaponArcKick
   parent: WeaponArcStatic
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: WeaponArcVisuals
       fadeOut: false
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WeaponArcSmash
   parent: WeaponArcStatic
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: WeaponArcVisuals
       fadeOut: false
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/Food_Drinks/food_single.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/Food_Drinks/food_single.yml
index 5cfe78c6d5a..f325c084def 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/Food_Drinks/food_single.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/Food_Drinks/food_single.yml
@@ -78,5 +78,6 @@
       - FoodMeatRatdoubleKebab
       - FoodMeatSnakeKebab
       - FoodPizzaArnoldSlice
+      - FoodPizzaUraniumSlice
       - FoodTacoRat
     rareChance: 0.05
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/ghost_roles.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/ghost_roles.yml
index b8cf755d0ff..573ddf03980 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/ghost_roles.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/ghost_roles.yml
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
         state: narsian
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu, Spawner ]
   id: SpawnPointGhostNukeOperative
   name: ghost role spawn point
   suffix: nukeops
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
         state: radiation
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu, Spawner ]
   parent: BaseAntagSpawner
   id: SpawnPointLoneNukeOperative
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
         state: radiation
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu, Spawner ]
   parent: SpawnPointLoneNukeOperative
   id: SpawnPointNukeopsCommander
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
     description: roles-antag-nuclear-operative-commander-objective
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu, Spawner ]
   parent: SpawnPointLoneNukeOperative
   id: SpawnPointNukeopsMedic
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
     description: roles-antag-nuclear-operative-agent-objective
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu, Spawner ]
   parent: SpawnPointLoneNukeOperative
   id: SpawnPointNukeopsOperative
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
     description: roles-antag-nuclear-operative-objective
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu, Spawner ]
   parent: BaseAntagSpawner
   id: SpawnPointGhostDragon
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
       state: alive
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu, Spawner ]
   parent: BaseAntagSpawner
   id: SpawnPointGhostSpaceNinja
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/temp.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/temp.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aa76bb5ea7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/temp.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+- type: entity
+  id: TemporaryEntityForTimedDespawnSpawners
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu, Spawner ]
+  components:
+  - type: Transform
+    anchored: True
+  - type: Physics
+    bodyType: Static
+    canCollide: false
+  - type: TimedDespawn
+    # we can't declare the SpawnOnDespawnComponent because the entity is required on yml
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/clientsideclone.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/clientsideclone.yml
index 56875c44142..39b9ee48fdb 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/clientsideclone.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/clientsideclone.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   name: clientsideclone
   id: clientsideclone
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
   - type: AnimationPlayer
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/construction_ghost.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/construction_ghost.yml
index be9cc915d91..04a8a095023 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/construction_ghost.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/construction_ghost.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   name: construction ghost
   id: constructionghost
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     color: '#3F38'
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/drag_shadow.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/drag_shadow.yml
index a1badb60bc5..19ffb6c36a6 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/drag_shadow.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/drag_shadow.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   name: drag shadow
   id: dragshadow
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Tag
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/hover_entity.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/hover_entity.yml
index 8421a9d8c9e..2e8e1edb296 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/hover_entity.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/hover_entity.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   name: hover entity
   id: hoverentity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/moth.yml
index c1d5df24633..977dff2203d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/moth.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/moth.yml
@@ -1,1111 +1,1111 @@
-# Antennas
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasDefault
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: default
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasCharred
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: charred
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasDbushy
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: dbushy
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasDcurvy
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: dcurvy
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasDfan
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: dfan
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasDpointy
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: dpointy
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasFeathery
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: feathery
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasFirewatch
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: firewatch
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasGray
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: gray
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasJungle
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: jungle
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasMoffra
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: moffra
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasOakworm
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: oakworm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasPlasmafire
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: plasmafire
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasMaple
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: maple
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasRoyal
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: royal
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasStriped
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: striped
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasWhitefly
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: whitefly
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasWitchwing
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: witchwing
-- type: marking
-  id: MothAntennasUnderwing
-  bodyPart: HeadTop
-  markingCategory: HeadTop
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: underwing_primary
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
-    state: underwing_secondary
-# Wings
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsDefault
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: default
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsCharred
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: charred
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsDbushy
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: dbushy_primary
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: dbushy_secondary
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsDeathhead
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: deathhead_primary
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: deathhead_secondary
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsFan
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: fan
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsDfan
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: dfan
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsFeathery
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: feathery
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsFirewatch
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: firewatch_primary
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: firewatch_secondary
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsGothic
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: gothic
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsJungle
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: jungle
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsLadybug
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: ladybug
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsMaple
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: maple
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsMoffra
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: moffra_primary
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: moffra_secondary
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsOakworm
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: oakworm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsPlasmafire
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: plasmafire_primary
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: plasmafire_secondary
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsPointy
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: pointy
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsRoyal
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: royal_primary
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: royal_secondary
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsStellar
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: stellar
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsStriped
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: striped
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsSwirly
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: swirly
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsWhitefly
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: whitefly
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsWitchwing
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: witchwing
-- type: marking
-  id: MothWingsUnderwing
-  bodyPart: Tail
-  markingCategory: Tail
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: underwing_primary
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
-    state: underwing_secondary
-# Body markings:
-# Charred
-- type: marking
-  id: MothChestCharred
-  bodyPart: Chest
-  markingCategory: Chest
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: charred_chest
-- type: marking
-  id: MothHeadCharred
-  bodyPart: Head
-  markingCategory: Head
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: charred_head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLLegCharred
-  bodyPart: LLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: charred_l_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRLegCharred
-  bodyPart: RLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: charred_r_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLArmCharred
-  bodyPart: LArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: charred_l_arm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRArmCharred
-  bodyPart: RArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: charred_r_arm
-# Death's-Head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothChestDeathhead
-  bodyPart: Chest
-  markingCategory: Chest
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: deathhead_chest
-- type: marking
-  id: MothHeadDeathhead
-  bodyPart: Head
-  markingCategory: Head
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: deathhead_head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLLegDeathhead
-  bodyPart: LLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: deathhead_l_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRLegDeathhead
-  bodyPart: RLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: deathhead_r_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLArmDeathhead
-  bodyPart: LArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: deathhead_l_arm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRArmDeathhead
-  bodyPart: RArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: deathhead_r_arm
-# Fan
-- type: marking
-  id: MothChestFan
-  bodyPart: Chest
-  markingCategory: Chest
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: fan_chest
-- type: marking
-  id: MothHeadFan
-  bodyPart: Head
-  markingCategory: Head
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: fan_head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLLegFan
-  bodyPart: LLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: fan_l_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRLegFan
-  bodyPart: RLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: fan_r_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLArmFan
-  bodyPart: LArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: fan_l_arm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRArmFan
-  bodyPart: RArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: fan_r_arm
-# Firewatch
-- type: marking
-  id: MothChestFirewatch
-  bodyPart: Chest
-  markingCategory: Chest
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: firewatch_chest
-- type: marking
-  id: MothHeadFirewatch
-  bodyPart: Head
-  markingCategory: Head
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: firewatch_head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLLegFirewatch
-  bodyPart: LLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: firewatch_l_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRLegFirewatch
-  bodyPart: RLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: firewatch_r_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLArmFirewatch
-  bodyPart: LArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: firewatch_l_arm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRArmFirewatch
-  bodyPart: RArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: firewatch_r_arm
-# Gothic
-- type: marking
-  id: MothChestGothic
-  bodyPart: Chest
-  markingCategory: Chest
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: gothic_chest
-- type: marking
-  id: MothHeadGothic
-  bodyPart: Head
-  markingCategory: Head
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: gothic_head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLLegGothic
-  bodyPart: LLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: gothic_l_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRLegGothic
-  bodyPart: RLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: gothic_r_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLArmGothic
-  bodyPart: LArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: gothic_l_arm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRArmGothic
-  bodyPart: RArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: gothic_r_arm
-# Jungle
-- type: marking
-  id: MothChestJungle
-  bodyPart: Chest
-  markingCategory: Chest
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: jungle_chest
-- type: marking
-  id: MothHeadJungle
-  bodyPart: Head
-  markingCategory: Head
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: jungle_head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLLegJungle
-  bodyPart: LLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: jungle_l_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRLegJungle
-  bodyPart: RLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: jungle_r_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLArmJungle
-  bodyPart: LArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: jungle_l_arm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRArmJungle
-  bodyPart: RArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: jungle_r_arm
-# Moonfly
-- type: marking
-  id: MothChestMoonfly
-  bodyPart: Chest
-  markingCategory: Chest
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: moonfly_chest
-- type: marking
-  id: MothHeadMoonfly
-  bodyPart: Head
-  markingCategory: Head
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: moonfly_head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLLegMoonfly
-  bodyPart: LLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: moonfly_l_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRLegMoonfly
-  bodyPart: RLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: moonfly_r_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLArmMoonfly
-  bodyPart: LArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: moonfly_l_arm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRArmMoonfly
-  bodyPart: RArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: moonfly_r_arm
-# Oak Worm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothChestOakworm
-  bodyPart: Chest
-  markingCategory: Chest
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: oakworm_chest
-- type: marking
-  id: MothHeadOakworm
-  bodyPart: Head
-  markingCategory: Head
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: oakworm_head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLLegOakworm
-  bodyPart: LLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: oakworm_l_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRLegOakworm
-  bodyPart: RLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: oakworm_r_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLArmOakworm
-  bodyPart: LArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: oakworm_l_arm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRArmOakworm
-  bodyPart: RArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: oakworm_r_arm
-# Pointy
-- type: marking
-  id: MothChestPointy
-  bodyPart: Chest
-  markingCategory: Chest
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: pointy_chest
-- type: marking
-  id: MothHeadPointy
-  bodyPart: Head
-  markingCategory: Head
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: pointy_head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLLegPointy
-  bodyPart: LLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: pointy_l_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRLegPointy
-  bodyPart: RLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: pointy_r_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLArmPointy
-  bodyPart: LArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: pointy_l_arm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRArmPointy
-  bodyPart: RArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: pointy_r_arm
-# Ragged
-- type: marking
-  id: MothChestRagged
-  bodyPart: Chest
-  markingCategory: Chest
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: ragged_chest
-- type: marking
-  id: MothHeadRagged
-  bodyPart: Head
-  markingCategory: Head
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: ragged_head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLLegRagged
-  bodyPart: LLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: ragged_l_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRLegRagged
-  bodyPart: RLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: ragged_r_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLArmRagged
-  bodyPart: LArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: ragged_l_arm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRArmRagged
-  bodyPart: RArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: ragged_r_arm
-# Royal
-- type: marking
-  id: MothChestRoyal
-  bodyPart: Chest
-  markingCategory: Chest
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: royal_chest
-- type: marking
-  id: MothHeadRoyal
-  bodyPart: Head
-  markingCategory: Head
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: royal_head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLLegRoyal
-  bodyPart: LLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: royal_l_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRLegRoyal
-  bodyPart: RLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: royal_r_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLArmRoyal
-  bodyPart: LArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: royal_l_arm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRArmRoyal
-  bodyPart: RArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: royal_r_arm
-# White Fly
-- type: marking
-  id: MothChestWhitefly
-  bodyPart: Chest
-  markingCategory: Chest
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: whitefly_chest
-- type: marking
-  id: MothHeadWhitefly
-  bodyPart: Head
-  markingCategory: Head
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: whitefly_head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLLegWhitefly
-  bodyPart: LLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: whitefly_l_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRLegWhitefly
-  bodyPart: RLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: whitefly_r_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLArmWhitefly
-  bodyPart: LArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: whitefly_l_arm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRArmWhitefly
-  bodyPart: RArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: whitefly_r_arm
-# Witch Wing
-- type: marking
-  id: MothChestWitchwing
-  bodyPart: Chest
-  markingCategory: Chest
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: witchwing_chest
-- type: marking
-  id: MothHeadWitchwing
-  bodyPart: Head
-  markingCategory: Head
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: witchwing_head
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLLegWitchwing
-  bodyPart: LLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: witchwing_l_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRLegWitchwing
-  bodyPart: RLeg
-  markingCategory: Legs
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: witchwing_r_leg
-- type: marking
-  id: MothLArmWitchwing
-  bodyPart: LArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: witchwing_l_arm
-- type: marking
-  id: MothRArmWitchwing
-  bodyPart: RArm
-  markingCategory: Arms
-  speciesRestriction: [Moth]
-  sprites:
-  - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
-    state: witchwing_r_arm
+# # Antennas
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasDefault
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: default
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasCharred
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: charred
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasDbushy
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: dbushy
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasDcurvy
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: dcurvy
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasDfan
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: dfan
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasDpointy
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: dpointy
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasFeathery
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: feathery
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasFirewatch
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: firewatch
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasGray
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: gray
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasJungle
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: jungle
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasMoffra
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: moffra
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasOakworm
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: oakworm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasPlasmafire
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: plasmafire
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasMaple
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: maple
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasRoyal
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: royal
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasStriped
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: striped
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasWhitefly
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: whitefly
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasWitchwing
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: witchwing
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothAntennasUnderwing
+#   bodyPart: HeadTop
+#   markingCategory: HeadTop
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: underwing_primary
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_antennas.rsi
+#     state: underwing_secondary
+# # Wings
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsDefault
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: default
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsCharred
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: charred
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsDbushy
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: dbushy_primary
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: dbushy_secondary
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsDeathhead
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: deathhead_primary
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: deathhead_secondary
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsFan
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: fan
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsDfan
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: dfan
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsFeathery
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: feathery
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsFirewatch
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: firewatch_primary
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: firewatch_secondary
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsGothic
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: gothic
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsJungle
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: jungle
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsLadybug
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: ladybug
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsMaple
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: maple
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsMoffra
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: moffra_primary
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: moffra_secondary
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsOakworm
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: oakworm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsPlasmafire
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: plasmafire_primary
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: plasmafire_secondary
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsPointy
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: pointy
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsRoyal
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: royal_primary
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: royal_secondary
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsStellar
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: stellar
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsStriped
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: striped
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsSwirly
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: swirly
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsWhitefly
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: whitefly
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsWitchwing
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: witchwing
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothWingsUnderwing
+#   bodyPart: Tail
+#   markingCategory: Tail
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: underwing_primary
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+#     state: underwing_secondary
+# # Body markings:
+# # Charred
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothChestCharred
+#   bodyPart: Chest
+#   markingCategory: Chest
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: charred_chest
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothHeadCharred
+#   bodyPart: Head
+#   markingCategory: Head
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: charred_head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLLegCharred
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: charred_l_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRLegCharred
+#   bodyPart: RLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: charred_r_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLArmCharred
+#   bodyPart: LArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: charred_l_arm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRArmCharred
+#   bodyPart: RArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: charred_r_arm
+# # Death's-Head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothChestDeathhead
+#   bodyPart: Chest
+#   markingCategory: Chest
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: deathhead_chest
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothHeadDeathhead
+#   bodyPart: Head
+#   markingCategory: Head
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: deathhead_head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLLegDeathhead
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: deathhead_l_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRLegDeathhead
+#   bodyPart: RLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: deathhead_r_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLArmDeathhead
+#   bodyPart: LArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: deathhead_l_arm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRArmDeathhead
+#   bodyPart: RArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: deathhead_r_arm
+# # Fan
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothChestFan
+#   bodyPart: Chest
+#   markingCategory: Chest
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: fan_chest
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothHeadFan
+#   bodyPart: Head
+#   markingCategory: Head
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: fan_head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLLegFan
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: fan_l_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRLegFan
+#   bodyPart: RLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: fan_r_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLArmFan
+#   bodyPart: LArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: fan_l_arm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRArmFan
+#   bodyPart: RArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: fan_r_arm
+# # Firewatch
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothChestFirewatch
+#   bodyPart: Chest
+#   markingCategory: Chest
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: firewatch_chest
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothHeadFirewatch
+#   bodyPart: Head
+#   markingCategory: Head
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: firewatch_head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLLegFirewatch
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: firewatch_l_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRLegFirewatch
+#   bodyPart: RLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: firewatch_r_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLArmFirewatch
+#   bodyPart: LArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: firewatch_l_arm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRArmFirewatch
+#   bodyPart: RArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: firewatch_r_arm
+# # Gothic
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothChestGothic
+#   bodyPart: Chest
+#   markingCategory: Chest
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: gothic_chest
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothHeadGothic
+#   bodyPart: Head
+#   markingCategory: Head
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: gothic_head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLLegGothic
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: gothic_l_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRLegGothic
+#   bodyPart: RLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: gothic_r_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLArmGothic
+#   bodyPart: LArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: gothic_l_arm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRArmGothic
+#   bodyPart: RArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: gothic_r_arm
+# # Jungle
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothChestJungle
+#   bodyPart: Chest
+#   markingCategory: Chest
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: jungle_chest
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothHeadJungle
+#   bodyPart: Head
+#   markingCategory: Head
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: jungle_head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLLegJungle
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: jungle_l_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRLegJungle
+#   bodyPart: RLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: jungle_r_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLArmJungle
+#   bodyPart: LArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: jungle_l_arm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRArmJungle
+#   bodyPart: RArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: jungle_r_arm
+# # Moonfly
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothChestMoonfly
+#   bodyPart: Chest
+#   markingCategory: Chest
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: moonfly_chest
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothHeadMoonfly
+#   bodyPart: Head
+#   markingCategory: Head
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: moonfly_head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLLegMoonfly
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: moonfly_l_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRLegMoonfly
+#   bodyPart: RLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: moonfly_r_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLArmMoonfly
+#   bodyPart: LArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: moonfly_l_arm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRArmMoonfly
+#   bodyPart: RArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: moonfly_r_arm
+# # Oak Worm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothChestOakworm
+#   bodyPart: Chest
+#   markingCategory: Chest
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: oakworm_chest
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothHeadOakworm
+#   bodyPart: Head
+#   markingCategory: Head
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: oakworm_head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLLegOakworm
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: oakworm_l_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRLegOakworm
+#   bodyPart: RLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: oakworm_r_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLArmOakworm
+#   bodyPart: LArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: oakworm_l_arm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRArmOakworm
+#   bodyPart: RArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: oakworm_r_arm
+# # Pointy
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothChestPointy
+#   bodyPart: Chest
+#   markingCategory: Chest
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: pointy_chest
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothHeadPointy
+#   bodyPart: Head
+#   markingCategory: Head
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: pointy_head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLLegPointy
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: pointy_l_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRLegPointy
+#   bodyPart: RLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: pointy_r_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLArmPointy
+#   bodyPart: LArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: pointy_l_arm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRArmPointy
+#   bodyPart: RArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: pointy_r_arm
+# # Ragged
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothChestRagged
+#   bodyPart: Chest
+#   markingCategory: Chest
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: ragged_chest
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothHeadRagged
+#   bodyPart: Head
+#   markingCategory: Head
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: ragged_head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLLegRagged
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: ragged_l_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRLegRagged
+#   bodyPart: RLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: ragged_r_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLArmRagged
+#   bodyPart: LArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: ragged_l_arm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRArmRagged
+#   bodyPart: RArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: ragged_r_arm
+# # Royal
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothChestRoyal
+#   bodyPart: Chest
+#   markingCategory: Chest
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: royal_chest
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothHeadRoyal
+#   bodyPart: Head
+#   markingCategory: Head
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: royal_head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLLegRoyal
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: royal_l_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRLegRoyal
+#   bodyPart: RLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: royal_r_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLArmRoyal
+#   bodyPart: LArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: royal_l_arm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRArmRoyal
+#   bodyPart: RArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: royal_r_arm
+# # White Fly
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothChestWhitefly
+#   bodyPart: Chest
+#   markingCategory: Chest
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: whitefly_chest
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothHeadWhitefly
+#   bodyPart: Head
+#   markingCategory: Head
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: whitefly_head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLLegWhitefly
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: whitefly_l_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRLegWhitefly
+#   bodyPart: RLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: whitefly_r_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLArmWhitefly
+#   bodyPart: LArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: whitefly_l_arm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRArmWhitefly
+#   bodyPart: RArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: whitefly_r_arm
+# # Witch Wing
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothChestWitchwing
+#   bodyPart: Chest
+#   markingCategory: Chest
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: witchwing_chest
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothHeadWitchwing
+#   bodyPart: Head
+#   markingCategory: Head
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: witchwing_head
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLLegWitchwing
+#   bodyPart: LLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: witchwing_l_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRLegWitchwing
+#   bodyPart: RLeg
+#   markingCategory: Legs
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: witchwing_r_leg
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothLArmWitchwing
+#   bodyPart: LArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: witchwing_l_arm
+# - type: marking
+#   id: MothRArmWitchwing
+#   bodyPart: RArm
+#   markingCategory: Arms
+#   speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+#   sprites:
+#   - sprite: Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_parts.rsi
+#     state: witchwing_r_arm
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Cyborgs/base_borg_chassis.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Cyborgs/base_borg_chassis.yml
index 0650eddb408..21eb025d850 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Cyborgs/base_borg_chassis.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Cyborgs/base_borg_chassis.yml
@@ -99,6 +99,11 @@
     doAfterDelay: 10
     allowSelfRepair: false
   - type: BorgChassis
+  - type: LockingWhitelist
+    blacklist:
+      components:
+      - BorgChassis
+      - RoboticsConsole
   - type: WiresPanel
   - type: ActivatableUIRequiresPanel
   - type: NameIdentifier
@@ -113,7 +118,9 @@
     cellSlotId: cell_slot
     fitsInCharger: true
   - type: ItemToggle
+    activated: false # gets activated when a mind is added
     onUse: false # no item-borg toggling sorry
+    toggleLight: false
   - type: AccessToggle
   # TODO: refactor movement to just be based on toggle like speedboots but for the boots themselves
   # TODO: or just have sentient speedboots be fast idk
@@ -130,6 +137,7 @@
     - KnockedDown
     - SlowedDown
     - Flashed
+    - SeeingStatic # ADT IPC (shaders)
   - type: TypingIndicator
     proto: robot
   - type: Speech
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Cyborgs/borg_chassis.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Cyborgs/borg_chassis.yml
index e6aa87460d0..7919f753fb0 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Cyborgs/borg_chassis.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Cyborgs/borg_chassis.yml
@@ -265,6 +265,7 @@
     access: [["Medical"], ["Command"], ["Research"]]
   - type: Inventory
     templateId: borgDutch
+  - type: SolutionScanner
   - type: FootstepModifier
       collection: FootstepHoverBorg
@@ -365,7 +366,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: BorgChassisSyndicateMedical
-  parent: BaseBorgChassisSyndicate
+  parent: [BaseBorgChassisSyndicate, ShowMedicalIcons]
   name: syndicate medical cyborg
   description: A combat medical cyborg. Has limited offensive potential, but makes more than up for it with its support capabilities.
@@ -399,6 +400,12 @@
       interactFailureString: petting-failure-syndicate-cyborg
         path: /Audio/Ambience/Objects/periodic_beep.ogg
+    - type: SolutionScanner
+    - type: FootstepModifier
+      footstepSoundCollection:
+        collection: FootstepHoverBorg
+        params:
+          volume: -6
 - type: entity
   id: BorgChassisSyndicateSaboteur
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/animals.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/animals.yml
index baf7d7ade0b..248c18c88bd 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/animals.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/animals.yml
@@ -511,9 +511,11 @@
     accent: zombieMoth
   - type: Vocal
-      Male: UnisexMoth
-      Female: UnisexMoth
-      Unsexed: UnisexMoth
+      # Start-ADT Tweak Нианы 
+      Male: MaleMoth
+      Female: FemaleMoth
+      Unsexed: MaleMoth
+      # End-ADT Tweak Нианы
     wilhelmProbability: 0.001
   - type: MobPrice
     price: 150
@@ -1260,6 +1262,17 @@
     - VimPilot
     - DoorBumpOpener
+  - type: Reactive
+    groups:
+      Flammable: [ Touch ]
+      Extinguish: [ Touch ]
+    reactions:
+    - reagents: [ Water, SpaceCleaner ]
+      methods: [ Touch ]
+      effects:
+      - !type:WashCreamPieReaction
 - type: entity
   name: monkey
@@ -1298,6 +1311,7 @@
     - Monkey
 - type: entity
   name: monkey
   id: MobBaseSyndicateMonkey
@@ -1455,7 +1469,7 @@
   - type: SentienceTarget
     flavorKind: station-event-random-sentience-flavor-kobold
   - type: GhostRole
-    prob: 0.1
+    prob: 0.05
     makeSentient: true
     name: ghost-role-information-kobold-name
     description: ghost-role-information-kobold-description
@@ -1516,7 +1530,7 @@
 - type: entity
   name: guidebook monkey
   parent: MobMonkey
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   id: MobGuidebookMonkey
   description: A hopefully helpful monkey whose only purpose in life is for you to click on. Does this count as having a monkey give you a tutorial?
@@ -2172,11 +2186,13 @@
         Base: snake
+      Critical:
+        Base: dead
         Base: dead
   - type: Butcherable
-    - id: FoodMeat
+    - id: FoodMeatSnake
       amount: 1
   - type: InteractionPopup
     successChance: 0.6
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/elemental.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/elemental.yml
index ba21ca4da23..ad5d77f1c1e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/elemental.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/elemental.yml
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
         acts: [ "Destruction" ]
 - type: entity
-  name: Reagent slime
+  name: reagent slime
   id: ReagentSlime
   suffix: Water
   parent: [ MobAdultSlimes, MobCombat ]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/mimic.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/mimic.yml
index 285e75bca0a..6ef65cc1ae2 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/mimic.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/mimic.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 - type: entity
-  name: Mimic
+  name: mimic
   id: MobMimic
   parent: [ SimpleMobBase, MobCombat ]
   description: Surprise. # When this gets a proper write this should use the object's actual description >:)
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/pets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/pets.yml
index fe265c7cb61..83817e89a88 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/pets.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/pets.yml
@@ -106,6 +106,8 @@
     - id: FoodMeatCorgi
       amount: 2
     - id: MaterialHideCorgi
+  - type: StealTarget
+    stealGroup: AnimalIan
 - type: entity
   name: Runtime
@@ -127,6 +129,8 @@
     - CannotSuicide
     - VimPilot
+  - type: StealTarget
+    stealGroup: AnimalNamedCat
   - type: LanguageSpeaker # Frontier
     - Cat
@@ -151,6 +155,8 @@
     - CannotSuicide
     - VimPilot
+  - type: StealTarget
+    stealGroup: AnimalNamedCat
   - type: LanguageSpeaker # Frontier
     - Cat
@@ -182,6 +188,8 @@
     - CannotSuicide
     - VimPilot
+  - type: StealTarget
+    stealGroup: AnimalNamedCat
   - type: LanguageSpeaker # Frontier
     - Cat
@@ -259,7 +267,7 @@
     - CannotSuicide
     - VimPilot
   - type: StealTarget
-    stealGroup: AnimalBingus
+    stealGroup: AnimalNamedCat
 - type: entity
   name: McGriff
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/regalrat.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/regalrat.yml
index ed4065b32f6..cf334c5be56 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/regalrat.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/regalrat.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 - type: entity
-  name: Rat King
+  name: rat king
   id: MobRatKing
   parent: [ SimpleMobBase, MobCombat ]
   description: He's da rat. He make da roolz.
@@ -160,11 +160,11 @@
     - MinorAntagonists
 - type: entity
-  name: Rat Servant
+  name: rat servant
   id: MobRatServant
   parent: [ SimpleMobBase, MobCombat ]
   description: He's da mini rat. He don't make da roolz.
-  noSpawn: true #Must be configured to a King or the AI breaks.
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ] #Must be configured to a King or the AI breaks.
   - type: CombatMode
   - type: MovementSpeedModifier
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/slimes.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/slimes.yml
index d4970d88de1..55f041eb8f7 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/slimes.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/slimes.yml
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
   description: A geras of a slime - the name is ironic, isn't it?
   id: MobSlimesGeras
   parent: BaseMobAdultSlimes
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   # they portable...
   - type: MovementSpeedModifier
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/xeno.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/xeno.yml
index 3cf6fc69f52..0bf4d598d0f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/xeno.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/xeno.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Hacky for the stress test so don't even consider adding to this
 - type: entity
-  name: Burrower
+  name: burrower
   id: MobXeno
   parent: SimpleSpaceMobBase
   description: They mostly come at night. Mostly.
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
     - Xeno
 - type: entity
-  name: Praetorian
+  name: praetorian
   parent: MobXeno
   id: MobXenoPraetorian
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
         - MobLayer
 - type: entity
-  name: Drone
+  name: drone
   parent: MobXeno
   id: MobXenoDrone
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
         - MobLayer
 - type: entity
-  name: Queen
+  name: queen
   parent: MobXeno
   id: MobXenoQueen
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
     - CannotSuicide
 - type: entity
-  name: Ravager
+  name: ravager
   parent: MobXeno
   id: MobXenoRavager
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
         - MobLayer
 - type: entity
-  name: Runner
+  name: runner
   parent: MobXeno
   id: MobXenoRunner
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
         - MobLayer
 - type: entity
-  name: Rouny
+  name: rouny
   parent: MobXenoRunner
   id: MobXenoRouny
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
       amount: 3
 - type: entity
-  name: Spitter
+  name: spitter
   parent: MobXeno
   id: MobXenoSpitter
@@ -383,6 +383,10 @@
         Base: dead_purple_snake
         Base: dead_purple_snake
+  - type: Butcherable
+    spawned:
+    - id: FoodMeatSnake
+      amount: 4
   - type: Grammar
       proper: true
@@ -449,5 +453,9 @@
         Base: dead_small_purple_snake
         Base: dead_small_purple_snake
+  - type: Butcherable
+    spawned:
+    - id: FoodMeatSnake
+      amount: 2
   - type: SolutionTransfer
     maxTransferAmount: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/admin_ghost.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/admin_ghost.yml
index 58ffa1a194d..f0f2c8016b4 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/admin_ghost.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/admin_ghost.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   parent: [MobObserver, InventoryBase]
   id: AdminObserver
   name: admin observer
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: ContentEye
     maxZoom: 8.916104, 8.916104
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/diona.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/diona.yml
index 4153250bbf9..bcb602bbd6f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/diona.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/diona.yml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 # Reformed Diona
 - type: entity
   parent: MobDiona
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   id: MobDionaReformed
   name: Reformed Diona
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/dragon.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/dragon.yml
index 8bf9bfab41e..0b21f0d7353 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/dragon.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/dragon.yml
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
     - MinorAntagonists
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   id: DragonsBreathGun
   name: dragon's lung
   description: For dragon's breathing
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/human.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/human.yml
index 5ec64b818b7..8b3aa1e05ca 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/human.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/human.yml
@@ -35,18 +35,46 @@
       giveUplink: false
       giveObjectives: false
+- type: entity
+  parent: MobHumanSyndicateAgent
+  id: MobHumanSyndicateAgentMedic
+  name: syndicate medic
+  components:
+  - type: Loadout
+    prototypes: [SyndicateReinforcementMedic]
+- type: entity
+  parent: MobHumanSyndicateAgent
+  id: MobHumanSyndicateAgentSpy
+  name: syndicate spy
+  components:
+  - type: Loadout
+    prototypes: [SyndicateReinforcementSpy]
+- type: entity
+  parent: MobHumanSyndicateAgent
+  id: MobHumanSyndicateAgentThief
+  name: syndicate thief
+  components:
+  - type: Loadout
+    prototypes: [SyndicateReinforcementThief]
 - type: entity
   parent: MobHumanSyndicateAgentBase
   id: MobHumanSyndicateAgentNukeops # Reinforcement exclusive to nukeops uplink
   suffix: Human, NukeOps
-    - type: Loadout
-      prototypes: [SyndicateOperativeGearReinforcementNukeOps]
     - type: NukeOperative
+    - type: RandomMetadata
+      nameSegments:
+      - nukeops-role-operator
+      - SyndicateNamesNormal
+    - type: Loadout
+      prototypes: [SyndicateOperativeGearFullNoUplink]
 # Nuclear Operative
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: Nuclear Operative
   parent: MobHuman
   id: MobHumanNukeOp
@@ -55,7 +83,7 @@
     - type: RandomHumanoidAppearance
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: MobHuman
   id: MobHumanLoneNuclearOperative
   name: Lone Operative
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/moth.yml
index ea01677626d..431843d4edc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/moth.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/moth.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- type: entity
-  save: false
-  name: Urist McFluff
-  parent: BaseMobMoth
-  id: MobMoth
+# - type: entity
+#   save: false
+#   name: Urist McFluff
+#   parent: BaseMobMoth
+#   id: MobMoth
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/observer.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/observer.yml
index 0f826936a5c..b0c7f8accc6 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/observer.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/observer.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   id: MobObserver
   name: observer
   description: Boo!
