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Jeana edited this page May 8, 2024 · 42 revisions
LBLRTM Version Release Date Notes
v12.17 February 2024
  • New foreign continuum coefficients (MT_CKD_4.3 and MT_CKD_H2O_4.3) in window regions for wavenumbers greater than 4000 cm-1 were derived (Mlawer and Mascio) using a modification to the MT_CKD line shape formalism that was constrained by results from the following studies from the U. Grenoble group led by A. Campargue:
    • Mondelain et al. (2015), doi:10.1039/c5cp01238d
    • Vasilchenko et al. (2019), .doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt. 2019.02.01
    • Mondelain et al. (2020), doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.106923
    • Fleurbaey et al. (2022),
    • Koroleva et al. (2023),
v12.16 December 2023
  • MT_CKD_4.2 and MT_CKD_H2O_4.2: Changes to self, foreign, and self T-dependence in IR window (590-1400 cm-1) derived from AERI (Mlawer/Mascio/Turner).
v12.15.1 January 2023
v12.15 January 2023
  • The continuum has been updated to MT_CKD_4.1 and MT_CKD_H2O_4.1, where the foreign H2O continuum has been revised in the Far-IR to adjust for MT_CKD_3.5 changes to self.
  • Includes NO3 as a cross-section.
v12.14 November 2022
  • The water vapor continuum code has been restructured for its inclusion in HITRAN and put in separate module. The absorption coefficients are now in an external (netCDF) file and the code contains only simple scaling and interpolation operations. The full continuum code (contnm.f90) has been modified to call the new water vapor continuum code (K.E. Cady-Pereira, E. Mlawer).
v12.13 June 2022
  • The continuum was updated to MT_CKD v3.6, where the water vapor self continuum temperature dependence is now computed as a power law, where the exponent is determined from existing behavior between 270-305K (E. Mlawer, J. Mascio).
  • Includes four additional cross-sections: acetic acid, glycoaldehyde, propene and furan (K. Cady-Pereira).
v12.11 February 2021
  • The continuum was updated to MT_CKD v3.5, which includes improvements in the water vapor continuum from the microwave through the far-infrared (E. Mlawer, V. Payne, J. Mascio, D. Turner), and a bug fix in the O2 A-Band continuum (E. Mlawer, J. Mascio, E. Magee).
  • The range of indices used in the R3 to R2 interpolation in the subroutine PANEL was extended to ensure that all R2 values used in the consecutive operations are correct.
v12.10 August 2020
  • The continuum was updated to MT_CKD v3.4, which modifies collision-induced absorption in the oxygen A-band to be consistent with OCO-2 ABSCO 5.1 (E.J. Mlawer, J. Mascio, V.H. Payne, B. Drouin, F. Oyafuso).
  • The Planck function and its derivative are now calculated analytically rather than using look up tables (I. Polonsky, E.Mlawer)
  • The code has been reformatted with modern indentation and subroutine and function end statements, allowing for greater readability (I.Polonsky)
  • Added six cross-section molecules: SF6, NF3, C2F6, HCHO, HFC-245fa, and HFC-236fa. (I.Polonsky)
v12.9 November 2019
  • Changes were made to oprop.f90 to handle O2 lines (Schumann-Runge), which have predissociation line widths and not pressure-broadened widths (M. Iacono, E. Mlawer)
  • Minor changes to solar.f90 to accommodate extension to 86500 cm-1 (M. Iacono)
  • Added O2 Schumann-Runge continuum to contnm.f90 (E. Mlawer)
  • Removed a line in lblrtm.f90 that prevented the code from compiling with ifort (K. Cady-Pereira, R. Pernak)
  • Added BrO to cross-sections (R. Pernak, K. Cady-Pereira)
  • Fixed a bug in the cross-section identification tables (K. Cady-Pereira, E. Mlawer, R. Pernak)
  • Extended Rayleigh down to 820 cm-1 in contnm.f90 (K. Cady-Pereira, J. Delamere)
  • Minor changes to BBFN to ensure correct rounding (M. Alvarado, Y. Ma)
  • Added space after STOP command in FNDPTH routine in lblatm.f90 (K. Cady-Pereira, D. Turner)
v12.8 August 2017
  • The continuum was updated to MT_CKD_3.2, which has new self continuum coefficients in window regions for wavenumbers greater than 2000 cm-1 and updated self continuum temperature dependence from 1800-3500 cm-1 (E.J. Mlawer, M.J. Alvarado, K.E. Cady-Pereira)
v12.7.1 July 2017
  • The error tolerance in BBFN was reduced, making the Planck function evaluation more accurate (E.J. Mlawer, K.E. Cady-Pereira)
