From 3b05b24ea51dec5dece85ecdf4c25a6f5ed2add7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bananchiki <>
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2024 20:49:27 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Delete Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs
Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs | 1195 --------------------------------
1 file changed, 1195 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs
diff --git a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9daf0840aba..00000000000
--- a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1195 +0,0 @@
-using Robust.Shared;
-using Robust.Shared.Configuration;
-namespace Content.Shared.CCVar;
- ///
- /// Whether explosive depressurization will cause the grid to gain an impulse.
- /// Needs and to be enabled to work.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef AtmosGridImpulse =
- CVarDef.Create("atmos.grid_impulse", false, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// What fraction of air from a spaced tile escapes every tick.
- /// 1.0 for instant spacing, 0.2 means 20% of remaining air lost each time
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef AtmosSpacingEscapeRatio =
- CVarDef.Create("atmos.mmos_spacing_speed", 0.15f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Minimum amount of air allowed on a spaced tile before it is reset to 0 immediately in kPa
- /// Since the decay due to SpacingEscapeRatio follows a curve, it would never reach 0.0 exactly
- /// unless we truncate it somewhere.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef AtmosSpacingMinGas =
- CVarDef.Create("atmos.mmos_min_gas", 2.0f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// How much wind can go through a single tile before that tile doesn't depressurize itself
- /// (I.e spacing is limited in large rooms heading into smaller spaces)
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef AtmosSpacingMaxWind =
- CVarDef.Create("atmos.mmos_max_wind", 500f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether atmos superconduction is enabled.
- ///
- /// Disabled by default, superconduction is awful.
- public static readonly CVarDef Superconduction =
- CVarDef.Create("atmos.superconduction", false, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Heat loss per tile due to radiation at 20 degC, in W.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef SuperconductionTileLoss =
- CVarDef.Create("atmos.superconduction_tile_loss", 30f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether excited groups will be processed and created.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ExcitedGroups =
- CVarDef.Create("atmos.excited_groups", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether all tiles in an excited group will clear themselves once being exposed to space.
- /// Similar to , without none of the tile ripping or
- /// things being thrown around very violently.
- /// Needs to be enabled to work.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ExcitedGroupsSpaceIsAllConsuming =
- CVarDef.Create("atmos.excited_groups_space_is_all_consuming", false, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Maximum time in milliseconds that atmos can take processing.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef AtmosMaxProcessTime =
- CVarDef.Create("atmos.max_process_time", 3f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Atmos tickrate in TPS. Atmos processing will happen every 1/TPS seconds.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef AtmosTickRate =
- CVarDef.Create("atmos.tickrate", 15f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Scale factor for how fast things happen in our atmosphere
- /// simulation compared to real life. 1x means pumps run at 1x
- /// speed. Players typically expect things to happen faster
- /// in-game.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef AtmosSpeedup =
- CVarDef.Create("atmos.speedup", 8f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Like atmos.speedup, but only for gas and reaction heat values. 64x means
- /// gases heat up and cool down 64x faster than real life.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef AtmosHeatScale =
- CVarDef.Create("atmos.heat_scale", 8f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Maximum explosion radius for explosions caused by bursting a gas tank ("max caps").
