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@@ -45,27 +45,27 @@ Spoléháte-li se však na servery DNS pouze při filtrování provozu DNS, ztr
-In AdGuard for iOS, first you have to enable *Advanced mode* in settings in order to get access to DNS blocking.
+V aplikaci AdGuard pro iOS musíte nejprve v nastavení povolit *Pokročilý režim*, abyste získali přístup k DNS blokování.
-You can add as many custom blocklists as you wish. For instance, you can use [AdGuard DNS filter](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardSDNSFilter). It quite literally blocks everything that AdGuard DNS server does, but in this case you are free to use any other DNS server. Plus, this way you can add more filters or create custom exception rules, all of which would be impossible with a simple "use a blocking DNS server" setup.
+Můžete přidat libovolný počet vlastních seznamů zakázaných. Můžete např. použít [filtr AdGuard DNS](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardSDNSFilter). Doslova blokuje vše, co dělá server AdGuard DNS, ale v tomto případě můžete použít jakýkoli jiný server DNS. Navíc tímto způsobem můžete přidávat další filtry nebo vytvářet vlastní pravidla výjimek, což by při jednoduchém "použití DNS serveru zakázaných" nebylo možné.
-There are hundreds of different DNS blocklists, you can look for them [here](https://filterlists.com/).
+Existují stovky různých DNS seznamů zakázaných, můžete je hledat [zde](https://filterlists.com/).
## DNS filtrování vs. filtrování sítě
-Network filtering is what we call the 'regular' way AdGuard standalone apps process network traffic, hence the name. Feel free to brush up on it by reading [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/general/ad-filtering/how-ad-blocking-works/).
+Filtrování sítě je to, čemu říkáme 'obvyklý' způsob, jakým samostatné aplikace AdGuard zpracovávají síťový provoz, odtud i název. Klidně si to osvěžte přečtením [tohoto článku](https://adguard.com/kb/general/ad-filtering/how-ad-blocking-works/).
-First of all, we have to mention that with AdGuard you don't have to choose. You can always use both regular network filtering and DNS filtering at the same time. However, it's important to understand key differences between the two. DNS filtering has both its unique advantages and drawbacks:
+Především musíme zmínit, že s AdGuardem si nemusíte vybírat. Vždy můžete současně používat běžné filtrování sítě i DNS filtrování. Je však důležité pochopit hlavní rozdíly mezi nimi. DNS filtrování má své jedinečné výhody i nevýhody:
-**Pros of DNS filtering:**
+**Výhody DNS filtrování:**
1. Na některých platformách je to jediný způsob, jak dosáhnout filtrování v celém systému. Například v systému iOS podporuje blokování obsahu ve známém smyslu pouze prohlížeč Safari, u všech ostatních je k dispozici pouze DNS filtrování.
1. Některé formy sledování (jako je [sledování se skrytým jménem CNAME](https://adguard.com/blog/cname-tracking.html)) lze řešit pouze pomocí DNS filtrování.
1. Fáze zpracování DNS požadavku je první, kterou byste mohli řešit s reklamou nebo slídičem, což pomáhá ušetřit trochu výdrže baterie a datového provozu.
-**Cons of DNS filtering:**
+**Nevýhody DNS filtrování:**
1. DNS filtrování je "hrubé", což znamená, že neodstraňuje prázdná místa, která zůstávají za blokovanou reklamou, ani nepoužívá žádné kosmetické filtrování. Mnoho složitějších reklam nelze zablokovat na úrovni DNS (respektive lze, ale pouze zablokováním celých domén, které se používají k jiným účelům).
@@ -73,4 +73,4 @@ First of all, we have to mention that with AdGuard you don't have to choose. You
1. Není možné zjistit původ DNS požadavku, což znamená, že nelze rozlišovat mezi různými aplikacemi na úrovni DNS. To negativně ovlivňuje statistiky a znemožňuje vytváření pravidel filtrování pro konkrétní aplikace.
-We recommend using DNS filtering in addition to network filtering, not instead of it, whenever possible.
+Doporučujeme používat DNS filtrování jako doplněk k filtrování sítě, nikoli místo něj.
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@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ Přísnější zásady filtrování s blokováním - reklamy, marketing, sledov
| --------------- | ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS skrze HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Přidat do AdGuardu](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS skrze TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Přidat do AdGuardu](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) je bezplatný, suverénní rekurzivní DNS řešitel v souladu s GDPR se silným zaměřením na bezpečnost s cílem chránit občany a organizace Evropské unie.
+| Protokol | Adresa | |
+| --------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Přidat do AdGuardu](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Přidat do AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS skrze HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Přidat do AdGuardu](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Přidat do AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS skrze TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to Přidat do AdGuardu](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Přidat do AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS skrze QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Přidat do AdGuardu](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Přidat do AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
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@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ slug: /
## Co je DNS?
DNS je zkratka pro "Domain name system" a jeho účelem je převádět názvy webových stránek na IP adresy. Pokaždé, když přejdete na webovou stránku, odešle prohlížeč DNS dotaz na server DNS, aby zjistil IP adresu webové stránky. A běžný DNS řešitel jednoduše vrátí IP adresu požadované domény.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS je jednou z nejvíce, na soukromí orientovaných služeb DNS na trh
Přibližně 75 % datového provozu AdGuard DNS je šifrováno. Tím se vlastně DNS servery blokující obsah liší od ostatních. Pokud se podíváte na statistiky CloudFlare nebo Quad9, zjistíte, že šifrované DNS tvoří jen malý podíl všech dotazů.
-AdGuard DNS existuje ve dvou hlavních formách: [veřejný AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) a [soukromý AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Obě tyto služby nevyžadují instalaci žádné aplikace. Snadno se nastavují a používají a poskytují uživatelům minimum funkcí potřebných k blokování reklam, slídičů, škodlivých webových stránek a obsahu pro dospělé (pokud je vyžadováno). Neexistují žádná omezení, s jakými zařízeními je lze používat.
+AdGuard DNS existuje ve dvou hlavních formách: [veřejný AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) a [soukromý AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Obě tyto služby nevyžadují instalaci žádné aplikace. Snadno se nastavují a používají a poskytují uživatelům minimum funkcí potřebných k blokování reklam, slídičů, škodlivých webových stránek a obsahu pro dospělé (pokud je vyžadováno). Neexistují žádná omezení, s jakými zařízeními je lze používat.
Navzdory mnoha podobnostem jsou soukromý AdGuard DNS a veřejný AdGuard DNS dvě různé služby. Hlavní rozdíl spočívá v tom, že soukromý AdGuard DNS si můžete přizpůsobit, zatímco veřejný AdGuard DNS nikoli.
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@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Mezi typy zabezpečených DNS patří `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (Do
Chcete-li vyplnit pole **hash certifikátu** serveru, můžete použít následující příkaz, kterým nahradíte ``, `` a `` odpovídajícími hodnotami pro váš DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Uveďme si příklad vytvoření razítka pro AdGuard DNS pomocí DoT:
- **Hash**: Proveďte příkaz
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- Výsledek je `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Do pole vložte tento hash SHA256 certifikátu serveru.
+ Výsledek je `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Tento hash SHA256 certifikátu serveru vložte do pole.
4. Sekci Vlastnosti ponechte prázdnou.
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@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Rychlý odkaz: [Vyzkoušet AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## Co je soukromý AdGuard DNS?
-Soukromý AdGuard DNS je DNS server, který kromě výhod veřejného DNS serveru (jako je šifrování provozu a seznamy zakázaných domén) poskytuje funkce, jako je flexibilní přizpůsobení, statistiky DNS a rodičovská kontrola a lze jej snadno spravovat pomocí praktického ovládacího panelu.
+Kromě výhod veřejného DNS serveru (jako je šifrování provozu a seznamy blokovaných domén) poskytuje Soukromý AdGuard DNS funkce, jako je flexibilní přizpůsobení, statistiky DNS a rodičovská ochrana a lze ho snadno spravovat pomocí praktického ovládacího panelu.
## Proč potřebujete soukromý AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Zde je jednoduché srovnání funkcí dostupných ve veřejných serverech AdGua
- Linux
- Routery
- Herní konzole
+- Chytré TV
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ Pro chvíle, kdy předinstalované *seznamy zakázaných* s tisíci pravidly nes
### Statistiky
-Na kartě "Statistiky" můžete zobrazit všechny souhrnné statistiky DNS dotazů provedených zařízeními připojenými k vašemu soukromému AdGuard DNS. Zobrazuje celkový počet a zeměpisnou polohu požadavků, počet zablokovaných požadavků, seznam společností, kterým byly požadavky adresovány, typy požadavků a nejžádanější domény.
+Na kartě *Statistiky* můžete zobrazit všechny souhrnné statistiky DNS dotazů provedených zařízeními připojenými k vašemu soukromému AdGuard DNS. Zobrazuje celkový počet a zeměpisnou polohu požadavků, počet zablokovaných požadavků, seznam společností, kterým byly požadavky adresovány, typy požadavků a nejžádanější domény.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Používání vedle služby iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+Pokud používáte službu iCloud Private Relay, zobrazí se na hlavním panelu AdGuard DNS (a související [testovací stránce AdGuardu](https://adguard.com/test.html)) informace, že v daném zařízení nepoužíváte AdGuard DNS.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+Chcete-li tento problém vyřešit, musíte v nastavení zařízení povolit, aby webové stránky AdGuardu viděly vaši IP adresu.
+- Na iPhonu nebo iPadu:
+ 1. Přejděte na `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Klepněte na tlačítko **Nastavení stránky** a potom klepněte na **Zobrazit IP adresu**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Opakujte pro `adguard.com`
+- Na Macu:
+ 1. Přejděte na `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. V Safari vyberte **Zobrazit** → **Znovu načíst a zobrazit IP adresu**
+ 1. Opakujte pro `adguard.com`
+Pokud se vám nezobrazuje možnost dočasně povolit webové stránce zobrazit vaši IP adresu, aktualizujte zařízení na nejnovější verzi iOS, iPadOS nebo macOS a zkuste to znovu.
+Nyní by se vaše zařízení mělo správně zobrazit na ovládacím panelu AdGuard DNS:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Nezapomeňte, že jakmile vypnete funkci Private Relay pro určitou webovou stránku, váš poskytovatel sítě bude také schopen zjistit, které stránky prohlížíte.
diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
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+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
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@@ -45,27 +45,27 @@ Ved kun at stole på DNS-servere til at filtrere DNS-trafik, mister man imidlert
-In AdGuard for iOS, first you have to enable *Advanced mode* in settings in order to get access to DNS blocking.
+I AdGuard til iOS skal *Avanceret tilstand* først aktiveres i indstillingerne for at få adgang til DNS-blokering.
-You can add as many custom blocklists as you wish. For instance, you can use [AdGuard DNS filter](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardSDNSFilter). It quite literally blocks everything that AdGuard DNS server does, but in this case you are free to use any other DNS server. Plus, this way you can add more filters or create custom exception rules, all of which would be impossible with a simple "use a blocking DNS server" setup.
+Så mange tilpassede sortlister som ønsket kan tilføjes. Man kan f.eks. bruge [AdGuard DNS-filter](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardSDNSFilter). Det blokerer bogstaveligt talt alt, hvad en AdGuard DNS-server gør, men samtidig kan enhver anden DNS-server frit anvendes. På denne måde kan der også tilføjes flere filtre eller oprettes tilpassede undtagelsesregler, hvilket vil være umuligt med en simpel "brug en blokerende DNS-server"-opsætning.
-There are hundreds of different DNS blocklists, you can look for them [here](https://filterlists.com/).
+Der er hundredvis af forskellige DNS-sortlister, som kan tjekkes ud [hér](https://filterlists.com/).
## DNS-filtrering contra netværksfiltrering
-Network filtering is what we call the 'regular' way AdGuard standalone apps process network traffic, hence the name. Feel free to brush up on it by reading [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/general/ad-filtering/how-ad-blocking-works/).