  • The continuum was updated to MT_CKD_3.1, which includes collision-induced absorption in the oxygen A-band (E.J. Mlawer, D. Gombos, V.H. Payne, B. Drouin, K.E. Cady-Pereira)
v12.7 March 2017
  • Added capability to handle solar variablity, as estimated by the NRLSSI2 model. See more details in the v1.4 notes of the AER solar page. (K.E. Cady-Pereira, E.J. Mlawer, M.J. Iacono)
  • Implemented code to handle non-unity surface emissivity for flux calculations. Similar code was added to RADSUM v2.7. (E. J. Mlawer, X.Chen, X. Huang, H. Cheng, M.J. Alvarado)
  • Fixed a bug in modules that calculate optical depths (e.g. oprop, nonlte) to allow the code to work properly when users input values of SAMPLE other than the default. For the default value of SAMPLE=4, the optical depths of narrow lines can have an accuracy that is inferior to the stated accuracy of LBLRTM. This can manifest itself in a greater-than-expected dependence of the output values on the initial wavenumber (v1) input to the calculation. This issue can now be avoided by using a greater value for SAMPLE, such as 8 or 16 (max value allowed is 32). However, the computation time will be greater when SAMPLE is increased. (Y. Ma, E.J. Mlawer, M.J. Alvarado)
  • Fixed a bug related to the pressure shifts of oxygen and nitrogen lines when additional broadening parameters are used. (K.E. Cady-Pereira, E.J. Mlawer, M. J. Alvarado)
  • Fixed a minor indexing bug in the cross-section code. (E.J. Mlawer, Y. Ma, M.J. Alvarado)
v12.6 December 2016
  • Updated aer_v_3.5 line parameter database included in this release:
    • Updated H2O and O2 line parameters. See notes on our AER line parameter What's New page.
  • Updated MT_CKD_3.0 continuum code in this release:
    • The continuum has been updated to MT_CKD_3.0, which includes modifications to the H2O foreign continuum from 0-600 cm-1 and the self continuum in the microwave that resulted from an analysis of measurements taken at the ARM RHUBC-II campaign and a re-analysis of RHUBC-I measurements. (E.J. Mlawer, D.D. Turner, S.N. Paine, V.H. Payne)
  • Recent changes have been evaluated with RHUBC-I and RHUBC-II data.
v12.5 July 2016
  • The continuum code was updated to MT_CKD_2.8, which has modifications to the H2O foreign continuum in all window regions > 1800 cm-1, the H2O self continuum from 1880-2390 cm-1, and the efficiency of N2 collision-induced absorption with respect to H2O from 2000-2900 cm-1. (E.J. Mlawer and M.J. Alvarado)
  • Updated aer_v_3.4.1 line parameter database included in this release
  • Saved a variable used by the output code to solve problems when code was compiled with ifort. (K.E. Cady-Pereira and S. DeSouza-Machado)
v12.4 February 2016
  • Updated aer_v_3.4 line parameter database included in this release:
    • Updated CH4 and O2 line parameters. See notes on our AER line parameter What's New page.
  • LBLRTM has been updated to accommodate all molecules and isotopologues in HITRAN 2012. This requires the use of LNFL v3.0 to prepare the input binary line file or TAPE3. (M. J. Alvarado, M. J. Iacono)
  • LBLRTM now allows the use of gas-specific broadening parameters, such as CO2 broadened by H2O, when the IBRD flag is activated. This requires the use of LNFL v3.0 to prepare the input binary line file or TAPE3. (K. E. Cady-Pereira)
  • LBLRTM now allows for the input of isotopologue profiles; thus the default HITRAN ratios are no longer the only option for users. (K. E. Cady-Pereira, M. J. Iacono)
  • The continuum has been updated to MT_CKD_2.7, including the addition of the first overtone of the N2 fundamental band. (E. J. Mlawer, D. Gombos)
  • Several new cross-section molecules have been added to LBLRTM, including isoprene. (K. E. Cady-Pereira, G. Uymin)
  • Fixed a bug in calculation of altitude when the user specifies an input profile on pressure levels. Now the hydrostatic equation is applied with no interpolation of the informational altitudes in the input profile. (K. E. Cady-Pereira, E. J. Mlawer, E. Morgan)
  • Fixed a bug in the calculation of the analytic Jacobians for temperature in the MT_CKD_2.7 continuum. (E. J. Mlawer, K. E. Cady-Pereira, C. Lampen)
  • Fixed a bug in the calculation of the O2 and N2 foreign widths from the HITRAN air widths. (K. E. Cady-Pereira, M. J. Alvarado, E. J. Mlawer).
