This is a movie database project with networking feature. One can log in as a Production Company with a distinct password. See their movie with the trailer and poster. Edit, Add, Delete the company's movie. Transfer to another company in real-time. Change password and logo, etc. Maximum Warning messages are shown here.
- Download the folder as zip and unzip it in your devce.
- Open the project folder with Intellij IDEA.
- File -> project Structure -> JDK : If No JDK is selected, select your convenient JDK.
- File -> Settings -> Libraries -> Global Libraries, Add all jar files in your javafx lib folder by using the "+" button.
- Run the server.main() function first.
- Then run the client.main() function. (Reversing the order will generate an error. )
- Make sure to allow Run Multiple Instancesin the IDE.
Hello curious man! If this repository is beneficial for you, I am happy. Thanks for visiting the repository. If you wanna thank me, just star the repository.
##There have been a issue that... the links of Movie's poster I provided in this project have changed somehow. That's why you maybe won't see the correct poster. Sorry!