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2577 lines (2217 loc) · 187 KB

File metadata and controls

2577 lines (2217 loc) · 187 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

3.59.0 (2023-12-12)


  • layout: add tuiSlot action to be able to template any element into the action container of BlockStatus (#6191) (a9a5cc8)

Bug Fixes

  • kit: don't hide input if search isn't empty (#6225) (ea1c3a0)
  • kit: prevent stretching to full height (#6224) (54eb4db)

3.58.0 (2023-12-12)


  • addon-doc: add markdown theme (#6221) (b73f1da)
  • addon-doc: display emission in @Output wherever possible (#6171) (8282585)
  • addon-doc: improve code block ui (#6180) (be39861)
  • addon-doc: use anchorScrolling by default (#6182) (af24c82)
  • addon-doc: use white color for deprecated tag (#6165) (bdd946f)
  • kit: Push allow string in timestamp for custom formatting (#6209) (33525f6)
  • kit: support null in tuiImmutableUpdateInputDateMulti (#6176) (3ef4f48)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: treat US Diners as Mastercard internationally (#6210) (58b04a6)
  • core: use immutable range for trigger stream in Safari (#6220) (ddb07f9)
  • i18n: fix Malay translation (#6161) (79aa68a)
  • kit: InputPhone should erase value on blur if it's just country code (#6214) (0b0abe9)

3.57.0 (2023-12-04)


  • addon-doc: add type reference handler for improve documentation (#6086) (e139770)
  • core: *tuiHint add new directive for customizing hint bubble (#6119) (c343d3e)
  • i18n: add Malay language (#6150) (d60064e)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-table: fix sorting on table with dynamic columns (#6103) (e0fc02b)
  • core: Dropdown fix for initial open state (#6130) (a641af5)
  • core: Expand fix for disabled animation (#6129) (bcbafc5)
  • core: invalid css variable name for shadow of navigation (#6128) (47dff9f)
  • experimental: Sensitive fix svg interruption in safari (#6118) (ed02bda)
  • kit: correct resolve date range in mobile calendar (#5974) (016242e)
  • kit: possible type error reduce of empty array with no initial value (#6107) (ee9d470)

3.56.0 (2023-11-28)


Bug Fixes

  • addon-doc: add border radius for copy element (#6082) (aca4040)
  • cdk: add @taiga-ui/experimental to ng-update package group (#6054) (92fbc0e)
  • cdk: add checks before destroying hostView and viewRef (#6083) (8ef84b5)
  • kit: .t-mark in Radio disappears after toggling Expand (#6037) (6999a19)
  • kit: prevent clear country code prefix (#6060) (1ec578e)
  • testing: remove jasmine dependency (#6072) (4757034)

3.55.0 (2023-11-20)


  • addon-charts: Axes allows to add label for the end of axisX (#6016) (3a2e611)
  • addon-doc: improve code block (#5970) (179178d)
  • addon-doc: improve UX for copy code (#5918) (23e7c65)
  • addon-mobile: initial mobile theme (#5988) (679290a)
  • experimental: Appearance add new directive (#5913) (d573ad6)
  • experimental: Button add icon input for new icons approach (6b79aeb)
  • experimental: ButtonVertical add new directive (#5949) (b19b33f)
  • experimental: ProgressSegmented can be customized to have no round corners (#5933) (79fb39d)
  • kit: File change showDelete type to boolean | 'always' (#5968) (d468aa4)
  • kit: ProgressCircle has new sizes (add new attribute to enable them) (#5950) (d36cc10)
  • kit: prevent combobox dropdown opening on value reset (#5641) (1664665)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-table: Table disappearing borders (#5999) (6dcdb66)
  • core: use overflow wrap for notification content (#5944) (cd3920c)
  • kit: InputDateRange can have empty control value after selecting something from [items] (#6006) (d0711da)
  • kit: don't allow disabled options to be selected (#5985) (948be22)
  • kit: preventing hover from being transmitted to nested accordion item (#6028) (ac18f0f)
  • schematics: typo in provideAnimations for animations (#5975) (6be1190)

3.54.0 (2023-11-13)


  • cdk: check document has focus after leave iframe (#5883) (31a9483)
  • experimental: Icon add new component (#5872) (6b278eb)
  • experimental: add TuiCard (#5777) (d2c5e86)
  • experimental: new version of ProgressSegmented (#5892) (a643191)
  • kit: round corners of progress can be toggled off in new version of ProgressBar (#5912) (244f368)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-mobile: SheetDialog add missing label divider (#5905) (5c08ef3)
  • addon-table: Table disappearing borders (#5914) (8b16199)
  • cdk: add Angular 17 support for schematic ng add taiga-ui (#5899) (aa776ec)
  • experimental: Badge remove hover state (#5893) (085538c)
  • kit: tuiProgressColorSegments should support runtime changes of input property (#5891) (16475cc)
  • kit: expression has changed in inputTag (#5867) (615e829)

3.53.0 (2023-11-07)


Bug Fixes

3.52.0 (2023-10-31)


Bug Fixes

  • cdk: don't use layerX and layerY for detect retargated element (#5796) (8873fad)
  • core: don't remove any comments from bundled artifacts (#5795) (2ff6569)

3.51.0 (2023-10-25)


  • core: use TuiBreakpointService instead of TUI_IS_MOBILE_RES (#5736) (bc57278)
  • experimental: ThumbnailCard add new component (#5734) (97606f7)

Bug Fixes

  • cdk: revert breaking changes with TuiMapper (#5739) (74d34c8)

3.50.0 (2023-10-23)


  • experimental: Toggle, Checkbox, Radio add new components (#5319) (f805ed5)
  • i18n: add Kazakh language (#5678) (72a0136)
  • kit: UnmaskHandler add new directive (#5687) (defd0be)
  • schematics: ng update for TuiMapper and TuiMatcher (#5679) (13e4627)

Bug Fixes

  • core: Group bump CSS specificity to fix new buttons (#5728) (85708cc)
  • core: auto break words in notification (#5716) (ace9c3c)
  • core: correct TuiHostedDropdownComponent with tuiHostedDropdownHost (#5669) (c974b51)
  • core: use correct host portal viewport for dropdown position (#5662) (e90c4a4)
  • experimental: rename BadgeAlert to BadgeNotification (#5652) (d27927b)
  • kit: Multiselect fix line height in value content (#5686) (c9fa227)
  • kit: prevent memory leak (#5663) (f3c21c1)

3.49.1 (2023-10-17)

Bug Fixes

  • kit: Multiselect fix broken template in non-editable mode (#5659) (315fda5)

3.49.0 (2023-10-16)


  • addon-table: table column direction reset on third click (#5631) (85cee09)
  • core: add browser specific style mixins (#5589) (27623c3)
  • core: support readonly TuiDay[] in calendar (#5574) (f1cafa8)
  • experimental: Rating add new component (#5633) (254e68b)
  • experimental: Surface add new directive (#5555) (62ac52c)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: change Rbl to Br for Belarus rubles (#5587) (1d4c721)
  • cdk: ValueChanges add distinctUntilChanged (#5586) (d3e40ad)
  • cdk: prevent page scrolling when a modal is open (#5599) (50e5320)
  • experimental: Fade fix line height issue (#5617) (a85ee21)
  • kit: LineClamp fix unexpected closing (#5630) (d6751cd)
  • kit: MultiSelect fix incorrect height with multiline value content (#5618) (5c41e09)

3.48.0 (2023-10-09)


Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: invalid descriptions in currency code dictionary (#5578) (9182165)
  • addon-doc: use code actions together (#5570) (9451225)
  • cdk: Dialog fix animation in safari (#5525) (25fa994)
  • core: DropdownHover fix dropdown closing after child transition (#5532) (a759118)
  • core: DropdownHover fix unexpected closing when using nested dropdown (#5541) (4b5d814)
  • core: scrollbar behaviour inside iframe (#5561) (839fe33)
  • kit: FilterByInput do not reset list on match in multiselect (#5538) (4d3bc9b)

3.47.0 (2023-10-02)