  • Fixed a bug in the calculation of the radiation term near 1000 cm-1. (M. J. Alvarado, E.J. Mlawer, S. DeSouza-Machado)
  • Fixed several minor bugs in the PANEL and RADFNI subroutines that have negligible impacts on the model results. (Y. Ma, M. J. Alvarado, E. J. Mlawer)
v12.2 November 2012
  • Updated aer_v_3.2 line parameter database included in this release:
    • Updated CO2 and O2 line parameters. See notes on our AER line parameter What's New page.
  • Fixed bug in fftscn.f90 and fftscn_dbl.f90 for truncated Gaussian line shapes (JFN=-2, variable param non-zero). (M. J. Alvarado)
  • Fixed bug that prevented calculating analytic Jacobians for standard model atmospheres. (A. Merrelli, M. J. Alvarado)
  • Fixed variable initialization bugs in lblrtm.f90 and postsub.f90. (E. Rusin, M. J. Alvarado)
  • New module (lblparams.f90) to define LBLRTM array dimensions in a single place in the code. (D. Weisenstein, M. J. Alvarado)
  • Increased use of structures (defined in struct_types.f90) in oprop.f90 and nonlte.f90. (D. Weisenstein)
  • Updated makefiles to automatically delete *.mod files before recompiling and fixed flags for xlf90 compiler. (Bi YanMeng, M. J. Alvarado)
  • Downwelling Solar and Non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (NLTE) examples added to package. (M. J. Alvarado, K. E. Cady-Pereira)
  • Please note that we no longer recommend the use of the LOWTRAN aerosol options in LBLRTM (IAERSL=1 or IAERSL=7), as they are severely out of date. We recommend using the spectral absorption by layer (IAERSL=5) option instead to model an absorber with slowly varying spectral dependence via the file in_lblrtm_cld. This allows you to input spectrally dependent optical depths at each level. AER will not be providing debugging support for runs using LOWTRAN going forward.
v12.1 November 2011
  • Updated aer_v_3.1 line parameter database included in this release:
    • Corrected CO2 line parameters. See notes on our AER line parameter "What's New" page.
    • Included line parameters for SF6 and ClONO2. See notes on our AER line parameter "What's New" page.
  • Source code updated to FORTRAN 90 (.f90). (D. Weisenstein)
  • New modules define physical constants in a single place in the code. (D. Weisenstein)
    • phys_consts.f90 defines fundamental physical constants.
    • planet_earth.f90 defines Earth-related constants.
  • Updates to lblatm.f90:
    • Corrected molecular weight for C2H4. (M. J. Alvarado, K. E. Cady-Pereira)
  • Updates to fftscn.f90 and fftscn_dbl.f90:
    • LPTFFT was increased by a factor of 4. This gives better accuracy for regions with large changes in radiance (e.g., CO2 v3 bandhead region). (M. J. Alvarado, G. Uymin)
    • When param keyword is non-zero for a Gaussian line shape (JFN = -2), truncate the Gaussian in the time domain based on the maximum optical path difference. (M. J. Alvarado, G. Uymin)
  • Fixed cross-section related bugs related to CLONO2 and F13. (V. H. Payne)
  • Corrected various issues with variables that had not been properly initialized. (M. J. Alvarado)
  • Updated lblrtm instructions.
v12.0 November 2011
  • Updated aer_v_3.0 line parameter database included in this release:
    • HITRAN2008 line parameters adopted with notable exceptions for H2O, CO2, and O2 in spectral regions where validations against high quality measurements have shown that alternative parameters provide better consistency. See notes on our AER line parameter "what's new" page.
    • Line coupling for CO2 for isotopologues 1 through 7, following the approach of Lamouroux et al. (2010) but consistent with the aer_v_3.0 line file.
