Paper title:
Neuron-Level Fuzzy Memoization in RNNs
Problem to solve:
For recurrent neural network, this paper found that the output of RNN’s neuron exhibits small changes in consecutive invocations. This paper exploits this property to build a memory scheme to avoid the repeating computation and improve the computing speed.
Major contribution:
This paper provided an evaluation of the outputs of neurons in recurrent layers, and show that they exhibit small changes in consecutive executions.
This paper proposes a fuzzy memorization scheme that avoid more than 24.2% of neuron evaluations by reusing previously computed results stored in a memorization buffer.
This paper proposed the use of a BNN to determine when memorization can be applied with small impact on accuracy. It also showed that BNN and RNN outputs are highly correlated.
This paper also implemented the neuron-level memorization scheme on top of a state-of-the-art RNN accelerator. It provided 1.35x speedup and 18.5% energy savings on average for several RNNs.
Lessons learnt:
It is essential to analyze the detail of a data-processing algorithm and identify the stable regularity, such as reusability of per-step results. This may be an idea to find a valuable problem.
Employing Binarized Neural Network (BNN) reasonably in architecture designing is an effective and creative way. Because BNN is extremely small, hardware-friendly and very effective at predicting when memorization can be safely applied.
The key to accelerating large-scale data process is to exhibit the trade-off between reusing and repeating in a view of little output error. Therefore, the threshold may a good tool to help us to be available to reach a promising balance.