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: CargoSellBlacklist
   - type: Sprite
@@ -48,7 +48,11 @@
   - type: Tag
     - BypassInteractionRangeChecks
-  - type: UniversalLanguageSpeaker # Frontier / Ghosts should understand any language.
+  - type: LanguageSpeaker
+    speaks:
+    - Universal
+    understands:
+    - Universal
 - type: entity
   id: ActionGhostBoo
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/replay_observer.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/replay_observer.yml
index ad9b37f63e1..ffbc46e94c3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/replay_observer.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Player/replay_observer.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: MobObserver
   id: ReplayObserver
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   save: false
   - type: MovementSpeedModifier
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/arachnid.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/arachnid.yml
index e1ec78b4197..c846b4377a1 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/arachnid.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/arachnid.yml
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
       - id: FoodMeatSpider
         amount: 5
-  - type: Inventory
-    templateId: arachnid
   - type: Reactive
     - reagents: [Water]
@@ -80,16 +78,6 @@
       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LArm" ]
       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RLeg" ]
       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LLeg" ]
-      - shader: StencilClear
-        sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/parts.rsi #PJB on stencil clear being on the left leg: "...this is 'fine'" -https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/12217#issuecomment-1291677115
-        # its fine, but its still very stupid that it has to be done like this instead of allowing sprites to just directly insert a stencil clear.
-        # sprite refactor when
-        state: l_leg
-      - shader: StencilMask
-        map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.StencilMask"]
-        sprite: Mobs/Customization/masking_helpers.rsi
-        state: unisex_full
-        visible: false
       - map: ["jumpsuit"]
       - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LFoot"]
       - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RFoot"]
@@ -122,6 +110,8 @@
         sprite: "Effects/creampie.rsi"
         state: "creampie_arachnid"
         visible: false
+  - type: Inventory
+    templateId: arachnid
   - type: LanguageSpeaker # Frontier
     - GalacticCommon
@@ -133,9 +123,10 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseSpeciesDummy
   id: MobArachnidDummy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: HumanoidAppearance
     species: Arachnid
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/base.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/base.yml
index ab1d853d458..f47e693636f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/base.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/base.yml
@@ -18,16 +18,6 @@
     - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LArm" ]
     - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RLeg" ]
     - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LLeg" ]
-    - shader: StencilClear
-      sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/parts.rsi #PJB on stencil clear being on the left leg: "...this is 'fine'" -https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/12217#issuecomment-1291677115
-      # its fine, but its still very stupid that it has to be done like this instead of allowing sprites to just directly insert a stencil clear.
-      # sprite refactor when
-      state: l_leg
-    - shader: StencilMask
-      map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.StencilMask"]
-      sprite: Mobs/Customization/masking_helpers.rsi
-      state: unisex_full
-      visible: false
     - map: ["jumpsuit"]
     - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LFoot"]
     - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RFoot"]
@@ -172,7 +162,6 @@
   - type: SleepEmitSound
   - type: SSDIndicator
   - type: StandingState
-  - type: Fingerprint
   - type: Dna
   - type: MindContainer
     showExamineInfo: true
@@ -250,6 +239,7 @@
         Heat: -0.07
         Brute: -0.07
+  - type: Fingerprint
   - type: Blindable
   # Other
@@ -313,14 +303,6 @@
     - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LArm" ]
     - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RLeg" ]
     - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LLeg" ]
-    - shader: StencilClear
-      sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/parts.rsi
-      state: l_leg
-    - shader: StencilMask
-      map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.StencilMask"]
-      sprite: Mobs/Customization/masking_helpers.rsi
-      state: unisex_full
-      visible: false
     - map: ["jumpsuit"]
     - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LFoot"]
     - map: ["enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RFoot"]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/diona.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/diona.yml
index 98341e8d12e..7b15ced7b62 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/diona.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/diona.yml
@@ -82,8 +82,6 @@
           - MobMask
           - MobLayer
-  - type: Inventory
-    templateId: diona
   - type: Speech
     speechVerb: Plant
   - type: Vocal
@@ -102,6 +100,14 @@
     actionPrototype: DionaGibAction
     - Dead
+  - type: Inventory
+    templateId: diona
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
   - type: LanguageSpeaker # Frontier
     - GalacticCommon
@@ -113,9 +119,15 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseSpeciesDummy
   id: MobDionaDummy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
-  - type: Inventory
-    templateId: diona
   - type: HumanoidAppearance
     species: Diona
+  - type: Inventory
+    templateId: diona
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/dwarf.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/dwarf.yml
index d332914399b..7411655b82e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/dwarf.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/dwarf.yml
@@ -56,6 +56,13 @@
     - Hair
     - Snout
+  - type: Inventory
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
   - type: LanguageSpeaker # Frontier
     - GalacticCommon
@@ -67,7 +74,14 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseSpeciesDummy
   id: MobDwarfDummy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     scale: 1, 0.8
+  - type: Inventory
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/gingerbread.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/gingerbread.yml
index c514a6f1a05..406aa920c1c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/gingerbread.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/gingerbread.yml
@@ -40,11 +40,26 @@
           - MobMask
           - MobLayer
+  - type: Inventory
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseSpeciesDummy
   id: MobGingerbreadDummy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: HumanoidAppearance
     species: Gingerbread
+  - type: Inventory
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/human.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/human.yml
index 1152f654daa..4d6bc17b26c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/human.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/human.yml
@@ -20,6 +20,13 @@
     - Hair
     - Snout
+  - type: Inventory
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
   - type: LanguageSpeaker # Frontier
     - GalacticCommon
@@ -31,4 +38,12 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseSpeciesDummy
   id: MobHumanDummy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+  components:
+  - type: Inventory
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/moth.yml
index a2730b6d7e9..2bb40d397a4 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/moth.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/moth.yml
@@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
-- type: entity
-  save: false
-  name: Urist McFluff
-  parent: BaseMobSpeciesOrganic
-  id: BaseMobMoth
-  abstract: true
-  components:
-  - type: HumanoidAppearance
-    species: Moth
-    hideLayersOnEquip:
-    - HeadTop
-  - type: Hunger
-  - type: Thirst
-  - type: Icon
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: full
-  - type: Body
-    prototype: Moth
-    requiredLegs: 2
-  - type: Damageable
-    damageContainer: Biological
-    damageModifierSet: Moth
-  - type: ZombieAccentOverride
-    accent: zombieMoth
-  - type: Speech
-    speechVerb: Moth
-    allowedEmotes: ['Chitter', 'Squeak']
-  - type: TypingIndicator
-    proto: moth
-  - type: Butcherable
-    butcheringType: Spike
-    spawned:
-    - id: FoodMeat
-      amount: 5
-  - type: Bloodstream
-    bloodReagent: InsectBlood
-  - type: DamageVisuals
-    damageOverlayGroups:
-      Brute:
-        sprite: Mobs/Effects/brute_damage.rsi
-        color: "#808A51"
-  - type: MothAccent
-  - type: Vocal
-    sounds:
-      Male: UnisexMoth
-      Female: UnisexMoth
-      Unsexed: UnisexMoth
-  - type: MovementSpeedModifier
-    weightlessAcceleration: 1.5 # Move around more easily in space.
-    weightlessFriction: 1
-    weightlessModifier: 1
-  - type: Flammable
-    damage:
-      types:
-        Heat: 4.5 # moths burn more easily
-  - type: Temperature # Moths hate the heat and thrive in the cold.
-    heatDamageThreshold: 320
-    coldDamageThreshold: 230
-    currentTemperature: 310.15
-    specificHeat: 46
-    coldDamage:
-      types:
-        Cold : 0.05 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
-    heatDamage:
-      types:
-        Heat : 3 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
-  - type: Sprite # sprite again because we want different layer ordering
-    noRot: true
-    drawdepth: Mobs
-    layers:
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Chest" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Head" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Snout" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Eyes" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RArm" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LArm" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RLeg" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LLeg" ]
-      - shader: StencilClear
-        sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/parts.rsi #PJB on stencil clear being on the left leg: "...this is 'fine'" -https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/12217#issuecomment-1291677115
-        # its fine, but its still very stupid that it has to be done like this instead of allowing sprites to just directly insert a stencil clear.
-        # sprite refactor when
-        state: l_leg
-      - shader: StencilMask
-        map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.StencilMask" ]
-        sprite: Mobs/Customization/masking_helpers.rsi
-        state: unisex_full
-        visible: false
-      - map: [ "jumpsuit" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LHand" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RHand" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LFoot" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RFoot" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Handcuffs" ]
-        color: "#ffffff"
-        sprite: Objects/Misc/handcuffs.rsi
-        state: body-overlay-2
-        visible: false
-      - map: [ "gloves" ]
-      - map: [ "shoes" ]
-      - map: [ "ears" ]
-      - map: [ "outerClothing" ]
-      - map: [ "eyes" ]
-      - map: [ "belt" ]
-      - map: [ "id" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Tail" ] #in the utopian future we should probably have a wings enum inserted here so everyhting doesn't break
-      - map: [ "neck" ]
-      - map: [ "back" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.FacialHair" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Hair" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.HeadSide" ]
-      - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.HeadTop" ]
-      - map: [ "mask" ]
-      - map: [ "head" ]
-      - map: [ "pocket1" ]
-      - map: [ "pocket2" ]
-      - map: [ "clownedon" ] # Dynamically generated
-        sprite: "Effects/creampie.rsi"
-        state: "creampie_moth"
-        visible: false
-  - type: LanguageSpeaker # Frontier
-    speaks:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Nian
-    understands:
-    - GalacticCommon
-    - Nian
+# - type: entity
+#   save: false
+#   name: Urist McFluff
+#   parent: BaseMobSpeciesOrganic
+#   id: BaseMobMoth
+#   abstract: true
+#   components:
+#   - type: HumanoidAppearance
+#     species: Moth
+#     hideLayersOnEquip:
+#     - HeadTop
+#   - type: Hunger
+#   - type: Thirst
+#   - type: Icon
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: full
+#   - type: Body
+#     prototype: Moth
+#     requiredLegs: 2
+#   - type: Damageable
+#     damageContainer: Biological
+#     damageModifierSet: Moth
+#   - type: ZombieAccentOverride
+#     accent: zombieMoth
+#   - type: Speech
+#     speechVerb: Moth
+#     allowedEmotes: ['Chitter', 'Squeak']
+#   - type: TypingIndicator
+#     proto: moth
+#   - type: Butcherable
+#     butcheringType: Spike
+#     spawned:
+#     - id: FoodMeat
+#       amount: 5
+#   - type: Bloodstream
+#     bloodReagent: InsectBlood
+#   - type: DamageVisuals
+#     damageOverlayGroups:
+#       Brute:
+#         sprite: Mobs/Effects/brute_damage.rsi
+#         color: "#808A51"
+#   - type: MothAccent
+#   - type: Vocal
+#     sounds:
+#       Male: UnisexMoth
+#       Female: UnisexMoth
+#       Unsexed: UnisexMoth
+#   - type: MovementSpeedModifier
+#     weightlessAcceleration: 1.5 # Move around more easily in space.
+#     weightlessFriction: 1
+#     weightlessModifier: 1
+#   - type: Flammable
+#     damage:
+#       types:
+#         Heat: 4.5 # moths burn more easily
+#   - type: Temperature # Moths hate the heat and thrive in the cold.
+#     heatDamageThreshold: 320
+#     coldDamageThreshold: 230
+#     currentTemperature: 310.15
+#     specificHeat: 46
+#     coldDamage:
+#       types:
+#         Cold : 0.05 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
+#     heatDamage:
+#       types:
+#         Heat : 3 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
+#   - type: Sprite # sprite again because we want different layer ordering
+#     noRot: true
+#     drawdepth: Mobs
+#     layers:
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Chest" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Head" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Snout" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Eyes" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RArm" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LArm" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RLeg" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LLeg" ]
+#       - map: [ "jumpsuit" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LHand" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RHand" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LFoot" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RFoot" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Handcuffs" ]
+#         color: "#ffffff"
+#         sprite: Objects/Misc/handcuffs.rsi
+#         state: body-overlay-2
+#         visible: false
+#       - map: [ "gloves" ]
+#       - map: [ "shoes" ]
+#       - map: [ "ears" ]
+#       - map: [ "outerClothing" ]
+#       - map: [ "eyes" ]
+#       - map: [ "belt" ]
+#       - map: [ "id" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Tail" ] #in the utopian future we should probably have a wings enum inserted here so everyhting doesn't break
+#       - map: [ "neck" ]
+#       - map: [ "back" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.FacialHair" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Hair" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.HeadSide" ]
+#       - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.HeadTop" ]
+#       - map: [ "mask" ]
+#       - map: [ "head" ]
+#       - map: [ "pocket1" ]
+#       - map: [ "pocket2" ]
+#       - map: [ "clownedon" ] # Dynamically generated
+#         sprite: "Effects/creampie.rsi"
+#         state: "creampie_moth"
+#         visible: false
+#   - type: Inventory
+#     femaleDisplacements:
+#       jumpsuit:
+#         sizeMaps:
+#           32:
+#             sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+#             state: jumpsuit-female
+# - type: entity
+#   parent: BaseSpeciesDummy
+#   id: MobMothDummy
+#   categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+#   components:
+#   - type: HumanoidAppearance
+#     species: Moth
+#   - type: Inventory
+#     femaleDisplacements:
+#       jumpsuit:
+#         sizeMaps:
+#           32:
+#             sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+#             state: jumpsuit-female
-- type: entity
-  parent: BaseSpeciesDummy
-  id: MobMothDummy
-  noSpawn: true
-  components:
-  - type: HumanoidAppearance
-    species: Moth
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/reptilian.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/reptilian.yml
index 29b7053bde0..92b3ce092ae 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/reptilian.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/reptilian.yml
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
     - id: FoodMeatLizard
       amount: 5
-  - type: Inventory
-    speciesId: reptilian
   - type: LizardAccent
   - type: Speech
     speechSounds: Lizard
@@ -62,6 +60,14 @@
         Heat : 1.5 #per second, scales with temperature & other constants
   - type: Wagging
+  - type: Inventory
+    speciesId: reptilian
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
   - type: LanguageSpeaker # Frontier
     - GalacticCommon
@@ -75,7 +81,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseSpeciesDummy
   id: MobReptilianDummy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   description: A dummy reptilian meant to be used in character setup.
   - type: HumanoidAppearance
@@ -86,5 +92,11 @@
     - HeadSide
   - type: Inventory
     speciesId: reptilian
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/skeleton.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/skeleton.yml
index 41d81a0e9dd..229c2da027e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/skeleton.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/skeleton.yml
@@ -102,11 +102,25 @@
   - type: FireVisuals
     alternateState: Standing
   - type: FlashImmunity
+  - type: Inventory
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseSpeciesDummy
   id: MobSkeletonPersonDummy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
-    - type: HumanoidAppearance
-      species: Skeleton
+  - type: HumanoidAppearance
+    species: Skeleton
+  - type: Inventory
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/slime.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/slime.yml
index 102d6ca32d0..0b8d1a5bf82 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/slime.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/slime.yml
@@ -109,6 +109,13 @@
         Asphyxiation: -1.0
     maxSaturation: 15
+  - type: Inventory
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
   - type: LanguageSpeaker
     - GalacticCommon
@@ -120,7 +127,14 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: MobHumanDummy
   id: MobSlimePersonDummy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
-    - type: HumanoidAppearance
-      species: SlimePerson
+  - type: HumanoidAppearance
+    species: SlimePerson
+  - type: Inventory
+    femaleDisplacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit-female
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/vox.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/vox.yml
index 02e2791e354..4bcd068d9d1 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/vox.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Species/vox.yml
@@ -14,42 +14,6 @@
   - type:  HumanoidAppearance
     species: Vox
     #- type: VoxAccent # Not yet coded
-  - type: Inventory
-    speciesId: vox
-    displacements:
-      jumpsuit:
-        layer:
-          sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
-          state: jumpsuit
-          copyToShaderParameters:
-            # Value required, provide a dummy. Gets overridden when applied.
-            layerKey: dummy
-            parameterTexture: displacementMap
-            parameterUV: displacementUV
-      eyes:
-        layer:
-          sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
-          state: eyes
-          copyToShaderParameters:
-            layerKey: dummy
-            parameterTexture: displacementMap
-            parameterUV: displacementUV
-      gloves:
-        layer:
-          sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
-          state: hand
-          copyToShaderParameters:
-            layerKey: dummy
-            parameterTexture: displacementMap
-            parameterUV: displacementUV
-      back:
-        layer:
-          sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
-          state: back
-          copyToShaderParameters:
-            layerKey: dummy
-            parameterTexture: displacementMap
-            parameterUV: displacementUV
   - type: Speech
     speechVerb: Vox
     speechSounds: Vox
@@ -126,11 +90,44 @@
       sprite: "Effects/creampie.rsi"
       state: "creampie_vox" # Not default
       visible: false
+  - type: Inventory
+    speciesId: vox
+    displacements:
+      jumpsuit:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit
+      eyes:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
+            state: eyes
+      gloves:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
+            state: hand
+      back:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
+            state: back
+      ears:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
+            state: ears
+      shoes:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
+            state: shoes
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseSpeciesDummy
   id: MobVoxDummy
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: HumanoidAppearance
     species: Vox
@@ -140,36 +137,32 @@
     speciesId: vox
-        layer:
-          sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
-          state: jumpsuit
-          copyToShaderParameters:
-            # Value required, provide a dummy. Gets overridden when applied.
-            layerKey: dummy
-            parameterTexture: displacementMap
-            parameterUV: displacementUV
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
+            state: jumpsuit
-        layer:
-          sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
-          state: eyes
-          copyToShaderParameters:
-            layerKey: dummy
-            parameterTexture: displacementMap
-            parameterUV: displacementUV
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
+            state: eyes
-        layer:
-          sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
-          state: hand
-          copyToShaderParameters:
-            layerKey: dummy
-            parameterTexture: displacementMap
-            parameterUV: displacementUV
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
+            state: hand
-        layer:
-          sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
-          state: back
-          copyToShaderParameters:
-            layerKey: dummy
-            parameterTexture: displacementMap
-            parameterUV: displacementUV
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
+            state: back
+      ears:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
+            state: ears
+      shoes:
+        sizeMaps:
+          32:
+            sprite: Mobs/Species/Vox/displacement.rsi
+            state: shoes
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks.yml
index 5d77c91a5db..a51a9a19306 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks.yml
@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@
     solution: drink
   - type: FitsInDispenser
     solution: drink
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+      - DrinkGlass
 # Transformable container - normal glass
 - type: entity
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_bottles.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_bottles.yml
index c9e28954be8..f894b170f4f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_bottles.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_bottles.yml
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: [DrinkBottleVisualsOpenable, DrinkBottlePlasticBaseFull]
   id: DrinkCreamCartonXL
-  name: Milk Cream XL
+  name: milk cream XL
   description: It's cream. Made from milk. What else did you think you'd find in there?
   - type: SolutionContainerManager
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_cups.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_cups.yml
index 156cd5a7675..d13c9ad2ca9 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_cups.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_cups.yml
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: DrinkBaseCup
   id: DrinkLean
-  name: grape Juice
+  name: grape juice
   description: Damn, no fun allowed.
   - type: SolutionContainerManager
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/misc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/misc.yml
index fde181d8b9b..784bfe2cd5d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/misc.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/misc.yml
@@ -257,14 +257,12 @@
 - type: entity
   name: blueberry pancake
-  parent: FoodBakedBase
+  parent: FoodBakedPancake
   id: FoodBakedPancakeBb
   description: A fluffy and delicious blueberry pancake.
   - type: Stack
-    stackType: Pancake
-    count: 1
-    composite: true
+    stackType: PancakeBb
     - pancakesbb1
     - pancakesbb2
@@ -281,7 +279,6 @@
     - state: pancakesbb3
       map: ["pancakesbb3"]
       visible: false
-  - type: Appearance
   - type: Tag
     - Pancake
@@ -289,14 +286,12 @@
 - type: entity
   name: chocolate chip pancake
-  parent: FoodBakedBase
+  parent: FoodBakedPancake
   id: FoodBakedPancakeCc
   description: A fluffy and delicious chocolate chip pancake.
   - type: Stack
-    stackType: Pancake
-    count: 1
-    composite: true
+    stackType: PancakeCc
     - pancakescc1
     - pancakescc2
@@ -313,7 +308,6 @@
     - state: pancakescc3
       map: ["pancakescc3"]
       visible: false
-  - type: Appearance
   - type: SolutionContainerManager
@@ -323,9 +317,6 @@
           Quantity: 5
         - ReagentId: Theobromine
           Quantity: 1
-  - type: Tag
-    tags:
-    - Pancake
 - type: entity
   name: waffles
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pie.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pie.yml
index cb04869c2c7..09ec706e1fe 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pie.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pie.yml
@@ -148,6 +148,8 @@
     - state: tin
     - state: plain
   - type: CreamPie
+  - type: ThrowingAngle
+    angle: 180
   - type: LandAtCursor
   - type: ContainerContainer
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pizza.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pizza.yml
index f822fb7c2da..55bf7f994ab 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pizza.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Baked/pizza.yml
@@ -547,3 +547,76 @@
         - ReagentId: Vitamin
           Quantity: 1
 # Tastes like stale crust, rancid cheese, mushroom.
+- type: entity
+  name: spicy rock pizza
+  parent: FoodPizzaBase
+  id: FoodPizzaUranium
+  description: Spicy pizza covered in peppers and uranium.
+  components:
+  - type: FlavorProfile
+    flavors:
+    - spicy
+    - cheesy
+    - oily
+    - bread
+  - type: Sprite
+    layers:
+    - state: uranium-pizza
+  - type: SliceableFood
+    slice: FoodPizzaUraniumSlice
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+    - Meat
+    - Pizza
+  - type: PointLight
+    enabled: true
+    radius: 2
+  - type: SolutionContainerManager
+    solutions:
+      food:
+        maxVol: 40
+        reagents:
+        - ReagentId: Nutriment
+          Quantity: 20
+        - ReagentId: Radium
+          Quantity: 4
+        - ReagentId: Uranium
+          Quantity: 16
+- type: entity
+  name: slice of spicy rock pizza
+  parent: FoodPizzaSliceBase
+  id: FoodPizzaUraniumSlice
+  description: A glowing slice of spicy rock pizza.
+  components:
+  - type: FlavorProfile
+    flavors:
+    - spicy
+    - cheesy
+    - oily
+    - bread
+  - type: Sprite
+    layers:
+    - state: uranium-slice
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+    - Meat
+    - Pizza
+    - Slice
+  - type: PointLight
+    enabled: true
+    radius: 2
+  - type: SolutionContainerManager
+    solutions:
+      food:
+        maxVol: 5
+        reagents:
+        - ReagentId: Nutriment
+          Quantity: 2.5
+        - ReagentId: Radium
+          Quantity: 0.5
+        - ReagentId: Uranium
+          Quantity: 2
+# Tastes like crust, tomato, cheese, radiation.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Containers/box.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Containers/box.yml
index 5d9ddca94dd..bb80079d2eb 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Containers/box.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/Containers/box.yml
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@
   id: FoodMealHappyHonkClown
   parent: HappyHonk
   suffix: random food spawner meal
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: StorageFill
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/ingredients.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/ingredients.yml
index be23c2e43f6..f1f30f6c46d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/ingredients.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/ingredients.yml
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
     solution: food
   - type: TrashOnSolutionEmpty
     solution: food
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+      - Ingredient
 - type: entity
   abstract: true
@@ -272,6 +275,9 @@
         - ReagentId: Nutriment
           Quantity: 15
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+      - Ingredient
 - type: entity
   name: dough
@@ -684,3 +690,6 @@
       - ReagentId: CocoaPowder
         Quantity: 2
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+      - Ingredient
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/produce.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/produce.yml
index 60d6106cde5..392e90239bd 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/produce.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/produce.yml
@@ -95,6 +95,21 @@
   - type: Produce
     seedId: sugarcane
+- type: entity
+  name: papercane roll
+  description: Why do we even need to grow paper?
+  id: Papercane
+  parent: ProduceBase
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/papercane.rsi
+  - type: SolutionContainerManager
+  - type: Produce
+    seedId: papercane
+  - type: Log
+    spawnedPrototype: SheetPaper1
+    spawnCount: 2
 - type: entity
   parent: FoodProduceBase
   id: FoodLaughinPeaPod
@@ -869,6 +884,42 @@
     - Fruit
+- type: entity
+  name: golden apple
+  parent: FoodProduceBase
+  id: FoodGoldenApple
+  description: It should be shaped like a cube, shouldn't it?
+  components:
+  - type: FlavorProfile
+    flavors:
+      - apple
+      - metallic
+  - type: SolutionContainerManager
+    solutions:
+      food:
+        maxVol: 30
+        reagents:
+        - ReagentId: Nutriment
+          Quantity: 10
+        - ReagentId: Vitamin
+          Quantity: 4
+        - ReagentId: DoctorsDelight
+          Quantity: 13
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/golden_apple.rsi
+  - type: Produce
+    seedId: goldenApple
+  - type: Extractable
+    juiceSolution:
+      reagents:
+      - ReagentId: JuiceApple
+        Quantity: 10
+      - ReagentId: Gold
+        Quantity: 10
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+    - Fruit
 - type: entity
   name: cocoa pod
   parent: FoodProduceBase
@@ -1411,6 +1462,71 @@
     - Galaxythistle
     - Fruit # Probably?
+- type: entity
+  name: glasstle
+  parent: FoodProduceBase
+  id: FoodGlasstle
+  description: A fragile crystal plant with lot of spiky thorns. 
+  components:
+  - type: Item
+    size: Small
+    sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/glasstle.rsi
+    heldPrefix: produce  
+  - type: FlavorProfile
+    flavors:
+      - sharp
+  - type: SolutionContainerManager
+    solutions:
+      food:
+        maxVol: 15
+        reagents:
+        - ReagentId: Razorium
+          Quantity: 15
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/glasstle.rsi
+  - type: Produce
+    seedId: glasstle
+  - type: Extractable
+    grindableSolutionName: food
+  - type: Damageable 
+    damageContainer: Inorganic
+  - type: ToolRefinable
+    refineResult:
+    - id: SheetGlass1
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTrigger
+        damage: 10
+      behaviors:
+      - !type:PlaySoundBehavior
+        sound:
+          collection: GlassBreak
+          params:
+            volume: -4
+      - !type:SpawnEntitiesBehavior
+        spawn:
+          ShardGlass:
+            min: 1
+            max: 1
+      - !type:DoActsBehavior
+        acts: [ "Destruction" ]
+  - type: DamageOnHit 
+    damage:
+      types:
+        Blunt: 10
+  - type: MeleeWeapon
+    wideAnimationRotation: 60
+    damage:
+      types:
+        Slash: 15
+    soundHit:
+        path: /Audio/Weapons/bladeslice.ogg
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+    - Galaxythistle
 - type: entity
   name: fly amanita
   parent: FoodProduceBase
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.yml
index d620dbda6f4..e8a646e8c96 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/snacks.yml
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
 # Trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseItem
   id: FoodPacketTrash
   description: This is rubbish.
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@
     price: 0
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketBoritosTrash
   name: boritos bag
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
     state: boritos-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketCnDsTrash
   name: C&Ds bag
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@
     state: cnds-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketCheesieTrash
   name: cheesie honkers
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@
     state: cheesiehonkers-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketChipsTrash
   name: chips
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@
     state: chips-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketChocolateTrash
   name: chocolate wrapper
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
     state: chocolatebar-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketEnergyTrash
   name: energybar wrapper
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@
     state: energybar-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketPistachioTrash
   name: pistachios packet
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@
     state: pistachio-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketPopcornTrash
   name: popcorn box
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@
     state: popcorn-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketRaisinsTrash
   name: 4no raisins
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
     state: raisins-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketSemkiTrash
   name: semki packet
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@
     state: semki-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketSusTrash
   name: sus jerky
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@
     state: susjerky-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketSyndiTrash
   name: syndi-cakes box
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@
     state: syndicakes-trash
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketCupRamenTrash
   name: empty cup ramen
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@
     state: ramen
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketChowMeinTrash
   name: empty chow mein box
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
     state: chinese1
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketDanDanTrash
   name: empty dan dan box
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@
     state: chinese2
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodCookieFortune
   name: cookie fortune
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@
     descriptionSegments: [CookieFortuneDescriptions]
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: FoodPacketTrash
   id: FoodPacketMRETrash
   name: MRE wrapper
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Decoration/present.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Decoration/present.yml
index 3fb5675f83f..1240fa3d8fe 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Decoration/present.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Decoration/present.yml
@@ -423,9 +423,9 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PresentTrash
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseItem
-  name: Wrapping Paper
+  name: wrapping paper
   description: Carefully folded, taped, and tied with a bow. Then ceremoniously ripped apart and tossed on the floor.
   - type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/Circuitboards/Machine/production.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/Circuitboards/Machine/production.yml
index b25c394f825..f2c3ed15fbc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/Circuitboards/Machine/production.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/Circuitboards/Machine/production.yml
@@ -1253,3 +1253,16 @@
       Steel: 2
       Glass: 5
       Cable: 2
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseMachineCircuitboard
+  id: CutterMachineCircuitboard
+  name: cutter machine board
+  components:
+  - type: MachineBoard
+    prototype: CutterMachine
+    stackRequirements:
+      Steel: 2
+      Capacitor: 1
+      Manipulator: 1
+      Cable: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/Syndicate_Gadgets/reinforcement_teleporter.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/Syndicate_Gadgets/reinforcement_teleporter.yml
index c075ac881fd..a5041bb5891 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/Syndicate_Gadgets/reinforcement_teleporter.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/Syndicate_Gadgets/reinforcement_teleporter.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseItem
-  id: ReinforcementRadioSyndicate
+  abstract: true
+  id: ReinforcementRadio
   name: syndicate reinforcement radio
   description: Call in a syndicate agent of questionable quality, instantly! Only basic equipment provided.
@@ -8,50 +9,68 @@
     sprite: Objects/Devices/communication.rsi
     - state: old-radio
+  - type: UserInterface
+    interfaces:
+      enum.GhostRoleRadioUiKey.Key:
+        type: GhostRoleRadioBoundUserInterface
+  - type: ActivatableUI
+    key: enum.GhostRoleRadioUiKey.Key
+- type: entity
+  parent: ReinforcementRadio
+  id: ReinforcementRadioSyndicate
+  name: syndicate reinforcement radio
+  description: Call in a syndicate agent of questionable quality, instantly!