    • Line coupling parameters for the v4 and v3 bands of CH4, following the approach of Tran et al. (2006) but consistent with HITRAN 2008 line parameters.
  • Updated MT_CKD_2.5.2 continuum model included in this release:
    • Added IF tests needed for speed improvements in MONORTM (K. E. Cady-Pereira, E.J. Mlawer)
    • Other software updates include:
      • In N2 pure rotation band, fixed incorrect indexing related to contribution from N2-O2 (E.J. Mlawer, A.E. Lipton, V.H. Payne)
      • Increased number of output points in all continuum modules to prevent possible truncation at high wavenumber end (E.J. Mlawer, S.A. Clough, C.H. Kohler)
      • Near-IR O2 continuum to allow for calculations over domains greater than 2000 cm-1; needed by standalone continuum code (E.J. Mlawer, P. Hedelt)
      • O2 fundamental to correct 5 cm-1 shift (E.J. Mlawer, S.A. Clough, C.H. Kohler)
      • Rayleigh is now computed for IAERSL=5 (E.J. Mlawer, K.E. Cady-Pereira)
    • Updated historical information (E.J. Mlawer, V.H. Payne)
  • Updates to cross-section files:
    • 3 new cross-sections to the archive [acetone (CH3COCH3), PAN, CH3CN]. The acetone data was derived by A. Waterfall (Thesis, 2003); PAN and CH3CN were obtained from HITRAN 2008.
    • Documentation of cross-section data now provided.
  • Updates have been made to non-LTE subroutines and to TAPE4 (non-LTE input) format:
    • A distinction between vibrational temperature profiles for minor isotopologues of a given molecule now enabled. (V. Payne and D. Weisenstein)
    • An error has been fixed that led to small discrepancies between the TAPE5 temperature profile and the temperature profile for states in LTE when using IHIRAC=4 (D. Weisenstein)
    • Bug fix related to compiler-dependent memory allocation and to starting-wavenumber dependent differences in the application of the radiation field within non-LTE calculations (D. Weisenstein, M. Alvarado, E. Mlawer).
  • Simplified makefile system in the build directory; includes new platforms such as Windows and capability to easily add new platforms.
  • Updated lblrtm_instructions.
v11.7 January 2010
  • MT_CKD_2.5 continuum modifications included in this release are based on analyses of IASI, AIRS, and AERI measurements in the region past the bandhead of the CO2 v3 band (~2385 cm-1):
    • Introduction of temperature dependence of CO2 continuum absorption from 2386-2434 cm-1 based on line shape calculations; validated with IASI measurements (E.J. Mlawer and V.H. Payne)
    • Modification of CO2 continuum coefficients from 2000-3000 cm-1 from IASI and AERI (from ARM) measurements (E.J. Mlawer, V.H. Payne, and M.W. Shephard)
    • Modification of water vapor self continuum coefficients from 2000-3200 cm-1 from IASI and AIRS measurements; fit based on near-IR studies of Bicknell et al. (2006) and Fulghum and Tilleman (1991) (E.J. Mlawer and V.H. Payne)
  • The AER line parameter database has been updated to aer_v_2.4 and includes:
    • The carbon dioxide line positions and intensities in this file are from the Carbon Dioxide Spectral Database, maintained by S. Tashkun, Tomsk, as implemented in the hitran_mipas_pf3.2 line file (Flaud et al., 2003). The CDSD parameters have been implemented in the spectral range 597-2500 cm-1, and the first order line coupling coefficients re-calculated using the formalism of Niro et al. (2005). The CDSD line parameters and coupling coefficients have been validated using AIRS and IASI data.
    • Water vapor line shifts and line-width temperature dependences have been updated for numerous lines from 436 to 2396 cm-1 with calculations provided by R. R. Gamache (personal communication). These updated water vapor line parameters have been validated using data from AIRS, IASI and from the ARM NSA AERI-ER.