  • addon-doc: add copy button out-of-the-box (#5508) (3a5dede)
  • core: reuse baseHref in icons path factory (#5445) (c975242)
  • experimental: BadgedContent add new component (#5498) (ded734c)
  • experimental: Compass add new component (#5439) (676631d)
  • kit: allow customize vertical align of Radio inside RadioList (#5473) (1172151)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-charts: LineDaysChart fix performance leak (#5484) (2446882)
  • addon-doc: example should enclose inner content (#5516) (be05e44)
  • addon-doc: icon should be paste from subPage (#5517) (a66d692)
  • addon-table: table controls do not work in heading (#5450) (786a06d)
  • addon-table: improve typings for tuiTableSort (#5513) (0176a37)
  • core: Dialog fix scrollbar width issues (#5488) (75358a8)
  • core: PrimitiveTextfield with prefix/postfix has CD problem after delayed fonts loading (#5477) (9a3a873)
  • core: clicking label should not open dropdowns (2c9ee62)
  • kit: Textarea has character descenders problems (#5487) (f5ca9d3)

3.46.0 (2023-09-25)


Bug Fixes

  • core: add break word in alert (#5456) (efb52ab)
  • experimental: Avatar with image has redundant gap below itself (#5449) (fbfd5a4)
  • kit: Combobox return null support for strict matcher (#5441) (5c5ad77)
  • kit: InputPhone fix initial value (#5438) (5b240b8)

3.45.0 (2023-09-18)


  • core: force use pointer-events auto for dropdown (#5417) (e0ccf9d)
  • experimental: Button add new component (#5416) (605aaf5)
  • experimental: add new component Badge (#5247) (9f16da7)
  • kit: CheckboxBlock/RadioBlock add new size (#5390) (45731b6)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: Money causes an extra space (#5374) (bcf41b9)
  • core: Dropdown reset previous position (#5364) (e7542dd)
  • core: don't hide placeholder for input size m (#5382) (de88b55)
  • core: onmouseout events don't trigger when objects move under mouse in Safari (#5406) (6747a34)
  • core: the order of the escape event is important in the dialog service (#5350) (1e79863)
  • kit: InputRange should not validate quantum if textfield is focused (#5401) (452fc01)
  • kit: InputSlider should not validate quantum if textfield is focused (#5389) (2b28fba)
  • kit: Progress fix colors and mode (#5394) (8cc1e76)
  • kit: Select fix dummy checkmark size (#5384) (71cf753)
  • kit: fix tree programmatic control (#5370) (aef8c35)
  • kit: prevent focusing when remove item from multi-select (#5412) (50a3b41)
  • kit: update a tab when the active index has changed (#5402) (aef59e0)

3.44.1 (2023-09-12)

Bug Fixes

  • core: matchMedia is not a function in SSR (#5358) (7c7cfa5)

3.44.0 (2023-09-11)


  • core: add TUI_REDUCED_MOTION (#5329) (e684bdc)
  • experimental: Fade turn into a directive for easier reuse (#5333) (6e67e26)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-charts: BarSet fix case with all bars negative (#5347) (98a907f)
  • addon-doc: Example should not show tabs if there is only default one (preview) (#5331) (e651642)
  • addon-mobile: remove shadow background in mobile calendar header (#5326) (c174365)
  • addon-table: Reorder fix toggling on/off (b3e7408)
  • cdk: BreakpointService properly react to window resize (#5345) (878f7ec)
  • cdk: compatibility svg processor with SSR (#5317) (f4a1706)
  • core: break words in notification (#5330) (357837d)
  • kit: InputNumber ignores native attribute maxlength (#5307) (f3d0c33)
  • schematics: do not provide BrowserAnimationsModule for standalone application (#5290) (273f6c1)
  • schematics: replace whole icon name instead of substring (#5334) (cdc0802)

3.43.0 (2023-09-06)


Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: add automation-id for cleaner and dropdown buttons (#5294) (7f11f52)
  • addon-mobile: SheetDialog fix scrolling flicker (#5288) (e84bf4f)
  • cdk: add fallback color in svg for old browsers which doesn't support gradients (#5227) (79af7c2)
  • cdk: schematic error Attempted to get information from a node that was removed or forgotten (#5303) (debf653)
  • core: drawing correctly the loader (#5213) (71de5aa)
  • core: overlapped by placeholder in autocomplete mode (#5269) (a812112)
  • kit: update ticks color for Slider & Range (#5266) (cd934cb)

3.42.1 (2023-08-28)

3.42.0 (2023-08-28)


  • addon-commerce: rename tui-card to tui-thumbnail-card (#5171) (331bed1)
  • addon-doc: support remote url for code source (#5200) (ee528fa)
  • core: load icons relative base url (#5203) (19d3440)
  • experimental: add pin (#5185) (882266f)
  • kit: Tiles maintain dragged position when page is scrolled (#5155) (7a8a13e)

Bug Fixes

3.41.1 (2023-08-16)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-preview: export tokens as public api (#5118) (4e34eb6)

3.41.0 (2023-08-15)


  • addon-mobile: TabBar add skeletons for empty state (#5073) (ccf2a81)
  • core: Alerts customize position (#5072) (9bd8221)
  • core: Dropdown add directive to force control and monitor open state (#5059) (b4643a8)
  • kit: new sizes for ProgressBar (#5051) (926eadb)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: move tuiGetCodeByCurrency to public API (#5075) (fda819a)
  • i18n: incorrect french translation for Bulgaria country name (#5063) (c77e6b0)
  • kit: InputYear should update text field value after selection from dropdown (#5100) (70c4778)
  • kit: paddings in MultiSelectGroups with lable (#5026) (b8d15d7)
  • kit: wrong compilation for tui-text-area (#5104) (f82bb42)

3.40.0 (2023-08-08)


  • icons: make the rest of components icons customizable (#5046) (cc0828e)
  • kit: InputNumber add value transformer token (#5033) (96c3b67)
  • kit: Pagination add smaller size (#5021) (18ac180)
  • kit: add alias tui-textarea for tui-text-area (#5020) (70f4a9d)

Bug Fixes

  • cdk: include tds packages for update (#5034) (f1f5d6d)
  • eslint-plugin: ignore naming convention for apps directory (#5042) (7fb156c)
  • kit: ProgressCircle should show empty circle if max=0 (#5050) (aa2f133)

3.39.1 (2023-08-01)


  • cdk: add array of icons, used in taiga components (#5005) (c989f60)

Bug Fixes

  • kit: revert alias tui-textarea for tui-text-area (#5015) (b801d59)

3.39.0 (2023-07-31)


  • addon-mobile: SheetDialog add new dialog (#4975) (39d1b62)
  • i18n: switch to power of 2 for file size display (#4998) (65c3e66)
  • kit: add alias tui-textarea for tui-text-area (#4876) (bd8a319)
  • schematics: include *.sass,scss,css files for replace string (#4979) (0d89620)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: correct comparison of months for expiry date (#4974) (eb5887f)
  • core: Hint fix positioning near the right edge of the viewport (#5001) (6fcb214)
  • core: pinned i18n dependency (#4970) (001ccdd)
  • kit: InputDateTime's min/max inputs should receive null (#4847) (#4848) (00b3ce3)

3.38.0 (2023-07-25)


Bug Fixes

  • core: Textfield straighten up icons spacings (#4898) (939769c)
  • eslint-plugin: disable @angular-eslint/component-selector rule (#4943) (c0e2b87)
  • eslint-plugin: disable @angular-eslint/use-component-selector rule (#4948) (13e7314)
  • kit: InputDateTime should place caret before time after selection of a new date via calendar (#4942) (89ec469)
  • kit: BadgedContent badge misaligned inside flex parent (#4961) (1688eaa)

3.37.0 (2023-07-18)


Bug Fixes

  • addon-preview: fix centering when zooming with slider (#4893) (a268064)
  • kit: LineClamp recalculate size on hover (#4906) (2debc55)
  • kit: change button appearance for Files (#4926) (1e15be5)
  • kit: update TUI_COUNTRIES_MASKS (InputPhoneInternational) for Argentina (#4891) (1d931df)

3.36.2 (2023-07-12)


  • core: allow hierarchical DI options for components (#4892) (01e7067)

