- Create a markdown page that makes the transition message as clear as possible [Martin]
- What version(s) will support Python 2/3 concurrently?
- What will be the last version to support only Python 2?
- When do vendors expect only Python 3 support?
- Any vendor specific recommendations?
- Keep it simple so people don’t need to read the tea leaves
- Create tables listing the most important plug-ins people need migrated to Python 3 (TBD)
- David Aguilar
- Ryan Bottriell
- Martin de Lasa
- Dhrub Ghovil
- Ollie Harding
- Jess Lehrman
- Joe Lohmar
- JT Nelson
- Ibrahim Sani Kache
- Sean Wallitsch
- Ashley Whetter
- Mark Wiebe
- Review action points for last meeting
- Any comments about Added additional Boost Python info. by csyshing · Pull Request #6 · AcademySoftwareFoundation/wg-python3 · GitHub?
- -Any blockers?-
- Any status updates?
- Ryan B - having issues “motivating” teams; lack of commitment ATM
- Key issues appears to be lack of dates from vendors
- Python 3 Transition Value Proposition
- Pros
- Security patches
- A number of dev-centric improvements
- Async and other cool features
- Thirdparty libraries - many have dropped python 2 support
- Compiler support (you may be stuck re-building things)
- Platform compatibility/support
- Improved type checking support
- Ability to on-board and hire talent
- Standardization of Practice
- The Python 2 toolchain is (bit) rotting
- Increasingly we expect to run into conflicts b/w the library and tool chain (e.g., SSL versions)
- People end up having to use a number of workarounds
- It’s possible that PyPi extensions will cease to work with Python 2
- Speed improvements
- Cons
- It will take effort / time
- The path forward is unclear
- No common / shared / established best practices
- You may bifurcate your code base
- Near term increase in complexity for a (possible) long-term payoff
- There is also a bifurcation of your bugs
- Pros
- Improving Python Usage across VFX
- Are there ways we can work more closely with the Python community directly to promote patterns/usages that would make like better / easier for us?
- What about 3rdparty plug-ins?
- Do vendors have a complete list of what’s important?
- Risks
- Some vendors may not have released versions in every calendar year (e.g., CY17 -> CY20)
- Propose that vendors ship a “transition” release