  • VERY IMPORTANT: Accompanying this LBLRTM release is a spectroscopic line file containing line coupling (mixing) parameters, and a corresponding LNFL program that converts the ASCII line file into an input binary file for LBLRTM. Since the CO<sub2 continuum and the CHI factor depend on the line coupling, the line coupling must be used in the calculations in order to obtain accurate results.
v11.6 June 2009
  • MT_CKD_2.4 continuum modifications included in this release are:
    • Modifications to the water vapor continuum arise from new analyses of ARM measurements in the microwave and far-IR regions (S.A. Clough, J. Delamere, V.H. Payne, E.J. Mlawer)
      • Analyses of measurements in the microwave are based primarily on the two-channel MWR (23.8 and 31.4 GHz) at SGP, with supporting evidence from 150 GHz MWRHF measurements during the COPS campaign and from 170 GHz GVRP measurements at SGP (Payne et al., 2009).
      • Measurements in the far-IR were from the AERI_ext at the NSA site, in the time surrounding and including the RHUBC-I campaign (Delamere et al., 2009).
    • Solved the issue of N2 Jacobians being included in the Jacobians generated for other molecules (MT_CKD_2.2)(S.A. Clough and M.W. Shephard)
    • Fixed an issue with the water vapor Jacobians in which the analytic Jacobians were dependent on the starting wavenumber (MT_CKD_2.3)(K.E. Cady-Pereira and S. Tjemkes)
  • Other analytic Jacobian related issues resolved in this release include:
    • Fixed an issue with TOA Jacobians producing NaN in the top layer. (S.A. Clough and Paolo Antonelli)
    • Fixed a documentation error in the LBLRTM instructions. (K.E. Cady-Pereira)
  • Fixed a coding error is the solar source function. (K.E. Cady-Pereria and S. Ferron)
  • Modified LBLRTM to handle underflow problem in convolution routine. (M.W. Shephard, S.A. Clough, G. Uymin)
  • Modified the LBLRTM default option for zeroing very small atmospheric profile amounts. (S.A. Clough and Hal Woolf)
  • Note: Accompanying this release are water vapor spectroscopy improvements contained in the new aer_v_2.2 line parameter file.
  • VERY IMPORTANT: Accompanying this LBLRTM release is a spectroscopic line file containing line coupling (mixing) parameters, and a corresponding LNFL program that converts the ascii line file into an input binary file for LBLRTM. Since the CO2 continuum and the CHI factor depend on the line coupling, the line coupling must be used in the calculations in order to obtain accurate results.
v11.3 November 2007
  • Included NO2 as a cross-section in list of cross-section molecule aliases. Modified LBLRTM to include a default profile for NO2 when it is specified as a cross-section. The default profile is identical to that when an NO2 profile is requested for use when NO2 lines are present. (J. Delamere, S.A. Clough)
  • Molecules number extended to include molecule 9; CH3OH (S.A. Clough)
  • Fixed an error in the scaling option. (J. Delamere, S.A. Clough)
  • Corrected and indexing issue in the N2 continuum that effected calculations below 350 cm-1 (S.A. Clough, Bill Snow, Bob d'Entremont, M.W. Shephard)
  • VERY IMPORTANT: Accompanying this LBLRTM release is a new line file containing Niro et al. (2005) line coupling parameters (aer_v_2.1) and corresponding LNFL_v_2.5 program that converts the ASCII line file into an input binary file for LBLRTM. Since the CO2 continuum and the CHI factor depend on the line coupling, the line coupling must be used in the calculations in order to obtain accurate results.
v11.1 July 2007
  • The continuum for CO2 has been calculated using Niro et al. (2005) line coupling with a factor of 0.75 applied to the v3 band. This factor was chosen to get the best agreement with AIRS test cases in the v3 spectral region. (S.A. Clough, M.W. Shephard, V.H. Payne)
  • The the value of chi factor for CO2 set to 1. This has been made possible because the apparent sub-Lorentzian line shape at the v3 bandhead is now taken care of with Niro et al. (2005) line coupling. (S.A. Clough, M.W. Shephard, V.H. Payne)
  • The directory structure has been modified to be similar with standard release packages. For example: The program is now compiled in a build directory instead of the top level; the executable file still get placed in the top level directory.