- /// Setting this to zero disables the explosion but still allows the tank to burst and leak.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef AtmosTankFragment =
- CVarDef.Create("atmos.max_explosion_range", 26f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * MIDI instruments
- */
- public static readonly CVarDef MaxMidiEventsPerSecond =
- CVarDef.Create("midi.max_events_per_second", 1000, CVar.REPLICATED | CVar.SERVER);
- public static readonly CVarDef MaxMidiEventsPerBatch =
- CVarDef.Create("midi.max_events_per_batch", 60, CVar.REPLICATED | CVar.SERVER);
- public static readonly CVarDef MaxMidiBatchesDropped =
- CVarDef.Create("midi.max_batches_dropped", 1, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- public static readonly CVarDef MaxMidiLaggedBatches =
- CVarDef.Create("midi.max_lagged_batches", 8, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Holidays
- */
- public static readonly CVarDef HolidaysEnabled = CVarDef.Create("holidays.enabled", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Branding stuff
- */
- public static readonly CVarDef BrandingSteam = CVarDef.Create("branding.steam", false, CVar.CLIENTONLY);
- /*
- * OOC
- */
- public static readonly CVarDef OocEnabled = CVarDef.Create("ooc.enabled", true, CVar.NOTIFY | CVar.REPLICATED);
- public static readonly CVarDef AdminOocEnabled =
- CVarDef.Create("ooc.enabled_admin", true, CVar.NOTIFY);
- ///
- /// If true, whenever OOC is disabled the Discord OOC relay will also be disabled.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef DisablingOOCDisablesRelay = CVarDef.Create("ooc.disabling_ooc_disables_relay", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether or not OOC chat should be enabled during a round.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef OocEnableDuringRound =
- CVarDef.Create("ooc.enable_during_round", false, CVar.NOTIFY | CVar.REPLICATED | CVar.SERVER);
- public static readonly CVarDef ShowOocPatronColor =
- CVarDef.Create("ooc.show_ooc_patron_color", true, CVar.ARCHIVE | CVar.REPLICATED | CVar.CLIENT);
- /*
- * LOOC
- */
- public static readonly CVarDef LoocEnabled = CVarDef.Create("looc.enabled", true, CVar.NOTIFY | CVar.REPLICATED);
- public static readonly CVarDef AdminLoocEnabled =
- CVarDef.Create("looc.enabled_admin", true, CVar.NOTIFY);
- ///
- /// True: Dead players can use LOOC
- /// False: Dead player LOOC gets redirected to dead chat
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef DeadLoocEnabled = CVarDef.Create("looc.enabled_dead", false, CVar.NOTIFY | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// True: Crit players can use LOOC
- /// False: Crit player LOOC gets redirected to dead chat
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef CritLoocEnabled = CVarDef.Create("looc.enabled_crit", false, CVar.NOTIFY | CVar.REPLICATED);
- /*
- * Entity Menu Grouping Types
- */
- public static readonly CVarDef EntityMenuGroupingType = CVarDef.Create("entity_menu", 0, CVar.CLIENTONLY);
- /*
- * Whitelist
- */
- ///
- /// Controls whether the server will deny any players that are not whitelisted in the DB.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef WhitelistEnabled =
- CVarDef.Create("whitelist.enabled", false, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Specifies the whitelist prototypes to be used by the server. This should be a comma-separated list of prototypes.
- /// If a whitelists conditions to be active fail (for example player count), the next whitelist will be used instead. If no whitelist is valid, the player will be allowed to connect.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef WhitelistPrototypeList =
- CVarDef.Create("whitelist.prototype_list", "basicWhitelist", CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * VOTE
- */
- ///
- /// Allows enabling/disabling player-started votes for ultimate authority
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VoteEnabled =
- CVarDef.Create("vote.enabled", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// See vote.enabled, but specific to restart votes
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VoteRestartEnabled =
- CVarDef.Create("vote.restart_enabled", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Config for when the restart vote should be allowed to be called regardless with less than this amount of players.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VoteRestartMaxPlayers =
- CVarDef.Create("vote.restart_max_players", 20, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Config for when the restart vote should be allowed to be called based on percentage of ghosts.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VoteRestartGhostPercentage =
- CVarDef.Create("vote.restart_ghost_percentage", 55, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// See vote.enabled, but specific to preset votes
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VotePresetEnabled =
- CVarDef.Create("vote.preset_enabled", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// See vote.enabled, but specific to map votes
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VoteMapEnabled =
- CVarDef.Create("vote.map_enabled", false, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// The required ratio of the server that must agree for a restart round vote to go through.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VoteRestartRequiredRatio =
- CVarDef.Create("vote.restart_required_ratio", 0.85f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether or not to prevent the restart vote from having any effect when there is an online admin
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VoteRestartNotAllowedWhenAdminOnline =
- CVarDef.Create("vote.restart_not_allowed_when_admin_online", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// The delay which two votes of the same type are allowed to be made by separate people, in seconds.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VoteSameTypeTimeout =
- CVarDef.Create("vote.same_type_timeout", 240f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Sets the duration of the map vote timer.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef
- VoteTimerMap = CVarDef.Create("vote.timermap", 90, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Sets the duration of the restart vote timer.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef
- VoteTimerRestart = CVarDef.Create("vote.timerrestart", 60, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Sets the duration of the gamemode/preset vote timer.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef
- VoteTimerPreset = CVarDef.Create("vote.timerpreset", 30, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Sets the duration of the map vote timer when ALONE.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef
- VoteTimerAlone = CVarDef.Create("vote.timeralone", 10, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- */
- ///
- /// Allows enabling/disabling player-started votekick for ultimate authority
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VotekickEnabled =
- CVarDef.Create("votekick.enabled", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Config for when the votekick should be allowed to be called based on number of eligible voters.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VotekickEligibleNumberRequirement =