Bug Fixes

  • cdk: ScrollService fix final position (#4887) (fb1946d)
  • schematics: @tinkoff/tui-editor should be installed after migration (#4900) (7755254)

3.36.1 (2023-07-11)

Bug Fixes

3.36.0 (2023-07-10)


  • cdk: add schematics for migrate @taiga-ui/addon-editor to @tinkoff/tui-editor (#4870) (5f40437)
  • core: support nullability in src property (#4877) (8b0667f)
  • eslint-config: add custom configs for reuse in another projects (#4869) (c228895)
  • kit: InputCopy add DI options (#4868) (f0a2f83)
  • kit: Tag update styles (#4830) (ef37091)
  • kit: fix circular dependency error TuiInputFilesDirective and TuiInputFilesComponent with UMD bundle (#4880) (691109f)

Bug Fixes


  • addon-editor: replace to @tinkoff/tui-editor (#4883) (27fcf52)

3.35.0 (2023-07-03)


Bug Fixes

  • addon-editor: blinking caret doesn't appear in first item in list (#4785) (c8df8d8)
  • addon-mobile: PullToRefresh remove transform CSS (#4799) (26bc6aa)
  • addon-mobile: Sheet fix premature closing (#4806) (3dd042a)
  • addon-table: fix z-index for 2-dimensional sticky tables (#4796) (c294c82)
  • cdk: ng-add fix adding providers in standalone app with config (nx 16+ default) (#4794) (c0d2bfb)
  • cdk: TuiStaticRequestService should be throw error when response code is not 200 (#4787) (df27b27)
  • core: DropdownHover allow nested HostedDropdown (#4823) (105c0fc)
  • kit: Checkbox/Radio properly react to mode (#4797) (565ad88)
  • kit: MultiSelect fix valueContent overflow (#4824) (57239e2)
  • kit: Tabs fix dropdown styles (#4814) (3c0ce9d)

3.34.0 (2023-06-27)


  • addon-editor: ColorSelector uses Maskito instead of legacy text-mask (#4774) (6f4528c)
  • cdk: adding support ECMA Decorators for [@tui]( (#4730) (a0b275c)
  • core: deprecate [@tui](, [@tui](, [@tui]( (#4737) (11fb027)
  • kit: Breadcrumbs add DI customization (#4771) (7e01b6e)

Bug Fixes

3.33.1 (2023-06-23)


  • kit: Multiselect add ability to use objects in native select (#4733) (88bc03d)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: hide input filler in dark mode (#4756) (f03187a)
  • addon-mobile: MobileCalendar fix initial view (#4755) (aa0887c)

3.33.0 (2023-06-22)


  • kit: InputMonth add ability to use native picker on mobile (#4709) (9827b6b)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: expired field should be clickable after reset of prefilled value (#4740) (9734127)
  • addon-editor: fix distance between toolbar and content without label (#4701) (6f63bb8)
  • addon-editor: prevent erasing history on empty value (#4721) (7b77e9e)
  • addon-mobile: MobileTabs update iOS design (#4722) (77a03fe)
  • addon-mobile: PullToRefresh properly disable when no component was provided (#4745) (f58c623)
  • core: Dropdown fix cyclic freeze (#4750) (4d8e6c9)
  • core: HintPointer fix initial position (#4708) (b65208a)
  • core: Textfield fix label font size (#4727) (82bbd49)
  • kit: DataListWrapper extend content to full width (#4718) (36656e6)

3.32.0 (2023-06-19)


  • addon-doc: support fragment in navigation links (#4673) (ecb1c11)
  • addon-editor: support translate/spellcheck option in editor DI (#4688) (98df5c5)
  • addon-editor: support custom fontSize tool (#4670) (74d1efe)
  • cdk: do not overlap close buttons in nested dialogs (#4640) (e174fe2)
  • cdk: support TUI_AUTOFOCUS_OPTIONS (#4650) (e1a3013)

Bug Fixes

  • cdk: schematics add schematic templates to exclusion patterns (#4675) (51a2535)
  • kit: MultiSelectGroup fix label alignment (#4686) (1e3aba8)
  • kit: ProgressCircle fix initial animation (#4682) (efdf144)
  • kit: prevent min rate star selection (#4680) (c29e0e8)
  • kit: prevent overflow first character inside InputInlineComponent (#4647) (d82dbd7)

3.31.1 (2023-06-15)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: Money fix integer part rounding (#4659) (95207c2)
  • core: NumberFormat fix assertion warning (#4665) (8d483ce)
  • kit: InputDateRange freezes UI if [minLength]/[maxLength] are ommited (#4671) (c41d568)
  • kit: MultiSelectGroup fix padding when used without label (#4648) (b8967b1)

3.31.0 (2023-06-13)


  • addon-doc: upgrade ngx-highlightjs (#4608) (63cef10)
  • addon-editor: support all heading levels by default (#4615) (59a30c2)
  • addon-editor: support any font-size in editor (#4624) (eb19c62)
  • addon-editor: use icon for preview type of links in edit mode (#4646) (a735d54)
  • core: svg source interceptor should accept svg global options (#4597) (7e6e17f)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-editor: prevent paste undefined in url (#4645) (a6c8e2e)
  • cdk: fix change detection issue in DialogHost (#4622) (bd0762a)
  • cdk: fix icons migration, improve performance (#4620) (37e51dd)
  • cdk: using trackBy for re-order animations (#4632) (29d039e)
  • core: clear cache string when checking source path is url path (#4623) (ec65348)
  • kit: pack items around the center in checkbox (#4644) (eceb6f9)

3.30.0 (2023-06-05)


  • addon-editor: support image as anchor (#4428) (76845b4)
  • addon-mobile: PullToRefresh use TUI_SCROLL_REF (#4571) (2a207b6)
  • kit: InputPhone uses Maskito instead of legacy text-mask (#4555) (5f6b484)
  • kit: ProgressCircle design improvements (#4577) (2b94f6f)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-editor: immediately unsubscribe streams when toolbar is destroyed (#4588) (db84ded)
  • addon-editor: prevent paste redundant break line (#4587) (4c71bad)
  • addon-mobile: Sheet remove focus from under sheet with overlay (#4567) (28396c8)
  • core: PositionService eliminate memory leak (#4561) (b50bd1e)
  • core: TUI_SCROLL_REF fallback to documentElement (#4566) (a3c7399)
  • hosts of portals can throw ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError (#4533) (677b0d1)
  • kit: InputDateRange fix showing same month twice when min is later than given month (#4569) (0573b29)
  • kit: InputTag fix scrolling (#4570) (1674f69)
  • kit: Tabs align dropdown design with datalist (#4568) (fe2e810)
  • testing: support node.js 18.16, jest 26+ ships jsdom out of the box (#4590) (ad13df9)


  • addon-commerce: use new TUI_CARD_HOLDER_MASK instead of deprecated cardHolderMask (#4560) (ef8bc40)

3.29.2 (2023-05-31)


  • core: add rounding mode to TUI_NUMBER_FORMAT (#4548) (11a192a)

3.29.1 (2023-05-30)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-charts: BarChart fix hover effect (#4547) (a03aa4f)
  • kit: InputNumber fix cutting by min value (#4553) (ab5cad0)
  • kit: LineClamp fix overflownChange false positives (#4549) (633ce65)

3.29.0 (2023-05-29)


  • addon-mobile: PullToRefresh allow customization (#4530) (f592993)
  • kit: InputDate add min/max support for native input date (#4519) (d09a603)
  • kit: InputDateTime uses Maskito instead of legacy text-mask (#4528) (464682a)
  • kit: Select add ability to use objects in native select (#4522) (58c4303)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-editor: fix typo in the description of toolbar tool justifyCenter (#4526) (5b1dd88)
  • core: Dialog fix closing by accident mouseup outside of content (#4543) (b1d627d)
  • core: PrimitiveTextfield fix input disabled state [ng 15+] (#4538) (e425847)
  • kit: InputFiles fix description padding (#4529) (5b9544d)
  • kit: MultiSelect fix placeholder in dark mode (#4516) (e702e2f)

3.28.0 (2023-05-22)