+Netværksfiltrering er, hvad vi kalder, den 'almindelige' måde, som enkeltstående AdGuard apps behandler netværkstrafik på, heraf navnet. Opfrisk evt. videnen herom ved at læse [denne artikel](https://adguard.com/kb/general/ad-filtering/how-ad-blocking-works/).
-First of all, we have to mention that with AdGuard you don't have to choose. You can always use both regular network filtering and DNS filtering at the same time. However, it's important to understand key differences between the two. DNS filtering has both its unique advantages and drawbacks:
+Først og fremmest skal nævnes, at man med AdGuard ikke behøver at vælge. Både alm. netværksfiltrering og DNS-filtrering kan altid anvendes sideløbende. Det er dog vigtigt at forstå de vigtigste forskelle de to imellem. DNS-filtrering har både sine unikke fordele og ulemper:
-**Pros of DNS filtering:**
+**Fordele ved DNS-filtrering:**
1. På visse platforme er dette den eneste måde at opnå systemniveaufiltrering på. iOS understøtter f.eks. kun indholdsblokering i vanlig forstand i Safari-browseren, for alt andet findes kun DNS-filtrering.
1. Visse former for sporing (såsom [CNAME-tilsløret sporing](https://adguard.com/blog/cname-tracking.html)) kan kun imødegås vha. DNS-filtrering.
1. Stadiet, hvor en DNS-forespørgsel behandles, er det tidligste, man overhovedet kan imødegå en annonce eller tracker, hvilket medvirker til at spare en lille smule batteristrøm og trafik.
-**Cons of DNS filtering:**
+**Ulemper ved DNS-filtrering:**
1. DNS-filtrering er "grov", dvs., at den hverken fjerner tomme felter efterladt fra en blokeret annonce eller anvender nogen form for kosmetisk filtrering. Mange af de mere komplicerede annoncer kan ikke blokeres på DNS-niveau (eller rettere sagt, det kan de, men kun ved at blokere hele domænet, der muligvis også bruges til andre formål).
@@ -73,4 +73,4 @@ First of all, we have to mention that with AdGuard you don't have to choose. You
1. Oprindelsen af en DNS-forespørgsel ikke kan fastslås, hvorfor der på DNS-niveau ikke kan skelnes mellem forskellige apps. Dette påvirker statistikken negativt og umuliggør oprettelse af app-specifikke filtreringsregler.
-We recommend using DNS filtering in addition to network filtering, not instead of it, whenever possible.
+Brug af DNS-filtrering anbefales i tillæg til netværksfiltrering, ikke i stedet for, når dette er muligt.
diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
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@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ Mere strikse filtreringspolitikker med blokering — annoncer, marketing, tracke
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Føj til AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Føj til AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) er en gratis, suveræn og GDPR-kompatibel rekursiv DNS-opløser med et stærkt fokus på sikkerhed for at beskytte borgerne og organisationerne i EU.
+| Protokol | Adresse | |
+| -------------- | ------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` og `` | [Føj til AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Føj til AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Føj til AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Føj til AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Føj til AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Føj til AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Føj til AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Føj til AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
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@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ slug: /
## Hvad er DNS?
DNS står for "Domain Name System", hvis formål er at konvertere websteders navne til IP-adresser. Hver gang man går til et websted, sender browseren en DNS-forespørgsel til en DNS-server for at få oplyst webstedets IP-adresse. En alm. DNS-opløser returnerer blot IP-adressen på det anmodede domæne.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS er en af de mest fortrolighedsorienterede DNS-tjenester på markedet
Ca. 75% af AdGuard DNS-trafik er krypteret. Det er faktisk dét, der adskiller indholdsblokerende DNS-servere fra de øvrige. Ved at kigge på statistikkerne fra CloudFlare eller Quad9 kan man se, at krypteret DNS kun udgør en lille del af samtlige forespørgsler.
-AdGuard DNS findes i to varianter: [Public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) og [Private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Ingen af disse tjenester kræver installation af apps. De er nemme at opsætte og anvende, og de giver brugerne det minimum af funktioner, som kræves for at blokere annoncer, trackere, ondsindede websteder og, om ønsket, voksenindhold. Der er ingen begrænsninger af, med hvilke enheder de kan bruges.
+AdGuard DNS findes i to varianter: [Public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) og [Private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Ingen af disse tjenester kræver installation af apps. De er nemme at opsætte og anvende, og de giver brugerne det minimum af funktioner, som kræves for at blokere annoncer, trackere, ondsindede websteder og, om ønsket, voksenindhold. Der er ingen begrænsninger af, med hvilke enheder de kan bruges.
Trods mange ligheder, så er Private AdGuard DNS og Public AdGuard DNS to forskellige tjenestevarianter. Deres største forskel er, at Private AdGuard DNS kan tilpasses, mens Public AdGuard DNS ikke kan.
diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
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@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Typer af Sikker DNS inkluderer `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`og `
For at udfylde **hash'ene for serverens certifikat**-felt kan flg. kommando bruges, hvor ``, ``og `` erstattes med de korresponderende værdier for din DNS-server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servernavn 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Lad os se på et eksempel på oprettelsen af et stempel til AdGuard DNS vha. DoT
- **Hashes**: Eksekvér kommandoen
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- Resultatet er `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Indsæt denne SHA256-hash af serverens certificat i feltet.
+ Resultatet er `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Indsæt denne SHA256-hash af serverens certifikat i feltet.
4. Lad afsnittet Egenskaber stå tomt.
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@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Hurtigt link: [Prøv AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## Hvad er Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS er en DNS-server, der ud over fordelene ved en offentlig DNS-server (såsom trafikkryptering og domænesortlister) leverer funktioner såsom fleksibel tilpasning, DNS-statistik og forældrekontrol samt nem håndtering via et praktisk kontrolpanel.
+Ud over fordelene ved en offentlig DNS-server (såsom trafikkryptering og domæneblokeringslister) tilbyder Private AdGuard DNS funktioner såsom fleksibel tilpasning, DNS-statistik og forældrekontrol samt er nem at håndtere via et praktisk kontrolpanel.
## Hvorfor man behøver Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Her er en simpel sammenligning af funktioner tilgængelige i Public AdGuard DNS-
- Linux
- Routere
- Spillekonsoller
+- Smart TV'er
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ Til situationer, hvor præinstallerede *Sortlister* med tusindvis af regler ikke
### Statistikker
-På fanen "Statistik" fremgår alle de opsummerede statistikker om DNS-forespørgsler foretaget af enheder tilsluttet Private AdGuard DNS. Den viser det samlede antal samt geografi for forespørgsler, antallet af blokerede forespørgsler, en liste over virksomhederne, som var målene for forespørgslerne, forespørgselstyper og hyppigst forespurgte domæner.
+På fanen *Statistik* fremgår alle de opsummerede statistikker om DNS-forespørgsler foretaget af enheder tilsluttet Private AdGuard DNS. Den viser det samlede antal samt geografi for forespørgsler, antallet af blokerede forespørgsler, en liste over virksomhederne, som var målene for forespørgslerne, forespørgselstyper og hyppigst forespurgte domæner.
![Private AdGuard DNS-kontrolpanel, statistikker](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Anvendelse sammen med iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+Når iCloud Private Relay anvendes, vil AdGuard DNS-kontrolpanelet (og den tilknyttede [AdGuard-testside](https://adguard.com/test.html)) vise, at der ikke anvendes AdGuard DNS på den pågældende enhed.
+![Enhed er ikke tilsluttet](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+For at løse dette problem, tillad via enhedens indstillinger, at AdGuard-websteder kan se din IP-adresse.
+- iPhone eller iPad:
+ 1. Gå til `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tryk på knappen **Sideindstillinger**, og tryk dernæst på **Vis IP-adresse**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay-indstillinger *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Gentag for `adguard.com`
+- Mac:
+ 1. Gå til `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. I Safari vælges **Vis** → **Genindlæs og vis IP-adresse**
+ 1. Gentag for `adguard.com`
+Findes muligheden for midlertidigt at tillade et websted at se din IP-adresse ikke, så opdatér enheden til seneste version af iOS, iPadOS eller macOS, og forsøg dernæst igen.
+Nu skulle enheden blive vist korrekt i AdGuard DNS-kontrolpanelet:
+![Enhed er tilsluttet](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Husk på, at når Private Relay slås fra for et bestemt websted, vil netværksudbyderen også være i stand til at se, hvilket websted, der besøges.
diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/public-dns/solving-problems/how-to-flush-dns-cache.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/public-dns/solving-problems/how-to-flush-dns-cache.md
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@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ En anden mulighed er at nulstille enhedens netværksindstillingerne via Indstill
-Bemærk: Ved at gøre dette, mistes alle forbindelser til Wi-Fi routere samt øvrige specifikke netværksindstillinger, inkl. DNS-servertilpasninger. Man bliver nødt til at genopsætte dem manuelt.
+Bemærk: Ved at gøre dette, mistes alle forbindelser til Wi-Fi routere samt øvrige specifikke netværksindstillinger, inkl. DNS-servertilpasninger. Man bliver nødt til at nulstille dem manuelt.
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@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ Strengere Filterrichtlinien mit Sperrung von Werbung, Marketing, Tracking, Malwa
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Zu AdGuard hinzufügen](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Zu AdGuard hinzufügen](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Protokoll | Adresse | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
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@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## Was bedeutet DNS?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. Und ein normaler DNS-Auflösungsdienst liefert einfach die IP-Adresse der angeforderten Domain.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. Und ein normaler DNS-Auflösungsdienst liefert einfach die IP-Adresse der angeforderten Domain.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
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@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
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@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Here is a simple comparison of features available in Public AdGuard DNS and Priv
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index 006832126..d2692811a 100644
--- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ Políticas de filtrado más estrictas con bloqueo: anuncios, marketing, seguimie
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| DNS mediante HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Añadir a AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS mediante TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Añadir a AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Protocolo | Dirección | |
+| ------------------ | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS mediante HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS mediante TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index fc0f97229..24f8995c8 100644
--- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## ¿Qué es un DNS?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index 1258dc469..a5333d39b 100644
--- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-DNS Privado de AdGuard es un servidor DNS que, además de los beneficios de un servidor DNS público (como el cifrado de tráfico y las listas de bloqueo de dominios), proporciona características como personalización flexible, estadísticas de DNS y control parental y se administra fácilmente a través de un práctico panel de control.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Aquí hay una comparación simple de las características disponibles en los ser
- Linux
- Roteadores
- Consolas de videojuegos
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index e560081e0..30aaf7a64 100644
--- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ More strictly filtering policies with blocking - ads, marketing, tracking, malwa
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Protocol | Address | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index cdf86e485..d65cc8001 100644
--- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## What is DNS?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index 596d0eb3b..01f18b072 100644
--- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Here is a simple comparison of features available in Public AdGuard DNS and Priv
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index 076c1a2c9..a365bb486 100644
--- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ Politiques de filtrage plus strictes qui bloquent les publicités, le marketing,
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Ajouter à AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Ajouter à AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Protocole | Adresse | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index 3ba2c2032..a34409a50 100644
--- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## Qu'est-ce que le DNS ?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index f911d1197..892a5da95 100644
--- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-AdGuard DNS privé est un serveur DNS qui, en plus des avantages d'un serveur DNS public (tels que le cryptage du trafic et les listes de blocage de domaine), fournit des fonctionnalités comme la personnalisation flexible, les statistiques DNS et le contrôle parental, plus il est facilement géré via un tableau de bord pratique.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Voici une simple comparaison des fonctionnalités disponibles dans les serveurs
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index e560081e0..30aaf7a64 100644
--- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ More strictly filtering policies with blocking - ads, marketing, tracking, malwa
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Protocol | Address | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index cdf86e485..d65cc8001 100644
--- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## What is DNS?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index 596d0eb3b..01f18b072 100644
--- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Here is a simple comparison of features available in Public AdGuard DNS and Priv
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index d11ed4b30..462314d4a 100644
--- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ More strictly filtering policies with blocking - ads, marketing, tracking, malwa
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Protocol | Address | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index cdf86e485..d65cc8001 100644
--- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## What is DNS?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index c5a3b134b..8cfb6460c 100644
--- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Here is a simple comparison of features available in Public AdGuard DNS and Priv
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index ff57fad3a..7d4c66ce0 100644
--- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ Non-logging | Filters ads, trackers, phishing,etc | DNSSEC | QNAME Minimization
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [AdGuard に追加する](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [AdGuard に追加する](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| プロトコル | アドレス | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index 10463a180..5f1f59ff3 100644
--- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## 「DNS」とは?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index 2dc970157..64ab3d466 100644
--- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Here is a simple comparison of features available in Public AdGuard DNS and Priv
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index f4da93266..1653e73e5 100644
--- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ More strictly filtering policies with blocking - ads, marketing, tracking, malwa
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [AdGuard에 추가](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [AdGuard에 추가](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| 프로토콜 | 주소 | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index b4027ae03..ccb1494f4 100644
--- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## What is DNS?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. 웹 사이트로 이동할 때마다, 브라우저는 웹 사이트의 IP 주소를 파악하기 위해 DNS 서버에 DNS 쿼리를 전송합니다. 그리고 일반 DNS 클라이언트는 단순히 요청된 도메인의 IP 주소를 반환합니다.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. 웹 사이트로 이동할 때마다, 브라우저는 웹 사이트의 IP 주소를 파악하기 위해 DNS 서버에 DNS 쿼리를 전송합니다. 그리고 일반 DNS 클라이언트는 단순히 요청된 도메인의 IP 주소를 반환합니다.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index 7221937fe..e3379492a 100644
--- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Here is a simple comparison of features available in Public AdGuard DNS and Priv
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-filtering-syntax.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-filtering-syntax.md
index 22fe27bfb..6763e6871 100644
--- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-filtering-syntax.md
+++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-filtering-syntax.md
@@ -7,21 +7,21 @@ toc_max_heading_level: 4
-Here we show you how to write custom DNS filtering rules for use in AdGuard products
+Hier laten we je zien hoe je aangepaste DNS-filterregels schrijft voor gebruik in AdGuard-producten
Snelle links: [AdGuard Advertentieblokker downloaden](https://agrd.io/download-kb-adblock), [AdGuard Home downloaden](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome#getting-started), [AdGuard DNS proberen](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
-## Introduction
+## Introductie
-You can use AdGuard DNS filtering rules syntax to make the rules more flexible, so they can block content according to your preferences. AdGuard DNS filtering rules syntax can be used in different AdGuard products such as AdGuard Home, AdGuard DNS, AdGuard for Windows/Mac/Android.