- CVarDef.Create("votekick.eligible_number", 10, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether a votekick initiator must be a ghost or not.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VotekickInitiatorGhostRequirement =
- CVarDef.Create("votekick.initiator_ghost_requirement", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether a votekick voter must be a ghost or not.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VotekickVoterGhostRequirement =
- CVarDef.Create("votekick.voter_ghost_requirement", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Config for how many hours playtime a player must have to be able to vote on a votekick.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VotekickEligibleVoterPlaytime =
- CVarDef.Create("votekick.voter_playtime", 100, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Config for how many seconds a player must have been dead to initiate a votekick / be able to vote on a votekick.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VotekickEligibleVoterDeathtime =
- CVarDef.Create("votekick.voter_deathtime", 180, CVar.REPLICATED | CVar.SERVER);
- ///
- /// The required ratio of eligible voters that must agree for a votekick to go through.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VotekickRequiredRatio =
- CVarDef.Create("votekick.required_ratio", 0.6f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether or not to prevent the votekick from having any effect when there is an online admin.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VotekickNotAllowedWhenAdminOnline =
- CVarDef.Create("votekick.not_allowed_when_admin_online", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// The delay for which two votekicks are allowed to be made by separate people, in seconds.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VotekickTimeout =
- CVarDef.Create("votekick.timeout", 120f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Sets the duration of the votekick vote timer.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef
- VotekickTimer = CVarDef.Create("votekick.timer", 60, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Config for how many hours playtime a player must have to get protection from the Raider votekick type when playing as an antag.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VotekickAntagRaiderProtection =
- CVarDef.Create("votekick.antag_raider_protection", 10, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Default severity for votekick bans
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VotekickBanDefaultSeverity =
- CVarDef.Create("votekick.ban_default_severity", "High", CVar.ARCHIVE | CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Duration of a ban caused by a votekick (in minutes).
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef VotekickBanDuration =
- CVarDef.Create("votekick.ban_duration", 180, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * BAN
- */
- public static readonly CVarDef BanHardwareIds =
- CVarDef.Create("ban.hardware_ids", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Procgen
- */
- ///
- /// Should we pre-load all of the procgen atlasses.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ProcgenPreload =
- CVarDef.Create("procgen.preload", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Shuttles
- */
- // Look this is technically eye behavior but its main impact is shuttles so I just dumped it here.
- ///
- /// If true then the camera will match the grid / map and is unchangeable.
- /// - When traversing grids it will snap to 0 degrees rotation.
- /// False means the player has control over the camera rotation.
- /// - When traversing grids it will snap to the nearest cardinal which will generally be imperceptible.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef CameraRotationLocked =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.camera_rotation_locked", false, CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Whether the arrivals terminal should be on a planet map.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ArrivalsPlanet =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.arrivals_planet", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether the arrivals shuttle is enabled.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ArrivalsShuttles =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.arrivals", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// The map to use for the arrivals station.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ArrivalsMap =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.arrivals_map", "/Maps/Misc/terminal.yml", CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Cooldown between arrivals departures. This should be longer than the FTL time or it will double cycle.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ArrivalsCooldown =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.arrivals_cooldown", 50f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Are players allowed to return on the arrivals shuttle.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ArrivalsReturns =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.arrivals_returns", false, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Should all players who spawn at arrivals have godmode until they leave the map?
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef GodmodeArrivals =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.godmode_arrivals", false, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// If a grid is split then hide any smaller ones under this mass (kg) from the map.
- /// This is useful to avoid split grids spamming out labels.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef HideSplitGridsUnder =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.hide_split_grids_under", 30, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether to automatically spawn escape shuttles.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef GridFill =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.grid_fill", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether to automatically preloading grids by GridPreloaderSystem
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef PreloadGrids =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.preload_grids", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// How long the warmup time before FTL start should be.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef FTLStartupTime =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.startup_time", 5.5f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// How long a shuttle spends in FTL.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef FTLTravelTime =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.travel_time", 20f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// How long the final stage of FTL before arrival should be.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef FTLArrivalTime =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.arrival_time", 5f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// How much time needs to pass before a shuttle can FTL again.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef FTLCooldown =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.cooldown", 10f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// The maximum a grid can have before it becomes unable to FTL.
