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The commons-mongo module contains various utilities that enhance standard Java & Scala drivers for MongoDB. This documentation focuses on the com.avsystem.commons.mongo.typed package that contains a Scala-idiomatic and typesafe layer over the Reactive Streams driver for MongoDB.

The core class of this typed API is TypedMongoCollection - a wrapper over Reactive Streams driver MongoCollection with more precisely typed and Scala-idiomatic API.

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


Defining an entity

import com.avsystem.commons.mongo.typed._
import org.bson.types.ObjectId

case class SimpleEntity(
  id: ObjectId,
  int: Int,
  str: String
) extends MongoEntity[ObjectId]
object SimpleEntity extends MongoEntityCompanion[SimpleEntity]

Setting up the client

import com.avsystem.commons.mongo.typed._
import com.mongodb.reactivestreams.client.MongoClients

val client: TypedMongoClient = TypedMongoClient() // connects to localhost by default
val collection: TypedMongoCollection[SimpleEntity] = 

Inserting documents

val entities = Seq(
  SimpleEntity(ObjectId.get(), 1, "first"),
  SimpleEntity(ObjectId.get(), 2, "second"),
  SimpleEntity(ObjectId.get(), 3, "third")

import monix.eval.Task

// every DB operation returns a Monix Task or Observable
val task: Task[Unit] =

// use whatever Scheduler is appropriate in your context (like ExecutionContext for Futures)
// run the Task
task.foreach(_ => println("insert successful"))

Finding documents by query

import monix.eval.Task
import monix.reactive.Observable

val observable: Observable[SimpleEntity] =
  collection.find(SimpleEntity.ref( > 1)

// use whatever Scheduler is appropriate in your context (like ExecutionContext for Futures)
// run the Observable
observable.foreach(entity => println(s"Found entity: $entity"))

// alternatively, collect all found entities into a List
val listTask: Task[List[SimpleEntity]] = observable.toListL
listTask.foreach(foundEntities => println(s"Found entities: $foundEntities"))

Modeling entities

A MongoDB entity may be:

  • a case class
  • a sealed trait/class with @flatten annotation (see GenCodec's flat format for more details)

Also, every MongoDB entity must have a companion object that extends MongoEntityCompanion. This causes an instance of MongoEntityMeta to be materialized for the entity class. This typeclass internally materializes a GenObjectCodec (for serialization) and captures the structure of the entity into metadata available in runtime.

See GenCodec for more details on serialization used by typed MongoDB API.

ID management

There are two flavors of MongoDB entity representations. They differ in how they manage document IDs (the _id field).

Explicit ID management

MongoDB entity classes that extend MongoEntity must declare an explicit id field. This means it's impossible to insert or replace (TypedMongoCollection.insertOne/insertMany/replaceOne/replaceMany) instances of that entity without specifying the ID explicitly. There is no way to let the server autogenerate the ID, although ObjectId.get() can be used to safely generate unique IDs on client-side.

Because the ID must be always explicit, it can be of any serializable type (any type that has GenCodec).

case class User(
  id: String,
  displayName: String
) extends MongoEntity[String]
object User extends MongoEntityCompanion[User]

Automatic ID management

Sometimes it's more convenient to let the server handle generation of IDs. This is usually the case when we want an ID that serves only to be unique and immutable but otherwise has no meaning. In this case, we omit the id field from the entity class and use AutoIdMongoEntity as its base.

This way we can perform insert and replace operations without specifying _id so that MongoDB generates it automatically. However, this ID can still be used in filters and projections and therefore we are required to declare its type explicitly. Since MongoDB always generates values of org.bson.types.ObjectId, the ID type must be either raw ObjectId or a transparent wrapper over ObjectId.

case class UserId(id: ObjectId) extends AnyVal
object UserId extends ObjectIdWrapperCompanion[UserId]

case class User(
  username: String, // not an ID
  displayName: String
) extends AutoIdMongoEntity[UserId]
object User extends MongoEntityCompanion[User]

Field types

Any type that has a GenCodec instance will be accepted as a field type in MongoDB entity. However, the MongoDB API is additionally aware of internal structure of some types, including:

  • embedded documents - serialized into BSON documents
  • collections, i.e. any subtype of scala.collection.Seq or scala.collection.Set - serialized into BSON arrays
  • maps, i.e. any subtype of scala.collection.Map - serialized into BSON documents
  • option-like types, i.e. Option, Opt, OptArg, etc. - serialized into nullable values

Being aware of internal structure makes it possible to build queries, updates, projections, etc. that reach inside these data types. For example, you can refer to a specific map entry in a query.