  • VERY IMPORTANT: Since the CO2 continuum and the CHI factor depend on the line coupling, the line coupling must be used in the calculations in order to obtain accurate results. Therefore, accompanying this LBLRTM release is a new line file containing Niro et al. (2005) line coupling parameters (aer_v_2.0) and corresponding LNFL_v_2.4 program that converts the ASCII line file into an input binary file for LBLRTM.
v10.7 June 2007
  • The option for reading spectral cloud optical depths has been changed: IAERSL must now be set to 2 to invoke this option (S.A. Clough)
  • Modification was made so that the correct 'plotting' of transmittances from optical depths occurs. (S.A. Clough)
  • Number of input levels (sonde levels) has been increased to 6000. (S.A. Clough and J. Delamere)
  • A test has been added for ikmax to provide a proper result for a horizontal (or single) layer with aerosols. (S.A. Clough)
  • Capability to scale cross section (xs) profiles has been added. (S. A. Clough)
  • Incorrect implementation of IMRG 40 and 41 (42 and 43) option for Analytic Jacobians has been corrected. (S. A. Clough)
  • A change was made to enable execution with g95 in single and double precision.
  • A change was made to enable the proper opening/closing of file. (M.W. Shephard, J. Gu, and D. Feldman)
  • Variable specifications were modified to be consistent within the module and to ensure proper performance with the single precision solar file for both single and double versions of lblrtm. (S. A. Clough)
v10.3 August 2006
  • Treatment of mixing ratios has been made more consistent and the volume molar density has been treated more precisely. For example, the coding was modified to allow for variable mixing ratios of nitrogen and oxygen. This is useful for mixing ratios of nitrogen and oxygen different from earth values. (S.A. Clough)
  • Continuum module was also made more flexible for atmospheres that do not have fixed nitrogen and oxygen values. (S.A. Clough)
  • The nitrogen collision induced fundamental has been modified using data provided by Walter Lafferty at NIST. There is minimal change in the results from the previous implementation. (S.A. Clough, W. Lafferty, and E.J. Mlawer)
  • Fixed an error in the coding of the subroutines that load the continuum coefficients into the arrays. Roundoff protection was not provided and in certain cases the loading of the array could be in error by one element. (S.A. Clough)
  • Fixed an issue associated with the new scaling capability. (S.A. Clough and M.W. Shephard)
  • The role of IOD=3 has been made more general and more robust. (see instructions) (K.E. Cady-Pereira and S.A. Clough)
  • IMRG=10 is no longer an available option. The same results can be obtained with IMRG=1. (S.A. Clough and K.E. Cady-Pereira)
v10.1 June 2006
  • Modifed the program so that the layer optical depth calculation options work as specified in the instructions and are consistent with versions previous to LBLRTM_v10.0. (S.A. Clough and M.W. Shephard)
v10.0 May 2006
  • Modified the Analytic Jacobian calculations to be more efficient and accurate (S.A. Clough).
  • Added the capability to scale the molecular profile values (S.A. Clough).
  • MT_CKD_1.3 : Modified CO2 continuum based primarily on LBLRTM validations with SHIS/TES/AIRS observations (M.W. Shephard)
  • Correction for horizontal propagation with aerosols for any altitude above 1 m (0.001 km) (T. Scharlemann and S.A. Clough).
  • Modified LBLRTM implementation of TIPS so that it can handle molecules with HITRAN molecule numbers larger than 33.(S.A. Clough and M.W. Shephard)
  • Also, available for the LBLRTM calculations are additonal CO2 P/Q/R line coupling adapted from Niro et al. (2005) for the CO2 v2 (600-800 cm-1). The line coupling parameters are provide with the spectroscopic line parameters and in the LNFL example. LNFL merges the line coupling paramters with a spectroscopic line database to create input spectroscopic parameters for LBLRTM (M.W. Shephard and S.A. Clough).
    • F. Niro, K. Jucks, J.-M. Hartmann, Spectra calculations in central and wing regions of CO2 IR bands. IV : Software and database for the computation of atmospheric spectra, in J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer. Vol. 95, 2005, pp. 469-481.
v9.4 June 2005
  • Fixed a small bug typo bug in the hydrostatic routine in LBLRTM (S.A. Clough).