- /// Any value equal to or less than zero will disable this check.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef FTLMassLimit =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.mass_limit", 300f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// How long to knock down entities for if they aren't buckled when FTL starts and stops.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef HyperspaceKnockdownTime =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.hyperspace_knockdown_time", 5f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Emergency
- */
- ///
- /// Is the emergency shuttle allowed to be early launched.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef EmergencyEarlyLaunchAllowed =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.emergency_early_launch_allowed", true, CVar.SERVERONLY); //ADT-Tweak - включен ранний запуск аварийного шаттла командованием
- ///
- /// How long the emergency shuttle remains docked with the station, in seconds.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef EmergencyShuttleDockTime =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.emergency_dock_time", 300f, CVar.SERVERONLY); //ADT-Tweak - время стыковки эвакшаттла увеличен до 5 минут
- ///
- /// If the emergency shuttle can't dock at a priority port, the dock time will be multiplied with this value.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef EmergencyShuttleDockTimeMultiplierOtherDock =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.emergency_dock_time_multiplier_other_dock", 1.6667f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// If the emergency shuttle can't dock at all, the dock time will be multiplied with this value.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef EmergencyShuttleDockTimeMultiplierNoDock =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.emergency_dock_time_multiplier_no_dock", 2f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// How long after the console is authorized for the shuttle to early launch.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef EmergencyShuttleAuthorizeTime =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.emergency_authorize_time", 30f, CVar.SERVERONLY); //ADT-Tweak - предупреждение о запуске за 30 секунд до отправки
- ///
- /// The minimum time for the emergency shuttle to arrive at centcomm.
- /// Actual minimum travel time cannot be less than
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef EmergencyShuttleMinTransitTime =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.emergency_transit_time_min", 60f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// The maximum time for the emergency shuttle to arrive at centcomm.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef EmergencyShuttleMaxTransitTime =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.emergency_transit_time_max", 180f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether the emergency shuttle is enabled or should the round just end.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef EmergencyShuttleEnabled =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.emergency", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// The percentage of time passed from the initial call to when the shuttle can no longer be recalled.
- /// ex. a call time of 10min and turning point of 0.5 means the shuttle cannot be recalled after 5 minutes.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef EmergencyRecallTurningPoint =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.recall_turning_point", 0.5f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Time in minutes after round start to auto-call the shuttle. Set to zero to disable.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef EmergencyShuttleAutoCallTime =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.auto_call_time", 270, CVar.SERVERONLY); //ADT-Tweak - автоматический эвак вызывается после 3 часов
- ///
- /// Time in minutes after the round was extended (by recalling the shuttle) to call
- /// the shuttle again.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef EmergencyShuttleAutoCallExtensionTime =
- CVarDef.Create("shuttle.auto_call_extension_time", 45, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Crew Manifests
- */
- ///
- /// Setting this allows a crew manifest to be opened from any window
- /// that has a crew manifest button, and sends the correct message.
- /// If this is false, only in-game entities will allow you to see
- /// the crew manifest, if the functionality is coded in.
- /// Having administrator priveledge ignores this, but will still
- /// hide the button in UI windows.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef CrewManifestWithoutEntity =
- CVarDef.Create("crewmanifest.no_entity", true, CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Setting this allows the crew manifest to be viewed from 'unsecure'
- /// entities, such as the PDA.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef CrewManifestUnsecure =
- CVarDef.Create("crewmanifest.unsecure", true, CVar.REPLICATED);
- /*
- * Biomass
- */
- ///
- /// Enabled: Cloning has 70% cost and reclaimer will refuse to reclaim corpses with souls. (For LRP).
- /// Disabled: Cloning has full biomass cost and reclaimer can reclaim corpses with souls. (Playtested and balanced for MRP+).
