diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_bread.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_bread.dm index fe46b7f34e9..23591407cb6 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_bread.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_bread.dm @@ -228,3 +228,27 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/butterdog/ComponentInitialize() . = ..() AddComponent(/datum/component/slippery, 80) + +/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/croissant + name = "croissant" + desc = "Lightly buttered and soft, fluffy bread.." + icon = 'icons/obj/food/burgerbread.dmi' + icon_state = "croissant" + bitesize = 3 + filling_color = "#FFA500" + list_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 4) + bonus_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 1, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 1) + tastes = list("butter" = 1, "fluffy bread" = 1) + foodtype = GRAIN | BREAKFAST + +/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/frenchtoast + name = "french toast" + desc = "sweett and syrupy and covered in cinnamon sugar." + icon = 'icons/obj/food/burgerbread.dmi' + icon_state = "frenchtoast" + bitesize = 4 + filling_color = "#FFA500" + list_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 4) + bonus_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 1, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 1) + tastes = list("butter" = 1, "fluffy bread" = 1) + foodtype = GRAIN | BREAKFAST diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_burgers.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_burgers.dm index 193792b9c4a..c78fe6274c7 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_burgers.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_burgers.dm @@ -369,3 +369,18 @@ if(prob(33)) icon_state = "cheeseburgeralt" +/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/burger/sloppy + name = "sloppy joe" + desc = "Ground meat mixed with onions and barbeque sauce, sloppily plopped onto a burger bun. Delicious, but guaranteed to get your hands dirty." + icon_state = "sloppy_moe" + bonus_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/bbqsauce = 5, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 3) + tastes = list("bun" = 2, "juicy meat" = 4, "BBQ sauce" = 3, "onions" = 2) + foodtype = GRAIN | MEAT + +/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/burger/philly_cheesesteak + name = "philly cheesesteak" + desc = "Tender bites of sirloin, sautéed peppers and onions, and melted provolone on a toasted bun." + icon_state = "philly_cheesesteak" + bonus_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/bbqsauce = 5, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 3) + tastes = list("bun" = 2, "juicy meat" = 4, "peppers" = 3, "onions" = 2, "cheese" = 2) + foodtype = GRAIN | MEAT diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_other.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_other.dm index 02e33b28813..106866264d9 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_other.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_other.dm @@ -926,3 +926,53 @@ tastes = list("cheesecake" = 1, "chocolate" = 1, "honey" = 1) foodtype = SUGAR | FRIED | DAIRY | GRAIN w_class = WEIGHT_CLASS_SMALL + +/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/classicchimichanga + name = "classic chimichanga" + desc = "A traditional chimichanga with meat, cheese, and beans. Is it Chimi? Or Chimichanga? Chimi? Chimichanga.." + icon_state = "classic_chimichanga" + bonus_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 3, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 2) + list_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 4, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 2) + filling_color = "F0D830" + tastes = list("chimi" = 4, "meat" = 2, "cheese" = 2, "beans" = 1) + foodtype = MEAT | DAIRY | GRAIN | VEGETABLES + +/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/veggiechimichanga + name = "vegetarian chimichanga" + desc = "A traditional chimichanga with cheese and beans. Probably some sort of veggi. Idk, I don't eat these. Is it Chimi? Or Chimichanga? Chimi? Chimichanga.." + icon_state = "vegetarian_chimichanga" + bonus_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 3, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 2) + list_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 4, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 2) + filling_color = "F0D830" + tastes = list("chimi" = 4, "veggies" = 2, "cheese" = 2, "beans" = 1) + foodtype = DAIRY | GRAIN | VEGETABLES + +/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/refriedbeans + name = "refried beans" + desc = "A dish of cooked and mashed beans. " + icon_state = "refried_beans" + bonus_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 3, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 2) + list_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 4, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 2) + filling_color = "F0D830" + tastes = list("beans" = 1, "beans" = 2, "more beans" = 2) + foodtype = VEGETABLES + +/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/spanish_rice + name = "spanish rice" + desc = "A blend of onion, dried chiles, bell peppers, tomato and spices with white rice." + icon_state = "spanish_rice" + bonus_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 3, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 2) + list_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 4, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 2) + filling_color = "F0D830" + tastes = list("rice" = 1, "spain" = 2, "chili" = 2, "tomato" = 3) + foodtype = VEGETABLES | GRAIN + +/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/spanish_rice + name = "spanish rice" + desc = "A blend of onion, dried chiles, bell peppers, tomato and spices with white rice." + icon_state = "spanish_rice" + bonus_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 3, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 2) + list_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 4, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 2) + filling_color = "F0D830" + tastes = list("rice" = 1, "spain" = 2, "chili" = 2, "tomato" = 3) + foodtype = VEGETABLES | GRAIN diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_sandwichtoast.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_sandwichtoast.dm index 6f10598484f..5128ded9d23 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_sandwichtoast.