  • addon-doc: remove redundant empty spaces after parse markdown (#4475) (8572840)
  • addon-editor: add pretty bottom indent for content editable area (#4460) (2f5d2a8)
  • addon-editor: support focus on editable area (#4436) (eae42c9)
  • core: Textfield allow showing hints for disabled control (#4500) (c1f73d1)
  • core: add tuiSvgSrcInterceptors for multiple source processing (#4402) (722a66f)
  • kit: Files add expanded input-output (#4479) (90d8efe)
  • kit: InputDate uses Maskito instead of legacy text-mask (#4486) (c558277)
  • kit: InputDateRange uses Maskito instead of legacy text-mask (#4510) (fede061)
  • kit: InputTime uses Maskito instead of legacy text-mask (#4484) (1d7cf4b)
  • kit: TextArea enable icons (#4512) (c6f6a7e)
  • kit: ability to change tag list paddings in input-tag (#4487) (4488eab)
  • kit: add TuiExtractCountryCodePipe, TuiIsoToCountryCodePipe (#4297) (a86b4aa)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-doc: anchor and theme mode buttons get proper size of svg icons (#4499) (aafa41b)
  • addon-doc: increasing css cascade priority for active state (#4493) (e61e47d)
  • addon-editor: focus should trigger only for outside contenteditable area (#4471) (6da026e)
  • kit: InputInline fix alignment with other elements (#4505) (a8ba7ed)
  • kit: InputTag fix vertical jumps on multi line size="m" and label inside (#4506) (b1a9a65)
  • kit: MultiSelect properly react to height variables change (#4513) (559e709)

3.27.0 (2023-05-15)


  • addon-charts: LineChart add configuration through DI (#4427) (a40ee2a)
  • addon-commerce: InputCard uses Maskito instead of legacy text-mask (#4385) (717e96c)
  • addon-commerce: InputCardGrouped uses Maskito instead of legacy text-mask (#4391) (d28c01b)
  • addon-commerce: InputExpire & InputCVC use Maskito instead of legacy text-mask (#4442) (6826b8c)
  • addon-commerce: add flexible payment system detection (#4410) (365a136)
  • addon-doc: add TuiTextCodeDirective for escaped brackets in code (#4451) (654745f)
  • kit: InputDateRange allow to use custom value content when using period (#4383) (6e69988)
  • kit: InputNumber add step input and deprecate InputCount (#4368) (8bb0b4b)
  • kit: InputYear uses Maskito instead of legacy text-mask (#4382) (a3183c8)
  • kit: set dark text color for auto colored tags regardless of theme (#4384) (3fc5ef5)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-editor: vertical alignment of content in a list (#4452) (2f224a1)
  • addon-table: TableFilters fix registering when using structural directives (#4435) (e7e8198)
  • cdk: ActiveZone ignore disabling through fieldset (#4420) (30cf133)
  • cdk: Schematics add some missed migrations (#4430) (a79f48f)
  • core: Control refresh subscription after control change (#4446) (b9c3cb0)
  • core: Dropdown fix initial open state (#4417) (10c1e43)
  • core: explicit override svg options (#4394) (bfd88f8)
  • kit: InputFiles fix disabled state in Safari (#4454) (01cd661)
  • kit: Prompt wrap buttons to the new line if they do not fit (#4443) (63ed120)
  • kit: RadioBlock, CheckboxBlock properly align in Group (#4445) (eca1ec4)
  • kit: Tag remove mixin messing with background (#4419) (c05abb0)
  • kit: downgrade type of value in badge (#4431) (1f6b2b7)

3.26.0 (2023-05-03)


  • addon-commerce: add TUI_INPUT_CARD_GROUPED_OPTIONS token (#4284) (9e04d58)
  • addon-commerce: add TUI_INPUT_CARD_OPTIONS (#4325) (5d19ded)
  • addon-doc: add new parameter tabTitles to TUI_DOC_EXAMPLE_OPTIONS (#4360) (201dcc2)
  • addon-doc: support disable sticky position for demo (#4310) (456130e)
  • addon-doc: tree-shakable entry points (#4240) (212b670)
  • addon-editor: support any protocols in link component (#4260) (9caed62)
  • cdk: ng-add support apps bootstrapped using a standalone component (#4257) (41b5824)
  • core: Svg inherit options through DI hierarchy (#4363) (dbd9f58)
  • core: add ability to align dropdown to center (#4277) (bed3cb4)
  • core: support cache busting for tuiIcon... icons (#4369) (710ca62)
  • icons: improve quality tuiIconAliPay (#4361) (a69beae)
  • icons: new payments system and service icons (#4328) (39585dc)
  • icons: new payments system icons (#4306) (1caad1c)
  • kit: BlockStatus add new component (#4111) (f5a4461)
  • kit: CheckboxBlock support center alignment with align-items CSS (#4370) (0426055)
  • kit: InputDateTime add ability to use native picker on mobile (#4295) (1616ddd)
  • kit: Tag add button selector (#4251) (856bc57)
  • kit: catch Observable instead of PolymorpheusPrimitive from PolymorpheusHandler in fieldError (#4241) (ef9e771)
  • kit: support fallback for avatar when img not found by avatarUrl (#4243) (68f4922)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: InputCardGrouped fix incorrect initial value display (#4304) (b815bb8)
  • addon-editor: class constructor NodeView cannot be invoked without new (#4340) (6e071fa)
  • core: Dialog fix closing fullscreen dismissible dialog (#4359) (a41cf76)
  • core: Root fix display extra scrollbar when using different dialogs (#4351) (9791dd9)
  • core: expose TuiBreakpointMediaKey (#4285) (5ecf38c)
  • core: improve message about deprecated icons (#4365) (b681897)
  • core: skip import if cannot load fonts from (#4366) (2ccf57a)
  • kit: Combobox fix immediate reset after value change (#4270) (36ffa55)
  • kit: InputDateTime fix value setting when using valueTransformer (#4299) (7547cea)
  • kit: Multiselect update dropdown on search (#4371) (ee3f4b9)
  • kit: RadioBlock properly handle identityMatcher in hideRadio mode (#4362) (0240bea)

3.25.0 (2023-04-18)


  • addon-doc: support updateOn and sandboxExpanded in query params (#4231) (7ece066)
  • addon-editor: add TUI_EDITOR_VALUE_TRANSFORMER token (#4173) (754be1b)
  • addon-mobile: AppBar add new component (#4228) (e12a15e)
  • core: Hint support basic HTML (#4214) (b19bb48)
  • core: change default size for icon (#4206) (92e82ac)
  • kit: InputTime add ability to use native picker on mobile (#4207) (df9ad7d)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-charts: LineDaysChart fix hint circle not disappearing, fix wrong hover index (#4178) (ae7edc9)
  • addon-editor: use paragraph type for correct detect empty (#4232) (b130a52)
  • cdk: schematics fix incorrectly processing setNativeFocused (#4171) (cf04d14)
  • core: Dialog fix close button appearance on mobile (#4204) (7f13930)
  • core: Dropdown fix scroll getting stuck (#4191) (7c996e0)
  • core: PrimitiveTextfield label should not be visible when filler used and input focused (#4224) (40b5276)
  • core: tuiTextfield don't handle input inside legacy mask (#4203) (b109261)
  • core: fix label margin (#4172) (0287ad1)
  • core: use tuiIconClose for icon cleaner (#4202) (ac35966)
  • kit: input-count should update value after blur event (#4230) (4f825b5)
  • kit: InputFiles fix incorrectly adding capture on mobile devices (#4216) (2c40931)
  • kit: InputPhoneInternational change Gabon phone pattern (#4210) (c3fa9f6)
  • kit: InputPhoneInternational change Ivory Coast (Costa de Marfil) phone pattern (#4209) (eb4252e)
  • kit: InputPhoneInternational change Cameroon phone pattern (#4195) (94bed77)
  • kit: correct detect iso code for Kazakhstan when phone number start with +7 (#4217) (0080ac8)

3.24.0 (2023-04-10)