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef BiomassEasyMode =
- CVarDef.Create("biomass.easy_mode", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Anomaly
- */
- ///
- /// A scale factor applied to a grid's bounds when trying to find a spot to randomly generate an anomaly.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef AnomalyGenerationGridBoundsScale =
- CVarDef.Create("anomaly.generation_grid_bounds_scale", 0.6f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- */
- public static readonly CVarDef ViewportStretch =
- CVarDef.Create("viewport.stretch", true, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- public static readonly CVarDef ViewportFixedScaleFactor =
- CVarDef.Create("viewport.fixed_scale_factor", 2, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- // This default is basically specifically chosen so fullscreen/maximized 1080p hits a 2x snap and does NN.
- public static readonly CVarDef ViewportSnapToleranceMargin =
- CVarDef.Create("viewport.snap_tolerance_margin", 64, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- public static readonly CVarDef ViewportSnapToleranceClip =
- CVarDef.Create("viewport.snap_tolerance_clip", 32, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- public static readonly CVarDef ViewportScaleRender =
- CVarDef.Create("viewport.scale_render", true, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- public static readonly CVarDef ViewportMinimumWidth =
- CVarDef.Create("viewport.minimum_width", 15, CVar.REPLICATED | CVar.SERVER);
- public static readonly CVarDef ViewportMaximumWidth =
- CVarDef.Create("viewport.maximum_width", 29, CVar.REPLICATED | CVar.SERVER); //ADT 16:9
- public static readonly CVarDef ViewportWidth =
- CVarDef.Create("viewport.width", 29, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE); //ADT 16:9
- public static readonly CVarDef ViewportVerticalFit =
- CVarDef.Create("viewport.vertical_fit", true, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- /*
- * UI
- */
- public static readonly CVarDef UILayout =
- CVarDef.Create("ui.layout", "Default", CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- public static readonly CVarDef DefaultScreenChatSize =
- CVarDef.Create("ui.default_chat_size", "", CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- public static readonly CVarDef SeparatedScreenChatSize =
- CVarDef.Create("ui.separated_chat_size", "0.6,0", CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- /*
- * Accessibility
- */
- ///
- /// Chat window opacity slider, controlling the alpha of the chat window background.
- /// Goes from to 0 (completely transparent) to 1 (completely opaque)
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ChatWindowOpacity =
- CVarDef.Create("accessibility.chat_window_transparency", 0.85f, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- ///
- /// Toggle for visual effects that may potentially cause motion sickness.
- /// Where reasonable, effects affected by this CVar should use an alternate effect.
- /// Please do not use this CVar as a bandaid for effects that could otherwise be made accessible without issue.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ReducedMotion =
- CVarDef.Create("accessibility.reduced_motion", false, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- public static readonly CVarDef ChatEnableColorName =
- CVarDef.Create("accessibility.enable_color_name", true, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE, "Toggles displaying names with individual colors.");
- ///
- /// Screen shake intensity slider, controlling the intensity of the CameraRecoilSystem.
- /// Goes from 0 (no recoil at all) to 1 (regular amounts of recoil)
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ScreenShakeIntensity =
- CVarDef.Create("accessibility.screen_shake_intensity", 1f, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- ///
- /// A generic toggle for various visual effects that are color sensitive.
- /// As of 2/16/24, only applies to progress bar colors.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef AccessibilityColorblindFriendly =
- CVarDef.Create("accessibility.colorblind_friendly", false, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- /*
- * CHAT
- */
- ///
- /// Chat rate limit values are accounted in periods of this size (seconds).
- /// After the period has passed, the count resets.
- ///
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ChatRateLimitPeriod =
- CVarDef.Create("chat.rate_limit_period", 2f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// How many chat messages are allowed in a single rate limit period.
- ///
- ///
- /// The total rate limit throughput per second is effectively
- /// divided by .
- ///
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ChatRateLimitCount =
- CVarDef.Create("chat.rate_limit_count", 10, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Minimum delay (in seconds) between notifying admins about chat message rate limit violations.