+Je kunt de syntaxis van AdGuard DNS-filterregels gebruiken om de regels flexibeler te maken, zodat ze inhoud kunnen blokkeren op basis van jouw voorkeuren. De syntaxis van AdGuard DNS-filterregels kan worden gebruikt in verschillende AdGuard-producten zoals AdGuard Home, AdGuard DNS en AdGuard voor Windows/Mac/Android.
-There are three different approaches to writing hosts blocklists:
+Er zijn drie verschillende benaderingen voor het schrijven van blokkeerlijsten voor hosts:
-- [Adblock-style syntax](#adblock-style-syntax): the modern approach to writing filtering rules based on using a subset of the Adblock-style rule syntax. This way blocklists are compatible with browser ad blockers.
+- [Syntaxis in Adblock-stijl](#adblock-style-syntax): de moderne benadering voor het schrijven van filterregels, gebaseerd op het gebruik van een subset van de regelsyntaxis in Adblock-stijl. Op deze manier zijn blokkeerlijsten compatibel met browseradvertentieblokkers.
-- [`/etc/hosts` syntax](#etc-hosts-syntax): the old, tried-and-true approach that uses the same syntax that operating systems do for their hosts files.
+- [`/etc/hosts` syntaxis](#etc-hosts-syntax): de oude, beproefde aanpak die dezelfde syntaxis gebruikt als besturingssystemen voor hun hosts-bestanden.
- [Domains-only syntax](#domains-only-syntax): a simple list of domain names.
diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index 05b659df0..be0ab1fb8 100644
--- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ More strictly filtering policies with blocking - ads, marketing, tracking, malwa
| ------------- | ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-via-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Toevoegen aan AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-via-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Toevoegen aan AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Protocol | Address | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index f14acce0e..1cc4c01ab 100644
--- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ slug: /
## What is DNS?
DNS staat voor "Domain Name System", en heeft tot doel de namen van websites om te zetten in IP-adressen. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS bestaat in twee hoofdvormen: [publieke AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) en [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7078fb673..1b7c692eb 100644
--- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ Het resultaat is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Plak deze SHA256-hash van het servercertificaat in het veld.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index 694483c9b..b8dac2c3b 100644
--- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Snelle link: [AdGuard DNS proberen](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+Naast de voordelen van een openbare DNS-server (zoals verkeersversleuteling en domeinblokkeerlijsten), biedt Private AdGuard DNS functies zoals flexibel maatwerk, DNS-statistieken en ouderlijk toezicht, en wordt het eenvoudig beheerd via een handig dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Here is a simple comparison of features available in Public AdGuard DNS and Priv
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart-TV's
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+Op het tabblad *Statistieken* kun je alle samengevatte statistieken bekijken over DNS-query's gemaakt door apparaten die zijn aangesloten op jouw Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index 72caf479f..a7f0dd712 100644
--- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ Políticas de filtragem mais rigorosas com bloqueio de anúncios, marketing, ras
| --------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS sobre HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Adicionar ao AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS sobre TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Adicionar ao AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Protocolo | Endereço | |
+| --------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS sobre HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS sobre TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-sobre-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index 0526cfaa2..c8b94b799 100644
--- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## O que é DNS?
-DNS significa "Sistema de nomes de domínio" e seu objetivo é converter os nomes dos sites em endereços IP. Cada vez que você acessa um site, seu navegador envia uma consulta DNS a um servidor DNS para descobrir o endereço IP do site. E um resolvedor de DNS regular simplesmente retorna o endereço IP do domínio solicitado.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Cada vez que você acessa um site, seu navegador envia uma consulta DNS a um servidor DNS para descobrir o endereço IP do site. E um resolvedor de DNS regular simplesmente retorna o endereço IP do domínio solicitado.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index 149485e6d..956e21b6b 100644
--- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-O AdGuard DNS Privado é um servidor DNS que, além dos benefícios de um servidor DNS público (como criptografia de tráfego e listas de bloqueio de domínio), oferece recursos como personalização flexível, estatísticas de DNS e controle dos pais e é facilmente gerenciado por meio de um painel prático.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Aqui está uma comparação simples dos recursos disponíveis nos servidores AdG
- Linux
- Roteadores
- Consolas de jogos
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index e0035a1f9..a71668f6c 100644
--- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ DNS-серверы с минимальным логированием/огран
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Добавить в AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Добавить в AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Протокол | Адрес | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index 73de81fe2..73173830f 100644
--- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## Что такое DNS?
-DNS расшифровывается как «cистема доменных имён» (от англ. Domain Name System). Её цель — переводить названия сайтов в IP-адреса. Каждый раз, когда вы заходите на сайт, ваш браузер отправляет запрос на DNS-сервер, чтобы определить IP-адрес сайта. В ответ обычный DNS-резолвер просто возвращает IP-адрес запрошенного домена.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Каждый раз, когда вы заходите на сайт, ваш браузер отправляет запрос на DNS-сервер, чтобы определить IP-адрес сайта. В ответ обычный DNS-резолвер просто возвращает IP-адрес запрошенного домена.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index 78c6a52f1..0efd9effb 100644
--- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Приватный AdGuard DNS — это DNS-сервер, который, помимо преимуществ публичного DNS-сервера (таких как шифрование трафика и возможность добавлять домены в списки блокировки), предоставляет расширенные возможности, в том числе гибкую настройку, статистику DNS-запросов, родительский контроль и лёгкое управление через приборную панель.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
- Linux
- Роутеры
- Игровые консоли
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index e560081e0..30aaf7a64 100644
--- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ More strictly filtering policies with blocking - ads, marketing, tracking, malwa
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Protocol | Address | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index cdf86e485..d65cc8001 100644
--- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## What is DNS?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index 596d0eb3b..01f18b072 100644
--- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Here is a simple comparison of features available in Public AdGuard DNS and Priv
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index e560081e0..30aaf7a64 100644
--- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ More strictly filtering policies with blocking - ads, marketing, tracking, malwa
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Protocol | Address | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index cdf86e485..d65cc8001 100644
--- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## What is DNS?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index 596d0eb3b..01f18b072 100644
--- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Here is a simple comparison of features available in Public AdGuard DNS and Priv
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index 1209a8d7e..968a49f90 100644
--- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ More strictly filtering policies with blocking - ads, marketing, tracking, malwa
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Dodaj u AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Dodaj u AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Protokol | Adresa | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index fbd40e933..2c5ce2b7a 100644
--- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: Početna stranica
## What is DNS?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. Svaki put kada odete na Web lokaciju, vaš pregledač šalje DNS upit DNS serveru da bi provalio IP adresu Web lokacije. A običan DNS razrešivač jednostavno vraća IP adresu zahtevanog domena.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Svaki put kada odete na Web lokaciju, vaš pregledač šalje DNS upit DNS serveru da bi provalio IP adresu Web lokacije. A običan DNS razrešivač jednostavno vraća IP adresu zahtevanog domena.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index 11e01a7cd..30827eb7a 100644
--- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Here is a simple comparison of features available in Public AdGuard DNS and Priv
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/tr/code.json b/i18n/tr/code.json
index cbf69e1f7..ffbb62222 100644
--- a/i18n/tr/code.json
+++ b/i18n/tr/code.json
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
"description": "The ARIA label for the blog pagination"
"theme.blog.paginator.newerEntries": {
- "message": "Newer Entries",
+ "message": "Daha Yeni Girişler",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the newer blog posts page (previous page)"
"theme.blog.paginator.olderEntries": {
- "message": "Older Entries",
+ "message": "Daha Eski Girişler",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the older blog posts page (next page)"
"theme.blog.post.readingTime.plurals": {
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
"description": "The label alongside a tag list"
"theme.blog.post.readMore": {
- "message": "Read More",
+ "message": "Devamını Oku",
"description": "The label used in blog post item excerpts to link to full blog posts"
"theme.blog.post.paginator.navAriaLabel": {
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"description": "The ARIA label for the blog posts pagination"
"theme.blog.post.paginator.newerPost": {
- "message": "Newer Post",
+ "message": "Daha Yeni Gönderi",
"description": "The blog post button label to navigate to the newer/previous post"
"theme.blog.post.paginator.olderPost": {
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} posts\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)"
"theme.blog.tagTitle": {
- "message": "{nPosts} tagged with \"{tagName}\"",
+ "message": "{nPosts} \"{tagName}\" ile etiketlendi",
"description": "The title of the page for a blog tag"
"theme.tags.tagsPageLink": {
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
"description": "The words used to describe by who the page has been last updated"
"theme.lastUpdated.lastUpdatedAtBy": {
- "message": "Last updated{atDate}{byUser}",
+ "message": "Son güncelleme{atDate}{byUser}",
"description": "The sentence used to display when a page has been last updated, and by who"
"theme.navbar.mobileSidebarSecondaryMenu.backButtonLabel": {
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} docs tagged\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)"
"theme.docs.tagDocListPageTitle": {
- "message": "{nDocsTagged} with \"{tagName}\"",
+ "message": "\"{tagName}\" ile {nDocsTagged}",
"description": "The title of the page for a docs tag"
"theme.docs.versionBadge.label": {
diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-filtering-syntax.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-filtering-syntax.md
index 2b2620389..30792b167 100644
--- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-filtering-syntax.md
+++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-filtering-syntax.md
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ Engellenenler listesi oluşturuyorsanız, [Adblock tarzı sözdizimini](#adblock
Bu, tarayıcı reklam engelleyicileri tarafından kullanılan [geleneksel Adblock tarzı][adb] sözdiziminin bir alt kümesidir.