+  components:
   - type: GhostRole
-    name: ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-name
+    name: ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-spy-name
     description: ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-description
     rules: ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-rules
       settings: default
   - type: GhostRoleMobSpawner
-    prototype: MobHumanSyndicateAgent
-  - type: EmitSoundOnUse
-    sound: /Audio/Effects/Emotes/parp1.ogg
-  - type: UseDelay
-    delay: 300
+    prototype: MobHumanSyndicateAgentSpy
+    selectablePrototypes: ["SyndicateAgentMedic", "SyndicateAgentSpy", "SyndicateAgentThief"]
 # Corvax-HiddenDesc-Start
   - type: HiddenDescription
     - label: corvax-hidden-desc-ReinforcementRadioSyndicate-syndicate
-          - TraitorRole
-          - NukeOperative
+        - TraitorRole
+        - NukeOperative
     - label: corvax-hidden-desc-ReinforcementRadio-engineering
-        - ChiefEngineer
-        - AtmosphericTechnician
-        - StationEngineer
-        - TechnicalAssistant
+      - ChiefEngineer
+      - AtmosphericTechnician
+      - StationEngineer
+      - TechnicalAssistant
     - label: corvax-hidden-desc-ReinforcementRadio-research
-        - ResearchAssistant
-        - ResearchDirector
-        - Scientist
-        - Borg
+      - ResearchAssistant
+      - ResearchDirector
+      - Scientist
+      - Borg
 # Corvax-HiddenDesc-End
 - type: entity
-  parent: ReinforcementRadioSyndicate
+  parent: ReinforcementRadio
   id: ReinforcementRadioSyndicateNukeops # Reinforcement radio exclusive to nukeops uplink
+  name: nuclear operative radio
+  description: Call in a nuclear operative of questionable quality, instantly! Basic nukeop equipment provided.
   suffix: NukeOps
+  - type: GhostRole
+    name: ghost-role-information-nukeop-reinforcement-name
+    description: ghost-role-information-nukeop-reinforcement-description
+    rules: ghost-role-information-nukeop-reinforcement-rules
+    raffle:
+      settings: default
   - type: GhostRoleMobSpawner
     prototype: MobHumanSyndicateAgentNukeops
 - type: entity
-  parent: ReinforcementRadioSyndicate
+  parent: ReinforcementRadio
   id: ReinforcementRadioSyndicateAncestor
   name: syndicate genetic ancestor reinforcement radio
   description: Calls in a specially trained ancestor of your choosing to assist you.
@@ -98,7 +117,7 @@
     selectablePrototypes: ["SyndicateMonkeyNukeops", "SyndicateKoboldNukeops"]
 - type: entity
-  parent: ReinforcementRadioSyndicate
+  parent: ReinforcementRadio
   id: ReinforcementRadioSyndicateSyndiCat
   name: syndicat reinforcement radio
   description: Calls in a faithfully trained cat with a microbomb to assist you.
@@ -115,7 +134,7 @@
     sound: /Audio/Animals/cat_meow.ogg
 - type: entity
-  parent: ReinforcementRadioSyndicate
+  parent: ReinforcementRadio
   id: ReinforcementRadioSyndicateCyborgAssault # Reinforcement radio exclusive to nukeops uplink
   name: syndicate assault cyborg reinforcement radio
   description: Call in a well armed assault cyborg, instantly!
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/chameleon_projector.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/chameleon_projector.yml
index 20e138f81a0..bc17ed455a5 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/chameleon_projector.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/chameleon_projector.yml
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
       entity: ChameleonDisguise
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseMob
   id: ChameleonDisguise
   name: Urist McKleiner
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/encryption_keys.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/encryption_keys.yml
index 4b2907f1ab6..a4afd95feb1 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/encryption_keys.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/encryption_keys.yml
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@
   - type: EncryptionKey
     - Science
+    - Binary # ADT Tweak Roboticist
     defaultChannel: Science
   - type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/backgammon.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/backgammon.yml
index ab404b88a3e..965b25dbc00 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/backgammon.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/backgammon.yml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
   id: BackgammonBoardTabletop
   name: backgammon
   parent: BaseBoardTabletop
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Fun/Tabletop/backgammon_tabletop.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/base.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/base.yml
index 64e7d7ace98..f7d9e0973a3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/base.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/base.yml
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   id: BaseBoardTabletop
   name: baseboard
   abstract: true
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Tag
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/checkers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/checkers.yml
index 69302548d18..6c206ca26f7 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/checkers.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/checkers.yml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   id: *checkerboard
   name: checkerboard
   parent: BaseBoardTabletop
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Fun/Tabletop/chessboard_tabletop.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/chess.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/chess.yml
index b31b7803bae..aeba3918c49 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/chess.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/chess.yml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
   id: ChessBoardTabletop
   name: chessboard
   parent: BaseBoardTabletop
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Fun/Tabletop/chessboard_tabletop.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/dnd.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/dnd.yml
index 51f17d55b99..9b00ef5e018 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/dnd.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/dnd.yml
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
   parent: BaseBoardTabletop
   id: GrassBoardTabletop
   name: grass battlemap
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Fun/Tabletop/Battlemaps/grassbm_tabletop.rsi
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
   parent: BaseBoardTabletop
   id: MoonBoardTabletop
   name: grass battlemap
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Fun/Tabletop/Battlemaps/moonbm_tabletop.rsi
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
   parent: BaseBoardTabletop
   id: SandBoardTabletop
   name: sand battlemap
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Fun/Tabletop/Battlemaps/sandbm_tabletop.rsi
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
   parent: BaseBoardTabletop
   id: SnowBoardTabletop
   name: snow battlemap
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Fun/Tabletop/Battlemaps/snowbm_tabletop.rsi
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
   parent: BaseBoardTabletop
   id: ShipBoardTabletop
   name: ship battlemap
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Fun/Tabletop/Battlemaps/shipbm_tabletop.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/parchis.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/parchis.yml
index bb5fdf1f0bf..b608f4e7876 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/parchis.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/parchis.yml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
   id: ParchisBoardTabletop
   name: parchís
   parent: BaseBoardTabletop
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Fun/Tabletop/parchis_tabletop.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/darts.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/darts.yml
index 19a7116cb27..15e5e1afdb9 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/darts.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/darts.yml
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
             max: 1
       - !type:DoActsBehavior
         acts: [ "Destruction" ]
+  - type: BalloonPopper
 - type: entity
   parent: Dart
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/toys.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/toys.yml
index 63dba43b43f..69448042d6d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/toys.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/toys.yml
@@ -301,6 +301,12 @@
           Quantity: 10
         - ReagentId: JuiceThatMakesYouWeh
           Quantity: 10
+  - type: Clothing
+    quickEquip: false
+    sprite: Objects/Fun/toys.rsi
+    equippedPrefix: lizard
+    slots:
+    - HEAD
 - type: entity
   parent: PlushieLizard
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/books_author.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/books_author.yml
index 9adb14f4ebe..47e5a916303 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/books_author.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/books_author.yml
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: BookBase
   id: BookIanMountain
-  name: the adventures of ian and renault - A mountain expedition
+  name: the adventures of ian and renault - a mountain expedition
   description: The book is in new condition. The cover is a stunning mountain landscape with Ian and Renault in the foreground, looking out over the vista of the surrounding peaks and valleys. The title is written in bold, block letters at the top, with the subtitle, "A Mountain Expedition," written underneath.
     - type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/buffering.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/buffering.yml
index dbd35344594..c97ffe89edd 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/buffering.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/buffering.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: BufferingIcon
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Misc/buffering.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/fire_extinguisher.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/fire_extinguisher.yml
index 89b421c97d4..0389db27ea0 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/fire_extinguisher.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/fire_extinguisher.yml
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
   name: extinguisher spray
   id: ExtinguisherSpray
   parent: Vapor
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Effects/extinguisherSpray.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/kudzu.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/kudzu.yml
index ca56ef5acbb..e6b81e7ce40 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/kudzu.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/kudzu.yml
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
           data: { state: spookysmoke_static }
 - type: entity
-  name: Haze
+  name: haze
   id: ShadowKudzuWeak
   parent: ShadowKudzu
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/paper.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/paper.yml
index e249de97520..6525779f128 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/paper.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/paper.yml
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: Paper
   id: PaperWritten
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
@@ -570,3 +570,81 @@
         Blunt: 10
   - type: StealTarget
     stealGroup: BoxFolderQmClipboard
+- type: entity
+  name: envelope
+  parent: BaseItem
+  id: Envelope
+  description: 'A small envelope for keeping prying eyes off of your sensitive documents.'
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Objects/Misc/bureaucracy.rsi
+    layers:
+    - state: envelope_open
+      map: ["enum.EnvelopeVisualLayers.Open"]
+    - state: envelope_closed
+      map: ["enum.EnvelopeVisualLayers.Sealed"]
+      visible: false
+    - state: envelope_torn
+      map: ["enum.EnvelopeVisualLayers.Torn"]
+      visible: false
+    - state: paper_stamp-generic
+      map: ["enum.PaperVisualLayers.Stamp"]
+      visible: false
+  - type: Paper
+    escapeFormatting: false
+    content: envelope-default-message
+  - type: PaperVisuals
+    headerImagePath: "/Textures/Interface/Paper/paper_heading_postage_stamp.svg.96dpi.png"
+    headerMargin: 216.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
+    contentMargin: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
+    maxWritableArea: 368.0, 256.0
+  - type: Envelope
+  - type: ContainerContainer
+    containers:
+      letter_slot: !type:ContainerSlot
+  - type: ItemSlots
+    slots:
+      letter_slot:
+        name: envelope-letter-slot
+        insertSound: /Audio/Effects/packetrip.ogg
+        ejectSound: /Audio/Effects/packetrip.ogg
+        whitelist:
+          tags:
+            - Paper
+  - type: ActivatableUI
+    key: enum.PaperUiKey.Key
+    requireHands: false
+  - type: UserInterface
+    interfaces:
+      enum.PaperUiKey.Key:
+        type: PaperBoundUserInterface
+  - type: Item
+    size: Tiny
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+    - Trash
+    - Document
+  #- type: Appearance, hide stamp marks until we have some kind of displacement
+  - type: Flammable
+    fireSpread: true
+    canResistFire: false
+    alwaysCombustible: true
+    canExtinguish: true
+    damage:
+      types:
+        Heat: 1
+  - type: FireVisuals
+    sprite: Effects/fire.rsi
+    normalState: fire
+  - type: Damageable
+    damageModifierSet: Wood
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTrigger
+        damage: 15
+      behaviors:
+      - !type:EmptyAllContainersBehaviour
+      - !type:DoActsBehavior
+        acts: [ "Destruction" ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/pen.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/pen.yml
index 187672ec4dd..e8f32252be7 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/pen.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/pen.yml
@@ -18,6 +18,14 @@
   - type: PhysicalComposition
       Steel: 25
+  - type: EmitSoundOnUse
+    sound:
+      path: /Audio/Items/pen_click.ogg
+      params:
+        volume: -4
+        maxDistance: 2
+  - type: UseDelay
+    delay: 1.5
 - type: entity
   parent: Pen
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/subdermal_implants.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/subdermal_implants.yml
index 9690d0bdfe8..2368df7381f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/subdermal_implants.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/subdermal_implants.yml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   id: SadTromboneImplant
   name: sad trombone implant
   description: This implant plays a sad tune when the user dies.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: SubdermalImplant
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
   id: LightImplant
   name: light implant
   description: This implant emits light from the user's skin on activation.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: SubdermalImplant
       implantAction: ActionToggleLight
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
   id: BikeHornImplant
   name: bike horn implant
   description: This implant lets the user honk anywhere at any time.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: SubdermalImplant
       implantAction: ActionActivateHonkImplant
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
   id: TrackingImplant
   name: tracking implant
   description: This implant has a tracking device attached to the suit sensor network, as well as a condition monitor for the Security radio channel.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: SubdermalImplant
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
   id: StorageImplant
   name: storage implant
   description: This implant grants hidden storage within a person's body using bluespace technology.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: SubdermalImplant
       implantAction: ActionOpenStorageImplant
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
   id: FreedomImplant
   name: freedom implant
   description: This implant lets the user break out of hand restraints up to three times before ceasing to function anymore.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: SubdermalImplant
       implantAction: ActionActivateFreedomImplant
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
   id: UplinkImplant
   name: uplink implant
   description: This implant lets the user access a hidden Syndicate uplink at will.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SubdermalImplant
     implantAction: ActionOpenUplinkImplant
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
   id: EmpImplant
   name: EMP implant
   description: This implant creates an electromagnetic pulse when activated.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: SubdermalImplant
       implantAction: ActionActivateEmpImplant
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
   id: ScramImplant
   name: scram implant
   description: This implant randomly teleports the user within a large radius when activated.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: SubdermalImplant
       implantAction: ActionActivateScramImplant
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
   id: DnaScramblerImplant
   name: DNA scrambler implant
   description: This implant lets the user randomly change their appearance and name once.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: SubdermalImplant
       implantAction: ActionActivateDnaScramblerImplant
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
   id: MicroBombImplant
   name: micro-bomb implant
   description: This implant detonates the user upon activation or upon death.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: SubdermalImplant
       permanent: true
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
   id: MacroBombImplant
   name: macro-bomb implant
   description: This implant creates a large explosion on death after a preprogrammed countdown.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: SubdermalImplant
       permanent: true
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
   id: DeathAcidifierImplant
   name: death-acidifier implant
   description: This implant melts the user and their equipment upon death.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SubdermalImplant
     permanent: true
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
   id: DeathRattleImplant
   name: death rattle implant
   description: This implant will inform the Syndicate radio channel should the user fall into critical condition or die.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: SubdermalImplant
       permanent: true
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
   id: MindShieldImplant
   name: mindshield implant
   description: This implant will ensure loyalty to Nanotrasen and prevent mind control devices.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
    - type: SubdermalImplant
      permanent: true
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/tiles.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/tiles.yml
index 7de91cbb636..1e5f2573fda 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/tiles.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/tiles.yml
@@ -41,6 +41,165 @@
         Blunt: 5
+- type: entity
+  name: steel dark checker tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemSteel
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelCheckerDark
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: checker-dark
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorSteelCheckerDark
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileSteelCheckerDark
+- type: entity
+  name: steel light checker tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemSteel
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelCheckerLight
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: checker-light
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorSteelCheckerLight
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileSteelCheckerLight
+- type: entity
+  name: dark tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemBase
+  id: FloorTileItemDark
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: dark
+  - type: Item
+    heldPrefix: dark
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorDark
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileDark
+  - type: Construction
+    graph: TileDark
+    node: darktile
+- type: entity
+  name: dark steel diagonal mini tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemDark
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkDiagonalMini
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: dark-diagonal-mini
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorDarkDiagonalMini
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileDarkDiagonalMini
+- type: entity
+  name: dark steel diagonal tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemDark
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkDiagonal
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: dark-diagonal
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorDarkDiagonal
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileDarkDiagonal
+- type: entity
+  name: dark steel herringbone
+  parent: FloorTileItemDark
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkHerringbone
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: dark-herringbone
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorDarkHerringbone
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileDarkHerringbone
+- type: entity
+  name: dark steel mini tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemDark
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkMini
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: dark-mini
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorDarkMini
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileDarkMini
+- type: entity
+  name: dark steel mono tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemDark
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkMono
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: dark-mono
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorDarkMono
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileDarkMono
+- type: entity
+  name: dark steel pavement
+  parent: FloorTileItemDark
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkPavement
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: dark-pavement
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorDarkPavement
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileDarkPavement
+- type: entity
+  name: dark steel vertical pavement
+  parent: FloorTileItemDark
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkPavementVertical
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: dark-pavement-vertical
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorDarkPavementVertical
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileDarkPavementVertical
+- type: entity
+  name: offset dark steel tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemDark
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkOffset
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: dark-offset
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorDarkOffset
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileDarkOffset
 - type: entity
   name: steel tile
   parent: FloorTileItemBase
@@ -61,66 +220,116 @@
     node: steeltile
 - type: entity
-  name: steel dark checker tile
+  name: offset steel tile
   parent: FloorTileItemSteel
-  id: FloorTileItemSteelCheckerDark
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelOffset
   - type: Sprite
-    state: checker-dark
+    state: steel-offset
   - type: FloorTile
       - Plating
-      - FloorSteelCheckerDark
+      - FloorSteelOffset
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileSteelOffset
 - type: entity
-  name: steel light checker tile
+  name: steel diagonal mini tile
   parent: FloorTileItemSteel
-  id: FloorTileItemSteelCheckerLight
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelDiagonalMini
   - type: Sprite
-    state: checker-light
+    state: steel-diagonal-mini
   - type: FloorTile
       - Plating
-      - FloorSteelCheckerLight
+      - FloorSteelDiagonalMini
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileSteelDiagonalMini
 - type: entity
-  name: steel tile
-  parent: FloorTileItemBase
-  id: FloorTileItemMetalDiamond
+  name: steel diagonal tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemSteel
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelDiagonal
   - type: Sprite
-    state: metaldiamond
-  - type: Item
-    heldPrefix: steel
+    state: steel-diagonal
   - type: FloorTile
       - Plating
-      - FloorMetalDiamond
+      - FloorSteelDiagonal
   - type: Stack
-    stackType: FloorTileMetalDiamond
-#  - type: Construction
-#    graph: TileSteel
-#    node: steeltile
+    stackType: FloorTileSteelDiagonal
 - type: entity
-  name: wood floor
-  parent: FloorTileItemBase
-  id: FloorTileItemWood
+  name: steel herringbone
+  parent: FloorTileItemSteel
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelHerringbone
   - type: Sprite
-    state: wood
-  - type: Item
-    heldPrefix: wood
+    state: steel-herringbone
   - type: FloorTile
       - Plating
-      - FloorWood
+      - FloorSteelHerringbone
   - type: Stack
-    stackType: FloorTileWood
-  - type: Construction
-    graph: TileWood
-    node: woodtile
+    stackType: FloorTileSteelHerringbone
+- type: entity
+  name: steel mini tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemSteel
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelMini
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: steel-mini
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorSteelMini
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileSteelMini
+- type: entity
+  name: steel mono tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemSteel
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelMono
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: steel-mono
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorSteelMono
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileSteelMono
+- type: entity
+  name: steel pavement
+  parent: FloorTileItemSteel
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelPavement
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: steel-pavement
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorSteelPavement
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileSteelPavement
+- type: entity
+  name: steel vertical pavement
+  parent: FloorTileItemSteel
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelPavementVertical
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: steel-pavement-vertical
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorSteelPavementVertical
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileSteelPavementVertical
 - type: entity
   name: white tile
@@ -142,23 +351,154 @@
     node: whitetile
 - type: entity
-  name: dark tile
+  name: offset white steel tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemWhite
+  id: FloorTileItemWhiteOffset
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: white-offset
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorWhiteOffset
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileWhiteOffset
+- type: entity
+  name: white steel diagonal mini tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemWhite
+  id: FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonalMini
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: white-diagonal-mini
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorWhiteDiagonalMini
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileWhiteDiagonalMini
+- type: entity
+  name: white steel diagonal tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemWhite
+  id: FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonal
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: white-diagonal
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorWhiteDiagonal
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileWhiteDiagonal
+- type: entity
+  name: white steel herringbone
+  parent: FloorTileItemWhite
+  id: FloorTileItemWhiteHerringbone
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: white-herringbone
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorWhiteHerringbone
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileWhiteHerringbone
+- type: entity
+  name: white steel mini tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemWhite
+  id: FloorTileItemWhiteMini
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: white-mini
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorWhiteMini
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileWhiteMini
+- type: entity
+  name: white steel mono tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemWhite
+  id: FloorTileItemWhiteMono
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: white-mono
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorWhiteMono
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileWhiteMono
+- type: entity
+  name: white steel pavement
+  parent: FloorTileItemWhite
+  id: FloorTileItemWhitePavement
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: white-pavement
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorWhitePavement
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileWhitePavement
+- type: entity
+  name: white steel vertical pavement
+  parent: FloorTileItemWhite
+  id: FloorTileItemWhitePavementVertical
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: white-pavement-vertical
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorWhitePavementVertical
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileWhitePavementVertical
+- type: entity
+  name: steel tile
   parent: FloorTileItemBase
-  id: FloorTileItemDark
+  id: FloorTileItemMetalDiamond
   - type: Sprite
-    state: dark
+    state: metaldiamond
   - type: Item
-    heldPrefix: dark
+    heldPrefix: steel
   - type: FloorTile
       - Plating
-      - FloorDark
+      - FloorMetalDiamond
   - type: Stack
-    stackType: FloorTileDark
+    stackType: FloorTileMetalDiamond
+#  - type: Construction
+#    graph: TileSteel
+#    node: steeltile
+- type: entity
+  name: wood floor
+  parent: FloorTileItemBase
+  id: FloorTileItemWood
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: wood
+  - type: Item
+    heldPrefix: wood
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorWood
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileWood
   - type: Construction
-    graph: TileDark
-    node: darktile
+    graph: TileWood
+    node: woodtile
 - type: entity
   name: techmaint floor
@@ -522,6 +862,34 @@
   - type: Stack
     stackType: FloorTileConcrete
+- type: entity
+  name: concrete mono tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemConcrete
+  id: FloorTileItemConcreteMono
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: concrete-mono
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorConcreteMono
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileConcreteMono
+- type: entity
+  name: concrete smooth
+  parent: FloorTileItemConcrete
+  id: FloorTileItemConcreteSmooth
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: concrete-smooth
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorConcreteSmooth
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileConcreteSmooth
 - type: entity
   parent: FloorTileItemBase
   id: FloorTileItemGrayConcrete
@@ -538,6 +906,34 @@
   - type: Stack
     stackType: FloorTileGrayConcrete
+- type: entity
+  name: gray concrete mono tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemGrayConcrete
+  id: FloorTileItemGrayConcreteMono
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: grayconcrete-mono
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorGrayConcreteMono
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileGrayConcreteMono
+- type: entity
+  name: gray concrete smooth
+  parent: FloorTileItemGrayConcrete
+  id: FloorTileItemGrayConcreteSmooth
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: grayconcrete-smooth
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorGrayConcreteSmooth
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileGrayConcreteSmooth
 - type: entity
   parent: FloorTileItemBase
   id: FloorTileItemOldConcrete
@@ -554,6 +950,34 @@
   - type: Stack
     stackType: FloorTileOldConcrete
+- type: entity
+  name: old concrete mono tile
+  parent: FloorTileItemOldConcrete
+  id: FloorTileItemOldConcreteMono
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: oldconcrete-mono
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorOldConcreteMono
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileOldConcreteMono
+- type: entity
+  name: old concrete smooth
+  parent: FloorTileItemOldConcrete
+  id: FloorTileItemOldConcreteSmooth
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    state: oldconcrete-smooth
+  - type: FloorTile
+    outputs:
+      - Plating
+      - FloorOldConcreteSmooth
+  - type: Stack
+    stackType: FloorTileOldConcreteSmooth
 # Carpets
 - type: entity
   name: blue arcade floor
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/seeds.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/seeds.yml
index e16a430692c..9832acbbd6c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/seeds.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/seeds.yml
@@ -163,6 +163,16 @@
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/sugarcane.rsi
+- type: entity
+  parent: SeedBase
+  name: packet of papercane seeds
+  id: PapercaneSeeds
+  components:
+    - type: Seed
+      seedId: papercane
+    - type: Sprite
+      sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/papercane.rsi
 - type: entity
   parent: SeedBase
   name: packet of tower cap spores
@@ -243,6 +253,16 @@
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/apple.rsi
+- type: entity
+  parent: SeedBase
+  name: packet of golden apple seeds
+  id: GoldenAppleSeeds
+  components:
+    - type: Seed
+      seedId: goldenApple
+    - type: Sprite
+      sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/golden_apple.rsi
 - type: entity
   parent: SeedBase
   name: packet of corn seeds
@@ -427,6 +447,17 @@
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/galaxythistle.rsi
+- type: entity
+  parent: SeedBase
+  name: packet of glasstle seeds
+  description: "Scars of gloomy nights."
+  id: GlasstleSeeds
+  components:
+    - type: Seed
+      seedId: glasstle
+    - type: Sprite
+      sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/glasstle.rsi
 - type: entity
   parent: SeedBase
   name: packet of fly amanita spores
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Janitorial/soap.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Janitorial/soap.yml
index efb93a88680..8056d1e909e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Janitorial/soap.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Janitorial/soap.yml
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 - type: entity
   name: soaplet
   id: SoapletSyndie
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: Soap
   description: A tiny piece of syndicate soap.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Janitorial/spray.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Janitorial/spray.yml
index cddf7f6075a..998d3ecf03e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Janitorial/spray.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Janitorial/spray.yml
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: Vapor
   name: "vapor"
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: SolutionContainerManager
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: BigVapor
   parent: Vapor
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Effects/chempuff.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Kitchen/foodcarts.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Kitchen/foodcarts.yml
index ca74dca8a7b..1b9f32009a3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Kitchen/foodcarts.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Kitchen/foodcarts.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 - type: entity
-  name: Food Cart
+  name: food cart
   id: FoodCartBase
   abstract: true
   parent: BaseStructureDynamic
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Medical/hypospray.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Medical/hypospray.yml
index f1380c0fa90..753eea5878a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Medical/hypospray.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Medical/hypospray.yml
@@ -434,6 +434,8 @@
     delay: 0.5
   - type: StaticPrice # A new shitcurity meta
     price: 75
+  - type: EmitSoundOnUse
+    handle: false # don't want the sound to stop the self-inject from triggering
 # Corvax-HiddenDesc-Start
   - type: HiddenDescription
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Medical/morgue.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Medical/morgue.yml
index 06566214651..578e0715871 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Medical/morgue.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Medical/morgue.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: BodyBag
-  parent: BaseFoldable
+  parent: BaseDeployFoldable
   name: body bag
   description: A plastic bag designed for the storage and transportation of cadavers to stop body decomposition.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Robotics/borg_modules.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Robotics/borg_modules.yml
index 93b2e415721..92c2af3de4c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Robotics/borg_modules.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Robotics/borg_modules.yml
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@
       - state: icon-syndicate
     - type: ItemBorgModule
-      - EnergySwordDouble
+      - CyborgEnergySwordDouble
       - PinpointerSyndicateNuclear
 - type: entity
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/chemical-containers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/chemical-containers.yml
index d318c606adf..fd931a05c7a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/chemical-containers.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/chemical-containers.yml
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: carbon
   id: JugCarbon
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-carbon
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: iodine
   id: JugIodine
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-iodine
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: fluorine
   id: JugFluorine
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-fluorine
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: chlorine
   id: JugChlorine
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-chlorine
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: aluminium
   id: JugAluminium
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-aluminium
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: phosphorus
   id: JugPhosphorus
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-phosphorus
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: sulfur
   id: JugSulfur
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-sulfur
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: silicon
   id: JugSilicon
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-silicon
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: hydrogen
   id: JugHydrogen
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-hydrogen
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: lithium
   id: JugLithium
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-lithium
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: sodium
   id: JugSodium
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-sodium
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: potassium
   id: JugPotassium
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-potassium
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: radium
   id: JugRadium
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-radium
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: iron
   id: JugIron
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-iron
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: copper
   id: JugCopper
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-copper
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: gold
   id: JugGold
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-gold
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: mercury
   id: JugMercury
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-mercury
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: silver
   id: JugSilver
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-silver
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: ethanol
   id: JugEthanol
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-ethanol
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: sugar
   id: JugSugar
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-sugar
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: nitrogen
   id: JugNitrogen
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-nitrogen
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: oxygen
   id: JugOxygen
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-oxygen
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: Plant-B-Gone
   id: JugPlantBGone
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-plant-b-gone
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
   name: jug
   suffix: welding fuel
   id: JugWeldingFuel
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Label
       currentLabel: reagent-name-welding-fuel
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/cable_coils.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/cable_coils.yml
index 3f72fa10fad..355ce3c8789 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/cable_coils.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/cable_coils.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,21 @@
   - type: PhysicalComposition
       Steel: 15
+  # ADT Tweak Start: IPC
+  - type: Healing # cables can be used to heal IPC
+    damageContainers:
+      - ADTSiliconDamageContainer
+    damage:
+      types:
+        Heat: -5
+        Cold: -5
+        Shock: -5
+        Caustic: -5
+    # healingBeginSound:
+    #   path: "/Audio/Items/Medical/ointment_begin.ogg"
+    # healingEndSound:
+    #   path: "/Audio/Items/Medical/ointment_end.ogg"
+    # ADT Tweak End
 - type: entity
   id: CableHVStack
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/fulton.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/fulton.yml
index cfd0b8f7700..3a6d8ffc225 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/fulton.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/fulton.yml
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: FultonEffect
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: fulton effect
   - type: TimedDespawn
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/gas_tanks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/gas_tanks.yml
index b825647ac13..6d911ee29c8 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/gas_tanks.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/gas_tanks.yml
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
   parent: GasTankRoundBase
   id: OxygenTank
   name: oxygen tank
-  description: A standard cylindrical gas tank for oxygen.
+  description: A standard cylindrical gas tank for oxygen. It can hold 5 L of gas.
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Tanks/oxygen.rsi
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
   parent: GasTankRoundBase
   id: NitrogenTank
   name: nitrogen tank
-  description: A standard cylindrical gas tank for nitrogen.
+  description: A standard cylindrical gas tank for nitrogen. It can hold 5 L of gas.
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Tanks/red.rsi
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
   parent: GasTankRoundBase
   id: EmergencyOxygenTank
   name: emergency oxygen tank
-  description: An easily portable tank for emergencies. Contains very little oxygen, rated for survival use only.
+  description: An easily portable tank for emergencies. Contains very little oxygen, rated for survival use only. It can hold 0.66 L of gas.
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Tanks/emergency.rsi
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
   parent: EmergencyOxygenTank
   id: EmergencyNitrogenTank
   name: emergency nitrogen tank
-  description: An easily portable tank for emergencies. Contains very little nitrogen, rated for survival use only.
+  description: An easily portable tank for emergencies. Contains very little nitrogen, rated for survival use only. It can hold 0.66 L of gas.
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Tanks/emergency_red.rsi
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
   parent: EmergencyOxygenTank
   id: ExtendedEmergencyOxygenTank
   name: extended-capacity emergency oxygen tank
-  description: An emergency tank with extended capacity. Technically rated for prolonged use.
+  description: An emergency tank with extended capacity. Technically rated for prolonged use. It can hold 1.5 L of gas.
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Tanks/emergency_extended.rsi
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
   parent: ExtendedEmergencyOxygenTank
   id: ExtendedEmergencyNitrogenTank
   name: extended-capacity emergency nitrogen tank
-  description: An emergency tank with extended capacity. Technically rated for prolonged use.
+  description: An emergency tank with extended capacity. Technically rated for prolonged use. It can hold 1.5 L of gas.
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Tanks/emergency_extended_red.rsi
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
   parent: ExtendedEmergencyOxygenTank
   id: DoubleEmergencyOxygenTank
   name: double emergency oxygen tank
-  description: A high-grade dual-tank emergency life support container. It holds a decent amount of oxygen for it's small size.
+  description: A high-grade dual-tank emergency life support container. It holds a decent amount of oxygen for it's small size. It can hold 2.5 L of gas.
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Tanks/emergency_double.rsi
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
   parent: DoubleEmergencyOxygenTank
   id: DoubleEmergencyNitrogenTank
   name: double emergency nitrogen tank
-  description: A high-grade dual-tank emergency life support container. It holds a decent amount of nitrogen for its small size.
+  description: A high-grade dual-tank emergency life support container. It holds a decent amount of nitrogen for its small size. It can hold 2.5 L of gas.
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Tanks/emergency_double_red.rsi
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
   parent: EmergencyOxygenTank
   id: EmergencyFunnyOxygenTank
   name: funny emergency oxygen tank
-  description: An easily portable tank for emergencies. Contains very little oxygen with an extra of funny gas, rated for survival use only.
+  description: An easily portable tank for emergencies. Contains very little oxygen with an extra of funny gas, rated for survival use only. It can hold 0.66 L of gas.
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Tanks/emergency_clown.rsi
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
   parent: GasTankRoundBase
   id: AirTank
   name: air tank
-  description: Mixed anyone?
+  description: Mixed anyone? It can hold 5 L of gas.
   - type: GasTank
     outputPressure: 101.3
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
   parent: GasTankRoundBase
   id: NitrousOxideTank
   name: nitrous oxide tank
-  description: Contains a mixture of air and nitrous oxide. Make sure you don't refill it with pure N2O.
+  description: Contains a mixture of air and nitrous oxide. Make sure you don't refill it with pure N2O. It can hold 5 L of gas.
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Tanks/anesthetic.rsi
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
   parent: GasTankBase
   id: PlasmaTank
   name: plasma tank
-  description: Contains dangerous plasma. Do not inhale. Extremely flammable.
+  description: Contains dangerous plasma. Do not inhale. Extremely flammable. It can hold 5 L of gas.