- /// A negative value disables admin announcements.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ChatRateLimitAnnounceAdminsDelay =
- CVarDef.Create("chat.rate_limit_announce_admins_delay", 15, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- public static readonly CVarDef ChatMaxMessageLength =
- CVarDef.Create("chat.max_message_length", 1000, CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- public static readonly CVarDef ChatMaxAnnouncementLength =
- CVarDef.Create("chat.max_announcement_length", 700, CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);// ADT Tweak 256
- public static readonly CVarDef ChatSanitizerEnabled =
- CVarDef.Create("chat.chat_sanitizer_enabled", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- public static readonly CVarDef ChatShowTypingIndicator =
- CVarDef.Create("chat.show_typing_indicator", true, CVar.ARCHIVE | CVar.REPLICATED | CVar.SERVER);
- public static readonly CVarDef ChatEnableFancyBubbles =
- CVarDef.Create("chat.enable_fancy_bubbles", true, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE, "Toggles displaying fancy speech bubbles, which display the speaking character's name.");
- public static readonly CVarDef ChatFancyNameBackground =
- CVarDef.Create("chat.fancy_name_background", false, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE, "Toggles displaying a background under the speaking character's name.");
- ///
- /// A message broadcast to each player that joins the lobby.
- /// May be changed by admins ingame through use of the "set-motd" command.
- /// In this case the new value, if not empty, is broadcast to all connected players and saved between rounds.
- /// May be requested by any player through use of the "get-motd" command.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef MOTD =
- CVarDef.Create("chat.motd", "", CVar.SERVER | CVar.SERVERONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE, "A message broadcast to each player that joins the lobby.");
- /*
- * AFK
- */
- ///
- /// How long a client can go without any input before being considered AFK.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef AfkTime =
- CVarDef.Create("afk.time", 60f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * IC
- */
- ///
- /// Restricts IC character names to alphanumeric chars.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef RestrictedNames =
- CVarDef.Create("ic.restricted_names", true, CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Allows flavor text (character descriptions)
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef FlavorText =
- CVarDef.Create("ic.flavor_text", false, CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Adds a period at the end of a sentence if the sentence ends in a letter.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ChatPunctuation =
- CVarDef.Create("ic.punctuation", false, CVar.SERVER);
- ///
- /// Enables automatically forcing IC name rules. Uppercases the first letter of the first and last words of the name
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ICNameCase =
- CVarDef.Create("ic.name_case", true, CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Whether or not players' characters are randomly generated rather than using their selected characters in the creator.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ICRandomCharacters =
- CVarDef.Create("ic.random_characters", false, CVar.SERVER);
- ///
- /// A weighted random prototype used to determine the species selected for random characters.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ICRandomSpeciesWeights =
- CVarDef.Create("ic.random_species_weights", "SpeciesWeights", CVar.SERVER);
- ///
- /// Control displaying SSD indicators near players
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ICShowSSDIndicator =
- CVarDef.Create("ic.show_ssd_indicator", true, CVar.CLIENTONLY);
- /*
- * Salvage
- */
- ///
- /// Duration for missions
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef
- SalvageExpeditionDuration = CVarDef.Create("salvage.expedition_duration", 660f, CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Cooldown for missions.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef
- SalvageExpeditionCooldown = CVarDef.Create("salvage.expedition_cooldown", 780f, CVar.REPLICATED);
- /*
- * Flavor
- */
- ///
- /// Flavor limit. This is to ensure that having a large mass of flavors in
- /// some food object won't spam a user with flavors.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef
- FlavorLimit = CVarDef.Create("flavor.limit", 10, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Mapping
- */
- ///
- /// Will mapping mode enable autosaves when it's activated?
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef
- AutosaveEnabled = CVarDef.Create("mapping.autosave", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Autosave interval in seconds.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef
- AutosaveInterval = CVarDef.Create("mapping.autosave_interval", 600f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Directory in server user data to save to. Saves will be inside folders in this directory.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef
- AutosaveDirectory = CVarDef.Create("mapping.autosave_dir", "Autosaves", CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Rules
- */
- ///
- /// Time that players have to wait before rules can be accepted.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef RulesWaitTime =
- CVarDef.Create("rules.time", 45f, CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Don't show rules to localhost/loopback interface.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef RulesExemptLocal =
- CVarDef.Create("rules.exempt_local", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Autogeneration
- */
- public static readonly CVarDef DestinationFile =
- CVarDef.Create("autogen.destination_file", "", CVar.SERVER | CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Network Resource Manager
- */
- ///
- /// Whether uploaded files will be stored in the server's database.
- /// This is useful to keep "logs" on what files admins have uploaded in the past.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ResourceUploadingStoreEnabled =
- CVarDef.Create("netres.store_enabled", true, CVar.SERVER | CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Numbers of days before stored uploaded files are deleted. Set to zero or negative to disable auto-delete.