- rule = ["@@"] pattern [ "$" modifiers ]
-modifiers = [modifier0, modifier1[, ...[, modifierN]]]
+ kural = ["@@"] pattern [ "$" modifiers ]
+değiştiriciler = [modifier0, modifier1[, ...[, modifierN]]]
- `pattern`: the hostname mask. Her ana makine adı bu maskeyle eşleştirilir. The pattern can also contain special characters, which are described below.
@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ modifiers = [modifier0, modifier1[, ...[, modifierN]]]
- `||`: herhangi bir alt alan dahil olmak üzere bir ana makine adının başlangıcıyla eşleşir. For instance, `||example.org` matches `example.org` and `test.example.org` but not `testexample.org`.
-- `^`: ayırıcı karakter. Unlike browser ad blocking, there's nothing to separate in a hostname, so the only purpose of this character is to mark the end of the hostname.
+- `^`: ayırıcı karakter. Tarayıcı reklam engellemesinden farklı olarak, ana makine adında ayrılacak hiçbir şey yoktur, dolayısıyla bu karakterin tek amacı ana makine adının sonunu işaretlemektir.
-- `|`: a pointer to the beginning or the end of the hostname. The value depends on the character placement in the mask. For example, the rule `ample.org|` corresponds to `example.org` but not to `example.org.com`. `|example`, `example.org` alan adına karşılık gelir ancak `test.example` alan adına karşılık gelmez.
+- `|`: a pointer to the beginning or the end of the hostname. Değer, maskedeki karakter yerleşimine bağlıdır. For example, the rule `ample.org|` corresponds to `example.org` but not to `example.org.com`. `|example`, `example.org` alan adına karşılık gelir ancak `test.example` alan adına karşılık gelmez.
-### Regular Expressions
+### Düzenli İfadeler
-Kural oluşturmada daha fazla esneklik istiyorsanız, varsayılan basitleştirilmiş eşleme sözdizimi yerine [normal ifade][regexp] kullanabilirsiniz. If you want to use a regular expression, the pattern has to look like this:
+Kural oluşturmada daha fazla esneklik istiyorsanız, varsayılan basitleştirilmiş eşleme sözdizimi yerine [normal ifade][regexp] kullanabilirsiniz. Düzenli bir ifade kullanmak istiyorsanız, kalıp aşağıdaki gibi görünmelidir:
pattern = "/" regexp "/"
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ pattern = "/" regexp "/"
-! This is a comment.
-# This is also a comment.
+! Bu bir yorumdur.
+# Bu da bir yorumdur.
### Kural Değiştiriciler
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ $client=~value1
İstemci adları genellikle boşluklar veya diğer özel karakterler içerir, bu nedenle adı tırnak içine almalısınız. Hem tek hem de çift ASCII tırnak işaretleri desteklenir. Use the backslash (`\`) to escape quotes (`"` and `'`), commas (`,`), and pipes (`|`).
-**NOTE:** When excluding a client, you **must** place `~` outside the quotes.
+**NOT:** Bir istemciyi hariç tutarken, tırnakların dışına `~` işareti **koymalısınız**.
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ $client=~value1
- `||example.org^$client='Frank\'s laptop'`: `example.org` alan adını yalnızca `Frank'in dizüstü bilgisayarı` adlı istemci için engelleyin. Addaki tırnak işaretinin (`'`) kaçınılması gerektiğini unutmayın.
-- `||example.org^$client=~'Mary\'s\, John\'s\, and Boris\'s laptops'`: block `example.org` for everyone except for the client named `Mary's, John's, and Boris's laptops`. Note that comma (`,`) must be escaped as well.
+- `||example.org^$client=~'Mary\'s\, John\'s\, and Boris\'s laptops'`: block `example.org` for everyone except for the client named `Mary's, John's, and Boris's laptops`. Virgülden (`,`) de kaçınılması gerektiğini unutmayın.
- `||example.org^$client=~Mom|~Dad|Kids`: block `example.org` for `Kids`, but not for `Mom` and `Dad`. Bu örnek, bir kuralda birden çok istemcinin nasıl belirtileceğini gösterir.
@@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ Address:
Non-authoritative answer:
example.com canonical name = example.net.
-Name: example.net
+Ad: example.net
Ardından, `CNAME` yeniden yazılır. Bundan sonra, diğer tüm kayıtların değerleri tek bir yanıt olarak toplanır, yani bu:
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ iki `A` kaydıyla bir yanıtla sonuçlanır.
- `||^$dnsrewrite=NOERROR;PTR;example.net.` adds a `PTR`record for reverse DNS. Reverse DNS requests for `` to the DNS server will result in `example.net`.
- **NOTE:** the IP MUST be in reverse order. See [RFC 1035][rfc1035].
+ **NOT:** IP ters sırada OLMALIDIR. See [RFC 1035][rfc1035].
- `||example.com^$dnsrewrite=NOERROR;A;`, `` değerine sahip bir `A` kaydı ekler.
@@ -455,17 +455,17 @@ Her ana makine için aşağıdaki bilgileri içeren tek bir satır bulunmalıdı
IP_address canonical_hostname [aliases...]
-Fields of the entries are separated by any number of space or tab characters. `#` karakterinden satır sonuna kadar olan metin bir yorumdur ve yok sayılır.
+Girdilerin alanları herhangi bir sayıda boşluk veya sekme karakteri ile ayrılır. `#` karakterinden satır sonuna kadar olan metin bir yorumdur ve yok sayılır.
-Hostnames may contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphen-minus signs (`-`), and periods (`.`). They must begin with an alphabetic character and end with an alphanumeric character. Optional aliases provide for name changes, alternate spellings, shorter hostnames, or generic hostnames (for example, `localhost`).
+Hostnames may contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphen-minus signs (`-`), and periods (`.`). They must begin with an alphabetic character and end with an alphanumeric character. İsteğe bağlı takma adlar, ad değişiklikleri, alternatif yazımlar, daha kısa ana makine adları veya genel ana makine adları (örneğin, `localhost`) sağlar.
-# This is a comment
+# Bu bir yorumdur example.org example.info example.com
- example.net # this is also a comment
+ example.net # bu da bir yorumdur
AdGuard Home'da IP adresleri, bu alan adları için DNS sorgularına yanıt vermek için kullanılır. Özel AdGuard DNS'de bu adresler basitçe engellenir.
@@ -477,25 +477,25 @@ Her satırda bir ad olacak şekilde basit bir alan adları listesi.
-# This is a comment
+# Bu bir yorumdur
-example.net # this is also a comment
+example.net # bu da bir yorumdur
If a string is not a valid domain (e.g. `*.example.org`), AdGuard Home will consider it to be an [Adblock-style](#adblock-style-syntax) rule.
## Hostlists Compiler
-If you are maintaining a blocklist and use different sources in it, [Hostlists compiler][hlc] may be useful to you. It is a simple tool that makes it easier to compile a hosts blocklist compatible with AdGuard Home, Private AdGuard DNS or any other AdGuard product with DNS filtering.
+If you are maintaining a blocklist and use different sources in it, [Hostlists compiler][hlc] may be useful to you. AdGuard Home, Özel AdGuard DNS veya DNS filtreli diğer herhangi bir AdGuard ürünü ile uyumlu bir ana makine engel listesi derlemeyi kolaylaştıran basit bir araçtır.
Neler yapabiliyor:
-1. Compile a single blocklist from multiple sources.
+1. Birden fazla kaynaktan tek bir engel listesi derleyin.
2. İhtiyacınız olmayan kuralları hariç tutun.
-3. Cleanup the resulting list: deduplicate, remove invalid rules, and compress the list.
+3. Ortaya çıkan listeyi temizleyin: kopyalarını çıkarın, geçersiz kuralları kaldırın ve listeyi sıkıştırın.
[hlc]: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/HostlistCompiler
diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-filtering.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-filtering.md
index a594c5007..58729c768 100644
--- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-filtering.md
+++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-filtering.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1
DNS filtrelemenin faydalarını keşfetmenin en kolay yolu, AdGuard Reklam Engelleyiciyi kurmak veya AdGuard DNS'i denemektir. DNS'i ağ düzeyinde filtrelemek istiyorsanız, AdGuard Home sizin aracınızdır
-Hızlı bağlantılar: [AdGuard Reklam Engelleyiciyi indir](https://agrd.io/download-kb-adblock), [AdGuard Home'u edin](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome #getting-started), [AdGuard DNS'i dene](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
+Hızlı bağlantılar: [AdGuard Reklam Engelleyiciyi indir](https://agrd.io/download-kb-adblock), [AdGuard Home'u edin](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome#getting-started), [AdGuard DNS'i dene](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ DNS filtrelemeyi daha iyi anlamak için öncelikle “DNS nedir?” sorusunu cev
## DNS nedir?
-DNS, "Alan Adı Sistemi" anlamına gelir ve amacı, sitelerin adlarını tarayıcıların anlayabileceği bir şeye, yani IP adreslerine çevirmektir. Thus, each time you go to a website, your browser sends a request to a special type of server (DNS server). Bu sunucu, istenen alan adına bakar ve karşılık gelen bir IP adresiyle yanıt verir. Çok şematik olarak şu şekilde temsil edilebilir:
+DNS, "Alan Adı Sistemi" anlamına gelir ve amacı, sitelerin adlarını tarayıcıların anlayabileceği bir şeye, yani IP adreslerine çevirmektir. Böylece, bir sitesye her gittiğinizde, tarayıcınız özel bir sunucu türüne (DNS sunucusu) bir istek gönderir. Bu sunucu, istenen alan adına bakar ve karşılık gelen bir IP adresiyle yanıt verir. Çok şematik olarak şu şekilde temsil edilebilir:
![DNS nasıl çalışır](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/kb/DNS_filtering/how_dns_works_en.png)
@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ Aynısı, elbette, yalnızca tarayıcılar için değil, herhangi bir web isteğ
## DNS filtreleme nasıl çalışır?
-DNS filtrelemeyi destekleyen AdGuard uygulamalarından birini kullandığınızda, cihazınız ile DNS sunucusu arasında bir arabellek görevi görür. Tarayıcılarınızın veya uygulamalarınızın göndermek üzere olduğu tüm DNS istekleri önce AdGuard tarafından işlenir. İSS'niz tarafından sağlanan varsayılan DNS sunucusunu kullanıyorsanız, DNS trafiğiniz muhtemelen şifrelenmemiş, gözetlemeye ve ele geçirilmeye karşı savunmasızdır. AdGuard will encrypt all your DNS requests before they leave your device, so that no malefactor could get access to their contents. On top of that, AdGuard can identify requests to ad, tracking, and/or adult domains and redirect them to a "blackhole" instead of forwarding them to the DNS server. More on that [later](#local-dns-blocklists).
+DNS filtrelemeyi destekleyen AdGuard uygulamalarından birini kullandığınızda, cihazınız ile DNS sunucusu arasında bir arabellek görevi görür. Tarayıcılarınızın veya uygulamalarınızın göndermek üzere olduğu tüm DNS istekleri önce AdGuard tarafından işlenir. İSS'niz tarafından sağlanan varsayılan DNS sunucusunu kullanıyorsanız, DNS trafiğiniz muhtemelen şifrelenmemiş, gözetlemeye ve ele geçirilmeye karşı savunmasızdır. AdGuard, tüm DNS isteklerinizi cihazınızdan ayrılmadan önce şifreler, böylece hiçbir kötü niyetli kişi bu isteklerin içeriğine erişemez. Bunun da ötesinde, AdGuard reklam, izleme ve/veya yetişkinlere yönelik alan adlarına gelen istekleri tespit edebilir ve bunları DNS sunucusuna yönlendirmek yerine bir "kara deliğe" yönlendirebilir. More on that [later](#local-dns-blocklists).
![DNS filtreleme nasıl çalışır](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/kb/DNS_filtering/how_dns_filtering_works_en.png)
-DNS filtering is a powerful tool and it's supported by all major AdGuard apps: [AdGuard for Windows](https://adguard.com/adguard-windows/overview.html), [AdGuard for Mac](https://adguard.com/adguard-mac/overview.html), [AdGuard for Android](https://adguard.com/adguard-android/overview.html) and [AdGuard for iOS](https://adguard.com/adguard-ios/overview.html).