Embedded document types

A type representing embedded document is very similar to an entity type, i.e. it must be:

  • a case class
  • a sealed trait/class with @flatten annotation

However, an embedded document is not a toplevel entity and does not need an ID. Therefore, it doesn't need to extend MongoEntity and its companion must extend MongoDataCompanion rather than MongoEntityCompanion.

case class MyEmbeddedDocument(
  int: Int,
  string: String
object MyEmbeddedDocument extends MongoDataCompanion[MyEmbeddedDocument]

NOTE: you could simply use HasGenCodec as the base companion class and MyEmbeddedDocument would be accepted as entity field type. However, it would be impossible to build queries, updates, etc. referring to embedded document's fields. In other words, the type would be valid but opaque.

Optional fields

A field typed as an Option, Opt, OptArg or similar will serialize just like its wrapped value except that null will be used to represent the absence of value. If you want to omit that null, effectively making the field optional on BSON level, use one of the following:

  • @optionalField intOpt: Option[Int]
  • @transientDefault intOpt: Option[Int] = None
  • @transientDefault @whenAbsent(None) intOpt: Option[Int]

NOTE: even when a field is absent in a MongoDB document, the database will pretend that it contains null while performing a query. Therefore, you can use {"$eq": null} queries to match both absent and null values.

This is especially useful when introducing new fields into already existing entities. Using optional fields is an easy way to keep serialization compatibility between subsequent versions.

Core types

One of the improvements introduced by commons-mongo over the raw Reactive Streams driver are well typed representations for field references, query documents, projections, update documents, sort orders, indices etc. The raw API uses untyped strings or BSON objects in these situations.

Let's assume some example entities to be used throughout this section:

case class MyEntity(
  id: String,
  int: Int,
  str: String,
  strOpt: Option[String],
  intList: List[Int],
  strMap: Map[String, String],
  data: MyData
) extends MongoEntity[String]
object MyEntity extends MongoEntityCompanion[MyEntity]

case class MyData(
  number: Double,
  flag: Boolean
object MyData extends MongoDataCompanion[MyData]

@flatten sealed trait MyUnionEntity extends MongoEntity[String]
sealed trait HasInt extends MyUnionEntity {
  def value: Int
case class FirstCase(id: String) extends MyUnionEntity
case class SecondCase(id: String, value: Int) extends HasInt
case class ThirdCase(id: String, value: Int, data: MyData) extends HasInt
object MyUnionEntity extends MongoEntityCompanion[MyUnionEntity]


A MongoPropertyRef[E, T] is a reference to a property of type T inside a document of type E. It may be a direct reference to a field or a more complex path referring to deeply nested parts of the document. A MongoPropertyRef is usually obtained with the .ref macro which interprets a Scala-level lambda expression into a property reference:

val IntRef: MongoPropertyRef[MyEntity, Int] = MyEntity.ref(

Using the .ref macro, you can:

  • refer to case class fields, e.g. MyEntity.ref(
  • refer to values inside option-like fields, e.g. MyEntity.ref(_.strOpt.get)
  • refer to array elements, e.g. MyEntity.ref(_.intList(2))
  • refer to map entries, e.g. MyEntity.ref(_.strMap("key"))
  • refer to common fields in a sealed hierarchy, e.g. MyUnionEntity.ref(
  • refer to fields of specific case classes in a sealed hierarchy, e.g. MyUnionEntity.ref([ThirdCase].data)
  • refer to common fields of intermediate subtraits in a sealed hierarchy, e.g. MyUnionEntity.ref([HasInt].value)

You can freely combine all the above constructs into more deeply nested references. For more examples, see the Scaladoc of the .ref macro or tests.

NOTE: some of the above references (e.g. unwrapping optional fields or narrowing sealed hierarchies) introduce an implied filter that is automatically included into the query if this reference is used in a MongoDB query document or projection.

MongoPropertyRef is a fundamental type that serves as an entry point for creating queries, projections, updates, sort orders, indices, etc.


A MongoDocumentFilter[E] represents a MongoDB query document for an entity type E. Usually, filters are created via MongoPropertyRefs, e.g.

val query: MongoDocumentFilter[MyEntity] = 
  MyEntity.ref( > 10 && MyEntity.ref(

For more examples, see the Scaladoc or tests.

