Run website (project: UmbracoTenDemoSite.Web, launchSettings: Umbraco.Web.UI)
Add admin login and choose database setup.
In Settings section of the backoffice, select uSync and import all.
In Settings section rebuild examine indexes.
Goto Content section and refresh browser or stop debugging and restart. Now the frontend should appear.
Move connectionString from appsettings.json into user-secrets:
- Open terminal window for UmbracoTenDemoSite.Web
- Now set the values for "ConnectionStrings:umbracoDbDSN" and "ConnectionStrings:umbracoDbDSN_ProviderName" accorting to appsettings.json e.g. for sqlite:
- dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings:umbracoDbDSN" "Data Source=|DataDirectory|/Umbraco.sqlite.db;Cache=Shared;Foreign Keys=True;Pooling=True"
- dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings:umbracoDbDSN_ProviderName" "Microsoft.Data.Sqlite"
Now you can remove the ConnectionStrings section from appsettings.json or just undo the changes with git.
- Create new Umbraco 10rc5 site with sqlite db, build and run.
- Added projects as in UmbracoNineDemoSite with v10rc5 dependencies.
- Copied project .cs files from UmbracoNineDemoSite.
- Build error in .Core project related to: IContentFinder
- ProductsContentFinder.cs: IContentFinder.TryFindContent(IPublishedRequestBuilder request) now retuns Task instead of bool.
- UmbracoContentComposer.cs: UmbracoContextIndex_TransformingIndexValues uses e.ValueSet.Set(), but in Examine 3 ValueSet.Values are of type IReadOnlyDictionary and cannot be set.
- Add Modelsbuilder configuration to appsettings.json and appsettings.Development.json.
- Copy usync files from UmbracoTenDemoSite.
- Fix namespaces (replace UmbracoNineDemoSite by UmbracoTenDemoSite)
- Import everthing, export everything without issues.
- Generate Models
- Add .Core project reference to .Web project.
- Fix missing templates (usync does not import them correctly?). Copy wwwroot (without Umbraco folder) and view contents from UmbracoNineDemoSite.
- add and fix .Test project.
- ProductsContentFinderTests.cs IContentFinder.TryFindContent is async in v10.
Just update NuGet packages in the following order:
- Umbraco.Cms.Web.Website
- Umbraco.Cms
- uSync.Core
- uSync
- Same as Upgrade from 10.0.0-rc5 to 10.0.0, but unistall uSync and uSync.Core before installing uSync version 10.3.2
- Export all in uSync
- ModelsBuilder generate models