These tables are automatically created by running ./
Table ""
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
gameid | integer | not null | plain | |
game | text | not null | extended | |
"games_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gameid)
"games_game_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (game)
Table "public.mods"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
gameid | integer | not null | plain | |
modid | integer | not null | plain | |
mod | text | not null | extended | |
picture_url | text | | extended | |
"mods_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gameid, modid)
Foreign-key constraints:
"mods_gameid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (gameid) REFERENCES games(gameid) ON DELETE RESTRICT
Table "public.endorsements"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
gameid | integer | not null | plain | |
modid | integer | not null | plain | |
endorsements | integer | not null | plain | |
time | timestamp with time zone | not null | plain | |
"endorsements_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gameid, modid, "time")
"endorsements_time_idx" btree ("time" DESC)
Foreign-key constraints:
"endorsements_gameid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (gameid) REFERENCES games(gameid) ON DELETE RESTRICT
"endorsements_gameid_fkey1" FOREIGN KEY (gameid, modid) REFERENCES mods(gameid, modid) ON DELETE RESTRICT
Table "public.nexus_mod_files"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
gameid | integer | not null | plain | |
modid | integer | not null | plain | |
fileid | integer | not null | plain | |
modversion | text | not null | extended | |
uploaded_time | timestamp with time zone | not null | plain | |
filename | text | not null | extended | |
filesizekb | integer | not null | plain | |
"nexus_mod_files_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gameid, modid, fileid)
Foreign-key constraints:
"nexus_mod_files_gameid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (gameid) REFERENCES games(gameid) ON DELETE RESTRICT
"nexus_mod_files_gameid_fkey1" FOREIGN KEY (gameid, modid) REFERENCES mods(gameid, modid) ON DELETE RESTRICT
Table "public.nexus_mod_files_stats"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
gameid | integer | not null | plain | |
modid | integer | not null | plain | |
fileid | integer | not null | plain | |
category | text | not null | extended | |
dls | integer | not null | plain | |
uniquedls | integer | not null | plain | |
time | timestamp with time zone | not null | plain | |
"nexus_mod_files_stats_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gameid, modid, fileid, "time")
"nexus_mod_files_stats_time_idx" btree ("time" DESC)
Foreign-key constraints:
"nexus_mod_files_stats_gameid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (gameid) REFERENCES games(gameid) ON DELETE RESTRICT
"nexus_mod_files_stats_gameid_fkey1" FOREIGN KEY (gameid, modid) REFERENCES mods(gameid, modid) ON DELETE RESTRICT
"nexus_mod_files_stats_gameid_fkey2" FOREIGN KEY (gameid, modid, fileid) REFERENCES nexus_mod_files(gameid, modid, fileid) ON DELETE RESTRICT
Table "public.nexus_mod_stats_daily"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
gameid | integer | not null | plain | |
modid | integer | not null | plain | |
pageviews | integer | not null | plain | |
dailydls | integer | not null | plain | |
time | date | not null | plain | |
"nexus_mod_stats_daily_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gameid, modid, "time")
"nexus_mod_stats_daily_time_idx" btree ("time" DESC)
Foreign-key constraints:
"nexus_mod_stats_daily_gameid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (gameid) REFERENCES games(gameid) ON DELETE RESTRICT
"nexus_mod_stats_daily_gameid_fkey1" FOREIGN KEY (gameid, modid) REFERENCES mods(gameid, modid) ON DELETE RESTRICT
Table "public.nexus_mod_stats_total"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
gameid | integer | not null | plain | |
modid | integer | not null | plain | |
totaldls | integer | not null | plain | |
time | timestamp with time zone | not null | plain | |
"nexus_mod_stats_total_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gameid, modid, "time")
"nexus_mod_stats_total_time_idx" btree ("time" DESC)
Foreign-key constraints:
"nexus_mod_stats_total_gameid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (gameid) REFERENCES games(gameid) ON DELETE RESTRICT
"nexus_mod_stats_total_gameid_fkey1" FOREIGN KEY (gameid, modid) REFERENCES mods(gameid, modid) ON DELETE RESTRICT