Unsupported operators

Not all MongoDB query operators are directly supported by this API. If you want to use some unsupported query operator, you can use .rawQueryOp, e.g.

import org.bson._

val query: MongoDocumentFilter[MyEntity] = 
  MyEntity.ref("$bitsAllClear", new BsonInt32(0x3F))


A MongoProjection[E] represents a MongoDB projection document that specifies the properties that should be included in the response of a query. It is usually one of:

  • The whole-document projection, e.g. MyEntity.SelfRef.
  • The whole-document projection narrowed to a single case class or intermediate subtrait in a sealed hierarchy, e.g.[FirstCase].
  • A single MongoPropertyRef, e.g. MyEntity.ref(
  • An arbitrary combination of projections into a tuple, e.g., MyEntity.ref(

For more examples, see the Scaladoc or tests.


A MongoDocumentOrder[E] represents a sort order for a document of type E. It may be one of:

  • Unspecified (empty) order, i.e. MongoDocumentOrder.unspecified
  • Single-field order, e.g. MyEntity.ref(
  • Multi-field order, e.g. MongoDocumentOrder(MyEntity.ref( -> true, MyEntity.ref( -> false)

For more examples, see the Scaladoc or tests.


A MongoDocumentUpdate[E] represents a MongoDB update document for an entity of type E. Example:

val update: MongoDocumentUpdate[MyEntity] = 
  MyEntity.ref(_.strOpt).set(Opt("foo")) && MyEntity.ref(

For more examples, see the Scaladoc or tests.


A MongoIndex[E] represents a MongoDB index document for an entity of type E. Examples:

  • Single field index, e.g. MyEntity.ref(

  • Compound (multi field) index, e.g.

    import MongoIndexType._
    val index: MongoIndex[MyEntity] =
      MongoIndex(MyEntity.ref(_.str) -> Hashed, MyEntity.ref( -> Descending)

For more examples, see the Scaladoc or tests.

Invoking database commands

In order to invoke database commands, create a TypedMongoCollection which is a wrapper over Reactive Streams driver's raw MongoCollection.

(assuming sample entity classes from the previous section)

import com.mongodb.reactivestreams.client.MongoClients

val client: TypedMongoClient = TypedMongoClient() // connects to localhost by default
val collection: TypedMongoCollection[MyEntity] = 

def createEntity(i: Int): MyEntity =
  MyEntity(s"id$i", i, s"str$i", Some(s"optstr$i"), (i to 10).toList, Map.empty, MyData(i.toDouble, flag = true))

val program: Task[Unit] = for {
  _ <- collection.insertMany((0 until 10).map(createEntity))
  _ <- collection.updateMany(
    MyEntity.ref( > 5, 
    MyEntity.ref( && MyEntity.ref(_.str).set("modified")
  modifiedEntities <- collection.find(MyEntity.ref(_.str).is("modified")).toListL
} yield {
  println(s"Found entities: $modifiedEntities")


For more examples of database operations with TypedMongoCollection, see tests.

TypedMongoCollection exposes mostly the same operations as Reactive Streams MongoCollection but typed differently, that is: more precisely and in a more Scala-idiomatic way:

  • instead of raw Bsons, TypedMongoCollection uses more precise MongoDocumentFilter, MongoProjection, MongoDocumentUpdate, etc. for expressing queries, projections, updates, sort orders, indices, etc.
  • instead of using raw Reactive Streams Publisher, TypedMongoCollection returns operation results either as a Monix Task (for single-element results) or as an Monix Observable (for multi-element results).

For a proper and complete guide and documentation on Monix, refer to its website. Here, we will outline the most important aspects that will let you quickly get started with the MongoDB API.

The raw Reactive Streams driver is problematic to use because org.reactivestreams.Publisher returned by MongoCollection lacks high-level, straightforward to use API. It also does not express very well the distinction between methods that return single result and methods that return multiple results.

A Task[T] represents an asynchronous computation that yields a result of type T. In this sense, it is somewhat similar to Future[T]. In particular, both share a lot of similar methods and can be used in Scala for comprehensions.

However, there is a very fundamental, conceptual difference between a Task and a Future:

  • a Future represents a result of already running or finished computation
  • a Task represents an unexecuted program that needs to be run explicitly (e.g. by calling .runToFuture) and may be run multiple times or concurrently, each time repeating its side effects and potentially yielding different results
import // note: Scheduler extends ExecutionContext

val future: Future[Unit] = Future(pritnln("hello")) // "hello" is printed immediately

val task: Task[Unit] = Task.eval(println("hello")) // nothing happens
task.runToFuture // "hello" is printed
task.runToFuture // "hello" is printed again, concurrently with the previous run

One of the consequences of the above is that Task is referentially transparent while Future is not. For people acknowledged with (pure) functional programming this will be a virtue by itself. Here we can outline some immediate practical benefits of that property.

