Releases: Acuant/iOSSDKV11
Releases · Acuant/iOSSDKV11
- Added a prompt for iPhone Face Cameras to switch from landscape to portrait (MOBILE-1392)
- Added a barcode-only camera that can be used to capture a barcode on an ID (if barcode failed to capture during back capture) (MOBILE-1378)
- Improved iOS camera support to run without locking to portrait mode (MOBILE-1237)
- Resolved an issue in which lldb couldn't print variables when manually installing the SDK, and an issue related to dSYMs folders and manual installation of the SDK (MOBILE-1359)
- Added accessibility features to iOS camera to support screen readers (MOBILE-1360)
- Added Tamper Score, Tamper Sensitivity, and Model to response object (MOBILE-1374)
- Resolved an issue where documents and MRZs can be detected even when they are in the wrong orientation (sideways) (MOBILE-958)
- Added support for EU identity cards and 3-line MRZs (MOBILE-1124)
- Added support for Xcode 12.5 (MOBILE-1262)
- Updated iProov to version 8.4.0 (MOBILE-1329)
Please review the below document for upgrading from iOS SDK version 11.4.x to version 11.5.x.
- Improved MRZ read to handle passport numbers with irregular lengths (MOBILE-1095)
- Enabled chipExtract functionality for Ozone (MOBILE-1247)
- Modified the camera to use a frame (instead of full screen) to capture an image (MOBILE-1033)
- Updated crop and metrics to latest version (MOBILE-1204)
- Improved image metadata to track capture type (AUTO vs TAP vs MANUAL) (MOBILE-1217)
- Improved passive liveness thresholds for triggering capture (MOBILE-1228)
- Added support for Xcode 12.3 (MOBILE-1198)
- Camera will switch to tap to capture if the phone is too slow to support an acceptable auto-capture experience (MOBILE-1186)
- Resolved an issue where the camera countdown skips digits (MOBILE-1227)
- Improved cropping accuracy and performance (MOBILE-1148)
- Added the Physical Document Presence authentication test, which examines a document image for evidence that it could be a picture of a something other than an original document, such as a computer screen (this does not affect the image capture process) (MOBILE-1168)
- Added support for Xcode 12.0 (MOBILE-1128)
- Note: When building to iOS simulator, ensure Build Active Architecture Only is set to Yes in the project Build. Settings.
- Added new workflow for processing and uploading images (MOBILE-1119)
- Added country code and geographic regions to Type in Classification (MOBILE-1159)
Known issues:
- iOS 14.0 simulator is currently not supported.
- iOS 14.0 does not recognize and read ICAO passport eChips, this is a regression from iOS 13.7. We are waiting for an update from Apple to resolve this issue.
- Added support for bearer tokens for Acuant Services (MOBILE-1074)
- Added expiration flag and age calculation to eChip result (MOBILE-969)
- Updated iProov to version 7.5.0 (MOBILE-1102)
- Added a check for detect type before cropping (MOBILE-1112)
Enhanced glare detection for passports and IDs as part of ongoing improvements (MOBILE-1036)