If you are getting error messages related to reading/accessing your rclone remotes then run the following commands:
- Check that the source and destination remotes exist and are configured correctly in rclone.conf
rclone config show remote
- ^^ Use remote name without colon
- ^^ Check that all of the fields in your remote look correct. A TD has a teamdrive ID. SA or id/secret auth is present
- Check that you can read files on the remote. Feel free to use ls or lsf rather than rclone lsd.
rclone lsd remote:
rclone lsd remote: --drive-service-account-file=/opt/sa/NUMBER.json
- ^^ Run this command using both the MIN and MAX json numbers in your json folder to ensure all of your SAs/jsons have read permission
- ^^ Double check that sasync.conf is pointing to the location where your folder jsons sit
- ^^ Run the above command using both the remote: name and the remote:folder name specified in your set file ```
- Check that you can write and delete to the root of the remote using your default remote config
rclone touch remote:test123.txt
- ^^ Check that the file is present on your remote
rclone deletefile remote:test123.txt
- ^^ Check that the file has now been deleted from your remote
- As an extra check you can run the above commands writing/deleting to remote:folder/folder2 specified in your set.file
- Check that you can write and delete to the root of the remote using service accounts
rclone touch remote:test123.txt --drive-service-account-file=/opt/sa/NUMBER.json
- Replace NUMBER with a json file number
- ^^ Check that the file is present on your remote
rclone deletefile remote:test123.txt --drive-service-account-file=/opt/sa/NUMBER.json
- ^^ Check that the file has now been deleted from your remote
- As an extra check you can run the above commands writing/deleting to remote:folder/folder2 specified in your set.file
- Enable rclone remote checks in sasync
- In sasync.conf ensure that CHECK_REMOTES=true