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Tanks/plasma.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/glowstick.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/glowstick.yml
index 2320764d9ff..3081f60989e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/glowstick.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/glowstick.yml
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
   name: light pulse test
   parent: BaseItem
   id: LightBehaviourTest1
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: Objects/Misc/glowstick.rsi
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
   name: color cycle test
   parent: BaseItem
   id: LightBehaviourTest2
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: Objects/Misc/glowstick.rsi
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
   name: multi-behaviour light test
   parent: BaseItem
   id: LightBehaviourTest3
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: Objects/Misc/glowstick.rsi
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
   name: light fade in test
   parent: BaseItem
   id: LightBehaviourTest4
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: Objects/Misc/glowstick.rsi
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
   name: light pulse radius test
   parent: BaseItem
   id: LightBehaviourTest5
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: Objects/Misc/glowstick.rsi
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
   name: light randomize radius test
   parent: BaseItem
   id: LightBehaviourTest6
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: Objects/Misc/glowstick.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/jetpacks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/jetpacks.yml
index 6fee48daf14..2c2fc795f2d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/jetpacks.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/jetpacks.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: JetpackEffect
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 2
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
   parent: GasTankBase
   abstract: true
   id: BaseJetpack
-  name: Jetpack
-  description: It's a jetpack.
+  name: jetpack
+  description: It's a jetpack. It can hold 5 L of gas.
     - type: InputMover
       toParent: true
@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@
   id: JetpackMini
   parent: BaseJetpack
   name: mini jetpack
+  description: It's a jetpack. It can hold 1.5 L of gas.
   suffix: Empty
     - type: Item
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/toolbox.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/toolbox.yml
index 0a0c7023245..db319118576 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/toolbox.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Tools/toolbox.yml
@@ -155,10 +155,10 @@
     state: icon
   - type: ThiefUndeterminedBackpack
-    # - TO DO Thief pinpointer needed
+    # TODO Thief pinpointer needed
     - ChemistrySet
     - ToolsSet
-    - ChameleonSet # - TO DO Chameleon stump PR needed
+    - ChameleonSet # TODO Chameleon stump PR needed
     - SyndieSet
     - SleeperSet
     - CommunicatorSet
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Bombs/funny.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Bombs/funny.yml
index 630354f23d9..1aac4424149 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Bombs/funny.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Bombs/funny.yml
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: HotPotatoEffect
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 0.6
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Bombs/pen.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Bombs/pen.yml
index d2262a7dc17..9eaf3f63367 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Bombs/pen.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Bombs/pen.yml
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
   - type: DeviceLinkSink
       - Trigger
+  - type: EmitSoundOnUse
+    handle: false # don't want the sound to stop the explosion from triggering
 # Corvax-HiddenDesc-Start
   - type: HiddenDescription
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/antimateriel.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/antimateriel.yml
index 31d7b65fe8b..65b7dbc1655 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/antimateriel.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/antimateriel.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBullet
   id: BulletAntiMateriel
   name: bullet (.60 anti-materiel)
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/caseless_rifle.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/caseless_rifle.yml
index 741f0a4e1a0..83392d07efa 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/caseless_rifle.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/caseless_rifle.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   id: BulletCaselessRifle
   name: bullet (.25 caseless)
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   id: BulletCaselessRiflePractice
   name: bullet (.25 caseless practice)
   parent: BaseBulletPractice
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/grenade.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/grenade.yml
index 36d41e391ac..873d9702142 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/grenade.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/grenade.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PelletClusterRubber
-  name: pellet (ball, Rubber)
-  noSpawn: true
+  name: pellet (ball, rubber)
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBullet
   - type: Sprite
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PelletClusterLethal
-  name: pellet (ball, Lethal)
-  noSpawn: true
+  name: pellet (ball, lethal)
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBullet
   - type: Sprite
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PelletClusterIncendiary
   name: pellet (ball, incendiary)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBulletIncendiary
   - type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/heavy_rifle.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/heavy_rifle.yml
index be6a07e486d..d37555c3443 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/heavy_rifle.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/heavy_rifle.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   id: BulletHeavyRifle
   name: bullet (.20 rifle)
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   id: BulletMinigun
   name: minigun bullet (.10 rifle)
   parent: BulletHeavyRifle
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/light_rifle.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/light_rifle.yml
index c6a4808b77b..7eac4b53d09 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/light_rifle.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/light_rifle.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   id: BulletLightRifle
   name: bullet (.20 rifle)
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   id: BulletLightRiflePractice
   name: bullet (.20 rifle practice)
   parent: BaseBulletPractice
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   id: BulletLightRifleIncendiary
   parent: BaseBulletIncendiary
   name: bullet (.20 rifle incendiary)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   id: BulletLightRifleUranium
   parent: BaseBulletUranium
   name: bullet (.20 rifle uranium)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/magnum.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/magnum.yml
index 798de9fa853..b4017fd5507 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/magnum.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/magnum.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   id: BulletMagnum
   name: bullet (.45 magnum)
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   id: BulletMagnumPractice
   name: bullet (.45 magnum practice)
   parent: BaseBulletPractice
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   id: BulletMagnumIncendiary
   parent: BaseBulletIncendiary
   name: bullet (.45 magnum incendiary)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   id: BulletMagnumAP
   name: bullet (.45 magnum armor-piercing)
   parent: BaseBulletAP
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
   id: BulletMagnumUranium
   name: bullet (.45 magnum uranium)
   parent: BaseBulletUranium
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/pistol.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/pistol.yml
index 3cfcc0cf206..8d146939b75 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/pistol.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/pistol.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   id: BulletPistol
   name: bullet (.35 auto)
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   id: BulletPistolPractice
   name: bullet (.35 auto practice)
   parent: BaseBulletPractice
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   id: BulletPistolIncendiary
   parent: BaseBulletIncendiary
   name: bullet (.35 auto incendiary)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   id: BulletPistolUranium
   parent: BaseBulletUranium
   name: bullet (.35 auto uranium)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/rifle.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/rifle.yml
index 6f6fa0f9077..e3e26bf9f32 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/rifle.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/rifle.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   id: BulletRifle
   name: bullet (0.20 rifle)
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   id: BulletRiflePractice
   name: bullet (0.20 rifle practice)
   parent: BaseBulletPractice
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   id: BulletRifleIncendiary
   parent: BaseBulletIncendiary
   name: bullet (0.20 rifle incendiary)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   id: BulletRifleUranium
   parent: BaseBulletUranium
   name: bullet (0.20 rifle uranium)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/shotgun.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/shotgun.yml
index e119a846c9c..6e4570e1a16 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/shotgun.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Ammunition/Projectiles/shotgun.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PelletShotgunSlug
   name: pellet (.50 slug)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBullet
   - type: Sprite
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PelletShotgunBeanbag
   name: beanbag (.50)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBullet
   - type: Sprite
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PelletShotgun
   name: pellet (.50)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBullet
   - type: Sprite
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PelletShotgunIncendiary
   name: pellet (.50 incendiary)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBulletIncendiary
   - type: Sprite
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PelletShotgunPractice
   name: pellet (.50 practice)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBulletPractice
   - type: Sprite
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PelletShotgunImprovised
   name: improvised pellet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBullet
   - type: Sprite
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PelletShotgunTranquilizer
   name: pellet (.50 tranquilizer)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBulletPractice
   - type: Sprite
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PelletShotgunFlare
   name: pellet (.50 flare)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Physics
     bodyType: Dynamic
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PelletShotgunUranium
   name: pellet (.50 uranium)
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBullet
   - type: Sprite
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: PelletGrapeshot #tally fucking ho
   name: grapeshot pellet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBullet
   - type: Sprite
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
   id: PelletGlass
   name: glass shard
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     noRot: false
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Pistols/pistols.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Pistols/pistols.yml
index 8f469f87a9b..07d59aadfa1 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Pistols/pistols.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Pistols/pistols.yml
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
             - MagazinePistol
+        whitelistFailPopup: gun-magazine-whitelist-fail
         name: Chamber
         startingItem: CartridgePistol
@@ -75,9 +76,6 @@
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Pistols/viper.rsi
-    availableModes:
-    - FullAuto
-    - SemiAuto
   - type: ItemSlots
@@ -90,6 +88,7 @@
             - MagazinePistol
             - MagazinePistolHighCapacity
+        whitelistFailPopup: gun-magazine-whitelist-fail
         name: Chamber
         startingItem: CartridgePistol
@@ -173,6 +172,7 @@
             - MagazinePistolCaselessRifle
+        whitelistFailPopup: gun-magazine-whitelist-fail
         name: Chamber
         startingItem: CartridgeCaselessRifle
@@ -243,6 +243,7 @@
             - MagazineMagnum
+        whitelistFailPopup: gun-magazine-whitelist-fail
         name: Chamber
         startingItem: CartridgeMagnum
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/hitscan.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/hitscan.yml
index 3f37d308db5..89db3240bef 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/hitscan.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/hitscan.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Used to animate the hitscan effects because effectsystem doesn't support it
 - type: entity
   id: HitscanEffect
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 2.0
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/impacts.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/impacts.yml
index d70b05bf61d..9be9e43e943 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/impacts.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/impacts.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: BulletImpactEffect
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 0.25
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: BulletImpactEffectDisabler
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: TimedDespawn
       lifetime: 0.2
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: BulletImpactEffectOrangeDisabler
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 0.2
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: BulletImpactEffectKinetic
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 0.2
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/magic.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/magic.yml
index d6adcd614e3..2f1edfe6972 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/magic.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/magic.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   name: fireball
   description: You better GITTAH WEIGH.
   parent: BulletRocket
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: PointLight
     color: "#E25822"
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
     fireStacks: 0.35
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: BaseBulletTrigger
   id: ProjectileDragonsBreath
   name: dragon's breath
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
   name: fireball
   description: Hovering blob of flame.
   parent: ProjectileFireball
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 30
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: ProjectilePolyboltBase
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/magic.rsi
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
   parent: ProjectilePolyboltBase
   name: carp polybolt
   description: Nooo, I don't wanna be fish!
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: PolymorphOnCollide
     polymorph: WizardForcedCarp
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
   parent: ProjectilePolyboltBase
   name: monkey polybolt
   description: Nooo, I don't wanna be monkey!
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: PolymorphOnCollide
     polymorph: WizardForcedMonkey
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
   parent: ProjectilePolyboltBase
   name: door polybolt
   description: Nooo, I don't wanna be door!
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/magic.rsi
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
   name: healing bolt
   description: I COMMAND YOU TO LIVE!
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/magic.rsi
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
   id: BulletInstakillMagic
   name: magical lead cylinder
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   description: This looks familiar.
   - type: Projectile
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
   parent: ProjectilePolyboltBase
   name: cluwne polybolt
   description: knoH KnoH!
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: PolymorphOnCollide
     polymorph: WizardForcedCluwne
@@ -191,9 +191,9 @@
 - type: entity
   id: ProjectileIcicle
   parent: BaseBullet
-  name: Icicle
+  name: icicle
   description: Brrrrr.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Structures/Specific/Anomalies/ice_anom.rsi
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
   id: ProjectilePolyboltBread
   name: bread polybolt
   description: Nooo, I don't wanna be bread!
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: PolymorphOnCollide
     polymorph: BreadMorph
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/meteors.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/meteors.yml
index 3468cade76b..b4e8e77c519 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/meteors.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/meteors.yml
@@ -39,8 +39,11 @@
     damageContainer: Inorganic
   - type: Explosive
     explosionType: Default
-    intensitySlope: 4
+    intensitySlope: 2
     maxIntensity: 100
+    maxTileBreak: 1
+    tileBreakScale: 2
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseMeteor
@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@
         - Impassable
         - BulletImpassable
   - type: Explosive
-    totalIntensity: 100
+    totalIntensity: 50
   - type: Destructible
     - trigger:
@@ -112,6 +115,11 @@
           collection: MetalBreak
       - !type:ExplodeBehavior
+      - !type:WeightedSpawnEntityBehavior
+        weightedEntityTable: "MeteorSpawnAsteroidWallTable"
+        minSpawn: 2
+        maxSpawn: 4
+        spawnAfter: 0.5
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseMeteor
@@ -134,7 +142,7 @@
         - Impassable
         - BulletImpassable
   - type: Explosive
-    totalIntensity: 200
+    totalIntensity: 100
   - type: Destructible
     - trigger:
@@ -147,6 +155,12 @@
           collection: MetalBreak
       - !type:ExplodeBehavior
+      - !type:WeightedSpawnEntityBehavior
+        weightedEntityTable: "MeteorSpawnAsteroidWallTable"
+        spawnOffset: 2
+        minSpawn: 3
+        maxSpawn: 6
+        spawnAfter: 0.5
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseMeteor
@@ -156,7 +170,7 @@
   - type: Sprite
     state: big
   - type: Explosive
-    totalIntensity: 300
+    totalIntensity: 150
   - type: Destructible
     - trigger:
@@ -169,6 +183,12 @@
           collection: MetalBreak
       - !type:ExplodeBehavior
+      - !type:WeightedSpawnEntityBehavior
+        weightedEntityTable: "MeteorSpawnAsteroidWallTable"
+        spawnOffset: 3
+        minSpawn: 5
+        maxSpawn: 8
+        spawnAfter: 0.5
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseMeteor
@@ -203,4 +223,4 @@
             volume: 10
       - !type:SpillBehavior
         solution: blood
-      - !type:ExplodeBehavior
+      - !type:ExplodeBehavior
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles.yml
index 56011160090..d2c6497831c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: MuzzleFlashEffect
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 0.4
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: BaseBulletTrigger # Trigger-on-collide bullets
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TriggerOnCollide
     fixtureID: projectile
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
   id: BaseBulletPractice
   name: base bullet practice
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles2.rsi
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
   id: BaseBulletIncendiary
   name: base bullet incendiary
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Projectile
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
   id: BaseBulletAP
   name: base bullet armor-piercing
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles2.rsi
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
   id: BaseBulletUranium
   name: base bullet uranium
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles2.rsi
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
   name: taser bolt
   id: BulletTaser
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: FlyBySound
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
   name : disabler bolt
   id: BulletDisabler
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Reflective
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
   name : disabler bolt practice
   id: BulletDisablerPractice
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: FlyBySound
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
   name: emitter bolt
   id: EmitterBolt
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Structures/Power/Generation/Singularity/emitter.rsi
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
   name: watcher bolt
   id: WatcherBolt
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: FlyBySound
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
   name: magmawing watcher bolt
   id: WatcherBoltMagmawing
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles_tg.rsi
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
   id: BulletKinetic
   name: kinetic bolt
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   description: Not too bad, but you still don't want to get hit by it.
   - type: Reflective
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: BulletKineticShuttle
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     noRot: false
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
   id: BulletCharge
   name: charge bolt
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   description: Marks a target for additional damage.
   - type: Reflective
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
   parent: BaseBullet
   id: AnomalousParticleDelta
   name: delta particles
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: PointLight
     enabled: true
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: AnomalousParticleDelta
   id: AnomalousParticleDeltaStrong
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: AnomalousParticle
     particleType: Delta
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
   parent: AnomalousParticleDelta
   id: AnomalousParticleEpsilon
   name: epsilon particles
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: PointLight
     enabled: true
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: AnomalousParticleEpsilon
   id: AnomalousParticleEpsilonStrong
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: AnomalousParticle
     particleType: Epsilon
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
   parent: AnomalousParticleDelta
   id: AnomalousParticleZeta
   name: zeta particles
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: PointLight
     enabled: true
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: AnomalousParticleZeta
   id: AnomalousParticleZetaStrong
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: AnomalousParticle
     particleType: Zeta
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@
   parent: AnomalousParticleDelta
   id: AnomalousParticleOmegaStrong
   name: omega particles
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: PointLight
     enabled: true
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
   parent: AnomalousParticleDelta
   id: AnomalousParticleSigma
   name: sigma particles
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: PointLight
     enabled: true
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
   parent: AnomalousParticleSigma
   id: AnomalousParticleSigmaStrong
   name: sigma particles
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: AnomalousParticle
     particleType: Sigma
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@
   id: BulletRocket
   name: rocket
   parent: BaseBulletTrigger
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles2.rsi
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
   id: BulletWeakRocket
   name: weak rocket
   parent: BaseBulletTrigger
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles2.rsi
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@
   id: BulletGrenadeBaton
   name: baton grenade
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles2.rsi
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@
   id: BulletGrenadeBlast
   name: blast grenade
   parent: BaseBulletTrigger
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles2.rsi
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@
   id: BulletGrenadeFlash
   name: flash grenade
   parent: BaseBulletTrigger
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles2.rsi
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@
   id: BulletGrenadeFrag
   name: frag grenade
   parent: BaseBulletTrigger
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles2.rsi
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@
   id: BulletGrenadeEMP
   name: EMP rocket
   parent: BaseBulletTrigger
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles2.rsi
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@
   id: BulletCap
   name: cap bullet
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Fun/toys.rsi
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@
   id: BulletAcid
   name: acid spit
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Projectile
@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: BulletWaterShot
   name: water
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Clickable
   - type: Physics
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@
   id: BulletCannonBall
   name: cannonball
   parent: BaseBulletTrigger
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles2.rsi
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: GrapplingHook
   name: grappling hook
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: EmbeddableProjectile
       deleteOnRemove: true
@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@
   name : disabler bolt smg
   id: BulletDisablerSmg
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Reflective
@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@
   name: tesla gun lightning
   id: TeslaGunBullet
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 5
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Revolvers/revolvers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Revolvers/revolvers.yml
index bd043c997da..0df556a742f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Revolvers/revolvers.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Revolvers/revolvers.yml
@@ -129,11 +129,9 @@
         volume: 2.25
 - type: entity
-  name: Python
   parent: WeaponRevolverPython
   id: WeaponRevolverPythonAP # For the uplink.
   suffix: armor-piercing
-  description: A robust revolver favoured by Syndicate agents. Uses .45 magnum ammo.
   - type: RevolverAmmoProvider
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Rifles/rifles.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Rifles/rifles.yml
index e74be81c622..1e028cebc41 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Rifles/rifles.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Rifles/rifles.yml
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
             - MagazineLightRifle
+        whitelistFailPopup: gun-magazine-whitelist-fail
         name: Chamber
         startingItem: CartridgeLightRifle
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@
             - MagazineLightRifle
+        whitelistFailPopup: gun-magazine-whitelist-fail
         name: Chamber
         startingItem: CartridgeLightRifle
@@ -124,6 +126,7 @@
             - MagazineRifle
+        whitelistFailPopup: gun-magazine-whitelist-fail
         name: Chamber
         startingItem: CartridgeRifle
@@ -171,6 +174,7 @@
             - MagazineRifle
+        whitelistFailPopup: gun-magazine-whitelist-fail
         name: Chamber
         startingItem: CartridgeRifle
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/SMGs/smgs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/SMGs/smgs.yml
index b86356306cb..e7f0ce4bff5 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/SMGs/smgs.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/SMGs/smgs.yml
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
             - MagazinePistolSubMachineGun
+        whitelistFailPopup: gun-magazine-whitelist-fail
         name: Chamber
         startingItem: CartridgePistol
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@
     maxAngle: -16
   - type: Gun
     minAngle: 21
-    maxAngle: 32 
+    maxAngle: 32
     shotsPerBurst: 5
     - SemiAuto
@@ -156,6 +157,7 @@
               - MagazinePistolSubMachineGun
+          whitelistFailPopup: gun-magazine-whitelist-fail
           name: Chamber
           startingItem: CartridgePistol
@@ -210,6 +212,7 @@
             - CartridgeMagnum
+        whitelistFailPopup: gun-magazine-whitelist-fail
   - type: MagazineVisuals
     magState: mag
     steps: 1
@@ -262,6 +265,7 @@
             - MagazinePistolSubMachineGunTopMounted
+        whitelistFailPopup: gun-magazine-whitelist-fail
         name: Chamber
         startingItem: CartridgePistol
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Shotguns/shotguns.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Shotguns/shotguns.yml
index 5cd1dcefb13..f71da8ee41c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Shotguns/shotguns.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Shotguns/shotguns.yml
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
           - MagazineShotgun
+        whitelistFailPopup: gun-magazine-whitelist-fail
         insertSound: /Audio/Weapons/Guns/MagIn/smg_magin.ogg
         ejectSound: /Audio/Weapons/Guns/MagOut/smg_magout.ogg
   - type: ContainerContainer
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/e_sword.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/e_sword.yml
index 570748edae8..31909bc304c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/e_sword.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/e_sword.yml
@@ -388,3 +388,12 @@
         - SalvageSpecialist
 # Corvax-HiddenDesc-End
+- type: entity
+  suffix: One-Handed, For Borgs
+  parent: EnergySwordDouble
+  id: CyborgEnergySwordDouble # why is this invalid if ID is BorgEnergySwordDouble
+  description: Syndicate Command Interns thought that having one blade on the energy sword was not enough. Specially designed for syndicate cyborgs.
+  components: # could add energy-draining like the L6C
+  - type: Wieldable
+    freeHandsRequired: 0 # because borg has no off-hand to wield with.  Without this, it will be unable to activate the esword
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/needle.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/needle.yml
index 11efeba5f8c..e472157081a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/needle.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/needle.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@
         Piercing: 1
+  - type: DamageOtherOnHit
+    damage:
+      types:
+        Piercing: 1
   - type: Item
     size: Tiny
   - type: BalloonPopper
+  - type: ThrowingAngle
+    angle: -135
+  - type: LandAtCursor
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/spear.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/spear.yml
index 608fb2544ae..d6985c018d7 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/spear.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/spear.yml
@@ -112,6 +112,11 @@
   - type: SolutionContainerVisuals
     maxFillLevels: 1
     fillBaseName: spear
+    inHandsFillBaseName: -fill-
+    inHandsMaxFillLevels: 1
+    equippedFillBaseName: -fill-
+    equippedMaxFillLevels: 1
 - type: entity
   name: reinforced spear
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Throwable/clusterbang.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Throwable/clusterbang.yml
index cc55aab237c..99b50c558b5 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Throwable/clusterbang.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Throwable/clusterbang.yml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: GrenadeBase
   id: ClusterBangFull
-  name: ClusterBang
+  name: clusterbang
   description: Launches three flashbangs after the timer runs out.
   suffix: Full
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Throwable/grenades.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Throwable/grenades.yml
index aebfeddc6c6..ee3feae13a2 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Throwable/grenades.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Throwable/grenades.yml
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: GrenadeFlashEffect
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: PointLight
       enabled: true
@@ -121,11 +121,11 @@
         volume: 12
 - type: entity
-  name: Self Destruct
+  name: self destruct
   description: Go out on your own terms!
   parent: GrenadeBase
   id: SelfDestructSeq
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: ExplodeOnTrigger
   - type: Explosive
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/base.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/base.yml
index a8d935e8b7f..26890e3e8aa 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/base.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/base.yml
@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@
           - /Maps/Ruins/whiteship_ancient.yml
           - /Maps/Ruins/whiteship_bluespacejumper.yml
         vgroid: !type:DungeonSpawnGroup
-          minimumDistance: 1000
+          minimumDistance: 400
+          maximumDistance: 450
           nameDataset: names_borer
           stationGrid: false
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/nanotrasen.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/nanotrasen.yml
index 9090c81fd56..c2a4bfb11a8 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/nanotrasen.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/nanotrasen.yml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     - BaseStationSiliconLawCrewsimov
     - BaseStationAllEventsEligible
     - BaseStationNanotrasen
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Transform
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     - BaseStation
     - BaseStationAlertLevels
     - BaseStationNanotrasen
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Transform
@@ -47,6 +47,6 @@
   - BaseStationJobsSpawning
   - BaseStationRecords
   - BaseStationNanotrasen
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Transform
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/syndicate.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/syndicate.yml
index a6494169146..c863ef73523 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/syndicate.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/syndicate.yml
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
   - BaseStation
   - BaseStationSyndicate
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Transform
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/test.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/test.yml
index 0f2e40537a2..9eec6979e7a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/test.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/test.yml
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
     - BaseStationJobsSpawning
     - BaseStationRecords
     - BaseStationAlertLevels
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Transform
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Dispensers/chem.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Dispensers/chem.yml
index 681f0a390c8..cf51ca9b1f6 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Dispensers/chem.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Dispensers/chem.yml
@@ -37,6 +37,17 @@
     - Chemist
   - type: StealTarget
     stealGroup: ChemDispenser
+  - type: Fixtures
+    fixtures:
+      fix1:
+        shape:
+          !type:PhysShapeAabb
+          bounds: "-0.25, -0.4, 0.25, 0.4"
+        density: 190
+        mask:
+        - MachineMask
+        layer:
+        - MachineLayer
 - type: entity
   id: ChemDispenserEmpty
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Doors/Windoors/assembly.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Doors/Windoors/assembly.yml
index 5d47d9c5c4a..24e5db81a92 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Doors/Windoors/assembly.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Doors/Windoors/assembly.yml
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 #plasma windoor assemblies
 - type: entity
   id: WindoorAssemblyPlasma
-  name: Plasma windoor assembly
+  name: plasma windoor assembly
   description: It opens, it closes, and you can see through it! This one looks purp-, no, pink. Wait...
   parent: WindoorAssembly
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WindoorAssemblySecurePlasma
-  name: Secure Plasma windoor assembly
+  name: secure plasma windoor assembly
   description: It opens, it closes, and you can see through it! This one looks strong and pin-, no, purple. Hold on...
   parent: WindoorAssembly
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
 #uranium windoor assemblies
 - type: entity
   id: WindoorAssemblyUranium
-  name: Uranium windoor assembly
+  name: uranium windoor assembly
   description: It opens, it closes, and you can see through it! This one looks sickly green...
   parent: WindoorAssembly
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WindoorAssemblySecureUranium
-  name: Secure Uranium windoor assembly
+  name: secure uranium windoor assembly
   description: It opens, it closes, and you can see through it! This one looks strong and radioactive-lime-green!
   parent: WindoorAssembly
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Doors/Windoors/windoor.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Doors/Windoors/windoor.yml
index fcc47bc2e3d..089d5f81d1b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Doors/Windoors/windoor.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Doors/Windoors/windoor.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 - type: entity
   id: Windoor
   parent: BaseWindoor
-  name: Windoor
+  name: windoor
   description: It's a window and a sliding door. Wow!
 - type: entity
   id: WindoorSecure
   parent: BaseSecureWindoor
-  name: Secure Windoor
+  name: secure windoor
   description: It's a sturdy window and a sliding door. Wow!
 - type: entity
@@ -19,25 +19,25 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WindoorPlasma
   parent: BasePlasmaWindoor
-  name: Plasma Windoor
+  name: plasma windoor
   description: It's a pink window *and* a sliding door. Amazing!
 - type: entity
   id: WindoorSecurePlasma
   parent: BaseSecurePlasmaWindoor
-  name: Secure Plasma Windoor
+  name: secure plasma windoor
   description: It's a sturdy purple window *and* a sliding door. Spectacular!
 - type: entity
   id: WindoorUranium
   parent: BaseUraniumWindoor
-  name: Uranium Windoor
+  name: uranium windoor
   description: It's a window and a sliding door. Huh? Oh, and it's green!
 - type: entity
   id: WindoorSecureUranium
   parent: BaseSecureUraniumWindoor
-  name: Secure Uranium Windoor
+  name: secure uranium windoor
   description: It's a sturdy window and a sliding door. It's so neon green, it might even taste like limes!
 # TODO remove these with parameterized prototypes/whatever we end up doing
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/chairs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/chairs.yml
index ac5ec1e83e3..c1d767905c0 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/chairs.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/chairs.yml
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
     node: chair
 - type: entity
-  parent: [SeatBase, BaseFoldable]
+  parent: [SeatBase, BaseDeployFoldable]
   id: ChairFolding
   name: folding chair
   description: If you carry six of these you become the coolest kid at church.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/memorial.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/memorial.yml
index beabf53c979..24832a28b2a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/memorial.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/memorial.yml
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: SS13Memorial
   parent: BaseStructure
-  name: Tomb of the Unknown Employee
+  name: tomb of the unknown employee
   description: |
     Here rests an unknown employee
     Unknown by name or rank
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/rollerbeds.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/rollerbeds.yml
index b3cfe6ade3f..f7b1be8ecde 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/rollerbeds.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Furniture/rollerbeds.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: RollerBed
-  parent: [BaseItem, BaseFoldable]
+  parent: [BaseItem, BaseDeployFoldable]
   name: rollerbed
   description: Used to carry patients around without damaging them.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml
index 87b672847de..1027c510e27 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@
   - type: Lathe
     idleState: icon
     runningState: building
+    unlitIdleState: unlit
+    unlitRunningState: unlit-building
       - Wirecutter
       - Igniter
@@ -266,6 +268,8 @@
   - type: Lathe
     idleState: icon
     runningState: building
+    unlitIdleState: unlit
+    unlitRunningState: unlit-building
     - LargeBeaker
     - Dropper
@@ -333,17 +337,16 @@
       - FauxTileAstroSnow
       - OreBagOfHolding
       - DeviceQuantumSpinInverter
-      # vv Frontier - languages mechanic vv
+      # vv Languages mechanic vv
       - CanilunztTranslator
       - BubblishTranslator
       - NekomimeticTranslator
       - DraconicTranslator
       - SolCommonTranslator
       - RootSpeakTranslator
-      - XenoTranslator
+      #- XenoTranslator
       - DraskTranslator
-      - BasicGalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter
-      - AdvancedGalaticCommonTranslatorImplanter
+      - GalacticCommonTranslatorImplanter
       - BubblishTranslatorImplanter
       - NekomimeticTranslatorImplanter
       - DraconicTranslatorImplanter
@@ -357,18 +360,23 @@
       - NianTranslatorImplanter
       - FireTranslatorImplanter
       - DraskTranslatorImplanter
-#      - UrsTranslatorImplanter # Закомменчено до раундстарт урсов
+      - UrsTranslatorImplanter
       - ArkaneTranslatorImplanter
-      - ShadowkinTranslatorImplanter
+      - ShadekinTranslatorImplanter
       - CintaTajTranslatorImplanter
-#      - UrsTranslator # Закомменчено до раундстарт урсов
+      - IPCTranslatorImplanter
+      - BorgTranslatorImplanter
+      - DwarfTranslatorImplanter
+      - UrsTranslator
       - ArkaneTranslator
-      - ShadowkinTranslator
+      - ShadekinTranslator
       - NianTranslator
       - FireTranslator
       - SikTajTranslator
       - CintaTajTranslator
-      # ^^ Frontier - languages mechanic ^^
+      - DwarfTranslator
+      - IPCTranslator
+      # ^^ Languages mechanic ^^
   - type: EmagLatheRecipes
       - BoxBeanbag
@@ -467,6 +475,7 @@
     - BoozeDispenserMachineCircuitboard
     - SodaDispenserMachineCircuitboard
     - SpaceHeaterMachineCircuitBoard
+    - CutterMachineCircuitboard
       - ThermomachineFreezerMachineCircuitBoard
       - HellfireFreezerMachineCircuitBoard
@@ -1255,6 +1264,7 @@
       - IngotGold30
       - IngotSilver30
       - MaterialBananium10
+      - MaterialDiamond
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseLathe
@@ -1286,3 +1296,82 @@
     - MaterialSheetMeat
     - SheetPaper
+- type: entity
+  parent: BaseLathe
+  id: CutterMachine
+  name: cutter machine
+  description: This is a cutter. It cuts. Add variety to your station floor with eye-pleasing patterns! Don't stick your fingers in.
