ROS package for publishing data being retrieved by uSkin sensor. (
Real-time data visualization is also supported on RViz using the Grid Map ROS package. (
This repository is dependent on ARQ-CRISP/ros_can_drivers files and is included here as a gitsubmodule. After cloning this repo, run:
git submodule init
And to get lastest updates on ros_can_drivers simply run:
git submodule update --init --recursive
ARQ-CRISP/ros_can_drivers repository has its own dependencies which need to be installed. Refer to
If you make changes to uskin_can_drivers submodule, do not forget to push your commits:
cd <submodule_dir>
git add <something>
git commit
git push
cd ..
# Back to main repository
git add <something>
git commit
git push
or simply:
git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand
# From main repository -
You must still commit your changes on the submodule.
Installing Grid Map ROS package:
sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-grid-map
Launching the necessary software:
roslaunch uskin_ros_publisher grid_map_visualization.launch
Current version allows you to store the sensor data into a .csv file which is named after the timestamp when it is opened, and stored in csv_files folder. uskin_can_drivers logs are being stored under log_files folder.
You are able to record a ROS bag of observation samples being published to topic /uskin_xyz_values by running:
rosbag record /uskin_xyz_values
And play it back by running:
rosbag play example.bag