  • addon-doc: add TUI_USE_DEFAULT_NIGHT_THEME token for ignore dark theme styles (#4118) (ef0e160)
  • addon-editor: decompose editor-socket styles (#4104) (17bc204)
  • addon-mobile: TabBar add new component (#4120) (1091098)
  • cdk: Control add new directive (#4127) (6a1ddc4)
  • cdk: Replace add new pipe (#4138) (531e322)
  • cdk: ValueChanges add new directive (#4128) (6c3a293)
  • cdk: add @tuiParentStop animation (#4143) (6576bc0)
  • cdk: clear timeout for tuiForAsync (#4139) (33c6224)
  • cdk: help to tree-shake away the code unneeded for production bundles (#4149) (f5617cf)
  • core: Alert support basic HTML as string` (#4163) (4f5a827)
  • core: Dialog support basic HTML as string (#4159) (013eeac)
  • eslint-plugin: implement no-assert-without-ng-dev-mode rule (#4161) (b91a8dc)
  • kit: InputNumber allow untouched decimal part (#4114) (f005445)
  • kit: Prompt add autofocus on OK button (#4155) (ba19ce0)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-doc: resizer shows NaN during SSR (#4140) (43b49b2)
  • addon-editor: prevent override all paragraph styles inside list (#4115) (9c35f55)
  • cdk: make AbstractTuiControl constructor DI compatible (#4113) (d8b7500)
  • cdk: support autofill values when trigger autofocus on iOS (#4160) (f696de6)
  • core: BreakpointService replay value for new subscribers (#4131) (a2a804a)
  • core: Dialog fix close button appearance (#4141) (b4705c6)
  • core: Scrollbar fix height in Firefox (#4147) (93dad55)
  • kit: ElasticContainer handle nested height transitions (#4146) (543e7f4)
  • kit: File show keyboard focus (#4126) (fd56a5e)
  • kit: Stepper use TuiScrollService instead of scrollIntoView (#4123) (3eef359)
  • kit: use hosts stringify in FilterByInput pipe (#4067) (4762063)

3.23.1 (2023-04-04)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: Money fix decimal limit in integer part (#4106) (a159447)
  • addon-doc: correct detect Open-source theme (#4098) (aab2bef)
  • cdk: remove protected from constructors (#4100) (68cc663)
  • kit: FieldError work when nested inside control (#4107) (fb7b827)

3.23.0 (2023-04-03)


  • addon-doc: prevent override theme styles when we use own custom night theme (#4070) (1bfacf7)
  • addon-editor: refactor code-block for correct highlight in the future (#4006) (a723cec)
  • addon-editor: use https by default for links in editor (#4068) (1cc2f0a)
  • cdk: AbstractTuiControl add value setter (#4048) (8f726b7)
  • cdk: move tuiDefaultSort from @taiga-ui/addon-table (#4086) (3805fc2)
  • core: BreakpointService add new service (#3806) (6451a66)
  • core: HostedDropdown support custom PositionAccessor directives (#4016) (3224f7f)
  • core: Textfield add unfocused error state (#4083) (88c999f)
  • core: Tooltip close on click (#4013) (31a5f10)
  • core: increase space between textfield icons (#4012) (4770a98)
  • kit: Multiselect add tag validator (#4087) (9530787)
  • kit: support disabledItemHandler in native select, put tuiMultiSelectGroup inside native multiselect (#4065) (85cb74b)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-editor: compatibility with legacy html model of previous versions (#4018) (b9bfffe)
  • cdk: correct extraction of id for processing in svg (#4049) (e6b67c0)
  • cdk: remove protected from abstract classes for DI (#4027) (1bbdb79)
  • core: Error fix animation inside Expand (#4082) (fba32fc)
  • core: Link delete wrong icon opacity (#4069) (174c02e)
  • core: PrimitiveTextfield don't show decoration when placeholder is present (#4071) (ae07996)
  • core: remove extra whitespace before content (#4092) (fd47bc6)
  • kit: InputSlider broken disabled state (#4031) (f21ddc7)
  • kit: Stepper - add markForCheck on activate step (#4009) (033fd52)
  • kit: Tag fix padding (#4074) (030aa94)
  • kit: Tree fix programmatic control (#4051) (60d94d5)
  • kit: add missing dependency @ng-web-apis/resize-observer (#4011) (4bb7d81)
  • schematics: case sensitivity in template from let-* instruction not preserved after parsing (#4091) (9010fc9)

3.22.0 (2023-03-27)


  • addon-doc: add TUI_DOC_MAP_PAGES for cached map pages (#3932) (9c227e0)
  • addon-doc: add TUI_DOC_URL_STATE_HANDLER for override URL tree segments in history (#3955) (a175c81)
  • addon-doc: support icon for code editor button (#3933) (6ce8572)
  • addon-editor: improve styles for details component (#4000) (ab5342b)
  • addon-editor: support custom full color picker (#3748) (aefb518)
  • kit: InputFiles customize content (#3995) (c70ccfe)
  • kit: MultiSelect add ability to use native dropdown on mobile (#3983) (35b86e0)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-editor: overflow tui-editor-socket only inside tui-editor (#4003) (d20b0e7)
  • addon-editor: trigger updateValueAndValidity after focus/blur events in tui-editor (#3968) (6af090b)
  • addon-mobile: Sheet disable scroll snap for Firefox (#3946) (411a58a)
  • cdk: Resizer leave irrelevant dimensions untouched (#4004) (c691390)
  • cdk: correct extraction of id for processing in svg (#3965) (28190fa)
  • core: HintManual fix initial state (#3956) (091ed25)
  • core: HostedDropdown properly detect size in case of custom host (#3957) (a7f1f8f)
  • core: fix Hint position on pinch-to-zoom in webkit (#3940) (d512952)
  • core: Google Chrome fires keydown event when form autocomplete (#3964) (3444080)
  • core: increase default font size from 15px to 16px to remove iOS zoom (#3994) (75461d4)
  • kit: InputTag remove trailing comma for non editable mode (#3980) (83f0305)
  • kit: align for multiSelectTexts (#3978) (376c2b9)
  • kit: align placeholder (#3999) (872919e)

3.21.0 (2023-03-20)


Bug Fixes

  • addon-charts: dot don't shrink to fit own width for legend-item (#3905) (4109764)
  • addon-commerce: emulate focus on iOS by tuiAutoFocus (#3799) (57b263d)
  • addon-editor: dispatch ImageNode in viewModel (#3872) (89869ef)
  • cdk: tuiIfMap add operator (#3920) (4ef2de6)
  • cdk: correct safari detection (#3855) (ee474b8)
  • cdk: improve type annotation for tuiForAsync (#3767) (731c8bf)
  • core: Dialog fix dismissible property (#3848) (ea4730f)
  • core: Textarea fix line breaks in disabled/readonly state (#3833) (301a505)
  • core: escape event doesn't work in Safari (#3751) (32774b2)
  • core: set text input mode for iOS devices when use negative values (#3899) (8797bea)
  • kit: InputCount fix formatting, fix cutting by min value, use InputNumber inside (#3824) (fc96c86)
  • kit: InputPhoneInternational change Mauritius phone pattern (#3901) (47eb6ae)
  • kit: InputTag, Multiselect fix placeholder (#3832) (75d4b6e)
  • kit: InputTime fix wrong pseudofocus state (#3896) (dea3de7)
  • kit: use ellipsis for label in pdf-viewer when overflow text (#3845) (dd308ac)
  • kit: use wrap for non-breaking string in line-clamp (#3876) (68169bf)

3.20.0 (2023-03-07)


  • kit: InputDate add ability to use native date picker on mobile (#3790) (99a25b1)

Bug Fixes

  • cdk: schematics fix global-styles migration (#3797) (21cc5fa)
  • core: Hint/Dropdown fix directives order mattering (#3726) (263c713)
  • kit: TabsWithMore sync max index on active index change (#3747) (6af42b3)

3.19.0 (2023-02-21)


Bug Fixes

  • addon-editor: do not inherit previous text style for heading (#3695) (91949f9)
  • cdk: correct schematics' messages (#3734) (4452896)
  • i18n: correct translate for indent/outdent (#3711) (f7e2357)
  • kit: InputPhoneInternational after changing country the mask does not render (#3596) (0f86ec9)
  • kit: TabsWithMore properly calculate overflow (#3697) (da6fde0)
  • kit: set pointer-events: none by readonly state for checkbox (#3712) (a12f1fc)