- /// This is useful to free some space automatically. Auto-deletion runs only on server boot.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ResourceUploadingStoreDeletionDays =
- CVarDef.Create("netres.store_deletion_days", 30, CVar.SERVER | CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Controls
- */
- ///
- /// Deadzone for drag-drop interactions.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef DragDropDeadZone =
- CVarDef.Create("control.drag_dead_zone", 12f, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- ///
- /// Toggles whether the walking key is a toggle or a held key.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ToggleWalk =
- CVarDef.Create("control.toggle_walk", false, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- /*
- * Interactions
- */
- // The rationale behind the default limit is simply that I can easily get to 7 interactions per second by just
- // trying to spam toggle a light switch or lever (though the UseDelay component limits the actual effect of the
- // interaction). I don't want to accidentally spam admins with alerts just because somebody is spamming a
- // key manually, nor do we want to alert them just because the player is having network issues and the server
- // receives multiple interactions at once. But we also want to try catch people with modified clients that spam
- // many interactions on the same tick. Hence, a very short period, with a relatively high count.
- ///
- /// Maximum number of interactions that a player can perform within seconds
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef InteractionRateLimitCount =
- CVarDef.Create("interaction.rate_limit_count", 5, CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef InteractionRateLimitPeriod =
- CVarDef.Create("interaction.rate_limit_period", 0.5f, CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Minimum delay (in seconds) between notifying admins about interaction rate limit violations. A negative
- /// value disables admin announcements.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef InteractionRateLimitAnnounceAdminsDelay =
- CVarDef.Create("interaction.rate_limit_announce_admins_delay", 120, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- */
- ///
- /// Whether or not the storage UI is static and bound to the hotbar, or unbound and allowed to be dragged anywhere.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef StaticStorageUI =
- CVarDef.Create("control.static_storage_ui", true, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- ///
- /// Whether or not the storage window uses a transparent or opaque sprite.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef OpaqueStorageWindow =
- CVarDef.Create("control.opaque_storage_background", false, CVar.CLIENTONLY | CVar.ARCHIVE);
- /*
- */
- ///
- /// If a server update restart is pending, the delay after the last player leaves before we actually restart. In seconds.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef UpdateRestartDelay =
- CVarDef.Create("update.restart_delay", 20f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Ghost
- */
- ///
- /// The time you must spend reading the rules, before the "Request" button is enabled
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef GhostRoleTime =
- CVarDef.Create("ghost.role_time", 3f, CVar.REPLICATED | CVar.SERVER);
- ///
- /// If ghost role lotteries should be made near-instanteous.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef GhostQuickLottery =
- CVarDef.Create("ghost.quick_lottery", false, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether or not to kill the player's mob on ghosting, when it is in a critical health state.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef GhostKillCrit =
- CVarDef.Create("ghost.kill_crit", true, CVar.REPLICATED | CVar.SERVER);
- /*
- * Fire alarm
- */
- ///
- /// If fire alarms should have all access, or if activating/resetting these
- /// should be restricted to what is dictated on a player's access card.
- /// Defaults to true.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef FireAlarmAllAccess =
- CVarDef.Create("firealarm.allaccess", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- */
- ///
- /// Time between play time autosaves, in seconds.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef
- PlayTimeSaveInterval = CVarDef.Create("playtime.save_interval", 900f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- */
- ///
- /// Link to Discord server to show in the launcher.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef InfoLinksDiscord =
- CVarDef.Create("infolinks.discord", "", CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Link to website to show in the launcher.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef InfoLinksForum =
- CVarDef.Create("", "", CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Link to GitHub page to show in the launcher.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef InfoLinksGithub =
- CVarDef.Create("infolinks.github", "", CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Link to website to show in the launcher.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef InfoLinksWebsite =
- CVarDef.Create("", "", CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Link to wiki to show in the launcher.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef InfoLinksWiki =
- CVarDef.Create("", "", CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Link to Patreon. Not shown in the launcher currently.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef InfoLinksPatreon =
- CVarDef.Create("infolinks.patreon", "", CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Link to the bug report form.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef InfoLinksBugReport =
- CVarDef.Create("infolinks.bug_report", "", CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// Link to site handling ban appeals. Shown in ban disconnect messages.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef InfoLinksAppeal =
- CVarDef.Create("infolinks.appeal", "", CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED); //ADT-Tweak: Ссылка на обжалование
- /*
- */
- // These are server-only for now since I don't foresee a client use yet,
- // and I don't wanna have to start coming up with like .client suffixes and stuff like that.