v9.3 October 2004
  • Fixed a small bug in the analytic derivatives/jacobians routine in LBLRTM that occurred when cross-sections are specified when computing derivatives/jacobians. (H. Snell)
v9.2 September 2004
  • Implementation of analytic derivatives/jacobians in LBLRTM. This effort was supported by EUMETSAT and designed to require a minimal amount of setup time on the part of the user while exploiting pre-existing LBLRTM calculation options. Refer to the user instructions and the new FAQ document for more details. (H. Snell, M.W. Shephard, S.A. Clough, and S. Tjemkes)
  • The foreign water vapor continuum has been modified in the 250-500 cm-1 region to provide improved agreement with AERI extended range measurements from SHEBA and the North Slope of Alaska ARM site. The consequence is that in this spectral region, the MT_CKD_1.1 foreign continuum provides results similar to those previously obtained with CKD_2.4.1. (S.A. Clough and J. Delamere)
  • A correction to the collision induced nitrogen continuum absorption in the 0-350 cm-1 region has been implemented. The magnitude of the increase is approx. 35% from 0-250 cm-1. (S.A. Clough and R. Tipping)
v8.4 April 2004
  • Minor bug fixs to the LOWTRAN7 routine in LBLRTM (lbllow.f) that includes the moving of an ENDIF to the proper location and the proper alignment of ZMDL and ALTZ arrays (S.A. Clough and S. Shald)
  • In the continuum module, the coding of the partial pressure of water vapor has been simplified by introducing a varaiable h2o_frac. The factor of 1.e-20 has been removed from Wtot. In conjunction with this, the factor of 1e-20 has been removed from the calculation of fractions for the other species, including the Rayleigh scattering section. (S.A. Clough)
  • The common blocks in several subroutines have been modified to eliminate compiler "Warning" Messages (S.A. Clough)
  • Minor bug fix in postsub.f (S.A. Clough)
  • Changes to xmerge.f to get it ready for analytic derivation implementation. (H. Snell)
v8.3 December 2003
  • Minor bug fix to the SCNMRG routine. (M.W. Shephard and J. Gu)
v8.2 October 2003
  • Minor bug fix to the LOWTRAN7 routine in LBLRTM (lbllow.f), which accounts for clouds and aerosols. (S.A. Clough)
  • Added a makefile and utility in order to run LBLRTM on Linux Intel. (M.W. Shephard and H. Nair)
v8.1 October 2003
  • The partition function routine has been changed to TIPS_2003 [Fischer,J., R.R. Gamache, A. Goldman, L.S. Rothman and A. Perrin). Total internal partition sums for molecular species in the 2000 edition of the HITRAN database, JQSRT 2003;82:401-412.] (S.A. Clough)
  • The number of molecules that can be handled is 38, consistent with HITRAN 2000. (S.A. Clough)
  • The chi factor for carbon dioxide has been modified. The chi factor is now computed in a separate subroutine. (S.A. Clough)
  • The cumulus cloud option is now working. (S.A. Clough and M.W. Shephard)
  • The line coupling coefficients for the oxygen lines in the microwave region have been modified based on the data of Cimini et al. (2003). (K. Cady-Pereira and S.A. Clough)
  • The method of handling the temperature correction for transitions with unknown lower state energies has been modified. (S.A. Clough and M.W. Shephard)
  • The CO2 Mixing Ratio parameter read from TAPE5 (if nonzero) prevails over all other input values. This provides a ready means to globally change the carbon dioxide mixing ratio. (S.A. Clough)
  • Spectral range over which carbon dioxide continuum has been increased by a factor of 7.0 has been extended to 0-1200 cm-1. (S.A. Clough)
v7.04 April 2003
  • The interface between LBLRTM and LOWTRAN7 has been updated to run operationally (i.e. including aerosols and clouds). (S.A. Clough, M.W. Shephard, and S. Tjemkes)
  • To function more efficiently as a stand alone program the common blocks in LBLATM has been made more consistent. (S.A. Clough and D. Turner)
v7.03 March 2003
  • There was code implemented to report and skip over spectral lines that cannot be handled properly by TIPS in LBLRTM. (H. Snell and S.A. Clough)
  • Pressures adjacent to 35 km in the built in US STD ATMOS was modified. (W.O. Gallery)
v7.01 February 2003
  • This is update notice #11 for users of LBLRTM, the Line By Line Radiative Transfer Model
  • Completely new water vapor continuum model (0-20000 cm-1): MT_CKD_1.0. See the release notes for the mt_ckd continuum for further details. (E.J. Mlawer, D.C Tobin and S.A. Clough)
  • LBLRTM modified to read the single precision SOLAR.RAD file when running LBLRTM in double precision (solar applications) (S.A. Clough).