+DNS filtreleme güçlü bir araçtır ve tüm büyük AdGuard uygulamaları tarafından desteklenir: [Windows için AdGuard](https://adguard.com/adguard-windows/overview.html), [Mac için AdGuard](https://adguard.com/adguard-mac/overview.html), [Android için AdGuard](https://adguard.com/adguard-android/overview.html) ve [iOS için AdGuard](https://adguard.com/adguard-ios/overview.html).
-DNS filtering can be broken down into two separate functions: to encrypt and reroute DNS traffic to DNS servers, and to block some domains locally by applying DNS blocklists.
+DNS filtreleme iki ayrı işleve ayrılabilir: DNS trafiğini şifrelemek ile DNS sunucularına yeniden yönlendirmek ve DNS engel listelerini uygulayarak bazı alan adlarını yerel olarak engellemek.
### DNS sunucuları
-There are thousands of DNS servers to choose from, and they are all unique in their properties and purposes. Most simply return the IP address of the requested domain, but some have additional functions: they block ad, tracking, adult domains and so on. Günümüzde tüm büyük DNS sunucuları bir veya daha fazla güvenilir şifreleme protokolü kullanmaktadır: DNS-over-HTTPS, DNS-over-TLS. AdGuard also provides a [DNS service](https://adguard-dns.io/), and it was the world's first to offer the very new and promising [DNS-over-QUIC](https://adguard.com/blog/dns-over-quic.html) encryption protocol. AdGuard'ın farklı amaçlar için farklı sunucuları vardır. Bu diyagram, AdGuard engelleme sunucularının nasıl çalıştığını göstermektedir:
+Aralarından seçim yapabileceğiniz binlerce DNS sunucusu vardır ve bunların tümü özellikleri ve amaçları bakımından benzersizdir. Çoğu yalnızca istenen alan adının IP adresini döndürür ancak bazılarının ek işlevleri vardır: reklamları, izlemeyi, yetişkinlere yönelik alan adlarını, vb. engeller. Günümüzde tüm büyük DNS sunucuları bir veya daha fazla güvenilir şifreleme protokolü kullanmaktadır: DNS-over-HTTPS, DNS-over-TLS. AdGuard also provides a [DNS service](https://adguard-dns.io/), and it was the world's first to offer the very new and promising [DNS-over-QUIC](https://adguard.com/blog/dns-over-quic.html) encryption protocol. AdGuard'ın farklı amaçlar için farklı sunucuları vardır. Bu diyagram, AdGuard engelleme sunucularının nasıl çalıştığını göstermektedir:
![AdGuard DNS](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/kb/DNS_filtering/adguard_dns_en.jpg)
@@ -43,34 +43,34 @@ Diğer DNS sağlayıcıları farklı çalışabilir, bu nedenle şu veya bu DNS
Ancak, yalnızca DNS trafiğinizi filtrelemek için DNS sunucularına güvenerek tüm esnekliği kaybedersiniz. Seçilen sunucu bir alan adını engellerse, ona erişemezsiniz. AdGuard ile, DNS trafiğini filtrelemek için belirli bir DNS sunucusunu yapılandırmanız bile gerekmez. Tüm AdGuard ürünleri, basit ana makine dosyaları veya [daha gelişmiş söz dizimi](dns-filtering-syntax.md) kullanan listeler olsun, DNS engel listelerini kullanmanıza izin verir. Normal engel listeleri ile benzer şekilde çalışırlar: bir DNS isteği etkin filtre listesindeki kurallardan biriyle eşleştiğinde engellenir. Daha açık olmak gerekirse, bir "kara deliğe" yönlendirilir.
-In AdGuard for iOS, first you have to enable *Advanced mode* in settings in order to get access to DNS blocking.
+iOS için AdGuard'da, DNS engellemeye erişmek için önce ayarlarda *Gelişmiş modu* etkinleştirmeniz gerekir.
-You can add as many custom blocklists as you wish. For instance, you can use [AdGuard DNS filter](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardSDNSFilter). It quite literally blocks everything that AdGuard DNS server does, but in this case you are free to use any other DNS server. Plus, this way you can add more filters or create custom exception rules, all of which would be impossible with a simple "use a blocking DNS server" setup.
+İstediğiniz kadar özel engel listesi ekleyebilirsiniz. Örneğin, [AdGuard DNS filtresini](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardSDNSFilter) kullanabilirsiniz. AdGuard DNS sunucusunun yaptığı her şeyi tam anlamıyla engeller, ancak bu durumda başka herhangi bir DNS sunucusunu kullanmakta özgürsünüz. Ayrıca, bu şekilde daha fazla filtre ekleyebilir veya özel istisna kuralları oluşturabilirsiniz; bunların tümü basit bir "engelleyici bir DNS sunucusu kullanın" ayarıyla imkansız olacaktır.
-There are hundreds of different DNS blocklists, you can look for them [here](https://filterlists.com/).
+Yüzlerce farklı DNS engelleme listesi vardır, bunlara [buradan](https://filterlists.com/) bakabilirsiniz.
## DNS filtreleme ile ağ filtreleme karşılaştırması
-Network filtering is what we call the 'regular' way AdGuard standalone apps process network traffic, hence the name. Feel free to brush up on it by reading [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/general/ad-filtering/how-ad-blocking-works/).
+Ağ filtreleme, AdGuard bağımsız uygulamalarının ağ trafiğini işlemesinin 'normal' yolu olarak adlandırdığımız şeydir, dolayısıyla adı da buradan gelmektedir. [bu makaleyi](https://adguard.com/kb/general/ad-filtering/how-ad-blocking-works/)okuyarak bu konuda bilginizi tazelemekten çekinmeyin.
-First of all, we have to mention that with AdGuard you don't have to choose. You can always use both regular network filtering and DNS filtering at the same time. However, it's important to understand key differences between the two. DNS filtering has both its unique advantages and drawbacks:
+Öncelikle şunu belirtmeliyiz ki AdGuard ile seçim yapmak zorunda değilsiniz. Her zaman hem normal ağ filtrelemesini hem de DNS filtrelemesini aynı anda kullanabilirsiniz. Ancak, ikisi arasındaki temel farkları anlamak önemlidir. DNS filtrelemenin hem benzersiz avantajları hem de dezavantajları vardır:
-**Pros of DNS filtering:**
+**DNS filtrelemenin artıları:**
1. Bazı platformlarda, sistem genelinde filtreleme yapmanın tek yolu budur. Örneğin, iOS'ta yalnızca Safari tarayıcısı bilinen anlamda içerik engellemeyi destekler, diğer her şey için yalnızca DNS filtreleme vardır.
1. Some forms of tracking (like [CNAME-cloaked tracking](https://adguard.com/blog/cname-tracking.html)) can only be dealt with by DNS filtering.
1. Bir DNS isteğinin işlenmesi aşaması, bir reklam veya izleyiciyle başa çıkabileceğiniz en erken aşamadır, bu da pil ömründen ve veriden biraz tasarruf etmenize yardımcı olur.
-**Cons of DNS filtering:**
+**DNS filtrelemenin eksileri:**
-1. DNS filtering is "rough", meaning that it won't remove whitespaces that are left behind a blocked ad, or apply any sorts of cosmetic filtering. Many of the more complicated ads can't be blocked on DNS-level (or rather, they can, but only by blocking the entire domains which are being used for other purposes).
+1. DNS filtering is "rough", meaning that it won't remove whitespaces that are left behind a blocked ad, or apply any sorts of cosmetic filtering. Daha karmaşık reklamların çoğu, DNS düzeyinde engellenemez (veya daha doğrusu, yalnızca başka amaçlar için kullanılan tüm alan adlarının engellenmesiyle engellenebilir).
![Example of difference](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/kb/DNS_filtering/dns_diff.jpg) *DNS filtreleme ve ağ filtreleme arasındaki farka bir örnek*
1. Bir DNS isteğinin kaynağını bilmek mümkün değildir; bu, DNS düzeyinde farklı uygulamalar arasında ayrım yapamayacağınız anlamına gelir. Bu, istatistikleri olumsuz etkiler ve uygulamaya özel filtreleme kuralları oluşturmayı imkansız hâle getirir.
-We recommend using DNS filtering in addition to network filtering, not instead of it, whenever possible.
+DNS filtrelemeyi mümkün olduğunca ağ filtrelemenin yerine değil, ona ek olarak kullanmanızı tavsiye ederiz.
diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index cd741de84..2063b9251 100644
--- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Blocks phishing, spam and malicious domains.
[Neustar Recursive DNS](https://www.security.neustar/digital-performance/dns-services/recursive-dns), yerleşik güvenlik ve tehdit istihbaratı ile sitelere ve çevrimiçi uygulamalara hızlı ve güvenilir erişim sağlayan ücretsiz bir bulut tabanlı özyinelemeli DNS hizmetidir.
-#### Reliability & Performance 1
+#### Güvenilirlik ve Performans 1
These servers provide reliable and fast DNS lookups without blocking any specific categories.
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ Bu sunucular reklam engelleme sağlamaz, günlük tutmaz ve DNSSEC'yi etkinleşt
| DNS-over-TLS | Sağlayıcı: `Go6Lab` Ana makine adı: `tls://privacydns.go6lab.si` ve IPv6: `2001:67c:27e4::35` | [AdGuard'a ekle](adguard:add_dns_server?address=tls://privacydns.go6lab.si&name=privacydns.go6lab.si), [AdGuard VPN'e ekle](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://privacydns.go6lab.si&name=privacydns.go6lab.si) |
| DNS-over-TLS | Ana makine adı: `tls://dot.securedns.eu` IP: `` and IPv6: `2a03:b0c0:0:1010::e9a:3001` | [AdGuard'a ekle](adguard:add_dns_server?address=tls://dot.securedns.eu&name=dot.securedns.eu), [AdGuard VPN'e ekle](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://dot.securedns.eu&name=dot.securedns.eu) |
-DNS servers with minimal logging/restrictions. These servers use some logging, self-signed certs or no support for strict mode.
+DNS servers with minimal logging/restrictions. Bu sunucular bazı günlük kaydı, kendinden imzalı sertifikalar kullanır veya katı mod desteği yoktur.
| Protokol | Adres | |
| ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
@@ -1087,9 +1087,9 @@ Daha gelişmiş söz dizimi sayesinde AdGuard DNS'den daha fazla reklam ve köt
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:2501/dns-query` | [AdGuard'a ekle](adguard:add_dns_server?address=https://dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:2501/dns-query&name=dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:2501), [AdGuard VPN'e ekle](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:2501/dns-query&name=dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:2501) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:853` | [AdGuard'a ekle](adguard:add_dns_server?address=tls://dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:853&name=dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:853), [AdGuard VPN'e ekle](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:853&name=dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:853) |
| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:48582` | [AdGuard'a ekle](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:48582&name=dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:48582), [AdGuard VPN'e ekle](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:48582&name=dandelionsprout.asuscomm.com:48582) |
-| DNS, IPv4 | Varies; see link above. | |
-| DNS, IPv6 | Varies; see link above. | |
-| DNSCrypt, IPv4 | Varies; see link above. | |
+| DNS, IPv4 | Değişir; yukarıdaki bağlantıya bakın. | |
+| DNS, IPv6 | Değişir; yukarıdaki bağlantıya bakınız. | |
+| DNSCrypt, IPv4 | Değişir; yukarıdaki bağlantıya bakınız. | |
### OpenBLD.net DNS
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ More strictly filtering policies with blocking - ads, marketing, tracking, malwa
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [AdGuard'a ekle](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [AdGuard'a ekle](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu), Avrupa Birliği vatandaşlarını ve kuruluşlarını korumak için güvenliğe güçlü bir şekilde odaklanan, ücretsiz, egemen ve GDPR uyumlu bir özyinelemeli DNS çözümleyicisidir.
