diff --git a/doc/how-to-customize-the-ribbon-in-Excel-or-Word.md b/doc/how-to-customize-the-ribbon-in-Excel-or-Word.md
index 514812a..5862dac 100644
--- a/doc/how-to-customize-the-ribbon-in-Excel-or-Word.md
+++ b/doc/how-to-customize-the-ribbon-in-Excel-or-Word.md
@@ -19,21 +19,8 @@ See the Custom UI schema for Office 2010 (customUI14.xml) :
diff --git a/doc/how-to-split-word-file-every-x-pages-in-vba.md b/doc/how-to-split-word-file-every-x-pages-in-vba.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4de1e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/how-to-split-word-file-every-x-pages-in-vba.md
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Deploy Microsoft Office Extensions
+## How to split a word file every x pages in VBA ?
+' @copyright 6i (2020)
+' @author 20100
+' Released under a MIT license.
+Dim FolderOutput As String
+' Give ability to make your function callable from the UI application Ribbon Office
+Sub apply_CutterFileByPage_eventhandler(control As IRibbonControl)
+ CutterFileByPage
+End Sub
+Function CountPagesInDocument()
+ CountPagesInDocument = ActiveDocument.Range.Information(wdNumberOfPagesInDocument)
+End Function
+Sub DeleteLastPageBreak(wdDoc As Document)
+ Dim i As Long
+ For i = wdDoc.Paragraphs.Count To 1 Step -1
+ If Asc(wdDoc.Paragraphs(i).Range.Text) = 12 Then
+ wdDoc.Paragraphs(i).Range.Delete
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ If Len(wdDoc.Paragraphs(i).Range.Text) > 1 Then
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next i
+End Sub
+Sub CopyPagesContent(pageBegin As Integer, pageEnd As Integer, nbPages As Integer)
+ Dim Rng As Range, RngTmp As Range, wdDoc As Document
+ ' Select pages
+ With ActiveDocument
+ Set Rng = .Range.GoTo(What:=wdGoToPage, Which:=wdGoToAbsolute, Count:=pageBegin)
+ Set RngTmp = .Range.GoTo(What:=wdGoToPage, Which:=wdGoToAbsolute, Count:=pageEnd)
+ Set RngTmp = RngTmp.GoTo(What:=wdGoToBookmark, name:="\Page")
+ Rng.End = RngTmp.End: Set RngTmp = Nothing
+ End With
+ ' Create output directory if necessary
+ 'FolderOutput = ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & Left(ActiveDocument.name, InStrRev(ActiveDocument.name, ".") - 1) & "_CUT_BY_" & nbPages & "_PAGES"
+ FolderOutput = "c:\test\"
+ If Dir(FolderOutput, vbDirectory) = "" Then
+ MkDir FolderOutput
+ End If
+ ' Create word file
+ Dim filename As String
+ 'filename = FolderOutput & "\" & Left(ActiveDocument.name, InStrRev(ActiveDocument.name, ".") - 1) & "_" & pageBegin & "_to_" & pageEnd & ".docx"
+ filename = FolderOutput & "\test_" & pageBegin & "_to_" & pageEnd & ".docx"
+ Set wdDoc = Documents.Add
+ With wdDoc
+ Rng.Copy
+ .Range.Characters.Last.PasteAndFormat Type:=wdFormatOriginalFormatting
+ End With
+ ' Check if we must remove last page
+ If wdDoc.Range.Information(wdNumberOfPagesInDocument) > ((pageEnd - pageBegin) + 1) Then
+ DeleteLastPageBreak wdDoc
+ End If
+ ' Save word
+ With wdDoc
+ .SaveAs filename:=filename
+ .Close
+ End With
+ Set Rng = Nothing
+ Set RngTmp = Nothing
+End Sub
+Sub CutterFileByPage()
+ Dim x As Integer
+ Dim reste As Integer
+ Dim selected As Range
+ Dim nbPages As Integer
+ Dim nbPagesRestantes As Integer
+ nbPages = InputBox("Combien de pages par découpe voulez-vous ?", "Nombre de pages", 2)
+ Application.ScreenUpdating = False
+ For x = 1 To CountPagesInDocument
+ reste = x Mod nbPages
+ nbPagesRestantes = CountPagesInDocument - x
+ Debug.Print "Page " & x & " | NbPageRestante " & nbPagesRestantes
+ If reste = 0 Then
+ Debug.Print "Copy pages (" & x - (nbPages - 1) & ";" & x & ")"
+ CopyPagesContent x - (nbPages - 1), x, nbPages
+ End If
+ If nbPagesRestantes < nbPages - 1 Then
+ Debug.Print "Copy pages restantes (" & x & ";" & CountPagesInDocument & ")"
+ CopyPagesContent x, CountPagesInDocument, nbPages
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next x
+ Application.ScreenUpdating = True
+ Shell "explorer.exe" & " " & FolderOutput, vbNormalFocus
+End Sub
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/extensions/extensionsWord/6i_WordAddins_CutterFileByPage.dotm b/src/extensions/extensionsWord/6i_WordAddins_CutterFileByPage.dotm
index 8504eb4..b80fe00 100644
Binary files a/src/extensions/extensionsWord/6i_WordAddins_CutterFileByPage.dotm and b/src/extensions/extensionsWord/6i_WordAddins_CutterFileByPage.dotm differ