+  components:
+  - type: Transform
+    noRot: false
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Structures/Machines/cuttermachine.rsi
+    snapCardinals: true
+    layers:
+    - state: icon
+      map: ["enum.LatheVisualLayers.IsRunning"]
+    - state: unlit
+      shader: unshaded
+      map: ["enum.PowerDeviceVisualLayers.Powered"]
+    - state: panel
+      map: ["enum.WiresVisualLayers.MaintenancePanel"]
+  - type: Machine
+    board: CutterMachineCircuitboard
+  - type: Lathe
+    producingSound: /Audio/Machines/cutter.ogg
+    idleState: icon
+    runningState: building
+    staticRecipes:
+      - FloorTileItemDark
+      - FloorTileItemDarkDiagonalMini
+      - FloorTileItemDarkDiagonal
+      - FloorTileItemDarkHerringbone
+      - FloorTileItemDarkMini
+      - FloorTileItemDarkMono
+      - FloorTileItemDarkPavement
+      - FloorTileItemDarkPavementVertical
+      - FloorTileItemDarkOffset
+      - FloorTileItemSteelCheckerDark
+      - FloorTileItemSteel
+      - FloorTileItemSteelOffset
+      - FloorTileItemSteelDiagonalMini
+      - FloorTileItemSteelDiagonal
+      - FloorTileItemSteelHerringbone
+      - FloorTileItemSteelMini
+      - FloorTileItemSteelMono
+      - FloorTileItemSteelPavement
+      - FloorTileItemSteelPavementVertical
+      - FloorTileItemWhite
+      - FloorTileItemWhiteOffset
+      - FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonalMini
+      - FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonal
+      - FloorTileItemWhiteHerringbone
+      - FloorTileItemWhiteMini
+      - FloorTileItemWhiteMono
+      - FloorTileItemWhitePavement
+      - FloorTileItemWhitePavementVertical
+      - FloorTileItemSteelCheckerLight
+      - FloorTileItemGratingMaint
+      - FloorTileItemTechmaint
+      - FloorTileItemSteelMaint
+      - FloorTileItemWood
+      - FloorTileItemWoodLarge
+      - FloorTileItemWoodPattern
+      - FloorTileItemConcrete
+      - FloorTileItemConcreteMono
+      - FloorTileItemConcreteSmooth
+      - FloorTileItemGrayConcrete
+      - FloorTileItemGrayConcreteMono
+      - FloorTileItemGrayConcreteSmooth
+      - FloorTileItemOldConcrete
+      - FloorTileItemOldConcreteMono
+      - FloorTileItemOldConcreteSmooth
+  - type: MaterialStorage
+    whitelist:
+      tags:
+        - Sheet
+        - Metal
+        - Wooden
+        - RawMaterial
+        - Plastic
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/nuke.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/nuke.yml
index 8dbc4da141e..95546a91998 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/nuke.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/nuke.yml
@@ -134,6 +134,8 @@
   suffix: keg
   description: You probably shouldn't stick around to see if this is armed. It has a tap on the side.
+  - type: Transform
+    anchored: false
   - type: NukeLabel
   - type: Sprite
     sprite: Objects/Devices/nuke.rsi
@@ -173,11 +175,11 @@
           radius: 0.45
-        density: 80
+        density: 255 
-        - TabletopMachineMask
+        - MachineMask
-        - TabletopMachineLayer
+        - WallLayer
   - type: SolutionContainerManager
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Piping/Disposal/pipes.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Piping/Disposal/pipes.yml
index 60ec3a2dcc6..8a3e83c5196 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Piping/Disposal/pipes.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Piping/Disposal/pipes.yml
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: DisposalHolder
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: disposal holder
   - type: DisposalHolder
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/PA/control_box.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/PA/control_box.yml
index 96392ecd005..ae3fc967742 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/PA/control_box.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/PA/control_box.yml
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
   - type: Wires
     boardName: wires-board-name-pa
     layoutId: ParticleAccelerator
+  - type: AccessReader
+    access: [["Engineering"]]
 # Unfinished
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/PA/particles.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/PA/particles.yml
index 8d889ee5cbb..9d3ce9c931f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/PA/particles.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/PA/particles.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   description: Accelerated particles.
   id: ParticlesProjectile
   parent: BaseBullet
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
   description: Accelerated negative particles.
   id: AntiParticlesProjectile
   parent: ParticlesProjectile
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/Tesla/coil.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/Tesla/coil.yml
index b63f131a7f4..dc2ad1687a5 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/Tesla/coil.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/Tesla/coil.yml
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
                 min: 2
                 max: 4
-  #- type: GuideHelp #   To Do - add Tesla Guide
+  #- type: GuideHelp # TODO - add Tesla Guide
 - type: entity
   id: TeslaGroundingRod
@@ -184,5 +184,5 @@
                 min: 2
                 max: 4
-  #- type: GuideHelp #   To Do - add Tesla Guide
+  #- type: GuideHelp # TODO - add Tesla Guide
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/Tesla/generator.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/Tesla/generator.yml
index a8c61634dfb..d45e6c58ea7 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/Tesla/generator.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/Tesla/generator.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
     noRot: true
     sprite: Structures/Power/Generation/Tesla/generator.rsi
     state: icon 
-  - type: SingularityGenerator #To do: rename the generator
+  - type: SingularityGenerator # TODO: rename the generator
     spawnId: TeslaEnergyBall
   - type: InteractionOutline
   - type: Fixtures
@@ -25,5 +25,5 @@
         - Opaque
   - type: Anchorable
-  #- type: GuideHelp #   To Do - add Tesla Guide
+  #- type: GuideHelp # TODO - add Tesla Guide
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/ame.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/ame.yml
index 4e4ef8bdbcf..b7d6b5a128d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/ame.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/ame.yml
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
     mediumVoltageNode: ame
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   parent: AmeController
   id: AmeControllerUnanchored
   suffix: Unanchored
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/generators.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/generators.yml
index ed70b310915..1faee965d4e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/generators.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/generators.yml
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 # Construction Frames
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   id: BaseGeneratorWallmountFrame
   name: wallmount generator frame
   description: A construction frame for a wallmount generator.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/solar.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/solar.yml
index c512266e974..a997dbbf9d6 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/solar.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/solar.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: SolarPanelBasePhysSprite
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: solar panel
     mode: SnapgridCenter
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/teg.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/teg.yml
index 78d979ab8eb..b7f43614dbd 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/teg.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/Generation/teg.yml
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
 - # Spawned by the client-side circulator examine code to indicate the inlet/outlet direction.
   type: entity
   id: TegCirculatorArrow
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       sprite: Markers/teg_arrow.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/apc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/apc.yml
index 0948cdb4cc4..48601419743 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/apc.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/apc.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   id: BaseAPC
   name: APC
   description: A control terminal for the area's electrical systems.
@@ -143,10 +143,12 @@
     priority: 1
   - type: StaticPrice
     price: 500
+  - type: BatteryDrinkerSource # ADT - IPC
+    maxAmount: 10000
 # APC under construction
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   id: APCFrame
   name: APC frame
   description: A control terminal for the area's electrical systems, lacking the electronics.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/substation.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/substation.yml
index 18d9e966a05..8191e5377b2 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/substation.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Power/substation.yml
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 # Compact Wall Substation Base
 - type: entity
   id: BaseSubstationWall
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: wallmount substation
   description: A substation designed for compact shuttles and spaces.
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
 # Construction Frame
 - type: entity
   id: BaseSubstationWallFrame
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: wallmount substation frame
   description: A substation frame for construction
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Specific/xeno.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Specific/xeno.yml
index 0fcca0c1d50..2f58e5caea9 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Specific/xeno.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Specific/xeno.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: XenoWardingTower
-  name: Xeno warding tower
+  name: xeno warding tower
     mode: SnapgridCenter
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Storage/Canisters/gas_canisters.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Storage/Canisters/gas_canisters.yml
index b38ef61791c..147e9e5b371 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Storage/Canisters/gas_canisters.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Storage/Canisters/gas_canisters.yml
@@ -697,7 +697,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: GasCanisterBrokenBase
   id: StorageCanisterBroken
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       state: yellow-1
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: GasCanisterBrokenBase
   id: AirCanisterBroken
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: grey-1
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: GasCanisterBrokenBase
   id: OxygenCanisterBroken
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: blue-1
@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: GasCanisterBrokenBase
   id: NitrogenCanisterBroken
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       state: red-1
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: GasCanisterBrokenBase
   id: CarbonDioxideCanisterBroken
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       state: black-1
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: GasCanisterBrokenBase
   id: PlasmaCanisterBroken
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       state: orange-1
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: GasCanisterBrokenBase
   id: TritiumCanisterBroken
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       state: green-1
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@
   parent: GasCanisterBrokenBase
   id: WaterVaporCanisterBroken
   name: broken water vapor canister
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       state: water_vapor-1
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: GasCanisterBrokenBase
   id: AmmoniaCanisterBroken
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       state: greenys-1
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: GasCanisterBrokenBase
   id: NitrousOxideCanisterBroken
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Sprite
       state: redws-1
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: GasCanisterBrokenBase
   id: FrezonCanisterBroken
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     state: frezon-1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Storage/Crates/base_structurecrates.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Storage/Crates/base_structurecrates.yml
index 2666e8261d0..73871cbe9b8 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Storage/Crates/base_structurecrates.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Storage/Crates/base_structurecrates.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseStructureDynamic
   id: CrateGeneric
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   name: crate
   description: A large container for items.
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: CrateGeneric
   id: CrateBaseWeldable
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Weldable
   - type: ResistLocker
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/atmos_plaque.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/atmos_plaque.yml
index 1be9f202f0b..3f6dd3723d5 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/atmos_plaque.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/atmos_plaque.yml
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
         - MidImpassable
   - type: Sprite
+    drawdepth: WallMountedItems
       - state: atmosplaque
         map: ["plaque"]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/bar_sign.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/bar_sign.yml
index b2a0ffe592a..f749bc599be 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/bar_sign.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/bar_sign.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
   - type: WallMount
     arc: 360
   - type: Sprite
-    drawdepth: Objects
+    drawdepth: WallMountedItems
     sprite: Structures/Wallmounts/barsign.rsi
     state: empty
   - type: ApcPowerReceiver
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 #- type: entity
 #  id: LargeBarSign
 #  name: large bar sign
-#  noSpawn: true
+#  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
 #  components:
 #  - type: Clickable
 #  - type: InteractionOutline
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/base_structuresigns.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/base_structuresigns.yml
index e7d938a3c9a..35281d03835 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/base_structuresigns.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/base_structuresigns.yml
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
       - !type:DoActsBehavior
         acts: ["Destruction"]
   - type: Sprite
-    drawdepth: WallTops
+    drawdepth: WallMountedItems
     sprite: Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi
     snapCardinals: true
   - type: StaticPrice
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/flags.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/flags.yml
index 57b07aa3dd1..a4ab12df741 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/flags.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/flags.yml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   - type: WallMount
     arc: 360
   - type: Sprite
-    drawdepth: WallTops
+    drawdepth: WallMountedItems
     sprite: Structures/Wallmounts/flags.rsi
 - type: entity
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/metamap.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/metamap.yml
index 92850e97e62..e8daa82632e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/metamap.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/metamap.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: PosterBase
   id: PosterMapMetaRight
-  name: "Meta Station Map"
+  name: "Meta Station map"
   description: "A map of Meta Station. This looks really old."
   - type: Sprite
     state: metamap64x
-    sprite: Structures/Wallmounts/metamap.rsi
\ No newline at end of file
+    sprite: Structures/Wallmounts/metamap.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/paintings.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/paintings.yml
index 5402d443e2b..4f26432c60a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/paintings.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/paintings.yml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   - type: WallMount
     arc: 360
   - type: Sprite
-    drawdepth: WallTops
+    drawdepth: WallMountedItems
     sprite: Structures/Wallmounts/paintings.rsi
 - type: entity
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/posters.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/posters.yml
index cd4850d488a..ae8ed5f74fc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/posters.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/posters.yml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   - type: WallMount
     arc: 360
   - type: Sprite
-    drawdepth: WallTops
+    drawdepth: WallMountedItems
     sprite: Structures/Wallmounts/posters.rsi
     snapCardinals: true
   - type: Destructible
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/signs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/signs.yml
index c6ecb5fd308..1308eff1be4 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/signs.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/Signs/signs.yml
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseSign
   id: SignNosmoking
-  name: nosmoking sign
+  name: no smoking sign
   description: A sign indicating that smoking is not allowed in the vicinity.
   - type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/extinguisher_cabinet.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/extinguisher_cabinet.yml
index c48f2cb00a6..c51b4aa042f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/extinguisher_cabinet.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/extinguisher_cabinet.yml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
           ejectOnInteract: true
-            - FireExtinguisher
+            - SpraySafety
     - type: Damageable
       damageContainer: Inorganic
       damageModifierSet: Metallic
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/monitors_televisions.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/monitors_televisions.yml
index 408ab6b67c3..9c3141298f4 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/monitors_televisions.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/monitors_televisions.yml
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
   - type: ActivatableUI
     key: enum.SurveillanceCameraMonitorUiKey.Key
   - type: ActivatableUIRequiresPower
+  - type: ActivatableUIRequiresVision
   - type: UserInterface
@@ -167,6 +168,7 @@
   - type: ActivatableUI
     key: enum.SurveillanceCameraMonitorUiKey.Key
   - type: ActivatableUIRequiresPower
+  - type: ActivatableUIRequiresVision
   - type: UserInterface
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/shelfs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/shelfs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af68f5898d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/shelfs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# Parents
+- type: entity
+  abstract: true
+  id: ShelfBase
+  parent: BaseStructure
+  name: shelf
+  description: a strange place to place, well, anything really. You feel like you shouldn't be seeing this.'
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    drawdepth: WallMountedItems
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/wood.rsi
+    state: base
+  - type: Fixtures
+    fixtures:
+      fix1:
+        shape:
+          !type:PhysShapeAabb
+          bounds: "-0.35,-0.35,0.35,0.35"
+        density: 35
+        layer:
+        - BulletImpassable
+  - type: Transform
+  - type: Damageable
+    damageModifierSet: Wood
+    damageContainer: Inorganic
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTrigger
+        damage: 60
+      behaviors:
+      - !type:PlaySoundBehavior
+        sound:
+          collection: WoodDestroyHeavy
+      - !type:DoActsBehavior
+        acts: ["Destruction"]
+  - type: WallMount
+    arc: 175
+  - type: Storage
+    grid:
+    - 0,0,3,1
+    - 0,3,3,4
+    maxItemSize: Normal
+  - type: UserInterface
+    interfaces:
+     enum.StorageUiKey.Key:
+      type: StorageBoundUserInterface
+  - type: InteractionOutline
+  - type: ContainerContainer
+    containers:
+      storagebase: !type:Container
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+    - Structure
+- type: entity
+  abstract: true
+  id: ShelfBaseReinforced
+  parent: ShelfBase
+  name: reinforced shelf
+  description: It looks as strong as reality itself.
+  components:
+  - type: Lock
+  - type: LockVisuals
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/wood.rsi
+    state: base
+    layers:
+    - state: rbase
+      map: ["enum.StorageVisualLayers.Base"]
+    - state: unlocked
+      shader: unshaded
+      # used to keep the unlocked light visible while open. 
+    - state: closed
+      map: ["enum.StorageVisualLayers.Door"]
+    - state: locked
+      map: ["enum.LockVisualLayers.Lock"]
+      shader: unshaded
+  - type: Appearance
+  - type: EntityStorageVisuals
+    stateDoorOpen: open
+    stateDoorClosed: closed
+  - type: AccessReader
+# Normal
+- type: entity
+  id: ShelfWood
+  parent: ShelfBase
+  name: wooden shelf
+  description: A convenient place to place, well, anything really.
+  components:
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTrigger
+        damage: 60
+      behaviors:
+      - !type:PlaySoundBehavior
+        sound:
+          collection: WoodDestroyHeavy
+      - !type:SpawnEntitiesBehavior
+        spawn:
+          MaterialWoodPlank1:
+            min: 1
+            max: 3
+      - !type:DoActsBehavior
+        acts: ["Destruction"]
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+    - Structure
+    - Wooden
+  - type: Construction
+    graph: Shelf
+    node: ShelfWood
+- type: entity
+  id: ShelfMetal
+  parent: ShelfBase
+  name: metal shelf
+  description: A sturdy place to place, well, anything really.
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/metal.rsi
+    state: base
+  - type: Damageable
+    damageModifierSet: Metallic
+    damageContainer: Inorganic
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTrigger
+        damage: 120
+      behaviors:
+      - !type:PlaySoundBehavior
+        sound:
+          collection: MetalBreak
+      - !type:SpawnEntitiesBehavior
+        spawn:
+          SheetSteel1:
+            min: 2
+            max: 4
+      - !type:DoActsBehavior
+        acts: ["Destruction"]
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+    - Structure
+  - type: Construction
+    graph: Shelf
+    node: ShelfMetal
+- type: entity
+  id: ShelfGlass
+  parent: ShelfBase
+  name: glass shelf
+  description: A fragile place to place, well, anything really.
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/glass.rsi
+    state: base
+  - type: Damageable
+    damageModifierSet: Glass
+    damageContainer: Inorganic
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTrigger
+        damage: 50
+      behaviors:
+      - !type:PlaySoundBehavior
+        sound:
+          collection: WindowShatter
+      - !type:SpawnEntitiesBehavior
+        spawn:
+          ShardGlass:
+            min: 0
+            max: 2
+      - !type:DoActsBehavior
+        acts: ["Destruction"]
+  - type: Tag
+    tags:
+    - Structure
+  - type: Construction
+    graph: Shelf
+    node: ShelfGlass
+# Reinforced
+- type: entity
+  id: ShelfRWood
+  parent: ShelfBaseReinforced
+  name: sturdy wood shelf
+  description: A safe place to put your favorite bottle of whiskey
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/wood.rsi
+    state: base
+    layers:
+    - state: rbase
+      map: ["enum.StorageVisualLayers.Base"]
+    - state: closed
+      map: ["enum.StorageVisualLayers.Door"]
+    - state: locked
+      map: ["enum.LockVisualLayers.Lock"]
+      shader: unshaded
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTrigger
+        damage: 215
+      behaviors:
+      - !type:PlaySoundBehavior
+        sound:
+          collection: WoodDestroyHeavy
+      - !type:SpawnEntitiesBehavior
+        spawn:
+          MaterialWoodPlank:
+            min: 2
+            max: 5
+      - !type:DoActsBehavior
+        acts: ["Destruction"]
+  - type: Construction
+    graph: Shelf
+    node: ShelfRWood
+- type: entity
+  id: ShelfRMetal
+  parent: ShelfBaseReinforced
+  name: sturdy metal shelf
+  description: A strong & shiny place to keep all your vials safe
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/metal.rsi
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTrigger
+        damage: 450
+      behaviors:
+      - !type:PlaySoundBehavior
+        sound:
+          collection: MetalBreak
+      - !type:SpawnEntitiesBehavior
+        spawn:
+          SheetPlasteel1:
+            min: 2
+            max: 3
+          ShardGlass:
+            min: 1
+            max: 2
+          PartRodMetal1:
+            min: 1
+            max: 2
+      - !type:DoActsBehavior
+        acts: ["Destruction"]
+  - type: Construction
+    graph: Shelf
+    node: ShelfRMetal
+- type: entity
+  id: ShelfRGlass
+  parent: ShelfBaseReinforced
+  name: sturdy glass shelf
+  description: Crystal clear reinforced glass doors to show off all your fancy bottles you definitely didn't sell a co-worker's favorite mothroach for.
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/glass.rsi
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTrigger
+        damage: 250
+      behaviors:
+      - !type:PlaySoundBehavior
+        sound:
+          collection: WindowShatter
+      - !type:SpawnEntitiesBehavior
+        spawn:
+          SheetPlastic1:
+            min: 1
+            max: 3
+          ShardGlass:
+            min: 1
+            max: 2
+          PartRodMetal1:
+            min: 0
+            max: 1
+      - !type:DoActsBehavior
+        acts: ["Destruction"]
+  - type: Construction
+    graph: Shelf
+    node: ShelfRGlass
+# Departmental
+- type: entity
+  id: ShelfBar
+  parent: ShelfBase
+  name: bar shelf
+  description: Made out of the finest synthetic wood for all alcohol holding needs.
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/Departments/Service/bar.rsi
+    state: base
+    layers:
+      - state: base
+      - state: bar-0
+      - map: ["enum.StorageFillLayers.Fill"]
+  - type: Appearance
+  - type: StorageFillVisualizer
+    maxFillLevels: 13
+    fillBaseName: bar
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTrigger
+        damage: 100
+      behaviors:
+      - !type:PlaySoundBehavior
+        sound:
+          collection: WoodDestroyHeavy
+      - !type:SpawnEntitiesBehavior
+        spawn:
+          MaterialWoodPlank1:
+            min: 1
+            max: 4
+      - !type:DoActsBehavior
+        acts: ["Destruction"]
+  - type: Storage
+    grid:
+    - 0,0,5,1
+    - 0,3,5,4
+    maxItemSize: Normal
+    whitelist:
+      tags:
+        - DrinkGlass
+        - DrinkBottle
+        - DrinkCan
+        - Beer
+  - type: Construction
+    graph: Shelf
+    node: ShelfBar
+- type: entity
+  id: ShelfKitchen
+  parent: ShelfBase
+  name: cooking shelf
+  description: Holds knifes, spice, and everything nice!
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/Departments/Service/kitchen.rsi
+    state: base
+    layers:
+      - state: base
+      - state: kitchen-0
+      - map: ["enum.StorageFillLayers.Fill"]
+  - type: Appearance
+  - type: StorageFillVisualizer
+    maxFillLevels: 13
+    fillBaseName: kitchen
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTrigger
+        damage: 150
+      behaviors:
+      - !type:PlaySoundBehavior
+        sound:
+          collection: MetalBreak
+      - !type:SpawnEntitiesBehavior
+        spawn:
+          SheetSteel1:
+            min: 1
+            max: 4
+          MaterialWoodPlank1:
+            min: 0
+            max: 1
+          PartRodMetal1:
+            min: 0
+            max: 2
+      - !type:DoActsBehavior
+        acts: ["Destruction"]
+  - type: Storage
+    grid:
+    - 0,0,5,1
+    - 0,3,5,4
+    maxItemSize: Normal
+    whitelist:
+      tags:
+        - DrinkGlass
+        - BoxCardboard
+        - MonkeyCube
+        - Enzyme
+        - Mayo
+        - Packet
+        - Cleaver
+        - Knife
+        - KitchenKnife
+        - RollingPin
+        - Ingredient
+        - Trash
+  - type: Construction
+    graph: Shelf
+    node: ShelfKitchen
+- type: entity
+  id: ShelfChemistry
+  parent: ShelfBaseReinforced
+  name: chemical shelf
+  description: Keeps all your chemicals safe and out of the clow- er, public hands!
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/Departments/Medical/chemistry.rsi
+    layers:
+    - state: base
+      map: ["enum.StorageVisualLayers.Base"]
+    - state: unlocked
+      shader: unshaded
+    - state: chem-0
+    - map: ["enum.StorageFillLayers.Fill"]
+    - state: closed
+      map: ["enum.StorageVisualLayers.Door"]
+    - state: locked
+      map: ["enum.LockVisualLayers.Lock"]
+      shader: unshaded
+  - type: StorageFillVisualizer
+    maxFillLevels: 7
+    fillBaseName: chem
+  - type: Destructible
+    thresholds:
+    - trigger:
+        !type:DamageTrigger
+        damage: 330
+      behaviors:
+      - !type:PlaySoundBehavior
+        sound:
+          collection: MetalBreak
+      - !type:SpawnEntitiesBehavior
+        spawn:
+          SheetPlasteel1:
+            min: 1
+            max: 2
+          SheetPlastic1:
+            min: 1
+            max: 2
+          ShardGlass:
+            min: 1
+            max: 1
+      - !type:DoActsBehavior
+        acts: ["Destruction"]
+  - type: Storage
+    grid:
+    - 0,0,5,1
+    - 0,3,5,4
+    maxItemSize: Normal
+    whitelist:
+      tags:
+        - ChemDispensable
+        - GlassBeaker
+        - Bottle
+  - type: Construction
+    graph: Shelf
+    node: ShelfChemistry
+# Access presets
+# Try to keep alphabetical sorting if adding more
+- type: entity
+  parent: ShelfChemistry
+  id: ShelfChemistryChemistrySecure
+  suffix: Chemistry, Secure
+  components:
+  - type: AccessReader
+    access: [["Chemistry"]]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/switch.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/switch.yml
index ecf2b0525ed..01e3757a2c7 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/switch.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/switch.yml
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
   id: LockableButton
   name: lockable button
   parent: SignalButtonDirectional
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Appearance
   - type: Lock
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: ButtonFrame
   name: button frame
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   description: It's a frame to help distinguish switches visually.
     mode: SnapgridCenter
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/timer.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/timer.yml
index 271a9a65cdc..ff935055ff9 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/timer.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Wallmounts/timer.yml
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
 # Construction Frame
 - type: entity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   id: TimerFrame
   name: timer frame
   description: A construction frame for a timer.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Walls/walls.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Walls/walls.yml
index 02552fa244a..65cbb8e74b6 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Walls/walls.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Walls/walls.yml
@@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WallInvisible
-  name: Invisible Wall
+  name: invisible wall
   - type: TimedDespawn
     lifetime: 15
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/gates.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/gates.yml
index 22ab745a1ee..6b02840ba0b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/gates.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/gates.yml
@@ -15,9 +15,10 @@
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseLogicItem
-  id: LogicGate
+  id: LogicGateOr
   name: logic gate
   description: A logic gate with two inputs and one output. Technicians can change its mode of operation using a screwdriver.
+  suffix: Or
   - type: Sprite
@@ -51,6 +52,71 @@
           Nand: { state: nand }
           Xnor: { state: xnor }
+- type: entity
+  parent: LogicGateOr
+  id: LogicGateAnd
+  suffix: And
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    layers:
+    - state: base
+    - state: and
+      map: [ "enum.LogicGateLayers.Gate" ]
+  - type: LogicGate
+    gate: And
+- type: entity
+  parent: LogicGateOr
+  id: LogicGateXor
+  suffix: Xor
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    layers:
+    - state: base
+    - state: xor
+      map: [ "enum.LogicGateLayers.Gate" ]
+  - type: LogicGate
+    gate: Xor
+- type: entity
+  parent: LogicGateOr
+  id: LogicGateNor
+  suffix: Nor
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    layers:
+    - state: base
+    - state: nor
+      map: [ "enum.LogicGateLayers.Gate" ]
+  - type: LogicGate
+    gate: Nor
+- type: entity
+  parent: LogicGateOr
+  id: LogicGateNand
+  suffix: Nand
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    layers:
+    - state: base
+    - state: nand
+      map: [ "enum.LogicGateLayers.Gate" ]
+  - type: LogicGate
+    gate: Nand
+- type: entity
+  parent: LogicGateOr
+  id: LogicGateXnor
+  suffix: Xnor
+  components:
+  - type: Sprite
+    layers:
+    - state: base
+    - state: xnor
+      map: [ "enum.LogicGateLayers.Gate" ]
+  - type: LogicGate
+    gate: Xnor
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseLogicItem
   id: EdgeDetector
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Tiles/water.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Tiles/water.yml
index 2fd1c8547de..c488df231b2 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Tiles/water.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Tiles/water.yml
@@ -54,3 +54,12 @@
       collection: FootstepWater
         volume: 8
+  - type: StepTrigger
+    requiredTriggeredSpeed: 0
+    intersectRatio: 0.1
+    blacklist:
+      tags:
+        - Catwalk
+  - type: TileEntityEffect
+    effects:
+    - !type:ExtinguishReaction
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/beam.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/beam.yml
index 7ded09c3fff..fa249f0dd3d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/beam.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/beam.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: VirtualBeamEntityController
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: Beam
     - type: TimedDespawn
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/electrocution.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/electrocution.yml
index ac65245191e..c45e0b3ca9e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/electrocution.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/electrocution.yml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: VirtualElectrocutionLoadHVPower
   parent: VirtualElectrocutionLoadBase
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: NodeContainer
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: VirtualElectrocutionLoadMVPower
   parent: VirtualElectrocutionLoadBase
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: NodeContainer
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: VirtualElectrocutionLoadApc
   parent: VirtualElectrocutionLoadBase
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: NodeContainer
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/stripping_hidden.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/stripping_hidden.yml
index 538e502a402..81e8e9866cb 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/stripping_hidden.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/stripping_hidden.yml
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 - type: entity
   id: StrippingHiddenEntity
-  name: Hidden Entity
+  name: hidden entity
   description: There is something in this pocket. #Or maybe they ar... nah... too obvious a joke.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Sprite
     texture: Interface/VerbIcons/information.svg.192dpi.png
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/tether.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/tether.yml
index ce953854d65..9459fd20887 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/tether.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/tether.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - type: entity
   id: TetherEntity
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Physics
     bodyType: Dynamic
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/virtual_item.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/virtual_item.yml
index 088de6a6da5..21391dbb344 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/virtual_item.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Virtual/virtual_item.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: VirtualItem
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
   - type: Item
     size: Ginormous # no storage insertion visuals
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/World/Debris/asteroids.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/World/Debris/asteroids.yml
index 2817b083bed..bb33801e2d6 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/World/Debris/asteroids.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/World/Debris/asteroids.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- type: entity
+- type: entity
   id: BaseAsteroidDebris
   parent: BaseDebris
-  name: Asteroid Debris
+  name: asteroid debris
   abstract: true
     - type: MapGrid
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
 - type: entity
   id: AsteroidDebrisSmall
   parent: BaseAsteroidDebris
-  name: Asteroid Debris Small
-  noSpawn: true
+  name: asteroid debris small
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: MapGrid
     - type: BlobFloorPlanBuilder
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
 - type: entity
   id: AsteroidDebrisMedium
   parent: BaseAsteroidDebris
-  name: Asteroid Debris Medium
-  noSpawn: true
+  name: asteroid debris medium
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: MapGrid
     - type: BlobFloorPlanBuilder
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
 - type: entity
   id: AsteroidDebrisLarge
   parent: BaseAsteroidDebris
-  name: Asteroid Debris Large
-  noSpawn: true
+  name: asteroid debris large
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: MapGrid
     - type: BlobFloorPlanBuilder
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
 - type: entity
   id: AsteroidDebrisLarger
   parent: BaseAsteroidDebris
-  name: Asteroid Debris Larger
-  noSpawn: true
+  name: asteroid debris larger
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: MapGrid
     - type: BlobFloorPlanBuilder
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@
 - type: entity
   id: AsteroidSalvageSmall
   parent: BaseAsteroidDebris
-  name: Salvage Asteroid Small
-  noSpawn: true
+  name: salvage asteroid small
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: MapGrid
     - type: BlobFloorPlanBuilder
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@
 - type: entity
   id: AsteroidSalvageMedium
   parent: BaseAsteroidDebris
-  name: Salvage Asteroid Medium
-  noSpawn: true
+  name: salvage asteroid medium
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: MapGrid
     - type: BlobFloorPlanBuilder
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@
 - type: entity
   id: AsteroidSalvageLarge
   parent: BaseAsteroidDebris
-  name: Salvage Asteroid Large
-  noSpawn: true
+  name: salvage asteroid large
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: MapGrid
     - type: BlobFloorPlanBuilder
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@
 - type: entity
   id: AsteroidSalvageHuge
   parent: BaseAsteroidDebris
-  name: Salvage Asteroid Huge
-  noSpawn: true
+  name: salvage asteroid huge
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: MapGrid
     - type: BlobFloorPlanBuilder
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/World/Debris/wrecks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/World/Debris/wrecks.yml
index 4c5a3be48f7..7bbeadeb5ba 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/World/Debris/wrecks.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/World/Debris/wrecks.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - type: entity
   id: BaseScrapDebris
   parent: BaseDebris
-  name: Scrap Debris
+  name: scrap debris
   abstract: true
     - type: MapGrid
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
 - type: entity
   id: ScrapDebrisSmall
   parent: BaseScrapDebris
-  name: Scrap Debris Small
-  noSpawn: true
+  name: scrap debris small
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: MapGrid
     - type: BlobFloorPlanBuilder
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@
 - type: entity
   id: ScrapDebrisMedium
   parent: BaseScrapDebris
-  name: Scrap Debris Medium
-  noSpawn: true
+  name: scrap debris medium
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: MapGrid
     - type: BlobFloorPlanBuilder
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
 - type: entity
   id: ScrapDebrisLarge
   parent: BaseScrapDebris
-  name: Scrap Debris Large
-  noSpawn: true
+  name: scrap debris large
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: MapGrid
     - type: BlobFloorPlanBuilder
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/World/chunk.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/World/chunk.yml
index b60fd0d91be..c7cb09c2a4b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/World/chunk.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/World/chunk.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 - type: entity
   id: WorldChunk
   parent: MarkerBase
-  name: World Chunk
+  name: world chunk
   description: |
     It's rude to stare.