+| Protokol | Adres | |
+| -------------- | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` ve `` | [AdGuard'a ekle](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [AdGuard VPN'e ekle](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [AdGuard'a ekle](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [AdGuard VPN'e ekle](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [AdGuard'a ekle](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [AdGuard VPN'e ekle](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [AdGuard'a ekle](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [AdGuard VPN'e ekle](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
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--- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ slug: /
## DNS nedir?
DNS, "Alan Adı Sistemi" anlamına gelir ve amacı, site adlarını IP adreslerine dönüştürmektir. Bir siteye her gittiğinizde, tarayıcınız sitenin IP adresini bulmak için bir DNS sunucusuna bir DNS sorgusu gönderir. Ve normal bir DNS çözümleyici, istenen alan adının IP adresini döndürür.
@@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ Varsayılan DNS sunucusu genellikle İSS'niz tarafından sağlanır. Bu, İSS'ni
DNS düzeyinde belirli siteleri engelleyebilen DNS sunucuları da vardır. Nasıl çalışırlar? Cihazınız, ister reklam ister izleyici olsun, "kötü" bir istek gönderdiğinde, bir DNS sunucusu engellenen bir alan adı için yönlendirilemeyen bir IP adresiyle yanıt vererek bağlantıyı engeller.
-## Why use DNS for content blocking
+## İçerik engelleme için neden DNS kullanılmalı
Bugünlerde TV'den akıllı ampullere, mobil cihazlardan akıllı otomobile kadar her şey kesinlikle internete bağlı. İnternetin olduğu her yerde reklamlar ve izleyiciler de vardır. Bu durumda, tarayıcı tabanlı bir reklam engelleyicinin yetersiz olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Daha iyi bir koruma elde etmek için DNS'i VPN ve reklam engelleyici ile birlikte kullanın.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS, piyasadaki en gizlilik odaklı DNS hizmetlerinden biridir. DNS-over
AdGuard DNS trafiğinin yaklaşık %75'i şifrelenmiştir. DNS sunucularını engelleyen içeriği diğerlerinden ayıran aslında budur. CloudFlare veya Quad9 istatistiklerine bakarsanız, şifrelenmiş DNS'nin tüm sorguların sadece küçük bir kısmı olduğunu görürsünüz.
-AdGuard DNS iki ana biçimde bulunur: [genel AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) ve [özel AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Bu hizmetlerin her ikisi de herhangi bir uygulama yüklemeyi gerektirmez. Kurulumu ve kullanımı kolaydır ve kullanıcılara reklamları, izleyicileri, kötü amaçlı siteleri ve (gerekirse) yetişkinlere yönelik içeriği engellemek için gereken minimum özellikleri sağlar. Hangi cihazlarla kullanılabileceği konusunda herhangi bir kısıtlama yoktur.
+AdGuard DNS iki ana biçimde mevcuttur: [genel AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) ve [özel AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Bu hizmetlerin her ikisi de herhangi bir uygulama yüklemeyi gerektirmez. Kurulumu ve kullanımı kolaydır ve kullanıcılara reklamları, izleyicileri, kötü amaçlı siteleri ve (gerekirse) yetişkinlere yönelik içeriği engellemek için gereken minimum özellikleri sağlar. Hangi cihazlarla kullanılabileceği konusunda herhangi bir kısıtlama yoktur.
Pek çok benzerliğe rağmen, özel AdGuard DNS ve genel AdGuard DNS iki farklı hizmettir. Temel farkları, özel AdGuard DNS'i özelleştirebilmeniz, ancak genel AdGuard DNS'nin yapamamasıdır.
diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
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--- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Güvenli DNS türleri arasında `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, `
**Sunucunun sertifika karmaları** alanını doldurmak için, ``, `` ve `` ile DNS sunucunuz için karşılık gelen değerleri değiştirerek aşağıdaki komutu kullanabilirsiniz:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ DoT kullanarak AdGuard DNS için bir damga oluşturma örneği üzerinden gideli
- **Karma**: Komutu çalıştırın
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- Sonuç `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Sunucu sertifikasının bu SHA256 karmasını alana yapıştırın.
+ Sonuç `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Sunucu sertifikasının bu SHA256 karmasını alana yapıştırın.
4. Özellikler bölümünü boş bırakın.
diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/api/overview.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/api/overview.md
index 2ca4e9b9c..a260cf872 100644
--- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/api/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/api/overview.md
@@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ Once the access and the refresh tokens are generated, API calls can be made by p
### Referans
-Please see the methods reference [here](private-dns/api/reference.md).
+Lütfen referans yöntemlerine [buradan](private-dns/api/reference.md) bakın.
### OpenAPI özellikleri
OpenAPI specification is available at [https://api.adguard-dns.io/static/swagger/openapi.json][openapi].
-Kullanılabilir API yöntemlerinin listesini görüntülemek için farklı araçlar kullanabilirsiniz. For instance, you can open this file in [https://editor.swagger.io/][swagger].
+Kullanılabilir API yöntemlerinin listesini görüntülemek için farklı araçlar kullanabilirsiniz. Örneğin bu dosyayı [https://editor.swagger.io/][swagger] adresinde açabilirsiniz.
## Geri Bildirim
diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/api/reference.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/api/reference.md
index 11381b808..b85509d35 100644
--- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/api/reference.md
+++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/api/reference.md
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ DNS API belgeleri
##### Özet
-Gets account limits
+Hesap limitlerini alır
##### Yanıtlar
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ Mevcut bir cihazı kimliğe göre alır
##### Parametreler
-| Ad | Konumlandığı yer | Açıklama | Gerekli | Şema |
-| ------------- | ---------------- | -------- | ------- | ---- |
-| cihaz_kimliği | yol | | Evet | dize |
+| Ad | Konumlandığı yer | Açıklama | Gerekli | Şema |
+| ------------- | ---------------- | -------- | ------- | ------ |
+| cihaz_kimliği | yol | | Evet | string |
##### Yanıtlar
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ Mevcut bir cihazı kimliğe göre alır
##### Özet
-Updates an existing device
+Mevcut bir cihazı günceller
##### Parametreler
-| İsim | Konumlandığı yer | Açıklama | Gerekli | Şema |
-| --------- | ---------------- | -------- | ------- | ---- |
-| device_id | yol | | Evet | dize |
+| İsim | Konumlandığı yer | Açıklama | Gerekli | Şema |
+| --------- | ---------------- | -------- | ------- | ------ |
+| device_id | yol | | Evet | string |
##### Yanıtlar
@@ -133,16 +133,16 @@ Gets DNS-over-HTTPS .mobileconfig file.
| İsim | Konumlandığı yer | Açıklama | Gerekli | Şema |
| ----------------------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- | ---------- |
-| cihaz_kimliği | yol | | Evet | dize |
+| cihaz_kimliği | yol | | Evet | string |
| exclude_wifi_networks | sorgu | List Wi-Fi networks by their SSID in which you want AdGuard DNS to be disabled | Hayır | [ string ] |
| exclude_domain | sorgu | List domains that will use default DNS servers instead of AdGuard DNS | Hayır | [ string ] |
##### Yanıtlar
-| Kod | Açıklama |
-| --- | -------------------------- |
-| 200 | DNS-over-HTTPS .plist file |
-| 404 | Cihaz bulunamadı |
+| Kod | Açıklama |
+| --- | ----------------------------- |
+| 200 | DNS-over-HTTPS .plist dosyası |
+| 404 | Cihaz bulunamadı |
### /oapi/v1/devices/{device_id}/dot.mobileconfig
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Gets DNS-over-HTTPS .mobileconfig file.
##### Özet
-Gets DNS-over-TLS .mobileconfig file.
+DNS-over-TLS .mobileconfig dosyasını alır.
##### Parametreler
@@ -162,10 +162,10 @@ Gets DNS-over-TLS .mobileconfig file.
##### Yanıtlar
-| Kod | Açıklama |
-| --- | -------------------------- |
-| 200 | DNS-over-HTTPS .plist file |
-| 404 | Cihaz bulunamadı |
+| Kod | Açıklama |
+| --- | ----------------------------- |
+| 200 | DNS-over-HTTPS .plist dosyası |
+| 404 | Cihaz bulunamadı |
### /oapi/v1/devices/{device_id}/settings
@@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ Cihaz ayarlarını günceller
##### Parametreler
-| İsim | Konumlandığı yer | Açıklama | Gerekli | Şema |
-| --------- | ---------------- | -------- | ------- | ---- |
-| device_id | yol | | Evet | dize |
+| İsim | Konumlandığı yer | Açıklama | Gerekli | Şema |
+| --------- | ---------------- | -------- | ------- | ------ |
+| device_id | yol | | Evet | string |
##### Yanıtlar
@@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ Yeni bir DNS sunucusu oluşturur. You can attach custom settings, otherwise DNS
##### Yanıtlar
-| Kod | Açıklama |
-| --- | ----------------------------------- |
-| 200 | DNS sunucusu oluşturuldu |
-| 400 | Doğrulama başarısız |
-| 429 | DNS servers count reached the limit |
+| Kod | Açıklama |
+| --- | ------------------------------- |
+| 200 | DNS sunucusu oluşturuldu |
+| 400 | Doğrulama başarısız |
+| 429 | DNS sunucu sayısı sınıra ulaştı |
### /oapi/v1/dns_servers/{dns_server_id}
@@ -299,9 +299,9 @@ DNS sunucusu ayarlarını günceller
##### Parametreler
-| İsim | Konumlandığı yer | Açıklama | Gerekli | Şema |
-| --------------- | ---------------- | -------- | ------- | ---- |
-| dns_server_id | yol | | Evet | dize |
+| İsim | Konumlandığı yer | Açıklama | Gerekli | Şema |
+| --------------- | ---------------- | -------- | ------- | ------ |
+| dns_server_id | yol | | Evet | string |
##### Yanıtlar
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ Sorgu günlüğünü alır
| İsim | Konumlandığı yer | Açıklama | Gerekli | Şema |
| ------------------ | ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
| time_from_millis | sorgu | Time from in milliseconds (inclusive) | Evet | uzun |
-| time_to_millis | sorgu | Milisaniye cinsinden süre (dahil) | Evet | uzun |
+| time_to_millis | sorgu | Milisaniye cinsinden süre (dahil) | Evet | long |
| cihazlar | sorgu | Cihazlara göre filtrele | Hayır | [ string ] |
| ülkeler | sorgu | Ülkelere göre filtrele | Hayır | [ string ] |
| şirketler | sorgu | Şirketlere göre filtrele | Hayır | [ string ] |
@@ -394,9 +394,9 @@ Revokes a Refresh Token
##### Parametreler
-| İsim | Konumlandığı yer | Açıklama | Gerekli | Şema |
-| ------------- | ---------------- | ------------- | ------- | ---- |
-| refresh_token | sorgu | Refresh Token | Evet | dize |
+| İsim | Konumlandığı yer | Açıklama | Gerekli | Şema |
+| ------------- | ---------------- | ------------- | ------- | ------ |
+| refresh_token | sorgu | Refresh Token | Evet | string |
##### Yanıtlar
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ Süre istatistiklerini alır
##### Özet
-Lists web services
+Web hizmetlerini listeler
##### Yanıtlar
diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
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--- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -11,17 +11,19 @@ Hızlı bağlantı: [AdGuard DNS'i dene](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
-![Özel AdGuard DNS ana sayfa esas](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/main.png)
+![Özel AdGuard DNS pano esas](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/main.png)
## Özel AdGuard DNS nedir?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+Özel AdGuard DNS, genel bir DNS sunucusunun avantajlarına (trafik şifreleme ve alan adı engel listeleri gibi) ek olarak esnek özelleştirme, DNS istatistikleri ve ebeveyn denetimi gibi özellikler sunar ve kullanışlı bir pano aracılığıyla kolayca yönetilir.