3.18.0 (2023-02-15)


  • addon-editor: add a little bit space between top and bottom in editor (#3647) (c105795)
  • addon-editor: customize css classes for font-tool in toolbar (#3662) (ef5398b)
  • addon-editor: support drop/paste event for resizable (#3646) (7e446bd)
  • addon-editor: support focus extension (#3649) (be04427)
  • core: Dialog allow closing confirmation (#3638) (7ac0c1e)
  • core: Tooltip remove delay on click (#3502) (d6ed9e0)
  • core: TUI_VIEWPORT add new token (#3617) (a0093a0)
  • core: support options for dropdown-hover directive (#3643) (241616b)
  • icons: FeatherIcons add full icon pack (#3577) (19ea759)
  • styles: remove legacy browser clearfix (#3639) (191b0ab)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-doc: change activeItemIndex from NaN to 0 (#3660) (6f7f31d)
  • addon-editor: pin dependencies (#3652) (eda6a37)
  • addon-editor: support Drag and Drop for resizable images (#3654) (0cd3c2f)
  • addon-editor: use imageEditor extension instead of image for copy-paste (#3680) (f311845)
  • cdk: support redefine properties for parent class (#3618) (a7a5bee)

3.17.0 (2023-02-07)


  • addon-commerce: add tuiGetCurrencyByCode (#3563) (f9982ef)
  • addon-editor: add Iframe extension (#3520) (778f678)
  • addon-editor: support audio/video tag in editor (#3585) (5f65b72)
  • core: introduce new font variables (#3518) (3ae2572)
  • eslint-plugin: add strict-doc-example-extensions rule (#3534) (8e5efbf)
  • kit: ElasticContainer add new component (#3492) (3e9a53c)
  • kit: support customization for rating component (#3556) (6f9b7d9)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-doc: prevent convert invalid number to NaN (#3528) (6e259f4)
  • addon-editor: explicit provide @tiptap/extension-blockquote (#3609) (ed878e6)
  • addon-editor: prevent recursive overwriting value (#3567) (045af4c)
  • addon-mobile: wait before update viewport dimension (#3536) (c2cf685)
  • cdk: Schematics add tuiDropdownContext migration (#3558) (a2c3ce8)
  • cdk: schematics fix require() of ES modules error (#3569) (941039b)
  • core: DropdownContext fix closing (ng14) (#3511) (5f34896)
  • core: DropdownHover properly reflect state for HostedDropdown (#3507) (78b8e92)
  • core: TUI_DIALOG_CLOSE_STREAM event targets (#3541) (11c6b7c)
  • core: visible incorrect initial position from TuiDropdownComponent & TuiHintComponent without animation & ngZoneEventCoalescing (#3529) (e570eab)
  • kit: Carousel fix drag to next slide (#3583) (92f5373)
  • kit: use TUI_CHECKBOX_OPTIONS/TUI_RADIO_OPTIONS for checkbox/radio-labeled (#3555) (1f0e337)

3.16.0 (2023-01-24)


  • tslib should be a transitive dependency from @taiga/cdk (#3430) (abc5323)
  • addon-editor: add @tiptap/extension-youtube (#3481) (a1efcf0)
  • addon-mobile: improve typing for tuiRipple (#3379) (0d9197e)
  • addon-table: rename icons tuiIconSortDown/tuiIconSortUp to tuiIconSortAscending/Descending (#3443) (2dc71da)
  • cdk: drop ~ imports for all .less files (#3484) (e1607d7)
  • compat with rxjs 7.x and 8.x-alpha (#3428) (0804b74)
  • eslint-plugin: add no-typeof rule (#3449) (c4e82fa)
  • kit: Multiselect add max number of rows for expandable mode (#3388) (e3bcca0)
  • kit: provide custom formatSize handler in TuiFileComponent (#3483) (fb9d0cd)
  • kit: support override padding for items in carousel (#3462) (a39fae9)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-charts: LineDaysChart fix hint circle not disappearing (#3486) (caa5f9a)
  • addon-doc: convert number value to string by documentationPropertyType (#3439) (90165de)
  • addon-doc: preserve whitespace between links (#3441) (24b76e0)
  • cdk: Schematics add missing moduleSpecifier (#3468) (250e843)
  • core: remove quotes inside url(*) function in fonts.less (#3469) (592ad35)
  • core: top border of tuiTable first row's td is not visible (#3454) (1a39ed1)
  • core: use nowrap for content in value-decoration (#3496) (4b20993)
  • kit: InputSlider not working border-bottom-left-radius for slider (Firefox) (#3494) (514374b)
  • kit: InputSlider wrong slider's width in Firefox (#3488) (c7fe7e1)
  • kit: InputTag fix overflow (#3397) (4e88d8e)
  • kit: MultiSelect fix dropdown for various updateOn options (#3479) (554c519)
  • kit: Multiselect fix scrolling to end (#3493) (d320900)
  • kit: Slider has wrong height of the progress in Firefox (#3497) (dbd2059)
  • kit: Tabs can't detect active tab during SSR (#3395) (cbc96ae)
  • kit: Tabs SSR-error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type') (#3391) (9fb85db)
  • kit: add missing TUI_COUNTRIES_MASKS for New Caledonia (#3409) (29bf460)
  • kit: fix TUI_COUNTRIES_MASKS of French Polynesia (#3435) (926bb66)
  • kit: support updateOn of blur and submit types for multi-select component (#3398) (0a2daff)
  • kit: update statically HostBinding in line-clamp (#3394) (3835043)
  • kit: use new-password as lucky solution for disable autofill of input elements (#3389) (9458439)

3.15.0 (2022-12-30)


  • addon-doc: add TUI_DOC_EXCLUDED_PROPERTIES token to exclude inherited props (#3267) (07d0aac)
  • addon-editor: support hilite groups (#3283) (c632052)
  • addon-table: add items to TUI_TABLE_PAGINATION_OPTIONS token (#3276) (5dbdae0)
  • cdk: Schematics add root path option (#3274) (00a0e4d)
  • core: tuiDropdownSidedOffset add new input (#3345) (0215211)
  • core: dynamic switch view of calendar when value changes (#3337) (bc05066)
  • core: replace TUI_DROPDOWN_OFFSET with injection token (#3141) (a126af0)
  • kit: InputTag add max number of rows for expandable mode (#3339) (82d2679)
  • kit: add showDelete input prop for TuiFileComponent (#3342) (67c40f3)
  • kit: support empty value in InputCount (#3317) (a1e112b)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-table: export TuiTablePagination (#3331) (e93cda3)
  • core: DropdownContext fix nested dropdowns (#3288) (6fca3d4)
  • core: fix overlapping prefix and value when resizing textfield (#3316) (97999e6)
  • kit: Accordion fix incorrectly focusing item (#3289) (a81b132)
  • kit: NativeSelect fix readonly state (#3347) (ab9a266)
  • kit: fix reopening nested dropdown (#3263) (f08f1aa)
  • testing: skip unavailable cell for calendar (#3334) (fe80197)

3.14.0 (2022-12-19)


  • cdk: Resizer add new directive (#3248) (121e977)
  • cdk: add --tui-backdrop variable for dialog overlay (#3251) (ebe2d80)
  • core: TextfieldController add prefix, postfix and filler (#3188) (75276fb)
  • kit: ItemsWithMore add new component (#3230) (de63d7b)
  • kit: SortCountries add pipe for InputPhoneInternational (#3257) (ffb6cd1)
  • kit: TextArea support s size, fix m font and padding (#3242) (cdb9c05)

Bug Fixes

  • cdk: share a single subscription to the underlying source observable between multiple subscribers (#3174) (6ee6f50)
  • kit: File fix background (#3247) (9300260)
  • schematics: exclude popular hidden directories (#3252) (6ea575e)

3.13.0 (2022-12-12)