     It's also a bit odd you're looking at the abstract representation of the grid of reality.
-  noSpawn: true
+  categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
     - type: WorldChunk
     - type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/foldable.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/foldable.yml
index a0843cd1250..260cda799b4 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/foldable.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/foldable.yml
@@ -13,3 +13,11 @@
           True: {visible: false}
           False: {visible: true}
+- type: entity
+  abstract: true
+  parent: BaseFoldable
+  id: BaseDeployFoldable
+  name: "deploy foldable"
+  components:
+  - type: DeployFoldable
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/events.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/events.yml
index b5e5c13a7b9..21668cc91ae 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/events.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/events.yml
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
   - type: StationEvent
     weight: 6
-    duration: 1
+    duration: null
     earliestStart: 30
     reoccurrenceDelay: 20
     minimumPlayers: 30
@@ -459,6 +459,11 @@
       - type: ZombifyOnDeath
       - type: IncurableZombie
       - type: InitialInfected
+      # Corvax-Не знаю какой тег, морти поправь
+      - type: NpcFactionMember
+        addFriendlyFactions:
+        - Zombie
+      # Corvax
       - type: InitialInfectedRole
         prototype: InitialInfected
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/meteorswarms.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/meteorswarms.yml
index 1c0d01d955d..49356465ca0 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/meteorswarms.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/meteorswarms.yml
@@ -17,6 +17,20 @@
     GameRuleMeteorSwarmLarge: 5
     GameRuleUristSwarm: 0.05
+- type: weightedRandomEntity
+  id: MeteorSpawnAsteroidWallTable
+  weights:
+    AsteroidRock: 10
+    AsteroidRockCoal: 5
+    AsteroidRockQuartz: 5
+    AsteroidRockTin: 5
+    AsteroidRockSilver: 2
+    AsteroidRockGold: 2
+    AsteroidRockPlasma: 2
+    AsteroidRockDiamond: 2
+    AsteroidRockUranium: 0.5
+    AsteroidRockBananium: 0.5      
 - type: entity
   parent: BaseGameRule
   id: GameRuleMeteorSwarm
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/midround.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/midround.yml
index dd5c76e4f02..52ef14a617f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/midround.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/midround.yml
@@ -18,10 +18,8 @@
     agentName: thief-round-end-agent-name
     - prefRoles: [ Thief ]
-      maxRange:
-        min: 1
-        max: 3
-      playerRatio: 1
+      max: 3
+      playerRatio: 15
       lateJoinAdditional: true
       allowNonHumans: true
       multiAntagSetting: NotExclusive
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/roundstart.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/roundstart.yml
index 3e4ea6d7b31..a6a17aa4080 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/roundstart.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/roundstart.yml
@@ -251,6 +251,11 @@
       - type: ZombifyOnDeath
       - type: IncurableZombie
       - type: InitialInfected
+      # Corvax-Не знаю какой тег, морти поправь
+      - type: NpcFactionMember
+        addFriendlyFactions:
+        - Zombie
+      # Corvax
       - type: InitialInfectedRole
         prototype: InitialInfected
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Hydroponics/seeds.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Hydroponics/seeds.yml
index 5aef050fec6..65fbf0b91d9 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Hydroponics/seeds.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Hydroponics/seeds.yml
@@ -341,6 +341,8 @@
   packetPrototype: SugarcaneSeeds
     - Sugarcane
+  mutationPrototypes:
+    - papercane
   harvestRepeat: Repeat
   lifespan: 60
   maturation: 6
@@ -355,6 +357,24 @@
       Max: 5
       PotencyDivisor: 5
+- type: seed
+  id: papercane
+  name: seeds-papercane-name
+  noun: seeds-noun-seeds
+  displayName: seeds-papercane-display-name
+  plantRsi: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/papercane.rsi
+  packetPrototype: PapercaneSeeds
+  productPrototypes:
+    - Papercane
+  harvestRepeat: Repeat
+  lifespan: 60
+  maturation: 6
+  production: 6
+  yield: 3
+  potency: 10
+  growthStages: 3
+  idealHeat: 298
 - type: seed
   id: towercap
   name: seeds-towercap-name
@@ -625,6 +645,34 @@
   packetPrototype: AppleSeeds
     - FoodApple
+  mutationPrototypes:
+    - goldenApple
+  harvestRepeat: Repeat
+  lifespan: 55
+  maturation: 6
+  production: 6
+  yield: 3
+  potency: 10
+  idealLight: 6
+  chemicals:
+    Nutriment:
+      Min: 1
+      Max: 10
+      PotencyDivisor: 10
+    Vitamin:
+      Min: 1
+      Max: 4
+      PotencyDivisor: 25
+- type: seed
+  id: goldenApple
+  name: seeds-goldenapple-name
+  noun: seeds-noun-seeds
+  displayName: seeds-goldenapple-display-name
+  plantRsi: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/golden_apple.rsi
+  packetPrototype: GoldenAppleSeeds
+  productPrototypes:
+    - FoodGoldenApple
   harvestRepeat: Repeat
   lifespan: 55
   maturation: 6
@@ -632,6 +680,8 @@
   yield: 3
   potency: 10
   idealLight: 6
+  waterConsumption: 0.75
+  nutrientConsumption: 0.75
       Min: 1
@@ -641,6 +691,10 @@
       Min: 1
       Max: 4
       PotencyDivisor: 25
+    DoctorsDelight:
+      Min: 3
+      Max: 13
+      PotencyDivisor: 10 
 - type: seed
   id: corn
@@ -1192,6 +1246,8 @@
   packetPrototype: GalaxythistleSeeds
     - FoodGalaxythistle
+  mutationPrototypes:
+    - glasstle
   lifespan: 25
   maturation: 10
   production: 3
@@ -1205,6 +1261,28 @@
       Max: 25
       PotencyDivisor: 4
+- type: seed
+  id: glasstle
+  name: seeds-glasstle-name
+  noun: seeds-noun-seeds
+  displayName: seeds-glasstle-display-name
+  plantRsi: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/glasstle.rsi
+  packetPrototype: GlasstleSeeds
+  productPrototypes:
+    - FoodGlasstle
+  lifespan: 25
+  maturation: 10
+  production: 3
+  yield: 3
+  potency: 10
+  growthStages: 3
+  waterConsumption: 0.5
+  chemicals:
+    Razorium:
+      Min: 1
+      Max: 25
+      PotencyDivisor: 4
 - type: seed
   id: flyAmanita
   name: seeds-flyamanita-name
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Magic/forcewall_spells.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Magic/forcewall_spells.yml
index f1865cf7229..3001f71421e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Magic/forcewall_spells.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Magic/forcewall_spells.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- type: entity
+- type: entity
   id: ActionForceWall
-  name: Forcewall
+  name: forcewall
   description: Creates a magical barrier.
   - type: InstantAction
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/core.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/core.yml
index f543e8ce63d..7fd97cbc680 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/core.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/core.yml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
             ChiefMedicalOfficer: [ 1, 1 ]
             MedicalDoctor: [ 3, 4 ]
-            Chemist: [ 1, 2 ]
+            Chemist: [ 2, 2 ]
             MedicalIntern: [ 2, 2 ]
             Paramedic: [ 1, 2 ]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/train.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/train.yml
index a1ef8670dd7..570328ef92b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/train.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/train.yml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
             prefixCreator: 'ED'
         - type: StationEmergencyShuttle
-          emergencyShuttlePath: /Maps/Shuttles/emergency_omega.yml # To do - add railway station
+          emergencyShuttlePath: /Maps/Shuttles/emergency_omega.yml # TODO - add railway station
         - type: StationJobs
@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@
             ChiefMedicalOfficer: [ 1, 1 ]
             Chemist: [ 2, 2 ]
-            MedicalDoctor: [ 3, 3 ]
+            MedicalDoctor: [ 2, 2 ]
             MedicalIntern: [ 2, 2 ]
+            Paramedic: [ 1, 1 ]
             ResearchDirector: [ 1, 1 ]
             Scientist: [ 4, 4 ]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/objectiveGroups.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/objectiveGroups.yml
index f0704704631..36922e76c3d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/objectiveGroups.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/objectiveGroups.yml
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
     ClothingHeadsetAltMedicalStealObjective: 1
     FireAxeStealObjective: 1                            #eng
     AmePartFlatpackStealObjective: 1
+    ADTClothingMaskGasCEStealObjective: 1    # ADT Tweak: add gas mask CE
     ExpeditionsCircuitboardStealObjective: 1            #sup
     CargoShuttleCircuitboardStealObjective: 1
     SalvageShuttleCircuitboardStealObjective: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/stealTargetGroups.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/stealTargetGroups.yml
index 52117b9ce9c..1a9b4223cb0 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/stealTargetGroups.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/stealTargetGroups.yml
@@ -347,8 +347,8 @@
     state: ian
 - type: stealTargetGroup
-  id: AnimalBingus
-  name: Bingus
+  id: AnimalNamedCat
+  name: CMO's Cat
     sprite: Mobs/Pets/bingus.rsi
     state: bingus
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/thief.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/thief.yml
index cc94ab02b34..26e598f1215 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/thief.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/thief.yml
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
   - type: StealCondition
     stealGroup: Figurines
     minCollectionSize: 10
-    maxCollectionSize: 50 #will be limited to the number of figures on the station anyway.
+    maxCollectionSize: 18 #will be limited to the number of figures on the station anyway.
   - type: Objective
     difficulty: 0.25
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
   - type: StealCondition
     stealGroup: Stamp
     minCollectionSize: 5
-    maxCollectionSize: 15
+    maxCollectionSize: 8
   - type: Objective
     difficulty: 1.0
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
   id: BingusStealObjective
   - type: StealCondition
-    stealGroup: AnimalBingus
+    stealGroup: AnimalNamedCat
   - type: Objective
     difficulty: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/salvage_factions.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/salvage_factions.yml
index 847a40ac025..f1e29375aa2 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/salvage_factions.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/salvage_factions.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 - type: salvageFaction
   id: Xenos
+  desc: salvage-faction-xenos
     - proto: MobXeno
     - proto: MobXenoDrone
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@
 - type: salvageFaction
   id: Carps
+  desc: salvage-faction-carps
     - proto: MobCarpDungeon
     # These do too much damage for salvage, need nerfs
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/salvage_mods.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/salvage_mods.yml
index 6c2bf678621..ca64d29a52a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/salvage_mods.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/salvage_mods.yml
@@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
 # Markers
 - type: entity
   id: SalvageShuttleMarker
-  name: Salvage shuttle marker
+  name: salvage shuttle marker
   parent: FTLPoint
 # Biome mods -> at least 1 required
 - type: salvageBiomeMod
   id: Caves
+  desc: salvage-biome-mod-caves
   biome: Caves
 - type: salvageBiomeMod
   id: Grasslands
+  desc: salvage-biome-mod-grasslands
   biome: Grasslands
 - type: salvageBiomeMod
   id: Snow
+  desc: salvage-biome-mod-snow
   cost: 1
   biome: Snow
 - type: salvageBiomeMod
   id: Lava
+  desc: salvage-biome-mod-lava
   cost: 2
   biome: Lava
@@ -32,36 +36,38 @@
 # Light mods -> required
 - type: salvageLightMod
   id: Daylight
-  desc: Daylight
+  desc: salvage-light-mod-daylight
   color: "#D8B059"
     - Grasslands
 - type: salvageLightMod
   id: Lavalight
-  desc: Daylight
+  desc: salvage-light-mod-daylight
   color: "#A34931"
     - Lava
 - type: salvageLightMod
   id: Evening
-  desc: Evening
+  desc: salvage-light-mod-evening
   color: "#2b3143"
 - type: salvageLightMod
   id: Night
-  desc: Night time
+  desc: salvage-light-mod-night
   cost: 1
   color: null
 # Temperatures
 - type: salvageTemperatureMod
   id: RoomTemp
+  desc: salvage-temperature-mod-room-temperature
   cost: 0
 - type: salvageTemperatureMod
   id: Hot
+  desc: salvage-temperature-mod-hot
   cost: 1
   temperature: 323.15 # 50C
@@ -72,7 +78,7 @@
 - type: salvageTemperatureMod
   id: Burning
-  desc: High temperature
+  desc: salvage-temperature-mod-high-temperature
   cost: 2
   temperature: 423.15 # 200C
@@ -82,7 +88,7 @@
 - type: salvageTemperatureMod
   id: Melting
-  desc: Extreme heat
+  desc: salvage-temperature-mod-extreme-heat
   cost: 4
   temperature: 1273.15 # 1000C hot hot hot
@@ -90,6 +96,7 @@
 - type: salvageTemperatureMod
   id: Cold
+  desc: salvage-temperature-mod-cold
   cost: 1
   temperature: 275.15 # 2C
@@ -100,7 +107,7 @@
 - type: salvageTemperatureMod
   id: Tundra
-  desc: Low temperature
+  desc: salvage-temperature-mod-low-temperature
   cost: 2
   temperature: 263.15 # -40C
@@ -109,7 +116,7 @@
 - type: salvageTemperatureMod
   id: Frozen
-  desc: Extreme cold
+  desc: salvage-temperature-mod-extreme-cold
   cost: 4
   temperature: 123.15 # -150C
@@ -118,7 +125,7 @@
 # Air mixtures
 - type: salvageAirMod
   id: Space
-  desc: No atmosphere
+  desc: salvage-air-mod-no-atmosphere
   space: true
   cost: 2
@@ -128,6 +135,7 @@
 - type: salvageAirMod
   id: Breathable
   cost: 0
+  desc: salvage-air-mod-breathable-atmosphere
     - 21.824779 # oxygen
     - 82.10312 # nitrogen
@@ -135,7 +143,7 @@
 - type: salvageAirMod
   id: Sleepy
   cost: 1
-  desc: Dangerous atmosphere
+  desc: salvage-air-mod-dangerous-atmosphere
     - 21.824779 # oxygen
     - 72.10312 # nitrogen
@@ -155,7 +163,7 @@
 - type: salvageAirMod
   id: Poisoned
   cost: 2
-  desc: Dangerous atmosphere
+  desc: salvage-air-mod-dangerous-atmosphere
     - 21.824779 # oxygen
     - 77.10312 # nitrogen
@@ -170,7 +178,7 @@
 - type: salvageAirMod
   id: Poison
   cost: 3
-  desc: Toxic atmosphere
+  desc: salvage-air-mod-toxic-atmosphere
     - 21.824779 # oxygen
     - 0
@@ -183,7 +191,7 @@
 - type: salvageAirMod
   id: Plasma
   cost: 4
-  desc: Toxic atmosphere
+  desc: salvage-air-mod-toxic-atmosphere
     - 0
     - 0
@@ -196,7 +204,7 @@
 - type: salvageAirMod
   id: Burnable
   cost: 5
-  desc: Volatile atmosphere
+  desc: salvage-air-mod-volatile-atmosphere
     - 21.824779 # oxygen
     - 0
@@ -220,6 +228,7 @@
 #  For now just simple 1-dungeon setups
 - type: salvageDungeonMod
   id: Experiment
+  desc: salvage-dungeon-mod-experiment
   proto: Experiment
     #- LowDesert
@@ -227,24 +236,28 @@
 - type: salvageDungeonMod
   id: LavaBrig
+  desc: salvage-dungeon-mod-lava-brig
   proto: LavaBrig
     - Lava
 - type: salvageDungeonMod
   id: Mineshaft
+  desc: salvage-dungeon-mod-mineshaft
   proto: Mineshaft
     - Caves
 - type: salvageDungeonMod
   id: SnowyLabs
+  desc: salvage-dungeon-mod-snowy-labs
   proto: SnowyLabs
     - Snow
 - type: salvageDungeonMod
   id: Haunted
+  desc: salvage-dungeon-mod-haunted
   proto: Haunted
     - Caves
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/gases.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/gases.yml
index 2087d88655d..7705a20acdc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/gases.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/gases.yml
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
         - !type:OrganType
           type: Drask
+      - !type:Oxygenate
+        conditions:
+        - !type:OrganType
+          type: Novakid
       # End ADT tweak
       - !type:Oxygenate
@@ -78,6 +82,12 @@
       - !type:HealthChange
+      # Start ADT tweak: Novakid
+        conditions:
+        - !type:OrganType
+          type: Novakid
+          shouldHave: false
+      # End ADT tweak
             Poison: 3
@@ -85,20 +95,72 @@
         reagent: Inaprovaline
         amount: -2.0
+      # Start ADT tweak: Novakid
       - !type:HealthChange
+        conditions:
+        - !type:OrganType
+          type: Novakid
+          shouldHave: false
+        - !type:ReagentThreshold
+          reagent: Plasma
+          min: 1
+        ignoreResistances: true
+        damage:
+          types:
+            Poison: 1
+      - !type:ChemVomit
+        probability: 0.12
+        conditions:
+        - !type:OrganType
+          type: Novakid
+          shouldHave: false
+        - !type:ReagentThreshold
+          reagent: Plasma
+          min: 0.8
+      - !type:HealthChange
+        conditions:
+        - !type:OrganType
+          type: Novakid
+        - !type:ReagentThreshold
+          reagent: Plasma
+          min: 0.6
         scaleByQuantity: true
         ignoreResistances: true
-            Poison:
-              1
-      # We need a metabolism effect on reagent removal
+            Blunt: -0.015
+            Slash: -0.015
+            Piercing: -0.015
+            Heat: -0.015
+            Poison: -0.012
+      - !type:GenericStatusEffect
+        conditions:
+        - !type:OrganType
+          type: Novakid
+        - !type:ReagentThreshold
+          reagent: Plasma
+          min: 1
+        key: SeeingRainbows
+        component: SeeingRainbows
+        type: Add
+        time: 5
+        refresh: false
+      - !type:Drunk
+        conditions:
+        - !type:OrganType
+          type: Novakid
+          shouldHave: false
+        - !type:ReagentThreshold
+          reagent: Plasma
+          min: 1
+      # End ADT tweak
+      # Cant be added until I add metabolism effects on reagent removal
       - !type:AdjustAlert
         alertType: Toxins
-          - !type:ReagentThreshold
-            min: 1.5
+        - !type:ReagentThreshold
+          min: 1.5
         clear: True
         time: 5
@@ -107,6 +169,7 @@
       - !type:FlammableReaction
 - type: reagent
   id: Tritium
   name: reagent-name-tritium
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/clothing/clown_banana.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/clothing/clown_banana.yml
index 190293f9d15..1cada5018cb 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/clothing/clown_banana.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/clothing/clown_banana.yml
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
         - to: jumpsuit
             - tag: BananaPeel
-              name: A Banana Peel
+              name: a banana peel
                 sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/banana.rsi
                 state: peel
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: BananaPeel
-              name: A Banana Peel
+              name: a banana peel
                 sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/banana.rsi
                 state: peel
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: BananaPeel
-              name: A Banana Peel
+              name: a banana peel
                 sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/banana.rsi
                 state: peel
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
               amount: 1
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: ClownSuit
-              name: A Clown Suit
+              name: a clown suit
                 sprite: Clothing/Uniforms/Jumpsuit/clown.rsi
                 state: icon
@@ -45,19 +45,19 @@
         - to: shoes
             - tag: BananaPeel
-              name: A Banana Peel
+              name: a banana peel
                 sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/banana.rsi
                 state: peel
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: BananaPeel
-              name: A Banana Peel
+              name: a banana peel
                 sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/banana.rsi
                 state: peel
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: BananaPeel
-              name: A Banana Peel
+              name: a banana peel
                 sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/banana.rsi
                 state: peel
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
               amount: 1
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: ClownShoes
-              name: Clown Shoes
+              name: clown shoes
                 sprite: Clothing/Shoes/Specific/clown.rsi
                 state: icon
@@ -83,19 +83,19 @@
         - to: mask
             - tag: BananaPeel
-              name: A Banana Peel
+              name: a banana peel
                 sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/banana.rsi
                 state: peel
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: BananaPeel
-              name: A Banana Peel
+              name: a banana peel
                 sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/banana.rsi
                 state: peel
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: BananaPeel
-              name: A Banana Peel
+              name: a banana peel
                 sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/banana.rsi
                 state: peel
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
               amount: 1
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: ClownMask
-              name: A Clown Mask
+              name: a clown mask
                 sprite: Clothing/Mask/clown.rsi
                 state: icon
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/clothing/clown_hardsuit.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/clothing/clown_hardsuit.yml
index da5ea21edf5..1600cd4641f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/clothing/clown_hardsuit.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/clothing/clown_hardsuit.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- type: constructionGraph
+- type: constructionGraph
   id: ClownHardsuit
   start: start
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
               amount: 5
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: SuitEVA
-              name: An EVA suit
+              name: an EVA suit
                 sprite: Clothing/OuterClothing/Suits/eva.rsi
                 state: icon
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: HelmetEVA
-              name: An EVA helmet
+              name: an EVA helmet
                 sprite: Clothing/Head/Helmets/eva.rsi
                 state: icon
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/clothing/mime_hardsuit.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/clothing/mime_hardsuit.yml
index a72a5ccc8c8..6d3826f701a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/clothing/mime_hardsuit.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/clothing/mime_hardsuit.yml
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
               amount: 5
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: SuitEVA
-              name: An EVA suit
+              name: an EVA suit
                 sprite: Clothing/OuterClothing/Suits/eva.rsi
                 state: icon
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: HelmetEVA
-              name: An EVA helmet
+              name: an EVA helmet
                 sprite: Clothing/Head/Helmets/eva.rsi
                 state: icon
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/fun/bananium_horn.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/fun/bananium_horn.yml
index a4d0edc46a6..e8380d0d2db 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/fun/bananium_horn.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/fun/bananium_horn.yml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
         - to: bananiumHorn
             - tag: Pipe
-              name: Pipe
+              name: pipe
                 sprite: Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pipe.rsi
                 state: pipeStraight
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
               amount: 4
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: BikeHorn
-              name: Bike Horn
+              name: bike horn
                 sprite: Objects/Fun/bikehorn.rsi
                 state: icon
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/furniture/mannequin.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/furniture/mannequin.yml
index f83a3b1e95e..45ac8cc7021 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/furniture/mannequin.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/furniture/mannequin.yml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
         - to: start
+            - !type:EmptyAllContainers
             - !type:SpawnPrototype
               prototype: MaterialWoodPlank
               amount: 5
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/furniture/shelfs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/furniture/shelfs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1a6492fd927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/furniture/shelfs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+- type: constructionGraph
+  id: Shelf
+  start: start
+  graph:
+    - node: start
+      actions:
+        - !type:DeleteEntity {}
+      edges:
+# Normal
+        - to: ShelfWood
+          completed:
+            - !type:SnapToGrid
+              southRotation: true
+          steps:
+            - material: WoodPlank
+              amount: 4
+              doAfter: 2
+        - to: ShelfMetal
+          completed:
+            - !type:SnapToGrid
+              southRotation: true
+          steps:
+            - material: Steel
+              amount: 5
+              doAfter: 3
+        - to: ShelfGlass
+          completed:
+            - !type:SnapToGrid
+              southRotation: true
+          steps:
+            - material: Glass
+              amount: 4
+              doAfter: 2
+# Reinforced
+        - to: ShelfRWood
+          completed:
+            - !type:SnapToGrid
+              southRotation: true
+          steps:
+            - material: WoodPlank
+              amount: 8
+              doAfter: 3
+            - material: Cable
+              amount: 2
+              doAfter: 1
+        - to: ShelfRMetal
+          completed:
+            - !type:SnapToGrid
+              southRotation: true
+          steps:
+            - material: Plasteel
+              amount: 5
+              doAfter: 3
+            - material: ReinforcedGlass
+              amount: 5
+              doAfter: 2
+            - material: Cable
+              amount: 3
+              doAfter: 1
+        - to: ShelfRGlass
+          completed:
+            - !type:SnapToGrid
+              southRotation: true
+          steps:
+            - material: Plastic
+              amount: 5
+              doAfter: 2
+            - material: ReinforcedGlass
+              amount: 5
+              doAfter: 3
+            - material: Cable
+              amount: 2
+              doAfter: 1
+# Departmental
+        - to: ShelfBar
+          completed:
+            - !type:SnapToGrid
+              southRotation: true
+          steps:
+            - material: WoodPlank
+              amount: 6
+              doAfter: 2
+        - to: ShelfKitchen
+          completed:
+            - !type:SnapToGrid
+              southRotation: true
+          steps:
+            - material: MetalRod
+              amount: 2
+              doAfter: 1
+            - material: Steel
+              amount: 5
+            - material: WoodPlank
+              amount: 3
+              doAfter: 2
+        - to: ShelfChemistry
+          completed:
+            - !type:SnapToGrid
+              southRotation: true
+          steps:
+            - material: Plasteel
+              amount: 2
+              doAfter: 2
+            - material: ReinforcedGlass
+              amount: 5
+              doAfter: 2
+            - material: Plastic
+              amount: 5
+              doAfter: 2
+            - material: Cable
+              amount: 2
+              doAfter: 1
+# Normal deconstructs
+    - node: ShelfWood
+      entity: ShelfWood
+      edges:
+        - to: start
+          completed:
+            - !type:EmptyAllContainers
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: MaterialWoodPlank1
+                amount: 4
+          steps:
+            - tool: Prying
+              doAfter: 2
+    - node: ShelfMetal
+      entity: ShelfMetal
+      edges:
+        - to: start
+          completed:
+            - !type:EmptyAllContainers
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: SheetSteel1
+                amount: 5
+          steps:
+            - tool: Screwing
+              doAfter: 5
+    - node: ShelfGlass
+      entity: ShelfGlass
+      edges:
+        - to: start
+          completed:
+            - !type:EmptyAllContainers
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: SheetGlass1
+                amount: 4
+          steps:
+            - tool: Screwing
+              doAfter: 2
+# Reinforced deconstructs
+    - node: ShelfRWood
+      entity: ShelfRWood
+      edges:
+        - to: start
+          completed:
+            - !type:EmptyAllContainers
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: MaterialWoodPlank1
+                amount: 8
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: CableApcStack1
+                amount: 2
+          steps:
+            - tool: Screwing
+              doAfter: 5
+            - tool: Prying
+              doAfter: 2
+    - node: ShelfRMetal
+      entity: ShelfRMetal
+      edges:
+        - to: start
+          completed:
+            - !type:EmptyAllContainers
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: SheetPlasteel1
+                amount: 5
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: SheetRGlass1
+                amount: 5
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: CableApcStack1
+                amount: 3
+          steps:
+            - tool: Screwing
+              doAfter: 2
+            - tool: Welding
+              doAfter: 5
+    - node: ShelfRGlass
+      entity: ShelfRGlass
+      edges:
+        - to: start
+          completed:
+            - !type:EmptyAllContainers
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: SheetPlastic1
+                amount: 5
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: SheetRGlass1
+                amount: 5
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: CableApcStack1
+                amount: 2
+          steps:
+            - tool: Welding
+              doAfter: 2
+            - tool: Screwing
+              doAfter: 4
+# Departmental deconstructs
+    - node: ShelfBar
+      entity: ShelfBar
+      edges:
+        - to: start
+          completed:
+            - !type:EmptyAllContainers
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: MaterialWoodPlank1
+                amount: 6
+          steps:
+            - tool: Prying
+              doAfter: 3
+    - node: ShelfKitchen
+      entity: ShelfKitchen
+      edges:
+        - to: start
+          completed:
+            - !type:EmptyAllContainers
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: PartRodMetal
+                amount: 2
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: SheetSteel1
+                amount: 5
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: MaterialWoodPlank1
+                amount: 3
+          steps:
+            - tool: Screwing
+              doAfter: 2
+            - tool: Welding
+              doAfter: 2
+            - tool: Prying
+              doAfter: 1
+    - node: ShelfChemistry
+      entity: ShelfChemistry
+      edges:
+        - to: start
+          completed:
+            - !type:EmptyAllContainers
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: SheetPlasteel1
+                amount: 2
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: SheetPlastic1
+                amount: 5
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: SheetRGlass1
+                amount: 5
+            - !type:SpawnPrototype
+                prototype: CableApcStack1
+                amount: 2
+          steps:
+            - tool: Welding
+              doAfter: 2
+            - tool: Screwing
+              doAfter: 1
+            - tool: Anchoring
+              doAfter: 2
+            - tool: Prying
+              doAfter: 4
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/blast_door.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/blast_door.yml
index ad84d830a70..782e894fe73 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/blast_door.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/blast_door.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- type: constructionGraph
+- type: constructionGraph
   id: BlastDoor
   start: start
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
             - tag: DoorElectronics
               store: board
-              name: Door Electronics
+              name: door electronics
                 sprite: "Objects/Misc/module.rsi"
                 state: "door_electronics"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/firelock.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/firelock.yml
index 0d7bdddd2f2..74ac16eabd2 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/firelock.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/firelock.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- type: constructionGraph
+- type: constructionGraph
   id: Firelock
   start: start
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
             - tag: FirelockElectronics
               store: board
-              name: Firelock Electronics
+              name: firelock electronics
                 sprite: "Objects/Misc/module.rsi"
                 state: "mainboard"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/glassbox.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/glassbox.yml
index 081f22ea8dd..2a051b46d4e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/glassbox.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/glassbox.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- type: constructionGraph
+- type: constructionGraph
   id: GlassBox
   start: start
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
             - !type:EntityAnchored
             - tag: SignalTrigger
-              name: a Signal Trigger
+              name: a signal trigger
                 sprite: Objects/Devices/signaltrigger.rsi
                 state: signaltrigger
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/shutter.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/shutter.yml
index db53de288a4..7086216cba3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/shutter.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/shutter.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- type: constructionGraph
+- type: constructionGraph
   id: Shutters
   start: start
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
               anchored: true
             - component: DoorElectronics
-              name: Door Electronics
+              name: door electronics
                 sprite: "Objects/Misc/module.rsi"
                 state: "door_electronics"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/tools/logic_gate.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/tools/logic_gate.yml
index 6e64f061eb9..d366a2ea59a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/tools/logic_gate.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/tools/logic_gate.yml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
           state: icon
         name: a multitool
   - node: logic_gate
-    entity: LogicGate
+    entity: LogicGateOr
   - node: edge_detector
     entity: EdgeDetector
   - node: power_sensor
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/utilities/disposal_machines.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/utilities/disposal_machines.yml
index 2f151336959..8c880d39641 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/utilities/disposal_machines.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/utilities/disposal_machines.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- type: constructionGraph
+- type: constructionGraph
   id: DisposalMachine
   start: start
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
         - to: frame_mailing
             - tag: MailingUnitElectronics
-              name: Mailing Unit Electronics
+              name: mailing unit electronics
                 sprite: "Objects/Misc/module.rsi"
                 state: "net_wired"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/utilities/solarpanel.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/utilities/solarpanel.yml
index 922e8857c92..f27b751572b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/utilities/solarpanel.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/utilities/solarpanel.yml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
         - to: solarassembly
             - tag: SolarAssemblyFlatpack
-              name: Solar Assembly Parts
+              name: solar assembly parts
                 sprite: Objects/Devices/flatpack.rsi
                 state: solar-assembly-part
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
             - !type:EntityAnchored
             - tag: SolarTrackerElectronics
-              name: Solar Tracker Electronics
+              name: solar tracker electronics
                 sprite: Objects/Misc/module.rsi
                 state: id_mod
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/improvised_arrow.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/improvised_arrow.yml
index 346b49cf2f7..04b94690467 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/improvised_arrow.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/improvised_arrow.yml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
         amount: 1
         doAfter: 0.5
       - tag: GlassShard
-        name: Glass Shard
+        name: glass shard
           sprite: Objects/Materials/Shards/shard.rsi
           state: shard1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/modular_grenade.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/modular_grenade.yml
index 243a030c981..838a6cdb6c2 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/modular_grenade.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/modular_grenade.yml
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@
       - component: PayloadTrigger
         store: payloadTrigger
-        name: Trigger
+        name: trigger
         doAfter: 0.5
     - to: caseWithPayload
       - tag: Payload
         store: payload
-        name: Payload
+        name: payload
         doAfter: 0.5
   - node: caseWithTrigger
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
       - tag: Payload
         store: payload
-        name: Payload
+        name: payload
         doAfter: 0.5
   - node: caseWithPayload
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
       - component: PayloadTrigger
         store: payloadTrigger
-        name: Trigger
+        name: trigger
         doAfter: 0.5
   - node: grenade
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/modular_mine.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/modular_mine.yml
index 820676d1737..39272a9b610 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/modular_mine.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/modular_mine.yml
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
       - tag: Payload
         store: payload
-        name: Payload
+        name: payload
         doAfter: 0.5
   - node: mine
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/shiv.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/shiv.yml
index 28de8e7f7d4..51a1f9905e0 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/shiv.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/shiv.yml
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
     - to: icon
       - tag: GlassShard
-        name: Glass Shard
+        name: glass shard
           sprite: Objects/Materials/Shards/shard.rsi
           state: shard1
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
     - to: icon
       - tag: ReinforcedGlassShard
-        name: Reinforced Glass Shard
+        name: reinforced glass shard
           sprite: Objects/Materials/Shards/shard.rsi
           state: shard1
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
     - to: icon
       - tag: PlasmaGlassShard
-        name: Plasma Glass Shard
+        name: plasma glass shard
           sprite: Objects/Materials/Shards/shard.rsi
           state: shard1
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
     - to: icon
       - tag: UraniumGlassShard
-        name: Uranium Glass Shard
+        name: uranium glass shard
           sprite: Objects/Materials/Shards/shard.rsi
           state: shard1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/spear.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/spear.yml
index f1efe63ff50..3d65c13fe26 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/spear.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/weapons/spear.yml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
               amount: 3
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: GlassShard
-              name: Glass Shard
+              name: glass shard
                 sprite: Objects/Materials/Shards/shard.rsi
                 state: shard1
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
               amount: 3
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: ReinforcedGlassShard
-              name: Reinforced Glass Shard
+              name: reinforced glass shard
                 sprite: Objects/Materials/Shards/shard.rsi
                 state: shard1
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
               amount: 3
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: PlasmaGlassShard
-              name: Plasma Glass Shard
+              name: plasma glass shard
                 sprite: Objects/Materials/Shards/shard.rsi
                 state: shard1
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
               amount: 3
               doAfter: 1
             - tag: UraniumGlassShard
-              name: Uranium Glass Shard
+              name: uranium glass shard
                 sprite: Objects/Materials/Shards/shard.rsi
                 state: shard1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/storage.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/storage.yml
index c8edebc5096..7128c79eee8 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/storage.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/storage.yml
@@ -67,3 +67,151 @@
   canBuildInImpassable: false
     - !type:TileNotBlocked
+# Shelfs
+# Normals
+- type: construction
+  id: ShelfWood
+  name: wooden shelf
+  description: A convenient place to place, well, anything really.