## Özel AdGuard DNS'e neden ihtiyacınız var
Bugün internete her şeyi bağlayabilirsiniz: TV'ler, buzdolapları, akıllı ampuller veya hoparlörler. Ancak inkar edilemez kolaylıkların yanı sıra izleyiciler ve reklamlar elde edersiniz. Basit bir tarayıcı tabanlı reklam engelleyici bu durumda sizi korumayacaktır, ancak trafiği filtrelemek, içeriği ve izleyicileri engellemek için ayarlayabileceğiniz AdGuard DNS, sistem genelinde bir etkiye sahiptir.
-Halihazırda [genel AdGuard DNS](../public-dns/overview.md) ve [AdGuard Home'a](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome) sahibiz. Bu çözümler bazı kullanıcılar için iyi çalışıyor, ancak diğerleri için genel AdGuard DNS yapılandırma esnekliğinden yoksunken AdGuard Home basitlikten yoksun. İşte bu noktada özel AdGuard DNS devreye giriyor. Her iki dünyanın da en iyisine sahiptir: özelleştirilebilirlik, kontrol ve bilgi sunar - tümü basit, kullanımı kolay bir ana sayfa aracılığıyla.
+Halihazırda [genel AdGuard DNS](../public-dns/overview.md) ve [AdGuard Home'a](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome) sahibiz. Bu çözümler bazı kullanıcılar için iyi çalışıyor, ancak diğerleri için genel AdGuard DNS yapılandırma esnekliğinden yoksunken AdGuard Home basitlikten yoksun. İşte bu noktada özel AdGuard DNS devreye giriyor. Her iki dünyanın da en iyisine sahiptir: özelleştirilebilirlik, kontrol ve bilgi sunar - tümü basit, kullanımı kolay bir pano aracılığıyla.
## Özel ve Genel AdGuard DNS arasındaki fark
@@ -38,10 +40,10 @@ Genel AdGuard DNS ve Özel AdGuard DNS sunucularında bulunan özelliklerin basi
## Özel AdGuard DNS nasıl kurulur
-1. Go to your [AdGuard DNS dashboard](https://agrd.io/download-dns) (if not logged in, log in using your AdGuard account)
+1. [AdGuard DNS panonuza](https://agrd.io/download-dns) gidin (giriş yapmadıysanız AdGuard hesabınızı kullanarak giriş yapın)
1. "Cihazı bağla" öğesine tıklayın ve ekrandaki talimatları takip edin
-:::not Desteklenen platformlar:
+:::note Desteklenen platformlar:
- Android
- iOS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Genel AdGuard DNS ve Özel AdGuard DNS sunucularında bulunan özelliklerin basi
- Linux
- Yönlendiriciler
- Oyun konsolları
+- Akıllı TV'ler
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ AdGuard DNS paneline eklediğiniz her cihazın, modern şifreli DNS protokolleri
Cihaz şifreli DNS'i desteklemiyorsa ve düz DNS kullanmanız gerekiyorsa, AdGuard DNS'nin cihazı tanımasına izin vermenin başka bir yolu daha vardır — IP adresini bağlayın. Bu durumda AdGuard DNS, o IP adresinden o "cihaza" doğru gelen tüm düz DNS isteklerini sayar.
-The only requirement for linking IP is that **it must be a residential IP address**.
+IP bağlamak için tek gereksinim **konut IP adresi olmasıdır**.
@@ -75,42 +78,42 @@ Bir konut IP adresini bağlamaya çalışıyorsanız ve AdGuard DNS buna izin ve
"Engel listeleri" özelliği ile hangi alan adlarını engellemek istediğinizi ve hangilerini istemediğinizi belirleyebilirsiniz. Farklı amaçlar için çok çeşitli engel listeleri arasından seçim yapın.
-![Özel AdGuard DNS ana sayfa engel listeleri](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/blocklists.png)
+![Özel AdGuard DNS panosu engel listeleri](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/blocklists.png)
### Kullanıcı kuralları
Binlerce kurala sahip önceden yüklenmiş *Engel listelerinin* yeterli olmadığı zamanlar için, "Kullanıcı kuralları" adlı kullanışlı bir fonksiyonumuz var. Burada, belirli bir etki alanını engellemek/engelini kaldırmak için manuel olarak özel kurallar ekleyebilir veya özel kural listelerini içe aktarabilirsiniz ([DNS filtreleme kuralları söz dizimine](../general/dns-filtering-syntax.md) bakın). Listeleri dışa aktarabilirsiniz.
-![Özel AdGuard DNS ana sayfa kullanıcı kuralları](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/import.png)
+![Özel AdGuard DNS panosu kullanıcı kuralları](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/import.png)
### İstatistikler
-"İstatistikler" sekmesinde, Özel AdGuard DNS'inize bağlı cihazlar tarafından yapılan DNS sorgularıyla ilgili tüm özet istatistikleri görebilirsiniz. İsteklerin toplam sayısını ve coğrafyasını, engellenen isteklerin sayısını, isteklerin yönlendirildiği şirketlerin listesini, istek türlerini ve başlıca istenen alan adlarını gösterir.
+*İstatistikler* sekmesinde Özel AdGuard DNS'inize bağlı cihazlar tarafından yapılan DNS sorgularına ilişkin tüm özet istatistikleri görebilirsiniz. İsteklerin toplam sayısını ve coğrafyasını, engellenen isteklerin sayısını, isteklerin yönlendirildiği şirketlerin listesini, istek türlerini ve başlıca istenen alan adlarını gösterir.
-![Özel AdGuard DNS ana sayfa istatistikler](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
+![Özel AdGuard DNS panosu istatistikler](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
### Trafik istikameti
Bu özellik, cihazlarınız tarafından gönderilen DNS isteklerinin nereye gittiğini gösterir. İstek istikametlerinin haritasını görmenin yanı sıra bilgileri tarihe, cihaza ve ülkeye göre filtreleyebilirsiniz.
-![Özel AdGuard DNS ana sayfa trafik](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/traffic_destination.png)
+![Özel AdGuard DNS panosu trafik](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/traffic_destination.png)
### Şirketler
Bu sekme, hangi şirketlerin en çok istek gönderdiğini ve hangi şirketlerin en çok engellenen istekleri olduğunu hızlı bir şekilde kontrol etmenizi sağlar.
-![Özel AdGuard DNS ana sayfa şirketler](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/companies.png)
+![Özel AdGuard DNS panosu şirketler](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/companies.png)
### Sorgu günlüğü
Bu, her bir istekle ilgili bilgileri kontrol edebileceğiniz ve ayrıca istekleri duruma, türe, şirkete, cihaza, zamana, ülkeye göre sıralayabileceğiniz ayrıntılı bir günlüktür.
-![Özel AdGuard DNS ana sayfa sorgu günlüğü](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/query_log.png)
+![Özel AdGuard DNS panosu sorgu günlüğü](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/query_log.png)
### Ebeveyn denetimi
Çocuğunuzu uygunsuz bulduğunuz çevrimiçi içerikten korumak için *Ebeveyn denetimi* seçeneğini ayarlayın ve etkinleştirin. "Yetişkinlere yönelik içerik" engelleme ve güvenli arama gibi seçeneklere ek olarak, engelleme için etki alanlarını manuel olarak belirleme ve *Ebeveyn kontrolü*'nün buna göre çalışması için bir zamanlama ayarlama olanağı ekledik.
-![Özel AdGuard DNS ana sayfa Ebeveyn Denetimi](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/parental_control.png)
+![Özel AdGuard DNS panosu Ebeveyn Denetimi](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/parental_control.png)
Henüz Özel AdGuard DNS'iniz yoksa [resmi siteden edinebilirsiniz](https://adguard-dns.io/).
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+title: iCloud Private Relay ile birlikte kullanma
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+iCloud Private Relay kullanırken, AdGuard DNS panosu (ve ilgili [AdGuard test sayfası](https://adguard.com/test.html)) o aygıtta AdGuard DNS kullanmadığınızı gösterir.
+![Cihaz bağlı değil](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+Bu sorunu çözmek için cihazınızın ayarlarında AdGuard sitelerin IP adresinizi görmesine izin vermeniz gerekir.
+- iPhone veya iPad'de:
+ 1. `adguard-dns.io` adresine gidin
+ 1. **Sayfa Ayarları** düğmesine ve ardından **IP Adresini Göster** öğesine dokunun
+ ![iCloud Private Relay ayarları *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. `adguard.com` adresi için tekrarlayın
+- Mac'te:
+ 1. `adguard-dns.io` adresine gidin
+ 1. Safari'de, **Görüntüle** → **Yeniden Yükle ve IP Adresini Göster** öğesini seçin
+ 1. `adguard.com` adresi için tekrarlayın
+Bir sitenin IP adresinizi geçici olarak görmesine izin verme seçeneğini göremiyorsanız aygıtınızı iOS, iPadOS veya macOS'in en son sürümüne güncelleyin ve ardından tekrar deneyin.
+Artık cihazınız AdGuard DNS panosunda doğru şekilde görüntülenmelidir:
+![Cihaz bağlandı](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Belirli bir site için Private Relay'i kapattığınızda ağ sağlayıcınızın da hangi siteye göz attığınızı görebileceğini unutmayın.
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+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
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@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Düz DNS'nin (hem IPv4 hem de IPv6) yanı sıra AdGuard DNS, çeşitli şifreli
### DNSCrypt
-AdGuard DNS, belirli bir şifreli protokol kullanmanıza izin verir — DNSCrypt. Thanks to it, all DNS requests are being encrypted, which protects you from possible request interception and subsequent eavesdropping and/or alteration. Ancak DoH, DoT ve DoQ protokolleriyle karşılaştırıldığında DNSCrypt'in modası geçmiş olarak kabul edilir ve mümkünse bu protokolleri kullanmanızı öneririz.
+AdGuard DNS, belirli bir şifreli protokol kullanmanıza izin verir — DNSCrypt. Bu sayede, tüm DNS istekleri şifrelenir, bu da sizi olası istek müdahalesinden ve ardından gizlice dinleme ve/veya değiştirmeden korur. Ancak DoH, DoT ve DoQ protokolleriyle karşılaştırıldığında DNSCrypt'in modası geçmiş olarak kabul edilir ve mümkünse bu protokolleri kullanmanızı öneririz.
### DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) ve DNS-over-TLS (DoT)
@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ DoH ve DoT, giderek daha fazla popülerlik kazanan ve öngörülebilir gelecekte
### DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)
-[DNS-over-QUIC is a new DNS encryption protocol](https://adguard.com/blog/dns-over-quic.html) and AdGuard DNS is the first public resolver that supports it. Unlike DoH and DoT, it uses QUIC as a transport protocol and finally brings DNS back to its roots — working over UDP. QUIC'in sunduğu tüm iyi şeyleri getiriyor — kullanıma hazır şifreleme, azaltılmış bağlantı süreleri, veri paketleri kaybolduğunda daha iyi performans. Ayrıca, QUIC'in aktarım düzeyinde bir protokol olduğu varsayılır ve DoH ile oluşabilecek meta veri sızıntısı riski yoktur.
+[DNS-over-QUIC is a new DNS encryption protocol](https://adguard.com/blog/dns-over-quic.html) and AdGuard DNS is the first public resolver that supports it. DoH ve DoT'un aksine, QUIC'i bir aktarım protokolü olarak kullanır ve sonunda DNS'i köklerine geri getirir — UDP üzerinden çalışır. QUIC'in sunduğu tüm iyi şeyleri getiriyor — kullanıma hazır şifreleme, azaltılmış bağlantı süreleri, veri paketleri kaybolduğunda daha iyi performans. Ayrıca, QUIC'in aktarım düzeyinde bir protokol olduğu varsayılır ve DoH ile oluşabilecek meta veri sızıntısı riski yoktur.
diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/public-dns/solving-problems/how-to-flush-dns-cache.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/public-dns/solving-problems/how-to-flush-dns-cache.md
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-Here we explain how you can flush the DNS cache to resolve public DNS issues. Şifrelenmiş olanlar da dahil olmak üzere DNS sunucularını kurmak için AdGuard Reklam Engelleyiciyi kullanabilirsiniz
+Burada, genel DNS sorunlarını çözmek için DNS önbelleğini nasıl temizleyebileceğinizi açıklıyoruz. Şifrelenmiş olanlar da dahil olmak üzere DNS sunucularını kurmak için AdGuard Reklam Engelleyiciyi kullanabilirsiniz
Hızlı bağlantı: [AdGuard Reklam Engelleyiciyi indir](https://agrd.io/download-kb-adblock)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Hızlı bağlantı: [AdGuard Reklam Engelleyiciyi indir](https://agrd.io/downloa
DNS önbelleği, ziyaret edilen sitelerin IP adreslerini yerel bilgisayarda depolar, böylece bir dahaki sefere daha hızlı yüklenirler. Uzun bir DNS araması yapmak yerine sistem, sorguları geçici DNS önbelleğindeki DNS kayıtlarıyla yanıtlar.
