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Tylar edited this page Jun 21, 2013 · 4 revisions

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Understanding The Cell Class

The genome of cell can tell you nearly everything about a cell, but it is often helpful to identify traits and expressions as well. In LifeGenes the cell class contains these three types of information: genome, traits, and properties. The genome is simply a character string listing of base-pairs representing the DNA of the cell. The traits represent values which remain constant throughout the cell's life which are calculated using only the DNA string. Information calculated from traits, the environment, or anywhere else falls into the category of cell properties.

cell class properties

Keep in mind that cells in LifeGenes are very simplified from real-life cells. In a real-life cell, there is not an good equivalent of a LifeGenes 'trait', since all real-life cell properties are environmentally dependent. As an example: some lifeGenes traits (such as color) directly express, whereas in real-life color is determined by many traits as well as environmental factors. TL;DR: don't overthink it. It's just an analogy.

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