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Jayden Bailey edited this page Sep 4, 2016 · 10 revisions

The bot is open source. This means that you can edit, and modify the Python code to do what you want with it. We are totally fine with this - but please note we will not help you in our help server on Discord, if your problem appears to be directly caused by your changes.

As a small guide, we've written some information below about modifying the bot. The bot uses the libraries youtube-dl and to download and stream media, as well as interact with Discord.

General notes:

The following utility functions can be used in the MusicBot class (, which handle and deal with exceptions properly.

Adding a command

Our command framework is easy enough to work with. To create a new command, define a new asynchronous function that starts with the cmd_ prefix. It accepts the following arguments (which will be passed by the event on_message):

  • message - The Message that triggered the command
  • channel - The Channel that the command was triggered in
  • author - The Member that triggered the command
  • server - The Server that the command was triggered in
  • player - The MusicPlayer (see MusicBot/ associated with the server (if available)
  • permissions - The Permissions that the user has
  • user_mentions - A list of all Members mentioned in the message
  • channel_mentions - A list of all Channels mentioned in the message
  • voice_channel - The voice Channel the bot is in on the server (if available)
  • leftover_args - A list of the arguments given with the command that aren't required arguments

Notes about commands:

  • Docstrings are used when using !help command or when a user doesn't use the command correctly (e.g missing arguments)

Example: Ping command

    async def cmd_ping(channel):
        Ping command to test latency
        await self.safe_send_message(channel, "Pong!")

Example: Send a message to all servers

    async def cmd_sendall(args, leftover_args):
            {command_prefix}sendall <message>
        Sends a message to all servers the bot is on
        if leftover_args:
            args = ' '.join([args, *leftover_args])
        for s in self.servers:
            await self.safe_send_message(s, args)

If you have issues with and need help with the library that is used by MusicBot, you can join the Discord API server by clicking the banner below:


Reminder: We will not provide help on OUR help server for issues with modifying the bot

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