+  graph: Shelf
+  startNode: start
+  targetNode: ShelfWood
+  icon:
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/wood.rsi
+    state: base
+  objectType: Structure
+  placementMode: SnapgridCenter
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
+  conditions:
+    - !type:WallmountCondition
+- type: construction
+  id: ShelfMetal
+  name: metal shelf
+  description: A sturdy place to place, well, anything really.
+  graph: Shelf
+  startNode: start
+  targetNode: ShelfMetal
+  icon:
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/metal.rsi
+    state: base
+  objectType: Structure
+  placementMode: SnapgridCenter
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
+  conditions:
+    - !type:WallmountCondition
+- type: construction
+  id: ShelfGlass
+  name: glass shelf
+  description: Just like a normal shelf! But fragile and without the walls!
+  graph: Shelf
+  startNode: start
+  targetNode: ShelfGlass
+  icon:
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/glass.rsi
+    state: base
+  objectType: Structure
+  placementMode: SnapgridCenter
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
+  conditions:
+    - !type:WallmountCondition
+# Reinforced
+- type: construction
+  id: ShelfRWood
+  name: sturdy wooden shelf
+  description: The perfect place to store all your vintage records.
+  graph: Shelf
+  startNode: start
+  targetNode: ShelfRWood
+  icon:
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/wood.rsi
+    state: rbase
+  objectType: Structure
+  placementMode: SnapgridCenter
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
+  conditions:
+    - !type:WallmountCondition
+- type: construction
+  id: ShelfRMetal
+  name: sturdy metal shelf
+  description: Nice and strong, and keeps your maints loot secure.
+  graph: Shelf
+  startNode: start
+  targetNode: ShelfRMetal
+  icon:
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/metal.rsi
+    state: rbase
+  objectType: Structure
+  placementMode: SnapgridCenter
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
+  conditions:
+    - !type:WallmountCondition
+- type: construction
+  id: ShelfRGlass
+  name: sturdy glass shelf
+  description: See through, decent strength, shiny plastic case. Whats not to love?
+  graph: Shelf
+  startNode: start
+  targetNode: ShelfRGlass
+  icon:
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/glass.rsi
+    state: rbase
+  objectType: Structure
+  placementMode: SnapgridCenter
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
+  conditions:
+    - !type:WallmountCondition
+# Departmental
+- type: construction
+  id: ShelfBar
+  name: bar shelf
+  description: A convenient place for all your extra booze, specifically designed to hold more bottles!
+  graph: Shelf
+  startNode: start
+  targetNode: ShelfBar
+  icon:
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/Departments/Service/bar.rsi
+    state: base
+  objectType: Structure
+  placementMode: SnapgridCenter
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
+  conditions:
+    - !type:WallmountCondition
+- type: construction
+  id: ShelfKitchen
+  name: cooking shelf
+  description: Holds your knifes, spice, and everything nice!
+  graph: Shelf
+  startNode: start
+  targetNode: ShelfKitchen
+  icon:
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/Departments/Service/kitchen.rsi
+    state: base
+  objectType: Structure
+  placementMode: SnapgridCenter
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
+  conditions:
+    - !type:WallmountCondition
+- type: construction
+  id: ShelfChemistry
+  name: chemical shelf
+  description: Perfect for keeping the most important chemicals safe, and out of the clumsy clowns hands!
+  graph: Shelf
+  startNode: start
+  targetNode: ShelfChemistry
+  icon:
+    sprite: Structures/Storage/Shelfs/Departments/Medical/chemistry.rsi
+    state: base
+  objectType: Structure
+  placementMode: SnapgridCenter
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
+  conditions:
+    - !type:WallmountCondition
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/structures.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/structures.yml
index 86c00029960..2adf8c85023 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/structures.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/structures.yml
@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@
     - !type:TileNotBlocked
 - type: construction
-  name: Thin firelock
+  name: thin firelock
   id: FirelockEdge
   graph: Firelock
   startNode: start
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/utilities.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/utilities.yml
index 930768b3ea7..d07201bf7b3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/utilities.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/utilities.yml
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
   targetNode: half
   category: construction-category-utilities
   placementMode: SnapgridCenter
-  canBuildInImpassable: false
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
     sprite: Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pipe.rsi
     state: pipeHalf
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
   targetNode: straight
   category: construction-category-utilities
   placementMode: SnapgridCenter
-  canBuildInImpassable: false
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
     sprite: Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pipe.rsi
     state: pipeStraight
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@
   targetNode: bend
   category: construction-category-utilities
   placementMode: SnapgridCenter
-  canBuildInImpassable: false
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
     sprite: Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pipe.rsi
     state: pipeBend
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
   targetNode: tjunction
   category: construction-category-utilities
   placementMode: SnapgridCenter
-  canBuildInImpassable: false
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
     sprite: Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pipe.rsi
     state: pipeTJunction
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
   targetNode: fourway
   category: construction-category-utilities
   placementMode: SnapgridCenter
-  canBuildInImpassable: false
+  canBuildInImpassable: true
     sprite: Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pipe.rsi
     state: pipeFourway
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Cooking/meal_recipes.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Cooking/meal_recipes.yml
index 0a8ff18aad8..3c750e01902 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Cooking/meal_recipes.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Cooking/meal_recipes.yml
@@ -591,6 +591,17 @@
     FoodCheeseSlice: 1
     FoodTomato: 1
+- type: microwaveMealRecipe
+  id: RecipeUraniumPizza
+  name: spicy rock pizza recipe
+  result: FoodPizzaUranium
+  time: 30
+  solids:
+    FoodDoughFlat: 1
+    FoodChiliPepper: 2
+    FoodTomato: 2
+    SheetUranium1: 2
 - type: microwaveMealRecipe
   id: RecipeBoiledSpaghetti
@@ -635,12 +646,13 @@
   name: chow mein recipe
   result: FoodNoodlesChowmein
   time: 10
+  reagents:
+    Egg: 6
     FoodNoodlesBoiled: 1
     FoodEggplant: 1
     FoodCarrot: 1
     FoodCorn: 1
-    FoodEgg: 1
 - type: microwaveMealRecipe
   id: RecipeOatmeal
@@ -700,9 +712,10 @@
   name: egg-fried rice recipe
   result: FoodRiceEgg
   time: 15
+  reagents:
+    Egg: 6
     FoodRiceBoiled: 1
-    FoodEgg: 1
     FoodCarrot: 1
 - type: microwaveMealRecipe
@@ -1436,10 +1449,10 @@
     Flour: 15
     Sugar: 30
+    Egg: 18
     FoodButter: 2
     FoodSnackChocolateBar: 2
-    FoodEgg: 3
 #Donks i guess
 - type: microwaveMealRecipe
@@ -1876,10 +1889,10 @@
     Flour: 15
     Sugar: 30
+    Egg: 18
     FoodCannabisButter: 2
     FoodSnackChocolateBar: 2
-    FoodEgg: 3
 - type: microwaveMealRecipe
   id: RecipeCornInButter
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/improvised/makeshiftstunprod.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/improvised/makeshiftstunprod.yml
index 024a7c58763..e928d159332 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/improvised/makeshiftstunprod.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/improvised/makeshiftstunprod.yml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
             - material: MetalRod
               amount: 1
             - tag: PowerCellSmall
-              name: Power Cell Small
+              name: power cell small
                 sprite: Objects/Power/power_cells.rsi
                 state: small
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
                 color: red
               name: cuffs
             - tag: Igniter
-              name: Igniter
+              name: igniter
                 sprite: Objects/Devices/igniter.rsi
                 state: icon
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/strawhat.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/strawhat.yml
index 7203a4fdfb3..be429bb5648 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/strawhat.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/strawhat.yml
@@ -7,22 +7,22 @@
         - to: strawhat
             - tag: Wheat
-              name: Wheat Bushel
+              name: wheat bushel
                 sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/wheat.rsi
                 state: produce
             - tag: Wheat
-              name: Wheat Bushel
+              name: wheat bushel
                 sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/wheat.rsi
                 state: produce
             - tag: Wheat
-              name: Wheat Bushel
+              name: wheat bushel
                 sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/wheat.rsi
                 state: produce
             - tag: Wheat
-              name: Wheat Bushel
+              name: wheat bushel
                 sprite: Objects/Specific/Hydroponics/wheat.rsi
                 state: produce
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml
index b78703942e1..4690055a9fd 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml
@@ -974,4 +974,12 @@
   completetime: 4
     Steel: 100
-    Glass: 500
\ No newline at end of file
+    Glass: 500
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: CutterMachineCircuitboard
+  result: CutterMachineCircuitboard
+  completetime: 4
+  materials:
+    Steel: 100
+    Glass: 500
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/medical.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/medical.yml
index 6460c745fa3..c414bfad525 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/medical.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/medical.yml
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@
 - type: latheRecipe
   id: Medkit
   result: Medkit
+  name: lathe-recipe-Medkit-name
   completetime: 2
     Plastic: 300
@@ -141,6 +142,7 @@
 - type: latheRecipe
   id: MedkitBurn
   result: MedkitBurn
+  name: lathe-recipe-MedkitBurn-name
   completetime: 2
     Plastic: 300
@@ -148,6 +150,7 @@
 - type: latheRecipe
   id: MedkitToxin
   result: MedkitToxin
+  name: lathe-recipe-MedkitToxin-name
   completetime: 2
     Plastic: 300
@@ -155,6 +158,7 @@
 - type: latheRecipe
   id: MedkitO2
   result: MedkitO2
+  name: lathe-recipe-MedkitO2-name
   completetime: 2
     Plastic: 300
@@ -162,6 +166,7 @@
 - type: latheRecipe
   id: MedkitBrute
   result: MedkitBrute
+  name: lathe-recipe-MedkitBrute-name
   completetime: 2
     Plastic: 300
@@ -169,6 +174,7 @@
 - type: latheRecipe
   id: MedkitAdvanced
   result: MedkitAdvanced
+  name: lathe-recipe-MedkitAdvanced-name
   completetime: 2
     Plastic: 300
@@ -176,6 +182,7 @@
 - type: latheRecipe
   id: MedkitRadiation
   result: MedkitRadiation
+  name: lathe-recipe-MedkitRadiation-name
   completetime: 2
     Plastic: 300
@@ -183,6 +190,7 @@
 - type: latheRecipe
   id: MedkitCombat
   result: MedkitCombat
+  name: lathe-recipe-MedkitCombat-name
   completetime: 2
     Plastic: 300
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/tiles.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/tiles.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8773dd245cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/tiles.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemDark
+  result: FloorTileItemDark
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkDiagonalMini
+  result: FloorTileItemDarkDiagonalMini
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkDiagonal
+  result: FloorTileItemDarkDiagonal
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkHerringbone
+  result: FloorTileItemDarkHerringbone
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkMini
+  result: FloorTileItemDarkMini
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkMono
+  result: FloorTileItemDarkMono
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkPavement
+  result: FloorTileItemDarkPavement
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkPavementVertical
+  result: FloorTileItemDarkPavementVertical
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemDarkOffset
+  result: FloorTileItemDarkOffset
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelCheckerDark
+  result: FloorTileItemSteelCheckerDark
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemSteel
+  result: FloorTileItemSteel
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelOffset
+  result: FloorTileItemSteelOffset
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelDiagonalMini
+  result: FloorTileItemSteelDiagonalMini
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelDiagonal
+  result: FloorTileItemSteelDiagonal
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelHerringbone
+  result: FloorTileItemSteelHerringbone
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelMini
+  result: FloorTileItemSteelMini
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelMono
+  result: FloorTileItemSteelMono
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelPavement
+  result: FloorTileItemSteelPavement
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelPavementVertical
+  result: FloorTileItemSteelPavementVertical
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemWhite
+  result: FloorTileItemWhite
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemWhiteOffset
+  result: FloorTileItemWhiteOffset
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonalMini
+  result: FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonalMini
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonal
+  result: FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonal
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemWhiteHerringbone
+  result: FloorTileItemWhiteHerringbone
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemWhiteMini
+  result: FloorTileItemWhiteMini
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemWhiteMono
+  result: FloorTileItemWhiteMono
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemWhitePavement
+  result: FloorTileItemWhitePavement
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemWhitePavementVertical
+  result: FloorTileItemWhitePavementVertical
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelCheckerLight
+  result: FloorTileItemSteelCheckerLight
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+# Other steel
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemGratingMaint
+  result: FloorTileItemGratingMaint
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemTechmaint
+  result: FloorTileItemTechmaint
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemSteelMaint
+  result: FloorTileItemSteelMaint
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+# Wood
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemWood
+  result: FloorTileItemWood
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Wood: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemWoodLarge
+  result: FloorTileItemWoodLarge
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Wood: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemWoodPattern
+  result: FloorTileItemWoodPattern
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Wood: 25
+# Concrete
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemConcrete
+  result: FloorTileItemConcrete
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+    Plastic: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemConcreteMono
+  result: FloorTileItemConcreteMono
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+    Plastic: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemConcreteSmooth
+  result: FloorTileItemConcreteSmooth
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+    Plastic: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemGrayConcrete
+  result: FloorTileItemGrayConcrete
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+    Plastic: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemGrayConcreteMono
+  result: FloorTileItemGrayConcreteMono
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+    Plastic: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemGrayConcreteSmooth
+  result: FloorTileItemGrayConcreteSmooth
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+    Plastic: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemOldConcrete
+  result: FloorTileItemOldConcrete
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+    Plastic: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemOldConcreteMono
+  result: FloorTileItemOldConcreteMono
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+    Plastic: 25
+- type: latheRecipe
+  id: FloorTileItemOldConcreteSmooth
+  result: FloorTileItemOldConcreteSmooth
+  applyMaterialDiscount: false
+  completetime: 0.5
+  materials:
+    Steel: 25
+    Plastic: 25
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Reactions/food.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Reactions/food.yml
index 50800395698..ce89131c7b3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Reactions/food.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Reactions/food.yml
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@
       amount: 12
       amount: 5
+    Milk:
+      amount: 5
     - !type:CreateEntityReactionEffect
       entity: FoodCakeBatter
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Antags/nukeops.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Antags/nukeops.yml
index 363d7a9704b..05dbc718567 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Antags/nukeops.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Antags/nukeops.yml
@@ -44,9 +44,8 @@
   # should be changed to nukie playtime when thats tracked (wyci)
   guides: [ NuclearOperatives ]
-#Nuclear Operative Gear
 - type: startingGear
-  id: SyndicateOperativeGearFull
+  id: SyndicateOperativeGearFullNoUplink
     jumpsuit: ClothingUniformJumpsuitOperative
     back: ClothingBackpackDuffelSyndicate
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@
     shoes: ClothingShoesBootsCombatFilled
     id: SyndiPDA
     pocket1: DoubleEmergencyOxygenTankFilled
-    pocket2: BaseUplinkRadio40TC
+    pocket2: BaseUplinkRadio40TC  #ADT Оставил аплинк
     belt: ClothingBeltAssault #ADT nukebuff
@@ -67,6 +66,13 @@
     - PinpointerSyndicateNuclear
     - DeathAcidifierImplanter
+#Nuclear Operative Gear
+- type: startingGear
+  id: SyndicateOperativeGearFull
+  parent: SyndicateOperativeGearFullNoUplink
+  equipment:
+    pocket2: BaseUplinkRadio40TC
 #Nuclear Operative Commander Gear
 - type: startingGear
   id: SyndicateCommanderGearFull
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Antags/traitor.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Antags/traitor.yml
index 792a2c868fb..ba17e852b09 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Antags/traitor.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Antags/traitor.yml
@@ -39,12 +39,47 @@
     - PinpointerSyndicateNuclear
     - DeathAcidifierImplanter
-# Syndicate Reinforcement NukeOps
 - type: startingGear
-  id: SyndicateOperativeGearReinforcementNukeOps
-  parent: SyndicateOperativeGearExtremelyBasic
+  id: SyndicateOperativeClothing
+  equipment:
+    jumpsuit: ClothingUniformJumpsuitOperative
+    back: ClothingBackpackSyndicate
+    shoes: ClothingShoesBootsSyndieFilled
+    gloves: ClothingHandsGlovesColorBlack
+- type: startingGear
+  id: SyndicateReinforcementMedic
+  parent: SyndicateOperativeClothing
+  equipment:
+    pocket1: WeaponPistolViper
+  inhand:
+    - MedkitCombatFilled
+  storage:
+    back:
+    - BoxSurvivalSyndicate
+- type: startingGear
+  id: SyndicateReinforcementSpy
+  parent: SyndicateOperativeClothing
-    id: SyndiPDA #Do not give a PDA to the normal Reinforcement - it will spawn with a 20TC uplink
+    id: AgentIDCard
+    mask: ClothingMaskGasVoiceChameleon
+    pocket1: WeaponPistolViper
+  storage:
+    back:
+    - BoxSurvivalSyndicate
+- type: startingGear
+  id: SyndicateReinforcementThief
+  parent: SyndicateOperativeClothing
+  equipment:
+    pocket1: WeaponPistolViper
+  inhand:
+    - ToolboxSyndicateFilled
+  storage:
+    back:
+    - BoxSurvivalSyndicate
+    - SyndicateJawsOfLife
 #Syndicate Operative Outfit - Basic
 - type: startingGear
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Ghostroles/syndicate.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Ghostroles/syndicate.yml
index 24c0d8b3e3b..8e1827e81bf 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Ghostroles/syndicate.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Ghostroles/syndicate.yml
@@ -24,4 +24,28 @@
   name: ghost-role-information-syndicate-monkey-reinforcement-name
   description: ghost-role-information-syndicate-monkey-reinforcement-description
   rules: ghost-role-information-syndicate-monkey-reinforcement-name
-  entityPrototype: MobMonkeySyndicateAgentNukeops
\ No newline at end of file
+  entityPrototype: MobMonkeySyndicateAgentNukeops
+- type: ghostRole
+  id: SyndicateAgentMedic
+  name: ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-medic-name
+  description: ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-medic-description
+  rules: ghost-role-information-syndicate-monkey-reinforcement-rules
+  entityPrototype: MobHumanSyndicateAgentMedic
+  iconPrototype: MedkitCombat
+- type: ghostRole
+  id: SyndicateAgentSpy
+  name: ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-spy-name
+  description: ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-spy-description
+  rules: ghost-role-information-syndicate-monkey-reinforcement-rules
+  entityPrototype: MobHumanSyndicateAgentSpy
+  iconPrototype: ClothingMaskGasVoiceChameleon
+- type: ghostRole
+  id: SyndicateAgentThief
+  name: ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-thief-name
+  description: ghost-role-information-syndicate-reinforcement-thief-description
+  rules: ghost-role-information-syndicate-monkey-reinforcement-rules
+  entityPrototype: MobHumanSyndicateAgentThief
+  iconPrototype: SyndicateJawsOfLife
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/departments.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/departments.yml
index 36f44a6bb9a..62e027d9e2d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/departments.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/departments.yml
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
   - ResearchDirector
   - Scientist
   - ResearchAssistant
+  - ADTRoboticist # ADT-Roles
 - type: department
   id: Specific
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Species/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Species/moth.yml
index b474f613f84..3a4310872ac 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Species/moth.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Species/moth.yml
@@ -1,160 +1,161 @@
-- type: species
-  id: Moth
-  name: species-name-moth
-  roundStart: true
-  prototype: MobMoth
-  sprites: MobMothSprites
-  defaultSkinTone: "#ffda93"
-  markingLimits: MobMothMarkingLimits
-  dollPrototype: MobMothDummy
-  skinColoration: Hues
-  maleFirstNames: names_moth_first_male
-  femaleFirstNames: names_moth_first_female
-  maleLastNames: names_moth_last # Corvax-LastnameGender
-  femaleLastNames: names_moth_last # Corvax-LastnameGender
-- type: speciesBaseSprites
-  id: MobMothSprites
-  sprites:
-    Head: MobMothHead
-    Snout: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
-    Chest: MobMothTorso
-    HeadTop: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
-    HeadSide: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
-    Tail: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
-    Eyes: MobMothEyes
-    LArm: MobMothLArm
-    RArm: MobMothRArm
-    LHand: MobMothLHand
-    RHand: MobMothRHand
-    LLeg: MobMothLLeg
-    RLeg: MobMothRLeg
-    LFoot: MobMothLFoot
-    RFoot: MobMothRFoot
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothEyes
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: eyes
-- type: markingPoints
-  id: MobMothMarkingLimits
-  onlyWhitelisted: true
-  points:
-    Hair:
-      points: 0
-      required: false
-    FacialHair:
-      points: 0
-      required: false
-    Tail:
-      points: 1
-      required: true
-      defaultMarkings: [ MothWingsDefault ]
-    Snout:
-      points: 1
-      required: false
-    HeadTop:
-      points: 1
-      required: true
-      defaultMarkings: [ MothAntennasDefault ]
-    HeadSide:
-      points: 1
-      required: false
-    Head:
-      points: 1
-      required: false
-    Chest:
-      points: 1
-      required: false
-    Legs:
-      points: 2
-      required: false
-    Arms:
-      points: 2
-      required: false
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothHead
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: head_m
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothHeadMale
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: head_m
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothHeadFemale
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: head_f
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothTorso
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: torso_m
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothTorsoMale
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: torso_m
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothTorsoFemale
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: torso_f
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothLLeg
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: l_leg
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothLHand
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: l_hand
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothLArm
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: l_arm
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothLFoot
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: l_foot
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothRLeg
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: r_leg
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothRHand
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: r_hand
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothRArm
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: r_arm
-- type: humanoidBaseSprite
-  id: MobMothRFoot
-  baseSprite:
-    sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
-    state: r_foot
+# - type: species
+#   id: Moth
+#   name: species-name-moth
+#   roundStart: true
+#   prototype: MobMoth
+#   sprites: MobMothSprites
+#   defaultSkinTone: "#ffda93"
+#   markingLimits: MobMothMarkingLimits
+#   dollPrototype: MobMothDummy
+#   skinColoration: Hues
+#   maleFirstNames: names_moth_first_male
+#   femaleFirstNames: names_moth_first_female
+#   maleLastNames: names_moth_last # Corvax-LastnameGender
+#   femaleLastNames: names_moth_last # Corvax-LastnameGender
+# - type: speciesBaseSprites
+#   id: MobMothSprites
+#   sprites:
+#     Head: MobMothHead
+#     Snout: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+#     Chest: MobMothTorso
+#     HeadTop: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+#     HeadSide: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+#     Tail: MobHumanoidAnyMarking
+#     Eyes: MobMothEyes
+#     LArm: MobMothLArm
+#     RArm: MobMothRArm
+#     LHand: MobMothLHand
+#     RHand: MobMothRHand
+#     LLeg: MobMothLLeg
+#     RLeg: MobMothRLeg
+#     LFoot: MobMothLFoot
+#     RFoot: MobMothRFoot
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothEyes
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: eyes
+# - type: markingPoints
+#   id: MobMothMarkingLimits
+#   onlyWhitelisted: true
+#   points:
+#     Hair:
+#       points: 0
+#       required: false
+#     FacialHair:
+#       points: 0
+#       required: false
+#     Tail:
+#       points: 1
+#       required: true
+#       defaultMarkings: [ MothWingsDefault ]
+#     Snout:
+#       points: 1
+#       required: false
+#     HeadTop:
+#       points: 1
+#       required: true
+#       defaultMarkings: [ MothAntennasDefault ]
+#     HeadSide:
+#       points: 1
+#       required: false
+#     Head:
+#       points: 1
+#       required: false
+#     Chest:
+#       points: 1
+#       required: false
+#     Legs:
+#       points: 2
+#       required: false
+#     Arms:
+#       points: 2
+#       required: false
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothHead
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: head_m
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothHeadMale
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: head_m
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothHeadFemale
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: head_f
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothTorso
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: torso_m
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothTorsoMale
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: torso_m
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothTorsoFemale
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: torso_f
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothLLeg
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: l_leg
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothLHand
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: l_hand
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothLArm
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: l_arm
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothLFoot
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: l_foot
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothRLeg
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: r_leg
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothRHand
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: r_hand
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothRArm
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: r_arm
+# - type: humanoidBaseSprite
+#   id: MobMothRFoot
+#   baseSprite:
+#     sprite: Mobs/Species/Moth/parts.rsi
+#     state: r_foot
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Stacks/consumable_stacks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Stacks/consumable_stacks.yml
index e7feab7b520..e2abbcbf089 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Stacks/consumable_stacks.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Stacks/consumable_stacks.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,18 @@
   id: Pancake
   name: pancake
   spawn: FoodBakedPancake
+  maxCount: 9
+- type: stack
+  id: PancakeBb
+  name: blueberry pancake
+  spawn: FoodBakedPancakeBb
+  maxCount: 3
+- type: stack
+  id: PancakeCc
+  name: chocolate chip pancake
+  spawn: FoodBakedPancakeCc
   maxCount: 3
 # Food Containers
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Stacks/floor_tile_stacks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Stacks/floor_tile_stacks.yml
index 01bd916a672..de03fcba196 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Stacks/floor_tile_stacks.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Stacks/floor_tile_stacks.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,109 @@
 - type: stack
+  id: FloorTileDark
+  name: dark tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemDark
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileDarkDiagonalMini
+  name: dark steel diagonal mini tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemDarkDiagonalMini
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileDarkDiagonal
+  name: dark steel diagonal tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemDarkDiagonal
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileDarkHerringbone
+  name: dark steel herringbone
+  spawn: FloorTileItemDarkHerringbone
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileDarkMini
+  name: dark steel mini tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemDarkMini
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileDarkMono
+  name: dark steel mono tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemDarkMono
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileDarkPavement
+  name: dark steel pavement
+  spawn: FloorTileItemDarkPavement
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileDarkPavementVertical
+  name: dark steel vertical pavement
+  spawn: FloorTileItemDarkPavementVertical
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileDarkOffset
+  name: offset dark steel tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemDarkOffset
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
   id: FloorTileSteel
   name: steel tile
   spawn: FloorTileItemSteel
   maxCount: 30
 - type: stack
-  id: FloorTileMetalDiamond
-  name: steel tile
-  spawn: FloorTileItemMetalDiamond
+  id: FloorTileSteelOffset
+  name: offset steel tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemSteelOffset
   maxCount: 30
 - type: stack
-  id: FloorTileWood
-  name: wood floor
-  spawn: FloorTileItemWood
+  id: FloorTileSteelDiagonalMini
+  name: steel diagonal mini tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemSteelDiagonalMini
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileSteelDiagonal
+  name: steel diagonal tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemSteelDiagonal
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileSteelHerringbone
+  name: steel herringbone
+  spawn: FloorTileItemSteelHerringbone
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileSteelMini
+  name: steel mini tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemSteelMini
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileSteelMono
+  name: steel mono tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemSteelMono
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileSteelPavement
+  name: steel pavement
+  spawn: FloorTileItemSteelPavement
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileSteelPavementVertical
+  name: steel vertical pavement
+  spawn: FloorTileItemSteelPavementVertical
   maxCount: 30
 - type: stack
@@ -23,9 +113,75 @@
   maxCount: 30
 - type: stack
-  id: FloorTileDark
-  name: dark tile
-  spawn: FloorTileItemDark
+  id: FloorTileWhiteOffset
+  name: offset white steel tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemWhiteOffset
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileWhiteDiagonalMini
+  name: white steel diagonal mini tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonalMini
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileWhiteDiagonal
+  name: white steel diagonal tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonal
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileWhiteHerringbone
+  name: white steel herringbone
+  spawn: FloorTileItemWhiteHerringbone
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileWhiteMini
+  name: white steel mini tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemWhiteMini
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileWhiteMono
+  name: white steel mono tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemWhiteMono
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileWhitePavement
+  name: white steel pavement
+  spawn: FloorTileItemWhitePavement
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileWhitePavementVertical
+  name: white steel vertical pavement
+  spawn: FloorTileItemWhitePavementVertical
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileSteelCheckerDark
+  name: steel dark checker tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemSteelCheckerDark
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileSteelCheckerLight
+  name: steel light checker tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemSteelCheckerLight
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileMetalDiamond
+  name: steel tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemMetalDiamond
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileWood
+  name: wood floor
+  spawn: FloorTileItemWood
   maxCount: 30
 - type: stack
@@ -322,10 +478,34 @@
   spawn: FloorTileItemGrayConcrete
   maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileConcreteMono
+  name: concrete mono tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemConcreteMono
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileConcreteSmooth
+  name: concrete smooth
+  spawn: FloorTileItemConcreteSmooth
+  maxCount: 30
 - type: stack
   id: FloorTileGrayConcrete
   name: gray concrete tile
-  spawn: FloorTileItemLaundry
+  spawn: FloorTileItemGrayConcrete
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileGrayConcreteMono
+  name: gray concrete mono tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemGrayConcreteMono
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileGrayConcreteSmooth
+  name: gray concrete smooth
+  spawn: FloorTileItemGrayConcreteSmooth
   maxCount: 30
 - type: stack
@@ -334,6 +514,18 @@
   spawn: FloorTileItemOldConcrete
   maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileOldConcreteMono
+  name: old concrete mono tile
+  spawn: FloorTileItemOldConcreteMono
+  maxCount: 30
+- type: stack
+  id: FloorTileOldConcreteSmooth
+  name: old concrete smooth
+  spawn: FloorTileItemOldConcreteSmooth
+  maxCount: 30
 - type: stack
   id: FloorTileSilver
   name: silver floor tile
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/StatusIcon/antag.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/StatusIcon/antag.yml
index 2711952f00d..88d918163f5 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/StatusIcon/antag.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/StatusIcon/antag.yml
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 - type: statusIcon
   id: RevolutionaryFaction
+  isShaded: true
   priority: 11
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
 - type: statusIcon
   id: HeadRevolutionaryFaction
+  isShaded: true
   priority: 11
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Tiles/floors.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Tiles/floors.yml
index 6196961e45a..f580aac466d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Tiles/floors.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Tiles/floors.yml
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepFloor
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteel
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteelMini
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepFloor
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteel
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteelPavement
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepFloor
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteel
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteelDiagonal
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepFloor
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteel
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteelOffset
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteel
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteelMono
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteel
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteelPavementVertical
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteel
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteelHerringbone
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteel
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemSteelDiagonalMini
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhite
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhiteMini
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhite
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhitePavement
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhite
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonal
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhite
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhiteOffset
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhite
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhiteMono
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhite
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhitePavementVertical
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhite
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhiteHerringbone
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhite
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonalMini
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDark
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDarkMini
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDark
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDarkPavement
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDark
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDarkDiagonal
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDark
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDarkOffset
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDark
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDarkMono
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDark
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDarkPavementVertical
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDark
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDarkHerringbone
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDark
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemDarkDiagonalMini
   heatCapacity: 10000
 - type: tile
@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemConcrete
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemConcreteMono
   heatCapacity: 10000
   weather: true
@@ -955,7 +955,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemConcrete
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemConcreteSmooth
   heatCapacity: 10000
   weather: true
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemGrayConcrete
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemGrayConcreteMono
   heatCapacity: 10000
   weather: true
@@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemGrayConcrete
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemGrayConcreteSmooth
   heatCapacity: 10000
   weather: true
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemOldConcrete
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemOldConcreteMono
   heatCapacity: 10000
   weather: true
@@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@
   deconstructTools: [ Prying ]
     collection: FootstepTile
-  itemDrop: FloorTileItemOldConcrete
+  itemDrop: FloorTileItemOldConcreteSmooth
   heatCapacity: 10000
   weather: true
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/categories.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/categories.yml
index a3621648a43..d024b3fcff3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/categories.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/categories.yml
@@ -6,3 +6,7 @@
   id: SpeechTraits
   name: trait-category-speech
   maxTraitPoints: 2
+- type: traitCategory
+  id: Quirks
+  name: trait-category-quirks
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/disabilities.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/disabilities.yml
index 6e0026e44eb..c562c2fec0e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/disabilities.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/disabilities.yml
@@ -33,14 +33,6 @@
       timeBetweenIncidents: 300, 600
       durationOfIncident: 10, 30
-- type: trait
-  id: Pacifist
-  name: trait-pacifist-name
-  description: trait-pacifist-desc
-  category: Disabilities
-  components:
-    - type: Pacified
 - type: trait
   id: Unrevivable
   name: trait-unrevivable-name
@@ -60,15 +52,6 @@
     - type: Muted
-- type: trait
-  id: LightweightDrunk
-  name: trait-lightweight-name
-  description: trait-lightweight-desc
-  category: Disabilities
-  components:
-    - type: LightweightDrunk
-      boozeStrengthMultiplier: 2
 - type: trait
   id: Paracusia
   name: trait-paracusia-name
@@ -81,11 +64,3 @@
       maxSoundDistance: 7
         collection: Paracusia
-- type: trait
-  id: Snoring
-  name: trait-snoring-name
-  description: trait-snoring-desc
-  category: Disabilities
-  components:
-    - type: Snoring
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/quirks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/quirks.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d01bf6218ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/quirks.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+- type: trait
+  id: Pacifist
+  name: trait-pacifist-name
+  description: trait-pacifist-desc
+  category: Quirks
+  components:
+  - type: Pacified
+- type: trait
+  id: LightweightDrunk
+  name: trait-lightweight-name
+  description: trait-lightweight-desc
+  category: Quirks
+  components:
+  - type: LightweightDrunk
+    boozeStrengthMultiplier: 2
+- type: trait
+  id: Snoring
+  name: trait-snoring-name
+  description: trait-snoring-desc
+  category: Quirks
+  components:
+  - type: Snoring
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/holidays.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/holidays.yml
index 6d87e5fba48..b87fe3c2270 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/holidays.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/holidays.yml
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
   beginMonth: March
 - type: holiday
-  id: holiday-name-easter
-  name: Easter
+  id: Easter
+  name: holiday-name-easter
     !type:Computus { }
@@ -322,8 +322,8 @@
     weekday: Thursday
 - type: holiday
-  id: holiday-name-halloween
-  name: Halloween
+  id: Halloween
+  name: holiday-name-halloween
   beginDay: 31
   beginMonth: October
@@ -387,8 +387,8 @@
     weekday: Thursday
 - type: holiday
-  id: holiday-name-sinterklaas
-  name: Sinterklaas
+  id: Sinterklaas
+  name: holiday-name-sinterklaas
   beginDay: 5
   beginMonth: December
@@ -411,8 +411,8 @@
   beginMonth: December
 - type: holiday
-  id: holiday-name-christmas
-  name: Christmas
+  id: Christmas
+  name: holiday-name-christmas
   beginDay: 24
   endDay: 26
   beginMonth: December
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/radio_channels.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/radio_channels.yml
index 0dbfc161eea..2cb494eb452 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/radio_channels.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/radio_channels.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   name: chat-radio-common
   keycode: ";"
   frequency: 1459
-  color: "#32cd32"
+  color: "#2cdb2c"
 - type: radioChannel
   id: CentCom
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
   name: chat-radio-engineering
   keycode: 'и' # Corvax-Localization
   frequency: 1357
-  color: "#f37746"
+  color: "#ff733c"
 - type: radioChannel
   id: Medical
@@ -39,28 +39,28 @@
   name: chat-radio-science
   keycode: 'н' # Corvax-Localization
   frequency: 1351
-  color: "#c68cfa"
+  color: "#b05efa"
 - type: radioChannel
   id: Security
   name: chat-radio-security
   keycode: 'о' # Corvax-Localization
   frequency: 1359
-  color: "#dd3535"
+  color: "#ff4242"
 - type: radioChannel
   id: Service
   name: chat-radio-service
   keycode: 'с' # Corvax-Localization
   frequency: 1349
-  color: "#6ca729"
+  color: "#539c00"
 - type: radioChannel
   id: Supply
   name: chat-radio-supply
   keycode: 'п' # Corvax-Localization
   frequency: 1347
-  color: "#b88646"
+  color: "#b48b57"
 - type: radioChannel
   id: Syndicate
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
   id: Handheld
   name: chat-radio-handheld
   frequency: 1330
-  color: "#d39f01"
+  color: "#967101"
   # long range since otherwise it'd defeat the point of a handheld radio independent of telecomms
   longRange: true
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/tags.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/tags.yml
index d7a7f089b1b..197966b4917 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/tags.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/tags.yml
@@ -542,6 +542,9 @@
 - type: Tag
   id: DrinkCan
+- type: Tag
+  id: DrinkGlass
 - type: Tag
   id: DrinkSpaceGlue
@@ -764,6 +767,9 @@
 - type: Tag
   id: Igniter
+- type: Tag
+  id: Ingredient
 - type: Tag #Drop this innate tool instead of deleting it.
