A project to integrate a C++ analyzer with a node server for GRIFFIN & TIGRESS. Initial code shamelessly ripped off from examples at http://nodejs.org/api/addons.html and http://howtonode.org/hello-node
After installing node, the simplest (and probably most useful) example is in callAbin.js. Just start the server:
node callAbin.js
then visit the URL
with a.out replaced with your executable. Output should appear in the bowser.
In order to use/develop nodeAnalyzer with C++ wrapping, you'll need three things:
- node: http://nodejs.org/
- npm (node package manager): https://npmjs.org/
- node-gyp: npm install -g node-gyp
The example C++ code lives in hello.cc. Two methods called FirstMethod and SecondMethod are decalred, to show how to make a list of methods; binding.gyp contains the 'Makefile - like' directives for mashing these into the JavaScript.
To see it go, check the package out and in its root directory, do
node-gyp configure
node-gyp build
node hellowurld.js
Then go visit http://localhost:8000/?fxn=hello&payload=wurld
to see the magics.