-The DNS cache contains so-called [resource records (RRs)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System#Resource_records), which are:
+DNS önbelleği, aşağıdakileri içeren [kaynak kayıtları (RR'ler)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System#Resource_records) içerir:
- **Kaynak verileri (veya rdata)**;
- **Kayıt türü**;
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ The DNS cache contains so-called [resource records (RRs)](https://en.wikipedia.o
## Önbelleği temizlemeniz gerektiğinde
-**You've changed your DNS provider to AdGuard DNS.** If the user has changed their DNS, it may take some time to see the result because of the cache.
+**DNS sağlayıcınızı AdGuard DNS olarak değiştirdiniz.** Kullanıcı DNS'sini değiştirmişse, önbellek nedeniyle sonucun görülmesi biraz zaman alabilir.
**You regularly get a 404 error.** For example, the website has been transferred to another server, and its IP address has changed. Tarayıcının siteyi yeni IP adresinden açmasını sağlamak için önbelleğe alınan IP'yi DNS önbelleğinden kaldırmanız gerekir.
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Android cihazınızda DNS önbelleğinizi temizlemenin en kolay yolu Uçak modun
Zorla yeniden başlatmak da, cihazınız için DNS önbelleğini temizlemeye de yardımcı olabilir. Bunu yapmak için güç düğmesini en az 20 saniye basılı tutun. (Genellikle) cihazınızı elle yeniden başlatmaya zorlar ve DNS önbelleği temizlenir.
-Başka bir seçenek de, Ayarlar uygulamasında cihazınızın ağ ayarlarını sıfırlamaktır. Open *Settings → System → Advanced → Reset options → Reset network settings* and tap *Reset Settings* to confirm.
+Başka bir seçenek de, Ayarlar uygulamasında cihazınızın ağ ayarlarını sıfırlamaktır. *Ayarlar → Sistem → Gelişmiş → Seçenekleri sıfırla → Ağ ayarlarını sıfırla* öğesini açın ve onaylamak için *Ayarları Sıfırla* öğesine dokunun.
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@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ More strictly filtering policies with blocking - ads, marketing, tracking, malwa
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Protocol | Address | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
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## What is DNS?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. Mỗi lần bạn truy cập một trang web, trình duyệt của bạn sẽ gửi một truy vấn DNS đến máy chủ DNS để tìm ra địa chỉ IP của trang web. Và một trình phân giải DNS thông thường chỉ cần trả lại địa chỉ IP của miền được yêu cầu.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Mỗi lần bạn truy cập một trang web, trình duyệt của bạn sẽ gửi một truy vấn DNS đến máy chủ DNS để tìm ra địa chỉ IP của trang web. Và một trình phân giải DNS thông thường chỉ cần trả lại địa chỉ IP của miền được yêu cầu.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
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@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
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@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Here is a simple comparison of features available in Public AdGuard DNS and Priv
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index 76b28a468..a5712dc2c 100644
--- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ EDNS Client Subnet 是一种在发送到权威 DNS 服务器的请求中包含
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [添加到 AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [添加到 AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| 协议 | 地址 | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index a58307aa7..af7d61522 100644
--- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## DNS 是什么?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. 每次你访问一个网站,你的浏览器向DNS 服务器发送一个DNS查询用于找到网站的IP 地址 一个常规DNS 解析器只是返回请求域名的IP 地址。
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. 每次你访问一个网站,你的浏览器向DNS 服务器发送一个DNS查询用于找到网站的IP 地址 一个常规DNS 解析器只是返回请求域名的IP 地址。
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index d1a9ad6bb..f5fed6216 100644
--- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Here is a simple comparison of features available in Public AdGuard DNS and Priv
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a52f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dab3515f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)
diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
index e560081e0..30aaf7a64 100644
--- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
+++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-providers.md
@@ -1112,3 +1112,14 @@ More strictly filtering policies with blocking - ads, marketing, tracking, malwa
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://ric.openbld.net/dns-query` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk) |
| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://ric.openbld.net` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwAAAAAAAAAAAAAPcmljLm9wZW5ibGQubmV0) |
+#### dns0.eu
+[dns0.eu](https://www.dns0.eu) is a free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union.
+| Protocol | Address | |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DNS, IPv4 | `` and `` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=, [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address= |
+| DNS-over-HTTPS | `https://zero.dns0.eu/` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAAVaHR0cHM6Ly96ZXJvLmRuczAuZXUvCi9kbnMtcXVlcnk), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=https://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-TLS | `tls://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](sdns://AwcAAAAAAAAAAAASdGxzOi8vemVyby5kbnMwLmV1), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=tls://zero.dns0.eu) |
+| DNS-over-QUIC | `quic://zero.dns0.eu` | [Add to AdGuard](adguard:add_dns_server?address=quic://quic://zero.dns0.eu), [Add to AdGuard VPN](adguardvpn:add_dns_server?address=quic://zero.dns0.eu) |
diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index cdf86e485..d65cc8001 100644
--- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ slug: /
## What is DNS?
-DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert websites' names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
+DNS stands for "Domain Name System", and its purpose is to convert website names into IP addresses. Each time you go to a website, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to figure out the IP address of the website. And a regular DNS resolver simply returns the IP address of the requested domain.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ AdGuard DNS is one of the most privacy-oriented DNS services on the market. It s
About 75% of AdGuard DNS traffic is encrypted. This is actually what differentiates content-blocking DNS servers from others. If you take a look at CloudFlare or Quad9 stats, you’ll see that encrypted DNS is just a small share of all queries.
-AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview.md) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview.md). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
+AdGuard DNS exists in two main forms: [public AdGuard DNS](public-dns/overview) and [private AdGuard DNS](private-dns/overview). Both of these services do not require installing any apps. They are easy to set up and use, and provide users with the minimum features necessary to block ads, trackers, malicious websites, and adult content (if required). There are no restrictions on what devices they can be used with.
Despite so many similarities, private AdGuard DNS and public AdGuard DNS are two different services. Their main difference is that you can customize private AdGuard DNS, while public AdGuard DNS cannot.
diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
index 7dfbc7620..c78c1f2dd 100644
--- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
+++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/create-dns-stamp.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Types of Secure DNS include `DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)`, `DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)`, and `
To fill in the **Hashes of the server's certificate** field, you can use the following command, replacing ``, ``, and `` with the corresponding values for your DNS server:
-echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+echo | openssl s_client -connect : -servername 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ Let's go through an example of creating a stamp for AdGuard DNS using DoT:
- **Hashes**: Execute the command
- echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256
+ echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername dns.adguard-dns.com 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 4 -noout -out - | openssl dgst -sha256
- The result is `a54670fda8ed13bded0a9515f35d0a2bed937e100aa6282703cb3b87282055ec` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
+ The result is `1ebea9685d57a3063c427ac4f0983f34e73c129b06e7e7705640cacd40c371c8` Paste this SHA256 hash of the server's certificate into the field.
4. Leave the Properties section blank.
diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
index 596d0eb3b..01f18b072 100644
--- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
+++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Quick link: [Try AdGuard DNS](https://agrd.io/download-dns)
## What is Private AdGuard DNS?
-Private AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that, in addition to benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics and parental control and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
+In addition to the benefits of a public DNS server (such as traffic encryption and domain blocklists), Private AdGuard DNS provides features like flexible customization, DNS statistics, and parental control, and is easily managed through a handy dashboard.
## Why you need Private AdGuard DNS
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ Here is a simple comparison of features available in Public AdGuard DNS and Priv
- Linux
- Routers
- Gaming consoles
+- Smart TVs
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ For times when pre-installed *Blocklists* with thousands of rules are not enough
### Statistics
-In "Statistics" tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
+In the *Statistics* tab you can see all the summarized statistics on DNS queries made by devices connected to your Private AdGuard DNS. It shows the total number and geography of requests, the number of blocked requests, the list of companies the requests were addressed to, requests types and top requested domains.
![Private AdGuard DNS dashboard statistics](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/private_adguard_dns/statistics.png)
diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/icloud-private-relay.md
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+title: Using alongside iCloud Private Relay
+sidebar_position: 1
+toc_min_heading_level: 3
+toc_max_heading_level: 4
+When you're using iCloud Private Relay, the AdGuard DNS dashboard (and associated [AdGuard test page](https://adguard.com/test.html)) will show that you are not using AdGuard DNS on that device.
+![Device is not connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-not-connected.jpeg)
+To fix this problem, you need to allow AdGuard websites see your IP address in your device's settings.
+- On iPhone or iPad:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. Tap the **Page Settings** button, then tap **Show IP Address**
+ ![iCloud Private Relay settings *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/icloudpr.jpg)
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+- On Mac:
+ 1. Go to `adguard-dns.io`
+ 1. In Safari, choose **View** → **Reload and Show IP Address**
+ 1. Repeat for `adguard.com`
+If you can't see the option to temporarily allow a website to see your IP address, update your device to the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, then try again.
+Now your device should be displayed correctly in the AdGuard DNS dashboard:
+![Device is connected](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/icloud_private_relay/device-connected.jpeg)
+Mind that once you turn off Private Relay for a specific website, your network provider will also be able to see which site you're browsing.
diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/private-dns/solving-problems/known-issues.md
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+title: Known issues
+sidebar_position: 2
+After setting up AdGuard DNS, some users may find that it doesn’t work properly: they see a message that their device is not connected to AdGuard DNS and the requests from that device are not displayed in the Query log. This can happen because of certain hidden settings in your browser or operating system. Let’s look at several common issues and their solutions.
+You can check the status of AdGuard DNS on the [test page](https://adguard.com/test.html).
+## Chrome’s secure DNS settings
+If you’re using Chrome and you don’t see any requests in your AdGuard DNS dashboard, this may be because Chrome uses its own DNS server. Here’s how you can disable it:
+1. Open Chrome’s settings.
+1. Navigate to *Privacy and security*.
+1. Select *Security*.
+1. Scroll down to *Use secure DNS*.
+1. Disable the feature.
+![Chrome’s Use secure DNS feature](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/secure-dns.png)
+If you disable Chrome’s own DNS settings, the browser will use the DNS specified in your operating system, which should be AdGuard DNS if you've set it up correctly.
+## iCloud Private Relay (Safari, macOS, and iOS)
+If you enable iCloud Private Relay in your device settings, Safari will use Apple’s DNS addresses, which will override the AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable iCloud Private Relay on your iPhone:
+1. Open *Settings* and tap your name.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+![iOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/private-relay.png)
+On your Mac:
+1. Open *System Settings* and click your name or *Apple ID*.
+1. Select *iCloud* → *Private Relay*.
+1. Turn off Private Relay.
+1. Click *Done*.
+![macOS Private Relay](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/mac-private-relay.png)
+## Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection (Safari, starting from iOS 17)
+After the iOS 17 update, Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection may be enabled in Safari settings, which could potentially have a similar effect to iCloud Private Relay bypassing AdGuard DNS settings.
+Here’s how you can disable Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection:
+1. Open *Settings* and scroll down to *Safari*.
+1. Tap *Advanced*.
+1. Disable *Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection*.
+![iOS Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection *mobile](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/dns/private/solving_problems/known_issues/ios-tracking-and-fingerprinting.png)