   id: InnateDontDelete
diff --git a/Resources/ServerInfo/Guidebook/ServerRules/CoreRules/RuleC13CharacterNames.xml b/Resources/ServerInfo/Guidebook/ServerRules/CoreRules/RuleC13CharacterNames.xml
index 6c01f9de23a..97880466d44 100644
--- a/Resources/ServerInfo/Guidebook/ServerRules/CoreRules/RuleC13CharacterNames.xml
+++ b/Resources/ServerInfo/Guidebook/ServerRules/CoreRules/RuleC13CharacterNames.xml
@@ -52,6 +52,14 @@
   - [color=#449944]Acceptable:[/color] Loxosceles Domesticus
   - [color=#994444]Bad:[/color] Spider-Man
+  Vox typically use a single name made of random syllables, often with repeating patterns.
+  Names should not be excessively long or be so repetitive/convoluted as to be unreadable.
+  - [color=#449944]Acceptable:[/color] Hirixashahre
+  - [color=#449944]Acceptable:[/color] Xapikrikrik
+  - [color=#994444]Bad:[/color] Chipikirchitchitchitbecretretrer
+  - [color=#994444]Bad:[/color] Trololol
   Usernames, objects, random characters, very "low effort" names, "meta" names, or otherwise implausible names are not permitted.
   - [color=#994444]Bad:[/color] XxRobustxX
   - [color=#994444]Bad:[/color] SDpksSodjdfk
diff --git a/Resources/ServerInfo/Guidebook/ServerRules/SpaceLaw/SLRestrictedGear.xml b/Resources/ServerInfo/Guidebook/ServerRules/SpaceLaw/SLRestrictedGear.xml
index f51558f1a2d..bb63d45487c 100644
--- a/Resources/ServerInfo/Guidebook/ServerRules/SpaceLaw/SLRestrictedGear.xml
+++ b/Resources/ServerInfo/Guidebook/ServerRules/SpaceLaw/SLRestrictedGear.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
   - \[Security\] Security clothing
   - \[Security\] Less than lethal and non-lethal weapons, excluding disablers and beanbag shotguns
   - \[Security/Command\] Disablers
-  - \[Security/Bartender\] Beanbag shotguns
+  - \[Security/Bartender/Zookeeper\] Nonlethal shotguns
   - \[Security\] Flash technology, excluding handheld flashes
   - \[Security/Science/Command\] Handheld flashes
   - \[Security\] Helmets and shields
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/equipped-MASK.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/equipped-MASK.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8c0a2bb7334
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/equipped-MASK.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/icon.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a455a48448f
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/icon.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/inhand-left.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/inhand-left.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c775efdcb92
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/inhand-left.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/inhand-right.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/inhand-right.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f35ffc89698
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/inhand-right.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Clothing/Mask/gasCE.rsi/meta.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0e941d4f3a1
--- /dev/null
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+          0.6,
+          0.6
+        ],
+        [
+          0.6,
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+        [
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+        [
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+        [
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+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
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+          0.1
+        ],
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+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
+          10,
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+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          10,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
+          10,
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+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          10,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
+          10,
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+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          10,
+          0.1,
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+          0.8,
+          0.8
+        ],
+        [
+          0.8,
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+          0.8,
+          0.8
+        ],
+        [
+          0.8,
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+        [
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+        [
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+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8
+        ],
+        [
+          0.8,
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+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8
+        ],
+        [
+          0.8,
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+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8,
+          0.8
+        ],
+        [
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+          0.8,
+          0.8,
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+        [
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+        ],
+        [
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+        [
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+          0.125,
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+          0.125,
+          0.125
+        ],
+        [
+          0.125,
+          0.125,
+          0.125,
+          0.125,
+          0.125
+        ],
+        [
+          0.125,
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+        [
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+        [
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+        [
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+        [
+          0.3,
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+          0.3
+        ],
+        [
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+        [
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+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
+          0.1,
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+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
+          0.1,
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+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
+          0.4,
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+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.4,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
+          0.4,
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+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.4,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
+          0.4,
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+          0.1,
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+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
+          0.4,
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+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
+          0.4,
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+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
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+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
+          0.1,
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+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
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+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
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+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
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+          0.1,
+          0.1
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+        [
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+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
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+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
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+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
+          0.1,
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+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
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+        [
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+        [
+          0.2,
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+        ],
+        [
+          0.2,
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+        [
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+        [
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+        [
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+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.1,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2
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+        [
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+          0.2,
+          0.1,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
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+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
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+          0.2,
+          0.2
+        ],
+        [
+          0.2,
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+          0.2,
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+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.1,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.1,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2
+        ],
+        [
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+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.1,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.1,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
+          0.2,
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+        ],
+        [
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+        ],
+        [
+          0.2,
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+          0.1,
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+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
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+          0.1,
+          0.1
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+        [
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+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1
+        ],
+        [
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+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
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+          0.1
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+        [
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+        [
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+        {
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+        {
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+        {
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+        {
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+        {
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+    "copyright": "Created by discord:lunalita",
+    "size": {
+        "x": 32,
+        "y": 32
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+        {
+            "name": "arrow",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
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+        {
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+        {
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+        {
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+        {
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+        {
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+        {
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+        {
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+        {
+            "name": "Muzzle",
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+  "copyright": "Taken from Yogstation",
+  "size": {
+    "x": 32,
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+  },
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+        "directions": 4
+    },
+    {
+        "name": "brain-inhand-right",
+        "directions": 4
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "heart-off"
+    },
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+        ]
+      ]
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+    {
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+        [
+          0.5,
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+        ]
+      ]
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+  "version": 2,
+  "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
+  "copyright": "Original drawn by @robustyanka on Discord, modified by @pspritechologist",
+  "size": {
+    "x": 32,
+    "y": 32
+  },
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+    {
+      "name": "full"
+    },
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+      "name": "head_m",
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+    },
+    {
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+    {
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+    },
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+    {
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+    {
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+    {
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+++ b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+    "version": 1,
+    "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
+    "copyright": "Created by discord:lunalita",
+    "size": {
+        "x": 32,
+        "y": 32
+    },
+    "states": [
+        {
+            "name": "full"
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "urs_f",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "urs_m",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "head_f",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "head_m",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "l_arm",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "l_foot",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "l_hand",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "l_leg",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "r_arm",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "r_foot",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "r_hand",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "r_leg",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "torso_f",
+            "directions": 4
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "torso_m",
+            "directions": 4
+        }
+    ]
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index 00000000000..68d39c1db49
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fc2102682c6
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi/torso_m.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..45318a3f8f0
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi/urs_f.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Mobs/Species/Ursus/parts.rsi/urs_m.png differ
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/_NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/icon.png
rename to Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/icon.png
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/_NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/inhand-left-translator.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/inhand-left-translator.png
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/_NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/inhand-left-translator.png
rename to Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/inhand-left-translator.png
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/_NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/inhand-left.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/inhand-left.png
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/_NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/inhand-left.png
rename to Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/inhand-left.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/_NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/inhand-right-translator.png
rename to Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/inhand-right-translator.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/_NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/inhand-right.png
rename to Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/inhand-right.png
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/_NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/meta.json
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/_NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/meta.json
rename to Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/meta.json
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/_NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/translator.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/translator.png
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/_NF/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/translator.png
rename to Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Devices/translator.rsi/translator.png
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Fun/toys.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Fun/toys.rsi/meta.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f16f176d480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Fun/toys.rsi/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+    "version": 1,
+    "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
+    "copyright": "Created ADT team",
+    "size": {
+        "x": 32,
+        "y": 32
+    },
+    "states": [
+        {
+            "name": "plushie_ursus"
+        }
+    ]
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2b45cb6707b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Fun/toys.rsi/plushie_ursus.png differ
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Misc/stampsADT.rsi/meta.json
rename to Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Misc/stamps.rsi/meta.json
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Misc/stampsADT.rsi/stamp-magistrat.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Misc/stamps.rsi/stamp-magistrat.png
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Misc/stampsADT.rsi/stamp-magistrat.png
rename to Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Misc/stamps.rsi/stamp-magistrat.png
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Shaders/color_tint.swsl b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Shaders/color_tint.swsl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f95011cefab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Shaders/color_tint.swsl
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+light_mode unshaded;
+uniform sampler2D SCREEN_TEXTURE;
+uniform lowp vec3 tint_color; // RGB color between 0 and 1
+uniform lowp float tint_amount; // Number between 0 and 1
+// Function to convert RGB to HSV.
+highp vec3 rgb2hsv(highp vec3 c)
+    highp vec4 K = vec4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0);
+    highp vec4 p = mix(vec4(c.bg, K.wz), vec4(c.gb, K.xy), step(c.b, c.g));
+    highp vec4 q = mix(vec4(p.xyw, c.r), vec4(c.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, c.r));
+    highp float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y);
+    /* float e = 1.0e-10; */
+    highp float e = 0.0000000001;
+    return vec3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x);
+// Function to convert HSV to RGB.
+highp vec3 hsv2rgb(highp vec3 c)
+    highp vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
+    highp vec3 p = abs(fract(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www);
+    return c.z * mix(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y);
+void fragment() {
+    highp vec4 color = zTextureSpec(SCREEN_TEXTURE, FRAGCOORD.xy * SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE);
+    // Convert color to HSV.
+    highp vec3 hsvTint = rgb2hsv(tint_color);
+    highp vec3 hsvColor = rgb2hsv(color.rgb);
+    // Set the original hue to the tint hue as long as it's not greyscale.
+    if (hsvTint.y > 0.05 && hsvTint.z != 0.0)
+    {
+        hsvColor.x = hsvTint.x;
+    }
+    // Modify saturation based on tint color saturation,
+    // Halving it if it's higher and capping it at the original.
+    hsvColor.y = (hsvColor.y < hsvTint.y) ?
+        mix(hsvColor.y, hsvTint.y, 0.75) : mix(hsvColor.y, hsvTint.y, 0.35);
+    // Modify value based on tint color value, but only if it's darker.
+    hsvColor.z = (mix(hsvColor.z, hsvTint.z, 0.85) <= hsvColor.z) ?
+        mix(hsvColor.z, hsvTint.z, 0.85) : hsvColor.z;
+    // Convert back to RGB.
+    highp vec3 rgbColorMod = hsv2rgb(hsvColor);
+    // Mix the final RGB product with the original color to the intensity of the tint.
+    color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, rgbColorMod, tint_amount);
+    COLOR = color;
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Shaders/seeing_static.swsl b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Shaders/seeing_static.swsl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..765cb94f712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Shaders/seeing_static.swsl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Credited to PelicanPolice on Shadertoy
+// Free for any purpose, commercial or otherwise.
+// But do post here so I can see where it got used!
+// If using on shadertoy, do link to this project on yours :)
+// A copy of the camera static shader, but takes a screen texture, and an amount to mix by.
+uniform sampler2D SCREEN_TEXTURE;
+uniform highp float mixAmount;
+highp float noise(highp vec2 pos, highp float evolve) {
+    // Loop the evolution (over a very long period of time).
+    highp float e = fract((evolve*0.01));
+    // Coordinates
+    highp float cx  = pos.x*e;
+    highp float cy  = sin(pos.y*e * 376.0); // is this close enough to a 60hz interference? :smol:
+    highp float v2_2 = cx*2.4/cy*23.0+pow(abs(cy/22.4),3.3);
+    highp float v2_1 = fract(fract(v2_2));
+    highp float v2 = fract(2.0/v2_1);
+    highp float v3 = fract(cx*evolve/pow(abs(cy),0.050));
+    // Generate a "random" black or white value
+    return fract(0.1*v2*v3);
+void fragment() {
+    highp vec4 color = zTextureSpec(SCREEN_TEXTURE, UV);
+    highp vec2 coords = FRAGCOORD.xy;
+    highp vec3 staticAmount;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
+        {
+        // Generate a black to white pixel
+        staticAmount = vec3(noise(coords,TIME));
+        }
+    // Output to screen
+    COLOR = mix(color, vec4(staticAmount, 1.0), mixAmount);
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index 00000000000..fbd69e21679
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index 00000000000..cc7e1771aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Structures/Machines/borgcharger.rsi/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+  "version": 1,
+  "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
+  "copyright": "Taken from Yogstation at commit https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/commit/159e6bf846e911590ab27f15272ec2ebc465c1da",
+  "size": {
+    "x": 32,
+    "y": 32
+  },
+  "states": [
+    {
+      "name": "icon"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "HV"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "MV"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "LV"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "base"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "open"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "closed"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "borgcharger_open_unlit"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "borgcharger_closed_unlit"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "borgcharger_unlit"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "borgcharger_active_unlit",
+      "delays": [
+        [
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.1,
+          0.15
+        ]
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "borgcharger_panel"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "borgcharger_1"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "borgcharger_2"
+    }
+  ]
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--- a/Resources/Textures/Clothing/Head/Hats/beret_security.rsi/meta.json
+++ b/Resources/Textures/Clothing/Head/Hats/beret_security.rsi/meta.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   "version": 1,
   "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
-  "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at commit https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/commit/4f6190e2895e09116663ef282d3ce1d8b35c032e, resprite by muriexlol",
+  "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at commit https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/commit/4f6190e2895e09116663ef282d3ce1d8b35c032e and modified by Flareguy, resprite by muriexlol",
   "size": {
     "x": 32,
     "y": 32
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+  "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at commit https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/commit/4f6190e2895e09116663ef282d3ce1d8b35c032e. vox state by Flareguy",
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+  "copyright": "Taken from Beestation at commit https://github.com/BeeStation/BeeStation-Hornet/commit/0bb49b1a97488349ee89308ad6a0904066e1c6f3. vox states by Flareguy",
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+    },
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+  "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at commit https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/commit/2fea0a59470c476cf3f927833d3918d89cbe6af8 & inhand by github:Morb0, reptilian made by kuro(388673708753027083). equipped-OUTERCLOTHING-vox state taken from /vg/station at commit https://github.com/vgstation-coders/vgstation13/commit/31d6576ba8102135d058ef49c3cb6ecbe8db8a79. inhands by Flareguy, modified from bio_suit in vgstation at commit https://github.com/vgstation-coders/vgstation13/commit/30f9caeb59b0dd9da1dbcd4c69307ae182033a74",
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+  "copyright": "Taken from vg at commit https://github.com/vgstation-coders/vgstation13/commit/a16e41020a93479e9a7e2af343b1b74f7f2a61bd and modified by Flareguy",
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-    {
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-    {
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-      "name": "cart-c"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "cart-h"
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-    {
-      "name": "cart-s"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "cart-clown"
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-    {
-      "name": "cart-a"
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-    {
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-    {
-      "name": "cart-q"
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-    {
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-      "name": "cart-b"
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-    {
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-    {
-      "name": "cart-mi"
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-    {
-      "name": "cart-hos"
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-    {
-      "name": "cart-ce"
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-    {
-      "name": "cart-cmo"
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-    {
-      "name": "cart-rd"
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\ No newline at end of file
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+      "name": "old-radio-nukeop"
+    },
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-  "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/commit/e1142f20f5e4661cb6845cfcf2dd69f864d67432, orb, orb-inhand-left and orb-inhand-right created by Pancake, plushie_diona and plushie_diona1 created by discord user Deos#5630, toy-mouse-equipped-HELMET is a resprited 1-equipped-HELMET in mouse.rsi by PuroSlavKing (Github), plushie_xeno by LinkUyx#6557, plushie_hampter by RenLou#4333, beachball taken from https://github.com/ss220-space/Paradise/commit/662c08272acd7be79531550919f56f846726eabb, beachb-inhand by ;3#1161, bee hat and in-hand sprites drawn by Ubaser, plushie_penguin by netwy, plushie_arachnid by PixelTheKermit (github), plushie human by TheShuEd, NanoTrasen Balloon by MACMAN2003, holoplush and magicplush modified by deltanedas (github)",
+  "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/commit/e1142f20f5e4661cb6845cfcf2dd69f864d67432, orb, orb-inhand-left and orb-inhand-right created by Pancake, plushie_diona and plushie_diona1 created by discord user Deos#5630, toy-mouse-equipped-HELMET is a resprited 1-equipped-HELMET in mouse.rsi by PuroSlavKing (Github), plushie_xeno by LinkUyx#6557, plushie_hampter by RenLou#4333, beachball taken from https://github.com/ss220-space/Paradise/commit/662c08272acd7be79531550919f56f846726eabb, beachb-inhand by ;3#1161, bee hat and in-hand sprites drawn by Ubaser, plushie_penguin by netwy, plushie_arachnid by PixelTheKermit (github), plushie human by TheShuEd, NanoTrasen Balloon by MACMAN2003, holoplush and magicplush modified by deltanedas (github). Lizard hat sprite made by Cinder",
   "size": {
     "x": 32,
     "y": 32
@@ -91,6 +91,10 @@
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+    {
+      "name": "lizard-equipped-HELMET",
+      "directions": 4
+    },
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+    {
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+    {
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-  "copyright": "Created by EmoGarbage404 (github) for Space Staiton 14",
+  "copyright": "Created by EmoGarbage404 (github) for Space Staiton 14 and modified by alzore_(Discord)",
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@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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+        },
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+            "name": "envelope"
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+    },
+    {
+      "name": "dark-diagonal"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "dark-herringbone"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "dark-mini"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "dark-mono"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "dark-pavement"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "dark-pavement-vertical"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "dark-offset"
+    },
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@@ -22,12 +46,30 @@
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+    },
+    {
+      "name": "concrete-smooth"
+    },
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+    {
+      "name": "grayconcrete-mono"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "grayconcrete-smooth"
+    },
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+    {
+      "name": "oldconcrete-mono"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "oldconcrete-smooth"
+    },
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@@ -37,15 +79,15 @@
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-	{
-	  "name": "brass"
-	},
-	{
-	  "name": "brass-filled"
-	},
-	{
-	  "name": "reebe"
-	},
+	  {
+	    "name": "brass"
+	  },
+	  {
+	    "name": "brass-filled"
+	  },
+	  {
+	    "name": "reebe"
+	  },
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@@ -168,6 +210,30 @@
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+    {
+      "name": "steel-offset"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "steel-diagonal-mini"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "steel-diagonal"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "steel-herringbone"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "steel-mini"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "steel-mono"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "steel-pavement"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "steel-pavement-vertical"
+    },
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@@ -177,6 +243,30 @@
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+      "name": "white-offset"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "white-diagonal-mini"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "white-diagonal"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "white-herringbone"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "white-mini"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "white-mono"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "white-pavement"
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "white-pavement-vertical"
+    },
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@@ -8,34 +8,58 @@
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-      "name": "spear"
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+        "directions": 4
+    },
+    {
+        "name": "inhand-left-fill-1",
+        "directions": 4
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-      "directions": 4
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+        "directions": 4
+    },
+    {
+        "name": "inhand-right-fill-1",
+        "directions": 4
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+    {
+        "name": "wielded-inhand-left-fill-1",
+        "directions": 4
+    },
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-      "directions": 4
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+        "directions": 4
+    },
+    {
+        "name": "equipped-BACKPACK",
+        "directions": 4
+    },
+    {
+        "name": "equipped-back-fill-1",
+        "directions": 4
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+    },
+    {
+        "name": "equipped-suitstorage-fill-1",
+        "directions": 4
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@@ -8,34 +8,58 @@
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-      "name": "spear"
+        "name": "spear"
-      "name": "spear1"
+        "name": "spear1"
-      "name": "inhand-left",
-      "directions": 4
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+        "directions": 4
+    },
+    {
+        "name": "inhand-left-fill-1",
+        "directions": 4
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-      "directions": 4
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+        "directions": 4
+    },
+    {
+        "name": "inhand-right-fill-1",
+        "directions": 4
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+    {
+        "name": "wielded-inhand-left-fill-1",
+        "directions": 4
+    },
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-      "name": "equipped-BACKPACK",
-      "directions": 4
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+        "directions": 4
+    },
+    {
+        "name": "equipped-BACKPACK",
+        "directions": 4
+    },
+    {
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-  "copyright": "Taken from https://github.com/discordia-space/CEV-Eris at commit 4e0bbe682d0a00192d24708fdb7031008aa03f18 and bee station at commit https://github.com/BeeStation/BeeStation-Hornet/commit/13dd5ac712385642574138f6d7b30eea7c2fab9c, Job signs by EmoGarbage404 (github) with inspiration from yogstation and tgstation, 'direction_exam' and 'direction_icu' made by rosieposieeee (github). 'court', 'janitor', 'law' & 'psychology' changed for corvax by netwy (discord, 583844759429316618) and updated by github:lapatison;",
+  "copyright": "Taken from https://github.com/discordia-space/CEV-Eris at commit 4e0bbe682d0a00192d24708fdb7031008aa03f18 and bee station at commit https://github.com/BeeStation/BeeStation-Hornet/commit/13dd5ac712385642574138f6d7b30eea7c2fab9c, Job signs by EmoGarbage404 (github) with inspiration from yogstation and tgstation, 'direction_exam' and 'direction_icu' made by rosieposieeee (github). 'court', 'janitor', 'law' & 'psychology' changed for corvax by netwy (discord, 583844759429316618) and updated by github:lapatison; Job signs localized by kaiserGans (github)",
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index 599207f48ae..3d3c4505e56 100644
Binary files a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/sci.png and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/sci.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/security.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/security.png
index 2de5d34a5ee..81eff4c055d 100644
Binary files a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/security.png and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/security.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/space.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/space.png
index b9286eb06db..8cecdf82fc7 100644
Binary files a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/space.png and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/space.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/surgery.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/surgery.png
index f24ba5c1b33..c59cf60c64f 100644
Binary files a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/surgery.png and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/surgery.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/telecoms.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/telecoms.png
index 5896206cafe..86b8fe2b4d6 100644
Binary files a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/telecoms.png and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/telecoms.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/toxins.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/toxins.png
index cf11ed6155f..f094a1003c8 100644
Binary files a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/toxins.png and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/toxins.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/vault.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/vault.png
index 33572ca25b5..1c2e82a7081 100644
Binary files a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/vault.png and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/vault.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/virology.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/virology.png
index 232d9a74b55..dcdad39f7b3 100644
Binary files a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/virology.png and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/virology.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/xenoarch.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/xenoarch.png
index a4b26daa993..3100d3e1ac1 100644
Binary files a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/xenoarch.png and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/xenoarch.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/xenobio.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/xenobio.png
index 4f99ab19c3d..93ba893aec2 100644
Binary files a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/xenobio.png and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/xenobio.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/zomlab.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/zomlab.png
index a81784d30b5..e7dc59d16b9 100644
Binary files a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/zomlab.png and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Wallmounts/signs.rsi/zomlab.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/keybinds.yml b/Resources/keybinds.yml
index c11f59d17c9..cf43d1c4351 100644
--- a/Resources/keybinds.yml
+++ b/Resources/keybinds.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-version: 1 # Not used right now, whatever.
+version: 1 # Not used right now, whatever.
 - function: UIClick
   type: State
@@ -190,6 +190,12 @@ binds:
 - function: OpenEmotesMenu
   type: State
   key: Y
+  # ADT Languages update
+- function: OpenLanguagesMenu
+  type: State
+  key: L
 - function: TextCursorSelect
   # TextCursorSelect HAS to be above ExamineEntity
   # So that LineEdit receives it correctly.
@@ -455,8 +461,8 @@ binds:
 - function: OpenDecalSpawnWindow
   type: State
   key: F8
-- function: OpenScoreboardWindow
-  type: State
+- function: ToggleRoundEndSummaryWindow
+  type: Toggle
   key: F9
 - function: OpenSandboxWindow
   type: State
diff --git a/Resources/manifest.yml b/Resources/manifest.yml
index 7cac0ee8165..1b10dac3457 100644
--- a/Resources/manifest.yml
+++ b/Resources/manifest.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-windowIconSet: /Textures/Logo/icon-ru # Corvax-Theme
+windowIconSet: /Textures/ADT/Logo/icon-adt # Corvax-Theme
 defaultWindowTitle: Space Station 14 - Время приключений-ru # ADT theme
-splashLogo: /Textures/Logo/new_logo.png #ADT theme
+splashLogo: /Textures/ADT/Logo/new_logo.png #ADT theme
 multiWindow: true
diff --git a/Resources/migration.yml b/Resources/migration.yml
index b15a9e30162..2ad79eb1e09 100644
--- a/Resources/migration.yml
+++ b/Resources/migration.yml
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ DoorRemoteFirefight: null
 AirlockServiceCaptainLocked: AirlockCaptainLocked
 # 2024-06-15
-ClothingOuterCoatInspector: ClothingOuterCoatDetectiveLoadout
+ClothingOuterCoatInspector: ClothingOuterCoatJensen
 # 2024-06-23
 FloorTileItemReinforced: PartRodMetal1
@@ -392,3 +392,6 @@ SignDrones: SignMaterials
 SignShield: null # what was this even for?
 SignHydro2: SignHydro1
 SignHydro3: SignHydro1
+# 2024-07-27
+LogicGate: LogicGateOr