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/food/snacks_sandwichtoast.dm @@ -165,3 +165,13 @@ tastes = list("bun" = 3, "meat" = 2, "fried onion" = 1, "pickles" = 1) foodtype = GRAIN | MEAT | VEGETABLES w_class = WEIGHT_CLASS_SMALL + +/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/peanutbutterbanana + name = "peanut butter and banana sandwich" + desc = "Maybe not for everyone but man does it smell great." + icon = 'icons/obj/food/burgerbread.dmi' + icon_state = "peanut_butter_banana_sandwich" + bonus_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 1, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 1) + list_reagents = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment = 7, /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin = 1) + tastes = list("toast" = 1, "bananas" = 1, "peanut butter" = 1) + foodtype = GRAIN | DAIRY diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_bread.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_bread.dm index 94a32be1d34..c063d2de2f7 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_bread.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_bread.dm @@ -162,3 +162,20 @@ result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/butterbiscuit subcategory = CAT_BREAD +/datum/crafting_recipe/food/croissant + name = "croissant" + reqs = list( + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/bun = 1, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/butter = 1 + ) + result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/croissant + subcategory = CAT_BREAD + +/datum/crafting_recipe/food/frenchtoast + name = "french toast" + reqs = list( + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/bun = 1, + /datum/reagent/consumable/sugar = 1 + ) + result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/frenchtoast + subcategory = CAT_BREAD diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_burger.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_burger.dm index 7e11bd4b637..def5b35b8a1 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_burger.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_burger.dm @@ -442,3 +442,26 @@ ) result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/pizzaslice/mothic_garlic subcategory = CAT_BURGER + +/datum/crafting_recipe/food/sloppyjoe + name = "sloppyjoe" + reqs = list( + /datum/reagent/consumable/bbqsauce = 5, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/bun = 1, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meat/cutlet = 2, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/onion = 1 + + ) + result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/burger/sloppy + subcategory = CAT_BURGER + +/datum/crafting_recipe/food/phillycheesesteak + name = "philly cheesesteak" + reqs = list( + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/bun = 1, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meat/cutlet = 2, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/onion = 1 + + ) + result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/burger/philly_cheesesteak + subcategory = CAT_BURGER diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_mexican.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_mexican.dm index ee439d7f7ad..5bd083a6351 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_mexican.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_mexican.dm @@ -100,3 +100,41 @@ ) result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/cubannachos subcategory = CAT_MEAT + +/datum/crafting_recipe/food/chimi + name ="Classic Chimichanga" + reqs = list( + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meat/cutlet = 1, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/chili = 2, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tortilla = 1 + ) + result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/classicchimichanga + subcategory = CAT_MEAT + +/datum/crafting_recipe/food/vegggiechimi + name ="vegetiable Chimichanga" + reqs = list( + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/soybeans = 1, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/chili = 2, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tortilla = 1 + ) + result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/veggiechimichanga + subcategory = CAT_MEAT + +/datum/crafting_recipe/food/refriedbeans + name ="refried beans" + reqs = list( + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/soybeans = 5 + ) + result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/refriedbeans + subcategory = CAT_MEAT + +/datum/crafting_recipe/food/spanishrice + name ="spanish rice" + reqs = list( + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/chili = 2, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/condiment/rice = 5, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/tomato = 1 + ) + result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/spanish_rice + subcategory = CAT_MEAT diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_sandwich.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_sandwich.dm index e6bf6373a5b..46de1c2b89b 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_sandwich.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/recipes/tablecraft/recipes_sandwich.dm @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ ) result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meatballsub subcategory = CAT_PIE - + /datum/crafting_recipe/food/hotdog name = "Hot dog" reqs = list( @@ -91,3 +91,13 @@ ) result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/hotdog subcategory = CAT_PIE + +/datum/crafting_recipe/peanutbutterbanana_sandwich + name = "Peanut butter sandwich" + reqs = list( + /datum/reagent/consumable/peanut_butter = 5, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/breadslice/plain = 2, + /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/banana = 1 + ) + result = /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/peanutbutterbanana + subcategory = CAT_PIE diff --git a/icons/obj/food/burgerbread.dmi b/icons/obj/food/burgerbread.dmi index fef3e8295b9..74af23e7276 100644 Binary files a/icons/obj/food/burgerbread.dmi and b/icons/obj/food/burgerbread.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/obj/food/food.dmi b/icons/obj/food/food.dmi index 4e68915e139..141f04cca2b 100644 Binary files a/icons/obj/food/food.dmi and b/icons/obj/food/food.dmi differ