Bug Fixes

  • addon-tablebars: fixed close button in table bar (#3184) (bf5d6bd)
  • addon-table: don't update direction order when updating sorter programmatically (#3196) (0197d56)
  • core: DataList fix default size (#3217) (9ab7a53)
  • core: Dropdown fix change detection inside dialogs (#3200) (74df80d)
  • i18n: fix dutch translations for multiSelectTexts (#3211) (41cb92e)
  • kit: Tiles fix handle inside Shadow DOM (#3216) (35e5399)

3.12.1 (2022-12-08)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: truncate float values without rounding (#3176) (70e6887)
  • i18n: fix french TUI_COUNTRIES_MASKS should accept numbers without leading 0 (#3191) (11ee5ed)
  • kit: InputFiles fix style encapsulation issue (#3194) (cd907c0)

3.12.0 (2022-12-05)


  • cdk: Schematics migration multiple projects (#3144) (cf25f6a)
  • cdk: support SafeHtml input value in tui-svg (#3166) (aad787b)
  • kit: avatar now accepts SafeResourceUrl as avatarUrl (#3149) (d4bdf64)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-charts: Bar, BarSet fix color getter (#3148) (e7c517c)
  • addon-editor: allow paste base64 image (#3138) (4222293)
  • addon-table: Reorder fix wrong order when toggling visibility (#3145) (0e7eb9b)
  • cdk: add tuiControlValue to schematic (#3137) (465f834)
  • kit: InputPhone cut value by max phone length (#3160) (67d80fc)
  • kit: Range broken alignment + artifact line before track (#3136) (17dd30b)
  • kit: Tiles remove binding with JS to allow media query control (#3164) (91e9f5f)
  • kit: Tiles switch to CSS order to prevent DOM redraw (#3170) (e90da1d)
  • kit: Add missing TUI_COUNTRIES_MASKS for Overseas France (#3112) (8c2a1c9)
  • kit: fixed label text align for input files (#3156) (699d473)

3.11.0 (2022-11-28)


Bug Fixes

  • addon-charts: remove location origin from mask (#3125) (eaaa1fa)
  • core: Dropdown fix direction set with binding (#3084) (866675e)
  • i18n: fix vietnamese (#3115) (9ae15c7)
  • kit: Input fix mask (#3107) (9d721e1)
  • kit: Stepper fix gap according to design spec (#3095) (aafd26e)
  • kit: Stepper scroll to active step when activeItemIndex changes (#3080) (235100e)
  • kit: correct default active month based on min/max (#3092) (e1668e7)

3.10.0 (2022-11-16)


  • addon-editor: improve ux for edit links (#3008) (b432f04)
  • addon-editor: support attach files (#3056) (7a3fbad)
  • addon-editor: support nested counters in ordered list (#3012) (1fc6ee6)
  • addon-editor: upgrade all tiptap dependencies (#3001) (c0ba4e3)
  • cdk: implement tuiIsPresent pipe (#3002) (db4a29b)
  • core: DataList add size input, deprecate size for Option (#3071) (765ea01)
  • core: HostedDropdown add sided input and close method to context (#3060) (60bd0db)
  • core: change underline color for today cell in calendar (#3037) (331158a)
  • testing: accordion harness test (#3018) (5905545)
  • testing: avatar harness test (#3019) (970e1d0)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: InputExpire fix translation in safari (#3043) (1a258c5)
  • addon-commerce: fix safari expire autofill (#3015) (c2aac4b)
  • addon-doc: scroll to last element in DOM if there are several (#3040) (883db38)
  • addon-editor: support long words inside bulleted or ordered list (#3038) (c93ae27)
  • addon-editor: support write simple text after marked link (#3021) (a2f0123)
  • core: Dialog fix padding (#3009) (0a68461)
  • core: hide autofill button for Safari (#3061) (27a6aa2)
  • eslint-plugin: broken no-deep-imports on Windows-OS (#3053) (a3451c2)
  • i18n: fix french translations (#3017) (2afc420)
  • kit: icon in date-related components occupies space when hidden (#2966) (27c2d79)

3.9.0 (2022-10-31)


  • addon-editor: add anchor extension (#2931) (1e3a22a)
  • cdk: ScrollService support Window (#2955) (ccac3c0)
  • core: DataList update styles (#2949) (3c219c1)
  • kit: Avatar, MarkerIcon synchronize sizes (#2975) (ebb8676)
  • kit: Select add ability to use native select on mobile (#2964) (c909bec)
  • kit: add tokens for customizing different bundled dialogs (#2490) (66e1aca)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-editor: support original order of colors in palette (#2986) (0c869ca)
  • addon-editor: support overflow content of table (#2985) (89af6a9)
  • cdk: add wrapper style migration (#2971) (2f736a1)
  • eslint-plugin: fix incorrect project name search (#2962) (dfbb09e)

3.8.0 (2022-10-24)


  • core: Button add padding customization (#2932) (91c1b81)
  • core: PrimitiveCalendar add ability to change the color of the days (#2904) (3a14454)
  • core: disable smooth scrolling when users have prefers-reduced-motion enabled (#2943) (05027f4)
  • core: update shadows styles (#2933) (37144b5)
  • icons: add tuiIconAnchorLarge (#2944) (1e28581)
  • kit: InputYear add new component (#2919) (214fc30)
  • testing: add harness class for toggle component (#2939) (3dd08ce)

Bug Fixes

  • cdk: schematics always install styles package when migrating (#2922) (52feffd)
  • core: fix notification padding and background color (#2937) (4ef310d)
  • kit: InputTag fix pasting behaviour (#2936) (cd5d309)
  • kit: MarkerIcon only show hover state for interactive elements (#2950) (90da7d5)
  • kit: TextArea fix height for size m (#2952) (e17346d)

3.7.1 (2022-10-18)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-editor: revert some breaking packages (#2920) (48e3597)

3.7.0 (2022-10-18)


  • addon-editor: upgrade @tiptap/* to latest (#2855) (79e14c8)
  • demo: stackblitz starter available via (#2907) (71225b0)
  • kit: ProgressBar add :indeterminate-state (#2876) (e311069)
  • kit: Tabs add vertical option (#2862) (a0513c8)
  • testing: add harness tests for tag component (#2746) (fb12283)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-commerce: InputCardGrouped fix wrong offset for card number (#2878) (c387fb2)
  • addon-editor: downgrade @tiptap/extension-table (#2888) (93b0ed6)
  • addon-table: Table don't render column with unspecified template (#2896) (526c40a)
  • core: DataList fix first label padding (#2870) (1988491)
  • core: Hint fix mobile offscreen overflow (#2879) (5d606b3)
  • core: TUI_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK ignores DI-hierarchy (#2868) (169cd5c)
  • docs: Typo in the description of the tuiTextfieldMaxLength attribute (#2882) (00ec432)
  • kit: MultiSelect fix sanitizer warnings (#2903) (0356d7d)
  • kit: TextArea add ability to override minHeight when using maxLength (#2899) (7292a70)
  • styles: put tui-island_transparent after tui-island_hoverable (#2910) (833e4de)


  • addon-table: *tuiRow deprecation (use *ngFor + tuiTableSort-pipe) (#2736) (5723e1b)

3.6.0 (2022-10-11)


  • addon-table: add TuiDirectionOrderDirective to sort by order (#2782) (962084a)
  • kit: Avatar add stacking option (#2811) (0264b38)
  • kit: Avatar allow Taiga UI icons (#2824) (cfa5ead)
  • kit: Badge add overflow ellipsis and title (#2806) (02713d6)
  • kit: Carousel allow vertical alignment control (#2814) (36d3c6f)
  • kit: InputDate, InputDateRange, InputDateTime add options DI token for custom icons (#2785) (0fe5d5b)
  • kit: InputMonth, InputMonthRange add options DI token (#2840) (217d670)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-doc: misaligned column fix (#2815) (783f59c)
  • addon-editor: edit link modal shouldn't overlap content (#2803) (7f8643a)
  • addon-editor: normalize h1-h6 heading in editor socket (#2808) (c8ff2d2)
  • addon-editor: removing all !important styles (#2798) (a59afe8)
  • addon-editor: support nested ordered list inside a bullet list (#2805) (340ebdc)
  • addon-editor: use starterKit only from custom extension (#2845) (98311f8)
  • cdk: Obscured fix for SSR (#2835) (6b69efb)
  • cdk: schematics error Cannot read property 'getInitializer' of undefined (#2828) (8d5f40b)
  • kit: MultiSelect fix overflow issues (#2847) (372410e)
  • kit: RadioLabeled fix disabled label style (#2842) (001c0ad)
  • styles: move required styles from styles package to tui-root (#2854) (033960d)
  • styles: pseudo elements :after aren't removed in Safari 16 (#2825) (fdab37a)