- ///
- /// Configuration presets to load during startup.
- /// Multiple presets can be separated by comma and are loaded in order.
- ///
- ///
- /// Loaded presets must be located under the ConfigPresets/ resource directory and end with the .toml extension.
- /// Only the file name (without extension) must be given for this variable.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ConfigPresets =
- CVarDef.Create("config.presets", "", CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether to load the preset development CVars.
- /// This disables some things like lobby to make development easier.
- /// Even when true, these are only loaded if the game is compiled with DEVELOPMENT set.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ConfigPresetDevelopment =
- CVarDef.Create("config.preset_development", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Whether to load the preset debug CVars.
- /// Even when true, these are only loaded if the game is compiled with DEBUG set.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ConfigPresetDebug =
- CVarDef.Create("config.preset_debug", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * World Generation
- */
- ///
- /// Whether or not world generation is enabled.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef WorldgenEnabled =
- CVarDef.Create("worldgen.enabled", false, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// The worldgen config to use.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef WorldgenConfig =
- CVarDef.Create("worldgen.worldgen_config", "Default", CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// The maximum amount of time the entity GC can process, in ms.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef GCMaximumTimeMs =
- CVarDef.Create("entgc.maximum_time_ms", 5, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Replays
- */
- ///
- /// Whether or not to record admin chat. If replays are being publicly distributes, this should probably be
- /// false.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ReplayRecordAdminChat =
- CVarDef.Create("replay.record_admin_chat", false, CVar.ARCHIVE);
- ///
- /// Automatically record full rounds as replays.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ReplayAutoRecord =
- CVarDef.Create("replay.auto_record", false, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// The file name to record automatic replays to. The path is relative to .
- ///
- ///
- ///
- /// If the path includes slashes, directories will be automatically created if necessary.
- ///
- ///
- /// A number of substitutions can be used to automatically fill in the file name: {year}, {month}, {day}, {hour}, {minute}, {round}.
- ///
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ReplayAutoRecordName =
- CVarDef.Create("replay.auto_record_name", "{year}_{month}_{day}-{hour}_{minute}-round_{round}.zip", CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Path that, if provided, automatic replays are initially recorded in.
- /// When the recording is done, the file is moved into its final destination.
- /// Unless this path is rooted, it will be relative to .
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ReplayAutoRecordTempDir =
- CVarDef.Create("replay.auto_record_temp_dir", "", CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- * Miscellaneous
- */
- public static readonly CVarDef GatewayGeneratorEnabled =
- CVarDef.Create("gateway.generator_enabled", true);
- // Clippy!
- public static readonly CVarDef TippyEntity =
- CVarDef.Create("tippy.entity", "Tippy", CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED);
- ///
- /// The number of seconds that must pass for a single entity to be able to point at something again.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef PointingCooldownSeconds =
- CVarDef.Create("pointing.cooldown_seconds", 0.5f, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- /*
- */
- ///
- /// A simple toggle to test OptionsVisualizerComponent.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef DebugOptionVisualizerTest =
- CVarDef.Create("debug.option_visualizer_test", false, CVar.CLIENTONLY);
- ///
- /// Set to true to disable parallel processing in the pow3r solver.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef DebugPow3rDisableParallel =
- CVarDef.Create("debug.pow3r_disable_parallel", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- }
-/// Contains all the CVars used by content.
-/// NOTICE FOR FORKS: Put your own CVars in a separate file with a different [CVarDefs] attribute. RT will automatically pick up on it.
-public sealed partial class CCVars : CVars
- // Only debug stuff lives here.
- ///
- /// A simple toggle to test OptionsVisualizerComponent.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef DebugOptionVisualizerTest =
- CVarDef.Create("debug.option_visualizer_test", false, CVar.CLIENTONLY);
- ///
- /// Set to true to disable parallel processing in the pow3r solver.
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef DebugPow3rDisableParallel =
- CVarDef.Create("debug.pow3r_disable_parallel", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);