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Calculate Short Suit Points for North (shortSuitPoints)

v1 = shape(north, any 0xxx) ? 5 : 0  // allow for 2 voids
v2 = shape(north, any 00xx) ? 5 : 0
s1 = shape(north, any 1xxx) ? 3 : 0 // allow for 2 singletons
s2 = shape(north, any 11xx) ? 3 : 0
d1 = shape(north, any 2xxx) ? 1 : 0 // allow for 3 doubletons
d2 = shape(north, any 22xx) ? 1 : 0
d3 = shape(north, any 222x) ? 1 : 0
shortSuitPoints = v1+v2+s1+s2+d1+d2+d3
supportPoints = shortSuitPoints + hcp(north)

Calculate length points for South (lengthPoints)

lp1 = spades(south)>4 ? spades(south)-4 : 0
lp2 = hearts(south)>4 ? hearts(south)-4 : 0
lp3 = diamonds(south)>4 ? diamonds(south)-4 : 0
lp4 = clubs(south)>4 ? clubs(south)-4 : 0
lengthPoints = lp1 + lp2 + lp3 + lp4

Calculate doubleton honor NT downgrade(s) for South -- 2 cards, 1 honor, not the Ace

S2H = spades(south)==2 and top4(south,spades)==1 and not hascard(south,AS) ? 1 : 0
H2H = hearts(south)==2 and top4(south,hearts)==1 and not hascard(south,AH) ? 1 : 0
D2H = diamonds(south)==2 and top4(south,diamonds)==1 and not hascard(south,AD) ? 1 : 0
C2H = clubs(south)==2 and top4(south,clubs)==1 and not hascard(south,AC) ? 1 : 0
ntDownGrade = S2H + H2H + D2H + C2H

Define notrump points for south (ntPoints)

ntPoints = hcp(south) + lengthPoints - ntDownGrade

Define suit points for south (suitPoints)

suitPoints = hcp(south) + lengthPoints

Define robot notrump shape and exclude any 5card

ntShape = shape(south, any 4333 +any 4432 +any 5332 +any 5422 -5xxx -x5xx)

Define ntPoint ranges

oneNT = ntShape and ntPoints>14 and ntPoints<18
twoNT = ntShape and ntPoints>19 and ntPoints<22
weakNT = ntShape and ntPoints>10 and ntPoints<15
overcallNT = ntShape and ntPoints>14 and ntPoints<19  // 15-18

Define Game Force 2C

gameForce2C = hcp(south)>22

Predict South's opening BID

P1 = gameForce2C
P2 = (twoNT or oneNT) and not P1

Predict South's Opening suit

s = spades(south)
h = hearts(south)
d = diamonds(south)
c = clubs(south)
oS = s>4 and s>=h and s>=d and s>=c and not (P1 or P2)
oH = not oS and h>4 and h>=d and h>=c not (P1 or P2)
oD = not (oS or oH) and ((d>3 and d>=c) or c<3) not (P1 or P2)
oC = not (oS or oH or oD) and not (P1 or P2)
openingSuit = (oS or oH or oD or oC)

Define opening Major and opening Minor

oneSpade = oS
oneHeart = oH
oneDiamond = oD
oneClub = oC
oneMajor = (oS or oH)
oneMinor = (oC or oD)

Define 3+ card Fits for south

sFit3 = oneSpade and spades(north)>2
hFit3 = oneHeart and hearts(north)>2

Define 4+ card fits for south

sFit4 = oneSpade and spades(north)>3
hFit4 = oneHeart and hearts(north)>3
majorFit4 = sFit4 or hFit4

Define Good suits -- 5+ cards with 2 of the top 3

gS = spades(south)>4 and top3(south,spades)>1
gH = hearts(south)>4 and top3(south,hearts)>1
gD = diamonds(south)>4 and top3(south,diamonds)>1
gC = clubs(south)>4 and top3(south,clubs)>1

Define Strong suits -- 5+ cards with 3 of the top 4

Define Solid suits -- 5 cards with 4 of the top 4 or 6+ cards with 3 of the top 3

Define pesky opps e/w distributions and HCP. We don’t want them mucking up our auctions

calmEast = shape(east,xxxx -any 8xxx -any 7xxx -any 6xxx -any 55xx)
calmWest = shape(west,xxxx -any 8xxx -any 7xxx -any 6xxx -any 55xx)
calmOpps= calmEast and calmWest

Define East weak 2 bids

w2S = spades(east)==6 and top5(east,spades)>2 and hcp(east,spades)>4 and hearts(east)<4 and spades(south)<3 and spades(west)<3
w2H = hearts(east)==6 and top5(east,hearts)>2 and hcp(east,hearts)>4 and spades(east)<4 and hearts(south)<3 and hearts(west)<3
w2D = diamonds(east)==6 and top5(east,diamonds)>2 and hcp(east,diamonds)>4 and spades(east)<4 and hearts(east)<4 and diamonds(south)<3
eastWeak2 = (w2S or w2H or w2D) and hcp(east)>5 and hcp(east)<10 and shape(east,any 6430 +any 6421 +any 6331 +any 6322)  // should use east's lp rather than hcp

All of the following is for calculating the suit ranks for North opener, East overall, and South new suit

Predict North's opening suit

sN = spades(north)
hN = hearts(north)
dN = diamonds(north)
cN = clubs(north)
nS = sN>4 and sN>=hN and sN>=dN and sN>=cN
nH = not nS and hN>4 and hN>=dN and hN>=cN
nD = not nS and not nH and ((dN>3 and dN>=cN) or cN<3)
nC = not nS and not nH and not nD

Calculate North's Rank

nRS = nS ? 4 : 0
nRH = nH ? 3 : 0
nRD = nD ? 2 : 0
nRC = nC ? 1 : 0
northRank = nRS+nRH+nRD+nRC   // all except one are zero

East's longest suit for overcall

sE = spades(east)
hE = hearts(east)
dE = diamonds(east)
cE = clubs(east)
eS = sE>=hE and sE>=dE and sE>=cE
eH = not eS and hE>=dE and hE>=cE
eD = not eS and not eH and dE>=cE
eC = not eS and not eH and not eD

Calculate East's Rank

eRS = eS ? 4 : 0
eRH = eH ? 3 : 0
eRD = eD ? 2 : 0
eRC = eC ? 1 : 0
eastRank = eRS+eRH+eRD+eRC

South's longest suit for responding in a new suit at the 2-level

s = spades(south)
h = hearts(south)
d = diamonds(south)
c = clubs(south)
sS = s>=h and s>=d and s>=c
sH = not sS and h>=d and h>=c
sD = not sS and not sH and d>=c
sC = not sS and not sH and not sD

Calculate South's Rank

sRS = sS ? 4 : 0
sRH = sH ? 3 : 0
sRD = sD ? 2 : 0
sRC = sC ? 1 : 0
southRank = sRS + sRH + sRD + sRC

Requirement for a Free Bid, Negative or Otherwise

(northRank > eastRank) or (eastRank > southRank)