3.5.0 (2022-10-03)


  • addon-charts: BarSet add label (#2780) (d4f4ce0)
  • addon-commerce: InputCard extend custom icon type to PolymorpheusContent (#2788) (b8eff54)
  • core: Dialog allow Default change detection strategy to work (#2762) (f71ed71)
  • kit: InputTime add checkmark near selected time (#2763) (75be9bc)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-charts: make hint properties dynamic (#2774) (0a7a068)
  • addon-commerce: show caret color when filling in input card group value (#2794) (aae0212)
  • addon-editor: add missing starterkit dependencies (#2764) (3d017b6)
  • core: Expand return tuiExpandContent-directive (#2753) (0027332)
  • kit: InputNumber introduce safe integers for min/max props (#2781) (27f7c86)

3.4.0 (2022-09-27)


  • testing: add component harness test for primitive-textfield component (#2584) (40e2a91)
  • testing: add harness for island (#2727) (f938d49)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-editor: add deps for starter-kit (#2757) (8c07868)
  • cdk: schematics add Node.js < 16-support (#2744) (69d20d5)
  • core: Hint fix offscreen position on small devices (#2749) (e249a54)
  • core: PrimitiveTextfield drop wrong text-overflow: ellipsis (horizontal scroll bug) (#2733) (2ddc249)
  • demo: Stackblitz broken styles (#2747) (1bf9e2d)
  • eslint-plugin: no-deep-imports add Windows-OS support (#2741) (e54e3de)

3.3.0 (2022-09-16)


  • eslint-plugin: new no-deep-imports-rule (#2666) (467420e)
  • eslint-plugin: new prefer-inject-decorator-rule (#2688) (3105204)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-table: support partial objects (#2722) (550b11a)
  • core: styles sync .scss-files with .less-files (#2717) (1549898)
  • kit: InputFlies new value of i18n-token TUI_INPUT_FILE_TEXTS triggers text changes (#2711) (fa4e1e1)
  • kit: InputPhoneInternational extend country masks for Croatia and Bosnia (#2713) (d26b3cb)

3.2.0 (2022-09-12)


  • eslint-plugin: new injection-token-description-rule (#2661) (3a30d5b)
  • kit: InputDateRange navigate months in sync, cancel unfinished range on esc (#2647) (14f2907)

Bug Fixes

  • addon-editor: using editor-socket inside editor to fix editor styles (#2631) (68b0acb)
  • addon-table: Type string is not assignable to type keyof T (#2649) (bb6d824)
  • cdk: schematics migration 3.x Error: Cannot determine project target configuration (#2669) (eba43c0)
  • core: support text-overflow in tuiTextfield (#2657) (9b72134)
  • demo: make Stackblitz to be compatible with Taiga UI 3.0 (#2636) (5130208)

3.1.0 (2022-09-07)


Bug Fixes

  • add compatibility with TypeScript 4.8 (#2608) (42f8d91)
  • addon-commerce: InputCardGrouped fix dropdown width (#2616) (4aa5026)
  • addon-table: ThGroup fix columns updating (#2602) (1de7c24)
  • cdk: parse5 & ng-morph move dependencies => optionalDependencies (#2604) (8a6d3a8)
  • core: fix dialog header type (#2559) (36d0aa4)
  • kit: Carousel reset autoscroll timer when index changes (#2614) (4c1b958)
  • kit: InputNumber fix positive min/negative max clipping (#2575) (87b13f7)

3.0.1 (2022-09-01)

Bug Fixes

  • cdk: schematics fix 3.0-migration for tuiTextfieldInputMode (#2544) (9f8fd3d)
  • core: DropdownContext close previous dropdown after new one is opened (#2535) (ae45123)

3.0.0 (2022-08-30)


  • Update to Angular 12 (#2080, #2097, #2110). Enable Ivy by default (#2076). Drop legacy View Engine-support.
  • Migrate to Polymorpheus 4.x.x (#2165).
  • Update supported browser versions. Drop support of legacy not-chromium Edge (EdgeHTML) (#2318). Bump supported Safari to 12.1+ (#2391).
  • All exported entities without tui-prefix was renamed to the same one with prefix: functions, constants, pipes, classes, etc.
  • styles: move all global styles from @taiga-ui/core to new optional package @taiga-ui/styles (#2320). Delete tui-palette.less (data-tui-background and data-tui-color global states) (#2473).
  • core: Dropdown refactor dropdowns completely (#2389).
  • kit: remove legacy InputFile component (#2087). Use new InputFiles component instead.
  • addon-editor: replace legacy Editor with new one based on popular open-source solution TipTap.
  • core: Hint support 12 directions (#2256). Add context input (#2273). Add new directive HintDescribe (#2495). HintController remove separate module (move inside TuiHintModule) (#2484).
  • core: TuiTextfieldController delete tuiTextfieldAutocomplete, tuiTextfieldExampleText, tuiTextfieldInputMode, tuiTextfieldMaxLength, tuiTextfieldType (#2410) in favor of native input alternatives. Allow passing icons at both sides simultaneously in textfield components (#2037).
  • kit: Slider | InputSlider | Range | InputRange drop all deprecated API (#2200, #2207, #2215, #2243). Use strict version of TuiKeySteps (#2220). Delete legacy <tui-slider /> (#2184).
  • kit: Action new selector button[tuiAction], a[tuiAction] (#2479). Better customization + new API (#2505)
  • kit: Stepper rename state input (=> stepState) to avoid collision with routerLink (#2437).
  • core: remove tuiExpandContent directive (#2501)
  • kit: DataListDropdownManager move into separate module (#2317)
  • cdk: Let directive can emit null (#2496)
  • cdk: remove deprecated setNativeFocused,tuiCustomEvents, tuiPadStart, getClosestElement, fallbackValue (#2074, #2276). Use native alternatives.
  • core: tuiFormatNumber(value, configs) new function signature (#2309)
  • cdk: tuiGetClosestFocusableElement(configs) new function signature (#2436)
  • core: new names of css breakpoints (#2393).
  • core: remove deprecated pluralize (#2222). Use Angular built-in I18nPluralPipe.
  • core: move fonts to separate file taiga-ui-fonts.less (#2132)
  • Replace deprecated directives (*tuiTab, *tuiBreadcrumb,[tuiToolbarTool]) with universal tuiItem-directive (#2069)
  • Move all color-converter utils (addon-editor / addon-doc => cdk) (#2280)
  • Remove tui-wrapper, tui-group, table-mode, field-error component, tui-breadcrumb items (#2121).
  • kit: remove deprecated TUI_MOBILE_AWARE (#2099).
  • core: AlertComponent use new context (#2362)
  • cdk: PortalService switch to using PolymorpheusComponent
  • addon-commerce, addon-chart: remove deprecated enums (#2095)
  • remove deprecated core-enums, TuiColor, colorFallback, DEFAULT_COLORS, TuiColorHandler (#2158)
  • remove date-time related deprecations, EMPTY_VALIDATOR (#2164)
  • remove deprecated properties from AbstractTuiInteractive (#2124)
  • remove autofill enums (#2500).

Migration guide

This release introduces a lot of breaking changes.
Most of them can be solved automatically with the following command:

ng update @taiga-ui/cdk


  • Npm 7 has a known issue. If you face "Conflicting peer dependency"-error, try the following workaround:
    ng update @taiga-ui/cdk --force.
  • If you face any other issues, try to update all Taiga UI's packages manually.
    Then check that node_modules/@taiga-ui/cdk/package.json contains 3.x.x-version.
    After all, run ng update @taiga-ui/cdk --migrate-only --from=2 --to=3.
  • If any problem still persists, please, create an issue.