One of the consequences of Task's referential transparency that makes it much easier to work with than with Future is that we don't need an implicit ExecutionContext to invoke transformation methods like map, flatMap, etc. Instead, a Scheduler (extended ExecutionContext) is necessary but only at the very point where Task is being executed and converted into a Future (among other options).

This means that we can compose our asynchronous programs (represented as Tasks) out of smaller programs without being bound to any particular Scheduler. This relieves us from constant dragging of an ExecutionContext via implicit parameters that we have to do when working with Futures.

val fetchValue: Task[Int] = ...
def convertValue(int: Int): Task[String] = ...

// no ExecutionContext/Scheduler necessary at this point
val fullProgram: Task[Unit] = 
  for {
    value <- fetchValue
    converted <- convertValue(value)
  } yield {

// only now we need a Scheduler
val future: Future[Unit] = fullProgram.runToFuture

An Observable[T] is conceptually the same thing as a Reactive Streams Publisher[T] (actually, it's fairly straightforward to convert between each other). That is, both represent an asynchronous stream of values of type T with backpressure (a consumer must explicitly request more elements from the producer). The difference is that Observable exposes a rich, Scala-idiomatic API with a lot of high-level combinators.

There are many ways to consume results of an Observable[T]. If you don't need the streaming nature of the Observable, you can simply "degrade" it onto a Task[List[T]] by calling .toListL on it. This is very often used in MongoDB API in order to fetch full results of a query into memory.

NOTE: You can think of Observable as an asynchronous version of Iterable.


It is recommended to use MongoDB API in a non-blocking way (by composing Tasks and Observabless). However, sometimes this is not possible - some external API may force us into synchronous, blocking implementations. Then we have no choice but to wait for the database on the current JVM thread.

In order to do this, use utilities provided by com.avsystem.commons.concurrent.BlockingUtils class. Your project should provide an implementation of this class where an appropriate Monix Schedulers and other options (default timeout) will be configured, e.g.

import com.avsystem.commons.concurrent.BlockingUtils
import monix.execution.Scheduler

object Blocking extends BlockingUtils {
  // some Scheduler usually reused throughout your application
  def scheduler: Scheduler = 
  // some Scheduler usually reused throughout your application (unbounded, for blocking code)
  def ioScheduler: Scheduler = 

Using this utility, you can:

  • Await a Future[T] and get a T using Blocking.await
  • Run and await a Task[T] and get a T using Blocking.runAndAwait
  • Turn an Observable[T] into a CloseableIterator[T] using Blocking.toIterator

BlockingUtils was also designed to be easily invoked from Java. In particular, CloseableIterator implements both Java & Scala Iterator.

Unsupported operations

TypedMongoCollection does not cover the entire API of Reactive Streams driver MongoCollection. For example, aggregation is currently not covered. In order to use this missing API, you can fall back to using operations on native MongoCollection. The easiest way to do this is via singleResultNativeOp or multiResultNativeOp which invoke some native command specified as lambda expression and translate the result (Publisher) into a Task or Observable.

An example of how to invoke aggregate:

val collection: TypedMongoCollection[MyEntity] = ???

import org.bson._
import com.avsystem.commons._ // for JList
import monix.reactive.Observable

val pipeline: JList[Bson] = JList(/* aggregation pipeline */)
val results: Observable[Document] = collection.multiResultNativeOp(_.aggregate(pipeline))

Relationship with the previous commons-mongo API

Before introducing com.avsystem.commons.mongo.typed package and TypedMongoCollection, the commons-mongo module already had a relatively thin layer over various native drivers (Java synchronous, Java asynchronous, Java reactive, Scala).

This old API provides:

  • GenCodec based serialization - four variants of GenCodecCollection creators for different native drivers
  • BsonRef - references to document properties, superseded by MongoPropertyRef in the new API
  • extension methods for raw Bson type for creating queries, updates, etc. - explicit imports are required

In comparison to the old API, the new one provides:

  • TypedMongoCollection wrapper over Reactive Streams collection - as opposed to native MongoCollections
    • other drivers are unsupported because they are deprecated, synchronous or redundant
  • integration with Monix (Tasks and Observables as opposed to raw Publishers)
  • well typed query/projection/update/index documents in place of raw Bson
  • more high-level and user-friendly API for creating queries/updates/etc than raw Bson building
  • better support for sealed hierarchies