Display movies using the OMDB api and add/remove favourites if authenticated
View lumina.pdf for detailed description and screenshots 📄
Name | Description |
lumina-test | Frontend of the application using Angular 8 |
backend | Backend of the application using Node.js |
Clone (or download) this repository and follow the steps below after navigating into folder Lumina (cloned) to setup the local backend and frontend servers:-
Install Node.js - https://nodejs.org/en/
Install Angular CLI - https://cli.angular.io/
Set up MySQL server - https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ or follow below
Homebrew for macOS - https://brew.sh/
Install using brew
brew install mysql
Start mysql
brew services start mysql
Set username and password as 'root' and 'password' as used in Node.js connection
mysqladmin -u root password 'password'
Enter mysql and input password 'password' or as set when prompted
mysql -u root -p
Create database luminaTest (accessed by Node.js backend)
Make sure the SQL server is running before starting Node.js server
Navigate to backend directory
cd backend
Install dependencies
npm install
Start server or optionally, start server using nodemon to watch file for changes
node index.js
OR npm run start:server
Create table users by navigating to the below URL on a browser (make a GET request)
Insert intial users (GET request)
Make sure the Node.js server is running before starting Angular server
Navigate to lumina-test directory
cd lumina-test
Install dependencies
npm install
Start server and open in browser
ng serve --open
All done! 🎉