diff --git a/code/modules/admin/verbs/adminhelp.dm b/code/modules/admin/verbs/adminhelp.dm
index c70cc48e063..2f68cd1ec82 100644
--- a/code/modules/admin/verbs/adminhelp.dm
+++ b/code/modules/admin/verbs/adminhelp.dm
@@ -332,8 +332,8 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM_INIT(ahelp_tickets, /datum/admin_help_tickets, new)
- to_chat(initiator, span_adminhelp("Ticket closed by an administrator."))
- AddInteraction("Closed by [key_name].")
+ to_chat(initiator, span_adminhelp("Ticket closed by an administrator!"))
+ AddInteraction("Closed by an administrator, thank you for being patient with us!")
SSblackbox.record_feedback("tally", "ahelp_stats", 1, "closed")
var/msg = "Ticket [TicketHref("#[id]")] closed by [key_name]."
@@ -368,9 +368,9 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM_INIT(ahelp_tickets, /datum/admin_help_tickets, new)
SEND_SOUND(initiator, sound('sound/effects/adminhelp.ogg'))
- to_chat(initiator, "- AdminHelp Rejected by [usr?.client?.holder?.fakekey? usr.client.holder.fakekey : "an administrator"]! -")
- to_chat(initiator, "Your admin help was rejected. The adminhelp verb has been returned to you so that you may try again.")
- to_chat(initiator, "Please try to be calm, clear, and descriptive in admin helps, do not assume the admin has seen any related events, and clearly state the names of anybody you are reporting.")
+ to_chat(initiator, "- AdminHelp flagged for 'lack of context or information' by an administrator! -")
+ to_chat(initiator, "Your admin help request is lacking in information, please take a moment to make another ahelp and be more verbose on what you're trying to ask. :)")
+ to_chat(initiator, "Please try to be calm, clear, and descriptive in admin helps, do not assume the admin has seen any related events, and clearly state the names of anybody you are reporting. Also, for the love of god do not escalate the situation, administration needs time to handle any issue, thank you!")
SSblackbox.record_feedback("tally", "ahelp_stats", 1, "rejected")
var/msg = "Ticket [TicketHref("#[id]")] rejected by [key_name]"
@@ -384,8 +384,8 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM_INIT(ahelp_tickets, /datum/admin_help_tickets, new)
if(state != AHELP_ACTIVE)
- var/msg = "- AdminHelp marked as IC issue by [usr?.client?.holder?.fakekey? usr.client.holder.fakekey : "an administrator"]! -
- msg += "Your ahelp is unable to be answered properly due to events occurring in the round. Your question probably has an IC answer, which means you should deal with it IC!"
+ var/msg = "- AdminHelp marked as an active issue by an administrator! They will look into it ASAP. -
+ msg += "Your AHELP is being investigated by an administrator. For now please treat this issue as though it is an IN CHARACTER happening. Please do not linger on it, let staff do their job so that the situation can be resolved. Thank you!"
to_chat(initiator, msg)