  • Fixed a bug when using cross sections (XS directory) specified on pressure levels when the first reference altitude is zero. (M.W. Shephard)
  • For LBLATM (IATM=1), volume mixing ratio values on TAPE6 (output) have been changed from ppv to ppmv with the units indicated in the text. This provides consistency with volume mixing ratio input for LBLATM (TAPE5). Note that the vmr variables internal to the code are ppv. (M.W. Shephard)
  • Increased the maximum number of LBLATM input levels from 3400 to 4000 in order to input full radiosonde profiles. (M.W. Shephard)
  • Increased the portability of LBLRTM by providing makefiles and utilities to run LBLRTM on IBM (AIX) and on OS X (Mac). (S.A. Clough, M.W. Shephard, P. VanDelst, A. Goldman)
  • Note: This version of LBLRTM has been executed on the following platforms:
      System Manufacturer Compiler Single Precision Double Precision
      IRIX SGI f90, f77 f90, f77
      Solaris Sun f90, f77 f90, f77
      AIX IBM f90, f77 f90, f77
      Linux PGI f90 f90
      MacOS Apple Absoft f90 f90
      MacOS Apple g77 (gnu) g77 g77
  • Makefiles are included for the compilers appearing in bold in the above table.
  • f90 for compiling LINUX in double precision, the script linux_dbl_script must be executed which includes the appropriate makefile.
  • LBLRTM has previously been run by us on DEC alpha, Cray, MS_dos, and HP platforms. The associated utilities used are included in this release but are likely outdated.
v6.12 October 2002
  • This is update notice #10 for users of LBLRTM, the Line By Line Radiative Transfer Model
  • An important change has ben implemented for the calculation of the optical depth for the carbon dioxide bands in the 500-900 cm-1 region. The chi line shape factor and the continuum for carbon dioxide have been modified in this region resulting in an overall increased absorption. These changes were principally based on validations with the U. Wisconsin interferometric measurements: HIS (CAMEX), SHIS (AFWEX) and AERI (ARM NSA site). These modifications should be considered as preliminary with further improvements expected in the near future. (Clough/Shephard/Delamere/Tobin/Turner/Revercomb)
  • The continuum module for this release is designated ckd_2.4.2 reflecting the modification to the carbon dioxide continuum. No change has been made to any other continuum contributions for this release.
  • The capability to perform the radiative transfer for down looking scenes with a Lambertian surface has been added. The down welling flux is obtained from a radiance calculation at the diffusivity angle (secant = 1.67). (Clough/Shephard)
  • Corrected a spectral interpolation error in the utilization of the EMISSIVITY and RELECTIVITY data files. (VanDelst)
  • Problem in version 6.01 for line coupling in the microwave region fixed. (F. Evans)
  • Correction of redundant Rayleigh extinction contributions when both the continuum and the lowtran modules are invoked. (Qilong Min, Minzheng Duan)
  • The line rejection files, REJ1 and REJ4, now have the value of the spectral sampling interval, DV, stored in the files. This enables the performance of subsequent radiative transfer calculations with exactly the same sampling at each layer. (Shephard)
  • Increased portability of the model. In particular, compatibility with PGI LINUX compiler (both f77 and f90) established. The utility modules (UTIL_XXX) have been updated. NOTE: for double precision on the PGI LINUX platform one must run the src/linux_dbl_script script before compiling with the makefile makefiles/makelbl.pgi_linux_f90_dbl. (Shephard/ Clough)
v6.01 February 2002
  • This is update notice #9 for users of LBLRTM, the Line By Line Radiative Transfer Model
  • Capability to input atmospheric profile on either altitude or pressure grid, and to output quantities on either altitude or pressure grid.
  • Capability to compute quantities for atmospheric layers which are not in local thermodynamic equilibrium (Non-LTE option).
  • The exponential function and the exact 'linear in tau' function are now tabulated at 5000 values. A table lookup is used in the radiative transfer calculation. It should be noted that this adds a small element of discreteness into the calculation.
  • Update of universal constants.
  • Continuum model CKD 2.4.1 contains collision induced O2 (15000-29870 cm-1) continuum (Greenblatt et al., 1990).
  • Changed name of input files containing surface properties from EMISSION and REFLECTION to EMISSIVITY and REFLECTIVITY.
  • A 'bug' in the fourth function contribution to the optical depth for lines with line coupling has been corrected.
  • A number of errors associated with the 'scanmrg' options have been corrected.
  • Makefiles for creating both single and double precision executables for a number of platforms have been included. It is to be noted that the same line file works properly with either the single or double precision executable.
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