(in no particular order)
get model training GenServer running
set knob handler to iterate through the bit patterns
run Model.init_loop in BrainServer init, and maybe train for one epoch, and the :epoch_completed event handler should send the whole model state to the BrainServer (perhaps a :model_updated event or something)
Model.init_loop |> Axon.Loop.run(Model.training_set())
for lighting the wires, you can pull the model state from loop.step_state.model_state, and then run predict_fn perhaps? or do it manually (e.g. to get the activations of the different wires... not sure if there's a nice way to do this)
rotary encoder using https://hexdocs.pm/rotary_encoder/RotaryEncoder.html (see if changes are necessary for circuits v2)
moar tests
- add "wiggle back and forth" detection for reset training?
- get EXLA compiling (or download pre-built binary)
- add a UI (for the rpi4 touchscreen) with Scenic